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内部名 英文 中文
BUILDING_TITLE[Panda Sanctuary]:0 Panda Sanctuary 熊猫乐园
BUILDING_TITLE[Temple]:0 Temple Complex 寺庙
BUILDING_TITLE[Oriental Pearl Tower]:0 Oriental Pearl Tower 东方明珠塔
BUILDING_TITLE[ChirpX Launch Control Center]:0 ChirpX Launch Site 啾啾X发射站
BUILDING_TITLE[Prison]:0 Prison 监狱
BUILDING_TITLE[Casino]:0 Casino 游戏厅
BUILDING_TITLE[LuxuryHotel]:0 Luxury Hotel 豪华饭店
BUILDING_TITLE[Fancy Fountain]:0 Fantastic Fountain 梦幻喷泉
BUILDING_TITLE[DrivingRange]:0 Driving Range 高尔夫练习场
BUILDING_TITLE[Bus Station]:0 Bus Station 公交车转运站
BUILDING_TITLE[Skatepark]:0 Skatepark 滑板公园
BUILDING_TITLE[9x15_RidingStable]:0 Riding Stable 驯马场
BUILDING_TITLE[Beachvolley Court]:0 Beach Volleyball Court 沙滩排球场
BUILDING_TITLE[2x8_FishingPier]:0 Fishing Pier 冬季垂钓码头
BUILDING_TITLE[Large Airport]:0 International Airport 国际机场
BUILDING_TITLE[Cargo Hub]:0 Cargo Hub 货物转运中心
BUILDING_TITLE[Taxi Depot]:0 Taxi Depot 出租车调度站
BUILDING_TITLE[Taxi Stand]:0 Taxi Stand 出租车等候站
BUILDING_TITLE[MagickaPark]:0 Magicka Theme Park 魔能主题公园
BUILDING_TITLE[2x2_Jet_ski_rental]:0 Jet Ski Rental 水上摩托车租赁站
BUILDING_TITLE[3x2_Fishing tours]:0 Fishing Tours 钓鱼旅游服务处
BUILDING_TITLE[4x4_Marina]:0 Marina 小艇船坞
BUILDING_TITLE[2x4_RestaurantPier]:0 Restaurant Pier 餐厅码头
BUILDING_TITLE[large_stand_01_anim]:0 Large Aircraft Stand 大型停机位
BUILDING_TITLE[Large Terminal Style A]:0 Classic Large Terminal 经典风格的大型航站楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Small 2 Story Terminal Style A]:0 Classic Two-Story Terminal 经典风格的两层航站楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Small Terminal One Story Style A]:0 Classic Airport Terminal 经典风格的机场航站楼
BUILDING_TITLE[medium_stand_01_anim]:0 Medium Aircraft Stand 中型停机位
BUILDING_TITLE[Large Terminal Style B]:0 Modern Large Terminal 现代风格的大型航站楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Large Terminal Style C]:0 Ultra Modern Large Terminal 超现代风格的大型航站楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Small Terminal One Story Style B]:0 Modern Airport Terminal 现代风格的航站楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Small Terminal One Story Style C]:0 Ultra Modern Airport Terminal 超现代风格的机场航站楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Small Terminal Style B]:0 Modern Two-Story Terminal 现代风格的两层航站楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Small Terminal Style C]:0 Ultra Modern Two-Story Terminal 超现代风格的两层航站楼
BUILDING_TITLE[small_stand_01_anim]:0 Small Aircraft Stand 小型停机位
BUILDING_TITLE[Concourse Hub 01 Style A]:0 Classic Concourse Hub 经典风格的候机大厅枢纽
BUILDING_TITLE[Concourse Hub 02 Style B]:0 Modern Concourse Hub 现代风格的候机大厅枢纽
BUILDING_TITLE[Concourse Hub 03 Style C]:0 Ultra Modern Concourse Hub 超现代风格的候机大厅枢纽
BUILDING_TITLE[cargo_stand_01_anim]:0 Cargo Aircraft Stand 货机停机位
BUILDING_TITLE[Cargo Airport Terminal]:0 Cargo Airport Terminal 航空货运站
BUILDING_TITLE[cargo_airport_trainstation_01_anim]:0 Airport Cargo Train Station 航站楼是为机场区提供城市服务的总部。
BUILDING_TITLE[Large Entrance Style A]:0 Large Classic Airport Entrance 经典风格的大型机场入口
BUILDING_TITLE[Large Entrance Style B]:0 Large Modern Airport Entrance 现代风格的大型机场入口
BUILDING_TITLE[Large Entrance Style C]:0 Large Ultra Modern Airport Entrance 超现代风格的大型机场入口
BUILDING_TITLE[Large Gate]:0 Large Gate 大型门
BUILDING_TITLE[Medium Gate]:0 Medium Gate 中型门
BUILDING_TITLE[Small Entrance Style A]:0 Classic Two-Story Airport Entrance 经典风格的双层机场入口
BUILDING_TITLE[Small Entrance Style B]:0 Modern Two-Story Airport Entrance 现代风格的双层机场入口
BUILDING_TITLE[Small Entrance Style C]:0 Ultra Modern Two-Story Airport Entrance 超现代风格的双层机场入口
BUILDING_TITLE[Small Gate]:0 Small Gate 小型门
BUILDING_TITLE[Airline HG]:0 Airline Headquarters Building 航空公司总部大楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Airline Lounge Building]:0 Airline Lounge 航空公司休息室
BUILDING_TITLE[Airport Hotel 01]:0 Budget Airport Hotel 经济型机场酒店
BUILDING_TITLE[Airport Hotel 02]:0 Luxury Airport Hotel 豪华型机场酒店
BUILDING_TITLE[Aviation Fuel Station]:0 Aviation Fuel Station 航空燃料站
BUILDING_TITLE[Aviation Museum 01]:0 Aviation Museum 航空博物馆
BUILDING_TITLE[Concourse Hub Style A]:0 Classic Concourse Hub 经典风格的候机大厅枢纽
BUILDING_TITLE[Concourse Hub Style B]:0 Modern Concourse Hub 现代风格的候机大厅枢纽
BUILDING_TITLE[Concourse Hub Style C]:0 Ultra Modern Concourse Hub 超现代风格的候机大厅枢纽
BUILDING_TITLE[Control Tower Style A]:0 Classic Control Tower 经典风格的控制塔
BUILDING_TITLE[Control Tower Style B]:0 Modern Control Tower 现代风格的控制塔
BUILDING_TITLE[Control Tower Style C]:0 Ultra Modern Control Tower 超现代风格的控制塔
BUILDING_TITLE[Large Hangar]:0 Large Hangar 大型机库
BUILDING_TITLE[Small Hangar]:0 Small Hangar 小型机库
BUILDING_TITLE[Airport Bus Station 01]:0 Airport Bus Station 机场巴士站
BUILDING_TITLE[Airport Metro Station Elevated]:0 Elevated Airport Metro Station 高架机场地铁站
BUILDING_TITLE[Airport Train Station]:0 Airport Train Station 机场火车站
BUILDING_TITLE[Cargo Stand]:0 Cargo Airplane Stand 货机站
BUILDING_TITLE[Cargo Airport Entrance]:0 Cargo Airport Entrance 机场货运入口
BUILDING_TITLE[Decoration Cargo Airplane 02]:0 Parked Cargo Plane 停放的货机
BUILDING_TITLE[Decoration Cargo Airplane 03]:0 Parked Cargo Plane 停放的货机
BUILDING_TITLE[Decoration Large Airplane 01]:0 Large Parked Plane 停放的大型飞机
BUILDING_TITLE[Decoration Large Airplane 02]:0 Large Parked Plane 停放的大型飞机
BUILDING_TITLE[Decoration Medium Airplane 01]:0 Medium Parked Plane 停放的中型飞机
BUILDING_TITLE[Decoration Medium Airplane 02]:0 Medium Parked Plane 停放的中型飞机
BUILDING_TITLE[Decoration Medium Airplane 03]:0 Medium Parked Plane 停放的中型飞机
BUILDING_TITLE[Decoration Small Airplane 01]:0 Small Parked Plane 停放的小型飞机
BUILDING_TITLE[Decoration Small Airplane 02]:0 Small Parked Plane 停放的小型飞机
BUILDING_TITLE[Decoration Small Airplane 03]:0 Small Parked Plane 停放的小型飞机
BUILDING_TITLE[Airline HQ]:0 Airline Headquarters Building 航空公司总部大楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Cargo Airport Train Station]:0 Cargo Airport Train Station 货运机场火车站
BUILDING_TITLE[Tram Depot]:0 Tram Depot 电车调度站
BUILDING_TITLE[tram_stop]:0 Tram Stop 电车停靠站
BUILDING_TITLE[Sauna]:0 Sauna 桑拿房
BUILDING_TITLE[Ski Lodge]:0 Ski Lodge 滑雪小屋
BUILDING_TITLE[Skating Rink]:0 Skating Rink 溜冰场
BUILDING_TITLE[Ice Sculpture Park]:0 Ice Sculpture Park 冰雕公园
BUILDING_TITLE[Ski Resort Building]:0 Ski Resort 滑雪胜地
BUILDING_TITLE[Ice Hockey Arena]:0 Ice Hockey Arena 冰上曲棍球竞技场
BUILDING_TITLE[Spa Hotel]:0 Spa Hotel 温泉宾馆
BUILDING_TITLE[Boiler Station]:0 Boiler Station 锅炉供暖站
BUILDING_TITLE[Snowdump]:0 Snow Dump 堆雪场
BUILDING_TITLE[Road Maintenance Depot]:0 Road Maintenance Depot 道路养护站
BUILDING_TITLE[Curling Park]:0 Curling Park 冰壶公园
BUILDING_TITLE[Sled_Hill]:0 Sledding Hill 雪橇山丘
BUILDING_TITLE[Snowman_Park]:0 Snowman Park 雪人公园
BUILDING_TITLE[Snowcastle Restaurant]:0 Snowcastle Restaurant 雪堡餐厅
BUILDING_TITLE[Sleigh Ride]:0 Sleigh Ride 雪橇娱乐
BUILDING_TITLE[Ice Hockey Rink]:0 Ice Hockey Rink 冰上曲棍球场
BUILDING_TITLE[Snowmobile Track]:0 Snowmobile Track 雪地摩托场
BUILDING_TITLE[Ice_Fishing_Pond]:0 Icefishing Pond 冰钓池塘
BUILDING_TITLE[Frozen Fountain]:0 Frozen Fountain 冰冻喷泉
BUILDING_TITLE[Public Firepit]:0 Firepit Park 篝火公园
BUILDING_TITLE[Igloo Hotel]:0 Igloo Hotel 冰屋旅馆
BUILDING_TITLE[Santa_Claus_Workshop]:0 Santa Claus' Workshop 圣诞老人工坊
BUILDING_TITLE[Geothermal_Plant]:0 Geothermal Heating Plant 地热供暖站
BUILDING_TITLE[Cross-Country Skiing]:0 Cross-Country Skiing Park 越野滑雪公园
BUILDING_TITLE[2x2_winter_fishing_pier]:0 Fishing Pier 冬季垂钓码头
BUILDING_TITLE[Christmas Tree]:0 The Christmas Tree 圣诞树
BUILDING_TITLE[snowboard_arena]:0 Snowboard Arena 滑雪板竞技场
BUILDING_TITLE[ParadoxPlazaWinter]:0 Paradox Plaza 派拉多克斯广场
BUILDING_TITLE[Medical Clinic Winter]:0 Medical Clinic 诊所
BUILDING_TITLE[Medical Helicopter Base]:0 Medical Helicopter Depot 医疗直升机总站
BUILDING_TITLE[Police Helicopter Base]:0 Police Helicopter Depot 警用直升机总站
BUILDING_TITLE[Fire Helicopter Base]:0 Fire Helicopter Depot 消防直升机航空站
BUILDING_TITLE[Disaster Memorial]:0 Disaster Memorial 灾难纪念碑
BUILDING_TITLE[Meteorite Park]:0 Meteorite Park 陨石公园
BUILDING_TITLE[Helicopter Park]:0 Helicopter Park 直升机公园
BUILDING_TITLE[Pyramid Of Safety]:0 Pyramid Of Safety 安全金字塔
BUILDING_TITLE[Sphinx Of Scenarios]:0 Sphinx Of Scenarios 剧本狮身人面像
BUILDING_TITLE[Sparkly Unicorn Rainbow Park]:0 Sparkly Unicorn Rainbow Park 闪耀的独角兽彩虹公园
BUILDING_TITLE[Doomsday Vault]:0 Doomsday Vault 末日避难所
BUILDING_TITLE[Water Pumping Service Building]:0 Pumping Service 抽水服务
BUILDING_TITLE[Disaster Response Unit]:0 Disaster Response Unit 灾难响应单位
BUILDING_TITLE[Water Reservoir]:0 Tank Reservoir 蓄水库
BUILDING_TITLE[Small Emergency Shelter]:0 Small Emergency Shelter 小型应急避难所
BUILDING_TITLE[Large Emergency Shelter]:0 Large Emergency Shelter 大型应急避难所
BUILDING_TITLE[Radio Mast Short]:0 Short Radio Mast 矮天线杆
BUILDING_TITLE[Radio Mast Tall]:0 Tall Radio Mast 高天线杆
BUILDING_TITLE[Firewatch Tower]:0 Firewatch Tower 火情瞭望塔
BUILDING_TITLE[Fresh Water Outlet]:0 Fresh Water Outlet 淡水出水口
BUILDING_TITLE[Deep Space Radar]:0 Deep Space Radar 深空雷达
BUILDING_TITLE[Weather Radar]:0 Weather Radar 气象雷达
BUILDING_TITLE[Tsunami Warning Buoy]:0 Tsunami Warning Buoy 海啸预警浮标
BUILDING_TITLE[Earthquake Early Warning Sensor]:0 Earthquake Sensor 地震传感器
BUILDING_TITLE[Large Trainstation]:0 Multiplatform Train Station 多站台列车站
BUILDING_TITLE[End of the line Trainstation]:0 Multiplatform End Station 多站台终点站
BUILDING_TITLE[Ferry Bus Hub]:0 Ferry and Bus Exchange Stop 渡船和公共汽车中转站
BUILDING_TITLE[Ferry Depot]:0 Ferry Depot 渡船总站
BUILDING_TITLE[Ferry Harbor]:0 Ferry Pier 渡船码头
BUILDING_TITLE[Ferry Pier]:0 Ferry Stop 渡船站
BUILDING_TITLE[Monorail Station Standalone]:0 Monorail Station 单轨列车站
BUILDING_TITLE[Monorail Station Avenue]:0 Monorail Station with Road 包含公路的单轨列车站
BUILDING_TITLE[Cable Car Stop]:0 Cable Car Stop 缆车站
BUILDING_TITLE[Cable Car Cables]:0 Cables for Cable Car 缆车钢绳
BUILDING_TITLE[Blimp Depot]:0 Blimp Depot 飞艇总站
BUILDING_TITLE[Blimp Stop]:0 Blimp Stop 飞艇站
BUILDING_TITLE[Boat Museum]:0 Boat Museum 船舶博物馆
BUILDING_TITLE[Traffic Park]:0 Traffic Park 交通公园
BUILDING_TITLE[Steam Train]:0 Locomotive Halls 铁路机车大厅
BUILDING_TITLE[Monorail Train Metro Hub]:0 Metro-Monorail-Train Hub 地铁、单轨列车、列车枢纽
BUILDING_TITLE[Monorail Bus Hub]:0 Monorail-Bus Hub 单轨列车-公共汽车枢纽
BUILDING_TITLE[Cable Car Station End]:0 End-of-Line Cable Car Stop 线路终点缆车站
BUILDING_TITLE[Ultimate Recycling Plant]:0 Ultimate Recycling Plant 究极回收站
BUILDING_TITLE[Central Park]:0 Central Park 中心公园
BUILDING_TITLE[Floating Gardens]:0 Floating Gardens 水上花园
BUILDING_TITLE[Ziggurat Garden]:0 Ziggurat Garden 金字塔花园
BUILDING_TITLE[Lungs of the City]:0 Lungs of the City 城市之肺
BUILDING_TITLE[Climate Research Station]:0 Climate Research Station 气候研究站
BUILDING_TITLE[Bird and Bee Haven]:0 Bird and Bee Haven 鸟蜂避难所
BUILDING_TITLE[Geothermal Power Plant]:0 Geothermal Power Plant 地热发电站
BUILDING_TITLE[Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Plant]:0 Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Plant 海洋热能转换站
BUILDING_TITLE[Solar Updraft Tower]:0 Solar Updraft Tower 太阳能上升气流塔
BUILDING_TITLE[Eco Water Outlet]:0 Eco Water Outlet 生态排水口
BUILDING_TITLE[Eco Water Treatment Plant]:0 Eco Water Treatment Plant 生态净水厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Recycling Center]:0 Recycling Center 回收中心
BUILDING_TITLE[Floating Garbage Collector]:0 Floating Garbage Collector 漂浮垃圾收集器
BUILDING_TITLE[Community Pool]:0 Community Pool 社区游泳池
BUILDING_TITLE[Community Pool Winter]:0 Community Pool 冬季社区游泳池
BUILDING_TITLE[Sports Hall and Gymnasium]:0 Sports Hall and Gymnasium 体育馆和健身房
BUILDING_TITLE[Yoga Garden]:0 Yoga Garden 瑜伽花园
BUILDING_TITLE[Yoga Garden Winter]:0 Yoga Garden 冬季瑜伽花园
BUILDING_TITLE[Community School]:0 Community School 社区学校
BUILDING_TITLE[University of Creative Arts]:0 Institute of Creative Arts 创意艺术学院
BUILDING_TITLE[Modern Technology Institute]:0 Modern Technology Institute 现代技术学院
BUILDING_TITLE[Biofuel Bus Depot]:0 Biofuel Bus Depot 生物燃料公交车调度站
BUILDING_TITLE[Tropical Garden]:0 Tropical Garden 热带花园
BUILDING_TITLE[Floating Cafe]:0 Floating Cafe 水上咖啡厅
BUILDING_TITLE[Fishing Island]:0 Fishing Island 垂钓岛
BUILDING_TITLE[Small Park Main Gate]:0 Small Park Main Gate 小公园正门
BUILDING_TITLE[Small Amusement Park Main Gate]:0 Small Amusement Park Main Gate 小游乐园正门
BUILDING_TITLE[Small Zoo Main Gate]:0 Small Zoo Main Gate 小动物园正门
BUILDING_TITLE[Small Nature Reserve Main Gate]:0 Small Nature Reserve Main Gate 小自然保护区正门
BUILDING_TITLE[Park Main Gate]:0 Park Main Gate 公园正门
BUILDING_TITLE[Park Side Gate]:0 Park Side Gate 公园侧门
BUILDING_TITLE[Park Restrooms 01]:0 Park Restrooms #1 公园洗手间 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Climbing Frame 01]:0 Climbing Frame #1 攀登架 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Park Plaza]:0 Park Plaza 公园广场
BUILDING_TITLE[Park Pier 01]:0 Park Pier #1 公园码头 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Park Pier 02]:0 Park Pier #2 公园码头 #2
BUILDING_TITLE[Park Cafe 01]:0 Park Cafe #1 公园咖啡厅 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Park Info Booth 01]:0 Park Info Booth #1 公园服务台 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Trampoline Park 01]:0 Trampoline Park #1 蹦床公园 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Park Chess Board 01]:0 Park Chess Board #1 公园棋盘 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Gazebo 01]:0 Gazebo #1 凉亭 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Gazebo 02]:0 Gazebo #2 凉亭 #2
BUILDING_TITLE[Amusement Park Main Gate]:0 Amusement Park Main Gate 游乐园正门
BUILDING_TITLE[Amusement Park Side Gate]:0 Amusement Park Side Gate 游乐园侧门
BUILDING_TITLE[Amusement Park Cafe 01]:0 Amusement Park Cafe #1 游乐园咖啡厅 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Amusement Park Plaza 01]:0 Amusement Park Plaza 游乐园广场
BUILDING_TITLE[Piggy Train]:0 Piggy Train 小猪火车
BUILDING_TITLE[Carousel]:0 Carousel 旋转木马
BUILDING_TITLE[Bumper Cars]:0 Bumper Cars 碰碰车
BUILDING_TITLE[Pendulum Ride]:0 Pendulum Ride 摇摆椅
BUILDING_TITLE[Ferris Wheel]:0 Ferris Wheel 摩天轮
BUILDING_TITLE[Swinging Boat]:0 Swinging Boat 秋千船
BUILDING_TITLE[Drop Tower Ride]:0 Drop Tower Ride 自由落体
BUILDING_TITLE[Rotating Tea Cups]:0 Rotating Tea Cups 旋转茶杯
BUILDING_TITLE[House Of Horrors]:0 House Of Horrors 鬼屋
BUILDING_TITLE[Game Booth 01]:0 Game Booth #1 游戏摊位 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Game Booth 02]:0 Game Booth #2 游戏摊位 #2
BUILDING_TITLE[Amusement Park Souvenir Shop 01]:0 Amusement Park Souvenir Shop #1 游乐园纪念品店 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Rollercoaster]:0 Rollercoaster 过山车
BUILDING_TITLE[Amusement Park Restrooms 01]:0 Amusement Park Restrooms #1 游乐园洗手间 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Zoo Main Gate]:0 Zoo Main Gate 动物园正门
BUILDING_TITLE[Zoo Side Gate]:0 Zoo Side Gate 动物园侧门
BUILDING_TITLE[Zoo Restrooms 01]:0 Zoo Restrooms #1 动物园洗手间 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Zoo Cafe 01]:0 Zoo Cafe #1 动物园咖啡厅 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Zoo Plaza 01]:0 Zoo Plaza 动物园广场
BUILDING_TITLE[Bison Enclosure]:0 Bison Enclosure 野牛圈
BUILDING_TITLE[Giraffe Enclosure]:0 Giraffe Enclosure 长颈鹿圈
BUILDING_TITLE[Lion Enclosure]:0 Lion Enclosure 狮子圈
BUILDING_TITLE[Antelope Enclosure]:0 Antelope Enclosure 羚羊圈
BUILDING_TITLE[Flamingo Enclosure]:0 Flamingo Enclosure 火烈鸟圈
BUILDING_TITLE[Zoo Souvenir Shop 01]:0 Zoo Souvenir Shop #1 动物园纪念品店 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Elephant Enclosure]:0 Elephant Enclosure 大象圈
BUILDING_TITLE[Rhino Enclosure]:0 Rhino Enclosure 犀牛圈
BUILDING_TITLE[Sealife Enclosure]:0 Sealife Enclosure 海洋动物圈
BUILDING_TITLE[Moose And Reindeer Enclosure]:0 Moose And Reindeer Enclosure 驼鹿与驯鹿圈
BUILDING_TITLE[Insect Amphibian Reptile House]:0 Insect, Amphibian and Reptile House 昆虫,两栖动物与爬行动物展馆
BUILDING_TITLE[Monkey Palace]:0 Monkey Palace 猴宫
BUILDING_TITLE[Bird House]:0 Bird House 鸟屋
BUILDING_TITLE[Nature Reserve Main Gate]:0 Nature Reserve Main Gate 自然保护区正门
BUILDING_TITLE[Nature Reserve Side Gate]:0 Nature Reserve Side Gate 自然保护区侧门
BUILDING_TITLE[Lean-To Shelter 01]:0 Lean-To Shelter #1 披棚 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Lean-To Shelter 02]:0 Lean-To Shelter #2 披棚 #2
BUILDING_TITLE[Hunting Cabin 01]:0 Hunting Cabin #1 狩猎小屋 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Hunting Cabin 02]:0 Hunting Cabin #2 狩猎小屋 #2
BUILDING_TITLE[Viewing Deck 01]:0 Viewing Deck #1 观景台 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Viewing Deck 02]:0 Viewing Deck #2 观景台 #2
BUILDING_TITLE[Campfire Site 01]:0 Campfire Site #1 营火 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Campfire Site 02]:0 Campfire Site #2 营火 #2
BUILDING_TITLE[Lookout Tower 01]:0 Lookout Tower #1 瞭望塔 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Lookout Tower 02]:0 Lookout Tower #2 瞭望塔 #2
BUILDING_TITLE[Tent Camping Site 01]:0 Tent Camping Site #1 帐篷宿营地 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Bouldering Site 01]:0 Bouldering Site #1 攀岩处 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Camping Site 01]:0 Camping Site #1 宿营地 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Tent 01]:0 Tent #1 帐篷 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Tent 02]:0 Tent #2 帐篷 #2
BUILDING_TITLE[Tent 03]:0 Tent #3 帐篷 #3
BUILDING_TITLE[Fishing Cabin 01]:0 Fishing Cabin #1 钓鱼小屋 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Fishing Cabin 02]:0 Fishing Cabin #2 钓鱼小屋 #2
BUILDING_TITLE[Park Maintenance Building]:0 Park Maintenance Building 公园维护楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Sightseeing Bus Depot]:0 Sightseeing Bus Depot 游览车调度站
BUILDING_TITLE[City Arch]:0 City Arch 城市拱门
BUILDING_TITLE[Clock Tower]:0 Clock Tower 钟楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Old Market Street]:0 Old Market Street 老市场街
BUILDING_TITLE[Sea Fortress]:0 Sea Fortress 海堡
BUILDING_TITLE[Observation Tower]:0 Observation Tower 观测塔
BUILDING_TITLE[The Statue Of Colossalus]:0 The Statue of Colossalus 巨人像
BUILDING_TITLE[Castle Of Lord Chirpwick]:0 Castle Of Lord Chirpwick 齐普维克城堡
BUILDING_TITLE[Hot Air Balloon Tours]:0 Hot Air Balloon Tours 热气球游览
BUILDING_TITLE[Wildlife Spawn Point 2]:0 Exotic Wildlife Spawn Point 珍奇野生动物生成点
BUILDING_TITLE[Cave 01]:0 Cave #1 洞窟 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Cave 02]:0 Cave #2 洞窟 #2
BUILDING_TITLE[Cave 03]:0 Cave #3 洞窟 #3
BUILDING_TITLE[Cliff 01]:0 Cliff #1 悬崖 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Cliff 02]:0 Cliff #2 悬崖 #2
BUILDING_TITLE[Cliff 03]:0 Cliff #3 悬崖 #3
BUILDING_TITLE[Cliff 04]:0 Cliff #4 悬崖 #4
BUILDING_TITLE[Cliff 05]:0 Cliff #5 悬崖 #5
BUILDING_TITLE[Cliff 06]:0 Cliff #6 悬崖 #6
BUILDING_TITLE[Cliff 07]:0 Cliff #7 悬崖 #7
BUILDING_TITLE[Cliff 08]:0 Cliff #8 悬崖 #8
BUILDING_TITLE[Cliff 09]:0 Cliff #9 悬崖 #9
BUILDING_TITLE[Cliff 10]:0 Cliff #10 悬崖 #10
BUILDING_TITLE[Cliff 11]:0 Cliff #11 悬崖 #11
BUILDING_TITLE[Cliff 12]:0 Cliff #12 悬崖 #12
BUILDING_TITLE[Rock Formation 01 B]:0 Rock Formation #5 岩层 #5
BUILDING_TITLE[Rock Formation 01 C]:0 Rock Formation #6 岩层 #6
BUILDING_TITLE[Rock Formation 02 B]:0 Rock Formation #7 岩层 #7
BUILDING_TITLE[Rock Formation 02 C]:0 Rock Formation #8 岩层 #8
BUILDING_TITLE[Rock Formation 03 B]:0 Rock Formation #9 岩层 #9
BUILDING_TITLE[Rock Formation 03 C]:0 Rock Formation #10 岩层 #10
BUILDING_TITLE[Rock Formation 04 B]:0 Rock Formation #11 岩层 #11
BUILDING_TITLE[Rock Formation 04 C]:0 Rock Formation #12 岩层 #12
BUILDING_TITLE[Tree Sapling Green House 01 Winter]:0 Small Tree Sapling Greenhouse 小型树苗温室
BUILDING_TITLE[Tree Sapling Green House 02 Winter]:0 Large Tree Sapling Greenhouse 大型树苗温室
BUILDING_TITLE[Crop Field Green House 01 Winter]:0 Small Crops Greenhouse 小型农作物温室
BUILDING_TITLE[Crop Field Green House 02 Winter]:0 Medium Crops Greenhouse 中型农作物温室
BUILDING_TITLE[Crop Field Green House 03 Winter]:0 Large Crops Greenhouse 大型农作物温室
BUILDING_TITLE[Fruit Field Green House 01 Winter]:0 Small Fruit Greenhouse 小型水果温室
BUILDING_TITLE[Fruit Field Green House 02 Winter]:0 Medium Fruit Greenhouse 中型水果温室
BUILDING_TITLE[Fruit Field Green House 03 Winter]:0 Large Fruit Greenhouse 大型水果温室
BUILDING_TITLE[Post Office 01]:0 Post Office 邮政局
BUILDING_TITLE[Post Sorting Facility 01]:0 Post Sorting Facility 邮政分拣设施
BUILDING_TITLE[Oneway Toll Booth Medium 01]:0 One-Way Toll Booth 单向收费站
BUILDING_TITLE[Twoway Toll Booth Medium 01]:0 Two-Way Toll Booth 双向收费站
BUILDING_TITLE[Oneway Toll Booth Large 01]:0 One-Way Large Toll Booth 单向大型收费站
BUILDING_TITLE[Twoway Toll Booth Large 01]:0 Two-Way Large Toll Booth 双向大型收费站
BUILDING_TITLE[Cargo Airport 01]:0 Cargo Airport 货运机场
BUILDING_TITLE[Cargo Airport Hub 01]:0 Cargo Airport Hub 大型货运机场
BUILDING_TITLE[Bakery 01]:0 Bakery 面包店
BUILDING_TITLE[Lemonade Factory 01]:0 Lemonade Factory 柠檬汽水加工厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Food Factory 01]:0 Food Factory 维生食品加工厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Clothing Factory 01]:0 Clothing Factory 服装制造厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Furniture Factory 01]:0 Furniture Factory 家具制造厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Modular House Factory 01]:0 Modular House Factory 组合式房屋制造厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Soft Paper Factory 01]:0 Soft Paper Factory 软纸加工厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Printing Press 01]:0 Printing Press 印刷厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Toy Factory 01]:0 Toy Factory 玩具制造厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Household Plastic Factory 01]:0 Household Plastic Factory 家用塑料制造厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Sneaker Factory 01]:0 Sneaker Factory 运动鞋制造厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Petroleum Refinery 01]:0 Petroleum Refinery 石油冶炼厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Car Factory 01]:0 Car Factory 汽车制造厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Dry Dock 01]:0 Shipyard 造船厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Electronics Factory 01]:0 Electronics Factory 电子产品加工厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Industrial Steel Plant 01]:0 Industrial Steel Plant 工业钢铁厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Warehouse Yard 01]:0 Warehouse Yard 仓库场
BUILDING_TITLE[Small Warehouse 01]:0 Small Warehouse 小型仓库
BUILDING_TITLE[Medium Warehouse 01]:0 Medium Warehouse 中型仓库
BUILDING_TITLE[Large Warehouse 01]:0 Large Warehouse 大型仓库
BUILDING_TITLE[Farm Main Building Level 1]:0 Farm Main Building 农场主楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Farm Main Building Level 2]:0 Farm Main Building 农场主楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Farm Main Building Level 3]:0 Farm Main Building 农场主楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Farm Workers Barracks 01]:0 Farm Workers’ Barracks 农场工人宿舍
BUILDING_TITLE[Farm Maintenance Building 01]:0 Farm Maintenance Building 农场维护楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Crop Field Wheat 01]:0 Small Crop Field 小型庄稼田
BUILDING_TITLE[Crop Field Wheat 02]:0 Medium Crop Field 中型庄稼田
BUILDING_TITLE[Crop Field Wheat 03]:0 Large Crop Field 大型庄稼田
BUILDING_TITLE[Crop Field Potato 01]:0 Small Crop Field 小型庄稼田
BUILDING_TITLE[Crop Field Potato 02]:0 Medium Crop Field 中型庄稼田
BUILDING_TITLE[Crop Field Potato 03]:0 Large Crop Field 大型庄稼田
BUILDING_TITLE[Crop Field Corn 01]:0 Small Crop Field 小型庄稼田
BUILDING_TITLE[Crop Field Corn 02]:0 Medium Crop Field 中型庄稼田
BUILDING_TITLE[Crop Field Corn 03]:0 Large Crop Field 大型庄稼田
BUILDING_TITLE[Crop Field Cotton 01]:0 Small Crop Field 小型庄稼田
BUILDING_TITLE[Crop Field Cotton 02]:0 Medium Crop Field 中型庄稼田
BUILDING_TITLE[Crop Field Cotton 03]:0 Large Crop Field 大型庄稼田
BUILDING_TITLE[Crop Field Green House 01]:0 Small Crops Greenhouse 小型温室
BUILDING_TITLE[Crop Field Green House 02]:0 Medium Crops Greenhouse 中型温室
BUILDING_TITLE[Crop Field Green House 03]:0 Large Crops Greenhouse 大型温室
BUILDING_TITLE[Fruit Field Apple 01]:0 Small Fruit Field 小型水果田
BUILDING_TITLE[Fruit Field Apple 02]:0 Medium Fruit Field 中型水果田
BUILDING_TITLE[Fruit Field Apple 03]:0 Large Fruit Field 大型水果田
BUILDING_TITLE[Fruit Field Orange 01]:0 Small Fruit Field 小型水果田
BUILDING_TITLE[Fruit Field Orange 02]:0 Medium Fruit Field 中型水果田
BUILDING_TITLE[Fruit Field Orange 03]:0 Large Fruit Field 大型水果田
BUILDING_TITLE[Fruit Field Pear 01]:0 Small Fruit Field 小型水果田
BUILDING_TITLE[Fruit Field Pear 02]:0 Medium Fruit Field 中型水果田
BUILDING_TITLE[Fruit Field Pear 03]:0 Large Fruit Field 大型水果田
BUILDING_TITLE[Fruit Field Green House 01]:0 Small Fruit Greenhouse 小型水果温室
BUILDING_TITLE[Fruit Field Green House 02]:0 Medium Fruit Greenhouse 中型水果温室
BUILDING_TITLE[Fruit Field Green House 03]:0 Large Fruit Greenhouse 大型水果温室
BUILDING_TITLE[Barn 01]:0 Small Barn 小型谷仓
BUILDING_TITLE[Barn 02]:0 Large Barn 大型谷仓
BUILDING_TITLE[Grain Silo 01]:0 Small Grain Silo 小型谷粮仓
BUILDING_TITLE[Grain Silo 02]:0 Large Grain Silo 大型谷粮仓
BUILDING_TITLE[Animal Pasture 01]:0 Small Animal Pasture 小型动物牧场
BUILDING_TITLE[Animal Pasture 01 Highland Cow]:0 Small Animal Pasture 小型动物牧场
BUILDING_TITLE[Animal Pasture 01 Pig]:0 Small Animal Pasture 小型动物牧场
BUILDING_TITLE[Animal Pasture 01 Sheep]:0 Small Animal Pasture 小型动物牧场
BUILDING_TITLE[Animal Pasture 02]:0 Large Animal Pasture 大型动物牧场
BUILDING_TITLE[Animal Pasture 02 Highland Cow]:0 Large Animal Pasture 大型动物牧场
BUILDING_TITLE[Animal Pasture 02 Pig]:0 Large Animal Pasture 大型动物牧场
BUILDING_TITLE[Animal Pasture 02 Sheep]:0 Large Animal Pasture 大型动物牧场
BUILDING_TITLE[Cattle Shed 01]:0 Cattle Shed 牛棚
BUILDING_TITLE[Slaughter House 01]:0 Slaughterhouse 肉类加工厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Milking Parlour 01]:0 Milking Parlor 挤奶室
BUILDING_TITLE[Flour Mill 01]:0 Flour Mill 磨粉机
BUILDING_TITLE[Forestry Main Building Level 1]:0 Forestry Main Building 林业主楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Forestry Main Building Level 2]:0 Forestry Main Building 林业主楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Forestry Main Building Level 3]:0 Forestry Main Building 林业主楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Forestry Workers Barracks 01]:0 Forestry Workers’ Barracks 林业工人宿舍
BUILDING_TITLE[Forestry Maintenance Building 01]:0 Forestry Maintenance Building 林业维护楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Tree Sapling Field 01]:0 Small Tree Sapling Field 小型树苗田
BUILDING_TITLE[Tree Sapling Field 02]:0 Large Tree Sapling Field 大型树苗田
BUILDING_TITLE[Tree Sapling Green House 01]:0 Small Tree Sapling Greenhouse 小型树苗温室
BUILDING_TITLE[Tree Sapling Green House 02]:0 Large Tree Sapling Greenhouse 大型树苗温室
BUILDING_TITLE[Tree Plantation Alder 01]:0 Small Tree Plantation 小型树木种植园
BUILDING_TITLE[Tree Plantation Alder 02]:0 Medium Tree Plantation 中型树木种植园
BUILDING_TITLE[Tree Plantation Alder 03]:0 Large Tree Plantation 大型树木种植园
BUILDING_TITLE[Tree Plantation Beech 01]:0 Small Tree Plantation 小型树木种植园
BUILDING_TITLE[Tree Plantation Beech 02]:0 Medium Tree Plantation 中型树木种植园
BUILDING_TITLE[Tree Plantation Beech 03]:0 Large Tree Plantation 大型树木种植园
BUILDING_TITLE[Tree Plantation Conifer 01]:0 Small Tree Plantation 小型树木种植园
BUILDING_TITLE[Tree Plantation Conifer 02]:0 Medium Tree Plantation 中型树木种植园
BUILDING_TITLE[Tree Plantation Conifer 03]:0 Large Tree Plantation 大型树木种植园
BUILDING_TITLE[Log Yard 01]:0 Small Log Yard 小型贮木场
BUILDING_TITLE[Log Yard 02]:0 Large Log Yard 大型贮木场
BUILDING_TITLE[Saw Dust Storage 01]:0 Saw Dust Storage 锯屑贮藏场
BUILDING_TITLE[Wood Chip Storage 01]:0 Wood Chip Storage 木屑贮藏场
BUILDING_TITLE[Saw Mill 01]:0 Sawmill 锯木厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Engineered Wood Plant 01]:0 Engineered Wood Plant 工程化木材加工厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Biomass Pellet Plant 01]:0 Biomass Pellet Plant 生物质颗粒加工厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Pulp Mill 01]:0 Pulp Mill 纸浆厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Oil Industry Main Building Level 1]:0 Oil Industry Main Building 石化工业主楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Oil Industry Main Building Level 2]:0 Oil Industry Main Building 石化工业主楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Oil Industry Main Building Level 3]:0 Oil Industry Main Building 石化工业主楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Oil Industry Workers Barracks 01]:0 Oil Industry Workers’ Barracks 石化工业工人的宿舍
BUILDING_TITLE[Oil Industry Maintenance Building 01]:0 Oil Industry Maintenance Building 石化工业维护楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Oil Pump 01]:0 Small Oil Pump 小型油泵
BUILDING_TITLE[Oil Pump 02]:0 Large Oil Pump 大型油泵
BUILDING_TITLE[Oil Drilling Rig 01]:0 Small Oil Drilling Rig 小型石油钻机
BUILDING_TITLE[Oil Drilling Rig 02]:0 Large Oil Drilling Rig 大型石油钻机
BUILDING_TITLE[Offshore Oil Drilling Platform 01]:0 Offshore Oil Drilling Platform 近海石油钻井平台
BUILDING_TITLE[Crude Oil Tank Farm 01]:0 Small Crude Oil Tank Farm 小型原油罐区
BUILDING_TITLE[Crude Oil Tank Farm 02]:0 Large Crude Oil Tank Farm 大型原油罐区
BUILDING_TITLE[Crude Oil Storage Cavern 01]:0 Crude Oil Storage Cavern 原油贮藏窖
BUILDING_TITLE[Oil Industry Storage 01]:0 Oil Industry Storage 工业石化产品仓库
BUILDING_TITLE[Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant 01]:0 Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant 油泥高温分解厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Waste Oil Refining Plant 01]:0 Waste Oil Refining Plant 废油精炼厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Petrochemical Plant 01]:0 Petrochemical Plant 石油化工厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Naphtha Cracker Plant 01]:0 Naphtha Cracker Plant 石脑油裂解厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Ore Industry Main Building Level 1]:0 Ore Industry Main Building 矿业主楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Ore Industry Main Building Level 2]:0 Ore Industry Main Building 矿业主楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Ore Industry Main Building Level 3]:0 Ore Industry Main Building 矿业主楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Ore Industry Workers Barracks 01]:0 Ore Industry Workers’ Barracks 矿业工人的宿舍
BUILDING_TITLE[Ore Industry Maintenance Building 01]:0 Ore Industry Maintenance Building 矿业维护楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Ore Mine 01]:0 Small Ore Mine 小型矿井
BUILDING_TITLE[Ore Mine 02]:0 Medium Ore Mine 中型矿井
BUILDING_TITLE[Ore Mine 03]:0 Large Ore Mine 大型矿井
BUILDING_TITLE[Ore Mine Underground 01]:0 Small Ore Mine Underground 小型地下矿井
BUILDING_TITLE[Ore Mine Underground 02]:0 Large Ore Mine Underground 大型地下矿井
BUILDING_TITLE[Seabed Mining Vessel 01]:0 Seabed Mining Vessel 海床采矿船
BUILDING_TITLE[Raw Mineral Storage 01]:0 Raw Mineral Storage 原矿贮藏库
BUILDING_TITLE[Ore Storage 01]:0 Ore Storage 矿物仓库
BUILDING_TITLE[Sand Storage 01]:0 Sand Storage 砂库
BUILDING_TITLE[Ore Industry Storage 01]:0 Ore Industry Storage 矿业仓库
BUILDING_TITLE[Glass Manufacturing Plant 01]:0 Glass Manufacturing Plant 玻璃制造厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Fiberglass Plant 01]:0 Fiberglass Plant 玻璃纤维厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Ore Grinding Mill 01]:0 Ore Grinding Mill 磨矿机
BUILDING_TITLE[Rotary Kiln Plant 01]:0 Rotary Kiln Plant 回转窑厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Log Pile 01]:0 Log Pile #1 原木堆 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Log Pile 02]:0 Log Pile #2 原木堆 #2
BUILDING_TITLE[Wheat Crop 01]:0 Wheat Crop #1 小麦农作物 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Potato Crop 01]:0 Potato Crop #1 土豆农作物 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Corn Crop 01]:0 Corn Crop #1 玉米农作物 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Cotton Crop 01]:0 Cotton Crop #1 棉花农作物 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Library 01]:0 Public Library 公共图书馆
BUILDING_TITLE[Academic Library 01]:0 Academic Library 学术图书馆
BUILDING_TITLE[American Football Stadium 01]:0 American Football Stadium 美式足球运动场
BUILDING_TITLE[Trade School Administration 01]:0 Trade School Administration Building 贸易学院行政大楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Trade School Dormitory 01]:0 Trade School Dormitory 贸易学院宿舍
BUILDING_TITLE[Trade School Study Hall 01]:0 Trade School Study Hall 贸易学院自习大厅
BUILDING_TITLE[Trade School Groundskeeping 01]:0 Trade School Groundskeeping 贸易学院环卫处
BUILDING_TITLE[Trade School Book Club 01]:0 Book Club 图书俱乐部
BUILDING_TITLE[Trade School Outdoor Study 01]:0 Trade School Outdoor Study 贸易学院户外自习区
BUILDING_TITLE[Trade School Gymnasium 01]:0 Trade School Gymnasium 贸易学院体育馆
BUILDING_TITLE[Trade School Cafeteria 01]:0 Trade School Cafeteria 贸易学院餐饮区
BUILDING_TITLE[Trade School Fountain 01]:0 Trade School Fountain 贸易学院喷泉
BUILDING_TITLE[Trade School Library 01]:0 Trade School Library 贸易学院图书馆
BUILDING_TITLE[Trade School IT Club 01]:0 IT Club 计算机俱乐部
BUILDING_TITLE[Trade School Commencement Office 01]:0 Trade School Commencement Office 贸易学院毕业大楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Trade School Academic Statue 01]:0 Trade School Academic Statue 1 贸易学院学术雕像1
BUILDING_TITLE[Trade School Auditorium 01]:0 Trade School Auditorium 贸易学院礼堂
BUILDING_TITLE[Trade School Laboratories 01]:0 Trade School Laboratories 贸易学院实验室
BUILDING_TITLE[Trade School Bookstore 01]:0 Trade School Bookstore 贸易学院书店
BUILDING_TITLE[Trade School Media Lab 01]:0 Trade School Media Lab 贸易学院媒体实验室
BUILDING_TITLE[Trade School Beach Volleyball Club 01]:0 Beach Volleyball Club 沙滩排球俱乐部
BUILDING_TITLE[Trade School Academic Statue 02]:0 Trade School Academic Statue 2 贸易学院学术雕像2
BUILDING_TITLE[Police Academy 01]:0 Police Academy 警察学院
BUILDING_TITLE[School of Tourism And Travel 01]:0 School of Tourism And Travel 旅游学院
BUILDING_TITLE[School of Engineering 01]:0 School of Engineering 工程学院
BUILDING_TITLE[Trade School Museum 01]:0 The Technology Museum 科技馆
BUILDING_TITLE[Liberal Arts Administration 01]:0 Liberal Arts Administration Building 文科学院行政大楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Liberal Arts Dormitory 01]:0 Liberal Arts Dormitory 文科学院宿舍
BUILDING_TITLE[Liberal Arts Study Hall 01]:0 Liberal Arts Study Hall 文科学院自习大厅
BUILDING_TITLE[Liberal Arts Groundskeeping 01]:0 Liberal Arts Groundskeeping 文科学院环卫处
BUILDING_TITLE[Liberal Arts Cafeteria 01]:0 Liberal Arts Cafeteria 文科学院餐饮区
BUILDING_TITLE[Liberal Arts Library 01]:0 Liberal Arts Library 文科学院图书馆
BUILDING_TITLE[Liberal Arts Auditorium 01]:0 Liberal Arts Auditorium 文科学院礼堂
BUILDING_TITLE[Liberal Arts Commencement Office 01]:0 Liberal Arts Commencement Office 文科学院毕业大楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Liberal Arts Bookstore 01]:0 Liberal Arts Bookstore 文科学院书店
BUILDING_TITLE[Liberal Arts Drama Club 01]:0 Drama Club 话剧社
BUILDING_TITLE[Liberal Arts Art Club 01]:0 Art Club 艺术俱乐部
BUILDING_TITLE[Liberal Arts Dance Club 01]:0 Dance Club 舞蹈俱乐部
BUILDING_TITLE[Liberal Arts Outdoor Study 01]:0 Liberal Arts Outdoor Study 文科学院户外自习区
BUILDING_TITLE[Liberal Arts Gymnasium 01]:0 Liberal Arts Gymnasium 文科学院体育馆
BUILDING_TITLE[Liberal Arts Laboratories 01]:0 Liberal Arts Laboratories 文科学院实验室
BUILDING_TITLE[Liberal Arts Media Lab 01]:0 Liberal Arts Media Lab 文科学院媒体实验室
BUILDING_TITLE[Liberal Arts Fountain 01]:0 Liberal Arts Fountain 文科学院喷泉
BUILDING_TITLE[Liberal Arts Academic Statue 01]:0 Liberal Arts Academic Statue 1 文科学院学术雕像1
BUILDING_TITLE[Liberal Arts Academic Statue 02]:0 Liberal Arts Academic Statue 2 文科学院学术雕像2
BUILDING_TITLE[School of Environmental Studies 01]:0 School of Environmental Studies 环境研究学院
BUILDING_TITLE[School of Education 01]:0 School of Education 教育学院
BUILDING_TITLE[School of Economics 01]:0 School of Economics 经济学院
BUILDING_TITLE[Liberal Arts Museum 01]:0 The Art Gallery 美术馆
BUILDING_TITLE[University Administration 01]:0 University Administration Building 大学行政大楼
BUILDING_TITLE[University Dormitory 01]:0 University Dormitory 大学宿舍
BUILDING_TITLE[University Study Hall 01]:0 University Study Hall 大学自习大厅
BUILDING_TITLE[University Groundskeeping 01]:0 University Groundskeeping 大学环卫处
BUILDING_TITLE[University Cafeteria 01]:0 University Cafeteria 大学餐饮区
BUILDING_TITLE[University Library 01]:0 University Library 大学图书馆
BUILDING_TITLE[University Auditorium 01]:0 University Auditorium 大学礼堂
BUILDING_TITLE[University Commencement Office 01]:0 University Commencement Office 大学毕业大楼
BUILDING_TITLE[University Bookstore 01]:0 University Bookstore 大学书店
BUILDING_TITLE[University Soccer Club 01]:0 Futsal Club 五人足球俱乐部
BUILDING_TITLE[University Math Club 01]:0 Math Club 数学俱乐部
BUILDING_TITLE[University Chess Club 01]:0 Chess Club 国际象棋俱乐部
BUILDING_TITLE[University Outdoor Study 01]:0 University Outdoor Study 大学户外自习区
BUILDING_TITLE[University Gymnasium 01]:0 University Gymnasium 大学体育馆
BUILDING_TITLE[University Laboratories 01]:0 University Laboratories 大学实验室
BUILDING_TITLE[University Media Lab 01]:0 University Media Lab 大学媒体实验室
BUILDING_TITLE[University Fountain 01]:0 University Fountain 大学喷泉
BUILDING_TITLE[University Academic Statue 01]:0 University Academic Statue 1 大学学术雕像1
BUILDING_TITLE[University Academic Statue 02]:0 University Academic Statue 2 大学学术雕像2
BUILDING_TITLE[School of Science 01]:0 School of Science 理科学院
BUILDING_TITLE[School of Medicine 01]:0 School of Medicine 医学院
BUILDING_TITLE[School of Law 01]:0 School of Law 法学院
BUILDING_TITLE[University Museum 01]:0 The Science Center 科学中心
BUILDING_TITLE[Aquatics Center 01]:0 Aquatics Center 水上运动中心
BUILDING_TITLE[Track And Field Stadium 01]:0 Track And Field Stadium 田径竞技场
BUILDING_TITLE[Basketball Arena 01]:0 Basketball Arena 篮球馆
BUILDING_TITLE[Baseball Park 01 Main]:0 Baseball Park 棒球公园
BUILDING_TITLE[PDX01_driveinn_taiheiyo]:0 Drive-in Restaurant 路边餐厅
BUILDING_TITLE[PDX02_driveinn_natori]:0 Drive-in Oriental Restaurant 路边东方餐厅
BUILDING_TITLE[PDX03_Soba Restaurant]:0 Oriental Market 东方市场
BUILDING_TITLE[PDX04_Udon Shop]:0 Noodle Restaurant 面馆
BUILDING_TITLE[PDX05_Ramen Shop]:0 Ramen Restaurant 拉面店
BUILDING_TITLE[PDX06_Driveinn Large]:0 Service Station and Restaurant 服务站和餐厅
BUILDING_TITLE[PDX07_Cityoffice_M]:0 Small Office Building 小型办公楼
BUILDING_TITLE[PDX08_Cityoffice_L]:0 City Office Building 市级办公楼
BUILDING_TITLE[PDX09_medium_office]:0 District Office Building 区级办公楼
BUILDING_TITLE[PDX10_JA_BLDG]:0 Local Register Office 本地登记处
BUILDING_TITLE[PDX11_Hotel_kikyo]:0 Resort Hotel 度假村酒店
BUILDING_TITLE[PDX12_CityHotel]:0 Downtown Hotel 市中心酒店
BUILDING_TITLE[PDX13_Hiroshima_sta]:0 The Station Department Store 车站百货商店
BUILDING_TITLE[PDX14_Shizuoka_Station]:0 The Rail Yard Shopping Center 铁路院购物中心
BUILDING_TITLE[PDX15_sasaki_hospital]:0 General Hospital 综合医院
BUILDING_TITLE[PDX16_incineration_plant]:0 Waste Disposal Unit 垃圾处理单位
BUILDING_TITLE[PDX17_Five Story Pagora]:0 Temple 寺庙
BUILDING_TITLE[PDX18_Shinjuku_bldg]:0 High-rise Office Building 高层办公楼
BUILDING_TITLE[PDX19_Yokohama-bldg]:0 Company Headquarters 公司总部。
BUILDING_TITLE[PDX20_Shin-maru]:0 Office Skyscraper 摩天大楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Fish Factory 01]:0 Fish Factory 鱼肉加工厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Fish Market 01]:0 Fish Market 鱼市场
BUILDING_TITLE[Fishing Boat Harbor 01]:0 Fishing Harbor 捕捞港口
BUILDING_TITLE[Fishing Boat Harbor 02]:0 Salmon Fishing Harbor 鲑鱼捕捞港口
BUILDING_TITLE[Fishing Boat Harbor 03]:0 Shellfish Fishing Harbor 贝类捕捞港口
BUILDING_TITLE[Fishing Boat Harbor 04]:0 Tuna Fishing Harbor 金枪鱼捕捞港口
BUILDING_TITLE[Fishing Boat Harbor 05]:0 Anchovy Fishing Harbor 凤尾鱼捕捞港口
BUILDING_TITLE[Fish Farm 01]:0 Fish Farm 养鱼场
BUILDING_TITLE[Fish Farm 02]:0 Algae Farm 海藻养殖场
BUILDING_TITLE[Fish Farm 03]:0 Seaweed Farm 海带养殖场
BUILDING_TITLE[Waste Processing Complex 01]:0 Waste Processing Complex 垃圾处理厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Waste Transfer Facility 01]:0 Waste Transfer Facility 垃圾转运设施
BUILDING_TITLE[Intercity Bus Station 01]:0 Intercity Bus Station 城际公交车站
BUILDING_TITLE[Intercity Bus Station 02]:0 Intercity Bus Terminal 城际公交车客运站
BUILDING_TITLE[Overground Metro Station 01]:0 Metro Station 地铁站
BUILDING_TITLE[Overground Metro Station Elevated 01]:0 Elevated Metro Station 高架地铁站
BUILDING_TITLE[Overground Metro Station Avenue 01]:0 Metro Station with Road 带有道路的地铁站
BUILDING_TITLE[Trolleybus Depot 01]:0 Trolleybus Depot 无轨电车总站
BUILDING_TITLE[Trolleybus Stop 01]:0 Trolleybus Stop 无轨电车站
BUILDING_TITLE[Passenger Helicopter Depot]:0 Helicopter Depot 直升机总站
BUILDING_TITLE[Passenger Helicopter Stop]:0 Helicopter Stop 直升机站点
BUILDING_TITLE[Transport Hub 01 A]:0 Metro-Intercity Bus Hub 地铁和城际公交车中转站
BUILDING_TITLE[Transport Hub 02 A]:0 Bus-Intercity Bus Hub 公交车和城际公交车中转站
BUILDING_TITLE[Transport Hub 03 A]:0 Train-Metro Hub 火车和地铁中转站
BUILDING_TITLE[Transport Hub 04 A]:0 Metropolitan Airport 大都市机场
BUILDING_TITLE[Transport Hub 05 A]:0 Bus-Metro Hub 公交车和地铁中转站
BUILDING_TITLE[Advanced Inland Water Treatment Plant 01]:0 Advanced Inland Water Treatment Plant 高级内陆污水处理厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Inland Water Treatment Plant 01]:0 Inland Water Treatment Plant 内陆污水处理厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Large Water Tower 01]:0 Large Water Tower 大型水塔
BUILDING_TITLE[Eco Inland Water Treatment Plant 01]:0 Eco Inland Water Treatment Plant 生态内陆污水处理厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Eco Advanced Inland Water Treatment Plant 01]:0 Eco Advanced Inland Water Treatment Plant 高级生态内陆污水处理厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Child Health Center 01]:0 Child Health Center 儿童健康中心
BUILDING_TITLE[Eldercare 01]:0 Eldercare 养老院
BUILDING_TITLE[Aviation Club 01 A]:0 Aviation Club 航空俱乐部
BUILDING_TITLE[Festival Area 1]:0 Festival Area 节日区
BUILDING_TITLE[Festival Area 2]:0 Festival Area 节日区
BUILDING_TITLE[Festival Area 3]:0 Festival Area 节日区
BUILDING_TITLE[Broadcasting Studios]:0 Media Broadcast Building 媒体广播建筑
BUILDING_TITLE[Live Music Venue]:0 Music Club 音乐俱乐部
BUILDING_TITLE[Festival Fan Zone]:0 Fan Zone Park 粉丝部落公园
BUILDING_TITLE[Football Stadium]:0 Football Stadium 足球场
BUILDING_TITLE[Rock Area 01]:0 Rock Area #1 岩石区域 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Rock Area 02]:0 Rock Area #2 岩石区域 #2
BUILDING_TITLE[Rock Area 03]:0 Rock Area #3 岩石区域 #3
BUILDING_TITLE[Rock Area 04]:0 Rock Area #4 岩石区域 #4
BUILDING_TITLE[Boulder 01]:0 Boulder #1 巨石 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Boulder 02]:0 Boulder #2 巨石 #2
BUILDING_TITLE[Boulder 03]:0 Boulder #3 巨石 #3
BUILDING_TITLE[Boulder 04]:0 Boulder #4 巨石 #4
BUILDING_TITLE[Rock Formation 01]:0 Rock Formation #1 岩层 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Rock Formation 02]:0 Rock Formation #2 岩层 #2
BUILDING_TITLE[Rock Formation 03]:0 Rock Formation #3 岩层 #3
BUILDING_TITLE[Rock Formation 04]:0 Rock Formation #4 岩层 #4
BUILDING_TITLE[Ship Wreck 01]:0 Ship Wreck 沉船
BUILDING_TITLE[Castle Ruins 01]:0 Castle Ruins 城堡遗迹
BUILDING_TITLE[Castle Ruins 02]:0 Castle Tower Ruins #1 城堡塔楼遗迹 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Castle Ruins 03]:0 Castle Tower Ruins #2 城堡塔楼遗迹 #2
BUILDING_TITLE[Bunker Ruins 01]:0 Bunker Ruins #1 碉堡遗迹 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[Bunker Ruins 02]:0 Bunker Ruins #2 碉堡遗迹 #2
BUILDING_TITLE[Abandoned Building 01]:0 Abandoned Stone Farmhouse 废弃石制农舍
BUILDING_TITLE[Ancient Cemetery 01]:0 Ancient Cemetery 古代墓园
BUILDING_TITLE[Abandoned Factory 01]:0 Abandoned Factory 废弃工厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Abandoned Lighthouse 01]:0 Abandoned Lighthouse 废弃灯塔
BUILDING_TITLE[Pier Ruins 01]:0 Pier Ruins 码头遗迹
BUILDING_TITLE[Coal Power Plant]:0 Coal Power Plant 火力发电厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Oil Power Plant]:0 Oil Power Plant 燃油发电厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Nuclear Power Plant]:0 Nuclear Power Plant 核能发电厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Wind Turbine]:0 Wind Turbine 风力发电机
BUILDING_TITLE[Advanced Wind Turbine]:0 Advanced Wind Turbine 离岸高效风力发电机
BUILDING_TITLE[Solar Power Plant]:0 Solar Power Plant 太阳能发电厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Water Intake]:0 Water Pumping Station 抽水站
BUILDING_TITLE[Water Outlet]:0 Water Drain Pipe 排水管
BUILDING_TITLE[Water Treatment Plant]:0 Water Treatment Plant 污水处理厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Water Tower]:0 Water Tower 水塔
BUILDING_TITLE[Landfill Site]:0 Landfill Site 垃圾堆放场
BUILDING_TITLE[Combustion Plant]:0 Incineration Plant 垃圾焚化炉
BUILDING_TITLE[Hospital]:0 Hospital 医院
BUILDING_TITLE[Medical Clinic]:0 Medical Clinic 诊所
BUILDING_TITLE[Crematory]:0 Crematorium 火葬场
BUILDING_TITLE[Cemetery]:0 Cemetery 公墓
BUILDING_TITLE[Fire House]:0 Fire House 消防局
BUILDING_TITLE[Fire Station]:0 Fire Station 消防总局
BUILDING_TITLE[Police Station]:0 Police Station 警察局
BUILDING_TITLE[Police Headquarters]:0 Police Headquarters 警察总部
BUILDING_TITLE[Town Hall]:0 Town Hall 市政厅
BUILDING_TITLE[City Hall]:0 Tax Office 税务大厅
BUILDING_TITLE[Elementary School]:0 Elementary School 小学
BUILDING_TITLE[High School]:0 High School 中学
BUILDING_TITLE[University]:0 University 大学
BUILDING_TITLE[Bus Depot]:0 Bus Depot 公交车调度站
BUILDING_TITLE[Metro Entrance]:0 Underground Metro Station 地下地铁站
BUILDING_TITLE[Train Station]:0 Train Station 火车站
BUILDING_TITLE[Airport]:0 Airport 机场
BUILDING_TITLE[Harbor]:0 Harbor 港口
BUILDING_TITLE[Cargo Harbor]:0 Cargo Harbor 货运港口
BUILDING_TITLE[Cargo Center]:0 Cargo Train Terminal 货运火车站
BUILDING_TITLE[BeautificationPanel]:0 Tree
BUILDING_TITLE[Obelisk]:0 Obelisk 方尖碑
BUILDING_TITLE[Stadium]:0 Stadium 体育馆
BUILDING_TITLE[StatueOfWealth]:0 Statue of Wealth 豪华雕像
BUILDING_TITLE[ExpoCenter]:0 Expo Center 展览中心
BUILDING_TITLE[Modern Art Museum]:0 MAM Modern Art Museum 现代艺术馆
BUILDING_TITLE[Plaza of the Dead]:0 Plaza of the Dead 纪念广场
BUILDING_TITLE[Fountain of LifeDeath]:0 Fountain of Life and Death 生死轮回喷泉
BUILDING_TITLE[SeaWorld]:0 Aquarium 水族馆
BUILDING_TITLE[Colossal Offices]:0 Colossal Order Offices 科洛萨奥奥德总部大楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Posh Mall]:0 Posh Mall 时尚购物商场
BUILDING_TITLE[Library]:0 Grand Library 图书总馆
BUILDING_TITLE[Observatory]:0 Observatory 天文台
BUILDING_TITLE[Official Park]:0 Official Park 市政公园
BUILDING_TITLE[Friendly Neighborhood]:0 Friendly Neighborhood Park 友谊社区公园
BUILDING_TITLE[Servicing Services]:0 Servicing Services Offices 无事不包事务所
BUILDING_TITLE[Business Park]:0 Business Park 商务公园
BUILDING_TITLE[ScienceCenter]:0 Science Center 科学中心
BUILDING_TITLE[Cathedral of Plentitude]:0 Cathedral of Plenitude 多元信仰大教堂
BUILDING_TITLE[Statue of Industry]:0 Statue of Industry 工业巨像
BUILDING_TITLE[Opera House]:0 Opera House 歌剧院
BUILDING_TITLE[Grand Mall]:0 Grand Mall 大型百货中心
BUILDING_TITLE[SeaAndSky Scraper]:0 Sea-and-Sky Scraper 海景大楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Lazaret Plaza]:0 Lazaret Plaza 破碎广场
BUILDING_TITLE[Court House]:0 Court House 法院大楼
BUILDING_TITLE[Theater of Wonders]:0 Theater of Wonders 奇迹剧院
BUILDING_TITLE[Statue of Shopping]:0 Statue of Shopping 血拼雕像
BUILDING_TITLE[Transport Tower]:0 Transport Tower 交通塔
BUILDING_TITLE[High Interest Tower]:0 High Interest Tower 高利塔
BUILDING_TITLE[Trash Mall]:0 Mall of Moderation 血拼购物中心
BUILDING_TITLE[Oppression Office]:0 Oppression Office 血汗办公室
BUILDING_TITLE[Fusion Power Plant]:0 Fusion Power Plant 核聚变发电厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Eden Project]:0 Eden Project 伊甸园计划
BUILDING_TITLE[Space Elevator]:0 Space Elevator 轨道电梯
BUILDING_TITLE[Medical Center]:0 Medical Center 医疗中心
BUILDING_TITLE[Hadron Collider]:0 Hadron Collider 强子对撞机
BUILDING_TITLE[Dam Power House]:0 Hydro Power Plant 水力发电厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Expensive Park]:0 Park with Trees 林木公园
BUILDING_TITLE[Expensive Playground]:0 Large Playground 大型游乐场
BUILDING_TITLE[Expensive Plaza]:0 Plaza with Picnic Tables 附带野餐桌的广场
BUILDING_TITLE[Regular Park]:0 Small Park 小型公园
BUILDING_TITLE[Regular Park2]:0 Neighborhood Park 社区公园
BUILDING_TITLE[Regular Playground]:0 Small Playground 小型游乐场
BUILDING_TITLE[Regular Plaza]:0 Plaza with Trees 林荫广场
BUILDING_TITLE[Parking Lot]:0 Parking Lot 停车场
BUILDING_TITLE[Cloverleaf Intersection]:0 Cloverleaf Intersection 立交桥
BUILDING_TITLE[Threeway Intersection]:0 Three-Way Intersection 三叉路口
BUILDING_TITLE[RoundaboutS]:0 Small Roundabout 小型环岛
BUILDING_TITLE[RoundaboutL]:0 Large Roundabout 大型环岛
BUILDING_TITLE[Basketball Court]:0 Basketball Court 篮球场
BUILDING_TITLE[bouncer_castle]:0 Bouncy Castle Park 充气城堡公园
BUILDING_TITLE[dog-park-fence]:0 Dog Park 狗狗公园
BUILDING_TITLE[Botanical garden]:0 Botanical Garden 植物园
BUILDING_TITLE[MerryGoRound]:0 Carousel Park 旋转木马公园
BUILDING_TITLE[JapaneseGarden]:0 Japanese Garden 和风花园
BUILDING_TITLE[ParadoxPlaza]:0 Paradox Plaza 派拉多克斯广场
BUILDING_TITLE[Statue of Liberty]:0 Statue of Liberty 自由女神像
BUILDING_TITLE[Eiffel Tower]:0 Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔
BUILDING_TITLE[Brandenburg Gate]:0 Brandenburg Gate 勃兰登堡门
BUILDING_TITLE[Grand Central Terminal]:0 Grand Central Terminal 大中部车站
BUILDING_TITLE[Arc de Triomphe]:0 Arc de Triomphe 凯旋门
BUILDING_TITLE[Wildlife Spawn Point]:0 Wildlife Spawn Point #1 野生动物出生点 #1
BUILDING_TITLE[The Majesty]:0 The Majesty 皇家荣耀
BUILDING_TITLE[Pinoa Street]:0 Pinoa Street 皮诺阿大街
BUILDING_TITLE[Eddie Kovanago]:0 Eddie Kovanago 艾迪阔威纳苟
BUILDING_TITLE[Biodome]:0 Biodome 自然生态博物馆
BUILDING_TITLE[Cryopreservatory]:0 Cryopreservatory 遗体冷冻库
BUILDING_TITLE[Electric Car Factory]:0 Electric Car Factory 电动车工厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Faculty]:0 Faculty 学院
BUILDING_TITLE[Intelligence Agency]:0 Intelligence Agency 情报局
BUILDING_TITLE[Medical Laboratory]:0 Medical Laboratory 医学实验室
BUILDING_TITLE[Nanotechnology Center]:0 Nanotechnology Center 纳米科技中心
BUILDING_TITLE[Research Center]:0 Research Center 研究中心
BUILDING_TITLE[Robotics Institute]:0 Robotics Institute 机器人研究所
BUILDING_TITLE[Semiconductor Plant]:0 Semiconductor Plant 半导体晶圆厂
BUILDING_TITLE[Software Development Studio]:0 Software Development Studio 软件开发工作室
BUILDING_TITLE[Space Shuttle Launch Site]:0 Space Shuttle Launch Site 航天飞机发射场
BUILDING_TITLE[Television Station]:0 Television Station 电视台
BUILDING_TITLE[Vertical Farm]:0 Vertical Farm 立体农场
BUILDING_TITLE[Wave Power Plant]:0 Wave Power Plant 海浪发电厂
BUILDING_TITLE[police_station_EU]:0 Police Station 警察局
BUILDING_TITLE[Police Headquarters EU]:0 Police Headquarters 警察总部
BUILDING_TITLE[Fire_Station_EU]:0 Fire Station 消防总局
BUILDING_TITLE[firehouse_EU]:0 Fire House 消防局
BUILDING_TITLE[medicalclinicEU]:0 Medical Clinic 诊所
BUILDING_TITLE[hospital_EU]:0 Hospital 医院
BUILDING_TITLE[Elementary_School_EU]:0 Elementary School 小学
BUILDING_TITLE[highschool_EU]:0 High School 中学
BUILDING_TITLE[University_EU]:0 University 大学
BUILDING_TITLE[hypermarket]:0 Hypermarket 大卖场
BUILDING_TITLE[government_offices]:0 Government Offices 行政机构办公室
BUILDING_TITLE[city_hall]:0 City Hall 市政厅
BUILDING_TITLE[amsterdam_palace]:0 Amsterdam Palace 阿姆斯特丹殿
BUILDING_TITLE[theatre]:0 Theatre 大剧院
BUILDING_TITLE[cinema]:0 Cinema 电影院
BUILDING_TITLE[cathedral_of_cologne]:0 Cathedral 大教堂
BUILDING_TITLE[shopping_center]:0 Shopping Center 购物中心
BUILDING_TITLE[department_store]:0 Department Store 百货商店
BUILDING_TITLE[london_eye_anim]:0 London Eye 伦敦眼
BUILDING_TITLE[Big_Ben]:0 Big Ben 大本钟
BUILDING_TITLE[arena]:0 Sports Arena 运动场
BUILDING_TITLE[gherkin]:0 The Gherkin 小黄瓜
BUILDING_TITLE[Tennis_Court_EU]:0 Tennis Court 网球场
BUILDING_TITLE[Winter Market 01]:0 Winter Market 冬季市场
BUILDING_TITLE[H_Hub01]:0 Glass Box Transport Hub 玻璃盒式交通枢纽
BUILDING_TITLE[H_Hub02_A]:0 Metro Plaza Station 地铁广场站
BUILDING_TITLE[H_Hub03]:0 Crossover Train Station Hub 跨线火车枢纽站
BUILDING_TITLE[H_Hub03 sub1]:0 Crossover Train Station Hub 跨线火车枢纽站
BUILDING_TITLE[H_Hub04]:0 Old Market Station 旧市场站
BUILDING_TITLE[H_Hub04 sub1]:0 Old Market Station 旧市场站
BUILDING_TITLE[M_Elevated Metro Station Bypass]:0 Elevated Bypass Metro Station 高架旁路地铁站
BUILDING_TITLE[M_Elevated Metro Station Dual Island]:0 Elevated Dual Island Platform Metro Station 高架双岛站台地铁站
BUILDING_TITLE[M_Elevated Metro Station Island]:0 Elevated Island Platform Metro Station 高架岛式站台地铁站
BUILDING_TITLE[M_Metro Bypass Station]:0 Sunken Bypass Metro Station 下沉式旁路地铁站
BUILDING_TITLE[M_Metro Bypass Station sub1 1]:0 Sunken Bypass Metro Station Plaza 下沉式旁路地铁站广场
BUILDING_TITLE[M_Metro Dual Island Station]:0 Sunken Dual Island Platform Metro Station 下沉式双岛站台地铁站
BUILDING_TITLE[M_Metro Island Station]:0 Sunken Island Platform Metro Station 下沉式岛式站台地铁站
BUILDING_TITLE[T_Elevated Bypass Train Station]:0 Elevated Bypass Train Station 高架旁路火车站
BUILDING_TITLE[T_Elevated Bypass Train Station Sub1]:0 Elevated Bypass Train Station 高架旁路火车站
BUILDING_TITLE[T_Elevated Dual Island Train Station]:0 Elevated Dual Island Platform Train Station 高架双岛站台火车站
BUILDING_TITLE[T_Elevated Dual Island Train Station Sub1]:0 Elevated Dual Island Platform Train Station 高架双岛站台火车站
BUILDING_TITLE[T_Elevated Island Train Station]:0 Elevated Island Platform Train Station 高架岛式站台火车站
BUILDING_TITLE[T_Elevated Island Platform Sub1]:0 Elevated Island Platform Train Station 高架岛式站台火车站
BUILDING_TITLE[T_Ground Bypass Train Station]:0 Ground Bypass Train Station 地面旁路火车站
BUILDING_TITLE[T_Ground Bypass Train Station Sub2]:0 Ground Bypass Train Station 地面旁路火车站
BUILDING_TITLE[T_Ground Dual Island Train Station]:0 Ground Dual Island Platform Train Station 地面双岛站台火车站
BUILDING_TITLE[T_Ground Dual Island Train Station sub1]:0 Ground Dual Island Platform Train Station 地面双岛站台火车站
BUILDING_TITLE[T_Ground Island Train Station]:0 Ground Island Platform Train Station 地面岛式站台火车站
BUILDING_TITLE[ccp8-na2lane_pillar]:0 American Two-Lane Truss Bridge Pillar 欧式双车道石桥墩柱
BUILDING_TITLE[ccp8-euro4lane_pillar]:0 European Four-Lane Stone Bridge Pillar 欧式四车道石桥墩柱
BUILDING_TITLE[ccp8-na4lane_pillar]:0 American Four-Lane Truss Bridge Pillar 美式四车道桁架桥墩柱
BUILDING_TITLE[ccp8-na6lane_pillar]:0 American Six-Lane Stone Bridge Pillar 美式六车道石桥墩柱
BUILDING_TITLE[ccp8-naped_pillar]:0 American Pedestrian Bridge Pillar 美式人行天桥墩柱
BUILDING_TITLE[ccp8-hstrail_pillar]:0 High Speed Rail Viaduct Pillar 双车道高铁高架桥墩柱
BUILDING_TITLE[ccp8-eurorail1_pillar]:0 European Rail Bridge 1 Pillar 美式双车道桁架桥和单向桁架铁路高架桥墩柱
BUILDING_TITLE[ccp8-eurorail2_pillar]:0 European Rail Bridge 2 Pillar 单向欧式铁路高架桥墩柱
BUILDING_TITLE[ccp8-highway_pillar]:0 Three-Lane Highway Viaduct Pillar 三车道公路高架桥墩柱
BUILDING_TITLE[ccp8-pier-seine]:0 Seine Pier 巴黎码头
BUILDING_TITLE[ccp8-pier-rhine]:0 Rhine Pier 德累斯顿码头
BUILDING_TITLE[Football Stadium ITA]:0 Juventus Stadium 尤文图斯球场
BUILDING_TITLE[Football Stadium ENG]:0 Stamford Bridge 斯坦福桥球场
BUILDING_TITLE[Football Stadium ESP]:0 Camp Nou 诺坎普球场
BUILDING_TITLE[Football Stadium FR]:0 Parc des Princes 王子公园体育场
BUILDING_DESC[Panda Sanctuary]:0 In the Panda Sanctuary citizens can see happy pandas frolicking and generally enjoying life. Such a sight brings happiness to anyone! 市民可以在熊猫乐园看到熊猫相互嬉戏,享受着充满乐趣的生活。多么令人感到幸福的场景!
BUILDING_DESC[Temple]:0 The fabulous Temple Complex is a place of meditation and worship for all citizens. 传说般存在的寺庙是一个给所有的市民冥想和敬拜的好地方。
BUILDING_DESC[Oriental Pearl Tower]:0 When you are looking for state of the art modern office space, the Oriental Pearl Tower is your destination. This great building is the pride of any city. 想寻找究极艺术感的现代办公空间吗?选择东方明珠塔吧!这座伟大的建筑是城市的闪耀明珠。
BUILDING_DESC[ChirpX Launch Control Center]:0 The ChirpX Launch Site builds and lets you launch rockets in order to provide public space transport services. Building a rocket requires products from oil and ore industry buildings. Launch the rocket using the button in the building panel. 啾啾X发射站让你可以建造和发射火箭,以提供公共太空旅行服务。建造火箭需要石油和矿物工业建筑的产品。使用建筑面板中的按钮发射火箭。
BUILDING_DESC[Prison]:0 The Prison is a correctional facility to transform criminals into law-abiding citizens. Police stations have jails to hold criminals for a short time, but a Prison is needed to rehabilitate them. 监狱是一个矫正设施,将罪犯改造为遵纪守法的市民。警察局内的牢房只能暂时关住罪犯,接下来则需要监狱派车来收押他们入狱。
BUILDING_DESC[Casino]:0 Casinos accommodate various activities for all adults who like to try their luck with gambling. They can also host entertainment events, such as stand-up comedy, concerts and other live performances. 游戏厅能够满足所有想要大建出奇迹的成年人。还可以举办娱乐活动,例如单口相声,音乐会(甚至还有京剧)及其它现场表演等。
BUILDING_DESC[LuxuryHotel]:0 This is a top-of-the-line five-star hotel with all the services and comforts you can ask for. A luxury hotel can provide pleasant accommodations for everyone from the common tourist on a pampering holiday to the occasional quality-conscious celebrity visiting your city. 这是一间顶级五星级酒店,提供所有服务以及舒适的环境。不管你是一个享受假期的普通游客或是要求居住质量的名人,都能在这间豪华酒店有一个愉快的住宿回忆。
BUILDING_DESC[Fancy Fountain]:0 Fantastic Fountain's mesmerizing fountains offer the perfect atmosphere for a romantic date. Latest studies show that proposals made near the beautifully illuminated fountains of the Fantastic Fountain have a success rate of 96% on average. 神奇喷泉的迷人的喷泉提供了一个浪漫的约会的完美的气氛。最新的研究表明,坐在神奇喷泉的发光泉水旁边有着平均 96% 的告白成功率
BUILDING_DESC[DrivingRange]:0 Driving Range offers perfect facilities to relax and practice your swing with professional intructors at your disposal. 高尔夫练习场提供完善的场地设施和专业的教练,让您可以放松身心以及练习挥杆。
BUILDING_DESC[Zoo]:0 A modern zoo with expert zookeepers and excellent living conditions for various animal species from slithering reptilians to cute domestic mammals and colorful birds. 现代动物园饲养员专家,为各种动物提供良好的生活条件,从滑溜溜的昆虫到可爱的家养哺乳动物和丰富多彩的鸟类,应有尽有。
BUILDING_DESC[Bus Station]:0 The Bus Station is a hub for bus traffic and it acts as a designated place where a bus or coach starts or ends its scheduled route. 公交车转运站是公交车的转运中心,它为公交车或长途汽车指定一个地点到另一个地点从头到尾的规划路线。
BUILDING_DESC[Skatepark]:0 A skatepark is a recreational environment specifically made for skateboarding, BMX, scooter and inline skating. 滑板公园是专门为滑板、BMX、滑板车、直排轮玩家设计的娱乐场地。
BUILDING_DESC[9x15_RidingStable]:0 Riding stables have a paddock and stalls for horses and ponies. 驯马场拥有专属于马与小马的牧场和马棚。
BUILDING_DESC[Beachvolley Court]:0 A sandy court and a net for playing beach volleyball with the boys. Or girls. 沙滩排球场是男孩或女孩玩沙滩排球的好去处。
BUILDING_DESC[2x8_FishingPier]:0 A long pier with spots for recreational fishing. 拥有长码头可以休闲垂钓的景点。
BUILDING_DESC[Large Airport]:0 A large airport complex with two runways, eleven terminals and readiness to connect directly to a subway network can handle much more traffic than a conventional airport. 大型机场拥有两条跑道、十一个航厦而且能够直接连接到地铁网,相比起一般的机场能够处理更多的流量。
BUILDING_DESC[Cargo Hub]:0 A cargo harbor that accepts also train traffic. Cargo Hub combines the functionality of a Cargo Harbor and Cargo Terminal, but there is also a slight synergy bonus for the close proximity of the both facilities and reduced truck traffic between the two buildings. 货运港口可以连接铁路系统。货物转运中心结合了货运港口和货运列车站的功能,但两个相同设施之间盖得越近,之间的货车会有减少通行的车轻微加成。
BUILDING_DESC[Taxi Depot]:0 Taxi depot works as a garage and a repair shop for the taxi cabs between work shifts. 出租车调度站设有供出租车停泊的车库与修理维护服务。
BUILDING_DESC[Taxi Stand]:0 When a taxi cab is not busy it will return to the closest taxi stand to wait for a fare – unless a taxi depot is closer by. 当出租车司机不繁忙时,会前往最近的出租车等候站等客,除非他离出租车调度站更近。
BUILDING_DESC[MagickaPark]:0 A medieval themed amusement park based on the fantasy world of Midgård from the popular Magicka video games. 以热门游戏游戏《魔能》世界观为背景的中世纪主题游乐园。
BUILDING_DESC[2x2_Jet_ski_rental]:0 Do you enjoy speed and water sports? Why not rent a waterski and go for an exciting and refreshing ride. 喜欢速度和水上运动吗?何不租一场滑水服务来一次兴奋又清凉的体验。
BUILDING_DESC[3x2_Fishing tours]:0 Organized fishing tours run year-round. Excursions include all necessary equipment as well as all necessary licenses 组织全年无休的钓鱼之旅。服务已包含旅途所必须的设备以及证明。
BUILDING_DESC[4x4_Marina]:0 This is a specially designed harbor with moorings for pleasure yachts and small boats. 一个专门为游艇和小船提供停泊服务而设的港口。
BUILDING_DESC[2x4_RestaurantPier]:0 This is a panoramic restaurant built on a pier. The unique location offers an impressive maritime vista for the diners. 一家开设在码头边的全景餐厅。独特的地理位置为吃货们提供了无与伦比的无敌海景。
BUILDING_DESC[large_stand_01_anim]:0 An aircraft stand for large passenger planes. Passengers board and leave the plane via this building. Place along a concourse. 用于停放大型客机的停机位。乘客通过此建筑登机和下机。放置到候机大厅旁。
BUILDING_DESC[Large Terminal Style A]:0 A large airport entrance building with a built-in metro station. Departing passengers use the top floor to enter the terminal. Arriving passengers leave the terminal via the ground floor. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport!

Terminals work as headquarters for city services serving the airport area.



BUILDING_DESC[Small 2 Story Terminal Style A]:0 A small airport entrance building where departing passengers use the top floor to enter the terminal and arriving passengers leave the terminal via the ground floor. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport!

Terminals work as headquarters for city services serving the airport area.



BUILDING_DESC[Small Terminal One Story Style A]:0 A classic style small airport entrance building. Place this terminal in an airport area and connect concourses to expand your airport!

Terminals work as headquarters for city services serving the airport area.



BUILDING_DESC[medium_stand_01_anim]:0 An aircraft stand for medium passenger planes. Passengers board and leave the plane via this building. Place along a concourse. 用于停放中型客机的停机位。乘客通过此建筑登机和下机。旋转到候机大厅旁。
BUILDING_DESC[Large Terminal Style B]:0 A large airport entrance building with a built-in metro station. Departing passengers use the top floor to enter the terminal. Arriving passengers leave the terminal via the ground floor. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport!

Terminals work as headquarters for city services serving the airport area.



BUILDING_DESC[Large Terminal Style C]:0 A large airport entrance building with a built-in metro station. Departing passengers use the top floor to enter the terminal. Arriving passengers leave the terminal via the ground floor. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport!

Terminals work as headquarters for city services serving the airport area.



BUILDING_DESC[Small Terminal One Story Style B]:0 A modern style small airport entrance building. Place this terminal in an airport area and connect concourses to expand your airport!

Terminals work as headquarters for city services serving the airport area.



BUILDING_DESC[Small Terminal One Story Style C]:0 A ultra modern style small airport entrance building. Place this terminal in an airport area and connect concourses to expand your airport!

Terminals work as headquarters for city services serving the airport area.



BUILDING_DESC[Small Terminal Style B]:0 A small airport entrance building where departing passengers use the top floor to enter the terminal and arriving passengers leave the terminal via the ground floor. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport!

Terminals work as headquarters for city services serving the airport area.



BUILDING_DESC[Small Terminal Style C]:0 A small airport entrance building where departing passengers use the top floor to enter the terminal and arriving passengers leave the terminal via the ground floor. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport!

Terminals work as headquarters for city services serving the airport area.



BUILDING_DESC[small_stand_01_anim]:0 An aircraft stand for small passenger planes. Passengers board and leave the plane via this building. Place along a concourse. 用于停放小型客机的停机位。乘客通过此建筑登机和下机。放置到候机大厅旁。
BUILDING_DESC[Concourse Hub 01 Style A]:0 A classic hub for aircraft stands and concourses which can be placed freely inside an airport area. Can be connected to a metro network with the built-in underground metro station. Place aircraft stands and join concourses to this building to expand your airport. 一个经典风格的停机位和候机大厅枢纽,可以自由放放置到机场区内。内设地铁站,可连接至地铁网络。放置停机位并将候机大厅与此建筑连接,以扩大你的机场。
BUILDING_DESC[Concourse Hub 02 Style B]:0 A modern hub for aircraft stands and concourses. Can be connected to a metro network with the built-in underground metro station. Place aircraft stands and join concourses to this building to expand your airport. 一个现代风格的停机位和候机大厅枢纽。内设地铁站,可连接至地铁网络。放置停机位并将候机大厅与此建筑连接,以扩大你的机场。
BUILDING_DESC[Concourse Hub 03 Style C]:0 A ultra modern hub for aircraft stands and concourses. Can be connected to a metro network with the built-in underground metro station. Place aircraft stands and join concourses to this building to expand your airport. 一个超现代风格的停机位和候机大厅枢纽。内设地铁站,可连接至地铁网络。放置停机位并将候机大厅与此建筑连,以扩大你的机场。
BUILDING_DESC[cargo_stand_01_anim]:0 Cargo airplanes stop at the cargo aircraft stand to load and unload cargo. Place on a road inside your airport area to allow cargo planes to land and import and export goods. 货机停在货机停机位上装卸货物。放置到机场区内的道路旁,使货机可降落并运入运出货物。
BUILDING_DESC[Cargo Airport Terminal]:0 This cargo terminal serves as the central building for cargo airports. Only cargo vehicles can enter the airport area through this building.

Terminals work as headquarters for city services serving the airport area.

BUILDING_DESC[cargo_airport_trainstation_01_anim]:0 This airport style cargo train station can be built as a place for cargo trains to load and unload cargo or raw materials. Place along a roadside in your city and connect train tracks to allow cargo trains to import and export goods. 这种机场风格的货运火车站可作为货运列车装卸货物或原材料的场所。放置到城市的道路旁并连接火车轨道,以便货运列车运入运出货物。
BUILDING_DESC[Large Entrance Style A]:0 A classic style large airport entrance building with separate stories for arrivals and departures. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢经典风格的大型机场入口建筑,其到达厅和出发厅分处不同楼层。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_DESC[Large Entrance Style B]:0 A modern style large airport entrance building with separate stories for arrivals and departures. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢现代风格的大型机场入口建筑,其到达厅和出发厅分处不同楼层。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_DESC[Large Entrance Style C]:0 An ultra modern style large airport entrance building with separate stories for arrivals and departures. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢超现代风格的大型机场入口建筑,其到达厅和出发厅分处不同楼层。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_DESC[Large Gate]:0 Large passenger planes stop at this gate. Place along a concourse. 大型客机停放于此门。置于候机大厅旁。
BUILDING_DESC[Medium Gate]:0 Medium passenger planes stop at this gate. Place along a concourse. 中型客机停放于此门。置于候机大厅旁。
BUILDING_DESC[Small Entrance Style A]:0 A classic style small airport entrance building with separate stories for arrivals and departures. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢经典风格的小型机场入口建筑,其到达厅和出发厅分处不同楼层。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_DESC[Small Entrance Style B]:0 A modern style small airport entrance building with separate stories for arrivals and departures. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢现代风格的小型机场入口建筑,其到达厅和出发厅分处不同楼层。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_DESC[Small Entrance Style C]:0 A ultra modern style small airport entrance building with separate stories for arrivals and departures. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢超现代风格的小型机场入口建筑,其到达厅和出发厅分处不同楼层。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_DESC[Small Gate]:0 Small passenger planes stop at this gate. Place along a concourse. 小型客机停放于此门。置于候机大厅旁。
BUILDING_DESC[Airline HG]:0 Place this building to start your own city airline! 放置此楼,让您所在城市的航空公司开始运营!
BUILDING_DESC[Airline Lounge Building]:0 A place for passengers to relax after a long flight. Place along a concourse to increase airport attractiveness. 一个让乘客在长途飞行后休息的地方。提升了机场的吸引力。
BUILDING_DESC[Airport Hotel 01]:0 A budget hotel making the airport more attractive tourists. Place along a road inside your airport area. 经济型酒店使机场对游客更具吸引力。
BUILDING_DESC[Airport Hotel 02]:0 A luxury hotel making the airport more attractive tourists. Place along a road inside your airport area. 豪华型酒店使机场对游客更具吸引力。
BUILDING_DESC[Aviation Fuel Station]:0 Increase the attractiveness for your airport by placing aviation fuel stations. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 通过放置航空燃料站来提升机场的吸引力。
BUILDING_DESC[Aviation Museum 01]:0 An aviation museum for people to visit and spend an exciting day looking at a collection of historical airplanes and aviation technology. 一座供人们参观的航空博物馆。
BUILDING_DESC[Concourse Hub Style A]:0 A classic hub for gates and concourses. Place gates and join concourses to this building to expand your airport. 一个经典风格的登机门和候机大厅枢纽。将登机门置于此建筑并将候机大厅连接到此建筑,以扩大您的机场。
BUILDING_DESC[Concourse Hub Style B]:0 A modern hub for gates and concourses. Place gates and join concourses to this building to expand your airport. 一个现代风格的登机门和候机大厅枢纽。将登机门置于此建筑并将候机大厅连接到此建筑,以扩大您的机场。
BUILDING_DESC[Concourse Hub Style C]:0 A ultra modern hub for gates and concourses. Place gates and join concourses to this building to expand your airport. 一个超现代风格的登机门和候机大厅枢纽。将登机门置于此建筑并将候机大厅连接到此建筑,以扩大您的机场。
BUILDING_DESC[Control Tower Style A]:0 Air traffic controllers monitor the airspace using this building. Control towers need to be placed on a concourse inside your airport area. 空中交通管制员坐在这里监视空域。置于您的机场区内的候机大厅处。
BUILDING_DESC[Control Tower Style B]:0 Air traffic controllers monitor the airspace using this building. Control towers need to be placed on a concourse inside your airport area. 空中交通管制员坐在这里监视空域。置于您的机场区内的候机大厅处。
BUILDING_DESC[Control Tower Style C]:0 Air traffic controllers monitor the airspace using this building. Control towers need to be placed on a concourse inside your airport area. 空中交通管制员坐在这里监视空域。置于您的机场区内的候机大厅处。
BUILDING_DESC[Large Hangar]:0 Increase the attractiveness for your airport by providing hangars. Hangars can be placed freely inside the airport area or can be snapped to taxiways. 通过提供机库来提升您的机场的吸引力。
BUILDING_DESC[Small Hangar]:0 Increase the attractiveness for your airport by providing hangars. Hangars can be placed freely inside the airport area or can be snapped to taxiways. 通过提供机库来提升您的机场的吸引力。
BUILDING_DESC[Airport Bus Station 01]:0 Place a bus station directly onto a concourse inside an airport area to allow a direct connection for bus passengers to the airport. 将巴士站直接置于候机大厅旁,让机场乘客可直达机场。
BUILDING_DESC[Airport Metro Station Elevated]:0 Place an elevated metro station directly onto a concourse inside an airport area to allow a direct connection for metro passengers to the airport. 将高架机场地铁站直接置于候机大厅旁,让机场乘客可直达机场。
BUILDING_DESC[Airport Train Station]:0 Place a train station directly onto a concourse inside an airport area to allow a direct connection for train passengers to the airport. 将火车站直接置于候机大厅旁,让机场乘客可直达机场。
BUILDING_DESC[Cargo Stand]:0 Place on a cargo road inside your airport area to allow cargo planes to land and import and export goods. 置于您的机场区内的一条货运道路旁,让货机降落以运入运出货物。
BUILDING_DESC[Cargo Airport Entrance]:0 Cargo entrance building. Connect cargo airport roads and place cargo airplane stands. 货运入口建筑。连接机场货运道路并放置货机站。
BUILDING_DESC[Decoration Cargo Airplane 02]:0 A parked decorative cargo plane. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 一架停放的货机
BUILDING_DESC[Decoration Cargo Airplane 03]:0 A parked decorative cargo plane. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 一架停放的货机
BUILDING_DESC[Decoration Large Airplane 01]:0 A large decorative parked plane. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 一架停放的大型飞机
BUILDING_DESC[Decoration Large Airplane 02]:0 A large decorative parked plane. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 一架停放的大型飞机
BUILDING_DESC[Decoration Medium Airplane 01]:0 A medium decorative parked plane. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 停放的一架中型飞机
BUILDING_DESC[Decoration Medium Airplane 02]:0 A medium decorative parked plane. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 停放的一架中型飞机
BUILDING_DESC[Decoration Medium Airplane 03]:0 A medium decorative parked plane. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 停放的一架中型飞机
BUILDING_DESC[Decoration Small Airplane 01]:0 A small decorative parked plane. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 停放的一架小型飞机
BUILDING_DESC[Decoration Small Airplane 02]:0 A small decorative parked plane. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 停放的一架小型飞机
BUILDING_DESC[Decoration Small Airplane 03]:0 A small decorative parked plane. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 停放的一架小型飞机
BUILDING_DESC[Airline HQ]:0 Houses the headquarters of your city's airline. Place this building to start your own city airline! In the airport area panel you can customize your airline's visual appearance and ticket price for additional income from tourism. 您所在城市的航空公司置于此楼内。放置此楼,让您所在城市的航空公司开始运营!
BUILDING_DESC[Cargo Airport Train Station]:0 Cargo Trains can import and export goods from here. 货运列车可在此运入运出货物。
BUILDING_DESC[Tram Depot]:0 A Tram Depot sends out trams to lines automatically when it is connected to a tram line. Trams return to the depot after finishing their shift. 电车调度站发出的电车与轨道相接。电车行驶完后返回调度站。
BUILDING_DESC[tram_stop]:0 Trams stop at tram stops. Connect stops to create lines. Depots send out trams to lines automatically. Place tram stops on tracks and connect the ends of the line to make it circular. 电车停在停靠站停留。将停靠站连接在一起。调度站自动将电车送至路线。将停靠站设置在线路上且首尾相连。
BUILDING_DESC[Sauna]:0 A Sauna is a healthcare facility where people come to bathe in hot, steamy rooms. Towels are optional. Saunas create a health bonus to the neighborhood around them and increase happiness. 桑拿房是一个医疗保健设施,人们这个湿热的房间里蒸桑拿。可以使用浴巾。桑拿房增加周围地区幸福度。
BUILDING_DESC[Ski Lodge]:0 Citizens going on skiing hikes or just in need of some hot chocolate can stop at the Ski Lodge. 市民可以在滑雪小屋逗留参加滑雪运动,或者只是要一些热巧克力。
BUILDING_DESC[Skating Rink]:0 A Skating Rink is a place to go for ice skating. A beautiful addition to any neighborhood. 溜冰场是个能美化周围的溜冰场所。
BUILDING_DESC[Ice Sculpture Park]:0 A park with beautiful ice sculptures by local artists. 拥有当地雕刻家创作的美丽冰雕的公园。
BUILDING_DESC[Ski Resort Building]:0 A modern ski resort and slope for downhill skiing. Citizens from near and far travel to show off their skills and just enjoy the after ski parties at the resort. 适合山坡滑雪的现代滑雪胜地。无论当地还是外地的市民都在这里炫耀自己的技能,之后还能在度假胜地开派对。
BUILDING_DESC[Ice Hockey Arena]:0 The Ice Hockey Arena hosts exciting hockey games between local and foreign teams. 激动人心的市内外冰球大赛将在冰球竞技场举办。
BUILDING_DESC[Spa Hotel]:0 Citizens come to relax at the wonderful Spa Hotel. There are hot and cold baths, as well as swimming pools, and various massages available. 市民们来到这极好的温泉酒店中放松身心。热水和冷水浴均有,此外还有游泳池以及各式各样的水疗套餐任君挑选。
BUILDING_DESC[Boiler Station]:0 Produce heat for your citizens with a good old fashioned boiler station. Make sure the building is connected to upgraded water pipes so it can distribute heating to buildings. The Boiler Station uses oil to produce heat. 用老式的锅炉站向您的市民们送社区温暖。请确保这个建筑已连接上已升级的水管,使其能给建筑供暖。锅炉供暖站需要石油来供暖。
BUILDING_DESC[Snowdump]:0 The Snow Dump sends out snow plows to clear streets of snow. When a snow plow has a full load of snow, it will return to the Snow Dump to empty the load. Snow is melted at the dump to make room for more snow. 堆雪场会派出铲雪车清理被大雪阻断的街道。如果一辆铲雪车已经载满雪,它会自动回到堆雪场来卸载所装积雪。堆雪会慢慢融化,提供新的空间装雪。
BUILDING_DESC[Road Maintenance Depot]:0 Road Maintenance Depot houses Maintenance vehicles. They travel around the city to boost roads, allowing travel at higher than normal speeds. 养护车停留在于道路养护站。它们会在城市各处修缮道路,使车辆能在道路上开得更快。
BUILDING_DESC[Curling Park]:0 The Curling Park is a favourite winter sports location for many citizens. 冰壶公园是许多市民最喜爱的冬季运动场所。
BUILDING_DESC[Sled_Hill]:0 Citizens come to the Sledding Hill to have fun sledding down the slope. 市民们来到雪橇山丘,享受雪橇冲下陡坡的极速体验。
BUILDING_DESC[Snowman_Park]:0 A park with just the right type of snow for building snowmen and snowwomen. Come and admire others' works or build your own! 雪人公园里面的雪最适合堆雪人和雪女。来雪人公园膜~拜他人的杰作吧!
BUILDING_DESC[Snowcastle Restaurant]:0 A fine restaurant in a huge snowcastle. Only chilled foods served! 在巨大的雪城堡内享受精美餐饮。只提供冰冻餐哦!
BUILDING_DESC[Sleigh Ride]:0 For citizens with a need for speed. Sleigh Rides are fun and the scenery is gorgeous! 雪橇骑乘有趣极了!风景也很好哦!这就是极品飞橇之地!
BUILDING_DESC[Ice Hockey Rink]:0 Built for small neighbourhood ice hockey games, the Ice Hockey Rink offers just enough room for maneuvering. 为社区冰球赛而设计,而且拥有足够空间。
BUILDING_DESC[Snowmobile Track]:0 Citizens come to the Snowmobile track to drive around for some fast fun. 市民来到雪地摩托场驾驶雪地摩托,享受速度与激情。
BUILDING_DESC[Ice_Fishing_Pond]:0 This is where the big fish live, deep under the ice, during the winter. Citizens fish them for fun and food. 冬季,池里有鱼,其名为(自己猜)。市民把它们钓上来吃,同时以此为乐。
BUILDING_DESC[Frozen Fountain]:0 In wintertime this fountain freezes over, creating wonderful shapes and shades in the ice. 冬季,喷泉的水宛如时间停下来般。拥有美丽的形状和色调。
BUILDING_DESC[Public Firepit]:0 For citizens who fancy roasting a sausage or just warming by a fire, the Firepit Park has a nice, cozy fire going on at all times. 给喜爱烤肠或喜欢在篝火旁边暖暖身子的市民,篝火公园总是为他们燃着美好而温暖的火。
BUILDING_DESC[Igloo Hotel]:0 Citizens and tourists who are looking for something a bit different love the Igloo Hotel. They can spend their nights in igloos made of ice and admire the dark night sky in the hotel yard. 市民和游客在冰屋宾馆寻找不一样的爱。他们可以晚上在酒店的冰制圆顶处欣赏夜空。
BUILDING_DESC[Santa_Claus_Workshop]:0 Where all the gifts in the world come from! Elves work tirelessly through the year to make sure all good children get lovely toys for Christmas. 全世界的圣诞礼物都从这儿来!精灵们全年无休任劳任怨,以确保所有的好孩纸都能够在圣诞节收到可爱的礼物。
BUILDING_DESC[Geothermal_Plant]:0 While using geothermal energy is not as effective as fossil fuels, it is very safe for the environment. The Geothermal Heating Plant pumps heat from deep within the earth to distribute it to citizens. Make sure the building is connected to upgraded water pipes so it can distribute heating to buildings. 虽然用地热发电并不像用化石燃料那样高效,但是其对环境非常友好。地热发电站从地球深处获取热量,并送至千家万户。确保该建筑连接已升级水管,从而可以给建筑供暖。
BUILDING_DESC[Cross-Country Skiing]:0 A park with ski tracks where citizens can go cross-country skiing. 一个有着滑雪轨道的公园。市民们能够在里面进行越野滑雪。
BUILDING_DESC[2x2_winter_fishing_pier]:0 A pier for fishing in the winter 一座冬季垂钓码头
BUILDING_DESC[Christmas Tree]:0 A wonderful Christmas Tree 一棵美丽的圣诞树
BUILDING_DESC[snowboard_arena]:0 Citizens gather to snowboard and watch competitions at the snowboard arena. 市民们在滑雪板竞技场玩滑雪板,或观看滑雪板大赛。
BUILDING_DESC[ParadoxPlazaWinter]:0 This plaza has become a traditional gathering place for all gamers and game developers around the world. Game enthusiasts visit Paradox Plaza to share ideas and get inspired by others. 这个广场已经成为全世界玩家和游戏开发者的集散地了。游戏爱好者们来到派拉多克斯广场分享彼此想法和获得灵感。
BUILDING_DESC[Medical Clinic Winter]:0 The Medical Clinic is a small healthcare facility. Each patient takes up one bed for some time, so make sure there are enough healthcare facilities in the city to handle all patients. Sufficient healthcare will keep your citizens healthy. 诊所是一个小型的医疗设施。每位病患都会占用病床一段时间,所以请确保城市中有足够的医疗设施照顾所有病患。充足的医疗设施可保持市民健康。
BUILDING_DESC[Medical Helicopter Base]:0 The Medical Helicopter Depot sends out helicopters to pick up patients and take them to hospitals and clinics. Helicopters can reach locations with no road access and help avoid traffic jams. At the end of shift, helicopters return to the Depot. 救护直升机站发出直升机运送病患到拥有停机坪的医院。直升机可以抵达没有地面通路的地点,且不受交通堵塞影响。工作完毕后,直升机会返回站点。救护直升机没有医疗范围,但将在必要时刻辅助医疗服务。
BUILDING_DESC[Police Helicopter Base]:0 Police helicopters reside at the Police Helicopter Depot. The depot sends out helicopters to patrol the city. Patrolling helps lower the crime rate. At the end of a shift, helicopters return to the depot. 警队直升机停留在警队直升机航空站。航空站将派出直升机巡逻城市。巡逻可以降低犯罪率。工作完毕后,直升机会返回航空站。
BUILDING_DESC[Fire Helicopter Base]:0 The Fire Helicopter Depot houses fire fighting helicopters. Fire fighting helicopters can reach fires with no road access and avoid traffic jams. Helicopters are the only way to extinguish forest fires, but they need Firewatch Towers to get notified. Fire helicopters don’t have a range, but help out the Fire Brigade when needed. 消防直升机总站停放着消防直升机。消防直升机可以到达无道路连接的火场,并能避免交通堵塞。直升机是扑灭森林火灾的唯一方法,但是它们需要火情瞭望塔通知。消防直升机没有具体职责范围,但是会在需要时救助消防队员。
BUILDING_DESC[Disaster Memorial]:0 Your city can build a memorial to remember a past disaster. 你的城市可以建立纪念过往灾难的纪念碑。
BUILDING_DESC[Meteorite Park]:0 A meteorite fell, so you can now dig up a piece and put it on display! Citizens will flock to take a look at the rock from the sky. 陨石陨落,你可以挖下一块碎片并将其展出!市民将为了观赏天外飞石蜂拥而至。
BUILDING_DESC[Helicopter Park]:0 To celebrate the city having a helicopter depot of each type and thus being very, very safe, you can now build a park. 由于城市拥有所有种类的直升机航站楼,我们的城市变得非常、非常安全,你现在可以建一座公园进行庆祝。
BUILDING_DESC[Pyramid Of Safety]:0 To gain the Pyramid of Safety, have a disaster hit the city with no casualties. 城市遭受灾难袭击且无人伤亡,便可以获得安全金字塔。
BUILDING_DESC[Sphinx Of Scenarios]:0 Win any three scenarios to gain the Sphinx of Scenarios. 获取任意三个剧本的胜利以获得剧本狮身人面像。
BUILDING_DESC[Sparkly Unicorn Rainbow Park]:0 Win all five scenarios that come with Natural Disasters to get a magical Sparkly Unicorn Rainbow Park. 获得《大灾难》全部五个剧本的胜利便可以取得神奇的闪光独角兽彩虹公园。
BUILDING_DESC[Doomsday Vault]:0 The Doomsday Vault is a huge underground facility, that helps Shelters in your city to work more efficiently. It allows all Shelters to stockpile more water and food, and to raise their capacity a bit. 末日避难所是一种大型地下设施,可以让你的避难所更高效的运行。它会提高所有的避难所的食物与用水储备,并稍微增加他们的容量。
BUILDING_DESC[Water Pumping Service Building]:0 The Pumping Service has a fleet of vacuum trucks that are sent out when there are flooded buildings in the city. The trucks travel as close to the location as they can and upon encountering water, fill their tanks with it. The collected water is released into the sewer system at the Pumping Service depot. 水泵服务站拥有一个真空卡车车队,城市中出现受淹建筑时,服务站会派出卡车抽水。卡车会尽可能靠近受淹位置行驶,一旦遇到水,便会将水抽到水箱。所收集的水将在水泵服务总站排放到排水系统。
BUILDING_DESC[Disaster Response Unit]:0 The Disaster Response Unit sends out helicopters and trucks to help clear rubble and rescue survivors. They handle both disaster aftermath and burned down buildings. After the Unit has done their work, the ground is free for rebuilding. 灾难响应单位负责派出直升机和卡车帮助清理碎石和营救幸存者。他们负责处理灾难创伤和烧毁的建筑。单位完成自己工作之后,土地便空出,可进行重建。
BUILDING_DESC[Water Reservoir]:0 The Tank Reservoir is a water reservoir. If the city pumps more water than it needs, the excess is stored in the tanks. If a pump fails or the need for water rises, the tanks give out water. The Reservoir automatically supplies the city if the water need is greater than production. Must be connected to water pipes. 水箱是一个储水器。如果城市抽取水量超过需求量,过量部分会存储在水箱中。如果水泵故障或水需求量增加,则水箱会放水。如果水需求量超过生产量,则水箱会自动为城市供水。必须连接至输水管。
BUILDING_DESC[Small Emergency Shelter]:0 A small Shelter to allow your citizens to be safe from disasters. A Shelter has a limited amount of space for citizens, but you can choose which areas use which shelter by planning escaped routes. After a disaster, citizens who have lost their homes can live in the Shelter until they can find new housing in the city. Shelters are almost indestructible. 小型避难所可以使市民逃避灾难。避难所供市民使用的空间有限,但是你可以通过规划逃生路线选择哪些区域使用哪些避难所。灾难之后,失去家园的市民可以生活在避难所中,直到他们在城市中找到新的住宅。避难所几乎是坚不可摧的。
BUILDING_DESC[Large Emergency Shelter]:0 A large Shelter to allow your citizens to be safe from disasters. A Shelter has a limited amount of space for citizens, but you can choose which areas use which shelter by planning escaped routes. After a disaster, citizens who have lost their homes can live in the Shelter until they can find new housing in the city. Shelters are almost indestructible. 大型避难所可以使市民躲避灾难。避难所供市民使用的空间有限,但是你可以通过规划逃生路线选择哪些区域使用哪些避难所。灾难之后,失去家园的市民可以生活在避难所中,直到他们在城市中找到新的住宅。避难所几乎是坚不可摧的。
BUILDING_DESC[Radio Mast Short]:0 A short Radio Mast allows emergency broadcasts to reach your citizens. The better radio coverage the city has, the more likely citizens are to come to Shelters when called. Terrain can hinder radio signals. 一根向市民发送紧急广播的矮天线杆。城市的无线电覆盖越好,市民就越有可能在警报时前往避难所。地形会阻碍无线电信号。
BUILDING_DESC[Radio Mast Tall]:0 A tall Radio Mast allows emergency broadcasts to reach your citizens. The better radio coverage the city has, the more likely citizens are to come to Shelters when called. Terrain can hinder radio signals. 一根向市民发送紧急广播的高天线杆。城市的无线电覆盖越好,市民就越有可能在警报时前往避难所。地形会阻碍无线电信号。
BUILDING_DESC[Firewatch Tower]:0 Fire fighters man the Firewatch Tower to spot forest fires before they reach the city. A forest fire can spread into the city if it reaches city buildings. Hills and mountains can affect visibility from the tower. Forest fires can only be put out with Fire Fighting Helicopters. 消防员在火情瞭望塔上站岗,负责在森林火灾到达城市之前发现火情。如果到达城市建筑,森林火灾便会扩散到城市。丘陵和山脉会影响瞭望塔上的视野。森林火灾只能由消防直升机扑灭。
BUILDING_DESC[Fresh Water Outlet]:0 The Fresh Water Outlet lets out excess water in the system. It can be placed on dry land, creating lakes and ponds. Water evaporates and the Outlet can be turned on and off to help with possible flooding. If the city producess less water or the same amount it consumes, the Fresh Water Outlet won't let out any water. 淡水出水口会放出系统中过量的水。出水口可以放置到陆地上,形成湖泊和池塘。水会蒸发,可以打开和关闭出水口帮助应对可能的洪水。如果城市产水量低于耗水量或与耗水量相同,则淡水出水口不会向外泵水。
BUILDING_DESC[Deep Space Radar]:0 Worried about meteors striking the city? Get a Deep Space Radar! The Radar scans the heavens for any asteroids prone to hitting the city area. If a meteor strike is coming, the Radar will calculate the approximate area of impact and size of meteor that's coming right for us. The building covers the whole city. 担心陨石撞击城市?买一个深空雷达吧!深空雷达可以扫描整个天空,探测可能会袭击城市区域的小行星。如果即将发生陨石撞击,则深空雷达将计算受影响的大致区域,以及撞向我们的陨石的大小。这座建筑的有效范围可覆盖整座城市。
BUILDING_DESC[Weather Radar]:0 The Weather Radar keeps a watch on weather patterns. It predicts strong thunderstorms and tornadoes, and can even notify you of where the storm or tornado will hit, making it easier to prepare for a disaster. The building covers the whole city. 气象雷达监测气象模式。可以预测较强雷暴天气和龙卷风,甚至可以通知你暴风雨和龙卷风将袭击哪里,从而能够更轻松地应对灾难。这座建筑的有效范围可覆盖整座城市。
BUILDING_DESC[Tsunami Warning Buoy]:0 The Tsunami Warning Buoy monitors water level and sends out a warning if there are changes so the city can prepare if a tsunami is heading their way. 海啸预警浮标负责监测水位,并在水位出现变化时发出警告,这样如果海啸正在靠近,城市就可以做好相关准备。
BUILDING_DESC[Earthquake Early Warning Sensor]:0 Place Earthquake Sensors on the ground to get warning of seismic activity. The Sensors detect not only earthquakes, but also if a sinkhole is forming. Sensors show you the approximate location of the disaster well before it is happening. 地震传感器探测地震活动,如果很有可能发生地震或地陷,将提前发出警告。如果地震活动处于它们的探测范围内,传感器可以指出灾难发生的大致地点。
BUILDING_DESC[Large Trainstation]:0 A train station with 12 platforms. Each platform can have separate tracks connected. Passengers can easily change lines at the station. 拥有 12 个站台的列车站。各站台可将独立的轨道连接起来。乘客可在车站轻松换乘。
BUILDING_DESC[End of the line Trainstation]:0 An end-of-line train station with 12 platforms. Each platform can have separate tracks connected. Allows passengers to change lines at ease. 拥有 12 个站台的线路终点列车站。各站台可将独立的轨道连接起来。这样乘客就可以自由换乘。
BUILDING_DESC[Ferry Bus Hub]:0 Connect your ferry and bus networks easily with this combined stop. Passengers can easily change between ferries and buses. 利用这种联运站将渡船和公共汽车网络方便连接。乘客可以在渡船和公共汽车之间轻松换乘。
BUILDING_DESC[Ferry Depot]:0 The Ferry Depot is where Ferries stay between workshifts and are sent to lines automatically and maximum amount of vehicles per line is handled by the budget. Depots do not act as stops and can't be connected to Lines, but Ferries need to be able to find their way to the lines from the Depot. Use Pathways to mark where they should travel. 渡船总站是渡船在轮班之间停留的地方。渡船会自动发送到线路,每个线路的最大车辆数由预算来处理。总站不能充当站点,也不能连接到航线,但是渡船必须能够找到从总站进入航线的道路。使用路径来标记它们应该去的地方。总站拥有的车辆数量在预算中决定。
BUILDING_DESC[Ferry Harbor]:0 A large ferry stop with room for two ferries at once. Connect ferry Stops and Piers with Ferry Line to create lines. Use Ferry Pathway to draw routes between Piers, Stops and Depots on open water to help Ferries find routes 可同时容纳两艘渡船的大型渡船站。用渡船航线连接渡船站和码头,创建航线。使用“渡船路径”在开阔水面上绘制码头、站点和总站之间的路线,并帮助渡船找到路线
BUILDING_DESC[Ferry Pier]:0 A small ferry stop that fits in a canal easily. Connect ferry Stops and Piers with Ferry Line to create lines. Use Ferry Pathway to draw routes between Piers, Stops and Depots on open water to help Ferries find routes. 适合运河的小型渡船站。用渡船航线连接渡船站和码头,创建航线。使用“渡船路径”在开阔水面上绘制码头、站点和总站之间的路线,帮助渡船找到路线。
BUILDING_DESC[Monorail Station Standalone]:0 A Monorail station. Needs to be connected to other stations with monorail tracks. 单轨列车站。需要连接到其他配有单轨轨道的车站。
BUILDING_DESC[Monorail Station Avenue]:0 This station comes with a stretch of road. It can be connected with normal Monorail Stations and roads. Connect Stations with Monorail Tracks to create Monorail Lines. 这个车站包含一段公路。它可以与正常的单轨列车站和公路连接。用单轨轨道连接列车站,创建单轨列车线路。
BUILDING_DESC[Cable Car Stop]:0 A cable car stop. Cable cars car travel steep slopes, so stops can be placed on different heights. 缆车站。缆车沿陡坡行驶,所以站点可以置于不同高度。
BUILDING_DESC[Cable Car Cables]:0 Cables connect cable car stops. 钢绳连接缆车站。
BUILDING_DESC[Blimp Depot]:0 Place a Blimp Depot to provide Blimps for all lines. The depot automatically sends out vehicles and divides them between lines. The Depot cannot be connected to lines and does not act as a stop, but Blimps need to be able to reach the lines from the Depot. Use Pathways to guide them. The amount of vehicles a Depot has is decided in the Budget. 放置飞艇总站,为所有航线提供飞艇。总站自动派发飞艇,并在不同线路之间进行分配。总站不能连接到航线,也不能充当站点,但是飞艇必须能够从总站到达航线。使用路径来引导它们。总站中的车辆数量在预算中决定。
BUILDING_DESC[Blimp Stop]:0 Stop for Blimps. Connect Blimp Stops with Blimp Line to assign them to a line. Use Blimp Path tool to draw the route you want blimps to take, or to help them find a route between the stops. 飞艇站。用飞艇航线连接飞艇站,以便为航线分配站点。使用“飞艇路径”工具绘制您希望飞艇采取的路线,或帮助它们找到站点之间的路线。
BUILDING_DESC[Boat Museum]:0 The Boat Museum is where citizens go to admire old boats. It's a wonderful destination for tourists. 船舶博物馆是市民观赏旧船的地方。博物馆是游客的精彩去处。
BUILDING_DESC[Traffic Park]:0 Children come to the traffic park to learn traffic signs and rules. This is a landmark building. 儿童们来到交通公园了解交通标志和规则。这是地标建筑。
BUILDING_DESC[Steam Train]:0 Come and see old locomotives! The halls are open for tourists and citizens This is a landmark building. 来观赏旧铁路机车吧!大厅对游客和市民开放。这是地标建筑。
BUILDING_DESC[Monorail Train Metro Hub]:0 A hub building which can connect metros, monorails and trains so that passengers can change between transport types inside the building. 枢纽建筑可以连接地铁、单轨列车和列车,因此乘客可以在此建筑内在不同运输类型之间换乘。
BUILDING_DESC[Monorail Bus Hub]:0 A monorail station with a built-in bus stop, so passengers can easily switch between the two transport types. 内设公共汽车站的单轨列车站,因此乘客可以在两种运输方式之间轻松换乘。
BUILDING_DESC[Cable Car Station End]:0 For a more finished look, you can use the End-of-Line Stop for the ends of your lines. Lines can end in regular stops too. Connect stops with cables to create Cable Car lines. 为了外观更加精致,您可以将线路终点站用于线路的终点。线路也可以在常规站点结束。用钢绳衔接站点,创建缆车线路。
BUILDING_DESC[Ultimate Recycling Plant]:0 The Ultimate Recycling Plant is a Monument that can manage huge amounts of garbage and process it to electricity, goods and raw materials. These products benefit your city or can be exported. Exporting is automatic if needed. 终极资源回收中心属于伟大工程建筑,可以有效处理巨量的垃圾废料并将其转化为电力、货物、以及原材料。这些成品可以在城市里使用也可以用来出口。可以设置为自动出口。
BUILDING_DESC[Central Park]:0 The Central park offers recreational activities for citizens. Its vast green spaces are relaxing and soothing to citizens wearied by busy city life. 中心公园能为市民提供娱乐活动。大片的绿化区域能让快节奏生活中疲于奔命的市民得到身心放松。
BUILDING_DESC[Floating Gardens]:0 The Floating Gardens take their water directly from the body of water beneath and grow magnificent plants. Citizens love to visit the gardens. 水上花园直接从下方的水体取水,灌溉各种令人惊艳的花草。市民们很喜欢来花园玩。
BUILDING_DESC[Ziggurat Garden]:0 To get the most of the sunlight available, the Ziggurat Garden has the form of a stair pyramid with plenty of room for different plants. Citizens enjoy coming to the garden to take a walk amidst the greenery. 为了尽可能获得更多的光照,金字塔花园被设计为阶梯金字塔的形状,同时也为多种不同的植物提供了大量的生长空间。市民们非常喜欢来郁郁葱葱的花园里散步。
BUILDING_DESC[Lungs of the City]:0 The Lungs of the City is a vast area filled with trees providing the city with fresh, lovely air. Citizens visit the park to relax and see the magnificent trees. 城市之肺是一片广阔的树林,能为城市提供新鲜甜美的空气。市民们经常来公园欣赏美丽的树木,放松心情。
BUILDING_DESC[Climate Research Station]:0 The Climate Research Station measures details about air pressure, weather and humidity. Citizens (might) get more accurate weather reports thanks to the research station. 气候研究站对气压、天气和湿度进行精确的测量。市民们(或许)能得到更精确的天气预报。
BUILDING_DESC[Bird and Bee Haven]:0 A paradise for birds and bees. Birds and insects are crucial to any ecosystem, and having a Bird and Bee Haven makes citizens happier as their plants get pollinated and birds eat nasty insects. 一座鸟类与蜜蜂的天堂。对任何生态系统来说,鸟类和昆虫都至关重要。鸟蜂避难所能吸引更多鸟类来消灭害虫,让更多昆虫帮植物传粉,让市民们更开心。
BUILDING_DESC[Geothermal Power Plant]:0 The Geothermal Power Plant utilizes the warmth in Earth's core to provide electricity for the city. Geothermal energy does not pollute. 地热发电站利用地核的热量为城市提供电力。地热发电不产生污染。
BUILDING_DESC[Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Plant]:0 The changes in water temperature allow this power plant to generate electricity. Place the Plant on the shoreline. 该转换站利用水温的变化发电。必须建在海岸线上。
BUILDING_DESC[Solar Updraft Tower]:0 The warmth generated by sunlight is what powers this powerplant. The warm air goes up, turning the blades of fans that produce electricity. The large batteries within the building allow it to store electricity and not be affected by day and night. 该发电站利用阳光的热量发电。热空气向上流动,推动风扇产生电力。巨大的蓄电池组能存储电力,在晚上也能正常输出电力。
BUILDING_DESC[Eco Water Outlet]:0 The "green" alternative. While the Eco Water Outlet is quite expensive, it helps purify the water let out of it. Pollution is reduced but not wholly gone. The Outlet lets out polluted water from the sewage system. Needs a Water Pump to supply the system with water. Requires electricity and a pipe connection. 排水口的“绿色”版,虽然非常昂贵,但它能将排出的污水有效净化,使污染大幅减少(但不会完全消失)。排水口将下水道系统的污水排出。需要抽水站为系统供水。需要供电并与水管连接。
BUILDING_DESC[Eco Water Treatment Plant]:0 The best water treatment plant there is! The Eco Water Treatment Plant needs to be connected with pipes to your city's water system. It purifies the sewage, making it very clean and ready to be let back into a body of water. 最棒的净水设施!通过水管连入城市的供水系统后,它能将污水在排出之前净化得非常干净。
BUILDING_DESC[Recycling Center]:0 Citizens can recycle more different kinds of waste when the city has a Recycling Center, making less garbage pile up. The Center produces small amounts of raw materials from the waste. 城市中建有回收中心时,市民能够将更多种类的垃圾进行回收,减少垃圾堆积。回收中心会生产少量原材料。
BUILDING_DESC[Floating Garbage Collector]:0 Lessens water pollution. A floating building, must be placed on water. 减少水污染。一座漂浮建筑,必须建在水面上。
BUILDING_DESC[Community Pool]:0 Poolside fun! The Community Pool is a pool open for all citizens and tourists. It not only is fun, but also raises the health of people a little bit. 池边娱乐!社区游泳池向所有市民和游客开放。除了娱乐作用外,还能将居民健康水平提高一点。
BUILDING_DESC[Community Pool Winter]:0 Poolside fun! The Community Pool is a pool open for all citizens and tourists. It not only is fun, but also raises the health of people a little bit. 池边娱乐!社区游泳池向所有市民和游客开放。除了娱乐作用外,还能将居民健康水平提高一点。
BUILDING_DESC[Sports Hall and Gymnasium]:0 Offers citizens more exercise opportunities, giving a small health benefit to the neighborhood. 让市民有更多锻炼机会,将社区居民健康水平提高一点。
BUILDING_DESC[Yoga Garden]:0 A beautiful garden for practising yoga or just coming for a walk. Gives a small health benefit to the area around the building. 一座美丽的花园,可以来这里练瑜伽或者散步。将周边居民健康水平提高一点。
BUILDING_DESC[Yoga Garden Winter]:0 A beautiful garden for practising yoga or just coming for a walk. Gives a small health benefit to the area around the building. 一座美丽的花园,可以来这里练瑜伽或者散步。将周边居民健康水平提高一点。
BUILDING_DESC[Community School]:0 A small and safe Community School. Allows children to get education and grow into educated adults. An alternative to Elementary School. 一所安全的小型社区学校,让儿童获得启蒙教育,成长为受过教育的成年人。可与小学互相替代。
BUILDING_DESC[University of Creative Arts]:0 A prestigious school specializing in creative arts. Educates Teens. An alternative to the High School. 一所具有很高声望的创意艺术专门学院。可与高中互相替代。
BUILDING_DESC[Modern Technology Institute]:0 This school teaches teenagers in the ways of technology. An alternative to the University. 教育青少年科技方面的知识与技能。可与大学互相替代。
BUILDING_DESC[Biofuel Bus Depot]:0 The Biofuel Bus Depot works just like a regular Bus Depot, except that it sends out biofuel buses instead of regular ones. The biofuel buses are much more quiet than regular buses, but carry just as many people. Place a Depot before creating lines. 除了派出的是生物燃料公交车之外,生物燃料公交车调度站与普通的公交车调度站无异。生物燃料公交车能在维持载客量的同时大幅降低噪声。设置线路前先放下一个调度站。
BUILDING_DESC[Tropical Garden]:0 A lush tropical garden for your citizens and tourists to enjoy. 一座绿油油的热带花园供你的市民和游客欣赏。
BUILDING_DESC[Floating Cafe]:0 Fancy a coffee with a twist? Come to the Floating Cafe! It's just like a regular cafe, but floating on water. 喜欢让咖啡带点“转”变吗?来水上咖啡厅吧!除了漂在水上之外和普通咖啡厅一样。
BUILDING_DESC[Fishing Island]:0 This really tricks the fish! The Island is a place where your citizens and tourists can go and fish. It floats on water, so they are as close to fish as they can. 这样真的能骗到鱼!这座漂在水上的小岛可以让垂钓者尽可能接近鱼。你的市民和游客可以来这里钓鱼。
BUILDING_DESC[Small Park Main Gate]:0 The Small Main Gate connects the park area to the road network for easier access and maintenance. Main gate also allows tickets to be sold to the park visitors. There can be only one Main Gate per park area. 小公园正门连接着园区和交通路网,为进出和维护提供了便利性。公园游客也可在正门处购买门票。每个园区只能有一个正门。
BUILDING_DESC[Small Amusement Park Main Gate]:0 The Small Main Gate connects the park area to the road network for easier access and maintenance. Main gate also allows tickets to be sold to the park visitors. There can be only one Main Gate per park area. 小公园正门连接着园区和交通路网,为进出和维护提供了便利性。公园游客也可在正门处购买门票。每个园区只能有一个正门。
BUILDING_DESC[Small Zoo Main Gate]:0 The Small Main Gate connects the park area to the road network for easier access and maintenance. Main gate also allows tickets to be sold to the park visitors. There can be only one Main Gate per park area. 小公园正门连接着园区和交通路网,为进出和维护提供了便利性。公园游客也可在正门处购买门票。每个园区只能有一个正门。
BUILDING_DESC[Small Nature Reserve Main Gate]:0 The Small Main Gate connects the park area to the road network for easier access and maintenance. Main gate also allows tickets to be sold to the park visitors. There can be only one Main Gate per park area. 小公园正门连接着园区和交通路网,为进出和维护提供了便利性。公园游客也可在正门处购买门票。每个园区只能有一个正门。
BUILDING_DESC[Park Main Gate]:0 The Main Gate connects the park area to the road network for easier access and maintenance. Main gate also allows tickets to be sold to the park visitors. There can be only one Main Gate per park area. 正门连接公园区域与道路,便于访问与维护。正门也可以对游客出售门票。每个公园区域只能有一座正门。
BUILDING_DESC[Park Side Gate]:0 The Side Gate connects the park area to the road network allowing additional entrances to the park area. Requires a Main Gate. 侧门连接公园区域与道路,可为公园增加额外的入口。需要正门。
BUILDING_DESC[Park Restrooms 01]:0 A toilet facility available for use by the general public. 对公众开放的厕所设施。
BUILDING_DESC[Climbing Frame 01]:0 A climbing frame with platforms, ropes, ladders, slides and other ways to develop agility and balance – and most importantly, to have fun. 一座攀登架,可通过平台、绳索、梯子、滑梯等方式来锻炼敏捷与肢体平衡——以及最重要的用途,玩耍。
BUILDING_DESC[Park Plaza]:0 A nice little plaza with trees and a fountain. 一座漂亮的小广场,附有树木与喷泉。
BUILDING_DESC[Park Pier 01]:0 A pier with a platform. 带有平台的码头。
BUILDING_DESC[Park Pier 02]:0 A pier with a platform. 带有平台的码头。
BUILDING_DESC[Park Cafe 01]:0 A small cafe serving refreshments and small snacks. 一座小咖啡厅,提供零食和饮料。
BUILDING_DESC[Park Info Booth 01]:0 Looking for the closest restroom or restaurant? Look no further. The helpful staff of the info booth will gladly provide anyone with their expert guidance and various brochures. 想知道最近的洗手间或是餐馆在哪吗?那就到这来吧。服务台的员工将乐于为任何人提供娴熟的方位指引以及各种旅游指南小册子。
BUILDING_DESC[Trampoline Park 01]:0 A park with multiple trampolines of different sizes. Safety note: Only one person on each trampoline at a time. 有各种尺寸的蹦床的公园。安全提示:每个蹦床只能同时容纳一人。
BUILDING_DESC[Park Chess Board 01]:0 A plaza with four giant chess boards. 带有四个巨型棋盘的广场。
BUILDING_DESC[Gazebo 01]:0 A wooden pavilion providing shade and shelter. 可供遮阳避雨的凉亭。
BUILDING_DESC[Gazebo 02]:0 A wooden pavilion providing shade and shelter. 可供遮阳避雨的凉亭。
BUILDING_DESC[Amusement Park Main Gate]:0 The Main Gate connects the park area to the road network for easier access and maintenance. Main gate also allows tickets to be sold to the park visitors. There can be only one Main Gate per park area. 正门连接公园区域与道路,便于访问与维护。正门也可以对游客出售门票。每个公园区域只能有一座正门。
BUILDING_DESC[Amusement Park Side Gate]:0 The Side Gate connects the park area to the road network allowing additional entrances to the park area. Requires a Main Gate. 侧门连接公园区域与道路,可为公园增加额外的入口。需要正门。
BUILDING_DESC[Amusement Park Cafe 01]:0 A small cafe serving refreshments and small snacks. 一座小咖啡厅,提供零食和饮料。
BUILDING_DESC[Amusement Park Plaza 01]:0 A nice little plaza where people can meet and relax. 一座漂亮的小广场,人们可在此碰面与放松。
BUILDING_DESC[Piggy Train]:0 A fun little piggy train for the kids and those who prefer slower rides that move closer to the ground level. 为儿童以及那些不敢坐过山车的人所准备的小猪火车。
BUILDING_DESC[Carousel]:0 A carousel ride with horses and wagons. 供游客乘坐的旋转木马和马车。
BUILDING_DESC[Bumper Cars]:0 A flat ride with small electrically powered bumper cars. 在平坦的场地上驾驶电动碰碰车。
BUILDING_DESC[Pendulum Ride]:0 An amusement ride based on a movement of a fixed pendulum. 基于钟摆运动的娱乐设施。
BUILDING_DESC[Ferris Wheel]:0 A large rotating upright wheel with multiple passenger-carrying cabins. 一座竖起的大转轮,上面有多个载人客舱。
BUILDING_DESC[Swinging Boat]:0 An amusement ride that consists of a swinging boat with seats. 带有座位的秋千船。
BUILDING_DESC[Drop Tower Ride]:0 An amusement ride where the passengers are lifted to the top of the tower and then released to free-fall down the tower. 一种游乐设施,乘客将升到塔顶端然后向下自由落体。
BUILDING_DESC[Rotating Tea Cups]:0 A small carousel ride consisting of rotating giant tea cups with seats. 旋转的巨型茶杯,里面带有座位。
BUILDING_DESC[House Of Horrors]:0 An amusement ride that travels through the terrifying House of Horrors. 穿越恐怖鬼屋的游乐设施。
BUILDING_DESC[Game Booth 01]:0 A booth with various carnival games like fishing, ring toss and skee-ball. 游玩各种嘉年华游戏的摊位,例如钓鱼、套圈、以及滑雪球。
BUILDING_DESC[Game Booth 02]:0 A booth with various carnival games like fishing, ring toss and skee-ball. 游玩各种嘉年华游戏的摊位,例如钓鱼、套圈、以及滑雪球。
BUILDING_DESC[Amusement Park Souvenir Shop 01]:0 A small shop with a plentiful selection of different souvenirs. 一座小商店,贩卖多种多样的纪念品。
BUILDING_DESC[Rollercoaster]:0 An amusement ride with an elevated railroad track that has tight turns and steep slopes. 一种游乐设施,其轨道悬空架设,并有急转弯与大斜坡。
BUILDING_DESC[Amusement Park Restrooms 01]:0 A toilet facility available for use by the general public. 对公众开放的厕所设施。
BUILDING_DESC[Zoo Main Gate]:0 The Main Gate connects the park area to the road network for easier access and maintenance. Main gate also allows tickets to be sold to the park visitors. There can be only one Main Gate per park area. 正门连接公园区域与道路,便于访问与维护。正门也可以对游客出售门票。每个公园区域只能有一座正门。
BUILDING_DESC[Zoo Side Gate]:0 The Side Gate connects the park area to the road network allowing additional entrances to the park area. Requires a Main Gate. 侧门连接公园区域与道路,可为公园增加额外的入口。需要正门。
BUILDING_DESC[Zoo Restrooms 01]:0 A toilet facility available for use by the general public. 对公众开放的厕所设施。
BUILDING_DESC[Zoo Cafe 01]:0 A small cafe serving refreshments and small snacks. 一座小咖啡厅,提供零食和饮料。
BUILDING_DESC[Zoo Plaza 01]:0 A nice little plaza where people can meet and relax. 一座漂亮的小广场,人们可在此碰面与放松。
BUILDING_DESC[Bison Enclosure]:0 A fenced area with facilities for housing bisons. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养野牛。
BUILDING_DESC[Giraffe Enclosure]:0 A fenced area with facilities for housing giraffes. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养长颈鹿。
BUILDING_DESC[Lion Enclosure]:0 A fenced area with facilities for housing lions. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养狮子。
BUILDING_DESC[Antelope Enclosure]:0 A fenced area with facilities for housing antelopes. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养羚羊。
BUILDING_DESC[Flamingo Enclosure]:0 A fenced area with facilities for housing flamingos. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养火烈鸟。
BUILDING_DESC[Zoo Souvenir Shop 01]:0 A small shop with a plentiful selection of different souvenirs. 一座小商店,贩卖多种多样的纪念品。
BUILDING_DESC[Elephant Enclosure]:0 A fenced area with facilities for housing elephants. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养大象。
BUILDING_DESC[Rhino Enclosure]:0 A fenced area with facilities for housing rhinos. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养犀牛。
BUILDING_DESC[Sealife Enclosure]:0 An enclosure and facilities designed to house exotic fish and aquatic mammals. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养珍奇鱼类与水生哺乳动物。
BUILDING_DESC[Moose And Reindeer Enclosure]:0 A fenced area with facilities for housing moose and reindeers. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养驼鹿与驯鹿。
BUILDING_DESC[Insect Amphibian Reptile House]:0 A building built to house various insects, amphibians and reptiles living in different climates. 用于饲养适应各种不同气候的昆虫,两栖动物与爬行动物的建筑。
BUILDING_DESC[Monkey Palace]:0 An enclosure and facilities designed to house monkeys, apes and other primates. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养猴,猿以及其他灵长类动物。
BUILDING_DESC[Bird House]:0 An enclosure and facilities designed to house birds. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养鸟类。
BUILDING_DESC[Nature Reserve Main Gate]:0 The Main Gate connects the park area to the road network for easier access and maintenance. Main gate also allows tickets to be sold to the park visitors. There can be only one Main Gate per park area. 正门连接公园区域与道路,便于访问与维护。正门也可以对游客出售门票。每个公园区域只能有一座正门。
BUILDING_DESC[Nature Reserve Side Gate]:0 The Side Gate connects the park area to the road network allowing additional entrances to the park area. Requires a Main Gate. 侧门连接公园区域与道路,可为公园增加额外的入口。需要正门。
BUILDING_DESC[Lean-To Shelter 01]:0 A small wooden shelter with a campfire. 一座木质小披棚,带有营火。
BUILDING_DESC[Lean-To Shelter 02]:0 A small wooden shelter with a campfire. 一座木质小披棚,带有营火。
BUILDING_DESC[Hunting Cabin 01]:0 A small cabin that can accommodate a small group of hunters or hikers. 一座小屋,可容纳几位猎人或驴友。
BUILDING_DESC[Hunting Cabin 02]:0 A small cabin that can accommodate a small group of hunters or hikers. 一座小屋,可容纳几位猎人或驴友。
BUILDING_DESC[Viewing Deck 01]:0 A raised wooden platform. 一座高耸的木质平台。
BUILDING_DESC[Viewing Deck 02]:0 A raised wooden platform. 一座高耸的木质平台。
BUILDING_DESC[Campfire Site 01]:0 A small open hut with a campfire and seats. 一座开放的小屋,带有营火与座位。
BUILDING_DESC[Campfire Site 02]:0 An open air campfire with seats around it. 露天的营火,周围有座位。
BUILDING_DESC[Lookout Tower 01]:0 A small wooden tower providing a better vantage point for bird-watchers, hunters and hikers. 为观鸟者,猎人以及驴友提供更好视野的小木塔。
BUILDING_DESC[Lookout Tower 02]:0 A tall wooden tower providing a high vantage point for bird-watchers, hunters and hikers. 为观鸟者,猎人以及驴友提供更好视野的小木塔。
BUILDING_DESC[Tent Camping Site 01]:0 An area cleared for campers. 为宿营者准备的空地。
BUILDING_DESC[Bouldering Site 01]:0 A small park with large rocks that can be used for bouldering. 一座带有大石头的小公园,可以用来铺设石子路。
BUILDING_DESC[Camping Site 01]:0 A camping site with small cabins and various amenities for a more comfortable stay. 有小屋以及各种设施的营地,相对来说较为舒适。
BUILDING_DESC[Tent 01]:0 A small portable tent. 一座便携小帐篷。
BUILDING_DESC[Tent 02]:0 A small portable tent. 一座便携小帐篷。
BUILDING_DESC[Tent 03]:0 A small portable tent. 一座便携小帐篷。
BUILDING_DESC[Fishing Cabin 01]:0 A small cabin that can accommodate a small group of fishers, kayakers or hikers. 一座小屋,可容纳几位钓鱼者,划船者或是驴友。
BUILDING_DESC[Fishing Cabin 02]:0 A small cabin that can accommodate a small group of fishers, kayakers or hikers. 一座小屋,可容纳几位钓鱼者,划船者或是驴友。
BUILDING_DESC[Park Maintenance Building]:0 Park Maintenance Building is a facility where the park maintenance vehicles are stored and maintained. The park maintenance vehicles travel around the city to boost the parks, increasing their entertainment value and radius. 公园维护楼用于停放并保养公园维护车。公园维护车会在城里巡游并为公园作宣传,增加公园的娱乐值和有效范围。
BUILDING_DESC[Sightseeing Bus Depot]:0 The Sightseeing Bus Depot automatically sends out buses to the bus tour lines. Build sightseeing-bus tour lines by building Sightseeing Bus Stops next to attractions. Adjust the number of sightseeing buses available in the budget panel. 游览车调度站自动向游览车路线派遣游览车。在景点附近建造游览车站来设立游览车路线。可在预算面板调整游览车的数量。
BUILDING_DESC[City Arch]:0 A monumental gate that spans over a road. Increases the tourist capacity of roads by 5%. 一座横跨马路的纪念大门。令马路的游客容量提高5%。
BUILDING_DESC[Clock Tower]:0 A tall and impressive clock tower which helps the citizens to stick to their schedules. Increases the speed of trains by 20%. 一座高耸而雄伟的钟楼,帮助市民们注意时间。令火车的速度提升20%。
BUILDING_DESC[Old Market Street]:0 The Old Market Street is an atmospheric street with traditional small shops and boutiques. Increases tax income of the nearby Commercial Zones by 5%. 老市场街是一条颇具特色的街道,包含了传统的小商店和精品店。令附近的商业区域税收增加5%。
BUILDING_DESC[Sea Fortress]:0 A massive fortress built next to the shore out of stone blocks and brickwork. Increases the Ship and Airport traffic's tourist capacity by 5%. 建立在海边的巨大要塞,由砖石砌成。船只与机场的游客容量增加5%。
BUILDING_DESC[Observation Tower]:0 A tall needle-shaped tower with an observation deck and a restaurant on top of it. Increases the effect radius of all Parks and Plazas by 10%. 一座针状的尖塔,顶端有瞭望平台与餐馆。所有公园与广场的有效范围增加10%。
BUILDING_DESC[The Statue Of Colossalus]:0 A gigantic statue standing proudly on the shore. The Statue of Colossalus increases the stay of the tourists in your city by 20%. 一座骄傲地耸立在沙滩上的巨型雕像。巨人像可使游客在你的城市的停留时间增加20%。
BUILDING_DESC[Castle Of Lord Chirpwick]:0 An impressive castle is what every significant city needs and the Castle of Lord Chirpwick is exactly that. It has a global Entertainment value of 100 and it increases the Attractiveness of all the Unique Buildings by 25%. 每座重要的城市都需要一座像齐普维克城堡这样的中世纪城堡。除了很有气势以外,它还有100的全局娱乐值,并使所有其它独特建筑的吸引力增加25%。

BUILDING_DESC[Hot Air Balloon Tours]:0 The Hot Air Balloon Tours service stores and maintains hot air balloons and organizes hot air balloon tours over the city. Tours with a high appeal value around the starting point are more popular. 热气球观光服务存放并维护热气球,同时会在都市上空组织热气球观光。观光起始区域如果吸引力较高,那么观光线路也会更受欢迎。
BUILDING_DESC[Wildlife Spawn Point 2]:0 Allows exotic wildlife to spawn on the map from this point. This spawn point can also be placed on water to spawn exotic fish and aquatic mammals on the map. 允许珍奇野生动物从这里生成在地图上。这个标记也可以放置于水上,用来生成珍奇鱼类和水生哺乳动物。
BUILDING_DESC[Cave 01]:0 A natural rock formation with a cave entrance. 带有洞窟入口的天然岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Cave 02]:0 A natural rock formation with a cave entrance. 带有洞窟入口的天然岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Cave 03]:0 A natural rock formation with a cave entrance. 带有洞窟入口的天然岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Cliff 01]:0 A natural rock formation with steep cliffs. 形成陡峭悬崖的天然岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Cliff 02]:0 A natural rock formation with steep cliffs. 形成陡峭悬崖的天然岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Cliff 03]:0 A natural rock formation with steep cliffs. 形成陡峭悬崖的天然岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Cliff 04]:0 A natural rock formation with steep cliffs. 形成陡峭悬崖的天然岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Cliff 05]:0 A natural rock formation with steep cliffs. 形成陡峭悬崖的天然岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Cliff 06]:0 A natural rock formation with steep cliffs. 形成陡峭悬崖的天然岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Cliff 07]:0 A natural rock formation with steep cliffs. 形成陡峭悬崖的天然岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Cliff 08]:0 A natural rock formation with steep cliffs. 形成陡峭悬崖的天然岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Cliff 09]:0 A natural rock formation with steep cliffs. 形成陡峭悬崖的天然岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Cliff 10]:0 A natural rock formation with steep cliffs. 形成陡峭悬崖的天然岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Cliff 11]:0 A natural rock formation with steep cliffs. 形成陡峭悬崖的天然岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Cliff 12]:0 A natural rock formation with steep cliffs. 形成陡峭悬崖的天然岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Rock Formation 01 B]:0 A stylish rock formation. 一段壮丽的岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Rock Formation 01 C]:0 A stylish rock formation. 一段壮丽的岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Rock Formation 02 B]:0 A stylish rock formation. 一段壮丽的岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Rock Formation 02 C]:0 A stylish rock formation. 一段壮丽的岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Rock Formation 03 B]:0 A stylish rock formation. 一段壮丽的岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Rock Formation 03 C]:0 A stylish rock formation. 一段壮丽的岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Rock Formation 04 B]:0 A stylish rock formation. 一段壮丽的岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Rock Formation 04 C]:0 A stylish rock formation. 一段壮丽的岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Tree Sapling Green House 01 Winter]:0 A small field with rows of planted tree saplings. Tree Sapling Field produce raw forest products. Extractor need to be placed on forest area inside Industry Area. 种植了数排树苗的小型田地。树苗田生产林业初级制品。提取器需要被放置在工业区的森林区上。
BUILDING_DESC[Tree Sapling Green House 02 Winter]:0 A large field with rows of planted tree saplings. Tree Sapling Field produce raw forest products. Extractor need to be placed on forest area inside Industry Area. 种植了数排树苗的大型田地。树苗田生产林业初级制品。提取器需要被放置在工业区的森林区上。
BUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Green House 01 Winter]:0 Small Crops Greenhouse can be used to cultivate wheat, potato, corn or cotton. Extractor produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. 小型农作物温室能够用于种植小麦、土豆、玉米或棉花。提取器生产农业原材料 - 农作物。提取器需要被放置在工业区肥沃的土地上。
BUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Green House 02 Winter]:0 Medium Crops Greenhouse can be used to cultivate wheat, potato, corn or cotton. Extractor produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. 中型农作物温室能够用于种植小麦、土豆、玉米或棉花。提取器生产农业原材料 - 农作物。提取器需要被放置在工业区肥沃的土地上。
BUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Green House 03 Winter]:0 Large Crops Greenhouse can be used to cultivate wheat, potato, corn or cotton. Extractor produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. 大型农作物温室能够用于种植小麦、土豆、玉米或棉花。提取器生产农业原材料 - 农作物。提取器需要被放置在工业区肥沃的土地上。
BUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Green House 01 Winter]:0 Small Fruit Field can be used to cultivate apples, oranges or pears. Extractor produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. 小型水果田能够用于种植苹果、橙或梨。提取器生产农业原材料 - 农作物。提取器需要被放置在工业区肥沃的土地上。
BUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Green House 02 Winter]:0 Medium Fruit Field can be used to cultivate apples, oranges or pears. Extractor produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. 中型水果田能够用于种植苹果、橙或梨。提取器生产农业原材料 - 农作物。提取器需要被放置在工业区肥沃的土地上。
BUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Green House 03 Winter]:0 Large Fruit Field can be used to cultivate apples, oranges or pears. Extractor produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. 大型水果田能够用于种植苹果、橙或梨。提取器生产农业原材料 - 农作物。提取器需要被放置在工业区肥沃的土地上。
BUILDING_DESC[Post Office 01]:0 Post Office offers mail-related services such as acceptance and delivery of letters and parcels. Each Post Office maintains a small fleet of post vans that collect and distribute mail locally. 邮政局提供邮件相关的服务,比如收发信件和包裹。每个邮局都有少量邮车专门负责收发当地邮件。
BUILDING_DESC[Post Sorting Facility 01]:0 Large trucks collect the mail from the local Post Offices and takes it to Post Sorting Facilities. There the mail is sorted into batches for delivery to the addressee locally and outside the city. 从当地邮政局将邮件收集起来并用大型卡车运载到邮政分拣设施 ,邮件在那里按照不同的收件地址区域分批次整理好,然后再发送出去。
BUILDING_DESC[Oneway Toll Booth Medium 01]:0 You can apply a fee for using a road or accessing an area by placing a Toll Booth on a road. The cars must pay toll to pass the toll and the fee can be adjusted from the Toll Booths info panel. Toll Booths slow down the traffic as the cars need to stop at the booth to pay for the toll. No pedestrian traffic across Toll Booth. 你可以在公路上放置收费站来对路过的车辆进行收费,车辆只有在缴费后才可通过收费站,具体收费金额可以在收费站信息面板上进行调整。由于车辆需要停下缴费,所以行进速度会变慢,步行的行人不可通过收费站。
BUILDING_DESC[Twoway Toll Booth Medium 01]:0 You can apply a fee for using a road or accessing an area by placing a Toll Booth on a road. The cars must pay toll to pass the toll and the fee can be adjusted from the Toll Booths info panel. Toll Booths slow down the traffic as the cars need to stop at the booth to pay for the toll. No pedestrian traffic across Toll Booth. 你可以在公路上放置收费站来对路过的车辆进行收费,车辆只有在缴费后才可通过收费站,具体收费金额可以在收费站信息面板上进行调整。由于车辆需要停下缴费,所以行进速度会变慢,步行的行人不可通过收费站。
BUILDING_DESC[Oneway Toll Booth Large 01]:0 You can apply a fee for using a road or accessing an area by placing a Toll Booth on a road. The cars must pay toll to pass the toll and the fee can be adjusted from the Toll Booths info panel. Toll Booths slow down the traffic as the cars need to stop at the booth to pay for the toll. No pedestrian traffic across Toll Booth. 你可以在公路上放置收费站来对路过的车辆进行收费,车辆只有在缴费后才可通过收费站,具体收费金额可以在收费站信息面板上进行调整。由于车辆需要停下缴费,所以行进速度会变慢,步行的行人不可通过收费站。
BUILDING_DESC[Twoway Toll Booth Large 01]:0 You can apply a fee for using a road or accessing an area by placing a Toll Booth on a road. The cars must pay toll to pass the toll and the fee can be adjusted from the Toll Booths info panel. Toll Booths slow down the traffic as the cars need to stop at the booth to pay for the toll. No pedestrian traffic across Toll Booth. 你可以在公路上放置收费站来对路过的车辆进行收费,车辆只有在缴费后才可通过收费站,具体收费金额可以在收费站信息面板上进行调整。由于车辆需要停下缴费,所以行进速度会变慢,步行的行人不可通过收费站。
BUILDING_DESC[Cargo Airport 01]:0 An airport specialized in handling large amounts of cargo instead of passengers. Cargo hangars and loading platforms for trucks allow the goods to be transported smoothly in and out of the Cargo Airport. 专门负责运输大量货物而非客运的货运机场。专门为卡车设置的装货平台和货运机库可以让货物更便捷地进出货运机场。
BUILDING_DESC[Cargo Airport Hub 01]:0 A large airport specialized in handling large amounts of cargo instead of passengers. Cargo hangars and loading platforms for trucks and trains allow the goods to be transported smoothly in and out of the Cargo Airport Hub. 专门负责运输大量货物而非客运的大型货运机场。专门为卡车和火车设置的装货平台和货运机库可以让货物更便捷地进出货运机场。
BUILDING_DESC[Bakery 01]:0 Who wouldn’t love the delicious smell of a freshly baked donuts early in the morning. Bakery produces tasty Go Nuts Donuts and takes care of the curves of your citizens. The Bakery requires Animal Products, Crops and Flour special goods to produce its tasty pastries. Unique Factories can be placed outside Industry Area. 谁会不喜欢清晨刚烤好的甜甜圈的香味呢?面包店生产美味的疯狂甜甜圈,并且负责市民们的身材曲线。面包店需要动物制品、农作物和面粉来生产美味的糕点。独特工厂可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Lemonade Factory 01]:0 Yaxu – it’s like a hug in a can! Lemonade Factory produces sweet and energizing Yaxu beverages in a variety of different tastes. Crops and Glass special goods are needed to produce these drinks. Unique Factories can be placed outside Industry Area. 亚旭 - 像在罐子里拥抱一样!柠檬水工厂生产各种口味的甜味活力亚旭饮料。生产这些饮料需要农作物和玻璃。独特工厂可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Food Factory 01]:0 Hermann is the hero of all the hungry people. Hermann’s Quality Foods offers a wide selection of convenience food products. The Food Factory requires Animal Products, Flour, Paper and Plastic special goods to produce the food products. Unique Factories can be placed outside Industry Area. 赫尔曼是所有饥饿的人的英雄!赫尔曼的精致食品提供了各种方便食品。食品工厂需要动物制品、面粉、纸和塑料来生产食品。独特工厂可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Clothing Factory 01]:0 Pernu Apparel is a clothing brand known for its high quality materials and flawless fashion sense. The Clothing Factory needs Animal Products, Crops and Plastic special goods to produce the Pernu Apparel quality clothing. Unique Factories can be placed outside Industry Area. 柏奴服装是以高质量材料和完美时尚感而著称的服装品牌。服装工厂需要动物制品、农作物和塑料来生产柏奴服装品质的服装。独特工厂可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Furniture Factory 01]:0 WoodVision is a furniture manufacturer known for its innovative design and distinctive style. The WoodVision Furniture Factory requires Planed Timber and Paper special goods to manufacture their valued products. Unique Factories can be placed outside Industry Area. 伍德视觉是以创新设计和独特风格而著称的家具制造商。伍德视觉家具工厂需要刨光木材和纸来制造高价值的商品。独特工厂可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Modular House Factory 01]:0 Little Boxes has revolutionized modular house building with their patented house manufacturing methods. To produce their innovative housing solutions the Little Boxes Modular House Factory needs Planed Timber, Plastic, Glass and Metals special goods. Unique Factories can be placed outside Industry Area. 小盒子用他们拥有专利的房屋建造方法革新了模块化的房屋建造。为了生产他们创新的房屋解决方案,小盒子模块化房屋工厂需要刨光木材、塑料、玻璃和金属。独特工厂可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Soft Paper Factory 01]:0 North Acre Paper products are ubiquitous. Their printer paper, tissue paper and toilet paper save many situations on daily basis at homes, offices and workshops. The North Acre Soft Paper Factory needs Crops, Paper, Petroleum and Plastic special goods to manufacture the paper products. Unique Factories can be placed outside Industry Area. 北地纸业的产品无所不在。他们的打印纸、棉纸和卫生纸每天都能为家庭、办公室和车间处理各种情况。北地软纸工厂需要农作物、纸、石油和塑料来生产纸制品。独特工厂可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Printing Press 01]:0 Lassoloc Press is a full service printer that offers a vast array of printing services from book printing to business cards and posters. The Printing Press needs Paper and Plastic special goods for to manufacture the printer products. Unique Factories can be placed outside Industry Area. 拉索洛克打印是提供从书刊印刷到名片和海报等大量打印服务的全面服务商。印刷厂需要纸和塑料来制造打印机产品。独特工厂可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Toy Factory 01]:0 Tiny Toys produces a wide variety of toys for children of all ages. The Toy Factory requires Paper, Planed Timber and Plastic special goods for the manufacturing. Unique Factories can be placed outside Industry Area. 小玩具生产适合全年龄儿童的各种玩具。玩具工厂需要纸、刨光木材和塑料来制造。独特工厂可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Household Plastic Factory 01]:0 TekkVinyl household plastics are renown for their durability and practical design. The Household Plastic Factory requires Petroleum and Plastic special goods for the manufacturing of household plastic products. Unique Factories can be placed outside Industry Area. 泰克乙烯基家用塑料以它的耐用性和实用设计而闻名。家用塑料工厂需要石油和塑料来制造家用塑料制品。独特工厂可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Sneaker Factory 01]:0 SneakeRidge is a rising sneaker brand combining the classic fashion aesthetics with ergonomic and vegan-friendly barefoot shoe design. The Sneaker Factory needs Crops, Paper, Petroleum and Plastic special goods to manufacture sneakers. Unique Factories can be placed outside Industry Area. 运动之脊是一个新兴的运动鞋品牌,将经典的时尚美学和符合人体工程学和素食主义的赤脚鞋设计融为一体。运动鞋厂需要农作物、纸、石油和塑料来制造运动鞋。独特工厂可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Petroleum Refinery 01]:0 Grantco Petroleum Refinery produces a wide range of different petroleum products and fuels. The refining process requires Petroleum, Plastic and Metals special goods to manufacture and store the refined petroleum products. Unique Factories can be placed outside Industry Area. 格兰迪克石油精炼厂生产各种不同的石油制品和燃料。精炼过程需要石油、塑料和金属来制造和储存精炼后的石油制品。独特工厂可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Car Factory 01]:0 Jubilee Car Factory brings you the cars of the future. Dozens of cars are manufactured daily at the Car Factory assembly lines. Animal Products, Plastic, Glass and Metals special goods are needed to manufacture these affordable quality cars. Unique Factories can be placed outside Industry Area. 千禧汽车厂为你带来未来的汽车。汽车厂装配线每天制造几十辆汽车。动物制品、塑料、玻璃和金属需要用于制造这些高质量的汽车。独特工厂可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Dry Dock 01]:0 Ocean Port Shipyard is known for its high quality cruise ships that are delivered around the world. Ship construction requires Planed Timber, Plastic, Glass and Metals goods. Unique Factories can be placed outside Industry Area. 海港船厂以它交付给全世界的高质量游轮而闻名。造船需要刨光木材、塑料、玻璃和金属。独特工厂可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Electronics Factory 01]:0 Lehto Electronics produces electronics from simple house appliances to advanced computer systems. The Electronics Factory requires Plastic, Glass and Metals special goods to manufacture the electronic products. Unique Factories can be placed outside Industry Area. 莱赫托电子生产从简单的家用电器到高级的计算机系统等电子产品。电子工厂需要塑料、玻璃和金属来制造电子产品。独特工厂可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Industrial Steel Plant 01]:0 PaulCo Industrial Steel Plant produces machine parts, tools and other industrial-grade steel products. Industrial Steel Plant needs Metals special goods for the production and packaging. Unique Factories can be placed outside Industry Area. 保罗克工业钢铁厂生产机械部件、工具和其他工业级钢材产品。工业钢铁厂需要金属特产来进行生产和封装工作。可将独特工厂设置在工业区外部。
BUILDING_DESC[Warehouse Yard 01]:0 A fenced yard for storing goods and products. A warehouse has three different operating modes: fill, empty and balanced (default). On Balanced mode the warehouse will operate based on the current demand. The operating mode can be adjusted from the building’s info panel. 带有围栏的专门存储货物和产品的场地。仓库有三种操作模式:存满货物模式、空置模式和平衡(默认)模式。在平衡模式中,仓库会根据当前需求来进行运作。仓库的操作模式可以在建筑的信息面板中进行调整。
BUILDING_DESC[Small Warehouse 01]:0 A small warehouse for storing goods and products. A warehouse has three different operating modes: fill, empty and balanced (default). On Balanced mode the warehouse will operate based on the current demand. The operating mode can be adjusted from the building’s info panel. 用来存储货物和产品的小型仓库,仓库有三种操作模式:存满货物模式、空置模式和平衡(默认)模式。在平衡模式中,仓库会根据当前需求来进行运作。仓库的操作模式可以在建筑的信息面板中进行调整。
BUILDING_DESC[Medium Warehouse 01]:0 A medium warehouse for storing goods and products. A warehouse has three different operating modes: fill, empty and balanced (default). On Balanced mode the warehouse will operate based on the current demand. The operating mode can be adjusted from the building’s info panel. 用于存储货物和产品的中型仓库。仓库有三种操作模式:存满货物模式、空置模式和平衡(默认)模式。在平衡模式中,仓库会根据当前需求来进行运作。仓库的操作模式可以在建筑的信息面板中进行调整。
BUILDING_DESC[Large Warehouse 01]:0 A large warehouse for storing goods and products. A warehouse has three different operating modes: fill, empty and balanced (default). On Balanced mode the warehouse will operate based on the current demand. The operating mode can be adjusted from the building’s info panel. 用于存储货物和产品的大型仓库。仓库有三种操作模式:存满货物模式、空置模式和平衡(默认)模式。在平衡模式中,仓库会根据当前需求来进行运作。仓库的操作模式可以在建筑的信息面板中进行调整。
BUILDING_DESC[Farm Main Building Level 1]:0 Farm Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Farming and allows its level progression. It also works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 农业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为农业,并且能够升级。它还会作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_DESC[Farm Main Building Level 2]:0 Farm Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Farming and allows its level progression. It also works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 农业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为农业,并且能够升级。它还会作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_DESC[Farm Main Building Level 3]:0 Farm Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Farming and allows its level progression. It also works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 农业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为农业,并且能够升级。它还会作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_DESC[Farm Workers Barracks 01]:0 Workers’ barracks increases the work efficiency of the workers in the Industry Area. Each building increases the Work efficiency by 5% up to the maximum of 100%. Auxiliary building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 工人工棚提高工人在工业区内的工作效率。


BUILDING_DESC[Farm Maintenance Building 01]:0 Maintenance Buildings take care of industrial buildings increasing their utilization rate and reducing wastage. Each maintenance building increases the storage capacity of industrial buildings by 5%. Auxiliary building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 维护建筑管理工业建筑,提高它们的利用率并降低损耗。每座维护建筑使工业建筑的储存容量提高5%。附属建筑需要被放置在工业区以内。
BUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Wheat 01]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of wheat. 用于培育小麦的庄稼田。
BUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Wheat 02]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of wheat. 用于培育小麦的庄稼田。
BUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Wheat 03]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of wheat. 用于培育小麦的庄稼田。
BUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Potato 01]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of potato. 用于培育土豆的庄稼田。
BUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Potato 02]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of potato. 用于培育土豆的庄稼田。
BUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Potato 03]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of potato. 用于培育土豆的庄稼田。
BUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Corn 01]:0 Small Crop Field can be used to cultivate wheat, potato, corn or cotton. All extractor variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. 小型农作物田能够用于种植小麦、土豆、玉米或棉花。所有提取器都生产农业原材料 – 农作物。提取器需要被放置在工业区肥沃的土地上。
BUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Corn 02]:0 Medium Crop Field can be used to cultivate wheat, potato, corn or cotton. All extractor variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. 中型农作物田能够用于种植小麦、土豆、玉米或棉花。所有提取器都生产农业原材料 – 农作物。提取器需要被放置在工业区肥沃的土地上。
BUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Corn 03]:0 Large Crop Field can be used to cultivate wheat, potato, corn or cotton. All extractor variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. 大型农作物田能够用于种植小麦、土豆、玉米或棉花。所有提取器都生产农业原材料 – 农作物。提取器需要被放置在工业区肥沃的土地上。
BUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Cotton 01]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of cotton. 用于培育棉花的庄稼田。
BUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Cotton 02]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of cotton. 用于培育棉花的庄稼田。
BUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Cotton 03]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of cotton. 用于培育棉花的庄稼田。
BUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Green House 01]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of crops and vegetables. 用来培育农作物和蔬菜的温室。
BUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Green House 02]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of crops and vegetables. 用来培育农作物和蔬菜的温室。
BUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Green House 03]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of crops and vegetables. 用来培育农作物和蔬菜的温室。
BUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Apple 01]:0 Small Fruit Field can be used to cultivate apples, oranges or pears. All extractor variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. 小型水果田能够用于种植苹果、橙或梨。所有提取器都生产农业原材料 – 农作物。提取器需要被放置在工业区肥沃的土地上。
BUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Apple 02]:0 Medium Fruit Field can be used to cultivate apples, oranges or pears. All extractor variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. 中型水果田能够用于种植苹果、橙或梨。所有提取器都生产农业原材料 – 农作物。提取器需要被放置在工业区肥沃的土地上。
BUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Apple 03]:0 Large Fruit Field can be used to cultivate apples, oranges or pears. All extractor variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. 大型水果田能够用于种植苹果、橙或梨。所有提取器都生产农业原材料 – 农作物。提取器需要被放置在工业区肥沃的土地上。
BUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Orange 01]:0 A fruit plantation used for cultivation of oranges. 用来培育柑橘的水果种植园。
BUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Orange 02]:0 A fruit plantation used for cultivation of oranges. 用来培育柑橘的水果种植园。
BUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Orange 03]:0 A fruit plantation used for cultivation of oranges. 用来培育柑橘的水果种植园。
BUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Pear 01]:0 A fruit plantation used for cultivation of pears. 用来培育梨子的水果种植园。
BUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Pear 02]:0 A fruit plantation used for cultivation of pears. 用来培育梨子的水果种植园。
BUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Pear 03]:0 A fruit plantation used for cultivation of pears. 用来培育梨子的水果种植园。
BUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Green House 01]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of fruits. 用于培育水果的温室。
BUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Green House 02]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of fruits. 用于培育水果的温室。
BUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Green House 03]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of fruits. 用于培育水果的温室。
BUILDING_DESC[Barn 01]:0 A barn building used for storing the farming industry raw materials - crops. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. 用于储存农产品资源的仓库。储存设施可设置在工业区外部。
BUILDING_DESC[Barn 02]:0 A large barn building used for storing farming industry raw materials - crops. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. 用于储存农产品资源的大型仓库。储存设施可设置在工业区外部。
BUILDING_DESC[Grain Silo 01]:0 A simple grain silo used for storing farming industry raw materials – crops. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. 用于储存农产品资源的普通谷粮仓。储存设施可设置在工业区外部。
BUILDING_DESC[Grain Silo 02]:0 A large grain silo used for storing farming industry raw materials – crops. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. 用于储存农产品资源的大型谷粮仓。储存设施可设置在工业区外部。
BUILDING_DESC[Animal Pasture 01]:0 Small Animal Pastures are used for grazing cows, pigs, sheep or highland cows. All processing building variations require crops to produce farming special good – animal products. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 小型动物牧场能够用于放牧奶牛、猪、羊或高地奶牛。所有处理建筑需要农作物才能农业特殊商品 - 动物制品。处理建筑需要被放置在工业区内。
BUILDING_DESC[Animal Pasture 02]:0 Large Animal Pastures are used for grazing cows, pigs, sheep or highland cows. All processing building variations require crops to produce farming special good – animal products. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 大型动物牧场能够用于放牧奶牛、猪、羊或高地奶牛。所有处理建筑需要农作物才能农业特殊商品 - 动物制品。处理建筑需要被放置在工业区内。
BUILDING_DESC[Cattle Shed 01]:0 Cattle sheds are well ventilated buildings used to raise cattle and provide them shelter against harsh weather. This processing building require crops to produce farming special good – animal products. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 牛棚是通风良好的建筑,用于养牛并为它们抵挡恶劣天气。这个处理建筑需要农作物才能生产农业特殊商品 – 动物制品。处理建筑需要被放置在工业区内。
BUILDING_DESC[Slaughter House 01]:0 Modern slaughterhouses are hygienic facilities that process slaughtered animals efficiently into various products. This processing building require crops to produce farming special good – animal products. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 现代化的屠宰场是将屠宰后的动物有效地处理成各种制品的卫生设施。这个处理建筑需要农作物才能生产农业特殊商品 – 动物制品。处理建筑需要被放置在工业区内。
BUILDING_DESC[Milking Parlour 01]:0 Milking parlors are designed to maximize the production of milk by mechanizing and streamlining the milking process. This processing building require crops to produce farming special good – animal products. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 挤奶室被设计用于通过机械化和流线型化挤奶过程来使奶的生产量最大化。这个处理建筑需要农作物才能生产农业特殊商品 – 动物制品。处理建筑需要被放置在工业区内。
BUILDING_DESC[Flour Mill 01]:0 Flour Mill is a processing building, which require crops to produce special good – flour. Flour mills grind crops into flour and package it for transportation. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 磨粉厂是一座处理建筑,需要农作物才能生产特殊商品 – 动物制品。磨粉厂将农作物研磨成面粉,并将其打包运输。处理建筑需要被放置在工业区内。
BUILDING_DESC[Forestry Main Building Level 1]:0 Forestry Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Forest Industry and allows its level progression. It also works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 林业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为林业,并且能够升级。它还会作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_DESC[Forestry Main Building Level 2]:0 Forestry Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Forest Industry and allows its level progression. It also works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 林业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为林业,并且能够升级。它还会作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_DESC[Forestry Main Building Level 3]:0 Forestry Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Forest Industry and allows its level progression. It also works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 林业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为林业,并且能够升级。它还会作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_DESC[Forestry Workers Barracks 01]:0 Workers’ barracks increases the work efficiency of the workers in the Industry Area. Each building increases the Work efficiency by 5% up to the maximum of 100%. Auxiliary building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 工人工棚提高工人在工业区内的工作效率。


BUILDING_DESC[Forestry Maintenance Building 01]:0 Maintenance Buildings take care of industrial buildings increasing their utilization rate and reducing wastage. Each maintenance building increases the storage capacity of industrial buildings by 5%. Auxiliary building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 维护建筑管理工业建筑,提高它们的利用率并降低损耗。每座维护建筑使工业建筑的储存容量提高5%。附属建筑需要被放置在工业区以内。
BUILDING_DESC[Tree Sapling Field 01]:0 A small field with rows of planted tree saplings. Tree Sapling Field produce raw forest products. Extractor need to be placed on forest area inside Industry Area. 种植了数排树苗的小型田地。树苗田生产林业初级制品。提取器需要被放置在工业区的森林区上。
BUILDING_DESC[Tree Sapling Field 02]:0 A large field with rows of planted tree saplings. Tree Sapling Field produce raw forest products. Extractor need to be placed on forest area inside Industry Area. 种植了数排树苗的大型田地。树苗田生产林业初级制品。提取器需要被放置在工业区的森林区上。
BUILDING_DESC[Tree Sapling Green House 01]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of tree saplings. 用于培育树苗的温室。
BUILDING_DESC[Tree Sapling Green House 02]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of tree saplings. 用于培育树苗的温室。
BUILDING_DESC[Tree Plantation Alder 01]:0 Small Tree Plantation can be used to cultivate alder, beech or conifer. All extractor variations produce raw forest products. Extractor need to be placed on forest area inside Industry Area. 小型树木种植能够用于种植桤木、山毛榉或针叶树。所有提取器都生产林业初级制品。提取器需要被放置在工业区的森林区上。
BUILDING_DESC[Tree Plantation Alder 02]:0 Medium Tree Plantation can be used to cultivate alder, beech or conifer. All extractor variations produce raw forest products. Extractor need to be placed on forest area inside Industry Area. 中型树木种植能够用于种植桤木、山毛榉或针叶树。所有提取器都生产林业初级制品。提取器需要被放置在工业区的森林区上。
BUILDING_DESC[Tree Plantation Alder 03]:0 Large Tree Plantation can be used to cultivate alder, beech or conifer. All extractor variations produce raw forest products. Extractor need to be placed on forest area inside Industry Area. 大型树木种植能够用于种植桤木、山毛榉或针叶树。所有提取器都生产林业初级制品。提取器需要被放置在工业区的森林区上。
BUILDING_DESC[Tree Plantation Beech 01]:0 A small plantation of beech. 种植山毛榉的小型种植园。
BUILDING_DESC[Tree Plantation Beech 02]:0 A medium sized plantation of beech. 种植山毛榉的中型种植园。
BUILDING_DESC[Tree Plantation Beech 03]:0 A large plantation of beech. 种植山毛榉的大型种植园。
BUILDING_DESC[Tree Plantation Conifer 01]:0 A small plantation of conifer. 种植针叶树的小型种植园。
BUILDING_DESC[Tree Plantation Conifer 02]:0 A medium sized plantation of conifer. 种植针叶树的中型种植园。
BUILDING_DESC[Tree Plantation Conifer 03]:0 A large plantation of conifer. 种植针叶树的大型种植园。
BUILDING_DESC[Log Yard 01]:0 A small storage yard for storing raw forest products. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. 用于储存林业初级制品的小型储存场。储存建筑可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Log Yard 02]:0 A large storage yard for storing raw forest products. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. 用于储存林业初级制品的大型储存场。储存建筑可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Saw Dust Storage 01]:0 A Saw Dust Storage building used for storing raw forest products. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. 用于储存林业初级制品的木屑储存建筑。储存建筑可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Wood Chip Storage 01]:0 A storage facility for storing raw forest products. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. 用于储存林业初级制品的储存设施。储存建筑可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Saw Mill 01]:0 This processing building require raw forest products to produce forestry special good – planed timber. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 这个处理建筑需要林业初级制品来生产林业特殊商品 - 刨光木材。处理建筑需要被放置在工业区内。
BUILDING_DESC[Engineered Wood Plant 01]:0 Engineered wood plants manufacture forestry special good – planed timber. This processing building require raw forest products to operate. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 工程木工厂制造林业特殊商品 - 刨光木材。这个处理建筑需要林业初级制品才能运作。处理建筑需要被放置在工业区内。
BUILDING_DESC[Biomass Pellet Plant 01]:0 Biomass pellet plants is a processing building, which require raw forest products to produce special good – paper. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 生物质颗粒工厂是一座处理建筑,需要林业初级制品才能生产特殊商品 - 纸。处理建筑需要被放置在工业区内。
BUILDING_DESC[Pulp Mill 01]:0 Pulp mill uses raw forest products to produce forestry special good – paper. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 纸浆厂使用林业初级制品来生产林业特殊商品 - 纸。处理建筑需要被放置在工业区内。
BUILDING_DESC[Oil Industry Main Building Level 1]:0 Oil Industry Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Oil Industry and allows its level progression. It also works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 石油业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为石油业,并且能够升级。它还会作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_DESC[Oil Industry Main Building Level 2]:0 Oil Industry Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Oil Industry and allows its level progression. It also works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 石油业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为石油业,并且能够升级。它还会作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_DESC[Oil Industry Main Building Level 3]:0 Oil Industry Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Oil Industry and allows its level progression. It also works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 石油业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为石油业,并且能够升级。它还会作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_DESC[Oil Industry Workers Barracks 01]:0 Workers’ barracks increases the work efficiency of the workers in the Industry Area. Each building increases the Work efficiency by 5% up to the maximum of 100%. Auxiliary building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 工人工棚提高工人在工业区内的工作效率。


BUILDING_DESC[Oil Industry Maintenance Building 01]:0 Maintenance Buildings take care of industrial buildings increasing their utilization rate and reducing wastage. Each maintenance building increases the storage capacity of industrial buildings by 5%. Auxiliary building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 维护建筑管理工业建筑,提高它们的利用率并降低损耗。每座维护建筑使工业建筑的储存容量提高5%。附属建筑需要被放置在工业区以内。
BUILDING_DESC[Oil Pump 01]:0 A single oil pump for extracting oil industry raw material from an underground reservoir. Extractor need to be placed on oil field inside Industry Area. 用于从地下油库抽取石油资源的普通油泵。设施需设置在工业区的油田内。
BUILDING_DESC[Oil Pump 02]:0 A line of four oil pumps for extracting oil industry raw materials from an underground reservoir. Extractor need to be placed on oil field inside Industry Area. 用于从地下油库抽取石油资源的一组四架油泵。设施需设置在工业区的油田内。
BUILDING_DESC[Oil Drilling Rig 01]:0 A small oil drilling rig for extracting oil industry raw materials from an underground reservoir. Extractor need to be placed on oil field inside Industry Area. 用于从地下油库抽取石油资源的小型石油钻井。设施需设置在工业区的油田内。
BUILDING_DESC[Oil Drilling Rig 02]:0 A large oil drilling rig for extracting oil industry raw materials from an underground reservoir. Extractor need to be placed on oil field inside Industry Area. 用于从地下油库抽取石油资源的大型石油钻井。设施需设置在工业区的油田内。
BUILDING_DESC[Offshore Oil Drilling Platform 01]:0 An Offshore Oil Drilling Platform for extracting oil industry raw materials from seabed deep rock formations. Extractor need to be placed on oil field inside Industry Area. 用于从海底岩层下抽取石油资源的海上钻井平台。设施需设置在工业区的油田内。
BUILDING_DESC[Crude Oil Tank Farm 01]:0 A small crude oil storage with pumping station, pipes and four tanks for storing oil industry raw materials. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. 泵站、管道及配套的四个储油罐一体的原油储存设施。储存设施可设置在工业区外部。
BUILDING_DESC[Crude Oil Tank Farm 02]:0 A large crude oil storage with pumping station, pipes, eight tanks and small maintenance building for storing oil industry raw materials. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. 泵站、管道及配套的八个储油罐一体的大型原油储存设施。储存设施可设置在工业区外部。
BUILDING_DESC[Crude Oil Storage Cavern 01]:0 A fenced field with a pumping station and other equipment that is used to pump oil raw materials to large underground oil storage caverns. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. 配套用于抽取大型地下油库设备的泵站。储存设施可设置在工业区外部。
BUILDING_DESC[Oil Industry Storage 01]:0 Two dome shelters for storing oil industry raw materials. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. 双圆顶的石化工业资源储存设施。储存设施可设置在工业区外部。
BUILDING_DESC[Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant 01]:0 Oil sludge pyrolysis plants take oil and processes it into petroleum. This processing building require oil to produce oil special good – petroleum. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 油渣热解工厂提取原油并将其处理为石油。这个处理建筑需要原油才能生产原油特殊商品 - 石油。处理建筑需要被放置在工业区内。
BUILDING_DESC[Waste Oil Refining Plant 01]:0 Waste oil refining plant is a processing building, which require oil to produce special good – petroleum. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 废油精炼工厂是一座处理建筑,需要原油才能生产原油特殊商品 - 石油。处理建筑需要被放置在工业区内。
BUILDING_DESC[Petrochemical Plant 01]:0 Petrochemical plants take oil and uses fluid catalytic cracking to produce olefins that are the basis for polymers and oligomers used in products like plastics. This processing building require oil to produce oil special good – plastic. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 石油工厂提取石油并使用流化催化裂化来生产烯烃,作为生产塑料等产品的聚合物和低聚物的基础原料。这个处理建筑需要原油才能生产原油特殊商品 - 石油。处理建筑需要被放置在工业区内。
BUILDING_DESC[Naphtha Cracker Plant 01]:0 Naphtha cracker plants uses oil to produce a good special to the petroleum industry – plastic. Processing building need to be placed inside the Industry Area. 石脑油裂解厂使用石油来生产一种对石油工业非常重要的材料 - 塑料。负责加工处理的建筑需要被放置在工业区内部。
BUILDING_DESC[Ore Industry Main Building Level 1]:0 Ore Industry Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Ore Industry and allows its level progression. It also works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 矿业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为矿业,并且能够升级。它还会作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_DESC[Ore Industry Main Building Level 2]:0 Ore Industry Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Ore Industry and allows its level progression. It also works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 矿业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为矿业,并且能够升级。它还会作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_DESC[Ore Industry Main Building Level 3]:0 Ore Industry Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Ore Industry and allows its level progression. It also works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 矿业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为矿业,并且能够升级。它还会作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_DESC[Ore Industry Workers Barracks 01]:0 Workers’ barracks increases the work efficiency of the workers in the Industry Area. Each building increases the Work efficiency by 5% up to the maximum of 100%. Auxiliary building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 工人工棚提高工人在工业区内的工作效率。


BUILDING_DESC[Ore Industry Maintenance Building 01]:0 Maintenance Buildings take care of industrial buildings increasing their utilization rate and reducing wastage. Each maintenance building increases the storage capacity of industrial buildings by 5%. Auxiliary building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 维护建筑管理工业建筑,提高它们的利用率并降低损耗。每座维护建筑使工业建筑的储存容量提高5%。附属建筑需要被放置在工业区以内。
BUILDING_DESC[Ore Mine 01]:0 An extraction site with basic equipment for mining industry area raw material – ore. Extractor need to be placed on ore deposit inside Industry Area. 带有开采工业区原材料 – 矿石的基础设备的提取点。提取器需要被放置在工业区的矿层上。
BUILDING_DESC[Ore Mine 02]:0 An extraction site with a big mining crane for mining industry area raw material – ore. Extractor need to be placed on ore deposit inside Industry Area. 带有开采工业区原材料 – 矿石的大型采矿起重机的提取点。提取器需要被放置在工业区的矿层上。
BUILDING_DESC[Ore Mine 03]:0 An extraction site with a huge bucket wheel excavator for mining industry area raw material – ore. Extractor need to be placed on ore deposit inside Industry Area. 带有开采工业区原材料 – 矿石的巨型斗轮挖掘机的提取点。提取器需要被放置在工业区的矿层上。
BUILDING_DESC[Ore Mine Underground 01]:0 A small mine for extracting ore industry area raw materials from underground deposits. Extractor need to be placed on ore deposit inside Industry Area. 用于开采地下矿脉的小型矿机。开采设施需设置在工业区的矿床内。
BUILDING_DESC[Ore Mine Underground 02]:0 A large mine with advanced equipment for extracting ore industry area raw materials from underground deposits. Extractor need to be placed on ore deposit inside Industry Area. 用于开采地下矿脉的大型先进矿机。开采设施需设置在工业区的矿床内。
BUILDING_DESC[Seabed Mining Vessel 01]:0 A mining vessel designed to extract ore industry area raw materials from underwater deposits. Extractor need to be placed on ore deposit inside Industry Area. 用于开采水下矿脉的矿机船只。开采设施需设置在工业区的矿床内。
BUILDING_DESC[Raw Mineral Storage 01]:0 A storage facility for storing the ore industry raw materials. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. 用于储存矿业原材料的储存设施。储存建筑可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Ore Storage 01]:0 A lot that is used for storing the ore industry raw materials. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. 用于储存矿业原材料的场所。储存建筑可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Sand Storage 01]:0 A lot that is used for storing the ore industry raw materials. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. 用于储存矿业原材料的场所。储存建筑可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Ore Industry Storage 01]:0 A large storage building for storing the ore industry raw materials. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. 用于储存矿业原材料的大型储存建筑。储存建筑可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_DESC[Glass Manufacturing Plant 01]:0 Glass manufacturing plants use mined ore raw materials to produce glass sheets that can then be used, for example in manufacturing of windows or windshields. This processing building require ore to produce ore special good – glass. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 玻璃制造厂使用开采的矿业原材料来生产玻璃板,然后用其制造窗或挡风玻璃。这个处理建筑需要矿石才能生产矿业特殊商品 - 玻璃。处理建筑需要被放置在工业区内。
BUILDING_DESC[Fiberglass Plant 01]:0 Fiberglass plant manufacture ore special good – glass. This processing building require ore to operate. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 玻璃纤维厂制造矿业特殊商品 - 玻璃。这个处理建筑需要矿石才能运作。处理建筑需要被放置在工业区内。
BUILDING_DESC[Ore Grinding Mill 01]:0 Ore grinding mills take ore raw materials and pushes them trough the grinder to break down, separate or size the raw materials to more usable form. This processing building require ore to produce ore special good – metals. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 磨矿厂提取矿业原材料,并使用磨床将其分解、分离或排列成更加容易使用的形态。这个处理建筑需要矿石才能生产矿业特殊商品 - 金属。处理建筑需要被放置在工业区内。
BUILDING_DESC[Rotary Kiln Plant 01]:0 Rotary kiln plants take ore raw materials and heats them in high temperatures to form materials like iron ore pellets that can be used in steel production. This processing building require ore to produce ore special good – metals. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. 回转窑工厂提取矿业原材料,并在高温下加热,从而形成类似铁矿球团的材料用于生产钢铁。这个处理建筑需要矿石才能生产矿业特殊商品 - 金属。处理建筑需要被放置在工业区内。
BUILDING_DESC[Log Pile 01]:0 A pile of logs 一堆原木
BUILDING_DESC[Log Pile 02]:0 A pile of logs 一堆原木
BUILDING_DESC[Wheat Crop 01]:0 A field of wheat crop. 一田地的小麦农作物。
BUILDING_DESC[Potato Crop 01]:0 A field of potato crop. 一田地的土豆农作物。
BUILDING_DESC[Corn Crop 01]:0 A field of corn crop. 一田地的玉米农作物。
BUILDING_DESC[Cotton Crop 01]:0 A field of cotton crop. 一田地的棉花农作物。
BUILDING_DESC[Library 01]:0 Public Library is a cultural institution, which collects and stores books, films, newspapers, documents and much more. Everything is now made accessible to all citizens around the city for borrowing. Library gives a small bonus to education within building radius. 公共图书馆是一个文化机构,用于收藏和存放书籍、电影、报纸以及文件等等。现在,图书馆里的一切都可供城市周围的所有公民借阅。图书馆为建筑范围内的教育提供小额奖励。
BUILDING_DESC[Academic Library 01]:0 Academic Library is a higher education institution, which main purpose is to support academic research projects conducted by students from different faculties. It stores niche and special collections from around the world that even attracts tourists from different cities to visit. 学术图书馆是更高级别的教育机构,主要用于支持不同院系学生开展的学术研究项目,存放来自世界各地的新奇和特殊馆藏,甚至吸引来自不同城市的游客参观。
BUILDING_DESC[American Football Stadium 01]:0 An open-air college stadium with seating circling the field of play. Placing this building inside a campus area enables American Football varsity sports team. Can be placed in- and outside of campus areas. 露天的大学运动场,中间是比赛场地。将这座建筑物放置在校园区域内可以为美式足球校队提供运动场地。可以放在校园区域内外。
BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Administration 01]:0 This building defines the campus area type to Trade School, allows reputation progression of the campus area and works as a headquarters for city services. Trade School campus buildings provide university level education. 这座建筑将校园区域类型定为专科学院,使校园区域可以获得声望,也会作为城市服务的总部。专科学院校园建筑提供大学级教育。
BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Dormitory 01]:0 Dormitory is a residential building for students for the duration of their academic studies. Building increases campus areas attractiveness, student capacity and requires a Trade School campus area. 宿舍是学生在学习期间的住宅楼。该建筑可增加校园区域吸引力和学生容量,且必须放在专科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Study Hall 01]:0 Students with spare time can use the Study Hall to do their homework, projects or prepare to exams. This building increases campus attractiveness and needs to be placed within Trade School campus area. 有空闲时间的学生可以利用自习大厅来做作业、做项目或准备考试。该建筑会提高校园的吸引力,需要放置在专科学院的校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Groundskeeping 01]:0 Groundskeepers are working hard to keep campus area premises clean, tidy and aesthetically pleasing. Building increases campus attractiveness and land value of campus area and need to be placed inside Trade School campus area. 环卫工人们努力保持校园区域的清洁、整齐和美观。该建筑增加校园区域的吸引力和地价,且必须放在专科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Book Club 01]:0 For all students the Book Club offers an opportunity to read books and discuss them in a relaxing environment. Book Clubs increase campus areas attractiveness. Building must be placed within Trade School campus area. 为所有学生提供了阅读书籍并在轻松的环境中进行讨论的场所。图书俱乐部增加了校园区域的吸引力。该建筑物必须放在贸易学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Outdoor Study 01]:0 Seated outdoor area is perfect for studying on a beautiful day. Outdoor Study building increases campus area attractiveness and student capacity. Building must be placed within Trade School campus area. 带有座位的户外区域,非常适合在美好的一天自习。户外自习建筑增加了校园区域的吸引力和学生的容量。建筑物必须放在贸易学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Gymnasium 01]:0 Gymnasium provides the students with athletic, recreational and leisure services. Gymnasium has a city wide effect on citizens health and increases campus attractiveness. Building needs to be placed within Trade School campus area. 体育馆为学生提供运动、娱乐和休闲服务。体育馆对全市范围内的市民健康都有影响,并会提高校园的吸引力。需要放置在专科学院的校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Cafeteria 01]:0 Fresh hot meals, drinks and healthy snacks now all available for students. Cafeteria increases land value and campus area attractiveness. Building requires a Trade School campus area. 为学生们供应新鲜的热餐、饮料和健康的零食。食堂可增加地价和校园区域的吸引力。该建筑必须放在专科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Fountain 01]:0 Increasing campus areas attractiveness and land value the Fountain is a good place for students to relax and meet. Building needs to be placed within Trade School campus area. 提高校园区域的吸引力和土地价值,喷泉是学生放松和聚会的好地方。该建筑需要放在贸易学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Library 01]:0 Library is a great place for teaching and for up-to-date information in business and other relevant fields. Libraries increase land value, campus attractiveness and boosts campus areas student capacity. Building needs to be placed within Trade School campus area. 图书馆是教学以及获取商业及其他领域最新资讯的好去处。图书馆可增加地价、校园区域的吸引力和学生容量。该建筑必须放在专科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Trade School IT Club 01]:0 IT Club provides premises where students can learn from a wide range of technical skills. IT Clubs increase campus area attractiveness. Building needs to be placed within Trade School campus area. 计算机俱乐部是供学生学习各种技术技能的场所,增加了校园区域的吸引力。该建筑需要放在贸易学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Commencement Office 01]:0 Trade School Commencement office is an impressive building that provides a great venue for graduations. In addition of increasing campus area attractiveness the Commencement building is required to hold a visible graduation ceremony. Building must be placed within Trade School campus area. 贸易学院毕业大楼是一座令人印象深刻的建筑,为毕业提供了绝佳的场所。除了增加校园区域的吸引力外,毕业典礼大楼还是举行盛大毕业典礼的必备建筑。该建筑必须放在贸易学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Academic Statue 01]:0 This statue of Trade School's academic feats is inspiration for all campus visitors. Statue increases campus areas attractiveness and land value. Building requires a Trade School campus area. 这座象征专科学院学术成就的雕塑激励着校园的每一位到访者。雕塑可增加校园区域的吸引力和地价。该建筑必须放在专科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Auditorium 01]:0 Fully facilitated auditorium with cutting edge technology to enable the full potential of performances and lectures. Auditorium increases student capacity and campus area attractiveness. Building requires a Trade School Campus Area. 设施先进完备的礼堂可充分展现表演与讲座的潜力。礼堂可增加学生容量和校园区域的吸引力。该建筑必须放在专科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Laboratories 01]:0 A facility that provides controlled conditions for various scientific researches. Laboratories increase student capacity and campus attractiveness while also boosting Academic Works creation. Building requires a Trade School Campus Area. 为各种科学研究提供受控条件的设施。实验室可增加学生容量和校园区域的吸引力,同时也促进学术作品的创作。该建筑必须放在专科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Bookstore 01]:0 Campus Bookstore has the biggest supply of study tools and current textbooks. Bookstore increases campus attractiveness, tourism attractiveness and land value. Building needs to be placed within Trade School Campus Area. 校园书店拥有最多的学习用工具书和当下适用的教科书。书店增加了校园区域的吸引力、旅游吸引力和土地价值。该建筑需要放置在贸易学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Media Lab 01]:0 Versatile laboratory that utilizes technology, science and art in their research. Media Lab increases student capacity, campus attractiveness and boosts Academic Works creation. Building needs to be placed inside Trade School Campus Area. 利用技术、科学与艺术进行各类研究的多功能实验室。媒体实验室增加学生容量和校园吸引力,同时也促进学术作品的创作。该建筑必须放在专科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Beach Volleyball Club 01]:0 A club dedicated for like-minded people to share their enthusiasm and love for volleyball. Beach Volleyball Clubs increase campus areas attractiveness. Building must be placed within Trade School Campus Area. 致力于让志趣相投的人们分享他们对排球的热情和热爱的俱乐部。沙滩排球俱乐部增加了校园区域的吸引力。该建筑必须放置在贸易学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Academic Statue 02]:0 Statue commemorating a legendary and inspiring scholar. Increases campus attractiveness and land value. Building needs to be placed within Trade School Campus Area. 纪念传奇和杰出学者的雕像。提高校园区域吸引力和土地价值。该建筑需要放置在贸易学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Police Academy 01]:0 During the studies cadets work with police officers and also keep an eye on the jail cell occupants, increasing patrol car count, jails capacity and Police Department efficiency. Faculty increases campus attractiveness and requires a Trade School campus area. 在学习过程中,学员与警察合作,同时密切关注监狱牢房中的犯人,增加巡逻车数量、监狱容量与警察部门的运作效率。该学院可增加校园吸引力,且必须放在专科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[School of Tourism And Travel 01]:0 Interns bring the best out of city attractions and shops, increasing attractiveness and entertainment of leisure buildings. Income from all commercial zones is increased. Faculty increases campus attractiveness and requires a Trade School campus area. 实习生们充分发挥旅游景点和商店的潜力,增加休闲建筑的吸引力和娱乐价值。增加所有商业区域的收入。该学院可增加校园吸引力,且必须放在专科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[School of Engineering 01]:0 Students help local businesses with innovative solutions for higher product quality, increasing all generic zoned industry income while reducing city water consumption and sewage outlet. Faculty increases campus attractiveness and requires a Trade School campus area. 学生用创新的解决方案帮助当地企业提高产品质量,增加所有一般工业区的收入,同时减少城市耗水量与排污量。该学院可增加校园吸引力,且必须放在专科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Museum 01]:0 An unique institution that conserves a collection of Academic Works. These items are available for public through permanent exhibits. Each additional Academic Work increases the city attractiveness of this building. Can be placed anywhere in the city. Can be placed only once. 保存了一系列学术作品的独特机构。这些作品对公众进行永久展示。每增加一件学术作品都会增加这座建筑的城市吸引力。可以放在城市里的任何地方。只能放置一次。
BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Administration 01]:0 This building defines the campus area type to Liberal Arts, allows reputation progression of the campus area and works as a headquarters for city services. Liberal Arts campus buildings provide university level education. 这座建筑将校园区域类型定为文科学院,使校园区域可以获得声望,也会作为城市服务的总部。文科学院校园建筑提供大学级教育。
BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Dormitory 01]:0 Dormitory is a residential building for students for the duration of their academic studies. Building increases campus areas attractiveness, student capacity and requires a Liberal Arts campus area. 宿舍是学生在学习期间的住宅楼。该建筑可增加校园区域吸引力和学生容量,且必须放在文科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Study Hall 01]:0 Students with spare time can use the Study Hall to do their homework, projects or prepare to exams. Building increases campus attractiveness and needs to be placed within Liberal Arts campus area. 有空闲时间的学生可以利用自习大厅来做作业、做项目或准备考试。该建筑会提高校园的吸引力,需要放置在文科学院的校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Groundskeeping 01]:0 Groundskeepers are working hard to keep campus area premises clean, tidy and aesthetically pleasing. Building increases campus attractiveness and land value of campus area and need to be placed inside Liberal Arts campus area. 环卫工人们努力保持校园区域的清洁、整齐和美观。该建筑增加校园区域的吸引力和地价,且必须放在文科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Cafeteria 01]:0 Fresh hot meals, drinks and healthy snacks now all available for students. Cafeteria increases land value and campus area attractiveness. Building requires a Liberal Arts campus area. 为学生们供应新鲜的热餐、饮料和健康的零食。食堂可增加地价和校园区域的吸引力。该建筑必须放在文科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Library 01]:0 Library is a great place with a rich collection of paintings, books and music. Libraries increase land value, campus attractiveness and boosts campus areas student capacity. Building needs to be placed within Liberal Arts campus area. 图书馆收藏着大量的绘画、书籍与音乐。图书馆可增加地价、校园吸引力和校园区域学生容量。该建筑必须放在文科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Auditorium 01]:0 Fully facilitated auditorium with cutting edge technology to enable the full potential of performances and lectures. Auditorium increases student capacity and campus area attractiveness. Building requires a Liberal Arts Campus Area. 设施先进完备的礼堂可充分展现表演与讲座的潜力。礼堂可增加学生容量和校园区域的吸引力。该建筑必须放在文科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Commencement Office 01]:0 Liberal Arts Commencement office is an impressive building that provides a great venue for graduations. In addition of increasing campus area attractiveness the Commencement building is required to hold a visible graduation ceremony. Building must be placed within Liberal Arts campus area. 文科学院毕业大楼是一座令人印象深刻的建筑,为毕业提供了绝佳的场所。除了增加校园区域的吸引力外,毕业典礼大楼还是举行盛大毕业典礼的必备建筑。该建筑必须放在文科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Bookstore 01]:0 Campus Bookstore has the biggest supply of study tools and current textbooks. Bookstore increases campus attractiveness, tourism attractiveness and land value. Building needs to be placed within Liberal Arts Campus Area. 校园书店拥有最多的学习用工具书和当下适用的教科书。书店增加了校园区域的吸引力、旅游吸引力和土地价值。该建筑需要放置在贸易学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Drama Club 01]:0 Drama Club is for those who are interested in the art of theatre Students can spend time participating in theatrical activities. Drama Club increases campus areas attractiveness. Building must be placed within Liberal Arts campus area. 话剧社适合那些对戏剧艺术感兴趣的人,学生可以花时间参加戏剧活动。戏剧俱乐部增加了校园区域的吸引力。该建筑必须放置在文科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Art Club 01]:0 Art Club is an open opportunity for all students to share their art experiences and participate in art related activities with like-minded peers. Art Club increases campus area attractiveness and building must be placed within Liberal Arts campus area. 艺术俱乐部为所有学生提供了分享艺术体验,和与志趣相投的爱好者们一起参加艺术相关活动的机会。艺术俱乐部增加了校园区域的吸引力,该建筑必须放置在文科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Dance Club 01]:0 The Dance Club provides opportunities for students to highlight their talents in dance and creativity as well as to explore the artistic features of dancing. Dance Club increases campus areas attractiveness. Building must be placed within Liberal Arts campus area. 舞蹈俱乐部为学生提供机会,突出他们在舞蹈和创造力方面的才能,以及探索舞蹈的艺术特色。舞蹈俱乐部增加了校园区域的吸引力。该建筑必须放置在文科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Outdoor Study 01]:0 Seated outdoor area is perfect for studying on a beautiful day. Outdoor Study building increases campus area attractiveness and student capacity. Building must be placed within Liberal Arts campus area. 带有座位的户外区域,非常适合在美好的一天自习。户外自习建筑增加了校园区域的吸引力和学生的容量。建筑物必须放在文科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Gymnasium 01]:0 Gymnasium provides the students with athletic, recreational and leisure services. Gymnasium has a city wide effect on citizens health. Building increases campus attractiveness and needs to be placed within Liberal Arts campus area. 体育馆为学生提供运动、娱乐和休闲服务。体育馆对全市范围内的市民健康都有影响。该建筑会提高校园的吸引力,需要放置在文科学院的校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Laboratories 01]:0 A facility that provides controlled conditions for various scientific researches. Laboratories increase student capacity and campus attractiveness while also boosting Academic Works creation. Building requires a Liberal Arts Campus Area. 为各种科学研究提供受控条件的设施。实验室可增加学生容量和校园区域的吸引力,同时也促进学术作品的创作。该建筑必须放在文科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Media Lab 01]:0 Versatile laboratory that utilizes technology, science and art in their research. Media Lab increases student capacity, campus attractiveness and boosts Academic Works creation. Building needs to be placed inside Liberal Arts Campus Area. 利用技术、科学与艺术进行各类研究的多功能实验室。媒体实验室增加学生容量和校园吸引力,同时也促进学术作品的创作。该建筑必须放在文科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Fountain 01]:0 Increasing campus areas attractiveness and land value the Fountain is a good place for students to relax and meet. Building needs to be placed within Liberal Arts campus area. 提高校园区域的吸引力和土地价值,喷泉是学生放松和聚会的好地方。该建筑需要放在文科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Academic Statue 01]:0 This piece of art is inspiration for all those who visit the campus area. Statue increases campus areas attractiveness and land value. Building requires a Liberal Arts campus area. 这件艺术品激励着校园的每一位到访者。雕塑可增加校园区域的吸引力和地价。该建筑必须放在文科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Academic Statue 02]:0 Statue commemorating a legendary and inspiring scholar. Increases campus attractiveness and land value. Building needs to be placed within Liberal Arts campus area. 纪念传奇和杰出学者的雕像。提高校园吸引力和土地价值。该建筑需要放置在文科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[School of Environmental Studies 01]:0 Faculty encourages students to enlighten the masses about the negative effects of consumer culture on nature, reducing garbage accumulation in the city. Faculty increases campus attractiveness and requires a Liberal Arts campus area. 学院鼓励学生向公众宣传消费者文化对自然环境造成的负面影响,以此减少城市的垃圾排放量。该学院可增加校园吸引力,且必须放在文科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[School of Education 01]:0 Faculty provides all schools with an influx of substitute and student teachers which allows classrooms to have higher student capacity and helps them educate more efficiently. Faculty increases campus attractiveness and requires a Liberal Arts campus area. 学院为所有学校提供代课教师和实习教师,使教室可以容纳更多学生,并帮助他们更高效地学习。该学院可增加校园吸引力,且必须放在文科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[School of Economics 01]:0 Through innovative budget planning and tax management, students from School of Economics help the local office zones increase revenue without upsetting the city's populace. Faculty increases campus attractiveness and requires a Liberal Arts campus area. 通过创新的预算规划和税务管理,经济学院的学生们可在不影响民心的情况下增加当地办公区的收入。该学院可增加校园吸引力,且必须放在文科学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Museum 01]:0 An unique institution that conserves a collection of Academic Works. These items are available for public through permanent exhibits. Each additional Academic Work increases the city attractiveness of this building. Can be placed anywhere in the city. Can be placed only once. 保存了一系列学术作品的独特机构。这些作品对公众进行永久展示。每增加一件学术作品都会增加这座建筑的城市吸引力。可以放在城市里的任何地方。只能放置一次。
BUILDING_DESC[University Administration 01]:0 This building defines the campus area type to University, allows reputation progression of the campus area and works as a headquarters for city services. University campus buildings provide university level education. 这座建筑将校园区域类型定为大学,使校园区域可以获得声望,也会作为城市服务的总部。大学校园建筑提供大学级教育。
BUILDING_DESC[University Dormitory 01]:0 Dormitory is a residential building for students for the duration of their academic studies. Building increases campus areas attractiveness, student capacity and requires a University campus area. 宿舍是学生在学习期间的住宅楼。该建筑可增加校园区域吸引力和学生容量,且必须放在大学校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[University Study Hall 01]:0 Students with spare time can use the Study Hall to do their homework, projects or prepare to exams. Building increases campus attractiveness and needs to be placed within University campus area. 有空闲时间的学生可以利用自习大厅来做作业、做项目或准备考试。该建筑会提高校园的吸引力,需要放置在大学的校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[University Groundskeeping 01]:0 Groundskeepers are working hard to keep campus area premises clean, tidy and aesthetically pleasing. Building increases campus attractiveness and land value of campus area and need to be placed inside University campus area. 环卫工人们努力保持校园区域的清洁、整齐和美观。该建筑增加校园区域的吸引力和地价,且必须放在大学校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[University Cafeteria 01]:0 Fresh hot meals, drinks and healthy snacks now all available for students. Cafeteria increases land value and campus area attractiveness. Building requires a University campus area. 为学生们供应新鲜的热餐、饮料和健康的零食。食堂可增加地价和校园区域的吸引力。该建筑必须放在大学校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[University Library 01]:0 Library is a great place for teaching and for up-to-date information from various scientific studies. Libraries increase land value, campus attractiveness and boosts campus areas student capacity. Building needs to be placed within University campus area. 图书馆是教学以及获取商业及其他领域最新资讯的好去处。图书馆可增加地价、校园区域的吸引力和学生容量。该建筑必须放在大学校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[University Auditorium 01]:0 Fully facilitated auditorium with cutting edge technology to enable the full potential of performances and lectures. Auditorium increases student capacity and campus area attractiveness. Building requires a University Campus Area. 设施先进完备的礼堂可充分展现表演与讲座的潜力。礼堂可增加学生容量和校园区域的吸引力。该建筑必须放在大学校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[University Commencement Office 01]:0 University Commencement office is an impressive building that provides a great venue for graduations. In addition of increasing campus area attractiveness the Commencement building is required to hold a visible graduation ceremony. Building must be placed within University campus area. 大学毕业大楼是一座令人印象深刻的建筑,为毕业提供了绝佳的场所。除了增加校园区域的吸引力外,毕业典礼大楼还是举行盛大毕业典礼的必备建筑。该建筑必须放在大学校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[University Bookstore 01]:0 Campus Bookstore has the biggest supply of study tools and current textbooks. Bookstore increases campus attractiveness, tourism attractiveness and land value. Building needs to be placed within University Campus Area. 校园书店拥有最多的学习用工具书和当下适用的教科书。书店增加了校园区域的吸引力、旅游吸引力和土地价值。该建筑需要放置在贸易学院校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[University Soccer Club 01]:0 Futsal Club is open for all fans, players and coaches to share their love for this sport in friendly practice matches and futsal game nights. Futsal Club increases campus area attractiveness and needs to be placed within University campus area. 五人足球俱乐部欢迎所有粉丝、选手与教练参与友好的练习赛和五人足球之夜,并分享他们对这项运动的热爱。五人足球俱乐部可增加校园区域吸引力,且必须放置在大学校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[University Math Club 01]:0 Math Club emphasizes on having fun with mathematics while learning, ranging from whimsical number games to mind-boggling math problems. Math Club increases campus area attractiveness and needs to be placed within University Campus Area. 从脑洞大开的数字游戏到需要绞尽脑汁的数学问题,数学俱乐部强调在学习的同时享受数学的乐趣。数学俱乐部增加了校园区域的吸引力,需要放在大学校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[University Chess Club 01]:0 Chess Club is for chess enthusiasts to teach, study and play in a casual setting. Chess Club increases campus area attractiveness. Building needs to be placed within University campus area. 国际象棋俱乐部是国际象棋爱好者在休闲环境中教授技艺、学习和玩乐的场所。国际象棋俱乐部增加了校园区域的吸引力。该建筑需要放置在大学校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[University Outdoor Study 01]:0 Seated outdoor area is perfect for studying on a beautiful day. Outdoor Study building increases campus area attractiveness and student capacity. Building must be placed within University campus area. 带有座位的户外区域,非常适合在美好的一天自习。户外自习建筑增加了校园区域的吸引力和学生的容量。建筑物必须放在大学校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[University Gymnasium 01]:0 Gymnasium provides the students with athletic, recreational and leisure services. Gymnasium has a city wide effect on citizens health. Building increases campus attractiveness and needs to be placed within University campus area. 体育馆为学生提供运动、娱乐和休闲服务。体育馆对全市范围内的市民健康都有影响。该建筑会提高校园的吸引力,需要放置在大学的校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[University Laboratories 01]:0 A facility that provides controlled conditions for various scientific researches. Laboratories increase student capacity and campus attractiveness while also boosting Academic Works creation. Building requires a University Campus Area. 为各种科学研究提供受控条件的设施。实验室可增加学生容量和校园区域的吸引力,同时也促进学术作品的创作。该建筑必须放在大学校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[University Media Lab 01]:0 Versatile laboratory that utilizes technology, science and art in their research. Media Lab increases student capacity, campus attractiveness and boosts Academic Works creation. Building needs to be placed inside University Campus Area. 利用技术、科学与艺术进行各类研究的多功能实验室。媒体实验室增加学生容量和校园吸引力,同时也促进学术作品的创作。该建筑必须放在大学校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[University Fountain 01]:0 Increasing campus areas attractiveness and land value the Fountain is a good place for students to relax and meet. Building needs to be placed within University campus area. 提高校园区域的吸引力和土地价值,喷泉是学生放松和聚会的好地方。该建筑需要放在大学校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[University Academic Statue 01]:0 This statue of University's academic feats is inspiration for all campus visitors. Statue increases campus areas attractiveness and land value. Building requires a University campus area. 这座象征大学学术成就的雕塑激励着校园的每一位到访者。雕塑可增加校园区域的吸引力和地价。该建筑必须放在大学校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[University Academic Statue 02]:0 Statue commemorating a legendary and inspiring scholar. Increases campus attractiveness and land value. Building needs to be placed within University campus area. 纪念传奇和杰出学者的雕像。提高校园吸引力和土地价值。该建筑需要放置在大学校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[School of Science 01]:0 New technologies allows to gain an edge in the highly competitive marketplace. Income from all specialized industries is increased while reducing city pollution and electricity consumption. Faculty increases campus attractiveness and requires a University campus area. 新科技可使我们在竞争激烈的市场上取得优势。增加所有专营工业区的收入,同时减少城市污染与电力消耗。该学院可增加校园吸引力,且必须放在大学校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[School of Medicine 01]:0 Faculty prepares interns to help out at the local clinics and hospitals, allowing city healthcare to run more efficiently with increased ambulance count and patient capacity. Faculty increases campus attractiveness and requires a University campus area. 医学院为当地诊所和医院准备医疗实习生,使得当地医疗机构能够更有效地运作,增加救护车数量和患者容量。该学院可增加校园吸引力,且必须放在大学校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[School of Law 01]:0 Students get internships in the office of the city's prosecutor, providing legal counsel to citizens. Crime rate and Police Department upkeep is reduced throughout the city. Faculty increases campus attractiveness and requires a University campus area. 法学院的学生在该市检察官办公室实习,并向公民提供法律咨询意见。降低整个城市的犯罪率和警察部门的维护费。该学院可增加校园吸引力,且必须放在大学校园区域内。
BUILDING_DESC[University Museum 01]:0 An unique institution that conserves a collection of Academic Works. These items are available for public through permanent exhibits. Each additional Academic Work increases the city attractiveness of this building. Can be placed anywhere in the city. Can be placed only once. 保存了一系列学术作品的独特机构。这些作品对公众进行永久展示。每增加一件学术作品都会增加这座建筑的城市吸引力。可以放在城市里的任何地方。只能放置一次。
BUILDING_DESC[Aquatics Center 01]:0 Indoor facility featuring Olympic-size swimming pools and diving pools. Placing this building inside a campus area enables Swimming varsity sports team. Can be placed anywhere in the city. 带有奥运会规格游泳池与跳水池的室内场馆。将这座建筑物放置在校园区域内可以为游泳校队提供竞技场地。可以放在城市的任何地方。
BUILDING_DESC[Track And Field Stadium 01]:0 Stadium features an oval running track enclosing a grass field where various events can take place. Placing this building inside a campus area enables Track and Field varsity sports team. Can be placed anywhere in the city. 运动场有着椭圆形的跑道,中间是可进行各种运动的草地。将这座建筑物放置在校园区域内可以为田径校队提供竞技场地。可以放在城市的任何地方。
BUILDING_DESC[Basketball Arena 01]:0 An indoor sporting arena featuring basketball court. Placing this building inside a campus area enables Basketball varsity sports team. Can be placed anywhere in the city. 带有篮球场的室内场馆。将这座建筑物放置在校园区域内可以为篮球校队提供竞技场地。可以放在城市的任何地方。
BUILDING_DESC[Baseball Park 01 Main]:0 Baseball Park features an open-air baseball field and seats to fit a large crowd. Placing this building inside a campus area enables Baseball varsity sports team. Can be placed anywhere in the city. 棒球公园除了露天大学棒球场,还有可容纳许多观众的座席。这座建筑物放置在校园区域内可以为棒球校队提供竞技场地。可以放在校园区域内外。
BUILDING_DESC[PDX01_driveinn_taiheiyo]:0 A small rural restaurant serving snacks for travellers. 一家为旅行者提供小食的小型乡村餐厅。
BUILDING_DESC[PDX02_driveinn_natori]:0 A small oriental restaurant serving food for locals and tourists. 一家为本地人和旅行者提供食物的小型东方餐厅。
BUILDING_DESC[PDX03_Soba Restaurant]:0 An oriental market selling different noodles and soups. 一座出售各种面条和汤的东方市场。
BUILDING_DESC[PDX04_Udon Shop]:0 A noodle restaurant serving traditional cuisine. 一家提供传统菜的面馆。
BUILDING_DESC[PDX05_Ramen Shop]:0 A restaurant serving hot, spicy and tasty ramen. 一家提供热、辣且美味拉面的餐厅。
BUILDING_DESC[PDX06_Driveinn Large]:0 A service station offering a shop, restaurant and car repair services for travellers. 一处为旅行者提供商店、餐厅和汽车修理服务的服务站。
BUILDING_DESC[PDX07_Cityoffice_M]:0 A small office building for local businesses. 一幢本地企业的小型办公楼。
BUILDING_DESC[PDX08_Cityoffice_L]:0 An 8-story office building for city administration. 一幢8层的市级行政办公楼。
BUILDING_DESC[PDX09_medium_office]:0 A district administration office. 一间区级行政办公室。
BUILDING_DESC[PDX10_JA_BLDG]:0 A local register office for state administrative matters. 一个办理国家行政事务的本地登记处。
BUILDING_DESC[PDX11_Hotel_kikyo]:0 A relaxing resort hotel with swimming pools, saunas and gym. 一座带有游泳池、桑拿房和健身房的休闲度假村酒店。
BUILDING_DESC[PDX12_CityHotel]:0 A downtown hotel for business travellers. 一座商务旅行者的市中心酒店。
BUILDING_DESC[PDX13_Hiroshima_sta]:0 A department store where people can eat, meet and shop. All in one place! 一座供市民吃饭、聚会和购物的百货商店。

一站全包!一座供市民吃饭、聚会和购物的百货商店。 一站全包!

BUILDING_DESC[PDX14_Shizuoka_Station]:0 A shopping center with cinema. 一座带有电影院的购物中心。
BUILDING_DESC[PDX15_sasaki_hospital]:0 A general hospital providing healthcare and emergency services. 一家提供医疗和紧急服务的综合医院。
BUILDING_DESC[PDX16_incineration_plant]:0 A waste disposal building that turns waste into electricity. 一幢将垃圾转化为电力的垃圾处理建筑。
BUILDING_DESC[PDX17_Five Story Pagora]:0 An oriental temple for locals and tourists to visit. 一座供本地人和游客参观的东方寺庙。
BUILDING_DESC[PDX18_Shinjuku_bldg]:0 A high-rise office building for big companies. 一幢大型企业的高层办公楼。
BUILDING_DESC[PDX19_Yokohama-bldg]:0 The headquarters for an industry leader. 行业领军者的总部。
BUILDING_DESC[PDX20_Shin-maru]:0 A high-rise office building for succesful companies. 一幢成功企业的高层办公楼。
BUILDING_DESC[Fish Factory 01]:0 Fish Factory takes in fresh fish from harbors and farms and turns them into canned fish which is delivered to shops in commercial zones. 鱼肉加工厂从港口和养鱼场接收新鲜的鱼,并将其变成鱼罐头,然后送至商业区的商店。
BUILDING_DESC[Fish Market 01]:0 Fish Market takes in fresh fish from harbors and farms and sells it directly to the customers without processing it into goods. 鱼市场从港口和养鱼场接收新鲜的鱼,并将其直接出售给消费者,不需要处理成货物。
BUILDING_DESC[Fishing Boat Harbor 01]:0 Fishing Harbor sends out low capacity fishing boats that can catch all types of fish with a moderate catch rate. To function, the fishing harbor requires a complete, looping fishing route that starts and ends at the harbor. 捕捞港口派遣低容量的渔船捕捞所有类型的鱼,捕捞率中等。捕捞港口需要完整、循环且起点和终点都在港口的捕鱼路线才能运作。
BUILDING_DESC[Fishing Boat Harbor 02]:0 Fishing Harbor dedicated to catching and processing salmon. Specialized fishing boats have a high catch rate and capacity as long as their fishing routes reach the correct type of fish. To function, the fishing harbor requires a complete, looping fishing route that starts and ends at the harbor. 专门用于捕捞和处理鲑鱼的捕捞港口。只要捕鱼路线能够接触到正确类型的鱼,专业化的渔船就有很高的捕捞率。捕捞港口需要完整、循环且起点和终点都在港口的捕鱼路线才能运作。
BUILDING_DESC[Fishing Boat Harbor 03]:0 Fishing Harbor dedicated to catching and processing shellfish. Specialized fishing boats have a high catch rate and capacity as long as their fishing routes reach the correct type of fish. To function, the fishing harbor requires a complete, looping fishing route that starts and ends at the harbor. 专门用于捕捞和处理贝类的捕捞港口。只要捕鱼路线能够接触到正确类型的鱼,专业化的渔船就有很高的捕捞率。捕捞港口需要完整、循环且起点和终点都在港口的捕鱼路线才能运作。
BUILDING_DESC[Fishing Boat Harbor 04]:0 Fishing Harbor dedicated to catching and processing tuna. Specialized fishing boats have a high catch rate and capacity as long as their fishing routes reach the correct type of fish. To function, the fishing harbor requires a complete, looping fishing route that starts and ends at the harbor. 专门用于捕捞和处理金枪鱼的捕捞港口。只要捕鱼路线能够接触到正确类型的鱼,专业化的渔船就有很高的捕捞率。捕捞港口需要完整、循环且起点和终点都在港口的捕鱼路线才能运作。
BUILDING_DESC[Fishing Boat Harbor 05]:0 Fishing Harbor dedicated to catching and processing anchovies. Specialized fishing boats have a high catch rate and capacity as long as their fishing routes reach the correct type of fish. To function, the fishing harbor requires a complete, looping fishing route that starts and ends at the harbor. 专门用于捕捞和处理凤尾鱼的捕捞港口。只要捕鱼路线能够接触到正确类型的鱼,专业化的渔船就有很高的捕捞率。捕捞港口需要完整、循环且起点和终点都在港口的捕鱼路线才能运作。
BUILDING_DESC[Fish Farm 01]:0 Fish Farm can be used to grow and gather high yields of fish. A farm has a growing cycle and when complete, it sends the yield to either the Fish Market or Fish Factory. Fish can also be exported. Farms can even be built on small lakes. Farms suffer from local water pollution. 使用养鱼场来饲养并获得高产量的鱼。养鱼场有一个生长周期,并且在完成时会将产量送至鱼市场或鱼肉加工厂。鱼也可以出口。养鱼场甚至可以建造在小型湖泊上。养鱼场会受到本地水污染的影响。
BUILDING_DESC[Fish Farm 02]:0 Algae Farm can be used to grow and gather high yields of algae. A farm has a growing cycle and when complete, it sends the yield to either the Fish Market or Fish Factory. Fish can also be exported. Farms can even be built on small lakes. Farms suffer from local water pollution. 使用海藻养殖场来饲养并获得高产量的海藻。海藻养殖场有一个生长周期,并且在完成时会将产量送至鱼市场或鱼肉加工厂。鱼也可以出口。海藻养殖场甚至可以建造在小型湖泊上。海藻养殖场会受到本地水污染的影响。
BUILDING_DESC[Fish Farm 03]:0 Seaweed Farm can be used to grow and gather high yields of seaweed. A farm has a growing cycle and when complete, it sends the yield to either the Fish Market or Fish Factory. Fish can also be exported. Farms can even be built on small lakes. Farms suffer from local water pollution. 使用海带养殖场来饲养并获得高产量的海带。海带养殖场有一个生长周期,并且在完成时会将产量送至鱼市场或鱼肉加工厂。鱼也可以出口。海带养殖场甚至可以建造在小型湖泊上。海带养殖场会受到本地水污染的影响。
BUILDING_DESC[Waste Processing Complex 01]:0 Waste Processing Complex sends out waste transfer trucks to pick up garbage from Waste Transfer Facilities and Landfill Sites for further processing into energy and recycled materials. The Complex cannot directly collect garbage from buildings. 垃圾处理厂派遣垃圾运输卡车从垃圾转运设施和填埋站处收集垃圾,并做进一步处理来将其转化为能源和可回收材料。垃圾处理厂无法直接从建筑中收集垃圾。
BUILDING_DESC[Waste Transfer Facility 01]:0 Waste Transfer Facility uses garbage trucks to collect and temporarily store garbage. Stored waste can be picked up by waste transfer trucks from Waste Processing Complex. The building pollutes less so it can be built closer to the city center. 设施使用垃圾车收集和临时存放垃圾。垃圾运输卡车可以从垃圾处理厂收集存放的垃圾。该建筑产生较少的污染,所以可以建造在更加靠近城市中心的地方。
BUILDING_DESC[Intercity Bus Station 01]:0 Bus Station uses coaches for people to travel to and from the city. Bus Station requires highway connection. Intercity Bus Station doesn't require intercity bus lines or stops, but allows the placement of regular bus stops on the bays. 车站使用长途汽车运载进出城市的市民。车站需要高速公路连接。城际公交车站不需要城际公交车线路或站点,但允许将普通公交车站点放置在站台上。
BUILDING_DESC[Intercity Bus Station 02]:0 Larger alternative to Intercity Bus Station. Bus terminal uses coaches for people to travel to and from the city. Bus terminal requires a highway connection. Intercity Bus Terminal doesn't require intercity bus lines or stops, but allows the placement of regular bus stops on the bays. 更大的城际公交车站。客运站使用长途汽车运载进出城市的市民。客运站需要高速公路连接。城际公交车客运站不需要城际公交车线路或站点,但允许将普通公交车站点放置在站台上。
BUILDING_DESC[Overground Metro Station 01]:0 Metro Station extends the metro functionality from the underground to the ground level. Place metro stations first, connect them with metro tracks, and then plan routes. 地铁站将地铁功能从地下扩展到了地面。首先放置地铁站,将它们与地铁轨道相连,然后规划路线。
BUILDING_DESC[Overground Metro Station Elevated 01]:0 Elevated alternative to Metro Station. Elevated Metro Station extends the metro functionality from underground to overground. Place elevated metro stations first, connect them with metro tracks, and then plan routes. 高架版地铁站。高架地铁站将地铁功能从地下扩展到了地上。首先放置高架地铁站,将它们与地铁轨道相连,然后规划路线。
BUILDING_DESC[Overground Metro Station Avenue 01]:0 Metro Station with a stretch of road that extends the metro functionality from underground to overground. Place metro stations first, connect them with metro tracks, and then plan routes. 带有一段道路的地铁站将地铁功能从地下扩展到了地上。首先放置地铁站,将它们与地铁轨道相连,然后规划路线。
BUILDING_DESC[Trolleybus Depot 01]:0 Depot sends out vehicles to lines automatically when it is connected to a trolleybus line. Trolleybus is an electric bus that draws power from overhead wires using spring-loaded trolley poles. Vehicles return to the depot after finishing their shift. 总站与无轨电车线路相连时会自动向线路派遣车辆。无轨电车是一种电动公交车,使用弹簧加载式电车杆从架空线获取电力。车辆在通勤结束后返回总站。
BUILDING_DESC[Trolleybus Stop 01]:0 Click on roads with trolleybus wires to place a stop, simultaneously drawing a trolleybus line. A line must be circular to be finished. Stops can only be placed on roads that already have trolleybus wires. 在有无轨电车电缆的公路上点击即可放置一个无轨电车站,同时会画出一条无轨电车线路。任何一条完整的无轨电车线路都必须是环形的,无轨电车站只能放置于有无轨电车电缆的公路上。
BUILDING_DESC[Passenger Helicopter Depot]:0 Place a Helicopter Depot to provide helicopters for all lines. The depot automatically sends out vehicles and divides them between lines. Connect depot to stops with pathways to allow vehicles to find their way to and from it. 放置一个直升机总站为所有线路提供直升机服务。总站自动派遣直升机并根据线路分配。将总站与带有路径的站点连接让直升机找到往返的线路。
BUILDING_DESC[Passenger Helicopter Stop]:0 Connect Helicopter Stops with Helicopter Pathway and use Helicopter Line tool to draw the line. 将直升机站点与直升机路径相连,然后使用直升机线路工具绘制线路。
BUILDING_DESC[Transport Hub 01 A]:0 Transportation Hub designed to guide people to and from the city. Citizens can easily switch between Intercity Bus and Metro, providing citizens and tourists with easy access to outside connections and public transportation. 设计用来引导市民进出城市的交通中转站。市民们能够方便地在城际公交车和地铁间转乘,为市民和游客提供方便的外部连接和公共交通。
BUILDING_DESC[Transport Hub 02 A]:0 Bus Terminal and Intercity Bus Hub is a large building with local bus stops in a bus platform configuration with separate platforms for intercity buses. 公交车客运站和城际公交车中转站是一座大型建筑,包含带有本地公交车站的公交车平台以及城际公交车的独立平台。
BUILDING_DESC[Transport Hub 03 A]:0 Exchange Hub where one side of the road contains the Train Station and the other side the Metro Station. The two sides are connected by a glass bridge crossing over the road for easy access. 一边为火车站,另一边为地铁站的换乘中转站。两边由一座跨越道路的玻璃桥相连,方便通行。
BUILDING_DESC[Transport Hub 04 A]:0 Airport and a Helicopter Stop Hub with integrated metro station allows people to conveniently switch between air transportation methods for quick access to and from the city. 机场和整合了地铁站的直升机站点中转站让市民们能够方便地在空中交通方式间转乘来快速进出城市。
BUILDING_DESC[Transport Hub 05 A]:0 Bus Terminal and Metro Station Hub where tracks go in four directions. Hub is designed to funnel large quantities of people inside a city using city buses and metro. 轨道四通八达的公交车客运站和地铁站中转站。中转站的设计目的是用城市公交车和地铁将大量市民汇聚在一座城市内。
BUILDING_DESC[Advanced Inland Water Treatment Plant 01]:0 Advanced alternative for Inland Water Treatment Plant which extends the water services to include cities built far away from open water sources. This building processes and drains the waste water back into the ground and the plant's surroundings will be affected by ground pollution. 比内陆污水处理厂更高级的替代品,能够为那些距离开放水源较远的城市提供污水处理服务。此建筑将处理后的污水排放回地底,处理厂的周边将受到地面污染的影响。
BUILDING_DESC[Inland Water Treatment Plant 01]:0 Inland Water Treatment Plant extends the water services to include cities built far away from open water sources. This building processes and drains the waste water back into the ground and the plant's surroundings will be affected by ground pollution. 内陆污水处理厂能够为那些距离开放水源较远的城市提供污水处理服务。此建筑将处理后的污水排放回地底,处理厂的周边将受到地面污染的影响。
BUILDING_DESC[Large Water Tower 01]:0 Large alternative to Water Tower, which provide a water source for areas that do not allow a Water Pumping Station to be built. If building is constructed on polluted soil, the water will be contaminated. Requires a water drain pipe to work. Road connection not required. 大型水塔为不允许建造抽水站的地区提供水源。如果建筑建造在被污染的土地上,那么水也会被污染。需要排水管道才能运作。不需要道路连接。
BUILDING_DESC[Eco Inland Water Treatment Plant 01]:0 Eco friendly alternative to Inland Water Treatment Plant which extends water services. This building processes and drains the waste water back into the ground, and the plant's surroundings will be affected by ground pollution. 生态型内陆污水处理厂扩展了污水处理服务。这座建筑将污水处理后排放回地面,并且建筑的周围环境将受到地面污染的影响。
BUILDING_DESC[Eco Advanced Inland Water Treatment Plant 01]:0 Advanced Eco friendly alternative to Inland Water Treatment Plant which extends water services. This building processes and drains the waste water back into the ground, and the plant's surroundings will be affected by ground pollution. 高级版生态型内陆污水处理厂扩展了污水处理服务。这座建筑将污水处理后排放回地面,并且建筑的周围环境将受到地面污染的影响。
BUILDING_DESC[Child Health Center 01]:0 Child Health Center is a small healthcare facility. It increases birth rate within the building's radius and offers health services to children and teens, creating a health benefit. 儿童健康中心是一家小型健康护理机构。该机构可以增加建筑服务范围内的婴儿出生率并为儿童和青少年提供健康护理服务以及健康福利。
BUILDING_DESC[Eldercare 01]:0 Eldercare is a small healthcare facility, offering treatment targeted specifically at the elderly, which creates a health benefit. Eldercare also extends the lifespan of the elderly within the building’s radius. 养老院是一家小型健康护理机构,专门为老年人提供治疗和相关的健康福利。养老院也能延长建筑服务范围内的老人的寿命。
BUILDING_DESC[Aviation Club 01 A]:0 Aviation Club offers local aviation hobbyists and small plane owners a place to do recreational flying within the city's limits. 航空俱乐部专门为当地的航空爱好者和拥有小型飞机的人提供在城市上空飞行的娱乐休闲方式。
BUILDING_DESC[Festival Area 1]:0 Attract tourists and infuse your city with musical vibes by building a Festival Area. Organizing successful music events and festivals allows the Festival Area to be upgraded to have even larger memorable events. 通过建造【节日区】吸引游客,使城市沉浸在音乐氛围中。成功地组织音乐活动和音乐节能让【节日区】升级成更大型的纪念活动。
BUILDING_DESC[Broadcasting Studios]:0 The Media Broadcast Building is a significant landmark and it attracts people to see its impressive broadcast tower. Also, it increases the effectiveness of active Advertisement Campaigns by 20 %. 媒体广播建筑是醒目的地标建筑,并且能吸引人们前往参观其宏伟的广播塔。另外,还能增加20%广告活动的广告效果。
BUILDING_DESC[Live Music Venue]:0 People can enjoy the local music culture all around the year even when there are no bands playing in the Festival Area. An active music scene increases the ticket sales of all the concerts by 10%. 市民在全年任何时间,即使没有乐队在音乐节区域进行演出也能享受当地的音乐盛典。音乐现场能让所有演唱会门票销售量增加10%。
BUILDING_DESC[Festival Fan Zone]:0 People who do not fit in the Festival Area or prefer to follow the concert further away can watch the band playing from the Fan Zone Park. This park comes with a big video screen and it increases the success chance of all concerts by 5%. 呆在音乐节区域感到不适或者想要进一步关注演唱会后续内容的人可以到粉丝部落公园欣赏乐队的演出。公园内还配备了超巨大的屏幕能够让演唱会的成功率增加5%。
BUILDING_DESC[Football Stadium]:0 Build a Football Stadium to allow your city to have its very own football team! The team plays matches on the stadium and if they are victorious, the city (meaning you) gets a considerable prize sum. 建立足球场并拥有自己的球队!球队会在球场进行比赛,如果胜利,城市(也就是您)将获得可观的奖金。
BUILDING_DESC[Rock Area 01]:0 An area filled with rocks. 一片充满岩石的区域。
BUILDING_DESC[Rock Area 02]:0 An area filled with rocks. 一片充满岩石的区域。
BUILDING_DESC[Rock Area 03]:0 An area filled with rocks. 一片充满岩石的区域。
BUILDING_DESC[Rock Area 04]:0 An area filled with rocks. 一片充满岩石的区域。
BUILDING_DESC[Boulder 01]:0 A boulder. 一块巨石。
BUILDING_DESC[Boulder 02]:0 A boulder. 一块巨石。
BUILDING_DESC[Boulder 03]:0 A boulder. 一块巨石。
BUILDING_DESC[Boulder 04]:0 A boulder. 一块巨石。
BUILDING_DESC[Rock Formation 01]:0 A stylish rock formation. 一段壮丽的岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Rock Formation 02]:0 A stylish rock formation. 一段壮丽的岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Rock Formation 03]:0 A stylish rock formation. 一段壮丽的岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Rock Formation 04]:0 A stylish rock formation. 一段壮丽的岩层。
BUILDING_DESC[Ship Wreck 01]:0 A wrecked ship. 一艘沉船。
BUILDING_DESC[Castle Ruins 01]:0 Ruins of the castle hall. 城堡大厅的遗迹。
BUILDING_DESC[Castle Ruins 02]:0 Castle tower ruins. 城堡塔楼的遗迹。
BUILDING_DESC[Castle Ruins 03]:0 Castle tower ruins. 城堡塔楼的遗迹。
BUILDING_DESC[Bunker Ruins 01]:0 Ruins of a bunker. 碉堡的遗迹。
BUILDING_DESC[Bunker Ruins 02]:0 Ruins of a bunker. 碉堡的遗迹。
BUILDING_DESC[Abandoned Building 01]:0 A stone farmhouse that's been abandoned for a long time. 一座废弃已久的石制农舍。
BUILDING_DESC[Ancient Cemetery 01]:0 A spooky, ancient cemetery 一片可怕的古代墓园。
BUILDING_DESC[Abandoned Factory 01]:0 A factory no longer in use. 一座已停止使用的工厂。
BUILDING_DESC[Abandoned Lighthouse 01]:0 A lighthouse that's been empty for some time. 一座空置已久的灯塔。
BUILDING_DESC[Pier Ruins 01]:0 This used to be a lovely pier. 这里曾经是一处精致的码头。
BUILDING_DESC[Coal Power Plant]:0 Uses coal to produce electricity. Creates heavy pollution. 燃烧煤来发电,会造成严重污染。
BUILDING_DESC[Oil Power Plant]:0 Take advantage of natural oil and use it to power your city. Creates heavy pollution. 利用石油资源为您的城市提供能源,会造成严重污染。
BUILDING_DESC[Nuclear Power Plant]:0 The power of the atom is in your hands. This power plant does not create ground pollution but does emit noise pollution. High water usage. 裂变的洪荒之力掌握在您的手中。核能发电厂没有地面污染,但会有噪音污染。提高水消耗。
BUILDING_DESC[Wind Turbine]:0 Cheap and clean energy from the wind. Amount of power produced depends on how strong the wind is on the spot where the turbine is built. No road connection required. 廉价且清洁的风力能源。发电机所处位置的风力强弱将决定发电量。无需道路连接。
BUILDING_DESC[Advanced Wind Turbine]:0 The latest technology allows you to build advanced wind turbines in bodies of water in order to save space. Amount of power produced depends on how strong the wind is on the spot where the turbine is built. Must be placed on water. No road connection required. 最新科技使得在水上建造高效风力发电机成为可能,可以大幅节省空间。发电机建造处的风力强弱决定发电量。必须建造在水上。无需道路连接。
BUILDING_DESC[Solar Power Plant]:0 The solar power plant produces electricity with its large solar panels and stores power in batteries built underground. During the night the solar power plant distributes stored electricity from the batteries, so it contributes to electricity production even during the night. 太阳能发电站使用巨大的太阳能电池板生产电能,并将其储存在建在地下的电池内。在夜间,太阳能发电站可将电池内的电能输出,向城市供电。所以即使是在夜间,太阳能发电站也对城市供电作出着贡献。
BUILDING_DESC[Water Intake]:0 A Water Pumping Station pumps water to the city from a body of water. Place the pumping station so that it will take in fresh water (contaminated water will make citizens sick). Note that a water pumping station always requires a water drain pipe to work properly. Road connection not required. 抽水站可从水源地抽水并送往城市。将抽水站放置好,以使其吸取新鲜水源(受污染的水源会使居民生病)。请注意,抽水站需要排水管来正常工作。无需道路连接。
BUILDING_DESC[Water Outlet]:0 The drain pipe pumps out waste water. Remember to avoid pumping sewage upstream! Note that a drain pipe always requires a water pumping station to work properly. Road connection not required. 排水管用于排出废水。请切记不要将污水排放至水源上游!排水管的工作需要抽水站来配合。无需道路连接。
BUILDING_DESC[Water Treatment Plant]:0 Don't want to pump raw sewage into bodies of water? You can build a water treatment plant to reduce the environmental impact of the city. Purifies 85% of the pollution in sewage. 不想将未处理的污水排入水源地吗?请建造一个污水处理厂来减少其对城市环境的影响。污水处理厂能够净化 85% 的污水。
BUILDING_DESC[Water Tower]:0 The Water Tower provides a water source for areas that do not allow a Water Pumping Station to be built. If a water tower is built on polluted soil, the water will get contaminated. A water tower requires a water drain pipe to work properly. Road connection not required. 水塔可以为无法建造抽水站的地区提供水源。如果一个水塔建在污染的土壤上,其提供的水源也会遭到污染。水塔的工作需要排水管配合。无需道路连接。
BUILDING_DESC[Landfill Site]:0 Landfill sites send out garbage trucks to collect garbage from the city. Uncollected garbage can create pollution. 垃圾车从堆放场出发,在城市中收集垃圾。未被收集的垃圾会造成污染。
BUILDING_DESC[Combustion Plant]:0 Instead of just collecting garbage, why not burn it and turn it into electricity through the power of steam turbines? The incineration plant burns garbage to create electricity for the city. 比堆放垃圾更好的方法,焚化炉将垃圾燃烧并发电为城市供电。
BUILDING_DESC[Hospital]:0 The Hospital treats citizens who fall ill or have an accident. Each patient takes up one bed for some time, so make sure there are enough hospitals in the city to handle all patients, otherwise city health can fall. The Hospital has a helipad and can accept helicopters. 医院对生病或遭遇意外事故的市民提供医疗服务。每位病患都会占用病床一段时间,所以请确保城市中有足够的医疗设施照顾所有病患。充足的医疗设施可保持市民健康。
BUILDING_DESC[Medical Clinic]:0 The Medical Clinic is a small healthcare facility. Each patient takes up one bed for some time, so make sure there are enough healthcare facilities in the city to handle all patients. Sufficient healthcare will keep your citizens healthy. 诊所是一个小型的医疗设施。每位病患都会占用病床一段时间,所以请确保城市中有足够的医疗设施照顾所有病患。充足的医疗设施可保持市民健康。
BUILDING_DESC[Crematory]:0 The modern way to process the departed is through the use of thermal energy. Coincidentally it also saves space. 处理遗体最现代的方法便是火化,还能顺便节省不少地方。
BUILDING_DESC[Cemetery]:0 The recently departed deserve a place to rest and those who are left behind require a way to remember them by. The Cemetery sends out hearses to pick up the deceased. 遗体需要一块安息之地,以供生者缅怀。公墓可派遣运送遗体的灵车。
BUILDING_DESC[Fire House]:0 Fight against fires by building a Fire House. Fire houses maintain firefighter teams and fire engines that will respond to fire emergencies. 您必须建立消防局来救火。消防局里的消防员及消防车将会响应火警。
BUILDING_DESC[Fire Station]:0 Fire Stations can maintain a large number of firefighters and fire engines and respond to multiple simultaneous emergencies around the city. 消防总局里可驻扎大量消防员和消防车,其能够同时对全程各地的火警作出响应。
BUILDING_DESC[Police Station]:0 Police cars are dispatched from the Police Station to patrol the city and respond to criminal activity. 警察局派遣的警车将会在市内巡逻,并处理犯罪活动。
BUILDING_DESC[Police Headquarters]:0 The Police Headquarters can maintain a large fleet of police patrol cars and respond to numerous incidents at the same time. Police presence helps control the crime rate and keeps citizens safe and happy. 警察总部维持的大量警车能够同时处理多个警情。警察的存在将有助于控制犯罪率,并且保证市民的安定生活。
BUILDING_DESC[Town Hall]:0 A quaint little Town Hall. Requirement for building the Fusion Power Plant. 一个古典的小市政厅。建设核聚变发电厂的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[City Hall]:0 Civil servants work tirelessly in the Tax Office to optimize the taxes to your liking. Requirement for building the Fusion Power Plant. 行政人员们在税务大厅里任劳任怨,能按您的要求优化税收政策。建设核聚变发电厂的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Elementary School]:0 Elementary Schools educate children. Placing one makes the neighborhood more attractive to families with children. Education is a requirement for buildings to level up.

Only children can attend elementary school.



BUILDING_DESC[High School]:0 High Schools educate teenagers to prepare them to become educated workers. Education is a requirement for buildings to level up. Higher level industry requires educated workers.

Only teenagers can attend high school.



BUILDING_DESC[University]:0 The University provides education for young adults. Without a university they will find jobs instead of getting more education. Education is a requirement for buildings to level up. Higher level industry requires educated workers. Only young adults can attend the university. 大学为青年提供教育。如果没有大学,青年会去找工作而不是继续接受教育。教育是建筑物升级的必要条件。高等级的产业需要受过教育的工作者。


BUILDING_DESC[Bus Depot]:0 The Bus Depot automatically sends out buses for your bus lines. Build lines with the Bus Stop tool. Adjust the number of buses available by raising or lowering the city's public transportation budget. 公交车调度站会自动派出公交车到你的公交车路线上。使用公交车站工具来建立公交车路线。通过提高或降低城市的公共运输预算来调整公交车数量。
BUILDING_DESC[Metro Entrance]:0 Travelling underground at high speeds while avoiding the stress of traffic is an excellent choice when thinking mass transit in the city centre. Place underground metro stations first, connect them with metro tracks and then plan routes. 由于大城市车多人多,因此使用地铁这种能避开交通拥堵、可以在地下高速穿行的交通运输工具是非常明智的选择。先放置好地下地铁的各个站台,再用地铁轨道将这些站台连在一起,然后规划地铁路线。
BUILDING_DESC[Train Station]:0 The Train Station allows tourists to travel to and from the city. Place the station and connect it to the rails leading out to allow trains to come and go automatically. 火车站可运送游客。放置火车站并将其与铁轨相连,火车就能自动运作了。
BUILDING_DESC[Airport]:0 The Airport opens the sky for traveling to far-away lands. Tourism benefits greatly from plane traffic. Airport needs a road connection but can be freely placed on the map. 机场开启了航向远方的天空道路。旅游业可因航空获得极大的帮助。机场需要有道路连接,但可以在地图上自由设置。
BUILDING_DESC[Harbor]:0 The Harbor provides outside connection for passengers to the city by sea. Tourists arrive to the city and leave it via the harbor. Place the harbor on a seaside location where a harbor route is available. 港口向乘客们提供从海上进入市内的通道。外地游客可通过港口进出城市。港口只可放置在航道可达的海边。
BUILDING_DESC[Cargo Harbor]:0 Ship out goods and bring in materials for your industry and power plants. Place the Cargo Harbor on a seaside location where a harbor route is available. 货运港口可为您的产业设施和发电厂运送原料。港口需要放置在航道可达的海边。
BUILDING_DESC[Cargo Center]:0 Build a Cargo Train Terminal to allow trains to carry goods and raw materials. Cargo trains can operate inside the city or with an outside connection. Build stations and connect them with tracks before using the train line tool to make a line. 请建造货运火车站以运送商品和原材料。货运火车可在市内或连接有外部线路的情况下运行。请先建造车站,并用铁轨将它们彼此连接起来,最后再用火车线路工具来规划线路。
BUILDING_DESC[BeautificationPanel]:0 Decorate the neighborhood with a few trees. 用一些树木来装点社区。
BUILDING_DESC[Obelisk]:0 The Obelisk is on permanent loan from the Museum of Ancient History. 这个方尖碑是向历史博物馆长期借来的。
BUILDING_DESC[Stadium]:0 Bring the excitement of a sports game into the city by building a Stadium. Requirement for building the Space Elevator. 建造一座体育场把运动赛事的紧张有意思带进城市里。是建设轨道电梯的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[StatueOfWealth]:0 The statue is the personification of the city's wealth. Requirement for building the Space Elevator. 这座雕塑就是城市财富的化身。建设轨道电梯的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[ExpoCenter]:0 Trade shows and conferences attract visitors from near and far. Requirement for building the Space Elevator. 在此举办的贸易展会与大型会议吸引着各地的游客。是建设轨道电梯的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Modern Art Museum]:0 Here visitors can experience fine art. Requirement for building the Fusion Power Plant. 游客们可以在这里欣赏艺术。是建设核聚变发电厂的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Plaza of the Dead]:0 An eerie plaza to celebrate how well the city handles its deceased. Requirement for building the Fusion Power Plant. 一座用以夸耀该市如何处理遗体的怪异广场。是建设核聚变电站的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Fountain of LifeDeath]:0 A pretty fountain reminds passersby of how fragile life is. Requirement for building the Fusion Power Plant. 一座用来提醒市民“天道好轮回,苍天饶过谁”的美丽喷泉。是建设核聚变电站的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[SeaWorld]:0 The favorite way to spend a vacation day for all children is to visit the Aquarium! Requirement for building the Hadron Collider. 孩子们最喜欢的度假方式就是参观水族馆!是建设强子对撞机的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Colossal Offices]:0 The HQ of Colossal Order, the super successful games company that makes millions. Requirement for building the Hadron Collider. 科洛萨奥奥德公司总部。赚进一大笔钱的超成功游戏公司,是建设强子对撞机的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Posh Mall]:0 The fanciest of fancy malls for all the fancy people. Requirement for building the Hadron Collider. 高端顾客最喜爱的高档商场,是建设强子对撞机的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Library]:0 The huge library has so many books that no one has been able to read them all. Requirement for building the Hadron Collider. 这个图书馆里藏有穷尽一生都无法读完的书。是建设强子对撞机的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Observatory]:0 People can observe the stars and all the other celestial bodies in the observatory. Requirement for building the Fusion Power Plant. 人们可以在天文台里观测恒星和其他天体,是建设核聚变发电厂的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Official Park]:0 Much official. Very park. The official park is a neat little park that people like to visit. Requirement for building the Eden Project. 很中部,很公园。中部公园是人人爱的小公园。是建设伊甸园计划的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Friendly Neighborhood]:0 This is a very normal neighborhood park where everone's friendly and where children like to play and families go out for picnics. Requirement for building the Eden Project. 这是一个很普通的社区公园,大家彼此友好,孩子也都喜欢去玩,同时也很适合一家人去野餐。该公园是建设伊甸园计划的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Servicing Services]:0 Servicing Services offers all kinds of services. This building serves as their headquarters. Requirement for building the Eden Project. 无事不包事务所提供多种服务。该建筑是他们的总部,同时是建设伊甸园计划的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Business Park]:0 For those busy lunch hours and a teeny breath of fresh air, office workers like to visit the Business Park. Requirement for building the Eden Project. 白领们喜欢在午休时到商务公园来呼吸新鲜空气。这是建设伊甸园计划的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[ScienceCenter]:0 Inside the Science Center, top notch scientists from all over the world work to find out more about the world we live in. Their latest discoveries are presented to visitors in exhibitions. Requirement for building the Fusion Power Plant. 在科学中心里,来自世界各地的顶尖科学家们研究着世界的奥秘。游客们能欣赏他们最新的研究成果。是建设核聚变发电厂的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Cathedral of Plentitude]:0 The gorgeous cathedral celebrates how fantastic the city has become. Open for all religions. Requirement for building the Eden Project. Please note that parks and Unique Buildings don’t count towards the requirements. 这座壮丽的教堂是城市繁荣的象征。对所有宗教开放。建设伊甸园计划的必要条件。请注意公园和独有建筑不被计入必要条件中。
BUILDING_DESC[Statue of Industry]:0 Having booming industry allows you to build a statue to commemorate this great time in the history of the city. Requirement for building the Eden Project. 拥有欣欣向荣的工业,使您可以通过建造一座雕像来纪念这个伟大的时代。是建设伊甸园计划的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Opera House]:0 People near and far come to enjoy the wonderful music played and songs sung at the Opera House. Requirement for building the Space Elevator. 各地的人们都喜欢到歌剧院来欣赏音乐。是建设轨道电梯的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Grand Mall]:0 People always like to shop! Tourists even more so. Why not have a mall when you have more of them coming in? Requirement for building the Space Elevator. 人们都喜欢购物,游客更是如此!既然游客变多了,为什么不建造一个商场呢?是建设轨道电梯的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[SeaAndSky Scraper]:0 This impressive office building has many companies using it. Reward for building both a Passenger Harbor and a Cargo Harbor. Requirement for building the Medical Center. 很多公司都在用这座办公楼。这是建造完成客运码头和货运码头的奖励。是建设医疗中心的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Lazaret Plaza]:0 Can poor health be something to be proud of? Apparently yes! The Lazaret Plaza is a scenic area where people like to visit. Requirement for building the Medical Center. 残缺就是美!人们非常喜欢参观破碎广场。
BUILDING_DESC[Court House]:0 The Court House handles all kinds of legal business your citizens have. Requirement for building the Medical Center. 法院大楼处理您所有市民的各种法律问题。是建设医疗中心的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Theater of Wonders]:0 The wonderful Theater of Wonders has plays from all over the world. Requirement for building the Hadron Collider. 伟大的奇迹剧院里上演着世界各地的名剧。建设强子对撞机的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Statue of Shopping]:0 Shopping is a wonderful thing! The statue of shopping is a constant reminder of the bliss that it is to purchase something. Requirement for building the Hadron Collider. 购物真是太美妙了!这雕像会一直提醒大家,购物是多么令人开心的一件事。是建设强子对撞机的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Transport Tower]:0 The Transport Tower is a large office building specially meant for public transport companies. Requirement for building the Space Elevator. 交通塔是专供各类公共交通公司所使用的大型办公建筑。是建设轨道电梯的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[High Interest Tower]:0 The High Interest Tower is indeed high. Many companies like to have offices in it because of the lovely view. Requirement for building the Medical Center. 高利塔真的很高。因为上面的美丽景色,很多公司都喜欢在这里办公。是建设医疗中心的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Trash Mall]:0 This mall is not so posh, but has lots of small, cheap shops. Requirement for building the Medical Center. 这商场虽然不太时髦,但其内部有很多小型廉价商店。是建设医疗中心的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Oppression Office]:0 When in need of oppression, go to the Oppression Office! It's their specialty. Requirement for building the Medical Center. 需要血汗的话,就来找血汗办公室吧!这是他们的专长。是建设医疗中心的必要条件。
BUILDING_DESC[Fusion Power Plant]:0 The power of the stars is within your grasp and the energy problems of yesterday are gone once the Fusion Power Plant is operational. Offers huge amounts of clean energy without the fear of radioactive fallout or other pollution. 你掌握了恒星的能量技术。只要核聚变发电厂正常运行,能源将不再是问题。提供了巨量干净能源,无放射性尘埃或其他污染的后遗症。
BUILDING_DESC[Eden Project]:0 The Eden Project is a huge glass house, perfect for vast gardens full of exotic fruits and plants. It greatly increases the city profile and reduces pollution from land, air and water, making land in the city area more valuable. 【伊甸园计划】是一个巨大的玻璃房子,完美适合作布满异国水果和植物的大花园。它能极大地提升城市形象,减少土地、空气和水污染,让市区的土地价值更高。
BUILDING_DESC[Space Elevator]:0 People near and far travel to the city to see the Space Elevator. This means a huge influx of tourists, who also like to spend money while visiting. 来自四面八方的人们争相来到城市里一睹轨道电梯的风采。这代表将有大量涌入的观光客,也就是那些人傻钱多的。
BUILDING_DESC[Medical Center]:0 The Medical Center is a research facility that works on finding cures for diseases and ailments. It is so vast and efficient that it can easily take care of all your citizens' health needs. The Medical Center has a helipad and can accept helicopters. 此医疗中心是专门研究及治疗疾病的研究设施,它的高效能及大容量能提供医疗服务给您所有的市民。
BUILDING_DESC[Hadron Collider]:0 The Hadron Collider is a place of science. Various research takes place in the facility and it offers education to citizens. A city with a Hadron Collider does not need to worry about education, the facility provides it for all citizens. 强子对撞机是一个科学殿堂,这里进行着各式各样的研究并教育市民。有了强子对撞机,妈妈再也不用担心你的学习,这个设施会向所有市民提供教育。
BUILDING_DESC[Expensive Park]:0 A park with lots of trees that offer shady spots for picnic goers and people walking through the park. 一个种有许多树的公园,可以让人们在树下野餐,或是漫步。
BUILDING_DESC[Expensive Playground]:0 Families with kids love this playground! Trees decorate the area and there's lots of space for kids to play in. 有孩子的家庭非常喜欢这个操场!里面有很多树,空间很大,孩子们可以随意玩耍。
BUILDING_DESC[Expensive Plaza]:0 A great plaza for going out to eat or just for hanging out. 一个可以享用美食和到处闲逛的大型广场。
BUILDING_DESC[Regular Park]:0 Fill small spots with nature's beauty and give citizens a place for short walks. 一个充满了自然之美,且能让市民们随意散步的小地方。
BUILDING_DESC[Regular Park2]:0 A regular small neighborhood park. Lovely nature and spots for children to play. 一个普通的小型社区公园。里面有美丽的花草和提供给孩子们的游乐设施。
BUILDING_DESC[Regular Playground]:0 Children come here to play and adults to relax and enjoy. 孩子们来这里玩耍,而成年人来这里放松享受。
BUILDING_DESC[Regular Plaza]:0 Beautiful tiles combined with large trees make this plaza a sight to behold. People come to the plaza to meet friends and hang out. 美丽的砖瓦和大树让这个广场成为值得一看的景观。人们也来这个广场休闲娱乐。
BUILDING_DESC[Parking Lot]:0 Offers parking space for citizens. 为市民提供停车位。
BUILDING_DESC[Cloverleaf Intersection]:0 Traffic flows easily through the cloverleaf intersection. It combines two highways with three lanes per direction for easy switching from one highway to the other. You can rotate the intersection by clicking or holding down the secondary mouse button. 交通流量可轻松地通过蝶形交叉路进行分流。其将两条双向六车道的高速公路连接起来,使两条公路上的轻松切换成为可能。单击或按住鼠标右键可对交叉路进行旋转。
BUILDING_DESC[Threeway Intersection]:0 With a three-way intersection, traffic can be branched off from a highway to another three-laned highway with ease. You can rotate the intersection by clicking or holding down the secondary mouse button. 三叉路口可以轻松将一条高速路上的车流分流到另一条三车道高速路上。按下或按住鼠标右键即可对交叉路口进行旋转。
BUILDING_DESC[RoundaboutS]:0 The small roundabout provides an easy way to help traffic flow freely. 小型环岛可以让交通更顺畅。
BUILDING_DESC[RoundaboutL]:0 For intersections with lots of traffic, use the large roundabout to allow traffic to flow with as few stops as possible. 在车流量很大的交叉路口,大型环岛可让车辆尽量顺畅地移动。
BUILDING_DESC[Basketball Court]:0 Baskets and balls make for a fun time! Citizens can enjoy playing with friends and new acquaintances at the basketball court. Raises nearby land value. 篮球和其他球类都很好玩!市民们可以在篮球场和新老朋友们一起玩儿。篮球场将会提升附近地价。
BUILDING_DESC[bouncer_castle]:0 A lovely place to take your children to let out some steam! The bouncy castle is always a popular location and makes land around it more valuable. 这是一个带着你的孩子们一起去放松的好地方!充气城堡非常受欢迎,能够提升附近地价。
BUILDING_DESC[dog-park-fence]:0 People come to the dog park to walk dogs and meet friends. Raises land value. 人们来到狗狗公园来遛狗和社交。可提升地价。
BUILDING_DESC[Botanical garden]:0 The Botanical Garden is a nice park-like area for people to relax in. It raises surrounding land value. 植物园是一个类似于公园的休闲场所。它能够提升附近地价。
BUILDING_DESC[MerryGoRound]:0 Carousels are especially loved by children. The carousel park is a wonderful location and brings up the value of land around it. 孩子们特别喜欢旋转木马。这个公园真是极好的,还能提升附近的地价。
BUILDING_DESC[JapaneseGarden]:0 A beautiful Japanese garden is the pride of any neighborhood! The garden raises surrounding land value. 每个社区都喜欢漂亮的和风花园!花园会提升附近地价。
BUILDING_DESC[ParadoxPlaza]:0 This plaza has become a traditional gathering place for all gamers and game developers around the world. Game enthusiasts visit Paradox Plaza to share ideas and get inspired by others. 这个广场已经成为全世界玩家和游戏开发者的集散地了。游戏爱好者们来到派拉多克斯广场分享彼此想法和获得灵感。
BUILDING_DESC[Statue of Liberty]:0 The Statue of Liberty draws in lots of tourists. Its grandeur is known throughout the world. 自由女神像吸引了大量游客。它的宏伟壮观闻名于全世界。
BUILDING_DESC[Eiffel Tower]:0 Bonjour! To have more wine, cheese and striped shirts in your city, the Eiffel Tower is your best choice. It will surely make lots of tourists visit your city. 您好!想让您的城市拥有更多的酒,起司和条纹衬衫的话,埃菲尔铁塔就是您的不二选择。它肯定会吸引大量游客的。
BUILDING_DESC[Brandenburg Gate]:0 The Brandenburg Gate is truly a sight to see. Build it in your city to gain plenty of tourists. 勃兰登堡门非常值得一看。把它建造在您的城市里来吸引大量游客。
BUILDING_DESC[Grand Central Terminal]:0 Everybody loves trains! Build the Grand Central Terminal train museum in your city to give citizens and tourists an interesting place to visit. 人人都爱火车!把中部车站火车博物馆修建在您的城市里,给市民和游客们一个好去处。
BUILDING_DESC[Arc de Triomphe]:0 Celebrate! The Arch of Triumph is a wonderful landmark that will make any city look prettier. Build it to gain more tourists. 请尽情庆祝吧!凯旋门这样伟大的地标能让任何城市都看上去更加漂亮。建造凯旋门来吸引更多游客。
BUILDING_DESC[Wildlife Spawn Point]:0 Allows wildlife to spawn on the map from this point. 野生动物可从这个位置开始在地图上繁殖。
BUILDING_DESC[The Majesty]:0 Created By Matt Crux 麦特 克鲁克斯 打造
BUILDING_DESC[Pinoa Street]:0 Created By Matt Crux 麦特 克鲁克斯 打造
BUILDING_DESC[Eddie Kovanago]:0 Created By Matt Crux 麦特 克鲁克斯 打造
BUILDING_DESC[Biodome]:0 A variety of endangered plants, insects and birds find refuge in these climate controlled structures. Visitors get to explore a completely different ecosystem without having to travel around the world. Animal species that might otherwise go extinct can live safely and peacefully while receiving the care they need to survive. 这些大型可控气候建筑中容纳着各种各样的几乎灭绝的动植物和鸟类。
BUILDING_DESC[Cryopreservatory]:0 This controversial building stores the clinically deceased until the technology becomes available to revive them. Cryonics allows living matter to be preserved for extended periods of time. Bodies are lowered into underground nitrogen tanks after which their temperature is lowered to -196 degrees centigrade. 这个极具争议性的建筑存放着亡者的尸体,以等待有朝一日复活死者的科技会诞生。
BUILDING_DESC[Electric Car Factory]:0 This plant produces vehicles with a very low carbon footprint. Customers can purchase cars directly from the in-house showroom. The factory ground is also home to the company’s design and distribution departments, located inside an office tower. The company prides itself in making electric cars affordable for the average cim. 这个工厂以非常低的碳排放量生产车辆。消费者可以直接在内置的展示厅中购买汽车。
BUILDING_DESC[Faculty]:0 University students who wish to specialize in certain areas go to these Faculty buildings. Each building educates cims in one subject, like astronomy, arts, biology or law. Students can pick and choose to go to one of these buildings or a main University, but each Faculty building operates individually. 大学生可以在这些学院建筑中专注学习特定的学科。
BUILDING_DESC[Intelligence Agency]:0 This government building gathers information and enforces mass surveillance throughout your region. With an ever growing need for high profile security measures, your city can now task the Central Police Intelligence Agency (CPI) with public as well as covert operations. 这座行政机构大楼负责收集整个区域的情报和监控措施。
BUILDING_DESC[Medical Laboratory]:0 Biochemists and pathologists analyze clinical samples and groups of patients while creating new types of pharmaceutical medicine. The Medical Laboratory is a special Healthcare institution which not only treats patients but also analyzes viral infections. 生物化学家和病理学家在这里分析临床样本和病人群体以期制造新的治疗药物。
BUILDING_DESC[Nanotechnology Center]:0 Cutting edge development center where physicists experiment with devices and materials at a molecular scale. Nanotechnology revolves around manipulating matter with extreme precision, invisible to the naked eye. The Center is shaped after a carbon fullerene, which has a molecular structure often associated with nanotechnology. 这座先进的研究中心是物理学家们开发分子状态装置和材料的地方。
BUILDING_DESC[Research Center]:0 Scientists from all over the world gather at RDC to develop the latest technological advancements. The Research Center houses a multidisciplinary staff of engineers, biologists, chemists and mathematicians. RDC hosts many science related conventions which attract a host of highly educated researchers. 来自世界各地的科学家们齐集于 RDC 以开发最先进的黑科技。
BUILDING_DESC[Robotics Institute]:0 Head office for a large corporation which creates autonomous robots and military drones. The Robotics Institute deals with a variety of automated machines intended for industrial and commercial usage. Many of these machines are intended for hazardous environments. 某个制造机器人和军用无人机的大型企业的总公司。
BUILDING_DESC[Semiconductor Plant]:0 This plant manufactures high performance processing units for computers, mobile phones and medical equipment. The foundry features two very large redundant production lines which have to be kept isolated from dust and other exterior elements due to the tiny scale at which microcircuits are created. 此工厂为电脑、手机、医疗器材等生产高性能的处理器。
BUILDING_DESC[Software Development Studio]:0 Office building where programmers and software engineers create operating systems and security packages. The building is inspired by the company brand name ‘Starboard Software’, mimicking a ship’s hull and deck. The company has been dominating the industry for decades. 程序员和软件工程师在这座办公大楼中开发操作系统和安全软件。
BUILDING_DESC[Space Shuttle Launch Site]:0 Launch facility for a reusable space orbiter. The shuttle is used to deliver and maintain artificial satellites. At launch, two solid rocket boosters push the craft into earth’s upper atmosphere. The facility deals with highly flammable propellants, so emergency personnel should stand guard nearby. 用于发射可循环使用的航天飞机的设施。
BUILDING_DESC[Television Station]:0 Cims receive their daily headlines from this public service broadcasting station which employs a large number of journalists. Communications Service 1 (CS1) is an international distributor for a whole range of programs and shows. The station features a telecommunications tower capable of transmitting radio and television. 人们通过此公共服务广播站收看每日头条新闻,因此此广播站雇佣了大量新闻工作者。
BUILDING_DESC[Vertical Farm]:0 Vertical farming is the ultimate solution to agriculture in an urbanized world. This structure has vertically stacked floors allowing a large number of crops to be grown in a relatively small area. Many floors are enclosed similarly to greenhouses, while others are open to outside weather conditions. 城市立体农场是市区农业的终极解决方案。
BUILDING_DESC[Wave Power Plant]:0 Harness the kinetic power of water with an affordable Wave Power Plant. Waves are created by wind passing over the water’s surface. Strong wind speed pushes the water into a series of reservoirs, which then feed the interior generators to produce power. Cables are used to deliver the electricity onshore. 海浪发电厂利用水的动力功率来生产成本低廉的电力。
BUILDING_DESC[police_station_EU]:0 Police cars are dispatched from the Police Station to patrol the city and respond to criminal activity. 警察局派遣的警车将会在市内巡逻,并处理犯罪活动。
BUILDING_DESC[Police Headquarters EU]:0 The Police Headquarters can maintain a large fleet of police patrol cars and respond to numerous incidents at the same time. Police presence helps control the crime rate and keeps citizens safe and happy. 警察总部维持的大量警车能够同时处理多个警情。警察的存在将有助于控制犯罪率,并且保证市民的安定生活。
BUILDING_DESC[Fire_Station_EU]:0 Fire Stations can maintain a large number of firefighters and fire engines and respond to multiple simultaneous emergencies around the city. 消防总局里可驻扎大量消防员和消防车,其能够同时对全程各地的火警作出响应。
BUILDING_DESC[firehouse_EU]:0 Fight against fires by building a Fire House. Fire houses maintain firefighter teams and fire engines that will respond to fire emergencies. 您必须建立消防局来救火。消防局里的消防员及消防车将会响应火警。
BUILDING_DESC[medicalclinicEU]:0 The Medical Clinic is a small healthcare facility. Each patient takes up one bed for some time, so make sure there are enough healthcare facilities in the city to handle all patients. Sufficient healthcare will keep your citizens healthy. 诊所是一个小型的医疗设施。每位病患都会占用病床一段时间,所以请确保城市中有足够的医疗设施照顾所有病患。充足的医疗设施可保持市民健康。
BUILDING_DESC[hospital_EU]:0 The Hospital treats citizens who fall ill or have an accident. Each patient takes up one bed for some time, so make sure there are enough hospitals in the city to handle all patients, otherwise city health can fall. The Hospital has a helipad and can accept helicopters. 医院对生病或遭遇意外事故的市民提供医疗服务。每位病患都会占用病床一段时间,所以请确保城市中有足够的医疗设施照顾所有病患。充足的医疗设施可保持市民健康。
BUILDING_DESC[Elementary_School_EU]:0 Elementary Schools educate children. Placing one makes the neighborhood more attractive to families with children. Education is a requirement for buildings to level up.

Only children can attend elementary school.



BUILDING_DESC[highschool_EU]:0 High Schools educate teenagers to prepare them to become educated workers. Education is a requirement for buildings to level up. Higher level industry requires educated workers.

Only teenagers can attend high school.



BUILDING_DESC[University_EU]:0 The University provides education for young adults. Without a university they will find jobs instead of getting more education. Education is a requirement for buildings to level up. Higher level industry requires educated workers. Only young adults can attend the university. 大学为青年提供教育。如果没有大学,青年会去找工作而不是继续接受教育。教育是建筑物升级的必要条件。高等级的产业需要受过教育的工作者。


BUILDING_DESC[hypermarket]:0 If a supermarket is not enough for you, this is your choice. Hypermarket has everything from groceries to home appliances under one roof. And that's not all! There is free parking 24/7 and special discounts every day! 如果超市还不够的话,大卖场就绝对适合您。从杂货到家具,大卖场有一个家庭所需的一切东西。这还没完!大卖场还提供7X24小时全天候免费车位及特殊折扣!
BUILDING_DESC[government_offices]:0 Government offices. You will never find a more scrupulous hive of bureaucrats and administrators. 行政机构办公室。在别处是找不到这么一大群心思缜密的行政人员的。
BUILDING_DESC[city_hall]:0 The City Hall houses the city council and its associated departments and their employees. City hall is usually used for the council meeting, but may also be used for various public meetings and events. 市政厅内容纳着市议会和相应部门与这两者的雇员。市政厅通常用于举行市议会,但同时也可用于多种公众集会和事件。
BUILDING_DESC[amsterdam_palace]:0 Originally built to serve as a city hall, but its fancy decoration and functional layout attracted the local royalty to acquire the premises as their permanent residence. 其原本作为城市大厅建造,但花哨的装饰和实用的布局吸引了当地王室成员将其作为永久居住地。
BUILDING_DESC[theatre]:0 Theatrical plays and musical concerts are best experienced in a proper theater built to honor the traditional performance arts. 为在观看传统表演艺术时获得最佳体验,最好在合适的剧院里观看戏剧表演和音乐会。
BUILDING_DESC[cinema]:0 See all the latest blockbusters and hot indie movies from the silver screen. 从大银幕观看所有最新大片和热门电影。
BUILDING_DESC[cathedral_of_cologne]:0 This huge medieval church took over 100 years to build. It's no wonder that it is still the largest cathedral in Europe. 这座巨大的中世纪教堂花费了超过 100 年时间建造。其理所当然仍旧是欧洲第一大。
BUILDING_DESC[shopping_center]:0 This building forms a complex of shops, cafes, restaurants and other retail facilities. An excellent place to hang out with your friends or go crazy with your credit card. 该建筑拥有商店、咖啡馆、餐馆和其他零售设施。是一个与朋友闲逛和用信用卡大刷特刷的好地方。
BUILDING_DESC[department_store]:0 A retail establishment offering a wide variety of consumer goods which are featured in their own departments in the store. 一个贩售多种特色物品的零售店。
BUILDING_DESC[london_eye_anim]:0 This 135-meter tall structure is the world's tallest Ferris wheel also known as the Millennium Wheel. Its wheel is 120 meters in diameter and supported by steel cables. It looks like a giant bicycle wheel. 这座 135 米高的建筑是世界上最大的摩天轮,又名千禧轮。其直径 120 米,由钢索支撑。看起来像是一个超大的自行车轮。
BUILDING_DESC[Big_Ben]:0 This supersized clock tower is perhaps the best-known symbol of the United Kingdom. With this famously reliable clock, you will never miss tea time again. 这座超大体积的钟塔也许是英国最广为人知的地标。有着以可靠而闻名的大钟,让人们永远不会错过下午茶时间。
BUILDING_DESC[arena]:0 Football and track and field sports are at their best in an open-air sports arena. Natural sunshine and fresh air make the events much more enjoyable. Except when it's raining, that is. 足球与田径运动最适合在露天运动场中进行。自然光照与新鲜空气让体育运动更令人愉快。除非下雨的话,那就没辙了。
BUILDING_DESC[gherkin]:0 This eccentric skyscraper is a hub for financial business and has a very nice restaurant with a 360-degree view at the top floor. 外表怪异的摩天大楼是金融事务的枢纽,其顶层拥有一个 360 度视野的高级餐厅。
BUILDING_DESC[Tennis_Court_EU]:0 Tennis is a sport that requires a court with a proper surface and equipment to play. With this high-quality tennis court, you can let the noble sport of tennis flourish in the city. 网球这项运动,需要地形适宜的球场和装备。若拥有这样高质量的网球场,便可让高贵的网球运动风靡全城。
BUILDING_DESC[Winter Market 01]:0 Traditional Winter Market is finally here! This well-known full of scent street market offers delicious food, warm drinks and unique handicrafts from open-air stalls. Once build citizens will join the celebration of the genuine holiday spirit with their families and friends. 传统的冬季市场终于登场了!在这条芬芳四溢的著名街市上,您可以从露天摊位买到美食、热饮和独特的手工艺品。建成后,市民们会与他们的家人和朋友们一起参加洋溢着浓厚节日气氛的庆典。
BUILDING_DESC[H_Hub01]:0 This station is a multi-platform metro and train hub housed inside a big glass box. 此车站是一个多站台的地铁和列车枢纽,外层是一个巨大的玻璃盒。
BUILDING_DESC[H_Hub02_A]:0 A Multi-Platform below ground metro station with a bustling plaza on top 多站台地下地铁站,顶层是一个繁华的广场
BUILDING_DESC[H_Hub03]:0 Multi-platform train station hub that has and elevated and a sunken level to allow separate train networks to cross-connect. 具有高架层和下沉层的多站台火车枢纽站,可让各路列车网络实现跨接。
BUILDING_DESC[H_Hub03 sub1]:0 Multi-platform train station hub that has and elevated and a sunken level to allow separate train networks to cross-connect. 具有高架层和下沉层的多站台火车枢纽站,可让各路列车网络实现跨接。
BUILDING_DESC[H_Hub04]:0 This is a multi-platform elevated station positioned over a market place that has been operating for many years. 这是一座多站台的高架车站,位于一处运营多年的市场上方。
BUILDING_DESC[H_Hub04 sub1]:0 This is a multi-platform elevated station positioned over a market place that has been operating for many years. 这是一座多站台的高架车站,位于一处运营多年的市场上方。
BUILDING_DESC[M_Elevated Metro Station Bypass]:0 This is a suburban elevated metro station. Compact and allows metro trains to zoom overhead through your city. 这是一座郊区高架地铁站。布局紧凑,地铁列车可在城市上空快速通过。
BUILDING_DESC[M_Elevated Metro Station Dual Island]:0 A compact, space saving elevated metro station with 4 platforms. 2 upline and 2 downline. 一座布局紧凑且节省空间的高架地铁站,有 4 个站台。2 条上行线和 2 条下行线。
BUILDING_DESC[M_Elevated Metro Station Island]:0 A Compact, space saving elevated metro station with 2 platforms. 1 upline and 1 downline. 一座布局紧凑且节省空间的高架地铁站,有 2 个站台。1 条上行线和 1 条下行线。
BUILDING_DESC[M_Metro Bypass Station]:0 Open to the surface, this below ground station has 2 platforms and 2 inside tracks for express trains to bypass the stop. 这座地下车站向地面开放,有 2 个站台和 2 条内轨,可供快车绕过车站。
BUILDING_DESC[M_Metro Bypass Station sub1 1]:0 Open to the surface, this below ground station has 2 platforms and 2 inside tracks for express trains to bypass the stop. 这座地下车站向地面开放,有 2 个站台和 2 条内轨,可供快车绕过车站。
BUILDING_DESC[M_Metro Dual Island Station]:0 Open to the surface, this below ground station has 4 platforms, 2 upline and 2 downline. 这座地下车站向地面开放,有 4 个站台,2 条上行线和 2 条下行线。
BUILDING_DESC[M_Metro Island Station]:0 Open to the surface, this below ground station has 2 platforms, 1 upline and 1 downline. 这座地下车站向地面开放,有 2 个站台,1 条上行线和 1 条下行线。
BUILDING_DESC[T_Elevated Bypass Train Station]:0 This elevated train station has 2 platforms and 2 inside tracks for express trains to bypass the stop. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座高架火车站有 2 个站台和 2 条内轨,可供快车绕过车站。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_DESC[T_Elevated Bypass Train Station Sub1]:0 This elevated train station has 2 platforms and 2 inside tracks for express trains to bypass the stop. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座高架火车站有 2 个站台和 2 条内轨,可供快车绕过车站。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_DESC[T_Elevated Dual Island Train Station]:0 This elevated train station has 4 platforms, 2 upline and 2 downline. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座高架火车站有 4 个站台,2 条上行线和 2 条下行线。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_DESC[T_Elevated Dual Island Train Station Sub1]:0 This elevated train station has 4 platforms, 2 upline and 2 downline. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座高架火车站有 4 个站台,2 条上行线和 2 条下行线。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_DESC[T_Elevated Island Train Station]:0 This elevated train station has 2 platforms, 1 upline and 1 downline. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座高架火车站有 2 个站台,1 条上行线和 1 条下行线。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_DESC[T_Elevated Island Platform Sub1]:0 This elevated train station has 2 platforms, 1 upline and 1 downline. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座高架火车站有 2 个站台,1 条上行线和 1 条下行线。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_DESC[T_Ground Bypass Train Station]:0 This ground bypass train station has 2 platforms and 2 inside tracks for express trains to bypass the stop. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座地面旁路火车站有 2 个站台和 2 条内轨,可供快车绕过车站。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_DESC[T_Ground Bypass Train Station Sub2]:0 This train station has 2 platforms and 2 inside tracks for express trains to bypass the stop. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座火车站有 2 个站台和 2 条内轨,可供快车绕过车站。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_DESC[T_Ground Dual Island Train Station]:0 This train station has 4 platforms, 2 upline and 2 downline. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座火车站有 4 个站台,2 条上行线和 2 条下行线。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_DESC[T_Ground Dual Island Train Station sub1]:0 This train station has 4 platforms, 2 upline and 2 downline. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座火车站有 4 个站台,2 条上行线和 2 条下行线。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_DESC[T_Ground Island Train Station]:0 This train station has 2 platforms , 1 upline and 1 downline. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座火车站有 2 个站台,1 条上行线和 1 条下行线。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_DESC[ccp8-na2lane_pillar]:0 Pillar asset of American Two-Lane Truss Bridge 欧式双车道石桥的墩柱设施
BUILDING_DESC[ccp8-euro4lane_pillar]:0 Pillar asset of European Four-Lane Stone Bridge 欧式四车道石桥的墩柱设施
BUILDING_DESC[ccp8-na4lane_pillar]:0 Pillar asset of American Four-Lane Truss Bridge 美式四车道桁架桥的墩柱设施
BUILDING_DESC[ccp8-na6lane_pillar]:0 Pillar asset of American Six-Lane Stone Bridge 美式六车道石桥的墩柱设施
BUILDING_DESC[ccp8-naped_pillar]:0 Pillar asset of American Pedestrian Bridge 美式人行天桥的墩柱设施
BUILDING_DESC[ccp8-hstrail_pillar]:0 Pillar asset of High Speed Rail Viaduct 双车道高铁高架桥的墩柱设施
BUILDING_DESC[ccp8-eurorail1_pillar]:0 Pillar asset of European Rail Bridge 1 美式双车道桁架桥和单向桁架铁路高架桥的墩柱设施
BUILDING_DESC[ccp8-eurorail2_pillar]:0 Pillar asset of European Rail Bridge 2 单向欧式铁路高架桥的墩柱设施
BUILDING_DESC[ccp8-highway_pillar]:0 Pillar asset of Three-Lane Highway Viaduct 三车道公路高架桥的墩柱设施
BUILDING_DESC[ccp8-pier-seine]:0 Simple, decorative pier with small entertainment radius, based on the ones located on Seine river. 娱乐半径较小的巴黎式装饰性码头。
BUILDING_DESC[ccp8-pier-rhine]:0 Simple, decorative pier with small entertainment radius, based on the ones located on Rhine river. 位于德累斯顿、娱乐半径较小的装饰性简易码头。
BUILDING_DESC[Football Stadium ITA]:0 Build a football stadium to allow your city to have its very own football team! The team plays matches at the stadium and if they are victorious, the city (meaning you) gets a considerable prize sum. Juventus Stadium is the home of Juventus Football Club. 建立足球场馆以组建自己城市的足球队!队伍将在球场进行比赛,如果胜利,他们将会为城市(也就是您)带来可观的奖金。尤文图斯球场是尤文图斯足球俱乐部的主场球场。
BUILDING_DESC[Football Stadium ENG]:0 Build a football stadium to allow your city to have its very own football team! The team plays matches at the stadium and if they are victorious, the city (meaning you) gets a considerable prize sum. Stamford Bridge is the home of Chelsea FC. 建立足球场馆以组建自己城市的足球队!队伍将在球场进行比赛,如果胜利,他们将会为城市(也就是您)带来可观的奖金。斯坦福桥球场是切尔西足球俱乐部的主场球场。
BUILDING_DESC[Football Stadium ESP]:0 Build a football stadium to allow your city to have its very own football team! The team plays matches at the stadium and if they are victorious, the city (meaning you) gets a considerable prize sum. Camp Nou is the home stadium of FC Barcelona. 建立足球场馆以组建自己城市的足球队!队伍将在球场进行比赛,如果胜利,他们将会为城市(也就是您)带来可观的奖金。坎普诺球场是巴塞罗那足球俱乐部的主场球场。
BUILDING_DESC[Football Stadium FR]:0 Build a football stadium to allow your city to have its very own football team! The team plays matches at the stadium and if they are victorious, the city (meaning you) gets a considerable prize sum. Paris Saint-Germain F.C. calls the Parc des Princes stadium home. 建立足球场馆以组建自己城市的足球队!队伍将在球场进行比赛,如果胜利,他们将会为城市(也就是您)带来可观的奖金。王子公园体育场是巴黎圣日耳曼足球俱乐部的主场球场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Panda Sanctuary]:0 The Panda Sanctuary landmark is a home to happy pandas. Citizens can come and see them enjoy life. 熊猫保护区地标是熊猫的温馨家园。市民可以到这里观看熊猫无忧无虑地享受生活。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Temple]:0 Citizens visit the Temple Complex landmark to have a moment of peace and quiet. 市民们参观寺庙来寻求内心的宁静。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Oriental Pearl Tower]:0 The Oriental Pearl Tower is a grand office building landmark. 东方明珠塔是一个著名办公建筑。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[ChirpX Launch Control Center]:0 The ChirpX Launch site builds rockets in order to provide public space transport services. 啾啾X发射站让你可以建造火箭,以提供公共太空旅行服务。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Prison]:0 The Prison holds inmates serving their punishment. 监狱可使犯人在此服刑。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Casino]:0 Casinos attract tourists with their gambling activities and live shows. 游戏厅举办博彩活动和现场表演吸引游客。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[LuxuryHotel]:0 A luxurious tower hotel with a roof terrace. 这家豪华大酒店拥有一个屋顶露台。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fancy Fountain]:0 A beatifully illuminated fountain. 美丽的灯光喷泉。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[DrivingRange]:0 Driving range for golf practice and simple leisure. 可供练习高尔夫球和简单的休闲娱乐。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Zoo]:0 A modern zoo with facilities for various animals. 设有各种动物设施的现代动物园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Bus Station]:0 The Bus Station is a hub for bus traffic. 公交车站是公交车运输的转运站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Skatepark]:0 A park purpose-built for skating and other such sports. 一个专为滑板类运动而设的公园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[9x15_RidingStable]:0 Facilities for keeping horses and practice horseback riding. 饲养马匹和提供骑马体验的设施。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Beachvolley Court]:0 A court for playing beach volleyball. 一个沙滩排球场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[2x8_FishingPier]:0 A pier for recreational fishing. 一个休闲钓鱼码头。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Large Airport]:0 The Large Airport can handle more planes than the regular Airport. Thus it brings in more tourists. 这座大型机场比普通机场能对付更多的航班,因此带来更多旅客。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Cargo Hub]:0 The Cargo Hub accepts cargo trains to deliver and pick up goods straight from the dock. 货物转运中心可让货运列车直接在码头提取或放置货物。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Taxi Depot]:0 Taxi cabs start and end their shifts here. 出租车从这里开始和结束排班。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Taxi Stand]:0 When a taxi cab is not busy it will go to the closest taxi stand. 出租车空闲时会到最近的出租车等候站待命。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[MagickaPark]:0 A theme park with a Magicka theme. 以魔能为主题的公园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[2x2_Jet_ski_rental]:0 A jet ski rental company. 水上摩托车出租公司。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[3x2_Fishing tours]:0 A company that arranges fishing trips. 一家安排钓鱼团的公司。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[4x4_Marina]:0 A small marina for yachts and small boats. 提供游艇和小船使用的小码头。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[2x4_RestaurantPier]:0 A restaurant facility built on water. 盖在水上的餐厅。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[large_stand_01_anim]:0 An aircraft stand for large passenger planes. 用于停放大型客机的停机位。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Large Terminal Style A]:0 A classic style large airport entrance building with separate stories for arrivals and departures. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢经典风格的大型机场入口建筑,其到达厅和出发厅分处不同楼层。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Small 2 Story Terminal Style A]:0 A classic style small airport entrance building with separate stories for arrivals and departures. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢经典风格的小型机场入口建筑,其到达厅和出发厅分处不同楼层。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Small Terminal One Story Style A]:0 A classic style small airport entrance building. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢经典风格的小型机场入口建筑。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[medium_stand_01_anim]:0 An aircraft stand for medium passenger planes. 用于停放中型客机的停机位。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Large Terminal Style B]:0 A modern style large airport entrance building with separate stories for arrivals and departures. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢现代风格的大型机场入口建筑,其到达厅和出发厅分处不同楼层。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Large Terminal Style C]:0 An ultra modern style large airport entrance building with separate stories for arrivals and departures. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢超现代风格的大型机场入口建筑,其到达厅和出发厅分处不同楼层。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Small Terminal One Story Style B]:0 A modern style small airport entrance building. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢现代风格的小型机场入口建筑。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Small Terminal One Story Style C]:0 A ultra modern style small airport entrance building. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢超现代风格的小型机场入口建筑。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Small Terminal Style B]:0 A modern style small airport entrance building with separate stories for arrivals and departures. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢现代风格的小型机场入口建筑,其到达厅和出发厅分处不同楼层。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Small Terminal Style C]:0 A ultra modern style small airport entrance building with separate stories for arrivals and departures. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢超现代风格的小型机场入口建筑,其到达厅和出发厅分处不同楼层。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[small_stand_01_anim]:0 An aircraft stand for small passenger planes. 用于停放小型客机的停机位。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Concourse Hub 01 Style A]:0 A classic hub for aircraft stands and concourses. 一个经典风格的停机位和候机大厅枢纽。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Concourse Hub 02 Style B]:0 A modern hub for aircraft stands and concourses. 一个现代风格的停机位和候机大厅枢纽。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Concourse Hub 03 Style C]:0 A ultra modern hub for aircraft stands and concourses. 一个超现代风格的停机位和候机大厅枢纽。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[cargo_stand_01_anim]:0 Cargo planes land here to import and export goods. 货机在此降落以运入运出货物。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Cargo Airport Terminal]:0 This cargo terminal serves as the central building for cargo airports. 这个航空货运站是货运机场的中心建筑。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[cargo_airport_trainstation_01_anim]:0 Cargo Trains can import and export goods from here. 货运列车可在此运入运出货物。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Large Entrance Style A]:0 A classic style large airport entrance building with separate stories for arrivals and departures. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢经典风格的大型机场入口建筑,其到达厅和出发厅分处不同楼层。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Large Entrance Style B]:0 A modern style large airport entrance building with separate stories for arrivals and departures. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢现代风格的大型机场入口建筑,其到达厅和出发厅分处不同楼层。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Large Entrance Style C]:0 An ultra modern style large airport entrance building with separate stories for arrivals and departures. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢超现代风格的大型机场入口建筑,其到达厅和出发厅分处不同楼层。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Large Gate]:0 Large passenger planes stop at this gate. 大型客机停放于此门。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Medium Gate]:0 Medium passenger planes stop at this gate. 中型客机停放于此门。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Small Entrance Style A]:0 A classic style small airport entrance building with separate stories for arrivals and departures. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢经典风格的小型机场入口建筑,其到达厅和出发厅分处不同楼层。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Small Entrance Style B]:0 A modern style small airport entrance building with separate stories for arrivals and departures. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢现代风格的小型机场入口建筑,其到达厅和出发厅分处不同楼层。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Small Entrance Style C]:0 A ultra modern style small airport entrance building with separate stories for arrivals and departures. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport! 一幢超现代风格的小型机场入口建筑,其到达厅和出发厅分处不同楼层。将候机大厅连接到此楼以扩大您的机场!
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Small Gate]:0 Small passenger planes stop at this gate. 小型客机停放于此门。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Airline HG]:0 Houses the headquarters of your city airline. 您所在城市的航空公司总部所在地。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Airline Lounge Building]:0 A place for passengers to relax after a long flight. Increases airport attractiveness. 一个让乘客在长途飞行后休息的地方。提升了机场的吸引力。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Airport Hotel 01]:0 A budget hotel making the airport more attractive tourists. 经济型酒店使机场对游客更具吸引力。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Airport Hotel 02]:0 A luxury hotel making the airport more attractive tourists. 豪华型酒店使机场对游客更具吸引力。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Aviation Fuel Station]:0 An aviation fuel station. 一个航空燃料站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Aviation Museum 01]:0 An aviation museum for people to visit. 一座供人们参观的航空博物馆。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Concourse Hub Style A]:0 A classic hub for gates and concourses. 一个经典风格的登机门和候机大厅枢纽。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Concourse Hub Style B]:0 A modern hub for gates and concourses. 一个现代风格的登机门和候机大厅枢纽。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Concourse Hub Style C]:0 A ultra modern hub for gates and concourses. 一个超现代风格的登机门和候机大厅枢纽。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Control Tower Style A]:0 Air traffic controllers sit here and monitor the airspace. 空中交通管制员坐在这里监视空域。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Control Tower Style B]:0 Air traffic controllers sit here and monitor the airspace. 空中交通管制员坐在这里监视空域。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Control Tower Style C]:0 Air traffic controllers sit here and monitor the airspace. 空中交通管制员坐在这里监视空域。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Large Hangar]:0 Hangars increase your airport’s attractiveness. 通过提供机库来提升您的机场的吸引力。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Small Hangar]:0 Hangars increase your airport’s attractiveness. 通过提供机库来提升您的机场的吸引力。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Airport Bus Station 01]:0 This bus station allows a direct connection for airport passengers 此巴士站使机场乘客可直达机场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Airport Metro Station Elevated]:0 Elevated metro station allows a direct connection for airport passengers 高架机场地铁站使机场乘客可直达机场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Airport Train Station]:0 A train station allows a direct connection for airport passengers 机场火车站使机场乘客可直达机场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Cargo Stand]:0 Cargo planes land here to import and export goods. 货机在此降落以运入运出货物。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Cargo Airport Entrance]:0 Cargo entrance building. Connect cargo airport roads and place cargo airplane stands. 货运入口建筑。连接机场货运道路并放置货机站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Decoration Cargo Airplane 02]:0 A parked cargo plane 一架停放的货机
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Decoration Cargo Airplane 03]:0 A parked cargo plane 一架停放的货机
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Decoration Large Airplane 01]:0 A Large Parked Plane 一架停放的大型飞机
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Decoration Large Airplane 02]:0 A Large Parked Plane 一架停放的大型飞机
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Decoration Medium Airplane 01]:0 A Medium Parked Plane 停放的一架中型飞机
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Decoration Medium Airplane 02]:0 A Medium Parked Plane 停放的一架中型飞机
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Decoration Medium Airplane 03]:0 A Medium Parked Plane 停放的一架中型飞机
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Decoration Small Airplane 01]:0 A Small Parked Plane 停放的一架小型飞机
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Decoration Small Airplane 02]:0 A Small Parked Plane 停放的一架小型飞机
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Decoration Small Airplane 03]:0 A Small Parked Plane 停放的一架小型飞机
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Airline HQ]:0 Houses the headquarters of your city airline. 您所在城市的航空公司总部所在地。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Cargo Airport Train Station]:0 Cargo Trains can import and export goods from here. 货运列车可在此运入运出货物。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tram Depot]:0 A Tram Depot is where trams are stored when not on duty. 电车调度站里是没有运输任务的电车。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[tram_stop]:0 A tram stop. 一个电车停靠站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Sauna]:0 A healthcare facility with hot baths. 一个洗热水语的保健设施。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ski Lodge]:0 A Ski Lodge for citizens' enjoyment. 一座供市民游玩享受的滑雪小屋。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Skating Rink]:0 A rink where people can go skating. 一座供市民溜冰的溜冰场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ice Sculpture Park]:0 A park with ice sculptures. 一个冰雕公园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ski Resort Building]:0 A modern ski resort. 一个现代滑雪胜地。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ice Hockey Arena]:0 An Ice Hockey Arena for hosting hockey games. 一个主办冰球比赛的冰球竞技场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Spa Hotel]:0 A Spa Hotel for citizens to relax at. 一家供市民休闲的温泉酒店。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Boiler Station]:0 A Boiler Station provides heating for the city. 一座为城市供暖的锅炉供暖站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Snowdump]:0 The Snow Dump houses snow plows that keep streets clear of snow. Stored snow melts away. 铲雪车停留在堆雪场。积雪会自动融化。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Road Maintenance Depot]:0 Road Maintenance Depot houses Maintenance vehicles. If roads are kept in good condition, vehicles can travel at higher speeds. 道路养护站里停留着养护车。如果路况好,车子跑得快。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Curling Park]:0 The Curling Park is a winter sports park. 冰壶公园是冬季运动公园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Sled_Hill]:0 A park with a hill for sledding. 山坡滑雪用的公园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Snowman_Park]:0 A park with snowmen. 一个雪人公园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Snowcastle Restaurant]:0 A snowcastle restaurant. 一家雪堡餐厅。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Sleigh Ride]:0 A place to go sleigh riding. 玩雪橇的好地方。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ice Hockey Rink]:0 A small ice hockey rink. 一座小型冰球场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Snowmobile Track]:0 A snowmobile track. 一座雪地摩托场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ice_Fishing_Pond]:0 A pond for icefishing. 一个冰钓池塘。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Frozen Fountain]:0 A frozen fountain. 一个冰冻着的喷泉。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Public Firepit]:0 A park with a firepit. 一个篝火公园
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Igloo Hotel]:0 A hotel with igloos for rooms. 一座冰屋旅馆。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Santa_Claus_Workshop]:0 Santa Claus' Workshop is where all the gifts are made. 所有的礼物,都从圣诞老人的工坊里来。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Geothermal_Plant]:0 A heating plant that uses geothermal energy. 一座使用地热能的供暖站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Cross-Country Skiing]:0 A park for cross-country skiing. 一个越野滑雪公园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[2x2_winter_fishing_pier]:0 Citizens come to the pier to fish during the winter. 市民们在冬季来到该码头垂钓。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Christmas Tree]:0 All citizens love the Christmas Tree! 人人都爱圣诞树!
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[snowboard_arena]:0 A snowboard arena for snowboarding. 玩滑雪板的竞技场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[ParadoxPlazaWinter]:0 A traditional gathering place for all gamers. 一处游戏玩家的传统聚集地。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Medical Clinic Winter]:0 The medical clinic treats patients with various illnesses. 诊所可以治疗患上各种疑难杂症的患者。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Medical Helicopter Base]:0 The Medical Helicopter Depot sends out helicopters to pick up patients and take them to hospitals. At the end of shift, helicopters return to the depot. 救护直升机航空站派发直升机运送病患到医院。工作完毕后,直升机会返回航空站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Police Helicopter Base]:0 Police Helicopters patrol the city and report crimes to ground vehicles. Patrolling lowers crime rate. 警队直升机可以巡逻城市并向地面载具汇报犯罪情况。巡逻可以降低犯罪率。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fire Helicopter Base]:0 Fire fighting helicopters are housed at the depot. They are the only vehicles able to put out forest fires. To put out forest fires, Firewatch Towers are needed to notify the Fire Brigade. 消防直升机停放在总站。消防直升机是唯一能够扑灭森林火灾的交通工具。要扑灭森林火灾,需要火情观察塔通知消防队。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Disaster Memorial]:0 This memorial tells of a past disaster that befell the city. 这个纪念碑诉说着城市曾经遭遇的灾难。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Meteorite Park]:0 A park with a piece of a meteorite on display. 一个展出流行碎片的公园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Helicopter Park]:0 The Helicopter Park is a monument to having all types of helicopter depots in the city. 直升机公园用来纪念城市建成所有种类的直升机航站楼。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Pyramid Of Safety]:0 The Pyramid of Safety commemorates how a disaster hit the city with no lives lost. 安全金字塔用于纪念一场零伤亡的灾难。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Sphinx Of Scenarios]:0 The Sphinx of Scenarios is a memorial to three scenarios won. 获取任意三个剧本的胜利以获得剧本狮身人面像。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Sparkly Unicorn Rainbow Park]:0 The Sparkly Unicorn Rainbow Park celebrates your success in winning all five scenarios that came with Natural Disasters. Magical! 闪光独角兽彩虹公园用于庆祝获取《大灾难》全部五个剧本的胜利。如梦似幻!
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Doomsday Vault]:0 A huge underground vault that helps Shelters to have more capacity and bigger stockpiles. 大型地下设施,提升避难所容量与物资储备。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Water Pumping Service Building]:0 The Pumping Service sends out vacuum trucks to collect water from flooded buildings. They empty their tanks here and the water is let into the sewers. 水泵服务站会派出真空卡车从受淹建筑抽水。车辆在此处清空水箱,水会流入下水道。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Disaster Response Unit]:0 The Disaster Response Unit sends helicopters and trucks to destroyed buildings in the city. They rescue survivors and make sure the rubble is safe for rebuilding. 灾难响应单位向城市中被毁坏的建筑派出直升机和卡车。他们拯救幸存者,并确保废墟安全,适合重建。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Water Reservoir]:0 Tank Reservoir stores excess water from the system and supplies the city if the need for water is higher than production. Tanks work automatically. 蓄水库储存供水系统中多余的水,并在用水供不应求时补给城市。水箱会自动运作。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Small Emergency Shelter]:0 A small Shelter for citizens to live in during disasters. After a disaster, citizens who have lost their homes can stay in the Shelter until new housing is available in the city. Shelters are almost indestructible. 一个灾难期间市民用来居住的小型避难所。灾难过后,失去家的市民会留在避难所,直至城中有可用的新房。避难所几乎坚不可摧。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Large Emergency Shelter]:0 A large Shelter for citizens to live in during disasters. After a disaster, citizens who have lost their homes can stay in the Shelter until new housing is available in the city. Shelters are almost indestructible. 一个灾难期间市民用来居住的小型避难所。灾难过后,失去家的市民会留在避难所,直至城中有可用的新房。避难所几乎坚不可摧。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Radio Mast Short]:0 The Radio Mast sends radio signals and emergency broadcasts to city buildings. A better coverage means more citizens will know of inpending disasters and will make their way to Shelters when alerted. 无线电天线杆向城市建筑发出无线电信号和紧急广播。更好的覆盖意味着更多市民会知道将到来的灾难,并将在得到警告之后前往避难所。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Radio Mast Tall]:0 The Radio Mast sends radio signals and emergency broadcasts to city buildings. A better coverage means more citizens will know of inpending disasters and will make their way to Shelters when alerted. 无线电天线杆向城市建筑发出无线电信号和紧急广播。更好的覆盖意味着更多市民会知道将到来的灾难,并将在得到警告之后前往避难所。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Firewatch Tower]:0 The Firewatch Tower is always on the lookout for forest fires. Any fires spotted from the tower immediately alarm the Fire Brigade. Forest fires can only be put out be Fire Fighting Helicopters. 火情瞭望塔始终监视着森林火灾。一旦在瞭望塔上发现火情,将立刻向消防队发出警报。森林火灾仅可以通过消防直升机扑灭。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fresh Water Outlet]:0 The Fresh Water Outlet lets out excess water produced by the city. 淡水出水口排出城市生产过剩的水。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Deep Space Radar]:0 The Deep Space Radar scans the heavens and sends out a warning if an asteroid is approaching. It calculates the approximate impact site and measures the size of the asteroid. 深空雷达负责扫描天空,如果有陨石靠近,便会发出警告。雷达可以计算出大致影响位置,并测量陨石的大小。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Weather Radar]:0 The Weather Radar keeps an eye on weather patterns, predicting thunderstorms and tornadoes. The Radar sends out a warning if any threatening activity is spotted, and tells you the area that will be affected. 气象雷达负责监测气象模式,预测雷暴天气和龙卷风。如果发现任何威胁性活动,雷达便会发出警告,并告知将受到影响的范围。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tsunami Warning Buoy]:0 The Tsunami Warning Buoy monitors water level and sends out a warning if there are changes so the city can prepare if a tsunami is heading their way. 海啸预警浮标负责监测水位,并在水位出现变化时发出警告,这样如果海啸正在靠近,城市就可以做好相关准备。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Earthquake Early Warning Sensor]:0 The Earthquake Sensor monitors seismic activity, warning if the likelihood of an earthquake or a sinkhole appearing is high. Sensors show the location of seismic activities in their range. 地震传感器负责监测地震活动,如果地震可能性或天坑出现的可能性升高,则会发出警告。传感器会显示处于监测范围内的地震活动的位置。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Large Trainstation]:0 A train station with multiple platforms. 拥有多个站台的列车站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[End of the line Trainstation]:0 An End-of-Line Train Station with multiple platforms. 拥有多个站台的线路终点列车站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ferry Bus Hub]:0 A combined stop for buses and ferries. 公共汽车和渡船联运站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ferry Depot]:0 Ferries are stored at the Ferry Depot and sent out automatically and number of vehicles per line is set in the budget window. Connect the depot to Ferry Lines with Ferry Pathways. The Ferry Depot does not act as a stop. 渡船不工作时停靠在总站。总站自动派发渡船,每条航线的渡船数量在预算窗口设置。通过路径将总站连接到航线,让渡船找到来往的路线。总站不能充当站点。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ferry Harbor]:0 A large ferry stop that can have two ferries docking at once. 可同时容纳两艘渡船停靠的大型渡船站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ferry Pier]:0 A small ferry stop. Allows one ferry at a time to dock. 小型渡船站。每次允许一艘渡船停靠。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Monorail Station Standalone]:0 A monorail station. 单轨列车站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Monorail Station Avenue]:0 A Monorail Station. 单轨列车站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Cable Car Stop]:0 A stop for cable cars. 缆车车站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Cable Car Cables]:0 Cables for cable cars. 缆车钢绳。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Blimp Depot]:0 Blimps receive maintenance at the depot. The depot sends out vehicles automatically. Connect Depot to Stops with Pathways to allow vehicles to find their way to and from it. 飞艇在总站接受维护。总站自动派发飞艇。通过路径将总站连接到站点,让飞艇找到来往的路线。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Blimp Stop]:0 Blimp stop. Blimps can land here to drop off and pick up passengers. 飞艇站。飞艇可以降落到此处上下乘客。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Boat Museum]:0 The Boat Museum is a landmark. Tourists and citizens alike visit it. 船舶博物馆是一个地标。游客和市民喜欢到这里参观。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Traffic Park]:0 Children learn about traffic in the Traffic Park. Tourists and citizens like to visit this location. 儿童们在交通公园了解交通知识。游客和市民喜欢到这个地方玩。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Steam Train]:0 The halls are where old locomotives are stored so citizens and tourists can come to admire them. 铁路机车大厅是存放旧铁路机车供市民和游客参观观赏的地方。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Monorail Train Metro Hub]:0 A hub building for monorails, metros and trains. 单轨列车、地铁和列车枢纽大楼。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Monorail Bus Hub]:0 A hub building connecting a monorail line to a bus line. 将单轨列车线路连接至公共汽车线路的枢纽大楼。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Cable Car Station End]:0 End-of-Line Station. Cable Cars cannot pass through this station. Can connect with any Cable Car station. 线路终点列车站。缆车无法通过这个列车站。可以与任何缆车站连接。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ultimate Recycling Plant]:0 The Ultimate Recycling Plant recycles all garbage and produces raw materials and goods from the waste. 究极回收站会将所有垃圾回收并转化为原材料或商品。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Central Park]:0 An exceptionally large and fancy park. 一座格外大,格外美丽的公园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Floating Gardens]:0 A floating garden for citizens. 一座面向市民的水上花园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ziggurat Garden]:0 A magnificent garden in the shape of a pyramid. 一座壮观的金字塔花园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Lungs of the City]:0 An exceptionally large park with huge trees. 一座格外大的公园。以大树为主。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Climate Research Station]:0 A Climate Station where researchers try to produce more accurate weather reports. 一所允许研究人员试图让天气预报更精确的气候站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Bird and Bee Haven]:0 A park that caters to both citizens and birds & bees. 一座让市民、鸟类和蜜蜂都感到宜居的公园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Geothermal Power Plant]:0 A non-polluting power plant that uses geothermal energy to provide electricity. 一座利用地热能提供电力的无污染发电站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Plant]:0 Converts changes in water temperature to electricity for the city. A shoreline building. 将水温转化为城市电力。建在海岸线上。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Solar Updraft Tower]:0 A powerplant that generates electricity from the heat of the sun. Day and night do not affect it, thanks to batteries storing energy. 一座利用阳光热量的发电站。由于有电池组,供电不受昼夜影响。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Eco Water Outlet]:0 Reduces pollution of the water it lets out. Needs to be supplied by a Water Pump. Requires electricity and a pipe connection. 减少排水造成的污染。需要抽水站供水。需要供电并与水管连接。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Eco Water Treatment Plant]:0 A powerful water treatment plant that lets out almost pure water. Needs a pipe connection and electricity. 一座强大的净水厂,排出的几乎是纯净水。需要供电并与水管连接。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Recycling Center]:0 The Recycling Center is where garbage produced in the city goes. The facility recycles the waste and produces raw materials from it. 城市中产生的垃圾会被运往回收中心。这里会将垃圾回收并生产原材料。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Floating Garbage Collector]:0 The Collector collects trash and pollution in water, as the name says. Reduces water pollution. Must be placed on water. 正如其名,漂浮垃圾收集器收集漂浮垃圾,减少水污染。必须建在水面上。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Community Pool]:0 The Pool is a place where citizens go to swim. It raises the health of the neighborhood a little bit. 市民们会来这里游泳。将社区居民健康水平提高一点。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Community Pool Winter]:0 The Pool is a place where citizens go to swim. It raises the health of the neighborhood a little bit. 市民们会来这里游泳。将社区居民健康水平提高一点。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Sports Hall and Gymnasium]:0 A hall for sports with a gymnasium. Citizens come here to exercise. Gives a small health bonus to surrounding area. 一座带健身房的体育馆。市民们会来这里锻炼。将周边居民健康水平提高一点。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Yoga Garden]:0 A garden for practising yoga or just taking a walk. Provides a small health benefit to the area around it. 一座可供瑜伽练习或散步的花园。将周边居民健康水平提高一点。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Yoga Garden Winter]:0 A garden for practising yoga or just taking a walk. Provides a small health benefit to the area around it. 一座可供瑜伽练习或散步的花园。将周边居民健康水平提高一点。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Community School]:0 A small Elementary School of the community variety. 专为社区设计的一所小型小学。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University of Creative Arts]:0 A type of High School. Educates Teenagers. 一种高中。教育青少年。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Modern Technology Institute]:0 A type of University. Educates Young Adults. 一种大学。教育青年。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Biofuel Bus Depot]:0 Sends out biofuel buses to bus lines. The Depot sends vehicles to all lines automatically. Adjust the budget to alter how many vehicles it provides. 为公交线路派出生物燃料公交车。调度站自动向所有线路派车,派车数量可由预算调节。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tropical Garden]:0 A lush tropical garden for your citizens and tourists to enjoy. 一座绿油油的热带花园供你的市民和游客欣赏。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Floating Cafe]:0 A fantastic cafe floating on water. 一家漂在水上的神奇咖啡厅。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fishing Island]:0 A Fishing Island for recreational activities of citizens and tourists. 一座为市民和游客提供娱乐活动的垂钓岛。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Small Park Main Gate]:0 The Small Main Gate connects the park area to the road network for easier access and maintenance. Main gate also allows tickets to be sold to the park visitors. 小公园正门连接着园区和交通要道,为进出和维护提供了便利性。公园游客也可在正门处购买门票。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Small Amusement Park Main Gate]:0 The Small Main Gate connects the park area to the road network for easier access and maintenance. Main gate also allows tickets to be sold to the park visitors. 小公园正门连接着园区和交通要道,为进出和维护提供了便利性。公园游客也可在正门处购买门票。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Small Zoo Main Gate]:0 The Small Main Gate connects the park area to the road network for easier access and maintenance. Main gate also allows tickets to be sold to the park visitors. 小公园正门连接着园区和交通要道,为进出和维护提供了便利性。公园游客也可在正门处购买门票。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Small Nature Reserve Main Gate]:0 The Small Main Gate connects the park area to the road network for easier access and maintenance. Main gate also allows tickets to be sold to the park visitors. 小公园正门连接着园区和交通要道,为进出和维护提供了便利性。公园游客也可在正门处购买门票。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Park Main Gate]:0 The Main Gate connects the park area to the road network for easier access and maintenance. Main gate also allows tickets to be sold to the park visitors. 正门连接公园区域与道路,便于访问与维护。正门也可以对游客出售门票。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Park Side Gate]:0 The Side Gate connects the park area to the road network allowing additional entrances to the park area. 侧门连接公园区域与道路,可为公园增加额外的入口。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Park Restrooms 01]:0 A toilet facility available for use by the general public. 对公众开放的厕所设施。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Climbing Frame 01]:0 A climbing frame with platforms, ropes, ladders and other ways to develop agility and balance. 一座攀登架,可通过平台、绳索、梯子、滑梯等方式来锻炼敏捷与肢体平衡。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Park Plaza]:0 A nice little plaza with trees and a fountain. 一座漂亮的小广场,附有树木与喷泉。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Park Pier 01]:0 A pier with a platform. 带有平台的码头。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Park Pier 02]:0 A pier with a platform. 带有平台的码头。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Park Cafe 01]:0 A small cafe where the visitors can stop by to have a coffee with a pastry or a salty snack. 一座小咖啡厅,游客可来此品尝咖啡与糕饼或是咸咸的点心。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Park Info Booth 01]:0 Provides general information for tourists and citizens. 为游客与市民提供信息。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trampoline Park 01]:0 A park with multiple trampolines of different sizes. 有各种尺寸的蹦床的公园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Park Chess Board 01]:0 A plaza with four giant chess boards. 带有四个巨型棋盘的广场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Gazebo 01]:0 A wooden pavilion providing shade and shelter. 可供遮阳避雨的凉亭。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Gazebo 02]:0 A wooden pavilion providing shade and shelter. 可供遮阳避雨的凉亭。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Amusement Park Main Gate]:0 The Main Gate connects the park area to the road network for easier access and maintenance. Main gate also allows tickets to be sold to the park visitors. 正门连接公园区域与道路,便于访问与维护。正门也可以对游客出售门票。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Amusement Park Side Gate]:0 The Side Gate connects the park area to the road network allowing additional entrances to the park area. 侧门连接公园区域与道路,可为公园增加额外的入口。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Amusement Park Cafe 01]:0 A small cafe where the visitors can stop by to have a coffee with a pastry or a salty snack. 一座小咖啡厅,游客可来此品尝咖啡与糕饼或是咸咸的点心。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Amusement Park Plaza 01]:0 A nice little plaza where people can meet and relax. 一座漂亮的小广场,人们可在此碰面与放松。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Piggy Train]:0 A fun little piggy train for the kids. 为儿童准备的小猪火车。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Carousel]:0 A carousel ride with horses and wagons. 供游客乘坐的旋转木马和马车。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Bumper Cars]:0 A flat ride with small electrically powered bumper cars. 在平坦的场地上驾驶电动碰碰车。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Pendulum Ride]:0 An amusement ride based on a movement of a fixed pendulum. 基于钟摆运动的娱乐设施。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ferris Wheel]:0 A large rotating upright wheel with multiple passenger-carrying cabins. 一座竖起的大转轮,上面有多个载人客舱。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Swinging Boat]:0 An amusement ride that consists of a swinging boat with seats. 带有座位的秋千船。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Drop Tower Ride]:0 An amusement ride where the passengers are lifted to the top of the tower and then released to free-fall down the tower. 一种游乐设施,乘客将升到塔顶端然后向下自由落体。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Rotating Tea Cups]:0 A small carousel ride consisting of rotating giant tea cups with seats. 旋转的巨型茶杯,里面带有座位。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[House Of Horrors]:0 An amusement ride that travels through the terrifying House of Horrors. 穿越恐怖鬼屋的游乐设施。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Game Booth 01]:0 A booth with various carnival games like fishing, ring toss and skee-ball. 游玩各种嘉年华游戏的摊位,例如钓鱼、套圈、以及滑雪球。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Game Booth 02]:0 A booth with various carnival games like fishing, ring toss and skee-ball. 游玩各种嘉年华游戏的摊位,例如钓鱼、套圈、以及滑雪球。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Amusement Park Souvenir Shop 01]:0 A small shop with a plentiful selection of different souvenirs. 一座小商店,贩卖多种多样的纪念品。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Rollercoaster]:0 An amusement ride with an elevated railroad track that has tight turns and steep slopes. 一种游乐设施,其轨道悬空架设,并有急转弯与大斜坡。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Amusement Park Restrooms 01]:0 A toilet facility available for use by the general public. 对公众开放的厕所设施。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Zoo Main Gate]:0 The Main Gate connects the park area to the road network for easier access and maintenance. Main gate also allows tickets to be sold to the park visitors. 正门连接公园区域与道路,便于访问与维护。正门也可以对游客出售门票。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Zoo Side Gate]:0 The Side Gate connects the park area to the road network allowing additional entrances to the park area. 侧门连接公园区域与道路,可为公园增加额外的入口。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Zoo Restrooms 01]:0 A toilet facility available for use by the general public. 对公众开放的厕所设施。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Zoo Cafe 01]:0 A small cafe where the visitors can stop by to have a coffee with a pastry or a salty snack. 一座小咖啡厅,游客可来此品尝咖啡与糕饼或是咸咸的点心。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Zoo Plaza 01]:0 A nice little plaza where people can meet and relax. 一座漂亮的小广场,人们可在此碰面与放松。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Bison Enclosure]:0 A fenced area with facilities for housing bisons. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养野牛。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Giraffe Enclosure]:0 A fenced area with facilities for housing giraffes. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养长颈鹿。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Lion Enclosure]:0 A fenced area with facilities for housing lions. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养狮子。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Antelope Enclosure]:0 A fenced area with facilities for housing antelopes. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养羚羊。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Flamingo Enclosure]:0 A fenced area with facilities for housing flamingos. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养火烈鸟。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Zoo Souvenir Shop 01]:0 A small shop with a plentiful selection of different souvenirs. 一座小商店,贩卖多种多样的纪念品。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Elephant Enclosure]:0 A fenced area with facilities for housing elephants. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养大象。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Rhino Enclosure]:0 A fenced area with facilities for housing rhinos. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养犀牛。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Sealife Enclosure]:0 An enclosure and facilities designed to house exotic fish and aquatic mammals. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养珍奇鱼类与水生哺乳动物。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Moose And Reindeer Enclosure]:0 A fenced area with facilities for housing moose and reindeers. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养驼鹿与驯鹿。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Insect Amphibian Reptile House]:0 A building built to house various insects, amphibians and reptiles living in different climates. 用于饲养适应各种不同气候的昆虫,两栖动物与爬行动物的建筑。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Monkey Palace]:0 An enclosure and facilities designed to house monkeys, apes and other primates. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养猴,猿以及其他灵长类动物。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Bird House]:0 An enclosure and facilities designed to house birds. 一片封闭的区域与设施,用于饲养鸟类。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Nature Reserve Main Gate]:0 The Main Gate connects the park area to the road network for easier access and maintenance. Main gate also allows tickets to be sold to the park visitors. 正门连接公园区域与道路,便于访问与维护。正门也可以对游客出售门票。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Nature Reserve Side Gate]:0 The Side Gate connects the park area to the road network allowing additional entrances to the park area. 侧门连接公园区域与道路,可为公园增加额外的入口。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Lean-To Shelter 01]:0 A small wooden shelter with a campfire. 一座木质小披棚,带有营火。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Lean-To Shelter 02]:0 A small wooden shelter with a campfire. 一座木质小披棚,带有营火。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Hunting Cabin 01]:0 A small cabin that can accommodate a small group of hunters or hikers. 一座小屋,可容纳几位猎人或驴友。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Hunting Cabin 02]:0 A small cabin that can accommodate a small group of hunters or hikers. 一座小屋,可容纳几位猎人或驴友。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Viewing Deck 01]:0 A raised wooden platform. 一座高耸的木质平台。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Viewing Deck 02]:0 A raised wooden platform. 一座高耸的木质平台。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Campfire Site 01]:0 A small open hut with a campfire and seats. 一座开放的小屋,带有营火与座位。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Campfire Site 02]:0 An open air campfire with seats around it. 露天的营火,周围有座位。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Lookout Tower 01]:0 A small wooden tower providing a better vantage point for bird-watchers, hunters and hikers. 为观鸟者,猎人以及驴友提供更好视野的小木塔。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Lookout Tower 02]:0 A tall wooden tower providing a high vantage point for bird-watchers, hunters and hikers. 为观鸟者,猎人以及驴友提供更好视野的小木塔。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tent Camping Site 01]:0 An area cleared for campers. 为宿营者准备的空地。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Bouldering Site 01]:0 A small park with large rocks that can be used for bouldering. 一座带有大石头的小公园,可以用来铺设石子路。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Camping Site 01]:0 A camping site with small cabins and various amenities for a more comfortable stay. 有小屋以及各种设施的营地,相对来说较为舒适。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tent 01]:0 A small portable tent. 一座便携小帐篷。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tent 02]:0 A small portable tent. 一座便携小帐篷。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tent 03]:0 A small portable tent. 一座便携小帐篷。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fishing Cabin 01]:0 A small cabin that can accommodate a small group of fishers, kayakers or hikers. 一座小屋,可容纳几位钓鱼者,划船者或是驴友。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fishing Cabin 02]:0 A small cabin that can accommodate a small group of fishers, kayakers or hikers. 一座小屋,可容纳几位钓鱼者,划船者或是驴友。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Park Maintenance Building]:0 Park Maintenance Building is a facility where the park maintenance vehicles are stored and maintained. 公园维护楼用于停放并保养公园维护车。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Sightseeing Bus Depot]:0 Sightseeing buses are stored and maintained in this facility. 这座设施负责停放并维护游览车。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[City Arch]:0 A monumental gate that spans over a road. 横跨一座道路的地标式大门。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Clock Tower]:0 A tall and impressive clock tower which helps the citizens to stick to their schedules 一座高大宏伟的钟楼,帮助市民们遵守时间。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Old Market Street]:0 The Old Market Street is an atmospheric street with traditional small shops and boutiques. 老市场街是一条充满风情的街道,有着传统小商铺和精品店。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Sea Fortress]:0 A massive fortress built next to the shore out of stone blocks and brickwork. 建立在海边的巨大要塞,由砖石砌成。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Observation Tower]:0 A tall needle-shaped tower with an observation deck and a restaurant on top of it. 一座针状的尖塔,顶端有瞭望平台与餐馆。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[The Statue Of Colossalus]:0 A gigantic statue standing proudly on the shore. 一座骄傲地耸立在沙滩上的巨型雕像。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Castle Of Lord Chirpwick]:0 A huge medieval castle is what every significant city needs to have and the Castle of Lord Chirpwick is exactly that. 每座重要的城市都需要一座像齐普维克城堡这样的中世纪城堡。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Hot Air Balloon Tours]:0 Hot Air Balloon Tours service stores and maintains hot air balloons 热气球游览服务负责储存热气球。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tree Sapling Green House 01 Winter]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of tree saplings. 用于种植树苗的温室。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tree Sapling Green House 02 Winter]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of tree saplings. 用于种植树苗的温室。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crop Field Green House 01 Winter]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of crops and vegetables. 用于种植农作物和蔬菜的温室。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crop Field Green House 02 Winter]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of crops and vegetables. 用于种植农作物和蔬菜的温室。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crop Field Green House 03 Winter]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of crops and vegetables. 用于种植农作物和蔬菜的温室。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fruit Field Green House 01 Winter]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of fruits. 用于种植水果的温室。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fruit Field Green House 02 Winter]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of fruits. 用于种植水果的温室
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fruit Field Green House 03 Winter]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of fruits. 用于种植水果的温室
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Post Office 01]:0 Post Office offers mail-related services such as acceptance and delivery of letters and parcels. 邮政局提供邮件相关的服务,比如收发信件和包裹。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Post Sorting Facility 01]:0 Collected mail is sorted into batches for delivery in the Post Sorting Facility. 收集来的邮件在邮政分拣设施中按批次进行整理,以便发送。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Oneway Toll Booth Medium 01]:0 Toll Booths collect a fee from cars passing the toll. Cars need to stop briefly to pay the toll, causing the traffic to slow down at the toll booths. 通过收费站的车辆必须进行缴费才可通行,由于所有车辆必须在收费站进行短暂停留,因此交通行车速度在收费站那里会减缓。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Twoway Toll Booth Medium 01]:0 Toll Booths collect a fee from cars passing the toll. Cars need to stop briefly to pay the toll, causing the traffic to slow down at the toll booths. 通过收费站的车辆必须进行缴费才可通行,由于所有车辆必须在收费站进行短暂停留,因此交通行车速度在收费站那里会减缓。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Oneway Toll Booth Large 01]:0 Toll Booths collect a fee from cars passing the toll. Cars need to stop briefly to pay the toll, causing the traffic to slow down at the toll booths. 通过收费站的车辆必须进行缴费才可通行,由于所有车辆必须在收费站进行短暂停留,因此交通行车速度在收费站那里会减缓。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Twoway Toll Booth Large 01]:0 Toll Booths collect a fee from cars passing the toll. Cars need to stop briefly to pay the toll, causing the traffic to slow down at the toll booths. 通过收费站的车辆必须进行缴费才可通行,由于所有车辆必须在收费站进行短暂停留,因此交通行车速度在收费站那里会减缓。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Cargo Airport 01]:0 An airport specialized in handling large amounts of cargo instead of passengers. 专门负责运输大量货物而非客运的机场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Cargo Airport Hub 01]:0 An airport specialized in handling large amounts of cargo instead of passengers. Cargo Airport Hub has an integrated cargo railway station. 专门负责运输大量货物而不是大量乘客的机场。大型货运机场带有货运火车站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Bakery 01]:0 Bakery produces the vastly popular and tasty Go Nuts Donuts and requires Animal Products, Crops and Flour to produce its tasty baked products. 面包店生产极受欢迎和美味的疯狂甜甜圈,并且需要动物制品、农作物和面粉来生产美味的焙烤制品。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Lemonade Factory 01]:0 Lemonade Factory produces Yaxu beverages in a variety of different tastes. Crops and Glass are needed to produce these energizing drinks. 柠檬水工厂生产各种口味的亚旭饮料。生产这些活力饮料需要农作物和玻璃。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Food Factory 01]:0 The Food Factory produces a wide selection of convenience food products and other prepared foods for the needs of modern households. The production requires Animal Products, Flour, Paper and Plastic. 食品工厂生产各种方便食品和其他预制食品,以满足现代家庭的需要。产生这些食品需要动物制品、面粉、纸和塑料。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Clothing Factory 01]:0 The Clothing Factory produces high quality Pernu Apparel clothing and needs Animal Products, Crops and Plastic for the manufacturing. 服装工厂生产高质量的柏奴服装,并且需要动物制品、农作物和塑料。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Furniture Factory 01]:0 WoodVision Furniture Factory requires Planed Timber and Paper to manufacture their well-designed and stylish furnitures. 伍德视觉家具工厂需要刨光木材和纸来制造他们精心设计和时尚的家具。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Modular House Factory 01]:0 Little Boxes Modular House Factory needs Planed Timber, Plastic, Glass and Metals to manufacture their innovative modular houses. 小盒子模块化房屋工厂需要刨光木材、塑料、玻璃和金属来制造他们创新的模块化房屋。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Soft Paper Factory 01]:0 North Acre Paper soft paper products save many situations on daily basis at homes, offices and workshops. Crops, Paper, Petroleum and Plastic are needed to manufacture the popular North Acre paper products. 北地纸业的软纸产品每天都能为家庭、办公室和车间处理各种情况。制造大受欢迎的北地纸业的纸制品需要农作物、纸、石油和塑料。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Printing Press 01]:0 Lassoloc Press is a full service printing press and it needs Paper and Plastic for to manufacture the printer products. 拉索洛克打印是全面服务印刷厂,需要纸和塑料来制造打印机产品。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Toy Factory 01]:0 Tiny Toys produces a wide variety of toys and requires Paper, Planed Timber and Plastic for the manufacturing. 小玩具生产各种玩具,需要纸、刨光木材和塑料来制造。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Household Plastic Factory 01]:0 TekkVinyl Household Plastic Factory, known for its practical design and durable products, requires Petroleum and Plastic for the manufacturing of household plastic products. 泰克乙烯基家用塑料以它的实用设计和耐用的产品而闻名,需要石油和塑料来制造家用塑料制品。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Sneaker Factory 01]:0 SneakeRidge is a rising sneaker brand combining the classic fashion aesthetics with ergonomic design. The Sneaker Factory needs Crops, Paper, Petroleum and Plastic goods to manufacture sneakers. 运动之脊是一个新兴的运动鞋品牌,将经典的时尚美学和符合人体工程学的设计融为一体。运动鞋厂需要农作物、纸、石油和塑料来制造运动鞋。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Petroleum Refinery 01]:0 Grantco Petroleum Refinery produces a wide range of different petroleum products and fuels. The production process requires Petroleum, Plastic and Metals goods. 格兰迪克石油精炼厂生产各种不同的石油制品和燃料。生产过程需要石油、塑料和金属。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Car Factory 01]:0 Jubilee Car Factory manufactures dozens of cars daily at the factory assembly lines. Animal Products, Plastic, Glass and Metals special goods are needed for the production. 千禧汽车厂的装配线每天制造几十辆汽车。动物制品、塑料、玻璃和金属需要用于生产。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Dry Dock 01]:0 Ocean Port Shipyard builds high quality cruise ships and their construction requires Planed Timber, Plastic, Glass and Metals goods. 海港船厂建造高质量的游轮,需要刨光木材、塑料、玻璃和金属。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Electronics Factory 01]:0 Lehto Electronics Factory produces electronics from simple house appliances to advanced computer systems. The production requires Plastic, Glass and Metals. 莱赫托电子工厂生产从简单的家用电器到高级的计算机系统等电子产品,需要塑料、玻璃和金属。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Industrial Steel Plant 01]:0 PaulCo Industrial Steel Plant produces industrial-grade steel products and requires Metals for the production and packaging. 保罗克工业钢铁厂生产工业级钢材产品,需要金属来进行生产和封装工作。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Warehouse Yard 01]:0 A fenced yard for storing goods and products. 一个带有围栏的专门用于存储货物和产品的场地。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Small Warehouse 01]:0 A small warehouse for storing goods and products. 用于存储货物和产品的小型仓库。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Medium Warehouse 01]:0 A medium warehouse for storing goods and products. 用于存储货物和产品的中型仓库。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Large Warehouse 01]:0 A large warehouse for storing goods and products. 用于存储货物和产品的大型仓库。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Farm Main Building Level 1]:0 Farm Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Farming and works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 农业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为农业,并且作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Farm Main Building Level 2]:0 Farm Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Farming and works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 农业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为农业,并且作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Farm Main Building Level 3]:0 Farm Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Farming and works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 农业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为农业,并且作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Farm Workers Barracks 01]:0 Workers’ barracks increases the work efficiency of the workers in the Industry Area. 工人宿舍可提升工业区工人的工作效率。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Farm Maintenance Building 01]:0 Maintenance Buildings take care of industrial buildings increasing their utilization rate and reducing wastage. 维护楼可以帮助增长工业楼的利用率并减少垃圾排放。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crop Field Wheat 01]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of wheat. 用于培育小麦的庄稼田。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crop Field Wheat 02]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of wheat. 用于培育小麦的庄稼田。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crop Field Wheat 03]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of wheat. 用于培育小麦的庄稼田。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crop Field Potato 01]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of potato. 用于培育土豆的庄稼田。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crop Field Potato 02]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of potato. 用于培育土豆的庄稼田。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crop Field Potato 03]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of potato. 用于培育土豆的庄稼田。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crop Field Corn 01]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of corn. 用于培育玉米的庄稼田。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crop Field Corn 02]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of corn. 用于培育玉米的庄稼田。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crop Field Corn 03]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of corn. 用于培育玉米的庄稼田。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crop Field Cotton 01]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of cotton. 用于培育棉花的庄稼田。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crop Field Cotton 02]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of cotton. 用于培育棉花的庄稼田。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crop Field Cotton 03]:0 A crop field used for cultivation of cotton. 用于培育棉花的庄稼田。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crop Field Green House 01]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of crops and vegetables. 用来培育农作物和蔬菜的温室。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crop Field Green House 02]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of crops and vegetables. 用来培育农作物和蔬菜的温室。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crop Field Green House 03]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of crops and vegetables. 用来培育农作物和蔬菜的温室。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fruit Field Apple 01]:0 A fruit plantation used for cultivation of apples. 用来培育苹果的水果种植园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fruit Field Apple 02]:0 A fruit plantation used for cultivation of apples. 用来培育苹果的水果种植园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fruit Field Apple 03]:0 A fruit plantation used for cultivation of apples. 用来培育苹果的水果种植园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fruit Field Orange 01]:0 A fruit plantation used for cultivation of oranges. 用来培育柑橘的水果种植园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fruit Field Orange 02]:0 A fruit plantation used for cultivation of oranges. 用来培育柑橘的水果种植园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fruit Field Orange 03]:0 A fruit plantation used for cultivation of oranges. 用来培育柑橘的水果种植园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fruit Field Pear 01]:0 A fruit plantation used for cultivation of pears. 用来培育梨子的水果种植园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fruit Field Pear 02]:0 A fruit plantation used for cultivation of pears. 用来培育梨子的水果种植园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fruit Field Pear 03]:0 A fruit plantation used for cultivation of pears. 用来培育梨子的水果种植园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fruit Field Green House 01]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of fruits. 用于培育水果的温室。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fruit Field Green House 02]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of fruits. 用于培育水果的温室。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fruit Field Green House 03]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of fruits. 用于培育水果的温室。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Barn 01]:0 A barn building used for storing the farming industry raw materials. 用于存储农牧业原材料的谷仓建筑。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Barn 02]:0 A large barn building used for storing farming industry raw materials. 用于存储农牧业原材料的大型谷仓建筑。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Grain Silo 01]:0 A simple grain silo used for storing farming industry raw materials. 用于存储农牧业原材料的小型谷粮仓。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Grain Silo 02]:0 A large grain silo used for storing farming industry raw materials. 用于存储农牧业原材料的大型谷粮仓。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Animal Pasture 01]:0 An fenced pasture used for grazing cows. 一共有篱笆的牧场,用来放牧奶牛。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Animal Pasture 01 Highland Cow]:0 An fenced pasture used for grazing highland cows. 一共有篱笆的牧场,用来放牧高地奶牛。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Animal Pasture 01 Pig]:0 An fenced pasture used for pigs breeding. 一共有篱笆的牧场,用来育种猪。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Animal Pasture 01 Sheep]:0 An fenced pasture used for grazing sheep. 一共有篱笆的牧场,用来放牧羊。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Animal Pasture 02]:0 A large fenced pasture used for grazing cows. 一共有篱笆的大型牧场,用来放牧奶牛。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Animal Pasture 02 Highland Cow]:0 An fenced pasture used for grazing highland cows. 一共有篱笆的大型牧场,用来放牧高地奶牛。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Animal Pasture 02 Pig]:0 An fenced pasture used for pigs breeding. 一共有篱笆的大型牧场,用来育种猪。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Animal Pasture 02 Sheep]:0 An fenced pasture used for grazing sheep. 一共有篱笆的大型牧场,用来放牧羊。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Cattle Shed 01]:0 Cattle sheds are used to raise cattle and provide them shelter. 牛棚用于饲养牲口并给牲口提供住所。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Slaughter House 01]:0 Modern slaughterhouses are hygienic facilities that process slaughtered animals efficiently into various meat products. 现代化的肉类加工厂是卫生环境十分讲究的场所,可以高效地将动物加工成各种各样的肉类食品。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Milking Parlour 01]:0 Milking parlors are designed to maximize the production of milk by mechanizing and streamlining the milking process. 挤奶室用机械化和工业流水线的方式进行挤奶工作,从而最大化地产奶。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Flour Mill 01]:0 Flour mills grind crops into flour and package it for transportation. 磨粉厂将农作物研磨成面粉,并将其打包运输。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Forestry Main Building Level 1]:0 Forestry Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Forest Industry and works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 林业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为林业,并且作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Forestry Main Building Level 2]:0 Forestry Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Forest Industry and works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 林业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为林业,并且作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Forestry Main Building Level 3]:0 Forestry Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Forest Industry and works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 林业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为林业,并且作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Forestry Workers Barracks 01]:0 Workers’ barracks increases the work efficiency of the workers in the Industry Area. 工人宿舍可提升工业区工人的工作效率。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Forestry Maintenance Building 01]:0 Maintenance Buildings take care of industrial buildings increasing their utilization rate and reducing wastage. 维护楼可以帮助增长工业楼的利用率并减少垃圾排放。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tree Sapling Field 01]:0 A small field with rows of planted tree saplings. 种着很多排树苗的小型田地。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tree Sapling Field 02]:0 A large field of planted tree saplings. 种着许多树苗的大型田地。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tree Sapling Green House 01]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of tree saplings. 用于培育树苗的温室。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tree Sapling Green House 02]:0 A greenhouse used for cultivation of tree saplings. 用于培育树苗的温室。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tree Plantation Alder 01]:0 A small plantation of alder. 用于种植桤木的小型种植园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tree Plantation Alder 02]:0 A medium sized plantation of alder. 用于种植桤木的中型种植园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tree Plantation Alder 03]:0 A large plantation of alder. 用于种植桤木的大型种植园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tree Plantation Beech 01]:0 A small plantation of beech. 种植山毛榉的小型种植园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tree Plantation Beech 02]:0 A medium sized plantation of beech. 种植山毛榉的中型种植园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tree Plantation Beech 03]:0 A large plantation of beech. 种植山毛榉的大型种植园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tree Plantation Conifer 01]:0 A small plantation of conifer. 种植针叶树的小型种植园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tree Plantation Conifer 02]:0 A medium sized plantation of conifer. 种植针叶树的中型种植园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tree Plantation Conifer 03]:0 A large plantation of conifer. 种植针叶树的大型种植园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Log Yard 01]:0 A small storage yard for storing raw forest products. 用于储存林业初级制品的小型储存场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Log Yard 02]:0 A large storage yard for storing raw forest products. 用于储存林业初级制品的大型储存场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Saw Dust Storage 01]:0 A storage facility for storing raw forest products 用于储存林业初级制品的储存设施
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Wood Chip Storage 01]:0 A storage facility for storing raw forest products. 用于储存林业初级制品的储存设施。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Saw Mill 01]:0 Sawmills produce planed timber from raw forest products. 锯木厂从林业初级制品中生产刨光木材。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Engineered Wood Plant 01]:0 Engineered wood plants manufacture forestry special good – planed timber. 工程木工厂制造林业特殊商品 - 刨光木材。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Biomass Pellet Plant 01]:0 Biomass pellet plants produce forestry special good – paper. 生物质颗粒工厂生产林业特殊商品 - 纸。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Pulp Mill 01]:0 Pulp Mill produce forestry special good – paper. 纸浆厂生产林业特殊商品 - 纸。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Oil Industry Main Building Level 1]:0 Oil Industry Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Oil Industry and works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 石油业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为石油业,并且作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Oil Industry Main Building Level 2]:0 Oil Industry Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Oil Industry and works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 石油业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为石油业,并且作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Oil Industry Main Building Level 3]:0 Oil Industry Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Oil Industry and works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 石油业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为石油业,并且作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Oil Industry Workers Barracks 01]:0 Workers’ barracks increases the work efficiency of the workers in the Industry Area. 工人宿舍可提升工业区工人的工作效率。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Oil Industry Maintenance Building 01]:0 Maintenance Buildings take care of industrial buildings increasing their utilization rate and reducing wastage. 维护楼可以帮助增长工业楼的利用率并减少垃圾排放。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Oil Pump 01]:0 A single oil pump for extracting oil from an underground reservoir. 用于从地下原油储备中提取石油的油泵。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Oil Pump 02]:0 A line of four oil pumps for extracting oil from an underground reservoir. 用于从地下原油储备中提取石油的设备,由4个油泵组成。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Oil Drilling Rig 01]:0 A small oil drilling rig for extracting oil from an underground reservoir 用于从地下原油储备中提取石油的小型原油钻机。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Oil Drilling Rig 02]:0 A large oil drilling rig for extracting oil from an underground reservoir 一个用于从地下原油储备中提取石油的大型原油钻机。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Offshore Oil Drilling Platform 01]:0 An oil drilling platform for extracting oil from underwater reservoirs. 用于从海底石油储备中提取石油的石油钻井平台。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crude Oil Tank Farm 01]:0 A small crude oil storage with pumping station, pipes and four tanks. 有泵站、管道和4个原油罐的小型原油存储库。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crude Oil Tank Farm 02]:0 A large crude oil storage with pumping station, pipes, eight tanks and small maintenance building. 泵站、管道、8个原油罐和一个小型维护楼组成的大型原油存储库。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crude Oil Storage Cavern 01]:0 A fenced field with a pumping station and other equipment that is used to pump oil to large underground oil storage caverns. 带有泵站和其他设备的被围住的油田,用于将原油抽到大型地下储油库中。储存建筑可以被放置在工业区外。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Oil Industry Storage 01]:0 Two dome shelters for storing oil. 两个用于储存原油的圆顶庇护所。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant 01]:0 Oil sludge pyrolysis plants take oil and processes it into petroleum. 油渣热解工厂提取原油并将其处理为石油。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Waste Oil Refining Plant 01]:0 Waste oil refining plants take oil and processes it into petroleum. 废油精炼工厂提取原油并将其处理为石油。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Petrochemical Plant 01]:0 Petrochemical plants take oil and uses fluid catalytic cracking to produce plastic. 石油工厂提取石油并使用流化催化裂化来生产塑料。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Naphtha Cracker Plant 01]:0 Naphtha cracker plants manufacture oil industry special good – plastic. 石脑油裂解厂大规模生产石油工业需要使用的特殊材料 - 塑料。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ore Industry Main Building Level 1]:0 Ore Industry Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Ore Industry and works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 矿业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为矿业,并且作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ore Industry Main Building Level 2]:0 Ore Industry Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Ore Industry and works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 矿业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为矿业,并且作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ore Industry Main Building Level 3]:0 Ore Industry Main Building sets an unassigned Industry Area’s type to Ore Industry and works as the Industry Area’s Headquarter for city service vehicles. 矿业主建筑将一个未指定的工业区类型设置为矿业,并且作为城市服务车辆的工业区总部。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ore Industry Workers Barracks 01]:0 Workers’ barracks increases the work efficiency of the workers in the Industry Area. 工人宿舍可提升工业区工人的工作效率。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ore Industry Maintenance Building 01]:0 Maintenance Buildings take care of industrial buildings increasing their utilization rate and reducing wastage. 维护楼可以帮助增长工业楼的利用率并减少垃圾排放。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ore Mine 01]:0 An ore extraction site with basic equipment for mining ore. 采矿设施,里面有采矿所需的基础设备。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ore Mine 02]:0 An ore extraction site with a big mining crane. 采矿设施,里面有一台采矿专用的大起重机。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ore Mine 03]:0 An ore extraction site with a huge bucket wheel excavator. 采矿设施,里面有一台巨型轮斗式挖掘机。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ore Mine Underground 01]:0 A small mine for extracting ore from underground deposits. 用于从地下矿脉中采矿的小型矿井。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ore Mine Underground 02]:0 A large mine with advanced equipment for extracting ore from underground deposits. 用于从地下矿脉中采矿且备有高级采矿设备的大型矿井。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Seabed Mining Vessel 01]:0 A mining vessel designed to extract ore from underwater deposits. 专门用于从海底矿脉中采矿的采矿船。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Raw Mineral Storage 01]:0 A storage facility for storing the ore industry raw materials. 用于存储矿业原材料的存储设施。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ore Storage 01]:0 A lot that is used for storing the ore industry raw materials. 用于存储矿业原材料的场地。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Sand Storage 01]:0 A lot that is used for storing the ore industry raw materials. 用于存储矿业原材料的场地。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ore Industry Storage 01]:0 A large storage building for storing the ore industry raw materials. 用于存储矿业原材料的大型仓库建筑。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Glass Manufacturing Plant 01]:0 Glass manufacturing plants use mined ore raw materials to manufacture glass sheets. 玻璃制造厂使用开采的矿业原材料来生产玻璃板。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fiberglass Plant 01]:0 Fibreglass plants use mined raw materials to form glass fibers. 玻璃纤维厂使用开采的矿业原材料来生产玻璃纤维。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Ore Grinding Mill 01]:0 Ore grinding mills take ore and processes it into metals. 磨矿厂提取矿石,并将其处理为金属。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Rotary Kiln Plant 01]:0 Rotary kiln use raw materials like ore and produce metals during pyroprocessing. 回转窑工厂提取矿业原材料,并在高温冶金加工过程中生产金属。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Library 01]:0 Public Library collects, stores and lends out a variety of books, films, newspapers etc. for citizens. 公共图书馆收藏和存放各种书籍、电影、报纸等等,供市民借阅。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Academic Library 01]:0 Academic Library, with its incredible collection, supports academic research projects conducted by students from different faculties. 学术图书馆拥有令人难以置信的馆藏,支持来自不同院系的学生开展的学术研究项目。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[American Football Stadium 01]:0 An open-air college level Stadium. Has all the necessities required for a successful game of American Football. 露天的大学级别运动场,具备一支成功的美式足球比赛所需的一切。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trade School Administration 01]:0 This building defines the campus area type to Trade School, allows reputation progression of the campus area and works as a headquarters for city services. 这座建筑将校园区域类型定为专科学院,使校园区域可以获得声望,也会作为城市服务的总部。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trade School Dormitory 01]:0 Dormitory is a residential building for students for the duration of their academic studies. 宿舍是学生在学年期间的住宅楼。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trade School Study Hall 01]:0 Students with spare time can use the Study Hall to do their homework, projects or prepare to exams. 有空余时间的学生可以在自习大厅里做功课、研究项目或准备考试。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trade School Groundskeeping 01]:0 Groundskeepers are working hard to keep campus area premises aesthetically pleasing. 环卫工人们努力保持校园区域的清洁、整齐和美观。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trade School Book Club 01]:0 Book Clubs offers an opportunity to read books and discuss them in a relaxing environment. 图书俱乐部为学生们提供了阅读书籍并在轻松的环境中进行讨论的场所。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trade School Outdoor Study 01]:0 A seated outdoor area for studying. 一个有座位的室外学习区域。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trade School Gymnasium 01]:0 Gymnasium provides the students with athletic, recreational and leisure services that will benefit citizens health. 体育馆为学生提供运动、娱乐和休闲服务,有利于公民健康。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trade School Cafeteria 01]:0 Fresh hot meals, drinks and healthy snacks now all available in Cafeteria for campus area students. 现在,校园区域的学生可在自助餐厅享用新鲜的热餐、饮料和健康小吃。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trade School Fountain 01]:0 The Fountain is a good place for students to relax and meet. 喷泉是学生们放松及见面的好去处。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trade School Library 01]:0 Trade School Library is a great place for teaching, research and for up-to-date information. 贸易学院图书馆是教学、研究和分享最新信息的理想之地。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trade School IT Club 01]:0 IT Club provides premises where students can explore their computer and other technology related interests. 计算机俱乐部是供学生探索计算机和其它技术相关兴趣的场所。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trade School Commencement Office 01]:0 Trade School Commencement office is an impressive building that provides a great venue for celebrating graduations. 贸易学院毕业大楼是一座令人印象深刻的建筑,是庆祝毕业典礼的绝佳场所。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trade School Academic Statue 01]:0 Inspirational statue of Trade School's academic feats that attracts scholars and students to the campus area. 代表着贸易学院学术成就的鼓舞人心的雕像,吸引学者和学生们造访校园区域。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trade School Auditorium 01]:0 Auditorium provides students and faculty staff with a pleasing variety of program to choose from guest lectures to art performances. 礼堂为学生和教职员工提供各种各样的便利,可以在此进行客座讲座和艺术表演。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trade School Laboratories 01]:0 A controlled environment for clinical tests and research to carry out in order to achieve scientific discoveries. 用于临床测试和研究的受控环境,以利于取得科研成果。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trade School Bookstore 01]:0 Campus Bookstore specializes in various study equipment and serves as a hub to find both new and used textbooks. 校园书店拥有各种学习必备书籍,是各类新旧教科书的聚集地。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trade School Media Lab 01]:0 Media Lab conducts research to discover new ideas and solutions to expand our view of life and technology. 可在媒体实验室中进行研究,以得出新的想法和解决方案,扩展我们对生活和技术的看法。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trade School Beach Volleyball Club 01]:0 Beach Volleyball Club provides appropriate premises for all athletes and fans that share love for beach volleyball. 沙滩排球俱乐部为所有喜欢沙滩排球的运动员和球迷提供合适的场所。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trade School Academic Statue 02]:0 Academic Statue of a great scholar is a constant reminder of what hard work can achieve. 这座伟大学者的学术雕像不断提醒着人们,努力工作能够带来怎样的成就。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Police Academy 01]:0 Police Academy trains cadets that increases police departments overall efficiency, patrol car count and jails capacity. 警察学院培训学员,提高警察部门的整体运作效率、巡逻车数和监狱容量。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[School of Tourism And Travel 01]:0 School of Tourism And Travel offers top education in the fast-changing and dynamic field of hospitality, preparing students with the best skill set to survive in the highly competitive field. 旅游学院在瞬息万变和活力十足的旅游招待服务领域提供顶级教育,为学生提供最好的技能,以便在竞争激烈的领域中生存。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[School of Engineering 01]:0 Talented engineering students work with local businesses to create new knowledge, expertise and solutions for the benefit of all. 工程学的天才学生们与当地企业合作,创造能够造福于所有人的全新知识,专业技术和解决方案。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trade School Museum 01]:0 Institution that conserves a collection of Academic Works. Academic Works increase the city attractiveness of this building. 保存学术作品的机构。学术作品会增加这座建筑的城市吸引力。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Liberal Arts Administration 01]:0 This building defines the campus area type to Liberal Arts, allows reputation progression of the campus area and works as a headquarters for city services. 这座建筑将校园区域类型定为文科学院,使校园区域可以获得声望,也会作为城市服务的总部。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Liberal Arts Dormitory 01]:0 Dormitory is a residential building for students for the duration of their academic studies. 宿舍是学生在学年期间的住宅楼。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Liberal Arts Study Hall 01]:0 Students with spare time can use the Study Hall to do their homework, projects or prepare to exams. 有空余时间的学生可以在自习大厅里做功课、研究项目或准备考试。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Liberal Arts Groundskeeping 01]:0 Groundskeepers are working hard to keep campus area premises aesthetically pleasing. 环卫工人们努力保持校园区域的清洁、整齐和美观。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Liberal Arts Cafeteria 01]:0 Fresh hot meals, drinks and healthy snacks now all available in Cafeteria for campus area students. 校园区域的学生可在自助餐饮区内享用新鲜的热餐、饮料和健康小吃。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Liberal Arts Library 01]:0 Liberal Arts Library is a great place for teaching, research and for studying art. 文科学院图书馆是教学和研究文科艺术的理想之地。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Liberal Arts Auditorium 01]:0 Auditorium provides students and faculty staff with a pleasing variety of program to choose from guest lectures to art performances. 礼堂为学生和教职员工提供各种各样的便利,可以在此进行客座讲座和艺术表演。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Liberal Arts Commencement Office 01]:0 Liberal Arts Commencement office is a piece of art itself, it provides a great venue for celebrating graduations. 文科学院毕业大楼本身就是一件艺术品,是庆祝毕业典礼的绝佳场所。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Liberal Arts Bookstore 01]:0 Campus Bookstore specializes in various study equipment and serves as a hub to find both new and used textbooks. 校园书店拥有各种学习必备书籍,是各类新旧教科书的聚集地。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Liberal Arts Drama Club 01]:0 Drama Club provides necessary venues for those who are interested in the art of theatre. 话剧社为那些对戏剧艺术感兴趣的人提供必要的场所。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Liberal Arts Art Club 01]:0 Art Club allows students to truly embrace their creative side, whether it's through discussions, workshops or other art-related activities. 无论是通过讨论,研讨会还是其他与艺术相关的活动,艺术俱乐部都能让学生真正发挥他们的创意。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Liberal Arts Dance Club 01]:0 The Dance Club provides premises and opportunities for students to explore the artistic features of dancing. 舞蹈俱乐部为学生提供探索舞蹈艺术特色的场所和机会。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Liberal Arts Outdoor Study 01]:0 A seated outdoor area for studying. 一个有座位的室外学习区域。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Liberal Arts Gymnasium 01]:0 Gymnasium provides the students with athletic, recreational and leisure services that will benefit citizens health. 体育馆为学生提供运动、娱乐和休闲服务,有利于公民健康。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Liberal Arts Laboratories 01]:0 A controlled environment for clinical tests and research to carry out in order to achieve scientific discoveries. 用于临床测试和研究的受控环境,以利于取得科研成果。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Liberal Arts Media Lab 01]:0 Media Lab conducts research to discover new ideas and solutions to expand our view of life and technology. 可在媒体实验室中进行研究,以得出新的想法和解决方案,扩展我们对生活和技术的看法。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Liberal Arts Fountain 01]:0 The Fountain is a good place for students to relax and meet. 喷泉是学生们放松及见面的好去处。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Liberal Arts Academic Statue 01]:0 Inspirational statue of Liberal Arts academic feats that attracts scholars and students to the campus area. 代表着文科学院学术成就的鼓舞人心的雕像,吸引着学者和学生们造访校园区域。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Liberal Arts Academic Statue 02]:0 Academic Statue of a great scholar is a constant reminder of what hard work can achieve. 这座伟大学者的学术雕像不断提醒着人们,努力工作能够带来怎样的成就。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[School of Environmental Studies 01]:0 Environmental Studies focus on human interaction with the environment in order to discover, isolate and solve complex environmental problems. 环境研究关注人类与环境的相互作用,以发现、分离和解决复杂的环境问题。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[School of Education 01]:0 School of Education provides all schools with an influx of substitute and student teachers. 教育学院为所有学校提供替补和学生教师。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[School of Economics 01]:0 Faculty students help the local offices increase revenue without upsetting the city's populace. 学院学生在不影响民心的情况下增加当地办公区的收入。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Liberal Arts Museum 01]:0 Institution that conserves a collection of Academic Works. Academic Works increase the city attractiveness of this building. 保存学术作品的机构。学术作品会增加这座建筑的城市吸引力。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University Administration 01]:0 This building defines the campus area type to University, allows reputation progression of the campus area and works as a headquarters for city services. 这座建筑将校园区域类型定为大学,使校园区域可以获得声望,也会作为城市服务的总部。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University Dormitory 01]:0 Dormitory is a residential building for students for the duration of their academic studies. 宿舍是学生在学年期间的住宅楼。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University Study Hall 01]:0 Students with spare time can use the Study Hall to do their homework, projects or prepare to exams. 有空余时间的学生可以在自习大厅里做功课、研究项目或准备考试。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University Groundskeeping 01]:0 Groundskeepers are working hard to keep campus area premises aesthetically pleasing. 环卫工人们努力保持校园区域的清洁、整齐和美观。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University Cafeteria 01]:0 Fresh hot meals, drinks and healthy snacks now all available in Cafeteria for campus area students. 校园区域的学生可在自助餐饮区内享用新鲜的热餐、饮料和健康小吃。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University Library 01]:0 University Library is a great place for teaching, research and for up-to-date information from scientific studies. 大学图书馆是教学、研究和分享最新信息的理想之地。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University Auditorium 01]:0 Auditorium provides students and faculty staff with a pleasing variety of program to choose from guest lectures to art performances. 礼堂为学生和教职员工提供各种各样的便利,可以在此进行客座讲座和艺术表演。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University Commencement Office 01]:0 University Commencement office is an impressive building that provides a great venue for celebrating graduations. 大学毕业大楼是一座令人印象深刻的建筑,是庆祝毕业典礼的绝佳场所。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University Bookstore 01]:0 Campus Bookstore specializes in various study equipment and serves as a hub to find both new and used textbooks. 校园书店拥有各种学习必备书籍,是各类新旧教科书的聚集地。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University Soccer Club 01]:0 From players to coaches and everyone else, Futsal Club is open for all. 无论选手、教练还是观众,五人足球俱乐部都热烈欢迎。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University Math Club 01]:0 Math Club offers students activities that are both fun and challenging. 数学俱乐部为学生提供既有趣又富有挑战性的各项活动。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University Chess Club 01]:0 Chess Club is for chess enthusiasts to teach, study and play in a casual setting. 国际象棋俱乐部是国际象棋爱好者在休闲环境中教授技艺、学习和玩乐的场所。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University Outdoor Study 01]:0 A seated outdoor area for studying. 一个有座位的室外学习区域。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University Gymnasium 01]:0 Gymnasium provides the students with athletic, recreational and leisure services that will benefit citizens health. 体育馆为学生提供运动、娱乐和休闲服务,有利于公民健康。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University Laboratories 01]:0 A controlled environment for clinical tests and research to carry out in order to achieve scientific discoveries. 用于临床测试和研究的受控环境,以利于取得科研成果。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University Media Lab 01]:0 Media Lab conducts research to discover new ideas and solutions to expand our view of life and technology. 可在媒体实验室中进行研究,以得出新的想法和解决方案,扩展我们对生活和技术的看法。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University Fountain 01]:0 The Fountain is a good place for students to relax and meet. 喷泉是学生们放松及见面的好去处。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University Academic Statue 01]:0 Inspirational statue of University's academic feats that attracts scholars and students to the campus area. 代表着大学学术成就的鼓舞人心的雕像,吸引着学者和学生们造访校园区域。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University Academic Statue 02]:0 Academic Statue of a great scholar is a constant reminder of what hard work can achieve. 这座伟大学者的学术雕像不断提醒着人们,努力工作能够带来怎样的成就。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[School of Science 01]:0 School of Science allows students to make cutting edge technology. 理科学院允许学生推出尖端技术
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[School of Medicine 01]:0 School of Medicine allows the use of completely new workforce in healthcare as medical interns are capable of taking care of the more mundane cuts, bruises, coughs and flues. 医学院允许在医疗机构中使用全新的劳动力,医学实习生能够处理好更多的普通伤口、瘀伤、咳嗽和流感。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[School of Law 01]:0 Law students get internships in the office of the city's prosecutor, cracking down on crime wherever they may find it. 法学院的学生可以在城市检察官的办公室里实习,在任何他们可能找到的地方打击犯罪。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University Museum 01]:0 Institution that conserves a collection of Academic Works. Academic Works increase the city attractiveness of this building. 保存学术作品的机构。学术作品会增加这座建筑的城市吸引力。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Aquatics Center 01]:0 Indoor facility featuring Olympic-size swimming pools and diving pools. 带有奥运会规格游泳池与跳水池的室内场馆。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Track And Field Stadium 01]:0 Features an oval running track enclosing a grass field where various throwing and jumping events can take place. 着椭圆形的跑道,中间是可进行各种投掷与跳跃运动的草地。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Basketball Arena 01]:0 Indoor sporting arena featuring basketball court 带有篮球场的室内场馆。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Baseball Park 01 Main]:0 Fan-favourite open-air Baseball Park includes all the necessities required for a successful baseball game. 备受喜爱的露天棒球场,有着成功举办一场棒球赛所需的全套设施。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[PDX01_driveinn_taiheiyo]:0 A small rural restaurant. 一家小型乡村餐厅。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[PDX02_driveinn_natori]:0 A small oriental restaurant. 一家小型东方餐厅。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[PDX03_Soba Restaurant]:0 An oriental market. 一座东方市场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[PDX04_Udon Shop]:0 A traditional noodle restaurant. 一家传统面馆。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[PDX05_Ramen Shop]:0 A ramen restaurant. 一家拉面店。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[PDX06_Driveinn Large]:0 A service station. 一处服务站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[PDX07_Cityoffice_M]:0 A small office. 一幢小型办公楼。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[PDX08_Cityoffice_L]:0 A city office building. 一幢市级办公楼。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[PDX09_medium_office]:0 A district administration office. 一间区级行政办公室。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[PDX10_JA_BLDG]:0 A local register office. 一个本地登记处。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[PDX11_Hotel_kikyo]:0 A resort hotel. 一座度假村酒店。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[PDX12_CityHotel]:0 A downtown hotel. 一座市中心酒店。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[PDX13_Hiroshima_sta]:0 A department store. 一座百货商店。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[PDX14_Shizuoka_Station]:0 A shopping center. 一座购物中心。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[PDX15_sasaki_hospital]:0 A general hospital. 一家综合医院。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[PDX16_incineration_plant]:0 A waste disposal unit. 一个垃圾处理单位。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[PDX17_Five Story Pagora]:0 A temple. 一座寺庙。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[PDX18_Shinjuku_bldg]:0 An office building. 一幢办公楼。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[PDX19_Yokohama-bldg]:0 A company HQ. 一处公司总部。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[PDX20_Shin-maru]:0 A high-rise office. 一幢高层办公楼。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fish Factory 01]:0 Fish Factory produces goods from fresh fish. 鱼肉加工厂将新鲜的鱼类加工成食品。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fish Market 01]:0 Fish Market sells fresh fish directly to consumers. 鱼市场直接将新鲜鱼类卖给客户。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fishing Boat Harbor 01]:0 Fishing Harbor catches and processes any type of fish available. 捕捞港口捕捞和处理任意类型的鱼。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fishing Boat Harbor 02]:0 Fishing Boat Harbor specialized in catching and processing salmon. 专门捕获并处理鲑鱼的渔船港口。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fishing Boat Harbor 03]:0 Fishing Boat Harbor specialized in catching and processing shellfish. 专门捕获并处理贝类的渔船港口。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fishing Boat Harbor 04]:0 Fishing Boat Harbor specialized in catching and processing tuna. 专门捕获并处理金枪鱼的渔船港口。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fishing Boat Harbor 05]:0 Fishing Boat Harbor specialized in catching and processing anchovies. 专门捕获并处理凤尾鱼的渔船港口。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fish Farm 01]:0 A stationary fish farm. 一座固定的养鱼场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fish Farm 02]:0 A stationary fish farm yielding algae. 固定的专门产出海藻的鱼类养殖场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fish Farm 03]:0 A stationary fish farm yielding seaweed. 固定的专门产出海带的鱼类养殖场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Waste Processing Complex 01]:0 Waste Processing Complex sends out waste transfer trucks to pick up garbage from Waste Transfer Facilities and Landfill Sites. 垃圾处理厂派遣垃圾运输卡车从垃圾转运设施和填埋站处收集垃圾。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Waste Transfer Facility 01]:0 Waste Transfer Facility uses garbage trucks to collect and temporarily store garbage. 垃圾转运设施用垃圾运输卡车来收集并暂时存放垃圾。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Intercity Bus Station 01]:0 Intercity Bus coaches stop and collect passengers at the Intercity Bus Station. 城际公交长途汽车在城际公交车站那里短暂停留以接载乘客。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Intercity Bus Station 02]:0 An Intercity Bus Terminal with multiple platforms. Intercity Bus coaches stop and collect passengers at the Intercity Bus Station. 一个城际公交车客运站上有多个平台,城际公交长途汽车在城际公交车站那里短暂停留以接载乘客。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Overground Metro Station 01]:0 Metro trains stop and collect passengers at the metro station. 地铁列车在地铁站停下并接送乘客。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Overground Metro Station Elevated 01]:0 Metro trains stop and collect passengers at the overground metro station. 地铁列车在地上地铁站那里短暂停留以接载乘客。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Overground Metro Station Avenue 01]:0 Metro trains stop and collect passengers at the overground metro station. 地铁列车在地上地铁站那里短暂停留以接载乘客。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trolleybus Depot 01]:0 A Trolleybus Depot is where trolleybuses are stored when not on duty. 无轨电车总站专门用于存储那些当前不出车的无轨电车。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trolleybus Stop 01]:0 Trolleybuses stop and collect passengers at the Trolleybus Stop. 无轨电车在无轨电车站那里短暂停留以接载乘客。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Passenger Helicopter Depot]:0 Helicopters receive maintenance at the depot. The depot sends out vehicles automatically. 直升机在总站那里进行维修保养。总站也会自动派遣直升机。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Passenger Helicopter Stop]:0 Helicopters can land here to drop off and pick up passengers. 直升机可以在客运直升机站点这里短暂停留,让乘客下机或者接载新的乘客。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Transport Hub 01 A]:0 A combined stop for intercity buses and metro. 一座城际公交车和地铁的联合站点。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Transport Hub 02 A]:0 A combined terminal for buses and intercity bus coaches. 一个专门为公交车和城际长途汽车所提供的复合型客运站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Transport Hub 03 A]:0 A combined stop for trains and metro. 一座火车和地铁的联合站点。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Transport Hub 04 A]:0 A combined hub to switch between planes, helicopters and metro. 一个在飞机、直升机和地铁间转乘的联合中转站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Transport Hub 05 A]:0 A combined stop for city buses and metro. 一座城市公交车和地铁的联合站点。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Advanced Inland Water Treatment Plant 01]:0 Advanced Inland Water Treatment Plant processes and drains the waste water back into the ground. 高级内陆污水处理厂将处理后的污水排放回地底。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Inland Water Treatment Plant 01]:0 Inland Water Treatment Plant processes and drains the waste water back into the ground. 内陆污水处理厂将处理后的污水排放回地底。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Large Water Tower 01]:0 Large Water Tower distributes fresh water to areas without the need of a body of water close by. 大型水塔为那些附近没有水源的地方提供洁净水。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Eco Inland Water Treatment Plant 01]:0 Eco Inland Water Treatment Plant processes and drains the waste water back into the ground. 生态内陆污水处理厂将处理后的污水排放回地底。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Eco Advanced Inland Water Treatment Plant 01]:0 Advanced Eco Inland Water Treatment Plant processes and drains the waste water back into the ground. 生态高级内陆污水处理厂将处理后的污水排放回地底。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Child Health Center 01]:0 Child Health Center offers health services to children and teens. 儿童健康中心为孩童和青少年提供健康服务。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Eldercare 01]:0 Eldercare offers the elderly a place to gather and spend time together, take part in hobbies and receive necessary treatment. 养老院为老人们提供了一个一起安度晚年的宁静之所,老人们可以在这里自由的从事各种喜爱的活动并接受必要的治疗。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Aviation Club 01 A]:0 Aviation Club consists of a small terminal, air traffic control tower and a runway. 航空俱乐部由小型航空站、空中交通管制塔和跑道所组成。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Festival Area 1]:0 The Festival Area has all the necessary space and facilities to organize great music events like festivals and band concerts. 【节日区】拥有举办音乐节和乐队演唱会之类大型音乐活动所有需要的场地和设施。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Broadcasting Studios]:0 The Media Broadcast Building is a significant landmark and it attracts people to see its impressive broadcast tower. 媒体广播建筑是醒目的地标建筑,并且能吸引人们前往参观其宏伟的广播塔。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Live Music Venue]:0 People can enjoy the local music culture all around the year even when there are no bands playing in the Festival Area. 市民在全年任何时间,即使没有乐队在音乐节区域进行演出也能享受当地的音乐盛典。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Festival Fan Zone]:0 People who do not fit in the Festival Area or prefer to follow the concert further away can watch the band playing from the Fan Zone Park. 呆在音乐节区域感到不适或者想要进一步关注演唱会后续内容的人可以到粉丝部落公园欣赏乐队的演出。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Football Stadium]:0 A Football Stadium to host games in your city. 一个用来在城市中举办比赛的足球场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Coal Power Plant]:0 The coal power plant turns coal into electricity. 火力发电厂烧煤发电。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Oil Power Plant]:0 The oil power plant burns oil for electricity. 燃油发电站烧油来发电。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Nuclear Power Plant]:0 The nuclear power plant uses uranium to produce clean electricity. 核电站使用U元素来生产清洁的电能。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Wind Turbine]:0 The wind turbine produces clean electricity from the wind. 风力发电机用风力来生产清洁的电能。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Advanced Wind Turbine]:0 The wind turbine produces clean electricity from the wind. 风力发电机用风力来生产清洁的电能。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Solar Power Plant]:0 The solar power plant creates electricity out of sunlight. By night it distributes electricity stored in its batteries. 太阳能发电站能将光能转化为电能。到了夜晚,也可输出其电池中所储存的电能。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Water Intake]:0 The water pumping station pumps water from rivers and lakes. 抽水站从河流湖泊中抽水。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Water Outlet]:0 The water drain pipe releases waste water into lakes and rivers. 排水管将废水排入河流与湖泊中。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Water Treatment Plant]:0 The water treatment plant purifies most of the sewage before it is pumped out. 在倾倒污水之前,污水处理厂将会过滤掉其大部分杂质。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Water Tower]:0 The water tower distributes fresh water to areas without the need of a body of water close by. 水塔为区域提供新鲜水源,而不需要附近有大量的水。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Landfill Site]:0 A landfill site is used to store garbage. 垃圾堆放场是用来存放垃圾的。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Combustion Plant]:0 The incineration plant collects and burns garbage to produce electricity. 垃圾焚化炉收集并燃烧垃圾来发电。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Hospital]:0 The hospital treats patients with any diseases or injury. The Hospital has a helipad and can accept helicopters. 医院专门治疗生病和受伤的人。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Medical Clinic]:0 The medical clinic treats patients with various illnesses. 诊所可以治疗患上各种疑难杂症的患者。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Crematory]:0 The crematorium incinerates the bodies of deceased citizens. 火葬场火化遗体。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Cemetery]:0 The cemetery is the final resting place for deceased citizens. 逝去的市民最终将葬在公墓里。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fire House]:0 Fire houses dispatch firefighters and fire engines to put out fires. 消防站派遣消防员和消防车进行灭火工作。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fire Station]:0 The fire station can send out fire engines to extinguish fires around the city. 消防局可派出多辆消防车来扑灭城市里的火灾。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Police Station]:0 The police station can dispatch patrol cars to take care of criminal activity. 警察局可派出巡逻车来遏制犯罪行为。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Police Headquarters]:0 The police headquarters can dispatch a large number of patrol cars to crime scenes around the city. 警察总局可派遣大量警车前往城市内的犯罪现场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Town Hall]:0 An official building. 一栋官方办公楼。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[City Hall]:0 The tax office is where civil servants work. 税务大厅可以让您对于税率有更强的控制权。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Elementary School]:0 The elementary school educates young people from a small area. 小学可教育小范围地区内的孩子们。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[High School]:0 The high school educates teenagers from a big area. 中学可教育大范围地区内的青少年。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University]:0 The university provides higher education in a huge area. 大学可向较大地区范围的人们提供高等教育。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Bus Depot]:0 The bus depot is where the buses are stationed when not in service. 公交车未当班时就会停在总站里。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Metro Entrance]:0 Metro trains stop and collect passengers at the underground metro station. 地铁列车在地下地铁站台短暂停留以接载乘客。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Train Station]:0 Trains stop and collect passengers at the train station. 火车会在火车站停下以载运乘客。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Airport]:0 Passengers come and go outside of the city via the airport. 乘客们通过机场进出城市。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Harbor]:0 Passengers come and go outside the city by ships. 乘客们乘船进出城市。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Cargo Harbor]:0 The Cargo Harbor allows ships to carry goods and raw materials to and from the city. 允许船只运输商品与原材料进出城市。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Cargo Center]:0 Trains can carry goods and raw materials in the city or transport them outside. 火车可以运输商品和原料进出城市。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Obelisk]:0 The obelisk is a great citizen and tourist attraction. 方尖石碑可吸引大量市民和游客。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Stadium]:0 The stadium offers entertainment to the masses. 体育场可为人们提供娱乐活动。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[StatueOfWealth]:0 A decorative statue. 装饰用雕像。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[ExpoCenter]:0 The expo center offers edutainment for citizens and tourists. 世博中心为市民和游客提供寓教于乐的游玩体验。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Modern Art Museum]:0 The most modern museum. 最现代的博物馆。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Plaza of the Dead]:0 A decorative plaza. 一座装饰用广场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fountain of LifeDeath]:0 A decorative fountain. 装饰用喷泉。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[SeaWorld]:0 An indoor aquarium is the kids' favorite. 孩子们最喜欢室内水族馆了。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Colossal Offices]:0 Colossal Order Headquarters. 科洛萨奥奥德总部。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Posh Mall]:0 A VERY posh mall. 一座精美的购物中心。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Library]:0 A formidable library. 巨型图书馆。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Observatory]:0 A fine observatory. 一座精密的天文台。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Official Park]:0 A decorative park. 装饰用公园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Friendly Neighborhood]:0 A decorative park. 装饰用公园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Servicing Services]:0 A large office building. 大型办公楼。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Business Park]:0 A decorative park. 装饰用公园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[ScienceCenter]:0 A science center. 科学中心。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Cathedral of Plentitude]:0 A huge cathedral. 巨型大教堂。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Statue of Industry]:0 A decorative statue. 装饰用雕像。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Opera House]:0 An opera house. 歌剧院。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Grand Mall]:0 A grand mall for shopping. 宏伟的购物中心。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[SeaAndSky Scraper]:0 A large office building. 大型办公楼。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Lazaret Plaza]:0 A decorative plaza. 一座装饰用广场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Court House]:0 An official building. 一栋官方办公楼。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Theater of Wonders]:0 A large theater. 一个大剧场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Statue of Shopping]:0 A decorative statue. 装饰用雕像。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Transport Tower]:0 A large office building. 大型办公楼。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[High Interest Tower]:0 A large office building. 大型办公楼。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Trash Mall]:0 A cheap-o mall for shopping. 一座价廉物美的购物中心。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Oppression Office]:0 A large office building. 大型办公楼。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fusion Power Plant]:0 The Fusion Power Plant provides electricity for the whole city. 核聚变发电厂可为整座城市提供电力。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Eden Project]:0 The Eden Project raises land value in the city and reduces pollution. 【伊甸园计划】提升城市的土地价值并减少污染。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Space Elevator]:0 Get lots of tourists with the Space Elevator. 利用轨道电梯可吸引大批游客。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Medical Center]:0 The Medical Center provides healthcare for the whole city. The Medical Center has a helipad and can accept helicopters. 医疗中心为整座城市提供健康服务。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Hadron Collider]:0 Take care of your education needs with the Hadron Collider. 用强子对撞机便可解决您对教育的顾虑。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Dam Power House]:0 Massive amount of water traveling through the dam provides electricity. 流过大坝的巨大水量可被用来发电。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Expensive Park]:0 A park with lots of trees that offer shady spots for picnic goers and people walking through the park. 一个种有许多树的公园,可以让人们在树下野餐,或是漫步。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Expensive Playground]:0 A large playground for families with kids. 一个为有孩子的家庭准备的大型游乐场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Expensive Plaza]:0 A plaza to make the neighborhood more beautiful. 一个可以让附近社区变得更加宜人的广场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Regular Park]:0 Small park offers relaxation for citizens. 小公园能让市民们休息放松。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Regular Park2]:0 A regular small neighborhood park. People come here to relax after a long day. 一个普通的小型社区公园,人们劳累一天后会来这里休息放松。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Regular Playground]:0 Small park with space for children to play and adults to relax. 这样的小公园,有儿童游乐场,也能让大人放松。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Regular Plaza]:0 A plaza with trees. People meet here and just hang out. 种有树的广场。人们可以在这里见面,或到处闲逛。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Parking Lot]:0 Citizens can park their cars here. 市民们可以把车停在此处。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Basketball Court]:0 Basketball court makes the neighborhood more fun. 篮球场让社区生活更有乐趣。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[bouncer_castle]:0 A bouncy castle park. 一个充气城堡公园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[dog-park-fence]:0 A park for walking your dog. 一个给您遛狗的公园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Botanical garden]:0 Botanical garden delights the neighborhood. 植物园可以装点社区。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[MerryGoRound]:0 The Carousel park is a children's favourite. 孩纸们最喜欢旋转木马公园了。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[JapaneseGarden]:0 A beautiful Japanese garden for citizens to visit. 一个供市民游览的美丽和风公园。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[ParadoxPlaza]:0 A traditional gathering place for all gamers. 一处游戏玩家的传统聚集地。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Statue of Liberty]:0 The Statue of Liberty is a famous landmark. 自由女神像是有名的地标建筑。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Eiffel Tower]:0 The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark. 埃菲尔铁塔是有名的地标建筑。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Brandenburg Gate]:0 The Brandenburg Gate is a famous landmark. 勃兰登堡是有名的地标建筑。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Grand Central Terminal]:0 The Grand Central Terminal is a famous landmark. 中部火车站是有名的地标建筑。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Arc de Triomphe]:0 The Arc de Triomphe is a famous landmark. 凯旋门是有名的地标建筑。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[The Majesty]:0 Created By Matt Crux 麦特 克鲁克斯 打造
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Pinoa Street]:0 Created By Matt Crux 麦特 克鲁克斯 打造
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Eddie Kovanago]:0 Created By Matt Crux 麦特 克鲁克斯 打造
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Biodome]:0 A variety of endangered plants, insects and birds find refuge in these large climate controlled structures. 这些大型可控气候建筑中容纳着各种各样的几乎灭绝的动植物和鸟类。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Cryopreservatory]:0 This controversial building stores the clinically deceased until the technology becomes available to revive them. 这个极具争议性的建筑存放着亡者的尸体,以等待有朝一日复活死者的科技会诞生。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Electric Car Factory]:0 This plant produces vehicles with a very low carbon footprint. Customers can purchase cars directly from the in-house showroom. 这个工厂以非常低的碳排放量生产车辆。消费者可以直接在内置的展示厅中购买汽车。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Faculty]:0 University students who wish to specialize in certain areas go to these Faculty buildings. 大学生可以在这些学院建筑中专注学习特定的学科。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Intelligence Agency]:0 This government building gathers information and enforces mass surveillance throughout your region. 这座行政机构大楼负责收集整个区域的情报和监控措施。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Medical Laboratory]:0 Biochemists and pathologists analyze clinical samples and groups of patients while creating new types of pharmaceutical medicine. 生物化学家和病理学家在这里分析临床样本和病人群体以期制造新的治疗药物。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Nanotechnology Center]:0 Cutting edge development center where physicists experiment with new devices and materials at a molecular scale. 这座先进的研究中心是物理学家们开发分子状态装置和材料的地方。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Research Center]:0 Scientists from all over the world gather at RDC to develop the latest technological advancements. 来自世界各地的科学家们齐集于 RDC 以开发最先进的黑科技。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Robotics Institute]:0 Head office for a large corporation which creates autonomous robots and military drones. 某个制造机器人和军用无人机的大型企业的总公司。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Semiconductor Plant]:0 This plant manufactures high performance processing units for computers, mobile phones and medical equipment. 此工厂为电脑、手机、医疗器材等生产高性能的处理器。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Software Development Studio]:0 Office building where programmers and software engineers create operating systems and security packages. 程序员和软件工程师在这座办公大楼中开发操作系统和安全软件。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Space Shuttle Launch Site]:0 Launch facility for a reusable space orbiter. The shuttle is used to deliver and maintain artificial satellites. 用于发射可循环使用的航天飞机的设施。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Television Station]:0 Cims receive their daily headlines from this public service broadcasting station which employs a large number of journalists. 人们通过此公共服务广播站收看每日头条新闻,因此此广播站雇佣了大量新闻工作者。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Vertical Farm]:0 Vertical farming is the ultimate solution to agriculture in an urbanized world. 城市立体农场是市区农业的终极解决方案。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Wave Power Plant]:0 Harness the kinetic power of water with an affordable Wave Power Plant. 海浪发电厂利用水的动力功率来生产成本低廉的电力。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[police_station_EU]:0 The police station can dispatch patrol cars to take care of criminal activity. 警察局可派出巡逻车来遏制犯罪行为。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Police Headquarters EU]:0 The police headquarters can dispatch a large number of patrol cars to crime scenes around the city. 警察总局可派遣大量警车前往城市内的犯罪现场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Fire_Station_EU]:0 The fire station can send out fire engines to extinguish fires around the city. 消防局可派出多辆消防车来扑灭城市里的火灾。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[firehouse_EU]:0 Fire houses dispatch firefighters and fire engines to put out fires. 消防站派遣消防员和消防车进行灭火工作。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[medicalclinicEU]:0 The medical clinic treats patients with various illnesses. 诊所可以治疗患上各种疑难杂症的患者。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[hospital_EU]:0 The hospital treats patients with any diseases or injury. The Hospital has a helipad and can accept helicopters. 医院专门治疗生病和受伤的人。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Elementary_School_EU]:0 The elementary school educates young people from a small area. 小学可教育小范围地区内的孩子们。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[highschool_EU]:0 The high school educates teenagers from a big area. 中学可教育大范围地区内的青少年。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[University_EU]:0 The university provides higher education in a huge area. 大学可向较大地区范围的人们提供高等教育。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[hypermarket]:0 An expansive retail facility. 一处昂贵的零售设施。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[government_offices]:0 An administrative building. 一栋行政建筑。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[city_hall]:0 The chief administrative building of your city. 城市的主要行政建筑。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[amsterdam_palace]:0 A royal palace. 一座皇家宫殿。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[theatre]:0 A venue for performance arts. 一块用于艺术表演的场地。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[cinema]:0 A venue for showing movies on a large screen. 一块放映大荧幕电影的场地。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[cathedral_of_cologne]:0 The largest Gothic cathedral in Europe. 欧洲最大的哥特式大教堂。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[shopping_center]:0 A complex of shops under one roof. 一处拥有多种商店的综合设施。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[department_store]:0 A retail establishment selling various consumer goods. 一个贩售多种特色物品的零售店。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[london_eye_anim]:0 A gigantic Ferris wheel. 一个巨大的摩天轮。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Big_Ben]:0 Famous clock tower 著名的钟塔。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[arena]:0 An open-air arena for various sports events. 多用途的露天体育场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[gherkin]:0 A commercial skyscraper 一栋商业摩天大楼。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Tennis_Court_EU]:0 A high-quality tennis court. 一处高级网球场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Winter Market 01]:0 Winter Market offers delicious food, warm drinks and unique handicrafts from open-air stalls. 冬季市场的露天摊位提供美食、热饮和独特的手工艺品。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[H_Hub01]:0 This station is a multi-platform metro and train hub housed inside a big glass box. 此车站是一个多站台的地铁和列车枢纽,外层是一个巨大的玻璃盒。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[H_Hub02_A]:0 A Multi-Platform below ground metro station with a bustling plaza on top 多站台地下地铁站,顶层是一个繁华的广场
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[H_Hub03]:0 Multi-platform train station hub that has and elevated and a sunken level to allow separate train networks to cross-connect. 具有高架层和下沉层的多站台火车枢纽站,可让各路列车网络实现跨接。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[H_Hub03 sub1]:0 Multi-platform train station hub that has and elevated and a sunken level to allow separate train networks to cross-connect. 具有高架层和下沉层的多站台火车枢纽站,可让各路列车网络实现跨接。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[H_Hub04]:0 This is a multi-platform elevated station positioned over a market place that has been operating for many years. 这是一座多站台的高架车站,位于一处运营多年的市场上方。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[H_Hub04 sub1]:0 This is a multi-platform elevated station positioned over a market place that has been operating for many years. 这是一座多站台的高架车站,位于一处运营多年的市场上方。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[M_Elevated Metro Station Bypass]:0 This is a suburban elevated metro station. Compact and allows metro trains to zoom overhead through your city. 这是一座郊区高架地铁站。布局紧凑,地铁列车可在城市上空快速通过。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[M_Elevated Metro Station Dual Island]:0 A compact, space saving elevated metro station with 4 platforms. 2 upline and 2 downline. 一座布局紧凑且节省空间的高架地铁站,有 4 个站台。2 条上行线和 2 条下行线。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[M_Elevated Metro Station Island]:0 A Compact, space saving elevated metro station with 2 platforms. 1 upline and 1 downline. 一座布局紧凑且节省空间的高架地铁站,有 2 个站台。1 条上行线和 1 条下行线。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[M_Metro Bypass Station]:0 Open to the surface, this below ground station has 2 platforms and 2 inside tracks for express trains to bypass the stop. 这座地下车站向地面开放,有 2 个站台和 2 条内轨,可供快车绕过车站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[M_Metro Bypass Station sub1 1]:0 Open to the surface, this below ground station has 2 platforms and 2 inside tracks for express trains to bypass the stop. 这座地下车站向地面开放,有 2 个站台和 2 条内轨,可供快车绕过车站。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[M_Metro Dual Island Station]:0 Open to the surface, this below ground station has 4 platforms, 2 upline and 2 downline. 这座地下车站向地面开放,有 4 个站台,2 条上行线和 2 条下行线。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[M_Metro Island Station]:0 Open to the surface, this below ground station has 2 platforms, 1 upline and 1 downline. 这座地下车站向地面开放,有 2 个站台,1 条上行线和 1 条下行线。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[T_Elevated Bypass Train Station]:0 This elevated train station has 2 platforms and 2 inside tracks for express trains to bypass the stop. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座高架火车站有 2 个站台和 2 条内轨,可供快车绕过车站。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[T_Elevated Bypass Train Station Sub1]:0 This elevated train station has 2 platforms and 2 inside tracks for express trains to bypass the stop. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座高架火车站有 2 个站台和 2 条内轨,可供快车绕过车站。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[T_Elevated Dual Island Train Station]:0 This elevated train station has 4 platforms, 2 upline and 2 downline. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座高架火车站有 4 个站台,2 条上行线和 2 条下行线。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[T_Elevated Dual Island Train Station Sub1]:0 This elevated train station has 4 platforms, 2 upline and 2 downline. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座高架火车站有 4 个站台,2 条上行线和 2 条下行线。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[T_Elevated Island Train Station]:0 This elevated train station has 2 platforms, 1 upline and 1 downline. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座高架火车站有 2 个站台,1 条上行线和 1 条下行线。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[T_Elevated Island Platform Sub1]:0 This elevated train station has 2 platforms, 1 upline and 1 downline. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座高架火车站有 2 个站台,1 条上行线和 1 条下行线。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[T_Ground Bypass Train Station]:0 This ground bypass train station has 2 platforms and 2 inside tracks for express trains to bypass the stop. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座地面旁路火车站有 2 个站台和 2 条内轨,可供快车绕过车站。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[T_Ground Bypass Train Station Sub2]:0 This train station has 2 platforms and 2 inside tracks for express trains to bypass the stop. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座火车站有 2 个站台和 2 条内轨,可供快车绕过车站。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[T_Ground Dual Island Train Station]:0 This train station has 4 platforms, 2 upline and 2 downline. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座火车站有 4 个站台,2 条上行线和 2 条下行线。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[T_Ground Dual Island Train Station sub1]:0 This train station has 4 platforms, 2 upline and 2 downline. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座火车站有 4 个站台,2 条上行线和 2 条下行线。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[T_Ground Island Train Station]:0 This train station has 2 platforms , 1 upline and 1 downline. The parking lot is a great place for citizens to park and ride. 这座火车站有 2 个站台,1 条上行线和 1 条下行线。停车场是供市民停车和乘车的好地方。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[ccp8-na2lane_pillar]:0 Pillar asset of American Two-Lane Truss Bridge 欧式双车道石桥的墩柱设施
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[ccp8-euro4lane_pillar]:0 Pillar asset of European Four-Lane Stone Bridge 欧式四车道石桥的墩柱设施
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[ccp8-na4lane_pillar]:0 Pillar asset of American Four-Lane Truss Bridge 美式四车道桁架桥的墩柱设施
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[ccp8-na6lane_pillar]:0 Pillar asset of American Six-Lane Stone Bridge 美式六车道石桥的墩柱设施
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[ccp8-naped_pillar]:0 Pillar asset of American Pedestrian Bridge 美式人行天桥的墩柱设施
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[ccp8-hstrail_pillar]:0 Pillar asset of High Speed Rail Viaduct 双车道高铁高架桥的墩柱设施
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[ccp8-eurorail1_pillar]:0 Pillar asset of European Rail Bridge 1 美式双车道桁架桥和单向桁架铁路高架桥的墩柱设施
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[ccp8-eurorail2_pillar]:0 Pillar asset of European Rail Bridge 2 单向欧式铁路高架桥的墩柱设施
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[ccp8-highway_pillar]:0 Pillar asset of Three-Lane Highway Viaduct 三车道公路高架桥的墩柱设施
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[ccp8-pier-seine]:0 Simple, decorative pier with small entertainment radius, based on the ones located on Seine river. 娱乐半径较小的巴黎式装饰性码头。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[ccp8-pier-rhine]:0 Simple, decorative pier with small entertainment radius, based on the ones located on Rhine river. 位于德累斯顿、娱乐半径较小的装饰性简易码头。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Football Stadium ITA]:0 A football stadium to host games in your city. Juventus Stadium is a grand stadium that is home to Juventus Football Club. 足球场馆用于为你的城市举办比赛。尤文图斯球场是尤文图斯足球俱乐部的主场球场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Football Stadium ENG]:0 A football stadium to host games in your city. Stamford Bridge is the home stadium of Chelsea FC. 足球场馆用于为你的城市举办比赛。斯坦福桥球场是切尔西足球俱乐部的主场球场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Football Stadium ESP]:0 A football stadium to host games in your city. Camp Nou is FC Barcelona's home stadium. 足球场馆用于为你的城市举办比赛。坎普诺球场是巴塞罗那足球俱乐部的主场球场。
BUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Football Stadium FR]:0 A football stadium to host games in your city. Parc des Princes is the home stadium of Paris Saint-Germain F.C. 足球场馆用于为你的城市举办比赛。王子体育公园是巴黎圣日耳曼足球俱乐部的主场球场。
PROPS_TITLE[Bamboo Fence 8m]:0 Bamboo Fence #1 竹子栅栏 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Bamboo Fence Tall 8m]:0 Bamboo Fence #2 竹子栅栏 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Bamboo Fence Gate]:0 Bamboo Fence Gate 竹子栅栏门
PROPS_TITLE[Asian Garden Decoration 01]:0 Asian Garden Decoration #1 亚风公园装饰 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Asian Garden Decoration 02]:0 Asian Garden Decoration #2 亚风公园装饰 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Bonsai Pot 01]:0 Bonsai Pot #1 盆景 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Bonsai Pot 02]:0 Bonsai Pot #2 盆景 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Bamboo Pot 01]:0 Bamboo Pot #1 竹景 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Bamboo Pot 02]:0 Bamboo Pot #2 竹景 #2
PROPS_TITLE[SteetLampChina]:0 Asian Street Light 亚风街灯
PROPS_TITLE[Temple lantern 01]:0 Temple Lantern 寺庙灯笼
PROPS_TITLE[Warning Light Red]:0 Red Warning Light 红色警告灯
PROPS_TITLE[Light Pole Orange]:0 Pole-Mounted Orange Warning Light 柱式橙色警告灯
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Down Blue]:0 Blue Wall-Mounted Flood light #1 墙挂蓝色泛光灯 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Warning Light Orange]:0 Orange Warning Light 橙色警告灯
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light White]:0 White Flood Light 白色泛光灯
PROPS_TITLE[Light Pole Red]:0 Pole-Mounted Red Warning Light 柱式红色警告灯
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Blue]:0 Blue Flood Light 蓝色泛光灯
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Down Orange]:0 Orange Wall-Mounted Flood Light #1 墙挂橙色泛光灯 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Wall White]:0 White Wall-Mounted Flood Light #2 墙挂白色泛光灯 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Wall Blue]:0 Blue Wall-Mounted Flood light #2 墙挂蓝色泛光灯 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Wall Orange]:0 Orange Wall-Mounted Flood Light #2 墙挂橙色泛光灯 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Wall Red]:0 Red Wall-Mounted Flood Light #2 墙挂红色泛光灯 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Down White]:0 White Wall-Mounted Flood Light #1 墙挂白色泛光灯 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Down Red]:0 Red Wall-Mounted Flood Light #1 墙挂红色泛光灯 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Red]:0 Red Flood Light 红色泛光灯
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Orange]:0 Orange Flood Light 橙色泛光灯
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Floor Red]:0 Red Floor Light 红色镶地灯
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Floor White]:0 White Floor Light 白色镶地灯
PROPS_TITLE[Wall Light Orange]:0 Orange Wall-Mounted Flood Light #3 墙挂橙色泛光灯 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Wall Light White]:0 White Wall-Mounted Flood Light #3 墙挂白色泛光灯 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Basketball hoop]:0 Basketball Hoop 篮球架
PROPS_TITLE[Weighlifting bench]:0 Weightlifting Bench 举重长凳
PROPS_TITLE[Prison table]:0 Prison Table 监狱用桌
PROPS_TITLE[Prison fence]:0 Prison Fence, Short 监狱围墙(短)
PROPS_TITLE[Prison fence long]:0 Prison Fence, Long 监狱围墙(长)
PROPS_TITLE[flag_pole_wall]:0 Wall-Mounted Flagpole 墙挂旗杆
PROPS_TITLE[Snowman01]:0 Snowman #1 雪人#1
PROPS_TITLE[Snowman02]:0 Snowman #2 雪人#2
PROPS_TITLE[Snowman03]:0 Snowman #3 雪人#3
PROPS_TITLE[Snowman Random]:0 Random Snowman 随机雪人
PROPS_TITLE[Collapsed building]:0 A heap of rubble 一大堆的瓦砾
PROPS_TITLE[Christmas_Tree_Prop]:0 Christmas Tree 圣诞树
PROPS_TITLE[Rustic_Table]:0 Rustic Table 乡村圆木桌
PROPS_TITLE[Snow Decal]:0 Snow Decal 冰雪贴纸
PROPS_TITLE[Ice Decal]:0 Ice Decal 冰贴纸
PROPS_TITLE[Curling Decal]:0 Curling Decal 冰壶贴纸
PROPS_TITLE[Reindeer_Fence]:0 Reindeer Fence 驯鹿围栏
PROPS_TITLE[Ice Bench]:0 Ice Bench 冰椅
PROPS_TITLE[Snowmobile]:0 Snowmobile 雪地摩托
PROPS_TITLE[High swimming pool covered]:0 High-Level Swimming Pool 高端游泳池
PROPS_TITLE[Swimming pool covered]:0 Swimming pool 游泳池
PROPS_TITLE[Deck Chair Winter]:0 Deck Chair 躺椅
PROPS_TITLE[High Deck Chair Winter]:0 High-level Deck Chair 高级躺椅
PROPS_TITLE[Winter Flower Pot 01]:0 Flowerpot #1 花盆#1
PROPS_TITLE[Winter Flower Pot 02]:0 Flowerpot #2 花盆#2
PROPS_TITLE[Winter Flower Pot 03]:0 Flowerpot #3 花盆#3
PROPS_TITLE[High Parasol Winter]:0 High-Level Parasol 高级阳伞
PROPS_TITLE[Parasol Winter]:0 Parasol 阳伞
PROPS_TITLE[Hedge Winter 01]:0 Long Hedge 长树篱
PROPS_TITLE[Hedge Winter 02]:0 Short Hedge 短树篱
PROPS_TITLE[High-Tiles Winter]:0 Yard Tiles 院落瓷砖
PROPS_TITLE[Tiles Winter]:0 High-Level Tiling 高端瓷砖
PROPS_TITLE[Asphalt_old_winter]:0 Old Asphalt 旧沥青
PROPS_TITLE[Winter Garden Flowers]:0 Flower garden 花园
PROPS_TITLE[Winter Garden Fountain]:0 Garden Fountain 花园喷泉
PROPS_TITLE[Invisible Helipad Marker]:0 Helipad Marker 停机坪标记
PROPS_TITLE[Chainlink Fence 8m]:0 Chainlink Fence 8 m 8米铁网栅栏
PROPS_TITLE[Chainlink Fence 16m]:0 Chainlink Fence 16 m 16米铁网栅栏
PROPS_TITLE[Chainlink Fence Gate]:0 Chainlink Fence Gate 铁网栅栏门
PROPS_TITLE[Security Booth]:0 Security Booth 保安亭
PROPS_TITLE[Safety Barrier]:0 Safety Barrier 安全栅
PROPS_TITLE[Road Block]:0 Road Block 路障
PROPS_TITLE[Cargo container - disaster response unit]:0 Cargo Container 货物集装箱
PROPS_TITLE[Steam Boat]:0 Steam Boat 蒸汽船
PROPS_TITLE[Paddle Car 01]:0 Paddle Car #1 踏板车 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Paddle Car 02]:0 Paddle Car #2 踏板车 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Nautical Marker]:0 Nautical Marker 航海标记
PROPS_TITLE[Lifebuoy]:0 Lifebuoy 救生圈
PROPS_TITLE[Rubber Tire Row]:0 Rubber boat 橡皮艇
PROPS_TITLE[Ferry Info Sign]:0 Ferry Info Sign 渡船信息标志
PROPS_TITLE[Ferry Sign]:0 Ferry Sign 渡船标志
PROPS_TITLE[Pier Rope Pole]:0 Pier Pole 码头系船柱
PROPS_TITLE[Passenger Ramp]:0 Passenger Ramp 旅客坡道
PROPS_TITLE[Monorail Info Sign]:0 Monorail Info Sign 单轨列车信息标志
PROPS_TITLE[Monorail Sign]:0 Monorail Sign 单轨列车标志
PROPS_TITLE[Monorail Ticket Machine]:0 Monorail Ticket Machine 单轨列车售票机
PROPS_TITLE[Beehive 01]:0 Beehive 蜂巢
PROPS_TITLE[Birdhouse 01]:0 Birdhouse 鸟屋
PROPS_TITLE[Small Recycling Container 01]:0 Small Recycling Container #1 小回收箱#1
PROPS_TITLE[Small Recycling Container 02]:0 Small Recycling Container #2 小回收箱#2
PROPS_TITLE[Small Recycling Container 03]:0 Small Recycling Container #3 小回收箱#3
PROPS_TITLE[Large Recycling Container 01]:0 Large Recycling Container #1 大回收箱#1
PROPS_TITLE[Large Recycling Container 02]:0 Large Recycling Container #2 大回收箱#2
PROPS_TITLE[Eco Street Lamp 01]:0 Eco Street Lamp 生态街灯
PROPS_TITLE[Modern Table Set 01]:0 Modern Table Set 现代桌椅组
PROPS_TITLE[Horizontal Solar Panel 01]:0 Horizontal Solar Panel #1 水平太阳能电池板#1
PROPS_TITLE[Horizontal Solar Panel 02]:0 Horizontal Solar Panel #2 水平太阳能电池板#1
PROPS_TITLE[Air Source Heat Pump 01]:0 Air Source Heat Pump #1 空气源热泵#1
PROPS_TITLE[Air Source Heat Pump 02]:0 Air Source Heat Pump #2 空气源热泵#2
PROPS_TITLE[Ventilation Pipe 01]:0 Ventilation Pipe #1 通风管#1
PROPS_TITLE[Ventilation Pipe 02]:0 Ventilation Pipe #2 通风管#1
PROPS_TITLE[Modern Fence 01]:0 Modern Fence #1 现代栅栏#1
PROPS_TITLE[Modern Fence 02]:0 Modern Fence #2 现代栅栏#2
PROPS_TITLE[Roof Vegetation 01]:0 Roof Vegetation #1 屋顶植物#1
PROPS_TITLE[Roof Vegetation 02]:0 Roof Vegetation #2 屋顶植物#2
PROPS_TITLE[Roof Vegetation 03]:0 Roof Vegetation #3 屋顶植物#3
PROPS_TITLE[Roof Vegetation 04]:0 Roof Vegetation #4 屋顶植物#4
PROPS_TITLE[Roof Vegetation 05]:0 Roof Vegetation #5 屋顶植物#5
PROPS_TITLE[Roof Vegetation 06]:0 Roof Vegetation #6 屋顶植物#6
PROPS_TITLE[Roof Vegetation 07]:0 Roof Vegetation #7 屋顶植物#7
PROPS_TITLE[Roof Vegetation 08]:0 Roof Vegetation #8 屋顶植物#8
PROPS_TITLE[Wall Vegetation 01]:0 Wall Vegetation #1 墙壁植物#1
PROPS_TITLE[Wall Vegetation 02]:0 Wall Vegetation #2 墙壁植物#2
PROPS_TITLE[Wall Vegetation 03]:0 Wall Vegetation #3 墙壁植物#3
PROPS_TITLE[Wall Vegetation 04]:0 Wall Vegetation #4 墙壁植物#4
PROPS_TITLE[Hanging Vegetation 01]:0 Hanging Vegetation #1 悬吊植物#1
PROPS_TITLE[Hanging Vegetation 02]:0 Hanging Vegetation #2 悬吊植物#2
PROPS_TITLE[Hanging Vegetation 03]:0 Hanging Vegetation #3 悬吊植物#3
PROPS_TITLE[Hanging Vegetation 04]:0 Hanging Vegetation #4 悬吊植物#4
PROPS_TITLE[Plant Pot 01]:0 Plant Pot #1 花盆#1
PROPS_TITLE[Plant Pot 02]:0 Plant Pot #2 花盆#2
PROPS_TITLE[Plant Pot 03]:0 Plant Pot #3 花盆#3
PROPS_TITLE[Plant Pot 04]:0 Plant Pot #4 花盆#4
PROPS_TITLE[Plant Pot 05]:0 Plant Pot #5 花盆#5
PROPS_TITLE[Plant Pot 06]:0 Plant Pot #6 花盆#6
PROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop 3d Sign 01]:0 Organic Shop 3d Sign #1 有机店三维招牌#1
PROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop 3d Sign 02]:0 Organic Shop 3d Sign #2 有机店三维招牌#2
PROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop 3d Sign 03]:0 Organic Shop 3d Sign #3 有机店三维招牌#3
PROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop 3d Sign 04]:0 Organic Shop 3d Sign #4 有机店三维招牌#4
PROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop Small Billboard 01]:0 Organic Shop Small Billboard #1 有机店小型广告牌#1
PROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop Small Billboard 02]:0 Organic Shop Small Billboard #2 有机店小型广告牌#2
PROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop Small Billboard 03]:0 Organic Shop Small Billboard #3 有机店小型广告牌#3
PROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop Small Billboard 04]:0 Organic Shop Small Billboard #4 有机店小型广告牌#4
PROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop Small Billboard 05]:0 Organic Shop Small Billboard #5 有机店小型广告牌#5
PROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop Small Billboard 06]:0 Organic Shop Small Billboard #6 有机店小型广告牌#6
PROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop Small Billboard 07]:0 Organic Shop Small Billboard #7 有机店小型广告牌#7
PROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop Medium Billboard 01]:0 Organic Shop Medium Billboard #1 有机店中型广告牌#1
PROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop Medium Billboard 02]:0 Organic Shop Medium Billboard #2 有机店中型广告牌#2
PROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop Medium Billboard 03]:0 Organic Shop Medium Billboard #3 有机店中型广告牌#3
PROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop Medium Billboard 04]:0 Organic Shop Medium Billboard #4 有机店中型广告牌#4
PROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop Medium Billboard 05]:0 Organic Shop Medium Billboard #5 有机店中型广告牌#5
PROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop Medium Billboard 06]:0 Organic Shop Medium Billboard #6 有机店中型广告牌#6
PROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop Medium Billboard 07]:0 Organic Shop Medium Billboard #7 有机店中型广告牌#7
PROPS_TITLE[Hightech Industrial Logo 01]:0 Hightech Industrial Logo #1 高科技产业标志#1
PROPS_TITLE[Hightech Industrial Logo 02]:0 Hightech Industrial Logo #2 高科技产业标志#2
PROPS_TITLE[Hightech Industrial Logo 03]:0 Hightech Industrial Logo #3 高科技产业标志#3
PROPS_TITLE[Hightech Industrial Logo 04]:0 Hightech Industrial Logo #4 高科技产业标志#4
PROPS_TITLE[Hightech Industrial Logo 05]:0 Hightech Industrial Logo #5 高科技产业标志#5
PROPS_TITLE[Hightech Industrial Logo 06]:0 Hightech Industrial Logo #6 高科技产业标志#6
PROPS_TITLE[Hightech Industrial Small Billboard 01]:0 Hightech Industrial Small Billboard #1 高科技产业小型广告牌#1
PROPS_TITLE[Hightech Industrial Small Billboard 02]:0 Hightech Industrial Small Billboard #2 高科技产业小型广告牌#2
PROPS_TITLE[Hightech Industrial Small Billboard 03]:0 Hightech Industrial Small Billboard #3 高科技产业小型广告牌#3
PROPS_TITLE[Hightech Industrial Small Billboard 04]:0 Hightech Industrial Small Billboard #4 高科技产业小型广告牌#4
PROPS_TITLE[Hightech Industrial Medium Billboard 01]:0 Hightech Industrial Medium Billboard #1 高科技产业中型广告牌#1
PROPS_TITLE[Hightech Industrial Medium Billboard 02]:0 Hightech Industrial Medium Billboard #2 高科技产业中型广告牌#2
PROPS_TITLE[Hightech Industrial Medium Billboard 03]:0 Hightech Industrial Medium Billboard #3 高科技产业中型广告牌#3
PROPS_TITLE[Hightech Industrial Medium Billboard 04]:0 Hightech Industrial Medium Billboard #4 高科技产业中型广告牌#4
PROPS_TITLE[Parking Space]:0 Parking Space 停车位
PROPS_TITLE[Parking Space Electric]:0 Parking Space Electric 电动车停车位
PROPS_TITLE[Motorboat 01]:0 Motorboat #1 摩托艇#1
PROPS_TITLE[Motorboat 02]:0 Motorboat #2 摩托艇#1
PROPS_TITLE[Train Stop Sign]:0 Train Stop Sign 火车停止标志
PROPS_TITLE[Train Traffic Lights]:0 Train Traffic Signal 火车信号灯
PROPS_TITLE[Wall Vegetation 05]:0 Wall Vegetation #5 墙壁植物 #5
PROPS_TITLE[Wall Vegetation 06]:0 Wall Vegetation #6 墙壁植物 #6
PROPS_TITLE[Wall Vegetation 07]:0 Wall Vegetation #7 墙壁植物 #7
PROPS_TITLE[Wall Vegetation 08]:0 Wall Vegetation #8 墙壁植物 #8
PROPS_TITLE[Wall Vegetation 09]:0 Wall Vegetation #9 墙壁植物 #9
PROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop Small Billboard Random]:0 Organic Shop Small Billboard Random 健康食品店 – 小型随机广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop Medium Billboard Random]:0 Organic Shop Medium Billboard Random 健康食品店 – 中型随机广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Hightech Industrial Logo Random]:0 Hightech Industrial Logo Random 高科技产业标志 随机
PROPS_TITLE[Hightech Industrial Small Billboard Random]:0 Hightech Industrial Small Bilboard Random 高科技工业 – 小型随机广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Hightech Industrial Medium Billboard Random]:0 Hightech Industrial Medium Bilboard Random 高科技工业 – 中型随机广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Roof Walkway 02]:0 Roof Walkway #2 屋顶行道 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Roof Walkway 01]:0 Roof Walkway #1 屋顶行道 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Carport 1]:0 Carport #1 车库 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Carport 2]:0 Carport #2 车库 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Dormer 1]:0 Dormer #1 屋顶窗 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Dormer 2]:0 Dormer #2 屋顶窗 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Shed 1]:0 Shed 小屋
PROPS_TITLE[Low Vegetation 01]:0 Low Vegetation #1 低植被 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Low Vegetation 02]:0 Low Vegetation #2 低植被 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Low Vegetation 03]:0 Low Vegetation #3 低植被 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Low Vegetation 04]:0 Low Vegetation #4 低植被 #4
PROPS_TITLE[Low Vegetation 05]:0 Low Vegetation #5 低植被 #5
PROPS_TITLE[Low Vegetation 06]:0 Low Vegetation #6 低植被 #6
PROPS_TITLE[Low Vegetation 07]:0 Low Vegetation #7 低植被 #7
PROPS_TITLE[Low Vegetation 08]:0 Low Vegetation #8 低植被 #8
PROPS_TITLE[High Vegetation 01]:0 High Vegetation #1 高植被 #1
PROPS_TITLE[High Vegetation 02]:0 High Vegetation #2 高植被 #2
PROPS_TITLE[High Vegetation 03]:0 High Vegetation #3 高植被 #3
PROPS_TITLE[High Vegetation 04]:0 High Vegetation #4 高植被 #4
PROPS_TITLE[High Vegetation 05]:0 High Vegetation #5 高植被 #5
PROPS_TITLE[High Vegetation 06]:0 High Vegetation #6 高植被 #6
PROPS_TITLE[High Vegetation 07]:0 High Vegetation #7 高植被 #7
PROPS_TITLE[High Vegetation 08]:0 High Vegetation #8 高植被 #8
PROPS_TITLE[Park Billboard Medium 01]:0 Medium Park Billboard #1 中型公园广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Park Billboard Large 01]:0 Large Park Billboard #1 大型公园广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Park Streetlight 01]:0 Park Streetlight #1 公园路灯 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Park Trashbin 01]:0 Park Trashbin #1 公园垃圾桶 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Park Trashbin 02]:0 Park Trashbin #2 公园垃圾桶 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Sandbox 01]:0 Sandbox #1 沙池 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Sandbox 02]:0 Sandbox #2 沙池 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Park Sign 01]:0 Park Sign #1 公园标牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Park Sign 02]:0 Park Sign #2 公园标牌 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Park Tiles 01]:0 Park Tiles 公园地砖
PROPS_TITLE[Park Tiles Winter 01]:0 Park Tiles 公园地砖
PROPS_TITLE[Park Tableset 01]:0 Park Table Set #1 公园桌椅 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Park Tableset 02]:0 Park Table Set #2 公园桌椅 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Park Bench 01]:0 Park Bench #1 公园长椅 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Park Bench 02]:0 Park Bench #2 公园长椅 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Hedge 01]:0 Hedge #1 树篱 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Hedge 02]:0 Hedge #2 树篱 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Flowerbed 01]:0 Flowerbed #1 花圃 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Flowerbed 02]:0 Flowerbed #2 花圃 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Flowerbed 03]:0 Flowerbed #3 花圃 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Flowerbed 04]:0 Flowerbed #4 花圃 #4
PROPS_TITLE[Food Stall 01]:0 Food Stall #1 小吃摊 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Food Stall 02]:0 Food Stall #2 小吃摊 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Ice Cream Kiosk]:0 Ice Cream Van 冰淇淋车
PROPS_TITLE[Old Cannon 01]:0 Old Cannon #1 古炮 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Tourist Attraction Stop Park]:0 Tourist Attraction Sign 旅游景点标牌
PROPS_TITLE[Amusement Park Tiles 01]:0 Amusement Park Ground Tiles 游乐园地砖
PROPS_TITLE[Amusement Park Tiles Winter 01]:0 Amusement Park Ground Tiles 游乐园地砖
PROPS_TITLE[Cotton Candy Cart 01]:0 Cotton Candy Cart #1 棉花糖推车 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Coin Game 01]:0 Coin Game #1 投币游戏机 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Coin Game 02]:0 Coin Game #2 投币游戏机 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Amusement Park Streetlight 01]:0 Amusement Park Streetlight #1 游乐园路灯 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Childrens Ride 01]:0 Childrens Ride #1 摇摇乐 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Childrens Ride 02]:0 Childrens Ride #2 摇摇乐 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Amusement Park Sign 01]:0 Amusement Park Sign #1 游乐园标牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Amusement Park Sign 02]:0 Amusement Park Sign #2 游乐园标牌 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Amusement Bench 01]:0 Amusement Park Bench #1 游乐园长椅 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Amusement Park Fence Queue]:0 Queue Fence 排队围栏
PROPS_TITLE[Amusement Park Fence Small 8m]:0 Small Amusement Park Fence 小型游乐园围栏
PROPS_TITLE[Amusement Park Fence Small 16m]:0 Amusement Park Fence 游乐园围栏
PROPS_TITLE[Amusement Park Tableset 01]:0 Amusement Park Table Set #1 游乐园桌椅 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Amusement Park Billboard Medium 01]:0 Amusement Park Billboard Medium #1 游乐园中型广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Amusement Park Billboard Large 01]:0 Amusement Park Billboard Large #1 游乐园大型广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Tourist Attraction Stop Amusement Park]:0 Amusement Park Tourist Attraction Sign 游乐园景点标牌
PROPS_TITLE[Balloon Cart 01]:0 Balloon Cart #1 气球推车 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Zoo Sign 01]:0 Zoo Sign #1 动物园标牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Zoo Sign 02]:0 Zoo Sign #2 动物园标牌 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Zoo Billboard Medium 01]:0 Zoo Billboard Medium #1 动物园中型广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Zoo Billboard Large 01]:0 Zoo Billboard Large #1 动物园大型广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Zoo Bench 01]:0 Zoo Bench #1 动物园长椅 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Zoo Ground Tiles 01]:0 Zoo Ground Tiles 动物园地砖
PROPS_TITLE[Zoo Ground Tiles Winter 01]:0 Zoo Ground Tiles 动物园地砖
PROPS_TITLE[Zoo Tableset 01]:0 Zoo Table Set #1 动物园桌椅 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Zoo Streetlight 01]:0 Zoo Streetlight #1 动物园路灯 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Tourist Attraction Stop Zoo]:0 Zoo Tourist Attraction Sign 动物园景点标牌
PROPS_TITLE[Giraffe Enclosure Feeding Pole]:0 Giraffe Enclosure Feeding Pole 长颈鹿围栏喂食杆
PROPS_TITLE[Antelope Enclosure Gate]:0 Antelope Enclosure Gate 羚羊圈大门
PROPS_TITLE[Antelope Enclosure Fence 8m]:0 Small Antelope Enclosure Fence 羚羊圈小围栏
PROPS_TITLE[Antelope Enclosure Fence 16m]:0 Large Antelope Enclosure Fence 羚羊圈大围栏
PROPS_TITLE[Antelope Enclosure Fence Corner]:0 Antelope Enclosure Fence Corner 羚羊圈围栏拐角
PROPS_TITLE[Antelope Enclosure Tree Cage]:0 Antelope Enclosure Tree Cage 羚羊圈树笼
PROPS_TITLE[Bison Enclosure Fence 8m]:0 Small Bison Enclosure Fence 野牛圈小围栏
PROPS_TITLE[Nature Reserve Billboard Medium 01]:0 Nature Reserve Billboard Medium #1 自然保护区中型广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Nature Reserve Billboard Large 01]:0 Nature Reserve Billboard Large #1 自然保护区大型广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Nature Reserve Streetlight 01]:0 Nature Reserve Streetlight #1 自然保护区路灯 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Nature Reserve Bench 01]:0 Nature Reserve Bench #1 自然保护区长椅 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Nature Reserve Sign 01]:0 Nature Reserve Sign #1 自然保护区标牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Nature Reserve Sign 02]:0 Nature Reserve Sign #2 自然保护区标牌 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Nature Reserve Tableset 01]:0 Nature Reserve Table Set #1 自然保护区桌椅 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Nature Reserve Tableset 02]:0 Nature Reserve Tableset #2 自然保护区桌椅 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Nature Reserve Ground Tiles 01]:0 Nature Reserve Ground Tiles 自然保护区地砖
PROPS_TITLE[Nature Reserve Ground Tiles Winter 01]:0 Nature Reserve Ground Tiles 自然保护区地砖
PROPS_TITLE[Firewood Rack 01]:0 Firewood Rack #1 木柴架 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Folding Chair 01]:0 Folding Chair #1 折叠椅 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Folding Chair 02]:0 Folding Chair #2 折叠椅 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Kayak 01]:0 Kayak 小船
PROPS_TITLE[Kayak 02]:0 Kayak, Floating 漂浮的小船
PROPS_TITLE[Public Binoculars 01]:0 Public Binoculars #1 公用望远镜 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Tourist Attraction Stop Nature Reserve]:0 Nature Reserve Tourist Attraction Sign 自然保护区景点标牌
PROPS_TITLE[Outhouse 01]:0 Outhouse #1 厕所 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Well 01]:0 Well #1 水井 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Bison Marker]:0 Bison Marker 野牛标记
PROPS_TITLE[Moose Marker]:0 Moose Marker 驼鹿标记
PROPS_TITLE[Reindeer Marker]:0 Reindeer Marker 驯鹿标记
PROPS_TITLE[Elephant Marker]:0 Elephant Marker 大象标记
PROPS_TITLE[Antelope Marker]:0 Antelope Marker 羚羊标记
PROPS_TITLE[Rhino Marker]:0 Rhino Marker 犀牛标记
PROPS_TITLE[Lion Marker]:0 Lion Marker 狮子标记
PROPS_TITLE[Giraffe Marker]:0 Giraffe Marker 长颈鹿标记
PROPS_TITLE[Chimpanzee Marker]:0 Chimpanzee Marker 黑猩猩标记
PROPS_TITLE[Gorilla Marker]:0 Gorilla Marker 大猩猩标记
PROPS_TITLE[Flamingo Marker]:0 Flamingo Marker 火烈鸟标记
PROPS_TITLE[Swan Marker]:0 Swan Marker 天鹅标记
PROPS_TITLE[Dolphin Marker]:0 Dolphin Marker 海豚标记
PROPS_TITLE[Manta Ray Marker]:0 Manta Ray Marker 魔鬼鱼标记
PROPS_TITLE[Whale Marker]:0 Humpback Whale Marker 座头鲸标记
PROPS_TITLE[Firework Launcher]:0 Firework Launcher 烟花发射器
PROPS_TITLE[Ore Debris Marker 01]:0 Ore Debris Marker 矿石碎片标记
PROPS_TITLE[Sand Debris Marker 01]:0 Sand Debris Marker 沙子碎片标记
PROPS_TITLE[Dust Marker 01]:0 Dust Marker 尘土标记
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Blue2]:0 Dark Blue Flood Light 深蓝泛光灯
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Green]:0 Green Flood Light 绿泛光灯
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Pink]:0 Pink Flood Light 粉红泛光灯
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Turquoise]:0 Turquoise Flood Light 蓝绿泛光灯
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Down Blue2]:0 Dark Blue Wall-Mounted Flood Light #1 壁挂式深蓝泛光灯#1
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Down Green]:0 Green Wall-Mounted Flood Light #1 壁挂式绿泛光灯#1
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Down Pink]:0 Pink Wall-Mounted Flood Light #1 壁挂式粉红泛光灯#1
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Down Turquoise]:0 Turquoise Wall-Mounted Flood Light #1 壁挂式蓝绿泛光灯#1
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Wall Blue2]:0 Dark Blue Wall-Mounted Flood Light #2 壁挂式深蓝泛光灯#2
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Wall Green]:0 Green Wall-Mounted Flood Light #2 壁挂式绿泛光灯#2
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Wall Pink]:0 Pink Wall-Mounted Flood Light #2 壁挂式粉红泛光灯#2
PROPS_TITLE[Flood Light Wall Turquoise]:0 Turquoise Wall-Mounted Flood Light #2 壁挂式蓝绿泛光灯#2
PROPS_TITLE[Tree Sapling Field Pot 01]:0 Tree Sapling Pots 树苗盆
PROPS_TITLE[billboard_big_realestate]:0 Silent Rob's RealEstate Large Billboard #1 沉默劳勃地产大型广告牌#1
PROPS_TITLE[billboard_big_realestate_01]:0 Silent Rob's RealEstate Large Billboard #2 沉默劳勃地产大型广告牌#2
PROPS_TITLE[billboard_big_Realestate_02]:0 Silent Rob's RealEstate Large Billboard #3 沉默劳勃地产大型广告牌#3
PROPS_TITLE[billboard_big_realestate_03]:0 Silent Rob's RealEstate Large Billboard #4 沉默劳勃地产大型广告牌#4
PROPS_TITLE[billboard_big_Furniture]:0 OnFurniture Large Billboard #1 至上家具大型广告牌#1
PROPS_TITLE[billboard_big_Furniture_03]:0 OnFurniture Large Billboard #4 至上家具大型广告牌#4
PROPS_TITLE[billboard_big_Furniture_01]:0 OnFurniture Large Billboard #2 至上家具大型广告牌#2
PROPS_TITLE[billboard_big_Furniture_02]:0 OnFurniture Large Billboard #3 至上家具大型广告牌#3
PROPS_TITLE[billboard_big_Sparkly_02]:0 Sparkly Unicorn Jewelry Large Billboard #3 闪耀独角兽珠宝大型广告牌#3
PROPS_TITLE[billboard_big_Sparkly_01]:0 Sparkly Unicorn Jewelry Large Billboard #2 闪耀独角兽珠宝大型广告牌#2
PROPS_TITLE[billboard_big_Sparkly_03]:0 Sparkly Unicorn Jewelry Large Billboard #4 闪耀独角兽珠宝大型广告牌#4
PROPS_TITLE[billboard_big_Sparkly]:0 Sparkly Unicorn Jewelry Large Billboard #1 闪耀独角兽珠宝大型广告牌#1
PROPS_TITLE[billboard_big_Fallout_02]:0 Fall in Dental Large Billboard #3 眷恋牙科大型广告牌#3
PROPS_TITLE[billboard_big_Fallout_03]:0 Fall in Dental Large Billboard #4 眷恋牙科大型广告牌#4
PROPS_TITLE[billboard_big_Fallout_01]:0 Fall in Dental Large Billboard #2 眷恋牙科大型广告牌#2
PROPS_TITLE[billboard_big_Fallout]:0 Fall in Dental Large Billboard #1 眷恋牙科大型广告牌#1
PROPS_TITLE[neon-burned-bean-coffee]:0 Burned Bean Coffee Animated Neon 焦豆咖啡动态霓虹灯
PROPS_TITLE[neon-andys-bowling-alley]:0 Andy's Bowling Alley Animated Neon 安迪保龄球馆动态霓虹灯
PROPS_TITLE[neon-flaming-ring]:0 Flaming Ring Animated Neon 烈火环动态霓虹灯
PROPS_TITLE[animated_billboard_big_anim_variation]:0 Random Large Animated Billboard 随机大型动画广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[burnedbean_billboard_big_anim]:0 Burned Bean Coffee Large Animated Billboard 焦豆咖啡大型动画广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[neon-pinkunicorn]:0 Pink Unicorn Animated Neon 粉红独角兽动态霓虹灯
PROPS_TITLE[jubilee_billboard_big_anim]:0 Jubilee Large Animated Billboard 千禧大型动画广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Nightwatch_billboard_big_anim]:0 Nightwatch Large Animated Billboard 守夜者大型动画广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[neon-morellos]:0 Morello's Animated Neon 马雷洛动态霓虹灯
PROPS_TITLE[neon-go-nuts-doughnuts]:0 Go Nuts Doughnuts Animated Neon 疯狂甜甜圈动态霓虹灯
PROPS_TITLE[neon-yakisoba-noodles]:0 Yakisoba Tasty Noodles Animated Neon 亚吉索巴美味面条动态霓虹灯
PROPS_TITLE[neon-open-sign]:0 Open Animated Neon 开放动态霓虹灯
PROPS_TITLE[Hologram Ad Game Arcade]:0 Game Arcade 3D Billboard 街机游戏3D广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Post Container 01]:0 Post Container 邮件集装箱
PROPS_TITLE[Pallet 01]:0 Pallet #1 货盘 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Pallet 02]:0 Pallet #2 货盘 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Pallet 03]:0 Pallet #3 货盘 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Pallet 04]:0 Pallet #4 货盘 #4
PROPS_TITLE[Tank 01]:0 Tank #1 水箱 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Tank 02]:0 Tank #2 水箱 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Tank 03]:0 Tank #3 水箱 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Tank 04]:0 Tank #4 水箱 #4
PROPS_TITLE[Barrel 02]:0 Barrel #2 桶 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Barrel 03]:0 Barrel #3 桶 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Barrel 04]:0 Barrel #4 桶 #4
PROPS_TITLE[Barrel Pallet 01]:0 Barrel Pallet #1 装桶的货盘 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Barrel Pallet 02]:0 Barrel Pallet #2 装桶的货盘 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Barrel Pallet 03]:0 Barrel Pallet #3 装桶的货盘 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Hay Bale 01]:0 Hay Bale #1 干草堆 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Hay Bale 02]:0 Hay Bale #2 干草堆 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Hay Bale 03]:0 Hay Bale #3 干草堆 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Van Bakery]:0 Bakery Van Billboard 面包货车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Truck Bakery]:0 Bakery Truck Billboard 面包卡车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Van Lemonade Factory]:0 Lemonade Factory Van Billboard 柠檬汽水加工厂货车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Truck Lemonade Factory]:0 Lemonade Factory Truck Billboard 柠檬汽水加工厂卡车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Van Food Factory]:0 Food Factory Van Billboard 食品加工厂货车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Truck Food Factory]:0 Food Factory Truck Billboard 食品加工厂卡车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Van Clothing Factory]:0 Clothing Factory Van Billboard 服装制造厂货车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Truck Clothing Factory]:0 Clothing Factory Truck Billboard 服装制造厂卡车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Van Furniture Factory]:0 Furniture Factory Van Billboard 家具制造厂货车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Truck Furniture Factory]:0 Furniture Factory Truck Billboard 家具制造厂卡车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Van Modular House Factory]:0 House Factory Van Billboard 组合式房屋制造厂货车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Truck Modular House Factory]:0 House Factory Truck Billboard 组合式房屋制造厂卡车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Van Soft Paper Factory]:0 Paper Factory Van Billboard 软纸加工厂货车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Truck Soft Paper Factory]:0 Paper Factory Truck Billboard 软纸加工厂卡车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Van Printing Press]:0 Printing Press Van Billboard 印刷厂货车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Truck Printing Press]:0 Printing Press Truck Billboard 印刷厂卡车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Van Toy Factory]:0 Toy Factory Van Billboard 玩具制造厂货车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Truck Toy Factory]:0 Toy Factory Truck Billboard 玩具制造厂卡车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Van Household Plastic Factory]:0 Household Plastic Factory Van Billboard 家用塑料制造厂货车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Truck Household Plastic Factory]:0 Household Plastic Factory Truck Billboard 家用塑料制造厂卡车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Van Sneaker Factory]:0 Sneaker Factory Van Billboard 运动鞋制造厂货车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Truck Sneaker Factory]:0 Sneaker Factory Truck Billboard 运动鞋制造厂卡车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Van Petroleum Refinery]:0 Petroleum Refinery Van Billboard 石油冶炼厂货车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Truck Petroleum Refinery]:0 Petroleum Refinery Truck Billboard 石油冶炼厂卡车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Van Car Factory]:0 Car Factory Van Billboard 汽车制造厂货车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Truck Car Factory]:0 Car Factory Truck Billboard 汽车制造厂卡车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Van Shipyard]:0 Shipyard Van Billboard 造船厂货车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Truck Shipyard]:0 Shipyard Truck Billboard 造船厂卡车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Van Electronics Factory]:0 Electronics Factory Van Billboard 电子厂运输货车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Truck Electronics Factory]:0 Electronics Factory Truck Billboard 电子厂运输卡车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Van Industrial Steel Plant]:0 Industrial Steel Plant Van Billboard 钢铁厂运输货车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Truck Industrial Steel Plant]:0 Industrial Steel Plant Truck Billboard 钢铁厂运输卡车广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Industry Road Light Single]:0 Industry Road Light 工业路灯
PROPS_TITLE[Industry Road Light Double]:0 Industry Road Light (Double) 工业路灯(双灯泡)
PROPS_TITLE[Toll Road Light Single]:0 Toll Road Light 收费站路灯
PROPS_TITLE[Toll Road Light Double]:0 Toll Road Light (Double) 收费站路灯(双灯泡)
PROPS_TITLE[Tunnel Light Industry Road Small]:0 Tunnel Light Industry Road Small 轻工业道路隧道·小
PROPS_TITLE[Tunnel Light Industry Road Medium]:0 Tunnel Light Industry Road Medium 轻工业道路隧道·中
PROPS_TITLE[Delineator 01]:0 Delineator #1 交通锥 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Delineator 02]:0 Delineator #2 交通锥 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Toll Booth Small]:0 Small Toll Booth 小型收费站
PROPS_TITLE[Toll Booth Large]:0 Large Toll Booth 大型收费站
PROPS_TITLE[Toll Booth Large Mirrored]:0 Large Toll Booth (Mirrored) 大型收费站(镜像)
PROPS_TITLE[Toll Boom Barrier]:0 Toll Boom Barrier 收费站道闸
PROPS_TITLE[Farmer Marker 01]:0 Farmer Marker 农民标记
PROPS_TITLE[Forestry Worker Marker 01]:0 Forestry Worker Marker 伐木工标记
PROPS_TITLE[Oil Industry Worker Marker 01]:0 Oil Industry Worker Marker 石化业员工标记
PROPS_TITLE[Ore Industry Worker Marker 01]:0 Ore Industry Worker Marker 矿业员工标记
PROPS_TITLE[Cow Marker 01]:0 Cow Marker 牛标记
PROPS_TITLE[Highland Cow Marker 01]:0 Highland Cow Marker 高地牛标记
PROPS_TITLE[Sheep Marker 01]:0 Sheep Marker 绵羊标记
PROPS_TITLE[Pig Marker 01]:0 Pig Marker 猪标记
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Large Variation 01]:0 Varsity Sports Large Billboard Variation 校队体育大型广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard Medium Variation 01]:0 Varsity Sports Medium Billboard Variation 校队体育中型广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Sponsorship 01 Billboard Medium 01]:0 BigBite Sponsorship Medium Billboard 大胃王赞助商中型广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Sponsorship 02 Billboard Medium 01]:0 Go Nuts Doughnuts Sponsorship Medium Billboard 疯狂甜甜圈赞助商中型广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Sponsorship 03 Billboard Medium 01]:0 Pop Soda Sponsorship Medium Billboard 苏打汽水赞助商中型广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Sponsorship 04 Billboard Medium 01]:0 Yakisoba Tasty Noodles Sponsorship medium Billboard 美味炒面赞助商中型广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Sponsorship 05 Billboard Medium 01]:0 Yaxu Energy Sponsorship Medium Billboard 呀嘘能量赞助商中型广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Team 01 Billboard Medium 01]:0 Alligators Identity Medium Billboard 短吻鳄校队宣传中型广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Team 02 Billboard Medium 01]:0 Broncons Identity Medium Billboard 野马校队宣传中型广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Team 03 Billboard Medium 01]:0 Buccaneers Identity Medium Billboard 海盗校队宣传中型广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Team 04 Billboard Medium 01]:0 Chirpers Identity Medium Billboard 啾啾校队宣传中型广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Team 05 Billboard Medium 01]:0 Eagles Identity medium Billboard 老鹰校队宣传中型广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Team 06 Billboard Medium 01]:0 Lions Identity Medium Billboard 雄狮校队宣传中型广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Team 07 Billboard Medium 01]:0 Spartans Identity Medium Billboard 斯巴达校队宣传中型广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Random Commercial 1 Sign Long]:0 Random Commercial Sign Long 随机商业长广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Random Commercial 1 Sign Long CRP Wireless]:0 CRP Wireless Sign Long CRP无线长广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Random Commercial 1 Sign Long Imperial]:0 Imperial Sign Long 帝国长广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Random Commercial 1 Sign Long Pernu]:0 Don Pernu Sign Long 唐柏鲁长广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Random Commercial 1 Sign Long Skytrust]:0 SkyTrust Sign Long 天空信托长广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Random Commercial 1 Sign Long Vabor Vibez]:0 Vapor Vibez Sign Long 水汽共鸣长广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Random Commercial 2 Logo]:0 Random Commercial Logo Variation 1 随机商业标志类型1
PROPS_TITLE[Random Commercial 2 Logo Cramburgers]:0 Cramburger Logo 大嚼堡标志
PROPS_TITLE[Random Commercial 2 Logo Custom Ts]:0 Custom T's Logo 定制T恤标志
PROPS_TITLE[Random Commercial 2 Logo Game Go]:0 Game Go Logo 游戏先锋标志
PROPS_TITLE[Random Commercial 2 Logo State City Insurance]:0 State City Insurance 城市保险
PROPS_TITLE[Random Commercial 3 Logo Other]:0 Random Commercial Logo Variation 2 随机商业标志类型2
PROPS_TITLE[Random Commercial 3 Logo On Both Sides Records]:0 On Both Sides Records Logo 双面唱片标志
PROPS_TITLE[Random Commercial 3 Logo Other OK Sign]:0 Oklahoma Kitchen Logo 俄克拉荷马厨房标志
PROPS_TITLE[Random Commercial 3 Logo RCI Sign]:0 RCI Logo RCI标志
PROPS_TITLE[Random Commercial 3 Logo Sparx]:0 Sparx Logo 斯帕克斯标志
PROPS_TITLE[Random Commercial 3 Logo Throwback Sign]:0 Throwback Logo 返祖标志
PROPS_TITLE[Trade School Bench 01]:0 Trade School Bench 贸易学院长椅
PROPS_TITLE[Trade School Table 01]:0 Trade School Table 贸易学院长桌
PROPS_TITLE[Trade School Trash Bin 01]:0 Trade School Trash Bin 贸易学院垃圾桶
PROPS_TITLE[Trade School Street Light 01]:0 Trade School Street Light 贸易学院街灯
PROPS_TITLE[Liberal Arts Bench 01]:0 Liberal Arts Bench 文科学院长椅
PROPS_TITLE[Liberal Arts Table 01]:0 Liberal Arts Table 文科学院长桌
PROPS_TITLE[Liberal Arts Trash Bin 01]:0 Liberal Arts Trash Bin 文科学院垃圾桶
PROPS_TITLE[Liberal Arts Street Light 01]:0 Liberal Arts Street Light 文科学院街灯
PROPS_TITLE[University Bench 01]:0 University Bench 大学长椅
PROPS_TITLE[University Table 01]:0 University Table 大学长桌
PROPS_TITLE[University Trash Bin 01]:0 University Trash Bin 大学垃圾桶
PROPS_TITLE[University Street Light 01]:0 University Street Light 大学街灯
PROPS_TITLE[Arena Fence 01]:0 Crowd Control Barrier 人群控制路障
PROPS_TITLE[VS Sponsorship 01 Billboard Large 01]:0 BigBite Sponsorship Large Billboard 大胃王赞助商广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Sponsorship 02 Billboard Large 01]:0 Go Nuts Doughnuts Sponsorship Large Billboard 疯狂甜甜圈赞助商广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Sponsorship 03 Billboard Large 01]:0 Pop Soda Sponsorship Large Billboard 苏打汽水赞助商广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Sponsorship 04 Billboard Large 01]:0 Yakisoba Tasty Noodles Sponsorship Large Billboard 美味炒面赞助商广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Sponsorship 05 Billboard Large 01]:0 Yaxu Energy Sponsorship Large Billboard 呀嘘能量赞助商广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Team 07 Billboard Large 01]:0 Spartans Identity Large Billboard 斯巴达校队宣传广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Team 06 Billboard Large 01]:0 Lions Identity Large Billboard 雄狮校队宣传广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Team 05 Billboard Large 01]:0 Eagles Identity Large Billboard 老鹰校队宣传广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Team 04 Billboard Large 01]:0 Chirpers Identity Large Billboard 啾啾校队宣传广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Team 03 Billboard Large 01]:0 Buccaneers Identity Large Billboard 海盗校队宣传广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Team 02 Billboard Large 01]:0 Broncos Identity Large Billboard 野马校队宣传广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[VS Team 01 Billboard Large 01]:0 Alligators Identity Large Billboard 短吻鳄校队宣传广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[100 Speed Limit]:0 100 Speed Limit Sign 100限速标志
PROPS_TITLE[30 Speed Limit]:0 30 Speed Limit Sign 30限速标志
PROPS_TITLE[40 Speed Limit]:0 40 Speed Limit Sign 40限速标志
PROPS_TITLE[50 Speed Limit]:0 50 Speed Limit Sign 50限速标志
PROPS_TITLE[60 Speed Limit]:0 60 Speed Limit Sign 60限速标志
PROPS_TITLE[Avenue Light]:0 Avenue Light 大道灯
PROPS_TITLE[Bike Lane]:0 Bike Lane 自行车道
PROPS_TITLE[Bike Lane Winter]:0 Bike Lane 自行车道
PROPS_TITLE[Bike Middle Winter]:0 Bike Middle 自行车道(中间)
PROPS_TITLE[Bike Middle]:0 Bike Middle 自行车道(中间)
PROPS_TITLE[Bus Lane]:0 Bus Lane 公交车道
PROPS_TITLE[Electricity Box]:0 Electricity Box 电箱
PROPS_TITLE[Fire Hydrant]:0 Fire Hydrant 消防栓
PROPS_TITLE[Highway Light]:0 Highway Light 高速公路灯。
PROPS_TITLE[Industry Road Light Single Medium]:0 Industry Road Light Single Medium 工业道路灯(单介质)
PROPS_TITLE[Info Terminal]:0 Info Terminal 信息终端
PROPS_TITLE[Manhole]:0 Manhole 检修孔
PROPS_TITLE[Motorway Overroad Signs]:0 Motorway Overroad Sign 高速公路跨路标志
PROPS_TITLE[Motorway Sign]:0 Motorway Sign 高速公路标志
PROPS_TITLE[New Street Light]:0 New Street Light 新街灯
PROPS_TITLE[New Street Light Avenue]:0 New Street Light Avenue 新街灯(大道)
PROPS_TITLE[New Street Light Highway]:0 New Street Light Highway 新街灯(高速公路)
PROPS_TITLE[New Street Light Small Road]:0 New Street Light Small Road 新街灯(小路)
PROPS_TITLE[No Left Turn Sign]:0 No Left Turn Sign 禁止左转标志
PROPS_TITLE[No Parking Sign]:0 No Parking Sign 禁止停车标志。
PROPS_TITLE[No Right Turn Sign]:0 No Right Turn Sign 禁止右转标志
PROPS_TITLE[Parking Meter]:0 Parking Meter 停车计时器
PROPS_TITLE[Random Industrial Street Prop]:0 Random Industrial Street Prop 随机工业街道道具
PROPS_TITLE[Random Street Prop]:0 Random Street Prop 随机街道道具
PROPS_TITLE[Random Street Prop NoParking]:0 Random Street Prop No Parking 随机街道道具(禁止停车)
PROPS_TITLE[Road Arrow F]:0 Road Arrow Forward 道路箭头(前)
PROPS_TITLE[Road Arrow FR]:0 Road Arrow Forward-Right 道路箭头(前-右)
PROPS_TITLE[Road Arrow L]:0 Road Arrow Left 道路箭头(左)
PROPS_TITLE[Road Arrow LF]:0 Road Arrow Left-Forward 道路箭头(左-前)
PROPS_TITLE[Road Arrow LFR]:0 Road Arrow Left-Forward-Right 道路箭头(左-前-右)
PROPS_TITLE[Road Arrow LR]:0 Road Arrow Left-Right 道路箭头(左-右)
PROPS_TITLE[Road Arrow R]:0 Road Arrow Right 道路箭头(右)
PROPS_TITLE[Road Decal Slow]:0 Road Decal Slow 道路箭头(减速)
PROPS_TITLE[Stop Sign]:0 Stop Sign 停止标志
PROPS_TITLE[Street Name Sign]:0 Street Name Sign 街道名标志。
PROPS_TITLE[Toll Road Single]:0 Toll Road Light 收费道路灯
PROPS_TITLE[Toll Road Double]:0 Toll Road Light (Double) 收费道路灯(双)
PROPS_TITLE[Traffic Light 01]:0 Traffic Light 01 交通灯01
PROPS_TITLE[Traffic Light 01 Mirror]:0 Traffic Light 01 Mirror 交通灯01(镜子)
PROPS_TITLE[Traffic Light 02]:0 Traffic Light 02 交通灯02
PROPS_TITLE[Traffic Light 02 Mirror]:0 Traffic Light 02 Mirror 交通灯02(镜子)
PROPS_TITLE[Traffic Light Pedestrian]:0 Traffic Light Pedestrian 交通灯(行人)
PROPS_TITLE[Tram Arrow]:0 Tram Arrow 电车轨道箭头
PROPS_TITLE[Tram Pole Center]:0 Tram Pole Center 有轨电车杆(中间)
PROPS_TITLE[Tram Pole Side]:0 Tram Pole Side 有轨电车杆(两边)
PROPS_TITLE[Trolleypole Side]:0 Trolleypole Side 无轨电车杆(两边)
PROPS_TITLE[PDXProp_parking_lot_light_single]:0 Single Parking Lot Light Single Parking Lot Light
PROPS_TITLE[PDXProp_parking_lot_light_double]:0 Double Parking Lot Light Double Parking Lot Light
PROPS_TITLE[PDXProp_driveinn_natori_sign]:0 Drive-in sign Drive-in sign
PROPS_TITLE[PDXProp_Shin-maru_light]:0 Row of lights Row of lights
PROPS_TITLE[PDXProp_wall-mount-light-up]:0 Upwards Wall-Mounted Light Upwards Wall-Mounted Light
PROPS_TITLE[PDXProp_wall-mount-light-down]:0 Downwards Wall-Mounted Light Downwards Wall-Mounted Light
PROPS_TITLE[Industrial Fence Long 01]:0 Long Industrial Fence 很长的工业围栏
PROPS_TITLE[Rock 01]:0 Rocks #1 岩石 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Rock 02]:0 Rocks #2 岩石 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Rock 03]:0 Rocks #3 岩石 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Rock 04]:0 Rocks #4 岩石 #4
PROPS_TITLE[Rock 05]:0 Rocks #5 岩石 #5
PROPS_TITLE[Rock 06]:0 Rocks #6 岩石 #6
PROPS_TITLE[Rock 07]:0 Rocks #7 岩石 #7
PROPS_TITLE[Rock 08]:0 Rocks #8 岩石 #8
PROPS_TITLE[Standing Stone 01]:0 Standing Stone #1 立石 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Standing Stone 02]:0 Standing Stone #2 立石 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Standing Stone 03]:0 Standing Stone #3 立石 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Standing Stone 04]:0 Standing Stone #4 立石 #4
PROPS_TITLE[Standing Stone 05]:0 Standing Stone #5 立石 #5
PROPS_TITLE[Standing Stone 06]:0 Standing Stone #6 立石 #6
PROPS_TITLE[Fallen Tree 01]:0 Fallen Tree #1 倒下的树 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Fallen Tree 02]:0 Fallen Tree #2 倒下的树 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Fallen Tree 03]:0 Fallen Tree #3 倒下的树 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Fallen Tree 04]:0 Fallen Tree #4 倒下的树 #4
PROPS_TITLE[Abandoned Car 01]:0 Abandoned Car #1 废弃车辆 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Abandoned Car 02]:0 Abandoned Car #2 废弃车辆 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_nightwatch]:0 Mightwatch Logo 迈特表的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_loimu]:0 Loimu Logo 罗伊穆的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_greed_grief]:0 Greed and Grief Funeral Home Logo 生贪死悲殡仪馆的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_aukio]:0 Aukoo Logo 奥酷的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_steel_rhino]:0 Steel Rhino Logo 铁骨犀牛的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_square_packages]:0 Square Packages Logo 方正包装的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_jubilee]:0 Jubilee Logo 朱比利的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_itsy_bitsy]:0 Itsy Bitsy Critter Logo 迷你生物的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_flaming_ring]:0 Flaming Ring Wings Logo 火之环形翅膀的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_cinema]:0 Drome Cinema Logo 德龙影院的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_pernu]:0 Pernu Apparel Logo 柏鲁服装的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_burned_bean]:0 Burned Bean Coffee Logo 烧豆咖啡的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_sternberger]:0 Sternberger Logo 斯滕贝格尔的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_dino]:0 Dino Oil Logo 迪诺石油的标志
PROPS_TITLE[logo_thelawaccounting]:0 The Law Accounting Logo 法律会计的标志
PROPS_TITLE[logo_dobbelbock]:0 Döbbelböck Logo Döbbelböck 的标志
PROPS_TITLE[logo_forestfoundation]:0 Forest Foundation Logo 森林基金会的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_mariina]:0 Mariina Mount Accessories Logo 玛丽娜配件安装的标志
PROPS_TITLE[logo_colossalore]:0 Colossal Ore Resources Logo 巨矿资源的标志
PROPS_TITLE[logo_myrtlebio]:0 Myrtle Bio Logo 梅特尔生物的标志
PROPS_TITLE[logo_orlysbookstore]:0 Orly's Bookstore Logo 奥利书屋的标志
PROPS_TITLE[logo_radiclean]:0 Radiclean Water Logo 瑞迪科林水的标志
PROPS_TITLE[logo_mattockwinch]:0 Mattock and Winch Co. Logo 鹤嘴锄与绞车公司的标志
PROPS_TITLE[logo_meatybits]:0 Meaty Bits Logo 肉肉球的标志
PROPS_TITLE[logo_morellos]:0 Morello's Cookie Dough Ice Cream Logo 黑樱桃甜品店的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_neckbeard]:0 Neckbeard Marnie Comics Logo 耐克博德马尔妮漫画的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_plastimold]:0 Plastimold Logo 塑料铸模的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_lizard]:0 Indie Lizard Logo 独立蜥蜴的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_bowling]:0 Andy's Bowling Alley Logo 安迪保龄球馆的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_silky]:0 Silky Milk Logo 丝质牛乳的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_rapido]:0 Rapido Motors Logo 急速汽车的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_radio]:0 PNG Radio PNG 收音机
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_sunnygrain]:0 Sunny Grain Logo 阳光谷物的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_news]:0 Trash News Logo 垃圾新闻的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_sports]:0 Steel Frame Sports Logo 铁架运动的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_electricity]:0 Spasm Electricity Logo 斯帕斯姆电力的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_fault_tec]:0 Fault-Tec Logo 故障技术的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_williams]:0 Williams Logo 威廉姆斯的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_banhammer]:0 Banhammer Bank Logo 班哈姆尔银行的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_barber]:0 Sir Cut Alot Logo 砍不停爵士的标志
PROPS_TITLE[logo_tyrell]:0 Tyrell Logo 提利尔的标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_commercial_variation]:0 Random Commercial Logo 随机商标
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_commercial_variation01]:0 Random Commercial Logo #2 随机商标 #2
PROPS_TITLE[logo_office_random]:0 Random Office Logo 随机办公标志
PROPS_TITLE[Logo_industrial_variation]:0 Random Industrial Logo 随机工业标志
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_small_meaty_03]:0 Meaty Bits Small Billboard #3 肉肉球 小型广告牌 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_small_meaty_02]:0 Meaty Bits Small Billboard #2 小鲜肉 小型广告牌 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_small_meaty_01]:0 Meaty Bits Small Billboard #1 小鲜肉 小型广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_small_nightwatch_03]:0 Mightwatch Small Billboard #3 威力手表 小型广告牌 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_small_nightwatch_02]:0 Mightwatch Small Billboard #2 威力手表 小型广告牌 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_small_nightwatch_01]:0 Mightwatch Small Billboard #1 威力手表 小型广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_small_go_nuts_03]:0 Go Nuts Doughnuts Small Billboard #3 不可思议甜甜圈 小型广告牌 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_small_go_nuts_02]:0 Go Nuts Doughnuts Small Billboard #2 不可思议甜甜圈 小型广告牌 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_small_go_nuts_01]:0 Go Nuts Doughnuts Small Billboard #1 不可思议甜甜圈 小型广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_small_lehto_03]:0 Lehto Electronics Small Billboard #3 莱贺托电子 小型广告牌 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_small_lehto_02]:0 Lehto Electronics Small Billboard #2 莱贺托电子 小型广告牌 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_small_lehto_01]:0 Lehto Electronics Small Billboard #1 莱贺托电子 小型广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_small_silky_01]:0 Silky Milk Small Billboard #1 丝质牛乳 小型广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_small_silky_03]:0 Silky Milk Small Billboard #3 丝质牛乳 小型广告牌 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_small_silky_02]:0 Silky Milk Small Billboard #2 丝质牛乳 小型广告牌 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_small_variation_03]:0 Random Small Billboard #3 随机小型广告牌 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_small_variation_02]:0 Random Small Billboard #2 随机小型广告牌#2
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_small_variation_01]:0 Random Small Billboard #1 随机小型广告牌#1
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_medium_flat_go_nuts_02]:0 Go Nuts Doughnuts Medium Billboard #2 不可思议甜甜圈的中型广告牌#2
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_medium_flat_go_nuts_01]:0 Go Nuts Doughnuts Medium Billboard #1 不可思议甜甜圈 中型广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_medium_flat_bigbite_02]:0 BigBite Medium Billboard #2 大口美味 中型广告牌 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_medium_flat_variation_01]:0 Random Medium Billboard 随机中型广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_medium_flat_bigbite_01]:0 BigBite Medium Billboard #1 大口美味 中型广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_go_nuts]:0 Go Nuts Doughnuts Large Billboard #1 不可思议甜甜圈 大型广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_go_nuts_01]:0 Go Nuts Doughnuts Large Billboard #2 不可思议甜甜圈 大型广告牌 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_go_nuts_02]:0 Go Nuts Doughnuts Large Billboard #3 不可思议甜甜圈 大型广告牌 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_go_nuts_03]:0 Go Nuts Doughnuts Large Billboard #4 不可思议甜甜圈 大型广告牌 #4
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_bigbite]:0 BigBite Large Billboard #1 大口美味 大型广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_bigbite_01]:0 BigBite Large Billboard #2 大口美味 大型广告牌 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_bigbite_02]:0 BigBite Large Billboard #3 大口美味 大型广告牌 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_bigbite_03]:0 BigBite Large Billboard #4 大口美味 大型广告牌 #4
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_popsoda]:0 Pop Soda Large Billboard #1 泡泡苏打 大型广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_popsoda_01]:0 Pop Soda Large Billboard #2 泡泡苏打 大型广告牌 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_popsoda_02]:0 Pop Soda Large Billboard #3 泡泡苏打 大型广告牌 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_popsoda_03]:0 Pop Soda Large Billboard #4 泡泡苏打 大型广告牌 #4
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_yaxu]:0 Yaxu Energy Large Billboard #1 亚旭能源 大型广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_yaxu_01]:0 Yaxu Energy Large Billboard #2 亚旭能源 大型广告牌 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_yaxu_02]:0 Yaxu Energy Large Billboard #3 亚旭能源 大型广告牌 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_yaxu_03]:0 Yaxu Energy Large Billboard #4 亚旭能源 大型广告牌 #4
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_yakisoba]:0 Yakisoba Tasty Noodles Large Billboard #1 日式烧酱面 大型广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_yakisoba_01]:0 Yakisoba Tasty Noodles Large Billboard #2 日式烧酱面 大型广告牌 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_yakisoba_02]:0 Yakisoba Tasty Noodles Large Billboard #3 日式烧酱面 大型广告牌 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_yakisoba_03]:0 Yakisoba Tasty Noodles Large Billboard #4 日式烧酱面 大型广告牌 #4
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_jubilee]:0 Jubilee Large Billboard #1 朱比利 大型广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_jubilee_01]:0 Jubilee Large Billboard #2 朱比利 大型广告牌 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_jubilee_02]:0 Jubilee Large Billboard #3 朱比利 大型广告牌 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_jubilee_03]:0 Jubilee Large Billboard #4 朱比利 大型广告牌 #4
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_variation_04]:0 Random Large Billboard #5 随机大型广告牌 #5
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_variation_03]:0 Random Large Billboard #4 随机大型广告牌 #4
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_variation_02]:0 Random Large Billboard #3 随机大型广告牌 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_variation_01]:0 Random Large Billboard #2 随机大型广告牌 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_big_variation]:0 Random Large Billboard #1 随机大型广告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_lehto_anim]:0 Lehto Electronics Animated Billboard 莱贺托电子的动画广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_silky_anim]:0 Silky Milk Animated Billboard 丝质牛乳的动画广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_pop_soda_anim]:0 Pop Soda Animated Billboard 泡泡苏打的动画广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_critter_anim]:0 Itsy Bitsy Critter Animated Billboard 迷你生物的动画广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Billboard_3D_variation]:0 Random 3D Billboard 随机立体广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Rotating_squirrel]:0 Go Nuts Doughnuts Rotating 3D Billboard #2 不可思议甜甜圈 旋转立体广告牌 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Clown]:0 Clown 3D Billboard 小丑立体广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Rotating_morelloscone]:0 Morello's Cookie Dough Ice Cream 3D Billboard 黑樱桃甜品店的立体广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Octopus]:0 Octopus 3D Billboard 章鱼立体广告牌
PROPS_TITLE[Bigbite sign]:0 BigBite Rotating Sign 大口美味旋转指示牌
PROPS_TITLE[Barrels]:0 Barrels
PROPS_TITLE[Barrel 01]:0 Barrel
PROPS_TITLE[Concrete block 01]:0 Concrete block #1 混凝土砌砖 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Cable reel 02]:0 Cable Reel #2 线缆卷盘 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Cable reel 01]:0 Cable Reel #1 线缆卷盘 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Concrete support]:0 Concrete support 混凝土支架
PROPS_TITLE[Plank stack]:0 Plank Stack 栈板
PROPS_TITLE[industrial_fence]:0 Industrial Fence 工业围栏
PROPS_TITLE[industrial_gate]:0 Industrial Gate 工业用的大门
PROPS_TITLE[Cargo container]:0 Cargo container 货物集装箱
PROPS_TITLE[Industrial random]:0 Random Industrial Prop 随机工业道具
PROPS_TITLE[Plank pile]:0 Plank pile 木板堆
PROPS_TITLE[Crate pile]:0 Crate Pile 板条箱堆
PROPS_TITLE[Crate 01]:0 Crate 板条箱
PROPS_TITLE[combustion plant roof platform]:0 Roof Platform 天台
PROPS_TITLE[swing-set]:0 Swing set 成套秋千
PROPS_TITLE[High Swing set]:0 High Swing Set 高级秋千
PROPS_TITLE[sandbox]:0 Sandbox 沙箱
PROPS_TITLE[High Sandbox]:0 High-level Sandbox 高级沙箱
PROPS_TITLE[seesaw]:0 Seesaw 跷跷板
PROPS_TITLE[high-seesaw]:0 High-Level Seesaw 高级跷跷板
PROPS_TITLE[spinning-wheel]:0 Spinning Wheel 纺车
PROPS_TITLE[high-spinning-wheel]:0 High-Level Spinning Wheel 高级纺车
PROPS_TITLE[slide-complex]:0 Slide Complex 滑梯乐园
PROPS_TITLE[high-slide-complex]:0 High-level Slide Complex 高级滑梯乐园
PROPS_TITLE[Flowerpot 04]:0 Flowerpot #4 花盆 #4
PROPS_TITLE[Flower pot 03]:0 Flowerpot #3 花盆#3
PROPS_TITLE[Flower pot 02]:0 Flowerpot #2 花盆#2
PROPS_TITLE[Flower pot 01]:0 Flowerpot #1 花盆#1
PROPS_TITLE[Flower pot random]:0 Random Flowerpot 随机花盆
PROPS_TITLE[High Flower Pot 03]:0 High-Level Flowerpot #3 高级花盆 #3
PROPS_TITLE[High Flower Pot 02]:0 High-Level Flowerpot #2 高级花盆 #2
PROPS_TITLE[High Flower Pot 01]:0 High-Level Flowerpot #1 高级花盆 #1
PROPS_TITLE[High Flower Pot random]:0 Random High-Level Flowerpot 随机高级花盆
PROPS_TITLE[Botanical garden flowers]:0 Flower garden 花园
PROPS_TITLE[Garden_pot]:0 Flowerpot on a Stand 托架上的花盆
PROPS_TITLE[Rooftop access 01]:0 Rooftop Access #1 屋顶通道 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Rooftop access 02]:0 Rooftop Access #2 屋顶通道 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Rooftop access 03]:0 Rooftop Access #3 屋顶通道 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Rooftop access random]:0 Random Rooftop Access 随机屋顶通道
PROPS_TITLE[Slanted rooftop window 01]:0 Slanted Rooftop Window #1 斜式屋顶天窗 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Slanted rooftop window 02]:0 Slanted Rooftop Window #2 斜式屋顶天窗 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Slanted rooftop window 03]:0 Slanted Rooftop Window #3 斜式屋顶天窗 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Rooftop window 01]:0 Rooftop Window #1 屋顶天窗 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Rooftop window 02]:0 Rooftop Window #2 屋顶天窗 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Rooftop window 03]:0 Rooftop Window #3 屋顶天窗 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Rooftop window random]:0 Random Rooftop Window 随机天窗
PROPS_TITLE[Radio mast]:0 Radio Mast 天线杆
PROPS_TITLE[Microwave antenna]:0 Microwave Antenna 微波天线
PROPS_TITLE[Satellite]:0 Satellite Dish 碟式卫星天线
PROPS_TITLE[Wifi antenna]:0 Wi-Fi Antenna 无限网络天线
PROPS_TITLE[Solar panel 03]:0 Medium Solar Panel 中型太阳能板
PROPS_TITLE[Solar panel 02]:0 Large Solar Panel 大型太阳能板
PROPS_TITLE[Solar panel 01]:0 Small Solar Panel 小型太阳能板
PROPS_TITLE[Trashpile]:0 Trashpile 垃圾堆
PROPS_TITLE[TrashCan02]:0 Trash Can #2 垃圾桶 #2
PROPS_TITLE[TrashCan01]:0 Trash Can #1 垃圾桶 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Trash container 01]:0 Trash Container 垃圾容器
PROPS_TITLE[Bench 01]:0 Bench 长椅
PROPS_TITLE[High Bench]:0 High-Level Bench 高级长椅
PROPS_TITLE[table-set]:0 Table Set 成套餐具
PROPS_TITLE[High Tableset]:0 High-Level Table Set 高级成套餐具
PROPS_TITLE[Pavilion]:0 Pavilion 凉亭
PROPS_TITLE[dog-park-sign]:0 Dog Park Sign 爱犬公园的标志牌
PROPS_TITLE[dog-park-hoop]:0 Dog Park Hoop 爱犬公园的铁箍
PROPS_TITLE[dog-park-teeter-totter]:0 Dog Park Teeter Totter 爱犬公园的跷跷板
PROPS_TITLE[dog-park-water-station]:0 Dog Park Water Station 爱犬公园的饮水站
PROPS_TITLE[dog-park-trash-can]:0 Dog Park Trash Can 爱犬公园的垃圾箱
PROPS_TITLE[dog-park-a-frame]:0 Dog Park A-Frame 爱犬公园的人字支架
PROPS_TITLE[Parking Spaces 01]:0 Parking spaces 停车场
PROPS_TITLE[StreetLamp01 1]:0 Street Lamp #1 街灯 #1
PROPS_TITLE[StreetLamp02]:0 Street Lamp #2 街灯 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Vending machine]:0 Vending Machine 自动贩卖机
PROPS_TITLE[Small Fountain]:0 Small Fountain 小型喷泉
PROPS_TITLE[Large Fountain]:0 Large Fountain 大型喷泉
PROPS_TITLE[Botanical garden fountain]:0 Garden Fountain 花园喷泉
PROPS_TITLE[Bird bath]:0 Bird bath 鸟浴盆
PROPS_TITLE[High Birdbath]:0 High-Level Bird Bath 高级鸟浴盆
PROPS_TITLE[Ac box 01]:0 AC unit #1 空调 #1
PROPS_TITLE[Ac box 02]:0 AC unit #2 空调 #2
PROPS_TITLE[Ac box 03]:0 AC unit #3 空调 #3
PROPS_TITLE[Ac box random]:0 Random AC unit 随机空调
PROPS_TITLE[Rotating ac]:0 Rotating AC Vent 旋转空调出风口
PROPS_TITLE[Mailbox01]:0 Mailbox #1 邮箱 #1
PROPS_TITLE[mailbox02]:0 Mailbox #2 邮箱 #2
PROPS_TITLE[High Mailbox]:0 High-level Mailbox 高级邮箱
PROPS_TITLE[parasol]:0 Parasol 阳伞
PROPS_TITLE[High Parasol]:0 High-Level Parasol 高级阳伞
PROPS_TITLE[grill]:0 Grill 烤架
PROPS_TITLE[High Grill]:0 High-level Grill 高级烤架
PROPS_TITLE[deck-chair]:0 Deck Chair 躺椅
PROPS_TITLE[High deck chair]:0 High-level Deck Chair 高级躺椅
PROPS_TITLE[Doghouse]:0 Doghouse 犬舍
PROPS_TITLE[High Doghouse]:0 High-Level Doghouse 高级犬舍
PROPS_TITLE[Swimming pool]:0 Swimming pool 游泳池
PROPS_TITLE[High swimming pool]:0 High-Level Swimming Pool 高端游泳池
PROPS_TITLE[hedge]:0 Long Hedge 长树篱
PROPS_TITLE[hedge2]:0 Short Hedge 短树篱
PROPS_TITLE[Tiles]:0 Yard Tiles 院落瓷砖
PROPS_TITLE[High-Tiles]:0 High-Level Tiling 高端瓷砖
PROPS_TITLE[Asphalt_old]:0 Old Asphalt 旧沥青
PROPS_TITLE[Factory Smoke]:0 Large Smoke Marker 大型烟雾标识
PROPS_TITLE[Hang Around Marker]:0 Hang Around Marker 停留标识
PROPS_TITLE[Invisible Parking Space]:0 Parking Marker 停车标识
PROPS_TITLE[Door Marker]:0 Door Marker 房门标识
PROPS_TITLE[Factory Steam]:0 Steam Marker 蒸汽标识
PROPS_TITLE[Factory Smoke Small]:0 Smoke Marker 烟雾标识
PROPS_TITLE[Large Hang Around Marker]:0 Large Hang Around Marker 大型停留标识
PROPS_TITLE[bicycle01]:0 Bicycle 自行车
PROPS_TITLE[bicycle_stand]:0 Bicycle Stand for parking bicycles. 自行车停放架。
PROPS_TITLE[beergarden_bench]:0 Beer Garden Bench 啤酒花园长椅
PROPS_TITLE[beergarden_sign]:0 Beer Garden Sign 啤酒花园标志
PROPS_TITLE[rider_statue]:0 Rider Statue 骑士雕像
PROPS_TITLE[kiosk_01]:0 Kiosk #1 售货亭 #1
PROPS_TITLE[kiosk_02]:0 Kiosk #2 售货亭 #2
PROPS_TITLE[kiosk_03]:0 Kiosk #3 售货亭 #3
PROPS_TITLE[streetclock]:0 Street Clock 街钟
PROPS_TITLE[billboard_pylon]:0 Advertizing Pylon 广告塔架
PROPS_TITLE[shopping_cart]:0 Shopping Cart 购物车
PROPS_TITLE[shopping_cart_shelter]:0 Shopping Cart Shelter 购物车架
PROPS_TITLE[traffic_lights_european_01]:0 Traffic Lights (European) #1 交通灯(欧式) #1
PROPS_TITLE[traffic_lights_european_02]:0 Traffic Lights (European) #2 交通灯(欧式) #2
PROPS_TITLE[flag_pole]:0 Flag Pole 旗杆
PROPS_TITLE[video_screen]:0 Video Screen 显示屏
PROPS_TITLE[billboard01]:0 European Billboard #1 欧式公告牌 #1
PROPS_TITLE[billboard02]:0 European Billboard #2 欧式公告牌 #2
PROPS_TITLE[billboard03]:0 European Billboard #3 欧式公告牌 #3
PROPS_TITLE[cityad01]:0 European City Ad #1 欧洲城市广告 #1
PROPS_TITLE[cityad02]:0 European City Ad #2 欧洲城市广告 #2
PROPS_TITLE[roofad01]:0 European Roof Ad #1 欧洲房顶广告 #1
PROPS_TITLE[roofad02]:0 European Roof Ad #2 欧洲房顶广告 #2
PROPS_TITLE[roofad03]:0 European Roof Ad #3 欧洲房顶广告 #3
PROPS_TITLE[roofad04]:0 European Roof Ad #4 欧洲房顶广告 #4
PROPS_TITLE[roofad05]:0 European Roof Ad #5 欧洲房顶广告 #5
PROPS_TITLE[roofad06]:0 European Roof Ad #6 欧洲房顶广告 #6
PROPS_TITLE[roofad07]:0 European Roof Ad #7 欧洲房顶广告 #7
PROPS_TITLE[roofad08]:0 European Roof Ad #8 欧洲房顶广告 #8
PROPS_TITLE[roofad09]:0 European Roof Ad #9 欧洲房顶广告 #9
PROPS_TITLE[roofad10]:0 European Roof Ad #10 欧洲房顶广告 #10
PROPS_TITLE[roofad11]:0 European Roof Ad #11 欧洲房顶广告 #11
PROPS_TITLE[roofad12]:0 European Roof Ad #12 欧洲房顶广告 #12
PROPS_TITLE[sliding_ad01]:0 Sliding Ad #1 滑动广告 #1
PROPS_TITLE[sliding_ad02]:0 Sliding Ad #2 滑动广告 #2
PROPS_TITLE[street_ad01]:0 Street Ad #1 街头广告 #1
PROPS_TITLE[street_ad02]:0 Street Ad #2 街头广告 #2
PROPS_TITLE[street_ad03]:0 Street Ad #3 街头广告 #3
PROPS_TITLE[street_ad04]:0 Street Ad #4 街头广告 #4
PROPS_TITLE[street_ad05]:0 Street Ad #5 街头广告 #5
PROPS_TITLE[street_ad06]:0 Street Ad #6 街头广告 #6
PROPS_TITLE[street_ad07]:0 Street Ad #7 街头广告 #7
PROPS_TITLE[wall_ad01]:0 Wall Ad #1 墙壁广告 #1
PROPS_TITLE[wall_ad02]:0 Wall Ad #2 墙壁广告 #2
PROPS_TITLE[wall_ad03]:0 Wall Ad #3 墙壁广告 #3
PROPS_TITLE[wall_ad04]:0 Wall Ad #4 墙壁广告 #4
PROPS_TITLE[wall_ad05]:0 Wall Ad #5 墙壁广告 #5
PROPS_TITLE[wall_ad06]:0 Wall Ad #6 墙壁广告 #6
PROPS_TITLE[wall_ad07]:0 Wall Ad #7 墙壁广告 #7
PROPS_TITLE[Parking Spaces 02]:0 Parking spaces #2 Parking spaces #2
PROPS_TITLE[Train Station Clock 01]:0 Train Station Clock 01 火车站时钟 01
PROPS_DESC[Bamboo Fence 8m]:0 Low bamboo fence. 较矮的竹子栅栏。
PROPS_DESC[Bamboo Fence Tall 8m]:0 High bamboo fence. 较高的竹子栅栏。
PROPS_DESC[Bamboo Fence Gate]:0 Bamboo fence gate. 竹子做的栅栏门。
PROPS_DESC[Asian Garden Decoration 01]:0 A small asian styled garden decoration. 一个小型的亚洲风格公园装饰。
PROPS_DESC[Asian Garden Decoration 02]:0 A large asian styled dragon stone statue. 一个大型的亚洲龙石雕像。
PROPS_DESC[Bonsai Pot 01]:0 Bonsai tree in a pot. 景观里的一个盆栽。
PROPS_DESC[Bonsai Pot 02]:0 Bonsai tree in a pot. 景观里的一个盆栽。
PROPS_DESC[Bamboo Pot 01]:0 Bamboo plant growing in pot. 景观里的竹子。
PROPS_DESC[Bamboo Pot 02]:0 Bamboo plant growing in pot. 景观里的竹子。
PROPS_DESC[SteetLampChina]:0 Asian styled street light. 亚洲风格的街灯。
PROPS_DESC[Temple lantern 01]:0 Lantern made out of bronze with light source inside. 由内有光源的青铜外壳制成的灯笼。
PROPS_DESC[Warning Light Red]:0 A small blinking red light 红色小型闪灯
PROPS_DESC[Light Pole Orange]:0 A pole-mounted blinking orange light 柱式橙色闪灯
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Down Blue]:0 A wall-mounted flood light casting blue light downwards. 墙挂泛光灯,向下投射蓝光。
PROPS_DESC[Warning Light Orange]:0 A small blinking orange light 橙色小型闪灯
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light White]:0 A flood light casting white light upwards. 泛光灯,向上投射白光。
PROPS_DESC[Light Pole Red]:0 A pole-mounted blinking red light 柱式红色闪灯
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Blue]:0 A flood light casting white light upwards. 泛光灯,向上投射白光。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Down Orange]:0 A wall-mounted flood light casting orange light downwards. 墙挂泛光灯,向下投射橙光。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Wall White]:0 A wall-mounted flood light casting white light upwards. 墙挂泛光灯,向上投射白光。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Wall Blue]:0 A wall-mounted flood light casting blue light upwards. 墙挂泛光灯,向上投射蓝光。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Wall Orange]:0 A wall-mounted flood light casting orange light upwards. 墙挂泛光灯,向上投射橙光。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Wall Red]:0 A wall-mounted flood light casting red light upwards. 墙挂泛光灯,向上投射红光。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Down White]:0 A wall-mounted flood light casting white light downwards. 墙挂泛光灯,向下投射白光。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Down Red]:0 A wall-mounted flood light casting red light downwards. 墙挂泛光灯,向下投射红光。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Red]:0 A flood light casting red light upwards. 向上投射红光的泛光灯。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Orange]:0 A flood light casting orange light upwards. 向上投射橙光的泛光灯。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Floor Red]:0 A lamp that illuminates the floor with red light. 将地板映成红色的灯。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Floor White]:0 A lamp that illuminates the floor with white light. 将地板映成白色的灯。
PROPS_DESC[Wall Light Orange]:0 A wall-mounted lamp casting orange light downwards. 墙挂灯,向下投射橙光。
PROPS_DESC[Wall Light White]:0 A wall-mounted lamp casting white light downwards. 墙挂灯,向下投射白光。
PROPS_DESC[Basketball hoop]:0 A sturdy basketball hoop for some serious slam dunking. 坚韧的篮球架,能应付各种灌篮。
PROPS_DESC[Weighlifting bench]:0 A weightlifting bench with a barbell and plate weights. 举重时用的长凳,自带杠铃与杠铃片。
PROPS_DESC[Prison table]:0 A long table with two benches. 带有两条长凳的长桌。
PROPS_DESC[Prison fence]:0 A short section of high mesh fence with barbwire on top. 围得很高的铁丝网,稍短的部分,上面有带刺铁丝。
PROPS_DESC[Prison fence long]:0 A long section of high mesh fence with barbwire on top. 围得很高的铁丝网,稍长的部分,上面有带刺铁丝。
PROPS_DESC[flag_pole_wall]:0 A wall-mounted flagpole with a flag. 墙挂的旗杆,带有旗子。
PROPS_DESC[Snowman01]:0 A snowman makes any snowy place look cozy. 一个雪人能使任何雪景看起来更加舒服。
PROPS_DESC[Snowman02]:0 A snowman makes any snowy place look cozy. 一个雪人能使任何雪景看起来更加舒服。
PROPS_DESC[Snowman03]:0 A snowman makes any snowy place look cozy. 一个雪人能使任何雪景看起来更加舒服。
PROPS_DESC[Snowman Random]:0 A snowman makes any snowy place look cozy. Place this item to get a random snowman to spawn on the spot. 一个雪人能使任何雪景看起来更加舒服。放置该物在此随机生成一个雪人。
PROPS_DESC[Collapsed building]:0 This is what a collapsed building looks like. 倒塌后的建筑看起来就是这么个样子。
PROPS_DESC[Christmas_Tree_Prop]:0 A lovely Christmas Tree to lighten up any day or night. 一棵萌萌哒圣诞树,能装点任何白天和黑夜。
PROPS_DESC[Rustic_Table]:0 A table with a rustic finish. 一张漆成乡村风格的桌子。
PROPS_DESC[Snow Decal]:0 Snow decal. 冰雪贴纸。
PROPS_DESC[Ice Decal]:0 Ice decal. 冰贴纸。
PROPS_DESC[Curling Decal]:0 A decal for curling ice field. 用于冰场的冰壶贴纸。
PROPS_DESC[Reindeer_Fence]:0 A fence to keep the reindeer in or out. 一段用于关住或放出驯鹿的围栏。
PROPS_DESC[Ice Bench]:0 Comfy bench made of ice. Remember to wear pants when sitting! 用冰做成的舒适长椅。记得坐在上面的时候要穿裤裤哦!
PROPS_DESC[Snowmobile]:0 A snowmobile. 一辆雪地摩托车。
PROPS_DESC[High swimming pool covered]:0 A luxurious swimming pool with an integrated jacuzzi. 配有综合水疗池的奢华泳池。
PROPS_DESC[Swimming pool covered]:0 A medium swimming pool for decoration. 用于装饰的中型泳池。
PROPS_DESC[Deck Chair Winter]:0 The perfect relaxing chair for a garden. 放置于花园内的完美休闲椅。
PROPS_DESC[High Deck Chair Winter]:0 A fancy deck chair for bathing in the sun. 一张用于沐浴阳光的精美躺椅。
PROPS_DESC[Winter Flower Pot 01]:0 A flowerpot with a single flower. 一个有朵花的花盆。
PROPS_DESC[Winter Flower Pot 02]:0 A flowerpot with a single flower. 一个有朵花的花盆。
PROPS_DESC[Winter Flower Pot 03]:0 A flowerpot with two flowers. 一个有两朵花的花盆。
PROPS_DESC[High Parasol Winter]:0 A parasol giving high-level protection from hot sunshine. 一把提供高端防护,让使用者免受烈日晒伤的阳伞。
PROPS_DESC[Parasol Winter]:0 A parasol to protect from hot sunshine. 一把保护您免受烈日晒伤的太阳伞。
PROPS_DESC[Hedge Winter 01]:0 Closely planted shrubs or small trees trimmed into the shape of a fence. 被修剪成栅栏形状,紧紧种植在一起的灌木或小乔木。
PROPS_DESC[Hedge Winter 02]:0 Closely planted shrubs or small trees trimmed into the shape of a fence. 被修剪成栅栏形状,紧紧种植在一起的灌木或小乔木。
PROPS_DESC[High-Tiles Winter]:0 Regular stone tiles. 常规石砖。
PROPS_DESC[Tiles Winter]:0 Presentable yard tiling for valuable properties. 漂亮的院子铺满有价值的物品。
PROPS_DESC[Asphalt_old_winter]:0 Patches of broken asphalt. 破碎的沥青斑块。
PROPS_DESC[Winter Garden Flowers]:0 A colorful flower bed. 一个五彩缤纷的花坛。
PROPS_DESC[Winter Garden Fountain]:0 A large fountain with water plants, good especially for parks and gardens. 一个种有水生植物的大喷泉,对公园和花园真是极好的。
PROPS_DESC[Invisible Helipad Marker]:0 An invisible marker to indicate spots where helicopters can land. 隐形的标记,用于指示直升机可以降落的地点。
PROPS_DESC[Chainlink Fence 8m]:0 A chainlink fence, 8 meters long. 一面 8 米高的铁栅栏。
PROPS_DESC[Chainlink Fence 16m]:0 A chainlink fence, 16 meters long. 一面 16 米高的铁栅栏。
PROPS_DESC[Chainlink Fence Gate]:0 A gate for a chainlink fence. 一面铁栅栏的门。
PROPS_DESC[Security Booth]:0 A security booth to be placed near stadiums. 一个放在足球场附近的保安亭。
PROPS_DESC[Safety Barrier]:0 A safety barrier to help guide people around stadiums. 一个帮助指引足球场附近人们的安全栅。
PROPS_DESC[Road Block]:0 A road block. 一个路障。
PROPS_DESC[Cargo container - disaster response unit]:0 Disaster Response Unit cargo container. 一个大型货物集装箱。
PROPS_DESC[Steam Boat]:0 An old steam boat. 老式蒸汽船。
PROPS_DESC[Paddle Car 01]:0 Children's paddle car. 儿童踏板车。
PROPS_DESC[Paddle Car 02]:0 Children's paddle car. 儿童踏板车。
PROPS_DESC[Nautical Marker]:0 A nautical marker. 航海标记。
PROPS_DESC[Lifebuoy]:0 A floating ring that saves lives. 救命的浮圈。
PROPS_DESC[Rubber Tire Row]:0 A decorative rubber boat. 装饰橡皮艇。
PROPS_DESC[Ferry Info Sign]:0 A ferry info sign. 渡船信息标志。
PROPS_DESC[Ferry Sign]:0 A ferry sign. 渡船标志。
PROPS_DESC[Pier Rope Pole]:0 A pole to tie ship ropes to. 轮船缆绳所系到的柱子。
PROPS_DESC[Passenger Ramp]:0 A passenger ramp. 旅客坡道。
PROPS_DESC[Monorail Info Sign]:0 A monorail info sign 单轨列车信息标志
PROPS_DESC[Monorail Sign]:0 A monorail sign. 单轨列车标志。
PROPS_DESC[Monorail Ticket Machine]:0 A ticket machine for monorail tickets. 单轨列车票的售票机。
PROPS_DESC[Beehive 01]:0 A small beehive. 一个小蜂巢。
PROPS_DESC[Birdhouse 01]:0 A birdhouse. 一个鸟屋。
PROPS_DESC[Small Recycling Container 01]:0 A small recycling container. 一个小回收箱。
PROPS_DESC[Small Recycling Container 02]:0 A small recycling container. 一个小回收箱。
PROPS_DESC[Small Recycling Container 03]:0 A small recycling container. 一个小回收箱。
PROPS_DESC[Large Recycling Container 01]:0 A large recycling container. 一个大回收箱。
PROPS_DESC[Large Recycling Container 02]:0 A large recycling container. 一个大回收箱。
PROPS_DESC[Eco Street Lamp 01]:0 An eco-friendly solar panel streetlamp. 一座环保型太阳能街灯。
PROPS_DESC[Modern Table Set 01]:0 A set of table and chairs. 一组桌椅。
PROPS_DESC[Horizontal Solar Panel 01]:0 A horizontal solar panel. 一块水平太阳能电池板。
PROPS_DESC[Horizontal Solar Panel 02]:0 A horizontal solar panel. 一块水平太阳能电池板。
PROPS_DESC[Air Source Heat Pump 01]:0 An air source heat pump. 一台空气源热泵。
PROPS_DESC[Air Source Heat Pump 02]:0 An air source heat pump. 一台空气源热泵。
PROPS_DESC[Ventilation Pipe 01]:0 A ventilation pipe. 一根通风管。
PROPS_DESC[Ventilation Pipe 02]:0 A ventilation pipe. 一根通风管。
PROPS_DESC[Modern Fence 01]:0 A modern type of fence. 一款现代化的栅栏。
PROPS_DESC[Modern Fence 02]:0 A modern type of fence. 一款现代化的栅栏。
PROPS_DESC[Roof Vegetation 01]:0 Rooftop vegetation. 屋顶植物。
PROPS_DESC[Roof Vegetation 02]:0 Rooftop vegetation. 屋顶植物。
PROPS_DESC[Roof Vegetation 03]:0 Rooftop vegetation. 屋顶植物。
PROPS_DESC[Roof Vegetation 04]:0 Rooftop vegetation. 屋顶植物。
PROPS_DESC[Roof Vegetation 05]:0 Rooftop vegetation. 屋顶植物。
PROPS_DESC[Roof Vegetation 06]:0 Rooftop vegetation. 屋顶植物。
PROPS_DESC[Roof Vegetation 07]:0 Rooftop vegetation. 屋顶植物。
PROPS_DESC[Roof Vegetation 08]:0 Rooftop vegetation. 屋顶植物。
PROPS_DESC[Wall Vegetation 01]:0 Wall vegetation. 墙壁植物。
PROPS_DESC[Wall Vegetation 02]:0 Wall vegetation. 墙壁植物。
PROPS_DESC[Wall Vegetation 03]:0 Wall vegetation. 墙壁植物。
PROPS_DESC[Wall Vegetation 04]:0 Wall vegetation. 墙壁植物。
PROPS_DESC[Hanging Vegetation 01]:0 Hanging vegetation. 悬吊植物。
PROPS_DESC[Hanging Vegetation 02]:0 Hanging vegetation. 悬吊植物。
PROPS_DESC[Hanging Vegetation 03]:0 Hanging vegetation. 悬吊植物。
PROPS_DESC[Hanging Vegetation 04]:0 Hanging vegetation. 悬吊植物。
PROPS_DESC[Plant Pot 01]:0 A plant pot. 一个花盆。
PROPS_DESC[Plant Pot 02]:0 A plant pot. 一个花盆。
PROPS_DESC[Plant Pot 03]:0 A plant pot. 一个花盆。
PROPS_DESC[Plant Pot 04]:0 A plant pot. 一个花盆。
PROPS_DESC[Plant Pot 05]:0 A plant pot. 一个花盆。
PROPS_DESC[Plant Pot 06]:0 A plant pot. 一个花盆。
PROPS_DESC[Organic Shop 3d Sign 01]:0 A sign for an organic shop. 一个有机店的招牌。
PROPS_DESC[Organic Shop 3d Sign 02]:0 A sign for an organic shop. 一个有机店的招牌。
PROPS_DESC[Organic Shop 3d Sign 03]:0 A sign for an organic shop. 一个有机店的招牌。
PROPS_DESC[Organic Shop 3d Sign 04]:0 A sign for an organic shop. 一个有机店的招牌。
PROPS_DESC[Organic Shop Small Billboard 01]:0 A small bilboard for an organic shop. 一个有机店的小型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Organic Shop Small Billboard 02]:0 A small bilboard for an organic shop. 一个有机店的小型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Organic Shop Small Billboard 03]:0 A small bilboard for an organic shop. 一个有机店的小型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Organic Shop Small Billboard 04]:0 A small bilboard for an organic shop. 一个有机店的小型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Organic Shop Small Billboard 05]:0 A small bilboard for an organic shop. 一个有机店的小型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Organic Shop Small Billboard 06]:0 A small bilboard for an organic shop. 一个有机店的小型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Organic Shop Small Billboard 07]:0 A small bilboard for an organic shop. 一个有机店的小型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Organic Shop Medium Billboard 01]:0 A medium bilboard for an organic shop. 一个有机店的中型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Organic Shop Medium Billboard 02]:0 A medium bilboard for an organic shop. 一个有机店的中型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Organic Shop Medium Billboard 03]:0 A medium bilboard for an organic shop. 一个有机店的中型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Organic Shop Medium Billboard 04]:0 A medium bilboard for an organic shop. 一个有机店的中型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Organic Shop Medium Billboard 05]:0 A medium bilboard for an organic shop. 一个有机店的中型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Organic Shop Medium Billboard 06]:0 A medium bilboard for an organic shop. 一个有机店的中型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Organic Shop Medium Billboard 07]:0 A medium bilboard for an organic shop. 一个有机店的中型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Hightech Industrial Logo 01]:0 An industrial logo for a high tech building. 一座高科技建筑的标志。
PROPS_DESC[Hightech Industrial Logo 02]:0 An industrial logo for a high tech building. 一座高科技建筑的标志。
PROPS_DESC[Hightech Industrial Logo 03]:0 An industrial logo for a high tech building. 一座高科技建筑的标志。
PROPS_DESC[Hightech Industrial Logo 04]:0 An industrial logo for a high tech building. 一座高科技建筑的标志。
PROPS_DESC[Hightech Industrial Logo 05]:0 An industrial logo for a high tech building. 一座高科技建筑的标志。
PROPS_DESC[Hightech Industrial Logo 06]:0 An industrial logo for a high tech building. 一座高科技建筑的标志。
PROPS_DESC[Hightech Industrial Small Billboard 01]:0 A small bilboard for a high tech industry building. 一座高科技建筑的小型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Hightech Industrial Small Billboard 02]:0 A small bilboard for a high tech industry building. 一座高科技建筑的小型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Hightech Industrial Small Billboard 03]:0 A small bilboard for a high tech industry building. 一座高科技建筑的小型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Hightech Industrial Small Billboard 04]:0 A small bilboard for a high tech industry building. 一座高科技建筑的小型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Hightech Industrial Medium Billboard 01]:0 A medium bilboard for a high tech industry building. 一座高科技建筑的中型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Hightech Industrial Medium Billboard 02]:0 A medium bilboard for a high tech industry building. 一座高科技建筑的中型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Hightech Industrial Medium Billboard 03]:0 A medium bilboard for a high tech industry building. 一座高科技建筑的中型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Hightech Industrial Medium Billboard 04]:0 A medium bilboard for a high tech industry building. 一座高科技建筑的中型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Parking Space]:0 A parking space. 一个停车位。
PROPS_DESC[Parking Space Electric]:0 A parking space for an electric vehicle. 一个电动车的停车位。
PROPS_DESC[Motorboat 01]:0 A motorboat. 一辆摩托艇。
PROPS_DESC[Motorboat 02]:0 A motorboat. 一辆摩托艇。
PROPS_DESC[Train Stop Sign]:0 A stop sign for trains. 一个火车停止标志。
PROPS_DESC[Train Traffic Lights]:0 Traffic signal for trains. 一个火车信号灯。
PROPS_DESC[Wall Vegetation 05]:0 Wall vegetation. 墙壁植物
PROPS_DESC[Wall Vegetation 06]:0 Wall vegetation. 墙壁植物
PROPS_DESC[Wall Vegetation 07]:0 Wall vegetation. 墙壁植物
PROPS_DESC[Wall Vegetation 08]:0 Wall vegetation. 墙壁植物
PROPS_DESC[Wall Vegetation 09]:0 Wall vegetation. 墙壁植物
PROPS_DESC[Organic Shop Small Billboard Random]:0 A random Organic Shop billboard, small size. 随机的有机店广告牌,小型。
PROPS_DESC[Organic Shop Medium Billboard Random]:0 A random Organic Shop billboard, medium size. 随机的有机店广告牌,中型。
PROPS_DESC[Hightech Industrial Logo Random]:0 A random Hightech Industrial Logo. 随机的高科技产业标志。
PROPS_DESC[Hightech Industrial Small Billboard Random]:0 A random Hightech Industrial bilboard, size small. 随机的高科技产业标志,小型
PROPS_DESC[Hightech Industrial Medium Billboard Random]:0 A random Hightech Industrial bilboard, size medium. 随机的高科技产业标志,中型
PROPS_DESC[Roof Walkway 02]:0 A roof walkway. 屋顶行道。
PROPS_DESC[Roof Walkway 01]:0 A roof walkway. 屋顶行道。
PROPS_DESC[Carport 1]:0 A detached garage for the car or storage 用车辆存放或仓库用途的独立式车库
PROPS_DESC[Carport 2]:0 A carport with shed to park the car under 带有顶棚的车库
PROPS_DESC[Dormer 1]:0 A wooden dormer for the roof 装在屋顶上的木质窗户
PROPS_DESC[Dormer 2]:0 A metal dormer for the roof 装在屋顶上的金属窗户
PROPS_DESC[Shed 1]:0 An extension to enjoy those warm summer days 尽情享受夏日的好去处。
PROPS_DESC[Low Vegetation 01]:0 A patch of Low vegetation. 一片低植被。
PROPS_DESC[Low Vegetation 02]:0 A patch of Low vegetation. 一片低植被。
PROPS_DESC[Low Vegetation 03]:0 A patch of Low vegetation. 一片低植被。
PROPS_DESC[Low Vegetation 04]:0 A patch of Low vegetation. 一片低植被。
PROPS_DESC[Low Vegetation 05]:0 A patch of Low vegetation. 一片低植被。
PROPS_DESC[Low Vegetation 06]:0 A patch of Low vegetation. 一片低植被。
PROPS_DESC[Low Vegetation 07]:0 A patch of Low vegetation. 一片低植被。
PROPS_DESC[Low Vegetation 08]:0 A patch of Low vegetation. 一片低植被。
PROPS_DESC[High Vegetation 01]:0 A patch of high vegetation. 一片高植被。
PROPS_DESC[High Vegetation 02]:0 A patch of high vegetation. 一片高植被。
PROPS_DESC[High Vegetation 03]:0 A patch of high vegetation. 一片高植被。
PROPS_DESC[High Vegetation 04]:0 A patch of high vegetation. 一片高植被。
PROPS_DESC[High Vegetation 05]:0 A patch of high vegetation. 一片高植被。
PROPS_DESC[High Vegetation 06]:0 A patch of high vegetation. 一片高植被。
PROPS_DESC[High Vegetation 07]:0 A patch of high vegetation. 一片高植被。
PROPS_DESC[High Vegetation 08]:0 A patch of high vegetation. 一片高植被。
PROPS_DESC[Park Billboard Medium 01]:0 A medium billboard. 一块中型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Park Billboard Large 01]:0 A large billboard. 一块大型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Park Streetlight 01]:0 A decorative streetlight. 一盏装饰性路灯。
PROPS_DESC[Park Trashbin 01]:0 Trashbins help your city stay clean. 垃圾桶可维持你的城市干净整洁。
PROPS_DESC[Park Trashbin 02]:0 Trashbins help your city stay clean. 垃圾桶可维持你的城市干净整洁。
PROPS_DESC[Sandbox 01]:0 A square sandbox filled with soft sand in which kids can play. 一座装满软沙的方形沙池,可供儿童玩耍。
PROPS_DESC[Sandbox 02]:0 A round sandbox filled with soft sand in which kids can play. 一座装满软沙的圆形沙池,可供儿童玩耍。
PROPS_DESC[Park Sign 01]:0 A single sign on stands. 一块树立的路牌。
PROPS_DESC[Park Sign 02]:0 A signpost with small signs pointing to multiple directions. 一块路牌,上面的小路牌指向多个方向。
PROPS_DESC[Park Tiles 01]:0 Stone tiles that can be used to cover large areas. 可覆盖大片区域的石质地砖。
PROPS_DESC[Park Tiles Winter 01]:0 Stone tiles that can be used to cover large areas. 可覆盖大片区域的石质地砖。
PROPS_DESC[Park Tableset 01]:0 A round outdoors table set. 一组圆形的室外桌椅。
PROPS_DESC[Park Tableset 02]:0 A square outdoors table set. 一组方形的室外桌椅。
PROPS_DESC[Park Bench 01]:0 A bench with a backrest. 带靠背的长椅。
PROPS_DESC[Park Bench 02]:0 A simple park bench. 简单的公园长椅。
PROPS_DESC[Hedge 01]:0 A line of closely planted shrubs. 一排密集种植的灌木。
PROPS_DESC[Hedge 02]:0 A line of closely planted shrubs. 一排密集种植的灌木。
PROPS_DESC[Flowerbed 01]:0 A raised garden bed with planted flowers. 一片种着花朵的花圃。
PROPS_DESC[Flowerbed 02]:0 A raised garden bed with planted flowers. 一片种着花朵的花圃。
PROPS_DESC[Flowerbed 03]:0 A raised garden bed with planted flowers. 一片种着花朵的花圃。
PROPS_DESC[Flowerbed 04]:0 A raised garden bed with planted flowers. 一片种着花朵的花圃。
PROPS_DESC[Food Stall 01]:0 A small booth selling refreshments and fast food. 贩卖快餐与饮料的小吃摊。
PROPS_DESC[Food Stall 02]:0 A small booth selling refreshments and fast food. 贩卖快餐与饮料的小吃摊。
PROPS_DESC[Ice Cream Kiosk]:0 A commercial vehicle that sells ice cream. 出售冰淇淋的商用车。
PROPS_DESC[Old Cannon 01]:0 An antiquated cannon on wheels. 一门装在轮子上的古代大炮。
PROPS_DESC[Tourist Attraction Stop Park]:0 An information sign for tourists. 向游客展示信息的标牌。
PROPS_DESC[Amusement Park Tiles 01]:0 Decorative tiles that can be used to cover large areas. 可覆盖大片区域的装饰性地砖。
PROPS_DESC[Amusement Park Tiles Winter 01]:0 Decorative tiles that can be used to cover large areas. 可覆盖大片区域的装饰性地砖。
PROPS_DESC[Cotton Candy Cart 01]:0 A cart selling cotton candy. 卖棉花糖的推车。
PROPS_DESC[Coin Game 01]:0 A coin-operated merchandizer. 一台投币式游戏机。
PROPS_DESC[Coin Game 02]:0 A coin-operated merchandizer. 一台投币式游戏机。
PROPS_DESC[Amusement Park Streetlight 01]:0 A decorative streetlight. 一盏装饰性路灯。
PROPS_DESC[Childrens Ride 01]:0 A coin-operated amusement ride for young children. 小孩子喜欢的投币式摇摇乐。
PROPS_DESC[Childrens Ride 02]:0 A coin-operated amusement ride for young children. 小孩子喜欢的投币式摇摇乐。
PROPS_DESC[Amusement Park Sign 01]:0 A single sign on stands. 一块树立的路牌。
PROPS_DESC[Amusement Park Sign 02]:0 A signpost that small sign pointing to multiple directions. 一块路牌,上面的小路牌指向多个方向。
PROPS_DESC[Amusement Bench 01]:0 A round bench with a planted tree in the center. 中间种着一棵树的圆形长椅。
PROPS_DESC[Amusement Park Fence Queue]:0 A fence to organize queues. 组织排队的围栏。
PROPS_DESC[Amusement Park Fence Small 8m]:0 An 8 meter piece of decorative fence. 一道8米的装饰性围栏。
PROPS_DESC[Amusement Park Fence Small 16m]:0 A 16 meter piece of decorative fence. 一道16米的装饰性围栏。
PROPS_DESC[Amusement Park Tableset 01]:0 A round outdoors table set. 一组圆形的室外桌椅。
PROPS_DESC[Amusement Park Billboard Medium 01]:0 A medium billboard. 一块中型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Amusement Park Billboard Large 01]:0 A large billboard. 一块大型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Tourist Attraction Stop Amusement Park]:0 An information sign for tourists. 向游客展示信息的标牌。
PROPS_DESC[Balloon Cart 01]:0 A small cart selling balloons. 卖气球的小推车。
PROPS_DESC[Zoo Sign 01]:0 A single sign on stands. 一块树立的路牌。
PROPS_DESC[Zoo Sign 02]:0 A signpost that small sign pointing to multiple directions. 一块路牌,上面的小路牌指向多个方向。
PROPS_DESC[Zoo Billboard Medium 01]:0 A medium billboard. 一块中型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Zoo Billboard Large 01]:0 A large billboard. 一块大型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Zoo Bench 01]:0 A bench with a backrest. 带靠背的长椅。
PROPS_DESC[Zoo Ground Tiles 01]:0 Decorative tiles that can be used to cover large areas. 可覆盖大片区域的装饰性地砖。
PROPS_DESC[Zoo Ground Tiles Winter 01]:0 Decorative tiles that can be used to cover large areas. 可覆盖大片区域的装饰性地砖。
PROPS_DESC[Zoo Tableset 01]:0 A wooden outdoors table set. 一组木质室外桌椅。
PROPS_DESC[Zoo Streetlight 01]:0 A decorative streetlight. 一盏装饰性路灯。
PROPS_DESC[Tourist Attraction Stop Zoo]:0 An information sign for tourists. 向游客展示信息的标牌。
PROPS_DESC[Giraffe Enclosure Feeding Pole]:0 A tall pole for feeding Giraffes. 用于给长颈鹿喂食的高杆。
PROPS_DESC[Antelope Enclosure Gate]:0 A gate for Antelope Enclosures. 羚羊圈的大门。
PROPS_DESC[Antelope Enclosure Fence 8m]:0 An 8 meter fence piece for Antelope Enclosures. 一道羚羊圈的8米围栏。
PROPS_DESC[Antelope Enclosure Fence 16m]:0 A 16 meter fence piece for Antelope Enclosures. 一道羚羊圈的16米围栏。
PROPS_DESC[Antelope Enclosure Fence Corner]:0 A corner piece for Antelope Enclosure fences. 羚羊圈的围栏拐角.
PROPS_DESC[Antelope Enclosure Tree Cage]:0 A circular fence to protect the trees in the enclosure. 一道圆形围栏,用于保护圈里的树。
PROPS_DESC[Bison Enclosure Fence 8m]:0 An sturdy 8 meter fence piece for Bison Enclosures. 一道坚固的野牛圈的8米围栏。
PROPS_DESC[Nature Reserve Billboard Medium 01]:0 A medium billboard. 一块中型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Nature Reserve Billboard Large 01]:0 A large billboard. 一块大型广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Nature Reserve Streetlight 01]:0 A simple streetlight with a wooden pole. 木质灯柱的简单路灯。
PROPS_DESC[Nature Reserve Bench 01]:0 A simple bench made out of log. 用圆木做成的简单长椅。
PROPS_DESC[Nature Reserve Sign 01]:0 A large information sign. 一块大信息牌。
PROPS_DESC[Nature Reserve Sign 02]:0 A single sign on stands. 一块树立的路牌。
PROPS_DESC[Nature Reserve Tableset 01]:0 A wooden outdoors table set. 一组木质室外桌椅。
PROPS_DESC[Nature Reserve Tableset 02]:0 A folding outdoors table set. 一组室外折叠桌椅。
PROPS_DESC[Nature Reserve Ground Tiles 01]:0 Wooden tiles that can be used to cover large areas. 可覆盖大片区域的木质地砖。
PROPS_DESC[Nature Reserve Ground Tiles Winter 01]:0 Wooden tiles that can be used to cover large areas. 可覆盖大片区域的木质地砖。
PROPS_DESC[Firewood Rack 01]:0 A firewood rack with a cover on top. 上面遮起来的木柴架。
PROPS_DESC[Folding Chair 01]:0 A simple folding chair with a backrest. 一把简单的带靠背折叠椅。
PROPS_DESC[Folding Chair 02]:0 A simple folding chair. 一把简单的折叠椅。
PROPS_DESC[Kayak 01]:0 A small kayak with paddles. 一艘带桨的小船。
PROPS_DESC[Kayak 02]:0 A small kayak with paddles that floats on water. 一艘带桨的小船,漂在水面上。
PROPS_DESC[Public Binoculars 01]:0 Binoculars mounted on a stand. 装在支架上的望远镜。
PROPS_DESC[Tourist Attraction Stop Nature Reserve]:0 An information sign for tourists. 向游客展示信息的标牌。
PROPS_DESC[Outhouse 01]:0 A small outdoors toilet. 一座小型室外厕所。
PROPS_DESC[Well 01]:0 A water well for taking fresh water. 用于打水的水井。
PROPS_DESC[Bison Marker]:0 Allows bisons to spawn on the map from this point. 允许野牛从这里生成在地图上。
PROPS_DESC[Moose Marker]:0 Allows moose wildlife to spawn on the map from this point. 允许驼鹿从这里生成在地图上。
PROPS_DESC[Reindeer Marker]:0 Allows reindeer to spawn on the map from this point. 允许驯鹿从这里生成在地图上。
PROPS_DESC[Elephant Marker]:0 Allows elephants to spawn on the map from this point. 允许大象从这里生成在地图上。
PROPS_DESC[Antelope Marker]:0 Allows antelopes to spawn on the map from this point. 允许羚羊从这里生成在地图上。
PROPS_DESC[Rhino Marker]:0 Allows rhinos to spawn on the map from this point. 允许犀牛从这里生成在地图上。
PROPS_DESC[Lion Marker]:0 Allows lions to spawn on the map from this point. 允许狮子从这里生成在地图上。
PROPS_DESC[Giraffe Marker]:0 Allows giraffes to spawn on the map from this point. 允许长颈鹿从这里生成在地图上。
PROPS_DESC[Chimpanzee Marker]:0 Allows chimpanzees to spawn on the map from this point. 允许黑猩猩从这里生成在地图上。
PROPS_DESC[Gorilla Marker]:0 Allows gorillas to spawn on the map from this point. 允许大猩猩从这里生成在地图上。
PROPS_DESC[Flamingo Marker]:0 Allows flamingos to spawn on the map from this point. 允许火烈鸟从这里生成在地图上。
PROPS_DESC[Swan Marker]:0 Allows swans to spawn on the map from this point. 允许天鹅从这里生成在地图上。
PROPS_DESC[Dolphin Marker]:0 Allows dolphins to spawn on the map from this point. This marker must be placed on water. 允许海豚从这里生成在地图上。这个标记必须放置于水上。
PROPS_DESC[Manta Ray Marker]:0 Allows manta rays to spawn on the map from this point. This marker must be placed on water. 允许魔鬼鱼从这里生成在地图上。这个标记必须放置于水上。
PROPS_DESC[Whale Marker]:0 Allows humpback whales to spawn on the map from this point. This marker must be placed on water. 允许座头鲸从这里生成在地图上。这个标记必须放置于水上。
PROPS_DESC[Firework Launcher]:0 A platform for launching powerful fireworks. 发射强力烟花的平台。
PROPS_DESC[Cow Marker 01]:0 Allows cows to spawn on the map from this point. 允许奶牛从地图的此处生成。
PROPS_DESC[Highland Cow Marker 01]:0 Allows highland cows to spawn on the map from this point. 允许高地奶牛从地图的此处生成。
PROPS_DESC[Sheep Marker 01]:0 Allows sheep to spawn on the map from this point. 允许羊从地图的此处生成。
PROPS_DESC[Pig Marker 01]:0 Allows pigs to spawn on the map from this point. 允许猪从地图的此处生成。
PROPS_DESC[Farmer Marker 01]:0 Place an invisible farmer marker to indicate where workers will appear. 放置隐形农民标记来标识工人会在哪里出现。
PROPS_DESC[Forestry Worker Marker 01]:0 Place an invisible forest worker marker to indicate where workers will appear. 放置隐形林业工人标记来标识工人会在哪里出现。
PROPS_DESC[Oil Industry Worker Marker 01]:0 Place an invisible oil worker marker to indicate where workers will appear. 放置隐形石油工人标记来标识工人会在哪里出现。
PROPS_DESC[Ore Industry Worker Marker 01]:0 Place an invisible ore worker marker to indicate where workers will appear. 放置隐形矿工标记来标识工人会在哪里出现。
PROPS_DESC[Ore Debris Marker 01]:0 This marker generates ore debris. Works well for factory conveyor belts. 该标记会产生矿石碎片。很适合工厂传送带。
PROPS_DESC[Sand Debris Marker 01]:0 This marker generates sand debris. Works well for factory conveyor belts. 该标记会产生沙子碎片。很适合工厂传送带。
PROPS_DESC[Dust Marker 01]:0 This marker generates dust. Works well for industry buildings. 该标记会产生尘土。很适合工业建筑。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Blue2]:0 A flood light casting dark blue light upwards. 向上投射出深蓝色光芒的泛光灯。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Green]:0 A flood light casting green light upwards. 向上投射出绿色光芒的泛光灯。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Pink]:0 A flood light casting pink light upwards. 向上投射出粉红色光芒的泛光灯。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Turquoise]:0 A flood light casting turquoise light upwards. 向上投射出蓝绿色光芒的泛光灯。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Down Blue2]:0 A wall-mounted flood light casting dark blue light downwards. 向下投射出深蓝色光芒的壁挂式泛光灯。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Down Green]:0 A wall-mounted flood light casting green light downwards. 向下投射出绿色光芒的壁挂式泛光灯。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Down Pink]:0 A wall-mounted flood light casting pink light downwards. 向下投射出粉红色光芒的壁挂式泛光灯。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Down Turquoise]:0 A wall-mounted flood light casting turquoise light downwards. 向下投射出蓝绿色光芒的壁挂式泛光灯。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Wall Blue2]:0 A wall-mounted flood light casting blue #2 light upwards. 向上投射出蓝色#2光芒的壁挂式泛光灯。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Wall Green]:0 A wall-mounted flood light casting green light upwards. 向上投射出绿色光芒的壁挂式泛光灯。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Wall Pink]:0 A wall-mounted flood light casting pink light upwards. 向上投射出粉红色光芒的壁挂式泛光灯。
PROPS_DESC[Flood Light Wall Turquoise]:0 A wall-mounted flood light casting turquoise light upwards. 向上投射出蓝绿色光芒的壁挂式泛光灯。
PROPS_DESC[Tree Sapling Field Pot 01]:0 Two rows of tree sapling pots. 两排树苗盆。
PROPS_DESC[billboard_big_realestate]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 大型广告牌,带有框架可以放在墙上。
PROPS_DESC[billboard_big_realestate_01]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 大型广告牌,带有框架可以放在屋顶上。
PROPS_DESC[billboard_big_Realestate_02]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 大型广告牌,带有框架可以放在墙上。
PROPS_DESC[billboard_big_realestate_03]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 大型广告牌,带有框架可以放在屋顶上。
PROPS_DESC[billboard_big_Furniture]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 大型广告牌,带有框架可以放在墙上。
PROPS_DESC[billboard_big_Furniture_03]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 大型广告牌,带有框架可以放在屋顶上。
PROPS_DESC[billboard_big_Furniture_01]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 大型广告牌,带有框架可以放在屋顶上。
PROPS_DESC[billboard_big_Furniture_02]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 大型广告牌,带有框架可以放在墙上。
PROPS_DESC[billboard_big_Sparkly_02]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 大型广告牌,带有框架可以放在墙上。
PROPS_DESC[billboard_big_Sparkly_01]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 大型广告牌,带有框架可以放在屋顶上。
PROPS_DESC[billboard_big_Sparkly_03]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 大型广告牌,带有框架可以放在屋顶上。
PROPS_DESC[billboard_big_Sparkly]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 大型广告牌,带有框架可以放在墙上。
PROPS_DESC[billboard_big_Fallout_02]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 大型广告牌,带有框架可以放在墙上。
PROPS_DESC[billboard_big_Fallout_03]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 大型广告牌,带有框架可以放在屋顶上。
PROPS_DESC[billboard_big_Fallout_01]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 大型广告牌,带有框架可以放在屋顶上。
PROPS_DESC[billboard_big_Fallout]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 大型广告牌,带有框架可以放在墙上。
PROPS_DESC[neon-burned-bean-coffee]:0 A flat sign with animated content for placing it on the wall. 带有动画内容的扁平标志,可以放在墙上。
PROPS_DESC[neon-andys-bowling-alley]:0 A flat sign with animated content for placing it on the wall. 带有动画内容的扁平标志,可以放在墙上。
PROPS_DESC[neon-flaming-ring]:0 A flat sign with animated content for placing it on the wall. 带有动画内容的扁平标志,可以放在墙上。
PROPS_DESC[animated_billboard_big_anim_variation]:0 A large billboard with a random animated content and a frame for placing it on building wall. The billboard content is selected from a predetermined set of ads and logos. 带有随机动画内容的大型广告牌,并附有框架可以挂在墙上。牌子上的内容是事先定好的一组广告和商标。
PROPS_DESC[burnedbean_billboard_big_anim]:0 A large billboard with animated content for placing it on the wall. 带有动画内容的大型广告牌,可以放在墙上。
PROPS_DESC[neon-pinkunicorn]:0 A flat sign with animated content for placing it on a side of the building. 带有动画内容的扁平标志,可以放在建筑物的一侧。
PROPS_DESC[jubilee_billboard_big_anim]:0 A large billboard with animated content for placing it on the wall. 带有动画内容的大型广告牌,可以放在墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Nightwatch_billboard_big_anim]:0 A large billboard with animated content for placing it on the wall. 带有动画内容的大型广告牌,可以放在墙上。
PROPS_DESC[neon-morellos]:0 A flat sign with animated content for placing it on the wall. 带有动画内容的扁平标志,可以放在墙上。
PROPS_DESC[neon-go-nuts-doughnuts]:0 A flat sign with animated content for placing it on the wall. 带有动画内容的扁平标志,可以放在墙上。
PROPS_DESC[neon-yakisoba-noodles]:0 A flat sign with animated content for placing it on the wall. 带有动画内容的扁平标志,可以放在墙上。
PROPS_DESC[neon-open-sign]:0 A flat sign with animated content for placing it on the wall. 带有动画内容的扁平标志,可以放在墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Hologram Ad Game Arcade]:0 A three-dimensional advertisement with a rotating stand. 带有旋转支架的三维广告。
PROPS_DESC[Post Container 01]:0 Cargo container for transporting mail. 专门用于运输邮件的货运集装箱。
PROPS_DESC[Pallet 01]:0 A pallet full of flour, seed, grain or crop sacks. 装满了面粉、种子、谷粒或者农作物麻袋的货盘。
PROPS_DESC[Pallet 02]:0 A pallet with large sack containing gravel, sand or other similar material. 上面放着一个大麻袋,麻袋中装着砾石、沙子等材料。
PROPS_DESC[Pallet 03]:0 A plastic pallet full of cardboard boxes. 放满了硬纸盒的货盘。
PROPS_DESC[Pallet 04]:0 A plastic pallet for sensitive materials. 用于盛放敏感材料的塑料货盘。
PROPS_DESC[Tank 01]:0 A tank for storing water, fertilizer or other safe liquids. 用于存放水、肥料或者其他安全液体的水箱。
PROPS_DESC[Tank 02]:0 A tank for storing seeds or grains. 用于存放种子或者谷物的水箱。
PROPS_DESC[Tank 03]:0 A tank for storing chemical liquids. 用于存放化学液体的水箱。
PROPS_DESC[Tank 04]:0 A tank for storing toxic and flammable liquids. 用于存放有毒液体和易燃液体的水箱。
PROPS_DESC[Barrel 02]:0 Plastic barrel for water and other safe liquids. 用于存放水和其他安全液体的塑料桶。
PROPS_DESC[Barrel 03]:0 A wooden barrel for food products like juice and grains. 用于存放果汁和谷物等食品的木桶。
PROPS_DESC[Barrel 04]:0 A metal barrel for oil, fuel and other flammable liquids 用于存放石油、机油和其他易燃液体的金属桶。
PROPS_DESC[Barrel Pallet 01]:0 A stack of metal barrels on a pallet. 放着一堆金属桶的货盘。
PROPS_DESC[Barrel Pallet 02]:0 A stack of plastic barrels on a pallet. 放着一堆塑料桶的货盘。
PROPS_DESC[Barrel Pallet 03]:0 A stack of wooden barrels on a pallet. 放着一堆木桶的货盘。
PROPS_DESC[Hay Bale 01]:0 A single hay bale wrapped in white plastic. 单独的一个干草堆,以白色塑料袋包裹着。
PROPS_DESC[Hay Bale 02]:0 A row of four hey bales wrapped in plastic. 4个干草堆摆成一排,以塑料袋包裹。
PROPS_DESC[Hay Bale 03]:0 A stack of four hey bales wrapped in plastic. 4个干草堆摞成一叠,以塑料袋包裹。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Van Bakery]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a van. 印在货车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Truck Bakery]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a truck or a trailer. 印在卡车或者拖车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Van Lemonade Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a van. 印在货车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Truck Lemonade Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a truck or a trailer. 印在卡车或者拖车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Van Food Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a van. 印在货车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Truck Food Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a truck or a trailer. 印在卡车或者拖车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Van Clothing Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a van. 印在货车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Truck Clothing Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a truck or a trailer. 印在卡车或者拖车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Van Furniture Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a van. 印在货车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Truck Furniture Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a truck or a trailer. 印在卡车或者拖车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Van Modular House Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a van. 印在货车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Truck Modular House Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a truck or a trailer. 印在卡车或者拖车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Van Soft Paper Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a van. 印在货车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Truck Soft Paper Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a truck or a trailer. 印在卡车或者拖车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Van Printing Press]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a van. 印在货车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Truck Printing Press]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a truck or a trailer. 印在卡车或者拖车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Van Toy Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a van. 印在货车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Truck Toy Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a truck or a trailer. 印在卡车或者拖车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Van Household Plastic Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a van. 印在货车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Truck Household Plastic Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a truck or a trailer. 印在卡车或者拖车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Van Sneaker Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a van. 印在货车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Truck Sneaker Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a truck or a trailer. 印在卡车或者拖车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Van Petroleum Refinery]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a van. 印在货车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Truck Petroleum Refinery]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a truck or a trailer. 印在卡车或者拖车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Van Car Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a van. 印在货车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Truck Car Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a truck or a trailer. 印在卡车或者拖车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Van Shipyard]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a van. 印在货车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Truck Shipyard]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a truck or a trailer. 印在卡车或者拖车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Van Electronics Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a van. 印在货车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Truck Electronics Factory]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a truck or a trailer. 印在卡车或者拖车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Van Industrial Steel Plant]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a van. 印在货车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Truck Industrial Steel Plant]:0 A mobile billboard used for advertising on the side of a truck or a trailer. 印在卡车或者拖车边侧的移动广告牌,用于宣传
PROPS_DESC[Industry Road Light Single]:0 A single roadside light for industrial areas. 工业地区常用的单灯泡路灯。
PROPS_DESC[Industry Road Light Double]:0 A double roadside light for industrial areas. 工业地区常用的双灯泡路灯。
PROPS_DESC[Toll Road Light Single]:0 A road light to illuminate road toll areas. 公路收费站常用的路灯。
PROPS_DESC[Toll Road Light Double]:0 A double road light to illuminate road toll areas. 公路收费站常用的双灯泡路灯。
PROPS_DESC[Tunnel Light Industry Road Small]:0 A small light to illuminate tunnels. 隧道公路常用的小型照明源。
PROPS_DESC[Tunnel Light Industry Road Medium]:0 A medium sized light to illuminate tunnels. 隧道公路常用的小型照明源。
PROPS_DESC[Delineator 01]:0 Delineators post for guiding traffic. 用于道路标示的反光交通锥。
PROPS_DESC[Delineator 02]:0 Delineators post for guiding traffic. 用于道路标示的反光交通锥。
PROPS_DESC[Toll Booth Small]:0 A small toll booth for the road tolls. 用于征收公路通行费的小型收费站。
PROPS_DESC[Toll Booth Large]:0 A large toll booth for the road tolls. 用于征收公路通行费的大型收费站。
PROPS_DESC[Toll Booth Large Mirrored]:0 A large toll booth for the road tolls. 用于征收公路通行费的大型收费站。
PROPS_DESC[Toll Boom Barrier]:0 A pivoting boom barrier that is used to block vehicular access through a controlled point. 用来阻挡车辆行驶的道闸。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Large Variation 01]:0 A large Varsity Sport billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块大型校队体育广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard Medium Variation 01]:0 A medium Varsity Sport billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块中型校队体育广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Sponsorship 01 Billboard Medium 01]:0 A medium Varsity Sport sponsorship billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队体育赞助商广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Sponsorship 02 Billboard Medium 01]:0 A medium Varsity Sport sponsorship billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队体育赞助商广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Sponsorship 03 Billboard Medium 01]:0 A medium Varsity Sport sponsorship billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队体育赞助商广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Sponsorship 04 Billboard Medium 01]:0 A medium Varsity Sport sponsorship billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队体育赞助商广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Sponsorship 05 Billboard Medium 01]:0 A medium Varsity Sport sponsorship billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队体育赞助商广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Team 01 Billboard Medium 01]:0 A medium Varsity Sport Team Identity billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队宣传广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Team 02 Billboard Medium 01]:0 A medium Varsity Sport Team Identity billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队宣传广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Team 03 Billboard Medium 01]:0 A medium Varsity Sport Team Identity billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队宣传广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Team 04 Billboard Medium 01]:0 A medium Varsity Sport Team Identity billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队宣传广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Team 05 Billboard Medium 01]:0 A medium Varsity Sport Team Identity billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队宣传广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Team 06 Billboard Medium 01]:0 A medium Varsity Sport Team Identity billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队宣传广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Team 07 Billboard Medium 01]:0 A medium Varsity Sport Team Identity billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队宣传广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[Random Commercial 1 Sign Long]:0 A medium horizontal commercial sign placed on the wall. 一块挂在墙上的中型商业广告横牌。
PROPS_DESC[Random Commercial 1 Sign Long CRP Wireless]:0 A medium horizontal commercial sign placed on the wall. 一块挂在墙上的中型商业广告横牌。
PROPS_DESC[Random Commercial 1 Sign Long Imperial]:0 A medium horizontal commercial sign placed on the wall. 一块挂在墙上的中型商业广告横牌。
PROPS_DESC[Random Commercial 1 Sign Long Pernu]:0 A medium horizontal commercial sign placed on the wall. 一块挂在墙上的中型商业广告横牌。
PROPS_DESC[Random Commercial 1 Sign Long Skytrust]:0 A medium horizontal commercial sign placed on the wall. 一块挂在墙上的中型商业广告横牌。
PROPS_DESC[Random Commercial 1 Sign Long Vabor Vibez]:0 A medium horizontal commercial sign placed on the wall. 一块挂在墙上的中型商业广告横牌。
PROPS_DESC[Random Commercial 2 Logo]:0 A medium logo sign placed on the wall. 一块挂在墙上的中型标志广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Random Commercial 2 Logo Cramburgers]:0 A medium logo sign placed on the wall. 一块挂在墙上的中型标志广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Random Commercial 2 Logo Custom Ts]:0 A medium logo sign placed on the wall. 一块挂在墙上的中型标志广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Random Commercial 2 Logo Game Go]:0 A medium logo sign placed on the wall. 一块挂在墙上的中型标志广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Random Commercial 2 Logo State City Insurance]:0 A medium logo sign placed on the wall. 一块挂在墙上的中型标志广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Random Commercial 3 Logo Other]:0 A medium logo sign placed on the wall. 一块挂在墙上的中型标志广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Random Commercial 3 Logo On Both Sides Records]:0 A medium logo sign placed on the wall. 一块挂在墙上的中型标志广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Random Commercial 3 Logo Other OK Sign]:0 A medium logo sign placed on the wall. 一块挂在墙上的中型标志广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Random Commercial 3 Logo RCI Sign]:0 A medium logo sign placed on the wall. 一块挂在墙上的中型标志广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Random Commercial 3 Logo Sparx]:0 A medium logo sign placed on the wall. 一块挂在墙上的中型标志广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Random Commercial 3 Logo Throwback Sign]:0 A medium logo sign placed on the wall. 一块挂在墙上的中型标志广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Trade School Bench 01]:0 A simple and comfortable bench. 简单舒适的长椅。
PROPS_DESC[Trade School Table 01]:0 A comfortable set of table and chairs suitable for group of students. 一套舒适的桌椅,适合一群学生使用。
PROPS_DESC[Trade School Trash Bin 01]:0 Trash bins help your city stay clean and tidy. 垃圾桶能帮助您的城市保持干净整洁。
PROPS_DESC[Trade School Street Light 01]:0 Decorative street light to light up places. 装饰性照明街灯。
PROPS_DESC[Liberal Arts Bench 01]:0 A simple and comfortable bench with a backrest. 简单舒适的靠背长椅。
PROPS_DESC[Liberal Arts Table 01]:0 A comfortable set of table and chairs suitable for group of students. 一套舒适的桌椅,适合一群学生使用。
PROPS_DESC[Liberal Arts Trash Bin 01]:0 Trash bins help your city stay clean and tidy. 垃圾桶能帮助您的城市保持干净整洁。
PROPS_DESC[Liberal Arts Street Light 01]:0 Decorative street light to light up places. 装饰性照明街灯。
PROPS_DESC[University Bench 01]:0 A simple and comfortable bench. 简单舒适的长椅。
PROPS_DESC[University Table 01]:0 A comfortable set of table and chairs suitable for group of students. 一套舒适的桌椅,适合一群学生使用。
PROPS_DESC[University Trash Bin 01]:0 Trash bins help your city stay clean and tidy. 垃圾桶能帮助您的城市保持干净整洁。
PROPS_DESC[University Street Light 01]:0 Decorative street light to light up places. 装饰性照明街灯。
PROPS_DESC[Arena Fence 01]:0 A lightweight crowd control metal barriers perfect for delineating pedestrians lines. 一道轻便的人群控制金属路障,适合规划人行路线。
PROPS_DESC[VS Sponsorship 01 Billboard Large 01]:0 A large Varsity Sport sponsorship billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队体育赞助商广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Sponsorship 02 Billboard Large 01]:0 A large Varsity Sport sponsorship billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队体育赞助商广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Sponsorship 03 Billboard Large 01]:0 A large Varsity Sport sponsorship billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队体育赞助商广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Sponsorship 04 Billboard Large 01]:0 A large Varsity Sport sponsorship billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队体育赞助商广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Sponsorship 05 Billboard Large 01]:0 A large Varsity Sport sponsorship billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队体育赞助商广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Team 07 Billboard Large 01]:0 A large Varsity Sport Team Identity billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队宣传广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Team 06 Billboard Large 01]:0 A large Varsity Sport Team Identity billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队宣传广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Team 05 Billboard Large 01]:0 A large Varsity Sport Team Identity billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队宣传广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Team 04 Billboard Large 01]:0 A large Varsity Sport Team Identity billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队宣传广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Team 03 Billboard Large 01]:0 A large Varsity Sport Team Identity billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队宣传广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Team 02 Billboard Large 01]:0 A large Varsity Sport Team Identity billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队宣传广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[VS Team 01 Billboard Large 01]:0 A large Varsity Sport Team Identity billboard with a frame for placing it on the wall. 一块巨大的校队宣传广告牌,带有可挂在墙上的框架。
PROPS_DESC[100 Speed Limit]:0 A 100 Speed Limit Sign. 一个100限速标志。
PROPS_DESC[30 Speed Limit]:0 A 30 Speed Limit Sign. 一个30限速标志。
PROPS_DESC[40 Speed Limit]:0 A 40 Speed Limit Sign. 一个40限速标志。
PROPS_DESC[50 Speed Limit]:0 A 50 Speed Limit Sign. 一个50限速标志。
PROPS_DESC[60 Speed Limit]:0 A 60 Speed Limit Sign. 一个60限速标志。
PROPS_DESC[Avenue Light]:0 An Avenue Light. 一盏大道灯。
PROPS_DESC[Bike Lane]:0 A Bike Lane decal. 一张自行车道贴花。
PROPS_DESC[Bike Lane Winter]:0 A Bike Lane decal. 一张自行车道贴花。
PROPS_DESC[Bike Middle Winter]:0 A Middle Bike lane decal. 一张中间有自行车道的贴花。
PROPS_DESC[Bike Middle]:0 A Middle Bike lane decal. 一张中间有自行车道的贴花。
PROPS_DESC[Bus Lane]:0 Bus Lane decal. 公交车道贴花。
PROPS_DESC[Electricity Box]:0 An Electricity Box. 一个电箱。
PROPS_DESC[Fire Hydrant]:0 A Fire Hydrant. 一个消防栓。
PROPS_DESC[Highway Light]:0 A Highway Light. 一盏高速公路灯。
PROPS_DESC[Industry Road Light Single Medium]:0 An Industry Road Light Single Medium. 一盏工业道路灯(单介质)。
PROPS_DESC[Info Terminal]:0 An Info Terminal. 一个信息终端。
PROPS_DESC[Manhole]:0 A Manhole. 一个检修孔。
PROPS_DESC[Motorway Overroad Signs]:0 A Motorway Overroad Sign. 一个高速公路跨路标志。
PROPS_DESC[Motorway Sign]:0 A Motorway Sign. 一个高速公路标志。
PROPS_DESC[New Street Light]:0 A New Street Light. 一盏新街灯。
PROPS_DESC[New Street Light Avenue]:0 A New Street Light Avenue. 一盏新街灯(大道)。
PROPS_DESC[New Street Light Highway]:0 A New Street Light Highway. 一盏新街灯(高速公路)。
PROPS_DESC[New Street Light Small Road]:0 A New Street Light Small Road. 一盏新街灯(小路)。
PROPS_DESC[No Left Turn Sign]:0 A No Left Turn Sign. 一个禁止左转标志。
PROPS_DESC[No Parking Sign]:0 A No Parking Sign. 一个禁止停车标志。
PROPS_DESC[No Right Turn Sign]:0 A No Right Turn Sign. 一个禁止右转标志。
PROPS_DESC[Parking Meter]:0 A Parking Meter. 一个停车计时器。
PROPS_DESC[Random Industrial Street Prop]:0 A Random Industrial Street Prop. 一个随机工业街道道具。
PROPS_DESC[Random Street Prop]:0 A Random Street Prop. 一个随机街道道具。
PROPS_DESC[Random Street Prop NoParking]:0 A Random Street Prop No Parking. 一个随机街道道具(禁止停车)。
PROPS_DESC[Road Arrow F]:0 Road Arrow Forward. 道路箭头(前)。
PROPS_DESC[Road Arrow FR]:0 Road decal for forward and right turn arrows. 向前和右转箭头的道路贴花。
PROPS_DESC[Road Arrow L]:0 Road decal for left turn arrow. 左转箭头的道路贴花。
PROPS_DESC[Road Arrow LF]:0 Road decal for left turn and forward arrows. 左转和向前箭头的道路贴花。
PROPS_DESC[Road Arrow LFR]:0 Road decal for left turn, forward and right turn arrows. 左转、向前和右转箭头的道路贴花。
PROPS_DESC[Road Arrow LR]:0 Road decal for left and right turn arrows. 左转和右转箭头的道路贴花。
PROPS_DESC[Road Arrow R]:0 Road decal for right turn arrow. 右转箭头的道路贴花。
PROPS_DESC[Road Decal Slow]:0 Road slow decal. 减速的道路贴花。
PROPS_DESC[Stop Sign]:0 A Stop Sign. 一个停止标志。
PROPS_DESC[Street Name Sign]:0 A Street Name Sign. 一个街道名标志。
PROPS_DESC[Toll Road Single]:0 A Toll Road Light. 一盏收费道路灯。
PROPS_DESC[Toll Road Double]:0 A Toll Road Light (Double). 一盏收费道路灯(双)。
PROPS_DESC[Traffic Light 01]:0 A Traffic Light. 一盏交通灯。
PROPS_DESC[Traffic Light 01 Mirror]:0 A mirrored Traffic Light. 一盏带有镜子交通灯。
PROPS_DESC[Traffic Light 02]:0 A Traffic Light. 一盏交通灯。
PROPS_DESC[Traffic Light 02 Mirror]:0 A mirrored Traffic Light. 一盏带有镜子交通灯。
PROPS_DESC[Traffic Light Pedestrian]:0 A Pedestrian Traffic Light. 一盏行人交通灯。
PROPS_DESC[Tram Arrow]:0 Tram direction Arrow. 电车轨道方向箭头。
PROPS_DESC[Tram Pole Center]:0 A Center Tram Pole. 一个在中间的有轨电车杆。
PROPS_DESC[Tram Pole Side]:0 A Side Tram Pole. 一个在两边的有轨电车杆。
PROPS_DESC[Trolleypole Side]:0 A Side Trolleypole. 一个在两边的无轨电车杆。
PROPS_DESC[PDXProp_parking_lot_light_single]:0 A single lamp to light up parking lots. A single lamp to light up parking lots.
PROPS_DESC[PDXProp_parking_lot_light_double]:0 A double lamp to light up parking lots. A double lamp to light up parking lots.
PROPS_DESC[PDXProp_driveinn_natori_sign]:0 A Drive-in sign. A Drive-in sign.
PROPS_DESC[PDXProp_Shin-maru_light]:0 A row of lights. A row of lights.
PROPS_DESC[PDXProp_wall-mount-light-up]:0 A wall-mounted light casting light upwards. A wall-mounted light casting light upwards.
PROPS_DESC[PDXProp_wall-mount-light-down]:0 A wall-mounted light casting light downwards. A wall-mounted light casting light downwards.
PROPS_DESC[Industrial Fence Long 01]:0 A long high steel fence. 一条很长的钢围栏。
PROPS_DESC[Rock 01]:0 Some rocks. 一些岩石。
PROPS_DESC[Rock 02]:0 Some rocks. 一些岩石。
PROPS_DESC[Rock 03]:0 Some rocks. 一些岩石。
PROPS_DESC[Rock 04]:0 Some rocks. 一些岩石。
PROPS_DESC[Rock 05]:0 Some rocks. 一些岩石。
PROPS_DESC[Rock 06]:0 Some rocks. 一些岩石。
PROPS_DESC[Rock 07]:0 Some rocks. 一些岩石。
PROPS_DESC[Rock 08]:0 Some rocks. 一些岩石。
PROPS_DESC[Standing Stone 01]:0 A standing stone. 一块立石。
PROPS_DESC[Standing Stone 02]:0 A standing stone. 一块立石。
PROPS_DESC[Standing Stone 03]:0 A standing stone. 一块立石。
PROPS_DESC[Standing Stone 04]:0 A standing stone. 一块立石。
PROPS_DESC[Standing Stone 05]:0 A standing stone. 一块立石。
PROPS_DESC[Standing Stone 06]:0 A standing stone. 一块立石。
PROPS_DESC[Fallen Tree 01]:0 A fallen tree. 一颗倒下的树。
PROPS_DESC[Fallen Tree 02]:0 A fallen tree. 一颗倒下的树。
PROPS_DESC[Fallen Tree 03]:0 A fallen tree. 一颗倒下的树。
PROPS_DESC[Fallen Tree 04]:0 A fallen tree. 一颗倒下的树。
PROPS_DESC[Abandoned Car 01]:0 An abandoned car. 一辆废弃的汽车。
PROPS_DESC[Abandoned Car 02]:0 Another abandoned car. 另一辆废弃的汽车。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_nightwatch]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_loimu]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_greed_grief]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_aukio]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_steel_rhino]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_square_packages]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_jubilee]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_itsy_bitsy]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_flaming_ring]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_cinema]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_pernu]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_burned_bean]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_sternberger]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_dino]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[logo_thelawaccounting]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[logo_dobbelbock]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[logo_forestfoundation]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_mariina]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[logo_colossalore]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[logo_myrtlebio]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[logo_orlysbookstore]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[logo_radiclean]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[logo_mattockwinch]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[logo_meatybits]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[logo_morellos]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_neckbeard]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_plastimold]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_lizard]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_bowling]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_silky]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_rapido]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_radio]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_sunnygrain]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_news]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_sports]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_electricity]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_fault_tec]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_williams]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_banhammer]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_barber]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[logo_tyrell]:0 A flat company logo that can be placed on a building wall. 公司的平面标志,可以挂在建筑物的墙上。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_commercial_variation]:0 A placeholder for a random logo that can be placed on a building wall. The logo is selected from a set of predetermined logos. 一块可挂在建筑物的墙上,用于显示随机标志的占位板。标志将从预先预订好一组中被选取出来。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_commercial_variation01]:0 A placeholder for a random logo that can be placed on a building wall. The logo is selected from a set of predetermined logos. 一块可挂在建筑物的墙上,用于显示随机标志的占位板。标志将从预先预订好一组中被选取出来。
PROPS_DESC[logo_office_random]:0 A placeholder for a random logo that can be placed on a building wall. The logo is selected from a set of predetermined logos. 一块可挂在建筑物的墙上,用于显示随机标志的占位板。标志将从预先预订好一组中被选取出来。
PROPS_DESC[Logo_industrial_variation]:0 A placeholder for a random logo that can be placed on a building wall. The logo is selected from a set of predetermined logos. 一块可挂在建筑物的墙上,用于显示随机标志的占位板。标志将从预先预订好一组中被选取出来。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_small_meaty_03]:0 A small billboard with a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. 一块带框的小型广告牌,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_small_meaty_02]:0 A small billboard with a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. 一块带框的小型广告牌,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_small_meaty_01]:0 A small billboard with a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. 一块带框的小型广告牌,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_small_nightwatch_03]:0 A small billboard with a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. 一块带框的小型广告牌,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_small_nightwatch_02]:0 A small billboard with a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. 一块带框的小型广告牌,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_small_nightwatch_01]:0 A small billboard with a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. 一块带框的小型广告牌,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_small_go_nuts_03]:0 A small billboard with a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. 一块带框的小型广告牌,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_small_go_nuts_02]:0 A small billboard with a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. 一块带框的小型广告牌,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_small_go_nuts_01]:0 A small billboard with a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. 一块带框的小型广告牌,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_small_lehto_03]:0 A small billboard with a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. 一块带框的小型广告牌,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_small_lehto_02]:0 A small billboard with a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. 一块带框的小型广告牌,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_small_lehto_01]:0 A small billboard with a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. 一块带框的小型广告牌,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_small_silky_01]:0 A small billboard with a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. 一块带框的小型广告牌,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_small_silky_03]:0 A small billboard with a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. 一块带框的小型广告牌,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_small_silky_02]:0 A small billboard with a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. 一块带框的小型广告牌,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_small_variation_03]:0 A small billboard with random content and a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. The billboard content is selected from a predetermined set of ads and logos. 小型广告牌,广告内容随机且带框,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。广告牌的内容从预先约定好的一组广告和 Logo 中选取。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_small_variation_02]:0 A small billboard with random content and a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. The billboard content is selected from a predetermined set of ads and logos. 小型广告牌,广告内容随机且带框,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。广告牌的内容从预先约定好的一组广告和 Logo 中选取。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_small_variation_01]:0 A small billboard with random content and a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. The billboard content is selected from a predetermined set of ads and logos. 小型广告牌,广告内容随机且带框,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。广告牌的内容从预先约定好的一组广告和 Logo 中选取。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_medium_flat_go_nuts_02]:0 A medium billboard with a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. 一块带框的中型广告牌,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_medium_flat_go_nuts_01]:0 A medium billboard with a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. 一块带框的中型广告牌,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_medium_flat_bigbite_02]:0 A medium billboard with a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. 一块带框的中型广告牌,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_medium_flat_variation_01]:0 A medium billboard with random content and a frame for placing it on a building wall or rooftop. 一块带框的中型广告牌,广告内容随机,可挂在建筑物的墙上,或置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_medium_flat_bigbite_01]:0 Medium Flat Billboard #1 中型平面广告牌 #1
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_go_nuts]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_go_nuts_01]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_go_nuts_02]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_go_nuts_03]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_bigbite]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_bigbite_01]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_bigbite_02]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_bigbite_03]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_popsoda]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_popsoda_01]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_popsoda_02]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_popsoda_03]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_yaxu]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_yaxu_01]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_yaxu_02]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_yaxu_03]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_yakisoba]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_yakisoba_01]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_yakisoba_02]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_yakisoba_03]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_jubilee]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_jubilee_01]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_jubilee_02]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_jubilee_03]:0 A large billboard with a frame for placing it on a rooftop. 一块带框的大型广告牌,可置于屋顶。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_variation_04]:0 A large billboard with random content and a frame for placing it on a building rooftop. The billboard content is selected from a predetermined set of ads and logos. 一块放置在屋顶上,内容随机的大型广告牌及支撑它的架子。其内容选自一组预先选定的广告和标志。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_variation_03]:0 A large billboard with random content and a frame for placing it on a building rooftop. The billboard content is selected from a predetermined set of ads and logos. 一块放置在屋顶上,内容随机的大型广告牌及支撑它的架子。其内容选自一组预先选定的广告和标志。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_variation_02]:0 A large billboard with random content and a frame for placing it on a building rooftop. The billboard content is selected from a predetermined set of ads and logos. 一块放置在屋顶上,内容随机的大型广告牌及支撑它的架子。其内容选自一组预先选定的广告和标志。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_variation_01]:0 A large billboard with random content and a frame for placing it on a building rooftop. The billboard content is selected from a predetermined set of ads and logos. 一块放置在屋顶上,内容随机的大型广告牌及支撑它的架子。其内容选自一组预先选定的广告和标志。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_big_variation]:0 A large billboard with random content and a frame for placing it on a building rooftop. The billboard content is selected from a predetermined set of ads and logos. 一块放置在屋顶上,内容随机的大型广告牌及支撑它的架子。其内容选自一组预先选定的广告和标志。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_lehto_anim]:0 A flat billboard with animated content. 一块有动画内容的平面广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_silky_anim]:0 A flat billboard with animated content. 一块有动画内容的平面广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_pop_soda_anim]:0 A flat billboard with animated content. 一块有动画内容的平面广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_critter_anim]:0 A flat billboard with animated content. 一块有动画内容的平面广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[Billboard_3D_variation]:0 A three-dimensional advertisement with a rotating stand. 有旋转架的立体广告。
PROPS_DESC[Rotating_squirrel]:0 A three-dimensional advertisement with a rotating stand. 有旋转架的立体广告。
PROPS_DESC[Clown]:0 A three-dimensional advertisement with a rotating stand. 有旋转架的立体广告。
PROPS_DESC[Rotating_morelloscone]:0 A three-dimensional advertisement with a rotating stand. 有旋转架的立体广告。
PROPS_DESC[Octopus]:0 A three-dimensional advertisement with a rotating stand. 有旋转架的立体广告。
PROPS_DESC[Bigbite sign]:0 A three-dimensional advertisement with a rotating stand. 有旋转架的立体广告。
PROPS_DESC[Barrels]:0 Pile of four barrels. 四桶成堆。
PROPS_DESC[Barrel 01]:0 A single barrel. 一个桶。
PROPS_DESC[Concrete block 01]:0 A concrete block with steel bars. 一块钢筋混泥土砖。
PROPS_DESC[Cable reel 02]:0 A wooden cable reel with cable. 一个自带电缆的木制电缆卷筒。
PROPS_DESC[Cable reel 01]:0 A wooden cable reel with cable. 一个自带电缆的木制电缆卷筒。
PROPS_DESC[Concrete support]:0 A concrete pillar with steel bars. 一根钢筋混凝土柱。
PROPS_DESC[Plank stack]:0 A stack of wooden planks. 一堆木板。
PROPS_DESC[industrial_fence]:0 A high steel fence. 一道高高的钢铁护栏网。
PROPS_DESC[industrial_gate]:0 A heavy steel gate mainly for industrial and other high-security facilities. 一道主要用于工业和其他高度安全设施的厚重铁门。
PROPS_DESC[Cargo container]:0 Standard cargo container. 标准货物集装箱。
PROPS_DESC[Industrial random]:0 A random prop of industrial type. Things like crates, barrels, etc. 一个工业类型的随机道具。诸如箱、桶等物品。
PROPS_DESC[Plank pile]:0 A pile of wooden planks. 一堆木板。
PROPS_DESC[Crate pile]:0 A pile of wooden crates. 一堆木箱。
PROPS_DESC[Crate 01]:0 A wooden crate. 一个木箱。
PROPS_DESC[combustion plant roof platform]:0 A roof platform fit for industry buildings. 一个适合工业建筑的天台。
PROPS_DESC[swing-set]:0 A swing set with three swings. 包含有三个秋千的成套秋千。
PROPS_DESC[High Swing set]:0 A high swing set with four swings. 包含有四个秋千的高级成套秋千。
PROPS_DESC[sandbox]:0 A sandbox for children. 一个儿童沙箱。
PROPS_DESC[High Sandbox]:0 A state-of-the-art sandbox. 一个一级棒的沙盒。
PROPS_DESC[seesaw]:0 A classic playground item. 一个经典的游乐场项目。
PROPS_DESC[high-seesaw]:0 A high-end seesaw for playgrounds. 一块游乐场里的高级跷跷板。
PROPS_DESC[spinning-wheel]:0 A spinning wheel for children. 一台儿童纺车。
PROPS_DESC[high-spinning-wheel]:0 A premium spinning wheel with all necessary safety features such as turn limiter and extra padding. 一台具备诸如转向限制器,和额外填充物等,所有必要安全特性的高级手纺车。
PROPS_DESC[slide-complex]:0 A complex slide system for kids where you can climb up and slide down endlessly. 一个供孩子们玩耍的滑梯乐园,可以不断往上爬再向下滑。
PROPS_DESC[high-slide-complex]:0 A premium quality slide complex with extra padding for more fun. 一个充满额外填充物,能带来更多乐趣的一流滑梯乐园。
PROPS_DESC[Flowerpot 04]:0 A wooden flowerpot with two flowers. 一个种有两朵花的木制花盆。
PROPS_DESC[Flower pot 03]:0 A flowerpot with two flowers. 一个有两朵花的花盆。
PROPS_DESC[Flower pot 02]:0 A flowerpot with a single flower. 一个有朵花的花盆。
PROPS_DESC[Flower pot 01]:0 A flowerpot with a single flower. 一个有朵花的花盆。
PROPS_DESC[Flower pot random]:0 A random flowerpot. 一个随机花盆。
PROPS_DESC[High Flower Pot 03]:0 A sophisticated plant with a fancy square pot. 一个精美方罐里所栽种的精致植物。
PROPS_DESC[High Flower Pot 02]:0 A sophisticated plant with a fancy square pot. 一个精美方罐里所栽种的精致植物。
PROPS_DESC[High Flower Pot 01]:0 A sophisticated plant with a fancy square pot. 一个精美方罐里所栽种的精致植物。
PROPS_DESC[High Flower Pot random]:0 A random high-level flowerpot. 一个随机高级花盆。
PROPS_DESC[Botanical garden flowers]:0 A colorful flower bed. 一个五彩缤纷的花坛。
PROPS_DESC[Garden_pot]:0 A fancy flowerpot with a high stand. 一个放在高处的精美花盆。
PROPS_DESC[Rooftop access 01]:0 A rooftop access. 一条屋顶通道。
PROPS_DESC[Rooftop access 02]:0 A rooftop access. 一条屋顶通道。
PROPS_DESC[Rooftop access 03]:0 A rooftop access. 一条屋顶通道。
PROPS_DESC[Rooftop access random]:0 A random rooftop access. 一条随机屋顶通道。
PROPS_DESC[Slanted rooftop window 01]:0 A slanted rooftop window gives light. 一扇透出亮光的斜式屋顶天窗。
PROPS_DESC[Slanted rooftop window 02]:0 A slanted rooftop window gives light. 一扇透出亮光的斜式屋顶天窗。
PROPS_DESC[Slanted rooftop window 03]:0 A slanted rooftop window gives light. 一扇透出亮光的斜式屋顶天窗。
PROPS_DESC[Rooftop window 01]:0 A rooftop window to decorate buildings with. 一扇装饰建筑用的屋顶天窗。
PROPS_DESC[Rooftop window 02]:0 A rooftop window to decorate buildings with. 一扇装饰建筑用的屋顶天窗。
PROPS_DESC[Rooftop window 03]:0 A rooftop window to decorate buildings with. 一扇装饰建筑用的屋顶天窗。
PROPS_DESC[Rooftop window random]:0 A random rooftop window. 一扇随机的屋顶天窗。
PROPS_DESC[Radio mast]:0 A radio mast. 一根天线杆。
PROPS_DESC[Microwave antenna]:0 A microwave antenna. 一根微波天线。
PROPS_DESC[Satellite]:0 A satellite dish for receiving intercontinental broadcasts. 一条接收洲际广播的卫星天线。
PROPS_DESC[Wifi antenna]:0 A Wi-Fi antenna. 一条无限网络天线。
PROPS_DESC[Solar panel 03]:0 A solar panel with 9 cells. 一块附有 9 节电池的太阳能电池板。
PROPS_DESC[Solar panel 02]:0 A solar panel with 18 cells. 一块附有 18 节电池的太阳能电池板。
PROPS_DESC[Solar panel 01]:0 A solar panel with 6 cells. 一块附有 6 节电池的太阳能电池板。
PROPS_DESC[Trashpile]:0 A pile of trash 一堆垃圾
PROPS_DESC[TrashCan02]:0 A trash can. 垃圾桶。
PROPS_DESC[TrashCan01]:0 A trash can. 垃圾桶。
PROPS_DESC[Trash container 01]:0 A trash container with trash inside 一个装有垃圾的垃圾箱。
PROPS_DESC[Bench 01]:0 A park bench 一条公园长椅。
PROPS_DESC[High Bench]:0 A sophisticated and elegant bench. Suitable for sitting. 一条精致高雅的长椅。适合人们就座。
PROPS_DESC[table-set]:0 A table set to enjoy an outside dinner. 一套用于在外享用晚餐的餐具。
PROPS_DESC[High Tableset]:0 A beautiful table set with four seats. 一套配有四个座位的漂亮的餐具套装。
PROPS_DESC[Pavilion]:0 A classy pavilion with a domed roof. 一个有半球形屋顶的漂亮亭子。
PROPS_DESC[dog-park-sign]:0 Informative placard welcoming dogs and their owners to visit the park. 一块信息量超大的,欢迎狗狗和它们的主人入园参观的标语牌。
PROPS_DESC[dog-park-hoop]:0 Dogs can jump through these hoops to practice agility. 狗狗们可以通过跳这些圈子来练习敏捷性。
PROPS_DESC[dog-park-teeter-totter]:0 A useful piece of equipment to train a dog's balance. 一件用于训练狗狗平衡能力的有效器材。
PROPS_DESC[dog-park-water-station]:0 Dogs can have a refreshing drink of fresh water from this water station. 狗狗们能在这个水站畅饮干净的水。
PROPS_DESC[dog-park-trash-can]:0 A trash can for dog poop and other garbage. 一个用来丢弃狗狗粪便和其他垃圾的垃圾桶。
PROPS_DESC[dog-park-a-frame]:0 This piece of dog park equipment is used for agility training. 这套狗狗公园内的设备用于进行敏捷性训练。
PROPS_DESC[Parking Spaces 01]:0 Parking space with two regular spaces and one disabled space. 停车位配有两个常规车位和一个残疾人专用车位。
PROPS_DESC[StreetLamp01 1]:0 A pretty street lamp to light up places. 一盏用于照明的漂亮路灯。
PROPS_DESC[StreetLamp02]:0 A pretty street lamp to light up places. 一盏用于照明的漂亮路灯。
PROPS_DESC[Vending machine]:0 A vending machine for hungry citizens. 一台为饥肠辘辘的市民服务的自动贩卖机。
PROPS_DESC[Small Fountain]:0 An elegant small fountain. 一个优美的小喷泉。
PROPS_DESC[Large Fountain]:0 A beautiful large fountain. 一个漂亮的大喷泉。
PROPS_DESC[Botanical garden fountain]:0 A large fountain with water plants, good especially for parks and gardens. 一个种有水生植物的大喷泉,对公园和花园真是极好的。
PROPS_DESC[Bird bath]:0 A lovely bird bath. 一个可爱的鸟浴盆。
PROPS_DESC[High Birdbath]:0 A top-notch bird bath with multiple pools. 一个配有多个水池的顶尖鸟浴盆。
PROPS_DESC[Ac box 01]:0 An air-conditioning unit with two vents. 一套配有两个通风口的空调装置。
PROPS_DESC[Ac box 02]:0 A heavy air-conditioning unit with two vents and a pipe. 一套配有两个通风口和管道的大型空调装置。
PROPS_DESC[Ac box 03]:0 An air-conditioning unit with three vents. 一套配有三个通风口的空调装置。
PROPS_DESC[Ac box random]:0 A random AC unit. 一套随机的空调装置。
PROPS_DESC[Rotating ac]:0 A rotating air-conditioning vent. 一个可旋转的空调通风口。
PROPS_DESC[Mailbox01]:0 A mailbox on a wooden post. 一个木制邮筒上的邮箱。
PROPS_DESC[mailbox02]:0 A mailbox on a wooden post. 一个木制邮筒上的邮箱。
PROPS_DESC[High Mailbox]:0 A mailbox with all the goodies. 一个塞满东西的邮箱。
PROPS_DESC[parasol]:0 A parasol to protect from hot sunshine. 一把保护您免受烈日晒伤的太阳伞。
PROPS_DESC[High Parasol]:0 A parasol giving high-level protection from hot sunshine. 一把提供高端防护,让使用者免受烈日晒伤的阳伞。
PROPS_DESC[grill]:0 Let your citizens enjoy barbecue parties whenever they wish! 让您的市民们,在任何他们希望的时候,都能够享受烧烤聚会!
PROPS_DESC[High Grill]:0 Let your highly educated citizens enjoy barbecue parties whenever they wish! 让您受过高等教育的市民们,在任何他们希望的时候,都能够享受烧烤聚会!
PROPS_DESC[deck-chair]:0 The perfect relaxing chair for a garden. 放置于花园内的完美休闲椅。
PROPS_DESC[High deck chair]:0 A fancy deck chair for bathing in the sun. 一张用于沐浴阳光的精美躺椅。
PROPS_DESC[Doghouse]:0 A small doghouse for a single dog. 一个供单条狗狗所用的小型犬舍。
PROPS_DESC[High Doghouse]:0 A luxurious doghouse for a single pampered dog. 一个供单条名贵狗狗所用的豪华犬舍。
PROPS_DESC[Swimming pool]:0 A medium swimming pool for decoration. 用于装饰的中型泳池。
PROPS_DESC[High swimming pool]:0 A luxurious swimming pool with an integrated jacuzzi. 配有综合水疗池的奢华泳池。
PROPS_DESC[hedge]:0 Closely planted shrubs or small trees trimmed into the shape of a fence. 被修剪成栅栏形状,紧紧种植在一起的灌木或小乔木。
PROPS_DESC[hedge2]:0 Closely planted shrubs or small trees trimmed into the shape of a fence. 被修剪成栅栏形状,紧紧种植在一起的灌木或小乔木。
PROPS_DESC[Tiles]:0 Regular stone tiles. 常规石砖。
PROPS_DESC[High-Tiles]:0 Presentable yard tiling for valuable properties. 漂亮的院子铺满有价值的物品。
PROPS_DESC[Asphalt_old]:0 Patches of broken asphalt. 破碎的沥青斑块。
PROPS_DESC[Factory Smoke]:0 This marker generates a high pillar of thick smoke. Works well for large factory chimneys and such. 该标记会产生一条很高的浓厚烟柱。非常适用于大型工厂的烟囱等等地方。
PROPS_DESC[Hang Around Marker]:0 Place an invisible hang around marker to indicate where people visiting the lot will gather. 放置一个无形的停留标志,用于指示到访的人们所应集中的位置。
PROPS_DESC[Invisible Parking Space]:0 An invisible marker to indicate spots where vehicles can park. 一个用于指示车辆停靠位置的无形标记。
PROPS_DESC[Door Marker]:0 People will use these invisible door markers as entry and exit points when visiting a building. 当人们参观一栋建筑时,其会用这些无形的房门标识,作为进入点和退出点。
PROPS_DESC[Factory Steam]:0 This marker generates steam. Works well for factory chimneys and such. 这个标识生成水蒸气。非常适用于大型工厂的烟囱等等地方。
PROPS_DESC[Factory Smoke Small]:0 This marker generates thick smoke. Works well for factory chimneys and such. 这个标识生成浓烟。非常适用于大型工厂的烟囱等等地方。
PROPS_DESC[Large Hang Around Marker]:0 Place an invisible hang around marker to indicate where people will gather. Allows for large crowds. 放置一个用于指示人们应该聚集的地方的无形停留标记。可容纳大量人群。
PROPS_DESC[bicycle01]:0 Bicycle is the transport mode choice for the health and environmentally conscious person. 自行车是高度重视健康与环境之人的交通选择。
PROPS_DESC[bicycle_stand]:0 Bicycle stands help people park bicycles in an orderly fashion. 停放架帮助人们井然有序地停放自行车。
PROPS_DESC[beergarden_bench]:0 A comfortable outdoor table and two benches for a party of people. 一条舒适的室外长椅,外加两条供多人使用的长椅。
PROPS_DESC[beergarden_sign]:0 A beer garden sign. 一个啤酒花园标志。
PROPS_DESC[rider_statue]:0 A statue of a nobleman riding a horse. 一座贵族骑士雕像。
PROPS_DESC[kiosk_01]:0 A tourist information kiosk. 一个游客信息亭。
PROPS_DESC[kiosk_02]:0 A newsstand. 一个报亭。
PROPS_DESC[kiosk_03]:0 A fast food stand. 一个快餐亭。
PROPS_DESC[streetclock]:0 A clock mounted on top of a post. 一座嵌于桩子顶端的钟。
PROPS_DESC[billboard_pylon]:0 A tall pylon for mounting advertisements 一个用于放广告的高耸塔架。
PROPS_DESC[shopping_cart]:0 A cart supplied by a shop for transporting merchandise while shopping 一辆用于在购物时放置商品的车。
PROPS_DESC[shopping_cart_shelter]:0 A roofed shelter for storing shopping carts 一个有屋顶的,用于放购物车的地方。
PROPS_DESC[traffic_lights_european_01]:0 European style traffic lights 欧式交通灯。
PROPS_DESC[traffic_lights_european_02]:0 European style traffic lights 欧式交通灯。
PROPS_DESC[flag_pole]:0 A tall pole with a cord for raising or lowering the flag. 一根带有升降旗时所用绳子的高杆。
PROPS_DESC[video_screen]:0 A large video screen for showing sports matches and other popular events in public. 一块大型显示屏,用于向公众播放体育赛事和其他流行事件。
PROPS_DESC[billboard01]:0 A large billboard with three support legs and lights. 一块大型公告牌,有三个支柱和照明灯。
PROPS_DESC[billboard02]:0 A large billboard with three support legs and lights. 一块大型公告牌,有三个支柱和照明灯。
PROPS_DESC[billboard03]:0 A large billboard with three support legs and lights. 一块大型公告牌,有三个支柱和照明灯。
PROPS_DESC[cityad01]:0 A large billboard with two support legs. Ideal for roadside or rooftop placement. 一块大型公告牌,有两个支架。适合放在路边或者房顶。
PROPS_DESC[cityad02]:0 A large billboard with two support legs. Ideal for roadside or rooftop placement. 一块大型公告牌,有两个支架。适合放在路边或者房顶。
PROPS_DESC[roofad01]:0 An advertizing board with support structures for rooftop placement. 一块放置于房顶,且有支撑结构的广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[roofad02]:0 An advertizing board with support structures for rooftop placement. 一块放置于房顶,且有支撑结构的广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[roofad03]:0 An advertizing board with support structures for rooftop placement. 一块放置于房顶,且有支撑结构的广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[roofad04]:0 An advertizing board with support structures for rooftop placement. 一块放置于房顶,且有支撑结构的广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[roofad05]:0 An advertizing board with support structures for rooftop placement. 一块放置于房顶,且有支撑结构的广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[roofad06]:0 An advertizing board with support structures for rooftop placement. 一块放置于房顶,且有支撑结构的广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[roofad07]:0 An advertizing board with support structures for rooftop placement. 一块放置于房顶,且有支撑结构的广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[roofad08]:0 An advertizing board with support structures for rooftop placement. 一块放置于房顶,且有支撑结构的广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[roofad09]:0 An advertizing board with support structures for rooftop placement. 一块放置于房顶,且有支撑结构的广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[roofad10]:0 An advertizing board with support structures for rooftop placement. 一块放置于房顶,且有支撑结构的广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[roofad11]:0 An advertizing board with support structures for rooftop placement. 一块放置于房顶,且有支撑结构的广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[roofad12]:0 An advertizing board with support structures for rooftop placement. 一块放置于房顶,且有支撑结构的广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[sliding_ad01]:0 An ad board with a changing ad on it. 一块自动更换广告的广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[sliding_ad02]:0 An ad board with a changing ad on it. 一块自动更换广告的广告牌。
PROPS_DESC[street_ad01]:0 A large flat billboard. 一块大型纯平公告牌。
PROPS_DESC[street_ad02]:0 A large flat billboard. 一块大型纯平公告牌。
PROPS_DESC[street_ad03]:0 A large flat billboard. 一块大型纯平公告牌。
PROPS_DESC[street_ad04]:0 A large flat billboard. 一块大型纯平公告牌。
PROPS_DESC[street_ad05]:0 A large flat billboard. 一块大型纯平公告牌。
PROPS_DESC[street_ad06]:0 A large flat billboard. 一块大型纯平公告牌。
PROPS_DESC[street_ad07]:0 A large flat billboard. 一块大型纯平公告牌。
PROPS_DESC[wall_ad01]:0 An advertisement that can be placed on wall or other vertical surface. 一张可放置于墙上或其他垂直表面的广告。
PROPS_DESC[wall_ad02]:0 An advertisement that can be placed on wall or other vertical surface. 一张可放置于墙上或其他垂直表面的广告。
PROPS_DESC[wall_ad03]:0 An advertisement that can be placed on wall or other vertical surface. 一张可放置于墙上或其他垂直表面的广告。
PROPS_DESC[wall_ad04]:0 An advertisement that can be placed on wall or other vertical surface. 一张可放置于墙上或其他垂直表面的广告。
PROPS_DESC[wall_ad05]:0 An advertisement that can be placed on wall or other vertical surface. 一张可放置于墙上或其他垂直表面的广告。
PROPS_DESC[wall_ad06]:0 An advertisement that can be placed on wall or other vertical surface. 一张可放置于墙上或其他垂直表面的广告。
PROPS_DESC[wall_ad07]:0 An advertisement that can be placed on wall or other vertical surface. 一张可放置于墙上或其他垂直表面的广告。
PROPS_DESC[Parking Spaces 02]:0 Parking space with three regular spaces Parking space with three regular spaces
PROPS_DESC[Train Station Clock 01]:0 This is a functioning clock that will rotate to reflect the time of the day/night cycle. 这是一座正常工作的时钟,它通过旋转来反映昼夜循环的时间。
TREE_TITLE[Bamboo1]:0 Bamboo Tree 竹树
TREE_TITLE[Bamboo2]:0 Bamboo Tree Group 竹树群
TREE_TITLE[mp9-YoungLinden]:0 Young Linden 小菩提树
TREE_TITLE[Bush01Winter]:0 Small Bush 小灌木丛
TREE_TITLE[Beech01Winter]:0 Beech 山毛榉
TREE_TITLE[Pine01Winter]:0 Pine 松树
TREE_TITLE[Coniferwinter]:0 Conifer #1 针叶树 #1
TREE_TITLE[Conifer2Winter]:0 Conifer #2 针叶树 #2
TREE_TITLE[Tree2Wintervariant]:0 Oak 橡树
TREE_TITLE[Tree2Winter]:0 Tree with Leaves #1 有叶树 #1
TREE_TITLE[WintertreeForest]:0 Wild Conifer 野生针叶树
TREE_TITLE[Alder01Winter]:0 Alder 桤木
TREE_TITLE[Tree3Wintervariant]:0 Tree with Leaves #2 有叶树 #2
TREE_TITLE[Flower Tree 01]:0 Flower Tree #1 开花的树#1
TREE_TITLE[Flower Tree 02]:0 Flower Tree #2 开花的树#2
TREE_TITLE[Flower Tree 03]:0 Flower Tree #3 开花的树#3
TREE_TITLE[Flower Tree 04]:0 Flower Tree #4 开花的树#4
TREE_TITLE[Giant Redwood 01]:0 Giant Redwood #1 大红杉树#1
TREE_TITLE[Giant Redwood 02]:0 Giant Redwood #2 大红杉树#2
TREE_TITLE[Green Tree 01]:0 Green Tree 绿树
TREE_TITLE[Flower Tree 01 Winter]:0 Flower Tree #1 开花的树#1
TREE_TITLE[Flower Tree 02 Winter]:0 Flower Tree #2 开花的树#2
TREE_TITLE[Flower Tree 03 Winter]:0 Flower Tree #3 开花的树#3
TREE_TITLE[Flower Tree 04 Winter]:0 Flower Tree #4 开花的树#4
TREE_TITLE[Giant Redwood 01 Winter]:0 Giant Redwood #1 大红杉树#1
TREE_TITLE[Giant Redwood 02 Winter]:0 Giant Redwood #2 大红杉树#2
TREE_TITLE[Green Tree 01 Winter]:0 Green Tree 绿树
TREE_TITLE[Corsican Pine 01]:0 Corsican Pine #1 科西嘉黑松 #1
TREE_TITLE[Corsican Pine 01 Winter]:0 Corsican Pine #1 科西嘉黑松 #1
TREE_TITLE[Yew 01]:0 Yew #1 紫杉 #1
TREE_TITLE[Yew 01 Winter]:0 Yew #1 紫杉 #1
TREE_TITLE[Sugar Maple 01]:0 Sugar Maple #1 糖枫 #1
TREE_TITLE[Sugar Maple 01 Winter]:0 Sugar Maple #1 糖枫 #1
TREE_TITLE[Chinese Windmill Palm 01]:0 Chinese Windmill Palm #1 棕榈 #1
TREE_TITLE[Chinese Windmill Palm 01 Winter]:0 Chinese Windmill Palm #1 棕榈 #1
TREE_TITLE[Apple Tree 01]:0 Apple Tree 苹果树
TREE_TITLE[Orange Tree 01]:0 Orange Tree 橙子树
TREE_TITLE[Pear Tree 01]:0 Pear Tree 梨树
TREE_TITLE[Tree Sapling 01]:0 Tree Sapling 树苗
TREE_TITLE[Apple Tree 01 Winter]:0 Apple Tree 苹果树
TREE_TITLE[Orange Tree 01 Winter]:0 Orange Tree 橙子树
TREE_TITLE[Pear Tree 01 Winter]:0 Pear Tree 梨树
TREE_TITLE[Tree Sapling 01 Winter]:0 Tree Sapling 树苗
TREE_TITLE[Alder01]:0 Alder 桤木
TREE_TITLE[Beech]:0 Beech 山毛榉
TREE_TITLE[Beech01low]:0 Small Beech 小山毛榉
TREE_TITLE[Bush01]:0 Small Bush 小灌木丛
TREE_TITLE[Bush02]:0 Large Bush 大灌木丛
TREE_TITLE[palm01]:0 Palm Tree 棕榈树
TREE_TITLE[palmplant01]:0 Palm Plant 棕榈植物
TREE_TITLE[Test]:0 Conifer #3 针叶树 #3
TREE_TITLE[Tree2]:0 Oak 橡树
TREE_TITLE[Tree2variant]:0 Tree with Leaves #1 有叶树 #1
TREE_TITLE[Tree3variant]:0 Tree with Leaves #2 有叶树 #2
TREE_TITLE[treeForest]:0 Wild Conifer 野生针叶树
TREE_TITLE[Conifer]:0 Conifer #1 针叶树 #1
TREE_TITLE[Conifer2]:0 Conifer #2 针叶树 #2
TREE_TITLE[Pine01low]:0 Pine 松树
TREE_TITLE[mp9-BloomingJacarandavnl]:0 Blooming Jacaranda Blooming Jacaranda
TREE_TITLE[mp9-BorealPine]:0 Boreal Pine Boreal Pine
TREE_TITLE[mp9-CaliforniaPalm]:0 California Palm California Palm
TREE_TITLE[mp9-CoconutTreevnl]:0 Coconut Tree Coconut Tree
TREE_TITLE[mp9-EasternCottonwood]:0 Eastern Cottonwood Eastern Cottonwood
TREE_TITLE[mp9-GenericDatePalm]:0 Generic Date Palm Generic Date Palm
TREE_TITLE[mp9-GenericPineTree]:0 Generic Pine Tree Generic Pine Tree
TREE_TITLE[mp9-HorseChestnutvnl]:0 Horse Chestnut Horse Chestnut
TREE_TITLE[mp9-Lantanavnl]:0 Lantana Lantana
TREE_TITLE[mp9-LiveOaknvl]:0 Live Oak Live Oak
TREE_TITLE[mp9-PacificRhododendronvnl]:0 Pacific Rhododendron Pacific Rhododendron
TREE_TITLE[mp9-TallGrassClustervnl]:0 Tall Grass Cluster Tall Grass Cluster
TREE_TITLE[mp9-WildHedgevnl]:0 Wild Hedge Wild Hedge
TREE_DESC[Bamboo1]:0 Single bamboo tree. 单个的竹树。
TREE_DESC[Bamboo2]:0 A group of 6 bamboo trees. 一个由 6 个竹树组成的群。
TREE_DESC[mp9-YoungLinden]:0 A young Linden tree. Great for streets. 一棵小菩提树。优异的行道树
TREE_DESC[Bush01Winter]:0 A small woody plant with multiple stems. 一种多茎的小型木本植物。
TREE_DESC[Beech01Winter]:0 Beech grows on a wide range of soil types provided they are not waterlogged. The tree canopy casts dense shade, and carpets the ground with dense leaf litter. 山毛榉可以生长在各种土质里,前提是未浸水。其树冠广阔茂密,会留下满地落叶。
TREE_DESC[Pine01Winter]:0 Pines are evergreen, coniferous trees with thick and scaly bark. Pines can be found in the most regions of the Northern Hemisphere. 松树是常青针叶树,结球果,有厚实的鳞状树皮。其大多生长在北半球。
TREE_DESC[Coniferwinter]:0 Conifers are evergreen trees with long, thin leaves with a needle-like appearance. They are the dominant plants in the boreal forests of the northern hemisphere. 针叶树是常青植物,有细长的针状叶子,并大量生长于北半球针叶林中。
TREE_DESC[Conifer2Winter]:0 Conifers are evergreen trees with long, thin leaves with a needle-like appearance. They are the dominant plants in the boreal forests of the northern hemisphere. 针叶树是常青植物,有细长的针状叶子,并大量生长于北半球针叶林中。
TREE_DESC[Tree2Wintervariant]:0 Oaks are keystone species in a wide range of habitats from Mediterranean semi-desert to subtropical rainforest. 橡树是各种气候下的关键物种,从地中海半沙漠气候到亚热带雨林气候都有分布。
TREE_DESC[Tree2Winter]:0 A generic broad-leaved tree 一种普通阔叶树
TREE_DESC[WintertreeForest]:0 Wild conifers are tall evergreen trees with long, thin leaves with a needle-like appearance. They are the dominant plants in the boreal forests of the northern hemisphere. 野生针叶树是常青植物,有细长的针状叶子。并大量生长于北半球针叶林中。
TREE_DESC[Alder01Winter]:0 A broadleaved tree distributed throughout the north temperate zone. 一种广泛分布于北温带的阔叶树。
TREE_DESC[Tree3Wintervariant]:0 A generic broad-leaved tree 一种普通阔叶树
TREE_DESC[Flower Tree 01]:0 A flowering tree. 一棵开花的树。
TREE_DESC[Flower Tree 02]:0 A flowering tree. 一棵开花的树。
TREE_DESC[Flower Tree 03]:0 A flowering tree. 一棵开花的树。
TREE_DESC[Flower Tree 04]:0 A flowering tree. 一棵开花的树。
TREE_DESC[Giant Redwood 01]:0 A giant redwood tree. 一棵高大的红杉树。
TREE_DESC[Giant Redwood 02]:0 A giant redwood tree. 一棵高大的红杉树。
TREE_DESC[Green Tree 01]:0 A generic broad-leaved tree. 一棵普通的阔叶树。
TREE_DESC[Flower Tree 01 Winter]:0 A flowering tree. 一棵开花的树。
TREE_DESC[Flower Tree 02 Winter]:0 A flowering tree. 一棵开花的树。
TREE_DESC[Flower Tree 03 Winter]:0 A flowering tree. 一棵开花的树。
TREE_DESC[Flower Tree 04 Winter]:0 A flowering tree. 一棵开花的树。
TREE_DESC[Giant Redwood 01 Winter]:0 A giant redwood tree. 一棵高大的红杉树。
TREE_DESC[Giant Redwood 02 Winter]:0 A giant redwood tree. 一棵高大的红杉树。
TREE_DESC[Green Tree 01 Winter]:0 A generic broad-leaved tree. 一棵普通的阔叶树。
TREE_DESC[Corsican Pine 01]:0 A corsican pine tree. 一株科西嘉黑松。
TREE_DESC[Corsican Pine 01 Winter]:0 A corsican pine tree. 一株科西嘉黑松。
TREE_DESC[Yew 01]:0 A yew tree. 一株紫杉。
TREE_DESC[Yew 01 Winter]:0 A yew tree. 一株紫杉。
TREE_DESC[Sugar Maple 01]:0 A sugar maple tree. 一株糖枫。
TREE_DESC[Sugar Maple 01 Winter]:0 A sugar maple tree. 一株糖枫。
TREE_DESC[Chinese Windmill Palm 01]:0 A chinese windmill palm tree. 一株棕榈树。
TREE_DESC[Chinese Windmill Palm 01 Winter]:0 A chinese windmill palm tree. 一株棕榈树。
TREE_DESC[Apple Tree 01]:0 A large apple tree with red apples. 大型红苹果果树。
TREE_DESC[Orange Tree 01]:0 A large orange tree with oranges. 大型柑橘果树。
TREE_DESC[Pear Tree 01]:0 A pear tree with pears. 梨子果树。
TREE_DESC[Tree Sapling 01]:0 A small generic tree sapling. 小型普通树苗。
TREE_DESC[Apple Tree 01 Winter]:0 A large apple tree with red apples. 大型红苹果果树。
TREE_DESC[Orange Tree 01 Winter]:0 A large orange tree with oranges. 大型柑橘果树。
TREE_DESC[Pear Tree 01 Winter]:0 A pear tree with pears. 梨子果树。
TREE_DESC[Tree Sapling 01 Winter]:0 A small generic tree sapling. 小型普通树苗。
TREE_DESC[Alder01]:0 A broadleaved tree distributed throughout the north temperate zone. 一种广泛分布于北温带的阔叶树。
TREE_DESC[Beech]:0 Beech grows on a wide range of soil types provided they are not waterlogged. The tree canopy casts dense shade, and carpets the ground with dense leaf litter. 山毛榉可以生长在各种土质里,前提是未浸水。其树冠广阔茂密,会留下满地落叶。
TREE_DESC[Beech01low]:0 Beech grows on a wide range of soil types provided they are not waterlogged. The tree canopy casts dense shade, and carpets the ground with dense leaf litter. 山毛榉可以生长在各种土质里,前提是未浸水。其树冠广阔茂密,会留下满地落叶。
TREE_DESC[Bush01]:0 A small woody plant with multiple stems. 一种多茎的小型木本植物。
TREE_DESC[Bush02]:0 A woody plant with multiple stems. 一种多茎的木本植物。
TREE_DESC[palm01]:0 Most palm trees are distinguished by their large, compound, evergreen leaves arranged at the top of an unbranched stem. Palm trees inhabit different warm and tropical climates, from rainforests to deserts. 大多数棕榈树都具有巨型大丛常绿树叶,并只有一枝树干,可谓特征鲜明。棕榈树可栖息于雨林气候和沙漠气候等温带及热带气候中。
TREE_DESC[palmplant01]:0 Palm plants are short broad-leaved plants mostly found in warm and tropical climates. 棕榈植物是矮小的阔叶植物,常生长在热带气候环境下。
TREE_DESC[Test]:0 Conifers are evergreen trees with long, thin leaves with a needle-like appearance. They are the dominant plants in the boreal forests of the northern hemisphere. 针叶树是常青植物,有细长的针状叶子,并大量生长于北半球针叶林中。
TREE_DESC[Tree2]:0 Oaks are keystone species in a wide range of habitats from Mediterranean semi-desert to subtropical rainforest. 橡树是各种气候下的关键物种,从地中海半沙漠气候到亚热带雨林气候都有分布。
TREE_DESC[Tree2variant]:0 A generic broad-leaved tree 一种普通阔叶树
TREE_DESC[Tree3variant]:0 A generic broad-leaved tree 一种普通阔叶树
TREE_DESC[treeForest]:0 Wild conifers are tall evergreen trees with long, thin leaves with a needle-like appearance. They are the dominant plants in the boreal forests of the northern hemisphere. 野生针叶树是常青植物,有细长的针状叶子。并大量生长于北半球针叶林中。
TREE_DESC[Conifer]:0 Conifers are evergreen trees with long, thin leaves with a needle-like appearance. They are the dominant plants in the boreal forests of the northern hemisphere. 针叶树是常青植物,有细长的针状叶子,并大量生长于北半球针叶林中。
TREE_DESC[Conifer2]:0 Conifers are evergreen trees with long, thin leaves with a needle-like appearance. They are the dominant plants in the boreal forests of the northern hemisphere. 针叶树是常青植物,有细长的针状叶子,并大量生长于北半球针叶林中。
TREE_DESC[Pine01low]:0 Pines are evergreen, coniferous trees with thick and scaly bark. Pines can be found in the most regions of the Northern Hemisphere. 松树是常青针叶树,结球果,有厚实的鳞状树皮。其大多生长在北半球。
TREE_DESC[mp9-BloomingJacarandavnl]:0 A Blooming Jacaranda tree A Blooming Jacaranda tree
TREE_DESC[mp9-BorealPine]:0 A generic Boreal Pine tree A generic Boreal Pine tree
TREE_DESC[mp9-CaliforniaPalm]:0 A California Fan Palm Tree A California Fan Palm Tree
TREE_DESC[mp9-CoconutTreevnl]:0 A coconut tree with coconuts A coconut tree with coconuts
TREE_DESC[mp9-EasternCottonwood]:0 An Eastern Cottonwood tree native to north America An Eastern Cottonwood tree native to north America
TREE_DESC[mp9-GenericDatePalm]:0 A generic Date Palm tree A generic Date Palm tree
TREE_DESC[mp9-GenericPineTree]:0 A generic pine tree A generic pine tree
TREE_DESC[mp9-HorseChestnutvnl]:0 A Horse Chestnut tree native to Europe A Horse Chestnut tree native to Europe
TREE_DESC[mp9-Lantanavnl]:0 Lantana vines for undergrowth Lantana vines for undergrowth
TREE_DESC[mp9-LiveOaknvl]:0 A Live Oak tree A Live Oak tree
TREE_DESC[mp9-PacificRhododendronvnl]:0 A Pacific Rhododendron bush A Pacific Rhododendron bush
TREE_DESC[mp9-TallGrassClustervnl]:0 A cluster of tall grass A cluster of tall grass
TREE_DESC[mp9-WildHedgevnl]:0 A generic wild hedge A generic wild hedge
VEHICLE_TITLE[ChirpX Rocket]:0 ChirpX Rocket 啾啾X火箭
VEHICLE_TITLE[ChirpX Crawler]:0 ChirpX Crawler 啾啾X移动装置
VEHICLE_TITLE[Bicycle01]:0 Bicycle 自行车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Bicycle02]:0 Bicycle 自行车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Bicycle03]:0 Bicycle 自行车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Bicycle Child]:0 Bicycle 自行车
VEHICLE_TITLE[PoliceVan]:0 Police Van 警用厢型车
VEHICLE_TITLE[beetle]:0 New Buggie 新款甲壳虫
VEHICLE_TITLE[Pickup]:0 Pick-Up 皮卡
VEHICLE_TITLE[Taxi]:0 Taxi Cab 出租车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Yacht]:0 Fishing yacht 垂钓游艇
VEHICLE_TITLE[Waterscooter]:0 Waterscooter 水上摩托车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Luxury Yacht]:0 Luxury yacht 豪华游艇
VEHICLE_TITLE[Motorboat]:0 Motorboat 摩托艇
VEHICLE_TITLE[Jeep]:0 Jeep 吉普车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Bicycle]:0 Bicycle 自行车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_bendy bus]:0 Bendy Bus 铰接巴士
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_bendy bus Rear Trailer]:0 Bendy Bus Rear Trailer 铰接巴士后拖车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Bullet Train Engine]:0 Bullet Train 子弹头列车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Bullet Train Trailer]:0 Bullet Train Trailer 子弹头列车拖车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Commuter Train Loco]:0 Commuter Train 通勤列车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Commuter Train Cab]:0 Commuter Train Trailer 通勤列车拖车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Commuter Train Trailer]:0 Commuter Train Trailer 通勤列车拖车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Coroners Van]:0 Coroner’s Van 验尸官面包车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Doubledecker Bus]:0 Double Decker Bus 双层巴士
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Fly car]:0 Fly Car Ambulance 飞车救护车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_High Speed Train Engine]:0 High Speed Train 高速列车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_High Speed Train End Car Trailer]:0 High Speed Train Trailer 高速列车拖车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_High Speed Train Car Trailer]:0 High Speed Train Trailer 高速列车拖车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Large Ambulance]:0 Large Ambulance 大型救护车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Fire Truck Tiller Cab]:0 Large Fire Engine 大型消防车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Tiller Truck Trailer]:0 Large Fire Engine Trailer 大型消防车拖车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Large Garbage Truck]:0 Large Garbage Truck 大型垃圾车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Luxury Hearse]:0 Luxury Hearse 豪华灵车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Mini Fire Engine]:0 Mini Fire Engine 迷你消防车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_minibus]:0 Minibus 小巴
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Mobile Command Center]:0 Mobile Command Center 移动指挥中心
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Police Supercar]:0 Police Supercar 超级警车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_S Bahn]:0 S Bahn Train 轻轨列车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Small Garbage Truck]:0 Small Garbage Truck 小型垃圾车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Subway Train Engine]:0 Subway Train 地铁列车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Subway Train Trailer]:0 Subway Train Trailer 地铁列车拖车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_super bendy bus]:0 Super Bendy Bus 超级铰接巴士
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_bendy bus middle Trailer]:0 Bendy Bus Middle Trailer 铰接巴士中拖车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Tokyo Metro Engine]:0 High Capacity Metro 高运力地铁
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Tokyo Metro Trailer]:0 High Capacity Metro Trailer 高运量地铁
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Underground Train Engine]:0 Underground Train 地铁列车
VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Underground Train Trailer]:0 Underground Train Trailer 地铁列车拖车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Articulated Bus]:0 Articulated Airport Bus 铰接式机场巴士
VEHICLE_TITLE[Doubledecker Bus]:0 Doubledecker Airport Bus 双层机场巴士
VEHICLE_TITLE[Airport Train Engine]:0 Airport Express Train 机场快线列车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Airport Metro]:0 Airport Express Metro 机场快线地铁
VEHICLE_TITLE[Cargo Airplane 02]:0 Cargo Airplane 货机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Cargo Airplane 03]:0 Cargo Airplane 货机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Large Aircraft Passenger 01]:0 Large Passenger Plane 大型客机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Large Aircraft Passenger 02]:0 Large Passenger Plane 大型客机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Medium Aircraft Passenger 1]:0 Medium Passenger Plane 中型客机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Medium Aircraft Passenger 2]:0 Medium Passenger Plane 中型客机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Medium Aircraft Passenger 3]:0 Medium Passenger Plane 中型客机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Small Aircraft Passenger 01]:0 Small Passenger Plane 小型客机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Small Aircraft Passenger 02]:0 Small Passenger Plane 小型客机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Small Aircraft Passenger 03]:0 Small Passenger Plane 小型客机
VEHICLE_TITLE[4WD_Jeep]:0 Jeep 吉普车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Engineering_Truck]:0 Road maintenance truck 道路养护车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Tram]:0 Tram 电车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Snowplow]:0 Snowplow 铲雪车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Meteor]:0 Meteor 陨石
VEHICLE_TITLE[Medical Helicopter]:0 Medical Helicopter 救护直升机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Police Helicopter]:0 Police Helicopter 警队直升机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Fire Helicopter]:0 Fire Helicopter 消防直升机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Disaster Response Helicopter]:0 Disaster Response Helicopter 灾难响应直升机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Water Pumping Truck]:0 Vacuum Truck 真空吸污车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Disaster Response Vehicle]:0 Disaster Response Vehicle 灾难响应车辆
VEHICLE_TITLE[Evacuation Bus]:0 Evacuation Bus 撤离公车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Ferry]:0 Ferry 渡船
VEHICLE_TITLE[Cable Car]:0 Cable Car 缆车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Blimp]:0 Blimp 飞艇
VEHICLE_TITLE[Monorail Front]:0 Monorail Train 单轨列车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Electric Car 01]:0 Electric Car Edison Model Z 电动车爱迪生Z系
VEHICLE_TITLE[Electric Car 02]:0 Electric Car Edison Model 5 电动车爱迪生5系
VEHICLE_TITLE[Electric Car 03]:0 Electric Car Edison Model W 电动车爱迪生W系
VEHICLE_TITLE[Electric Car 04]:0 Electric Car Edison Model K 电动车爱迪生K系
VEHICLE_TITLE[Personal Electric Transport Ride]:0 Personal Electric Transport Ride 私人电动交通工具
VEHICLE_TITLE[Biofuel Bus 01]:0 Biofuel Bus 生物燃料公交车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Biofuel Garbage Truck 01]:0 Biofuel Garbage Truck 生物燃料垃圾车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Sightseeing Bus 01]:0 Sightseeing Bus 游览车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Camper Van 01]:0 Camper Van 野营车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Camper Van 02]:0 Camper Van 野营车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Camper Van 03]:0 Camper Van 野营车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Camper Trailer 01]:0 Camper Trailer 野营拖车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Camper Trailer 02]:0 Camper Trailer 野营拖车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Hot Air Balloon 01]:0 Hot Air Balloon 热气球
VEHICLE_TITLE[Park Staff Vehicle 01]:0 Park Maintenance Vehicle 公园维护车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Oil Truck 01]:0 Oil Truck 油罐车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Farm Truck 01]:0 Farm Truck 农用车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Ore Mining Truck 01 Empty]:0 Ore Mining Truck 采矿车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Truck Animal]:0 Livestock Truck 牲畜运输车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Truck Luxury Products]:0 Delivery Truck 运货车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Forest Forwarder 01 Empty]:0 Forest Forwarder 森林货代
VEHICLE_TITLE[Cargo Airplane 01]:0 Cargo Airplane 货运飞机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Combine Harvester 01]:0 Combine Harvester 多用途收割机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Delivery Truck 01]:0 Delivery Truck 送货卡车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Delivery Van 01]:0 Delivery Van 送货货车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Forest Forwarder 01]:0 Forest Forwarder 木材运输机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Forest Harvester 01]:0 Forest Harvester 伐木机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Forklift 01]:0 Forklift 叉车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Oil Industry Helicopter 01]:0 Oil Industry Helicopter 石化业直升机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Ore Mining Truck 01]:0 Ore Mining Truck 采矿卡车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Post Truck 01]:0 Post Truck 邮政卡车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Post Vehicle 01]:0 Post Van 邮政货车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Train Car Animal 01]:0 Train Car (Animal) 火车车厢(动物)
VEHICLE_TITLE[Train Car Crop 01]:0 Train Car (Crop) 火车车厢(农作物)
VEHICLE_TITLE[Train Car Log 01]:0 Train Car (Log) 火车车厢(木头)
VEHICLE_TITLE[Train Car Oil 01]:0 Train Car (Oil) 火车车厢(石油)
VEHICLE_TITLE[Train Car Ore 01]:0 Train Car (Ore) 火车车厢(矿石)
VEHICLE_TITLE[Truck Trailer Animal 01]:0 Truck Trailer (Animal) 拖挂式卡车(动物)
VEHICLE_TITLE[Truck Trailer Car 01]:0 Truck Trailer (Car) 拖挂式卡车(车辆)
VEHICLE_TITLE[Truck Trailer Modular House 01]:0 Truck Trailer (Modular House) 拖挂式卡车(组合式房屋)
VEHICLE_TITLE[School Bus 01]:0 School Bus 校车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Ore Truck Trailer]:0 Ore Truck Trailer 矿石拖车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Oil Truck Trailer]:0 Oil Truck Trailer 石油拖车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Forest Forwarder Trailer 01 Empty]:0 Forest Forwarder Trailer 01 森林货代拖车01
VEHICLE_TITLE[Forestry Trailer]:0 Forestry Trailer 林业拖车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Tractor Trailer]:0 Tractor Trailer 拖拉机拖车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Tractor Trailer 02]:0 Tractor Trailer 02 拖拉机拖车02
VEHICLE_TITLE[Fire Helicopter Bucket]:0 Fire Helicopter Bucket 消防直升机桶
VEHICLE_TITLE[Monorail Passenger]:0 Monorail Passenger 客运单轨列车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Train Cargo]:0 Train Cargo 货运火车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Train Passenger]:0 Train Passenger 客运火车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Tram End]:0 Tram End 有轨电车尾部
VEHICLE_TITLE[Tram Middle]:0 Tram Middle 有轨电车中部
VEHICLE_TITLE[Fishing Boat 01]:0 Fishing Boat 渔船
VEHICLE_TITLE[Fishing Boat 02]:0 Salmon Fishing Boat 捕捞鲑鱼的渔船
VEHICLE_TITLE[Fishing Boat 03]:0 Shellfish Fishing Boat 捕捞贝类的渔船
VEHICLE_TITLE[Fishing Boat 04]:0 Tuna Fishing Boat 捕捞金枪鱼的渔船
VEHICLE_TITLE[Fishing Boat 05]:0 Anchovy Fishing Boat 捕捞凤尾鱼的渔船
VEHICLE_TITLE[Intercity Bus]:0 Intercity Bus 城际公交车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Passenger Helicopter]:0 Passenger Helicopter 客运直升机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Waste Collection Truck]:0 Waste Collection Truck 垃圾收集卡车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Waste Transfer Truck]:0 Waste Transfer Truck 垃圾运输卡车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Trolleybus 01]:0 Trolleybus 无轨电车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Overground Metro Train 01]:0 Metro Train 地铁列车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Fish Truck 01]:0 Fish Truck 运鱼卡车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Aviation Club Plane 01]:0 Light Aircraft 轻型飞机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Aviation Club Plane 02]:0 Light Aircraft 轻型飞机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Fire Truck]:0 Fire Truck 消防车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Garbage Truck]:0 Garbage Truck 垃圾车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Ambulance]:0 Ambulance 救护车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Hearse]:0 Hearse 灵车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Donut Van]:0 Donut Van 甜甜圈车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Forestry Truck]:0 Forestry Truck 林业车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Lorry]:0 Box Truck 厢式货车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Oil Truck]:0 Oil Truck 运油车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Ore Truck]:0 Ore Truck 运矿车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Tractor]:0 Tractor 拖拉机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Van]:0 Van 面包车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Police Car]:0 Police Car 警车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Aircraft Passenger]:0 Jet Plane 飞机
VEHICLE_TITLE[Bus]:0 Bus 公交车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Metro]:0 Metro 地铁
VEHICLE_TITLE[Ship Cargo]:0 Cargo Ship 货船
VEHICLE_TITLE[Ship Passenger]:0 Cruise Ship 游轮
VEHICLE_TITLE[Train Cargo Engine]:0 Freight Train 货运火车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Train Engine]:0 Passenger Train 客运火车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Hatchback]:0 Hatchback 掀背车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Scooter]:0 Scooter 摩托车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Sedan]:0 Sedan 轿车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Sports-car]:0 Sports Car 跑车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Station-wagon]:0 Station Wagon 旅行车
VEHICLE_TITLE[Bugspray Van]:0 Bug Spray Van 杀虫喷雾车
VEHICLE_TITLE[hotdog-van]:0 Hot Dog Van 热狗售卖车
CHIRPXPANEL_ROCKETPARTSTORAGE:0 Rocket Parts Storage: {0} 火箭部件库存:{0}
CHIRPXPANEL_LAUNCHROCKET_TOOLTIPONE:0 The rocket can be launched after the launch preparations are completed 发射准备完成后即可发射火箭
CHIRPXPANEL_LAUNCHROCKET_TOOLTIPTWO:0 Click here to launch the rocket! 点击这里发射火箭!
CHIRPXPANEL_PASTOPS:0 Past Launch Operations 过去的发射操作
CHIRPXPANEL_LAUNCHINGROCKET:0 Launching Rocket… 正在发射火箭……
TUTORIAL_TITLE[ChirpX Launch Control Center]:0 ChirpX Launch Site 啾啾X发射站
TUTORIAL_TITLE[AirportAreaCreated]:0 Build an Airport Terminal 建造机场航站楼
TUTORIAL_TITLE[AirportAreaNotUsed]:0 Create an Airport Area 创建一个机场区
TUTORIAL_TITLE[SnowDumpNotUsed]:0 Snowdumps 堆雪场
TUTORIAL_TITLE[HeatingBuilt]:0 Heating 供暖
TUTORIAL_TITLE[RoadMaintenanceBuilt]:0 Road maintenance 道路养护
TUTORIAL_TITLE[TramDepotBuilt]:0 Tram depot 电车站
TUTORIAL_TITLE[DepotNotConnected]:0 Not connected 未连接
TUTORIAL_TITLE[CanalsNotUsed]:0 Canals 人工河
TUTORIAL_TITLE[QuaysNotUsed]:0 Quays 护岸
TUTORIAL_TITLE[HeatingNotUsed]:0 Temperature 气温
TUTORIAL_TITLE[SnowDumpFull]:0 Snowdump is Filling Up! 堆雪场满了!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[UpgradeWaterPipes]:0 Upgrade Water Pipes 如何分配热量
TUTORIAL_TITLE[BuildingFlooded]:0 Building underwater! 建筑被水淹没不知所措!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[CanalDemolished]:0 Canal demolished 人工河已拆除
TUTORIAL_TITLE[Tornado]:0 A Tornado Strikes! 龙卷风来袭!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[Forest Fire]:0 The Forest is on Fire! 森林着火!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[Meteor Strike]:0 A Meteor is Striking! 陨石坠落!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[Tsunami]:0 A Tsunami Wave! 海啸波!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[Earthquake]:0 Earthquake! 地震!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[Thunderstorm]:0 It's a Thunderstorm! 雷暴雨来了!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[Sinkhole]:0 A sinkhole is forming! 地陷正在形成!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[EscapeRoutes]:0 Mark Escape Routes 标记逃生路线
TUTORIAL_TITLE[BuildingDestroyed]:0 Build a Disaster Response Unit 建立灾难应急小队
TUTORIAL_TITLE[FloodPumping]:0 A Building is Flooding! 建筑被淹!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[NoEvac]:0 Evacuate the Population 撤离人口
TUTORIAL_TITLE[ScenarioGoals]:0 Check Goals 检查目标
TUTORIAL_TITLE[WaterOutletOnLand]:0 Water Outlet on land 地面出水口
TUTORIAL_TITLE[Chirpynado]:0 Lucky you! 运气好!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[DestroyedRoads]:0 Road destroyed 道路被摧毁
TUTORIAL_TITLE[DestroyedRoadsTimePassed]:0 Fix roads 修复道路
TUTORIAL_TITLE[BuildingDestroyed2]:0 Rebuild the service 重建服务
TUTORIAL_TITLE[SheltersNotUsed]:0 Build Shelters 建造避难所
TUTORIAL_TITLE[CitizensInShelters]:0 Citizens in Shelters 避难所内的市民
TUTORIAL_TITLE[RoadNames]:0 Road names 道路名称
TUTORIAL_TITLE[RoadNamesOpen]:0 Adjust road and see routes 调整道路并查看路线
TUTORIAL_TITLE[Monorail]:0 Connect stations 连接车站
TUTORIAL_TITLE[Ferryline]:0 Draw Pathways 连接站点和码头
TUTORIAL_TITLE[Ferrydepot]:0 Build a Ferry Depot 修建渡船总站
TUTORIAL_TITLE[Blimpline]:0 Place stops to create line 放置站点以创建航线
TUTORIAL_TITLE[Blimpdepot]:0 Place depot 放置总站
TUTORIAL_TITLE[RouteButton]:0 See Routes 查看路线
TUTORIAL_TITLE[FerryBusHub]:0 Connect Ferry and Bus lines 连接渡船和公共汽车线路
TUTORIAL_TITLE[EndOfLineTrains]:0 End of Line Train station 线路终点列车站
TUTORIAL_TITLE[LocalOnly]:0 Intercity Traffic 城际交通
TUTORIAL_TITLE[YieldLights]:0 Yield and traffic lights 让路和交通信号灯
TUTORIAL_TITLE[VisualAids]:0 Angles and grid guides 角度和网格指南
TUTORIAL_TITLE[UGBulldozer]:0 Bulldoze underground 用推土机清除地下设施
TUTORIAL_TITLE[AdjustVehicles]:0 Adjust the amount of vehicles on a line 调整线路上的车辆数量
TUTORIAL_TITLE[NoRouteFound]:0 Draw Paths 绘制路径
TUTORIAL_TITLE[AdjustSnapping]:0 Adjust Snapping 调整对齐
TUTORIAL_TITLE[SnowRoad]:0 Snowplows needed 需要铲雪车
TUTORIAL_TITLE[ParkAreasNotUsed]:0 Build a Park Area 建造一个公园区域
TUTORIAL_TITLE[ParkAreaCreated]:0 Add items 添加物品
TUTORIAL_TITLE[ParkGatePlaced]:0 See details about your Park Area 查看公园区域的详情
TUTORIAL_TITLE[ParkBuildingInsideParkArea]:0 Buildings in parks 公园里的建筑
TUTORIAL_TITLE[ParkBuildingOutsideParkArea]:0 Park building outside of a Park Area 公园区域之外的公园建筑
TUTORIAL_TITLE[IndustryAreasNotUsed]:0 Build an Industry Area 建设工业区
TUTORIAL_TITLE[IndustryAreaCreated]:0 Build a Main Building 建设主楼
TUTORIAL_TITLE[MainBuildingPlaced]:0 Build an Extractor 建设开采建筑
TUTORIAL_TITLE[ExtractorPlaced]:0 Build a Processing Plant 建设加工厂
TUTORIAL_TITLE[IndustryBuildingOutsideIndustryArea]:0 Outside of Industry Area 工业区外
TUTORIAL_TITLE[WarehouseNeeded]:0 Warehouses 仓库
TUTORIAL_TITLE[UniqueFactoryNotUsed]:0 Build a Unique Factory 建设独特工厂
TUTORIAL_TITLE[PostServiceNotUsed]:0 Post Office Service 邮政服务
TUTORIAL_TITLE[RoadTollsNotUsed]:0 Road Tolls 公路收费站
TUTORIAL_TITLE[HistoricalBuilding]:0 Make Building Historical 定义历史性建筑
TUTORIAL_TITLE[CampusAreaCreated]:0 Build an Administration Building 建造一座行政大楼
TUTORIAL_TITLE[CampusAreasNotUsed]:0 Build a Campus Area 建造一个校园区域
TUTORIAL_TITLE[AcademicWorksTabOpened]:0 Academic Works 学术作品
TUTORIAL_TITLE[AdministrationBuildingPlaced]:0 Campus Attractiveness 校园吸引力
TUTORIAL_TITLE[AcademicYearMidterm]:0 Academic Year 学年
TUTORIAL_TITLE[UniqueFacultyNotUsed]:0 Build a Unique Faculty 建造一座独特学院
TUTORIAL_TITLE[MuseumUnlocked]:0 Build a Museum 建造一座博物馆
TUTORIAL_TITLE[VSArenaBuilt]:0 Home and Away matches 主场与客场比赛
TUTORIAL_TITLE[AcademicYearReportClosed]:0 Campus Reputation 校园声望
TUTORIAL_TITLE[PublicLibraryUnlocked]:0 Build a Public Library 建造一座公共图书馆
TUTORIAL_TITLE[VarsityTabSelected]:0 Varsity Team 校队
TUTORIAL_TITLE[VSTrophyEarned]:0 Varsity Sport Trophies 校队体育奖杯
TUTORIAL_TITLE[TrolleybusDepotBuilt]:0 Trolleybus Depot 无轨电车总站
TUTORIAL_TITLE[IntercityBusConnection]:0 Intercity Bus outside connection 城际公交车外部连接
TUTORIAL_TITLE[HelicopterDepotNotUsed]:0 Helicopter Depot 直升机总站
TUTORIAL_TITLE[HelicopterLine]:0 How to create Helicopter line? 如何创建直升机线路?
TUTORIAL_TITLE[FishingHarborNotUsed]:0 Fishing Industry 捕鱼业
TUTORIAL_TITLE[FishingRoute]:0 Creating fishing routes 正在创建捕捞路线
TUTORIAL_TITLE[FishTypes]:0 Fishing Harbors and Fish Farms 捕捞港口和养鱼场
TUTORIAL_TITLE[FishingWaterPollution]:0 Water pollution and fishing 水污染和捕捞
TUTORIAL_TITLE[FishFactoryMarketBuilt]:0 Fish Factory and Fish Market 鱼肉加工厂和鱼市场
TUTORIAL_TITLE[WasteTrasferSystemNotUsed]:0 Waste Transfer System 垃圾转运系统
TUTORIAL_TITLE[InlandWaterTreatmentNotUsed]:0 Inland Water Treatment 内陆污水处理厂
TUTORIAL_TITLE[ChildHealthCenterNotUsed]:0 Child Health Center 孩童健康中心
TUTORIAL_TITLE[ElderCareNotUsed]:0 Eldercare 养老院
TUTORIAL_TITLE[WasteTransferFacilityFull]:0 Waste Transfer Facility is full! 垃圾转运设施已满!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[FestivalColorNotUsed]:0 Customize festival colour 自定义节日颜色
TUTORIAL_TITLE[BandPreparing]:0 Audience 观众
TUTORIAL_TITLE[BandPopularity]:0 Band Popularity 乐队知名度
TUTORIAL_TITLE[TicketPrices]:0 Ticket Prices 票价
TUTORIAL_TITLE[TeamColorNotUsed]:0 Customize team colour 自定义队伍颜色
TUTORIAL_TITLE[MatchPreparing]:0 Audience 观众
TUTORIAL_TITLE[TerrainToolNotUsed]:0 Modify the terrain! 调整地形!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[NotEnoughDirt]:0 Not enough soil! 土壤不足!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[TooMuchDirt]:0 Can't pick up more soil! 不能再获取更多土壤了!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[CameraNotZoomed]:0 Zoom camera 调节缩放
TUTORIAL_TITLE[CameraNotMoved]:0 Pan camera 平移视角
TUTORIAL_TITLE[CameraNotRotated]:0 Rotate camera 旋转视角
TUTORIAL_TITLE[CameraNotTilted]:0 Tilt camera 倾斜视角
TUTORIAL_TITLE[ZoningNotUsed]:0 New zone available! 新可用区域!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[ZoningDemandResidentialLow]:0 Build more residential zone 建造更多的住宅区
TUTORIAL_TITLE[ZoningDemandCommercialLow]:0 Build more commercial zone 建造更多的商业区
TUTORIAL_TITLE[ZoningDemandIndustrial]:0 Build more industrial zone 建设更多的工业区
TUTORIAL_TITLE[BuildingAbandonedFirst]:0 Abandoned building 已废弃建筑
TUTORIAL_TITLE[BuildingAbandonedLong]:0 Abandoned building 已废弃建筑
TUTORIAL_TITLE[BuildingOnFire]:0 A building is on fire! 有建筑物着火了!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[BuildingBurned]:0 A building has burned down 建筑物已被烧毁
TUTORIAL_TITLE[ServiceNotUsed]:0 New services! 新服务!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[BuildingNotUsed]:0 New building! 新建筑!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[GarbageNeeded]:0 Garbage is piling up 垃圾堆积如山
TUTORIAL_TITLE[PoliceNeeded]:0 Crime is high 犯罪率高
TUTORIAL_TITLE[HealthcareNeeded]:0 Low health 健康状况严峻
TUTORIAL_TITLE[EducationNeeded]:0 Education needed 需要教育
TUTORIAL_TITLE[WaterAndSewageNeeded]:0 City needs more water 城市需要更多的水
TUTORIAL_TITLE[ElectricityNeeded]:0 City needs more power 城市需要更多的电
TUTORIAL_TITLE[BeautificationNeeded]:0 Low happiness 幸福度过低
TUTORIAL_TITLE[DrainPipeMissing]:0 Drain pipe needed! 需要排水管!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[WaterPumpMissing]:0 Water pump needed! 需要抽水站!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[ConnectionNotUsed]:0 Outside connection needed 需要对外连接
TUTORIAL_TITLE[ResourceNotUsed]:0 Get your production started 请开始生产
TUTORIAL_TITLE[BuyLand]:0 Buy new land 购买新的土地
TUTORIAL_TITLE[TrafficJam]:0 Traffic is jammed 交通堵塞
TUTORIAL_TITLE[RoadNeeded]:0 Road proximity needed 需要附近有可用道路
TUTORIAL_TITLE[WaterNeeded]:0 Place next to water 放置在水边
TUTORIAL_TITLE[Speed]:0 Want to speed things up? 速度加快
TUTORIAL_TITLE[Pause]:0 Game Paused 游戏暂停
TUTORIAL_TITLE[Economy]:0 Economy panel unlocked 经济控制面板解锁
TUTORIAL_TITLE[Help]:0 Need more information? 需要更多的信息?
TUTORIAL_TITLE[NoMoney]:0 Not enough money! 金钱不足!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[RoadUpgradeNonroad]:0 Click on an existing road! 单击现有的道路!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[InfoView]:0 Info views 信息视图
TUTORIAL_TITLE[GrowCity]:0 Grow the city 发展城市
TUTORIAL_TITLE[UnfinishedLine]:0 Line not finished 线路尚未完成
TUTORIAL_TITLE[Milestone]:0 Reach a milestone 已到达里程碑
TUTORIAL_TITLE[SubtoolRoad]:0 More options 更多选项
TUTORIAL_TITLE[SubtoolZoning]:0 More options 更多选项
TUTORIAL_TITLE[UpgradeRoad]:0 Upgrade roads 升级道路
TUTORIAL_TITLE[FirstDeath]:0 Cemetery needed 需要公墓
TUTORIAL_TITLE[CloseMenu]:0 Back to normal view 返回正常视角
TUTORIAL_TITLE[Bulldozer]:0 Not where you want it? 是建错地方了吗?
TUTORIAL_TITLE[CemeteryFull]:0 Cemetery Full 公墓全满
TUTORIAL_TITLE[HarborConnectionNeeded]:0 Route needed 需要路线
TUTORIAL_TITLE[WrongStationType]:0 Wrong station type 站点类型错误
TUTORIAL_TITLE[BulldozerTip]:0 Bulldozer 推土机
TUTORIAL_TITLE[LandfillFull]:0 Facility full 设施全满
TUTORIAL_TITLE[SetPolicy]:0 Set policies 设置政策
TUTORIAL_TITLE[SetDistrict]:0 Set Districts 设置区划
TUTORIAL_TITLE[AboutWindVelocity]:0 Placing Wind Turbines 放置风力发电机
TUTORIAL_TITLE[OneWayRoads]:0 One-Way Roads 多条单行路
TUTORIAL_TITLE[InfoWindows]:0 Info Windows 信息窗口
TUTORIAL_TITLE[TooMuchStock]:0 Production Surplus 生产过剩
TUTORIAL_TITLE[NoCustomers]:0 No Customers! 没有客人!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[BuildRoad]:0 Build Roads 修筑道路
TUTORIAL_TITLE[FirstZone]:0 Starting building your city 开始建设您的城市
TUTORIAL_TITLE[RenameObject]:0 Renaming 重命名
TUTORIAL_TITLE[ElevatedRoad]:0 Elevated Roads 高架道路
TUTORIAL_TITLE[Crossroads]:0 Crossroads and traffic 十字路口和交通
TUTORIAL_TITLE[GetLoan]:0 Running out of money? 没钱了吗?
TUTORIAL_TITLE[ElectricityNeeded2]:0 Disconnected Power Grids? 电网断了吗?
TUTORIAL_TITLE[WaterAndSewageNeeded2]:0 Pipeline Problems? 是管道的问题吗?
TUTORIAL_TITLE[TaxesHigh]:0 Taxes too high! 税率过高!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[FacilityEmpty]:0 Facility empty 设施全空
TUTORIAL_TITLE[FirstLevelUp]:0 A building has leveled up! 建筑已升级!
TUTORIAL_TITLE[FirstInfoWindowZoned]:0 How is the building doing? 建筑状况如何了?
TUTORIAL_TITLE[AboutChirper]:0 Chirper 小啾啾
TUTORIAL_TEXT[ChirpX Launch Control Center]:0 Rocket parts made from processed oil and ore resources are delivered to the ChirpX Launch Site to assemble a rocket. When a rocket is assembled and the launch preparations are finished, you can launch it using the button in the launch site panel. 从石油和矿物资源加工出来的火箭部件会被送到啾啾X发射站用来组装火箭。当火箭组装完毕,且发射准备完成后,你可以使用发射站面板中的按钮进行发射。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[AirportAreaCreated]:0 Place an Airport Terminal building to create an area and add concourses to it to expand the airport. The terminal also acts as a hub for city services. 放置一幢机场航站楼以创建一个区域,并在此添加候机大厅以扩大机场。该航站楼还充当了城市服务的枢纽。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[AirportAreaNotUsed]:0 You can create an Airport Area and build different types of airport buildings inside the area. Try it out! Airport buildings can be built alongside concourses. 你可以创建一个机场区,并在该区域内建造不同类型的机场建筑。试试看!机场建筑可建在候机大厅旁。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[SnowDumpNotUsed]:0 Snow has fallen on city streets. Snow slows down traffic. To remove snow, you should build Snowdumps that send out snowplows to free roads of snow. 雪落在道路上会影响车辆行驶速度。应该建造堆雪场来会派出铲雪车清除路上的积雪。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[HeatingBuilt]:0 Make sure you connect the heating facility to upgraded water pipes and the pipes to buildings so they can utilize heat. If no heating is available, buildings will use electricity. Producing heating costs less than producing electricity, so heating should be preferred by any frugal city. 请确保已升级水管连接供暖设施和建筑物,使建筑物可以用暖气。如果没有暖气,建筑将会使用电力取暖。供暖服务的成本要低于电力,作为节约型城市应优先选择使用暖气。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[RoadMaintenanceBuilt]:0 Maintenance costs keep your roads in good condition, but to give roads an extra boost, you need the Road Maintenance Depot. The road maintenance vehicles travel around the city making sure that roads are in superb condition, which allows traffic to move faster. 道路维护费用能够保证道路于较好状态,但如果要进一步提升道路修缮水平,需要建造道路养护站。道路养护站会派出道路维修车辆,它们在城市各处维护道路,让道路保持在最佳状态,以此提高车辆行驶速度。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[TramDepotBuilt]:0 Make sure you connect the depot to tracks leading to tram lines, so the lines can receive vehicles from the depot. 请确保电车站和电车线路相连,这样电车站就能够向线路上派遣电车了。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[DepotNotConnected]:0 Make sure your vehicles can reach lines from the depot, or the lines cannot use vehicles from this depot. 请确保电车站的车辆能够行驶到线路上,否则电车站无法为这条线路派遣电车。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[CanalsNotUsed]:0 You can now build canals. Choose from three different depths to get a canal suitable for the terrain. If your canal is prone to flooding, upgrade start and end of the canal to lowest canal type to control the amount of water getting in, or try the flood walls. 现在可以建造人工河道。根据地形,在三种深度中选择合适的种类。如果修建的人工河容易洪水泛滥,可以试着在两端使用更浅的人工河,控制进水量;也可以建造堤坝来实现相同目标。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[QuaysNotUsed]:0 Use quays to finish a shoreline and allow buildings to be zoned close to the valuable waterfront. 建设海岸以完成海岸线,让建筑物能够被放置在昂贵的海滨地界附近。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[HeatingNotUsed]:0 When it gets cold, buildings need heating. By default they will use electricity for heating, but for a more economic solution, heating services can be provided. Find the heating services under the Water build menu. 天气寒冷时,建筑需要供暖。它们会默认使用电力取暖,但如果想使用更节俭的方式,可以选择供暖服务。可在水与污水服务中找到供暖服务。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[SnowDumpFull]:0 Your Snowpdump is almost full. Snow melts at a set pace, but if your city experiences heavy snowfall, you might need another Snowdump to help out. You can empty existing Snowdumps by clicking on the building and choosing "Empty". 你的堆雪场几乎满了。雪会慢慢融化,但是如果你的城市遭遇大雪,你可能需要另一个堆雪场助阵你可以选择你现有的堆雪场点击“清空”。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[UpgradeWaterPipes]:0 If you want to provide your citizens with heating, build a service building producing heat and connect it with upgraded water pipes to the buildings you want to receive heat. 如果想为市民供暖,请建造供暖服务设施,并用已升级水管将它和想要供暖的建筑连接在一起。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[BuildingFlooded]:0 There's a flood in your city! Don't worry, water will evaporate with time. Thorougly flooded buildings are abandoned, but can be rebuilt if there's demand for the zone type. 城市里发大水了!别担心,这些水过会儿就会蒸发。被完全淹没的建筑将被废弃,但如果对此种建筑仍有需求的话,可以将它重建。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[CanalDemolished]:0 When demolishing canals, water can be displaced. Water evaporates with time, so worry not! 拆除人工河后,河水有可能四处流动。河水过会儿便会蒸发,所以请别担心!
TUTORIAL_TEXT[Tornado]:0 Tornadoes move from a map edge to another, wrecking havoc on their way. 龙卷风从地图的边缘移动到另一边,在沿路造成破坏。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[Forest Fire]:0 Forest fires can start anywhere in the wilderness. Fire fighting helicopters can extinguish Forest Fires. If a fire reaches the city, it can set buildings on fire. 野外任何地点都可能发生火灾。消防直升机可以扑灭森林大火。如果大火烧向城市,建筑也可能起火。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[Meteor Strike]:0 A flaming rock from the sky is falling to the map area. If it hits the city, it will leave behind destroyed buildings and fires. 燃烧的陨石从天而降。如果击中城市,将导致建筑摧毁或着火。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[Tsunami]:0 There's been an earthquake somewhere on the sea, causing a huge wave to travel to the shore. A tsunami wave is mostly like a regular flood, but can be stronger. Buildings that go fully under water are destroyed, badly flooded ones will be abandoned. 海上某处发生了地震,导致巨浪袭向海岸。海啸波和平常的洪涝类似,但更强。完全被水淹没的建筑将被摧毁,淹水严重的建筑将被遗弃。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[Earthquake]:0 An earthquake shakes the ground! Buildings near the center of the quake can be destroyed. 地震导致大地颤动!震中附近的建筑可能会被摧毁。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[Thunderstorm]:0 Storms cause lightning strikes that can set buildings and trees on fire. Make sure your Fire Brigade is well prepared! A Lightning Rod policy can help protect buildings. 雷云降下闪电,可能点燃树木或建筑。确保消防队做好准备工作!避雷针政策可以帮助保护建筑。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[Sinkhole]:0 The ground has become unstable and parts can collapse and create sinkholes. Anything in the sinkhole area is destroyed. 地质结构不稳定,部分地区可能出现地陷。地陷区域内的任何事物都被摧毁。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[EscapeRoutes]:0 When no escape routes are present, the Shelter has coverage around it like other service buildings. If you want to control which areas use this Shelter, mark an escape route to alter the coverage area. 如果没有设置逃生路线,避难所将和其他服务建筑一样覆盖一定区域。如果想要控制使用该避难所的地区,标记一条逃生路线以更改覆盖范围。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[BuildingDestroyed]:0 A building in the city has been destroyed! You can bulldoze it, or build a Disaster Response Unit that will search through the rubble and free the lot for re-building. City Service Buildings can be rebuild by clicking on building after the rubble has been searched and choosing Rebuild. 城市内的一栋建筑被摧毁!你可以铲除它,或者建立灾难应急小队,他们会调查废墟并让地块准备好重建。被调查完毕后,选择“重建”便可以重建城市服务建筑。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[FloodPumping]:0 A building in the city is flooded with water! Flooded buildings can become abandoned or even destroyed, but you can help by building a Pumping Service. They pump out misplaced water. 城市内的一栋建筑被水淹了!淹水的建筑会被遗弃,甚至是被破坏,但你可以通过建立抽水服务缓解。他们会抽除淹水。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[NoEvac]:0 A disaster is approaching! Remember to evacuate the citizens to Shelters to make sure the loss of life in the city is minimal. 灾难即将降临!记得将市民撤离到避难所,并保证城市人口损失降到最低。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[ScenarioGoals]:0 You are playing a scenario. You can check what the scenario goals are by clicking here. 你正在进行一个剧本。你可以点击这里查看剧本目标。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[WaterOutletOnLand]:0 Water outlets can be placed anywhere, but keep in mind that the water they pump out will flow downhill and fill suitable areas. Water evaporates and outlets can be turned on and off to control water. 出水口可以放在任意位置,但谨记,他们排出的水会流到坡下并在适合的位置积聚。水会蒸发,也可以通过开关出水口来控制流水。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[Chirpynado]:0 Whoah! Instead of a regular tornado, a very rare Chirpynado has formed! Instead of destoying things, it actually upgrades buildings it travels over. 哇!这并非是普通的龙卷风,而是稀有的啾啾风暴!它不会摧毁建筑,反而会升级路过的建筑。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[DestroyedRoads]:0 The road has been destoyed. Use road upgrade tool to rebuild road, or bulldoze it. 道路已被摧毁。使用道路升级工具重建,或者将其铲除。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[DestroyedRoadsTimePassed]:0 To fix roads, use the road upgrade tool in the road building menu. You can also just bulldoze the destroyed roads. 在道路修建菜单使用道路升级工具修复道路。你也可以直接铲除被摧毁的道路。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[BuildingDestroyed2]:0 Click on the destroyed building to see what it was and can it be rebuilt. Service buildings visited by the Disaster Response Unit can be rebuilt. 点击被摧毁的建筑来确认是否可以被重建。灾难响应单位可以重建其观察过的服务建筑。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[SheltersNotUsed]:0 If a disaster hits your city, evacuating citizens to Shelters helps them stay safe. Build Shelters to prepare for evacuation. 如果你的城市正遭受着灾难,帮助市民疏散到避难所来保护他们的安全。建造避难所来用于疏散市民。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[CitizensInShelters]:0 Remember to release citizens from Shelters once the disaster has passed. Citizens in Shelters don’t pay taxes. If citzens were left homeless, they will stay in the Shelters even when released and wait for new housing to be found in the city. 记住在灾难结束后让市民离开避难所。在避难所内的市民不会纳税。如果市民无家可归,他们甚至会在离开避难所后等待,直到城市里出现新的住所后入住。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[RoadNames]:0 Roads now have names. Click on a name to open and information panel about the road in question. 现在道路有了名称。点击名称打开相关道路的信息面板。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[RoadNamesOpen]:0 Select “Adjust road” to alter what is considered to be one road. Click on “Traffic routes” to open the info view for seeing where vehicles and citizens travel.

To look at what sort of routes citizens take to and from the road, click on “Traffic Routes” to get to the Traffic Routes info view.

TUTORIAL_TEXT[Monorail]:0 Connect two or more Monorail Stations with tracks to be able to create a Monorail Line. 用轨道连接两个或更多单轨列车站,创建单轨列车线路。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[Ferryline]:0 Build two or more Stops or Piers to be able to create a ferry line. Stops and Piers need to be connected to each other with Pathways or with canals that automatically have Pathways. 修建两个或更多站点或码头,以便能够创建渡船航线。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[Ferrydepot]:0 Before you can place Stops and Piers, you need to have a Depot to provide lines with ferries. The Depot automatically sends out ferries to all lines as long as it has access to the lines via Pathways. The Depot does not act as a stop and cannot be part of a line. 您需要有渡船总站提供渡船航线之后才可以放置站点和码头。渡船总站自动向所有航线派发渡船,且不需要连接至任何航线。渡船总站需通过水路与航线衔接。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[Blimpline]:0 Place Blimp stops and connect them with Pathways and Blimp Line to create a line. Make sure to connect the Blimp Depot to your line with a Pathway, so it can send Blimps to service the line. 放置飞艇站,并用飞艇航线将其连接,以创建航线。使用“飞艇路径”引导飞艇找到站点。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[Blimpdepot]:0 Start by placing a Blimp Depot. The Depot will automatically send Blimps to all lines it is connected to with Pathways. The Depot is not part of a line and does not act as a stop. 首先放置飞艇站。总站将自动向所有航线派发飞艇,且不需要连接至航线。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[RouteButton]:0 Click on the button to open Routes info view. The info view lets you investigate where citizens and vehicles are going, and where vehicles and citizens are coming from and going to when a building or a road is selected. 点击按钮打开路线信息视图。选择一幢建筑或一条道路后,该信息视图可让你调查市民和车辆的去向以及车辆和市民的来往路线。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[FerryBusHub]:0 This is a combination building, meaning it can have more than one type of public transport line connected to it. Connect a Ferry Line and a Bus Line to allow passengers to switch between transport types efficiently within the building. 这是一座综合建筑,也就是说,它可以连接多种公共交通线路。连接渡船航线和公共汽车线路,以便乘客可以在建筑内高效地换乘不同类型的交通工具。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[EndOfLineTrains]:0 This is an end of line station. You can connect lines only on one side of the building and trains cannot continue through it but must turn. 这是线路终点列车站。你仅可以在建筑的一侧连接线路,列车不可以穿过建筑,必须转向。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[LocalOnly]:0 You can mark Train Stations to accept or not accept intercity trains. Intercity trains will not stop at the station but will continue through it if not accepted. By default stations accept all trains. 你可以对列车站作出标记以接受或不接受城际列车。如果不接受,则城际列车不会在列车站停靠,而是会穿过列车站。默认情况下,列车站接受所有列车。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[YieldLights]:0 To set traffic lights on or off, click on the traffic light icon in the center of the intersection.

If an intersection does not have traffic lights, it can have yield rules. A yield means traffic coming from the road with the yield must give way to other traffic before entering the intersection. Click on a yield icon to toggle it on or off.



TUTORIAL_TEXT[VisualAids]:0 When a road building tool is selected, the small circle shows you the width of the road you are placing, and if the road type creates zoning grids, the larger circle around the small circle shows the width of the grid the road will create.

When connecting to an existing road, you can see the angle at which the road connects to the existing road.



TUTORIAL_TEXT[UGBulldozer]:0 To bulldoze tunnels and other underground structures, choose the Underground mode to see and easily select underground items. To return to normal view, click on Underground mode again to toggle it off. 要用推土机清理隧道和其他地下结构,选择“地下”模式查看并轻松选择地下物品。要返回正常视图,再次点击“地下”模式关闭。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[AdjustVehicles]:0 To adjust how many vehicles this particular line has, move the slider. The base amount is based on budget. 要调整特定线路有多少车辆,移动滑块。基本数量根据预算确定。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[NoRouteFound]:0 If your vehicles cannot find a route between stops or stations on their own, use the Path tool to mark the path they need to take. Draw paths between the stops or stations that cannot be found, or use them for any route to adjust where the vehicles travel. 如果您的车辆不能自行找到站点或车站之间的路线,请使用“路径”工具标记它们需要采取的路线。在找不到的站点或车站之间绘制路径,或将它们用于任何路线来调整车辆要去的地方。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[AdjustSnapping]:0 Choose if you wish the tool to snap to angles, guidelines or not snap at all. 选择是希望工具对齐角度、标线还是根本不对齐。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[SnowRoad]:0 Snow has fallen on the road, making it harder for vehicles to move on it. If you do not yet have a Snow Dump, build one. It will send out Snowplows to collect snow from roads. 道路上的积雪对车辆通行造成了困难。请保证至少拥有一所堆雪场。堆雪场会派出铲雪车收集道路上的积雪。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[ParkAreasNotUsed]:0 You can mark areas as parks and place buildings and decorations in them. Try it out! 你可以将区域标记为公园,并在里面放置建筑与装饰。试试看吧!
TUTORIAL_TEXT[ParkAreaCreated]:0 When you have a Park Area, check out the park items that are available. Buildings and decorations placed inside the Park Area attract more visitors to visit your park. 当你有公园区域之后,记得查看一下可用的公园物品。带有建筑与装饰的公园比光秃秃的公园更有吸引力。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[ParkGatePlaced]:0 The gate you have placed allows you to collect entrance fees from visitors. Click on the gate to see more information about your park and to adjust ticket prices. 你放置的正门可允许你向访客出售门票。点击正门查看更多关于公园区域的详情,并调整门票价格。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[ParkBuildingInsideParkArea]:0 The park building you placed contributes to how well your Park Area does and what it requires. 你放置的公园建筑将决定公园区域的运营状况,以及它的需求。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[ParkBuildingOutsideParkArea]:0 Park buildings can be placed anywhere, but are most powerful in Park Areas when they receive bonuses based on Park Area level. 公园建筑可以放置在任何地方,但放在公园区域内时效果最好,这样可以受到公园区域等级的加成。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[IndustryAreasNotUsed]:0 You can create Industry Areas and build highly specialized industrial buildings inside these areas. Try it out! 你现在可以创建一处工业区并且在其范围内建设各种专精的工业建筑了。还等什么,马上就来试试吧!
TUTORIAL_TEXT[IndustryAreaCreated]:0 Build a Main building to assign an Industry Area a type and allow it to level. 先建设主楼以决定该工业区的专精类型。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[MainBuildingPlaced]:0 Build an extractor to collect raw materials for the processing plants. 建设开采建筑以便为加工厂提供源源不断的原材料。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[ExtractorPlaced]:0 You need processing plants to refine the raw materials into Special Goods. You will need Special Goods to provide the Unique Factories with the needed materials. 加工厂可以将原材料转化为特殊货物。特殊货物可以为独特工厂提供其专用的材料。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[IndustryBuildingOutsideIndustryArea]:0 Industry buildings can operate only within an Industry Area. 工业建筑必须位于工业区范围内才可以运作。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[WarehouseNeeded]:0 Seems like you are accumulating goods and products. Build Warehouses to create larger buffer storage and manage industrial traffic. 看来你累积了不少货物与商品。请建设仓库来增加存放空间以及方便管理工业区的物流运输。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[UniqueFactoryNotUsed]:0 Build a Unique Factory to produce Luxury Products. These products can be sold for profit to Commercial zones or they can be exported outside the city. 请建造独特工厂来生产奢侈品。奢侈品可以被出售到商业区或者出口到其他的城市。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[PostServiceNotUsed]:0 Build a Post Office to take care of the mail deliveries in the city. A properly functioning Post Office city service will make the citizens much happier. 建设邮局以处理城市里的邮件递送服务。邮局能够提升居民的幸福度。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[RoadTollsNotUsed]:0 You can build Road Tolls to collect extra income to cover the road maintenance costs or other expenses. Road tolls will slow down the traffic. 请建设公路收费站以获取更多收入来抵消公路的维护费用等等花费。不过收费站会降低交通流量。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[HistoricalBuilding]:0 You can now make any zoned building Historical to preserve its visual appearance by ticking a new check box in the building's Info Panel. The Historical building continues to function normally. Check it out! 你现在可以通过建筑的信息栏将任何进行过分区的建筑定义为历史性建筑。这样该建筑就会一直维持着原有的外观,并且其功能不会受到影响。马上就来试试看吧!
TUTORIAL_TEXT[CampusAreaCreated]:0 Build an Administration Building to assign a Campus area a type and allow it to level. Building an Administration Building starts the Academic Year cycle. It also acts as a hub for city services. 建造一座行政大楼来给校园区域设置类型,并允许校园区域升级。建造行政大楼后将开始学年周期。它也会作为城市服务的总部。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[CampusAreasNotUsed]:0 You can create a Campus Areas and build different types of campus buildings inside these areas. Try it out! Campus buildings can be build alongside roads and campus paths. 你可以创造校园区域,并在里面建造各种类型的校园建筑。试试看吧!校园建筑可以沿着道路与校园路径建造。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[AcademicWorksTabOpened]:0 Academic Works are one of the requirements to gain Campus reputation. Chance of creating Academic Works can be increased by hiring more Academic Staff. The campus can also directly fund the creation of one Academic Work through Research Grants. 学术作品是获得校园声望的需求之一。额外雇佣学术人员可增加创作学术作品的几率。校园也可以通过研究授予来直接资助学术作品的创作。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[AdministrationBuildingPlaced]:0 Campus Attractiveness is one of the requirements to gain Campus reputation. Campus Attractiveness can be gained through multiple sources including campus buildings and varsity sports. 校园吸引力是获得校园声望的需求之一。校园吸引力可通过多种渠道获取,包括校园建筑与校队体育。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[AcademicYearMidterm]:0 Hey, it seems you are halfway through the Academic Year! You still have time to expand and adjust your campus area before the end of the Academic Year. Check out the requirements for advancing your campus area in the Campus Info Panel. 看来你的学年已经过了一半了!在学年结束之前,你仍有时间来调整你的校园区域。你可在校园信息面板查看校园升级的需求。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[UniqueFacultyNotUsed]:0 Building a Unique Faculty increases student capacity and unlocks a City-wide Faculty Bonus. All faculties have different and unique bonuses. 建造独特学院可增加学生容量,并解锁城市范围的学院加成。每个学院都有各自的独特加成。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[MuseumUnlocked]:0 Museum is a unique building to display Academic Works. Each campus type has its own museum. Museums increase city attractiveness and the more Academic Works it houses, the more attractive the museum becomes. 博物馆是用来展览学术作品的独特建筑。每种校园类型都有自己的博物馆。博物馆可增加城市吸引力,而且会随着学术作品的增多而逐渐增加吸引力。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[VSArenaBuilt]:0 The varsity team plays in home and away matches. Match outcomes can be affected by ticket price, hiring coaching staff, funding cheerleading and using Varsity Sports policies. 校队会参加主场与客场比赛。比赛结果可受到门票价格、雇佣教练组、资助啦啦队以及校队体育政策影响。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[AcademicYearReportClosed]:0 Once the campus area meets the requirements of Academic Works, students studying and campus attractiveness it can gain reputation at the end of the Academic Year. Keep in mind that the campus can also lose reputation if the campus area doesn't meet the requirements to stay on the current reputation level. 当校园区域满足了学术作品、在学人数以及校园吸引力的要求时,就会在学年结束时获得声望。记住,如果校园未能满足维持当前声望等级的需求,也会失去声望。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[PublicLibraryUnlocked]:0 Public Library is a new city service that provides entertainment and a small chance for young adults and adults to become more educated. 公共图书馆是一项新的城市服务,除了提供娱乐之外,也有小几率增加年轻人与成年人的受教育程度。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[VarsityTabSelected]:0 It's time to choose your varsity team identity and color. Changing the varsity team identity will affect the appearance of the campus sport arenas and the varsity team mascot. 现在该选择你的校队特征与颜色了。更改校队身份将影响校队竞技场和校队吉祥物的外观。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[VSTrophyEarned]:0 If the varsity team performs well, they can win trophies at the end of the Academic Year. Winning trophies increases the Campus Attractiveness. The campus earns a monetary reward with each trophy. 如果校队的表现出色,可以在学年结束时赢得奖杯。赢得奖杯会增加校园的吸引力。每个奖杯也都会使校园获得奖金。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[TrolleybusDepotBuilt]:0 Make sure you connect the depot to trolleybus tracks leading to trolleybus lines so that the lines can receive vehicles from the depot. 确保你将总站与通向无轨电车线路的轨道相连,这样线路才能从总站接收车辆。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[IntercityBusConnection]:0 Intercity buses bring tourists into your city. Make sure the intercity buses can reach the highway outside connection. 城际公交车将游客带入你的城市。确保城际公交车能够到达高速公路外部连接。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[HelicopterDepotNotUsed]:0 Want to create a Helicopter line? First place the Helicopter Depot and Helicopter stops. 想要创建一条直升机线路?先放置直升机总站和直升机站点。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[HelicopterLine]:0 Place Helicopter stops and connect them with Pathways and use the Helicopter Line tool to create a line. Make sure to connect the Helicopter Depot to your line with a Pathway, so that it can send Helicopters to service the line. 放置直升机站点,用路径将它们相连,然后使用直升机线路工具创建一条线路。确保用路径将直升机总站与你的线路相连,这样才能派遣直升机为线路服务。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[FishingHarborNotUsed]:0 Fishing Industry introduces Fish Farms and Fishing Harbors. Set up fishing routes to catch different types of fish. Sell fresh fish directly to the citizens through the Fish Market or deliver it to the Fish Factory where it will be processed into goods. Fish can also be exported. 捕鱼业引入了养鱼场和捕捞港口。设置捕捞路线来捕捞不同类型的鱼。通过鱼市场直接向市民们出售新鲜的鱼,或将其送至鱼肉加工厂处理成货物。鱼也可以出口。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[FishingRoute]:0 Use the Fishing Line tool to draw a fishing route. The fishing route needs to start and end at the same fishing harbor. 使用捕捞路线工具来绘制一条捕捞路线。捕捞路线需要在同一个捕捞港口开始和结束。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[FishTypes]:0 Fishing harbors catch different types of fish. Fish types are determined by the water current and depth. Use the Fishing Industry infoview for additional information.  Fish Farms cultivate fish and water plants. 捕捞港口捕捞不同类型的鱼。鱼类型由水流和水深决定。使用捕鱼业信息视图来获得更多信息。养鱼场养殖鱼和水生植物。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[FishingWaterPollution]:0 Water pollution affects the fish yield in the area of the pollution. If the water is polluted, the fishing boats won't catch fish and Fish Farms stop cultivating. 水污染影响污染区域内的鱼产量。如果水受到污染,渔船将无法捕捞到鱼,并且养鱼场会停止养殖。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[FishFactoryMarketBuilt]:0 Fish Factory gives an income bonus from selling goods to commercial zones. In addition to the income bonus, Fish Market also provides a health benefit for the citizens living within its radius. 鱼肉加工厂通过将货物出售至商业区来获得额外收入。除此以外,鱼市场还会为居住在其半径内的市民提供健康收益。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[WasteTrasferSystemNotUsed]:0 Waste Transfer Facility is a  temporary waste storage site with minimal ground pollution that can be placed in the city. Waste Processing Complex receives garbage from Waste Transfer Facilities and Landfill Sites which it then processes into recycled goods and energy. 垃圾转运设施是一座对地面污染最小的临时垃圾存放站,可以被放置在城市内。垃圾处理厂从垃圾转运设施和填埋站收集垃圾,然后将其处理为可回收材料和能源。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[InlandWaterTreatmentNotUsed]:0 Inland Water Treatment Plant can process waste water and pump it directly to the ground, resulting in ground pollution. 内陆污水处理厂能够处理污水,并将其直接排放至地面,产生地面污染。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[ChildHealthCenterNotUsed]:0 Child Health Center increases birthrate and provides a health bonus for children and teenagers within its radius. 孩童健康中心提高出生率,并为其半径内的孩童和青少年提供健康加成。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[ElderCareNotUsed]:0 Eldercare increases lifespans and provides a health and entertainment bonus for seniors within its radius. 养老院提高寿命,并为其半径内的年长者提供健康和娱乐加成。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[WasteTransferFacilityFull]:0 Waste Transfer Facility has a limited capacity. Once the facility is full, you can build a new one to keep the service working or use the "Empty" button to start emptying the facility. Waste Transfer Facility can empty to any other garbage city service facility. If you wish to bulldoze a Waste Transfer Facility, it needs to be emptied first. 设施的容量有限。一旦设施容量已满,你可以建造一个新的设施来保持这项服务继续运作,或使用“清空”按钮开始清空设施。垃圾转运设施可以清空任何其他垃圾城市服务设施。如果你想要推平一座垃圾转运设施,需要先将其清空。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[FestivalColorNotUsed]:0 You can choose a custom brand colour for your local festival. Click on the colour to pick a new one! 你可以为当地节日自己选择颜色。点击选择新的颜色!
TUTORIAL_TEXT[BandPreparing]:0 Having more audience increases the chances for a band to play a successful concert. Make sure you have good road connections and public transportation options, so citizens can arrive to the Festival Area easily. 观众越多,乐队举办成功音乐会的几率就越高。设法保证道路连通和公共交通的良好,这样居民能更方便地到达【节日区】。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[BandPopularity]:0 The band's popularity affects its ticket sales. A band can increase its popularity by playing successful concerts or by having an active advertisement campaign. 乐队的知名度会影响票价。乐队可以通过举办成功的音乐会或者活跃的广告宣传提升知名度。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[TicketPrices]:0 You can set the ticket prices for each band. Lower prices will draw in more customers, but they also have an negative effect on the band's popularity. 你可以为每个乐队设置票价。票价越低吸引来的顾客就越多,但他们也对乐队的知名度产生负面影响。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[TeamColorNotUsed]:0 You can choose a custom colour for your city's team. Click on the colour to pick a new one! 你可以为自己城市的队伍选择自定义颜色。点击一种颜色来重新选取。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[MatchPreparing]:0 Having more audience increases the odds for the team to win. Make sure you have good road connections and public transportation options, so citizens can arrive to the stadium easily. 观众越多,球队胜率越高。确保拥有通畅的道路连接、提供公共交通服务,这样市民才能方便地抵达球场。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[TerrainToolNotUsed]:0 With the landscaping tools, you can tweak the terrain under your city. The land must be free of structures. Start by digging some terrain, for example with the Shift tool. After you have dug up some soil, you can elevate terrain by using the soil you have picked up. 使用地形调整工具,即可对地形进行微调。需调整的土地上方不能留有任何建筑。一开始,要先使用变化工具,对某些地方进行挖掘。在挖出一定数量的土壤之后,就可以使用其对地形进行提升。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[NotEnoughDirt]:0 To elevate more ground, you need to pick up soil somewhere. Use for example Shift tool to lower terrain somewhere on the map to gain more soil. 要提升地面,您需要先从别处获取土壤。若想这么做的话,您可使用变化工具,将地图上的某处地方挖低一些,并获得土壤。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[TooMuchDirt]:0 Your soil depository is full. Place soil somewhere on the map to free room to pick up more soil. You can for example use Shift tool to elevate terrain to place some soil. 所能存放的土壤已达上限。请将土壤放置到地图上的某处,以腾出存放空间。可使用变化工具将地图某处地势提升,以放置土壤。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[CameraNotZoomed]:0 Use mouse wheel or <setting cameraZoomCloser>/<setting cameraZoomAway> to zoom in and out. 使用鼠标滚轮或 <setting cameraZoomCloser>/<setting cameraZoomAway> 来缩小放大。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[CameraNotMoved]:0 Use <setting cameraMoveForward>/<setting cameraMoveLeft>/<setting cameraMoveBackward>/<setting cameraMoveRight> keys to pan camera. 按下 <setting cameraMoveForward>/<setting cameraMoveLeft>/<setting cameraMoveBackward>/<setting cameraMoveRight> 键来平移视角.
TUTORIAL_TEXT[CameraNotRotated]:0 Hold <setting cameraMouseRotate> and move the mouse left and right. 按住<setting cameraMouseRotate> ,向左或者向右移动鼠标。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[CameraNotTilted]:0 Hold <setting cameraMouseRotate> and move the mouse up and down. 按住<setting cameraMouseRotate> ,向上或者向下移动鼠标。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[ZoningNotUsed]:0 Have you noticed you can now zone {0}? 您注意到现在可以将{0}分区了吗?
TUTORIAL_TEXT[ZoningDemandResidentialLow]:0 Residential zone is in great demand as there are not enough homes for everyone. Zone new residential areas to provide housing for your citizens. 市民开始在空地上搭起帐篷,祈祷着有个能遮风避雨的家。请划分出新的住宅区来为您的市民提供住房。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[ZoningDemandCommercialLow]:0 People want places to shop and enjoy themselves. Zone more commercial zone to get more shops and recreational facilities in the city! 人们需要能够购物和放松的地方。请划分出更多的商业区来让城市获得更多的店铺和娱乐设施!
TUTORIAL_TEXT[ZoningDemandIndustrial]:0 Unemployment is high in the city. Zone more industrial, office and commercial zones to provide jobs for people. 城市的失业率很高,而且一群人宅在家里开黑了。请划分更多的工业区、办公区和商业区来为您的市民提供就业岗位。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[BuildingAbandonedFirst]:0 There's an abandoned building in the city and it's spoiling the view! You can bulldoze it to make the people in the neighborhood happier. If you choose to leave it be, a new building can be built on top of it if there's demand for the zone type. 城市里有一栋已废弃的建筑,非常有损城市景观!您可将它铲平以提高附近市民的幸福度。如果您选择将其保留,若该区域类型有相应需求,您也可以在其基础上重新建盖一栋全新建筑。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[BuildingAbandonedLong]:0 Have you noticed that there's an abandoned building in the city? Abandoned houses lower the land value around them, but they can be rebuilt later if there's demand for the zone type. 您是否已注意到城市里有废弃的建筑?废弃房屋虽然会降低土地价值,但可以拆除重建。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[BuildingOnFire]:0 Oh no! The {0} is on fire. Make sure the fire department has good connections to the area. 哦不!{0}着火了。请确保消防部门可顺利抵达该区域。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[BuildingBurned]:0 Uh-oh, a building has burned down! Are you sure there's enough firefighters in the city and the fire stations are well connected?

Bulldoze the burned down building to make space for a new building.



TUTORIAL_TEXT[ServiceNotUsed]:0 Remember to have a look at the newly unlocked service. 请记得去查看新解锁的服务。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[BuildingNotUsed]:0 Remember to have a look at the newly unlocked building, {0}. 记得去查看新解锁的建筑物,{0}。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[GarbageNeeded]:0 Garbage is piling up! Maybe a new garbage handling facility or better road connections to the problem areas would help? 垃圾堆积如山!也许新建一座垃圾处理厂,或改善问题区域的路况会对此有所帮助吧?
TUTORIAL_TEXT[PoliceNeeded]:0 The crime rate is quite high. Your city could use more police officers. 犯罪率很高。您的城市需要更多警察。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[HealthcareNeeded]:0 Your citizens are feeling sick. Build more healthcare services to help. Also make sure that the people can reach the services and the drinking water is clean. 您的市民感到不大对劲。请修建更多的卫生保健设施来提供帮助。也请确保这些设施被修建在市民容易到达的地方,并保证饮用水的洁净。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[EducationNeeded]:0 Workplaces need more educated employees! Should you build a new school? 需要招聘更多受过教育的职工!难道您不该建所新学校吗?
TUTORIAL_TEXT[WaterAndSewageNeeded]:0 Your city consumes more water and produces more sewage than it can handle. Build more water pumps and drain pipes to provide enough fresh water! 您的城市用水量越来越大,已无法处理所产生的污水。请修建更多的抽水站和排水管道来提供足量的纯清水!
TUTORIAL_TEXT[ElectricityNeeded]:0 Your current power output doesn't match the city's needs. Build more power plants to produce more electricity! 您当前的电力输出无法满足城市需求。请修建更多的发电站来提供更多电力!
TUTORIAL_TEXT[BeautificationNeeded]:0 Your citizens are unhappy! Try placing parks or providing better city services. Citizens become happier when they have jobs and shopping possibilities. Industry needs workers and commercial businesses need customers to thrive. 您的市民幸福度过低!请试着修建更多公园,或提供更好的城市服务。只要市民没有失业且购物便利,幸福度就会提升。因为工厂需要工人,商场需要顾客,整个城市才能实现繁荣。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[DrainPipeMissing]:0 The water pump always needs a drain pipe to handle the sewage. 抽水站必须配有一根排水管道,用以处理所产生的污水。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[WaterPumpMissing]:0 The drain pipe always needs a water pump to go with it. 排水管道通常与抽水站一起配合使用。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[ConnectionNotUsed]:0 Please connect your city to a highway connection. This way people can move in and transport goods into your city.

Outside connections also allow tourists to visit your city and goods to be exported out of your city.



TUTORIAL_TEXT[ResourceNotUsed]:0 Your city can produce {0} locally, just set the policy to allow industry to extract it. 您的城市可以开始在本地生产{0}了,仅需制定相关政策以允许工厂开始进行相关运作。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[BuyLand]:0 There's a new piece of land available for purchase, take a look! 又可以购买新的土地了,快来看看吧!
TUTORIAL_TEXT[TrafficJam]:0 Your roads seem to be packed with cars. Try upgrading roads to help with traffic congestion or add new roads, even a highway, to handle more traffic. 您的道路似乎严重塞车。升级道路可缓解交通拥堵,您也可以建设新的道路,甚至高速公路,来承载更多交通流量。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[RoadNeeded]:0 This building must be constructed next to a road. 该建筑必须建在路边。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[WaterNeeded]:0 Try placing the building on the shore, next to water! 请试着把该建筑安放在海岸,面朝大海!
TUTORIAL_TEXT[Speed]:0 You can control game speed and even pause the simulation if you want to. 您可以控制游戏的速度,如果需要,也可以随时暂停模拟过程。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[Pause]:0 The game is currently paused. You can resume and pause the game from the game speed controls or by pressing <setting inGameSimulationPause>. 游戏暂停。您可以通过调节游戏速度或按下<setting inGameSimulationPause>来实现游戏的暂停和继续。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[Economy]:0 The economy panel lets you handle taxes and see how much you make and spend. Continue growing your city to unlock more options to fine-tune the economy. 您能在经济面板上处理税务,查看收支情况。继续发展您的城市来解锁更多经济方面的调整选项。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[Help]:0 If you need more information on anything, try the Advisor button. It gives you handy tips related to the current tool or view you have selected. 如果您需要查看任何信息,请按下顾问按键。它会按照您当前使用的工具或选择的视图提供对应的小贴士。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[NoMoney]:0 You need more money to build this. 金钱不足,无法修建。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[RoadUpgradeNonroad]:0 The upgrading tool can transform an existing road to another type. Choose the type and click on a piece of road. 升级工具能改变现有公路的种类。选择种类并单击该路段。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[InfoView]:0 Access the info view to look at different information overlays to better understand how your city works. 打开信息界面,查看各种各样的信息,来对城市应当如何运作有一个更好的理解。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[GrowCity]:0 These colored bars indicate the demand for buildings by their zone types. Hover the mouse cursor over the bars to learn more. 这些彩色条代表建筑需求(根据区域类型划分)。将鼠标指针悬停在彩条上可查看更多信息。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[UnfinishedLine]:0 You have a public transport line that has not been connected as a loop, which prohibits it from working. Complete the line to allow citizens to travel! 您有一条尚未首尾相连成环形的公共交通线路,该线路无法正常运作。请完成这条线路,让居民可以自由旅行!
TUTORIAL_TEXT[Milestone]:0 To unlock more services for your citizens, grow the population to reach milestones. Click on the milestone button to see what will unlock and when. 要为市民解锁更多服务,请提高人口量至里程碑数,并单击里程碑按钮查看何时可以解锁何物。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[SubtoolRoad]:0 To get the most out of building roads, have a look at the special tools available. Try using different tools to create curved roads or upgrade an existing road to a different kind of road. 若想铺设其他类型道路,请前去查看当前可用的特殊工具。请尝试使用不同工具,来铺设一条弯曲的道路,或将一条已存在的道路升级为其他类型的道路。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[SubtoolZoning]:0 To fine tune zones, take a look at the tools for zoning. The Fill tool fills large areas with a single zone. Marquee lets you click and drag to define areas. Brush tools allow you to paint zones. All of them work with dezoning as well, but you can also click on a zone with secondary mouse button any zoning tool selected to dezone it. 若要细化分区,请仔细查看分区工具。填充工具用单一区域充满大片面积。单击并拖动选取框至对应区域。刷子工具可绘制区域。所有一切都可取消分区,但您也可用鼠标右键单击区域以将其取消。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[UpgradeRoad]:0 Did you know you can change the type of an existing road by using the Upgrade road tool in the Roads menu? 您知道吗?您可在“道路”菜单中选择升级道路工具,以改变当前道路的类型。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[FirstDeath]:0 A dead person is waiting for transport. Make sure that there are enough hearses and they can reach the building and transport the dead back to Cemeteries and Crematoriums.

Deathcare is linked to Healthcare services, take a look at its info view to gain more detailed information.



TUTORIAL_TEXT[CloseMenu]:0 Close the build menu to go back to the normal view of the city by clicking on the X. You can also click on the service icon again to close the menu. 单击 X 来关闭建筑菜单,并返回城市普通视图。您还可以再次单击服务图标来关闭菜单。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[Bulldozer]:0 If you place a building or a road in the wrong spot, you can bulldoze it. If you bulldoze recently placed items, you get most of your money back.

You can also move service buildings, just click on them and choose ”Relocate” in their information window.



TUTORIAL_TEXT[CemeteryFull]:0 There is no more space here to bury the dead. You need to build a new Cemetery or a Crematorium. 无更多空间埋葬逝者。您需要额外修建新墓地或是火葬场。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[HarborConnectionNeeded]:0 A harbor can only be placed in a location that has access to a ship route. Look for a dotted line on the sea! 港口只能放置于可以连通船只路线的地点。请留意海面上的点状线!
TUTORIAL_TEXT[WrongStationType]:0 Train passangers will not use the cargo train stations. Make sure that the train line is using proper train stations. 火车乘客无法使用货车站点。请确保火车线路使用了恰当的站点。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[BulldozerTip]:0 You can remove buildings by bulldozing them. Activate the bulldozer by pressing the bulldozer button or <setting inGameShortcutBulldozer> on your keyboard. 您可以用推土机移除建筑物。要启用推土机,请按下推土机按钮或者键盘上的<setting inGameShortcutBulldozer>键。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[LandfillFull]:0 Landfills and cemeteries have a limited capacity. Once the facility is full, you can build a new one to keep the service working. If you wish to bulldoze a landfill or a cemetery, it needs to be emptied first. Use the "Empty" button to start emptying the facility. If there are crematoriums or incineration plants in the city, the emptied items will be sent to those. Otherwise you need capacity in other landfills or cemeteries. 垃圾填埋场和墓地容量有限。一旦其到达容量上限,则需要建造新的垃圾场或公墓才能保持服务正常进行。如果想移除垃圾填埋场和公墓,您首先需要清空两者其中的内容物。请按下‘清空键’开始排空设施。若市内有焚化炉和火葬场,所清理项目将会被移动到这两个地方。否则,您将需要在其他垃圾填埋场和公墓拥有额外容量。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[SetPolicy]:0 You can set city or district wide policies from the Policy panel. Select a district by clicking its name to set District Policies. 您可以在“政策”面板中设置城市或者区划的政策。单击区划名称以设定其政策。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[SetDistrict]:0 Open the Districts tool to add and remove districts and industrial specializations for them. Specialized industries can take advantage of local natural resources. 打开区划工具以为其添加或移除区划与专营工业。专营工业的发展,可利用当地自然资源。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[AboutWindVelocity]:0 Keep in mind that Wind turbines' power output depends on Wind Velocity. You can see strong winds as dark blue areas on the map and the estimated power output next to the Wind Turbine when placing it. 请时刻谨记,风力发电机的输出大小取决于风速快慢。您可以看到地图上的暗蓝色的区域,风力较强,若将风力涡轮机放置在该处,能得到较高输出。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[OneWayRoads]:0 On one-way roads, traffic will move in the direction you draw the road. 单行道上的车辆,会朝您预先设定的道路方向移动。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[InfoWindows]:0 See more infomation about buildings, vehicles and citizens by clicking them. 单击建筑、车辆及市民以查看更多信息。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[TooMuchStock]:0 The warehouses are full! Make sure that there are enough commercial buildings and the outside connections are working. 库房已满!请确保有足够的商业建筑和外部连接正在运作。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[NoCustomers]:0 Increase population or support tourism to help your city's businesses get more customers. 请提升人口数量或扶持旅游业,来让更多顾客光临您城市中的商家。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[BuildRoad]:0 Build roads to expand your city. Select a road type and draw a road by selecting a start and end point for the road with the primary mouse button. Stop drawing a road by clicking the secondary mouse button. 将道路扩展到您的城市。选择道路类型,并单击鼠标左键选择起点和终点,以此绘制道路。请单击鼠标右键来停止绘制。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[FirstZone]:0 Select ”Zoning” and zone areas next to roads. Buildings will start spawning in a few moments after the zones are set. 选择分区并规划公路旁的区域。分区完毕后,建筑便会在短时间后开始自动生成。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[RenameObject]:0 You can rename districts, buildings, cars, citizens and other objects by clicking on their name in their relevant info window. Type the new name and press Enter to accept. 请在相关信息窗口单击区域、建筑、车辆、居民和其他物件的名称来为其重新命名。在输入新名称后,按回车键确认。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[ElevatedRoad]:0 You can build elevated roads by using the <setting buildElevationUp> key to raise road level and <setting buildElevationDown> to lower it. 你可以使用<setting buildElevationUp>键来抬高道路水平,使用<setting buildElevationDown>键来降低道路水平。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[Crossroads]:0 Crossroads and intersections that are too close to each other can cause congestion.

Frequent or complex crossroads will slow down traffic, as vehicles will stop to let turning or intersecting traffic cross the lanes.



TUTORIAL_TEXT[GetLoan]:0 If you are lacking funds to build something quickly, you can take a loan from a bank. Check the economy panel for available loan options. 如果您缺少快速建筑所需资金,可以从银行贷款。请打开经济面板,来查看可用的贷款选项。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[ElectricityNeeded2]:0 Check if your power grid has divided into multiple separate power grids and connect them with Power Lines or build new Power Plants if necessary. 检查您的电网是否已划分为多个独立部分,并与电力线路向连,或在必要时重新修建发电站。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[WaterAndSewageNeeded2]:0 Check that Water Pipes reach all the necessary areas. If you have multiple water networks, you can connect the networks to benefit from their combined capacity. 检查水管是否已连接至所有必要区域。若拥有多个水源网络,可以将其连接在一起获得更大容量。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[TaxesHigh]:0 High taxes are preventing your buildings from upgrading and citizens from being happy. 过高的税收将会导致您的建筑无法升级,并使市民幸福度降低。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[FacilityEmpty]:0 Your building is now empty! You can freely bulldoze it or let it work normally again. To make the building work normally, click on it to open info window and set the empty-mode off. 您的建筑物现在空空如也!您可以随意用压路机铲除它们,或让其再次正常运作(请单击该建筑,打开信息窗口,并关闭腾空模式)。
TUTORIAL_TEXT[FirstLevelUp]:0 If you provide good services and education and have a high land value, the zoned buildings in your city can be improved to higher level buildings. Higher level buildings pay more taxes and house more people or offer more jobs. Pollution is reduced in higher level industry. 如果您提供了良好的服务、教育和高价土地,城市建筑便可提升到更高等级。高等级建筑缴税更多,并可容纳更多市民或提供更多工作岗位。


TUTORIAL_TEXT[FirstInfoWindowZoned]:0 The info window shows you what is going on with the selected building. You can see information about the residents or workers in the building. Find out how close to leveling up the building is and what it requires by holding your cursor over the green house icon.

If there's a problem affecting the building, it is shown on the colored bar right below the name. If there are multiple problems, hold your cursor over the icons to find out what is wrong and what can be done to help the building out.



TUTORIAL_TEXT[AboutChirper]:0 Open Chirper by clicking it to see what your Citizens are talking about. 单击鼠标,打开小啾啾,来听听市民们都谈论些什么吧。
CHIRP_ROCKET_PRODUCTION:0 Our city has started building a #rocket! We will be famous! 我们的城市开始建造#火箭啦!我们马上要扬名立万了!
CHIRP_ROCKET_PRODUCTION:1 Wow, not many cities have their own rocket launch site #ProudToLiveHere #GettingReallyHigh 哇哦,能拥有自己的火箭发射站的城市可不多#我为城市骄傲#飞向高空
CHIRP_ROCKET_PRODUCTION:2 I guess they’ll get to #space, but will they be able to #survive #mars? 看来他们要飞向#太空了,不过他们能在#火星#活下来吗?
CHIRP_ROCKET_PRODUCTION:3 I’ve always wanted to #build a #rocket, now I finally get to do it! 我一直都想#建造#火箭,现在终于梦想成真了!
CHIRP_LAUNCH_PREPARATION:0 Launch preparations for our #rocket have started! I can’t wait! 我们的#火箭已经开始准备发射!我真是等不及了!
CHIRP_LAUNCH_PREPARATION:1 I heard that with the upcoming rocket launch, ChirpX will send an #edison car to space. Amazing! 我听说即将进行火箭发射,啾啾X会将一辆#爱迪生汽车送到太空。太棒了!
CHIRP_LAUNCH_PREPARATION:2 The #ChirpX #LaunchSite is soon ready for #launch. How will it go? #啾啾X#发射站即将进行#发射。大家拭目以待!
CHIRP_LAUNCH_PREPARATION:3 Looking forward to the #launch. I think I need some #space. 大家都很期待火箭#发射。看来我需要去#太空缓缓。
CHIRP_LAUNCH_PREPARATION:4 Just bear in mind that there is a good chance this monster bird rocket blows up. 请别忘了,这个巨大的铁鸟有可能会半途爆炸。
CHIRP_LAUNCH:0 What. A. Rocket! #rocket 这火箭太赞了!#火箭
CHIRP_LAUNCH:1 Amazing… I am speechless! #rockets #space #chirpXploration 太棒了……我已经无法用言语来形容!#火箭#太空#啾啾X探索
CHIRP_LAUNCH:2 Whooooooosh!!! #goingtospace #mars #whooosh 咻~!!!#飞向太空#火星#咻
CHIRP_LAUNCH:3 Wait with the #rocket, I’m still taking a #selfie! 等等呀#火箭,我还在#自拍呢!
CHIRP_LAUNCH:4 One small step for Chirper, one giant leap for Chirpkind. #space #ChirpX 这是啾啾的一小步,也是整个鸟类的一大步。#太空#啾啾X
RADIO_CHANNEL_TITLE[Mars]:0 Official Mars Radio 官方火星电台
RADIO_CHANNEL_TITLE[OnAir]:0 On Air Radio 广播电台
RADIO_CHANNEL_TITLE[CalmTheMind]:0 Calm the Mind Radio 静心电台
RADIO_CHANNEL_TITLE[Default]:0 Cities: Skylines 都市:天际线
RADIO_CHANNEL_TITLE[Classical]:0 Classical 古典频道
RADIO_CHANNEL_TITLE[Cities]:0 Cities Radio 都市广播
RADIO_CHANNEL_TITLE[Relaxation]:0 Relaxation Station 放松小站
RADIO_CHANNEL_TITLE[Rock]:0 Rock City 都市摇滚电台
RADIO_CHANNEL_TITLE[Country]:0 Country Road Radio 乡村之路电台
RADIO_CHANNEL_TITLE[Synthetic]:0 Synthetic Dawn Radio 机械黎明电台
RADIO_CHANNEL_TITLE[DeepFocus]:0 Deep Focus 《深度聚焦》
RADIO_CHANNEL_TITLE[CampusRadio]:0 Campus Radio 《校园电台》
RADIO_CHANNEL_TITLE[CoastToCoast]:0 Coast to Coast 《海岸之滨》
RADIO_CHANNEL_TITLE[Concerts]:0 Concerts 音乐会
RADIO_CHANNEL_TITLE[DowntownRadio]:0 Downtown Radio 市中心电台
RADIO_CHANNEL_TITLE[RailHawk]:0 Rail Hawk Rail Hawk
RADIO_CHANNEL_TITLE[SunnyBreeze]:0 Sunny Breeze Sunny Breeze
RADIO_CHANNEL_TITLE[Jazz]:0 All that Jazz 爵士盛典
FREEWHATSNEWCX_TITLE1:0 New ChirpX Unique Building and Official Mars Radio! 全新啾啾X独特建筑物和官方火星电台!
FREEWHATSNEWCX_TEXT1:0 Technology has advanced and your citizens can send a rocket to space! Listen to Official Mars Radio and see Chirper's new hat! 科技进步了,你的市民们现在可以向太空发射火箭了!赶快收听官方火星电台并看看啾啾的新帽子吧!
DECORATIONEDITOR_TOOL[Props]:0 Propping Tool 物件工具
DECORATIONEDITOR_TOOL[Surface]:0 Surface Tool 地表工具
DECORATIONEDITOR_TOOL[Beautification]:0 Decoration 环境美化
DECORATIONEDITOR_TOOL[AssetEditorSettings]:0 Asset Editor Settings 资产编辑工具设置
DECORATIONEDITOR_TOOL[PropsBillboards]:0 Billboards 看板
DECORATIONEDITOR_TOOL[PropsSpecialBillboards]:0 Special Billboards 特殊看板
DECORATIONEDITOR_TOOL[PropsIndustrial]:0 Industrial 工业
DECORATIONEDITOR_TOOL[PropsCommon]:0 Common 常见
DECORATIONEDITOR_TOOL[PropsResidential]:0 Residential 住宅
DECORATIONEDITOR_TOOL[PropsMarkers]:0 Markers 标记
DECORATION_SELECTOR_TITLE:0 Decoration Editor 装饰编辑工具
DECORATION_SELECTOR_USEEXISTINGDECORATION:0 Load existing props & decorations 读取现有的物件与装饰
SURFACE_TITLE[Gravel]:0 Gravel 砂砾
SURFACE_TITLE[Ruined]:0 Ruined 被毁的
SURFACE_TITLE[PavementB]:0 Pavement 路面
SURFACE_TITLE[Clip]:0 Clip 挖除
SURFACE_TITLE[Field]:0 Field 田野
SURFACE_DESC[Gravel]:0 Decorate terrain cells with gravel.

Use the secondary mouse button to restore the default terrain.



SURFACE_DESC[Ruined]:0 Decorate terrain cells with ruined terrain.

Use the secondary mouse button to restore the default terrain.



SURFACE_DESC[PavementB]:0 Decorate terrain cells with pavement.

Right click to restore the default terrain.



SURFACE_DESC[Clip]:0 Create holes in the terrain.

Right click to restore the default terrain.



SURFACE_DESC[Field]:0 Decorate terrain cells with field.

Right click to restore the default terrain.



CHIRPHEADER_TREESNPROPS:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} trees/props used 已使用 {0:N0} / {1:N0} 树木 / 物件
CONFIRM_RETURNDECORATIONEDITOR[Message]:0 Unsaved changes will be lost.

Do you wish to proceed?



CONFIRM_EXITDECORATIONEDITOR[Message]:0 Unsaved changes will be lost.

Do you wish to proceed?



ASSETIMPORTER_TITLE:0 Asset Importer 资产导入工具
ASSETIMPORTER_GRID:0 Show/Hide Grid 显示 / 隐藏格线
ASSETIMPORTER_SELECTASSET:0 Select a model to import: 选择一个模组以导入:
DECORATIONSETTINGS_TITLE[Snapshot]:0 Snapshot Tool 快照工具
DECORATIONSETTINGS_TITLE[Thumbshot]:0 Thumbshot Tool 封面工具
DECORATIONSETTINGS_TITLE[Infoshot]:0 Infoshot Tool 提示工具
DECORATIONSETTINGS_DESC[Snapshot]:0 Capture snapshots to use when saving/sharing. 保存或分享前用快照截图。
DECORATIONSETTINGS_DESC[Thumbshot]:0 Capture screenshots to be used as thumbnails when saving 截取屏幕将其作为物品封面
DECORATIONSETTINGS_DESC[Infoshot]:0 Capture screenshots to be used as tooltip images when saving 截取屏幕作为提示图片
ASSET_NAME:0 Asset Name: 资产名称:
ASSETTYPE_DESCRIPTION:0 Select the asset type to create: 选择要创建的资产类型:
ASSETTEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION:0 Select a template to start from: 从一个示例开始:
MAPEDITOR_SELECTBRUSH:0 Select a brush: 选择刷子:
MAPEDITOR_RESET_WATER:0 Reset Water To Sea Level 将水面高度重置为海平面
MAPEDITOR_UNDO_TERRAIN:0 Undo Terrain Modification 撤销地形修改
HEIGHTMAP_LOADERROR:0 {0} failed to load {0} 读取失败
CONFIRM_HEIGHTMAPOVERRIDE[Title]:0 Confirm Overwrite 确认覆盖
CONFIRM_HEIGHTMAPOVERRIDE[Message]:0 You are about to overwrite this heightmap.

Do you wish to proceed?



CONFIRM_RETURNMAPEDITOR[Message]:0 Unsaved changes will be lost.

Do you wish to proceed?



CONFIRM_EXITMAPEDITOR[Message]:0 Unsaved changes will be lost.

Do you wish to proceed?



CONFIRM_NEWMAP[Title]:0 New Map 新建地图
CONFIRM_NEWMAP[Message]:0 Unsaved changes will be lost.

Do you wish to proceed?



MAPEDITOR_TOOL[Terrain]:0 Terrain 地形
MAPEDITOR_TOOL[Resource]:0 Ground Resources 土地资源
MAPEDITOR_TOOL[ImportHeightmap]:0 Import Heightmap 导入高度图
MAPEDITOR_TOOL[ExportHeightmap]:0 Export Heightmap 导出高度图
MAPEDITOR_TOOL[Forest]:0 Forest Resources 森林资源
MAPEDITOR_TOOL[Environment]:0 Environment 环境
MAPEDITOR_TOOL[MapSettings]:0 Map Settings 地图设定
MAPEDITOR_INFOVIEWS[Resources]:0 Natural Resources 自然资源
MAPEDITOR_INFOVIEWS[TerrainHeight]:0 Terrain Heights 等高线
MAPEDITOR_INFOVIEWS[WindSpeed]:0 Wind Speed 风速
MAPEDITOR_INFOVIEWS[PublicTransport]:0 Outside Connections 外部连接
MAPEDITOR_INFOVIEWS[Water]:0 Water Flow 水流量
MAPEDITOR_INFOVIEWS[Fishing]:0 Fishing Industry 捕鱼业
MAPEDITOR_NET_TITLE[Ship Path]:0 Ship Path 船舶航道
MAPEDITOR_NET_TITLE[Airplane Path]:0 Airplane Path 飞行航线
MAPEDITOR_NET_TITLE[Train Track]:0 Train Track 铁路路径
MAPEDITOR_NET_TITLE[Highway]:0 Highway 高速公路
MAPEDITOR_NET_TITLE[HighwayRamp]:0 Highway Ramp 高速公路匝道
MAPEDITOR_NET_DESC[Ship Path]:0 Set paths and connect them to the edges of the terrain to provide ship access from outside the city. 设定航道,并将其连接至地块边缘,以使船只从城外到达城内。
MAPEDITOR_NET_DESC[Airplane Path]:0 Set paths and connect them to the edges of the terrain to provide airplane access from outside the city. 设定航线,并将其连接至地块边缘,以使飞机从城外到达城内。
MAPEDITOR_NET_DESC[Train Track]:0 Set train tracks and connect them to the edges of the terrain to get trains from outside the city. 设置铁路,并把它们连接到地面的边缘,使火车能进入城市。
MAPEDITOR_NET_DESC[Highway]:0 Set highway roads and connect them to the edges of the terrain to get people to come into the city. 设置高速公路,并把它们连接到地面的边缘,使车辆能进入城市。
MAPEDITOR_NET_DESC[HighwayRamp]:0 Use highway ramps to provide an exit from the highway as a starting point for the city's road network. 设置匝道,使车辆能离开高速公路进入城市。
CHIRPHEADER_TREES:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} trees used {0:N0} / {1:N0} 树木已使用
CHIRPHEADER_PROPS:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} props used {0:N0} / {1:N0} 建筑物已使用
CHIRPHEADER_SHIP_CONNECTIONS:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} ship connections used {0:N0} / {1:N0} 船舶航道已使用
CHIRPHEADER_PLANE_CONNECTIONS:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} plane connections used {0:N0} / {1:N0} 飞机航线已使用
CHIRPHEADER_TRAIN_CONNECTIONS:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} train connections used {0:N0} / {1:N0} 铁路连接已使用
CHIRPHEADER_ROAD_CONNECTIONS:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} incoming road connections used

{2:N0} / {3:N0} outgoing road connections used

{0:N0} / {1:N0} 连入道路已使用

{2:N0} / {3:N0} 连出道路已使用

EDITORCHIRPER_REQUIREMENTS_WATER:0 Have water stream in the starting area. 起始区至少要有一条水流
EDITORCHIRPER_REQUIREMENTS_SHIP:0 Have at least one ship path connection. 至少要有一条船舶航道
EDITORCHIRPER_REQUIREMENTS_PLANE:0 Have at least one plane path connection. 至少要有一条飞机航线
EDITORCHIRPER_REQUIREMENTS_TRAIN:0 Have at least one train track connection. 至少要有一条铁路连接
EDITORCHIRPER_REQUIREMENTS_ROADIN:0 Have at least one incoming highway connection. 至少要有一条进城高速公路连接
EDITORCHIRPER_REQUIREMENTS_ROADOUT:0 Have at least one outgoing highway connection. 至少要有一条出城高速公路连接
EDITORCHIRPER_REQUIREMENTS_OIL:0 Have oil areas in the map. 需要有油田区域。
EDITORCHIRPER_REQUIREMENTS_FOREST:0 Have forest areas in the map. 需要有森林区域。
EDITORCHIRPER_REQUIREMENTS_ORE:0 Have ore areas in the map. 需要有矿产区域。
EDITORCHIRPER_REQUIREMENTS_FERTILITY:0 Have fertile areas in the map. 需要有沃土区域。
MAPEDITOR_UNFITREQUIREMENTS:0 The map is not playable because the Requirement list is not fulfilled. 无法使用这张地图,因为不符合所有必要条件。
TERRAIN_TITLE[Level]:0 Level Tool 等高工具
TERRAIN_TITLE[Shift]:0 Shift Tool 地形高度工具
TERRAIN_TITLE[Soften]:0 Soften Tool 柔化工具
TERRAIN_TITLE[Slope]:0 Slope Tool 斜坡工具
TERRAIN_DESC[Level]:0 Even out the terrain under the brush.

1. Click the secondary mouse button on the terrain to select the desired height. 2. Click the primary mouse button on the terrain to set the desired height.


1. 右键点击土地选取高度。 2. 左键点击土地适用选取高度。

TERRAIN_DESC[Shift]:0 Lower/Raise the terrain under the brush.

Use the primary mouse button to raise. Use the secondary mouse button to lower.

将刷子下的土地升高 / 降低:

点击左键升高。 点击右键降低。

TERRAIN_DESC[Soften]:0 Smooth the terrain under the brush.

Use the primary mouse button to smooth softly / soften hard edges. Use the secondary mouse button to strongly smooth areas.


点击左键进行轻度的平滑处理 / 软化锐角。 点击右键进行重度的柔化处理。

TERRAIN_DESC[Slope]:0 Create a slope on the terrain.

1. Use the secondary mouse button to set the final position of the slope on the terrain. 2. Click the primary mouse button and drag toward the final position to create a slope.


1. 点击右键选定斜坡终点。 2. 点击左键往终点拖曳便可创造斜坡。

MAPSETTINGS_TITLE[StartTile]:0 Start Tile 起始区域
MAPSETTINGS_TITLE[Snapshot]:0 Snapshot Tool 快照工具
MAPSETTINGS_DESC[StartTile]:0 Select the starting area. 选择起始区域
MAPSETTINGS_DESC[Snapshot]:0 Capture snapshots to use when saving/sharing. 保存或分享前用快照截图。
WATER_TITLE[PlaceWater]:0 Place Water Source 摆设水源
WATER_TITLE[MoveSeaLevel]:0 Move Sea Level 调整海平面
WATER_DESC[PlaceWater]:0 Use the primary mouse button to place.

Use the secondary mouse button to remove. Use the handle to adjust water level.


点击右键移除。 使用滑杆调整海平面高度。

WATER_DESC[MoveSeaLevel]:0 Adjust the height of the sea level. 调整海平面高度。
RESOURCE_TITLE[Fertility]:0 Fertile Land 沃土
RESOURCE_DESC[Oil]:0 Use the primary mouse button to place oil under the brush.

Use the secondary mouse button to remove oil from under the brush.



RESOURCE_DESC[Ore]:0 Use the primary mouse button to place ore under the brush.

Use the secondary mouse button to remove ore from under the brush.



RESOURCE_DESC[Fertility]:0 Use the primary mouse button to set the area under the brush to be fertile.

Use the secondary mouse button to remove a fertile area.



ENVIRONMENT_DESC[Sand]:0 Use the primary mouse button to place decorative sand to the area under the brush.

Use the secondary mouse button to remove decorative sand from the area under the brush.



NO_SNAPSHOTS:0 No snapshots available 没有提供截图
PUBLISH_MAP:0 Publish Map in New Game Panel 发布地图到新游戏界面
MAP_NAME:0 Map Name: 地图名称:
TOOL_SINGLE:0 Single 单一
NET_TITLE[Basic Road Bicycle]:0 Two-Lane Road with Bicycle Lanes 双车道+自行车道
NET_TITLE[Medium Road Bicycle]:0 Four-Lane Road with Bicycle Lanes 四车道+自行车道
NET_TITLE[Large Road Bicycle]:0 Six-Lane Road with Bicycle Lanes 六车道+自行车道
NET_TITLE[Medium Road Bus]:0 Four-Lane Road with Bus Lanes 四车道+公交车专用道
NET_TITLE[Large Road Bus]:0 Six-Lane Road with Bus Lanes 六车道+公交车专用道
NET_TITLE[Pedestrian Pavement Bicycle]:0 Bicycle Path 自行车道
NET_TITLE[Airport Terminal Road]:0 Airport Terminal Road 机场航站楼道路
NET_TITLE[Elevated Airport Terminal Road]:0 Elevated Airport Terminal Road 机场航站楼高架公路
NET_TITLE[Large Cargo Airport Road]:0 Large Cargo Airport Road 机场大型货运道路
NET_TITLE[Medium Cargo Airport Road 01]:0 Medium Cargo Airport Road 机场中型货运道路
NET_TITLE[Airport Concourse 01 Style A]:0 Classic Airport Concourse 经典风格的机场候机大厅
NET_TITLE[Airport Concourse 02 Style B]:0 Modern Airport Concourse 现代风格的机场候机大厅
NET_TITLE[Airport Concourse 03 Style C]:0 Ultra Modern Airport Concourse 超现代风格的机场候机大厅
NET_TITLE[Airport Area Taxiway]:0 Taxiway 滑行道
NET_TITLE[Airport Area Runway]:0 Runway 跑道
NET_TITLE[DLC Airplane Cargo Stop]:0 Airplane Cargo Stop 飞机货站
NET_TITLE[DLC Airplane Stop]:0 Airplane Stop 飞机站
NET_TITLE[Airport Terminal Concourse 01 Style A]:0 Classic Airport Concourse 经典风格的机场候机大厅
NET_TITLE[Airport Terminal Concourse 02 Style B]:0 Modern Airport Concourse 现代风格的机场候机大厅
NET_TITLE[Airport Terminal Concourse 03 Style C]:0 Ultra Modern Airport Concourse 超现代风格的机场候机大厅
NET_TITLE[DLC Small Airplane Stop]:0 Airplane Stop Airplane Stop
NET_TITLE[DLC Medium Large Airplane Stop]:0 Airplane Stop Airplane Stop
NET_TITLE[DLC Airplane Runway]:0 Runway 跑道
NET_TITLE[DLC Airplane Taxiway]:0 Taxiway 滑行道
NET_TITLE[Airport Concourse Style A]:0 Classic Airport Concourse 经典风格的机场候机大厅
NET_TITLE[Airport Concourse Style B]:0 Modern Airport Concourse 现代风格的机场候机大厅
NET_TITLE[Airport Concourse Style C]:0 Ultra Modern Airport Concourse 超现代风格的机场候机大厅
NET_TITLE[Decoration Airplane Taxiway]:0 Decoration Taxiway 装饰性滑行道
NET_TITLE[Airport Entrance Road]:0 Airport Entrance Road 机场入口道路
NET_TITLE[Elevated Airport Entrance Road]:0 Airport Entrance Road Elevated 机场入口高架道路
NET_TITLE[Airport Area Fence 01]:0 Airport Fence 机场防护网
NET_TITLE[Cargo Airport Road]:0 Large Cargo Airport Road 机场大型货运道
NET_TITLE[Medium Cargo Airport Road]:0 Medium Cargo Airport Road 机场中型货运道
NET_TITLE[Basic Road Tram]:0 Two-Lane Road with Tram Tracks 双车道+电车道
NET_TITLE[Medium Road Tram]:0 Four-Lane Road with Tram Tracks 四车道+电车道
NET_TITLE[Large Oneway Tram]:0 Six-Lane One-Way Road with Tram Tracks 六线单行道+电车道
NET_TITLE[Oneway Road Tram]:0 Two-Lane One-Way Road with Tram Tracks 双线单行道+电车道
NET_TITLE[Tram Track]:0 Tram Track 电车道
NET_TITLE[Oneway Tram Track]:0 One-Way Tram Track 单向电车道
NET_TITLE[Canal]:0 Shallow canal 浅运河
NET_TITLE[Canal2]:0 Medium canal 中等深度运河
NET_TITLE[Canal3]:0 Deep canal 深运河
NET_TITLE[Flood Wall]:0 Flood Wall 防洪堤
NET_TITLE[Quay]:0 Quay 护岸
NET_TITLE[Heating Pipe]:0 Water Pipe with Heating Pipes 附带供暖管的水管
NET_TITLE[Canal Wide]:0 Wide shallow canal 浅宽运河
NET_TITLE[Canal Wide2]:0 Wide medium canal 中等深度宽运河
NET_TITLE[Canal Wide3]:0 Wide deep canal 深宽运河
NET_TITLE[Medium Road Monorail]:0 Monorail Tracks on Four-Lane Road 四车道道路上的单轨轨道
NET_TITLE[Avenue Large With Grass]:0 Large Avenue with Grass 带有草坪的大街
NET_TITLE[Avenue Large With Buslanes Grass]:0 Large Avenue with Bus Lanes 带有公共汽车车道的大街
NET_TITLE[Two Lane Highway Twoway]:0 Two-Way Highway 双向高速公路
NET_TITLE[Asymmetrical Three Lane Road]:0 Asymmetrical Three-Lane Road 非对称三车道道路
NET_TITLE[Four Lane Highway]:0 Four-Lane Highway 四车道高速公路
NET_TITLE[Small Road Monorail]:0 Monorail Tracks on Two-Lane Road 两车道道路上的单轨轨道
NET_TITLE[Ferry Path]:0 Ferry Pathway 渡船路径
NET_TITLE[Blimp Path]:0 Blimp Pathway 飞艇路径
NET_TITLE[CableCar Path]:0 Cable Car Cables 缆车钢绳
NET_TITLE[Monorail Track]:0 Monorail Tracks 单轨轨道
NET_TITLE[Two Lane Highway]:0 Two-Lane Highway 两车道公路
NET_TITLE[Two Lane Highway Twoway Barrier]:0 Two-Way Highway with Sound Barriers 带隔音板的双向公路
NET_TITLE[Two Lane Highway Barrier]:0 One-Way Highway with Sound Barriers 带隔音板的单向公路
NET_TITLE[Four Lane Highway Barrier]:0 Four-Lane Highway with Sound Barriers 带隔音板的四车道公路
NET_TITLE[Train Oneway Track]:0 One-Way Train Track 单向列车轨道
NET_TITLE[Monorail Oneway Track]:0 One-Way Monorail Track 单向单轨轨道
NET_TITLE[Amusement Park Path 01]:0 Amusement Park Path 游乐园道路
NET_TITLE[Amusement Park Path 02]:0 Amusement Park Path with Decorations 游乐园道路加装饰
NET_TITLE[Amusement Park Path 01 Propless]:0 Amusement Park Path (Propless) 游乐园道路(无装饰)
NET_TITLE[Park Path 01]:0 Park Path 公园道路
NET_TITLE[Park Path 02]:0 Park Path with Decorations 公园道路加装饰
NET_TITLE[Park Path 01 Propless]:0 Park Path (Propless) 公园道路(无装饰)
NET_TITLE[Zoo Path 01]:0 Zoo Path 动物园道路
NET_TITLE[Zoo Path 01 Winter]:0 Zoo Path 动物园道路
NET_TITLE[Zoo Path 02]:0 Zoo Path with Decorations 动物园道路加装饰
NET_TITLE[Zoo Path 02 Winter]:0 Zoo Path with Decorations 动物园道路加装饰
NET_TITLE[Zoo Path 01 Propless]:0 Zoo Path (Propless) 动物园道路(无装饰)
NET_TITLE[Zoo Path 01 Propless Winter]:0 Zoo Path (Propless) 动物园道路(无装饰)
NET_TITLE[Nature Reserve Path 01]:0 Nature Reserve Path 自然保护区道路
NET_TITLE[Nature Reserve Path 02]:0 Nature Reserve Path with Decorations 带装饰的自然保护区道路
NET_TITLE[Nature Reserve Path 01 Propless]:0 Nature Reserve Path (Propless) 自然保护区道路(无装饰)
NET_TITLE[Park Fence 01]:0 Park Fence 公园围栏
NET_TITLE[Zoo Fence 01]:0 Zoo Fence 动物园围栏
NET_TITLE[Amusement Park Fence]:0 Amusement Park Fence 游乐园围栏
NET_TITLE[Nature Reserve Fence 01]:0 Nature Reserve Fence 自然保护区围栏
NET_TITLE[Trench Ruins 01]:0 Trench Ruins 战壕遗迹
NET_TITLE[Industry Road Small 01 Oneway]:0 Two-Lane One-Way Small Industry Road 小型双车道单向工业道路
NET_TITLE[Industry Road Small 01 Bridge Oneway]:0 Two-Lane One-Way Small Industry Road 小型双车道单向工业道路
NET_TITLE[Industry Road Small 01 Elevated Oneway]:0 Two-Lane One-Way Small Industry Road 小型双通道单向工业道路
NET_TITLE[Industry Road Small 01 Slope Oneway]:0 Two-Lane One-Way Small Industry Road 小型双车道单向工业道路
NET_TITLE[Industry Road Small 01 Tunnel Oneway]:0 Two-Lane One-Way Small Industry Road 小型双车道单向工业道路
NET_TITLE[Twoway Toll Road Large 01b]:0 Eight-Lane Two-Way Toll Road 02 八车道双向收费道路02
NET_TITLE[Twoway Toll Road Medium 01b]:0 Four-Lane Two-Way Toll Road 02 四车道双向收费道路02
NET_TITLE[Oneway Toll Road Medium 01]:0 Four-Lane One-Way Toll Road 01 四车道单向收费道路01
NET_TITLE[Oneway Toll Road Medium 01c]:0 Four-Lane One-Way Toll Road 02 四车道单向收费道路02
NET_TITLE[Twoway Toll Road Medium 01]:0 Four-Lane Two-Way Toll Road 01 四车道双向收费道路01
NET_TITLE[Oneway Toll Road Large 01]:0 Eight-Lane One-Way Toll Road 01 八车道单向收费道路01
NET_TITLE[Oneway Toll Road Large 01c]:0 Eight-Lane One-Way Toll Road 02 八车道单向收费道路02
NET_TITLE[Twoway Toll Road Large 01]:0 Eight-Lane Two-Way Toll Road 01 八车道双向收费道路01
NET_TITLE[Industry Road Small 01]:0 Small Industry Road 小型工业道路
NET_TITLE[Industry Road Small 01 Bridge]:0 Small Industry Road 小型工业公路
NET_TITLE[Industry Road Small 01 Elevated]:0 Small Industry Road 小型工业公路
NET_TITLE[Industry Road Small 01 Slope]:0 Small Industry Road 小型工业公路
NET_TITLE[Industry Road Small 01 Tunnel]:0 Small Industry Road 小型工业公路
NET_TITLE[Industry Road Medium 01]:0 Medium Industry Road 中型工业道路
NET_TITLE[Industry Road Medium 01 Bridge]:0 Medium Industry Road 中型工业公路
NET_TITLE[Industry Road Medium 01 Elevated]:0 Medium Industry Road 中型工业公路
NET_TITLE[Industry Road Medium 01 Slope]:0 Medium Industry Road 中型工业公路
NET_TITLE[Industry Road Medium 01 Tunnel]:0 Medium Industry Road 中型工业公路
NET_TITLE[Farm Fence 01]:0 Farm Fence 农场围栏
NET_TITLE[Forestry Fence 01]:0 Forestry Fence 林业围栏
NET_TITLE[Oil Industry Fence 01]:0 Oil Industry Fence 石化工业围栏
NET_TITLE[Ore Industry Fence 01]:0 Ore Industry Fence 矿业围栏
NET_TITLE[Mud Fence 01]:0 Mud Fence 泥围栏
NET_TITLE[Trade School Path 01]:0 Trade School Path 贸易学院路径
NET_TITLE[Liberal Arts Path 01]:0 Liberal Arts Path 文科学院路径
NET_TITLE[University Path 01]:0 University Path 大学路径
NET_TITLE[Trade School Path 02]:0 Trade School Path with decorations 贸易学院带装饰物的路径
NET_TITLE[Liberal Arts Path 02]:0 Liberal Arts Path with decorations 文科学院带装饰物的路径
NET_TITLE[University Path 02]:0 University Path with decorations 大学带装饰物的路径
NET_TITLE[Trade School Path 01 Propless]:0 Trade School Path (Propless) 贸易学院路径(无道具)
NET_TITLE[Liberal Arts Path 01 Propless]:0 Liberal Arts Path (Propless) 文科学院路径(无道具)
NET_TITLE[University Path 01 Propless]:0 University Path (Propless) 大学路径(无道具)
NET_TITLE[Fishing Path]:0 Fishing Route 捕鱼路线
NET_TITLE[Helicopter Path]:0 Helicopter Pathway 直升机路径
NET_TITLE[Metro Track Ground 01]:0 Metro Tracks 地铁轨道
NET_TITLE[Metro Track Ground 01 Elevated]:0 Metro Tracks 地铁轨道
NET_TITLE[Metro Track Ground 01 Tunnel]:0 Metro Tracks 地铁轨道
NET_TITLE[Metro Track Ground 01 Bridge]:0 Metro Tracks 地铁轨道
NET_TITLE[Metro Track Ground 01 Slope]:0 Metro Tracks 地铁隧道
NET_TITLE[Metro Track Overground Small Road]:0 Metro Tracks on Two-Lane Road 双车道公路上的地铁轨道
NET_TITLE[Metro Track Overground Small Road Elevated]:0 Metro Tracks on Two-Lane Road 双车道公路上的地铁轨道
NET_TITLE[Metro Track Overground Small Road Bridge]:0 Metro Tracks on Two-Lane Road 双车道公路上的地铁轨道
NET_TITLE[Metro Track Overground Small Road Tunnel]:0 Metro Tracks on Two-Lane Road 双车道公路上的地铁轨道
NET_TITLE[Metro Track Overground Small Road Slope]:0 Metro Tracks on Two-Lane Road 双车道公路上的地铁轨道
NET_TITLE[Metro Track Overground Medium Road]:0 Metro Tracks on Four-Lane Road 四车道公路上的地铁轨道
NET_TITLE[Metro Track Overground Medium Road Elevated]:0 Metro Tracks on Four-Lane Road 四车道公路上的地铁轨道
NET_TITLE[Metro Track Overground Medium Road Bridge]:0 Metro Tracks on Four-Lane Road 四车道公路上的地铁轨道
NET_TITLE[Metro Track Overground Medium Road Tunnel]:0 Metro Tracks on Four-Lane Road 四车道公路上的地铁轨道
NET_TITLE[Metro Track Overground Medium Road Slope]:0 Metro Tracks on Four-Lane Road 四车道公路上的地铁轨道
NET_TITLE[Basic Road Trolleybus]:0 Two-Lane Road with Trolleybus Wires 有无轨电车电缆的双车道公路
NET_TITLE[Basic Road Elevated Trolleybus]:0 Two-Lane Road with Trolleybus Wires 有无轨电车电缆的双车道公路
NET_TITLE[Basic Road Bridge Trolleybus]:0 Two-Lane Road with Trolleybus Wires 有无轨电车电缆的双车道公路
NET_TITLE[Basic Road Tunnel Trolleybus]:0 Two-Lane Road with Trolleybus Wires 有无轨电车电缆的双车道公路
NET_TITLE[Basic Road Slope Trolleybus]:0 Two-Lane Road with Trolleybus Wires 有无轨电车电缆的双车道公路
NET_TITLE[Oneway Road Trolleybus]:0 Two-Lane One-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires 有无轨电车电缆的单向双车道公路
NET_TITLE[Oneway Road Elevated Trolleybus]:0 Two-Lane One-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires 有无轨电车电缆的单向双车道公路
NET_TITLE[Oneway Road Bridge Trolleybus]:0 Two-Lane One-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires 有无轨电车电缆的单向双车道公路
NET_TITLE[Oneway Road Tunnel Trolleybus]:0 Two-Lane One-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires 有无轨电车电缆的单向双车道公路
NET_TITLE[Oneway Road Slope Trolleybus]:0 Two-Lane One-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires 有无轨电车电缆的单向双车道公路
NET_TITLE[Medium Road Trolleybus]:0 Four-Lane Road with Trolleybus Wires 有无轨电车电缆的四车道公路
NET_TITLE[Medium Road Elevated Trolleybus]:0 Four-Lane Road with Trolleybus Wires 有无轨电车电缆的四车道公路
NET_TITLE[Medium Road Bridge Trolleybus]:0 Four-Lane Road with Trolleybus Wires 有无轨电车电缆的四车道公路
NET_TITLE[Medium Road Tunnel Trolleybus]:0 Four-Lane Road with Trolleybus Wires 有无轨电车电缆的四车道公路
NET_TITLE[Medium Road Slope Trolleybus]:0 Four-Lane Road with Trolleybus Wires 有无轨电车电缆的四车道公路
NET_TITLE[Large Road Trolleybus]:0 Six-Lane Road with Trolleybus Wires 有无轨电车电缆的六车道公路
NET_TITLE[Large Road Elevated Trolleybus]:0 Six-Lane Road with Trolleybus Wires 有无轨电车电缆的六车道公路
NET_TITLE[Large Road Bridge Trolleybus]:0 Six-Lane Road with Trolleybus Wires 有无轨电车电缆的六车道公路
NET_TITLE[Large Road Tunnel Trolleybus]:0 Six-Lane Road with Trolleybus Wires 有无轨电车电缆的六车道公路
NET_TITLE[Large Road Slope Trolleybus]:0 Six-Lane Road with Trolleybus Wires 有无轨电车电缆的六车道公路
NET_TITLE[Trolleybus Track]:0 Two-Lane Trolleybus Road 双车道无轨电车公路
NET_TITLE[Trolleybus Track Bridge]:0 Two-Lane Trolleybus Road 双车道无轨电车公路
NET_TITLE[Trolleybus Track Elevated]:0 Two-Lane Trolleybus Road 双车道无轨电车公路
NET_TITLE[Trolleybus Track Slope]:0 Two-Lane Trolleybus Road 双车道无轨电车公路
NET_TITLE[Trolleybus Track Tunnel]:0 Two-Lane Trolleybus Road 双车道无轨电车公路
NET_TITLE[Castle Wall 1]:0 Castle Wall Ruins #1 城堡围墙遗迹 #1
NET_TITLE[Castle Wall 2]:0 Castle Wall Ruins #2 城堡围墙遗迹 #2
NET_TITLE[Castle Wall 3]:0 Castle Wall Ruins #3 城堡围墙遗迹 #3
NET_TITLE[Gravel Road]:0 Two-Lane Gravel Road 双线砾石路
NET_TITLE[Basic Road]:0 Two-Lane Road 双车道公路
NET_TITLE[Basic Road Decoration Grass]:0 Two-Lane Road with Grass 双车道+绿化带公路
NET_TITLE[Basic Road Decoration Trees]:0 Two-Lane Road with Trees 双车道+行道树公路
NET_TITLE[Oneway Road]:0 Two-Lane One-Way Road 双线单行路
NET_TITLE[Oneway Road Decoration Grass]:0 Two-Lane One-Way Road with Grass 双车道+绿化带单行道
NET_TITLE[Oneway Road Decoration Trees]:0 Two-Lane One-Way Road with Trees 双车道+行道树单行道
NET_TITLE[Medium Road]:0 Four-Lane Road 四车道公路
NET_TITLE[Medium Road Decoration Grass]:0 Four-Lane Road with Decorative Grass 四车道+绿化带公路
NET_TITLE[Medium Road Decoration Trees]:0 Four-Lane Road with Decorative Trees 四车道+行道树公路
NET_TITLE[Large Road]:0 Six-Lane Road 六车道公路
NET_TITLE[Large Road Decoration Grass]:0 Six-Lane Road with Decorative Grass 四车道+绿化带公路
NET_TITLE[Large Road Decoration Trees]:0 Six-Lane Road with Decorative Trees 六车道+行道树公路
NET_TITLE[Large Oneway]:0 Six-Lane One-Way Road 六线单行路
NET_TITLE[Large Oneway Decoration Grass]:0 Six-Lane One-Way Road with Decorative Grass 六车道+绿化带单行路
NET_TITLE[Large Oneway Decoration Trees]:0 Six-Lane One-Way Road with Decorative Trees 六车道+行道树单行道
NET_TITLE[Highway]:0 Highway 高速公路
NET_TITLE[Highway Barrier]:0 Highway with Sound Barrier 高速公路+隔音墙
NET_TITLE[HighwayRamp]:0 Highway Ramp 高速公路匝道
NET_TITLE[Power Line]:0 Power Line 电线
NET_TITLE[Dam]:0 Hydro Power Plant 水力发电厂
NET_TITLE[Water Pipe]:0 Water Pipe 水管
NET_TITLE[Metro Track]:0 Metro Tunnel 地铁隧道
NET_TITLE[Train Track]:0 Train Tracks 火车轨道
NET_TITLE[Ship Path]:0 Ship Path 船舶航道
NET_TITLE[Airplane Path]:0 Airplane Path 飞行航线
NET_TITLE[Harbor Road]:0 Leveled Road 水平路
NET_TITLE[Pedestrian Gravel]:0 Gravel Path 砾石路
NET_TITLE[Pedestrian Pavement]:0 Pavement Path 人行道
NET_TITLE[ccp8-europed]:0 European Pedestrian Bridge 欧式人行天桥
NET_TITLE[ccp8-naped]:0 American Pedestrian Bridge 美式人行天桥
NET_TITLE[ccp8-eurorail1]:0 European Rail Bridge 1 单向桁架铁路高架桥
NET_TITLE[ccp8-eurorail2]:0 European Rail Bridge 2 单向欧式铁路高架桥
NET_TITLE[ccp8-hstrail]:0 High Speed Rail Viaduct 双车道高铁高架桥
NET_TITLE[ccp8-euro2lane]:0 European Two-Lane Stone Bridge 欧式双车道石桥
NET_TITLE[ccp8-na2lane]:0 American Two-Lane Truss Bridge 美式双车道桁架桥
NET_TITLE[ccp8-highway]:0 Three-Lane Highway Viaduct 三车道公路高架桥
NET_TITLE[ccp8-euro4lane]:0 European Four-Lane Stone Bridge 欧式四车道石桥
NET_TITLE[ccp8-na4lane]:0 American Four-Lane Truss Bridge 美式四车道桁架桥
NET_TITLE[ccp8-euro6lane]:0 European Six-Lane Stone Bridge 欧式六车道石桥
NET_TITLE[ccp8-na6lane]:0 American Six-Lane Stone Bridge 美式六车道石桥
NET_TITLE[ccp8-riazor-01]:0 Simple Seawall 海堤简易码头
NET_TITLE[ccp8-riazor-02]:0 Simple Seawall Fenceless 海堤简易无围栏码头
NET_TITLE[ccp8-riazor-06]:0 Tiered Seawall (Top) 海堤分层码头(上层)
NET_TITLE[ccp8-riazor-03]:0 Tiered Seawall (Both) 海堤分层码头(上下层)
NET_TITLE[ccp8-riazor-08]:0 Tiered Seawall Wide (Top) 海堤分层宽码头(上层)
NET_TITLE[ccp8-riazor-05]:0 Tiered Seawall Wide (Both) 海堤分层宽码头(上下层)
NET_TITLE[ccp8-riazor-07]:0 Tiered Seawall with Stairs (Top) 设有楼梯的海堤分层(上层)
NET_TITLE[ccp8-riazor-04]:0 Tiered Seawall with Stairs (Both) 设有楼梯的海堤分层(上下层)
NET_TITLE[ccp8-riviere-01]:0 Simple City Quay 城市简易码头
NET_TITLE[ccp8-riviere-02]:0 Simple City Quay Fenceless 城市简易无围栏码头
NET_TITLE[ccp8-riviere-04]:0 City Tiered Quay (Top) 城市分层码头(上层)
NET_TITLE[ccp8-riviere-03]:0 City Tiered Quay (Both) 城市分层码头(上下层)
NET_TITLE[ccp8-riviere-05]:0 City Quay Wide 城市宽码头
NET_TITLE[ccp8-riviere-06]:0 City Quay Wide with Stairs 设有楼梯的城市宽码头
NET_DESC[Basic Road Bicycle]:0 A two-lane road with bicycle lanes. Supports low traffic. 附带自行车道的两车道路。可以承受低交通流量。
NET_DESC[Medium Road Bicycle]:0 A four-lane road with bicycle lanes. Supports medium traffic. 附带自行车道的四车道路。可以承受中交通流量。
NET_DESC[Large Road Bicycle]:0 A six-lane road with bicycle lanes. Supports high traffic. 附带自行车道的六车道路。可以承受高交通流量。
NET_DESC[Medium Road Bus]:0 A four-lane road with bus lanes. Supports medium traffic. 附带公交专用道的四车道路。可以承受中交通流量。
NET_DESC[Large Road Bus]:0 A six-lane road with bus lanes. Supports high traffic. 附带公交专用道的六车道路。可以承受高交通流量。
NET_DESC[Pedestrian Pavement Bicycle]:0 Paved paths are good for bicycling. Only bikes are allowed on these paths. 适合自行车行驶的铺石路。只有自行车可以行驶。
NET_DESC[Airport Terminal Road]:0 A one-way road for airport terminals. 机场航站楼的一条单行道。
NET_DESC[Elevated Airport Terminal Road]:0 A one-way road for airport terminals. 机场航站楼的一条单行道。
NET_DESC[Large Cargo Airport Road]:0 A large road optimized for airport area cargo traffic. Place cargo aircraft stands along this road for maximum efficiency. Can not be built on slopes. 为提升机场区的货运效率而优化的一条大型道路。将货机停机位放置在此路旁以最大限度地提高效率。不能建在斜坡上。
NET_DESC[Medium Cargo Airport Road 01]:0 A road optimized for airport area cargo traffic. Place cargo aircraft stands along this road for maximum efficiency. Can not be built on slopes. 为提升机场区的货运效率而优化的一条道路。将货机停机位放置在此路旁以最大限度地提高效率。不能建在斜坡上。
NET_DESC[Airport Concourse 01 Style A]:0 A classic style concourse to connect airport terminals, concourse hubs and aircraft stands. Concourses have to be placed inside an airport area and cannot be placed on slopes. 一个经典风格的候机大厅,连接机场航站楼、候机大厅枢纽和停机位。必须将候机大厅放置在机场区内,不能放置在斜坡上。
NET_DESC[Airport Concourse 02 Style B]:0 A modern style concourse to connect airport terminals, concourse hubs and aircraft stands. Concourses have to be placed inside an airport area and cannot be placed on slopes. 一个现代风格的候机大厅,连接机场航站楼、候机大厅枢纽和停机位。必须将候机大厅放置在机场区内,不能放置在斜坡上。
NET_DESC[Airport Concourse 03 Style C]:0 An ultra modern style concourse to connect airport terminals, concourse hubs and aircraft stands. Concourses have to be placed inside an airport area and cannot be placed on slopes. 一个超现代风格的候机大厅,连接机场航站楼、候机大厅枢纽和停机位。必须将候机大厅放置在机场区内,不能放置在斜坡上。
NET_DESC[Airport Area Taxiway]:0 Airplanes use this to taxi between runways and aircraft stands. Connect runways to aircraft stands with taxiways to allow planes to service your airport. All taxiways are one-way roads. 飞机使用此道在跑道和停机位之间滑行。借助滑行道将跑道连接至停机位,让飞机为你的机场服务。所有滑行道均为单行道。
NET_DESC[Airport Area Runway]:0 A one-way runway where airplanes take off and land. Runways have a minimum length and show indications for best taxiway connections while placing taxiways. 一条供飞机起飞和降落的单向跑道。跑道有最小长度限制,在放置滑行道时会显示其与滑行道的最佳连接方式。
NET_DESC[DLC Airplane Cargo Stop]:0 Airplane Cargo Stop 飞机货站
NET_DESC[DLC Airplane Stop]:0 Airplane Stop 飞机站
NET_DESC[Airport Terminal Concourse 01 Style A]:0 A classic style concourse to connect airport terminals, concourse hubs and aircraft stands. Concourses have to be placed inside an airport area and cannot be placed on slopes. 一个经典风格的候机大厅,连接机场航站楼、候机大厅枢纽和停机位。必须将候机大厅放置在机场区内,不能放置在斜坡上。
NET_DESC[Airport Terminal Concourse 02 Style B]:0 A modern style concourse to connect airport terminals, concourse hubs and aircraft stands. Concourses have to be placed inside an airport area and cannot be placed on slopes. 一个现代风格的候机大厅,连接机场航站楼、候机大厅枢纽和停机位。必须将候机大厅放置在机场区内,不能放置在斜坡上。
NET_DESC[Airport Terminal Concourse 03 Style C]:0 An ultra modern style concourse to connect airport terminals, concourse hubs and aircraft stands. Concourses have to be placed inside an airport area and cannot be placed on slopes. 一个超现代风格的候机大厅,连接机场航站楼、候机大厅枢纽和停机位。必须将候机大厅放置在机场区内,不能放置在斜坡上。
NET_DESC[DLC Small Airplane Stop]:0 Airplane Stop Airplane Stop
NET_DESC[DLC Medium Large Airplane Stop]:0 Airplane Stop Airplane Stop
NET_DESC[DLC Airplane Runway]:0 A one-way runway where airplanes take off and land. 一条供飞机起飞和降落的单向跑道。
NET_DESC[DLC Airplane Taxiway]:0 Airplanes use this to taxi between runways and gates. Connect runways to gates and cargo airplane stands with taxiways to allow planes to service your airport. All taxiways are one-way roads. 飞机使用此道在跑道和登机门之间滑行。用滑行道将跑道连接至登机门及货机站,让飞机为您的机场服务。所有滑行道均为单行道。
NET_DESC[Airport Concourse Style A]:0 A concourse to connect airport entrances and gates in the classic style. 一幢经典风格的候机大厅,将机场入口和登机门相连接。
NET_DESC[Airport Concourse Style B]:0 A concourse to connect airport entrances and gates in the modern style. 一幢现代风格的候机大厅,将机场入口和登机门相连接。
NET_DESC[Airport Concourse Style C]:0 A concourse to connect airport entrances and gates in the ultra modern style. 一幢超现代风格的候机大厅,将机场入口和登机门相连接。
NET_DESC[Decoration Airplane Taxiway]:0 A decoration taxiway for parked planes to stand on. Cannot be used by taxiing planes. 一条供飞机停放的装饰性滑行道。无法用于飞机滑行。
NET_DESC[Airport Entrance Road]:0 A one-way road for airport entrances 机场入口的一条单行道。
NET_DESC[Elevated Airport Entrance Road]:0 A one-way road for airport entrances 机场入口的一条单行道。
NET_DESC[Airport Area Fence 01]:0 A decorative airport fence. 装饰性的机场防护网。
NET_DESC[Cargo Airport Road]:0 Place cargo airplane stands along this road inside your airport area. 让货机沿着您的机场区内的这条道路停放。
NET_DESC[Medium Cargo Airport Road]:0 Place cargo airplane stands along this road inside your airport area. 让货机沿着您的机场区内的这条道路停放。
NET_DESC[Basic Road Tram]:0 A two-lane road with tram tracks. Supports low traffic. 附电车轨道的双车道道路,可承受低交通流量。
NET_DESC[Medium Road Tram]:0 A four-lane road with tram tracks. Supports medium traffic. 附电车轨道的四车道道路,可承受中交通流量。
NET_DESC[Large Oneway Tram]:0 A six-lane, one-way road with tracks for trams. Decorations lower noise pollution. Supports high traffic. 附带电车轨道的六线单行道路。道路装饰能降低噪音污染。可以承受高交通流量。
NET_DESC[Oneway Road Tram]:0 A two-lane, one-way road with tracks for trams. Supports low traffic. 附带电车轨道的双线单行道路。可以承受低交通流量。
NET_DESC[Tram Track]:0 Standalone tram track with rails for both directions. 独立型双向电车轨道
NET_DESC[Oneway Tram Track]:0 Standalone one-way tram track. 独立型单向电车轨道
NET_DESC[Canal]:0 Shallow canals accept only a small amount of water. They can also be used to regulate waterflow into deeper canals, by placing a stretch of shallow canal segments at the start of a longer canal. Canals automatically create Pathways that Ferries can use. 浅运河只能容纳少量的水。也可以通过在较长的运河起点放置几段浅运河,使用它们调节水流进入更深的运河。运河自动创建渡船可以使用的路径。
NET_DESC[Canal2]:0 Medium canals can be used in areas where shallow canals are not deep enough to get water. Use a stretch of medium canal segments at the start of a longer canal to allow less water to get in. Canals automatically create Pathways that Ferries can use. 在浅运河的深度不足以获取水的地区可以使用中等深度运河。在较长的运河起点使用几段中等深度运河,可减少水的进入。运河自动创建渡船可以使用的路径。
NET_DESC[Canal3]:0 Deep canals are the deepest canal option and can handle large amounts of water. If your deep canal is prone to flooding, upgrade part of the canal at the start and end to medium or shallow canal to keep the amount of water lower. Canals automatically create Pathways that Ferries can use. 深运河是最深的运河选项,可以处理大量的水。如果深运河容易泛滥,则将运河起点和终点的一部分升级为中等深度或浅运河,以保持较少的水量。运河自动创建渡船可以使用的路径。
NET_DESC[Flood Wall]:0 If your canals have spots that are prone to flooding, you can use Flood Walls to control the water. 如果人工河的某个部分有点涝水,您可通过建造堤坝来控制它。
NET_DESC[Quay]:0 Use quays to give waterfront a nice finish. Quays are concrete walls built on the shore to even out terrain differences and allow for zoning near the water. 使用护岸建筑一条漂亮的滨水河岸。护岸是岸边建立的混凝土墙。可以用于拉平地形差异,并允许在水边分区。
NET_DESC[Heating Pipe]:0 A water pipe that can also transfer heat in addition to water. Use these pipes to connect heating facilities to buildings in need of heat. 供水管道不仅能够供水,还可以输送暖气。如需供暖,用这些水管将供暖站与建筑物连接。
NET_DESC[Canal Wide]:0 A shallow wide type canal. Use shallow canals to adjust how much water flows into a canal. Canals automatically create Pathways that Ferries can use. 浅宽型运河。使用浅运河调节流入运河的水量。运河会自动创建渡船可以使用的路径。
NET_DESC[Canal Wide2]:0 A medium depth wide type canal. Use different canal depths to adjust how much water flows into a canal. Canals automatically create Pathways that Ferries can use. 中等深度宽运河。使用不同的运河深度调节流入运河的水量。运河自动创建渡船可以使用的路径。
NET_DESC[Canal Wide3]:0 A deep wide type canal. Use shallow canals to adjust how much water flows into a canal. Canals automatically create Pathways that Ferries can use. 深宽运河。使用浅运河调节流入运河的水量。运河自动创建渡船可以使用的路径。
NET_DESC[Medium Road Monorail]:0 A four-lane road with built-in elevated monorail tracks. Can be connected to other monorail tracks and stations. 嵌入高架单轨轨道的四车道道路。可以连接到其他单轨轨道和车站。
NET_DESC[Avenue Large With Grass]:0 Two-lane avenue with a decorative grass strip and parking space. 带有装饰草坪带和停车位的双车道大街。
NET_DESC[Avenue Large With Buslanes Grass]:0 Two-lane avenue with bus lanes. 带有公共汽车车道的双车道大街。
NET_DESC[Two Lane Highway Twoway]:0 Two-lane highway with one lane going to each direction. 双向两车道公路。
NET_DESC[Asymmetrical Three Lane Road]:0 A three-lane road with two lanes going in one direction and one to the other. 一个方向两个车道,另一个方向一个车道的三车道道路。
NET_DESC[Four Lane Highway]:0 A large highway with four lanes going in one direction. 单向四车道大型公路。
NET_DESC[Small Road Monorail]:0 A two-lane road with built-in elevated monorail tracks. Can be connected to other monorail tracks and stations. 嵌入高架单轨轨道的两车道道路。可以连接到其他单轨轨道和车站。
NET_DESC[Ferry Path]:0 Use Pathways to mark the exact route where you want Ferries to travel between stops and harbors. Lines go on Pathways. Lines need Pathway access to the Depot. Pathways are two-way. 使用路径标记您想要渡船在站点和港口之间行驶的确切路线。线路以路径为基础。线路需要路径与总站衔接。路径是双向的。
NET_DESC[Blimp Path]:0 Use Pathways to mark the exact route where you want Blimps to travel between stops. Lines go on Pathways. Lines need Pathway access to the Depot. Pathways are two-way. 使用路径标记您想要飞艇在站点之间行驶的确切路线。线路以路径为根据。线路需要路径与总站衔接。路径是双向的。
NET_DESC[CableCar Path]:0 Connect Cable Car Stops with cables to allow Cable Cars to travel between them. Please note that cables cannot make sharp turns, so in order to keep passengers safe and happy, build them with gentle curves and small angles. 使用钢绳连接缆车车站,以便缆车可以在车站之间行驶。请注意钢绳不可以拐急弯,所以为了使乘客安全和高兴,采用平滑曲线和小弯铺设钢绳。
NET_DESC[Monorail Track]:0 Monorail tracks connect monorail stations to allow monorail trains to travel between them. 单轨轨道连接单轨列车站,以便单轨列车在车站之间行驶。
NET_DESC[Two Lane Highway]:0 One-way highway with two lanes in the same direction. 同向双车道单向公路。
NET_DESC[Two Lane Highway Twoway Barrier]:0 Two-lane highway with one lane going to each direction. Sound barriers lower the traffic noise on areas adjacent to the road. 双向两车道公路。隔音板降低了道路附近区域的交通噪声。
NET_DESC[Two Lane Highway Barrier]:0 Two-lane highway with both lanes going in the same direction. Sound barriers lower the traffic noise on areas adjacent to the road. 单向两车道公路。隔音板降低了道路附近区域的交通噪声。
NET_DESC[Four Lane Highway Barrier]:0 A large highway with four lanes going in one direction. Sound barriers lower the traffic noise on areas adjacent to the road. 单向四车道大型公路。隔音板降低了道路附近区域的交通噪声
NET_DESC[Train Oneway Track]:0 One-way set of tracks. 一组单向列车轨道。
NET_DESC[Monorail Oneway Track]:0 One-way set of track. 一组单向列车轨道。
NET_DESC[Amusement Park Path 01]:0 A paved pedestrian path. 铺设的步道。
NET_DESC[Amusement Park Path 02]:0 A paved pedestrian path with trees. 一条平坦的林荫人行道。
NET_DESC[Amusement Park Path 01 Propless]:0 A paved pedestrian path without props. 没有装饰的步道。
NET_DESC[Park Path 01]:0 A paved pedestrian path. 铺设的步道。
NET_DESC[Park Path 02]:0 A paved pedestrian path with trees. 带有树木的步道。
NET_DESC[Park Path 01 Propless]:0 A paved pedestrian path without props. 没有装饰的步道。
NET_DESC[Zoo Path 01]:0 A paved pedestrian path. 铺设的步道。
NET_DESC[Zoo Path 01 Winter]:0 A paved pedestrian path. 铺设的步道。
NET_DESC[Zoo Path 02]:0 A paved pedestrian path. 铺设的步道。
NET_DESC[Zoo Path 02 Winter]:0 A paved pedestrian path. 铺设的步道。
NET_DESC[Zoo Path 01 Propless]:0 A paved pedestrian path without props. 没有装饰的步道。
NET_DESC[Zoo Path 01 Propless Winter]:0 A paved pedestrian path without props. 没有装饰的步道。
NET_DESC[Nature Reserve Path 01]:0 A nature trail for walkers, runners and hikers. 适合散步者,跑步者和远足者的天然小径。
NET_DESC[Nature Reserve Path 02]:0 A nature trail with lights. 带灯光的天然小径。
NET_DESC[Nature Reserve Path 01 Propless]:0 A nature trail without props. 没有装饰的天然小径。
NET_DESC[Park Fence 01]:0 A tall metal fence. 高大的金属围栏。
NET_DESC[Zoo Fence 01]:0 A heavy fence made out of concrete elements and wood. 用水泥与木材造成的厚重围栏。
NET_DESC[Amusement Park Fence]:0 A tall metal fence. 高大的金属围栏。
NET_DESC[Nature Reserve Fence 01]:0 A wooden fence. 一道木质围栏。
NET_DESC[Trench Ruins 01]:0 Ruins of a trench. Trench Ruins do not show the full trench in Map Editor. In game mode the trench is located between the two walls. 壕沟的遗迹。壕沟遗迹不会在地图编辑器中显示完整才壕沟。在游玩模式中,壕沟会出现在两堵墙之间。
NET_DESC[Industry Road Small 01 Oneway]:0 A one-way concrete road with two lanes. Small Industry Road is cheaper than regular Two-Lane One-Way Road, but generate more noise pollution. Supports low traffic. 一条双车道的单向混凝土道路。小型工业道路比普通的双车道单向道路便宜,但会产生更多的噪音污染。支持低流量交通。
NET_DESC[Industry Road Small 01 Bridge Oneway]:0 A one-way concrete road with two lanes. 一条双车道的单向混凝土道路。
NET_DESC[Industry Road Small 01 Elevated Oneway]:0 A one-way concrete road with two lanes. 一条双车道的单向混凝土道路。
NET_DESC[Industry Road Small 01 Slope Oneway]:0 A one-way concrete road with two lanes. 一条双车道的单向混凝土道路。
NET_DESC[Industry Road Small 01 Tunnel Oneway]:0 A one-way concrete road with two lanes. 一条双车道的单向混凝土道路。
NET_DESC[Twoway Toll Road Large 01b]:0 An eight-lane, two-way road that connects with road tolls. 一条连接至收费道路的八车道双向道路。
NET_DESC[Twoway Toll Road Medium 01b]:0 A four-lane, two-way road that connects with road tolls. 一条连接至收费道路的四车道双向道路。
NET_DESC[Oneway Toll Road Medium 01]:0 A four-lane, one-way road that connects with road tolls. 一条连接至收费道路的四车道单向道路。
NET_DESC[Oneway Toll Road Medium 01c]:0 A four-lane, one-way road that connects with road tolls. 一条连接至收费道路的四车道单向道路。
NET_DESC[Twoway Toll Road Medium 01]:0 A four-lane, two-way road that connects with road tolls. 一条连接至收费道路的四车道双向道路。
NET_DESC[Oneway Toll Road Large 01]:0 An eight-lane, one-way road that connects with road tolls. 一条连接至收费道路的八车道单向道路。
NET_DESC[Oneway Toll Road Large 01c]:0 An eight-lane, one-way road that connects with road tolls. 一条连接至收费道路的八车道单向道路。
NET_DESC[Twoway Toll Road Large 01]:0 An eight-lane, two-way road that connects with road tolls. 一条连接至收费道路的八车道双向道路。
NET_DESC[Industry Road Small 01]:0 A two-way concrete road with two lanes. Small Industry Road is cheaper than regular Two-Lane Road, but generate more noise pollution. Supports low traffic. 一条双车道的双向混凝土道路。小型工业道路比普通的双车道道路便宜,但会产生更多的噪音污染。支持低流量交通。
NET_DESC[Industry Road Small 01 Bridge]:0 A two-way concrete road with two lanes. 双向双车道的混凝土公路。
NET_DESC[Industry Road Small 01 Elevated]:0 A two-way concrete road with two lanes. 双向双车道的混凝土公路。
NET_DESC[Industry Road Small 01 Slope]:0 A two-way concrete road with two lanes. 双向双车道的混凝土公路。
NET_DESC[Industry Road Small 01 Tunnel]:0 A two-way concrete road with two lanes. 双向双车道的混凝土公路。
NET_DESC[Industry Road Medium 01]:0 A two-way concrete road with four lanes. Medium Industry Road is cheaper than regular Four-Lane Road, but generate more noise pollution. Supports medium traffic. 一条四车道的双向混凝土道路。中型工业道路比普通的四车道道路便宜,但会产生更多的噪音污染。支持中流量交通。
NET_DESC[Industry Road Medium 01 Bridge]:0 A two-way concrete road with four lanes. 双向四车道的混凝土公路。
NET_DESC[Industry Road Medium 01 Elevated]:0 A two-way concrete road with four lanes. 双向四车道的混凝土公路。
NET_DESC[Industry Road Medium 01 Slope]:0 A two-way concrete road with four lanes. 双向四车道的混凝土公路。
NET_DESC[Industry Road Medium 01 Tunnel]:0 A two-way concrete road with four lanes. 双向四车道的混凝土公路。
NET_DESC[Farm Fence 01]:0 A wooden split-rail fence. 木制的篱笆围栏
NET_DESC[Forestry Fence 01]:0 A wooden stockade fence. 木制的栅栏围栏。
NET_DESC[Oil Industry Fence 01]:0 A tall anti-climb metal fence. 专门防止攀爬的高金属围栏。
NET_DESC[Ore Industry Fence 01]:0 A sheet metal fence. 由金属板做成的围栏。
NET_DESC[Mud Fence 01]:0 A strip of muddy ground. 狭长的淤泥地。
NET_DESC[Trade School Path 01]:0 A paved pedestrian path. Allows pedestrians to walk fast and easy where cars cannot go. 铺砌的人行道,允许行人在汽车无法通行的地方畅通无阻的快步行走。
NET_DESC[Liberal Arts Path 01]:0 A paved pedestrian path. Allows pedestrians to walk fast and easy where cars cannot go. 铺砌的人行道,允许行人在汽车无法通行的地方畅通无阻的快步行走。
NET_DESC[University Path 01]:0 A paved pedestrian path. Allows pedestrians to walk fast and easy where cars cannot go. 铺砌的人行道,允许行人在汽车无法通行的地方畅通无阻的快步行走。
NET_DESC[Trade School Path 02]:0 A paved pedestrian path with decorations. Allows pedestrians to walk fast and easy where cars cannot go. 铺砌的人行道,带有装饰,允许行人在汽车无法通行的地方畅通无阻的快步行走。
NET_DESC[Liberal Arts Path 02]:0 A paved pedestrian path with decorations. Allows pedestrians to walk fast and easy where cars cannot go. 铺砌的人行道,带有装饰,允许行人在汽车无法通行的地方畅通无阻的快步行走。
NET_DESC[University Path 02]:0 A paved pedestrian path with decorations. Allows pedestrians to walk fast and easy where cars cannot go. 铺砌的人行道,带有装饰,允许行人在汽车无法通行的地方畅通无阻的快步行走。
NET_DESC[Trade School Path 01 Propless]:0 A paved pedestrian path without props and decorations. 铺砌的人行道,没有小道具或装饰物。
NET_DESC[Liberal Arts Path 01 Propless]:0 A paved pedestrian path without props and decorations. 铺砌的人行道,没有小道具或装饰物。
NET_DESC[University Path 01 Propless]:0 A paved pedestrian path without props and decorations. 铺砌的人行道,没有小道具或装饰物。
NET_DESC[Fishing Path]:0 Once a fishing harbor is built, use the Fishing Route tool to create a looping route on water, starting and ending in the same fishing harbor. After the route is created, the harbor starts sending out fishing boats. Route length affects fish yield. 捕捞港口一旦建造完成,使用捕鱼路线来创建一条水面循环路线,起点和终点为同一捕捞港口。创建完路线后,港口开始派遣渔船。路线长度影响鱼产量。
NET_DESC[Helicopter Path]:0 Use pathways to mark the exact route you want helicopters to travel between stops. Lines go on pathways. Lines need pathway to access the depot. Pathways are two-way. 用路径来标记你想让直升机在不同站点之间所走的准确路线。路线必须建立在路径之上,路线需要路径才能抵达总站。路径是双向的。
NET_DESC[Metro Track Ground 01]:0 Connect metro stations to each other with Metro Tracks. Remember to build the stations first! Use height adjustment to build either underground metro tunnels, ground level tracks or elevated metro tracks. 用地铁轨道将各个地铁站互相连接。记住一定要先建好各个地铁站!用高度调整的方式来建造地下地铁隧道、地表地铁轨道或者高架地铁轨道。
NET_DESC[Metro Track Ground 01 Elevated]:0 Elevated metro tracks. 高架地铁的轨道。
NET_DESC[Metro Track Ground 01 Tunnel]:0 Overground tunnel metro tracks. 地上隧道的地铁轨道。
NET_DESC[Metro Track Ground 01 Bridge]:0 Overground bridge metro tracks. 高架桥上的地铁轨道。
NET_DESC[Metro Track Ground 01 Slope]:0 Overground bridge slope tracks. 高架桥上的斜坡轨道。
NET_DESC[Metro Track Overground Small Road]:0 A two-lane road with built-in elevated metro tracks. Can be connected to other metro tracks and stations. 一条有内置的高架地铁轨道的双车道公路,可以连接其他地铁轨道和站台。
NET_DESC[Metro Track Overground Small Road Elevated]:0 An elevated two-lane road with built-in elevated metro tracks. Can be connected to other metro tracks and stations. 一条有内置的高架地铁轨道的高架双车道公路,可以连接其他地铁轨道和站台。
NET_DESC[Metro Track Overground Small Road Bridge]:0 A two-lane bridge with built-in elevated metro tracks. Can be connected to other metro tracks and stations. 一条有内置的高架地铁轨道的双车道桥梁,可以连接其他地铁轨道和站台。
NET_DESC[Metro Track Overground Small Road Tunnel]:0 A two-lane tunnel with built-in elevated metro tracks. Can be connected to other metro tracks and stations. 一条有内置的高架地铁轨道的双车道隧道,可以连接其他地铁轨道和站台。
NET_DESC[Metro Track Overground Small Road Slope]:0 A two-lane tunnel with built-in elevated metro tracks. Can be connected to other metro tracks and stations. 一条有内置的高架地铁轨道的双车道隧道,可以连接其他地铁轨道和站台。
NET_DESC[Metro Track Overground Medium Road]:0 A four-lane road with built-in elevated metro tracks. Can be connected to other metro tracks and stations. 一条有内置的高架地铁轨道的四车道公路,可以连接其他地铁轨道和站台。
NET_DESC[Metro Track Overground Medium Road Elevated]:0 An elevated four-lane road with built-in elevated metro tracks. Can be connected to other metro tracks and stations. 一条有内置的高架地铁轨道的高架四车道公路,可以连接其他地铁轨道和站台。
NET_DESC[Metro Track Overground Medium Road Bridge]:0 A four-lane bridge with built-in elevated metro tracks. Can be connected to other metro tracks and stations. 一条有内置的高架地铁轨道的四车道桥梁,可以连接其他地铁轨道和站台。
NET_DESC[Metro Track Overground Medium Road Tunnel]:0 A four-lane tunnel with built-in elevated metro tracks. Can be connected to other metro tracks and stations. 一条有内置的高架地铁轨道的四车道隧道,可以连接其他地铁轨道和站台。
NET_DESC[Metro Track Overground Medium Road Slope]:0 A four-lane tunnel with built-in elevated metro tracks. Can be connected to other metro tracks and stations. 一条有内置的高架地铁轨道的四车道隧道,可以连接其他地铁轨道和站台。
NET_DESC[Basic Road Trolleybus]:0 A two-lane road with trolleybus wires hanging overhead. Supports low traffic. 一条上方有无轨电车电缆的双车道公路,仅支持低流量交通。
NET_DESC[Basic Road Elevated Trolleybus]:0 A two-lane elevated road with trolleybus wires hanging overhead. Supports low traffic. 一条上方有无轨电车电缆的双车道高架公路,仅支持低流量交通。
NET_DESC[Basic Road Bridge Trolleybus]:0 A two-lane bridge with trolleybus wires hanging overhead. Supports low traffic. 一条上方有无轨电车电缆的双车道桥梁,仅支持低流量交通。
NET_DESC[Basic Road Tunnel Trolleybus]:0 A two-lane tunnel with trolleybus wires hanging overhead. Supports low traffic. 一条上方有无轨电车电缆的双车道隧道,仅支持低流量交通。
NET_DESC[Basic Road Slope Trolleybus]:0 A two-lane road with trolleybus wires hanging overhead. Supports low traffic. 一条上方有无轨电车电缆的双车道公路,仅支持低流量交通。
NET_DESC[Oneway Road Trolleybus]:0 A two-lane one-way road with trolleybus wires hanging overhead. Supports low traffic. 一条上方有无轨电车电缆的单向双车道公路,仅支持低流量交通。
NET_DESC[Oneway Road Elevated Trolleybus]:0 A two-lane one-way elevated road with trolleybus wires hanging overhead. Supports low traffic. 一条上方有无轨电车电缆的单向双车道高架公路,仅支持低流量交通。
NET_DESC[Oneway Road Bridge Trolleybus]:0 A two-lane one-way bridge with trolleybus wires hanging overhead. Supports low traffic. 一条上方有无轨电车电缆的单向双车道桥梁,仅支持低流量交通。
NET_DESC[Oneway Road Tunnel Trolleybus]:0 A two-lane one-way tunnel with trolleybus wires hanging overhead. Supports low traffic. 一条上方有无轨电车电缆的单向双车道隧道,仅支持低流量交通。
NET_DESC[Oneway Road Slope Trolleybus]:0 A two-lane one-way road with trolleybus wires hanging overhead. Supports low traffic. 一条上方有无轨电车电缆的单向双车道公路,仅支持低流量交通。
NET_DESC[Medium Road Trolleybus]:0 A four-lane road with trolleybus wires hanging overhead. Supports medium traffic. 一条上方有无轨电车电缆的四车道公路,支持中等流量的交通。
NET_DESC[Medium Road Elevated Trolleybus]:0 A four-lane elevated road with trolleybus wires hanging overhead. Supports medium traffic. 一条上方有无轨电车电缆的四车道高架公路,支持中等流量的交通。
NET_DESC[Medium Road Bridge Trolleybus]:0 A four-lane bridge with trolleybus wires hanging overhead. Supports medium traffic. 一条上方有无轨电车电缆的四车道桥梁,支持中等流量的交通。
NET_DESC[Medium Road Tunnel Trolleybus]:0 A four-lane tunnel with trolleybus wires hanging overhead. Supports medium traffic. 一条上方有无轨电车电缆的四车道隧道,支持中等流量的交通。
NET_DESC[Medium Road Slope Trolleybus]:0 A four-lane road with trolleybus wires hanging overhead. Supports medium traffic. 一条上方有无轨电车电缆的四车道公路,支持中等流量的交通。
NET_DESC[Large Road Trolleybus]:0 A six-lane road with trolleybus wires hanging overhead. Supports high traffic. 一条上方有无轨电车电缆的六车道公路,支持高流量的交通。
NET_DESC[Large Road Elevated Trolleybus]:0 A six-lane elevated road with trolleybus wires hanging overhead. Supports high traffic. 一条上方有无轨电车电缆的六车道高架公路,支持高流量的交通。
NET_DESC[Large Road Bridge Trolleybus]:0 A six-lane bridge with trolleybus wires hanging overhead. Supports high traffic. 一条上方有无轨电车电缆的六车道桥梁,支持高流量的交通。
NET_DESC[Large Road Tunnel Trolleybus]:0 A six-lane tunnel with trolleybus wires hanging overhead. Supports high traffic. 一条上方有无轨电车电缆的六车道隧道,支持高流量的交通。
NET_DESC[Large Road Slope Trolleybus]:0 A six-lane road with trolleybus wires hanging overhead. Supports high traffic. 一条上方有无轨电车电缆的六车道公路,支持高流量的交通。
NET_DESC[Trolleybus Track]:0 Two-lane trolleybus road. This road only supports trolleybuses. 双车道无轨电车公路,此公路只支持无轨电车通行。
NET_DESC[Trolleybus Track Bridge]:0 Two-lane trolleybus road. This road only supports trolleybuses. 双车道无轨电车公路,此公路只支持无轨电车通行。
NET_DESC[Trolleybus Track Elevated]:0 Two-lane trolleybus road. This road only supports trolleybuses. 双车道无轨电车公路,此公路只支持无轨电车通行。
NET_DESC[Trolleybus Track Slope]:0 Two-lane trolleybus road. This road only supports trolleybuses. 双车道无轨电车公路,此公路只支持无轨电车通行。
NET_DESC[Trolleybus Track Tunnel]:0 Two-lane trolleybus road. This road only supports trolleybuses. 双车道无轨电车公路,此公路只支持无轨电车通行。
NET_DESC[Castle Wall 1]:0 Ruins of a castle wall. 城堡围墙的遗迹。
NET_DESC[Castle Wall 2]:0 Ruins of another castle wall. 另一段城堡围墙的遗迹。
NET_DESC[Castle Wall 3]:0 Castle wall ruins. 城堡围墙的遗迹。
NET_DESC[Gravel Road]:0 A two-lane gravel road suitable as a service road. Supports low traffic. 一条双车道砾石路。可承受低交通流量。
NET_DESC[Basic Road]:0 A two-lane road with parking spaces. Supports low traffic. 一条有停车带的两车道公路。可承受低交通流量。
NET_DESC[Basic Road Decoration Grass]:0 A two-lane road with decorative grass. Decorations lower noise pollution. Supports low traffic and increases land value. 一条有绿化带的两车道公路。绿化带可降低噪音污染。可承受低交通流量并提升地价。
NET_DESC[Basic Road Decoration Trees]:0 A two-lane road with decorative trees. Decorations lower noise pollution. Supports low traffic and increases land value. 一条带行道树的两车道公路。行道树可降低噪音污染。可承受低交通流量并提升地价。
NET_DESC[Oneway Road]:0 A two-lane, one-way road with parking spaces. Supports low traffic. 一条有停车带的两车道单行路。可承受低交通流量。
NET_DESC[Oneway Road Decoration Grass]:0 A two-lane, one-way road with decorative grass. Decorations lower noise pollution. Supports low traffic and increases land value. 一条有绿化带的两车道单行路。绿化带可降低噪音污染。可承受低交通流量并提升地价。
NET_DESC[Oneway Road Decoration Trees]:0 A two-lane, one-way road with decorative trees. Decorations lower noise pollution. Supports low traffic and increases land value. 一条有行道树的两车道单行路。行道树可降低噪音污染。可承受低交通流量并提升地价。
NET_DESC[Medium Road]:0 A four-lane road with parking spaces. Supports medium traffic. 一条有停车带的四车道公路。可承受中交通流量。
NET_DESC[Medium Road Decoration Grass]:0 A four-lane road with decorative grass. Decorations lower noise pollution. Supports medium traffic. 一条有绿化带的四车道公路。绿化带可降低噪音污染。可承受中交通流量。
NET_DESC[Medium Road Decoration Trees]:0 A four-lane road with decorative trees. Decorations lower noise pollution. Supports medium traffic. 一条种有行道树的四车道公路。行道树可降低噪音污染。可承受中交通流量。
NET_DESC[Large Road]:0 A six-lane road with parking spaces. Supports high traffic. 一条有停车带的六车道公路。可承受高交通流量。
NET_DESC[Large Road Decoration Grass]:0 A six-lane road with decorative grass. Decorations lower noise pollution. Supports high traffic. 一条有绿化带的六车道公路。绿化带可降低噪音污染。可承受高交通流量。
NET_DESC[Large Road Decoration Trees]:0 A six-lane road with decorative trees. Decorations lower noise pollution. Supports high traffic. 一条种有行道树的六车道公路。行道树可降低噪音污染。可承受高交通流量。
NET_DESC[Large Oneway]:0 A six-lane, one-way road. Decorations lower noise pollution. Supports high traffic. 一条六车道单行路。绿化带可降低噪音污染。可承受高交通流量。
NET_DESC[Large Oneway Decoration Grass]:0 A six-lane, one-way road with decorative grass. Decorations lower noise pollution. Supports high traffic. 一条有绿化带的六车道单行路。绿化带可降低噪音污染。可承受高交通流量。
NET_DESC[Large Oneway Decoration Trees]:0 A six-lane, one-way road with decorative trees. Decorations lower noise pollution. Supports high traffic. 一条种有行道树的六车道单行路。行道树可降低噪音污染。可承受高交通流量。
NET_DESC[Highway]:0 A three-lane, one-way road suitable for connecting population centers. Supports high traffic and high speeds, but decreases land value significantly due to high noise pollution. Lanes going the opposite direction need to be built separately. Highway does not allow zoning next to it! 一条适合连接人口中心地区的三车道单行路。可承受高交通流量和高速交通,但高噪音污染会导致地价大幅降低。通往相反方向的车道需另行建造。高速公路旁不允许建设其他区块!
NET_DESC[Highway Barrier]:0 A three-lane, one-way road suitable for connecting population centers. Sound barriers reduce noise pollution caused by the highway. Supports high traffic and high speeds, but decreases land value due to noise pollution. Lanes going the opposite direction need to be built separately. Highway does not allow zoning next to it! 一条适合连接人口中心地区的三车道单行路。隔音板减少了高速公路所造成的噪音污染。可承受高交通流量和高速交通,但噪音污染会导致土地价值降低。通往相反方向的车道需要另行建造。高速公路旁不允许建设其他区块!
NET_DESC[HighwayRamp]:0 Connect highways to the city streets and other highways with ramps. 将通往城市街道和其他高速路的高速公路用匝道彼此相连。
NET_DESC[Power Line]:0 Power lines carry electricity over distances. Power jumps across streets and from one building to the next, but for longer distances you need to build power lines. Start and end a power line at the perimeter around a building. 输电线可远距离输送电力。无形的电跨越街道,穿梭于各个建筑之间,但要输送电力到更远处,则需要建造额外输电线。输电线的起点与终点均必须处于同一栋建筑附近。
NET_DESC[Dam]:0 Flowing water is an infinite source of kinetic power. Find a strong current in a river and build a dam to access this source of clean electricity. 水流可谓是动能取之不尽用之不竭的源头。请寻找水流强劲的河流,在此建造大坝即可用此清洁能源发电。
NET_DESC[Water Pipe]:0 Water pipes carry fresh water to the city and sewage out of the city. Pipes must be connected to the water pumping station and the water drain pipe but do not need to loop. 水管将新鲜的水输入城市,并将污水排出城市。管道必须与抽水站和排水管连接,但无需连接成环。
NET_DESC[Metro Track]:0 Connect metro stations to each other by Metro Tunnels. Remember to build the stations first! 用地铁隧道连接各个地铁站。记住要先建造地铁站!
NET_DESC[Train Track]:0 Connect train stations and outside train connections to each other. Outside train connection can be found on map pieces. 将各个火车站与外部火车线路彼此相连。外部火车线路可在地图上找到。
NET_DESC[Ship Path]:0 Set paths and connect them to the edges of the terrain to provide ship access from outside the city. 设定航道,并将其连接至地块边缘,以使船只从城外到达城内。
NET_DESC[Airplane Path]:0 Set paths and connect them to the edges of the terrain to provide airplane access from outside the city. 设定航线,并将其连接至地块边缘,以使飞机从城外到达城内。
NET_DESC[Harbor Road]:0 A two-lane road with parking spaces. A leveled road supports low traffic and is always built on the same level as the building it is attached to, regardless of the surrounding terrain. 一条有停车带的两车道马路。平路可承受低交通流量,并且无论周围地形如何,总会被建造在与之相连建筑的同一水平线上。
NET_DESC[Pedestrian Gravel]:0 Gravel Paths allow pedestrians to walk fast and easy where cars cannot go. 砾石路能让行人轻松快速地行走,但车辆无法行驶。
NET_DESC[Pedestrian Pavement]:0 Paved paths are nicer to walk on than gravel. They offer access to pedestrians. 砖石路比砾石路更好走。两者均可为行人提供通行道路。
NET_DESC[ccp8-europed]:0 Euro style fancy pedestrian bridge for pedestrians. 位于巴黎的花式金属人行天桥。建议将该桥拖成直线网络。
NET_DESC[ccp8-naped]:0 American style wooden pedestrian bridge for pedestrians. 美式风格的木栈人行天桥。建议将该桥拖成直线网络。
NET_DESC[ccp8-eurorail1]:0 1 lane 1 way bowstring truss rail bridge. 单车道单向桁架铁路桥。建议将该桥拖成直线网络。
NET_DESC[ccp8-eurorail2]:0 1 lane 1 way lattice truss rail bridge 单车道单向金属桁架铁路桥。建议将该桥拖成直线网络。
NET_DESC[ccp8-hstrail]:0 2 lane concrete, high speed train bridge network with 220kmph / 136mph speed limit. 混凝土双车道高速列车桥梁网络,限速 220 公里/小时(136 英里/小时)。
NET_DESC[ccp8-euro2lane]:0 Euro style, 2 lane wide medieval road bridge with custom stone textured sidewalks. 位于巴黎的欧式双车道石桥。建议将该桥拖成直线网络。
NET_DESC[ccp8-na2lane]:0 US style, 2 lane wide metal truss bridge and road with custom concrete textured sidewalks. 美式双车道桁架桥。建议将该桥拖成直线网络。
NET_DESC[ccp8-highway]:0 3 lane, highway bridge with a concrete look. 具有混凝土外观的三车道公路桥。
NET_DESC[ccp8-euro4lane]:0 Euro style 4 lane wide concrete bridge and avenue with custom concrete textured sidewalks. 位于巴黎的欧式四车道石桥。建议将该桥拖成直线网络。
NET_DESC[ccp8-na4lane]:0 US style 4 lane wide metal truss bridge and avenue with custom stone textured sidewalks. 位于芝加哥的美式四车道石材金属桥。建议将该桥拖成直线网络。
NET_DESC[ccp8-euro6lane]:0 Euro style 6 lane stone bridge and avenue with custom cobblestone sidewalks. 位于巴黎的欧式六车道石桥。建议将该桥拖成直线网络。
NET_DESC[ccp8-na6lane]:0 US style 6 lane fake stone bridge and avenue with custom colored concrete sidewalks. 位于华盛顿的美式六车道石桥。建议将该桥拖成直线网络。
NET_DESC[ccp8-riazor-01]:0 Seawall type quay with pedestrian path. 设有人行道的海堤式码头。
NET_DESC[ccp8-riazor-02]:0 Seawall type quay with pedestrian path and without fences 设有人行道的海堤式无围栏码头。
NET_DESC[ccp8-riazor-06]:0 Seawall type quay with pedestrian paths on top tier. 上层设有人行道的海堤式码头。
NET_DESC[ccp8-riazor-03]:0 Seawall type quay with pedestrian paths on top and low tier. 上下层设有人行道的海堤式码头。
NET_DESC[ccp8-riazor-08]:0 Seawall type quay with wide low tier and functional pedestrian path on top. 下层宽阔且上层设有功能性人行道的海堤式码头。
NET_DESC[ccp8-riazor-05]:0 Seawall type quay with wide low tier and functional pedestrian paths both levels. 下层宽阔且上下层均设有功能性人行道的海堤式码头。
NET_DESC[ccp8-riazor-07]:0 Seawall type quay with pedestrian paths on top and low tier with decorative stairs. 上层设有楼梯和功能性人行道的海堤式码头。
NET_DESC[ccp8-riazor-04]:0 Seawall type quay with pedestrian paths on top and low tier with decorative stairs. 上下层均设有楼梯和功能性人行道的海堤式码头。
NET_DESC[ccp8-riviere-01]:0 Parisian style quay with pedestrian path. 设有人行道的巴黎式码头。
NET_DESC[ccp8-riviere-02]:0 Parisian style fenceless quay with pedestrian path. 设有人行道的巴黎式无围栏码头。
NET_DESC[ccp8-riviere-04]:0 Parisian style tiered quay with pedestrian path on top. 上层设有人行道的巴黎式分层码头。
NET_DESC[ccp8-riviere-03]:0 Parisian style tiered quay with pedestrian paths on both levels. 上下层均设有人行道的巴黎式分层码头。
NET_DESC[ccp8-riviere-05]:0 Parisian style wide quay with pedestrian path. 设有人行道的巴黎式宽码头。
NET_DESC[ccp8-riviere-06]:0 Parisian style wide quay with stairs and pedestrian path. 设有楼梯和人行道的巴黎式宽码头。
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[Prison]:0 Too many prisoners! 过多囚犯!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NotInAirportArea]:0 Not in airport area! 不在机场区内!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[PathNotConnectedAirport]:0 Concourse required! 需要候机大厅!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoTerminal]:0 Terminal required! 必须有航站楼!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[Snow]:0 Snow has piled up! 积雪堆积很严重了!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[DepotNotConnected]:0 Needs to be connected to lines! 需要连接到线路上!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[HeatingNotConnected]:0 Heating pipe not connected! 供暖管道未连接!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[Heating]:0 Not enough heat! 暖气不足!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[TrackNotConnected]:0 Track not connected! 还不连接轨道!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[StructureDamaged]:0 Collapsed! 已倒塌!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[ReadyForRebuild]:0 The area has been searched and is ready for automatic rebuilding once demand for zone is up. 已对该区域搜查完毕,一旦该区域的需求上升便会准备自动重建。
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoFood]:0 Not enough food! 食物不足!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[Evacuating]:0 Evacuating! 撤离中!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoGoodsShelter]:0 Not enough goods! 物资不足!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoWaterShelter]:0 Not enough water! 供水不足!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoElectricityShelter]:0 Not enough electricity! 供电不足!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoPark]:0 Park Area Required! 需要公园区域!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[PathNotConnected]:0 Path or road access required! 需要小径或道路连接!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoMainGate]:0 Main Gate Missing! 缺少正门!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoNaturalResources]:0 Not enough Natural Resources! 自然资源不够!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoInputProducts]:0 Not enough Special Goods! 没有足够的特殊商品!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoResourcesIN]:0 Not enough raw materials! 原材料不足!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NotInIndustryArea]:0 Not in industry area! 此范围不属于工业区!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[WrongAreaType]:0 Wrong area type! 地区类型不符!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[ResourceNotSelected]:0 No resource selected! 尚未选择资源!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NotInCampusArea]:0 Not in campus area! 不在校园区域内!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[PathNotConnectedCampus]:0 Path or road access required! 需要道路或路径连接!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[WrongCampusAreaType]:0 Wrong area type! 区域类型错误!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[TrolleybusDepotNotConnected]:0 Needs to be connected to lines! 需要连接至线路!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoTrolleybusWires]:0 Trolleybus wires not connected! 无轨电车电线未连接!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoPlaceForFishingGoods]:0 Not enough buyers for fish! 买鱼的人不够!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoBusOutsideConnection]:0 Missing outside connection! 没有外部连接!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[WasteTransferFacilityFull]:0 Waste Transfer Facility is full! 垃圾转运设施已满!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoFishingGoods]:0 Not enough fish! 鱼不够!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[FishingRouteWaterDirty]:0 Fishing route on polluted water! 捕捞路线在污水上!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[FishingRouteInefficient]:0 Low fishing route efficiency! 捕捞路线效率低下!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[FishingRouteIncomplete]:0 Fishing route incomplete! 捕捞路线未完成!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[FishingWaterDirty]:0 Fish Farm on polluted water! 养鱼场在污水上!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[Garbage]:0 Garbage has piled up! 垃圾已堆积成山!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[Electricity]:0 Not enough electricity! 供电不足!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[Water]:0 Not enough water! 供水不足!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[Fire]:0 Building is on fire! 建筑着火了!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[DirtyWater]:0 Citizens are sick! 市民病了!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[Pollution]:0 Citizens are sick! 市民病了!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[Noise]:0 Citizens are sick! 市民病了!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[Crime]:0 Crime rate is high! 犯罪率过高!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[TurnedOff]:0 Building is turned off! 建筑已被关闭!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[ToofewServices]:0 Too few services! 服务过少!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[LandValueLow]:0 Low land value! 地价过低!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[ElectricityNotConnected]:0 Power is not connected! 电力未连接!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoFuel]:0 Not enough fuel! 燃油不足!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[RoadNotConnected]:0 No road access! 无可进入的道路!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[WaterNotConnected]:0 Water pipe not connected! 供水管道未连接!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[Sewage]:0 Sewage is backing up! 污水倒灌!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[Death]:0 A dead person is waiting for transport! 遗体正等待被运走!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[LandfillFull]:0 No more room! 空间不足!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[Emptying]:0 Building is emptying! 清空建筑中!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[LineNotConnected]:0 Transport line not connected! 运输线路未连接!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoCustomers]:0 Not enough customers! 顾客不足!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoResources]:0 Not enough raw materials! 原材料不足!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoGoods]:0 Not enough goods to sell! 可供出售的商品不足!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoPlaceforGoods]:0 Not enough buyers for products! 产品买家不足!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoWorkers]:0 Not enough workers! 工人不足!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[NoEducatedWorkers]:0 Not enough educated workers! 受教育的工人不足!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[TaxesTooHigh]:0 Taxes too high! 税率过高!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[EmptyingFinished]:0 Emptying Finished! 已清空!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[Sick]:0 Citizens are sick! 市民病了!
NOTIFICATION_TITLE[Flood]:0 Building is flooding! 该建筑物已被淹没!
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[Prison]:0 The building cannot accept any more prisoners because it's full. Make sure you have enough Prisons in the city to handle all criminals! 此栋建筑已满无法在接受更多囚犯,请确认你有足够的监狱关押犯人!
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NotInAirportArea]:0 Airport area buildings do not operate outside of airport areas. 机场区的建筑物不能在机场区之外运营。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[PathNotConnectedAirport]:0 This building requires being built on a concourse. 此建筑需要建在候机大厅上。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoTerminal]:0 This building needs to be built in an airport area that has a terminal. 必须在有航站楼的机场区建造此建筑。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[Snow]:0 Snow has piled up! 积雪堆积很严重了!
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[DepotNotConnected]:0 Needs to be connected to lines! Make sure vehicles from the depot can reach public transport lines. 需要连接到线路上!确保总站里的车辆都能够行驶到公共交通道路上。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[HeatingNotConnected]:0 Connect heating service building to the water network to allow heat to be delivered. 再不供暖就要变冰雕了!
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[Heating]:0 Not enough heat! The building is connected to heating, but still needs to use electricity for heat. If you wish for it to use heating, make sure you produce enough. 暖气不足!这栋建筑已和供暖网络连接上,但仍需要电力来供暖。如果您希望其使用暖气,请确保您生产的暖气已经足量。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[TrackNotConnected]:0 Track not connected! 还不连接轨道!
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[StructureDamaged]:0 Structure has collapsed! 结构已倒塌!
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[ReadyForRebuild]:0 The area has been searched and is ready for automatic rebuilding once demand for zone is up. 已对该区域搜查完毕,一旦该区域的需求上升便会准备自动重建。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoFood]:0 Make sure there is enough industrial area to produce goods. 确保有足够的工业区生产物资。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[Evacuating]:0 The shelter is set to evacuate citizens on its cover range. 该避难所用于撤离其覆盖范围内的市民。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoGoodsShelter]:0 The stockpiled food, clothing and sanitary supplies are running low. Make sure shelter gets more goods! 库存的食物、衣服和卫生品紧缺。确保避难所拥有足够的物资!
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoWaterShelter]:0 The Shelter does not have enough water for its inhabitants. Make sure the water system is running and that the Shelter is connected to it. 避难所缺少居住所必须的水。确保供水系统正常运作,并将其连入避难所。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoElectricityShelter]:0 The Shelter does not have enough electricity to run properly. Make sure the electricity grid is up and the Shelter is connected to it. 避难所缺少正常运作的电力。确保电网正常,并将其连入避难所。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoPark]:0 This building needs to be inside a Park Area to function properly. 这座建筑必须放在公园区域内才可以运作。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[PathNotConnected]:0 No path or road access! Make sure pedestrians can reach the building entrance. Road access is needed in case the Park Area does not have a Main Gate. 没有小径或道路与之相连!请务必确保行人可以行走至建筑入口。需要具备道路接口,以防公园区域缺少正门的情况。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoMainGate]:0 The Side Gate cannot operate properly without a Main Gate. 没有正门,侧门无法正常使用。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoNaturalResources]:0 Extractor is missing natural resources. This building won't produce raw materials required for processing buildings.

Place extractor building on natural resource needed for Industry Area type: - Farming Industry require fertile land - Forest Industry require forest - Ore Industry require ore deposit - Oil Industry require oil


- 农业需要肥沃的土地 - 林业需要森林 - 矿业需要矿层 - 石油业需要原油

NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoInputProducts]:0 Low amount of special goods available.

Make sure trucks carrying them from processing buildings can reach the Unique Factory.

If the missing resource is produced in a far away place, building a warehouse storing it nearby can help ensure that there is always some available.




NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoResourcesIN]:0 Low amount of raw materials available.

Raw materials are needed for production, so make sure trucks carrying them can reach the building. For processing buildings in industry areas, having a nearby storage building storing the raw material can help ensure that there is always some available.


生产活动需要消耗原材料,所以请确保运送原材料的货车能直达设施。 对于加工设施,在其附近建立存储原材料的设施可确保原材料的不间断供应。

NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NotInIndustryArea]:0 Industry buildings do not operate outside industry area. 工业建筑是无法在工业区范围外运作的。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[WrongAreaType]:0 Industry buildings require an area with a main building of the same type. 工业建筑必须坐落于拥有相同类型主楼建筑的地区范围内方可运作。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[ResourceNotSelected]:0 No resource is selected for storage in this warehouse.

To start storing a resource, select one from the dropdown menu.



NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NotInCampusArea]:0 Campus buildings do not operate outside campus areas. 校园建筑在校园区域外无法运作。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[PathNotConnectedCampus]:0 No path or road access! Make sure pedestrians can reach the building entrance. 没有道路或路径连接!请确保行人可以抵达建筑入口。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[WrongCampusAreaType]:0 Campus buildings require an area with an administration building of the same type. 校园建筑需要建有同类行政大楼的区域。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[TrolleybusDepotNotConnected]:0 Needs to be connected to lines! Make sure vehicles from the depot can reach public transport lines. 需要连接至线路!确保总站的车辆能够到达公共交通线路。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoTrolleybusWires]:0 Trolleybus wires not connected! 无轨电车电线未连接!
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoPlaceForFishingGoods]:0 Goods are piling up. Place more Fish Factories or Fish Markets that buy fish and

make sure trucks carrying fish can reach outside connection to export fish.

NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoBusOutsideConnection]:0 Intercity bus network is missing highway outside connection.

Make sure the intercity buses can reach the highway outside connection.



NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[WasteTransferFacilityFull]:0 Waste Transfer Facility requires the Waste Processing Complex to transfer waste

from temporary storage to be processed into goods and energy.

NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoFishingGoods]:0 Low amount of fish available.

Make sure you are catching enough fish and that trucks carrying fish from harbors or farms can reach the Fish Factory or Fish Market.



NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[FishingRouteWaterDirty]:0 Fishing rate is reduced due to water pollution on the fishing route.

Remove the polluted water or redraw the fishing route on clear water to increase the fishing rate.



NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[FishingRouteInefficient]:0 Fishing route efficiency is low.

Make sure that fishing boats correctly match the fish type, which is determined by the depth and flow of water. Also avoid polluted water and creating short fishing routes.



NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[FishingRouteIncomplete]:0 The fishing route has to be circular and needs to start and end at the same fishing harbor. 捕捞路线必须是环形,并且需要在同一个捕捞港口开始和结束。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[FishingWaterDirty]:0 Fish yield in the building is reduced due to water pollution. Cultivation can stop if the water pollution is too high!

Remove the polluted water or relocate the building to clear water.



NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[Garbage]:0 There's some garbage piled up.

Make sure garbage trucks can reach the building.



NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[Electricity]:0 There are occasional power shortages.

Make sure your power plants have enough supply for the whole city.



NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[Water]:0 Building is in need of fresh water.

Make sure your water pumps and towers can supply the whole city.



NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[Fire]:0 Oh no, a fire! Luckily it's only a small one. 真是糟糕,着起火来了!得亏火不大。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[DirtyWater]:0 Dirty water is making citizens feel nauseous.

Make sure your source of drinking water is not polluted.



NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[Pollution]:0 The ground is polluted and it's making citizens feel nauseous.

Make sure there is healthcare available.



NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[Noise]:0 Citizens are not feeling too well because of noise pollution in the area.

Make sure there is healthcare available.



NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[Crime]:0 The neigborhood does not feel as safe as before due to a rise in crime.

Make sure police can reach the building.



NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[TurnedOff]:0 Building is closed and not working! 建筑已被关闭,并停止工作!
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[ToofewServices]:0 Citizens wish more services were available in the area. 市民希望该地区有更多可用的服务。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[LandValueLow]:0 Low land value affects the building negatively.

Make sure there are parks and the ground is not polluted.



NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[ElectricityNotConnected]:0 Power is not connected. Make sure electricity reaches this building. 未连接电力。请确保该建筑有供电连接。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoFuel]:0 Building does not have enough fuel to function properly.

Make sure trucks carrying it can reach the building from outside the city.



NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[RoadNotConnected]:0 No road access! Make sure cars and pedestrians can reach the entrance. 无可进入的道路!请确保车辆与行人能够到达入口处。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[WaterNotConnected]:0 Building needs connection to a water pipe. 建筑需要与供水管道相连。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[Sewage]:0 Smells like a sewer in here! Dirty water is not draining away as fast as it should. 这里闻起来一股翔味儿!污水排出的速度比预计情况要慢。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[Death]:0 A person has passed away and is waiting for transport. 有人逝去,并等待被运走。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[LandfillFull]:0 No more room! 空间不足!
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[Emptying]:0 Building is set to empty its content and therefore not working! 因建筑已设定为清空,其将不再工作!
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[LineNotConnected]:0 Transport line not connected! 运输线路未连接!
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoCustomers]:0 The number of customers visiting the building is low.

Make sure there is enough residential area in the city to support your businesses.



NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoResources]:0 Low amount of raw materials available.

Raw materials are needed for production, so make sure trucks carrying them can reach the building.


要进行生产的话,绝不能缺少原材料。 请确保搭载原材料的卡车可以到达该建筑。

NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoGoods]:0 Shelves are getting empty!

Make sure there is enough industrial area to produce goods for commercial buildings.



NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoPlaceforGoods]:0 Goods are piling up. Zone more commercial area to create places that sell goods. 货物正在堆积。请划出更多商业区来销售货物。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoWorkers]:0 Not enough workers. Make sure there is free residential area to allow people to move into the city. 工人不足。请确保有空闲的的居住区来使人们迁入。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoEducatedWorkers]:0 Building is in need of workers that have higher education.

Make sure there are schools in the city.



NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[TaxesTooHigh]:0 Taxes too high! 税率过高!
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[EmptyingFinished]:0 The site has been emptied and is ready for operation. 地区已清空,可以进行下一步操作。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[Sick]:0 Citizens are not feeling too well.

Make sure there is healthcare available.



NOTIFICATION_NORMAL[Flood]:0 Take measures to control the flood or the building is going to become abandoned or inoperational. 请采取措施控制洪水,否则建筑将被废弃或不可用。
ACH_TITLE[LeisureSuites]:0 Leisure Suites 休闲都市
ACH_TITLE[PlayingWithTheBoys]:0 Playing With The Boys 大玩特玩
ACH_TITLE[PrisonBreak]:0 Prison Break 越狱
ACH_TITLE[1001Nights]:0 1001 Nights 1001 夜
ACH_TITLE[AirlineTycoon]:0 Airline Tycoon 航空大亨
ACH_TITLE[Airlifter]:0 Airlifter 运输机
ACH_TITLE[AirportArchitect]:0 Airport Architect 机场建筑
ACH_TITLE[AirfieldExpertise]:0 Airfield Expertise 机场专业技术
ACH_TITLE[HighCostCarrier]:0 High-cost-carrier 高成本航空公司
ACH_TITLE[QuayKing]:0 Quay-King 护岸之王
ACH_TITLE[DoesMyBumLookBigInThis]:0 Does My Bum Look Big In This? 我看起来怎样?
ACH_TITLE[SingingInThe]:0 Singing In The- 高歌之地
ACH_TITLE[FoggyWeather]:0 Foggy Weather 大雾天
ACH_TITLE[WithCanalsYouCan]:0 With Canals You Can! 人工河之恩赐!
ACH_TITLE[Brrr]:0 Brrr! 颤栗吧!
ACH_TITLE[GetYourSnowshoesReady]:0 Get Your Snowshoes Ready! 备好你的雪地靴!
ACH_TITLE[HeresATram]:0 Here's A Tram 这儿有电车
ACH_TITLE[ILoveTrams]:0 I Love Trams! 我爱电车!
ACH_TITLE[AreTheyNakedInThere]:0 Are They Naked In There? 谁在那里玩果体?
ACH_TITLE[ItsWintertime]:0 It's Wintertime! 冬天来噜!
ACH_TITLE[Speedup]:0 Speed up! 速度加快!
ACH_TITLE[ThePlowmaster]:0 The Plowmaster 铲雪大师
ACH_TITLE[WeNeedSnorkels]:0 We need snorkels! 我们需要通气管!
ACH_TITLE[ShakeItUp]:0 Shake It Up! 跟我摇摆!
ACH_TITLE[ItsHeadingRightForUs]:0 It's heading right for us! 撞过来了!
ACH_TITLE[DropTheBase]:0 Drop the Base 落地狗
ACH_TITLE[RunBambi]:0 Run, Bambi! 斑比快跑!
ACH_TITLE[ThunderAndLightning]:0 Thunder and Lightning 雷电交加
ACH_TITLE[TwistAndShout]:0 Twist and shout 呼啸龙卷
ACH_TITLE[WhatThe]:0 What the...? 这是……?
ACH_TITLE[EternalCity]:0 Eternal City 永恒不朽
ACH_TITLE[Creator]:0 Creator 创造者
ACH_TITLE[WeHaveAWinner]:0 We Have A Winner! 胜者王
ACH_TITLE[TheUnderdog]:0 The Underdog 败者寇
ACH_TITLE[RejoiceAndBeFerry]:0 Rejoice And Be Ferry 祝贺开通渡船线路
ACH_TITLE[FerryFaerie]:0 Ferry Faerie 渡船仙境
ACH_TITLE[Triorail]:0 Triorail 三条单轨
ACH_TITLE[NotSoMono]:0 Not So Mono 多线并发
ACH_TITLE[ClarkCable]:0 Clark Cable 开通缆车
ACH_TITLE[CablesGalore]:0 Cables Galore 满是缆车
ACH_TITLE[BlimpBlimp]:0 Blimp? Blimp. 飞船?飞艇
ACH_TITLE[PutSomeBlimpInYourBlimp]:0 Put Some Blimp In Your Blimp 飞艇满天飞
ACH_TITLE[ComboBreaker]:0 Combo Breaker! 连弹打破者!
ACH_TITLE[NomenEstOmen]:0 Nomen Est Omen 道路的命名
ACH_TITLE[Centurion]:0 Centurion 百夫长
ACH_TITLE[ItsCalledSteve]:0 It's Called Steve 此路叫做“Steve”
ACH_TITLE[TotallyInMotion]:0 Mass Transit scenarios 公共交通情景
ACH_TITLE[Reporting]:0 Reporting! 报告!
ACH_TITLE[SuperSelfSufficient]:0 Super Self-Sufficient 超级自给
ACH_TITLE[IToTheT]:0 I to the T 从信息到技术
ACH_TITLE[Organistic]:0 Organistic 有机城市
ACH_TITLE[GreenEnergy]:0 Green Energy 绿色能源
ACH_TITLE[FriendlyTeaching]:0 Friendly Teaching 友好教学
ACH_TITLE[GreenestCity]:0 Greenest City 最绿色城市
ACH_TITLE[TheParkToRuleAllParks]:0 The Park To Rule All Parks 公园之王
ACH_TITLE[ParkingNotForbidden]:0 Parking Not Forbidden 大修公园
ACH_TITLE[Z00]:0 Z00 00动物园
ACH_TITLE[Ambulare]:0 Ambulare 徒步迷
ACH_TITLE[MaintainThatPark]:0 Maintain That Park 维护公园
ACH_TITLE[CoasterTycoon]:0 Coaster Tycoon 过山车大亨
ACH_TITLE[Naturally]:0 Naturally 亲近自然
ACH_TITLE[SightsToBeSeen]:0 Sights To Be Seen 待观之景
ACH_TITLE[FullCapacity]:0 Full Capacity 全盛状态
ACH_TITLE[SerialInvestor]:0 Serial Investor 停不下来
ACH_TITLE[OffshoreAssets]:0 Offshore Assets 海上资产
ACH_TITLE[IndustryTycoon]:0 Industry Tycoon 工业巨头
ACH_TITLE[Postman]:0 Postman 快递劳模
ACH_TITLE[JustTolling]:0 Just Tolling 收费“劳模”
ACH_TITLE[ScalingUp]:0 Scaling Up 蒸蒸日上
ACH_TITLE[StudentHousingProject]:0 Student Housing Project 学生住宿项目
ACH_TITLE[GraduationNation]:0 Education Nation 教育之国
ACH_TITLE[DistinguishedAcademics]:0 Distinguished Academics 杰出学者
ACH_TITLE[VarsitySportsPatron]:0 Varsity Sports Patron 校队体育赞助方
ACH_TITLE[HigherLearning]:0 Higher Learning 高等教育
ACH_TITLE[AcademicScholar]:0 Academic Scholar 学术学者
ACH_TITLE[ForForProfitEducation]:0 For For-Profit Education! 支持营利教育!
ACH_TITLE[Aquaculture]:0 Aquaculture 水产养殖
ACH_TITLE[FisherKing]:0 Fisher King 渔夫之王
ACH_TITLE[MultidisciplinaryTransportTycoon]:0 Multidisciplinary Transport Tycoon 跨领域交通大亨
ACH_TITLE[Trolleyface]:0 Trolleyface 无轨电车的微笑
ACH_TITLE[WorldOfRotorcraft]:0 World of Rotorcraft 螺旋飞行器的世界
ACH_TITLE[ComeFlyWithMe]:0 Come Fly With Me! 和我一起展翅翱翔!
ACH_TITLE[TheWatersOfOurLives]:0 The Waters of Our Lives 我们的生命之水
ACH_TITLE[Pioneer]:0 Pioneer 先锋
ACH_TITLE[Decorator]:0 Decorator 自己动手
ACH_TITLE[Terraformer]:0 Terraformer 地形改造
ACH_TITLE[WellInformed]:0 Well Informed 消息灵通
ACH_TITLE[CityPlanner]:0 City Planner 城市规划师
ACH_TITLE[Lawmaker]:0 Lawmaker 立法者
ACH_TITLE[PowerAtYourFingertips]:0 Power at Your Fingertips 指尖之力
ACH_TITLE[HeavenlyCity]:0 Heavenly City 天堂之城
ACH_TITLE[Medic]:0 Medic! 医生!
ACH_TITLE[AHugeHadron]:0 A Huge Hadron 发达的科技!
ACH_TITLE[BeamMeUp]:0 Beam Me Up 量子传送
ACH_TITLE[NewEden]:0 New Eden 新伊甸园
ACH_TITLE[ShortFuse]:0 Short Fuse 急性子
ACH_TITLE[IWantItAll]:0 I Want It All 我全都要
ACH_TITLE[Metropolis]:0 Metropolis 大都会
ACH_TITLE[Distroy]:0 Distroy 法治之区
ACH_TITLE[CityInMotion]:0 City in Motion 都市运输
ACH_TITLE[CityInMotion2]:0 City in Motion 2 都市运输 2
ACH_TITLE[ClimbingTheSocialLadder]:0 Climbing the Social Ladder 攀登上社交阶梯
ACH_TITLE[UnpopularMayor]:0 Unpopular Mayor 不受待见的市长
ACH_TITLE[RollingInDough]:0 Rolling in Dough 在钱堆里打滚
ACH_TITLE[FreneticPlayer]:0 Frenetic Player 狂热玩家
ACH_TITLE[HappyTown]:0 Happy Town 幸福小镇
ACH_TITLE[ToughCity]:0 Tough City 混乱之城
ACH_TITLE[FireWatch]:0 Fire Watch 预防火警
ACH_TITLE[TheSafestTown]:0 The Safest Town 预防犯罪
ACH_TITLE[ProfessionalDumper]:0 Professional Dumper 专业清洁工
ACH_TITLE[EarthlovingCity]:0 Earthloving City 环保城
ACH_TITLE[HigherEducation]:0 Higher Education 高等教育
ACH_TITLE[SIMulatedCity]:0 SIMulated City 真·大都市
ACH_TITLE[SafeCity]:0 Safe City 安全都市
ACH_TITLE[PowerToThePeople]:0 Power to the People 收税为民
ACH_TITLE[MakeThemPay]:0 Make Them Pay 以牙还牙
ACH_DESC[LeisureSuites]:0 Have 1000 squares of leisure specialized commercial zone. 城市拥有 1000 格休闲娱乐区。
ACH_DESC[PlayingWithTheBoys]:0 Have 1000 squares of tourism specialized commercial zone. 城市拥有 1000 格旅游观光区。
ACH_DESC[PrisonBreak]:0 Have 15 Prisons in the city. 城市拥有 15 所监狱。
ACH_DESC[1001Nights]:0 Experience 1001 nights in the game. 在游戏中度过 1001 个夜晚。
ACH_DESC[AirlineTycoon]:0 Have an airport area reach level 3. 让一个机场区达到第 3 级。
ACH_DESC[Airlifter]:0 Have 10 000 total passengers travel through an airport area. 一共有 10,000 名旅客通过机场区旅行。
ACH_DESC[AirportArchitect]:0 Build an airport area with a terminal, a runway and an aircraft stand. 建造一个有航站楼的机场区、一条跑道和一个停机位。
ACH_DESC[AirfieldExpertise]:0 Build an airport area with an area of 25000 cells. 建造一个面积为 25,0000 格的机场区。
ACH_DESC[HighCostCarrier]:0 Set the airline ticket price slider to the maximum price. 将航空公司票价滑块设至最高价。
ACH_DESC[QuayKing]:0 Build one quay 建造 1 个护岸。
ACH_DESC[DoesMyBumLookBigInThis]:0 Change Chirper look 更换小啾啾的外观。
ACH_DESC[SingingInThe]:0 Experience rain 体验雨天。
ACH_DESC[FoggyWeather]:0 Experience fog 体验雾天。
ACH_DESC[WithCanalsYouCan]:0 Build one canal 修建 1 条人工河
ACH_DESC[Brrr]:0 Create a winter map in map editor 在地图编辑工具中创建冬季主题地图。
ACH_DESC[GetYourSnowshoesReady]:0 Experience snowfall 体验雪天。
ACH_DESC[HeresATram]:0 Have one tram line active 拥有 1 条电车线路。
ACH_DESC[ILoveTrams]:0 Have 10 tram lines active 拥有 10 条电车线路。
ACH_DESC[AreTheyNakedInThere]:0 Have a Sauna in the city 拥有 1 个桑拿房。
ACH_DESC[ItsWintertime]:0 Change Chirper to a winter look 将小啾啾变更为冬季外观。
ACH_DESC[Speedup]:0 Boost 100 km of streets with Road maintenance service 用道路养护服务修缮 100 千米的道路。
ACH_DESC[ThePlowmaster]:0 Have snowplows collect 2000000 units of snow 让铲雪车收集 2000000 单位的雪。
ACH_DESC[WeNeedSnorkels]:0 Experience a tsunami. 体验一次海啸。
ACH_DESC[ShakeItUp]:0 Experience an earthquake. 经历一次地震。
ACH_DESC[ItsHeadingRightForUs]:0 Experience a meteor strike. 经历一次陨石撞击。
ACH_DESC[DropTheBase]:0 Experience a sinkhole. 经历一次地陷。
ACH_DESC[RunBambi]:0 Experience a forest fire. 经历一次森林大火。
ACH_DESC[ThunderAndLightning]:0 Experience a thunderstorm. 经历一次雷暴雨。
ACH_DESC[TwistAndShout]:0 Experience a tornado. 经历一场龙卷风。
ACH_DESC[WhatThe]:0 Experience a special disaster. 经历一次特殊的灾难。
ACH_DESC[EternalCity]:0 Have ten disasters hit the same city. 同一座城市遭受十次灾难。
ACH_DESC[Creator]:0 Create 10 scenarios 制造 10 个场景。
ACH_DESC[WeHaveAWinner]:0 Win 10 scenarios 战胜 10 次场景。
ACH_DESC[TheUnderdog]:0 Lose 10 scenarios 被场景打败 10 次。
ACH_DESC[RejoiceAndBeFerry]:0 Have 3 ferry lines. 拥有 3 条渡船航线。
ACH_DESC[FerryFaerie]:0 Have 15 ferry lines. 拥有 15 条渡船航线。
ACH_DESC[Triorail]:0 Have 3 monorail lines. 拥有 3 条单轨列车线路。
ACH_DESC[NotSoMono]:0 Have 10 monorail lines. 拥有 10 条单轨列车线路。
ACH_DESC[ClarkCable]:0 Transport 5 000 passengers with Cable Cars.

ACH_DESC[CablesGalore]:0 Transport 20 000 passengers with Cable Cars. 用缆车运输20000名乘客。
ACH_DESC[BlimpBlimp]:0 Have 3 blimp lines. 拥有 3 条飞艇航线。
ACH_DESC[PutSomeBlimpInYourBlimp]:0 Have 10 blimp lines. 拥有 10 条飞艇航线。
ACH_DESC[ComboBreaker]:0 Have one Ferry and Bus Exchange Stop, Metro-Monorail-Train Hub, Monorail-Bus Hub and Multiplatform Train Station. 拥有一个渡船和公共汽车换乘站、地铁-单轨列车-列车枢纽、单轨公共汽车枢纽和多平台列车站。
ACH_DESC[NomenEstOmen]:0 Name a road. 命名一条道路。
ACH_DESC[Centurion]:0 Name 100 roads. 命名 100 条道路。
ACH_DESC[ItsCalledSteve]:0 Name a road "Steve".
ACH_DESC[TotallyInMotion]:0 Win all three Mass Transit scenarios
ACH_DESC[Reporting]:0 Check a route of a citizens. 检查市民路线。
ACH_DESC[SuperSelfSufficient]:0 Have all residential zone in your city be specialized Self-Sufficient Housing. 让你的城市中所有的居住区都被划分为自给住宅。
ACH_DESC[IToTheT]:0 Have all office zone in your city be specialized IT-Cluster. 让你的城市中所有的办公区都被划分为信息产业区。
ACH_DESC[Organistic]:0 Have all commercial zone in your city be specialized Organic and Local Produce. 让你的城市中所有的商业区都被划分为本地有机作物。
ACH_DESC[GreenEnergy]:0 Produce all electricity without using raw materials. 所有发电设施均不使用原材料。
ACH_DESC[FriendlyTeaching]:0 Build one of each eco-friendly schools: Community School, Institute of Creative Arts and Modern Technology Institute. 建造下列任意环保学校:社区学校、创意艺术学院和现代技术培训学校
ACH_DESC[GreenestCity]:0 Have no polluting industry in your city, only Office Zone and specialized zones. 让你的城市中完全没有污染型工业,只有写字楼区和专业区。
ACH_DESC[TheParkToRuleAllParks]:0 Have a maximum level park made with Park Tool. 拥有一座使用公园工具制作的最高等级公园。
ACH_DESC[ParkingNotForbidden]:0 Have 10 parks made with Park Tool. 使用公园工具建造10个公园。
ACH_DESC[Z00]:0 Have a park with all zoo buildings built in it. 拥有一座包含所有动物园建筑的公园。
ACH_DESC[Ambulare]:0 Have 5 pedestrian Walking Tour lines. 拥有5条徒步观光游览线路
ACH_DESC[MaintainThatPark]:0 Have a Park Maintenance Service and a Zoo, Nature Reserve and Amusement Park in your city. 在城市中拥有一座公园维护部门,一座动物园,一座自然保护区与一座游乐园。
ACH_DESC[CoasterTycoon]:0 Have a park with all Amusement Park buildings built in it. 拥有一座包含所有游乐园建筑的公园。
ACH_DESC[Naturally]:0 Have a park with all Nature Reserve buildings built in it. 拥有一座包含所有自然保护区建筑的公园。
ACH_DESC[SightsToBeSeen]:0 Have 15 Sightseeing Bus lines. 拥有15条观光巴士路线。
ACH_DESC[FullCapacity]:0 Level up an Industry Area up to Level 5 将一个工业区升到5级
ACH_DESC[SerialInvestor]:0 Build 10 Industry Areas 建设10个工业区
ACH_DESC[OffshoreAssets]:0 Build five Offshore Oil Drilling Platforms 建造五座近海石油钻探平台
ACH_DESC[IndustryTycoon]:0 Build all Unique Factories 建设所有独特工厂
ACH_DESC[Postman]:0 Deliver 1 000 000 units of Mail 递送一百万份邮件
ACH_DESC[JustTolling]:0 Build one of each road Toll Booth buildings 建设所有类型的公路收费站建筑
ACH_DESC[ScalingUp]:0 Build 10 Warehouse buildings 建设10个仓库建筑
ACH_DESC[StudentHousingProject]:0 Have total number of 10 Dormitories. 拥有总共10个宿舍。
ACH_DESC[GraduationNation]:0 Have 15 000 students studying on campuses at the same time. 让15000名学生同时在校园里学习。
ACH_DESC[DistinguishedAcademics]:0 Have one campus reach "Prestigious" in reputation. 使一个校园声望达到“著名”。
ACH_DESC[VarsitySportsPatron]:0 Build all five varsity sports arenas on one campus in one city. 在同一座城市的同一所校园里建齐五个校队竞技场。
ACH_DESC[HigherLearning]:0 Build all Campus Area types with all of their respective campus buildings and faculties. 建造所有的校园区域类型,并配齐建筑与学院。
ACH_DESC[AcademicScholar]:0 Create 100 academic works. 创作100件学术作品。
ACH_DESC[ForForProfitEducation]:0 Cover one campus area upkeep cost entirely with tuition fees paid by students in a campus area with more than 5000 students. 在一座拥有超过5000名学生的校园区域里,只靠学生支付的学费来满足校园维护费。
ACH_DESC[Aquaculture]:0 Farm 7 500 000 units of fish and sea plants. 养殖7,500,000单位的鱼类和海洋植物。
ACH_DESC[FisherKing]:0 Catch 10 000 000 units of fish. 捕捞10,000,000单位的鱼。
ACH_DESC[MultidisciplinaryTransportTycoon]:0 Build Metro-Intercity Bus Hub, Bus-Intercity Bus Hub, Train-Metro Hub, Metropolitan Airport and Bus-Metro Hub 建造地下地铁和城际公交车的中转站、公交车和城际公交车的中转站、火车和地上地铁中转站、大都市机场以及公交车和地下地铁中转站。
ACH_DESC[Trolleyface]:0 Transport 35 000 citizens in trolleybuses. 用无轨电车运载35,000名市民
ACH_DESC[WorldOfRotorcraft]:0 Transport 15 000 citizens in passenger helicopters. 用客运直升机运载15,000名市民
ACH_DESC[ComeFlyWithMe]:0 Have 60 tourists visit the Aviation Club during one week. 在一周内让60名游客来航空俱乐部。
ACH_DESC[TheWatersOfOurLives]:0 Treat 20 000 000 m3 of waste water using the Inland Water Treatment Plants. 用内陆污水处理厂处理20,000,000立方米的污水。
ACH_DESC[Pioneer]:0 Create your very first city 创建您的第一座城市。
ACH_DESC[Decorator]:0 Use the Asset Editor to make your very own asset 首次使用资产编辑工具来编辑资产。
ACH_DESC[Terraformer]:0 Create a map 创建地图。
ACH_DESC[WellInformed]:0 Have a look at all the different info-view panels 查看所有信息面板。
ACH_DESC[CityPlanner]:0 Use the district tool to draw 3 districts 使用区域工具绘制 3 个区域。
ACH_DESC[Lawmaker]:0 Apply a policy to a district you created 于您创建的区域施行政策。
ACH_DESC[PowerAtYourFingertips]:0 Unlock all city services 解锁所有城市服务。
ACH_DESC[HeavenlyCity]:0 Unlock Monuments 解锁伟大工程。
ACH_DESC[Medic]:0 Build the Medical Center Monument 建造医疗中心伟大工程。
ACH_DESC[AHugeHadron]:0 Build the Hadron Collider Monument 建设强子对撞机伟大工程。
ACH_DESC[BeamMeUp]:0 Build the Space Elevator Monument 建设轨道电梯伟大工程。
ACH_DESC[NewEden]:0 Build the Eden Project Monument 建设伊甸园计划伟大工程。
ACH_DESC[ShortFuse]:0 Build the Fusion Power Plant Monument 建设核聚变发电厂伟大工程。
ACH_DESC[IWantItAll]:0 Unlock every single building in the game 解锁游戏内所有建筑。
ACH_DESC[Metropolis]:0 Have a population of 100,000 in your city 您的城市拥有 10 万人口。
ACH_DESC[Distroy]:0 Have more than 10 districts with unique policies 拥有超过 10 个政策各不相同的区域。
ACH_DESC[CityInMotion]:0 Have 20 transport lines 拥有 20 条运输线。
ACH_DESC[CityInMotion2]:0 Have 50 transport lines 拥有 50 条运输线。
ACH_DESC[ClimbingTheSocialLadder]:0 Have a Citizen educated to level 3 from 0 使一个市民的教育程度从 0 到 3。
ACH_DESC[UnpopularMayor]:0 Have 15% happiness 拥有 15% 幸福度。
ACH_DESC[RollingInDough]:0 Earn 15,000 per week 每周赚取 15,000。
ACH_DESC[FreneticPlayer]:0 Click on a police building 100 times in a row 连续单击警察设施 100 次。
ACH_DESC[HappyTown]:0 Have more than 95% city happiness for 5 years 5 年内保持着 95% 以上的城市幸福度。
ACH_DESC[ToughCity]:0 Have the city survive a crime rate of over 40% for 2 years 使城市熬过 2 年内持续 40% 以上的犯罪率。
ACH_DESC[FireWatch]:0 Have 5 Fire Stations 拥有 5 个消防局。
ACH_DESC[TheSafestTown]:0 Have 5 Police Headquarters 拥有 5 个警察总部。
ACH_DESC[ProfessionalDumper]:0 Fill five landfill sites 装满 5 个填埋场。
ACH_DESC[EarthlovingCity]:0 No water or ground pollution in a city of over 10,000 residents 在超过 1 万居民的城市中,无水源污染或地面污染。
ACH_DESC[HigherEducation]:0 Have over 70% of citizens highly educated in a city of over 10,000 people 在超过 1 万居民的城市中,拥有超过 70% 受高等教育的居民。
ACH_DESC[SIMulatedCity]:0 Have an area the size of nine map tiles 拥有一片尺寸为 9 个区块的区域。
ACH_DESC[SafeCity]:0 Keep the crime rate under 10% for 4 years straight 连续 4 年保持犯罪率低于 10%。
ACH_DESC[PowerToThePeople]:0 Have the industry tax rate over 5% higher than either residential tax rate for one year 在一年内保证工业税率比居民税率高至少 5%。
ACH_DESC[MakeThemPay]:0 Have both residential tax rates over 5% higher than industry for one year 一年内居民税率比工业税率高 5% 以上。
POLICIES[Open247]:0 Open 24/7 全天候开放
POLICIES[DontTaxLeisure]:0 Let Go of Leisure 一起去玩吧~
POLICIES[NoLoudNoises]:0 NIMBY 夜间静音
POLICIES[SchoolsOut]:0 Schools Out 走出校园
POLICIES[OldTown]:0 Old Town 旧城区
POLICIES[BikeBan]:0 Bike Ban On Sidewalks 禁止人行道骑车
POLICIES[EncourageBiking]:0 Encourage Biking 绿色出行
POLICIES[Specialization]:0 District Specializations 专业特区
POLICIES[DoubleSentences]:0 Harsh Prison Sentences 严酷监禁刑罚
POLICIES[Leisure]:0 Leisure Specialization 休闲娱乐区划
POLICIES[Tourist]:0 Tourism Specialization 旅游观光区划
POLICIES[HotelDiscounts]:0 Hotel Discounts 酒店折扣
POLICIES[GreatMaintenance]:0 Great Maintenance 出色的维护品质
POLICIES[CarRentals]:0 Car Rentals 车辆租赁
POLICIES[StuddedTires]:0 Studded Tires 加装防滑链计划
POLICIES[AntiSlip]:0 Anti-Slip Studs 防滑鞋发放计划
POLICIES[ExtraInsulation]:0 Extra Insulation 加装额外隔热计划
POLICIES[NoElectricity]:0 No Electricity for Heat 禁止电力供暖
POLICIES[OnlyElectricity]:0 Only Electricity for Heat 纯电力供暖
POLICIES[LightningRods]:0 Lightning Rods 避雷针
POLICIES[HelicopterPriority]:0 Helicopter Priority 直升机优先权
POLICIES[VIPArea]:0 VIP Area 贵宾区
POLICIES[FastRecovery]:0 Fast Recovery 快速恢复
POLICIES[NoRebuild]:0 No Re-building 禁止重建
POLICIES[PreferFerries]:0 Prefer Ferries 偏好渡船
POLICIES[EducationalBlimps]:0 Educational Blimps 教育飞艇
POLICIES[HighTicketPrices]:0 High Ticket Prices 高票价
POLICIES[RecyclePlastic]:0 Recycle Plastic 塑料回收
POLICIES[CombustionEngineBan]:0 Combustion Engine Ban 内燃机禁令
POLICIES[ElectricCars]:0 Electric Cars 电动车
POLICIES[FilterIndustrialWaste]:0 Filter Industrial Waste 工业污染物过滤
POLICIES[Organic]:0 Organic and Local Produce 本地有机作物
POLICIES[Selfsufficient]:0 Self Sufficient Buildings 自给建筑
POLICIES[Hightech]:0 IT Cluster 信息产业区
POLICIES[Park]:0 Park Policies 公园政策
POLICIES[AnimalEthics]:0 Animal Ethics 动物道德
POLICIES[ParkAdvertisement]:0 Advertisement Campaign 广告攻势
POLICIES[MainPark]:0 Main Park 主力公园
POLICIES[FireworksBan]:0 Fine for Fireworks 烟火禁令
POLICIES[FireworksBoost]:0 Celebrate! 大肆欢庆!
POLICIES[NightTours]:0 Night Tours 夜间游园
POLICIES[EvenMoreFun]:0 Even More Fun 更多乐趣
POLICIES[NatureRecycle]:0 Recycle Garbage 回收垃圾
POLICIES[PreferParks]:0 Prefer Parks 偏爱公园
POLICIES[ParkMaintenanceBoost]:0 Park Maintenance Boost 公园维护提升
POLICIES[BoostConnections]:0 Boost Connections 连接提升
POLICIES[WorkersUnion]:0 Workers' Union 工会
POLICIES[AutomatedSorting]:0 Automated Sorting 自动分拣系统
POLICIES[AutomatedToll]:0 Automated Toll 自动化收费站
POLICIES[FreeWifi]:0 Free Wi-Fi 免费Wi-Fi
POLICIES[ImprovedLogistics]:0 Improved Logistics 物流优化
POLICIES[WorkSafety]:0 Improved Work Safety Supervision 工地安全监督制度优化
POLICIES[AdvancedAutomation]:0 Advanced Automation 高级自动化系统
POLICIES[Industry4point0]:0 Industry 4.0 工业4.0
POLICIES[ForProfitEducation]:0 For-profit Education 营利教育
POLICIES[BookFair]:0 Book Fair 书展
POLICIES[StudentHealthcare]:0 Student Healthcare 学生医疗
POLICIES[FreeLunch]:0 Free Lunch 免费午餐
POLICIES[VisitingScholars]:0 Visiting Scholars 访问学者
POLICIES[UniversalEducation]:0 Universal Education 普及教育
POLICIES[FreeFanMerchandise]:0 Fan Club Support 粉丝俱乐部支持
POLICIES[VarsitySportsAds]:0 Advertisement Campaign 广告宣传
POLICIES[SponsorshipDeal]:0 Sponsorship Deals 赞助协议
POLICIES[FishingLicense]:0 Fishing License 捕鱼许可证
POLICIES[AlgaeBasedWaterFiltering]:0 Algae-based Water Filtering 基于水藻的水过滤
POLICIES[TouristTravelCard]:0 Tourist Travel Card 游客旅游卡
POLICIES[DolphinSafeTuna]:0 Dolphin-safe Fishing 捕鱼时不准捕捞海豚
POLICIES[AirplaneTours]:0 Airplane Tours 飞机旅游
POLICIES[SustainableFishing]:0 Sustainable Fishing 可持续渔业
POLICIES[BandAdvertisement]:0 Ad Campaign 广告宣传
POLICIES[PremiumStudio]:0 Premium Studio 高级工作室
POLICIES[Event]:0 Event Policies 活动政策
POLICIES[SubsidizedYouth]:0 Subsidized Youth 补助青少年
POLICIES[ComeOneComeAll]:0 Come One, Come All 接送公车
POLICIES[MatchSecurity]:0 Match Security 比赛安保
POLICIES[Forest]:0 Forestry Specialization 林业特区
POLICIES[Farming]:0 Agriculture Specialization 农业特区
POLICIES[Oil]:0 Oil Industry Specialization 石化特区
POLICIES[Ore]:0 Ore Industry Specialization 矿业特区
POLICIES[PowerSaving]:0 Power Usage 节电措施
POLICIES[WaterSaving]:0 Water Usage 节水措施
POLICIES[SmokeDetectors]:0 Smoke Detector Distribution 按照烟雾探测器
POLICIES[PetBan]:0 Pet Ban 禁养宠物
POLICIES[Recycling]:0 Recycling 资源回收
POLICIES[SmokingBan]:0 Smoking Ban 禁烟令
POLICIES[RecreationBoost]:0 Parks and Recreation 景观美化
POLICIES[EducationBoost]:0 Education Boost 加强教育
POLICIES[RecreationalUse]:0 Recreational Use 允许娱乐活动
POLICIES[FreeTransport]:0 Free Public Transport 免费公共运输
POLICIES[TaxRaiseResLow]:0 Tax Raise for Low Density Residential 提高低密度住宅区税率
POLICIES[TaxRaiseResHigh]:0 Tax Raise for High Density Residential 提高高密度住宅区税率
POLICIES[TaxRaiseComLow]:0 Tax Raise for Low Density Commercial 提高低密度商业区税率
POLICIES[TaxRaiseComHigh]:0 Tax Raise for High Density Commercial 提高高密度商业区税率
POLICIES[TaxRaiseOffice]:0 Tax Raise for Offices 提高办公区税率
POLICIES[TaxLowerResLow]:0 Tax Relief for Low Density Residential 降低低密度住宅区税率
POLICIES[TaxLowerResHigh]:0 Tax Relief for High Density Residential 降低高密度住宅区税率
POLICIES[TaxLowerComLow]:0 Tax Relief for Low Density Commercial 降低低密度商业区税率
POLICIES[TaxLowerComHigh]:0 Tax Relief for High Density Commercial 降低高密度商业区税率
POLICIES[TaxLowerOffice]:0 Tax Relief for Offices 降低办公区税率
POLICIES[Industry]:0 Industry Specializations 工业专精
POLICIES[Services]:0 Services Policies 服务政策
POLICIES[Taxation]:0 Taxation Policies 税收政策
POLICIES[CityPlanning]:0 City Planning Policies 城市规划政策
POLICIES[Special]:0 Special Policies 特殊政策
POLICIES[SmallBusiness]:0 Small Business Enthusiast 小企业主
POLICIES[BigBusiness]:0 Big Business Benefactor 大企业主
POLICIES[IndustrySpace]:0 Industrial Space Planning 产业空间规划
POLICIES[HighTechHousing]:0 High Tech Housing 高科技房屋
POLICIES[HighriseBan]:0 Highrise Ban 高层建筑管制
POLICIES[HeavyTrafficBan]:0 Heavy Traffic Ban 大型车辆管制
POLICIES_DETAIL[Open247]:0 Allows commercial zones to function also during the night. 允许商业区在夜晚也持续正常运作。
POLICIES_DETAIL[DontTaxLeisure]:0 Leisure specialized areas stop generating tax income, but get a hefty boost in their entertainment and attractiveness values. 休闲娱乐区不再收税,但会增加娱乐以及吸引力。
POLICIES_DETAIL[NoLoudNoises]:0 No loud noise in the night! Leisure specialized areas will close for the night. Reduces noise pollution caused by Leisure. 安静的夜晚!休闲娱乐区夜晚将关闭,降低休闲娱乐区的噪音污染。
POLICIES_DETAIL[SchoolsOut]:0 The citizens will prefer working over education and only a small portion of the eligible citizens will go to study in the university. 市民比求学更喜欢就业,并且只有一小部分符合资格的市民会去就读大学。
POLICIES_DETAIL[OldTown]:0 Only residents and businesses can use the area for motor vehicles, ban other motor traffic. 禁止除了属于本区域内的居民和企业以外的汽车行驶。
POLICIES_DETAIL[BikeBan]:0 This policy bans cycling on sidewalks. Bikes can only use dedicated bike lanes and bike pathways. 此政策禁止自行车行进人行道。自行车只能使用专用的自行车道。
POLICIES_DETAIL[EncourageBiking]:0 When this policy is active, most citizens will prefer bicycles over motor vehicles. 当政策启用之后,市民们更愿意骑自行车而不是开车。
POLICIES_DETAIL[DoubleSentences]:0 The prison sentences are twice as long as usual and the harsh verdicts keep the worst felons off the streets for longer.

- Double the usual prison sentences.



POLICIES_DETAIL[Leisure]:0 Districts specialized in leisure activities have more vibrant nightlife and many options for daytime relaxation as well.

- Causes Noise Pollution - Commercial zones are active 24/7.


-造成噪音污染 -商业区全年无休

POLICIES_DETAIL[Tourist]:0 Tourism specialization dedicates the commercial zones to serve the tourists by providing hotel accommodations, restaurants and other activities.

- Causes Noise Pollution - Attracts tourists


-造成噪音污染 -吸引更多游客

POLICIES_DETAIL[HotelDiscounts]:0 Adds a bonus of 200 points to the airport's attractiveness rating. Cost: ₡20 / passenger / week 使机场的吸引力得分增加了 500 分。成本:₡10/乘客/周
POLICIES_DETAIL[GreatMaintenance]:0 Adds a land value bonus to the whole airport. Cost: ₡5 / 100 airport area cells / week 提升了整个机场的土地价值。成本:₡5/100 个机场区单元/周
POLICIES_DETAIL[CarRentals]:0 Tourists are much more likely to use cars, which may increase traffic. Adds ₡2 income / passenger / week 游客使用车辆的可能性大幅提高,这可能会增加交通流量。增加了 ₡2 收入/乘客/周
POLICIES_DETAIL[StuddedTires]:0 Cars are required to have studded tires during the winter. This makes cars resistant to small amount of snow, keeping the traffic smoother even if there's some snow on the roads. Increases road maintenance cost by 25%. 汽车在冬季必须配备防滑轮胎。这能确保汽车日常行驶能不被少量的雪所影响。甚至在路上已有一定积雪时,还能使交通更加顺畅。道路维护费用增加25%。
POLICIES_DETAIL[AntiSlip]:0 Increases the health of elderly citizens by making them less likely to slip on icy streets. - Upkeep: 0,32 ¢ / senior citizen 防滑鞋能有效降低老年市民在结冰路面上滑倒的风险,进而提升老年市民的健康度。

-维护费用:每位老年市民 0.32科郎

POLICIES_DETAIL[ExtraInsulation]:0 Buildings require less energy for heating, thanks to the extra insulation layer in their walls and roofs, but produce less tax income because of the higher construction and maintenance costs. 由于建筑物的墙上及天花板上安装有额外隔热层,使得其对暖气的需求降低。但由于更高的建设费用及维护费用,反倒使得其所产生的纳税额减少。
POLICIES_DETAIL[NoElectricity]:0 Buildings are forbidden to use electricity for heating; they can only use heat produced by heating services. Make sure your heating services produce enough for the whole city! 所有建筑被禁止使用电力取暖,只能使用供暖站提供的暖气。请确保供暖服务设施能为整座城市提供足够的暖气!
POLICIES_DETAIL[OnlyElectricity]:0 Buildings are forbidden to use heating; they can only use electricity. This raises electricity consumption significantly during cold spells. 建筑被禁止使用暖气,只能使用电力取暖。这使得寒冷天气中的电力需求急剧增加。
POLICIES_DETAIL[LightningRods]:0 Request tallest buildings to install lightning rods on their roofs to lower the likelihood of them catching fire during a thunderstorm. Cost 1.6 ¢ / building 要求最高建筑在楼顶安装避雷针,降低他们在雷暴雨中着火的几率。每栋建筑花费X
POLICIES_DETAIL[HelicopterPriority]:0 If there are emergencies on areas with this policy on, the services will always use helicopters instead of ground vehicles. 开启该政策时,如果出现紧急情况,服务设施总会使用直升机而不是地面载具。
POLICIES_DETAIL[VIPArea]:0 Any and all Shelters in policy area are reserved only for the citizens living in the policy area. 所有政策覆盖区域的避难所仅为该区域的市民预留位置。每栋建筑花费X
POLICIES_DETAIL[FastRecovery]:0 In these areas the Emergency Response Unit does not search for survivors but only makes the lot ready for re-building. More citizens are lost but the city recovers faster. 这些区域的紧急响应小队不会搜索幸存者,只会让土地准备好重建。会损失更多市民,但城市恢复更快。每栋建筑花费X
POLICIES_DETAIL[NoRebuild]:0 Forbid re-building on lots with destroyed buildings. Lots have to be manually bulldozed to allow re-building. 禁止在拥有摧毁建筑的地块上重建。只有手动使用铲除后才能重建。
POLICIES_DETAIL[PreferFerries]:0 Citizens prefer ferries for moving in the city. Upkeep 2¢ / ferry in use. 市民更喜欢乘坐渡船在城市中活动。每艘使用中的渡船费用为 2¢。
POLICIES_DETAIL[EducationalBlimps]:0 Switch advertisements on Blimps to be educational posters to boost education slightly. No cost. 将飞艇上的广告切换为教育公告,以稍微促进教育事业。无费用。
POLICIES_DETAIL[HighTicketPrices]:0 Raise public transport ticket prices by 25% to get more profit. This may results in less passengers! 将公共交通票价提高 25% 可获得更多的利润。这可能会导致乘客减少!
POLICIES_DETAIL[RecyclePlastic]:0 Recycling Centers work with +20% efficiency. Cost 100 ¢ / Recycling Center / week 回收中心效率+20%。花费100/回收中心/周
POLICIES_DETAIL[CombustionEngineBan]:0 Only electric cars are allowed in the affected area, except for the residents, businesses and city service vehicles. Please note that this policy takes some time to have an effect. Citizens with combustion engine vehicles will avoid the policy area, but if they have a destination within the area, they will travel to it. 区域内仅电动车能够通行,民用及商用除外。请注意,该政策实施后将需要一段时间才能完全生效。持有内燃机式车辆的市民会避开施政区域,不过当他们有事要到区域内处理时依然会直接进入。
POLICIES_DETAIL[ElectricCars]:0 Everyone living in the policy area must switch to an electric car if they own any cars. Cost 2 ¢ / vehicle / week 政策区域内所有车主必须换成电动车。花费2/辆/周
POLICIES_DETAIL[FilterIndustrialWaste]:0 Zoned industrial buildings need to filter their waste, making them pollute the ground a lot less. Cost 2 ¢ / zoned industrial building / week 分区行业设施需过滤产出的废弃物,可大幅减少污染物质的排放。花费 2 ¢ / 已分区行业设施 / 周
POLICIES_DETAIL[Selfsufficient]:0 The self-sufficient residential buildings recycle their waste and produce energy with solar panels and by other means:

- Consumes 30% less electricity - Produces 30% less garbage - Generates 30% less tax income


- 电力消耗减少30% - 生活垃圾产生减少 30% - 税收收入减少30%

POLICIES_DETAIL[Hightech]:0 IT cluster is an office specialization that changes the office buildings into high tech buildings.

- Requires 50% less workers - Consumes 30% more electricity - Generates 30% more tax revenue


- 所需员工减少50% - 电力消耗增加30% -税收收入增加30%

POLICIES_DETAIL[Organic]:0 Changes commercial area to consist of buildings like organic produce shops, electric car charging stations and such.

- Produces 50% of sold goods locally - Truck traffic in the area is reduced by 50% - Increases electricity consumption by 20% - Reduces garbage production by 20%


- 当地商品销售增加50% - 当地卡车货运减少50% - 电力消耗增加20% - 垃圾产生减少20%

POLICIES_DETAIL[AnimalEthics]:0 Zoo animals receive extra care and activities to keep them happy and entertained.

- Boosts the entertainment effect of the Zoo buildings by 20%. - Cost 10 / Zoo building


-动物园建筑娱乐效果提升20% -费用 10/动物园建筑

POLICIES_DETAIL[ParkAdvertisement]:0 Advertise the park throughout the city to have more visitors.

- Draws 20% more visitors. - Cost 200 / week


-吸引游客量提升20% -花费 200/周

POLICIES_DETAIL[MainPark]:0 Mark the park as the main attraction in the city to make it more attractive to tourists. If you have several parks with this policy active, they are equally attractive to visitors. 将公园标记为城市中的主要游览点以提高它对游客的吸引力。如果在该政策生效时,你有多座公园,则它们对游客的吸引力是相同的。
POLICIES_DETAIL[FireworksBan]:0 The Park Area will not organize fireworks while this policy is active. 开启此政策时,公园区域将不会阻止烟火表演。
POLICIES_DETAIL[FireworksBoost]:0 Fireworks show in the park every night!

- Fireworks are organized daily after the sunset instead of every week.



POLICIES_DETAIL[NightTours]:0 Visitors can see the park at night on special tours.

- Draws 30% more visitors during night-time. - Cost 50 / week


-夜间吸引游客量提升30% -费用 50/周

POLICIES_DETAIL[EvenMoreFun]:0 Amusement Park buildings are maintained super well, causing them to be even more fun than normally.

- Boosts the entertainment effect of the Amusement Park buildings by 20%. - Cost 10 / Amusement Park building


-游乐园建筑娱乐效果提升20% -费用 10/游乐园建筑

POLICIES_DETAIL[NatureRecycle]:0 Nature Reserve buildings have a separate container for biodegradable garbage, and handles the garbage on the park grounds.

- Decrease garbage accumulation by 20% for the Nature Reserve buildings. - Cost 10 / Nature Reserve building


-自然保护区建筑垃圾堆积量减少20% -费用 10/自然保护区建筑

POLICIES_DETAIL[PreferParks]:0 Tourists in the area choose to visit parks more often than Unique Buildings.

- Parks, Plazas and Park Areas draw 10% more visitors. - Cost 100 / Park, Plaza or Park Area in the policy area


-公园,广场与公园区域吸引游客量提升10% -费用 100/政策区域内的公园,广场及公园区域

POLICIES_DETAIL[ParkMaintenanceBoost]:0 Park Maintenance Service in the area does double shifts, costing more money but tending parks more efficiently.

- Increases the Park Maintenance vehicles’ shift length by 50% - Cost 80 / Park Maintenance Service building


-公园维护车辆值班时间增加50% -费用 80/公园维护部门建筑

POLICIES_DETAIL[BoostConnections]:0 Outside connections in the area can handle more vehicles carrying tourists, increasing the amount of visitors in the city.

- Outside connection traffic capacity is increased by 20%. Applies to boats, planes, trains and private cars. - Cost 10 000 / week


-对外连接交通容量提升20%,应用于船只,飞机,火车与私家车。 -费用 10000/周

POLICIES_DETAIL[WorkersUnion]:0 The Workers' Union has a strong presence in the city. It provides the workers with better benefits and increases their morale, but also reduces the tax income.

- Slightly increase adult citizens Happiness - Reduce residential tax income by 2%


- 轻度提高成年居民的幸福度 - 降低2%居民税率收入

POLICIES_DETAIL[AutomatedSorting]:0 Introducing automated sorting to Post Sorting Facilities and Post Offices around your city will increase not only mail capacity, but also sorting rate.

- Increases mail capacity by 10% - Cost 300 ¢ per city post service building


- 增加10%邮件处理容量 - 每座城市邮件服务建筑需花费 300 ¢


Vehicles no longer need to stop at the Toll Booth, which makes passing through the booths a lot faster. Vehicles still need to slow down while driving through the booth. - Increases vehicle flow through Toll Booths - Reduces Toll Booths income by 30%


- 增加收费站的车辆通过速度 - 降低30%收费站的收入

POLICIES_DETAIL[FreeWifi]:0 Free wireless access points for the citizens and tourists allow easier use of email and other internet services instead of traditional mail services. This reduces the amount of Mail accumulation in the area.

- Reduce mail accumulation by 15% - Cost 2 ¢ / building


- 降低15%邮件积累速度 - 每个建筑需消耗 2 ¢

POLICIES_DETAIL[ImprovedLogistics]:0 Packing and scheduling of the deliveries is more efficient due to advanced inventory and vehicle tracking systems.

- Increases the storage capacity of Extractors and Processing buildings by 20% - Increase upkeep cost of Industrial buildings by 10%


- 增加20%开采与加工建筑的仓库容量 - 增加10%工业建筑的维护费用

POLICIES_DETAIL[WorkSafety]:0 Safety at work is supervised more carefully with strict standards and regulations.

- Increase workers Health - Cost 1 ¢ / affected worker


- 提升员工的健康水平 - 每位受益的员工需消耗 1 ¢

POLICIES_DETAIL[AdvancedAutomation]:0 Robots and other automated systems make the production process faster and more accurate.

- Increase production output by 10% - Increase buildings upkeep by 10%


- 提升10%生产输出 - 增加10%建筑的维护费用

POLICIES_DETAIL[Industry4point0]:0 The new technologies alter the nature of the industrial workforce.

- All industrial workplaces are for well- and highly educated citizens - Increased production output by 50% - Reduces workplaces by 30% / zoned industry


- 所有工业工作场所仅适用于受过中等及高等教育的市民 - 产量增加50% - 每个分区工业建筑的工业工作场所减少30%

POLICIES_DETAIL[ForProfitEducation]:0 All education facilities become for-profit and students are required to pay tuition fees to attend school.

- Education building upkeep -50% - Cost: Reduces citizens happiness


- 教育建筑维护费用-50% - 成本:市民幸福度减少

POLICIES_DETAIL[BookFair]:0 The local Public Libraries organize a book fair.

- Increased happiness and entertainment within the Public Libraries radius - Cost: Public Libraries upkeep increased by 100%


- 公共图书馆范围内增加幸福度和娱乐 - 成本:公共图书馆维护费用增加 100%

POLICIES_DETAIL[StudentHealthcare]:0 Students are provided with free healthcare by the campus.

- Increases students health - Cost: Campus upkeep cost increases by 5¢ / student


- 增加学生健康 - 成本:校园维护费用增加5¢/学生

POLICIES_DETAIL[FreeLunch]:0 Students are provided with meal vouchers which they can use in the campus cafeteria to get a free lunch.

- Increases students happiness - Cost: Campus upkeep cost increases by 1¢ / student.


- 增加学生幸福度 - 成本:校园维护费用增加1¢/学生

POLICIES_DETAIL[VisitingScholars]:0 The campus hires various lecturers and scholars to teach on the campus. Affects all faculties within the campus area

- Increases Faculty bonus +25% - Cost: Increases Faculty upkeep by 25%


- 学院加成+25% - 成本:学院维护费用增加25%

POLICIES_DETAIL[UniversalEducation]:0 Regardless of the campus reputation, students don't pay any tuition fees.

- Increases campus attractiveness by 20% - Increases students happiness - Cost: No income from campus tuition fees.


- 校园吸引力增加20% - 学生幸福度增加 - 成本:无校园学费收入。

POLICIES_DETAIL[FreeFanMerchandise]:0 The varsity team gives out free fan merchandise to the fans during matches and organizes fan club trips to away matches.

- Increases the odds of winning home and away matches by 7% - Cost: 180¢ / week / arena located on campus


- 主场与客场比赛获胜几率增加7% - 成本:180¢/周/校园内的竞技场

POLICIES_DETAIL[VarsitySportsAds]:0 Advertise the Varsity Sports matches throughout the city to have more visitors on the arenas.

- Increase amount of visitors to the arenas by 20% - Cost: 200¢ / week / arena located on campus


- 竞技场的游客数量增加20% - 成本:200¢/周/校园内的竞技场

POLICIES_DETAIL[SponsorshipDeal]:0 The varsity team has become famous! City businesses are offering to sponsor the local team.

- Decreased upkeep cost of campus' varsity sports by 8% - Billboard change from varsity team's logo to sponsor's brand


- 校队体育运动维护费用下降8% - 广告牌图案从校队的徽标变为赞助商的品牌图形

POLICIES_DETAIL[FishingLicense]:0 The city offers fishing licenses to citizens in exchange for a small amount of money.

- Increases all residential tax income by 5% - Cost: Reduces citizen happiness and increases crime by 5%


- 所有住宅税收增加5% - 代价:市民的幸福度降低5%,犯罪增加5%

POLICIES_DETAIL[AlgaeBasedWaterFiltering]:0 Algae is used as a natural filtering system. Requires algae farm.

- Increases filtering in water intakes and purification level in drain pipes by 45% - Reduces Algae Farm production by 50% and increases Water facility upkeep by 15%


- 进水的过滤和排水管道的净化水平提高45% - 海藻养殖场产量减少50%,水设施的维护费用增加15%

POLICIES_DETAIL[TouristTravelCard]:0 The city offers affordable intercity bus tickets to people living in the surrounding cities to increase tourism.

- The city will receive 8% more tourists - Cost: Increases Intercity Bus network upkeep by 15%


- 这座城市的游客数量将增加8% - 代价:城际公交网络维护费用提高15%

POLICIES_DETAIL[DolphinSafeTuna]:0 The fishing industry adopts new techniques to ensure minimal dolphin fatalities during tuna fishing.

- Decreases fish yield by 25% - Increases citizen happiness by 20%


- 鱼产量减少25% - 市民幸福度提高20%

POLICIES_DETAIL[AirplaneTours]:0 The local Aviation Club starts organizing airplane tours.

- Increases building plane count, entertainment and city attractiveness - Cost: Increases building noise pollution by 50%


- 增加俱乐部的飞机数量和娱乐性,增加城市的吸引力 - 代价:建筑的噪音污染增加50%

POLICIES_DETAIL[SustainableFishing]:0 The fishing industry takes steps to minimize the environmental impact of fishing.

- Decreases fish yields by 10% and increases fishing harbor upkeep by 15% - Increases citizen happiness by 15% and commercial income from goods by 5%


- 鱼产出减少10%,捕鱼港口的维护成本增加15% - 市民幸福度增加15%,货物的商业收入增加5%

POLICIES_DETAIL[BandAdvertisement]:0 Advertise the festival to attract more visitors to the concerts. An active Ad Campaign increases the popularity of all the bands by 1 per month. 给音乐节打广告来吸引更多的游客参加。活跃的【广告宣传】每个月增加所有乐队1点知名度。
POLICIES_DETAIL[PremiumStudio]:0 A premium studio allows the bands to practice and record albums with high quality equipment and acoustics. A Premium Studio will increase the chances of a successful concert. 高级工作室能让乐队用高质量的设备和音响进行练习和录制专辑。【高级工作室】能增加成功音乐会的几率。
POLICIES_DETAIL[SubsidizedYouth]:0 By spending money on training young players, the team has increased odds to win. Applies to all stadiums. Cost 9000 per week multiplied by number of stadiums in the city. 投入更多资金训练青少年球员,球队获胜几率增加。会应用于所以球场。城市中的每个球场每周花费 9000.
POLICIES_DETAIL[ComeOneComeAll]:0 To make it easier for fans to get to the stadium, public transport is free on match days. Increased amount of visitors raises the odds of winning matches. 为了让粉丝们更容易抵达球场,比赛日的公共交通服务免费。带来更多访客的同时提高比赛胜率。
POLICIES_DETAIL[MatchSecurity]:0 Hire security staff to patrol around the stadium, keeping crime low. Cost 500 per week per stadium. 雇佣安保人员巡逻球场四周,维持较低犯罪率。每个球场每周花费 500
POLICIES_DETAIL[Forest]:0 Specialize in Forestry to take advantage of the renewable woodland.

- Slightly increased electricity consumption - Slightly increased tax income - Required natural resource: Forest (Renewable)


- 轻度增加电力消耗 - 轻度增加税收 - 需要自然资源:森林(可再生)

POLICIES_DETAIL[Farming]:0 Sun soaked plains and fertile lands are ideal for agriculture and grazing.

- Considerably increased water consumption - Slightly increased tax income - Required natural resource: Fertile Land (Renewable)


- 高度增加水消耗 - 轻度增加税收 - 需要自然资源:肥土(可再生)

POLICIES_DETAIL[Oil]:0 Turn underground oil reservoirs into substantial wealth by specializing in the oil industry.

- Considerably increased ground pollution and electricity consumption - Considerably increased tax income - Required natural resource: Oil (Non-renewable)


- 大幅增加电力消耗及地面污染 - 大幅增加税收 -需要天然资源:石油(不可再生)

POLICIES_DETAIL[Ore]:0 Mine raw ore from the Earth's crust and ship it to local businesses for further processing.

- Moderately increased ground pollution and electricity consumption - Moderately increased tax income - Required natural resource: Ore (Non-renewable)


- 中度增加地面污染与电力消耗。 - 中度增加税收收入 - 需要自然资源:矿产(不可再生)

POLICIES_DETAIL[PowerSaving]:0 Energy conservation is important, and the best way to do it is by installing energy meters in buildings.

- Moderately reduced electricity consumption - Upkeep: 5 ¢ / building


- 中度减少电力消耗 - 维护费用: 5 ¢ / 每栋建筑

POLICIES_DETAIL[WaterSaving]:0 Cut those shower times in half and guide citizens to more sustainable water usage by installing water meters in buildings.

- Moderately reduced water consumption - Upkeep: 5 ¢ / building


- 中度减少水资源消耗 - 维护费用: 5 ¢ / 每栋建筑

POLICIES_DETAIL[SmokeDetectors]:0 Make citizens' lives safer and the fire department's job easier by installing smoke detectors in buildings. No more will poor cooking skills lead to house fires. At least not as often.

- Significantly reduced risk of fire - Upkeep: 5 ¢ / building


- 明显的降低火灾发生机率 - 维护费用: 5 ¢ / 每栋建筑

POLICIES_DETAIL[PetBan]:0 Tired of watching your step to avoid animal droppings? Banning pets is a sure way to get rid of that problem. Then again, you might be killing a fly with a sledgehammer here.

- Slightly reduced garbage accumulation - Slightly decreased happiness

是否对时刻都要注意脚下的动物大便感到烦躁? 禁养宠物是解决问题的最好方法。不过,这样有点太小题大作。

- 轻度减少垃圾排放量 - 轻度减少幸福度

POLICIES_DETAIL[Recycling]:0 Recycling is a big part of environmental sustainability. It also helps keep the neighborhoods looking tidy. With a small investment in recycling technologies and waste containers, you can make your city neat!

- Slightly reduced garbage accumulation - Slightly reduced tax income


- 少量减少垃圾排放量 - 少量减少税收收入

POLICIES_DETAIL[SmokingBan]:0 Make a choice between a healthier lifestyle and civil liberty. It will make your citizens healthier, but some people will certainly be high-strung.

- Slightly increased health - Slightly decreased happiness


- 轻度增加健康度 - 轻度减少幸福度

POLICIES_DETAIL[RecreationBoost]:0 Make your parks and plazas the envy of the country!

- Moderately increased Land Value around parks and plazas - Increases the Parks and Plazas budget by 20%


- 公园和购物广场周围的土地适度升值 - 将公园和购物广场的预算增加 20%

POLICIES_DETAIL[EducationBoost]:0 Boost the education budget and make young adults automatically choose education over working.

- Prioritizes education over working for young adults - Increases Education budget by 25%


- 年轻人优先考虑接受教育而非工作 - 增加 25% 教育预算

POLICIES_DETAIL[TaxRaiseResLow]:0 Set the tax rate higher for low density residential housing.

- Increases the tax rate by 2%


-增加2% 税率

POLICIES_DETAIL[TaxRaiseResHigh]:0 Set the tax rate higher for high density residential housing.

- Increases the tax rate by 2%


-提高 2% 税率

POLICIES_DETAIL[TaxRaiseComLow]:0 Set the tax rate higher for low density commercial buildings.

- Increases the tax rate by 2%


-提高 2% 税率

POLICIES_DETAIL[TaxRaiseComHigh]:0 Set the tax rate higher for high density commercial buildings.

- Increases the tax rate by 2%


-提高 2% 税率

POLICIES_DETAIL[TaxRaiseOffice]:0 Set the tax rate higher for office buildings.

- Increases the tax rate by 2%


-提高 2% 税率

POLICIES_DETAIL[TaxLowerResLow]:0 Set the tax rate lower for low density residential housing.

- Lowers the tax rate by 2%


-降低 2% 税率

POLICIES_DETAIL[TaxLowerResHigh]:0 Set the tax rate lower for high density residential housing.

- Lowers the tax rate by 2%


-降低 2% 税率

POLICIES_DETAIL[TaxLowerComLow]:0 Set the tax rate lower for low density commercial buildings.

- Lowers the tax rate by 2%


-降低 2% 税率

POLICIES_DETAIL[TaxLowerComHigh]:0 Set the tax rate lower for high density commercial buildings.

- Lowers the tax rate by 2%


-降低 2% 税率

POLICIES_DETAIL[TaxLowerOffice]:0 Set the tax rate lower for office buildings.

- Lowers the tax rate by 2%


-降低 2% 税率

POLICIES_DETAIL[SmallBusiness]:0 Perks for small businesses.

- Low density commercial buildings double their sales - Upkeep: 2 ¢ / low density commercial building


- 使低密度商业楼的销量加倍 - 维护费用:2 ¢ / 每栋低密度商业建筑

POLICIES_DETAIL[BigBusiness]:0 Perks for large businesses.

- High density commercial buildings double their sales - Upkeep: 4 ¢ / high density commercial building


- 使高密度商业楼的销量加倍 - 维护费用: 4 ¢ / 每栋高密度商业建筑

POLICIES_DETAIL[IndustrySpace]:0 Allow zoned industry to work even more effectively by overlooking a few work safety laws.

- Doubles the amount of goods produced by zoned industry buildings - Upkeep: 6 ¢ / zoned industrial building


- 分区行业设施所产出的产品数量翻倍 - 费用: 6 ¢ / 分区行业设施

POLICIES_DETAIL[HighTechHousing]:0 Turns homes into much cooler smart-homes to raises the land value around them.

- Slightly increased land value - Upkeep: 4 ¢ / residential building


- 轻度增加地价 - 维护费用: 4 ¢ / 每栋住宅

POLICIES_DETAIL[HighriseBan]:0 Ban highrise buildings. Restricts buildings from being upgraded to the highest levels.

- Prohibits contruction of tall buildings - Restricts the buildings from reaching their highest level


- 禁止高层建筑的建设 - 限制建筑物升级为最高等级

POLICIES_DETAIL[RecreationalUse]:0 Allowing recreational use of controlled substances attracts more tourists, but also requires more police presence in the area.

- Slightly increased tax income - Moderately increased tourism - Slightly reduced crime rate - Increases Police budget by 15%


- 轻度增加税收 - 中度增加游客 - 轻度减少犯罪率 - 增加 15% 警察预算

POLICIES_DETAIL[HeavyTrafficBan]:0 Ban heavy traffic on an area. Make sure there are optional routes available, because businesses in the city need to send and receive deliveries.

- No heavy transport vehicles allowed - Does not affect highways


- 禁止大型货运车上路 - 高速公路交通不受影响

POLICIES_DETAIL[FreeTransport]:0 Free public transportation for all citizens!

- Increased use of public transportation - No ticket income


- 增加公共交通使用量 - 无车票收入

SPECIALIZATION_TITLE[Tourist]:0 Tourism 旅游业
SPECIALIZATION_TITLE[Leisure]:0 Leisure 休闲娱乐
SPECIALIZATION_DESC[Tourist]:0 Specialization for commercial zone. Businesses focus in travel, recreation and other tourism related activities to offer a better stay for the tourists. 商业区特性。该区域专门注重旅游、休闲娱乐及其它与旅游业相关的活动能为入住旅客提供更好的服务。
SPECIALIZATION_DESC[Leisure]:0 Specialization for commercial zone. Allows commercial buildings to specialize in nightlife activities. 商业区特性。允许商业建筑专门从事夜间娱乐活动。
POLICYTYPE_DESC[Specialization]:0 District Specializations allow districts to specialize in certain fields of industry or commerce. 区域专业化可以让区域专门从事某种特定的工业或商业。
POLICYTYPE_DESC[Park]:0 Policies that affect the Park Areas in the city. 影响城市内公园区域的政策。
POLICYTYPE_DESC[Event]:0 Use event related policies to adjust odds of organizing more successful events. The Event Policies are global. 采取与活动相关的政策可以调节活动成功的几率。【活动政策】是影响全体的。
POLICYTYPE_DESC[Industry]:0 You can specialize a district's local industry to benefit from natural resources. 你可以通过区域专业化来从自然资源获得更大效益。
POLICYTYPE_DESC[Services]:0 Adjust the existing city services with the Service Policies. 使用服务政策来调整现有的城市服务。
POLICYTYPE_DESC[Special]:0 Special Policies allow you to set political or cultural regulations. 特殊政策可使得你可以自定义政治或文化方面的特殊规定。
POLICYTYPE_DESC[Taxation]:0 Taxation Policies allow you to fine-tune the taxation of zones in certain districts of your city. 税收政策允许你微调城市中某些地区的征税。
POLICYTYPE_DESC[CityPlanning]:0 You can emphasize certain features in your city or districts with City Planning Policies. 你能够用城市规划政策在城市或区域增强某些特色。
AIINFO_TAXIDEPOT_VEHICLES:0 Taxis in use: {0} / {1} 使用中的出租车: {0} / {1}
AIINFO_TAXISTAND_VEHICLES:0 Taxis in queue: {0} / {1} 排队中的出租车: {0} / {1}
AIINFO_POLICESTATION_CRIMINALS:0 Criminals in holding cell: {0} / {1} 看守所中的囚犯: {0} / {1}
AIINFO_PRISON_CRIMINALS:0 Criminals in prison: {0} / {1} 监狱中的囚犯: {0} / {1}
AIINFO_PRISON_CARS:0 Prison vans in use: {0} / {1} 使用中的囚车: {0} / {1}
AIINFO_PRISONCAR_COUNT:0 Prison van capacity: {0} 可用囚车:{0}
VEHICLE_STATUS_TAXI_PICKINGUP:0 Picking up passenger: 正前往接客:
VEHICLE_STATUS_TAXI_TRANSPORTING:0 Transporting passenger to 正运送乘客到:
VEHICLE_STATUS_TAXI_WAIT:0 Waiting for customers 等待乘客
VEHICLE_STATUS_TAXI_RETURN:0 Returning to depot 返回车站
VEHICLE_BUFFER[Taxi]:0 Work shift: 轮班:
VEHICLE_BUFFER[PrisonVan]:0 Load: 负载量:
VEHICLE_BUFFER[Maintenance]:0 Work shift: 轮班:
VEHICLE_BUFFER[AmbulanceCopter]:0 Work shift: 轮班:
VEHICLE_BUFFER[PoliceCopter]:0 Work shift: 轮班:
VEHICLE_BUFFER[FireCopter]:0 Water bucket: 水桶:
VEHICLE_BUFFER[WaterTruck]:0 Water tank: 水箱:
VEHICLE_BUFFER[Ferry]:0 Work shift: 轮班:
VEHICLE_BUFFER[Cable Car]:0 Work shift: 轮班:
VEHICLE_BUFFER[Blimp]:0 Work shift: 轮班:
VEHICLE_BUFFER[Monorail Train]:0 Work shift: 轮班:
VEHICLE_BUFFER[FishingBoat]:0 Fish Loaded 鱼已装载完毕
VEHICLE_BUFFER[Default]:0 Load: 负载量:
VEHICLE_BUFFER[Police]:0 Load: 负载量:
VEHICLE_BUFFER[Ambulance]:0 Load: 负载量:
VEHICLE_BUFFER[Hearse]:0 Load: 负载量:
CITIZEN_STATUS_WAITING_TAXI:0 Waiting for taxi 等待出租车
MAIN_TOOL[Taxi]:0 Taxi 出租车
MAIN_TOOL[Tram]:0 Tram 电车
MAIN_TOOL[Monorail]:0 Monorail 单轨列车
MAIN_TOOL[CableCar]:0 Cable Cars 缆车
MAIN_TOOL[EditRoadPlacement]:0 Place your custom road 设计你的自定义道路
MAIN_TOOL[Tours]:0 Tours 游览
MAIN_TOOL[PlayerIndustry]:0 Industry Areas 工业区
MAIN_TOOL[Post]:0 Post Service 邮政服务
MAIN_TOOL[VarsitySports]:0 Sports Arenas 体育竞技场
MAIN_TOOL[PlayerEducationTradeSchool]:0 Trade School Campus Area 贸易学院校园区域
MAIN_TOOL[PlayerEducationLiberalArts]:0 Liberal Arts College Campus Area 文科学院校园区域
MAIN_TOOL[PlayerEducationUniversity]:0 University Campus Area 大学校园区域
MAIN_TOOL[PlayerEducation]:0 Campus Areas 校园区域
MAIN_TOOL[Fishing]:0 Fishing Industry 捕鱼业
MAIN_TOOL[Trolleybus]:0 Trolleybus 无轨电车
MAIN_TOOL[Landscaping]:0 Landscaping 地形调整
MAIN_TOOL[Roads]:0 Roads 道路
MAIN_TOOL[Electricity]:0 Electricity 电力
MAIN_TOOL[WaterAndSewage]:0 Water & Sewage 自来水与污水
MAIN_TOOL[Beautification]:0 Parks & Plazas 公园 & 广场
MAIN_TOOL[Garbage]:0 Garbage 垃圾
MAIN_TOOL[Healthcare]:0 Healthcare 医疗保健
MAIN_TOOL[Police]:0 Police Department 警察服务
MAIN_TOOL[Education]:0 Education 教育
MAIN_TOOL[Monuments]:0 Unique Buildings 独特建筑
MAIN_TOOL[FireDepartment]:0 Fire Department 消防服务
MAIN_TOOL[PublicTransport]:0 Transport 公共交通
MAIN_TOOL[Government]:0 Government 行政机构
MAIN_TOOL[Zoning]:0 Zoning 区域划分
MAIN_TOOL[District]:0 Districts 区划
MAIN_TOOL[Wonders]:0 Monuments 伟大工程
MAIN_TOOL[Policies]:0 Policies 政策
MAIN_TOOL[Bulldozer]:0 Bulldozer 推土机
MAIN_TOOL[Money]:0 Economy 经济
MAIN_TOOL[Bus]:0 Bus 公交车
MAIN_TOOL[Metro]:0 Metro 地铁
MAIN_TOOL[Train]:0 Train 火车
MAIN_TOOL[Ship]:0 Ship 船舶
MAIN_TOOL[Plane]:0 Plane 飞机
BUDGET_INFO[Taxi]:0 The taxi service's budget affects how many cabs each depot is able to maintain. 出租车服务的预算增加会提高各个等候站的出租车数量。
BUDGET_INFO[Tram]:0 Raise the budget to have more trams available for your lines. 提高电车预算,就能让更多电车在线路上运行。
BUDGET_INFO[Roads]:0 Adjust the budget to decide how many vehicles Road Maintenance and Snow Dump services have at their disposal. 调整预算,确保道路维护车和铲雪车的配置量。
BUDGET_INFO[Monorail]:0 Adjust the budget to affect how many monorail trains are operating in the city. 调整预算可影响城市内正在运行的单轨列车数量。
BUDGET_INFO[CableCar]:0 Budget controls how many cable car carriages are available in the city. 预算可控制城市内可用的缆车数量。
BUDGET_INFO[Tours]:0 Adjust the budget to decide how many vehicles the Tours services have at their disposal. 调整预算即可调节游览服务可调用的车辆数量。
BUDGET_INFO[PlayerIndustry]:0 A higher budget increases Extractors, Processing Buildings and Unique Factories production rate as well as allow them to house more vehicles.  充足的预算可提升开采设施、加工设施和独特工厂的生产效率,同时增加其车辆数量。
BUDGET_INFO[Post]:0 Post Offices and Post Sorting Facilities can house more vans and trucks with a higher budget. 划分更多预算开销给邮政局和邮件分拣中心以增加货车与卡车的数量。
BUDGET_INFO[Trolleybus]:0 The higher the budget, the more trolleybuses available in the city. 预算越高,城市里的无轨电车数量就越多。
BUDGET_INFO[Beautification]:0 If the budget is large, parks and plazas are more well-maintained and create more happiness. 如果预算充足,公园和广场的维护将更加好,并提升更多幸福度。
BUDGET_INFO[Bus]:0 The higher the budget, the more buses are available in the city. 预算越高,城市内可用的公交车就越多。
BUDGET_INFO[Education]:0 Schools and universities with a high budget can teach more students. 预算越多的学校可教育越多的学生。
BUDGET_INFO[Electricity]:0 Power production facilities will hire more people and thus produce more electricity with a higher budget. 预算越多,电力公司便可雇佣更多员工和购买更多燃料,由此生产更多电力。
BUDGET_INFO[FireDepartment]:0 The number of vehicles available for the Fire Department is set by this budget. 消防局所能支配的消防车数量由此预算所影响。
BUDGET_INFO[Garbage]:0 The more money the garbage facilities have at their disposal, the more vehicles they can send out. 垃圾处理站的运作资金越多,可派出的垃圾车数量就越多。
BUDGET_INFO[Healthcare]:0 Raising the budget for healthcare allows facilities to have more vehicles at their disposal. 提高医疗服务的预算会增加所能使用的救护车及灵车的数量。
BUDGET_INFO[Metro]:0 The number of metro trains available is set by the budget. 地铁列车的数量受此预算所影响。
BUDGET_INFO[Plane]:0 The hangar can house more vehicles with higher funding. 更高的资金可以让机库容纳更多的飞行工具。
BUDGET_INFO[Police]:0 The number of vehicles police buildings have depends on the budget. 警察建筑所能支配的汽车数量由此预算所决定。
BUDGET_INFO[Ship]:0 Harbors can support more ships with higher budget. 更高的预算可以让港口容纳更多的船只。
BUDGET_INFO[Train]:0 The number of trains available depends on the budget. 火车数量多少由预算决定。
BUDGET_INFO[WaterAndSewage]:0 Water and sewage facilities work more efficiently with more funding. 更多的资金可以让水和污水处理更有效率。
BUDGET_INFO[Monuments]:0 Unique Buildings create more happiness and increase city attractiveness with more funding. 更多的资金可以让独特建筑创造更多的幸福度,并提高城市的吸引力。
MAIN_CATEGORY[PublicTransportTaxi]:0 Taxi 出租车
MAIN_CATEGORY[BeautificationExpansion1]:0 Tourism & Leisure 旅游与休闲
MAIN_CATEGORY[MonumentExpansion1]:0 Tourism & Leisure 旅游与休闲
MAIN_CATEGORY[PublicTransportAirportArea]:0 Airport Area 机场区
MAIN_CATEGORY[PublicTransportTram]:0 Tram 电车
MAIN_CATEGORY[WaterServices]:0 Water & Sewage 自来水与污水
MAIN_CATEGORY[WaterStructures]:0 Water Structures 水流结构
MAIN_CATEGORY[WaterHeating]:0 Heating 供暖
MAIN_CATEGORY[RoadsMaintenance]:0 Road condition 道路状况
MAIN_CATEGORY[FireDepartmentFire]:0 Fire Department 消防服务
MAIN_CATEGORY[FireDepartmentDisaster]:0 Disaster Services 灾难救援服务
MAIN_CATEGORY[LandscapingDisasters]:0 Disasters 灾难
MAIN_CATEGORY[ElectricityDefault]:0 Electricity 电力
MAIN_CATEGORY[HealthcareDefault]:0 Healthcare 医疗保健
MAIN_CATEGORY[PoliceDefault]:0 Police Department 警察服务
MAIN_CATEGORY[EducationDefault]:0 Education 教育
MAIN_CATEGORY[PublicTransportMonorail]:0 Monorail 单轨列车
MAIN_CATEGORY[PublicTransportCableCar]:0 Cable Car 缆车
MAIN_CATEGORY[LandscapingFences]:0 Walls and Fences 墙和栅栏
MAIN_CATEGORY[LandscapingVegetation]:0 Vegetation 植被
MAIN_CATEGORY[LandscapingProps]:0 Props 道具
MAIN_CATEGORY[BeautificationCityPark]:0 City Park 城市公园
MAIN_CATEGORY[BeautificationAmusementPark]:0 Amusement Park 游乐园
MAIN_CATEGORY[BeautificationZoo]:0 Zoo 动物园
MAIN_CATEGORY[BeautificationNatureReserve]:0 Nature Reserve 自然保护区
MAIN_CATEGORY[BeautificationMaintenance]:0 Park Maintenance 公园维护
MAIN_CATEGORY[PublicTransportTours]:0 Tours 游览
MAIN_CATEGORY[RoadsRoadTolls]:0 Road Tolls 过路费
MAIN_CATEGORY[IndustryUniqueFactory]:0 Unique Factories 独特工厂
MAIN_CATEGORY[IndustryOil]:0 Oil Industry 石油业
MAIN_CATEGORY[IndustryForestry]:0 Forest Industry 林业
MAIN_CATEGORY[IndustryOre]:0 Ore Industry 矿业
MAIN_CATEGORY[IndustryFarming]:0 Farming Industry 农业
MAIN_CATEGORY[Default]:0 Garbage 废料
MAIN_CATEGORY[IndustryWarehouses]:0 Warehouses 仓库
MAIN_CATEGORY[PublicTransportPost]:0 Post Service 邮政服务
MAIN_CATEGORY[CampusAreaTradeSchool]:0 Trade School Campus Area 贸易学院校园区域
MAIN_CATEGORY[CampusAreaLiberalArts]:0 Liberal Arts College Campus Area 文科学院校园区域
MAIN_CATEGORY[CampusAreaUniversity]:0 University Campus Area 大学校园区域
MAIN_CATEGORY[CampusAreaVarsitySports]:0 Varsity Sports 校队体育
MAIN_CATEGORY[CampusAreaMuseums]:0 Museums 博物馆
MAIN_CATEGORY[PublicTransportHubs]:0 Public Transport Hubs 公共交通中转站
MAIN_CATEGORY[PublicTransportAirTransport]:0 Air Transport 空中交通
MAIN_CATEGORY[IndustryFishing]:0 Fishing Industry 捕鱼业
MAIN_CATEGORY[PublicTransportTrolleybus]:0 Trolleybus 无轨电车
MAIN_CATEGORY[MonumentConcerts]:0 Concerts 音乐会
MAIN_CATEGORY[MonumentFootball]:0 Football 足球
MAIN_CATEGORY[LandscapingPaths]:0 Paths 路径
MAIN_CATEGORY[LandscapingTrees]:0 Trees 树木
MAIN_CATEGORY[LandscapingRocks]:0 Rocks 岩石
MAIN_CATEGORY[LandscapingWaterStructures]:0 Water Structures 水流结构
MAIN_CATEGORY[BeautificationParks]:0 Parks 公园
MAIN_CATEGORY[BeautificationPlazas]:0 Plazas 广场
MAIN_CATEGORY[BeautificationOthers]:0 Other Parks 其他公园
MAIN_CATEGORY[MonumentExpansion2]:0 Winter Unique Buildings 冬季独特建筑
MAIN_CATEGORY[BeautificationExpansion2]:0 Winter Parks & Plazas 冬季公园与广场
MAIN_CATEGORY[PropsRocks]:0 Props 道具
MAIN_CATEGORY[MonumentModderPack]:0 Content Creator Packs 内容创建者包
MAIN_CATEGORY[PublicTransportModderPack]:0 Content Creator Packs 内容创建者包
MAIN_CATEGORY[PublicTransportBus]:0 Bus 公交车
MAIN_CATEGORY[PublicTransportMetro]:0 Metro 地铁
MAIN_CATEGORY[PublicTransportTrain]:0 Train 火车
MAIN_CATEGORY[PublicTransportShip]:0 Ship 船舶
MAIN_CATEGORY[PublicTransportPlane]:0 Plane 飞机
MAIN_CATEGORY[RoadsSmall]:0 Small Roads 小型道路
MAIN_CATEGORY[RoadsMedium]:0 Medium Roads 中型道路
MAIN_CATEGORY[RoadsLarge]:0 Large Roads 大型道路
MAIN_CATEGORY[RoadsHighway]:0 Highways 高速公路
MAIN_CATEGORY[RoadsIntersection]:0 Intersections 交叉口
MAIN_CATEGORY[MonumentLandmarks]:0 Landmarks 地标
MAIN_CATEGORY[MonumentCategory1]:0 Level 1 Unique Buildings 等级 1 的独特建筑
MAIN_CATEGORY[MonumentCategory2]:0 Level 2 Unique Buildings 等级 2 的独特建筑
MAIN_CATEGORY[MonumentCategory3]:0 Level 3 Unique Buildings 等级 3 的独特建筑
MAIN_CATEGORY[MonumentCategory4]:0 Level 4 Unique Buildings 等级 4 的独特建筑
MAIN_CATEGORY[MonumentCategory5]:0 Level 5 Unique Buildings 等级 5 的独特建筑
MAIN_CATEGORY[MonumentCategory6]:0 Level 6 Unique Buildings 等级 6 的独特建筑
MAIN_CATEGORY[BeautificationProps]:0 Props 道具
MAIN_CATEGORY[BeautificationParksnPlazas]:0 Parks, Plazas & Landscaping 公园和广场
MAIN_CATEGORY[BeautificationPaths]:0 Paths 路径
MAIN_CATEGORY[LandscapingModderPackTrees]:0 Content Creator Trees Content Creator Trees
MAIN_CATEGORY[LandscapingModderPack]:0 Bridges and Piers Bridges and Piers
MAIN_CATEGORY[RoadsModderPack]:0 Bridges and Piers Bridges and Piers
SUBSERVICE_DESC[Taxi]:0 With the taxi service tourists and citizens can use taxi cabs to get around the city. 有了出租车服务,游客和市民就能搭乘出租车在市区内移动。
SUBSERVICE_DESC[Tram]:0 Trams are a great choice for public transportation in densely built cities. 在人口密集的城市里建设电车是一个不错的选择。
SUBSERVICE_DESC[Monorail]:0 Elevated Monorail travels on elevated tracks high above the city. 高架单轨列车在城市高空的高架轨道上行驶。
SUBSERVICE_DESC[CableCar]:0 Cable Cars can carry citizens above the ground via a network of cables and stops. 缆车可以通过钢绳和站点网将市民运送到地面上空。
SUBSERVICE_DESC[Tours]:0 Tours allow you to create walking tours and sightseeing bus tours to guide the tourists around the city. 游览功能中,你可以创建徒步观光游览路线与观光巴士游览路线,以便引导游客前往城市的各个角落。
SUBSERVICE_DESC[Post]:0 Post City Service offers acceptance and delivery of letters and parcels to your citizens. 邮政服务可以为居民提供信件和包裹递送服务。
SUBSERVICE_DESC[PlayerEducationTradeSchool]:0 Set campus area type to Trade School by placing Trade School Administration Building inside campus area. Trade School campus provides university level education. Gaining reputation unlocks new buildings, increases the tuition fees the students pay, affect the amount of exchange students visiting your city and much more! 在校园区域内放置专科学院行政大楼,可将校园区域类型设为专科学院。专科学院提供大学级教育。获得声望可解锁新建筑、增加学生支付的学费、影响访问你的城市的交换学生数量等等!
SUBSERVICE_DESC[PlayerEducationLiberalArts]:0 Set campus area type to Liberal Arts by placing Liberal Arts Administration Building inside campus area. Liberal Arts campus provides university level education. Gaining reputation unlocks new buildings, increases the tuition fees the students pay, affect the amount of exchange students visiting your city and much more! 在校园区域内放置文科学院行政大楼,可将校园区域类型设为文科学院。文科学院提供大学级教育。获得声望可解锁新建筑、增加学生支付的学费、影响访问你的城市的交换学生数量等等!
SUBSERVICE_DESC[PlayerEducationUniversity]:0 Set campus area type to University by placing University Administration Building inside campus area. University campus provides university level education. Gaining reputation unlocks new buildings, increases the tuition fees the students pay, affect the amount of exchange students visiting your city and much more! 在校园区域内放置大学行政大楼,可将校园区域类型设为大学。大学提供大学级教育。获得声望可解锁新建筑、增加学生支付的学费、影响访问你的城市的交换学生数量等等!
SUBSERVICE_DESC[Trolleybus]:0 Trolleybus is an electric bus that offers more environmentally friendly transportation for your citizens. 无轨电车是电力驱动的公交车,可以为你的市民提供能更好保护环境的出行方式。
SUBSERVICE_DESC[Bus]:0 Buses allow you to build Bus Depots and set up bus lines inside the city. 公交车使你可以建造公车站以及设定城市的公交车路线。
SUBSERVICE_DESC[Metro]:0 The Metro is a convenient way of transporting people fast and decreasing traffic inside the city. 地铁可以方便又快速的运输居民,并减少城市中的车流量。
SUBSERVICE_DESC[Train]:0 Trains offer fast transportation for your citizens and tourists. 火车可以为你的居民及游客提供高效率的运输。
SUBSERVICE_DESC[Ship]:0 By building specialized harbors, you can transport passengers or cargo with ships into and out of your city. 建造港口可以方便又快速地 运输市民和货物进出城市。
SUBSERVICE_DESC[Plane]:0 Build an airport to allow airplanes to land and take off. Airplanes will carry passengers and cargo to and from other cities around the world. 建造机场将为飞机提供起降场所。飞机可以运送货物和居民进出城市。
VEHICLE_STATUS_PRISON_PICKINGUP:0 Picking up criminals from 逮捕囚犯在
VEHICLE_STATUS_PRISON_WAIT:0 Loading criminals 押送囚犯
VEHICLE_STATUS_PRISON_RETURN:0 Transporting criminals to prison 运送囚犯至监狱
GUI_TOOLTIP:0 Time of day 当日时间
INFO_RES_BEACH:0 Shoreline 海岸线
TRANS_BUDGET_INFO[Police]:0 The number of patrol cars and vans depends on the budget. 警车和运囚车的数量取决于预算。
TRANS_TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Police]:0 Police patrol the city to keep crime under control. To maintain a low crime rate, make sure police service buildings have good connections to the city, so that patrol cars can respond to calls quickly.

Police patrols decrease the crime rate. High unemployment and low education increase the crime rate.

Prisons are where criminals serve out their sentences. Police stations and HQs collect criminals to be transported to prisons.


高失业率与低教育率会造成犯罪率升高。 监狱是让罪犯服刑的地方,警察局与警察局会将犯人移送到监狱。

TRANS_TUTORIAL_ADVISER[PublicTransport]:0 Public transportation helps decrease the number of private vehicles on the roads, leaving more room for industrial goods transportation. Also, reduced traffic creates less noise pollution.

Build the infratructure for public transportation and create lines for buses and metros from the relevant public transport submenus.

Buses, metros and and taxi cabs allow people to travel inside the city. Trains, ships and planes carry tourists in and out of the city. Cargo trains can take goods from an industrial area to a commercial area, drastically reducing the number of trucks on the roads. Cargo harbors allow raw materials and goods to be imported and exported.




TRANS_TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewResources]:0 If the map has natural resources available, they can be utilized by allowing zones to specialize in forestry (Forests), oil industry (Oil), ore industry (Ore), agriculture (Fertile Land) or commercial use of shores (Shoreline).

If a particular resource is not located on the map, the industry can get it from other cities if you have an outside connection.

若地图上有可用的自然资源,可规划为林木业(森林)、石化业(石油)、矿业(矿产)或畜牧业(沃土)、商业用途的海岸 (海岸线)来等特色产业来利用此资源。


INFO_CRIMERATE_CRIMES:0 Criminals arrested last week: 上周已逮捕罪犯:
STYLES_SELECT:0 Select style 选择风格
STYLES_SELECT_TOOLTIP:0 Select a building style for this district 选择该区域的建筑风格
STYLES_DEFAULT:0 Default style 预设风格
STYLES_MISSING_TOOLTIP:0 No active styles. Visit the content manager to create and activate them! 没有启用风格。请去内容管理器去创造和启用它们!
DISTRICT_TITLE[SpecializationLeisure]:0 Leisure Specialization 休闲娱乐区划
DISTRICT_TITLE[SpecializationTourist]:0 Tourism Specialization 旅游观光区划
DISTRICT_TITLE[SpecializationCommercialNone]:0 No Commercial Specialization 无商业活动区划
DISTRICT_TITLE[PaintAirport]:0 Paint Airport Area 绘制机场区
DISTRICT_TITLE[EraseAirport]:0 Erase Airport Area 删除机场区
DISTRICT_TITLE[SpecializationHightech]:0 IT Cluster 信息产业区
DISTRICT_TITLE[SpecializationSelfsufficient]:0 Self-Sufficient Buildings 自给建筑
DISTRICT_TITLE[SpecializationOrganic]:0 Organic and Local Produce 本地有机作物
DISTRICT_TITLE[SpecializationResidentialNone]:0 No Residential Specialization 无住宅区划分
DISTRICT_TITLE[SpecializationOfficeNone]:0 No Office Specialization 无办公区划分
DISTRICT_TITLE[PaintParks]:0 Paint Park Area 涂画公园区域
DISTRICT_TITLE[EraseParks]:0 Erase Park Area 抹除公园区域
DISTRICT_TITLE[PaintIndustry]:0 Paint Industry Area 划定工业区
DISTRICT_TITLE[EraseIndustry]:0 Erase Industry Area 删除工业区
DISTRICT_TITLE[PaintCampus]:0 Paint Campus Area 喷涂校园区域
DISTRICT_TITLE[EraseCampus]:0 Erase Campus Area 擦除校园区域
DISTRICT_TITLE[Paint]:0 Paint District 划定区划
DISTRICT_TITLE[Erase]:0 Erase District 清除区划
DISTRICT_TITLE[SpecializationOil]:0 Oil Industry 石化工业
DISTRICT_TITLE[SpecializationOre]:0 Ore Industry 矿业
DISTRICT_TITLE[SpecializationForest]:0 Forest Industry 林业
DISTRICT_TITLE[SpecializationFarming]:0 Farming Industry 农牧业
DISTRICT_TITLE[SpecializationNone]:0 Generic Industry 一般工业
DISTRICT_DESC[SpecializationLeisure]:0 Districts specialized in leisure activities have more vibrant nightlife and many options for daytime relaxation as well.

- Causes Noise Pollution - Commercial zones are active 24/7.


-造成噪音污染 -商业区全年无休

DISTRICT_DESC[SpecializationTourist]:0 Tourism specialization dedicates the commercial zones to serve the tourists by providing hotel accommodations, restaurants and other activities.

- Causes Noise Pollution - Attracts tourists


-造成噪音污染 -吸引更多游客

DISTRICT_DESC[SpecializationCommercialNone]:0 Remove the commercial specialization of the selected district and returns the zone to default commercial. 删除选定的商业专业化区划,并将其重置为普通商业区。
DISTRICT_DESC[PaintAirport]:0 Create or reshape an Airport Area by painting over an area. Painting an airport area also flattens the terrain. 对一个区域着色即可创建或重划一个机场区。
DISTRICT_DESC[EraseAirport]:0 Erase or reshape an Airport Area by painting over an area. 对一个区域着色即可删除或重划一个机场区。
DISTRICT_DESC[SpecializationHightech]:0 IT cluster is an office specialization that changes the office buildings into high tech buildings.

- Requires 50% less workers - Consumes 30% more electricity - Generates 30% more tax revenue


- 人力需求减少50% - 电力消耗增加30% - 税收增加30%

DISTRICT_DESC[SpecializationSelfsufficient]:0 The self-sufficient residential buildings recycle their waste and produce energy with solar panels and by other means:

- Consumes 30% less electricity - Produces 30% less garbage - Generates 30% less tax income.


- 电力消耗减少30% - 垃圾减少30% - 税收减少30%

DISTRICT_DESC[SpecializationOrganic]:0 Changes commercial area to consist of buildings like organic produce shops, electric car charging stations and such.

- Produces 50% of sold goods locally - Truck traffic in the area is reduced by 50% - Increases electricity consumption by 20% - Reduces garbage production by 20%


- 当地商品销售增加50% - 当地卡车货运减少50% - 电力消耗增加20% - 垃圾产生减少20%

DISTRICT_DESC[SpecializationResidentialNone]:0 Removes the residential specialization of the selected district and returns the zones to their default state. 移除选定区划的住宅区专业划分,将相关区域还原为初始状态。
DISTRICT_DESC[SpecializationOfficeNone]:0 Removes the office specialization of the selected district and returns the zones to their default state. 移除选定区划的办公区专业划分,将相关区域还原为初始状态。
DISTRICT_DESC[PaintParks]:0 Create or reshape a Park Area by painting over an area. 在相应位置涂画即可创建或调整公园区域。
DISTRICT_DESC[EraseParks]:0 Erase or reshape a Park Area by painting over an area. 在相应位置涂画即可抹除或调整公园区域。
DISTRICT_DESC[PaintIndustry]:0 Create or reshape an Industry Area by painting over an area. 涂画选中的范围以创建新的工业区或者重塑现有的工业区。
DISTRICT_DESC[EraseIndustry]:0 Erase or reshape an Industry Area by painting over an area. 涂画选中的范围以创建新的工业区或者重塑现有的工业区。
DISTRICT_DESC[PaintCampus]:0 Create or reshape a Campus Area by painting over an area. 通过在一个区域上喷涂来创建或重塑校园区域。
DISTRICT_DESC[EraseCampus]:0 Erase or reshape a Campus Area by painting over an area. 通过在一个区域上喷涂来擦除或重塑校园区域。
DISTRICT_DESC[Paint]:0 Create or reshape a district by painting it over an area. 在此创建或重划所绘制的区域。
DISTRICT_DESC[Erase]:0 Erase or reshape a district by painting over an area. 通过在地区涂画来擦除或重设一个地区。
DISTRICT_DESC[SpecializationOil]:0 Turn underground oil reservoirs into substantial wealth by specializing in oil industry.

- Considerably increased ground pollution and electricity consumption - Considerably increased tax income - Required natural resource: Oil (Non-renewable)


- 高度增加地面污染与电力消耗 - 高度增加税收收入 - 需要自然资源:石油(不可再生)

DISTRICT_DESC[SpecializationOre]:0 Mine raw ore from the Earth's crust and ship it to local businesses for further processing.

- Moderately increased ground pollution and electricity consumption - Moderately increased tax income - Required natural resource: Ore (Non-renewable)


- 中度增加地面污染与电力消耗。 - 中度增加税收收入 - 需要自然资源:矿产(不可再生)

DISTRICT_DESC[SpecializationForest]:0 Specialize in Forestry to take advantage of the renewable woodland.

- Slightly increased electricity consumption - Slightly increased tax income - Required natural resource: Forest (Renewable)


- 轻度增加电力消耗 - 轻度增加税收 - 需要自然资源:森林(可再生)

DISTRICT_DESC[SpecializationFarming]:0 Sun soaked plains and fertile lands are ideal for agriculture and grazing.

- Considerably increased water consumption - Slightly increased tax income - Required natural resource: Fertile Land (Renewable)


- 高度增加水消耗 - 轻度增加税收 - 需要自然资源:肥土(可再生)

DISTRICT_DESC[SpecializationNone]:0 Remove the specialization of the selected district and return the zone to generic industries. 移除选定区划的行业限定,并使区划回归一般工业。
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[SpecializationArea.Leisure]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[SpecializationArea.Tourist]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[HeatingUsage/HeatingConsumption]:0 {0}% / {1}% {0}% / {1}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[SnowCover]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[CityValue+PlayerMoney-PlayerDebt]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[CitizenHealth.Residential]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[EducatedCount]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[SpecializationArea.Farming]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[SpecializationArea.Forestry]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[SpecializationArea.Ore]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[SpecializationArea.Oil]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[TrafficFlow]:0 {0}% / {1}% {0}% / {1}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[SpecializationArea.Organic]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[SpecializationArea.Selfsufficient]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[SpecializationArea.Hightech]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[CitizenHappiness.Residential]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[GroundPollution]:0 {0}% / {1}% {0}% / {1}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[WaterPollution]:0 {0}% / {1}% {0}% / {1}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[RenewableElectricity/ElectricityCapacity]:0 {0}% / {1}% {0}% / {1}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[PollutingElectricity/ElectricityCapacity]:0 {0}% / {1}% {0}% / {1}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[WalkingTourLength]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[TouristVisits]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[LibraryVisitorCount]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0}/{1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[FishFarmed]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[FishCaught]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[PlayerMoney]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[AveragePassengers]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[Unemployed/EligibleWorkers]:0 {0}% / {1}% {0}% / {1}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[PlayerDebt]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[GarbagePiles]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[ImmaterialResource.CrimeRate]:0 {0}% / {1}% {0}% / {1}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[ServiceExpenses.Education]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[StudentCount.Level1]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[EducatedCount.ThreeSchools/EducatedCount]:0 {0}% / {1}% {0}% / {1}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[AbandonedBuildings]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[ElectricityCapacity]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[BuildingArea.Industrial]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[BuildingArea.Commercial]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[BuildingArea.Office]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[BuildingArea.Residential]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_PROG[CrimeRate]:0 {0}% / {1}% {0}% / {1}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[SpecializationArea.Leisure]:0 {0:N0} squares of leisure specialization built 建成 {0:N0} 休闲娱乐区域
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[SpecializationArea.Tourist]:0 {0:N0} squares of tourism specialization built 建成 {0:N0} 旅游观光区域
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[HeatingUsage/HeatingConsumption]:0 Heating coverage {0}% 供暖覆盖度 {0}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[SnowCover]:0 {0:N0} units of snow covering the roads 共有 {0:N0} 个单位的道路积雪
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[CityValue+PlayerMoney-PlayerDebt]:0 City value bigger than: {0:N0} 城市价值大于:{0:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[CitizenHealth.Residential]:0 Average citizen health over {0} % 平均市民健康水平高于{0}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[EducatedCount]:0 Population over {0:N0} 人口高于 {0:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[SpecializationArea.Farming]:0 {0:N0} squares of farming specialization built 建造 {0:N0} 格的农牧专用设施
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[SpecializationArea.Forestry]:0 {0:N0} squares of forestry specialization built 建造 {0:N0} 格的林业专用设施
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[SpecializationArea.Ore]:0 {0:N0} squares of ore specialization built 建造 {0:N0} 格的矿产专用设施
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[SpecializationArea.Oil]:0 {0:N0} squares of oil specialization built 建造 {0:N0} 格的石油专用设施
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[TrafficFlow]:0 Traffic flow over {0}% 车流量高于 {0}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[SpecializationArea.Organic]:0 {0:N0} squares of organic and local produce specialization built 本地有机作物专业划分已建造{0:N0}格
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[SpecializationArea.Selfsufficient]:0 {0:N0} squares of self-sufficient building specialization built 自给建筑专业划分已建造{0:N0}格
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[SpecializationArea.Hightech]:0 {0:N0} squares of IT Cluster specialization built 信息产业区专业划分已建造{0:N0}格
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[CitizenHappiness.Residential]:0 Average citizen happiness over {0} 市民平均幸福感高于{0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[GroundPollution]:0 Average ground pollution over {0} % 平均土地污染高于{0}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[WaterPollution]:0 Average drinking water pollution over {0} % 平均饮用水污染水平高于{0} %
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[RenewableElectricity/ElectricityCapacity]:0 {0}% of electricity production from renewable sources 可再生能源发电占{0}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[PollutingElectricity/ElectricityCapacity]:0 {0}% of electricity production from polluting sources 污染能源发电占{0}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[WalkingTourLength]:0 {0:N0} meters of walking tours {0:N0}米徒步游览
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[TouristVisits]:0 Have {0:N0} weekly tourist visits 单周拥有{0:N0}名游客
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[LibraryVisitorCount]:0 {0:N0} library users in the city {0:N0}图书馆用户在城市内
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[FishFarmed]:0 {0:N0} units of fish farmed 已养殖{0:N0}单位的鱼
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[FishCaught]:0 {0:N0} units of fish caught {0:N0} 单位的鱼被捕获
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[PlayerMoney]:0 Have more than {0:N0} money 城市资金:{0:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[AveragePassengers]:0 Public transport has {0:N0} weekly passengers 公共交通每周运输 {0:N0} 名乘客
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[Unemployed/EligibleWorkers]:0 Unemployment rate over {0}% 失业率超过 {0} %
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[PlayerDebt]:0 More than {0:N0} amount in loans 持有贷款大于 {0:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[GarbagePiles]:0 Average garbage piling per building at least {0} 每栋建筑平均所倾倒的垃圾至少有 {0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[ImmaterialResource.CrimeRate]:0 Crime rate over {0}% 犯罪率超过 {0}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[ServiceExpenses.Education]:0 Weekly education expenses {0:N0} 每周教育开支 {0:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[StudentCount.Level1]:0 {0:N0} children in elementary schools {0:N0} 位就读小学的儿童
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[EducatedCount.ThreeSchools/EducatedCount]:0 {0}% of the population highly educated {0}% 的人口受过高等教育
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[AbandonedBuildings]:0 {0:N0} abandoned buildings in the city 城市中废弃建筑物达到 {0:N0} 栋
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[ElectricityCapacity]:0 Electricity production of {0:N0} MW 发电量达到 {0:N0} 兆瓦
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[BuildingArea.Industrial]:0 {0:N0} squares of industrial zone built 已建造 {0:N0} 工业区
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[BuildingArea.Commercial]:0 {0:N0} squares of commercial zone built 已建造 {0:N0} 商业区
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[BuildingArea.Office]:0 {0:N0} squares of office zone built 已建造 {0:N0} 办公区
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[BuildingArea.Residential]:0 {0:N0} squares of residential zone built 已建造 {0:N0} 住宅区
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_DESC[CrimeRate]:0 Crime rate over {0}% 犯罪率超过 {0}%
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_PROG[PassengerCount.Taxi]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_PROG[SnowCollected]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_PROG[PassengerCount]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_PROG[PassengerCount.Bus]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_PROG[PassengerCount.Metro]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_PROG[PassengerCount.Train]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_PROG[PassengerCount.Ship]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_PROG[PassengerCount.Airplane]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_PROG[PassengerCount.Tram]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_PROG[ParkVisitCount]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_PROG[FishFarmed]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_PROG[FishCaught]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_PROG[GoodsProduced]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_PROG[TouristsVisited]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_PROG[IncomingTourists]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_PROG[NaturalResourcesExtracted]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_PROG[FullLifespans]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_DESC[PassengerCount.Taxi]:0 {0:N0} people transported using taxi 出租车运送乘客数量 {0:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_DESC[SnowCollected]:0 {0:N0} units of snow collected 已收集 {0:N0} 个单位的积雪
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_DESC[PassengerCount]:0 {0:N0} people transported using public transport {0:N0} 人使用公共交通
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_DESC[PassengerCount.Bus]:0 {0:N0} people transported using bus {0:N0} 人使用公交
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_DESC[PassengerCount.Metro]:0 {0:N0} people transported using metro {0:N0} 人使用地铁
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_DESC[PassengerCount.Train]:0 {0:N0} people transported using train {0:N0} 人使用火车
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_DESC[PassengerCount.Ship]:0 {0:N0} people transported using ship {0:N0} 人使用轮船
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_DESC[PassengerCount.Airplane]:0 {0:N0} people transported using airplane {0:N0} 人使用飞机
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_DESC[PassengerCount.Tram]:0 {0:N0} people transported using tram {0:N0} 人使用电车
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_DESC[ParkVisitCount]:0 Have parks and plazas visited by total of {0:N0} people 公园与广场总计访问{0:N0}人
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_DESC[FishFarmed]:0 {0:N0} units of fish farmed 已养殖{0:N0}单位的鱼
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_DESC[FishCaught]:0 {0:N0} units of fish caught {0:N0} 单位的鱼被捕获
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_DESC[GoodsProduced]:0 City produces a total of {0:N0} units of goods 城市共生产{0:N0}个单位货物
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_DESC[TouristsVisited]:0 {0:N0} tourists visit the city 造访城市的游客达到{0:N0}名
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_DESC[IncomingTourists]:0 {0:N0} tourists visit the city 造访城市的游客达到{0:N0}名
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_DESC[NaturalResourcesExtracted]:0 City extracts a total of {0:N0} units of natural resources 城市总共开采{0:N0}单位自然资源
MILESTONE_STAT_TOTAL_DESC[FullLifespans]:0 {0:N0} full lifespans lived in the city 城市中{0:N0}位市民达到预期寿命
UNLOCK_MONUMENT_TITLE[MonumentExpansion1]:0 Tourism & Leisure 旅游与休闲
UNLOCK_MONUMENT_TITLE[MonumentConcerts]:0 Concerts 音乐会
UNLOCK_MONUMENT_TITLE[MonumentFootball]:0 Football 足球
UNLOCK_MONUMENT_TITLE[MonumentExpansion2]:0 Winter Unique Buildings 冬季独特建筑
UNLOCK_MONUMENT_TITLE[MonumentLandmarks]:0 Landmarks 地标
UNLOCK_MONUMENT_TITLE[MonumentCategory1]:0 Level 1 等级 1
UNLOCK_MONUMENT_TITLE[MonumentCategory2]:0 Level 2 等级 2
UNLOCK_MONUMENT_TITLE[MonumentCategory3]:0 Level 3 等级 3
UNLOCK_MONUMENT_TITLE[MonumentCategory4]:0 Level 4 等级 4
UNLOCK_MONUMENT_TITLE[MonumentCategory5]:0 Level 5 等级 5
UNLOCK_MONUMENT_TITLE[MonumentCategory6]:0 Level 6 等级 6
CREDITS3:0 [role]PRODUCER [role]制作人
CREDITS5:0 Mariina Hallikainen 玛利亚 哈利凯恩
CREDITS7:0 [role]GAME DESIGN [role]游戏设计
CREDITS9:0 Karoliina Korppoo (Lead Designer) 卡罗琳 可普 (首席设计)
CREDITS10:0 Miska Fredman 米斯卡 弗莱德曼
CREDITS12:0 [role]PROGRAMMING [role]程序
CREDITS14:0 Antti Lehto 安提 乐托
CREDITS15:0 Damien Morello 达米安 莫乐奥
CREDITS19:0 Timo Kellomäki 提莫 凯罗
CREDITS21:0 [role]ART [role]美术
CREDITS23:0 Antti Isosomppi (Art Director) 安提 伊索索姆匹 (艺术指导)
CREDITS24:0 Hans Zenjuga (Creative Director) 汉斯 珍祖加 (创意指导)
CREDITS25:0 Henri Haimakainen 亨利 海姆卡恩
CREDITS26:0 Suvi Salminen 苏薇 萨米恩
CREDITS27:0 Tony Kihlberg 托尼 凯尔堡
CREDITS28:0 Janne Suhonen 简 苏霍恩
CREDITS29:0 Mikko Finneman 米克 费尼门
CREDITS30:0 Ulysses Graphics 乌利瑟斯图像工作室
CREDITS32:0 [role]QA COORDINATION [role]质量协调
CREDITS34:0 Igor Olechnowicz 伊戈尔 欧勒克维科斯
CREDITS36:0 [role]MUSIC [role]音乐
CREDITS38:0 Jonne Valtonen 约翰 瓦托恩
CREDITS39:0 Jani Laaksonen 珍妮 拉克森恩
CREDITS41:0 [role]SOUND EFFECTS [role]声效
CREDITS43:0 Tapio Liukkonen 塔皮欧 刘克恩
CREDITS45:0 [role]HELPER OF THE ORDER [role]援助者
CREDITS47:0 Emmi Hallikainen 埃米 哈利凯恩
CREDITS49:0 [role]ART OUTSOURCING BY [role]美术外包
CREDITS51:0 [image]ULYSSES [image]乌利瑟斯工作室
BUILDING_NAME[3x4_Nightclub a]:0 Best Nightclub 西苑夜总会
BUILDING_NAME[3x4_Nightclub a]:1 Club Schatten 冰冷俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[3x4_Nightclub b]:0 Club de la Creme 不怕冷俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[3x4_Nightclub b]:1 Nightclub Happy Hamster 开心俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Restaurant]:0 Restaurant Rivoli 阿玛尼葡式餐厅
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Restaurant]:1 Pasta Restaurant 情浓意面馆
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Restaurant]:2 Fresh Meatballs 新鲜肉丸连锁
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Restaurant]:3 Restaurant Elm Tree 汝好茶餐厅
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Restaurant2]:0 Fried Chicken Eatery 肯炸鸡
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Restaurant2]:1 Raw Food 回转寿司
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Restaurant2]:2 Paleo Pizzeria 披萨塔
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Restaurant2]:3 Seafood Delicacies 鱼羊海鲜酒楼
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Karaoke Bar]:0 Karaoke All Night Long 彻夜 歌舞厅
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Karaoke Bar]:1 Lizzy's Karaoke Place 荔枝 歌舞厅
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Karaoke Bar]:2 Karaoke Wonderland 仙境卡拉OK
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Bowling Alley]:0 Bowling Alley 二哥保龄球培训中心
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Bowling Alley]:1 Space Bowling 啊滚保龄馆
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Bowling Alley]:2 Spectacular Bowling 超劲保龄馆
BUILDING_NAME[3x4 Game Arcade]:0 Play-All-You-Want Arcade 玩尽电玩厅
BUILDING_NAME[3x4 Game Arcade]:1 PucMan Arcade Games 八龙游戏中心
BUILDING_NAME[3x4 Game Arcade]:2 Game Hall 电玩大厅
BUILDING_NAME[2x3 Game Arcade]:0 Game Arcade 勇士游艺
BUILDING_NAME[2x3 Game Arcade]:1 Games For Gamers 猛士游艺厅
BUILDING_NAME[2x3 Game Arcade]:2 Game Cave 电玩世家
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Comedy Club]:0 The Comedy Club 栋笃笑俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Comedy Club]:1 Laugh Your Bottom Off 得芸社
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Comedy Club]:2 Stand Up Club 小宝大秀场
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Pub]:0 The Lion and the Pint Pub 酒鬼酒吧
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Pub]:1 Red Door Pub 红门酒吧
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Pub]:2 Public House 索霍酒吧
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_cafe]:0 Kitty Cat Cafe 蓝山咖啡厅
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_cafe]:1 Tea and Biscuits Cafe 清茶甜点
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_cafe]:2 Cafe Paris 煌上咖啡厅
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Gym]:0 Best Sweat Gym 吉米健身连锁
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Gym]:1 Iron Person Gym 大力神健身房
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Gym]:2 Champion Weightlifting Gym 冠军健身房
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Beauty Salon]:0 Another Pretty Face Beaty Salon 菲美容院
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Beauty Salon]:1 Snip Snip Salon 大乔美容中心
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Beauty Salon]:2 Pampering Beauty Salon 赛西施美容连锁
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Restaurant01]:0 Restaurant Rivoli 阿玛尼葡式餐厅
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Restaurant01]:1 Pasta Restaurant 情浓意面馆
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Restaurant01]:2 Fresh Meatballs 新鲜肉丸连锁
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Restaurant01]:3 Restaurant Elm Tree 汝好茶餐厅
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Nightclub01]:0 Best Nightclub 西苑夜总会
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Nightclub01]:1 Club Schatten 冰冷俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Nightclub01]:2 Club de la Creme 不怕冷俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Nightclub01]:3 Nightclub Happy Hamster 开心俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[2x3_Night_club_a]:0 Best Nightclub 西苑夜总会
BUILDING_NAME[2x3_Night_club_a]:1 Club Schatten 冰冷俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[2x3_Night_club_a]:2 Club de la Creme 不怕冷俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[2x3_Night_club_a]:3 Nightclub Happy Hamster 开心俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Gym]:0 Best Sweat Gym 吉米健身连锁
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Gym]:1 Iron Person Gym 大力神健身房
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Gym]:2 Champion Weightlifting Gym 冠军健身房
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Cafe01]:0 Kitty Cat Cafe 蓝山咖啡厅
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Cafe01]:1 Tea and Biscuits Cafe 清茶甜点
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Cafe01]:2 Cafe Paris 煌上咖啡厅
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Restaurant02]:0 Restaurant Rivoli 阿玛尼葡式餐厅
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Restaurant02]:1 Pasta Restaurant 情浓意面馆
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Restaurant02]:2 Fresh Meatballs 新鲜肉丸连锁
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Restaurant02]:3 Restaurant Elm Tree 汝好茶餐厅
BUILDING_NAME[2x3_Nightclub01]:0 Best Nightclub 西苑夜总会
BUILDING_NAME[2x3_Nightclub01]:1 Club Schatten 冰冷俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[2x3_Nightclub01]:2 Club de la Creme 不怕冷俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[2x3_Nightclub01]:3 Nightclub Happy Hamster 开心俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Beauty Salon]:0 Another Pretty Face Beauty Salon 苗法美容院
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Beauty Salon]:1 Snip Snip Salon 大乔美容中心
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Beauty Salon]:2 Pampering Beauty Salon 赛西施美容连锁
BUILDING_NAME[4x4_Tourist Hotel]:0 Hotel Hiya 嗨呀酒店
BUILDING_NAME[4x4_Tourist Hotel]:1 Grand Hotel 豪门酒店
BUILDING_NAME[4x4_Tourist Hotel]:2 Night Inn 静夜旅店
BUILDING_NAME[4x4_Tourist Hotel]:3 Fiesta Hotel 喧嚣旅馆
BUILDING_NAME[4x4_Tourist Hotel2]:0 Your Choice Hotel 最佳选择旅馆
BUILDING_NAME[4x4_Tourist Hotel2]:1 Hotel Intercontinental 洲际酒店
BUILDING_NAME[4x4_Tourist Hotel2]:2 Crest Resorts 顶峰宾馆
BUILDING_NAME[4x4_Tourist Hotel2]:3 Best Eastern 东佳旅馆
BUILDING_NAME[4x4_Tourist Hotel3]:0 Stratus Hotel 层云旅店
BUILDING_NAME[4x4_Tourist Hotel3]:1 Almost Five Star Hotel 近五星宾馆
BUILDING_NAME[4x4_Tourist Hotel3]:2 Octahotel 阿八旅馆
BUILDING_NAME[4x4_Tourist Hotel3]:3 Hotel Beacon 烽火宾馆
BUILDING_NAME[2x1_Beach Bar2]:0 Delicacies On The Store 海岸小食
BUILDING_NAME[2x1_Beach Bar2]:1 Frutti di Mare 海鲜火锅
BUILDING_NAME[2x1_Beach Bar2]:2 Juice Bar 极品水果专卖
BUILDING_NAME[2x1_Beach Bar2]:3 Coconut Water Ltd. 南海椰汁有限公司
BUILDING_NAME[2x1_Beach Bar2]:4 Seaside Refreshments 室内烧烤店
BUILDING_NAME[2x1_Beach Bar2]:5 Bottled Water Bar 深海纯净水吧
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Souvenir Shop]:0 Simon's Souvenirs 西蒙的纪念品点
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Souvenir Shop]:1 Sally's Souvenirs 莎莉的纪念品店
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Souvenir Shop]:2 Happy Memories Souvenirs 美好时光纪念品店
BUILDING_NAME[4x3_Beach Hotel]:0 Hotel Sandy 砂砾旅馆
BUILDING_NAME[4x3_Beach Hotel]:1 Ocean Park Hotel 海滨公园宾馆
BUILDING_NAME[4x3_Beach Hotel]:2 Four Seasons Resorts 四季度假胜地
BUILDING_NAME[4x3_Beach Hotel2]:0 Blue Waves Hotel 蓝涛宾馆
BUILDING_NAME[4x3_Beach Hotel2]:1 White Sands Resort 白沙宾馆
BUILDING_NAME[4x3_Beach Hotel2]:2 Hotel Seashell 贝壳宾馆
BUILDING_NAME[4x3_Beach Hotel3]:0 The Happy Seal Hotel 快乐海豹宾馆
BUILDING_NAME[4x3_Beach Hotel3]:1 Olympos Hotel 奥林波斯宾馆
BUILDING_NAME[4x3_Beach Hotel3]:2 Hotel Peach Trees 桃树旅店
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Beach restaurant]:0 Straight From the Sea Restaurant 现钓现吃餐馆
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Beach restaurant]:1 Hulio's Seafood Joint 胡里奥海鲜馆
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Beach restaurant]:2 Fresh Seafood 新鲜海产馆
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Beach Restaurant2]:0 Surf 'n' Turf 海陆空大酒楼
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Beach Restaurant2]:1 Restaurant de Mare 德美餐厅
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Beach Restaurant2]:2 The Crab Shack 帝皇蟹馆
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_PrivatePool]:0 Splish Splash Pool 有个泳池
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_PrivatePool]:1 Cool-off Pool 凉爽泳池
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_PrivatePool]:2 Swimming School 游泳学校
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Hotel01]:0 Hotel Hiya 嗨呀酒店
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Hotel01]:1 Grand Hotel 豪门酒店
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Hotel01]:2 Night Inn 静夜旅店
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Hotel01]:3 Fiesta Hotel 喧嚣旅馆
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Hotel01]:0 Your Choice Hotel 最佳选择旅馆
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Hotel01]:1 Hotel Intercontinental 洲际酒店
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Hotel01]:2 Crest Resorts 顶峰宾馆
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Hotel01]:3 Best Eastern 东佳旅馆
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Hotel01]:0 Stratus Hotel 层云旅店
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Hotel01]:1 Almost Five Star Hotel 近五星宾馆
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Hotel01]:2 Octahotel 阿八旅馆
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Hotel01]:3 Hotel Beacon 烽火宾馆
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_beach_restaurant2]:0 Straight From the Sea Restaurant 现钓现吃餐馆
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_beach_restaurant2]:1 Hulio's Seafood Joint 胡里奥海鲜馆
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_beach_restaurant2]:2 Fresh Seafood 新鲜海产馆
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Hotel02]:0 Your Choice Hotel 最佳选择旅馆
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Hotel02]:1 Hotel Intercontinental 洲际酒店
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Hotel02]:2 Crest Resorts 顶峰宾馆
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Hotel02]:3 Best Eastern 东佳旅馆
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_terrace01]:0 Delicacies On The Store 海岸小食
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_terrace01]:1 Frutti di Mare 海鲜火锅
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_terrace01]:2 Juice Bar 极品水果专卖
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_terrace01]:3 Coconut Water Ltd. 南海椰汁有限公司
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_terrace01]:4 Seaside Refreshments 室内烧烤店
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_terrace01]:5 Bottled Water Bar 深海纯净水吧
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_terrace02]:0 Delicacies On The Store 海岸小食
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_terrace02]:1 Frutti di Mare 海鲜火锅
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_terrace02]:2 Juice Bar 极品水果专卖
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_terrace02]:3 Coconut Water Ltd. 南海椰汁有限公司
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_terrace02]:4 Seaside Refreshments 室内烧烤店
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_terrace02]:5 Bottled Water Bar 深海纯净水吧
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_terrace01]:0 Delicacies On The Store 海岸小食
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_terrace01]:1 Frutti di Mare 海鲜火锅
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_terrace01]:2 Juice Bar 极品水果专卖
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_terrace01]:3 Coconut Water Ltd. 南海椰汁有限公司
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_terrace01]:4 Seaside Refreshments 室内烧烤店
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_terrace01]:5 Bottled Water Bar 深海纯净水吧
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_terrace02]:0 Delicacies On The Store 海岸小食
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_terrace02]:1 Frutti di Mare 海鲜火锅
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_terrace02]:2 Juice Bar 极品水果专卖
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_terrace02]:3 Coconut Water Ltd. 南海椰汁有限公司
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_terrace02]:4 Seaside Refreshments 室内烧烤店
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_terrace02]:5 Bottled Water Bar 深海纯净水吧
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Souvenir Shop]:0 Simon's Souvenirs 西蒙的纪念品点
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Souvenir Shop]:1 Sally's Souvenirs 莎莉的纪念品店
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Souvenir Shop]:2 Happy Memories Souvenirs 美好时光纪念品店
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Beach Bar2]:0 Delicacies On The Store 海岸小食
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Beach Bar2]:1 Frutti di Mare 海鲜火锅
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Beach Bar2]:2 Juice Bar 极品水果专卖
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Beach Bar2]:3 Coconut Water Ltd. 南海椰汁有限公司
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Beach Bar2]:4 Seaside Refreshments 室内烧烤店
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Beach Bar2]:5 Bottled Water Bar 深海纯净水吧
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Winter_Cafe]:0 Kitty Cat Cafe 蓝山咖啡厅
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Winter_Cafe]:1 Tea and Bisquits Cafe 巨甜甜点馆
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Winter_Cafe]:2 Cafe Paris 煌上咖啡厅
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_Winter_Cafe]:3 Kitty Cat Cafe 蓝山咖啡厅
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Winter_Cafe]:0 Tea and Bisquits Cafe 巨甜甜点馆
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Winter_Cafe]:1 Cafe Paris 煌上咖啡厅
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Winter_Cafe]:2 Kitty Cat Cafe 蓝山咖啡厅
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Winter_Cafe]:3 Tea and Bisquits Cafe 巨甜甜点馆
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_terrace_winter01]:0 Delicacies On The Store 海岸小食
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_terrace_winter01]:1 Frutti di Mare 海鲜火锅
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_terrace_winter01]:2 Juice Bar 极品水果专卖
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_terrace_winter02]:0 Coconut Water Ltd. 南海椰汁有限公司
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_terrace_winter02]:1 Seaside Refreshments 室内烧烤店
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_terrace_winter02]:2 Bottled Water Bar 深海纯净水吧
BUILDING_NAME[1x1_terrace_winter02]:3 Delicacies On The Store 海岸小食
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_terrace_winter01]:0 Frutti di Mare 海鲜火锅
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_terrace_winter01]:1 Juice Bar 极品水果专卖
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_terrace_winter01]:2 Coconut Water Ltd. 南海椰汁有限公司
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_terrace_winter01]:3 Seaside Refreshments 室内烧烤店
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_terrace_winter02]:0 Bottled Water Bar 深海纯净水吧
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_terrace_winter02]:1 Delicacies On The Store 海岸小食
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_terrace_winter02]:2 Frutti di Mare 海鲜火锅
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_terrace_winter02]:3 Juice Bar 极品水果专卖
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Winter_PrivatePool]:0 Splish Splash Pool 有个泳池
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Winter_PrivatePool]:1 Cool-off Pool 凉爽泳池
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Winter_PrivatePool]:2 Swimming School 游泳学校
BUILDING_NAME[2x2_Winter_PrivatePool]:3 Splish Splash Pool 有个泳池
BUILDING_NAME[2x3_winter_nightclub_01]:0 Best Nightclub 西苑夜总会
BUILDING_NAME[2x3_winter_nightclub_01]:1 Club Schatten 冰冷俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[2x3_winter_nightclub_01]:2 Club de la Creme 不怕冷俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[2x3_winter_nightclub_01]:3 Nightclub Happy Hamster 开心俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[2x3_winter_nightclub_02]:0 Best Nightclub 西苑夜总会
BUILDING_NAME[2x3_winter_nightclub_02]:1 Club Schatten 冰冷俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[2x3_winter_nightclub_02]:2 Club de la Creme 不怕冷俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[2x3_winter_nightclub_02]:3 Nightclub Happy Hamster 开心俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[3x4_winter_nightclub_01]:0 Best Nightclub 西苑夜总会
BUILDING_NAME[3x4_winter_nightclub_01]:1 Club Schatten 冰冷俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[3x4_winter_nightclub_01]:2 Club de la Creme 不怕冷俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[3x4_winter_nightclub_01]:3 Nightclub Happy Hamster 开心俱乐部
BUILDING_NAME[4x3_winter_hotel01]:0 Hotel Hiya 嗨呀酒店
BUILDING_NAME[4x3_winter_hotel01]:1 Grand Hotel 豪门酒店
BUILDING_NAME[4x3_winter_hotel01]:2 Night Inn 静夜旅店
BUILDING_NAME[4x3_winter_hotel01]:3 Fiesta Hotel 喧嚣旅馆
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Beach restaurant2]:0 Surf 'n' Turf 海陆空大酒楼
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Beach restaurant2]:1 Restaurant de Mare 德美餐厅
BUILDING_NAME[3x2_Beach restaurant2]:2 The Crab Shack 帝皇蟹馆
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 1x1 01]:0 Grow A Pair Vegetables and Fruit 长一对蔬果店
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 1x1 02]:0 The Eco Friendly Shoppe 环保专柜
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 1x1 03]:0 Just Can’t Contain 容不下容器店
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 1x1 04]:0 Containers For you 私人订制容器店
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 1x2 01]:0 The Eco Market 生态市场
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 1x2 02]:0 Vegan Delights 素食乐
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 1x2 03]:0 Boxes & Stuff 亲密箱储
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 1x3 01]:0 Organic Market 有机市场
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 1x3 02]:0 Sam’s Organic Shop 山姆有机店
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 1x4 01]:0 Whole Food Marketplace 全食市场
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 1x4 02]:0 Container Mini Market 迷你容器市场
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 2x1 01]:0 The Fairest Coffee of Them All 最赞咖啡
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 2x1 02]:0 Organic Teas 有机茶叶
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 2x1 03]:0 A Place For Your Stuff 额外空间
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 2x2 01]:0 Edison Hyper Charger 爱迪生充电宝
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 2x2 02]:0 Mom’s Sprouts 老妈豆芽
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 2x3 01]:0 Wholesome Foods 全顺食品
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 2x3 02]:0 Everything Bamboo 全竹生态店
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 2x4 01]:0 PETR Store 岩石商店
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 2x4 02]:0 Organic Linens 有机亚麻
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 3x1 01]:0 Organic Stalls 有机商铺
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 3x1 02]:0 Fair Trade Coffee 平价咖啡
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 3x2 01]:0 Free Charge EV Charging 任意充电动车充电站
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 3x2 02]:0 The Green Shop 绿色小店
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 3x3 01]:0 Ecostel the Hostel 生态链旅店
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 3x3 02]:0 Fast & Nutritious 5 速度与营养5
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 3x4 01]:0 Eco Supermarket 生态超市
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 3x4 02]:0 Organic Coffee & Tea 有机咖啡茶
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 4x1 01]:0 Eco Mart 易可玛市场
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 4x1 02]:0 Containers To Go 打包容器店
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 4x2 01]:0 Green Market 绿色市场
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 4x2 02]:0 Organic Dry Goods 有机干货店
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 4x3 01]:0 Edison Shop 爱迪生店
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 4x3 02]:0 Ecostel the Hostel 生态链旅店
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 4x4 01]:0 Eco-Market 生态市场
BUILDING_NAME[Eco Commercial 4x4 02]:0 The Eco Center 生态中心
BUILDING_NAME[Hightech Office 1x1 01]:0 Mokia Offices 摩基亚总部
BUILDING_NAME[Hightech Office 1x2 01]:0 The Slightly Less Boring Company 不太烦公司
BUILDING_NAME[Hightech Office 1x3 01]:0 Oogle Inc 午歌有限公司
BUILDING_NAME[Hightech Office 1x4 01]:0 Oogle Glass Eyes 午歌眼镜
BUILDING_NAME[Hightech Office 2x1 01]:0 New Colossal Offices 新科洛萨总部
BUILDING_NAME[Hightech Office 2x2 01]:0 Solar Tech Company 太阳科技公司
BUILDING_NAME[Hightech Office 2x3 01]:0 Go Green Inc 绿起来有限公司
BUILDING_NAME[Hightech Office 2x4 01]:0 Organic Food Development 有机食品发展有限公司
BUILDING_NAME[Hightech Office 3x1 01]:0 Grow Your Meat Labs 长点肉实验室
BUILDING_NAME[Hightech Office 3x2 01]:0 Medical Research Inc 医学研究有限公司
BUILDING_NAME[Hightech Office 3x3 01]:0 New Battery Technologies 新电池科技
BUILDING_NAME[Hightech Office 3x4 01]:0 Edison Motors 爱迪生汽车
BUILDING_NAME[Hightech Office 4x1 01]:0 Solar Panels Inc 太阳板有限公司
BUILDING_NAME[Hightech Office 4x2 01]:0 Sunlight to Food Enterprises 光合食品公司
BUILDING_NAME[Hightech Office 4x3 01]:0 Electronic Books Company 电子书公司
BUILDING_NAME[Hightech Office 4x4 01]:0 Smart Reads Inc 聪明读有限公司
BUILDING_NAME[Farming 4x4 Farm]:0 Animal Farm 动物农场
BUILDING_NAME[Farming 4x4 Farm]:1 Mary's Livestock 玛丽畜牧场
BUILDING_NAME[Farming 4x4 Farm 2]:0 Phil's Fields 菲尔农场
BUILDING_NAME[Farming 4x4 Farm 2]:1 The Food Factory 维生食品加工厂
BUILDING_NAME[Farming 4x4 Farm 3]:0 Orchard Company 长得快果园公司
BUILDING_NAME[Farming 4x4 Farm 3]:1 Fruit For All 全民水果农场
BUILDING_NAME[L3 3x2 Shop01]:0 Big Bite Restaurant 砂县小吃
BUILDING_NAME[L3 2x2 Shop02]:0 Hyper M Store 兴奋爱姆商店
BUILDING_NAME[L3 3x3 Shop06]:0 Commercial Center 飞凰商业中心
BUILDING_NAME[L3 1x1 Shop]:0 Dino Oil 迪诺神油
BUILDING_NAME[L2 2x3 Shop03]:0 Best Sales Ever 史上商店
BUILDING_NAME[L1 1x1 Shop]:0 Medium Mug Cafe 啊小餐馆
BUILDING_NAME[H1 4x3 Shop02]:0 MegaStore 都市购物中心
BUILDING_NAME[H1 4x3 Shop01]:0 Commercial Center 飞凰商业中心
BUILDING_NAME[H2 1x1 Shop]:0 General Store 小小杂货店
BUILDING_NAME[L1 3x2 Shop01]:0 Big Bite Restaurant 砂县小吃
BUILDING_NAME[L1 4x3 Shop02a]:0 Big Bite Restaurant 砂县小吃
BUILDING_NAME[Chirpcinema]:0 Chirpcinema 啾啾剧院
CHIRP_FIRST_PRISON:0 Great that the city has a prison! That's where the bad guys belong! #criminalactivity #prison 市里有监狱真是太好了!坏蛋们就该被关起来!#犯罪行为# #监狱#
CHIRP_FIRST_TAXIDEPOT:0 Waiting for the #yellow cabs! #taxicab 正在等#黄皮出租车#! #出租车#
CHIRP_FIRST_BUSTATION:0 This makes changing line so much easier! #buscruising #publictransportation 这下子转车容易多了!#巴士游城# #公共运输#
CHIRP_FIRST_LARGEAIRPORT:0 I'm off! So many new flight connections, I have to try them all! #globetrotter #wanderlust 我胡汉三这就出发啦!这么多新的转机地,一定要全部坐一次试试!#环游全球# #旅游成瘾#
CHIRP_FIRST_CARGOHUB:0 Less trucks on the roads and more money to the city! #cargohub 路上卡车少了,城里钱却多了!#货运中心#
CHIRP_FIRST_STABLE:0 I simply love ponies. Lets go to the #stable to ride! #ilovethiscity 小马什么的最爱了。这就去#驯马场#骑上一骑!#我爱我城#
CHIRP_POLICY[Open247]:0 Wow, shopping and dining around the clock! Count me in! #commercial #open247 哇!全天候砍手和享受美食!算我一份!#商业 #全年无休
CHIRP_POLICY[Open247]:1 Why would anyone want to go to a restaurant in the middle of the night?! #open247 #WHY 半夜吃大餐放毒的人到底都是些什么心态?!#全年无休# #到底图个啥#
CHIRP_POLICY[DontTaxLeisure]:0 I love the leisure area, I wish I could live there #newhome #letgoofleisure 我爱死休闲区了,能住在那里就真太好啦 #我的新家# #娱乐免税#
CHIRP_POLICY[DontTaxLeisure]:1 The leisure area sure is nice! #funfunfun #ilovethiscity #letgoofleisure 休闲区真是赞!#大玩特玩# #我爱我城# #娱乐免税#
CHIRP_POLICY[NoLoudNoises]:0 Excellent that the leisure buildings close their doors at night and give me a good night's sleep #zzzzzz #nimby 休闲娱乐区晚上关门真是太好了,终于能睡上踏实觉了 #呼噜呼噜呼噜# #晚间静音#
CHIRP_POLICY[NoLoudNoises]:1 I want to go out, but everything is closed :( #bored #nimby 我想出去玩来着,但是哪儿都不开门 :( #无聊死了# #晚间静音#
CHIRP_POLICY[SchoolsOut]:0 Education is important! Why won't young people enlighten themselves anymore? #educationrocks #schoolsout 教育是第一生产力!年轻人怎么都不愿再继续深造了呢?#教育万岁# #学校放假#
CHIRP_POLICY[SchoolsOut]:1 Good that the youngsters often choose to work instead of reading musty books in universities. Physical labor is healthy! #health #workworkwork #schoolsout 年轻人能脚踏实地进行工作真是太好了,这真是比在大学傻读书好多了。体力劳动益于健康啊! #健康# #工作狂人# #学校放假#
CHIRP_POLICY[OldTown]:0 Lovely that there are less cars on the streets, I can enjoy my walk better #oldtown #nocars 街上车流量减少的话真是太好了,这样徒步时就更开心啦 #老城窄路# #冇车#
CHIRP_POLICY[OldTown]:1 I'm tired of taking detours to avoid the limited areas. I pay for my gas, allow me to choose my own route! #oldtown #nodetours 总是不能开车进入禁车区域简直神烦。汽油钱是劳资付的,凭什么不能走劳资自己喜欢的路! #老城窄路# #不想绕路#
CHIRP_POLICY[Tourist]:0 Oh no, my neighbourhood now hosts a restaurant and a hotel! #goneforever #tourismspecialization 惨了,我家附近又新开了餐厅和旅馆! #一去不复返# #专营旅游业#
CHIRP_POLICY[Tourist]:1 What a lovely day for a walk in the park with the tourists ;) #ilovethiscity #tourismspecialization 天气真是好,能和外地游客一起在公园里散步;) #我爱我城# #专营旅游业#
CHIRP_POLICY[Leisure]:0 Party all night long! #ilovethiscity #leisurespecialization 通宵开趴啦! #我爱我城# #专营休闲娱乐业#
CHIRP_POLICY[Leisure]:1 So much noise! I wish everyone would just go home and take a nap. #noisepollution #leisurespecialization 好吵啊!都这么晚了,希望大家最好还是洗洗睡了吧。#噪音污染# #专营休闲娱乐业#
CHIRP_POLICY[BikeBan]:0 Biking is so much more fun on other places than sidewalks! #funbikeride #bikeban 在人行道之外的地方骑车,还真挺有趣呢! #快乐骑行# #禁止骑车#
CHIRP_POLICY[BikeBan]:1 Good that those awful bikes are off the sidewalks. I felt like I could be run over any minute! #relief #bikeban 人行道禁止骑车真真是极好的。这样就不用怕被车撞倒了! #安心了# #禁止骑车#
CHIRP_POLICY[EncourageBiking]:0 I never knew biking is so much fun! #encouragebiking 以前还真不知道骑车竟然这么有意思!#鼓励骑车#
CHIRP_POLICY[EncourageBiking]:1 My spouse forces me to take the bike instead of our car. I don't want to! #carsrule #encouragebiking 我家那位非让我骑车上班,不给开车了。真是累死爹了!#汽车赛高# #鼓励骑车#
CHIRP_POLICY[DoubleSentences]:0 Good that those crooks stay off the streets for longer now! 恶棍们能被关得更久,真是大快人心!
CHIRP_POLICY[DoubleSentences]:1 Are the longer prison sentences really helping? IMHO That is just fixing the symptom, not the cause. 延长刑期真的会有用吗?恕我直言,这只是治标不治本而已。
CHIRP_POLICY[HotelDiscounts]:0 This hotel is so nice! I wonder what's in the mini bar... #GreatDeal 这家酒店太棒了!我想知道迷你吧里都有些什么...#高性价比
CHIRP_POLICY[HotelDiscounts]:1 Just treated myself to room service! It's okay, I can afford it #DiscountDeals 刚刚享受了客房服务!还不错,我能付得起#打折优惠
CHIRP_POLICY[CarRentals]:0 Just picked up our rental car. Time to explore the city! #VacationMode 刚提取了我们租的车。这就出发去探索城市了!#度假模式
CHIRP_POLICY[CarRentals]:1 It's so convenient with car rental right at the airport! #Freedom 在机场就能租车真是太方便了!#自由
CHIRP_POLICY[CarRentals]:2 I wonder if insurance cover everything #LittleAccident 我想知道,保险是否承保一切#小事故
CHIRP_POLICY[StuddedTires]:0 The sound of studs on road is so annoying! Grrr! #studdedtires 防滑链在路上行驶时发出的声音烦死个人啊!嗷嗷嗷! #防滑链
CHIRP_POLICY[StuddedTires]:1 Just the other day I almost ran over a squirrel. Thank the maker for studded tires so I was able to stop my car in time! #savetheanimals #studdedtires 有天我差点在路上碾死一只松鼠。真是多亏了防滑链的制造商,使我能够及时把车刹住! #防滑链
CHIRP_POLICY[StuddedTires]:2 Studded tires can be so expensive! I wish it didn't snow any more. #snow #studdedtires 防滑链竟然贵到这般田地!我真心希望雪不要再下了。 #降雪 #防滑链
CHIRP_POLICY[StuddedTires]:3 I love the extra security studded tires bring. Now I know everyone has the chance to control their vehicle in rough conditions! #studdedtires #safetyfirst 我爱防滑链所带来的额外安全保护。现在终于知道,大家都有机会在恶劣环境下行驶时,把自己的车子控制住了! #防滑链 #安全至上
CHIRP_POLICY[StuddedTires]:4 My new studded tires perform really well! I'm glad I got them #studdedtires #newthings 我新买的新防滑链真是好使!!有它们真是好 #防滑链 #新玩意儿
CHIRP_POLICY[AntiSlip]:0 My anti-slip studs have saved me so many times! It's good that they are mandatory #antislipstuds #besafe 我的防滑鞋真拯救了我很多次!行政机构强制要求使用它们简直英明 #防滑鞋 #注意安全
CHIRP_POLICY[AntiSlip]:1 These anti-slip studs are so clunky, I almost tripped over them in my own home! #antislipstuds #hoarding 这些防滑鞋简直太笨重啦,我在家里都差点被它们绊倒了! #防滑鞋 #储藏
CHIRP_POLICY[AntiSlip]:2 Anti-slip studs, you say! Yes please, I say! #antislipstuds #yesplease 你说,防滑鞋!我说,是的,谢谢! #防滑链 #是的谢谢
CHIRP_POLICY[AntiSlip]:3 Where can I find anti-slip studs? I'm required to have a pair! #antislipstuds #shopping 我在哪儿才能找得到防滑鞋?他们要求我拥有完整的一对! #防滑鞋 #买买买
CHIRP_POLICY[ExtraInsulation]:0 My house is so nice and warm with the extra insulation! Everyone should install some! #extrainsulation #cozyhome 额外加装了隔热设施后,我的房子变得好温馨好暖和!所有人都应该去装上试试! #额外隔热 #温暖之家
CHIRP_POLICY[ExtraInsulation]:1 I liked it nice and cool, why does the city want my house to have extra insulation? #coolwayoflife #extrainsulation 我就是喜欢它舒爽凉快的样子,凭什么市行政机构要将我的房子加装上额外隔热设施? #凉爽的生活 #额外隔热
CHIRP_POLICY[ExtraInsulation]:2 Extra insulation saves me so much money! No more heat leaking outside, now everything stays where it should #extrainsulation 额外隔热设施真为我省下了好多钱!室内暖气再也不会外泄,现在一切都待在其应该待着的地方 #额外隔热
CHIRP_POLICY[ExtraInsulation]:3 I feel so hot in buildings with extra insulation! #toohottohandle #extrainsulation 在加装过额外隔热设施的建筑里我真觉得热死啦! #额外隔热
CHIRP_POLICY[ExtraInsulation]:4 I bet the city saves plenty of energy with extra insulation. Even my grumpy neighbor had to install some. #extrainsulation 我敢打赌,整座城市因为额外隔热,节省下了不少能源。就连我那脾气暴躁的邻居都不得不去安装上一些。 #额外隔热
CHIRP_POLICY[NoElectricity]:0 I feel heat produced by electricity is some much better than any other heat! #noelectricity 我觉得用电取暖比其他取暖方式好得多得多! #禁用电力取暖
CHIRP_POLICY[NoElectricity]:1 Saving electricity is good for the city! Everyone should use heating to get warm! #noelectricity 节约用电对城市有好处!大家每个人都应该用暖气来取暖! #禁用电力取暖
CHIRP_POLICY[NoElectricity]:2 Isn't there plenty of electricity left over now that I can't use it for heating? Isn't that dangerous? #noelectricity 既然我现在不能用电力来取暖,那么城里不是会余下很多未使用的电能吗?这样是不是很危险呀? #禁用电力取暖
CHIRP_POLICY[NoElectricity]:3 I'm liking the heating service. No more wasted electricity! #noelectricity 我相当喜欢供暖服务。大家不要再浪费电能了! #禁用电力取暖
CHIRP_POLICY[NoElectricity]:4 It's always too hot in houses heated with heating service. I want more electricity for heating! #noelectricity 如果用暖气来取暖的话,房子总是会热得过头。我想多多使用电力取暖! #禁用电力取暖
CHIRP_POLICY[OnlyElectricity]:0 All of that hassle with the heating services is wasted effort, pure electricity works just as well #onlyelectricity 处理那些供暖系统自带的破事儿全都是在白费功夫。只用电力取暖的话,效果也是一模一样的。 #只用电力取暖
CHIRP_POLICY[OnlyElectricity]:1 Oh no, what if I want to heat my house with something else than electricity? #onlyelectricity 哦不,如果我想用电能以外的东西在家里取暖要怎么办呢? #只用电力取暖
CHIRP_POLICY[OnlyElectricity]:2 I like the pure, clean heat produced by electricity. Just my kind of thing! #onlyelectricity 我喜欢纯粹且清洁的,由电能产生的热量。我就是好这口 #只用电力取暖
CHIRP_POLICY[OnlyElectricity]:3 I'd like my heat to come from a Geo Thermal Plant. Pretty please? #onlyelectricity 我希望我家里的暖气是从地热供暖场来的。求求你了(委屈脸)? #只用电力取暖
CHIRP_POLICY[OnlyElectricity]:4 Simple and fast, I like using electricity for heat! So what if it costs a bit more #onlyelectricity 简单快速,我就喜欢用电力取暖!要是这样子花费的更多,那怎么办? #只用电力取暖
CHIRP_POLICY[LightningRods]:0 I simply think they are ugly! Please, no more #lightningrods 我就是觉得难看!求你们不要再装了 #避雷针
CHIRP_POLICY[LightningRods]:1 So now the city wants me to set up yet another lightning rod. So boring! #lightningrods 市政厅又要求我们架避雷针。无聊!#避雷针
CHIRP_POLICY[LightningRods]:2 I saw a huge lightning hit one of the lightning rods! I think they really make the city safer! #prolightningrods 我看到一道闪电击中了避雷针!我觉得它们让城市更安全了!#支持避雷针
CHIRP_POLICY[LightningRods]:3 Saved by the lightning rod! In sure one would have hit me if if weren't for those things! #lightningrods 避雷针救了我们!要不是有它们在,我很确定我会被那道雷劈中!#避雷针
CHIRP_POLICY[LightningRods]:4 I like the lightning rods, they make me feel so safe. I dare you, thunderstorm! #lightningrods 我喜欢避雷针,它们让我感觉更安全。放马过来吧,雷暴雨!#避雷针
CHIRP_POLICY[HelicopterPriority]:0 What a waste! I think the emergency services could use ground vehicles, helicopters are too noisy! #helicopterpriority 真浪费!我觉得紧急服务应该用地面车辆,直升机太吵了!#直升机优先权
CHIRP_POLICY[HelicopterPriority]:1 I don't like helicopters, they are so noisy! Go back to using ground vehicles! #helicopterpriority 我不喜欢直升机,它们太闹腾了!还是用回地面车辆吧!#直升机优先权
CHIRP_POLICY[HelicopterPriority]:2 No more streering to the sidewalk to give way to fire trucks, I love the helicopters! #helicopterpriority 不用再让路给消防车辆,我喜欢直升机!#直升机优先权
CHIRP_POLICY[HelicopterPriority]:3 I think the traffic flows so much smoother now that we don't have emergency vehicles on the streets. And helicopters are so much faster! #helicopterpriority 现在没有紧急救援车辆在街上,我觉得道路顺畅了不少。而且直升机也快多了!#直升机优先权
CHIRP_POLICY[VIPArea]:0 I'm so glad I live in the VIP area, I couldn't sleep at night if I didn't have a reserved spot in the shelter! #VIParea 好开心啊,我就住在贵宾区,如果避难所里没有预留位置,我会一夜难眠的!#贵宾区
CHIRP_POLICY[VIPArea]:1 I'm not a VIP, what if I can't fit in the shelter if a disaster hits? I'm scared! #VIParea 我不是贵宾,要是灾难来了没有避难所住该怎么办?我好怕怕!#贵宾区
CHIRP_POLICY[VIPArea]:2 A reserved seat at the shelter? Yes please! #VIParea 避难所有预留席位了?好呀好呀!#贵宾区
CHIRP_POLICY[VIPArea]:3 I'm worried that everyone might not fit into the shelter with the VIP spots. #VIParea 如果设置贵宾区,我怕大家没法全部躲入避难所。#贵宾区
CHIRP_POLICY[VIPArea]:4 Getting to shelters is so much easier when people have reserved spots! #VIParea 预留位置后,进入避难所容易多了!#贵宾区
CHIRP_POLICY[FastRecovery]:0 I think I hear someone beneath the cellar floor. Did you miss something before rebuilding? #fastrecovery 我感觉地下传来了声音。你们确定重建之前没有看漏什么东西吗?#快速恢复
CHIRP_POLICY[FastRecovery]:1 Thanks to #fastrecovery I'll have a new home in no time! Living in the shelter got super boring really fast. 多谢了#快速恢复,我很开快就会有新住房了!在避难所里住一会就厌烦了。
CHIRP_POLICY[FastRecovery]:2 Oh no, I don't think my hamster was found after the disaster, and when I went to look, there was already a new house on the lot! #fastrecovery #savethehamster 不好了,发生灾难后我的仓鼠不见了,等我回去找时,新房子都已经建好了!#快速恢复 #拯救仓鼠
CHIRP_POLICY[FastRecovery]:3 I hate seeing destroyed buildings, they just cramp up the city feng shui. Thanks for #fastrecovery 我讨厌那些摧毁的建筑,他们破坏了城市的风水。太感谢#快速恢复政策了
CHIRP_POLICY[FastRecovery]:4 Look at those new buildings, so shiny and they were built so fast! #fastrecovery 看看那些新大楼,真是靓丽,而且建得真快!#快速恢复
CHIRP_POLICY[NoRebuild]:0 As an urban explorer, I simply love that the city has preserved some of the ruins. They are exciting! #norebuild 作为城市探险家,我就是喜欢保留一些遗迹的城市。真是太有意思了!#禁止重建
CHIRP_POLICY[NoRebuild]:1 The ruins are great for parkour! Thanks for saving some! #norebuild 这些遗迹很适合跑酷!多谢保留了一些!#禁止建筑
CHIRP_POLICY[NoRebuild]:2 Anyone up for a walk in the ruins? #norebuild 有谁想一起去逛逛遗迹的?#禁止建筑
CHIRP_POLICY[NoRebuild]:3 I used to have a lovely view from my window, but now it's just ruins! #norebuild 我的窗外本来是一片美景,但现在只有一片废墟!#禁止重建
CHIRP_POLICY[NoRebuild]:4 No more ruins! Can't we have shiny new things in the place of those ugly ruins, please? #norebuild 不要废墟!这些难看的遗迹就不能重建成漂亮的东西吗?#禁止重建
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferFerries]:0 I have this strange feeling I have to take a ferry today. Wonder why #preferferries #mindcontrol 我有一种奇怪的感觉,我今天必须乘渡船。想知道为什么吗 #偏好渡船 #思想控制
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferFerries]:1 I really like ferries, they are the best way to get around! #preferferries 我真的喜欢渡船,那是四处转悠的最佳方式! #偏好渡船
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferFerries]:2 Ferry is what I like to choose for my travels #preferferries 渡船是我喜欢的旅行方式 #偏好渡船
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferFerries]:3 Traveling on the waves is great! #ferriesalltheway #preferferries 在水浪中旅行太棒了! #全程渡船 #偏好渡船
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferFerries]:4 Once again, I’m searching for a ferry to take me to my destination #preferferries 我又在找渡船搭我前往目的地了 #偏好渡船
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferFerries]:5 Can’t wait to board a ferry again! #preferferries 迫不及待地想再次登上渡船! #偏好渡船
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferFerries]:6 Ferries are my number one way of getting around the city! #preferferries 渡船是我在城市四处转悠的首选方式! #偏好渡船
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferFerries]:7 Looking for a ferry home! #preferferries 寻找渡船之家! #偏好渡船
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferFerries]:8 Do we have any new ferry lines? I’d like to try one! #preferferries 我们有新的渡船航线吗?我想试试! #偏好渡船
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferFerries]:9 Ferries are just so much more comfy to travel in than any other public transport! #preferferries 渡船就是比任何其他公共交通工具都舒适得多! #偏好渡船
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferFerries]:10 I would so much rather go by bus than with a ferry. But ferries are what I need right now! #preferferries #weirdsensations 和渡船相比,我更喜欢乘公共汽车。但是我现在需要渡船! #偏好渡船 #奇怪的感觉
CHIRP_POLICY[EducationalBlimps]:0 Today I learned things by looking at a blimp #whowouldhaveguessed #educationalblimps 今天我通过观看飞艇学到了新东西。 #谁能猜到呢 #教育飞艇
CHIRP_POLICY[EducationalBlimps]:1 Did you see that blimp? I never knew that before! #educationalblimps 你看到那艘飞艇了吗?我之前从未听说过! #教育飞艇
CHIRP_POLICY[EducationalBlimps]:2 It used to be so easy to decide what to get from the supermarket by looking at blimps, but now I can’t do that anymore. Boo! #educationalblimps 过去通过观看飞艇就可以轻松决定要从超市买些什么,可现在我不能那样做了。嘘! #教育飞艇
CHIRP_POLICY[EducationalBlimps]:3 Educational posters are so boring! Bring back the adverts! #educationalblimps 教育海报真无聊!找回广告! #教育飞艇
CHIRP_POLICY[EducationalBlimps]:4 Where are the nice, colourful advertisements? #educationalblimps 漂亮、多彩的广告都去哪了? #教育飞艇
CHIRP_POLICY[EducationalBlimps]:5 I have learned so many new things thanks to the blimps! #educationalblimps 多亏飞艇,我已经了解到许多新事物! #教育飞艇
CHIRP_POLICY[EducationalBlimps]:6 Live and learn. Just look at that thing in the sky, even that is teaching us! #educationalblimps 活到老学到老。看看天空中的飞艇吧,即使是飞艇也在教给我们知识! #教育飞艇
CHIRP_POLICY[EducationalBlimps]:7 Educational posters? On blimps? Now I’ve seen everything #educationalblimps 教育海报?在飞艇上?现在我已经看到了所有东西 #教育飞艇
CHIRP_POLICY[EducationalBlimps]:8 I love the educational posters on blimps, children can learn even when traveling to school and back! #educationalblimps 我喜欢飞艇上的教育海报,即使孩子上学和回家的路上也可以学习知识。 #教育飞艇
CHIRP_POLICY[EducationalBlimps]:9 If only I could see the educational posters also when riding a blimp! #dreamer #educationalblimps 要是我乘坐飞艇时也能看到教育海报多好啊! #梦想家 #教育飞艇
CHIRP_POLICY[EducationalBlimps]:10 I want to place an advert on a blimp but these educational posters are taking up all the space! #annoyed #educationalblimps 我想要在飞艇上放置广告,但是教育海报占用了所有空间! #生气 #教育飞艇
CHIRP_POLICY[HighTicketPrices]:0 The tickets are so expensive! I might be better off just buying my own car. #carshopping #highticketprices 票价太高了!我最好还是买辆自己的车。#购车 #高票价
CHIRP_POLICY[HighTicketPrices]:1 I feel the ticket prices are a bit high, but it’s justified. The system is wonderful! #highticketprices 我觉得票价有点高,但是贵有贵的道理。这个系统很棒!#高票价
CHIRP_POLICY[HighTicketPrices]:2 I don’t mind paying a high price for public transport tickets, it’s not like I’m poor! #cashmoney #plentyofdough #highticketprices 我不介意高价购买公共交通车票,我并不穷! #现金 #充足的钞票 #高票价
CHIRP_POLICY[HighTicketPrices]:3 I have plenty of money, right? So I can pay the ticket prices. After that I don’t have plenty of money #emptypockets #highticketprices 我的钱足够了,对吧?因此我可以支付票价。买票之后,我的钱就不够了 #空口袋 #高票价
CHIRP_POLICY[HighTicketPrices]:4 It’s so expensive to use the public transport! I have to walk tomorrow! #myownway #highticketprices 公共交通太贵了!明天我不得不步行了! #我自己的方式 #高票价
CHIRP_POLICY[HighTicketPrices]:5 I really like the public transport network. I have no problem with the prices, but I know some do! #itsokay #highticketprices 我真的喜欢公共交通网络。我对票价没意见,但是我知道有些人有! #没问题 #高票价
CHIRP_POLICY[HighTicketPrices]:6 Now that I have seen the public transport system, the ticket price doesn’t seem bad at all! #bestsystem #highticketprices 现在我已经见过公共交通系统,票价丝毫没有问题! #最好的系统 #高票价
CHIRP_POLICY[HighTicketPrices]:7 I’m just loving the public transport system in this city, never mind the ticket prices! #lovinit #highticketprices 我就是喜欢这座城市的公共交通系统,从未介意过票价! #喜欢它 #高票价
CHIRP_POLICY[HighTicketPrices]:8 That’s way too much for a ticket! I’d rather walk! #toohigh #highticketprices 车票贵的有点离谱!我还不如步行! #太高 #高票价
CHIRP_POLICY[HighTicketPrices]:9 Those are some expensive tickets! No way I’m paying that much! #noway #highticketprices 这些车票太贵了!我才不会花那么多钱买票呢! #不可能 #高票价
CHIRP_POLICY[HighTicketPrices]:10 I love our public transport system! I’d use it no matter the price! #iloveit #highticketprices 我喜欢这个城市的公共交通系统!无论价格高低,我都会使用! #我喜欢它 #高票价
CHIRP_POLICY[RecyclePlastic]:0 Can I recycle my unused plastic bags too? I have many plastic bags full of them. 能把没用过的塑料袋也回收了吗?我有好几大袋子的塑料袋。
CHIRP_POLICY[RecyclePlastic]:1 What do they do with all the #recycled #plastic ? #回收#的#塑料#他们要怎么处理?
CHIRP_POLICY[RecyclePlastic]:2 I heard that if you do not recycle your plastic waste, #penguins will die. 我听说如果你不把塑料垃圾乖乖回收的话,#企鹅#就会死。
CHIRP_POLICY[RecyclePlastic]:3 About the time we had better #plastic #recycling system in the city. 咱们城市是该有个更好的#塑料##回收#系统了。
CHIRP_POLICY[RecyclePlastic]:4 In the U.S. alone, 2,5 million #plastic bottles are thrown out every hour! #Recycle and #Reuse. 仅仅在美国,每小时都有两千五百万#塑料#瓶被丢弃!#回收##再利用#
CHIRP_POLICY[RecyclePlastic]:5 Great news: Local #businesses join the plastic #recycling effort 喜讯:当地#商户#也加入了塑料#回收#
CHIRP_POLICY[RecyclePlastic]:6 You can probably #recycle more than you think. Just pay attention to what you put in the #trash. 你能#回收#的很可能比你想象的多。下次扔#垃圾#之前多留意一下。
CHIRP_POLICY[RecyclePlastic]:7 #plastic #pollution is getting worse, we must save the Earth. #makeEarthgreatagain #塑料##污染#越来越严重,我们必须保护地球。#让地球再次伟大#
CHIRP_POLICY[RecyclePlastic]:8 We are filling our oceans and lands with plastics. #recycle ! 我们正在用塑料把海洋和陆地都填满,#回收#!
CHIRP_POLICY[RecyclePlastic]:9 We wouldn't have to recycle our #plastic bags, bottles, etc if we ceased to manufacture them. Why won't we? 只要我们不再生产#塑料#袋和#塑料#瓶,我们就不用回收它们了,为什么我们不这么做?
CHIRP_POLICY[RecyclePlastic]:10 Change your #plasticbottle into a refillable bottle and save a lot of plastic waste. 把你的#塑料瓶#换成水杯,我们就能避免一堆塑料垃圾。
CHIRP_POLICY[CombustionEngineBan]:0 No more stinky smoke from cars! At least not so much anyway :) #Freshair #ipreferoxygen 别再让汽车排臭气了!至少别那么多。#新鲜空气##我要氧气#
CHIRP_POLICY[CombustionEngineBan]:1 IMHO it's great how our city is showing great example by banning the combustion engines. 依我愚见,我们的城市选择禁止内燃机真是绝佳的模范。
CHIRP_POLICY[CombustionEngineBan]:2 About the time we had better #plastic #recycling system in the city. 咱们城市是该有个更好的#塑料##回收#系统了。
CHIRP_POLICY[CombustionEngineBan]:3 Hey, where have all the cars gone? It's so calm here. Love it! 那么多汽车都去哪了?真安静,我喜欢!
CHIRP_POLICY[CombustionEngineBan]:4 Every car that is not polluting the atmosphere is a good car. 只要不污染空气的车,就都是好车。
CHIRP_POLICY[CombustionEngineBan]:5 Oh nice. I just bought a new #car and now I can't use it? Really? #engineban 真棒,我刚买了辆新#汽车#现在就不能开了,逗我?#内燃机禁令#
CHIRP_POLICY[CombustionEngineBan]:6 This #combustion #engine #ban will kill all the businesses in the area. I'm sure about it. 这个#内燃机禁令#会赶走所有生意的。我确定。
CHIRP_POLICY[CombustionEngineBan]:7 I find this new combustion engine ban a very welcome reform. People should walk more anyway. 我觉得这个新的内燃机禁令是项很受欢迎的改变。反正大家也应该多走走。
CHIRP_POLICY[CombustionEngineBan]:8 Yes! Great to see that the city officials are all for the greener future. Good job! #combustionengineban 好!很高兴城市决策者支持绿色未来。做得好!#内燃机禁令#
CHIRP_POLICY[CombustionEngineBan]:9 Global warming is fake news, so these kind of bans make no sense #makeourcitygreatagain 全球变暖就是假的,这种禁令毫无意义#让我们的城市再次伟大#
CHIRP_POLICY[CombustionEngineBan]:10 I don't mind having less #traffic and more room for #bicycles :D #combustionengineban #交通#通畅意味着#自行车#更方便,我毫不介意( ^・ω・^ )#内燃机禁令#
CHIRP_POLICY[ElectricCars]:0 Hey, where's all the traffic noise gone! #electric #cars are so silent it's amazing. 哇,汽车噪声都去哪了?#电动车#居然这么安静真是不可思议。
CHIRP_POLICY[ElectricCars]:1 Electric cars are dangerous as people cannot hear the electric cars coming! Think about that. 电动车太安静了,人们听不见它们开过来!细思恐极。
CHIRP_POLICY[ElectricCars]:2 Was there a new Edison #electriccar model coming out this year? 今年爱迪生是有款新车型#电动车#上市吗?
CHIRP_POLICY[ElectricCars]:3 Have you noticed the new recharge stations for electric cars? #EVSE 你们注意到最近新建的充电站了吗?#电动车充电站#
CHIRP_POLICY[ElectricCars]:4 They are offering free battery switch service for this week. #electriccars 这周有免费的电池更换服务。#电动车#
CHIRP_POLICY[ElectricCars]:5 I didn't know electric cars are as fast as they are :o 我一直不知道电动车有这么快!
CHIRP_POLICY[ElectricCars]:6 Electric or hybrid? What's your opinion? #electriccars 电动还是混合?你的观点?#电动车#
CHIRP_POLICY[ElectricCars]:7 I've been very satisfied with the new electric car. I was a bit biased, but now I wouldn't change back to a traditional car. 我对我的新电动车非常满意。一开始我还有点偏见,不过现在我绝不会换回传统燃料了。
CHIRP_POLICY[ElectricCars]:8 Is it possible to modify your old car into an #electriccar or #hybrid? I wouldn't want to change my trusty old car. It has served me 30 years already. 有人知道旧车能改装成#电动车#或者#混合动力车#吗?我的旧车很靠谱,不想换啊。陪了我三十年了都。
CHIRP_POLICY[ElectricCars]:9 Electric cars - what are they good for? Meh. #monstertrucks4ever 电动车,有啥好的?唉。#巨轮卡车万岁
CHIRP_POLICY[ElectricCars]:10 A bold move from our city to move away from the conventional fossil #fuelvehicles. #ElectricCars are the future! 抛弃传统化石#燃料汽车#,这是我们城市的一次大胆举措。#电动车#才是未来!
CHIRP_POLICY[FilterIndustrialWaste]:0 Does this mean were with the #ParisAgreement then? #Filterwaste 所以我们加入了#巴黎协议#?#污染过滤#
CHIRP_POLICY[FilterIndustrialWaste]:1 Has anyone else noticed that it doesn't smell so funny here anymore. #greenfuture 就我一个人注意到没有怪味了吗?#绿色未来#
CHIRP_POLICY[FilterIndustrialWaste]:2 Reducing industrial waste is the right choice. Makes living in the city much nicer too. 减少工业排放是正确选择,城市生活也会更美好。
CHIRP_POLICY[FilterIndustrialWaste]:3 let me tell ya: I know what's it like to work in a factory. This waste filtering thing is good for the workers too. 我跟你们讲,我知道工厂里干活什么样。这个排放过滤对工人也好的。
CHIRP_POLICY[FilterIndustrialWaste]:4 Is this again some kind of #globalwarming #scheme? They are just trying to sell those expensive filters for everyone. 这又是什么#全球变暖#的#阴谋#?不过是想把这些很贵的过滤器卖给所有人而已。
CHIRP_POLICY[FilterIndustrialWaste]:5 How do the #industrial #waste #filters work? Do they plug those in the waste pipes and that's it? 这些#工业污染物##过滤器#有什么用?他们就把它们插进排污管里就完了呗?
CHIRP_POLICY[FilterIndustrialWaste]:6 I'm thinking if it would be possible to still filter the filtered waste...? #justwondering 我在想被过滤过的污染物还能不能再过滤?#就是想想#
CHIRP_POLICY[FilterIndustrialWaste]:7 Awesome! This is great news. Less pollution = Green revolution #industrial #waste #filtering 棒极了!这真是好消息。更少的污染就是更绿色的发展。#工业污染物过滤#
CHIRP_POLICY[FilterIndustrialWaste]:8 Enforcing the industrial waste regulations was a good move - then again, what other choice do we have #pollution #globalwarming 强制推行工业污染物规定是很好的一步。话说回来,我们还有其他选择吗?#污染##全球变暖#
CHIRP_POLICY[FilterIndustrialWaste]:9 I will happily pay some extra taxes, if we can get the industrial waste levels down. 如果能减少工业污染,多交税我也开心。
CHIRP_POLICY[FilterIndustrialWaste]:10 Has anybody thought how must it produces waste to make those industrial waste filters? yeah, let that sink in for a bit... #theuglytruth #globalwarminghoax #flatearthfacts 有没有人想过生产那些工业污染物过滤器的过程也会产生污染?希望你们好好想想……#丑陋的事实##全球变暖骗局##地球是平的#
CHIRP_POLICY[Selfsufficient]:0 Good bye monopoly of the energy companies! Self-sufficient houses are going to change the game. #offthegrid 垄断的能源企业再见!自给住房要改变格局了。#离开电网#
CHIRP_POLICY[Selfsufficient]:1 #Ecological does not equal uneconomical. Many of the modern #ecofriendly solutions are comfortable and relatively affordable. #生态友好#不代表经济不友好。很多现代#生态友好#解决方案既舒适又付得起。
CHIRP_POLICY[Selfsufficient]:2 I love the new self-sufficient buildings! 我太喜欢新的自给建筑了!
CHIRP_POLICY[Selfsufficient]:3 Eco this and eco that. What's the whole fuss about some global warming? Same weather every year where I live. #ecocritical #localwarming 生态这个生态那个的,全球变暖什么的到底在扯什么?我住的地方每年天气都一样。#批判生态##当地变暖#
CHIRP_POLICY[Selfsufficient]:4 Decentralizing energy production and waste management should have more support. That is the solution of future anyway. 发电去中心化和废弃物管理应当得到更多支持。反正这肯定是未来的做法。
CHIRP_POLICY[Selfsufficient]:5 If you want to live like the pioneers, go live in the woods, hippies! 那么想过得像什么先驱一样的话,直接去森林里住啊,嬉皮士们!
CHIRP_POLICY[Selfsufficient]:6 Self-sufficient… more like in-sufficient for me XD IMHO #powerconsumer #supercharged #singleservingsonly 自给自足……要我说更像是自给不足(滑稽)本人愚见#能源消费者##过充##只够一人份#
CHIRP_POLICY[Selfsufficient]:7 I think everyone should handle their own power, water and waste so they would learn to regulate their usage better. #responsibleliving 我觉得每个人都应该自己搞定电能、用水和废弃物,这样他们就会学着节约使用了。#为生活负责#
CHIRP_POLICY[Selfsufficient]:8 Just to be clear: people lived without electricity and had outhouses longtime ago, but self-sufficient houses are a totally different thing. 明确一点:人们很久以前住在外屋,也没有电,但自给住房和这个完全是两码事。
CHIRP_POLICY[Selfsufficient]:9 Where to buy solar panels with best value for the money? Any #protip s? 去哪买太阳能板最省钱?有#经验之谈#吗?
CHIRP_POLICY[Selfsufficient]:10 Do you need a permit to set up a personal wind turbine? #SelfSufficient #DIY #homeupgrade 搭私人风力涡轮机需要许可吗?#自给##自己动手##给家升级#
CHIRP_POLICY[Organic]:0 Great to have locally produced food! #LocalProduce 能吃到本地生产的食物真好!#本地生产#
CHIRP_POLICY[Organic]:1 Oh yeah! Locally and #organicallygrown carrots and eggs! 欧耶!本地#有机生产#的胡萝卜和鸡蛋!
CHIRP_POLICY[Organic]:2 I've had enough of #processedfoods it's great to have some locally produced foods. 我已经受够#加工食物#了,能买到本地生产的食物真棒。
CHIRP_POLICY[Organic]:3 Always ready to support local #ecofriendly #entrepreneurs 永远支持本地#环保#企业家
CHIRP_POLICY[Organic]:4 The organically grown food products are a bit more expensive, but they're also much healthier. 有机食物会更贵一点,但健康的多。
CHIRP_POLICY[Organic]:5 Anyone doing local meat products? 有人做本地肉类生产吗?
CHIRP_POLICY[Organic]:6 Who regulates how the organic foods are produced? #OrganicFoods 谁来规范有机食品生产流程?#有机食品#
CHIRP_POLICY[Organic]:7 Do they allow pesticides in organic farming? 有机农场能用杀虫剂吗?
CHIRP_POLICY[Organic]:8 This is organic food thing is again one of those hippie crazes. It will pass. 这阵有机食品风又是那些嬉皮士在乱吹,过会就过去了。
CHIRP_POLICY[Organic]:9 Is there a law that forbids having chickens in urban areas? 有没有法律禁止市区养鸡?
CHIRP_POLICY[Organic]:10 Anyone missing a goat? Saw one wandering on the streets today. 谁家的山羊跑了?我今天在街上看到一只。
CHIRP_POLICY[Hightech]:0 In IT Clusters, we have a special word for a failed entrepreneur – it’s called experienced. #hightech 在信息产业区,对于失败的企业家我们有专门的形容词——经验丰富。#高科技#
CHIRP_POLICY[Hightech]:1 So we are having our own local center of innovative technologies. Lots of new apps coming I guess :D 所以我们本地也有创新科技中心了。我猜要多好多新应用(°∀°)ノ
CHIRP_POLICY[Hightech]:2 I hope the new IT cluster will bring more businesses to our city. 我希望新建的信息产业区能为我们的城市带来更多商业产值。
CHIRP_POLICY[Hightech]:3 Everything is nowadays about apps and gadgets. What about good old steel mills and car factories? 现在什么都跟应用与数码产品有关。经典的铁磨坊和汽车厂呢?
CHIRP_POLICY[Hightech]:4 Investors coming to town! #ITCluster 发明家来啦!#信息产业区#
CHIRP_POLICY[Hightech]:5 I hope they'll make a #tvseries of our #Itcluster . I'd watch it :D 但愿有人给我们的#信息产业区#拍个#连续剧#,我想看(°∀°)ノ
CHIRP_POLICY[Hightech]:6 Pear Computers developing a new PearTV that will revolutionize media consumption at home. #TechNews 鸭梨电脑公司正在开发新的鸭梨电视。该产品将为家庭娱乐消费带来翻天覆地的变化。#科技新闻#
CHIRP_POLICY[Hightech]:7 Tech hipsters have now their own district! ;) #Itcluster 科技潮人现在有他们自己的区划了!#信息产业区#
CHIRP_POLICY[Hightech]:8 For sure the new #Itcluster #hightech businesses will draw in new professionals. 毫无疑问,新的#信息产业区#将吸引更多专家来到该城市。
CHIRP_POLICY[Hightech]:9 Completely superficial changes like Chirper's new hats are what #ITCluster experts mean when they say innovation. 像啾啾君的新帽子一样极其肤浅的变化就是#信息产业区#的砖家们说的创新。
CHIRP_POLICY[Hightech]:10 These #Itcluster nerds really know how to party! #信息产业区#这些技术宅还真懂怎么办派对!
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferParks]:0 I have developed a strange fondness to parks #PreferParks 我对公园有种奇特的喜爱 #最喜欢的公园#
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferParks]:1 Lets go to yet another park! #PreferParks 我们再去另一座公园逛逛吧! #最喜欢的公园#
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferParks]:2 I'm bored of parks, but my spouse want to visit another one #PreferParks 我对公园已经腻了,可我的另一半还想再去另一座公园 #最喜欢的公园#
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferParks]:3 The kids demand to go to the park, what can I do? #PreferParks 孩子闹着要去公园,我该怎么办? #最喜欢的公园#
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferParks]:4 I wish we had even more parks, I feel like I've seen them all #PreferParks 真希望我们有更多的公园,感觉我每个都去过了 #最喜欢的公园#
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferParks]:5 What's the shortest way to the next park? #PreferParks 去下一座公园最近的路怎么走? #最喜欢的公园#
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferParks]:6 I like parks very much! #PreferParks 我非常喜欢公园! #最喜欢的公园#
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferParks]:7 I've seen all the parks, but I'll do another tour of them #PreferParks 公园我全都去过了,但我还打算再去逛一圈 #最喜欢的公园#
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferParks]:8 Parks are the best! #PreferParks 公园最棒了! #最喜欢的公园#
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferParks]:9 What's your favourite park? #PreferParks 你最喜欢的公园是哪座? #最喜欢的公园#
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferParks]:10 I heard there's a new park in town. Where? #PreferParks 我听说城里开了座新公园。在哪? #最喜欢的公园#
CHIRP_POLICY[PreferParks]:11 I want to visit another park! #PreferParks 我想去另一座公园! #最喜欢的公园#
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkMaintenanceBoost]:0 I never thought a park could be this clean #ParkMaintenanceBoost 我从没料到公园会如此干净 #公园维护增强#
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkMaintenanceBoost]:1 Is this the best way to spend money? The parks are very clean but I could do with some trash for lower taxes #ParkMaintenanceBoost 把钱花在这种地方真的好吗?公园确实很干净,但如果税率能低些的话,就算脏一点我也无所谓 #公园维护增强#
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkMaintenanceBoost]:2 This is one well cared-for park! #ParkMaintenanceBoost 这座公园被照料得很好! #公园维护增强#
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkMaintenanceBoost]:3 The Park Maintenance workers always seem so busy #ParkMaintenanceBoost 公园维护工人似乎一直都很忙 #公园维护增强#
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkMaintenanceBoost]:4 I work for Park Maintenance and boy are we busy these days! #ParkMaintenanceBoost 我在做公园维护工作,而且这阵子我们都快忙不过来了! #公园维护增强#
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkMaintenanceBoost]:5 It used to be much more laid back to work for Park Maintenance, but now we are running around all day long #ParkMaintenanceBoost 公园维护工作以前非常轻松,但现在我们整天都在忙活 #公园维护增强#
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkMaintenanceBoost]:6 I bet the city loses a lot of money on new tires for the Park Maintenance trucks, they drive around so much! #ParkMaintenanceBoost 我打赌公园维护车光是换轮胎就要花掉不少预算,它们不停地到处巡游! #公园维护增强#
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkMaintenanceBoost]:7 Just how much gasoline do those Park Maintenance trucks guzzle? #ParkMaintenanceBoost 那一辆辆的公园维护卡车要烧多少油啊?#公园维护提升
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkMaintenanceBoost]:8 I've never seen a park this clean! #ParkMaintenanceBoost 从没见过公园这么干净的样子!#公园维护提升
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkMaintenanceBoost]:9 Everything works super well in this park! #ParkMaintenanceBoost 这个公园里的设施运转都很流畅啊!#公园维护提升
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkMaintenanceBoost]:10 How nice, the benches in the park are freshly painted! #ParkMaintenanceBoost 真棒,公园里的长椅刚刚刷了漆啊!#公园维护提升
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkMaintenanceBoost]:11 I know this park is quite old, but it's so well maintained that you would think it's brand new #ParkMaintenanceBoost 虽说知道这个公园很旧了,但维护得很棒,就好像新的一样呢!#公园维护提升
CHIRP_POLICY[BoostConnections]:0 So many tourists in the city! I hope they all visit my shop #BoostConnections 城市里游客好多啊!希望他们会来我的店里逛逛 #连接提升
CHIRP_POLICY[BoostConnections]:1 The streets are so crowded with tourists! They should just go home like I'm doing #BoostConnections 街上挤满了游客啊!他们就该像我一样,好好回家呆着 #连接提升
CHIRP_POLICY[BoostConnections]:2 What are all these tourists doing here? #BoostConnections 这么大堆游客跑来这里干什么啊?#连接提升
CHIRP_POLICY[BoostConnections]:3 The city is so popular! #BoostConnections 这城市真受欢迎呢!#连接提升
CHIRP_POLICY[BoostConnections]:4 Even my distant relatives now want to visit. I'm sleeping on the couch #BoostConnections 就连我远方亲戚都想来看看了。看来我要睡沙发了 #连接提升
CHIRP_POLICY[BoostConnections]:5 Seems like the whole world has come to visit the city! #BoostConnections 感觉全世界都跑来这座城市了呢!#连接提升
CHIRP_POLICY[BoostConnections]:6 So. Many. People. #BoostConnections 人。山。人。海。#连接提升
CHIRP_POLICY[BoostConnections]:7 Visitors are everywhere! #BoostConnections 到处都是游客啊!#连接提升
CHIRP_POLICY[BoostConnections]:8 Why can't people just stay home? #BoostConnections 为啥大家不好好呆在家里呢?#连接提升
CHIRP_POLICY[BoostConnections]:9 I love it when so many people seem to enjoy my home city! It makes me proud #BoostConnections 大家这么喜欢我的故乡,我很开心!真是自豪 #连接提升
CHIRP_POLICY[BoostConnections]:10 We should be proud of our attractive city #BoostConnections 应该为我们引人入胜的城市感到自豪 #连接提升
CHIRP_POLICY[BoostConnections]:11 It's so crowded on the streets! #BoostConnections 街上好挤啊!#连接提升
CHIRP_POLICY[AnimalEthics]:0 Why waste money on better quality of life for animals? It's not like they know of anything better #AnimalEthics 为什么要浪费钱提升动物的生活水平呢?反正它们又不懂这个 #动物道德
CHIRP_POLICY[AnimalEthics]:1 I'd much rather have the city pay for my high quality food than the animals #AnimalEthics 我觉得,与其花钱提升动物的伙食,倒不如把钱拿来改善一下我的伙食 #动物道德
CHIRP_POLICY[AnimalEthics]:2 I love seeing the zoo animals so happy! #AnimalEthics 看到动物园的动物这么开心真是太好啦!#动物道德
CHIRP_POLICY[AnimalEthics]:3 I'm so proud of our zoo for taking good care of the animals! #AnimalEthics 我们的动物园把动物照顾的这么好,太棒啦!#动物道德
CHIRP_POLICY[AnimalEthics]:4 I think the animals in the zoo live better than I do #AnimalEthics 感觉动物园的动物日子过得比我还舒坦啊 #动物道德
CHIRP_POLICY[AnimalEthics]:5 Is there a job opening for a zoo animal? I think I'd make a fine walrus or a seal #AnimalEthics 动物园还招聘动物不?我装海豹或者海象应该很像的 #动物道德
CHIRP_POLICY[AnimalEthics]:6 I'm up for any job including petting zoo animals! #AnimalEthics 只要能和动物园的动物一起玩,什么工作我都干!#动物道德
CHIRP_POLICY[AnimalEthics]:7 The money spent on zoo animals could be much better spent somewhere else in my opinion! #AnimalEthics 要我说,花在动物园动物身上的钱拿来干点有意义的事不好么!#动物道德
CHIRP_POLICY[AnimalEthics]:8 You can really see that the animals are happier now at the zoo <3 #AnimalEthics 真的可以看出动物园里的动物开心多了呢 <3 #动物道德
CHIRP_POLICY[AnimalEthics]:9 With that kind of living conditions, the zoo animals should compete for the right to entertain visitors! #AnimalEthics 有了这种生活环境,动物园的动物也该竞争上岗了吧!#动物道德
CHIRP_POLICY[AnimalEthics]:10 Just go to the zoo to see what happiness looks like #AnimalEthics 去动物园看看什么才是幸福的生活吧 #动物道德
CHIRP_POLICY[AnimalEthics]:11 I'm glad the local zoo is making sure animals are doing well, I'll gladly pay a bit more to enter #AnimalEthics 看到动物园悉心照顾动物我很开心,就算门票多花点钱我也不介意的 #动物道德
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkAdvertisement]:0 Did you hear about the park? I'm dying to visit it! #AdvertisementCampaign 你听说公园开放了吗?我等不及要去看看了!#广告攻势
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkAdvertisement]:1 I heard a local park is really awesome. Lets go! #AdvertisementCampaign 听说本地有个公园很棒。一起去看看吧!#广告攻势
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkAdvertisement]:2 I hate the park adverts, the kids are whining to go there and I don't have time #AdvertisementCampaign 真是讨厌死公园的广告了。孩子们都吵着要去,可我没时间啊 #广告攻势
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkAdvertisement]:3 I so want to go to the park now, why do I have to work? #AdvertisementCampaign 我好想去公园啊,为什么非得工作呢!#广告攻势
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkAdvertisement]:4 I keep telling myself I don't need to visit the park but then I see another ad and want to go again #AdvertisementCampaign 我一直告诉自己不要去公园,但刚又看到了一个广告,结果又想去了 #广告攻势
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkAdvertisement]:5 Did you see the park ad in the magazine? #AdvertisementCampaign 你看到杂志上的公园广告了吗?#广告攻势
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkAdvertisement]:6 That was a great ad for the park in the TV! #AdvertisementCampaign 电视里刚刚的公园广告真棒啊!#广告攻势
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkAdvertisement]:7 I work in the ad business and just love that the local park is buying our services #AdvertisementCampaign 我是广告从业者,本地公园购买我们的服务我很开心哦 #广告攻势
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkAdvertisement]:8 Lots of new people have found the park with the ads! #AdvertisementCampaign 很多人都是通过最近的广告才想起去公园的哦!#广告攻势
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkAdvertisement]:9 I saw an ad for the park and I have to say the place is awesome #AdvertisementCampaign 我看到了公园的广告,不得不说看起来很棒呢 #广告攻势
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkAdvertisement]:10 I was planning to go straight home, but then I noticed this ad for the park, and I changed my plans! #AdvertisementCampaign 本打算直接回家的,结果路上看见了公园的广告,临时改变计划!#广告攻势
CHIRP_POLICY[ParkAdvertisement]:11 I think I visit parks so much more now that I get ads about them on my phone #AdvertisementCampaign 看来我最近去公园太频繁了,连手机上都出现公园的广告了 #广告攻势
CHIRP_POLICY[MainPark]:0 I'm really happy with the flagship park! It feels so much better than any other! #MainPark 我对这个旗舰公园很满意哦!感觉比其他公园棒太多了!#主力公园
CHIRP_POLICY[MainPark]:1 There's always too many people visiting the main park, I'd like more privacy #MainPark 跑来主力公园的人实在太多了,我想清静清静 #主力公园
CHIRP_POLICY[MainPark]:2 This main park, it's so good! #MainPark 这个主力公园,真是太棒啦!#主力公园
CHIRP_POLICY[MainPark]:3 I like another park much better than the main one. Should we switch? #MainPark 我觉得有一个公园比主力公园强很多呢。要不要交换一下?#主力公园
CHIRP_POLICY[MainPark]:4 I used to go to the main park before it was marked as one, but now it's much more crowded, I'm not happy #MainPark 那个公园变成主力公园之前我常去的,但现在实在太挤了,不开心 #主力公园
CHIRP_POLICY[MainPark]:5 I like having a main park. It's easy to choose where to go. #MainPark 有主力公园真好。选都不用选就知道该去哪里。#主力公园
CHIRP_POLICY[MainPark]:6 The non-main parks get too little love! Visit those too! #MainPark 非主力公园太可怜啦!偶尔也去看看吧!#主力公园
CHIRP_POLICY[MainPark]:7 I like that there is a main park, now I know to visit only the other ones because I like peace and quiet #MainPark 有主力公园真好,这样只要去别的公园就可以享受一下宁静了 #主力公园
CHIRP_POLICY[MainPark]:8 The main park is the best! #MainPark 主力公园最棒啦!#主力公园
CHIRP_POLICY[MainPark]:9 I agree with the choice of the main park, it's my favourite #MainPark 我觉得这个主力公园选得好,是我最喜欢的公园呢 #主力公园
CHIRP_POLICY[MainPark]:10 I don't think the main park is the best one in the city, where can I send my suggestion? #MainPark 我觉得这个主力公园不是全市最佳的选择。有地方可以提议吗?#主力公园
CHIRP_POLICY[MainPark]:11 I think the main park is not the best one. But I like to keep my favorites secret! #MainPark 我觉得主力公园不是全是最好的。不过我最喜欢那个才不会告诉你们呢!#主力公园
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBan]:0 It's so much more quiet now without any fireworks, I like it #FineForFireworks 没有烟火就变得安静多了,真好 #烟火禁令
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBan]:1 All that money shot into the sky, good that we don't waste anymore #FineForFireworks 每次放烟火就是烧钱。不这么浪费真是太好了 #烟火禁令
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBan]:2 Oh no, I loved watching the fireworks! #FineForFireworks 不要啊,我最喜欢烟火了!#烟火禁令
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBan]:3 My dog was always terrified of the fireworks, this is much better #FineForFireworks 我的狗每次放烟火都怕的要死,这下好多了 #烟火禁令
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBan]:4 My dog loves watching the fireworks, why ban them? #FineForFireworks 我的狗可爱看烟火了,为什么要禁掉啊?#烟火禁令
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBan]:5 I'm a big fan of fireworks, I'd love to have them! #FineForFireworks 我特别喜欢烟火,把表演还给我好不好啊!#烟火禁令
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBan]:6 I'm so happy fireworks are banned. They make me nervous. #FineForFireworks 禁掉烟火真是太好了。每次看到烟火我都紧张得不行。#烟火禁令
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBan]:7 Was that a firecracker? Fireworks are banned! #FineForFireworks 刚刚有人放鞭炮?不知道现在禁止燃放烟火嘛!#烟火禁令
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBan]:8 I miss the fireworks! #FineForFireworks 好怀念烟火啊!#烟火禁令
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBan]:9 Now I have to travel to another city to see fireworks #FineForFireworks 这下想看烟火还要专门跑到别的城市去了 #烟火禁令
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBan]:10 Why are there no fireworks? #FineForFireworks 为什么不放烟火啊?#烟火禁令
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBan]:11 I sleep much better without any fireworks. Good decisions in this city! #FineForFireworks 没有烟火,入睡也轻松多了。真是一招妙棋!#烟火禁令
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBoost]:0 It's like living in a nightclub with all these fireworks! I love it! #Celebrate 这么多烟火,简直好像住在夜店里一样!好棒啊!#大肆欢庆
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBoost]:1 It's like living in a nightclub with all these fireworks! Absolutely awful! #Celebrate 这么多烟火,简直好像住在夜店里一样!真糟糕!#大肆欢庆
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBoost]:2 The fireworks look so pretty, I love falling asleep to them #Celebrate 烟火真漂亮,看着它们入睡最美了 #大肆欢庆
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBoost]:3 My kids want to stay up late to see the fireworks and then they are all tired in the morning #Celebrate 我的孩子们每次都熬夜看烟火,结果转天早上就起不来了 #大肆欢庆
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBoost]:4 The glittering fireworks in the sky are fabulous! #Celebrate 天空中闪亮的烟火真是太美了!#大肆欢庆
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBoost]:5 Life feels like a celebration when the fireworks happen so often #Celebrate 烟火表演这么频繁,感觉人生都变成了一场庆典 #大肆欢庆
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBoost]:6 It makes me happy to see fireworks every night! #Celebrate 每晚都能看到烟火,实在太开心了!#大肆欢庆
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBoost]:7 Whoo, fireworks! #Celebrate 哇!有烟火诶!#大肆欢庆
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBoost]:8 What is that noise? Is it fireworks? I love them! #Celebrate 什么声音?是烟火嘛?好棒!#大肆欢庆
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBoost]:9 Oh, not another show of fireworks! I was sleeping! #Celebrate 我去,怎么又来烟火表演啊!老子还要睡觉!#大肆欢庆
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBoost]:10 I love fireworks, it good to see them so often! #Celebrate 我爱烟火,能每天看到真是太好了!#大肆欢庆
CHIRP_POLICY[FireworksBoost]:11 I hate the noise and flashing, why are we having fireworks so often? #Celebrate 我最讨厌噪音和闪光了。为什么每天放烟火啊?#大肆欢庆
CHIRP_POLICY[NightTours]:0 The park looks so different at night #NightTours 公园晚上真是全然不一样呢 #夜间游园
CHIRP_POLICY[NightTours]:1 It's a bit scary to go into the park at night #NightTours 晚上去公园感觉有点吓人呢 #夜间游园
CHIRP_POLICY[NightTours]:2 Are there bats in the zoo? I bet the night tours are best for seeing those! #NightTours 动物园里有养蝙蝠吗?夜间游园一定是观察它们的好时机!#夜间游园
CHIRP_POLICY[NightTours]:3 Some animals are more active during the night, go see them on the night tours! #NightTours 有些动物夜里会更加活跃,就趁夜去看吧!#夜间游园
CHIRP_POLICY[NightTours]:4 My kids want to go for a night tour at the park. When will they sleep? #NightTours 我的孩子想要去夜间游园公园。那要几点睡觉啊?#夜间游园
CHIRP_POLICY[NightTours]:5 The park is so much scarier in the dark! #NightTours 黑暗中的公园好可怕啊!#夜间游园
CHIRP_POLICY[NightTours]:6 It way too dark for any tour at night! #NightTours 晚上这么黑,看个鬼啊!#夜间游园
CHIRP_POLICY[NightTours]:7 I want day tours, who in the world would go to a park at night? #NightTours 我想要日间游览。大半夜的跑去公园干嘛啊?#夜间游园
CHIRP_POLICY[NightTours]:8 Night park tours are the best! #NightTours 夜间游园最棒了!#夜间游园
CHIRP_POLICY[NightTours]:9 I'll bring my night goggles to the night tour. I hope they do something #NightTours 我要带着夜视仪去夜间游园。希望能有用吧 #夜间游园
CHIRP_POLICY[NightTours]:10 I wanted to see the park, but it's all dark! What is it with these night tours? #NightTours 我想看看公园什么样,但是太黑了!那还搞什么夜间游园啊?#夜间游园
CHIRP_POLICY[NightTours]:11 I can't sleep at night, so the night tours are the best thing since sliced bread! #NightTours 我晚上睡不着觉,发明夜间游园的人真是天才!#夜间游览
CHIRP_POLICY[EvenMoreFun]:0 I've never seen such a shiny and clean amusement park in my life! #EvenMoreFun 我这辈子还从没见过这么干净闪亮的游乐园!#更多乐趣
CHIRP_POLICY[EvenMoreFun]:1 I bet the money spent on amusement park upkeep could be better used somewhere else #EvenMoreFun 我觉得,维护游乐园的费用还是干点别的来得更实在 #更多乐趣
CHIRP_POLICY[EvenMoreFun]:2 I'm so happy the amusement park is so well maintained! #EvenMoreFun 游乐园维护得这么好,真是太开心了!#更多乐趣
CHIRP_POLICY[EvenMoreFun]:3 It's always a pleasure to go to an amusement park that is so well maintained #EvenMoreFun 每次去维护得这么好的游乐园,都特别开心 #更多乐趣
CHIRP_POLICY[EvenMoreFun]:4 I can even let my kids eat off the ground at the amusement park #EvenMoreFun 游乐园这么干净,小孩子从地上捡东西吃都不怕了 #更多乐趣
CHIRP_POLICY[EvenMoreFun]:5 Safety first! It's good that the amusement park is very safe, otherwise I'd never visit it #EvenMoreFun 安全第一!游乐园这么安全真不错,否则我一辈子也不会去的 #更多乐趣
CHIRP_POLICY[EvenMoreFun]:6 Can I now litter more when the park has such an efficient cleaning system? #EvenMoreFun 现在公园清洁这么厉害,我随便扔垃圾也无所谓咯?#更多乐趣
CHIRP_POLICY[EvenMoreFun]:7 I miss getting gum stuck to the sole of my shoe. Clean less! #EvenMoreFun 我好怀念鞋子上沾到口香糖啊。别打扫这么勤好不好!#更多乐趣
CHIRP_POLICY[EvenMoreFun]:8 This amusement park is so clean! It's a miracle! #EvenMoreFun 游乐园好干净啊!简直是奇迹!#更多乐趣
CHIRP_POLICY[EvenMoreFun]:9 Even my germaphobic uncle can now visit the amusement park! #EvenMoreFun 就连我的洁癖叔叔都肯去游乐园玩了呢!#更多乐趣
CHIRP_POLICY[EvenMoreFun]:10 Is the amusement park actually too clean now? #EvenMoreFun 游乐园现在是不是有点太干净了啊?#更多乐趣
CHIRP_POLICY[EvenMoreFun]:11 The amusement park looks unnatural with no litter! #EvenMoreFun 游乐园没有垃圾,看起来怪怪的不自然啊!#更多乐趣
CHIRP_POLICY[NatureRecycle]:0 Cool, recycling biodegradable garbage on the park grounds! That's ecologic and economic! #RecycleGarbage 在园区内处理可降解垃圾,真是好啊!真是又环保又经济!#回收垃圾
CHIRP_POLICY[NatureRecycle]:1 My kids like the recycling pile the best is the whole park #RecycleGarbage 整个公园里,我的孩子们最喜欢的就是垃圾堆 #回收垃圾
CHIRP_POLICY[NatureRecycle]:2 Won't the recycling bring in rats and other unpleasant animals? #RecycleGarbage 垃圾回收会不会引来老鼠和其他不妙的动物啊?#回收垃圾
CHIRP_POLICY[NatureRecycle]:3 I feel there's enough nature in a nature reserve without recycling! It's overdoing it! #RecycleGarbage 感觉没有垃圾回收的自然保护区才真的自然!这样太过分了!#回收垃圾
CHIRP_POLICY[NatureRecycle]:4 What's that smell? Oh, the recycling at the nature reserve! #RecycleGarbage 这是什么味道?哦,是自然保护区的垃圾回收啊!#回收垃圾
CHIRP_POLICY[NatureRecycle]:5 I'm going to see what kind of worms are at the recycling pile! #RecycleGarbage 我想去看看垃圾回收堆里面有几种虫子!#回收垃圾
CHIRP_POLICY[NatureRecycle]:6 It's way too complicated to put trash in the trash can with all these recycling options! #RecycleGarbage 这么多种分类垃圾桶,实在太复杂了吧!#回收垃圾
CHIRP_POLICY[NatureRecycle]:7 I think it's a waste to separate the biodegradable trash, it degrades just as well when with other garbage #RecycleGarbage 我感觉单独分出可降解垃圾真是多余。和其他垃圾放一起不是一样降解嘛 #回收垃圾
CHIRP_POLICY[NatureRecycle]:8 I saw a beautiful butterfly at the bio trash container today, I bet we get more varied insects with the bio trash system! #RecycleGarbage 今天在生物可降解垃圾桶看见了一只漂亮的蝴蝶,感觉在垃圾回收系统里面会有更多种虫子吧!#回收垃圾
CHIRP_POLICY[NatureRecycle]:9 What's with all the different waste bins at the nature reserve? #RecycleGarbage 自然保护区里面这么多种垃圾桶是闹哪样啊?#回收垃圾
CHIRP_POLICY[NatureRecycle]:10 Oops, I accidentally put a can in the bio trash! #RecycleGarbage 糟了,我刚把易拉罐扔到可降解垃圾里面了!#回收垃圾
CHIRP_POLICY[NatureRecycle]:11 I don't care for sorting garbage, I'll put mine where I want! #RecycleGarbage 我才不要垃圾分类。我想怎么扔就要怎么扔!#回收垃圾
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkersUnion]:0 It's time to unite! #strongertogether #workersunion 是时候团结起来了! #团结就是力量 #工会
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkersUnion]:1 The Mayor has made a wise choice! Citizens Well-being is more important than money! #happycim #bestmayor 此任市长好样的!居民的健康远胜于金钱! #赞美工会 #赞美市长
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkersUnion]:2 Happy to see the unions policy in action! :) #moraleboost #benefitted 很高兴见到工业发挥到作用! :) #士气提升 #既得利益
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkersUnion]:3 I hope they won't go for the strikes now :( #strikes #workersunion #fear 希望他们不会搞罢工抗议吧 :( #罢工 #工会 #担忧
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkersUnion]:4 Together we are strong! #workers #unite 团结就是力量! #员工 #团结
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkersUnion]:5 Yeah! That's right! We have #rights too! #workersunion 没错!我们要保障我们的 #权益 #工会
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkersUnion]:6 Oh I feel so much better now thanks to the #workers #union. 有了 #员工 #工会 ,我的日子好过多了。
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkersUnion]:7 Does the #workersunion also cover childs or only adults? #wondering #childlabour #curious #工会只是争取成年职工的利益吗?童工呢? #百思不得其解 #童工 #好奇
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkersUnion]:8 We are not just #peons anymore! Hooray for the #mayor for this #policy! 我们终于不用再 #被压迫了!为 #市长 的 #新政策 点赞!
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkersUnion]:9 Being part of the #workersunion has made my working conditions much more #efficient #industrialboom 加入 #工会 的好处就是工作环境 #改善 多了 #工业发展
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkersUnion]:10 Working hard or hardly working? #workers #union 拼命工作还是拼命摸鱼? #工会
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkersUnion]:11 Work work! #work #workwork 工作工作! #工作 #工作工作
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedSorting]:0 If only you could get a tiny automated post sorting facility to your home, too. #sorted #spam #efficient 要是家中也能安装个自动分拣系统就好了。 #分拣 #垃圾邮件 #效率
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedSorting]:1 Now the Post Office can process even more bills, yay... #bills #nomail #please 以后去邮局终于不用排几个小时的队了…… #水电费 #拒绝邮件 #拜托
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedSorting]:2 The Post Service has finally caught up with the automation. Who would've guessed? #sorted 邮政服务终于也迎来自动化时代了。真是万万想不到啊 #分拣
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedSorting]:3 Hopefully the mail won't get lost anymore! #lost #mailfail 希望从此以后不会再有送丢的邮件了! #丢件 #包裹
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedSorting]:4 Now if only the automated system could separate my spam mail from other mail it would be perfect! #sorted 要是自动化系统能够自动帮我过滤掉垃圾邮件就更好了! #分拣
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedSorting]:5 Just look at the sorting bots go! They are so #cute! ^‿^ 你看那些分拣机器人,好 #可爱 的样子! ^‿^
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedSorting]:6 Is there automated sorting made for #laundry? If so please Chirp me back #asap #洗衣服务 是否也能引进自动化系统?希望能美梦成真 #越快越好
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedSorting]:7 Please don't send sand through letters! #sorting #jammed #postapocalypse 请不要邮寄沙子! #分拣 #卡机 #邮政灾难
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedSorting]:8 So #orderly fashioned #automated #sorting Can someone please sort out my life as well? #unsorted #concerned 如此 #井井有条 的 #自动化 #分拣系统。 要是有人能够帮我把生活也打理得如此井井有条就好了。 #一塌糊涂 #关注
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedSorting]:9 What happened to all the #workers that got replaced by this automated sorting? 被这些自动化系统所取代的 #员工 都到哪里去了?
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedSorting]:10 Holey moley the mail has been an utter chaos! Let's hope the #automated #sorting will SORT IT OUT!! #mailfail 天呀,这里的邮政服务真是太糟糕了!希望 #自动化 #分拣系统会处理好这一切吧! #邮政灾难
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedSorting]:11 What automated sorting has against me? Why am I ALWAYS getting the mail last?! #confused #mailfail 我这是招谁惹谁了,为什么我的邮件总是最后一个才派发的?! #百思不得其解 #邮政灾难
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedToll]:0 It's a good thing that nobody uses this for any commercial tracking :) #tailored #ads 幸亏这东西是无法被用来定位追踪的 :) #定制 #广告
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedToll]:1 Umm.. does this now mean the mayor can track my car anywhere now? #paranoid #tinfoil 呃……这是不是意味着从此以后市长可以随时定位追踪到我的车子的坐标了? #担心 #阴谋论
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedToll]:2 This is a good thing! I always hated to stop at the booths. #timeismoney #reducedtraffic 这是好事!我最讨厌被堵塞在收费站的了。 #时间就是金钱 #舒缓交通堵塞
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedToll]:3 Does everything really need to be automated? #human #interraction #lonely 现在什么东西都讲究自动化了吗? #人类交流 #缺乏互动 #空虚寂寞冷
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedToll]:4 We already pay a lot of #taxes do we really need #tolls too? 我们年年缴付那么多 #税金 还不够吗?还要缴付这破 #路费 ?
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedToll]:5 The income gained from #toll booths is spent on increasing the roads condition #right? #hopeful #收费站 所收获的路费都会被用来改善路面状况的,对吧 ? #期望
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedToll]:6 Reconsidering the #toll #booths now thanks to #automation. 支持 #自动化系统 现在 #收费 #站 终于可以使用了。
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedToll]:7 I really don't have ANYTHING nice to say about #tolls #disappointed 我对 #收费站 向来没有好感 #失望
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedToll]:8 Heck.. it's about time that we do something to these #trafficjams #tolls 哈……终于可以摆脱可恶的 #交通堵塞 #收费站
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedToll]:9 No more stopping at the #toll #booth is definitely a good thing! #greencity 不用再每次遇到 #收费站 就得停下来当然是好事啦!#绿化城市
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedToll]:10 This automated toll booth is too smooth. Hardly have time to write chirps anymore. #positive #problem 这个自动化收费站非常高效。可以大大节省时间。 #点赞 #解决麻烦
CHIRP_POLICY[AutomatedToll]:11 where is my #bike??? these #automated #tolls gathering data of my movements are scaring me! #tracking #tinfoil 我的 #摩托车 去哪了?这些 #收费站 在收集我的数据,太可怕了! #定位追踪 #阴谋论
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeWifi]:0 I can't believe this #freewifi now I can use my phone anywhere I want #amazing #freedom 难以置信真的有 #免费WIFI 了!现在我可以随时随地使用手机了! #震惊 #开心
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeWifi]:1 How the city handles my data that I send through the Wi-Fi? #dataprotection #security #whoswatching 他们会不会把我使用免费WIFI时的数据收集起来出售给第三方? #数据安全 #安全性 #阴谋论
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeWifi]:2 I love this city! They have Free Wi-Fi over here! #returningtourist #maybemovingin 太好了!这城里到处都能连接到免费WIFI! #游客点赞 #考虑搬过来住
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeWifi]:3 Now I can get my #freecoupons over the #freewifi :P 有了 #免费WIFI 我就可以随时使用折扣了 #优惠券 了:P
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeWifi]:4 Post cards are soooo last year! #ancientmethods #freewifi 明信片早已过时了! #晋太元中 #免费WIFI
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeWifi]:5 Snail mail? You mean e-mail! Lovin' the #free #wifi! <3 邮件?你是指电邮吧!大爱这里的 #免费 #WIFI 网络!<3
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeWifi]:6 You never guess where I am sending this from! #freewifi #mystery 你肯定猜不到我是从哪里发这道信息给你的! #免费WIFI #震惊
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeWifi]:7 The whole world at my #fingertips anywhere I go #freewifi #免费WIFI在手 #天下我有
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeWifi]:8 Is there a higher risk for a data breach now thanks to the #freewifi? #concerned 使用 #免费WIFI 会不会更容易泄漏数据? #担心
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeWifi]:9 All the best things in life are free! #freewifi #sunshine #smile :) 天下没有免费的午餐,但会有 #免费WIFI #正能量 #开心 :)
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeWifi]:10 Call me old fashioned but I prefer sending love letters to my sweetheart out of town. #loveletter #together4ever 你或许认为我是老顽固,但我还是比较喜欢通过书信跟外地的恋人交流。 #情书 #天长地久
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeWifi]:11 What's wrong with writing good ol' post cards? I don't think the cost of #freewifi is worth all the #hassle. 明信片怎么不好了?我不认为 #免费WIFI 能够 #取而代之
CHIRP_POLICY[ImprovedLogistics]:0 Wow! Now that's efficient! #improved #logistics #advanced 哇塞!这效率暴涨了几千几万倍也! #优化 #物流 #先进
CHIRP_POLICY[ImprovedLogistics]:1 I can fit so much more to my #storage #buildings now! #loving this! 这 #仓库 #设施 能容纳不计其数的货物! #大爱 !
CHIRP_POLICY[ImprovedLogistics]:2 Beep boop my #logic levels are #improved to over 9000! 哔哔哔!我的 #逻辑水平 #超越 9000战斗力了!
CHIRP_POLICY[ImprovedLogistics]:3 Do the #robots have #feelings too? #improved #logistics 你说 #机器人会不会有 #个人情绪 的? #优化 #物流
CHIRP_POLICY[ImprovedLogistics]:4 Now that everything is #scheduled it is more easier to keep on track of #inventories and #storages #advanced #future #logical 现在一切都 #规定 好了,以后管理 #库存 就简单多了 #仓库 #先进 #现代化 #逻辑化
CHIRP_POLICY[ImprovedLogistics]:5 In this city the #logic comes first! #bestcity 这城市最讲究 #逻辑思考 ! #我爱我的城市
CHIRP_POLICY[ImprovedLogistics]:6 After adapting to this #policy our storage capacity is bigger than ever! #happy #efficient #industryboom 自从采用此 #策略 后,我们的仓库容量就大幅增长了! #开心 #效率 #工业发展
CHIRP_POLICY[ImprovedLogistics]:7 Sorting #harder #better #faster #stronger <3 #advancedlogistics 分拣过程 #更简单 #更优秀 #更快速 #更高效 <3 #先进物流
CHIRP_POLICY[ImprovedLogistics]:8 Wow! Now I can keep track of my package all the way to my front door. Amazing! #logistics #improvement 哇!现在我不用出门就能随时追踪到我的包裹了。太神奇了! #物流 #改善
CHIRP_POLICY[ImprovedLogistics]:9 There is #logic in improving logistics! I mean who doesn't want their deliveries on time? 改善物流是 #好事 !毕竟谁不希望自己的包裹能准时送达,对吧?
CHIRP_POLICY[ImprovedLogistics]:10 Could improved logistics also improve the packing materials used? #noplastic #please #greencity 改善物流的同时能否也改善下包裹的包装? #拒绝塑料 #救救地球 #绿化城市
CHIRP_POLICY[ImprovedLogistics]:11 You don't always have to build new warehouse since you can just improve your #efficiency with this cool vehicle tracking system. 有了这个 #超高效 的车辆追踪系统,以后就不用到处建设仓库了。
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkSafety]:0 Gotta love our work safety commitee <3 #saferthanever 大爱咱们的工地安全监督委员会 <3 #安全第一
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkSafety]:1 Yack! More strict #standards and #regulations. Haven't we had enough? 唉,又多了一堆的 #规范 和 #条规。有完没完啊?
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkSafety]:2 We need new helmets, thanks to the new strict #standards and #regulations. Any good recommendations? 拜新推出的严厉 #规范 和 #条规 所赐,我们需要添购一批新的安全帽。你有什么好推荐吗?
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkSafety]:3 Thank you, work safety supervision. They finally fixed the ladders to fit the #standards and #regulations. 感谢工地安全监督规范,上头终于替换掉那些不符合 #标准 和 #规范 的梯子了。
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkSafety]:4 Good call, mayor! Safety first! #mandatory #helmets 明智的决定,市长!安全第一! #强制 #戴安全帽
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkSafety]:5 Ugh.. even more things to document down. #sick #of #all #the #documents 呃……又多了一堆文书工作。 #厌倦 #没完没了 #的 #文书 #工作
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkSafety]:6 Glad to see this policy in effect! I can finally talk to someone about the 1 day old buns in coffee room #demand #fresh #buns #everyday 很高兴这个政策终于落实了!现在终于可以投诉休息室里提供的那些不新鲜食品了! #诉求 #每天 #新鲜 #包子
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkSafety]:7 Uhh.. hey supervisor can we talk about the hanging electricity wire? #electrocuted #outch #zap 呃……我可以投诉下这条外露的电缆吗? #担心 #触电 #电线
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkSafety]:8 Our work safety commitee is doing such an #amazing #job! Thank you for the new #safety #sneakers :* 咱们的工地安全监督委员会的 #表现 #非常棒 !感谢他们送的 #安全 #鞋子 :*
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkSafety]:9 Is this a joke? I have to wear #helmet while working in the #office!? #unnecessary #regulations 这是在开玩笑吗?我是在办公室上班的白领,你竟然强制我上班戴 #安全帽?! #多此一举 #规范
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkSafety]:10 Who supervises the supervisor? #concerned #worksafety 那谁来监督监督者? #担心 #工地安全
CHIRP_POLICY[WorkSafety]:11 Do the #safety #regulations also apply to mayor? #安全 #规范 是否对市长本人也生效?
CHIRP_POLICY[AdvancedAutomation]:0 The robots are here! #robot #advanced #automation 机器人时代终于降临了! #机器人 #黑科技 #自动化系统
CHIRP_POLICY[AdvancedAutomation]:1 These new #robots are like from a movie! #chirpynator #socool #awesomesauce 这些新 #机器人 简直像是从科幻电影中跑出来的样子! #小啾啾终结者 #炫酷 #厉害了我的哥
CHIRP_POLICY[AdvancedAutomation]:2 I wonder when the robots will take over the world #chirpnet #worried 天网什么时候上线? #小啾啾天网 #担忧
CHIRP_POLICY[AdvancedAutomation]:3 Anyone else freaked out how fast the technological advancements are moving? #scared #chirpdroid 难道只有我一个人在担心科技进展得太快了吗? #害怕 #小啾啾机器人
CHIRP_POLICY[AdvancedAutomation]:4 Can I be a servicebot when I grow up? #future #dream #needtomakeliving 我长大了可以当机器人吗? #志愿 #梦想 #工作
CHIRP_POLICY[AdvancedAutomation]:5 Yes, I am concerned for my job thanks to the new shiny #robots. 是的,这些闪闪发亮的 #机器人 对我的工作造成了很大的威胁。
CHIRP_POLICY[AdvancedAutomation]:6 I just want to know when all those "#automated #robots become available to households as well?? My garden is a mess. 我只想知道什么时候才能买到个 #自动化 #机器人 管家?我家里正缺个愿意做家务的人。
CHIRP_POLICY[AdvancedAutomation]:7 My back is loving the #robots and #automation. I can finally focus on the important things pain-free! 有了 #机器人 和 #自动化辅助系统 的帮忙,我终于可以摆脱背痛去做重要的事情了!
CHIRP_POLICY[AdvancedAutomation]:8 Our #productivity has risen, thanks to investing into the #automated #system. 我们的 #生产力 大幅提高了, #自动化 #系统 这笔投资实在太划算了。
CHIRP_POLICY[AdvancedAutomation]:9 No more broken back or sore muscles! And it's all thank to these hard working #robots 终于告别腰酸背痛!多亏了这些勤劳的 #机器人
CHIRP_POLICY[AdvancedAutomation]:10 Production is better than ever! And so is our income #advanced #automation #robots 生产力大幅改善了!我们的收入终于不再赤字了! #黑科技 #自动化 #机器人
CHIRP_POLICY[AdvancedAutomation]:11 What if the #robots just stopped working? #doomed #concerned #roborights 要是哪天 #机器人 罢工了怎么办? #灾难 #担忧 #机器人权益
CHIRP_POLICY[Industry4point0]:0 The future of #industry is here! Long live the #automation! #工业的未来就在这里! #自动化万岁!
CHIRP_POLICY[Industry4point0]:1 Beep Boop this is an #automated #chirp #robotsmile 嘀嘟嘀嘟,这是#自动化#啾啾#机器人的微笑
CHIRP_POLICY[Industry4point0]:2 Now that even more jobs are getting #automated can we even automate mayorship? ;) @mayor #jk 现在有越来越多的工作岗位正在拥抱#自动化,我们甚至可以让自动化市长管理城市吗? @市长
CHIRP_POLICY[Industry4point0]:3 Highly educated #specialists are the future of #industry. I am glad the mayor understands this. 受过高等教育的#专家才是#工业发展的未来。幸好市长明白这一点。
CHIRP_POLICY[Industry4point0]:4 I hope us worker bees are given the opportunity to #re-educate ourselves to fit the new #industry #standards. 我希望我们的工人们都能够#重新自我教育,以适应新的#工业#标准。
CHIRP_POLICY[Industry4point0]:5 At first I thought this is a bad thing but I realised that I can pursue my #dreams in #academic studies again #doctor 起初我认为这是一件坏事,但我意识到我可以再次在#学术研究中追求我的#梦想了。#医生
CHIRP_POLICY[Industry4point0]:6 Progress waits for no man. Time to pick up the textbooks again and #study to become the #specialist this city needs. 进步不等人。是时候再次拿起教科书#从事研究了,成为这个城市需要的#专家。
CHIRP_POLICY[Industry4point0]:7 And just in time for my #graduation. Thanks @mayor! #specialist #lookingforwork 而且正好赶上我的#毕业典礼。谢谢@市长! #专家#求职
CHIRP_POLICY[Industry4point0]:8 New #revolutionary technologies are on their way! #automation 新的#革命性技术即将推出! #自动化
CHIRP_POLICY[Industry4point0]:9 Time to re-educate myself! There's no more need for #uneducated traditional workers like me anymore #automation 是时候重新进行自我教育了!像我一样#未受教育的传统工作者已经过时了 #自动化
CHIRP_POLICY[Industry4point0]:10 Automation? how about we just stick to good ol' fashioned #humans ! #industry 自动化?我们继续沿用老式#人类的工作方式不是更好! #工业
CHIRP_POLICY[Industry4point0]:11 I don't understand what is the problem with #automation. Technological innovations and advancements are the reason we even got this far! #technology is #future 我不明白#自动化有什么问题,技术创新和进步是促使我们走到今天的原因! #科技才是#未来
CHIRP_POLICY[ForProfitEducation]:0 As if #education isn't expensive enough as it is. #tuition #fees 仿佛#教育还不够昂贵似的。 #学费
CHIRP_POLICY[ForProfitEducation]:1 As it should be! I don't want my #taxes to be used for bumming #freeducation 应该如此!我可不希望把我的#税款浪费在#免费教育上。
CHIRP_POLICY[ForProfitEducation]:2 Great.. now I need to find a third job to pay for my #education when will I have time to actually study? :( 真好……现在我需要找第三份工作才够支付我的#教育费用,我什么时候才能有时间学习啊? :(
CHIRP_POLICY[ForProfitEducation]:3 Good thing I come from a wealthy family #rich #noproblem 幸好本人是富家子弟#有钱#没问题
CHIRP_POLICY[ForProfitEducation]:4 This doesn't sound fair @mayor what's the reasoning behind this?! #demandaswers #tuition #fees 这听起来不公平啊@市长,背后的原因是什么?! #讨要说法#学费
CHIRP_POLICY[ForProfitEducation]:5 People don't usually realise how expensive it is to #educate people. I hope this way we can pay the #teachers what they deserve! 人们通常不会意识到#教育的代价是多么昂贵。我希望通过这种方式,可以向#教师们支付他们应得的报酬!
CHIRP_POLICY[ForProfitEducation]:6 I hope the extra money from #tuitions is used to benefit the students. #freecopypaper 我希望多余的#学费能使学生受益。 #免费誊写纸
CHIRP_POLICY[ForProfitEducation]:7 Well if this provides us better #education opportunities then I guess I can pay extra #profitableEducation 好吧,如果这为我们提供了更好的#教育机会,那么我想我可以多付一些钱。#有利可图的教育
CHIRP_POLICY[ForProfitEducation]:8 They better put all the extra money from #tuition #fees towards better #education and #facilities 他们最好能把多余的#学费都用在提供更好的#教育和#设施上
CHIRP_POLICY[ForProfitEducation]:9 Profitable #education? that's the way I like :) #tuition #fees #notworried 有利可图的#教育?这真有意思。#学费#无需担忧
CHIRP_POLICY[ForProfitEducation]:10 With all the income from #tuition #fees I'm sure we will get better #education 有了这笔#学费收入,我相信我们将会得到更好的#教育
CHIRP_POLICY[ForProfitEducation]:11 Does #tuition #fees include #freelunch as well? #学费也包括#免费午餐吗?
CHIRP_POLICY[BookFair]:0 Book Fairs are the best place to find new #books! #bookworm 逛书展是寻找新#书籍的最佳场所! #书虫
CHIRP_POLICY[BookFair]:1 Books books books! #bookfair #blissful 书山书海!#书展#太幸福了
CHIRP_POLICY[BookFair]:2 Did anyone check the #bookfair yet? Any recommendations? 有人去#书展看过了吗?可有什么推荐?
CHIRP_POLICY[BookFair]:3 @mayor what's your favorite book? #bookfair @市长,你最喜欢的书是哪一本? #书展
CHIRP_POLICY[BookFair]:4 I found this book Hairy Chirper: The Skyline of Secrets from #bookfair anyone know if it's any good? #intrigued #wondering 我从#书展上找到了这本书——《哈利啾啾:隐秘的天际线》,有人知道它是否值得一读吗? #感到有趣#纳闷
CHIRP_POLICY[BookFair]:5 Can I #recycle my old #textbooks in the book fair too? #environmental #awareness 我可以在书展上#出售我的旧#课本吗? #环保意识
CHIRP_POLICY[BookFair]:6 Silly me I thought it was #bookfairy so I went and put a book under my pillow >.< #soreneck #nonewbooks 我还以为真有什么#书仙呢,所以我傻乎乎地把一本书塞在了枕头下……#颈椎痛#闹书荒
CHIRP_POLICY[BookFair]:7 Are there good discounts for bookshelves? #bookfair #toomanybooks #notevensorry 在现场购买书架有低价折扣吗? #书展#书多到看不完#毫无抱歉
CHIRP_POLICY[BookFair]:8 Books are soo last century, e-books are the #future #modernage 纸质书籍太复古了,电子书才是是#现代#潮流
CHIRP_POLICY[BookFair]:9 So when is the #ebookfair ? #digital #revolution 那么#电子书展什么时候开呢? #数字#革命
CHIRP_POLICY[BookFair]:10 Are there comics in the #bookfair? I only ever read those. #书展上有漫画吗?我只看过那些。
CHIRP_POLICY[BookFair]:11 This is so amazing to see my own written book at the #bookfair #happy #feelinglikedancing 在#书展上看到我自己写的书真是太神奇了#感到快乐#简直想跳舞
CHIRP_POLICY[StudentHealthcare]:0 Healthcare is now free for all #students! Hip hip hooray! #healthylife #nostress 现在所有学生都能享有免费医疗!太好啦! #健康生活#无压力
CHIRP_POLICY[StudentHealthcare]:1 Free healthcare is no excuse to forget to wash your hands!! #studentlife 免费医疗不是忘记洗手的理由! #学生生活
CHIRP_POLICY[StudentHealthcare]:2 I hope the quality of #student #healthcare does not plummet without payments. #concerned 我希望#学生#医疗的品质不会因为免费而直线下降。 #感到忧虑
CHIRP_POLICY[StudentHealthcare]:3 Without even paying a visit to the nurse I already feel my overall health going up #relaxed #nostress 我甚至没有去看过护士,已经感觉到健康状况正在改善 #放松#无压力
CHIRP_POLICY[StudentHealthcare]:4 In my opinion this should've been included in the tuition fees! #disappointed #studenthealthcare 在我看来,这应该包括在学费中才对! #失望#学生医疗
CHIRP_POLICY[StudentHealthcare]:5 Remember that no amount healthcare can make up for sleeping, eating and exercising properly. I wish you all a #healthy #life @campus! 请记住,没有任何医疗可以替代睡眠、饮食和锻炼的功效。祝大家都能拥有#健康#生活 @校园
CHIRP_POLICY[StudentHealthcare]:6 #studenthealthcare is a service that you are glad to have but you wish you don't ever have to use #healthy #life #学生医疗会令您非常满意,但还是尽可能不必使用的好 #健康#生活
CHIRP_POLICY[StudentHealthcare]:7 Where's the nurse's office? I need to try out this #free #studenthealthcare immediately. #accidents #happen 护士办公室在哪里?我需要立即体验#免费#学生医疗。#意外#发生
CHIRP_POLICY[StudentHealthcare]:8 Whoops! what was the address for #student #healthcare ? #accidents #hurry 哎呦!#学生#医疗处在哪里? #意外#急诊
CHIRP_POLICY[StudentHealthcare]:9 Shouldn't #healthcare be #free by default?! #wondering #raisingquestions #医疗难道不该默认就是#免费的吗?! #感到纳闷#提出问题
CHIRP_POLICY[StudentHealthcare]:10 In times like these I'm grateful that there is #student #healthcare #ouchie #sick #fever 在这种情况下,我很感激#学生#医疗服务的存在。#哎呦#生病#发烧
CHIRP_POLICY[StudentHealthcare]:11 I don't need #free #healthcare because I am never sick. #confident #fitlife 我不需要#免费#医疗,因为我从不生病。 #自信#强健
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeLunch]:0 Has anyone seen my #lunch #voucher? I seem to have misplaced mine. 有没有人见过我的#午餐#券?我好像忘记放在哪里了。
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeLunch]:1 My mother always said there is no such thing as free meals.. #freelunch 我母亲总是说天下没有免费餐这样的东西……#免费午餐
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeLunch]:2 Free food is the best food #freelunch #yum 免费食物是最好的食物 #免费午餐#香喷喷
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeLunch]:3 What's lunch for today? #freelunch #hungry 今天的午餐是什么? #免费午餐#好饿
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeLunch]:4 What's the catch here? Free lunch? Something doesn't seem right here #suspicious #freelunch we demand #answers! 有什么新鲜事?免费午餐?似乎不大对劲 #怀疑#免费午餐#要求答案
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeLunch]:5 I heard a rumour there's a black market of lunch vouchers on the campus... #investigate #freelunch 我听说有传言说,在校园里存在一个买卖午餐券的黑市……#调查#免费午餐
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeLunch]:6 Happy tummy happy #student #freelunch 填饱肚子就是幸福!#学生#免费午餐
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeLunch]:7 If you want #freelunch then you better work twice harder! #work #studyhard 如果你想要享用#免费午餐,那么你最好再多加两倍努力! #努力#学习
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeLunch]:8 I'm in paradise! There's even #sushi for #lunch and it's #free!!! #blissful #happyhappyhappy 我简直是身在天堂啊! #午餐甚至有#寿司,而且还是免费的!!!#太爽了#实在是太爽了
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeLunch]:9 If you want some extra #lunch #coupons PM me #shh 如果你想要一些额外的#午餐#券,请私下与我联系 #嘘
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeLunch]:10 So, what should someone do if they accidentally #lost their #lunch #coupons? #starving #hungry 那么,如果不小心#弄丢了#午餐#券,应该怎么办呢? #挨饿#好饿
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeLunch]:11 Vouchers? That's very old school. What about #lunch #app? 午餐券?那也太老土了。不如试试#订餐#软件怎么样?
CHIRP_POLICY[VisitingScholars]:0 This city has so many wonderful things! I think I may #movein someday! #justvisiting 这座城市里有很多美妙的东西!我想有一天我可能会#搬来!#到此一游
CHIRP_POLICY[VisitingScholars]:1 This lovely city is an excellent example of a #wonderful #skylines! I'll need to include this in my next Skylines Throughout the History educational book! #visitingscholar #educator 这座可爱的城市真是#美妙#天际线的绝佳典范!我需要将这个加到我的下一个天际线历史教科书中! #访问学者#教育家
CHIRP_POLICY[VisitingScholars]:2 Today's guest lecturer was tops! I wish for more days like this. #learning #campuslife 今天的客座演讲者是顶级的!我希望这样的日子更多一些。 #学习#校园生活
CHIRP_POLICY[VisitingScholars]:3 Such a nice visit, good food and got to meet brilliant scholars such as @Bob_Oring and @Ken-Ahvi1 #visitingscholar 如此愉快的造访,既有美食,又获得了与@Bob_Oring和@Ken-Ahvi1等杰出学者会面的机会。#访问学者
CHIRP_POLICY[VisitingScholars]:4 Can't wait for today's #guest #lecturer. See you in the front row! 迫不及待地想见到今天的#客座#演讲者了。前排见!
CHIRP_POLICY[VisitingScholars]:5 Guest lecturers provide a valuable source of #information and #knowledge #visitingscholars 客座演讲者提供了#信息和#知识等宝贵资源。#访问学者
CHIRP_POLICY[VisitingScholars]:6 Can someone guide me to the #campus I'm supposed to give a #lecture in 15 minutes #runninglate #visitingscholar 有人可以带我去#校园吗?我在15分钟后有一场#讲座 #迟到了 #访问学者
CHIRP_POLICY[VisitingScholars]:7 The mic check was the best part of the #lecture #visitingscholars 检查麦克风是#讲座最有意思的环节 #访问学者
CHIRP_POLICY[VisitingScholars]:8 I fell asleep during the #lecture did I miss anything #important #visitingscholars #lifeofarock #boring 我在#讲座中途睡着了,我错过了什么#重要内容了吗?#访问学者#无聊人生
CHIRP_POLICY[VisitingScholars]:9 If you missed the lecture just PM me and I'll share the notes! #visitingscholars #diligent #teamspirit 如果你错过了讲座,请告诉我,我会跟你分享笔记! #访问学者#勤奋#团队精神
CHIRP_POLICY[VisitingScholars]:10 I heard the lecture was good! Does anyone have any #notes to share? #teamspirit 我听说讲座很精彩!有没有人有#笔记分享? #团队精神
CHIRP_POLICY[VisitingScholars]:11 One of my favorite things about #lectures from #visiting #scholars is that they get #livestreamed ^_^ #lecturesfrombed #访问#学者的#讲座最吸引我的一点就是#直播啦 ^ _ ^ #卧听讲座
CHIRP_POLICY[UniversalEducation]:0 Now things are as they should be. #free #education for everyone! 现在这样才对嘛! 人人都能享有#免费#教育!
CHIRP_POLICY[UniversalEducation]:1 Finally someone understands studentlife is expensive enough as it is! #free #education 终于有人明白学生的生活成本已经足够昂贵了!#免费教育
CHIRP_POLICY[UniversalEducation]:2 I feel better knowing that #quality #education is now available for all. Say no to #tuition #fees! 所有人如今都能享受到#优质#教育了,这可真不赖。对#学费说不!
CHIRP_POLICY[UniversalEducation]:3 If everyone can get a free education who will be left to do the more common jobs? #wondering #universaleducation 如果每个人都能获得免费教育,那么那些普通工作将由谁来做呢?#感到疑惑#普及教育
CHIRP_POLICY[UniversalEducation]:4 You can't put a price tag on #quality #education. 你不能给#优质#教育贴上价格标签。
CHIRP_POLICY[UniversalEducation]:5 I am GLAD that finally there are #equal #opportunities for everyone! Thank you @mayor! 我很高兴每个人终于都享有#平等#机会了!谢谢@市长!
CHIRP_POLICY[UniversalEducation]:6 Without #universal #education I wouldn't be able to pursue my #dreams thank you @mayor <3 多亏有#普及#教育,否则我就无法追求我的#梦想,谢谢@市长 <3
CHIRP_POLICY[UniversalEducation]:7 So who will pay for this #universal #education? #notme #saynotoraisingtaxes 那么谁来给普及#教育买单呢? #反正不是我#抵制加税
CHIRP_POLICY[UniversalEducation]:8 Investing into #education is an investment into the #future. I approve! 投资#教育是对#未来的投资。我赞成!
CHIRP_POLICY[UniversalEducation]:9 Say what you want to say, I think #universaleducation is a good thing! 畅所欲言,我认为#普及教育是件好事!
CHIRP_POLICY[UniversalEducation]:10 Honestly I'm not a big fan of #universaleducation isn't there some other alternative? 老实说,我不是#普及教育的忠实粉丝,还有其它选择吗?
CHIRP_POLICY[UniversalEducation]:11 I can already feel the overall well-being around my neighborhood rising! #universaleducation #studentlife 我已经可以感觉到我街坊邻居们的整体幸福感正在上升! #普及教育#学生生活
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeFanMerchandise]:0 A free cap to show the #teamcolors ? Yes please! #teamspirit #freefanmerchandise 代表#队伍颜色的免费帽子?我要! #团队精神#免费粉丝赠品
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeFanMerchandise]:1 Another one of these? I think I already have like 5 of these ;DD #freefanmerchandise #spare #teamcolors 又一个?我想我已经有了其中的5个; DD #免费粉丝赠品#多余#队伍颜色
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeFanMerchandise]:2 I already had my scarf and cap and now I got the #flag :) #happy #freefanmerchandise 我已经戴上了围巾和帽子,现在我又得到了#旗帜 :) #感到快乐#免费粉丝赠品
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeFanMerchandise]:3 If someone didn't get their #freefanmerchandise I have some to spare! Just PM me! #teamspirit #homecolors 如果有人没有拿到#免费粉丝赠品,我这有一些多的!请私信我! #团队精神#主队颜色
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeFanMerchandise]:4 I'm afraid that all these #freefanmerchandise will create a lot of #garbage :( are they even #recycled ? 我担心这些#免费粉丝赠品会制造出不少#垃圾 :(用的到底是不是可回收材料?
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeFanMerchandise]:5 Um.. thanks for this #freefanmerchandise but I'm rooting for the #awayteam #teamcolors 嗯……感谢这件#免费粉丝赠品,但我是#客队的忠实粉丝 #队伍颜色
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeFanMerchandise]:6 Come on! Wave that flag and show them #teamcolors #hometeam #freefanmerchandise 来吧!挥动旗帜并向他们展示#队伍颜色,#主队#免费粉丝赠品
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeFanMerchandise]:7 I will show my #teamcolors and wave that #hometeamflag and cheer our team to #victory! #freefanmerchandise 我将展示我的#队伍颜色,并挥动#主队旗帜并为我们的队伍#加油鼓劲!#免费粉丝赠品
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeFanMerchandise]:8 Everybody! It's time to show #teamcolors ! #freefanmerchandise 各位好!是时候展示我们的#队伍颜色了! #免费粉丝赠品
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeFanMerchandise]:9 Let's cheer our #hometeam to #victory ! with all these #freefanmerchandise 让我们为#主队欢呼吧!用所有这些#免费粉丝赠品
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeFanMerchandise]:10 True fans buy their #fanmerchandise -_- #teamcolors 真正的粉丝会自掏腰包购买#免费粉丝赠品 -_- #队伍颜色
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeFanMerchandise]:11 Gotta collect them all! #freefanmerchandise #teamcolors #collector 一定要集齐才行! #免费粉丝赠品 #队伍颜色 #收集癖
CHIRP_POLICY[VarsitySportsAds]:0 Oh? There's a match coming? Thanks for reminding me! #advertisement #campaign 哦?要有比赛了吗?谢谢你提醒我! #广告#宣传
CHIRP_POLICY[VarsitySportsAds]:1 Do we really need more #ads?? Waste of money if you ask me... 我们真的需要更多#广告吗?如果你问我的意见,那简直是浪费钱……
CHIRP_POLICY[VarsitySportsAds]:2 Heh.. I must admit that #sport #ad was pretty clever :D 呵呵……我必须承认那则#体育#广告很有心机:D
CHIRP_POLICY[VarsitySportsAds]:3 I know I'll be there to support my hometeam <3 #hometownpride #sportsfan 我一定会到现场支持我们的主队 <3 #家乡荣誉感 #体育爱好者
CHIRP_POLICY[VarsitySportsAds]:4 Love, love, love our team colors invigorating the campus! #teamspirit #recognized 爱,爱,爱我们点亮校园的团队色彩! #团队精神 #得到认可
CHIRP_POLICY[VarsitySportsAds]:5 I wonder how many #coaches we could've have hired instead of spending it on #advertising 我想知道这笔钱能被用来聘请多少#教练,而不是被浪费在#广告上
CHIRP_POLICY[VarsitySportsAds]:6 Loving to see #teamcolors all around the city #teamspirit #ads 我喜欢能在城市各处看到#队伍颜色的感觉 #团队精神 #广告
CHIRP_POLICY[VarsitySportsAds]:7 THREE! TWO! ONE! LET'S GO!! #pumped #SportsAdvertisements 三!二!一!出发!! #精神振奋 #体育广告
CHIRP_POLICY[VarsitySportsAds]:8 Feeling the #teamspirit! #ads #sports #varsitysports 感受#团队精神吧!#广告 #体育 #校队体育
CHIRP_POLICY[VarsitySportsAds]:9 Who will clean all the garbage from these useless #ads #thinkaboutnature 谁会负责清除这些没用的#广告啊 #担心自然环境
CHIRP_POLICY[VarsitySportsAds]:10 That #ad was sooooo cringy and the colors were all wrong! >.< #notfeeling #teamspirit 那则#广告真是看得我一身鸡皮疙瘩,而且颜色全都用错了! >.< #无法感受到#团队精神
CHIRP_POLICY[VarsitySportsAds]:11 You can count on me to be there and support #hometeam #teamspirit #sportsAd 我肯定会到现场支持#主队 #团队精神 #体育广告
CHIRP_POLICY[SponsorshipDeal]:0 I wish someone would offer me a personal #sponsorship deal, like #gonuts #donuts #prettyplease 我希望有人愿意为我提供私人#赞助协议,比如#热狗大亨之类的
CHIRP_POLICY[SponsorshipDeal]:1 I'm happy to see #local businesses supporting our #hometeam :) #happy #eatingstrawberries 我很高兴看到#当地商家支持我们的#主队 :) #感到开心 #吃草莓
CHIRP_POLICY[SponsorshipDeal]:2 Ever since #yaxu sponsored a match I've been buying their #drinks constantly! #sponsorship 自打#呀嘘赞助了一场比赛之后,我就一直在购买他们家的#饮料! #赞助协议
CHIRP_POLICY[SponsorshipDeal]:3 What do I have to do to get myself a #yakisoba #noodles #sponsorship deal :P #jk 我需要做些什么才能让自己获得一份#炒面呢? #赞助协议:P
CHIRP_POLICY[SponsorshipDeal]:4 Those billboards surely liven up the #arenas #sponsorship #prettylights 那些广告牌肯定会给#竞技场盛放色彩 #赞助协议 #五光十色
CHIRP_POLICY[SponsorshipDeal]:5 Sponsors are great and all but I think I still would prefer to watch #hometeam #logo in our own #arenas 那些赞助商很棒,但我还是更愿意在我们自己的#竞技场中看到#主队的#标识
CHIRP_POLICY[SponsorshipDeal]:6 If I start my own company can I have my #logo on the #arenas billboards as well? 如果我开办自己的公司,我也可以在#竞技场的广告牌上找到我公司的#标识吗?
CHIRP_POLICY[SponsorshipDeal]:7 I wonder how much these #sponsorships costs #wondering #ads 我很好奇这些#赞助商到底花了多少钱? #感到纳闷 #广告
CHIRP_POLICY[SponsorshipDeal]:8 If I start carrying a #billboard with me when I walk down the streets can I get a #sponsorship ? #walking #ads 要是我走在街上时随身携带一块#广告牌,那我也可以获得#赞助吗? #行走的#广告
CHIRP_POLICY[SponsorshipDeal]:9 Proud to see our #hometeam become enough famous to attract #sponsorships ! #filledwithpride 很高兴看到我们的#主队变得如此大名鼎鼎,能吸引到#赞助商! #满怀骄傲
CHIRP_POLICY[SponsorshipDeal]:10 When will the companies from #outside #connections start to offer #sponsorship for our #hometeam ? #外部#连接点上的公司什么时候开始为我们的#主队提供#赞助?
CHIRP_POLICY[SponsorshipDeal]:11 Great.. even more #ads what a waste of space if you ask me! I want to see our #teamcolors ! 很好……依我看,更多的#广告只会浪费空间!我想看到我们的#队伍颜色!
CHIRP_POLICY[FishingLicense]:0 After a small payment.. I got my #license2fish 在付了一笔小钱之后……我得到了#捕鱼许可证
CHIRP_POLICY[FishingLicense]:1 It really wasn't a ton of money to get my #fishing #license :o 为了得到我的#捕鱼#许可证我并没花多少钱 :o
CHIRP_POLICY[FishingLicense]:2 To catch a #ton of #fish you don't need to pay a ton of money! #fishing #license 要捕捞#很多的#鱼其实并不需要花太多的钱! #捕鱼#许可证
CHIRP_POLICY[FishingLicense]:3 #fishing gear check! #fishbait check! and most importantly.. #fishing-license CHECK! :) #捕鱼装备检查完毕!#鱼饵检查完毕!还有最重要的...#捕鱼许可证检查完毕! :)
CHIRP_POLICY[FishingLicense]:4 In my opinion, everyone should be #free to enjoy #fishing! I won't be any #license 在我看来,每个人都应该能#自由的享受#捕鱼的乐趣!不应该被所谓的#许可证限制住
CHIRP_POLICY[FishingLicense]:5 @mayor what will you put the #revenue gained from #fishing #licenses to? @市长 您从#捕鱼#许可证那里获得的#财政收入打算如何使用呢?
CHIRP_POLICY[FishingLicense]:6 Now.. I'm #licensed to #fish #sunglasses-on 现在呢...我有#戴着墨镜#捕鱼的#许可证了
CHIRP_POLICY[FishingLicense]:7 Great.. even more licenses -_- #fishing #license #FullWallet 倒霉...怎么又是许可证 -_- #捕鱼 #许可证 #钱包满满
CHIRP_POLICY[FishingLicense]:8 What if I only go fishing once or twice a year? do I still need the #fishing #license for the whole year?? 如果我每年只捕鱼1到2次呢?难道我还得申请全年的#捕鱼#许可证吗??
CHIRP_POLICY[FishingLicense]:9 I wanted to go fishing with my brother but without a #fishing #license I guess we’ll just stay indoors... 我本来想和我兄弟一起去捕鱼,但是没有#捕鱼#许可证,只能老老实实在家呆着了...
CHIRP_POLICY[FishingLicense]:10 Do I need a fishing license for both #commercial fishing and #recreational fishing? #商业捕鱼和#休闲捕鱼#是不是都需要捕鱼许可证?
CHIRP_POLICY[FishingLicense]:11 Fishing licenses help control fish populations for a more #sustainable future 捕鱼许可证可以帮助控制鱼类的数量,防止鱼类被人类过量捕捞,确保鱼类资源能做到#可持续发展
CHIRP_POLICY[DolphinSafeTuna]:0 This is wholesome policy @mayor! It warms my heart to see the city taking care of the #dolphins #dolphin #safe #fishing 这个政策太贴心了,@市长 !看到城市这么努力的保护#海豚 ,我真感动 #海豚 #安全 #捕鱼
CHIRP_POLICY[DolphinSafeTuna]:1 I just feel better when I know the #dolphins are #safe <3 只要#海豚能够#安全,我就放心了 <3
CHIRP_POLICY[DolphinSafeTuna]:2 Did you know that orcas (killer whales) are actually dolphins? #funfacts #TIL 你知道虎鲸其实是海豚吗? #有趣的小知识 #又学到新东西了
CHIRP_POLICY[DolphinSafeTuna]:3 I wonder what methods there are to prevent dolphins ending up as bycatch #dolphin #safe #fishing 怎样才能防止海豚被意外捕捞呢 #海豚 #安全 #捕鱼
CHIRP_POLICY[DolphinSafeTuna]:4 What's the harm with occasional #dolphin in the middle of other #food? It's just fish #iwilleatanyfish 偶尔把#海豚和其他#食物一起呈上饭桌有何不可呢?海豚也不过是鱼的一种而已 #只要是鱼我都吃
CHIRP_POLICY[DolphinSafeTuna]:5 tbh I don't care if #fish #yields are less as long as the #dolphins are #safe #responsible :) 我才不在乎#鱼类捕获量是否减少,只要#海豚能#平安就行 #负责 :)
CHIRP_POLICY[DolphinSafeTuna]:6 Wait, what?! So #fishing before wasn't #dolphin #safe?? 等等,你说什么?!你的意思是之前的#捕鱼就没有保证#海豚的#安全吗??
CHIRP_POLICY[DolphinSafeTuna]:7 Does this mean that I can't go dolphin fishing anymore? #confused #dolphin #fishing 难道说我以后再也没法打捞海豚了吗? #困惑 #海豚 #捕鱼
CHIRP_POLICY[DolphinSafeTuna]:8 Is the mayor planning to extend this policy to other sea creatures as well? #dolphin #safe 市长打算把这一政策的作用对象扩大到其他海洋生物身上吗?#海豚 #安全
CHIRP_POLICY[DolphinSafeTuna]:9 What about turtles and sharks? #safe #fishing 那乌龟和鲨鱼呢?#安全 #捕鱼
CHIRP_POLICY[DolphinSafeTuna]:10 Huh.. the actual method for letting dolphins go but keeping fish in is pretty fascinating #dolphin #safe #tuna 捕鱼的时候在放掉海豚的同时还要能留住其他的鱼,这方法可真神了 #海豚 #安全 #金枪鱼
CHIRP_POLICY[DolphinSafeTuna]:11 How does the city plan to #enforce and #oversee this policy?? #dolphin #safe #fishing 城市打算如何#执行并#监管这一政策??#海豚 #安全 #捕鱼
CHIRP_POLICY[SustainableFishing]:0 Love to see that the city is taking steps to ensure healthy fish populations #sustainable #fishing <>< 看到城市采取措施来确保海洋中健康鱼类的数量,真让人开心 #可持续 #渔业 <><
CHIRP_POLICY[SustainableFishing]:1 From now on, I will only buy fish obtained through #sustainable #fishing :) 从现在开始,我只从#可持续#渔业那里买鱼 :)
CHIRP_POLICY[SustainableFishing]:2 #sustainable #fishing is the 100% correct way to minimize our impact on the #environment #可持续#渔业是将我们人类对#自然环境的影响最小化的正确举措
CHIRP_POLICY[SustainableFishing]:3 With #sustainable #fishing, I can rest easy knowing that my grandchildren can also enjoy fishing in the future #smiling 有了#可持续#渔业,我的子孙后代也能在未来享受捕鱼的乐趣了 #微笑
CHIRP_POLICY[SustainableFishing]:4 Does this apply to the fish used in #catfood too? #responsible #catowner 这一政策也适用于那些#给猫吃的鱼吗? #负责 #猫主人
CHIRP_POLICY[SustainableFishing]:5 Time to let #fish #populations recover and go for alternative cuisines #sustainable #fishing 现在必须让#鱼类#数量恢复一下了,我们得退而求其次,从#可持续#渔业那里获取鱼肉
CHIRP_POLICY[SustainableFishing]:6 I was getting a bit worried already! I hadn't seen any fish in my aquarium lately #sustainable #fishing 我都有点担心了!我的鱼缸里最近都没鱼了 #可持续 #渔业
CHIRP_POLICY[SustainableFishing]:7 To keep #fish #population at healthy level we need #AllHandsOnDeck! #sustainable #fishing 为了将#鱼类#数量维持在一个正常的范围,我们必须#齐心协力!#可持续#渔业
CHIRP_POLICY[SustainableFishing]:8 @mayor excellent decision! I'm happy to see our city doing it's part in minimizing environmental impact #sustainable #fishing @市长 这个决定太明智了!我们的城市能够为减少人类对环境的负面影响而贡献力量,真是太好了 #可持续#渔业
CHIRP_POLICY[SustainableFishing]:9 Even though we may not get as much fish as before I'm happy pay a little more in the name of #sustainable #fishing 虽然现在我们捕捞的鱼类数量比以往要少,但能为#可持续#渔业的发展贡献力量也是值得的
CHIRP_POLICY[SustainableFishing]:10 I'm allergic to seafood but I still appreciate this #sustainable #fishing #greener #future 虽然我对海鲜食物过敏,但我也很支持#可持续#渔业 #更环保 #未来
CHIRP_POLICY[SustainableFishing]:11 I don't even like fish in any form but this.. this is a good idea! #sustainable #fishing 虽然我很讨厌鱼,但这个政策的出发点很好!#可持续#渔业
CHIRP_POLICY[AlgaeBasedWaterFiltering]:0 I couldn't believe how good #algae is at #purifying the #polluted water! Nature is amazing! #海藻的#净化#被污染水源的能力简直令人难以置信!自然的力量太神奇了!
CHIRP_POLICY[AlgaeBasedWaterFiltering]:1 This is the right example where #nature comes first before our own #greed! GJ @mayor! 这个举措充分表明了城市的立场:我们绝不能将自己的#贪欲置于#自然的利益之上!干得好啊 @市长 !
CHIRP_POLICY[AlgaeBasedWaterFiltering]:2 Does this mean I need to buy seaweed and filter my tap water through it now? #algae #water #filtering 难道我以后得用买来的海带去过滤我家水龙头里流出的水了? #海藻 #水 #过滤
CHIRP_POLICY[AlgaeBasedWaterFiltering]:3 I hope this doesn't make our water taste all fishy! #algae #water #filtering 希望这不会让我们的水都带着鱼腥味! #海藻 #水 #过滤
CHIRP_POLICY[AlgaeBasedWaterFiltering]:4 Yikes, I hope our local #sushi restaurants don't run out of nori sheets! #yummysushi #local-algae 哎呀呀,希望本地的#寿司餐馆的海苔片不会用尽!#美味的寿司 #本地海藻
CHIRP_POLICY[AlgaeBasedWaterFiltering]:5 Will the drinking water taste like #algae now? #sceptical 饮用水会不会带着#海藻味? #怀疑
CHIRP_POLICY[AlgaeBasedWaterFiltering]:6 Can we #filter #water with something better tasting than algae? For example cotton candy :D #just #suggesting 我们能不能用比海藻味道更好的东西来#过滤#水呢?比如棉花糖之类的:D #只是 #建议一下
CHIRP_POLICY[AlgaeBasedWaterFiltering]:7 What are the benefits of using #algae instead of regular #filters? 用#海藻而不用传统的#过滤器去过滤水的好处是什么?
CHIRP_POLICY[AlgaeBasedWaterFiltering]:8 The price of algae must be skyrocketing! Farewell home made nori sheets!! #angry #water #filtering 海藻的价格肯定在飞速攀升!看来要和自制的海苔片告别了!! #愤怒 #水 #过滤
CHIRP_POLICY[AlgaeBasedWaterFiltering]:9 Who should I call if my water has turned all slimy and green? #algae #water #filtering 如果我家的水变得又粘又绿,我该向谁反映问题? #海藻 #水 #过滤
CHIRP_POLICY[AlgaeBasedWaterFiltering]:10 Can I get my own personal #algae #water #filtering at home? 我可以搞一份个人的#海藻#水#过滤在自己家用吗?
CHIRP_POLICY[AlgaeBasedWaterFiltering]:11 Is anyone organizing tours to see how #algae #based #water #filtering actually works? 有没有人组织一下,让我们看看#基于#海藻的#水#过滤到底效果如何?
CHIRP_POLICY[TouristTravelCard]:0 I foresee a great increase in #tourism with the #tourist #travel #card! 有了#游客#旅游#卡#,#旅游业的接客量必将暴涨!
CHIRP_POLICY[TouristTravelCard]:1 I hope my friends from abroad take this great #opportunity with the #tourist #travel #card 我希望我国外的朋友们充分利用这次能使用#游客#旅游卡#的机会
CHIRP_POLICY[TouristTravelCard]:2 Could this work both ways? I want to visit other cities too! #tourism 这旅游卡可以让本地人用吗?我也想去其他城市看看!#旅游业#
CHIRP_POLICY[TouristTravelCard]:3 With those intercity bus ticket prices, it's no wonder we've been getting a lot more #tourists lately #tourist #travel #card 城际公交车的票价如此便宜,难怪最近#游客的数量大增 #游客 #旅游 #卡
CHIRP_POLICY[TouristTravelCard]:4 Who wants more #tourists here? It's already too #crowded #personalspace #tourist #travel #card 谁还希望更多的#游客来?这里已经够#拥挤的了 #私人空间 #游客 #旅游 #卡
CHIRP_POLICY[TouristTravelCard]:5 Sigh.. I’ll need a bigger wallet soon to hold all these different cards #tourist #travel #card 这么多卡片……我得换个大点的钱包了,否则根本装不下 #游客 #旅游 #卡
CHIRP_POLICY[TouristTravelCard]:6 Ugh.. more #tourism ? how bout #nourism ! #travel #card 这个……更多的#旅游业?更多的#营养如何! #旅游 #卡
CHIRP_POLICY[TouristTravelCard]:7 shh! Don't tell anyone but I'm actually not a #tourist :D #travel #card 嘘!别跟别人说哦,其实我不是#游客# :D #旅游 #卡
CHIRP_POLICY[TouristTravelCard]:8 Is there anyway to get a #citizen #travel #cards? 有没有办法让本地#市民得到#旅游#卡呢?
CHIRP_POLICY[TouristTravelCard]:9 Just how much is the city paying to get tourists here? #tourist #travel #card 城市为了把这么多游客吸引到这里来到底花了多少钱?#游客 #旅游#卡
CHIRP_POLICY[TouristTravelCard]:10 These new affordable #travel #cards help people with low income to travel more! What's not to like? :) 这些新的#旅游#卡让那些家境不富裕的人也能经常出行了!有百利而无一害啊! :)
CHIRP_POLICY[TouristTravelCard]:11 Where I can check the expiration date of my #tourist #travel #card? 我在哪里查看我的#游客#旅游#卡的过期时间?
CHIRP_POLICY[AirplaneTours]:0 Woohoo! This is amazing! #airplane #tours #aviation-club 太棒了!#飞机 #旅行 #航空俱乐部
CHIRP_POLICY[AirplaneTours]:1 Now this is excellent reason to come and visit this beautiful city! #up-in-the-sky #airplane #tours 这就是来这个美丽城市旅行的最佳理由了!#云端 #飞机 #旅行
CHIRP_POLICY[AirplaneTours]:2 Ever since #aviation #club started those damn #airplane #tours, noise pollution has skyrocketed! 自从#航空#俱乐部搞了那些#飞机#旅游之后,噪音污染就直线上升了!
CHIRP_POLICY[AirplaneTours]:3 It's amazing to see all those beautiful vistas from up here! #airplane #tours 在高耸入云的地方将所有美景尽收眼底的感觉真是太棒了!#飞机 #旅游
CHIRP_POLICY[AirplaneTours]:4 Oh my, it is a TOTALLY different thing to see the city from up here! #happy #flying #airplane #tours 好家伙,在高空俯瞰城市的感觉截然不同啊!#快乐 #飞行 #飞机 #旅游
CHIRP_POLICY[AirplaneTours]:5 I don't really feel safe with all those #planes flying around the sky :( #scared #airplane #tours 那么多#飞机在天上转来转去的让我觉得很不安全:( #害怕 #飞机 #旅游
CHIRP_POLICY[AirplaneTours]:6 Are they offering private flying lessons @theaviationclub? Asking for a friend. 他们提供私人飞行驾驶课程吗? @航空俱乐部 ? 我是帮一名朋友问的。
CHIRP_POLICY[AirplaneTours]:7 @theaviationclub when's the next free spot for #airplane #tour ? @航空俱乐部 #飞机#旅游下一次有免费空位是什么时候 ?
CHIRP_POLICY[AirplaneTours]:8 I can't wait to get on the #airplane #tour #vroom 好想赶快得到#飞机#旅游#资格
CHIRP_POLICY[AirplaneTours]:9 I wonder what the city looks like from up in the sky #airplane #tours 在天空中俯瞰城市是什么感觉呢 #飞机 #旅游
CHIRP_POLICY[AirplaneTours]:10 Has anyone seen my glasses? I lost them while on #airplane #tour #whoops 我的眼镜有人看到了吗?我在#飞机#旅游时把眼镜搞丢了 #糟糕
CHIRP_POLICY[AirplaneTours]:11 I'm doing it! I am finally doing it! I'm getting over my fear of flying! #excited #airplane #tours #AAAAA #aviophobia 我成功了!我终于成功了!我成功克服了我的飞行恐惧症!#兴奋 #飞机 #旅游 #AAAAA #飞行恐惧
CHIRP_POLICY[PremiumStudio]:0 I just saw on TV #NESTOR practicing in their new fancy studio. Nice! 我在电视上看到#奈斯特在新工作室里练习。真棒哦!
CHIRP_POLICY[PremiumStudio]:1 I wonder if they have proper #autotune equipment in the new premium studio… 不知道新的高级工作室有没有#自动调音设备哦……
CHIRP_POLICY[PremiumStudio]:2 I'm happy that the city supports great artists by offering them top quality facilities #premiumstudio 很高兴这个城市为艺术家提供顶尖的设备#高级工作室
CHIRP_POLICY[PremiumStudio]:3 #ElijhaMOTi does their music with surgical precision and now they have a new operating room with sharp scalpels :D #以利亚莫提以手术般的精细态度对待音乐,所以现在他们有了锋利的手术刀和新的手术间咯,哈哈
CHIRP_POLICY[PremiumStudio]:4 Do I need to have premium loundspeakers to hear the difference between a normal studio and a #premiumstudio ? 怕是要“高级”耳机才能听出普通工作室和#高级工作室之间的区别哦?
CHIRP_POLICY[PremiumStudio]:5 Now #LilyLaRoux has a studio where her voice can be captured in all its beauty #莉莉 拉路克斯有了新的工作室,能将她美妙的声线捕捉得淋漓尽致
CHIRP_POLICY[BandAdvertisement]:0 I heard the new song from #NESTOR on the radio – it's so good! I'm definitely going to see them when they are on tour 我在电台听到#奈斯特的新歌——真是太棒啦!他们的巡回演出我一定会去看。
CHIRP_POLICY[BandAdvertisement]:1 New album coming from #LilyLaRoux !!! #莉莉乐路克丝出新专辑啦!!!
CHIRP_POLICY[BandAdvertisement]:2 #NESTOR is coming to play at the festival! How cool is that :D Who else is coming? #奈斯特要在音乐节演出!太酷啦:D。还有谁要来?
CHIRP_POLICY[BandAdvertisement]:3 #LilyLaRoux releases her tour plans! Can't wait to see her. #莉莉乐路克丝宣布了巡回演出计划!等不及要见到她了。
CHIRP_POLICY[BandAdvertisement]:4 Soon, my life will have reached its peak #ElijhaMOTi #onTour 我的人生即将到达巅峰 #以利亚莫提 #巡回演出
CHIRP_POLICY[BandAdvertisement]:5 You can now download the latest single from #ElijhaMoti for free! 你可以免费下载#以利亚 莫提的最新单曲!
CHIRP_POLICY[SubsidizedYouth]:0 What a great idea to spend money on training young football players! Our team will do so well! #subsidizedyouth #football 投资训练青少年球员是个很不错的主意!我们的队伍会实力大增! #补助青少年 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[SubsidizedYouth]:1 Young people in the city will surely be healthier now that there's a youth football training program. Well done! #health #subsidizedyouth #football 开展青少年足球训练项目后,城里年轻市民变会变得更健康。不错! #健康 #补助青少年 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[SubsidizedYouth]:2 Training new players every day! #subsidizedyouth #football 每天训练新球员!#补助青少年 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[SubsidizedYouth]:3 My children are applying for the sudsidized youth program, please accept them! #subsidizedyouth #football #pls 我的孩子们都申请了青少年补助项目,求您接受他们吧!#补助青少年 #足球 #求你了
CHIRP_POLICY[SubsidizedYouth]:4 Can you imagine how many pairs of football boots the young players go through in a year? Whew! #subsidizedyouth #football 你知道那些年轻球员一年要换多少双足球鞋吗?呕!#补助青少年 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[SubsidizedYouth]:5 Football can't be good for you! All that running around gives me a headache. #subsidizedyouth #football 足球一点也不好!跑来跑去的我头都痛了。#补助青少年 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[SubsidizedYouth]:6 I would much rather see young people read books than play football. Why don't we spend money on that? #subsidizedyouth #football 我更希望年轻人多读读书,而不是去踢球。为什么不投资读书呢?#补助青少年 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[SubsidizedYouth]:7 Why do we waste money on the youth to play football? They can go play in the parks! #subsidizedyouth #football 干嘛浪费钱让青少年去踢球?他们到公园里去玩不就行了吗! #补助青少年 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[ComeOneComeAll]:0 I love how easy it is to get to the stadium to see matches! #comeonecomeall #football 去球场看比赛方便多了,赞!#公车接送 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[ComeOneComeAll]:1 Free transportation to the stadium? Yes please! #comeonecomeall #football 去球场的路费全免?好好好!#公车接送 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[ComeOneComeAll]:2 I'm so going to ride the bus to the stadium! #comeonecomeall #football 马上就乘公交车去球场!#公车接送 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[ComeOneComeAll]:3 I don't often use public transportation, but when I do, it's on my way to the stadium. #comeonecomeall #football 我不常用公共交通工具,但去球场的时候我一定会去乘坐。#公车接送 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[ComeOneComeAll]:4 Free rides to the stadium, yay! #comeonecomeall #football 免费乘车去球场,棒棒哒!#公车接送 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[ComeOneComeAll]:5 Aren't there more important thing to spend money on than free transit to the stadium? #comeonecomeall #football 除了花钱免除去球场的路费,难道就没有更重要的事需要这笔钱吗?#公车接送 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[ComeOneComeAll]:6 I don't like football, can I get a free ride somewhere else, please? #comeonecomeall #football 我不看球,我能不能免费乘车去其他地方?#公车接送 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[ComeOneComeAll]:7 I live right next to the stadium and it's just too crowded on match days! #comeonecomeall #football 我就住在球场旁边,比赛日的时候简直人山人海。#公车接送 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[MatchSecurity]:0 I feel so safe with the extra police patrolling near the stadium #matchsecurity #football 有更多保安巡逻球场,我感觉很安全 #比赛安保 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[MatchSecurity]:1 No more pickpockets taking advantage of football fans! #matchsecurity #football 小偷们没法再占球迷们的便宜了! #比赛安保 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[MatchSecurity]:2 Finally I can concentrate on the match and not keeping an eye on my purse. #matchsecurity #football 终于可以安心看比赛,不用时刻注意自己的钱包了。#比赛安保 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[MatchSecurity]:3 It's good that there are more police on match days, I used to feel a lot less safe going to the matches. #matchsecurity #football 比赛日有更多的保安是好事,我以前去看比赛就觉得不安全。#比赛安保 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[MatchSecurity]:4 More police = better #matchsecurity #football 越多警察=越好 #比赛安保 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[MatchSecurity]:5 Why are we wasting money on extra police on match days? I think homeless sloths are much more in need of help than football fans! #matchsecurity #football 为何浪费钱给比赛日多配备保安?我觉得流离失所之人比球迷们更需要帮助。#比赛安保 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[MatchSecurity]:6 Football fans should take better care of their belongings and keep their heads cool! No extra police would be needed! #matchsecurity #football 球迷们本就该自己照看好财物并保持头脑冷静!根本不必安排额外保安!#比赛安保 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[MatchSecurity]:7 Do we really need more police on match days? Maybe that money could be better spent on others things, like libraries #matchsecurity #football 在比赛日,我们真的需要更多警察吗?如果把这些钱花在其他地方可能更好,比如图书馆 #比赛安保 #足球
CHIRP_POLICY[Forest]:0 Thanks @mayor for supporting the timber industry. A huge step towards a greener tomorrow. #industrialboom #greenmoney 多谢 @市长 能够支持林业。这可是迈向绿色明天的一大步。 #工业繁荣 #绿色收入
CHIRP_POLICY[Forest]:1 Why are you cutting down all the trees? I hope our city will not turn into barren wasteland now. #savethetrees #deforestation 你为什么砍掉了所有的树?但愿我们的城市不会变成贫瘠的废墟。#救救树木 #去森林化
CHIRP_POLICY[Farming]:0 Way to go @mayor ! IMHO yellow cornfields are a much better sight than dirty factories. #cows #farming #moremoney 干的好啊 @市长 !我个人觉着,黄色的玉米田总比脏乎乎的工厂好看得多。 #奶牛 #农牧 #财源滚滚
CHIRP_POLICY[Farming]:1 Oh, c'mon @mayor ! Doesn't the city board come up with anything more modern than farming? What's next #horse #wagons ? 嗷,拜托了 @市长!城市董事会就不能想出点比农业更现代的东西?接下来是什么 #马匹 #马车 ?
CHIRP_POLICY[Oil]:0 Good call @mayor ! Who would use the oil reserves under our city if not us! #industrialboom #moremoney #finderskeepers 干得好 @市长 !除了我们,谁还有资格来使用我们城市之下的原油储备!#工业繁荣 #多赚钱 #谁找到就是谁的
CHIRP_POLICY[Oil]:1 I'm so sad our city needs to be ruined by those ugly oil pumps. Isn't there already enough oil in... wherever it comes from? #nothanks 我很遗憾,我们美丽的城市要被那些丑不拉几的油泵毁掉了。不是已经有足够的油料从各个地方运来了吗?#你自己留着吧
CHIRP_POLICY[Ore]:0 @mayor Supporting the ore industry was the right choice. That is just what our city's economy needed! #industrialboom @市长,支持矿业是非常明智的决定。这正是我们所需要的经济形式! #工业繁荣
CHIRP_POLICY[Ore]:1 I do not dig this at all, @mayor. Has anyone considered the ecological impact of mining and how it will ruin our beautiful town? #golddiggers 我对此一点也不感冒,@市长 。难道没有人考虑过采矿对生态环境的冲击,以及它对我们城市的伤害吗?#淘金者
CHIRP_POLICY[PowerSaving]:0 @powerplant:The new energy meters encourage citizens to conserve #electricity. Benefits are almost instant. #energy #sustainability @发电站 :新型电表鼓励市民节约 #电力 ,真真是立见成效啊。#能量 #可持续性
CHIRP_POLICY[PowerSaving]:1 Does someone know how much this #energy #meter consumes #electricity ? 有没有人知道这个#电 #表 本身,会消耗多少 #电力 ?
CHIRP_POLICY[WaterSaving]:0 @waterworks takes on water conservation by installing water meters in the district. #sourceoflife #tapwater @自来水厂 通过在行政区里安装水表来避免水资源浪费。#生命之源 #自来水
CHIRP_POLICY[WaterSaving]:1 These #water meters are great! I'm saving #money and the #environment at the same time :) #水表 真是棒极了!我又省了 #钱 ,同时也保护了 #环境 :)
CHIRP_POLICY[SmokeDetectors]:0 The city provides #smokedetectors for its residents free of charge! #ilovethiscity #firedepartmentrocks 城市为居民住宅免费提供#烟雾探测器 !#爱这座城市 #消防部门棒呆了
CHIRP_POLICY[SmokeDetectors]:1 My #cat was just saved by a #smokedetector. Thank you @firedepartment ! 我的 #喵星人 刚被一个#烟雾探测器 救了!谢谢你 @消防部门 !
CHIRP_POLICY[RecreationBoost]:0 Feeling #inspired to go enjoy the #greatoutdoors. #parks&rec 出门享受 #户外美景 真是感觉 #焕然一新 。#公园和休闲
CHIRP_POLICY[RecreationBoost]:1 @mayor Having a clean city with great outdoors opportunities is a privilege! Thanks! @市长 在如此干净整洁的城市,能多出门活动活动,真是种享受!多谢了!
CHIRP_POLICY[PetBan]:0 Saw a sign "No pets allowed". I'm in total dismay! What was the @mayor thinking? #nopuppiesallowed #ihatethiscity 看到一个牌子上写着"宠物禁入"。我真忧伤!@市长 到底在想些什么?#不准养宠物 #我恨死了这座城市
CHIRP_POLICY[PetBan]:1 No more #dog #poop everywhere! What a #joy! #notopoop 再也不会到处都是 #狗 #粑粑 了!真是 #开熏 !#不随地大便
CHIRP_POLICY[Recycling]:0 We are finally #recycling! I can't wait to separate all my trash into different piles. Do batteries go with metals? #lifechoices 我们终于开始 #循环利用 了!真等不及把我的垃圾丢进不同的垃圾堆了。电池该丢进金属那堆吗?#人生选择
CHIRP_POLICY[Recycling]:1 Yes! #recycling is an important step in admitting our impact on nature and the environment! #reduce #carbonfootprint 是的!#循环利用 是承认我们对自然和环境所造成冲击的伟大的一步!#减少 #碳足迹
CHIRP_POLICY[SmokingBan]:0 @mayor Who are you to say what I can do? What's next? Ban #sandalswithsocks? #notcool #iwantfreedom @市长 谁说你娃可以给俺乱立规矩的?接下来还有嘛?禁止#穿袜子穿凉鞋 吗?#逊毙了 #俺要自由
CHIRP_POLICY[SmokingBan]:1 I think this #smokingban is excellent! For a non-smoking bartender like me, this is great! #禁烟令 是个好东西,对于我这种根烟不沾的酒保来说简直太棒了!
CHIRP_POLICY[EducationBoost]:0 With help from the @mayor, local schools will be up for the Academic Excellence Award. #learningisfun #educationreform 因为 @市长 的帮助,本地学校会设立优秀学业奖。#学习真有趣 #教育改革
CHIRP_POLICY[EducationBoost]:1 @sciencesentinel Great work kiddo! Student invents a revolutionary #3D #printing method @科学哨兵干得好啊,孩子们!有学生发明了一种革命性的 #三维立体#打印方法。
CHIRP_POLICY[RecreationalUse]:0 Yaman! I is gonna hav a spliff now an take it easy! #itslegalized #THC #aimhigh 耶!我要抽一发香烟了,放松点!#它已经合法了 #THC #嗨翻天
CHIRP_POLICY[RecreationalUse]:1 The @police department is organizing a #joint task force to #weed out unlicensed coffee shops and medical marijuana retailers. @警局 要组织一次 #联合 任务来 #铲除 无证咖啡店和医用香烟经销商。
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeTransport]:0 @mayor Thank you for the #free #public #transportation! This is great news for the #students and nature alike! @市长 谢谢你的 #免费 #公共 #交通 !这真是对 #学生 和自然天大的好消息!
CHIRP_POLICY[FreeTransport]:1 Anyone interested in a used sedan? Car for sale because of low usage #carforsale #free #publictransport 有人对二手轿车有兴趣吗?因为没什么用所以想将其卖掉 #卖车 #免费 #公共交通
CHIRP_POLICY[TaxRaiseResLow]:0 Higher #taxes? What is this madness? @mayor better have a good explanation for this. #appalled #thanksmayor 又要加 #税 ?葫芦里卖的什么药? @市长 你最好给我个合理的解释。#吓死个人 #谢谢市长
CHIRP_POLICY[TaxRaiseResHigh]:0 It sure is expensive to live in this area. Hope the @mayor balances the living costs with good #services. #notimpressed 住在这一区域肯定很贵。希望 @市长 能平衡生活成本和优质 #服务 。#印象不佳
CHIRP_POLICY[TaxRaiseComLow]:0 Small business owner always gets the shaft! I hope we'll have enough customers to keep us afloat. #nomoresales 小生意人总是受到苛待!希望有足够的客人来增长我们的销售额。#不卖了
CHIRP_POLICY[TaxRaiseComHigh]:0 @mayor goes after the backbone of #consumerism. Here's to hoping this will only be temporary. #downscaling #hightaxes @市长 是要追随着#消费主义 的脚步吗?希望这只是暂时的。#减小规模 #高税率
CHIRP_POLICY[TaxRaiseOffice]:0 @local_government wants to support only the most successful businesses. Not sure if smart or not. #fatcats @本地行政机构 只想支持最成功的生意。不知这算不算得上个好点子。#肥猫
CHIRP_POLICY[TaxLowerResLow]:0 Easy living in the #suburbs. The only thing missing now is an automated grocery delivery network. #greatneighborhood 在 #郊区 生活很简单。现在唯一想念的是自动送货上门的杂货销售网络。#这社区不错
CHIRP_POLICY[TaxLowerResHigh]:0 It's surprisingly #affordable living in the city. @mayor is a real #goodguygreg. #lovethecity 在城市中生活出人意料的 #能负担 。@市长 真是 #大好人 。#爱这座城市 。
CHIRP_POLICY[TaxLowerComLow]:0 Great to see so many small businesses thriving in the city. There are some really cool shopping possibilities. #smallbiz #boutiques 很开心能看到这么多小生意在繁荣发展。真是可以买到好多很不错的东西呢。#小生意 #精品店
CHIRP_POLICY[TaxLowerComHigh]:0 @mayor favors big retail companies. Let's see how this pans out. #hyped #buymore @市长 更喜欢大型零售公司。让我们拭目以待吧。#多多的买
CHIRP_POLICY[TaxLowerOffice]:0 Tech corporations find a #safehaven in the city. To many, #lowtaxes look very inviting. #crushingit #whitecollars 不少科技公司在这座城市找到了 #避难所 。过于低的 #税率 看起来很有吸引力。#打破壁垒 #白领
CHIRP_POLICY[SmallBusiness]:0 Small local businesses have become a #politicalagenda for the @mayor in the public forum. Shop owners are expecting a boost in sales. #smallbizboost 小型本地商业成为了 @市长 在公共论坛中的一项 #政治议程 。店主们都期待着销售额的增长。#小生意销售增长
CHIRP_POLICY[SmallBusiness]:1 Finally the policy-makers have understood that small businessess are the backbone of our city's economy! #smallbizboost 决策者最终还是理解了,小生意才是我们城市经济的脊梁!#小生意销售增长
CHIRP_POLICY[BigBusiness]:0 @mayor rubs elbows with the #fatcats. #lowprices and great sales to be expected. #goneshopping @市长 与#肥猫 进行了接触。期待着#低价 和大销售量。#去购物
CHIRP_POLICY[BigBusiness]:1 It's great that big stores and malls have longer opening hours now and they are open on holidays too! 小商店和大百货营业时间延长,并且节假日照常营业,真是太棒了!
CHIRP_POLICY[IndustrySpace]:0 #scientists have created a space-saving factory design. More efficient #productionlines are being installed as we speak. #科学家 创造了一种节约空间的工厂设计方案。更高效的 #生产线 正在换装中。
CHIRP_POLICY[IndustrySpace]:1 Production rates are record high! #upgradesatwork 生产率打破纪录,创下历史新高!#工作中的升级
CHIRP_POLICY[HighTechHousing]:0 Homes of tomorrow, today! The @mayor supporting #smarthomes and bringing the city to the forefront of technical development. #HAL9000 明日之家,就在今天!@市长 大力支持的 #智能家居 将把城市带到科技发展的最前线。#哈尔 9000
CHIRP_POLICY[HighTechHousing]:1 The new #smarthomes are great! I don't even have to choose the clothes I wanna wear as my domestic AI decides for me. #HAL9000 新型 #智能住宅 真棒!我甚至都无需决定今天想要穿什么衣服,因为AI已经帮我做好选择了。 #哈尔 9000
CHIRP_POLICY[HighriseBan]:0 Thanks to the new building #regulations I will not lose my view to some ugly multi-storey buildings. #livinglow 感谢新的建筑 #规章制度 !我再也不会因为一些丑陋的高层建筑而失去窗外的美景了。#活在低层
CHIRP_POLICY[HighriseBan]:1 Obviously there is someone in the @local_government who appreciates the #traditional look of our city! #architecture 很明显供职于 @本地行政机构 里的某人更欣赏 #传统 的城市外貌!#建筑
CHIRP_POLICY[HeavyTrafficBan]:0 Thanks @mayor! At last they banned the heavy traffic from my neighborhood. #freshair #peaceandquiet 感谢 @市长 !最后他们终于清除了我家附近的车水马龙。#新鲜空气 #安静祥和
CHIRP_POLICY[HeavyTrafficBan]:1 No more trucks! I can finally #sleep at night and let the #kids #play in the yard! Thanks @mayor #antitrucker 再也没有大卡车了!我终于能在夜里 #睡着 而且 #孩子们 也可以在院子里 #玩耍 了!感谢 @市长 !#反对卡车
CHIRP_NO_PRISONS:0 Why is there so little room in the prisons? Criminals are running around the city freely! #weneedprisons 为什么监狱里没有空床?城里到处都是随心所欲的罪犯好伐!#加建监狱#
CHIRP_NO_PRISONS:1 We want a new prison! #prison 我们要求新建监狱!#监狱#
CHIRP_NO_PRISONS:2 I just saw a criminal be let go as there's no room in the prisons! What is the world coming to? #prison 我刚刚亲眼见到,因为监狱没空床,就把犯人放了!这世上公道何在啊?#监狱#
CHIRP_RANDOM:52 I just moved in! Anyone want to be #friends with me? #lonely 我刚刚搬来,有人想交#朋友#吗? #好寂寞 好空虚#
CHIRP_RANDOM:53 What a lovely day for a walk! #walkingishealthy 今天天气真好,非常适合散步的说! #散步有益健康#
CHIRP_RANDOM:54 I think I saw a seagull. Or was it a sparrow? I'm not too good with birds. #biology 我刚才貌似看到海鸥了。不过也有可能是麻雀吧?鸟类的事儿我还真不太懂呢。#生物#
CHIRP_RANDOM:55 I'm quite liking this city! #nice 我挺喜欢这城市的 #真安逸#
CHIRP_RANDOM:56 Latest news: A new type of deodorant has been invented! It does exactly the same thing as the old ones. #inventions 最新消息:科学家们发明了新型的除臭剂!和以前的版本完完全全是同一个效果。#发明创造#
CHIRP_RANDOM:57 Latest news: Lady Tessier-Ashpool starts construction of a space station #space #finalfrontier 最新消息:泰希艾斯普女士开始建造空间站了 #宇宙# #最后的前线#
CHIRP_RANDOM:58 Latest news: Scientists working day and night on GECK - ”We are close to a breakthrough here” one comments #cantwait 最新消息:科学家夜以继日,研究伊甸园创作系统—— 一位科学家称“我们马上就要实现重大突破了”。 #完全等不及
CHIRP_RANDOM:59 Latest news: Rocket packs tested in controlled environment - ”We hit a wall a few times, otherwise it was great!” sums the report #banwalls 最新消息:火箭背包已在受控环境下进行测试——报告总结称“我们确实撞了几次墙,但就其他而言一切顺利!”。 #把墙推掉
CHIRP_RANDOM:60 Latest news: Illuminati society now taking applications for new members #illuminati 最新消息:光明会正在接受新会员的入会申请 #光明会#
CHIRP_RANDOM:61 Latest news: Mysterious cult leader predicts the end of the world – again #andagain 最新消息:神秘人士预言世界末日——这是第几次了来着? #一次一次没个完
CHIRP_RANDOM:62 Latest news: Toads with hypnotic abilities the most popular pet of the year #myfavouritetoad 最新消息:有催眠能力的蛤蟆是今年最流行的宠物 #我最喜欢了#
CHIRP_RANDOM:63 Latest news: Surgery performed by robots – doctors on permanent coffee break #howisthepay 最新消息:由机器人实施的手术——医生或放终生长假 #报酬如何
CHIRP_RANDOM:64 Latest news: High energy plankton wafer hits the food market - boy, it's yummy! #ibetitis 最新消息:高能量绿藻生物所制成的华夫饼今日开售——好吃得停不下来!#绝对好吃#
CHIRP_RANDOM:0 A renegade group of archaeologists discovered that pyramids are indeed landing platforms for space ships. #ancientaliens #whatif 一群穿着美特斯邦威,不走寻常路的考古学家刚刚发现,金字塔其实就是宇宙飞船的降落平台。 #古代外星人 #是真的要咋整
CHIRP_RANDOM:1 Flying car a hoax – thousands still waiting for a #hoverboard. #backtothefuture 会飞的车是一场恶作剧——成千上万的人还在等着 #悬浮板 呢。#回到未来
CHIRP_RANDOM:2 Sunspot activity high – scientists are glued to their telescopes. #cosmos #ourstar 太阳黑子活动剧烈——科学家们正紧盯着天文望远镜。#宇宙 #我们的星星
CHIRP_RANDOM:3 Nanobot research funded by many governments. The possibilities are endless. #nanomachines 纳米机器人的研究,被很多行政机构给予资金上的支持。该项研究潜力无穷。#纳米机器
CHIRP_RANDOM:4 Optic camouflage available for consumers. #cloakofinvisibility 光学迷彩已能买到。#隐身斗篷
CHIRP_RANDOM:5 Global warming speeding up. Some groups still in denial. #climatechange 全球变暖日益加快。许多组织仍在否认其存在。#气候变化
CHIRP_RANDOM:6 Threat of tsunamis cause shutdown of nuclear plants worldwide. Highly polluting coal power deemed a better solution. #backpedaling 海啸的威胁,使得全球范围内的核电站不得不关闭。高污染的火力发电被认为是更好的解决方法。#退堂鼓
CHIRP_RANDOM:7 Reports of trouble at the @black_mesa research facility. #smelltheashes #freemen 有报告称 @黑山 研究设施出现意外。#闻见灰尘了吗 #自由之人
CHIRP_RANDOM:8 Fully manned scientific station built at the bottom of the sea. Famous film director among the funders. #deepseamission #sleepingwithfishes 海底已建成载人科学研究站。著名电影导演为赞助者之一。#深海任务 #与鱼共眠
CHIRP_RANDOM:9 Surgery performed by robots – doctors on permanent coffee break. #automatons #medicare 由机器人完成的手术——医生们可以回家洗洗睡了。#自动化 #医疗服务
CHIRP_RANDOM:10 Pet robots a huge hit among children. #catsanddogs 宠物机器人在儿童之中广受欢迎。#阿猫阿狗
CHIRP_RANDOM:11 Mysterious cult leader predicts the end of the world – again. #endisnigh 神秘的邪教首领预言了世界末日——又来了。#末日将至
CHIRP_RANDOM:12 Tons of seaweed produced for human consumption every year. Goes surprisingly well with brownies. #weedofthesea 人们每年消费数以吨计的海藻。配着布朗尼吃简直棒极了。#海中海草
CHIRP_RANDOM:13 Genetically manipulated corn grows three times faster than regular corn. Organic food lobbyists hungry for negative impacts. #GMFoods 转基因玉米生长速度是普通玉米的三倍。有机食物游说者期盼发现其负面效果。#转基因食品
CHIRP_RANDOM:14 Odd #mutations detected on ten percent of people. Public consensus still on the fence about #invisible people and laser eyes. #giftedpeople 在十分之一人群中检测到不寻常的 #变异 。吃瓜群众对 #隐形人 和激光眼尚持观望态度。#奇异天赋
CHIRP_RANDOM:15 Tomb of a long lost pharaoh found in the Valley of the Kings. #lost&found 已失落很久的法老陵墓在国王峡谷中被发现。#失物招领
CHIRP_RANDOM:16 #FreedomStar space station reaches #Earth orbit. Luxury resort hotel plans under way. #Astronomy #Hotels #自由之星 空间站抵达 #地球轨道。豪华度假村的建设正在计划中。#航天 #酒店
CHIRP_RANDOM:17 New measures taken to save the rain forests. Plant a tree campaigns underway on popular websites. #plantatree 已采取新措施来拯救雨林。植树运动正在主流网上兴起。#种树
CHIRP_RANDOM:18 World's largest solar power plant opened. Operators hoping for sunny weather. #powerofthesun 世界规模最大的太阳能发电站已开始运行。操作人员渴望天气晴朗。#太阳能
CHIRP_RANDOM:19 @DataDyne offers neural transplants at low cost. #affordabletech #futureisnow @鼎数据公司以低价提供干细胞移植。#可负担的科技 #未来即现在
CHIRP_RANDOM:20 Union Aerospace Corporation announces their plans for Mars. #UAC #marsmission 联合航天公司宣布其火星计划。#联航 #火星任务
CHIRP_RANDOM:21 Solar probe sent to orbit Sun. Follow its journey on Chirper at @solar_probe. #astro #science 太阳探测器已被送入近日轨道。在小啾啾上关注 @太阳_探测器! #航天 #科学
CHIRP_RANDOM:22 Wireless networks now available for free everywhere in the world. #freeinternet #netneutrality 免费无线网络已遍及世界各个角落。#免费网络 #网络中立
CHIRP_RANDOM:23 Ash from a volcanic eruption causes delays in international air traffic. Volcano ash filters planned for installation during the next decade. #nomoreash 火山喷发所产生的灰尘导致国际航班延误。行政机构计划在接下来的十年内安装火山灰过滤器。#拒绝灰尘
CHIRP_RANDOM:24 A miniature black hole created in the LHC. @scientists threw a coin in it, reporting that the science checks out. #eureka 已在大型强子对撞击内创造出微型黑洞。@科学家 往里扔了一枚硬币,并说理论计算无误。#有了
CHIRP_RANDOM:25 #quadcopters becoming increasingly efficient for delivery services, dropping packages directly at your door. #tech #onlinestores #四轴飞行器 使配送服务更有效率,包裹可以直接被放置在您的门前。#科技 #网店
CHIRP_RANDOM:26 Digital watches making a comeback this season. Yesterday's future is today's ”vintage”, say fashion designers. #design #fashion 电子表又在这一季爆火了。时尚设计师称,曾经的“未来”已经成为今天的“怀旧”。#设计 #时尚
CHIRP_RANDOM:27 Criminals reported avoiding retina scans with contact lenses. Experimental #pre-crime division to combat crime. #precogs #futureecho 报告称,有罪犯佩戴隐形眼镜来规避视网膜扫描。实验性 #预防犯罪 部门介入以打击犯罪。#预防先行 #未来之声
CHIRP_RANDOM:28 Teflon-coated underwear sell like hot cakes. Straps required to keep said underwear in place. #nonstickpants 涂有特氟龙的内衣卖得好上天了。想穿上还得用皮带绑好。#不粘裤
CHIRP_RANDOM:29 Human #replicants excellent for physical labor. Tyrell Corporation to ship them to the Moon. #voight-kampff #复制人 已成为体力劳动的绝佳替代!提瑞尔公司可将他们运送到月球。#人性测验
CHIRP_RANDOM:30 Scientists research possibilities of using cooking oil as fuel. Food enthusiasts afraid the development might endanger delicious meals. #foodorfuel 科学家正在研究将食用油用作燃料的可能性。吃货们担心这样的发展会危及美食。#到底是食物还是燃料
CHIRP_RANDOM:31 Knights Templar come out of hiding, see the state of the world and return back to hiding. #islepttoolong 圣殿骑士不再隐藏,看了看世间的情况,转身又回去藏着。#睡太久
CHIRP_RANDOM:32 Possible structures observed on the surface of Mars. International joint-operation to explore the anomaly underway. #lifeonmars 已在火星表面观测到可疑结构。国际联合行动准备探个究竟。#火星生命
CHIRP_RANDOM:33 The weather forecast for this week is sunny with a chance of mild wind coming from the north. #alwayssunny 本周天气预报,晴朗,偶尔有温和的北风。#总是天晴
CHIRP_RANDOM:34 @deltamavericks have won the National Baseball League championship! Fans have gone out to the streets to celebrate their well-earned victory. #gomavericks @戴尔特麦佛瑞克斯已夺得国家棒球联盟杯冠军!粉丝涌上街头庆祝理所应当的胜利。#麦佛瑞克斯加油
CHIRP_RANDOM:35 @illuminati now taking applications for new members. Address for applications is a secret. #aliens #conspiracy @光明会 正在接受新成员入会申请。具体地址仍在保密。#外星人 #阴谋论
CHIRP_RANDOM:36 The newest reality show airs tonight! #isthisreal 最新真人秀今晚上演!#是真的吗
CHIRP_RANDOM:37 #Android and #gynoid robot models released for consumer use – now you can buy a friend or a partner! #artificiallove #男机器人 和 #女机器人 产品已投入消费市场——现在您可以用钱买到朋友或是伴侣啦!#人工之爱
CHIRP_RANDOM:38 High energy plankton wafer hits the food market. Boy, it's yummy! #superfood 高热量浮游生物威化饼已上市!嗷,好吃死了!#超级食物
CHIRP_RANDOM:39 Health care goes #universal around the world. More health care with smaller cost. #universalcare 医疗保健在 #全世界 流行起来。花费更少,关心更多。#全面医疗
CHIRP_RANDOM:40 Mail-order babies available! Select the best genes yourself. Free shipping. #babiesovernight 现在可以邮购宝宝了!可自己选择最佳基因!包邮!#一夜成婴
CHIRP_RANDOM:41 See-through plastic jackets are in fashion. No one knows why. #fashion 透明塑料夹克正当季。原因无人知晓。#时尚
CHIRP_RANDOM:42 Toads with hypnotic abilities the most popular pet of th- ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD. #hypnotoad 具有催眠能力的蟾蜍,成了最受欢迎的宠物——催眠蛙万岁。#催眠蛙
CHIRP_RANDOM:43 Levitating cats the new trending topic on the internet. #cats 漂浮猫成为网络上的新谈资。#猫咪
CHIRP_RANDOM:44 The new cleaning robot from @OCP is great. It does the dishes and laundry and vacuums. #robohelp @OCP 新型清洁机器人真是非常好使。可清洗盘子、衣服和吸尘器。 #助人的机器
CHIRP_RANDOM:45 @british_lord I'm really excited about the journey. Privately funded spacecraft leaves Earth for Moon. #inspace @不列颠_领主 我真的很期待旅行。自费投资了登月航天器。#进入太空
CHIRP_RANDOM:46 @scientists Solar eclipse this summer in the North Pole. #naturalwonder @科学家 今年夏季在北极出现了日食。#自然奇迹
CHIRP_RANDOM:47 @catwalk: Silver was the new black, now orange is the new black. #orangeisblack @猫步:银色曾是新黑色,现在橙色也是了。#橙色就是新黑色
CHIRP_RANDOM:48 @loshermanosumbrellas It melts in the rain! Fully bio-degradable umbrella in stores! #hacks @罗什玛诺斯雨伞会在雨中融化!可生物降解雨伞,现有贩售!#没有新意
CHIRP_RANDOM:49 @starry_eyes implants offer a wide range of colors and patterns – would you like snake eyes or purple glitter? #beauty @starry_eyes 可为客户提供多种颜色与图案的植入体——您是想要蛇眼的样子,还是紫色的闪光粉? #美容
CHIRP_RANDOM:50 @veridian_dynamics Hit a wall few times, otherwise it looks and feels great! Rocket packs tested in controlled environment. #rocketeer @威利迪安动力研究所 只不过是撞了几次墙而已,其他看起来一切顺利!喷气背包在可控环境下进行了实验。 #喷气背包即将问世
CHIRP_RANDOM:51 @project_lazarus What happened to you guys? International conglomerate stops funding project Lazarus. #livingdead @lazarus_计划 你们出什么事儿了?跨国企业集团已停止资助 lazarus 计划。#行尸走肉
WORKSHOP_AD_DISABLED:0 This panel is inactive as the game was started using the ”-noWorkshop” toggle. 如果当前游戏开始时使用了“关闭模组商店”选项,此面板不可用。
OPTIONS_DOF_TYPE:0 Depth Of Field Type 景深种类
OPTIONS_DOF_AMOUNT:0 Depth Of Field Amount 景深数值
OPTIONS_MOUSELIGHTINTENSITY:0 Mouse light intensity during night 在夜间显示鼠标光源
OPTIONS_ENABLE_DAY_NIGHT:0 Use day/night cycle 使用昼夜循环
TIMECONTROL:0 Day/Night Control 昼夜控制
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsCommonLights]:0 Lights 灯光
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsMarkers]:0 Markers 标记
PROPS_CATEGORY[EnvironmentGeneral]:0 General 普通
PROPS_CATEGORY[EnvironmentRocks]:0 Rocks 岩石
PROPS_CATEGORY[EnvironmentAncient]:0 Ancient 古代
PROPS_CATEGORY[EnvironmentMedieval]:0 Medieval 中世纪
PROPS_CATEGORY[EnvironmentModern]:0 Modern 现代
PROPS_CATEGORY[EnvironmentVehicles]:0 Vehicles 车辆
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsBillboardsLogo]:0 Logos 商标
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsBillboardsRandomLogo]:0 Random Logos 随机的商标
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsBillboardsSmallBillboard]:0 Small Billboards 小型广告牌
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsBillboardsMediumBillboard]:0 Medium Billboards 中型广告牌
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsBillboardsLargeBillboard]:0 Large Billboards 大型广告牌
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsSpecialBillboardsRandomLargeBillboard]:0 Random Large Billboards 随机大型广告牌
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsSpecialBillboardsRandomSmallBillboard]:0 Random Small Billboards 随机小型广告牌
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsSpecialBillboardsRandomMediumBillboard]:0 Random Medium Billboards 随机中型广告牌
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsSpecialBillboards3DBillboard]:0 3D Billboards 三维广告牌
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsSpecialBillboardsAnimatedBillboard]:0 Animated Billboards 动画广告牌
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsIndustrialContainers]:0 Containers 集装箱
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsIndustrialConstructionMaterials]:0 Construction Materials 建筑材料
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsIndustrialStructures]:0 Structures 建筑
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsParksPlaygrounds]:0 Playgrounds 运动场
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsParksFlowersAndPlants]:0 Flowers and Plants 花和植物
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsParksParkEquipment]:0 Park Equipment 公园设备
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsParksFountains]:0 Fountains 喷泉
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsCommonGarbage]:0 Garbage 垃圾
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsCommonCommunications]:0 Communications 交通设施
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsCommonStreets]:0 Streets 街道
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsResidentialHomeYard]:0 Home Yard 家庭庭院
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsResidentialGroundTiles]:0 Ground Tiles 地板瓷砖
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsCommonAccessories]:0 Accessories 配件
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsResidentialRooftopAccess]:0 Rooftop Accesses 屋顶通道
PROPS_CATEGORY[PropsResidentialRandomRooftopAccess]:0 Random Rooftop Accesses 随机屋顶通道
LINE_SCHEDULE:0 Line activity 路线启用状态
LINE_SCHEDULE_DAY:0 Line only active during day time 路线只在白天启用
LINE_SCHEDULE_NIGHT:0 Line only active during night time 路线只在夜晚启用
LINE_SCHEDULE_BOTH:0 Line active both at day and night time 路线在白天和夜晚启用
INFO_CRIME_JAIL_AVAILABILITY:0 Jails availability 可用监狱
INFO_CRIME_PRISONERS:0 Detained criminals: {0:N0} 已拘留罪犯: {0:N0}
INFO_CRIME_JAILCAPACITY:0 Jails capacity: {0:N0} 监狱容量:{0:N0}
WORKSHOP_ADDSTYLE:0 Add style 添加风格
WORKSHOP_ADDSTYLE_TOOLTIP:0 Create a new district style 建造一个新的风格区域
CONTENTMANAGER_STYLEASSETREMOVE_TOOLTIP:0 Remove the asset from this style 在这个风格里清除你的资产
WORKSHOP_STYLES:0 Get more styles on 获得更多风格在
CONTENTMANAGER_ADDTOSTYLE:0 Add to style... 新增到风格…
CONTENTMANAGER_ADDEDTOSTYLE:0 Asset was added to style 资产被新增到风格
DISTRICT_CATEGORY[DistrictSpecializationPaint]:0 Districts Painting tools 区域划分工具
DISTRICT_CATEGORY[DistrictSpecializationIndustrial]:0 Industrial Specializations 工业专精
DISTRICT_CATEGORY[DistrictSpecializationCommercial]:0 Commercial Specializations 商业专精
DISTRICT_CATEGORY[DistrictSpecializationResidential]:0 Residential Specializations 住宅区划分
DISTRICT_CATEGORY[DistrictSpecializationOffice]:0 Office Specializations 办公区划分
UNLOCK_SPECIALIZATION_COMMERCIAL:0 New Commercial Specializations 新商业专精
DISTRICT_SPECIALIZATION_COMMERCIAL:0 Commercial Specialization: {0} 商业专精: {0}
DISTRICT_SPECIALIZATION_INDUSTRIAL:0 Industrial Specialization: {0} 工业专精: {0}
CONTENTMANAGER_STYLEINCOMPLETE:0 Warning! The style may function poorly, because it has little variety in the following types: 警告!此风格可能运作不佳,因为在下列种类中缺少样式:
CONTENTMANAGER_ASSET_STYLECOUNT:0 Included in {0} style(s) 包含在 {0} 风格中
ECONOMY_LEISURE:0 Leisure 休闲娱乐
CONTENTMANAGER_STYLELEGACY:0 No details are available, because the style contains legacy assets 无细节可用,因为此风格包含旧有资产
FEATURES[MonumentExpansion1]:0 Leisure & Tourism Unique Buildings 观光休闲独特建筑
FEATURES[AirportAreas]:0 Airport Areas 机场区
FEATURES[Ferry]:0 Ferry 渡船
FEATURES[Blimp]:0 Blimp 飞艇
FEATURES[ParkAreas]:0 Park Areas 公园区域
FEATURES[WalkingTour]:0 Walking Tours 徒步观光游览
FEATURES[SightseeingBus]:0 Sightseeing Bus Tours 观光巴士游览
FEATURES[IndustryAreas]:0 Industry Areas 工业区
FEATURES[CampusAreas]:0 Campus Areas 校园区域
FEATURES[IntercityBus]:0 Intercity Bus 城际公交车
FEATURES[Helicopter]:0 Helicopter 直升机
FEATURES[Trolleybus]:0 Trolleybus 无轨电车
FEATURES[Fishing]:0 Fishing Industry 捕鱼业
FEATURES[MonumentConcerts]:0 Concerts 音乐会
FEATURES[MonumentFootball]:0 Football 足球
FEATURES[Landscaping]:0 Landscaping 地形调整
FEATURES[Loans]:0 Loans 贷款
FEATURES[SecondLoan]:0 Second Loan 第二笔贷款
FEATURES[ThirdLoan]:0 Third Loan 第三笔贷款
FEATURES[Policies]:0 Policies 政策
FEATURES[Districts]:0 Districts 区划
FEATURES[Taxes]:0 Taxes 税率
FEATURES[Wonders]:0 Monuments 伟大工程
FEATURES[MonumentLevel2]:0 Level 2 Unique Buildings 等级 2 的独特建筑
FEATURES[MonumentLevel3]:0 Level 3 Unique Buildings 等级 3 的独特建筑
FEATURES[MonumentLevel4]:0 Level 4 Unique Buildings 等级 4 的独特建筑
FEATURES[MonumentLevel5]:0 Level 5 Unique Buildings 等级 5 的独特建筑
FEATURES[MonumentLevel6]:0 Level 6 Unique Buildings 等级 6 的独特建筑
FEATURES_DESC[MonumentExpansion1]:0 Unique buildings are attractions that draw in tourists. Each Unique Building is unlocked separately and has its own requirements. 独特建筑可以吸引游客。每个独特建筑都有其独有的解锁条件,满足条件便可解锁相应的独特建筑。
FEATURES_DESC[AirportAreas]:0 Airport Areas can be used to build specialized airport areas, allowing for individualized solutions for connection air traffic to the city and its other public transportation networks. 机场区可用来建造专用机场区,以便提供个性化的解决方案,将空中交通与城市及其公共交通网络相连接。
FEATURES_DESC[Ferry]:0 Ferries travel on water and can use canals to reach locations. 渡船在水上行驶,可以使用运河到达地点。
FEATURES_DESC[Blimp]:0 Blimps soar high above the city, taking passengers from one stop to another. 飞艇在城市的高空高飞,将乘客从一站运送到另一站。
FEATURES_DESC[ParkAreas]:0 Park Areas can be used to build specialized parks of varying sizes. 公园区域可以用于建造不同大小的专营公园。
FEATURES_DESC[WalkingTour]:0 Walking Tours allows you to make tour lines for pedestrians and guide visitors to specific locations better. 使用徒步观光游览即可创建供行人游览的观光路线,并将游客引导到指定位置。
FEATURES_DESC[SightseeingBus]:0 The tourists can travel around the city fast and easy and experience its various attractions by taking a sightseeing bus tour. 借助观光巴士游览,游客可以轻松快速地在整座城市中游历,并前往各处名胜。
FEATURES_DESC[IndustryAreas]:0 Industry Areas can be used to build specialized areas of varying sizes and shapes. 可以通过工业区来建设出各种规模和形状的专属区域。
FEATURES_DESC[CampusAreas]:0 Campus Area tool can be used to create campus areas of various shapes and sizes. For young adults the Campus Areas provide university level education. 校园区域工具可以创建各种形状与大小的校园区域。校园区域为年轻人提供大学级教育。
FEATURES_DESC[IntercityBus]:0 The Intercity Bus is a public transportation service, which uses coaches for tourists and citizens to travel to and from the city. 城际公交车是一种公共交通服务,使用长途汽车运载进出城市的游客和市民。
FEATURES_DESC[Helicopter]:0 Passenger Helicopters avoid traffic altogether and zip through the sky, connecting people in a whole new way. 直升机完全避开了交通并快速飞过天空,以一种全新的方式将市民们连接在了一起。
FEATURES_DESC[Trolleybus]:0 Trolleybuses allow you to construct the Trolleybus Depot, new roads and to create circular trolleybus public transport lines in your city. 有了无轨电车之后,你就可以在你的城市中构建无轨电车总站、新公路以及无轨电车的环形公共运输线路。
FEATURES_DESC[Fishing]:0 Fishing Industry unlocks Fishing Boat Harbors, Fish Market, creating your own Fishing Routes and much more! 捕鱼业可以解锁渔船港口和鱼市场,还可以让你创建属于你自己的捕鱼路线,还有更多功能!
FEATURES_DESC[MonumentConcerts]:0 Attract tourists and infuse your city with musical vibes by building a Festival Area. Organizing successful music events and festivals allows the Festival Area to be upgraded to have even larger memorable events. 通过建造【节日区】吸引游客,使城市沉浸在音乐氛围中。成功地组织音乐活动和音乐节能让【节日区】升级成更大型的纪念活动。
FEATURES_DESC[MonumentFootball]:0 Build a Football Stadium to allow your city to have its very own football team! The team plays matches on the stadium and if they are victorious, the city (meaning you) gets a considerable prize sum. 建立足球场并拥有自己的球队!球队会在球场进行比赛,如果胜利,城市(也就是您)将获得可观的奖金。
FEATURES_DESC[Landscaping]:0 You can modify the terrain with the landscaping tools! 使用地形调整工具来修整地形!
FEATURES_DESC[Loans]:0 You can take a small loan, with low interest. 你可以使用小额贷款,低利率。
FEATURES_DESC[SecondLoan]:0 You can take a medium loan, with moderate interest. 你可以使用中等贷款,中利率。
FEATURES_DESC[ThirdLoan]:0 You can take a large loan, with high interest. 你可以使用大型贷款,高利率。
FEATURES_DESC[Policies]:0 Use policies to assign city or district wide regulations and specializations. 用政策来指定适用于整座城市或区划的规范及特色产业。
FEATURES_DESC[Districts]:0 Districts can be used to divide your city into specialized areas with Policies. 区域分类可分配该区的特色产业以及政策。
FEATURES_DESC[Taxes]:0 You can now adjust the taxation of different zones in the Money Panel. 你现在可以在财务界面对不同区域的税收进行调整。
FEATURES_DESC[Wonders]:0 Monuments are the accomplishments that will make your city stand apart from other cities. 伟大工程是你成就的象征,将使你的城市在众多城市中脱颖而出。
FEATURES_DESC[MonumentLevel2]:0 Unique buildings are attractions that draw in tourists. Each Unique Building is unlocked separately and has its own requirements. 独特建筑可以吸引游客。每个独特建筑都有其独有的解锁条件,满足条件便可解锁相应的独特建筑。
FEATURES_DESC[MonumentLevel3]:0 Unique buildings are attractions that draw in tourists. Each Unique Building is unlocked separately and has its own requirements. 独特建筑可以吸引游客。每个独特建筑都有其独有的解锁条件,满足条件便可解锁相应的独特建筑。
FEATURES_DESC[MonumentLevel4]:0 Unique buildings are attractions that draw in tourists. Each Unique Building is unlocked separately and has its own requirements. 独特建筑可以吸引游客。每个独特建筑都有其独有的解锁条件,满足条件便可解锁相应的独特建筑。
FEATURES_DESC[MonumentLevel5]:0 Unique buildings are attractions that draw in tourists. Each Unique Building is unlocked separately and has its own requirements. 独特建筑可以吸引游客。每个独特建筑都有其独有的解锁条件,满足条件便可解锁相应的独特建筑。
FEATURES_DESC[MonumentLevel6]:0 Unique buildings are attractions that draw in tourists. Each Unique Building is unlocked separately and has its own requirements. 独特建筑可以吸引游客。每个独特建筑都有其独有的解锁条件,满足条件便可解锁相应的独特建筑。
DISCLAIMER_MESSAGE[agreedModsDisclaimer]:0 Mods and other user generated content ("UGC") are fan created content that modify your game experience. Neither Paradox Interactive nor Colossal Order screen or support uploaded UGC and download of such is at your own risk. Use the same precautions that you normally use when downloading software and beware that some UGC may not be safe. Please read the EULA for more information. Use of UGC through Steam Workshop is subject to the Steam Subscriber Agreement [1] 模组和玩家自制内容 (UGC) 是由爱好者所制作,并可能改变您的游戏体验。派拉多克斯社及科洛萨奥奥德公司皆未对这些上传的UGC(玩家自制内容)进行任何审核或协助,您必须自行承担下载该内容的风险。请采取如同一般下载软件时的预防措施,并注意某些玩家自制内容可能并不安全。请阅读EULA以获得更多信息。透过Steam模组商店 使用玩家自制内容的行为由Steam订阅协议[2]所规范。
DISCLAIMER_MESSAGE[agreedStylesDisclaimer]:0 Please note that having many District styles in use may affect performance and make loading times longer. If you experience problems, try turning off District styles. 请注意,使用太多区域风格可能会影响效能,并使读取时间变得更久。如果遇到问题,请试着关闭区域风格。
TOOL_ERROR[ConcourseRequired]:0 Must be placed on a concourse! 必须放置到候机大厅。
TOOL_ERROR[TaxiwayCannotConnect]:0 Can’t connect to runway here! 无法在此处连接跑道!
TOOL_ERROR[AirportAreaRequired]:0 Airport area required! 所需机场区
TOOL_ERROR[CantLandscapeInAirportArea]:0 Can’t modify airport area terrain! 不能修改机场区地形
TOOL_ERROR[CannotCrossTrack]:0 These roads or tracks cannot cross each other! 这条道路或轨道不能相互交叉!
TOOL_ERROR[PathNotFound]:0 Cannot find path! 无法找到道路!
TOOL_ERROR[ShoreNotFound]:0 Shoreline required! 必须临海修建!
TOOL_ERROR[Collapsed]:0 Building has collapsed! 建筑已倒塌!
TOOL_ERROR[ObjectOnFire]:0 Target is on fire! 目标着火!
TOOL_ERROR[Cooldown]:0 Cooldown {0}% 冷却 {0}%
TOOL_ERROR[ParkAreaRequired]:0 Not in park area! 不在公园区域内!
TOOL_ERROR[LineTooLong]:0 Line is too long! 线路过长!
TOOL_ERROR[ParkOrRoadRequired]:0 Building must be placed inside a park area or roadside! 建筑必须放置于公园区域内或路边!
TOOL_ERROR[MainGateRequired]:0 Area must have a main gate! 区域必须拥有正门!
TOOL_ERROR[MainGateExists]:0 Area already has a main gate! 区域已经拥有正门!
TOOL_ERROR[IndustryAreaRequired]:0 Not in industry area! 此范围不属于工业区!
TOOL_ERROR[MainBuildingExists]:0 Area already has a main building! 范围内已拥有主楼建筑!
TOOL_ERROR[MainBuildingRequired]:0 Area has no main building! 范围内没有主楼建筑!
TOOL_ERROR[WrongAreaType]:0 Wrong area type! 地区类型不符!
TOOL_ERROR[WrongCampusAreaType]:0 Wrong area type! 区域类型错误!
TOOL_ERROR[AdministrationBuildingExists]:0 Area already has an administration building! 区域已有一栋行政大楼!
TOOL_ERROR[AdministrationBuildingRequired]:0 Area has no administration building! 区域没有行政大楼!
TOOL_ERROR[CampusOrRoadRequired]:0 Building must be placed inside a campus area or roadside! 建筑必须放置于校园区域内或路边!
TOOL_ERROR[CampusAreaRequired]:0 Not in campus area! 不在校园区域!
TOOL_ERROR[NotEnoughDirt]:0 Not enough soil! 土壤不足!
TOOL_ERROR[TooMuchDirt]:0 Too much soil! 土壤过多!
TOOL_ERROR[CanalTooClose]:0 Too close to another canal! 距离另一人工河过近!
TOOL_ERROR[ObjectCollision]:0 Space already occupied! 空间已被占用!
TOOL_ERROR[OutOfArea]:0 Out of city limits! 已超出城市边界!
TOOL_ERROR[NotEnoughMoney]:0 Not enough money! 金钱不足!
TOOL_ERROR[InvalidShape]:0 Invalid shape! 无效的形状!
TOOL_ERROR[TooShort]:0 Distance too short! 过近的距离!
TOOL_ERROR[SlopeTooSteep]:0 Slope too steep! 过陡的斜坡!
TOOL_ERROR[WaterNotFound]:0 Water required! 需要水源!
TOOL_ERROR[HeightTooHigh]:0 Height too high! 过高的高度!
TOOL_ERROR[CannotConnect]:0 Cannot connect to route! 无法与路线连接!
TOOL_ERROR[CannotBuildOnWater]:0 Cannot build on water! 不可于水上建造!
TOOL_ERROR[GridNotFound]:0 Building must be placed roadside! 建筑物必须被放置于路边!
TOOL_ERROR[CannotUpgrade]:0 Cannot upgrade to this type! 无法升级到此类型!
TOOL_ERROR[AlreadyExists]:0 Building already exists! 建筑物已存在!
TOOL_ERROR[TooManyConnections]:0 Cannot create more outside connections! 无法创建更多对外连接!
TOOL_ERROR[BuildingInFire]:0 Building is on fire! 建筑着火了!
TOOL_ERROR[NotEmpty]:0 Building is not empty! 建筑物未清空!
TOOL_ERROR[BurnedDown]:0 Building has burned down! 建筑物已烧毁!
TOOL_ERROR[OutOfEditingArea]:0 Out of editing area! 不在编辑区域内!
TOOL_ERROR[TooManyObjects]:0 Cannot create any more objects of this type! 无法创建更多此类物品!
UIFILTER[AircraftStands]:0 Landing Area & Aircraft Stands 停机位
UIFILTER[RunwayTaxiway]:0 Runway & Taxiway 跑道和滑行道
UIFILTER[DecorationBuildings]:0 Decoration Buildings 装饰性建筑
UIFILTER[PublicTransport]:0 Public Transport 公共交通
UIFILTER[AirCargo]:0 Air Cargo 空运货物
UIFILTER[AirportPrefabs]:0 Airport Area Buildings 机场区建筑
UIFILTER[AirportStyleA]:0 Airport Buildings – Classic Style 经典风格
UIFILTER[AirportStyleB]:0 Airport Buildings – Modern Style 现代风格
UIFILTER[AirportStyleC]:0 Airport Buildings – Ultra Modern Style 超现代风格
UIFILTER[AirportAuxBuildings]:0 Auxiliary Buildings 附属建筑
UIFILTER[AirportVehicleStops]:0 Vehicle Stops 车辆停放处
UIFILTER[Other]:0 Miscellaneous 其他
UIFILTER[SmallBuildings]:0 Small Buildings 小型建筑
UIFILTER[BigBuildings]:0 Large Buildings 大型建筑
UIFILTER[PezBuildings]:0 Park Buildings 公园建筑状况
UIFILTER[NetPrefabs]:0 Net Structures 网格结构
UIFILTER[Props]:0 Props 道具
UIFILTER[TreesSmall]:0 Small Trees 小型树木
UIFILTER[TreesMedium]:0 Medium Trees 中型树木
UIFILTER[TreesLarge]:0 Large Trees 大型树木
UIFILTER[BuiltinItems]:0 Built-in Assets 游戏自带资产
UIFILTER[WorkshopItems]:0 User-made Assets 用户制作资产
UIFILTER[IndustryMainAndAuxiliary]:0 Main & Auxiliary Buildings 主建筑和附属建筑
UIFILTER[ExtractorBuildings]:0 Extractor Buildings 开采设施
UIFILTER[ProcessingBuildings]:0 Processing Buildings 加工设施
UIFILTER[StorageBuildings]:0 Storage Buildings 仓库设施
UIFILTER[EducationBuildings]:0 Education Buildings 教育建筑
UIFILTER[OtherUniBuildings]:0 Supplementary Buildings 附属建筑
UIFILTER[Faculties]:0 Faculties 学院
UIFILTER[FishingExtractorBuildings]:0 Harbors and Farms 港口和养鱼场
UIFILTER[CCP7Hubs]:0 Public Transport Hubs 公共交通中转站
UIFILTER[CCP7MetroStations]:0 Metro Stations 地铁线路
UIFILTER[CCP7TrainStations]:0 Train Stations 火车线路
MILESTONE_FEATURE_AIRPORT_DESC:0 Airport Areas can be used to build specialized airport areas of varying sizes and shapes. 机场区可用于建造专门的机场区域,内有不同大小和形状的建筑。
MILESTONE_SERVICE_AIRPORT_DESC:0 Create an airport area by placing terminals, runways and gates. Customize your modular airport to connect air traffic to other public transportation services and increase tourism to your city. 通过放置航站楼、跑道和登机口来创建一个机场区。定制你的模块化机场,将空中交通与其他公共交通服务相连接,促进你的城市旅游业的发展。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NotInAirportArea]:0 Airport area buildings do not operate outside of airport areas. 机场区的建筑物不能在机场区之外运营。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[PathNotConnectedAirport]:0 This building requires being built on a concourse. 此建筑需要建在候机大厅上。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NoTerminal]:0 This building needs to be built in an airport area that has a terminal. 必须在有航站楼的机场区建造此建筑。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[Snow]:0 Snow has piled up! 积雪堆积很严重了!
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[DepotNotConnected]:0 Needs to be connected to lines! Make sure vehicles from the depot can reach public transport lines. 需要连接到线路上!确保总站里的车辆都能够行驶到公共交通道路上。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[HeatingNotConnected]:0 Connect heating service building to the water network to allow heat to be delivered. 再不供暖就要变冰雕了!
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[Heating]:0 Not enough heat! The building is connected to heating, but still needs to use electricity for heat. If you wish for it to use heating, make sure you produce enough. Building can become abandoned if nothing is done. 暖气不足!这栋建筑已和供暖网络连接上,但仍需要电力来供暖。如果您希望其使用暖气,请确保您生产的暖气已经足量。如果不采取任何措施,这栋建筑有可能被遗弃。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[TrackNotConnected]:0 Track not connected! 还不连接轨道!
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[StructureDamaged]:0 Structure has collapsed! 结构已倒塌!
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[ReadyForRebuild]:0 The area has been searched and is ready for automatic rebuilding once demand for zone is up. 已对该区域搜查完毕,一旦该区域的需求上升便会准备自动重建。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NoFood]:0 Make sure there is enough industrial area to produce goods. 确保有足够的工业区生产物资。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[Evacuating]:0 The shelter is set to evacuate citizens on its cover range. 该避难所用于撤离其覆盖范围内的市民。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NoGoodsShelter]:0 The stockpiled food, clothing and sanitary supplies are all gone! Shelter needs more goods! 库存的食物、衣服和卫生品耗尽!避难所需要更多物资!
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NoWaterShelter]:0 The Shelter does not have enough water! Shelter may soon be abandoned if water is not provided! 避难所供水不足!如果无法提供用水,避难所很快就会废弃!
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NoElectricityShelter]:0 Shelter needs more electricity! It may soon be abandoned if it doesn’t get electricity! 避难所需要更多电力!如果无法提供电力,避难所很快就会废弃!
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NoPark]:0 This building needs to be inside a Park Area to function properly. 这座建筑必须放在公园区域内才可以运作。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[PathNotConnected]:0 No path or road access! Make sure pedestrians can reach the building entrance. Road access is needed in case the Park Area does not have a Main Gate. 没有小径或道路与之相连!请务必确保行人可以行走至建筑入口。需要具备道路接口,以防公园区域缺少正门的情况。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NoMainGate]:0 The Side Gate cannot operate properly without a Main Gate. 没有正门,侧门无法正常使用。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NoResourcesIN]:0 No raw materials available!

Raw materials are needed for production, so make sure trucks carrying them can reach the building. For processing buildings in industry areas, having a nearby storage building storing the raw material can help ensure that there is always some available.


要进行生产就必须有原材料,得先让卡车将原材料运载到建筑中。 对于工业区的专门负责加工处理的建筑来说,最好在附近建个存储原材料的库房,这样生产的时候就可以随用随拿了。

NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NotInIndustryArea]:0 Industry buildings do not operate outside industry area. 工业建筑是无法在工业区范围外运作的。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[WrongAreaType]:0 Industry buildings require an area with a main building of the same type. 工业建筑必须坐落于拥有相同类型主楼建筑的地区范围内方可运作。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NotInCampusArea]:0 Campus buildings do not operate outside campus areas. 校园建筑在校园区域外无法运作。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[PathNotConnectedCampus]:0 No path or road access! Make sure pedestrians can reach the building entrance. 没有道路或路径连接!请确保行人可以抵达建筑入口。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[WrongCampusAreaType]:0 Campus buildings require an area with an administration building of the same type. 校园建筑需要建有同类行政大楼的区域。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[TrolleybusDepotNotConnected]:0 Needs to be connected to lines! Make sure vehicles from the depot can reach public transport lines. 需要连接至线路!确保总站的车辆能够到达公共交通线路。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NoTrolleybusWires]:0 Trolleybus wires not connected! 无轨电车电线未连接!
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NoPlaceForFishingGoods]:0 Goods are piling up. Place more Fish Factories or Fish Markets that buy fish and

make sure trucks carrying fish can reach outside connection to export fish.

NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NoBusOutsideConnection]:0 Intercity bus network is missing highway outside connection.

Make sure the intercity buses can reach the highway outside connection.



NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[WasteTransferFacilityFull]:0 Waste Transfer Facility requires the Waste Processing Complex to transfer waste

from temporary storage to be processed into goods and energy.

NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NoFishingGoods]:0 Low amount of fish available.

Make sure you are catching enough fish and that trucks carrying fish from harbors or farms can reach the Fish Factory or Fish Market.



NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[FishingRouteWaterDirty]:0 Fishing rate is greatly reduced due to water pollution on the fishing route.

To increase the fishing rate, remove polluted water or redraw the fishing route on clear water.



NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[FishingRouteInefficient]:0 Fishing route efficiency is low.

Make sure that fishing boats correctly match the fish type, which is determined by the depth and flow of water. Also avoid polluted water and creating short fishing routes.



NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[FishingRouteIncomplete]:0 The fishing route has to be circular and needs to start and end at the same fishing harbor. 捕捞路线必须是环形,并且需要在同一个捕捞港口开始和结束。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[FishingWaterDirty]:0 Fish yield in the building is greatly reduced due to water pollution. Cultivation can stop if the water pollution is too high!

To increase the fish yield, remove polluted water or relocate the building to clear water.



NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[Garbage]:0 Garbage has piled up and this is lowering the land value of the property!

Make sure you have enough landfill sites or incineration plants to handle all garbage!



NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[Electricity]:0 Not enough electricity! The building is not functional until power is supplied.

Make sure your power plants produce enough power for the whole city!



NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[Water]:0 Not enough water and the building is not functional until water is supplied.

Make sure your water pumps and water towers can supply the whole city with water!



NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[Fire]:0 Where is the fire brigade? The building will burn to the ground if nothing is done.

Make sure the fire brigade can reach the building fast!



NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[DirtyWater]:0 Citizens are falling ill because their drinking water is dirty! Make sure the source of drinking water is clean! 饮用水已受污染,市民健康正受影响!请确保饮用水源干净卫生!
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[Pollution]:0 Citizens are falling ill because the ground is polluted! Remove polluting buildings nearby or offer more healthcare! 土地已受污染,市民健康正受影响!


NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[Noise]:0 Citizens are falling ill because noise pollution is high! Upgrade roads to less noisy ones and remove buildings that produce noise pollution, or offer more healthcare! 因噪声污染过高,使市民开始生病!请升级至更静音的道路,并移除产生噪音污染的建筑,或提供更多医疗服务机构!
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[Crime]:0 Criminal activity is high! Build more police stations!

Make sure police can reach the building.



NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[TurnedOff]:0 Building is closed and not working! 建筑已被关闭,并停止工作!
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[ToofewServices]:0 Too few services! The building can become abandoned if nothing is done.

Build more city services near this building!



NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[LandValueLow]:0 Low land value! You can raise the land value by building parks and removing polluting buildings nearby! 地价过低!您可建造公园并移除附近的污染建筑来提升地价!
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[ElectricityNotConnected]:0 Power is not connected! The building is not functional until electricity is supplied.

Build powerlines to allow electricity to reach this building!



NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NoFuel]:0 Building has run out of fuel! Make sure trucks carrying it can reach the building

via an outside connection if you don't produce fuel locally!

NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[RoadNotConnected]:0 No road access! Make sure cars and pedestrians can reach the entrance. 无可进入的道路!请确保车辆与行人能够到达入口处。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[WaterNotConnected]:0 Water pipe not connected! The building is not functional until water is supplied. 水管未连接!供水开始前该建筑将不能工作。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[Sewage]:0 Sewers are backing up! People will fall ill if nothing is done.

Make sure you have drain pipes to dispose of dirty water!



NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[Death]:0 A dead person is waiting for transport! Make sure you have enough hearses to transport the deceased to cemeteries and crematoriums. 遗体正等待被运输!请确保有足够的灵车来将遗体运至公墓及火葬场。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[LandfillFull]:0 No more room! 空间不足!
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[Emptying]:0 Building is set to empty its content and therefore not working! 因建筑已设定为清空,其将不再工作!
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[LineNotConnected]:0 Transport line not connected! 运输线路未连接!
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NoCustomers]:0 No customers! The building can become abandoned if nothing is done.

Zone more residential area to create customers!



NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NoResources]:0 No raw materials available! Building can become abandoned if nothing is done.

Make sure trucks carrying raw materials can reach the building!



NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NoGoods]:0 No goods to sell! The building can become abandoned if nothing is done.

Zone more industrial area to produce goods!



NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NoPlaceforGoods]:0 No buyers for products! The building can become abandoned if nothing is done.

Zone more commercial area to create demand for goods!



NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NoWorkers]:0 Not nearly enough workers! The building can become abandoned if nothing is done.

Zone more residential area to attract more workers!



NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[NoEducatedWorkers]:0 Worker education too low! The building can become abandoned if nothing is done.

Build schools to educate workers!



NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[TaxesTooHigh]:0 Taxes too high! 税率过高!
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[EmptyingFinished]:0 The site has been emptied and is ready for operation. 地区已清空,可以进行下一步操作。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[Sick]:0 Citizens are sick! Make sure there are adequate healthcare services available to the the citizens! 市民生病了!请确保市民能够获得充足的医疗救助!
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR[Flood]:0 Building is flooded and will be out of use soon if nothing is done to remedy the situation. 建筑已遭洪灾,若不采取措施,该建筑将很快被废弃。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NotInAirportArea]:0 Airport area buildings do not operate outside of airport areas. 机场区的建筑物不能在机场区之外运营。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[PathNotConnectedAirport]:0 This building requires being built on a concourse! 此建筑需要建在候机大厅上!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NoTerminal]:0 This building needs to be built in an airport area that has a terminal. 必须在有航站楼的机场区建造此建筑。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[Snow]:0 Snow has piled up! 积雪堆积很严重了!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[DepotNotConnected]:0 Needs to be connected to lines! Make sure vehicles from the depot can reach public transport lines. 需要连接到线路上!确保总站里的车辆都能够行驶到公共交通道路上。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[HeatingNotConnected]:0 Connect heating service building to the water network to allow heat to be delivered. 再不供暖就要变冰雕了!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[Heating]:0 Building is abandoned because it was not receiving enough heat. 由于暖气不足,建筑物已被遗弃。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[TrackNotConnected]:0 Track not connected! 还不连接轨道!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[StructureDamaged]:0 Structure has collapsed! 结构已倒塌!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[ReadyForRebuild]:0 The area has been searched and is ready for automatic rebuilding once demand for zone is up. 已对该区域搜查完毕,一旦该区域的需求上升便会准备自动重建。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NoFood]:0 Make sure there is enough industrial area to produce goods. 确保有足够的工业区生产物资。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[Evacuating]:0 The shelter is set to evacuate citizens on its cover range. 该避难所用于撤离其覆盖范围内的市民。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NoGoodsShelter]:0 Building is abandoned because there were no goods to sell! 因货物售空,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NoWaterShelter]:0 Shelter is abandoned because there was not enough water. 因为没有足够的水,避难所已废弃。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NoElectricityShelter]:0 Shelter is abandoned due to not getting electricity. 因为没有足够的电力,避难所已废弃。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NoPark]:0 This building needs to be inside a Park Area to function properly. 这座建筑必须放在公园区域内才可以运作。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[PathNotConnected]:0 No path or road access! Make sure pedestrians can reach the building entrance. Road access is needed in case the Park Area does not have a Main Gate. 没有小径或道路与之相连!请务必确保行人可以行走至建筑入口。需要具备道路接口,以防公园区域缺少正门的情况。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NoMainGate]:0 The Side Gate cannot operate properly without a Main Gate. 没有正门,侧门无法正常使用。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NoResourcesIN]:0 Building is abandoned because there were no raw materials! 由于没有原材料,因此建筑被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NotInIndustryArea]:0 Industry buildings do not operate outside industry area. 工业建筑是无法在工业区范围外运作的。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[WrongAreaType]:0 Industry buildings require an area with a main building of the same type. 工业建筑必须坐落于拥有相同类型主楼建筑的地区范围内方可运作。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NotInCampusArea]:0 Campus buildings do not operate outside campus areas. 校园建筑在校园区域外无法运作。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[PathNotConnectedCampus]:0 No path or road access! Make sure pedestrians can reach the building entrance. 没有道路或路径连接!请确保行人可以抵达建筑入口。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[WrongCampusAreaType]:0 Campus buildings require an area with an administration building of the same type. 校园建筑需要建有同类行政大楼的区域。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[TrolleybusDepotNotConnected]:0 Needs to be connected to lines! Make sure vehicles from the depot can reach public transport lines. 需要连接至线路!确保总站的车辆能够到达公共交通线路。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NoTrolleybusWires]:0 Trolleybus wires not connected! 无轨电车电线未连接!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NoPlaceForFishingGoods]:0 Goods are piling up. Place more Fish Factories or Fish Markets that buy fish and

make sure trucks carrying fish can reach outside connection to export fish.

NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NoBusOutsideConnection]:0 Intercity bus network is missing highway outside connection.

Make sure the intercity buses can reach the highway outside connection.



NOTIFICATION_FATAL[WasteTransferFacilityFull]:0 Waste Transfer Facility requires the Waste Processing Complex to transfer waste

from temporary storage to be processed into goods and energy.

NOTIFICATION_FATAL[FishingRouteWaterDirty]:0 Fishing has stopped due to water pollution on the fishing route.

To continue fishing, remove the polluted water or redraw the fishing route on clear water.



NOTIFICATION_FATAL[FishingRouteIncomplete]:0 The fishing route has to be circular and needs to start and end at the same fishing harbor. 捕捞路线必须是环形,并且需要在同一个捕捞港口开始和结束。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[FishingWaterDirty]:0 Fish yield in the building has stopped due to water pollution.

To continue cultivation, remove the polluted water or relocate the building to clean water.



NOTIFICATION_FATAL[Garbage]:0 Building is abandoned because too much garbage had piled up! 因垃圾过多,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[Electricity]:0 Building is abandoned because there was no electricity! 因电力不足,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[Water]:0 Building is abandoned because there was no water! 因供水不足,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[Fire]:0 Building has burned down! You should bulldoze this building so a new one can be built. 因建筑已被烧毁!您应该拆除该建筑以重建。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[DirtyWater]:0 Building is abandoned because drinking water was dirty! 因饮用水受污染,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[Pollution]:0 Building is abandoned because ground was polluted! 因土地受污染,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[Noise]:0 Building is abandoned because noise pollution was high! 因噪声污染过高,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[Crime]:0 Building is abandoned because crime rate was high! 因犯罪率过高,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[TurnedOff]:0 Building is closed and not working! 建筑已被关闭,并停止工作!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[ToofewServices]:0 Building is abandoned because there were too few services! 因服务过少,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[LandValueLow]:0 Building is abandoned because land value was low! 因地价过低,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[ElectricityNotConnected]:0 Building is abandoned because power was not connected! 因电力未连接,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NoFuel]:0 Building is not operating because fuel was not available! 因燃料不可用,建筑未在工作!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[RoadNotConnected]:0 No road access! Make sure cars and pedestrians can reach the entrance. 无可进入的道路!请确保车辆与行人能够到达入口处。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[WaterNotConnected]:0 Water pipe not connected! 供水管道未连接!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[Sewage]:0 Building is abandoned because sewers were backing up! 因污水倒灌,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[Death]:0 Building is abandoned because no one collected dead people! 因无人处理遗体,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[LandfillFull]:0 No more room! 空间不足!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[Emptying]:0 Building is set to empty its content and therefore not working! 因建筑已设定为清空,其将不再工作!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[LineNotConnected]:0 Transport line not connected! 运输线路未连接!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NoCustomers]:0 Building is abandoned because there were no customers! 因没有顾客,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NoResources]:0 Building is abandoned because there were no raw materials! 因缺少原材料,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NoGoods]:0 Building is abandoned because there were no goods to sell! 因货物售空,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NoPlaceforGoods]:0 Building is abandoned because no one was buying their products! 因无人购买产品,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NoWorkers]:0 Building is abandoned because there were not enough workers! 因工人不足,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[NoEducatedWorkers]:0 Building is abandoned because worker education was too low! 因工人受教育程度过低,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[TaxesTooHigh]:0 Building is abandoned because taxes were too high! 因税率过高,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[EmptyingFinished]:0 The site has been emptied and is ready for operation. 地区已清空,可以进行下一步操作。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[Sick]:0 Building is abandoned because the citizens were too sick! 因居民生病,建筑已被废弃!
NOTIFICATION_FATAL[Flood]:0 Building is out of use because of flooding! 由于洪水,建筑已被废弃!
TAXIWAY_OPTION_CURVED:0 Curved Taxiway 弧形滑行道
TAXIWAY_OPTION_STRAIGHT:0 Straight Taxiway 笔直滑行道
TAXIWAY_OPTION_FREEFORM:0 Free-form Taxiway 不规则滑行道
CONCOURSE_OPTION_CURVED:0 Curved Concourse 弧形候机大厅
CONCOURSE_OPTION_STRAIGHT:0 Straight Concourse 笔直候机大厅
CONCOURSE_OPTION_FREEFORM:0 Free-form Concourse 不规则候机大厅
WNP10_TITLE_MODDERTREES:0 14 New Trees by MrMaison 梅森先生提供的 14 种新树
WNP10_TEXT_MODDERTREES:0 A range of new trees to suit any biome. Find these decorations under the new “Content Creator Trees” tab! 适合任何生物群系的一系列新树。可在新的“内容创造者树木”选项卡下找到这些装饰。
WNP10_TITLE_TREEREPLACEMENT:0 Tree Replacement Tool 树木替换工具
WNP10_TEXT_TREEREPLACEMENT:0 If you have a road that already has trees but you’d like to replace them with a different one, simply have the new tree selected and click on the road to change all the existing trees to the selected one. 如果你的一条道路已有行道树,但你想用另一种树代替它们,只需选中新树,然后点击道路,即可将所有现有的树都换成选中的树。
WNP10_TITLE_LANDSCAPING:0 Landscaping 景观美化
WNP10_TEXT_LANDSCAPING:0 Do you find it hard to balance your soil buffer? You can now buy or dispose of soil for a fee while using the landscaping tool. 你觉得很难平衡土壤的缓冲量吗?现在你可以在使用景观美化工具时支付一定费用购买或处置土壤。
WNP10_TITLE_AIRPORTS:0 Airport Areas 机场区
WNP10_TEXT_AIRPORTS1:0 The new airport area tool lets you zone airport areas while simultaneously flattening the ground to ensure smooth landings and takeoffs. With airport areas, you can build completely modular airports by individually placing terminals, concourses, aircraft stands, runways and much more. 新的机场区工具可让你划分机场区域,同时平整地面,以确保飞机平稳降落和起飞。有了机场区,你就能通过分别放置航站楼、候机大厅、停机位、跑道等各种建筑,来建造完全模块化的机场。
WNP10_TEXT_AIRPORTS2:0 Choose from three styles or mix & match to build different kinds of terminals, concourses and airport towers to your liking. 从三种风格中选择或混合搭配,根据你的喜好建造不同类型的航站楼、候机大厅和机场控制塔。
WNP10_TEXT_AIRPORTS3:0 Increase tourism and improve your city’s public transport connections by building airport areas to fit your city’s needs. New policies further help you to manage your airport. 通过建设机场区来满足你所在城市的需求,提升旅游业,改善城市的公共交通连接。新的政策可进一步帮助你管理你的机场。
WNP10_TEXT_AIRPORTS4:0 Unlock different sized aircraft and new airport buildings and use aircraft stands to manage passenger and cargo airplane traffic as you level up your airport. 当你升级你的机场时,将解锁不同大小的飞机和新的机场建筑,并使用停机位来管理客机和货机的交通。
WNP10_TEXT_AIRPORTSCARGO:0 Specialized cargo aircraft stands allow for cargo traffic connections to and from your airport area. The new cargo airport roads are optimized for efficient traffic flow. 专用的货机停机位可开通往来机场区的货运交通。新的机场货运道路经过优化,使机场交通更加合理有效。
WNP10_TITLE_AIRLINES:0 Airlines 航空公司
WNP10_TEXT_AIRLINES1:0 When your airport area has reached level three, you can found an airline by building an Airline Headquarters Building. 当你的机场区达到三级时,你可以通过建造航空公司总部大楼来创立一家航空公司。
WNP10_TEXT_AIRLINES2:0 Running an airline lets you earn money by selling plane tickets to passengers. Both the look and name of the airline are also customizable to fit your style. 经营航空公司让你可通过向乘客出售机票来赚钱。航空公司的外观和名称也可以按你的风格来定制。
WNP10_TITLE_PUBLICTRANSPORT:0 Public Transport 公共交通
WNP10_TEXT_PUBLICTRANSPORT1:0 Transportation hubs for bus, metro and train lines that can be built right on the airport’s concourses. These allow for great public transport connections for incoming and outgoing passengers. 可以在紧邻候机大厅处建设公共汽车、地铁及火车交通枢纽。这为进出机场的乘客提供了良好的公共交通服务。
WNP10_TEXT_PUBLICTRANSPORT2:0 The Airports expansion adds two airport themed buses, one airport metro and one airport themed train. 机场扩展包增加了两辆机场主题巴士,一辆机场地铁和一辆机场主题列车。
WNP10_TITLE_MAPS:0 New Maps 新地图
WNP10_TEXT_MAPS:0 Three new maps, with plenty of space for building airports on. 三张新地图,上面有足够的空间建机场。
AREA_PATTERN[Airport]:2 {0} Metropolitan Airport {0}大都市机场
AREA_PATTERN[Airport]:3 {0} Airfield {0}机场
AREA_PATTERN[Airport]:4 {0} City Airport {0}城市机场
AREA_PATTERN[Airport]:0 {0} Airport {0}机场
AREA_PATTERN[Airport]:1 {0} International Airport {0}国际机场
AREA_PATTERN[AmusementPark]:0 {0} Park {0}公园
AREA_PATTERN[AmusementPark]:1 {0} Land {0}乐园
AREA_PATTERN[AmusementPark]:2 {0} World {0}世界
AREA_PATTERN[AmusementPark]:3 {0} Experience {0}体验
AREA_PATTERN[NatureReserve]:0 {0} Park {0}公园
AREA_PATTERN[NatureReserve]:1 {0} Trail {0}小路
AREA_PATTERN[NatureReserve]:2 {0} Nature Reserve {0}自然保护区
AREA_PATTERN[NatureReserve]:3 {0} National Park {0}国家公园
AREA_PATTERN[NatureReserve]:4 {0} Meadows {0}草原
AREA_PATTERN[NatureReserve]:5 {0} Marsh {0}湿地
AREA_PATTERN[NatureReserve]:6 {0} Brook {0}小溪
AREA_PATTERN[Zoo]:0 {0} Park {0}公园
AREA_PATTERN[Zoo]:1 {0} Zoo {0}动物园
AREA_PATTERN[Zoo]:2 {0} Zoological Gardens {0}动物学花园
AREA_PATTERN[Zoo]:3 {0} University Zoo {0}大学动物园
AREA_PATTERN[Zoo]:4 {0} Wildlife Park {0}野生动植物公园
AREA_PATTERN[Zoo]:5 {0} Wild Animal Park {0}野生动物园
AREA_PATTERN[Zoo]:6 {0} Animal World {0}动物世界
AREA_PATTERN[Zoo]:7 {0} Zoo-Botanical Garden {0}动植物花园
AREA_PATTERN[Zoo]:8 {0} Animal Park {0}动物公园
AREA_PATTERN[Zoo]:9 {0} Zoological Park {0}动物学公园
AREA_PATTERN[Zoo]:10 {0} Wildlife Center {0}野生动物中心
AREA_PATTERN[Generic]:0 {0} Park {0}公园
AREA_PATTERN[Generic]:1 {0} City Park {0}城市公园
AREA_PATTERN[Generic]:2 {0} Garden {0}花园
AREA_PATTERN[Generic]:3 {0} Meadows {0}草原
AREA_PATTERN[Generic]:4 {0} Gardens {0}花园
AREA_PATTERN[Generic]:5 {0} Grounds {0}空地
AREA_PATTERN[Generic]:6 {0} Hill {0}山
AREA_PATTERN[Industry]:0 {0} Sector {0}部
AREA_PATTERN[Industry]:1 {0} Industrial Park {0}工业园区
AREA_PATTERN[Industry]:2 {0} Region {0}区
AREA_PATTERN[Industry]:3 {0} Zone {0}片区
AREA_PATTERN[Industry]:4 {0} Complex {0}综合区
AREA_PATTERN[Industry]:5 {0} Land {0}用地
AREA_PATTERN[Industry]:6 {0} Center {0}中心
AREA_PATTERN[Industry]:7 {0} Industrial Valley {0}工业谷
AREA_PATTERN[Industry]:8 {0} Industries {0}业
AREA_PATTERN[Industry]:9 {0} Industrial Estate {0}工业园
AREA_PATTERN[Farming]:0 {0} Orchard {0}果园
AREA_PATTERN[Farming]:1 {0} Grove {0}林
AREA_PATTERN[Farming]:2 {0} Agriculture Area {0}农业区
AREA_PATTERN[Farming]:3 {0} Farmland {0}田地
AREA_PATTERN[Farming]:4 {0} Estate {0}园
AREA_PATTERN[Farming]:5 {0} Plantation {0}种植园
AREA_PATTERN[Farming]:6 {0} Farm {0}农场
AREA_PATTERN[Farming]:7 {0} Ranch {0}牧场
AREA_PATTERN[Farming]:8 {0} Fields {0}田地
AREA_PATTERN[Forestry]:0 {0} Woods {0}树林
AREA_PATTERN[Forestry]:1 {0} Sawmill {0}锯木厂
AREA_PATTERN[Forestry]:2 {0} Timber Processing {0}木材加工
AREA_PATTERN[Forestry]:3 {0} Forestry Area {0}林业区
AREA_PATTERN[Forestry]:4 {0} Woodland {0}林地
AREA_PATTERN[Forestry]:5 {0} Logging Area Site {0}采伐场地
AREA_PATTERN[Forestry]:6 {0} Forest Products {0}林产品
AREA_PATTERN[Forestry]:7 {0} Wood Production {0}木材工业
AREA_PATTERN[Ore]:0 {0} Mining {0}矿业
AREA_PATTERN[Ore]:1 {0} Ore Group {0}矿业集团
AREA_PATTERN[Ore]:2 {0} Quarry {0}采石场
AREA_PATTERN[Ore]:3 {0} Ore Area {0}矿区
AREA_PATTERN[Ore]:4 {0} Ore Products {0}矿产品
AREA_PATTERN[Ore]:5 {0} Mineral Industry {0}采矿工业
AREA_PATTERN[Ore]:6 {0} Ore Extraction Site {0}采矿场地
AREA_PATTERN[Ore]:7 {0} Pit {0}矿井
AREA_PATTERN[Ore]:8 {0} Reef {0}矿脉
AREA_PATTERN[Oil]:0 {0} Drilling Area {0}钻井区
AREA_PATTERN[Oil]:1 {0} Oil Group {0}石油集团
AREA_PATTERN[Oil]:2 {0} Oil Field {0}油田
AREA_PATTERN[Oil]:3 {0} Oil Well {0}油井
AREA_PATTERN[Oil]:4 {0} Refining Site {0}炼油厂
AREA_PATTERN[Oil]:5 {0} Oil Area {0}油区
AREA_PATTERN[Oil]:6 {0} Oil Products {0}石油产品
AREA_PATTERN[Oil]:7 {0} Petroleum {0}石油
AREA_PATTERN[Oil]:8 {0} Petrochemicals {0}石化产品
AREA_PATTERN[GenericCampus]:0 Campus Area 校园区域
AREA_PATTERN[TradeSchool]:0 {0} College {0}大学
AREA_PATTERN[TradeSchool]:1 {0} Polytechnic Institute {0}理工学院
AREA_PATTERN[TradeSchool]:2 {0} State College {0}州立大学
AREA_PATTERN[TradeSchool]:3 {0} Career Institute {0}生涯研究所
AREA_PATTERN[TradeSchool]:4 {0} Trade School {0}贸易学院
AREA_PATTERN[LiberalArts]:0 {0} College of Liberal Arts {0}文科学院
AREA_PATTERN[LiberalArts]:1 {0} Institute of Humanities {0}人文学院
AREA_PATTERN[LiberalArts]:2 {0} Institute of Social Sciences {0}社会科学研究所
AREA_PATTERN[LiberalArts]:3 {0} Academy of Arts {0}艺术学院
AREA_PATTERN[LiberalArts]:4 {0} International College {0}国际学院
AREA_PATTERN[University]:0 Technological Institute of {0} {0}技术学院
AREA_PATTERN[University]:1 University of {0} {0}大学
AREA_PATTERN[University]:2 University Campus of {0} {0}大学校园
AREA_PATTERN[University]:3 {0} University {0}大学
AREA_PATTERN[University]:4 {0} Institute {0}研究所
AIRPORTREQUIREMENT_TERMINAL:0 Build an airport terminal 建造一幢机场航站楼
AIRPORTREQUIREMENT_STAND:0 Build an aircraft stand 建造一个停机位
AIRPORTPANEL_UNDERCONSTRUCTION:0 Airport Area Under Construction 在建的机场区
AIRPORTPANEL_TABSTRIPDISABLED:0 Complete the airport construction to unlock policies. 完成机场建造来解锁政策。
AIRPORTPANEL_CUSTOMIZATIONTOOLTIP:0 Here you can customize your very own airline! 你可以在此定制你自己的航空公司!
AIRPORTPANEL_TOOLTIP1:0 Customize Airline Name 定制航空公司名称
AIRPORTPANEL_TOOLTIP2:0 Customize Airline Logo 定制航空公司标识
AIRPORTPANEL_TOOLTIP3:0 Customize Airline Color 定制航空公司颜色
AIRPORTPANEL_INCOME_TOOLTIP2:0 The weekly income from airline ticket sales and policy effects. 每周机票销售收入及政策影响。
AIRPORTPANEL_ATTRACTIVENES_TOOLTIP:0 The airport’s attractiveness score determines how many tourists the airport will attract. 机场的吸引力得分决定了机场能吸引多少游客。
AIRPORTPANEL_TOTALPASSENGERS_TOOLTIP:0 The total amount of passengers that have used the airport. 已使用机场的乘客总人数。
AIRPORTPANEL_LEVEL_TOOLTIP:0 Leveling up the airport unlocks new building and features. 升级机场可解锁新建筑和新功能。
AIRPORTPANEL_PAX:0 Passengers: {0} / week 乘客:{0}/周
AIRPORTPANEL_EXPENSES:0 Expenses: {0} 开支:{0}
AIRPORTPANEL_TICKETPRICE_TOOLTIP2:0 Airline Ticket Price – Higher prices will increase your income, but also make the airport less attractive. 航空公司票价 - 较高的票价会增加你的收入,但也会降低机场的吸引力。
AIRPORTPANEL_LEVELTHREEREACHED:0 You can now found your own airline by building an Airline Headquarters Building. 你现在可以通过建造航空公司总部大楼来创立你自己的航空公司。
MAPNAME[CCP Map 1]:0 The Eyeland 眼状群岛
MAPNAME[CCP Map 2]:0 Tropical Pass 热带走廊
MAPNAME[CCP Map 3]:0 Meandering River 蜿蜒河流
MAPNAME[CCP Map 4]:0 River Valley Plain 河谷平原
MAPNAME[CCP Map 5]:0 Desert Pass 沙漠走廊
MAPNAME[CCP Map 6]:0 Farmland Flats 农田平地
MAPNAME[CCP Map 7]:0 Mountain Taper 渐平山地
MAPNAME[CCP Map 8]:0 Biomes Valley 生物群落之谷
MAPNAME[Asanu Beach]:0 Asanu Beach 阿萨努海滩
MAPNAME[Hanami Bay]:0 Hanami Bay 哈纳米湾
MAPNAME[Noyou Port]:0 Noyou Port 诺优港
MAPNAME[Icy Islands]:0 Icy Islands 冰封岛屿
MAPNAME[Frosty Rivers]:0 Frosty Rivers 封冻河流
MAPNAME[Snowy Coast]:0 Snowy Coast 大雪海岸
MAPNAME[Prussian Peaks]:0 Prussian Peaks 普鲁士山峰
MAPNAME[The Dust Bowl]:0 The Dust Bowl 沙尘暴
MAPNAME[The Archipelago]:0 The Archipelago 群岛
MAPNAME[Floodland]:0 Floodland 河滩地
MAPNAME[By The Dam]:0 By The Dam 堤坝旁
MAPNAME[Arid Plains]:0 Arid Plains 干旱的平原
MAPNAME[Regal Hills]:0 Regal Hills 庄严的丘陵
MAPNAME[Seven Lakes]:0 Seven Lakes 七湖
MAPNAME[Mountain Meadows]:0 Mountain Meadows 山间草原
MAPNAME[Pine Rivers]:0 Pine Rivers 松间消息
MAPNAME[Cavern Coast]:0 Cavern Coast 洞穴海岸
MAPNAME[Windfield]:0 Windfield 清风平原
MAPNAME[Honu Island]:0 Honu Island 火奴小岛
MAPNAME[Twin Fjords]:0 Twin Fjords 双子峡湾
MAPNAME[Green Peaks]:0 Green Peaks 绿峰山脉
MAPNAME[Marble Canyon]:0 Marble Canyon 大理石峡谷
MAPNAME[Pearl Bay]:0 Pearl Bay 珍珠海湾
MAPNAME[Woodgarden]:0 Woodgarden 木林花园
MAPNAME[Murky Coast]:0 Murky Coast 幽暗海岸
MAPNAME[Wolf Creek]:0 Wolf Creek 狼溪
MAPNAME[Northwood Hills]:0 Northwood Hills 诺斯伍德山
MAPNAME[Marin Bay]:0 Marin Bay 马林湾
MAPNAME[Roslyn Peninsula]:0 Roslyn Peninsula 罗斯林半岛
MAPNAME[Crater Falls]:0 Crater Falls 陨石坑瀑布
MAPNAME[Desert Oasis]:0 Desert Oasis 沙漠绿洲
MAPNAME[Fisher Enclave]:0 Fisher Enclave 渔民飞地
MAPNAME[Azure Gulf]:0 Azure Gulf 蔚蓝海湾
MAPNAME[Swamplands]:0 Swamplands 沼泽地
MAPNAME[Eden Valley]:0 Eden Valley 伊甸谷
MAPNAME[Garden Rivers]:0 Garden Rivers 花园河
MAPNAME[Lavender Lake]:0 Lavender Lake 薰衣草湖
MAPNAME[Green Plains]:0 Green Plains 绿色大平原
MAPNAME[Riverrun]:0 Riverrun 奔流小河
MAPNAME[Black Woods]:0 Black Woods 奇妙黑森林
MAPNAME[Islands]:0 Islands 海与岛屿
MAPNAME[Shady Strands]:0 Shady Strands 阳光浅滩
MAPNAME[Two Rivers]:0 Two Rivers 子母双河
MAPNAME[Sandy Beach]:0 Sandy Beach 金色沙滩
MAPNAME[Diamond Coast]:0 Diamond Coast 金刚石海岸
MAPNAME[Lagoon Shore]:0 Lagoon Shore 湖滨都市
MAPNAME[Grand River]:0 Grand River 格兰德河
MAPNAME[Cliffside Bay]:0 Cliffside Bay 悬崖湾
MAPNAME[Foggy Hills]:0 Foggy Hills 迷雾丘陵
MAPNAME[Frozenshire]:0 Frozenshire 冰封的县城
MAPNAME[Winter Hills]:0 Winter Hills 冬天的山丘
UPDATE_DISTRICT_DESC[PaintAirport]:0 Create or reshape an Airport Area by painting over an area. Painting an airport area also flattens the terrain. 对一个区域着色即可创建或重划一个机场区。绘制机场区域也可以使地形变平。
UPDATE_UIFILTER[AirportStyleA]:0 Airport Buildings – Classic Style 机场建筑 – 经典风格
UPDATE_UIFILTER[AirportStyleB]:0 Airport Buildings – Modern Style 机场建筑 – 现代风格
UPDATE_UIFILTER[AirportStyleC]:0 Airport Buildings – Ultra Modern Style 机场建筑 – 超现代风格
UPDATE_UIFILTER[AircraftStands]:0 Landing Area & Aircraft Stands 降落区和停机位
UPDATE_TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Landscaping]:0 With the landscaping tools, you can lower or elevate terrain, smooth it out or create new hills. When you lower terrain, you will gain soil. When elevating terrain, the same soil is placed on the map. It is possible to buy more or dispose of soil for a fee using the buttons next to the soil buffer display.

Water structures allow you to build canals, quays and flood walls. Canals can be used for beautification or moving water. Use flood walls to keep water in the canal if flooding occurs often. If your canal is not getting any water, try using a deeper canal. You can upgrade canals to be deeper or shallower. Quays are used on water front to finish the shoreline nicely. You can place shoreline buildings on top of quay.

Trees, rocks and cliffs can be placed on the map for added flavor and aesthetical purposes. Trees also reduce Noise Pollution in their vicinity. To replace trees on a road, click on the road while having a tree selected.




UPDATE_TUTORIAL_ADVISER[AirportArea]:0 Airport Areas provide a lot of creative freedom regarding the layout of an airport, and in addition to a place for passenger planes to land, offer options for cargo traffic and many features making the city more attractive for tourists, which benefit the city by spending money in commercial zones.

An airport area needs an Airport Terminal, at least one Aircraft Stand and a runway to function. Connect the runway to the aircraft stand using taxiways. To avoid accidents, taxiways are one-way only.

Various buildings such as airline lounges and other decorative buildings increase an Airport Area’s attractiveness score, which helps attract more tourists to visit the city. Reaching certain attractiveness scores and transporting many passengers will level up an Airport Area, unlocking more buildings and the option to found your own airline. Having an airline generates money from selling tickets to airport passengers.




UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Airline HQ]:0 Houses the headquarters of your city's airline. Place this building to start your own city airline! In the airport area panel you can customize your airline's visual appearance and ticket price for additional income from tourism. 你所在城市的航空公司总部所在地。放置此楼,创立你自己的航空公司!在机场区面板上,你可以定制航空公司的外观和机票价格,以获得额外的旅游收入。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Airline Lounge Building]:0 A place for passengers to relax after a long flight. Place along a concourse to increase airport attractiveness. 一个让乘客在长途飞行后休息的地方。放置在候机大厅旁以提升机场的吸引力。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Airport Hotel 01]:0 A budget hotel making the airport more attractive tourists. Place along a road inside your airport area. 经济型酒店使机场对游客更具吸引力。放置在机场区内的一条道路旁。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Airport Hotel 02]:0 A luxury hotel making the airport more attractive tourists. Place along a road inside your airport area. 豪华型酒店使机场对游客更具吸引力。放置在机场区内的一条道路旁。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Aviation Fuel Station]:0 Increase the attractiveness for your airport by placing aviation fuel stations. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 通过放置航空燃料站来提升机场的吸引力。燃料站可在机场区内自由放置,也可对齐到滑行道旁。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Aviation Museum 01]:0 An aviation museum for people to visit and spend an exciting day looking at a collection of historical airplanes and aviation technology. 一个航空博物馆,供人们参观并欣赏此处收藏的老飞机和航空技术展览,度过令人兴奋的一天。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Control Tower Style A]:0 Air traffic controllers monitor the airspace using this building. Control towers need to be placed on a concourse inside your airport area. 空中交通管制员利用此建筑监控空域。必须将控制塔放置在机场区内的候机大厅中。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Control Tower Style B]:0 Air traffic controllers monitor the airspace using this building. Control towers need to be placed on a concourse inside your airport area. 空中交通管制员利用此建筑监控空域。必须将控制塔放置在机场区内的候机大厅中。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Control Tower Style C]:0 Air traffic controllers monitor the airspace using this building. Control towers need to be placed on a concourse inside your airport area. 空中交通管制员利用此建筑监控空域。必须将控制塔放置在机场区内的候机大厅中。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Large Hangar]:0 Increase the attractiveness for your airport by providing hangars. Hangars can be placed freely inside the airport area or can be snapped to taxiways. 通过提供机库来提升机场的吸引力。机库可在机场区内自由放置,也可对齐到滑行道旁。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Small Hangar]:0 Increase the attractiveness for your airport by providing hangars. Hangars can be placed freely inside the airport area or can be snapped to taxiways. 通过提供机库来提升机场的吸引力。机库可在机场区内自由放置,也可对齐到滑行道旁。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Airport Bus Station 01]:0 Place a bus station directly onto a concourse inside an airport area to allow a direct connection for bus passengers to the airport. 将巴士站直接放置到机场区内的候机大厅旁,让巴士乘客可直达机场。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Airport Metro Station Elevated]:0 Place an elevated metro station directly onto a concourse inside an airport area to allow a direct connection for metro passengers to the airport. 将高架地铁站直接放置到机场区内的候机大厅旁,让地铁乘客可直达机场。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Airport Train Station]:0 Place a train station directly onto a concourse inside an airport area to allow a direct connection for train passengers to the airport. 将火车站直接放置到机场区内的候机大厅旁,让巴士乘客可直达机场。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Decoration Large Airplane 01]:0 A large decorative parked plane. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 停泊的大型装饰性飞机。可在机场区内自由放置,也可对齐到滑行道旁。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Decoration Large Airplane 02]:0 A large decorative parked plane. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 停泊的大型装饰性飞机。可在机场区内自由放置,也可对齐到滑行道旁。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Decoration Medium Airplane 01]:0 A medium decorative parked plane. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 停泊的中型装饰性飞机。可在机场区内自由放置,也可对齐到滑行道旁。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Decoration Medium Airplane 02]:0 A medium decorative parked plane. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 停泊的中型装饰性飞机。可在机场区内自由放置,也可对齐到滑行道旁。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Decoration Medium Airplane 03]:0 A medium decorative parked plane. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 停泊的中型装饰性飞机。可在机场区内自由放置,也可对齐到滑行道旁。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Decoration Small Airplane 01]:0 A small decorative parked plane. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 停泊的小型装饰性飞机。可在机场区内自由放置,也可对齐到滑行道旁。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Decoration Small Airplane 02]:0 A small decorative parked plane. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 停泊的小型装饰性飞机。可在机场区内自由放置,也可对齐到滑行道旁。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Decoration Small Airplane 03]:0 A small decorative parked plane. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 停泊的小型装饰性飞机。可在机场区内自由放置,也可对齐到滑行道旁。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Decoration Cargo Airplane 02]:0 A parked decorative cargo plane. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 停泊的装饰性货机。可在机场区内自由放置,也可对齐到滑行道旁。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Decoration Cargo Airplane 03]:0 A parked decorative cargo plane. Can be placed freely inside an airport area or can snap to taxiways. 停泊的装饰性货机。可在机场区内自由放置,也可对齐到滑行道旁。
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Cargo Airport Terminal]:0 This cargo terminal serves as the central building for cargo airports. Only cargo vehicles can enter the airport area through this building.

Terminals work as headquarters for city services serving the airport area.



UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Small Terminal One Story Style A]:0 A classic style small airport entrance building. Place this terminal in an airport area and connect concourses to expand your airport!

Terminals work as headquarters for city services serving the airport area.



UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Small Terminal One Story Style B]:0 A modern style small airport entrance building. Place this terminal in an airport area and connect concourses to expand your airport!

Terminals work as headquarters for city services serving the airport area.



UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Small Terminal One Story Style C]:0 A ultra modern style small airport entrance building. Place this terminal in an airport area and connect concourses to expand your airport!

Terminals work as headquarters for city services serving the airport area.



UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Large Terminal Style A]:0 A large airport entrance building with a built-in metro station. Departing passengers use the top floor to enter the terminal. Arriving passengers leave the terminal via the ground floor. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport!

Terminals work as headquarters for city services serving the airport area.



UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Large Terminal Style B]:0 A large airport entrance building with a built-in metro station. Departing passengers use the top floor to enter the terminal. Arriving passengers leave the terminal via the ground floor. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport!

Terminals work as headquarters for city services serving the airport area.



UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Large Terminal Style C]:0 A large airport entrance building with a built-in metro station. Departing passengers use the top floor to enter the terminal. Arriving passengers leave the terminal via the ground floor. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport!

Terminals work as headquarters for city services serving the airport area.



UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Small 2 Story Terminal Style A]:0 A small airport entrance building where departing passengers use the top floor to enter the terminal and arriving passengers leave the terminal via the ground floor. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport!

Terminals work as headquarters for city services serving the airport area.



UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Small Terminal Style B]:0 A small airport entrance building where departing passengers use the top floor to enter the terminal and arriving passengers leave the terminal via the ground floor. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport!

Terminals work as headquarters for city services serving the airport area.



UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Small Terminal Style C]:0 A small airport entrance building where departing passengers use the top floor to enter the terminal and arriving passengers leave the terminal via the ground floor. Connect concourses to this building to expand your airport!

Terminals work as headquarters for city services serving the airport area.



UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Study Hall 01]:0 Students with spare time can use the Study Hall to do their homework, projects or prepare to exams. This building increases campus attractiveness and needs to be placed within Trade School campus area. Students with spare time can use the Study Hall to do their homework, projects or prepare to exams. This building increases campus attractiveness and needs to be placed within Trade School campus area.
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Trade School Gymnasium 01]:0 Gymnasium provides the students with athletic, recreational and leisure services. Gymnasium has a city wide effect on citizens health and increases campus attractiveness. Building needs to be placed within Trade School campus area. Gymnasium provides the students with athletic, recreational and leisure services. Gymnasium has a city wide effect on citizens health and increases campus attractiveness. Building needs to be placed within Trade School campus area.
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Study Hall 01]:0 Students with spare time can use the Study Hall to do their homework, projects or prepare to exams. Building increases campus attractiveness and needs to be placed within Liberal Arts campus area. Students with spare time can use the Study Hall to do their homework, projects or prepare to exams. Building increases campus attractiveness and needs to be placed within Liberal Arts campus area.
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[Liberal Arts Gymnasium 01]:0 Gymnasium provides the students with athletic, recreational and leisure services. Gymnasium has a city wide effect on citizens health. Building increases campus attractiveness and needs to be placed within Liberal Arts campus area. Gymnasium provides the students with athletic, recreational and leisure services. Gymnasium has a city wide effect on citizens health. Building increases campus attractiveness and needs to be placed within Liberal Arts campus area.
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[University Study Hall 01]:0 Students with spare time can use the Study Hall to do their homework, projects or prepare to exams. Building increases campus attractiveness and needs to be placed within University campus area. Students with spare time can use the Study Hall to do their homework, projects or prepare to exams. Building increases campus attractiveness and needs to be placed within University campus area.
UPDATE_BUILDING_DESC[University Gymnasium 01]:0 Gymnasium provides the students with athletic, recreational and leisure services. Gymnasium has a city wide effect on citizens health. Building increases campus attractiveness and needs to be placed within University campus area. Gymnasium provides the students with athletic, recreational and leisure services. Gymnasium has a city wide effect on citizens health. Building increases campus attractiveness and needs to be placed within University campus area.
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[AirportArea]:0 Airport Area 机场区
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewTerrainHeight]:0 Terrain Heights 等高线
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewHeating]:0 Heating 供暖
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewMaintenance]:0 Road maintenance 道路养护
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewEscapeRoutes]:0 Escape Routes 逃生路线
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewRadio]:0 Radio Coverage 无线电覆盖
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewDestruction]:0 Destruction 摧毁
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewDisasterDetection]:0 Disaster Detection 灾难预测
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewDisasterHazard]:0 See where disaster will hit 看看哪里会出现灾难
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[TrafficRoutes]:0 Traffic Routes 交通路线
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewTrafficRoutes]:0 Traffic Routes Info View 交通路线信息视图
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewTours]:0 Tours Info View 游览信息查看
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewParkMaintenance]:0 Park Maintenance 公园维护
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewTourism]:0 Tourism 旅游业
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[Industry]:0 Production Chains 生产链
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewPost]:0 Post Office City Service 城市邮政服务
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewIndustry]:0 Industry Areas 工业区
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[VarsitySports]:0 Varsity Sports 校队体育
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[CampusArea]:0 Campus Area 校园区域
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[Museums]:0 Museums 博物馆
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[IndustryFishing]:0 Fishing Industry 捕鱼业
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewFishing]:0 Fishing Industry 捕鱼业
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[Landscaping]:0 Modify the terrain 调整地形
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[Zoning]:0 Zoning 区域划分
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[District]:0 District 区划
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[Electricity]:0 Electricity 电力
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[WaterAndSewage]:0 Water and Sewage 水与污水
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[Garbage]:0 Waste Management 垃圾管理
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[Healthcare]:0 Healthcare 医疗保健
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[FireDepartment]:0 Fire Department 消防服务
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[Police]:0 Police and Crime 警察服务
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[Government]:0 Government 行政机构
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[Education]:0 Education 教育
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[PublicTransport]:0 Public Transport 公共交通
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[Beautification]:0 Decoration 环境美化
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[Monuments]:0 Unique Buildings 独特建筑
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[Wonders]:0 Monuments 伟大工程
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[Policies]:0 Policies 政策
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[Money]:0 Money Panel 财政面板
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[Bulldozer]:0 Bulldozer 推土机
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[HappinessPanel]:0 Happiness Panel 幸福度
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewsPanel]:0 Info View 信息浏览
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[Default]:0 Advisor help 顾问建议
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[Welcome]:0 Hello! 您好!
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[TutorWonders]:0 Great things await 好事将至
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewOutsideConnections]:0 Outside connections 对外连接
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewDistricts]:0 Districts 区划
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewHappiness]:0 Citizen Happiness 幸福度
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewLandValue]:0 Land value 地价
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewPollution]:0 Pollution 污染
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewNoisePollution]:0 Noise pollution 噪音污染
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewTrafficCongestion]:0 Road Usage 道路使用情况
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewLevel]:0 Levels 等级
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewResources]:0 Natural Resources 自然资源
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewWindSpeed]:0 Wind 风力
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewPopulation]:0 Employment 就业
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewPublicTransport]:0 Public Transport 公共交通
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewElectricity]:0 Electricity 电力
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewEducation]:0 Education 教育
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewFireSafety]:0 Fire safety 消防安全
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewGarbage]:0 Garbage 垃圾
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewHealth]:0 Health 健康
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewCrime]:0 Crime 犯罪
TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE[InfoViewEntertainment]:0 Leisure 休闲娱乐
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[AirportArea]:0 Paint an airport area using the airport area tool and place a terminal, aircraft stands and a runway to build an airport from modular parts. Taxiways connect aircraft stands with the runway. To avoid accidents, taxiways are one-way only.

Airport areas provide great creative freedom regarding the layout of an airport, and can have aircraft stands for both passenger- and cargo planes.

Buildings such as airline lounges and other decorative buildings increase an Airport Area’s attractiveness score, attracting more passengers and tourists. Leveling up an Airport Area unlocks more buildings and eventually the option to found your own airline, which generates income from selling tickets to airport passengers.




TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewTerrainHeight]:0 Terrain Heights view shows you how high or low terrain is. Avoid building canals from high to low ground, as they can then easily cause flooding. 等高线视角可以展现地面的海拔高度。请避免将人工河道开凿于从高到低的地势上,否则河水泛滥的风险将大大增加。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewHeating]:0 Buildings can use either electricity for heat, or the specific heating services. Heating services are more effective than pure electricity. Heating pipes transfer heat and water to housing. 建筑物既可以用电力取暖,也可以选择特定的供暖服务。供暖服务效率高于单纯的电力取暖。供暖管道同时能够向住宅输送水和暖气。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewMaintenance]:0 Road Maintenance service boosts roads to allow even higher speeds. Roads with no boost work normally with the maximum speed of their respective road types. Boost fades with time. 道路养护服务能够更好地维护道路,使车辆能够以更高的速度行驶。在未修缮的道路上,车辆按照对应路型的最高时速行驶。修缮带来的加成随时间消逝。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewSnow]:0 When it snows, roads will get covered by snow. This slows down vehicles, making traveling take a longer time than usual. To clear the snow, you need Snow Dumps that send out snow plows. Roads can have different amount of snow on them, depending on when they were plowed and how much it has snowed. 下雪时,道路会被积雪掩埋。这将会阻碍交通,影响行车速度,使得车辆在路上行驶的所需时间比平时更长。若要清除积雪,需要建设堆雪场,它会派出铲雪车清除积雪。道路上可能会有不同程度的积雪,这取决于降雪量及上一次铲雪的时间。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewEscapeRoutes]:0 Escape routes adjust Shelter coverage areas, so you can assign citizens to take shelter far away from where they live. Click on a Shelter to edit its escape route. 逃生路线会调整避难所的覆盖范围,如此便可以指引住得更远的居民前往避难所。点击避难所编辑其逃生路线。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewRadio]:0 Having good radio coverage gives a small happiness boost from being able to listen to the radio, but more importantly makes sure that citizens are aware of approaching disasters and are more likely to evacuate when called to. 大范围的无线电覆盖不仅可以为人民提供广播并提升少量幸福度,更重要的是能够确保市民得知即将来临的灾难,使他们更容易响应撤离。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewDestruction]:0 View destroyed buildings and buildings ready for rebuilding. If there's a Disaster Response Unit in the city, any destroyed buildings are tended to and the unit searches for survivors. After they have visited the lot, the rubble is ready for rebuilding and will be automatically used when the city needs more of the zoned type. City service buildings are not automatically rebuilt but need to be manually replaced. You can always bulldoze rubble. 查看被摧毁的建筑和重建就绪的建筑。如果城市中有灾难应急中队,他们会检查所有被毁的建筑并搜查幸存者。经过他们拜访后,废墟便准备好重建,且当城市需要更多这个类型的区域时,重建将自动开始。城市服务设施不会自动重建,需要手动替换。你可以直接铲除废墟。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewDisasterDetection]:0 The disaster info view is available if the city has an early warning system for the disaster threatening the city. The info view shows the coverage of early warning systems and as estimate of where the disaster will hit, if the area to be stricken is within the range of the early warning systems. 灾难视图会在城市有一个灾难预警系统建成时开启。视图会显示在预警系统覆盖地区内可能会出现的灾难,如果是早期预警系统,则会显示在其范围内可能出现的灾区。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewDisasterHazard]:0 Click on the disaster icon to open an info view overlay showing you more details. Note that some early warning system have a range, and can only show disasters about to hit within their operating range. 点击灾难图标打开一个视图显示更多关于灾难的细节。请注意,一些早期预警系统有一个范围,能预警在其范围内出现的可能出现的灾区。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[TrafficRoutes]:0 Route info view allows you to see routes of citizens and vehicles, and routes leading to and from roads and buildings. When the info view is open, click on a citizen, vehicle, building or road to see routes.

You can also adjust intersection rules and traffic lights. Zoom in on and intersection to see yield options and toggle traffic lights on and off. Only intersections with no traffic lights can have yield rules. Note that yield signs cannot be placed on road next to each other.



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewTrafficRoutes]:0 Click on any piece of road, vehicle, pedestrian, cyclist or building to show routes. With vehicles and pedestrians, you see the route they are currently taking. For buildings and road pieces, the routes taken through or to and from the item are shown. This information can help you identify where vehicles at a traffic jam are coming from, or where you should build a public transport line to help pedestrians get to their destination faster.

To adjust right of way and traffic lights, zoom into an intersection. An intersection with traffic lights cannot have right of way rules, but intersections with no lights can work a lot smoother with some right of way rules in place.

With Adjust Road tab selected you can alter what is considered to be one road.

TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewTours]:0 Sightseeing Bus and Walking Tours are guided tours that can affect which locations the tourists visit regularly in the city. Places of interest are highlighted in the Info View and tours that pass through highly attractive or entertaining places of interest usually draw more tourists.

Details of the tour lines can be examined in the Lines Overview.



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewParkMaintenance]:0 Park Maintenance service boosts the entertainment effect of parks, plazas and park areas. Parks work normally without maintenance. Boost fades with time. 公园维护服务可加强公园,广场和公园区域的娱乐效果。公园没有维护也可正常运作。加强效果随时间减弱。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewTourism]:0 Tourists use the outside connections to visit the city and its various attractions and points of interest. Buildings and areas with high Attractiveness value are more like to be visited by the tourists. Tourism brings customers to the local businesses and extra income in form of increased tax income. 游客利用外部连接来访问城市与其景点和兴趣点。吸引力高的建筑与区域会吸引更多的游客访问。旅游业将为本地商业带来额外的顾客,税收也会因此增加。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewPost]:0 Post Service is a City Service that delivers accumulated mail to citizens. Citizens will gain boost to their well-being if the mail is handled by the Post Office city service.

Mail is transported in mail trucks to and from Outside Connections to Post Offices or to a Post Sorting Facility if one is available. Post Sorting Facilities handle long distance mail and distribute it between the local Post Offices.

Not taking care of this need will result in decreased citizen Well-Being to default level.




TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewIndustry]:0 Industry Areas can be created by using Industry Area tool. The type of the Main Building determines what kind of goods area produces. Industry Areas need raw materials, like Oil or Crops, to operate. Raw materials can either be imported or gathered locally by Extractors. Thanks to new storage spaces, Industry Areas can fully operate on imported raw materials only.

Raw materials can be exported, sold to specialized zoned industry or used by Processing buildings. Processing buildings in turn produce special goods, which can be either exported, sold to non-specialized zoned industry or used by Unique Factories.

Unique Factories produce Luxury Goods, which can be exported or sold to commercial zones.




TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Industry]:0 Industry Areas can be created by using Industry Area tool. The type of the Main Building determines what kind of goods area produces. Industry Areas need raw materials, like Oil or Crops, to operate. Raw materials can either be imported or gathered locally by Extractors. Thanks to new storage spaces, Industry Areas can fully operate on imported raw materials only.

Raw materials can be exported, sold to specialized zoned industry or used by Processing buildings. Processing buildings in turn produce special goods, which can be either exported, sold to non-specialized zoned industry or used by Unique Factories.

Unique Factories produce Luxury Goods, which can be exported or sold to commercial zones.




TUTORIAL_ADVISER[VarsitySports]:0 The varsity sport features are unlocked once a Varsity Sports arena is placed inside a campus area. It is possible to place multiple varsity sports arenas inside and outside of campus areas.

Various features increase the chances of winning matches. Also, having more audience increases the chances of winning a match - however, this only affects home matches.

Varsity sports affects the campus attractiveness through trophies and building arenas of each type. In order to earn a trophy, the varsity team needs to win most of the matches during the Academic Year.




TUTORIAL_ADVISER[CampusArea]:0 There are three types of campus areas and your city can include only one of each type, which is determined by the Administration Building. Campus areas educate young adults to highly educated.

On top of campus buildings and unique faculties, campus areas can include varsity sports arenas. Campus area's reputation can be gained by meeting the requirements of the next reputation or lost if the campus area doesn't meet the requirements of current reputation.

Gaining reputation unlocks buildings, increases the tuition fees and affects the amount of exchange students visiting your city.




TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Museums]:0 The Technology Museum, The Art Gallery and The Science Center are unique buildings which can be placed inside or outside of campus areas. A museum is unlocked when the corresponding campus reaches the highest reputation level, "Prestigious".

The museums house the Academic Works of their own campus type for display to the public. The museum is more attractive when it holds more Academic Works.



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[IndustryFishing]:0 Building Fishing Harbor unlocks the Fishing Route tool which is used to create a fishing route. The harbor needs a completed route to function.

Different fishing harbors are able to catch different types of fish, which is determined by the depth and flow of water. Water pollution affects the fish yield.

Aquaculture Farms are an alternative way to gather high yields of fish and sea plants but they may suffer from water pollution more than fishing boats due to their stationary nature.

Freshly caught fish can be directly sold to consumers at Fish Markets or they can be delivered to Fish Factories for further processing before being sold to commercial zones.





TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewFishing]:0 Building Fishing Harbor unlocks Fishing Route Tool which is used to create a fishing route. The harbor needs a completed route to function.

Different fishing harbors are able to catch different types of fish determined by the depth and flow of water. Water pollution affects the fish yield.

Aquaculture Farms are an alternative way to gather high yields of fish and sea plants but they can suffer from water pollution more than fishing boats due to their stationary nature.

Freshly caught fish can be directly sold to consumers at Fish Market or they can be delivered to Fish Factory for further processing before being sold to commercial zones.


不同的捕鱼港口可以捕捞不同类型的鱼类,至于到底能捞到什么类型的鱼,则由水的深度和水流情况决定。如果有水污染,那么打捞上来的鱼的数量就会减少。 除了捕捞之外,也可以用水产养殖的方式来确保鱼和海洋植物的高产量。由于水产养殖培养出的鱼的活动范围极其有限,因此以这种方式产出的鱼相比打捞上来的鱼更容易受到水污染的影响。 刚被打捞上来的鱼可以直接运到鱼市场上卖给客户,也可以送到鱼肉加工厂那里加工成食品然后卖给商业区。

TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Landscaping]:0 With the landscaping tools, you can lower or elevate terrain, smooth it out or create new hills. When you lower terrain, you will gain soil. When elevating terrain, the same soil is placed on the map. It is possible to buy more or dispose of soil for a fee using the buttons next to the soil buffer display.

Water structures allow you to build canals, quays and flood walls. Canals can be used for beautification or moving water. Use flood walls to keep water in the canal if flooding occurs often. If your canal is not getting any water, try using a deeper canal. You can upgrade canals to be deeper or shallower. Quays are used on water front to finish the shoreline nicely. You can place shoreline buildings on top of quay.

Trees, rocks and cliffs can be placed on the map for added flavor and aesthetical purposes. Trees also reduce Noise Pollution in their vicinity. To replace trees on a road, click on the road while having a tree selected.




TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Roads]:0 Roads need to be built to provide zones with buildings and city services. Larger roads allow faster travel and greater amounts of traffic. Roads with decoration produce less noise pollution. Use <setting buildElevationUp> and <setting buildElevationDown> to build elevated roads or tunnels. Draw a road over water to build a bridge.

To change the road’s type, try the Upgrade tool: choose a road type and click on an existing road. Click on a one-way road with the secondary mouse button to change its direction. Use Upgrade tool to fix destroyed roads.

Toll Booths must be connected to road in order to operate. All traffic driving through the toll must slow down at the booths and pay a fee to pass the toll. Fare price can be adjusted from Toll Booth building info panel.

需要建造道路来提供带有建筑和城市服务的地区。大型道路允许更快地行驶和更大的交通流量。带有装饰的道路产生较少的噪音污染。使用<setting buildElevationUp> 和<setting buildElevationDown>键来建造高架道路或隧道。在水上绘制一条道路来建造桥梁。



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Zoning]:0 Zones determine what kinds of buildings will spawn to the areas next to the roads. Areas indicated by a grey grid next to roads can be zoned using zoning tools.

There are four different tools for zoning: Fill, Marquee and Small and Large Brush. Zone an area by clicking the primary mouse button on it. Hold down the button to adjust the square marquee size or continuously paint with a brush.

Residential zones provide housing for the citizens. Commercial zones offer shopping and leisure opportunities for the citizens and tourists. Industry and office zones provide jobs for the citizens and produce goods for the commercial zones to sell.




TUTORIAL_ADVISER[District]:0 Paint the part of the city you want to become a district. New districts will be named automatically, but can be renamed later by clicking the district's name in its info window. Apply a special policy by selecting it and clicking on the district. Remove districts by painting areas with the secondary mouse button held down. Click on district name to apply policies.

District specializations allow buildings to be replaced by specialized industrial and commercial facilities. Specialized buildings can benefit from different natural resources or focus on tourism, for example. Specialized industrial and commercial zones are usually more effective in comparison to regular industrial or commercial buildings, but focusing has its downsides that can range from elevated pollutant emissions to increased water consumption.



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Electricity]:0 Power plants produce electricity for all your modern city's needs. Electricity will move from building to building over short distances, but to transfer electricity over greater distances, you will need to build Power Lines.

When placing Power Lines, you can see the reach of electricity around the buildings as a light blue area. Connect these areas with Power Lines to move electricity between them. Power plants produce ground and/or noise pollution.

When placing a power plant, the circular area around it tells you how far the pollution spreads.




TUTORIAL_ADVISER[WaterAndSewage]:0 Connect the water pumps and drains with water pipes. Draw the water pipes under your city to provide buildings with a water and a sewer system. Note that the water pumps and drains need electricity to work. Water Tanks store excess water and supply the city automatically when demand exceeds production.

Make sure your water pumps are located a safe distance away from any drain pipes to prevent people from using contaminated water.

During the winter, heating is required. Upgraded water pipes carry heat to buildings.




TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Garbage]:0 To manage waste and garbage, build a landfill site or an incineration plant.

Waste management produces pollution, so the facilities should be placed far away from residential areas. Garbage that piles up in residential areas also causes ground pollution over time, so make sure you have enough garbage facilities. Landfill sites and incineration plants send out garbage trucks to pick up trash. Make sure they can get around the city easily.

Good connections with large roads help garbage trucks get around the city fast. When placing a building, observe the roads to see how large of an area it will serve efficiently.




TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Healthcare]:0 To keep citizens healthy, make sure they have access to enough healthcare facilities via good road connections. Pollution, crime and contaminated water all affect the health of the citizens. Ambulances pick up sick people, but patients can also arrive using their own cars.

All citizens age and will eventually perish of old age regardless of their health. Deathcare buildings send out hearses to pick up the deceased. When placing a building, observe the roads to see how large of an area it will serve effectively.

Child Health Centre increases the birth rate within the building's radius and offers health services to minors. Eldercare treats the elderly, increasing and varying the citizen lifespan within the building radius.


不管健康水平如何,所有市民最终都会衰老死亡。殡葬服务机构派灵车接载死者。在放置建筑之前,要注意观察路况和交通来预估该建筑能为多大范围之内的市民有效的提供服务。 儿童健康中心可以增加建筑服务范围内的出生率并给未成年人提供健康服务。养老院专门护理老人并可以增加建筑服务范围内的老人的寿命。

TUTORIAL_ADVISER[FireDepartment]:0 Fires can occur in your city. To prevent buildings from being destroyed by fire, you need to have a properly equipped fire department in your city.

In case of fire, the closest fire department building sends out a fire truck to help, but how long it takes to arrive depends on the size of roads and how well connected areas in the city are. Depending on the size of the fire, multiple fire engines can be dispatched to put it out.

Helicopters can reach destinations with no road access, and are the only way to extinguish forest fires. Build Firewatch Towers to spot forest fires early.




TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Police]:0 Police patrol the city to keep crime under control. To maintain a low crime rate, make sure police service buildings have good connections to the city, so that patrol cars can respond to calls quickly. Police Helicopters patrol areas, but need ground vehicles to catch criminals.

Police patrols decrease the crime rate. High unemployment and low education increase the crime rate.



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Government]:0 The presence of local government allows for customization of taxes, budget and loans in the city. 若有当地行政机构,便可以自定义城市的税率,预算和贷款。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Education]:0 Children need elementary schools, teenagers attend high school and young adults can get educated at a university if one is available. Education is complete when a citizen ends their age phase while enlisted in a school, so educating your population takes some time.

A working school system produces educated adults who can fill high level jobs in industries and offices, thus raising the city's technology level. When placing a building, observe the roads to see how large of an area it will serve efficiently.

Public libraries provide entertainment and a small chance for all citizens to become more educated. The chance to become more educated decreases with each education level.




TUTORIAL_ADVISER[PublicTransport]:0 Public transportation helps decrease the number of private vehicles on the roads, leaving more room to transport industrial goods. Also, reduced traffic creates less noise pollution, which increases the well-being of citizens.

Buses, metros and other types of public transport vehicles allow people to travel inside the city while transportation from outside connections bring tourists in and out of the city. Cargo trains can take goods from an industrial area to a commercial area, drastically reducing the number of trucks on the roads. Cargo harbours allow raw materials and goods to be imported and exported.

Taxi services are particularly useful for tourists, but also for citizens who do not have a car available for use.


公交车、地铁和其他的公共交通车辆让人们在城市内的穿行变得更便捷;城市外部的公共交通工具用于带游客进城和出城。运货列车可以将货物从工业区运到商业区,从而大大减少路面上的运货卡车数量。货物港口用来进口出口原材料和货物。 出租车服务对外来游客和那些暂时没有私家车的市民来说尤为便捷。

TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Beautification]:0 Decorative elements raise citizen happiness, which is a key element in helping buildings evolve. 装饰元素可提升市民幸福度,并有助于建筑进化。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Monuments]:0 Unique Buildings are gained by achieving various things while playing – both positive and negative. Unique Buildings attract tourists into the city.

There can be only one of each Unique Building built at the same time in your city. Unique Buildings carry over to new game sessions, so after unlocking them, they will be available to you in future cities every time you reach the relevant milestone.



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Wonders]:0 Monuments are huge buildings that offer the ultimate solution to certain city services.

Monuments are unlocked by building Unique Buildings and individual Monuments require different combinations of unique buildings to be placed in your city at the same time.




TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Policies]:0 Policies can be used to affect certain aspects of your city and to add some flavor. If you want to adjust where certain citizen types live, what they can do or what sort of industry is allowed, set policies.

Policies can be set city-wide or to limited to districts created with the district tool. To set district policies, select a district and then select the policies you want to apply for that district.



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Money]:0 You can manage your city's taxes, budget and loans here. The majority of your city's income comes from taxes. Tax income is based on the size and level of the buildings in each of the zones. High taxation will make people unhappy and might cause them to move away.

A bigger budget for a service means its facilities work more efficiently but it also becomes more expensive to maintain. City service budgets can be adjusted separately for day and nighttime from the sliders in the budget view.

You can take loans from different banks. The loan amount and interest rates differ from bank to bank and there is a limited number of loans that can be taken simultaneously.




TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Bulldozer]:0 The bulldozer can be used to remove unneeded roads, buildings and other structures. Make sure not to bulldoze anything important.

You can bulldoze abandoned houses so they don't lower land value around them. Abandoned houses can be re-built later if there's demand for the zone type.



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[HappinessPanel]:0 City happiness is key to helping buildings level up into better, less polluting buildings that house more people or employees and pay more taxes. Here you can see what zones need your attention. 城市幸福度有助于建筑的升级,污染更少的建筑,能容纳更多的人或雇员,并支付更多的税。在这里,您可以查看哪些区域需要被关注。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewsPanel]:0 The Info view panel contains multiple buttons for various view modes that help convey information about the different aspects of the city. 信息查看面板有多个按钮,为查阅城市个方面的信息了提供不同视图。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Default]:0 Build roads and zone next to them to allow citizens to move in. Grow the city to unlock more services!

For help, click on the question mark symbol. It will provide you with information regarding the menu or view you have open.



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[Welcome]:0 Let's start by building some roads and zoning the areas next to them. Buildings will spawn on the zoned areas and you will unlock new city services and buildings as your city grows.

For help, click on the question mark button. It will provide you with information regarding the menu or view you have open.



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[TutorWonders]:0 Continue building the city to gain more land to build on and eventually be able to construct a Monument! Monuments are great buildings that benefit the city immensely. 请继续建设城市,以获取更多的土地,最终建造纪念碑!纪念碑对城市大有裨益。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewOutsideConnections]:0 Outside connections bring in tourists, allow industries to ship goods outside the city and acquire materials for production within the city. The city can be connected to the outside world by roads, rails, ships and airplanes.

The more options for connections there are, the more profitable businesses become which in turn result in increased tax income.



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewDistricts]:0 Districts make controlling the way the city develops easy and efficient. There are various district policies and industrial specializations ranging from, for example, the oil industry to minor policies that affect district attractiveness. 划分区域使您对城市发展的控制简单高效。您可选择多种区域政策和专营产业来对该地区的吸引力施以影响,例如,从石油工业到少数民族政策。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewHappiness]:0 When the citizens' needs are catered to and they have jobs and places to go spend their money, they are happy and pay more taxes. Happiness also increases the chance for buildings to level up.

Unemployment, low health and lack of safety cause unhappiness in citizens.



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewLandValue]:0 Higher level buildings are built only on land that has a high land value. To increase land value, areas need city services and parks or other decorations, and land on shorelines is more valuable by default. Pollution, noise and high crime rate decrease land value. 高级建筑只能被建设与高价地皮上。若您想增加土地价值,则需为该区添加城市服务,公园及其它装饰。位于海岸线上的地皮当然更有价值。污染,噪音及高犯罪率将会降低少土地价值。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewPollution]:0 Ground and water pollution is caused by polluting industry, certain power plants and city services, and sewage water if it reaches the shores. Sewage water flows with the currents.

Pollution causes sickness in citizens and decreases land value. If the source of pollution is removed, the land will eventually return to its normal, non-polluted state.



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewNoisePollution]:0 Noise pollution is caused by industry, traffic and certain city services and monuments. Exposure to noise pollution causes stress in the citizens and reduces their well-being.

You can decrease the Noise Pollution caused by the traffic by building roads with decoration and sound barriers.



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewTrafficCongestion]:0 Your citizens travel to enjoy services. If traffic becomes congested, people have a hard time getting to work and back, production slows down when resources and goods sit in trucks, and the effective radius of your service buildings becomes smaller. Larger roads support faster driving and have more lanes. Use roundabouts to help traffic flow better and build new highways to areas with heavy traffic.

Upgrade roads or construct new routes to popular locations if there are many traffic jams. Upgrade highway ramps to highways if they become congested. Relocate service buildings if you cannot change the road type because of them.



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewLevel]:0 Higher level buildings pay more taxes. To get buildings to level up, make sure people in the city are educated and the land value is high. 高等级建筑可支付更多税款。若您想将建筑升级,请确保市民有足够的教育程度,并且地价也要足够高。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewAge]:0 Seniors and children require more health care than adults and teenagers. Families with children require schools, whereas young adults are more interested in jobs and universities. When people become old, they will eventually pass away and allow new families to move in to the empty apartments. 老年人和儿童比成年人和青少年需要更多的医疗服务。有孩子的家庭需要学校,而年轻人则对工作和大学更感兴趣。当人们老去,他们终将离世,并将空出的公寓留给新迁入的家庭。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewResources]:0 If the map has natural resources available, they can be utilized by allowing industry to specialize in forestry (Forests), oil industry (Oil), ore industry (Ore) or agriculture (Fertile Land).

If a particular resource is not located on the map, the industry can get it from other cities if you have an outside connection.



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewWindSpeed]:0 Wind velocity is relevant when placing wind turbines. For optimal electricity output, wind turbines should be placed on locations where the wind is strongest. 风速与风力涡轮机的安放位置紧密相关。为了最优的电力输出,您应当将风力发电机建在风力最强的地方。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewPopulation]:0 High density residential areas house more people and draw in young adults. Low density housing evolves into fancy villas.

High density commercial areas consist of shopping malls, restaurant complexes and night clubs, whereas low density commercial has smaller buildings like gas stations, diners and supermarkets.



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewPublicTransport]:0 Public transportation helps decrease the number of private vehicles on the roads, leaving more room for industrial goods transportation. Also, reduced traffic creates less noise pollution which increases citizens health.

Buses, metros and other types of public transport vehicles allow people to travel inside the city while transportation from outside connections bring tourists in and out of the city. Cargo trains can take goods from an industrial area to a commercial area, drastically reducing the number of trucks on the roads. Cargo harbours allow raw materials and goods to be imported and exported.

Taxi service is particularly useful for tourists, but also for citizens who do not have a car available for use.


公交车、地铁和其他的公共交通车辆让人们在城市内的穿行变得更便捷;城市外部的公共交通工具用于带游客进城和出城。运货列车可以将货物从工业区运到商业区,从而大大减少路面上的运货卡车数量。货物港口用来进口出口原材料和货物。 出租车服务对外来游客和那些暂时没有私家车的市民来说尤为便捷。

TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewElectricity]:0 Power plants produce electricity. Electricity moves from building to building, but to carry it over large distances, you must build power lines.

When the power line tool is active, you will see an area around buildings that tells you how far electricity reaches. Make your power lines start and end in the marked area.

The yellow circle around a power plant tells you how far its pollution spreads.




TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewWater]:0 Connect the water pumps and drains with water pipes, and draw pipes under your city to provide buildings with water. Note that water pumps and drains also need electricity to work.

Make sure your water pumps are located upstream from the drain pipe to avoid contaminating the water supply.



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewEducation]:0 Children need elementary schools, teenagers attend high school and young adults can get educated at a university. A working school system produces educated adults who can fill high level jobs in industries and offices, thus raising the city's technology level. No matter what their education level is, citizens can always fill vacancies of the same or lower level. Educated workers prefer vacancies that match their education, but will settle for a lower level job eventually, if need be. Filling low level vacancies in a city with a highly educated population can take a while.

When placing a building, observe the roads to see how large of an area it will serve efficiently.



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewFireSafety]:0 Fires can occur in your city. The fire department building closest to the fire sends out a fire truck to help, but how long it takes to arrive depends on the size of roads and how well connected the areas of the city are. 您的城市有时会发生火灾。离火情发生地最近的消防部门将会派出一辆消防车来救火,但其到达所需时间,决定于道路规模和市内不同区域之间连接质量的好坏。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewGarbage]:0 To collect garbage, build a landfill site or an incineration plant. Garbage handling produces pollution, so the facilities should be placed far away from residential areas. Garbage that piles up in residential areas also causes pollution over time, so make sure you have enough garbage facilities.

Good connections with large roads help garbage trucks get around the city fast. When placing a building, observe the roads to see how large of an area it will serve efficiently.



TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewHealth]:0 To keep citizens healthy, make sure they have access to enough healthcare facilities via good road connections. Pollution, crime and contaminated water all affect the health of citizens. Ambulances pick up sick people, but patients can also arrive using their own cars.

All citizens age and will eventually perish of old age regardless of their health. Deathcare buildings send out hearses to pick up the deceased. When placing a building, observe the roads to see how large of an area it will serve effectively.

Child Health Centre increases the birth rate within the building's radius and offers health services to minors. Eldercare treats the elderly, increasing and varying the citizen lifespan within the building radius.


不管健康水平如何,所有市民最终都会衰老死亡。殡葬服务机构派灵车接载死者。在放置建筑之前,要注意观察路况和交通来预估该建筑能为多大范围之内的市民有效的提供服务。 儿童健康中心可以增加建筑服务范围内的出生率并给未成年人提供健康服务。养老院专门护理老人并可以增加建筑服务范围内的老人的寿命。

TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewCrime]:0 Police patrol the city to keep crime in control. To maintain a low crime rate, make sure police service buildings have good connections to the city. 警察在城市中巡逻,让犯罪情况不至于失控。若您想保持低犯罪率,请确保警察局与城市道路相连良好。
TUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewEntertainment]:0 To raise the happiness of your citizens and land value of areas, leisure locations are needed. Unique buildings, parks and plazas make the area around them more valuable and people happier. When placing any of these buildings, you can see a circle telling you how far the effect will reach.

Citizens and tourists from all over the city visit parks, plazas and unique buildings on their free time.



DLC_NAME[RadioStation12]:0 On Air Radio 广播电台
DLC_NAME[RadioStation13]:0 Calm the Mind Radio 静心电台
DLC_NAME[AirportsDLC]:0 Airports 机场
DLC_NAME[ModderPack9]:0 Map Pack 地图包
DLC_NAME[ModderPack10]:0 Vehicles of the World 世界之车
DLC_NAME[SunsetHarbor]:0 Sunset Harbor 《日落港口》
DLC_NAME[CoastToCoast]:0 Coast to Coast 《海岸之滨》
DLC_NAME[ModernJapan]:0 Modern Japan 《现代日本》
DLC_NAME[Snowfall]:0 Snowfall 冰天雪地
DLC_NAME[DeluxeEdition]:0 Deluxe Edition 豪华版
DLC_NAME[AfterDark]:0 After Dark 夜生活
DLC_NAME[MatchDay]:0 Match Day 比赛日
DLC_NAME[ArtDeco]:0 Art Deco 艺术合集
DLC_NAME[NaturalDisasters]:0 Natural Disasters 大灾难
DLC_NAME[HighTech]:0 High Tech 高科技建筑
DLC_NAME[RelaxationStation]:0 Relaxation Station 放松小站
DLC_NAME[ChineseBuildings]:0 Pearls From The East 东方明珠
DLC_NAME[MassTransit]:0 Mass Transit 公共交通
DLC_NAME[RockCity]:0 Rock City 都市摇滚电台
DLC_NAME[Concerts]:0 Concerts 音乐会
DLC_NAME[GreenCities]:0 Green Cities 绿色都市
DLC_NAME[EuropeanSuburbia]:0 European Suburbia 欧洲郊区
DLC_NAME[Christmas]:0 Carols, Candles and Candy 圣诞歌,蜡烛与糖果
DLC_NAME[AllThatJazz]:0 All That Jazz 爵士盛典
DLC_NAME[Parklife]:0 Parklife 公园生活
DLC_NAME[CountryRoadRadio]:0 Country Road Radio 乡村之路电台
DLC_NAME[Industries]:0 Industries 工业
DLC_NAME[SyntheticDawn]:0 Synthetic Dawn 机械黎明电台
DLC_NAME[Campus]:0 Campus 都市天际线-校园
DLC_NAME[DeepFocus]:0 Deep Focus 都市天际线-深度聚焦
DLC_NAME[CampusRadio]:0 Campus Radio 都市天际线-校园电台
DLC_NAME[UniversityCity]:0 University City 大学城
DLC_NAME[ModernCityCenter]:0 Modern City Center 现代都市中心
DLC_NAME[DowntownRadio]:0 Downtown Radio 闹市区电台
DLC_NAME[ModderPack7]:0 Train Stations Train Stations
DLC_NAME[ModderPack8]:0 Bridges and Piers Bridges and Piers
DLC_NAME[RadioStation10]:0 Rail Hawk Rail Hawk
DLC_NAME[RadioStation11]:0 Sunny Breeze Sunny Breeze
DLC_DESCRIPTION[RadioStation12]:0 Cool cats rejoice, On Air Radio brings jazz beats to Cities: Skylines. Ideal for building the smoothest cities around. 酷猫们欢呼雀跃,广播电台为《城市:天际线》(Cities: Skylines) 带来节奏轻松的爵士乐。非常适合在建设完美城市时收听。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[RadioStation13]:0 City-building got you stressed? Tune that dial to Calm the Mind Radio, the second relaxation station in the game, to bring some chill vibes into your architectural workflow. 建设城市让你倍感压力?调到游戏中的第二个休闲电台“静心电台”,让自己在建筑过程中提一提神。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[AirportsDLC]:0 The Airports expansion allows you to build your own airport areas, set up gates and connect them via concourse networks. Design your dream airports, from small airfields to large international hubs. 机场扩展包可让你建造自己的机场区,设置登机门,并通过候机大厅网络连接它们。设计你梦想中的机场,从小型机场到大型国际枢纽,任你选择。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[ModderPack9]:0 This pack features 8 new maps by Sanctum Gamer, where you can unleash your creativity and plan new metropolises. 此包提供了 8 张由 Sanctum Gamer 开发的新地图,在那里你可以尽情施展你的创造力,规划全新的大都市。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[ModderPack10]:0 A set of 21 new vehicle assets from around the globe, brought to you by bsquiklehausen. Fill the streets of your cities with iconic service vehicles, like a Police Supercar and more! 由 bsquiklehausen 为你呈献来自全球的 21 款新车。让标志性的服务车辆穿梭于你的城市街道,例如超级警车等等!
DLC_DESCRIPTION[SunsetHarbor]:0 The Sunset Harbor expansion introduces the fishing industry, plus new transportation systems and important city services. 《Sunset Harbor》扩展包除了引入渔业,还有全新的交通系统和重要的城市服务。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[CoastToCoast]:0 Coast to Coast Radio is the perfect destination for uplifting instrumental tunes during long city-building sessions, with 16 songs from DJ Toni G. 《Coast to Coast Radio》包含 DJ Toni G 带来的 16 首歌曲,这些振奋人心的器乐曲调是建造城市漫长期间的最佳伙伴。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[ModernJapan]:0 Infuse unique Japanese architecture into your cityscape with 20 buildings and six props from modder Ryuichi Kaminogi, transforming the appearance of residential, commercial, industrial, and office zones. 利用模块作者 Ryuichi Kaminogi 创作的 20 种建筑和 6 种道具,为城市景观注入独特的日式建筑风格,让您的住宅区、商业区、工业区和办公区焕然一新。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[ModderPack8]:0 Content Creator Pack: Bridges & Piers features 22 unique mods from Andrés “Armesto” to enhance and elevate your waterfronts. Ranging from simple to ornate and from industrial to classical styles around the world, there will be something to suit your city’s iconic appearance and connect water to land with style. 内容创建包:《桥梁和码头》(Bridges & Piers) 包含由 Andrés “Armesto” 创建的 22 个独特模组,用于优化和提升你的海滨地区。从简单到华丽,从工业风到古典风,来自全球各地的风格应有尽有,你可以随意挑选符合你城市标志性外观的风格以及独具特色的水陆连接设施。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[ModderPack7]:0 Content Creator Pack: Train Stations features 12 stations and 4 hubs by BadPeanut. Whether your city would benefit from an elevated or below-ground station, there are options to meet your needs, featuring a variety of stylish train and metro stations allowing everyone to efficiently get where they need to go. 内容创建包:《火车站》(Train Stations) 包含由 BadPeanut 创建的 12 个车站和 4 个枢纽。无论你的城市将享受高架车站还是地下车站之便,你都可以选择能满足你需要的项目,包括各种新潮时尚的火车站和地铁站,让每个人都能高效地抵达他们要去的地方。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[RadioStation10]:0 The vibrant city may be slowing down to go to sleep, but you’re just getting started, jamming along to 16 electronic tracks as you prowl past flickering neons in windows while the late train keeps a perfect beat as it speeds past. Rail Hawk Radio is your underground station of choice when you are getting ready to start a night of making vivid memories. 这座充满活力的城市可能正在缓缓地进入梦乡,但你的生活才刚刚开始。你漫步经过窗户上闪烁的霓虹灯,伴随 16 首电子乐即兴演奏,这时晚班列车正点疾驰而过。当你正准备度过一个能留给你鲜活记忆的难忘之夜时,Rail Hawk Radio 是你首选地下电台。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[RadioStation11]:0 Palm trees sway on the city’s waterfront as you soak up the sun while the music plays. The 16 sunny synth tracks of Sunny Breeze Radio match your mood as you consider dipping your toes in the water. The waves call to you as you kick off your shoes to the sounds of these electronic beats. The sun and sand and songs combine to create the perfect summer day with serious chill. 棕榈树在城市的海滨摇曳,此时此刻你聆听着优美的音乐,沐浴着温暖的阳光。当你想把脚趾浸入水中时,Sunny Breeze Radio 开始播放 16 首欢快的合成乐给你助兴。你随着电子乐的节拍踢开鞋子,这时波浪也开始向你召唤。阳光、沙滩还有歌声,共同营造出一个酷爽完美的夏日。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[Campus]:0 Back to school! In the Campus expansion, university life abounds with new area types for any sort of student - Trade School, Liberal Arts and University. 重返校园!在《Campus》扩展包中,不论是专科学院、文科学院或大学的学生,都能尽情享受有丰富新区域类型的大学生活。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[CampusRadio]:0 Relive your freshman year with a collection of College Rock, Teen Pop, Happy Punk, and Power Chord music. 用包含校园摇滚、青少年流行、欢快朋克和重和弦的一系列音乐,重温您的大一校园生活。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[UniversityCity]:0 Give your city that real “university town” look and feel with a selection of new building spawns designed by Michael “KingLeno” Warren. 利用 Michael “KingLeno” Warren 设计的一系列全新建筑物,为您的城市增添写实的“大学城”外观与氛围。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[DeepFocus]:0 For those late night term papers or relaxing city-building sessions, Deep Focus Radio has the chilled-out ambiance you need. 无论是在深夜苦思学期论文,或是正悠闲地建构城市,在《Deep Focus Radio》中都能找到您需要的放松氛围。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[Industries]:0 The Industries expansion allows deeper customization of industrial areas, including new content such as unique factories and supply chains for the four different resource types. 《Industries》扩展包可让您进一步打造专属的工业区,包含独特工厂和四种不同资源类型的供应链等全新内容。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[SyntheticDawn]:0 Get in the groove with some stellar tunes from Synthetic Dawn, the most far-out radio station to land in Cities: Skylines, ever! 随着 Synthetic Dawn 的精彩乐曲一起律动,史上最超乎寻常的广播电台来到《Cities: Skylines》了!
DLC_DESCRIPTION[Parklife]:0 Parklife is a playful expansion, making your city feel more alive with new amusement parks, nature reserves, city parks and zoos. 《Parklife》是个趣味非凡的扩展包,包含全新的游乐园、自然生态保育园区、城市公园和动物园,让您的城市更加生意盎然。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[GreenCities]:0 The Green Cities expansion adds new ways for players to build environmentally-friendly towns including ecological buildings, organic shops, electric vehicles, and services designed to make pollution a quaint notion of the past. 《Green Cities》扩展包为玩家提供了打造环保城镇的全新方式,包含绿建筑、有机商店、电动车,以及各种专为挥别污染而设计的服务。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[MassTransit]:0 The Mass Transit expansion brings several new systems into play to help citizens traverse their towns in speed and style. 《Mass Transit》扩展包为本游戏带来多种全新系统,帮助市民快速又时髦地往返城镇。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[NaturalDisasters]:0 The Natural Disasters expansion features a catalog of catastrophes to challenge mayor-players everywhere, including planning with early warning systems and emergency routes, devastating and destructive disaster effects, and caring for the populace as they struggle to rebuild. 《Natural Disasters》扩展包推出了一系列灾害,向世界各地的市长玩家们下战帖,玩家能规划天灾预警系统和紧急逃生路线、目睹毁天灭地般的灾难效果,以及关照努力重建家园的民众。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[Snowfall]:0 In the Snowfall expansion, players’ cities will be covered in snow or glisten in the rain thanks to a new in-game weather system, while their civic expertise is tested by the new challenges of running a city when the temperature falls. 在《Snowfall》扩展包中,全新的游戏内天气系统会使城市覆满白雪或在朦胧烟雨中闪耀光泽,同时也会考验玩家在温度骤降时管理城市的专业能力。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[AfterDark]:0 In the After Dark expansion, the city changes depending on the time of day and affects citizen schedules with traffic visibly slower at night and some zoned areas working below full efficiency. 在《After Dark》扩展包中,城市会随着时间产生日夜变化,夜晚的交通会明显较慢,某些区域的工作效率也会降低,从而影响市民的行程安排。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[EuropeanSuburbia]:0 European Suburbia brings the suburban fantasy of Europe to city builders around the world with 80 new special residential buildings and props, from modder Samantha “Avanya” Woods. 《European Suburbia》以模块作者 Samantha “Avanya” Woods 制作的 80 种特殊住宅建筑和道具,为世界各地的城市建造者带来欧洲郊区的梦幻美景。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[HighTech]:0 Bring your town into the future with a new set of unique buildings from a top Cities: Skylines modding star, Mauro "GCVos" Vos! 以《Cities: Skylines》顶尖模块之星 Mauro “GCVos” Vos 制作的新系列独特建筑,带您的城镇前往未来世界!
DLC_DESCRIPTION[ArtDeco]:0 Add to your city's style with a pack of new buildings from one of Cities: Skylines' top modders, Matt "Shroomblaze" Crux! 以《Cities: Skylines》顶尖模块作者 Matt “Shroomblaze” Crux 的全新建筑包,为您的城市增添艺术气息!
DLC_DESCRIPTION[CountryRoadRadio]:0 Country Road Radio features 16 original songs in four sub-genres: Appalachian Folk, Bluegrass / Honky Tonk, Nashville Modern Country, and Unplugged Country. 《Country Road Radio》提供以下四种风格、总共 16 首原创歌曲:阿巴拉契亚民谣、蓝草 / 酒吧音乐、纳什维尔现代乡村音乐、不插电乡村音乐。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[AllThatJazz]:0 The All That Jazz radio station will feature 16 new songs across several smooth genres: Classic, Latin, Funky and Chill-Out Jazz. 《All That Jazz》广播电台将提供 16 全新歌曲,含括多种纾压曲风:古典乐、拉丁音乐、放克音乐和弛放爵士。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[Concerts]:0 Concerts is a mini-expansion for the award-winning city builder that gives players the power to plan and present major concerts. 《Concerts》是获奖城市建造游戏的小型扩展包,让玩家有能力规划并演出大型演唱会。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[RockCity]:0 Rock City Radio takes the mute out of your commute with everything from grunge and classic rock to sleaze rock and metal. 从油渍摇滚、经典摇滚到低级摇滚和金属音乐应有尽有,《Rock City Radio》能让您的都市喧嚣得更带感。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[RelaxationStation]:0 Take the stress out of your streets and relax while you re-district in this calming music pack for Cities: Skylines, featuring over an hour of original music. 以这个抚慰人心的《Cities: Skylines》音乐包超过一小时的原创音乐,在您规划街区时放松心情,将压力抛出街道之外。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[DeluxeEdition]:0 Included in the Deluxe Edition are five in-game historical monuments from around the world, the games original soundtrack as well as a digital art book. 《Deluxe Edition》中包含五种源自世界各地的游戏内历史古迹、游戏原声带,以及数字版美术设定集。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[Christmas]:0 With Carols, Candles and Candy, yule feel right at home with five new Holiday carols remade in multiple genres: Classic Jazz, Latin Jazz, Country, Indie and Indietronica. 《Carols, Candles and Candy》推出 5 首不同曲风的节庆改编歌曲,包括经典爵士、拉丁爵士、乡村音乐、独立音乐和独立电子乐,让您感受在家过节的气氛。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[MatchDay]:0 Match Day allows mayor-players to add stadiums to their towns – and comes with all of the benefits and challenges of hosting major sporting events in their citizens’ backyard. 《Match Day》能让市长玩家们为城镇添加体育馆,并体验在市民居家附近举办大型运动赛事的各种好处和挑战。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[ChineseBuildings]:0 Pearls from the East will bring a splash of style to your city with three original buildings, inspired by Chinese architecture and design! 《Pearls from the East》将以三种中国风设计的原创建筑,为您的城市增添引人注目的风格!
DLC_DESCRIPTION[ModernCityCenter]:0 Get 39 wall to wall buildings by Jason “AmiPolizeiFunk” Ditmars. 获取 Jason “AmiPolizeiFunk” Ditmars 创作的 39 座墙贴墙建筑物。
DLC_DESCRIPTION[DowntownRadio]:0 16 original songs centered around the theme of modern lounge music with a retro vibe. 16 首原创歌曲,紧跟现代沙发音乐主题,流露怀旧情愫。
CHIRP_FIRST_LARGEAIRCRAFTSTAND:0 I heard the airport is expanding! Can't wait to see those jumbo jets arrive! 我听说机场在扩建!真期待看到大型喷气式飞机降落的情景!
CHIRP_FIRST_CONCOURSEHUB_STYLE_A:0 I think I'm lost. Where is gate 9 3/4? #Lost #HugeBuilding 我觉得我迷路了。9 3/4 号门在哪?#迷路 #大型建筑
CHIRP_AIRPORTBUILDING:0 I wonder how long it will take to build this new #airport? 我想知道,建造这个新#机场需要多长时间?
CHIRP_AIRPORTBUILDING:1 I hope the architects of this new airport also think about fire safety! #firesafety #airport 我希望这个新机场的建筑师还考虑了消防安全的问题!#消防安全 #机场
CHIRP_AIRPORTBUILDING:2 Can't wait to travel somewhere using the #new #airport! #IbelieveICanFly #Soon 真想使用#新#机场去旅行!#我相信我#很快就能飞了
CHIRP_FIRST_AIRPORTHOTEL:0 Staying at the airport hotel is so convenient! #FrequentFlyer 入住机场酒店真是太方便了!#飞行常客
CHIRP_FIRST_AIRPORTHOTEL_LARGE:0 Just realised the spa is included in my hotel stay! #Luxury 刚发现我的酒店住宿还包含水疗服务!#豪华
CHIRP_FIRST_AIRLINELOUNGE:0 I love the new airline lounge at the airport! Helps me relax after such a long flight! #TreatYourself 我真喜欢机场的新航空公司休息室!让我在长途飞行之后能好好休息下!#善待自己
CHIRP_FIRST_AIRPORTMETRO:0 The new metro station takes me almost to the gate! #EasyTravel 出了新地铁站,机场大门几乎就在面前!#轻松旅行
CHIRP_FIRST_AVIATIONMUSEUM:0 The new aviation museum is packed with heritage planes! #PlaneFan 新的航空博物馆展览的老飞机真多啊!#飞机迷
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP10:0 Love watching all these planes fly overhead! #PlaneSpotter 真喜欢看着所有这些飞机从头顶飞过的情景!#观机者
AIINFO_ACTIVE_FLIGHTS:0 Active flights: {0} 活动航班:{0}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[AirportAreaCreated]:0 Create an Airport Area 创建一个机场区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[AirportLevel1PaintAirportArea]:0 Create an Airport Area and build an Airport Terminal 创建一个机场区并建造一座航站楼
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[AirportLevel1]:0 Build an Airport Terminal 创建一个机场区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[AirportLevel2]:0 Have an airport area reach level 2 让一个机场区达到第 2 级
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[AirportLevel3]:0 Have an airport area reach level 3 让一个机场区达到第 3 级
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[UseOnlyGeothermalHeating]:0 Use only Geothermal Heating Plants for heating 仅使用地热供暖站供暖
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[UseOnlyBoilerHeating]:0 Use only Boiler Stations for heating 仅使用锅炉供暖站供暖
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[WinThreeScenarios]:0 Win any three scenarios 任意三个剧本取胜
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[DisasterNoCasualties]:0 Destruction with no casualties 毁灭全无伤亡
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[CityParkLevel1]:0 Create a park area 创建一片公园区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[CityParkLevel2]:0 Have a level 2 city park area 拥有一片2级公园区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[CityParkLevel3]:0 Have a level 3 city park area 拥有一片3级公园区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[CityParkLevel4]:0 Have a level 4 city park area 拥有一片4级公园区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[CityParkLevel5]:0 Have a level 5 city park area 拥有一片5级公园区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[AmusementParkLevel1]:0 Create an amusement park area 创建一片游乐园区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[AmusementParkLevel2]:0 Have a level 2 amusement park area 拥有一片2级游乐园区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[AmusementParkLevel3]:0 Have a level 3 amusement park area 拥有一片3级游乐园区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[AmusementParkLevel4]:0 Have a level 4 amusement park area 拥有一片4级游乐园区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[AmusementParkLevel5]:0 Have a level 5 amusement park area 拥有一片5级游乐园区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[NatureReserveLevel1]:0 Create a nature reserve area 创建一片自然保护区区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[NatureReserveLevel2]:0 Have a level 2 nature reserve area 拥有一片2级自然保护区区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[NatureReserveLevel3]:0 Have a level 3 nature reserve area 拥有一片3级自然保护区区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[NatureReserveLevel4]:0 Have a level 4 nature reserve area 拥有一片4级自然保护区区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[NatureReserveLevel5]:0 Have a level 5 nature reserve area 拥有一片5级自然保护区区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[ZooLevel1]:0 Create a zoo area 创建一片动物园区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[ZooLevel2]:0 Have a level 2 zoo area 拥有一片2级动物园区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[ZooLevel3]:0 Have a level 3 zoo area 拥有一片3级动物园区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[ZooLevel4]:0 Have a level 4 zoo area 拥有一片4级动物园区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[ZooLevel5]:0 Have a level 5 zoo area 拥有一片5级动物园区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[AnyParkGate]:0 Build a park area gate 建造一座公园区域大门
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[AnyParkLevel5]:0 Have a level 5 park area 拥有一片5级公园区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[IndustryAreaCreated]:0 Create an industry area 建造一个工业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[FarmingLevel1]:0 Create a farming area 创建农业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[FarmingLevel2]:0 Have a level 2 farming area 拥有2级农业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[FarmingLevel3]:0 Have a level 3 farming area 拥有3级农业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[FarmingLevel4]:0 Have a level 4 farming area 拥有4级农业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[FarmingLevel5]:0 Have a level 5 farming area 拥有5级农业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[ForestryLevel1]:0 Create a forest industry area 创建林业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[ForestryLevel2]:0 Have a level 2 forest industry area 拥有2级林业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[ForestryLevel3]:0 Have a level 3 forest industry area 拥有3级林业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[ForestryLevel4]:0 Have a level 4 forest industry area 拥有4级林业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[ForestryLevel5]:0 Have a level 5 forest industry area 拥有5级林业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[OreLevel1]:0 Create an ore industry area 创建矿业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[OreLevel2]:0 Have a level 2 ore industry area 拥有2级矿业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[OreLevel3]:0 Have a level 3 ore industry area 拥有3级矿业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[OreLevel4]:0 Have a level 4 ore industry area 拥有4级矿业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[OreLevel5]:0 Have a level 5 ore industry area 拥有5级矿业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[OilLevel1]:0 Create an oil industry area 创建石油业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[OilLevel2]:0 Have a level 2 oil industry area 拥有2级石油业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[OilLevel3]:0 Have a level 3 oil industry area 拥有3级石油业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[OilLevel4]:0 Have a level 4 oil industry area 拥有4级石油业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[OilLevel5]:0 Have a level 5 oil industry area 拥有5级石油业区
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[CampusAreaCreated]:0 Create a campus area 创建一个校园区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[TradeSchoolLevel1]:0 Have a Trade School campus area 拥有一个贸易学院校园区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[TradeSchoolLevel2]:0 Reach Trade School reputation: Recognized 达到专科学院声望:认可
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[TradeSchoolLevel3]:0 Reach Trade School reputation: Renowned 达到专科学院声望:知名
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[TradeSchoolLevel4]:0 Reach Trade School reputation: Acclaimed 达到专科学院声望:闻名
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[TradeSchoolLevel5]:0 Reach Trade School reputation: Prestigious 达到专科学院声望:著名
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[LiberalArtsLevel1]:0 Have a Liberal Arts campus area 拥有一个文科学院校园区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[LiberalArtsLevel2]:0 Reach Liberal Arts reputation: Recognized 达到文科学院声望:认可
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[LiberalArtsLevel3]:0 Reach Liberal Arts reputation: Renowned 达到文科学院声望:知名
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[LiberalArtsLevel4]:0 Reach Liberal Arts reputation: Acclaimed 达到文科学院声望:闻名
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[LiberalArtsLevel5]:0 Reach Liberal Arts reputation: Prestigious 达到文科学院声望:著名
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[UniversityLevel1]:0 Have a University campus area 拥有一个大学校园区域
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[UniversityLevel2]:0 Reach University reputation: Recognized 达到大学声望:认可
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[UniversityLevel3]:0 Reach University reputation: Renowned 达到大学声望:知名
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[UniversityLevel4]:0 Reach University reputation: Acclaimed 达到大学声望:闻名
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[UniversityLevel5]:0 Reach University reputation: Prestigious 达到大学声望:著名
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[MetroRequirements]:0 Construct any metro station 建造任何地铁站
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[MusicFestivalConcerts]:0 {0} concerts played 完成{0}场演出
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[CreateAllServiceBuildings]:0 Construct all city service buildings 建造所有城市服务设施
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[CreateNumServiceBuildings]:0 Construct {0} city service buildings 建造 {0} 座城市服务设施
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[AirportAreaCreated]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[AirportLevel1PaintAirportArea]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[AirportLevel1]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[AirportLevel2]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[AirportLevel3]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[UseOnlyGeothermalHeating]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[UseOnlyBoilerHeating]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[WinThreeScenarios]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[DisasterNoCasualties]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[CityParkLevel1]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[CityParkLevel2]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[CityParkLevel3]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[CityParkLevel4]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[CityParkLevel5]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[AmusementParkLevel1]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[AmusementParkLevel2]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[AmusementParkLevel3]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[AmusementParkLevel4]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[AmusementParkLevel5]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[NatureReserveLevel1]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[NatureReserveLevel2]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[NatureReserveLevel3]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[NatureReserveLevel4]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[NatureReserveLevel5]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[ZooLevel1]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[ZooLevel2]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[ZooLevel3]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[ZooLevel4]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[ZooLevel5]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[AnyParkGate]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[AnyParkLevel5]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[IndustryAreaCreated]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[FarmingLevel1]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[FarmingLevel2]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[FarmingLevel3]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[FarmingLevel4]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[FarmingLevel5]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[ForestryLevel1]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[ForestryLevel2]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[ForestryLevel3]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[ForestryLevel4]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[ForestryLevel5]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[OreLevel1]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[OreLevel2]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[OreLevel3]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[OreLevel4]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[OreLevel5]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[OilLevel1]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[OilLevel2]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[OilLevel3]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[OilLevel4]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[OilLevel5]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[CampusAreaCreated]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[TradeSchoolLevel1]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[TradeSchoolLevel2]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[TradeSchoolLevel3]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[TradeSchoolLevel4]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[TradeSchoolLevel5]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[LiberalArtsLevel1]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[LiberalArtsLevel2]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[LiberalArtsLevel3]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[LiberalArtsLevel4]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[LiberalArtsLevel5]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[UniversityLevel1]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[UniversityLevel2]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[UniversityLevel3]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[UniversityLevel4]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[UniversityLevel5]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[MetroRequirements]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[MusicFestivalConcerts]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[CreateAllServiceBuildings]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_PROG[CreateNumServiceBuildings]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
BUDGET_AIRPORTAREASNOTAFFECTED:0 Airport Areas are not affected by this. 机场区不受此影响。
UPDATE_POLICIES_DETAIL[HotelDiscounts]:0 Adds a bonus of 200 points to the airport's attractiveness rating. Cost: ₡20 / passenger / week 使机场的吸引力得分增加了 200 分。成本:₡20/乘客/周
UPDATE_BUILDING_TITLE[cargo_airport_trainstation_01_anim]:0 Airport Cargo Train Station 机场货运火车站
UPDATE_MILESTONE_COMBINED_CUSTOM_DESC[AirportLevel1]:0 Build an Airport Terminal 建造机场航站楼
AIRPORTPANEL_AIRLINELOCKED:0 Level up an airport to level 3 and build an Airline Headquarters building to found an airline and generate income by selling plane tickets. 将一座机场升级至第 3 级并建造一个航空公司总部大楼,以成立一家航空公司并通过售卖机票创收。
AIRPORTPANEL_WEEKLYPASSENGERS2:0 Weekly Passengers: {0} 每周旅客:{0}
AIRPORTPANEL_ACTIVEFLIGHTS:0 Active flights: {0} 活动航班:{0}
AIRPORTPANELTOOLTIP_ACTIVEFLIGHTS:0 The total amount of flights currently connecting to or from this airport area. 当前与该机场通航或该机场的航班总数
AIRPORTPANELTOOLTIP_SIZE:0 The size of the airport area in cells. 以网格为单位的机场区规模
AIRPORTPANELTOOLTIP_WEEKLYPASSENGERS:0 The weekly amount of passengers using this airport. Tourists support the city’s commercial zones and residents can use the airport to enter and leave the city. 每周使用该机场的旅客人数。城市商业区依靠游客来维持,而居民可使用机场出入城市。
AIRPORTPANELTOOLTIP_ATTRACTIVENESS:0 The airport’s attractiveness score determines how many tourists the airport will attract. Tourists benefit the city by spending money in commercial zones. 机场的吸引力得分决定了机场能吸引多少游客。游客在商业区消费为城市带来收益。
AIRPORTPANELTOOLTIP_FULLNESS:0 This chart shows how many of the available passengers seats are used on an average flight to or from this airport area. 此图表显示往来于此机场区的普通航班上有多少可用的乘客座位。
AIRPORTPANEL_FULLNESS:0 Passenger Seats 乘客座位
AIRPORTPANEL_TICKETINCOME:0 Projected ticket income 计划机票收入
AIRPORTPANELTOOLTIP_TICKETINCOME:0 The projected weekly income from airline ticket sales. 计划每周机票销售收入。
AIRPORTPANELTOOLTIP_INOUT:0 This chart compares the amounts of departing and arriving passengers in this airport area. 此图表比较了此机场区出发旅客和到达旅客的人数。
AIRPORTPANELTOOLTIP_ATTRACTIVENESSMODIFIER:0 The effect of the ticket price on attracting tourists. 机票价格对吸引旅客的影响。
AIRPORTPANEL_TABSTRIPDISABLED2:0 Complete the airport construction to unlock these features. 完成机场建造来解锁这些功能。
AIRPORTPANEL_LEVEL_TOOLTIP2:0 Leveling up the airport unlocks new buildings and features, such as public transport buildings, cargo aircraft stands, and ultimately the option to found an airline. 升级机场可解锁新的建筑和功能,如公共交通建筑、货机停机位,甚至还有成立航空公司的选项。
UPDATED_TUTORIAL_ADVISER[AirportArea]:0 Paint an airport area using the airport area tool and place a terminal, aircraft stands and a runway to build an airport from modular parts. Taxiways connect aircraft stands with the runway. To avoid accidents, taxiways are one-way only.

Airport areas provide great creative freedom regarding the layout of an airport, and can have aircraft stands for both passenger- and cargo planes.

Buildings such as airline lounges and other decorative buildings increase an Airport Area’s attractiveness score, attracting more passengers and tourists. Leveling up an Airport Area unlocks more buildings and eventually the option to found your own airline, which generates income from selling tickets to airport passengers.




BUDGET_ATTRACTIVENESSAFFECTED:0 Air transport funding also affects the attractiveness bonus that decoration buildings give to an airport area. 空运业务融资也会影响装饰性建筑赋予机场区的额外吸引力。
UPDATED_VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Tokyo Metro Engine]:0 High Capacity Metro 高运力地铁
UPDATED_VEHICLE_TITLE[mp10_Tokyo Metro Trailer]:0 High Capacity Metro Trailer 高运量地铁
CITYSERVICEWORLDINFOPANEL_VEHICLESELECTOR_TOOLTIP:0 Change which vehicles spawn from this building. 更改从该建筑生成的车辆。
VEHICLESELECTOR_TITLE:0 Select a vehicle 选择一辆车
SOIL_DISPOSE:0 Dispose of {0} t of soil 处理 {0} 吨泥土
SOIL_BUY:0 Buy {0} t of soil 购买 {0} 吨泥土
PAUNLOCKINGPANEL_DONTSHOWAGAIN_AIRPORT:0 Don’t notify me when an airport area levels up 当机场区升级时,不要通知我
OPTION_AIRPORTLEVELUPNOTIFICATIONS:0 Hide airport area level-up notifications 隐藏机场区升级通知
AIRPORTPANEL_LEVEL:0 Airport Level: {0} / {1} 机场等级:{0} / {1}
AIRPORTPANEL_ATTRACTIVENESS:0 Attractiveness Score: {0} 吸引力得分:{0}
AIRPORTPANEL_PASSENGERS:0 Passenger Count: {0} 乘客人数:{0}
AIRPORTPANEL_IDENTITY:0 Airline identity 航空公司形象

{0} / {1}


{0} / {1}


{0} / {1}


{0} / {1}

AIRPORTPANEL_INCOME_TOOLTIP:0 The weekly income from airline ticket sales. 每周机票销售收入。
AIRPORTPANEL_EXPENSES_TOOLTIP:0 The total weekly cost of running the airport area. 机场区每周营运开支总额
CHIRP_FIRST_TRAMDEPOT:0 Wow, trams are coming to the city! #trams4ever #ilovetrams #trams! 哇哦!城里就快要有电车了! #电车永不朽 #我爱电车 #电~车!
CHIRP_FIRST_SAUNA:0 Lovely warmth! Saunas make the winter time more bearable :) #sauna 暖暖哒!桑拿让冬天不再那么难受了 :) #桑拿
CHIRP_FIRST_SKIRESORT:0 Skiing is the number one winter sport! I'll just grab my skis and head to the new resort right away! #skiing #skitime #wintersports 滑雪真真是赛高的冬季运动!俺现在就要带上俺亲爱的雪橇们,去新开的滑雪度假村啦!#滑雪 #滑雪时间到 #冬季运动
CHIRP_FIRST_SPAHOTEL:0 Ah, warm water and massages! A spa was just what this city needed! #ilovethemayor #spatime #relaxation 嘛,热水再加上马杀鸡!温泉疗养正是本城所需的! #吾爱市长 #水疗时间到 #放松
CHIRP_FIRST_BOILERSTATION:0 Looks like we are getting some heating, way to go! #boilerstation #heating 看样子咱们快要有暖气了,真是 666 呀! #锅炉供暖站 #暖气
CHIRP_FIRST_SNOWDUMP:0 Off with the snow! The city just got a brand new snowdump, awesome! #snowaway 大雪滚粗!城里新建了一个铲雪车总站,棒呆! #除雪
CHIRP_FIRST_ROADMAINTENANCEDEPOT:0 Road maintenance just got better! Soon we all can drive even faster on the roads! #needforspeed #roadmaintenance 道路的维护情况有改善了!不久之后大家伙就能在路上开得更快啦! #渴望速度 #道路维保
CHIRP_FIRST_GEOTHERMALPLANT:0 Geothermal energy is so exciting! Soon we can heat our houses with it! #heating #geothermalplant 地热能真令人兴奋!我们即将能使用它来加热自家的房屋了! #暖气 #地热供暖站
CHIRP_RANDOM_THEME[Winter]:0 Skiing, sledges, reindeer... I love winter time! #wintertime #purejoy 滑雪,雪橇,驯鹿…我爱冬天!#冬季时光 #纯悦生活
CHIRP_RANDOM_THEME[Winter]:1 Winter is coming. Wait, is it already here? #winterwascoming 冬天就要到来啦。等等,是已经到了吗? #冬天来了
CHIRP_RANDOM_THEME[Winter]:2 Kids sure seem to love playing in the #snow #kidsplay 孩纸们一定喜欢在雪中嬉戏打闹 #雪 #玩闹的孩子
CHIRP_RANDOM_THEME[Winter]:3 Did you see that reindeer? I can swear it had a red nose! #rudolf #reindeer #nature 你刚才看见那只驯鹿了吗?我发誓这家伙有一个红彤彤的鼻头! #兰道夫 #驯鹿 #大自然
CHIRP_RANDOM_THEME[Winter]:4 I hate snow. Too white, too cold. Just not for me! #goawaysnow 我讨厌雪。看起来白得过分,冷得难受。人家就是不喜欢嘛! #雪儿雪儿快消失
CHIRP_RANDOM_THEME[Winter]:5 When I look out of my window, I see snow. Liking it! #winterrulesok 我往窗户外面一看就是雪。我就喜欢! #冬天注意事项
CHIRP_RANDOM_THEME[Winter]:6 Brr, it's a bit cold! But that's how winter is, I guess #putonmoreclothes #winter 哎哟喂,这天气有点冷嘛!我猜,冬天就是这个 feel 的吧 #多穿厚衣服 #冬天
CHIRP_RANDOM_THEME[Winter]:7 Winter nights are my favourite. The way light plays on the snow is gorgeous! #winternights 伦家最喜欢冬季的夜晚了。灯光映照在雪地上的样子简直不能再漂亮! #冬季夜晚
CHIRP_RANDOM_THEME[Winter]:8 Remember to drive safe, it can be slippery on the roads! #besafe 请大家注意行车安全,路上可能会非常滑! #注意安全
CHIRP_RANDOM_THEME[Winter]:9 Don't run! It's slippery! #norunning 别瞎跑!地上很滑的哦! #禁止奔跑
CHIRP_RANDOM_THEME[Winter]:10 What's the best place for sledding around here? #sleddingforlife 这附近有啥地方最适合滑雪橇呢? #雪橇人生
CHIRP_RANDOM_THEME[Winter]:11 I'm mesmerized by starry skies during winter. Take a look next time you have the opportunity! #wintersky 我已沉醉于冬季夜空的点点繁星之中了。下次有机会的话大家也请一定去看看! #冬季夜空
CHIRP_RANDOM_THEME[Winter]:12 Skiing is my favourite pastime! Skiing up, down or on level ground, I love it all #skiingismylife 滑雪是我最喜欢的消遣活动!上滑,下滑,或在地上平滑,我都特别喜欢 #滑雪人生
CHIRP_RANDOM_THEME[Winter]:13 I lost my woollen hat in the park! If you find it, send me a message. It's sorely missed #earsfreezing 我把我的羊毛帽子落在公园里了!如果大家伙找到的话,请给我发私信吧。我想死它了。 #耳朵冻着了
CHIRP_RANDOM_THEME[Winter]:14 Have you seen my mittens? White, soft and warm ones? I need them! #myhandsarecold 你看到我的手套了吗? 又白,又软,还暖暖的那种? 得把它们找回来! #我的手好冻
CHIRP_RANDOM_THEME[Winter]:15 It's so cozy to sit by the fireplace! #coziness #fireplace 坐在篝火旁边真舒服啊! #安逸 #篝火
CHIRP_RANDOM_THEME[Winter]:16 Pro tip: Don't dry your socks on top of the radiator. #toofieryforme 砖家说:不要把湿袜子晾在散热片上。 #太火热了
CHIRP_RANDOM_THEME[Winter]:17 Tired of winter? Go for a holiday somewhere warm! I know I sure am! #warmholidays 厌倦冬天了吗?去更暖和的地方过冬吧!我可去定了哦! #温暖的假期
CHIRP_RANDOM_THEME[Winter]:18 Woollen socks are the best thing ever! My grandma makes the best ones! #woollensocks #bestthinginlife 羊毛袜子真是世界上赛高的东西!我奶奶织的袜子天下无双! #羊毛袜子 #世上最棒的东西
CHIRP_RANDOM_THEME[Winter]:19 Woollen socks are the best thing ever! My grandpa makes the best ones! #woollensocks #bestthinginlife 羊毛袜子真是世界上最棒的东西!我爷爷织的袜子可是一级棒的哦! #羊毛袜子 #世上最棒的东西
CANAL_OPTION_FREEFORM:0 Free-form Canal 自由形状
ROAD_MAINTENANCE_INFO_VIEW:0 Road maintenance 道路养护
UPDATE_WATER_PIPES_TOOL_MOUSEOVER:0 Upgrade water pipes to water and heating pipes 将普通水管升级成供暖输水两用水管
UPDATE_WATER_PIPES_TOOL_DESCRIPTION:0 Upgraded water pipes transfer both water and heat. Connect heating service buildings and housing to allow housing to use heating instead of pure electricity to warm up. 升级后的水管能同时输水和供暖。将供暖站和住宅连接在一起,使住宅能够使用暖气,而不是单纯用电力来取暖。
EXTENDED_PUBLIC_TRANSPORT_UI_ITEM_8:0 lines for each vehicle type 不同交通线路
TRANSPORT_TITLE[Tram]:0 Tram Line 规划电车线路
TRANSPORT_TITLE[Ferry]:0 Ferry Line 渡船航线
TRANSPORT_TITLE[Blimp]:0 Blimp Line 飞艇航线
TRANSPORT_TITLE[Monorail]:0 Monorail Line 单轨列车线路
TRANSPORT_TITLE[Pedestrian]:0 Walking Tour Point of Interest 步行游览兴趣点
TRANSPORT_TITLE[Sightseeing Bus]:0 Sightseeing Bus Stop 游览车站
TRANSPORT_TITLE[Helicopter]:0 Helicopter Line 直升机线路
TRANSPORT_TITLE[Trolleybus]:0 Trolleybus Line 无轨电车线路
TRANSPORT_TITLE[Bus]:0 Bus Line 公交路线
TRANSPORT_TITLE[Metro]:0 Metro Line Tool 地铁路线工具
TRANSPORT_TITLE[Train]:0 Train Line 火车路线
TRANSPORT_DESC[Tram]:0 Click on roads with tram tracks to place a stop, simultaneously drawing a tram line. A line must be circular to be finished. Stops can only be placed on roads that already have tracks. 单击电车线路可以以放置车站。要完成一条线路,必须使其首尾相连。车站只能被放置在已铺设有电车轨道的道路上。
TRANSPORT_DESC[Ferry]:0 Connect ferry stops with a ferry line to create a line. A line can be circular or have two ends. If you have trouble finding routes between Piers and Stops, use the Ferry Path tool to mark the way between the buildings. 将渡船站和码头与渡船航线相连,创建航线。航线必须是循环闭合的。站点和码头之间必须标记出路径,渡船才可找到来往路线。码头并非航线的一部分,但需要路径连接。
TRANSPORT_DESC[Blimp]:0 Connect Blimp Stops to each other to create a Blimp Line. If there is no route found between the Stops, use the Blimp Path tool to draw the path you want Blimps to travel to get from one stop to another. A Blimp line must be circular. Depots do not need to be connected to lines. 将飞艇站彼此连接,创建飞艇航线。站点和总站之间必须设置路径指引飞艇飞往何处。飞艇航线必须是循环闭合的。总站无需连接至航线,但是需要路径连接。
TRANSPORT_DESC[Monorail]:0 Click on Monorail Stops connected with tracks to each other to choose in which order they are visited. A line must be circular. 单击用轨道彼此连接的单轨列车站,来选择游览顺序。线路必须是循环闭合的。
TRANSPORT_DESC[Pedestrian]:0 Place points of interest to create a walking tour. Tours going through areas with a high appeal attract more tourists. The points of interest must form a circular line! 放置兴趣点以创建步行游览路线。经过高吸引力区域的路线会吸引更多游客。兴趣点必须形成一个环形!
TRANSPORT_DESC[Sightseeing Bus]:0 Place Sightseeing Bus Stops to create Sightseeing tours. Tours going through areas with a high appeal attract more tourists. The stops must form a circular line! Sightseeing Buses are automatically sent from the Sightseeing Bus Depot. 放置观光巴士站以创建观光路线。经过高吸引力区域的路线会吸引更多游客。巴士站必须形成一个环形!观光巴士会自动从观光巴士总站发出。
TRANSPORT_DESC[Helicopter]:0 Connect Helicopter Stops to each other with the Pathways and use the Line tool to create a circular Helicopter Line. Depots need Pathways to access the lines. 将直升机站点与直升机路径相互连接,然后使用线路工具创建一条环形直升机线路。总站需要路径才能进入线路。
TRANSPORT_DESC[Trolleybus]:0 Click on roads with trolleybus wires to place a stop, simultaneously drawing a trolleybus line. A line must be circular to be finished. Stops can only be placed on trolleybus roads. 在有无轨电车电缆的公路上进行点击来放置一个站点,同时标画出一条无轨电车线路,该线路必须是环形的。站点只能被放置在无轨电车公路上。
TRANSPORT_DESC[Bus]:0 Place bus stops to create a line. Bus stops need to form a circular line! Buses are automatically sent out from a Bus Depot. 请放置公交站点来创建公交线路。公交站点必须首尾相连!公交车将会自动从巴士总站被派出。
TRANSPORT_DESC[Metro]:0 Draw metro lines by clicking on stations. Draw the line from the departure station to the terminal station and back as a metro line needs to be circular. Stations need to be connected with metro tracks. 点击站台来画地铁线路。从始发站画到终点站然后还要再画回始发站,因为地铁线路必须是环形闭合的线路。地铁站台必须用地铁轨道连接起来。
TRANSPORT_DESC[Train]:0 Draw a train line by clicking the Train Stations. Draw the line from the departure station to the terminal station and back as a train line needs to be circular. Build Train Stations and rails before making a line. Cargo Train Terminals can't have train stops, but the line can go through them. 请单击火车站来描画火车线路。从旅客出发站一直画到终点站,往复成为闭合线路。画线路之前要先建好火车站和铁轨。货运火车站不能作为停车点,但是火车线路可以穿过货运火车站。
TRANSPORT_LINE_PATTERN[Tram]:0 Tram Line {0} 电车线路 {0}
TRANSPORT_LINE_PATTERN[Ferry]:0 Ferry Line {0} 渡船航线 {0}
TRANSPORT_LINE_PATTERN[Blimp]:0 Line {0} – Blimp 航线 {0} – 飞艇
TRANSPORT_LINE_PATTERN[Monorail]:0 Monorail Line {0} 单轨列车线路 {0}
TRANSPORT_LINE_PATTERN[Sightseeing Bus]:0 Sightseeing Bus Line {0} 游览车路线{0}
TRANSPORT_LINE_PATTERN[Pedestrian]:0 Walking Tour {0} 步行游览路线{0}
TRANSPORT_LINE_PATTERN[Helicopter]:0 Line {0} – Helicopter 线路{0} - 直升机
TRANSPORT_LINE_PATTERN[Trolleybus]:0 Trolleybus Line {0} 无轨电车线路{0}条
TRANSPORT_LINE_PATTERN[Bus]:0 Bus Line {0} 公交路线 {0}
TRANSPORT_LINE_PATTERN[Metro]:0 Metro Line {0} 地铁路线 {0}
TRANSPORT_LINE_PATTERN[Train]:0 Train Line {0} 火车路线 {0}
TRANSPORT_LINE[Tram]:0 Tram 电车
TRANSPORT_LINE[Ferry]:0 Ferry 渡船
TRANSPORT_LINE[Blimp]:0 Blimp 飞艇
TRANSPORT_LINE[Monorail]:0 Monorail 单轨列车
TRANSPORT_LINE[Airplane]:0 Blimp 飞艇
TRANSPORT_LINE[Pedestrian]:0 Walking Tour 步行游览路线
TRANSPORT_LINE[Sightseeing Bus]:0 Sightseeing Bus 游览车
TRANSPORT_LINE[Helicopter]:0 Helicopter 直升机
TRANSPORT_LINE[Trolleybus]:0 Trolleybus 无轨电车
TRANSPORT_LINE[Metro]:0 Metro 地铁
TRANSPORT_LINE[Train]:0 Train 火车
TRANSPORT_LINE[Ship]:0 Ship 船舶
TRANSPORT_LINE[Plane]:0 Plane 飞机
AIINFO_TRAMDEPOT_TRAMCOUNT:0 Trams in use: {0} 运行中的电车: {0}
VEHICLE_STATUS_TRAM_RETURN:0 Returning to depot 返回车站
INFOVIEWS[TerrainHeight]:0 Terrain Heights 等高线
INFOVIEWS[Heating]:0 Heating 供暖
INFOVIEWS[Maintenance]:0 Road maintenance 道路养护
INFOVIEWS[Snow]:0 Snow
INFOVIEWS[EscapeRoutes]:0 Escape Routes 逃生路线
INFOVIEWS[Radio]:0 Radio Coverage 无线电覆盖
INFOVIEWS[Destruction]:0 Destruction 摧毁
INFOVIEWS[DisasterDetection]:0 Disaster Detection 灾难预测
INFOVIEWS[TrafficRoutes]:0 Traffic Routes 交通路线
INFOVIEWS[Tours]:0 Tours 游览
INFOVIEWS[ParkMaintenance]:0 Park Maintenance 公园维护
INFOVIEWS[Tourism]:0 Tourism 旅游业
INFOVIEWS[Industry]:0 Industry Areas 工业区
INFOVIEWS[Post]:0 Post Offices 邮政局
INFOVIEWS[Fishing]:0 Fishing Industry 捕鱼业
INFOVIEWS[Electricity]:0 Electricity 电力
INFOVIEWS[Water]:0 Water
INFOVIEWS[Crime]:0 Crime 犯罪
INFOVIEWS[Health]:0 Health 健康
INFOVIEWS[Happiness]:0 Citizen Happiness 幸福度
INFOVIEWS[Population]:0 Population 人口
INFOVIEWS[NoisePollution]:0 Noise Pollution 噪音污染
INFOVIEWS[PublicTransport]:0 Transport 公共交通
INFOVIEWS[Pollution]:0 Pollution 污染
INFOVIEWS[Resources]:0 Natural Resources 自然资源
INFOVIEWS[LandValue]:0 Land Value 地价
INFOVIEWS[Districts]:0 Districts 区划
INFOVIEWS[OutsideConnections]:0 Outside Connections 外部连接
INFOVIEWS[TrafficCongestion]:0 Traffic 交通状况
INFOVIEWS[WindSpeed]:0 Wind 风力
INFOVIEWS[Garbage]:0 Garbage 垃圾
INFOVIEWS[Education]:0 Education 教育
INFOVIEWS[FireSafety]:0 Fire Safety 消防安全
INFOVIEWS[Level]:0 Levels 等级
INFOVIEWS[Age]:0 Citizen Age 市民年龄
INFOVIEWS[Entertainment]:0 Leisure 休闲娱乐
AIINFO_HEATING_PRODUCTION:0 Heating Output: {0} MW 生产暖气: {0} 兆瓦
AIINFO_HEATING_PRODUCTION_RANGE:0 Heating Output: {0} - {1} MW 暖气输出: {0} - {1} 兆瓦
OPTIONS_ENABLE_WEATHER:0 Use dynamic weather 使用动态天气
CANAL_OPTION_UPGRADE:0 Upgrade Canal 升级人工河道
FLOODWALL_OPTION_FREEFORM:0 Free-form Flood Wall 自由形状
QUAY_OPTION_FREEFORM:0 Free-form Quay 自由形状
PIPE_OPTION_UPGRADE:0 Upgrade Pipes 升级
PIPE_OPTION_STRAIGHT:0 Straight Pipes 直线
OPTIONS_UNITGROUP:0 Units Settings 单位设定
OPTIONS_TEMP_F:0 Fahrenheit (°F) 华氏度(°F)
OPTIONS_TEMP_C:0 Celsius (°C) 摄氏度(°C)
OPTIONS_TEMPERATUREUNIT:0 Temperature Units 温度单位
MAIN_TEMPERATURE:0 The lower the temperature, the more electricity or heating the city requires. 温度越低,就要越多的电力与城市供暖。
CHIRPER_SELECTIMAGE:0 Select a Chirper look: 选择一个小啾啾外观:
STYLES_EUROPEAN_NORMAL:0 European / Vanilla 欧式风格 / 普通风格
STYLES_NORMAL:0 Vanilla 普通风格
DLCPANEL_OWNED:0 Installed 已安装
DLCPANEL_AVAILABLE:0 Available to purchase 可购买
DLCPANEL_DELUXEEDITIONUP:0 Deluxe Edition Upgrade 豪华版升级包
DLCPANEL_AFTERDARK:0 After Dark DLC 《夜生活》下载内容
INFO_HEATING_AVAILABILITY:0 Heating Availability 暖气供应
INFO_HEATING_CONSUMPTION:0 Heating consumption: {0:N0} MW 暖气消耗: {0:N0}兆瓦
INFO_HEATING_PRODUCTION:0 Heating production: {0:N0} MW 供暖量: {0:N0}兆瓦
INFO_HEATING_FACILITIES:0 Heating Facilities 供暖设施
INFO_MAINTENANCE_TITLE:0 Road Maintenance 道路养护站
INFO_SNOW_TITLE:0 Snow on Roads 路面积雪
INFO_SNOW_COVERAGE:0 Coverage 覆盖范围
HOUSE_INFO_PANEL_HEATING1:0 Heated with electricity 用电力供暖
HOUSE_INFO_PANEL_HEATING2:0 Heated with heating service 用暖气供暖
WORKSHOP_MAPTHEMES:0 Get more map themes on 应用更多的地图主题
CONTENT_SF_REQUIRED:0 Snowfall DLC required 需要《冰天雪地》下载内容
CONTENT_SF_BUY:0 Buy Snowfall on Steam 在 Steam 购买《冰天雪地》下载内容
CONFIRM_MAPTHEME_MISSING[Message]:0 Warning: The custom map theme used by this map or save is missing. A default map theme will be used instead. Do you wish to proceed? 警告:此地图保存时使用的自定义地图主题已丢失。将使用默认的地图主题。你想继续吗?
LOADMAP_THEMEOVERRIDE:0 Force map theme: 强制设定地图主题:
LOADMAP_THEMEOVERRIDE_TOOLTIP:0 Select a map theme to use instead of the default. Note that saving will make the change permanent! 选择一个地图主题来代替默认地图主题。请注意保存会永久更改!
NEWMAP_UNPUBLISHED_THEME[Message]:0 Warning: You are about to create a map based on an unpublished map theme. If this map is shared in Steam Workshop, it will use a default map theme instead. To share a map with a custom map theme, first publish and subscribe to your theme. Do you want to continue anyway? 警告:你将创建一个基于未发表的地图主题的地图。如果这个地图在 Steam 模组商店共享,它将使用默认的地图主题代替。要用自定义地图主题分享地图之前请先发布和订阅主题。你想继续吗?
SHAREMAP_UNPUBLISHED_THEME[Message]:0 Warning: You are about to share a map based on an unpublished map theme. This map will use a default map theme instead. To share a map with a custom map theme, first publish and subscribe to your theme. Do you want to continue anyway? 警告:您将要分享一个基于未发表的地图主题的地图。该地图将使用默认地图主题代替。要与自定义地图主题分享地图之前请先发布和订阅主题。你想继续吗?
THEME_NAME[Winter]:0 Winter 冬季
THEME_NAME[Europe]:0 European 欧风
THEME_NAME[Sunny]:0 Temperate 温带
THEME_NAME[North]:0 Boreal 寒带
THEME_NAME[Tropical]:0 Tropical 热带
LINE_DELETE:0 Delete Line 删除线路
UNLOCK_PIPES:0 New Pipes 暖气管道可以使用
UNLOCK_CANALS:0 New Canals 人工河可以使用
NEWGAME_BASETHEME:0 Base theme: {0} 基础主题: {0}
LOADGAME_BASETHEME:0 Base theme 基础主题
LOADMAP_BASETHEME:0 Base theme 基础主题
MAPTHEME_CUSTOM:0 Custom map theme: 定制地图主题:
OPTIONS_KM_THEMEEDITOR:0 Theme Editor 主题编辑工具
KEYMAPPING[themeEditorSimulationPause]:0 Pause Simulation 暂停游戏
KEYMAPPING[themeEditorSimulationSpeed1]:0 Normal Simulation Speed 正常游戏速度
KEYMAPPING[themeEditorSimulationSpeed2]:0 Fast Simulation Speed 快速游戏速度
KEYMAPPING[themeEditorSimulationSpeed3]:0 Super Fast Simulation Speed 更快游戏速度
KEYMAPPING[themeEditorTerrainProperties]:0 Terrain Properties 地形特性
KEYMAPPING[themeEditorWaterProperties]:0 Water Properties 水特性
KEYMAPPING[themeEditorAtmosphereProperties]:0 Atmosphere Properties 大气特性
KEYMAPPING[themeEditorStructuresProperties]:0 Structures Properties 建筑特性
KEYMAPPING[themeEditorWorldProperties]:0 World Properties 世界特性
KEYMAPPING[themeEditorSettings]:0 Theme Settings 主题设置
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoHeating]:0 Heating Info View 供暖信息查看
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoMaintenance]:0 Road Maintenance Info View 道路养护信息查看
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoSnow]:0 Snow Info View 降雪信息查看
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsBillboards]:0 Select Billboards Props 选择广告牌道具
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsSpecialBillboards]:0 Select Special Billboards Props 选择特殊广告牌道具
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsIndustrial]:0 Select Industrial Props 选择工业道具
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsParks]:0 Select Park Props 选择公园道具
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsCommon]:0 Select Common Props 选择公共道具
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsResidential]:0 Select Residential Props 选择住宅道具
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsMarkers]:0 Select Markers 选择标记
KEYMAPPING[decorationSettings]:0 Select Asset Settings 选择资产设定
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorSettings]:0 Select Map Settings 选择地图设定
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutRoadsSmallGroup]:0 Select Small Roads 选择小型道路
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutRoadsMediumGroup]:0 Select Medium Roads 选择中型道路
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutRoadsLargeGroup]:0 Select Large Roads 选择大型道路
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutRoadsHighwayGroup]:0 Select Highways 选择高速公路
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutRoadsIntersectionGroup]:0 Select Intersections 选择交叉路
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutRoadsMaintenanceGroup]:0 Select Road Maintenance 选择道路养护
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutPublicTransportBusGroup]:0 Select Bus Public Transport 选择公共汽车
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutPublicTransportTramGroup]:0 Select Tram Public Transport 选择电车
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutPublicTransportMetroGroup]:0 Select Metro Public Transport 选择地铁
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutPublicTransportTrainGroup]:0 Select Train Public Transport 选择火车
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutPublicTransportShipGroup]:0 Select Ship Public Transport 选择船舶
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutPublicTransportPlaneGroup]:0 Select Plane Public Transport 选择飞机
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutPublicTransportTaxiGroup]:0 Select Taxi Public Transport 选择出租车
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutDistrictSpecializationPaintGroup]:0 Select Districts Painting Tools 选择区域绘画工具
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutDistrictSpecializationIndustrialGroup]:0 Select Industrial Specializations 选择工业专精
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutDistrictSpecializationCommercialGroup]:0 Select Commercial Specializations 选择商业专精
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutWaterServicesGroup]:0 Select Water Services 选择水服务
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutWaterHeatingGroup]:0 Select Heating 选择供暖
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutBeautificationParksnPlazasGroup]:0 Select Parks & Plazas 选择公园和广场
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutBeautificationExpansion1Group]:0 Select Tourism & Leisure 选择休闲娱乐
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutBeautificationPathsGroup]:0 Select Paths 选择道路
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutBeautificationPropsGroup]:0 Select Props 选择道具
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutMonumentLandmarksGroup]:0 Select Landmarks 选择地标
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutMonumentExpansion1Group]:0 Select Tourism & Leisure Unique Buildings 选择旅游休闲独特建筑
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutMonumentCategory1Group]:0 Select Level 1 Unique Buildings 选择等级 1 独特建筑
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutMonumentCategory2Group]:0 Select Level 2 Unique Buildings 选择等级 2 独特建筑
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutMonumentCategory3Group]:0 Select Level 3 Unique Buildings 选择等级 3 独特建筑
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutMonumentCategory4Group]:0 Select Level 4 Unique Buildings 选择等级 4 独特建筑
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutMonumentCategory5Group]:0 Select Level 5 Unique Buildings 选择等级 5 独特建筑
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutMonumentCategory6Group]:0 Select Level 6 Unique Buildings 选择等级 6 独特建筑
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsBillboardsLogoGroup]:0 Select Logos 选择标志
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsBillboardsSmallBillboardGroup]:0 Select Small Billboards 选择小型广告牌
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsBillboardsMediumBillboardGroup]:0 Select Medium Billboards 选择中型广告牌
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsBillboardsLargeBillboardGroup]:0 Select Large Billboards 选择大型广告牌
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsBillboardsRandomLogoGroup]:0 Select Random Logos 选择随机标志
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsSpecialBillboardsRandomSmallBillboardGroup]:0 Select Random Small Billboards 选择随机小型广告牌
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsSpecialBillboardsRandomMediumBillboardGroup]:0 Select Random Medium Billboards 选择随机中型广告牌
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsSpecialBillboardsRandomLargeBillboardGroup]:0 Select Random Large Billboards 选择随机大型广告牌
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsSpecialBillboards3DBillboardGroup]:0 Select 3D Billboards 选择立体广告牌
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsSpecialBillboardsAnimatedBillboardGroup]:0 Select Animated Billboards 选择动画广告牌
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsIndustrialContainersGroup]:0 Select Containers Props 选择集装箱
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsIndustrialConstructionMaterialsGroup]:0 Select Construction Materials Props 选择建造材料
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsIndustrialStructuresGroup]:0 Select Structures Props 选择建筑物
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsParksPlaygroundsGroup]:0 Select Playgrounds Props 选择操场
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsParksFlowersAndPlantsGroup]:0 Select Flowers & Plants Props 选择花和树
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsParksParkEquipmentGroup]:0 Select Park Equipment Props 选择公园物件
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsParksFountainsGroup]:0 Select Fountains Props 选择喷泉
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsCommonAccessoriesGroup]:0 Select Accessories Props 选择配件
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsCommonGarbageGroup]:0 Select Garbage Props 选择垃圾
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsCommonCommunicationsGroup]:0 Select Communications Props 选择通信设施
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsCommonStreetsGroup]:0 Select Street Props 选择道路
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsCommonLightsGroup]:0 Select Light Props 选择灯光
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsResidentialHomeYardGroup]:0 Select Home Yard Props 选择庭院
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsResidentialGroundTilesGroup]:0 Select Ground Tiles Props 选择地砖
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsResidentialRooftopAccessGroup]:0 Select Rooftop Accesses Props 选择屋顶入口
KEYMAPPING[decorationPropsResidentialRandomRooftopAccessGroup]:0 Select Random Rooftop Accesses Props 选择随机屋顶入口
KEYMAPPING[decorationRoadsSmallGroup]:0 Select Small Roads 选择小型道路
KEYMAPPING[decorationRoadsMediumGroup]:0 Select Medium Roads 选择中型道路
KEYMAPPING[decorationRoadsLargeGroup]:0 Select Large Roads 选择大型道路
KEYMAPPING[decorationRoadsHighwayGroup]:0 Select Highways 选择高速公路
KEYMAPPING[decorationPublicTransportTramGroup]:0 Select Tram Tracks 选择电车轨道
KEYMAPPING[decorationPublicTransportTrainGroup]:0 Select Train Tracks 选择火车轨道
KEYMAPPING[decorationRoadsIntersectionGroup]:0 Select Intersections 选择交叉路
KEYMAPPING[decorationBeautificationPathsGroup]:0 Select Paths 选择道路
KEYMAPPING[decorationBeautificationPropsGroup]:0 Select Trees 选择树木
KEYMAPPING[scenarioEditorTerrainTool]:0 Terrain Tool 地形工具
KEYMAPPING[scenarioEditorPlaceDisasters]:0 Place Disasters 放置灾难
KEYMAPPING[scenarioEditorTriggerPanel]:0 Trigger Panel 触发器面板
KEYMAPPING[scenarioEditorSettings]:0 Scenario Settings 场景设置
KEYMAPPING[scenarioEditorBulldozer]:0 Bulldozer 推土机
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutLandscapingDisastersGroup]:0 Select Landscaping Disasters 选择“改变地貌的灾难”
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoEscapeRoutes]:0 Escape Routes Info View 撤离路线信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoRadio]:0 Radio Info View 电台信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoDestruction]:0 Destruction Info View 破坏状况信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoDisasterDetection]:0 Disaster Detection Info View 灾难监测信息
KEYMAPPING[themeEditorDisasterProperties]:0 Disaster Properties 灾难特性
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutSnapToAngle]:0 Toggle Snapping to Angle 切换对齐角度
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutSnapToLength]:0 Toggle Snapping to Length 切换对齐长度
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutSnapToGrid]:0 Toggle Snapping to Grid 切换对齐网格
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutSnapToHelperLines]:0 Toggle Snapping to Road Guidelines 切换对齐道路标线
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutSnapToAll]:0 Toggle Snapping to All 切换全部对齐
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutBulldozerUnderground]:0 Toggle Underground Bulldozing 切换地下推平
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorShortcutBulldozerUnderground]:0 Toggle Underground Bulldozing 切换地下推平
KEYMAPPING[decorationShortcutBulldozerUnderground]:0 Toggle Underground Bulldozing 切换地下推平
KEYMAPPING[scenarioEditorBulldozerUnderground]:0 Toggle Underground Bulldozing 切换地下推平
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoTrafficRoutes]:0 Traffic Routes Info View 交通路线信息视图
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutPublicTransportMonorailGroup]:0 Select Monorail Public Transport 选择单轨公共交通
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutPublicTransportCableCarGroup]:0 Select Cable Car Public Transport 选择缆车公共交通
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutPublicTransportToursGroup]:0 Select Public Transport Tours 选择公共交通观光
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutBeautificationCityParkGroup]:0 Select City Park Buildings 选择城市公园建筑
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutBeautificationAmusementParkGroup]:0 Select Amusement Park Buildings 选择游乐园建筑
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutBeautificationZooGroup]:0 Select Zoo Buildings 选择动物园建筑
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutBeautificationNatureReserveGroup]:0 Select Nature Reserve Buildings 选择自然保护区建筑
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutBeautificationParkMaintenanceGroup]:0 Select Park Maintenance 选择公园维护
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutLandscapingFencesGroup]:0 Select Walls and Fences 选择墙壁和围栏
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutLandscapingVegetationGroup]:0 Select Landscaping Vegetation 选择景观植被
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoTourism]:0 Tourism Info View 旅游信息查看
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoParkMaintenance]:0 Park Maintenance Info View 公园维护信息查看
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoTours]:0 Tours Info View 旅游路线信息查看
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutParksnPlazasPropsGroup]:0 Select Parks & Plazas Props 选择公园和广场道具
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutLandscapingPropsGroup]:0 Select Landscaping Props 选择景观道具
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutDistrictsAndAreas]:0 Select Districts and Areas 选择区域和地区
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutCinematicCameraMode]:0 Cinematic Camera 影院式视角
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoIndustryAreas]:0 Select Industry Areas Info View 选择工业区信息视图
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoPost]:0 Select Post Offices Info View 选择邮局信息视图
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutGarbageForestGroup]:0 Select Forest Industry 选择林业
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutGarbageFarmingGroup]:0 Select Farming Industry 选择农业
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutGarbageOreGroup]:0 Select Ore Industry 选择矿产业
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutGarbageOilGroup]:0 Select Oil Industry 选择石化业
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutGarbageWarehousesGroup]:0 Select Warehouses 选择仓库
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutGarbageUniqueFactoriesGroup]:0 Select Unique Factories 选择独特工厂
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutRoadsTollGroup]:0 Select Road Tolls 选择道路收费
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutPublicTransportPostGroup]:0 Select Post Service 选择邮政服务
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutFireDepartmentEmergencyGroup]:0 Select Disaster Services 选择灾难救援服务
KEYMAPPING[sharedShortcutToggleSnappingMenu]:0 Toggle Snapping Menu 开关对齐菜单
KEYMAPPING[sharedShortcutElevationStep]:0 Change Elevation Step 改变海拔高度
KEYMAPPING[sharedShortcutOptionsButton1]:0 Toolmode Button 1 工具模具 1
KEYMAPPING[sharedShortcutOptionsButton2]:0 Toolmode Button 2 工具模具 2
KEYMAPPING[sharedShortcutOptionsButton3]:0 Toolmode Button 3 工具模具 3
KEYMAPPING[sharedShortcutOptionsButton4]:0 Toolmode Button 4 工具模具 4
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutLandscaping]:0 Select Landscaping 选择地形调整
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutLandscapingToolsGroup]:0 Select Landscaping Tools 选择地形调整工具
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutLandscapingWaterStructuresGroup]:0 Select Landscaping Water Structures 选择地形调整水流结构
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutBeautificationExpansion2Group]:0 Select Winter Parks & Plazas 选择冬季公园与广场
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutMonumentExpansion2Group]:0 Select Winter Unique Buildings 选择冬季独特建筑
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutLandscapingPathsGroup]:0 Select Landscaping Paths 选择地形调整道路
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutLandscapingTreesGroup]:0 Select Landscaping Trees 选择地形调整树木
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutLandscapingRocksGroup]:0 Select Landscaping Rocks 选择地形调整岩石
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutBeautificationParksGroup]:0 Select Parks 选择公园
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutBeautificationPlazasGroup]:0 Select Plazas 选择广场
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutBeautificationOthersGroup]:0 Select Other Parks 选择其他公园
KEYMAPPING[screenshot]:0 Screenshot 截屏
KEYMAPPING[hiresScreenshot]:0 High Resolution Screenshot (x4) 高分辨率截屏(X4)
KEYMAPPING[buildElevationUp]:0 Build Elevation Up 升高地形
KEYMAPPING[buildElevationDown]:0 Build Elevation Down 降低地形
KEYMAPPING[cameraMoveLeft]:0 Pan Camera Left 视角向左平移
KEYMAPPING[cameraMoveRight]:0 Pan Camera Right 视角向右平移
KEYMAPPING[cameraMoveForward]:0 Pan Camera Forward 视角向前平移
KEYMAPPING[cameraMoveBackward]:0 Pan Camera Backward 视角向后平移
KEYMAPPING[cameraMouseRotate]:0 Rotate Camera Modifier 视角旋转鼠标控制
KEYMAPPING[cameraRotateLeft]:0 Rotate Camera Left 视角左转
KEYMAPPING[cameraRotateRight]:0 Rotate Camera Right 视角右转
KEYMAPPING[cameraRotateUp]:0 Rotate Camera Up 视角上仰
KEYMAPPING[cameraRotateDown]:0 Rotate Camera Down 视角下俯
KEYMAPPING[cameraZoomCloser]:0 Zoom Camera In 视角拉近
KEYMAPPING[cameraZoomAway]:0 Zoom Camera Out 视角拉远
KEYMAPPING[inGameSimulationPause]:0 Pause Simulation 暂停游戏
KEYMAPPING[inGameSimulationSpeed1]:0 Normal Simulation Speed 正常游戏速度
KEYMAPPING[inGameSimulationSpeed2]:0 Fast Simulation Speed 快速游戏速度
KEYMAPPING[inGameSimulationSpeed3]:0 Super Fast Simulation Speed 更快游戏速度
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorSimulationPause]:0 Pause Simulation 暂停游戏
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorSimulationSpeed1]:0 Normal Simulation Speed 正常游戏速度
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorSimulationSpeed2]:0 Fast Simulation Speed 快速游戏速度
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorSimulationSpeed3]:0 Super Fast Simulation Speed 更快游戏速度
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorTerrainTool]:0 Terrain Tools 地形工具
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorImportHeightmap]:0 Import Heightmap Tool 高度图输入工具
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorExportHeightmap]:0 Export Heightmap Tool 高度图输出工具
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorWaterTool]:0 Water Tools 水体工具
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorNaturalResourcesTool]:0 Natural Resources Tool 自然资源工具
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorForestTool]:0 Forest Tool 森林工具
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorOutsideConnections]:0 Outside Connections Items 对外连接工具
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorEnvironment]:0 Environment Tools 环境工具
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorShortcutBulldozer]:0 Select Bulldozer 选择推土机
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorIncreaseBrushSize]:0 Increase Brush Size 增大刷子
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorDecreaseBrushSize]:0 Decrease Brush Size 缩小刷子
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorIncreaseBrushStrength]:0 Increase Brush Strength 增加刷子强度
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorDecreaseBrushStrength]:0 Decrease Brush Strength 削弱刷子强度
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorRaiseSeaHeight]:0 Raise Sea Level 升高海平面
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorLowerSeaHeight]:0 Lower Sea Level 降低海平面
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorRaiseLevelHeight]:0 Raise Target Level Height 升高目标高度
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorLowerLevelHeight]:0 Lower Target Level Height 降低目标高度
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorResetSeaLevel]:0 Reset Water To Sea Level 将水面高度重置为海平面
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorIncreaseCapacity]:0 Increase Water Source Capacity 增加水源量
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorDecreaseCapacity]:0 Decrease Water Source Capacity 减少水源量
KEYMAPPING[mapEditorTerrainUndo]:0 Undo Terrain Modification 撤销地形修改
KEYMAPPING[decorationSimulationPause]:0 Pause Simulation 暂停游戏
KEYMAPPING[decorationSimulationSpeed1]:0 Normal Simulation Speed 正常游戏速度
KEYMAPPING[decorationSimulationSpeed2]:0 Fast Simulation Speed 快速游戏速度
KEYMAPPING[decorationSimulationSpeed3]:0 Super Fast Simulation Speed 更快游戏速度
KEYMAPPING[decorationRoads]:0 Roads 道路
KEYMAPPING[decorationBeautification]:0 Decorations 装饰
KEYMAPPING[decorationProps]:0 Props 道具
KEYMAPPING[decorationSurface]:0 Surfaces 表面
KEYMAPPING[decorationShortcutBulldozer]:0 Select Bulldozer 选择推土机
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutRoads]:0 Select Roads 选择道路
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutZoning]:0 Select Zoning 选择分区
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutDistricts]:0 Select Districts 选择区划
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutElectricity]:0 Select Electricity 选择电力
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutWater]:0 Select Water and Sewage 选择水与污水
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutGarbage]:0 Select Garbage 选择垃圾处理
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutHealthcare]:0 Select Healthcare 选择医疗系统
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutFireDepartment]:0 Select Fire Department 选择消防系统
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutPoliceDepartment]:0 Select Police Department 选择警务系统
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutGovernment]:0 Select Government 选择行政机构
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutEducation]:0 Select Education 选择教育
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutPublicTransport]:0 Select Public Transport 选择公共交通
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutDecoration]:0 Select Decoration 选择装饰
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutMonuments]:0 Select Unique Buildings 选择独特建筑
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutWonders]:0 Select Monuments 选择伟大工程
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutEconomy]:0 Select Economy 选择经济
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutBudget]:0 Select Budget 选择预算
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutTaxes]:0 Select Taxes 选择税率
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutLoans]:0 Select Loans 选择贷款
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutPolicies]:0 Select Policies 选择政策
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoviews]:0 Select Info Views 选择信息视图
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutBulldozer]:0 Select Bulldozer 选择推土机
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutZoneResidentialLow]:0 Create Residential Low Zone 建立低密度住宅区
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutZoneResidentialHigh]:0 Create Residential High Zone 建立高密度住宅区
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutZoneCommercialLow]:0 Create Commercial Low Zone 建立低密度商业区
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutZoneCommercialHigh]:0 Create Commercial High Zone 建立高密度商业区
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutZoneIndustrial]:0 Create Industrial Zone 建立工业区
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutZoneOffices]:0 Create Office Zone 建立办公区
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutDezone]:0 De-Zone 清除分区
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoElectricity]:0 Electricity Info View 查看电力信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoWater]:0 Water and Sewage Info View 查看水与污水信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoCrime]:0 Crime Info View 查看犯罪信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoHealth]:0 Health Info View 查看健康信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoHappiness]:0 Happiness Info View 查看幸福度信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoPopulation]:0 Density Info View 查看稠密度信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoNoisePollution]:0 Noise Pollution Info View 查看噪音污染信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoPublicTransport]:0 Public Transport Info View 查看公共交通信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoPollution]:0 Pollution Info View 查看污染信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoResources]:0 Natural Resources Info View 查看自然资源信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoLandValue]:0 Land Value Info View 查看地价信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoDistricts]:0 Districts Info View 查看区划信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoOutsideConnections]:0 Outside Connections Info View 查看对外连接信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoTrafficCongestion]:0 Traffic Congestion Info View 查看交通拥堵信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoWindSpeed]:0 Wind Speed Info View 查看风速信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoGarbage]:0 Garbage Info View 查看垃圾信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoLevel]:0 Levels Info View 查看建筑等级信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoFireSafety]:0 Fire Safety Info View 查看消防信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoEducation]:0 Education Info View 查看教育信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutInfoAge]:0 Age Info View 查看年龄信息
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutAdvisor]:0 Advisor Panel 顾问界面
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutFreeCameraMode]:0 Free Camera Mode 自由视角模式
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutUnlockingPanel]:0 Unlocking Panel 解锁面板
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutGameAreas]:0 Select Game Areas 选择游戏区域
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutQuickSave]:0 Quick Save 快速存档
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutQuickLoad]:0 Quick Load 快速读档
KEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutCityInfo]:0 City Info 城市信息
KEYMAPPING[debugOuput]:0 Debug Output Panel 错误信息输出面板
AIINFO_SNOWTRUCK_CAPACITY:0 Snow plow capacity: {0} 铲雪车容量: {0}
AIINFO_SNOW_TRUCKS:0 Snow plows in use: {0} / {1} 运行中的铲雪车: {0} / {1}
VEHICLE_STATUS_SNOW_WAIT:0 Collecting snow 收集积雪中
VEHICLE_STATUS_SNOW_TRANSFER:0 Relocating snow to 将积雪运送至
VEHICLE_STATUS_SNOW_UNLOAD:0 Unloading snow 卸载积雪中
VEHICLE_STATUS_SNOW_RETURN:0 Returning to facility 返回中
LOADING_TIP_EXPANSION2_TITLE:0 Boost your roads 修缮道路
LOADING_TIP_EXPANSION2_TITLE:2 Energy consumption high? 高能耗?
LOADING_TIP_EXPANSION2_TEXT:0 To get the most out of your roads, invest in building the Road Maintenance Depot. It will send out vehicles to boost your roads and allow for even higher maximum speeds. 若想道路时刻保持最佳状态,请向道路养护站投资吧。它会派出道路养护车来修缮道路,良好的路况甚至能让车开得更快。
LOADING_TIP_EXPANSION2_TEXT:1 Build a sauna for your citizens so they can bathe and warm up. You can find the Sauna under Healthcare. Saunas give a small health boost to the area around them. 为市民们建造一个桑拿房,让他们能够洗洗刷刷,暖和起来。在医疗服务菜单里能找到桑拿房。桑拿房将会小幅提升其周围地区的健康水平。
LOADING_TIP_EXPANSION2_TEXT:2 Make sure your citizens don't use electricity for heating, but rather opt for heating services. Build a heating plant and connect it to buildings with upgraded water pipes. 建造一个供暖站,并用升级过的水管覆盖建筑物,来确保您的市民们尽量不使用电力,而选用供暖服务取暖。
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:30 Weather effects 天气效果
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:31 Weather Effects 天气效果 #3
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:32 Weather Effects 天气效果 #3
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:33 Weather Effects 天气效果 #3
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:0 More Modes 更多模式
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:1 Traffic Tip #1 交通提示 #1
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:2 Traffic Tip #2 交通提示 #2
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:3 Fresh Water 清水
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:4 Taxes and House Level 税收和房屋水平
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:5 Produce Raw Materials 生产原材料
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:6 Ordering Raw Materials 订购原材料
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:7 Steam Workshop Steam模组商店
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:8 Traffic Tip #3 交通提示 #3
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:9 Traffic Tip #4 交通提示 #4
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:10 Demand for Zones 区域需求
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:11 Mouse Over Icons 图标之上的鼠标指针
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:12 Electricity 电力
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:13 Pollution Moves Downstream 污染源向下游移动
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:14 Raise the Budget 提高预算
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:15 Modify Buildings 修改建筑
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:16 Place Intersections 放置十字路口
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:17 Educate Citizens 教育市民
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:18 Level Up Industry 升级工业
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:19 Land Value 地价
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:20 Water Pumps and Dams 抽水站和水坝
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:21 Gain Paradox Plaza 获得派拉多克斯广场
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:22 Traffic Tip #5 交通提示 #5
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:23 Demolishing 拆除
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:24 Naming Things 命名事物
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:25 Incoming and Outgoing 进入和外出
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:26 Hydro Power Plants 水力发电厂
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:27 Hydro Power Plants #2 水力发电厂 #2
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:28 Leveling up buildings 建筑升级
LOADING_TIP_TITLE:29 Land Value and Building Levels 地价与建筑等级
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:30 Feeling under the weather? No worries, it will soon be a new day with different weather! 心情不好吗?别担心,换一个天气,又是崭新的一天!
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:31 Heavy fog means it's less windy than usual, affecting Wind Turbine electricity production. 有浓雾时,意味着风力比平时更小,其将会影响风力发电站的正常生产运作。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:32 Rainy weather can increase wind speed, making Wind Turbines produce more electricity. 下雨的时候,风速比平时更快,以使风力发电站产生更多的电能!
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:33 Fog obscures the sun, lowering Solar Power Plant's electricity production. 浓雾会遮蔽太阳光,使太阳能发电站的发电量降低。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:0 "Unlimited money" and "Unlock all" modes can be found in the Content Manager. “无限金钱”和“全部解锁”模式均可在目录中找到。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:1 Make your industrial areas connect directly to the highway to allow trucks to move fast and easy to other cities. 让您的工业区与高速公路直接相连,这使得卡车能够快速行驶并更容易到达其他城市。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:2 Replace the busiest intersections with roundabouts to help traffic flow better. 请用环岛来替换最繁忙的十字路口,以使交通更加顺畅。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:3 Running out of fresh water? Use Water Towers to help supply the city. 清水快用完了吗?请利用水塔协助为城市供水。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:4 Citizens living in high level housing pay more taxes than people in low level housing. 高级居所的公民比低级居所的公民付税更多。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:5 To get the highest tax income possible, your city should produce raw materials locally. Specialized industries located at the sites of natural resources produce raw materials. 为尽可能得到最高的税收收入,您的城市应该在本地生产原材料。位于自然资源产出地的专营工业生产原材料。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:6 Industry buildings automatically order raw materials from other cities if none are available locally. 若本地没有可用原料,工业建筑将自动从其他城市订购原材料。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:7 Look at Steam Workshop for user made content for the game! 到 Steam 模组商店搜寻玩家自制的游戏模组!
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:8 Roads full of trucks? Make an elevated road that allows industry areas direct access to an outside highway so trucks don't have to drive through residential areas. 道路塞满了卡车?请建设一条高架路吧,让工业区直接接入到通往外部的高速公路。这样一来,卡车就不用再从居民区中穿行了。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:9 Control trucks by setting a Heavy Traffic Ban policy on areas where you don't want them to go. 通过在您不想让其通行的地区设置禁令,以控制卡车。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:10 Keep an eye on the zone demand bars to see what kind of zoning your citizens crave. 请密切关注城区划分需求条,以了解您的市民渴望的城区划分。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:11 When a building has more than one need icon showing, click on it and hover over the icons in the information window to learn more of what's wrong. 当一个建筑有多个图标需要显示,单击并将鼠标停留在信息窗口的图标上以了解所出现的问题。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:12 Electricity moves from building to building if they are close to each other. 当两个建筑互相靠近,电力将从一个建筑转移到另一个建筑。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:13 Always place your Drain Pipes downstream from Water Pumping Stations! 请您总是在泵站下游设置排水管道!
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:14 Raise the budget for a service to make it work more efficiently. 提高服务的预算,使其工作更有效率。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:15 Not happy with the look of a building? Try the Asset Editor and modify it! 不满意一个建筑的外观吗?尝试使用资产编辑器,并修改它!
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:16 Is it cumbersome to build intersections? Build a few in the Asset Editor and use them in the game as many times as you want. 建设十字路口十分繁琐吗? 请在资源编辑器创建一些十字路口,然后便在游戏中多次使用它们。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:17 Educated citizens generate less garbage than uneducated citizens. 受过教育的市民比未受教育的市民产生更少的垃圾。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:18 Provide services for your industries to allow them to be upgraded to higher level ones. High level industry produces less pollution. 为您的工业提供服务,以让它们升级到更高级别。高级别工业产生更少的污染。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:19 Parks and plazas raise the value of land around them, making citizens happy. 提高公园和广场周围的地价,以提升市民幸福度。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:20 Dams raise and lower water levels. Make sure your Water Pumps still reach the water after the Dam is complete. 大坝可升高和降低水位。请确保在水坝完成后您的抽水站仍能抽取水源。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:21 Create or log in to a Paradox Account in the main menu to unlock the Paradox Plaza so you can place it in your city. 在主菜单中创建或登录一个派拉多克斯账户,以解锁派拉多克斯广场,这样您就可以把它放置在自己的城市中。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:22 Relocate buildings to upgrade roads next to them into wider or narrower roads. 迁移建筑以升级邻近道路,使其变得更宽或更窄。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:23 If you want to demolish a graveyard or a landfill, it must be emptied first. 如果您想拆除一座公墓或一个垃圾填埋场,其必须首先被清空。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:24 Rename a citizen, building, business or almost anything else by clicking on it, then clicking the name in the information window. Type in a new name and press Enter. 若想重命名一个市民、建筑、商业或其他任何东西,先单击它,然后单击信息窗口中的名称。最后输入一个新的名字并按下回车键。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:25 Is your highway connection a huge traffic jam? Add a roundabout right after it with roads leading straight to the most popular destinations. 您的高速公路上交通堵塞严重吗?请在其之后添加一个环岛,并附上直接通往最热门的目的地的道路。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:26 The power production of a Hydro Power Plant depends on the difference in the water level on the different sides of the dam. 一个水力发电厂的发电量取决于大坝不同表面水位的差异。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:27 Hydro Power Plants need to have a high enough water level to function properly. 水力发电厂需要有足够高的水位,以正常工作。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:28 Level Up buildings by raising the Land Value and providing education for your citizens. 请通过提高地价升级建筑,并为您的市民提供教育。
LOADING_TIP_TEXT:29 Make sure to maintain the Land Value required by the building's level - otherwise the building will get abandoned. 请务必确保通过建筑的级别维持地价,否则建筑将被废弃。
LOADING_TIP_WINTER_TITLE:0 Freezing Temperatures? 冷掉牙了?
LOADING_TIP_WINTER_TEXT:0 When temperatures plummet, the city needs more heat. Prepare for high electricity consumption or high demand for heating! 当气温骤降时,城市将会需要更多的热能。请准备好迎接超高的电力需求,或是供暖需求吧!
LOADING_TIP_NONWINTER_TITLE:0 Got a Need for Sleet? 喜欢雨夹雪吗?
LOADING_TIP_NONWINTER_TEXT:0 If winter is your thing, try the Winter Theme maps! You can experience snowfall and tackle challenges like heating your city and keeping roads free of snow. 如果您喜欢冬天的话,不妨来试试冬季地图主题吧!您可以感受雪天,并尝试挑战保证城市供暖或清除路上积雪。
AIINFO_MAINTENANCETRUCK_CAPACITY:0 Maintenance truck capacity: {0} 道路养护车容量: {0}
AIINFO_MAINTENANCE_TRUCKS:0 Maintenance trucks in use: {0} / {1} 运行中的道路养护车: {0} / {1}
AIINFO_VISITOR_CAPACITY:0 Visitor capacity: {0} 游客容量: {0}
AIINFO_SUN_INTENSITY:0 Sunshine intensity: {0}% 阳光强度: {0}%
ANIMAL_TITLE[Reindeer]:0 Reindeer 驯鹿
ANIMAL_TITLE[ReindeerConfined]:0 Reindeer 驯鹿
ANIMAL_TITLE[RescueDog]:0 Rescue Dog 救援犬
ANIMAL_TITLE[MooseMaleConfined]:0 Moose 驼鹿
ANIMAL_TITLE[MooseFemaleConfined]:0 Moose 驼鹿
ANIMAL_TITLE[Reindeer Zoo]:0 Reindeer 驯鹿
ANIMAL_TITLE[BisonMaleConfined]:0 Bison 野牛
ANIMAL_TITLE[BisonFemaleConfined]:0 Bison 野牛
ANIMAL_TITLE[ElephantAdult]:0 Elephant 大象
ANIMAL_TITLE[ElephantCalf]:0 Elephant 大象
ANIMAL_TITLE[ElephantAdult Wild]:0 Elephant 大象
ANIMAL_TITLE[ElephantCalf Wild]:0 Elephant 大象
ANIMAL_TITLE[Antelope Female]:0 Antelope 羚羊
ANIMAL_TITLE[Antelope Male]:0 Antelope 羚羊
ANIMAL_TITLE[Antelope Female Wild]:0 Antelope 羚羊
ANIMAL_TITLE[Antelope Male Wild]:0 Antelope 羚羊
ANIMAL_TITLE[Rhino]:0 Rhino 犀牛
ANIMAL_TITLE[Rhino Wild]:0 Rhino 犀牛
ANIMAL_TITLE[Lion Female]:0 Lion 狮子
ANIMAL_TITLE[Lion Male]:0 Lion 狮子
ANIMAL_TITLE[Lion Female Wild]:0 Lion 狮子
ANIMAL_TITLE[Lion Male Wild]:0 Lion 狮子
ANIMAL_TITLE[Giraffe Adult]:0 Giraffe 长颈鹿
ANIMAL_TITLE[Giraffe Calf]:0 Giraffe 长颈鹿
ANIMAL_TITLE[Giraffe Adult Wild]:0 Giraffe 长颈鹿
ANIMAL_TITLE[Giraffe Calf Wild]:0 Giraffe 长颈鹿
ANIMAL_TITLE[Chimpanzee]:0 Chimpanzee 黑猩猩
ANIMAL_TITLE[Chimpanzee Wild]:0 Chimpanzee 黑猩猩
ANIMAL_TITLE[Gorilla]:0 Gorilla 大猩猩
ANIMAL_TITLE[Gorilla Wild]:0 Gorilla 大猩猩
ANIMAL_TITLE[Flamingo]:0 Flamingo 火烈鸟
ANIMAL_TITLE[Flamingo Wild]:0 Flamingo 火烈鸟
ANIMAL_TITLE[Swan]:0 Swan 天鹅
ANIMAL_TITLE[Swan Wild]:0 Swan 天鹅
ANIMAL_TITLE[Bald Eagle]:0 Bald Eagle 白头海雕
ANIMAL_TITLE[Dolphin]:0 Dolphin 海豚
ANIMAL_TITLE[Dolphin Wild]:0 Dolphin 海豚
ANIMAL_TITLE[Manta Ray]:0 Manta Ray 魔鬼鱼
ANIMAL_TITLE[Manta Ray Wild]:0 Manta Ray 魔鬼鱼
ANIMAL_TITLE[HumpbackWhale]:0 Humpback Whale 座头鲸
ANIMAL_TITLE[HumpbackWhale Wild]:0 Humpback Whale 座头鲸
ANIMAL_TITLE[Farmer 01]:0 Farmer 农民
ANIMAL_TITLE[Forestry Worker 01]:0 Forestry Worker 伐木工
ANIMAL_TITLE[Oil Industry Worker 01]:0 Oil Industry Worker 石化业员工
ANIMAL_TITLE[Ore Industry Worker 01]:0 Ore Industry Worker 矿业员工
ANIMAL_TITLE[Highland Cow 01]:0 Highland Cow 高地牛
ANIMAL_TITLE[Sheep 01]:0 Sheep 绵羊
ANIMAL_TITLE[Seagull]:0 Seagull 海鸥
ANIMAL_TITLE[Cow]:0 Cow 奶牛
ANIMAL_TITLE[FallowDeerMale]:0 Deer 鹿
ANIMAL_TITLE[FallowDeerFemale]:0 Deer 鹿
ANIMAL_TITLE[BisonMale]:0 Bison 野牛
ANIMAL_TITLE[BisonFemale]:0 Bison 野牛
ANIMAL_TITLE[Cougar]:0 Cougar 美洲狮
ANIMAL_TITLE[MooseMale]:0 Moose 麋鹿
ANIMAL_TITLE[MooseFemale]:0 Moose 麋鹿
MILESTONE_MANUAL_NUM_PROG[Complete]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_MANUAL_NUM_PROG[Experience]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_MANUAL_NUM_PROG[Win]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_MANUAL_NUM_PROG[Create]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_MANUAL_NUM_PROG[Full]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_MANUAL_NUM_DESC[Complete]:0 Have {1} completed instances of {0} 已完成 {0} 中的 {1}
MILESTONE_MANUAL_NUM_DESC[Experience]:0 Experience {1} occurrences of {0} 经历 {1} 次{0}
MILESTONE_MANUAL_NUM_DESC[Win]:0 Win {0} {1} times {0}获胜 {1} 次
MILESTONE_MANUAL_NUM_DESC[Create]:0 Construct {1} instances of {0} 建造 {1} 个 {0}
MILESTONE_MANUAL_NUM_DESC[Full]:0 Fill {1} instances of {0} 填充 {1} 个 {0}
MILESTONE_MANUAL_PROG[Full]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_MANUAL_PROG[Experience]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_MANUAL_PROG[Win]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_MANUAL_PROG[Create]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_MANUAL_DESC[Full]:0 Fill one {0} 把一个装满 {0}
MILESTONE_MANUAL_DESC[Experience]:0 Experience {0} 经历{0}
MILESTONE_MANUAL_DESC[Win]:0 Win {0} {0}获胜
MILESTONE_MANUAL_DESC[Create]:0 Construct {0} 建造 {0}
PUBLICTRANSPORT_TITLE:0 Public Transport – Lines Overview 公共交通信息概览
CONFIRM_LINEDELETE[Title]:0 Confirmation 确认
CONFIRM_LINEDELETE[Message]:0 Are you sure you wish to delete line? 确定要删除线路?
THEMEEDITOR_TOOL[ThemeSettings]:0 Theme Settings 主题设置
THEMEEDITOR_TOOL[TerrainProperties]:0 Terrain Properties 地形特性
THEMEEDITOR_TOOL[AtmosphereProperties]:0 Atmosphere Properties 大气特性
THEMEEDITOR_TOOL[StructuresProperties]:0 Structures Properties 建筑特性
THEMEEDITOR_TOOL[WaterProperties]:0 Water Properties 水特性
THEMEEDITOR_TOOL[DisasterProperties]:0 Disaster Properties 灾难特性
THEMEEDITOR_TOOL[WorldProperties]:0 Weather Properties 天气属性
THEMEEDITOR_TOOL[NameProperties]:0 Naming Properties 命名建筑
THEMESETTINGS_TITLE[Snapshot]:0 Snapshot Tool 快照工具
THEMESETTINGS_DESC[Snapshot]:0 Capture snapshots to use when saving/sharing. 保存或分享前用快照截图。
MENUITEM[UpdateMapOrSave]:0 UPDATE MAP 更新地图
MENUITEM[ReturnToMapEditor]:0 RETURN TO MAP EDITOR 返回地图编辑器
MENUITEM[ReloadEditor]:0 RELOAD EDITOR 重新加载编辑器
MENUITEM[TutorialsLogPanel]:0 TUTORIALS LOG 教程日志
MENUITEM[Quit]:0 QUIT 退出游戏
MENUITEM[Credits]:0 CREDITS 制作人员
THEME_TERRAIN_DIFFUSE:0 Diffuse Textures 漫反射贴图
THEME_TERRAIN_NORMAL:0 Normal Textures 法线贴图
TEXTUREPICKER_LOADERROR:0 An error occured while loading {0} 读取时发生了一个错误 {0}
THEME_WATER_NORMAL:0 Water Normal 普通的水
THEME_WATER_FOAM:0 Water Foam 泡沫状水
THEME_WATER_CLEANCOLOR:0 Water Color Clean 纯色的水
THEME_WATER_DIRTYCOLOR:0 Water Color Dirty 肮脏的水
THEME_WATER_UNDERCOLOR:0 Underwater Color 水底颜色
THEME_ATMOSPHERE_RAYLEIGHT:0 Rayleight scattering 瑞雷分散
THEME_ATMOSPHERE_MIE:0 Mie scattering 米氏分散

Color & Intensity




Color & Intensity



THEME_WORLD_DAY:0 Day time 日间
THEME_WORLD_NIGHT:0 Night time 夜间
THEME_WORLD_WEATHER:0 Weather Probabilities 天气概率
DEFAULTSAVENAMES[NewTheme]:0 NewTheme 新主题
DEFAULTSAVENAMES[New Theme]:0 New Theme 新主题
DEFAULTSAVENAMES[NewSave]:0 NewSave 新建存档
DEFAULTSAVENAMES[New Map]:0 New Map 新建地图
DEFAULTSAVENAMES[NewAsset]:0 NewAsset 新建资产
DEFAULTSAVENAMES[New Asset]:0 New Asset 新建资产
THEME_BUILTIN:0 Built-in themes 内置主题
THEME_USER:0 User themes 用户主题
LOADTHEME_NAME:0 Theme Name: 主题名称:
LOADTHEME_THEME:0 Base Theme: 基本主题:
PUBLISH_THEME:0 Publish Map theme in New Map panel 在新建地图面板上发布地图主题
THEME_TERRAIN_OFFSET_LABEL:0 Grass color offsets 草地颜色补偿
TOOL_WATER_ESTIMATE:0 Estimated production: {0:N0} m³/week 预计生产:{0:N0} 立方米/周
TOOL_SHORELINE_RECOMMENDED:0 Shoreline recommended 推荐海岸线
NOTIFICATION_VISITED:0 Ready for rebuilding 重建就绪
SCENARIOEDITOR_TOOL[Disasters]:0 Place Disasters 放置灾难
SCENARIOEDITOR_TOOL[Trigger]:0 Scenario Planner 场景布置
SCENARIOEDITOR_TOOL[ScenarioSettings]:0 Scenario Settings 场景设置
TRIGGERPANEL_TITLE:0 Scenario Planner 场景布置
GOALSPANEL_TITLE:0 Scenario Goals 剧本目标
NEWGAME_NOSCENARIOS:0 Download or create a scenario to unlock. 下载或创建剧本以解锁
SAVESCENARIO_PUBLISH:0 Publish Scenario in New Game Panel 将剧本发布到新游戏界面
SAVESCENARIO_DESCRIPTION:0 Scenario Description 剧本说明
SAVESCENARIO_NAME:0 Scenario Name 剧本名称
SAVESCENARIO_NEEDS_MORE_CONDITIONS:0 A scenario requires at least one win or lose condition to be published 一个剧本需要至少一个胜利条件或失败条件才能发布。
CONFIRM_NEWSCENARIO[Message]:0 Unsaved changes will be lost. Do you wish to proceed? 未保存的变动将丢失。你希望继续吗?
DISASTERWARNING[Tornado]:0 Strong winds tell of a tornado heading towards the area. 根据强风判断,龙卷风将前往这片区域。
DISASTERWARNING[ForestFire]:0 The forest areas a re very dry and prone to forest fires. 森林区域十分干旱,可能发生森林火灾。
DISASTERWARNING[MeteorStrike]:0 Astronomers tell of an asteroid named [XXX] coming dangerously close and will land on the area. 天文学家报告称,一颗名为[XXX]的小行星正在逼近,应该会坠落在这片区域内。
DISASTERWARNING[Tsunami]:0 Tsunami waves have been detected in nearby water areas. 在附近水域发现海啸波。
DISASTERWARNING[Earthquake]:0 Seismic activity is high and indicates a coming earthquake. 地震活动强烈,可能即将发生地震。
DISASTERWARNING[Thunderstorm]:0 Cloud patterns tell of strong thunderstorms that are likely to hit the area. 根据云层分布判断,强烈的雷暴雨将袭击这片区域。
DISASTERCLOCK:0 Time remaining until disaster 灾难发生的剩余时间
SCENEDITOR_TOOLTIP:0 One week of game time on normal speed is approximately 1 minute in real time. 正常速度下,游戏内的一周时间大约为现实中的一分钟。
DISASTERACTIVE[Tornado]:0 Warning! A tornado is in the area! 警告!龙卷风出现在该区域!
DISASTERACTIVE[Forest Fire]:0 Warning! There's a forest fire raging! 警告!发生了森林大火!
DISASTERACTIVE[Meteor Strike]:0 Warning! A meteor is falling! 警告!陨石坠落!
DISASTERACTIVE[Tsunami]:0 Warning! Tsunami wave detected! 警告!侦测到海啸波!
DISASTERACTIVE[Earthquake]:0 Warning! Earthquake detected! 警告!侦测到地震!
DISASTERACTIVE[Thunderstorm]:0 Warning! A strong thunderstorm is in the area! 警告!区域内出现强烈雷暴雨!
DISASTERACTIVE[Sinkhole]:0 Warning! Sinkhole is appearing! 警告!发现地面塌陷!
EVACUATE_UI4:0 Draw escape route 绘制逃生路线
EVACUATE_UI5:0 Delete escape route 删除逃生路线
RADIO_UI1:0 Play 播放
RADIO_UI2:0 Pause 暂停
RADIO_UI3:0 Change channel 变更频道
RADIO_UI4:0 Volume 音量
SHELTEREVACUATEUI2:0 Release citizens 释放市民
SHELTEREVACUATEUI3:0 There are X citizens living in the Shelter. 避难所中住着 X 位市民。
DISASTER_UI0:0 Disasters 灾难
DISASTER_UI1:0 Start disaster 启动灾难
DISASTER_UI2:0 Choose where the disaster will hit. 选择灾难袭击地区。
DISASTER_UI3:0 Disaster severity 灾难严重性
DISASTER_UI4:0 Random disasters 随机灾难
DISASTER_UI5:0 Random disaster frequency 随机灾难频率
DISASTERINFOWINDOW1:0 Buildings destroyed 被摧毁的建筑
DISASTERINFOWINDOW2:0 Citizens lost 市民损失
DISASTERINFOWINDOW3:0 Roads destroyed 道路摧毁
INFOWINDOWLOST:0 Citizens lost: {0} / {1} 市民损失:{0} / {1}
WATERINFOPANEL_TANK:0 Water reserved in tanks: {0:N0} / {1:N0} m³ 水库储量: {0:N0} / {1:N0} 立方米
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Rescue Worker]:0 Rescue Worker 救援工人
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Park Staff]:0 Park Staff 公园员工
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Chirper Mascot]:0 Chirper Mascot 啾啾吉祥物
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Alligator Mascot]:0 Alligator Mascot 鳄鱼吉祥物
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Toga Partygoer Male 01]:0 Toga Partygoer 长袍派对参与者
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Toga Partygoer Male 02]:0 Toga Partygoer 长袍派对参与者
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Toga Partygoer Female 01]:0 Toga Partygoer 长袍派对参与者
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Toga Partygoer Female 02]:0 Toga Partygoer 长袍派对参与者
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Alligators Mascot]:0 Alligators Team Mascot 短吻鳄队吉祥物
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Broncos Mascot]:0 Broncos Team Mascot 野马队吉祥物
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Buccaneers Mascot]:0 Buccaneers Team Mascot 海盗队吉祥物
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Chirpers Mascot]:0 Chirpers Team Mascot 啾啾队吉祥物
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Eagles Mascot]:0 Eagles Team Mascot 老鹰队吉祥物
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Lions Mascot]:0 Lions Team Mascot 雄狮队吉祥物
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Spartans Mascot]:0 Spartans Team Mascot 斯巴达队吉祥物
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Toga Partygoer]:0 Toga Partygoer 长袍派对参与者
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Paramedic Default]:0 Paramedic 急救人员
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Paramedic Stretcher]:0 Paramedic 急救人员
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Criminal Female]:0 Criminal 罪犯
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Criminal Male]:0 Criminal 罪犯
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Fireman Default]:0 Firefighter 消防员
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Fireman Hose]:0 Firefighter 消防员
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Hearse Driver Coffin]:0 Hearse Driver 灵车司机
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Hearse Driver Default]:0 Hearse Driver 灵车司机
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Park Worker]:0 Park Worker 公园工人
SERVICEPERSON_TITLE[Police Officer]:0 Police Officer 警官
RESCUE_ANIMAL_SEARCHING:0 Searching for survivors 正在搜索幸存者
RESCUE_WORKER_SEARCHING:0 Searching for survivors 正在搜索幸存者
WORKSHOP_SCENARIOS:0 Get more scenarios on 获得更多剧本于
ASSET_WARNING_TRIANGLE:0 High triangle count on mesh: {0}/{1} 网格使用大量三角形:{0}/{1}
ASSET_WARNING_LOD_TRIANGLE:0 High triangle count on LOD mesh: {0}/{1} 细节级别网格使用大量三角形:{0}/{1}
ASSET_WARNING_TEXTURE:0 Large texture size: ({0}, {1}) / ({2}, {3}) 大型材质尺寸:({0}, {1}) / ({2}, {3})
ASSET_WARNING_LOD_TEXTURE:0 Large LOD texture size: ({0}, {1}) / ({2}, {3}) 大型细节级别材质尺寸:({0}, {1}) / ({2}, {3})
ASSET_WARNING_TOOLTIP:0 Asset may affect performance. 资源可能会影响性能。
ASSET_WARNING_SAVING:0 Asset may affect performance. Consider optimizing your asset. 资源可能会影响性能。考虑优化你的资源。
OPTIONS_RANDOM_DISASTERS_ENABLED:0 Use random disasters 使用随机灾难
OPTIONS_RANDOM_DISASTERS_PROBABILITY:0 Random disaster frequency 随机灾难频率
DEFAULTMONEYGAINEDMESSAGE:0 You have gained {0} money! 你获得了 {0} 金钱!
DEFAULTMONEYLOSTMESSAGE:0 You have just lost {0} money. 你失去了 {0} 金钱!
DEFAULTGOALMETMESSAGE:0 Congratulations, you just met scenario goal: {0}! 恭喜,你刚刚达成了剧本目标:{0}!
DEFAULTSCENARIOWONMESSAGE:0 Congratulations, you have won scenario “{0}”! 恭喜,你获取了“{0}”剧本的胜利!
DEFAULTSCENARIOLOSTMESSAGE:0 Unfortunately you have not been able to complete the scenario. Do you want to try again? 可惜,你没能完成剧本。要重试吗?
DISASTERPANEL_WARNINGNOTRIGGERS:0 This disaster is not included in any triggers. 该灾难没有任何触发器。
WARNINGPANEL_INCOMINGDISASTER[Tornado]:0 A tornado with an intensity of {0} is about to hit the city. 强度为 {0} 的龙卷风即将袭击城市。
WARNINGPANEL_INCOMINGDISASTER[Forest Fire]:0 A forest fire with an intensity of {0} is about to break out. 强度为 {0} 的森林火灾即将爆发。
WARNINGPANEL_INCOMINGDISASTER[Meteor Strike]:0 A meteor with a size of {0} is about to hit the city. 尺寸为 {0} 的陨石即将袭击城市。
WARNINGPANEL_INCOMINGDISASTER[Tsunami]:0 A tsunami with an intensity of {0} is about to happen. 强度为 {0} 的海啸即将发生。
WARNINGPANEL_INCOMINGDISASTER[Earthquake]:0 An earthquake with an intensity of {0} is about to happen. 强度为 {0} 的地震即将发生。
WARNINGPANEL_INCOMINGDISASTER[Sinkhole]:0 A sinkhole with a size of {0} is about to happen. 面积为 {0} 的地陷即将发生。
WARNINGPANEL_INCOMINGDISASTER[Thunderstorm]:0 A thunderstorm with a severity of {0} is about to happen. 严重性为 {0} 的雷暴雨即将发生。
WARNINGPANEL_INCOMINGDISASTER_CUSTOMNAME[Tornado]:0 A tornado “{0}” with an intensity of {1} is about to hit the city. 强度为 {1} 的“{0}”龙卷风即将袭击城市。
WARNINGPANEL_INCOMINGDISASTER_CUSTOMNAME[Forest Fire]:0 A forest fire “{0}” with an intensity of {1} is about to break out. 强度为 {1} 的“{0}”森林火灾即将爆发。
WARNINGPANEL_INCOMINGDISASTER_CUSTOMNAME[Meteor Strike]:0 A meteor “{0}” with a size of {1} is about to hit the city. 尺寸为 {1} 的“{0}”陨石即将袭击城市。
WARNINGPANEL_INCOMINGDISASTER_CUSTOMNAME[Tsunami]:0 A tsunami “{0}” with an intensity of {1} is about to happen. 强度为 {1} 的“{0}”海啸即将发生。
WARNINGPANEL_INCOMINGDISASTER_CUSTOMNAME[Earthquake]:0 An earthquake “{0}” with an intensity of {1} is about to happen. 强度为 {1} 的“{0}”地震即将发生。
WARNINGPANEL_INCOMINGDISASTER_CUSTOMNAME[Sinkhole]:0 A sinkhole “{0}” with a size of {1} is about to happen. 面积为 {1} 的“{0}”地陷即将发生。
WARNINGPANEL_INCOMINGDISASTER_CUSTOMNAME[Thunderstorm]:0 A thunderstorm “{0}” with a severity of {1} is about to happen. 严重性为 {1} 的“{0}”雷暴雨即将发生。
WARNINGPANEL_EVACUATEALL_TOOLTIP:0 Activates all Shelters into evacuation mode. Citizens will travel to Shelters for protection and stay until released. 启动所有避难所的撤离模式。市民将前往避难所寻求庇护,并一直待到释放。
WARNINGPANEL_EVACUATING:0 Evacuating City... 正在撤离城市……
WARNINGPANEL_RELEASEALL_TOOLTIP:0 Release all citizens from all shelters in the city 释放全部市民,使其离开避难所返回城市。
MAIN_TOOL_ND[FireDepartment]:0 Emergency Services 应急服务
MAIN_TOOL_ND[Landscaping]:0 Landscaping and Disasters 环境美化与灾难
BUDGET_INFO_ND[FireDepartment]:0 The number of fire engines and disaster relief unit vehicles available is dictated by the budget. 可用的消防车数量和灾难救援车辆数量受该预算影响。
EXPENSES_TT_FIRE_ND:0 Weekly Emergency Service Expenses 每周应急服务开支
CONFIRM_TRIGGERWARNING[Message]:0 There are disasters in this scenario that are not associated with any triggers. These disasters will never happen. Do you want to proceed? 剧本中包含没有任何触发条件的灾难。这些灾难永远不会发生。要继续吗?
NOTIFICATION_TITLE_PLAYER[ReadyForRebuild]:0 The area has been searched and is ready for rebuilding. Hover over ”Rebuild” for building cost. 该区域已经搜查完毕,可以准备重建。鼠标悬停在“重建”上查看建筑花费。
NOTIFICATION_NORMAL_PLAYER[ReadyForRebuild]:0 The area has been searched and is ready for rebuilding. Hover over ”Rebuild” for building cost. 该区域已经搜查完毕,可以准备重建。鼠标悬停在“重建”上查看建筑花费。
NOTIFICATION_MAJOR_PLAYER[ReadyForRebuild]:0 The area has been searched and is ready for rebuilding. Hover over ”Rebuild” for building cost. 该区域已经搜查完毕,可以准备重建。鼠标悬停在“重建”上查看建筑花费。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL_PLAYER[ReadyForRebuild]:0 The area has been searched and is ready for rebuilding. Hover over ”Rebuild” for building cost. 该区域已经搜查完毕,可以准备重建。鼠标悬停在“重建”上查看建筑花费。
GOALSPANEL_TO_WIN:0 To win the game 游戏胜利条件:
GOALSPANEL_TO_LOSE:0 You lose the game if you 游戏失败条件:
ICONFORSHELTEREVACUTING:0 Shelter is evacuating citizens 避难所正在撤离市民。
DISASTERSMENUADVISORTEXT:0 You can choose if you want random disasters to happen, how often they should happen, and even call disasters at will to hit your city. When choosing which disaster strikes, choose the severity of the disaster. 你可以选择是否发生随机灾难、它们出现的频率,甚至自行召唤灾难袭击城市。选择灾难时,还需选择灾难严重性。
REBUILDBUTTONTEXT:0 Rebuild service building immediately. Cost X 立刻重建服务设施。花费 X
EMERGENCYSERVICES_ADVISORTEXT:0 To keep citizens safe when faced with a disaster, you need disaster services. The Disaster Relief Unit checks destroyed buildings for survivors and integrity, before allowing them to be rebuild. Pumping Service removes water from houses and streets, Shelters can be used to keep citizens out of harm’s way. The early warning systems: Tsunami Buoy, Earthquake Sensor, Deep Space Radar and Weather Radar give you more time to prepare and more precise information on the coming disaster. 为了在灾难发生期间保证市民安全,你需要灾难救援服务。灾难救援中队会检查被摧毁建筑的完整性并搜索存者,检查完毕后便可以开始重建。抽水服务可以清楚街道和房屋的积水,避难所可以保护市民不受伤害。预警系统:海啸浮标、地震传感器、外太空雷达和气象雷达可以给予你更多的准备时间,并提供更准确的灾难情报。
DLCPANEL_NATURALDISASTERS:0 Natural Disasters DLC 《大灾难》下载内容
PANEL_SORT:0 Sort by 排序方式
PANEL_SORT_MODIFIED:0 Last modified 最后修改
TOOL_REPAIR_COST:0 Repair cost: {0} 修理花费:{0}
STORYMESSAGE_TITLE:0 Story Message 剧情信息
DISASTERINFOVIEWLEGEND2:0 Disaster risk: 灾难风险:
DISASTERINFOVIEWLEGEND3:0 Early warning: 预警系统:
BUILDESCAPEROUTE:0 To complete escape route, make sure it ends at the Shelter! 请确保逃生路线的终点是避难所!
EXITROUTE:0 Exit route marking 出口路线标记
SHELTERINFOVIEWLEGEND1:0 Citizens in Shelters X/X 避难所中的市民 X/X
SHELTERINFOVIEWLEGEND2:0 Shelters evacuating X/X 正在撤离的避难所 X/X
DISASTERREPORT_AFTERMATH:0 Aftermath of recent {0}: {0}灾难过后:
WARNINGPANEL_NODETECTIONSERVICE:0 You have not built the required disaster detection service to get more information about this disaster. 你尚未建造此灾难相关的灾难监测系统,因此无法获取此灾难的详细信息。
WARNINGPANEL_INCOMING:0 Incoming {0} 即将发生{0}
NOTIFICATION_FATAL_ND[StructureDamaged]:0 Building has collapsed! Wait for Disaster Response to visit or bulldoze. 建筑倒塌了!请等待救灾部队到来或者将其铲平。
NOTIFICATION_FATAL_ND[Fire]:0 Building has burned down! Wait for Disaster Response to visit or bulldoze. 建筑烧毁了!请等待救灾部队到来或者将其铲平。
NEWSOUNDSETTING1:0 Music / Radio Volume 音乐/无线电的音量
NEWSOUNDSETTING2:0 Emergency Broadcast Volume 紧急广播的音量
WARNINGPANEL_DISASTEROVER:0 {0} is over. {0}结束了。
CITYSTAT1:0 Disasters 灾难
CITYSTAT2:0 Casualties from the disasters 灾难伤亡
CITYSTAT4:0 Collapsed buildings 倒塌的建筑物
CITYSTAT5:0 Destroyed roads segments 被毁道路
DISASTERREPORT_TRACKSDESTROYED:0 Train tracks destroyed 铁路摧毁
DISASTERREPORT_BUILDINGFIRES:0 Buildings set on fire 建筑物失火
DISASTERREPORT_NOCASUALTIES:0 No casualties! 恭喜,什么事都没发生!
DISASTERREPORT_NODAMAGE:0 Congratulations, the city did not suffer damage! 恭喜你!城市并没有受到多少损害。
CITYSTAT1_TOOLTIP:0 Number of disasters 灾难数量
CITYSTAT2_TOOLTIP:0 Number of casualties from the disasters 灾难伤亡数量
CITYSTAT4_TOOLTIP:0 Amount of collapsed buildings 被毁的建筑物数量
CITYSTAT5_TOOLTIP:0 Amount of destroyed roads segments 被毁的道路量
DISASTERAFTERMATHPANEL:0 Disaster Aftermath 灾难后果
DLCPANEL_HIGHTECH:0 High Tech DLC 《高科技建筑》下载内容
DLCPANEL_RELAXATIONSTATION:0 Relaxation Station DLC 《放松小站》下载内容
WHYLOST:0 Reason: 失败原因:
ASSET_EDITOR_SUB_BUILDING:0 Add sub building 添加子建筑
INFO_RADIO_SIGNAL:0 Signal Strength 信号强度
INFO_DETECTION_COVERAGE:0 Earthquake Detection 地震检查
INFO_DETECTION_BUILDINGS:0 Detection Buildings 检查建筑
CONTENT_ND_REQUIRED:0 Natural Disasters DLC required 需要《大灾难》下载内容
CONTENT_ND_BUY:0 Buy Natural Disasters on Steam 在 Steam 上购买《大灾难》
THEME_WORLD_DISASTER:0 Disaster Probabilities 灾难概率
AIINFO_HELICOPTERS:0 Helicopters in use: {0} / {1} 使用中的直升机:{0} / {1}
AIINFO_HELICOPTER_CAPACITY:0 Helicopter capacity: {0} 直升机容量:{0}
AIINFO_SHELTER_CITIZENS:0 Citizens in shelter: {0} / {1} 避难所中的市民:{0} / {1}
AIINFO_SHELTER_CAPACITY:0 Shelter capacity: {0} 避难所容量:{0}
AIINFO_SHELTER_VEHICLE_COUNT:0 Evacuation bus count: {0} 撤离公车数量:{0}
AIINFO_RADIO_TRANSMITTER_POWER:0 Transmitter power: {0} KW 发射器功率:{0} 千瓦
AIINFO_RADIO_MAST_HEIGHT:0 Mast height: {0} m 天线杆高度:{0}米
AIINFO_FIREWATCH_VISIBILITY_RADIUS:0 Visibility distance: {0} m 可视距离:{0}米
AIINFO_FIREWATCH_TOWER_HEIGHT:0 Tower height: {0} m 塔高:{0}米
AIINFO_VEHICLES:0 Vehicles in use: {0} / {1} 使用中的载具:{0} / {1}
AIINFO_VEHICLE_CAPACITY:0 Vehicle capacity: {0} 载具容量:{0}
AINFO_WATER_STORAGE_CAPACITY:0 Storage capacity: {0:N0} m³ 储藏容量:{0:N0} 立方米
AINFO_WATER_IO_CAPACITY:0 Operating rate: {0:N0} m³/week 工作效率:{0:N0} 立方米/周
AINFO_WATER_STORAGE_STATUS:0 Storage amount: {0}% 储存容量:{0}%
AIINFO_SPACE_RADAR_RANGE:0 Detection distance: {0}% 探测距离:{0}%
AIINFO_WEATHER_RADAR_RANGE:0 Forecast period: {0} days 预测周期:{0}天
AIINFO_TSUNAMI_BUOY_SENSITIVITY:0 Detection sensitivity: {0} m 探测灵敏度:{0}米
AIINFO_EARTHQUAKE_SENSOR_RANGE:0 Detection range: {0} m 探测范围:{0}米
SHELTER_DRAWROUTE_TOOLTIP:0 Draw an evacuation route 绘制一条撤离路线
SHELTER_DELETEROUTE_TOOLTIP:0 Delete the evacuation route 删除一条撤离路线
SHELTER_EVACUATE:0 Evacuate Citizens 撤离市民
SHELTER_EVACUATE_TOOLTIP:0 Evacuate citizens to this shelter 撤离市民到这个避难所
SHELTER_RELEASE:0 Release Citizens 释放市民
SHELTER_RELEASE_TOOLTIP:0 Release citizens from this shelter 释放这个避难所的市民
DISASTERMENUNAME:0 Landscaping and Disasters 环境美化与灾难
DISASTERMENUNAMETAB2:0 Random Disasters 随机灾难
CITYSERVICE_TOOLTIP_DISASTERSERVICEREQUIRED:0 This building needs to be searched for survivors by a disaster response unit before it can be rebuilt 这座建筑需要让灾难应急中队搜寻幸存者后才可重建。
VEHICLE_STATUS_AMBULANCE_COPTER_CARRYING:0 Transporting a patient to 运送病人到
VEHICLE_STATUS_POLICE_COPTER_PATROL_WAIT:0 Spotted something suspicious 发现可疑时间
VEHICLE_STATUS_POLICE_COPTER_EMERGENCY:0 Searching for a criminal 搜寻罪犯
VEHICLE_STATUS_FIRE_COPTER_EMERGENCY2:0 Rushing to wildfire near 赶往火灾现场,邻近
VEHICLE_STATUS_FIRE_COPTER_WAIT:0 Making flight plan 指定飞行计划
VEHICLE_STATUS_FIRE_COPTER_FILLING:0 Filling water bucket 装填水桶
VEHICLE_STATUS_DISASTER_RESPONSE_WAIT:0 Coordinating rescue work 规划搜救行动
VEHICLE_STATUS_WATER_SEARCH:0 Locating flood water 定位洪水
VEHICLE_STATUS_WATER_PUMP:0 Pumping water 正在抽水
VEHICLE_STATUS_WATER_WAIT:0 Locating flood water 定位洪水
VEHICLE_STATUS_WATER_RETURN:0 Returning to facility 返回中
DISASTER_TITLE[Tornado]:0 Tornado 龙卷风
DISASTER_TITLE[Forest Fire]:0 Forest fire 森林大火
DISASTER_TITLE[Meteor Strike]:0 Meteor strike 陨石撞击
DISASTER_TITLE[Tsunami]:0 Tsunami 海啸
DISASTER_TITLE[Earthquake]:0 Earthquake 地震
DISASTER_TITLE[Sinkhole]:0 Sinkhole 地陷
DISASTER_TITLE[Thunderstorm]:0 Thunderstorm 雷暴雨
DISASTER_TITLE[Structure Fire]:0 Fire 失火
DISASTER_TITLE[Structure Collapse]:0 Collapse 倒塌
DISASTER_DESC[Tornado]:0 A colum of air wreaks destruction on the map. Tornados travel from an edge of the map to another edge. The severity of tornado affect how large the tornado is and how straight it travels through the map. Tornadoes need an entry point. 一条龙卷风在地图上肆虐。龙卷风会从地图的一边移动到另一边。龙卷风的严重性影响龙卷风的大小、移动路径是否笔直。龙卷风需要一个进入点。
DISASTER_DESC[Forest Fire]:0 Forest fires set nature props and trees on fire. If a forest fire reaches any buildings, it can set them on fire too. A Forest Fire needs a starting point. 森林大火会点燃自然物件和树木。如果森林大火烧到建筑,也会引燃建筑。森林大火需要一个开始点。
DISASTER_DESC[Meteor Strike]:0 A flaming rock from space hits the earth. The severity of a Meteor Strike affects how large of a crater will be created and how far from the impact site the destruction reaches. Place disaster to choose impact site. 燃烧的陨石从天而降。陨石撞击的严重性影响其产生弹坑的大小、冲击的影响范围。放置灾难以选择撞击点。
DISASTER_DESC[Tsunami]:0 A wave is created in the sea and travels towards the city. The severity controls the height of the wave. Depending on the map, it can take quite long for the tsunami effect to be seen. The tsunami has no location. 一个从海而来奔向城市的巨浪。 震波会影响浪高。根据地图情况,海啸的影响可能需要一定时间才看得到。海啸不用设置地点。
DISASTER_DESC[Earthquake]:0 The ground shakes, causing the earth to crack and buildings on cracks to be destroyed. Earthquakes have an epicenter that's the main point of destruction. If the epicenter is on water, the earthquake can cause tsunami like waves. 大地震动,造成地面撕裂,裂口上的建筑会被摧毁。地震的震中是破坏产生的主要地点。如果震中位于水中,地震会导致一波波海啸。
DISASTER_DESC[Sinkhole]:0 Part of the ground suddenly sinks to create a hole. Place disaster to choose location of sinkhole. 地面的一部分下陷形成一个大坑。放置灾难以选择地陷位置。
DISASTER_DESC[Thunderstorm]:0 A powerful storm travels across the map. Lightning bolts can set buildings and forest on fire. A Thunderstorm needs an entry point. 强大的雷云穿过地图。闪电会点燃建筑或森林。雷暴雨需要一个进入点。
DISASTER_DESC[Structure Fire]:0 A structure in the city catches fire. Fire can spread if it's not put out quickly. Fire needs a location with a structure. 城市的一个建筑着火。如果不及时扑灭,火势会蔓延。失火需要一个拥有建筑的地点。
DISASTER_DESC[Structure Collapse]:0 A structure in the city collapses. Needs a location with a structure. 城市的一个建筑倒塌。需要一个拥有建筑的地点。
METEOR_TITLE:1 Diomedes 狄俄墨得斯
METEOR_TITLE:3 Eliane 伊莱恩
METEOR_TITLE:5 Ginevra 吉妮芙拉
METEOR_TITLE:6 Hammurabi 汉莫拉比
METEOR_TITLE:7 Aavasaksa 阿瓦萨克萨
METEOR_TITLE:8 Kenya 肯尼亚
METEOR_TITLE:9 Libitina 利比提纳
METEOR_TITLE:10 Lucretia 卢克丽霞
METEOR_TITLE:12 Mikhailov 米哈伊洛夫
METEOR_TITLE:13 Osterbrock 奥斯特布鲁克
METEOR_TITLE:15 Quanzhou 泉州
METEOR_TITLE:16 Rheinland 莱茵兰
CHIRP_FIRST_SHELTER:0 The city feels so safe now that we have a shelter! #shelter #protectionfromdisasters 我们有避难所了,顿时感觉城市安全了许多。#避难所 #防灾
CHIRP_FIRST_POLICEHELI:0 What a wonderful addition for the city police forces! Helicopters! #policehelicopters 市警察局新添了一个极好的东西!直升机!#警队直升机
CHIRP_FIRST_FIREHELI:0 Now the fire brigade can be even more efficient! #firefightinghelicopters 现在消费队效率更高了!#消防直升机
CHIRP_FIRST_MEDICALHELI:0 The city's healthcare services are top notch now with the medical helicopters! #medicalhelicopters 我们有救护直升机了,城市的医保服务真是顶级的!#救护直升机
CHIRP_FIRST_FIREWATCH:0 More safety to us city dwellers and to forest animals! It's good to have a firewatch tower! #firewatchtower 城市居民和森林动物都有了更好的安全保障!有一座看火瞭望塔真是太好了!#看火瞭望塔
CHIRP_FIRST_PUMPING:0 Handling flooding houses just got easier! Excellent that the city now has a pumping service! #pumpingservice 现在处理淹水房屋更简便了!城市现在拥有抽水服务,真棒!#抽水服务
CHIRP_FIRST_DISASTERRESPONSE:0 I feel so much safer already now that we have a disaster response unit in the city! #safetyfirst #disasterresponceunit 我们现在拥有灾难应急小队,真是再安全不过了!#安全第一 #灾难应急小队
CHIRP_FIRST_TSUNAMIBOYO:0 No more unexpected tsunamis now that the city has a Warning Buoy! #tsunamiwarningbuoy 城市有了预警浮标,再也不怕突如其来的海啸了!#海啸预警浮标
CHIRP_FIRST_WEATHERSTATION:0 The new weather radar seems like an excellent investment! No more unexpected thunderstorms, tornadoes or dry spells! #weatherradar 新的气象雷达看上去是个不错的投资!不会再怕突如其来的雷暴雨、龙卷风和干旱期了!#气象雷达
CHIRP_FIRST_EARTHQUAKESENSOR:0 We are prepared for earthquakes with the brand new earthquake sensor! #earthquakesensor 为了应对地震,我们装备了全新的地震传感器!#地震传感器
CHIRP_FIRST_DISASTERMEMORIAL:0 In loving memory of the disaster the city unveils a disaster memorial #rememberthedisaster 为了纪念灾难,城市揭幕了一座灾难纪念碑 #纪念灾难
CHIRP_FIRST_DOOMSDAYVAULT:0 That's what I call a shelter! The brand new Doomsday Vault in bigger and better than any other shelter! #doomsdayvault 这才叫做避难所!全新的末日避难所又大又好,远超其他避难所!#末日避难所
CHIRP_FIRST_METEORITEPARK:0 Remember the meteor that fell? Now you can see it in the meteor park! #meteorpark 还记得那颗天外飞石吗?我现在可以在陨石公园看到它!#陨石公园
CHIRP_FIRST_UB1:0 UB1 first chirp UB1 first chirp
CHIRP_FIRST_UB2:0 UB2 first chirp UB2 first chirp
CHIRP_FIRST_UB3:0 UB3 first chirp UB3 first chirp
CHIRP_FIRST_WATERTANK:0 Dry spells are history! I'm so happy the city decided to build water tanks to make sure we have enough water! #watertanks 干旱已经成为历史!我很高兴城市决定建造水箱,这保证我们拥有足够的水资源!#水箱
CHIRP_DISASTER[Generic Flood]:0 The surf's up! Wait, no. #flooding #disaster #nosurfing 冲浪时间!啊,不对。#淹水 #灾难 #禁止冲浪
CHIRP_DISASTER[Generic Flood]:1 What's with all the water? #flood #toomuchwater 这水是怎么回事?#水涝 #好多水
CHIRP_DISASTER[Generic Flood]:2 Why is my bed wet? #flood #whysowet 我的床怎么湿了?#水涝 #为什么湿了
CHIRP_DISASTER[Generic Flood]:3 Wait a moment, there shouldn't be water in my house? #flood #suspicious 等等,我的房间怎么都是水?#水涝 #可疑
CHIRP_DISASTER[Generic Flood]:4 I guess I'm not going to work without a snorkel today! #flood #snorkelday 我看今天不带通气管就别想工作了!#水涝 #通气管
CHIRP_DISASTER[Generic Flood]:5 Anyone got spare flippers? I need to get to work! #flood #swimtoworktheysay 谁有多余的脚蹼?我要去上班!#水涝 #他们说游泳去上班
CHIRP_DISASTER[Generic Flood]:6 Blub blub? Blub blub! Bluuuuub. #flood #blub 咕嘟咕嘟?咕嘟咕嘟!咕噜……#水涝 #咕嘟
CHIRP_DISASTER[Generic Flood]:7 An umbrella won't help now, except maybe used as a boat! #flood #paddlinginmyumbrella 现在雨伞根本没用,除非你把它当船使!#水涝 #伞上划桨
CHIRP_DISASTER[Generic Flood]:8 Help, my house is flooding! #flood #notinmyhouse 救命,我的房子淹了!#水涝 #我的房子啊
CHIRP_DISASTER[Generic Flood]:9 My cat hates water! Help! #flood #catemergency 我的猫讨厌水!救命!#水涝 #猫咪急救
CHIRP_DISASTER[Tsunami]:0 The surf's up! Wait, no. #flooding #disaster #nosurfing 冲浪时间!啊,不对。#淹水 #灾难 #禁止冲浪
CHIRP_DISASTER[Tsunami]:1 What's with all the water? #flood #toomuchwater 这水是怎么回事?#水涝 #好多水
CHIRP_DISASTER[Tsunami]:2 Why is my bed wet? #flood #whysowet 我的床怎么湿了?#水涝 #为什么湿了
CHIRP_DISASTER[Tsunami]:3 Wait a moment, there shouldn't be water in my house? #flood #suspicious 等等,我的房间怎么都是水?#水涝 #可疑
CHIRP_DISASTER[Tsunami]:4 I guess I'm not going to work without a snorkel today! #flood #snorkelday 我看今天不带通气管就别想工作了!#水涝 #通气管
CHIRP_DISASTER[Tsunami]:5 Anyone got spare flippers? I need to get to work! #flood #swimtoworktheysay 谁有多余的脚蹼?我要去上班!#水涝 #他们说游泳去上班
CHIRP_DISASTER[Tsunami]:6 Blub blub? Blub blub! Bluuuuub. #flood #blub 咕嘟咕嘟?咕嘟咕嘟!咕噜……#水涝 #咕嘟
CHIRP_DISASTER[Tsunami]:7 An umbrella won't help now, except maybe used as a boat! #flood #paddlinginmyumbrella 现在雨伞根本没用,除非你把它当船使!#水涝 #伞上划桨
CHIRP_DISASTER[Tsunami]:8 Help, my house is flooding! #flood #notinmyhouse 救命,我的房子淹了!#水涝 #我的房子啊
CHIRP_DISASTER[Tsunami]:9 My cat hates water! Help! #flood #catemergency 我的猫讨厌水!救命!#水涝 #猫咪急救
CHIRP_DISASTER[Thunderstorm]:0 Thor, show us your might! #thunderstorm #oldgods 索尔,展示你的神威吧!#雷暴雨 #旧神
CHIRP_DISASTER[Thunderstorm]:1 What a storm! I hope no one is hurt! #thunderstorm #staysafe 看这雷云!希望没人受伤!#雷暴雨 #保重
CHIRP_DISASTER[Thunderstorm]:2 Did you see that lightning? Wow! #thunderstorm #lightningspotting 你看到那道闪电了吗?哇!#雷暴雨 #发现闪电
CHIRP_DISASTER[Thunderstorm]:3 Thunder and lightning! Very very frightening! #thunderstorm #ilovemusic 雷电交加!太吓人了!#雷暴雨 #我爱音乐
CHIRP_DISASTER[Thunderstorm]:4 Don't go under a tree to stay dry! It's not safe! #thunderstorm #notrees 别躲在树下避雨!不安全!#雷暴雨 #不要树下
CHIRP_DISASTER[Thunderstorm]:5 Oh no, my umbrella! #thunderstorm #byebyebrelly 不,我的雨伞!#雷暴雨 #伞儿拜拜
CHIRP_DISASTER[Thunderstorm]:6 Today is the day to wear wellies! #thunderstorm #wellieday 今天适合穿雨靴!#雷暴雨 #雨靴
CHIRP_DISASTER[Thunderstorm]:7 What's that rumbling? #thunderstorm #weirdnoises 那轰隆声是怎么回事?#雷暴雨 #怪声
CHIRP_DISASTER[Thunderstorm]:8 Stay safe, everyone! There's a storm raging! #thunderstorm #safetyfirst 各位保重!暴雨来了!#雷暴雨 #安全第一
CHIRP_DISASTER[Thunderstorm]:9 It's pouring! Lightning flashing! #thunderstorm #heavyrain 大雨倾盆!雷鸣电闪!#雷暴雨 #大雨
CHIRP_DISASTER[Meteor Strike]:0 What was that rumble? Is my neighbour having bowel issues again? #meteorstrike #healthyneighboursplease 刚才的轰隆声是?我的邻居又出肠胃问题了?#陨石撞击 #我要健康的邻居
CHIRP_DISASTER[Meteor Strike]:1 Did you see that?! That was {0}! #meteorstrike #WOW 你们看到了吗?是{0}!#陨石撞击 #哇
CHIRP_DISASTER[Meteor Strike]:2 Was it aliens? I bet it was aliens! #meteorstrike #conspiracy #aliens 那是外星人吗?一定是外星人!#陨石撞击 #阴谋论 #外星人
CHIRP_DISASTER[Meteor Strike]:3 Oh lord we are all going to die! #meteorstrike #worried 主啊,我们要死了!#陨石撞击 #担忧
CHIRP_DISASTER[Meteor Strike]:4 Stay calm! I think it missed us! #meteorstrike #isitamiss 保持冷静!我看它没撞到我们!#陨石撞击 #没撞到
CHIRP_DISASTER[Meteor Strike]:5 That's why I wear a helmet all the time. You should too. #meteorstrike #helmetsareokay 所以我才一直戴着安全帽。你们应该学我。#陨石撞击 #安全帽很好
CHIRP_DISASTER[Meteor Strike]:6 A flaming rock fell from the sky! These are the end times! #meteorstrike #endtimes #flamingrocks 燃烧的陨石从天而降!简直就像世界末日!#陨石撞击 #末日 #燃烧陨石
CHIRP_DISASTER[Meteor Strike]:7 That's it! I'm packing my things and moving to live in a cave. No more flaming rocks falling on me! #meteorstrike #nomore 受不了了!我要收拾家当搬到洞穴里去住。再也不会有燃烧的陨石砸到我了!#陨石撞击 #受够了
CHIRP_DISASTER[Meteor Strike]:8 Is that an asteroid? I mean a meteorite? Or a meteor? Help me out! #meteorstrike #whatdoicallit 那是一颗小行星 ?是陨石?还是陨石?帮帮我!#陨石撞击 #该怎么叫
CHIRP_DISASTER[Meteor Strike]:9 WHAT WAS THAT!? #meteorstrike #nervous 那是啥!?#陨石撞击 #紧张
CHIRP_DISASTER[Meteor Strike]:10 Scientists were excited for asteroid {0} passing us by so close, but it seems they can inspect it up close now! #meteorstrike #forscience 在以前,科学家就对路过我们星球的小行星{0}十分感兴趣,现在他们可以亲自近距离观察了!#陨石撞击 #为了科学
CHIRP_DISASTER[Meteor Strike]:11 Oh, so that's {0}? I thought it would be a bit smaller and less threatening. Time to run for your lives! #meteorstrike #runrunrun 哦,那是{0}?我以为会更小更不吓人。还是赶快逃命吧!#陨石撞击 #跑跑跑
CHIRP_DISASTER[Meteor Strike]:12 {0} come to me! No not that fast! #meteorstrike #wishuponastar {0}朝我撞过来了!不、不要那么快!#陨石撞击 #星星许愿
CHIRP_DISASTER[Meteor Strike]:13 Nice to meet you, {0}! Please be gentle! #meteorstrike #dontdestroyus 幸会,{0}!请轻一点!#撞击陨石 #不要搞破坏
CHIRP_DISASTER[Sinkhole]:0 My car was just there a moment ago. Now it isn’t. What is this? #mystery #sinkhole #sinkholemystery 我的车子刚刚就在那里。现在全没了。这是什么东西?#神秘 #地陷 #地陷秘闻
CHIRP_DISASTER[Sinkhole]:1 A sinkhole? Where am I supposed to park now? #needmoreparkingspace #sinkhole 地陷?我现在该在哪里停车?#需要更多停车位 #地陷
CHIRP_DISASTER[Sinkhole]:2 That was my favourite spot in the whole city! Oh no! #sadness #sinkhole 那里本来是我整个城里最喜欢的地点!不要啊!#蓝瘦 #地陷
CHIRP_DISASTER[Sinkhole]:3 There I was, minding my own business when the ground fell off. What? Why? #WHY #sinkhole 我就在那儿忙呢,突然地面就塌了。什么?为什么?#为什么 #地陷
CHIRP_DISASTER[Sinkhole]:4 Watch out for sinkholes! I nearly lost my dog to one! #doggydontgo #sinkhole 小心陷坑!我的狗狗差点掉下去了!#狗狗别去 #地陷
CHIRP_DISASTER[Sinkhole]:5 The sky is pretty, but remember to watch you feet. I almost fell into a sinkhole! #prettysky #sinkhole 天空是很美丽,但要小心脚下。我就差点栽进陷坑里了!#漂亮天空 #地陷
CHIRP_DISASTER[Sinkhole]:6 A sinkhole just sunk and while sinking took with it a building! #sinksanksunk #sinkhole 地陷形成一个陷坑,连带着一栋建筑也陷下去了!#沉啊沉 #地陷
CHIRP_DISASTER[Sinkhole]:7 What was that noise? Sounded like something huge just fell down #sinkhole #falling 那是什么声音?好像什么庞然大物塌了 #地陷 #倒塌
CHIRP_DISASTER[Sinkhole]:8 That was fast! The sinkhole just suddenly appeared out of nowhere! #surprise #sinkhole 太快了!陷坑突然就在防不胜防的地方出现!#吃惊 #地陷
CHIRP_DISASTER[Sinkhole]:9 Was it a sinkhole that sunk the Titanic? At least I wouldn’t want to try steering a ship into one! #titanic #sinkhole 泰坦尼克当初是不是就是栽到一个陷坑里的?至少我可不会笨到把船快到那里去!#泰坦尼克 #地陷
CHIRP_DISASTER[Tornado]:0 Hold on to your hats! And your kids! #tornado #flyinghats #andkids 抓好你的帽子!还有孩子!#龙卷风 #帽子飞了 #还有孩子
CHIRP_DISASTER[Tornado]:1 I took the dog for a walk but she seemed more interested in flying today #tornado #whendogsfly 我本来出来遛狗,但她今天似乎只想飞 #龙卷风 #飞犬
CHIRP_DISASTER[Tornado]:2 Today I'll go and try out my new kite! #tornado #kiteweather 今天我要出去试试我的新风筝!#龙卷风 #放风筝的天气
CHIRP_DISASTER[Tornado]:3 Send help! My umbrella flew up a tree with me still holding on to it! #tornado #badumbrella 救命啊!我的伞拉着我一齐被吹到树上了!#龙卷风 #雨伞坏坏
CHIRP_DISASTER[Tornado]:4 My hat! My favourite hat! If you see a red cap flying by, grab it, it's mine! #tornado #myfavouritehat #lost 我的帽子!我最喜欢的帽子!如果你看到了红色的帽子飞过,请抓住它,那是我的!#龙卷风 #我最喜欢的帽子 #丢了
CHIRP_DISASTER[Tornado]:5 My cow! My favourite cow! If you see brown cow flying by, grab it, it's mine! #tornado #wheresmycow 我的牛!我最喜欢的牛!如果你看到一头奶牛飞过,请抓住它,那是我的!#龙卷风 #我的牛不见了
CHIRP_DISASTER[Tornado]:6 I left my car parked on the roadside but can't find it. It's a small, light car, any sightings? I hope it's not stolen! #tornado #car #lost #pleasedontbeflying 我之前把车停到路边,但现在找不到了。是一辆轻型的小车,有人看到没?希望不是被偷了!#龙卷风 #车 #丢了 #千万别飞了
CHIRP_DISASTER[Tornado]:7 Just saw my car go past my window. I live on the fifth floor. #tornado #highupcars 我刚刚看到我的车从窗前经过。我住在五楼。#龙卷风 #高空飞车
CHIRP_DISASTER[Tornado]:8 My bike is gone! I saw it gliding towards the horizon minutes ago! #tornado #flyingbike 我的自行车丢了!我刚刚看到它滑向了远方的地平线!#龙卷风 #飞行的自行车
CHIRP_DISASTER[Tornado]:9 Strong winds! Stay safe! #tornado #staysafe 强风!注意安全!#龙卷风 #注意安全
CHIRP_DISASTER[Chirpynado]:0 What is this? Small birds who want to do home improvement? #chirpynado #whathe 这是什么?小鸟来做装修?#啾啾风暴 #这是
CHIRP_DISASTER[Chirpynado]:1 Amazing! Forest animals doing housework! #chirpynado #disneyistrue 好神奇!森林动物在做家务!#啾啾风暴 #迪士尼成真了
CHIRP_DISASTER[Chirpynado]:2 What the... Birds? I thought this was a tornado? #chirpynado #icanteven 这是……鸟吗?我还以为是龙卷风?#啾啾风暴 #简直了
CHIRP_DISASTER[Chirpynado]:3 Can I keep one as a pet? Pwetty please? #chirpynado #iwantone 我能留一只做宠物吗?好不好嘛?#啾啾风暴 #我想要一只
CHIRP_DISASTER[Chirpynado]:4 These birds are so cute! #chirpynado #cutenessoverload 这些鸟好可爱哦!#啾啾风暴 #可爱的不行
CHIRP_DISASTER[Chirpynado]:5 Are these migrating birds? What season is it? #chirpynado #migrating 这些是候鸟吗?现在是什么季节?#啾啾风暴 #迁徙
CHIRP_DISASTER[Chirpynado]:6 What? I have a new bathroom? #chirpynado #apleasantsurprise 什么?我的浴室翻新了?#啾啾风暴 #惊喜
CHIRP_DISASTER[Chirpynado]:7 A miracle! My kitchen is fully renovated! #chirpynado #newkitchen 这是奇迹!我的厨房被重新翻修了!#啾啾风暴 #新厨房
CHIRP_DISASTER[Chirpynado]:8 Everything looks new and shiny! Thank you, birds! #chirpynado #amazingbirds #trulyamazing 一切都崭新干净!谢谢你们,小鸟!#啾啾风暴 #神奇的小鸟 #太神奇了
CHIRP_DISASTER[Chirpynado]:9 Tornado winds but with tiny birds? This is getting weird! #chirpynado #dontunderstand 小鸟龙卷风?难以置信!#啾啾风暴 #不理解
CHIRP_DISASTER[Earthquake]:0 Did you feel that? The earth is moving! #earthquake #feelings 你们感觉到了吗?地面在晃动!#地震 #感觉
CHIRP_DISASTER[Earthquake]:1 What was that? It felt like the earth just moved! #earthquake #idontfeelsafe 这是怎么了?大地好像在震动!#地震 #没有安全感
CHIRP_DISASTER[Earthquake]:2 Can I come out from under the table now? Is the earthquake past? #earthquake #tablesprotectme 我可以从桌子下出来了吗?地震过去了吗?#地震 #桌子保护我
CHIRP_DISASTER[Earthquake]:3 Duck and cover! It's an earthquake! #earthquake #thebestway 趴下找掩体!是地震!#地震 #最佳方案
CHIRP_DISASTER[Earthquake]:4 My milk glass fell of the table and shattered. A disaster! #earthquake #milkdisaster 我的牛奶杯从桌子上摔下来砸碎了。灾难啊!#地震 #牛奶灾难
CHIRP_DISASTER[Earthquake]:5 Ban earthquakes! I want no more! #earthquake #banthem 请下令禁止地震!我受不了了!#地震 #禁止它们
CHIRP_DISASTER[Earthquake]:6 Stay safe! The earth is moving! #earthquake #staysafe 保重!大地动起来了!#地震 #保重
CHIRP_DISASTER[Earthquake]:7 There's an earthquake! Be safe! #earthquake #safety 地震来了!各位平安!#地震 #安全
CHIRP_DISASTER[Earthquake]:8 Don't go into buildings! There's an earthquake! #earthquake #safety 不要进屋子里!地震来了!#地震 #安全
CHIRP_DISASTER[Earthquake]:9 These buildings can stand up to almost anything! Don't worry! #earthquake #confident 这些房子特别结实,几乎什么都不怕!别担心!#地震 #自信
CHIRP_DISASTER[Forest Fire]:0 Run Bambi! The forest is on fire! #forestfire #ohnobambi 小鹿斑比快跑!森林起火了!#森林火灾 #天啊斑比
CHIRP_DISASTER[Forest Fire]:1 Smells like burning wood? Do you smell it? #forestfire #smokyaroma 好像有木头烧着的味道?你们闻到了吗?#森林火灾 #烟味
CHIRP_DISASTER[Forest Fire]:2 Oh no! There's a forest fire! #forestfire #allthatfirewood 不好了!森林起火了!#森林火灾 #木头全着了
CHIRP_DISASTER[Forest Fire]:3 My favourite picnic spot in the woods! It's on fire! #forestfire #RIPpicnicspot 那是森林里我最喜欢的野餐地点!竟然着火了!#森林火灾 #安息吧野餐地点
CHIRP_DISASTER[Forest Fire]:4 Don't go for a hike! There's a forest fire raging! #forestfire #nohiking 不要去徒步旅行了!森林起大火了!#森林火灾 #不要去玩
CHIRP_DISASTER[Forest Fire]:5 I hope the forest fire doesn't reach the city. We'd be doomed! #forestfire #possiblydoomed 希望森林大火不会波及城市。要不我们就完了!#森林火灾 #可能就完了
CHIRP_DISASTER[Forest Fire]:6 The forest is on fire! #forestfire #kindling 森林着火了!#森林火灾 #火光
CHIRP_DISASTER[Forest Fire]:7 A forest fire is raging! #forestfire #savetheforest 森林大火在肆虐!#森林火灾 #拯救森林
CHIRP_DISASTER[Forest Fire]:8 Do you smell the smoke? There's a forest fire! #forestfire #runforestanimals 你闻到烟味了吗?森林着火了!#森林火灾 #森林动物快跑
CHIRP_DISASTER[Forest Fire]:9 So much good kindling going to waste! #forestfire #ineededthatwood 这么多柴火都浪费了!#森林大火 #我需要柴
CHIRP_DISASTER[Structure Fire]:0 Did my neighbour install a smoke sauna? NO WAIT #fire #nosauna 我的邻居在做烟熏桑拿吗?不对,这是! #火灾 #不是桑拿
CHIRP_DISASTER[Structure Fire]:1 What's that smell? It's like something's burning... #fire #hopenotburning 这个味道是?有点像烧焦的味道……#火灾 #希望没着
CHIRP_DISASTER[Structure Fire]:2 Is someone cooking? Smells so good! #fire #hopefullycooking 谁在做饭吗?闻上去不错!#火灾 #希望煮熟了
CHIRP_DISASTER[Structure Fire]:3 Oh my lord, that building is on fire! #fire #weareallgonnadie 我的天啊,那栋建筑起火了!#火灾 #安全
CHIRP_DISASTER[Structure Fire]:4 Stay safe! There's a fire in the city! #fire #safety 注意安全!城里着火了!#火灾 #安全
CHIRP_DISASTER[Structure Fire]:5 Help, there's a fire! #fire #emergency 救命,起火了!#火灾 #紧急
CHIRP_DISASTER[Structure Fire]:6 Oh no, a fire is raging in the city! #fire #staysafe 不好了,城里火势在蔓延!#火灾 #注意安全
CHIRP_DISASTER[Structure Fire]:7 Keep your windows closed, there's a fire spreading smoke! #fire #keepoutthesmoke 关上窗户,大火带来了滚滚黑烟!#火灾 #关窗隔烟
CHIRP_DISASTER[Structure Fire]:8 See that smoke? There's something burning! #fire #smokesignals 看到那些烟了吗?有东西烧起来了!#火灾 #黑烟信号
CHIRP_DISASTER[Structure Fire]:9 Can you hear the alarms? There's a fire! #fire #alarm 你们听的警报了吗?起火了!#火灾 #警报
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:0 It's so exciting to live in a city occasionally threatened by disasters! #disasterhunting 住在偶尔发生灾难的城市里还挺有意思的!#寻求灾难
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:1 I hope a tornado doesn't hit! #disastercity 希望龙卷风不会来!#灾难之城
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:2 In the last city I lived in we had a devastating earthquake. I hope it doesn't happen here! #myfavouritecity 我上一个居住的城市遭受了严重的地震。希望这里不会发生!#我最爱的城市
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:3 My favourite city service is the Disaster Response Unit. They once dug me out from under a collapsed building. #everydayheroes 我最爱的城市服务就是灾难应急小队了。他们曾把我从倒塌的建筑下挖出了。#平民英雄
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:4 Have you seen a tornado up front? I have. It's interesting! #tornadohunter 你们亲眼见过龙卷风吗?我见过,可好玩了!#龙卷风猎人
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:5 This city feels so safe! I hope it stays that way! #safecity 感觉这个城市很安全!希望一直如此!#安全之城
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:6 When I'm listening to the radio, time seems to fly! #radioisthebest 每次我听收音机的无线电广播,时间都过得飞快!#无线电最棒
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:7 Was that the emergency warning? I'm not sure. #isthereanemergency 刚才那是紧急预警吗?我不确定。#是否有紧急事故
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:8 Why isn't the emergency warning playing? MY CAT IS UP A TREE #thisisanemergency 紧急预警怎么不响?我的猫到树上了!#这很紧急
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:9 I need the Pumping Service! My house could soon be flooding! #floodisnofun 我需要抽水服务!我的房子马上就要淹了!#水涝不有趣
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:10 I have to say I kinda like earthquakes. The last time I experienced one, I got rid of my back pain and got ready churned butter. #myfavouritedisaster 不得不说我还挺喜欢地震。上次经历地震,我的背痛好了,还可以搅黄油了呢。#我最喜欢的灾难
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:11 Buy a helmet! You never know what will happen, so I wear mine all the time. #helmetsareokay #abituncomfywhensleeping 买安全头盔!你永远不知道以后会发生什么,我就一直戴着。#安全帽很好 #睡觉时有点不舒服
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:12 What's in your safety kit? I have food, water and a big flashlight for light and fighting #wellprepared 你们的应急箱里都装些什么?我放了食物、水和手电筒,又能照明又能打人。#准备周全
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:13 I think I felt something! Is it an earthquake? #runforthehills 我好像感觉到了什么!是地震吗?#快跑上山
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:14 I love me a grand thunderstorm! Lightning flashing and thunder rumbling, oh yeah! #heavymetalstorm 我最爱雷暴雨!电闪如昼,雷鸣洪亮,真好!#大暴雨
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:15 I got a piece of a meteor! A rock from space, so cool! #coolestthing 我拿到了一块陨石碎片!太空的石头,炫酷!#最酷的东西
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:16 When my cellar flooded, I first thought it's a disaster, but then found out the water was quite warm and nice! #newswimmingpool 水淹到地下室时,我本以为这是场灾难,但我后来发现水是温的,还挺不错!#新泳池
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:17 I have a confession to make. I like to watch fires. Sorry! #justwatching 我要忏悔。我喜欢看火。抱歉!#就看看
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:18 Do you think it's safe to go out today? #iwantsafety 你觉得今天出门安全吗?#我要安全
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:19 My neighbour has a crystal ball and they told me something terrible will happen soon. I'm terrified! #nocrystalballsplease 我的邻居有个水晶球,别人说这很不吉利。我好怕!#不要水晶球
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:20 I think it will rain soon! It always rains when my hip aches! #rainydays 我觉得又要下雨了!我髋痛的时候总会下雨!#雨天
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:21 I hope it doesn't rain, as my dog doesn't like to go out when it's wet. #dogproblems 希望不会下雨,潮的时候我的狗就不想出门。#狗的问题
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:22 I just bought a very sturdy table that I can hide under in case of an earthquake. You should get one too! #preparingfortheworst 我刚买了一张很坚固的桌子,发生地震了我就可以躲在下面。你们也应该买一张!#以防万一
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:23 I lost my stash! I dug a hole and hid some canned food and water in case of a disaster. If anyone finds it, please send me a message! #almostprepared 我的物资丢了!我之前挖了个洞把罐装食物和水藏起来,以防发生灾难。如果有谁找到了,请立刻给我发短信!#马上准备好
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:24 What the... Someone just dug a hole on my back yard and put in a bunch of canned food and water bottles #whodoesthis 这……某人在我后院挖了个洞,放了好些罐装食物和瓶装水 #谁干的
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:25 Canned food, water, flashlight, first aid kit.. I'm prepared for anything! Bring it on, nature! #wellprepared 罐装食物,水,手电筒,急救包……我全准备好了!来吧,大自然!#准备周全
CHIRP_RANDOM_DISASTERS:26 The wind feels awfully strong today, I hope it won't turn into a storm! #nostormsplease 今天的风儿有些喧嚣,希望不会演变成暴风雨!#不要是暴风雨
CHIRP_SURVIVORFOUND:0 We found someone! All hope is not lost! #survivorfound 我们找到人了!希望还在!#发现幸存者
CHIRP_SURVIVORFOUND:1 What a lucky person to be alive after that kind of a disaster! #survivorfound 经历了这种大灾还能活下来,真是幸运!#发现幸存者
CHIRP_SURVIVORFOUND:2 We found one! There are still survivors! #survivorfound 我们找到一个!还有许多幸存者!#发现幸存者
CHIRP_SURVIVORFOUND:3 Here! A survivor! Lucky you! #survivorfound 这里!有幸存者!你真是命大!#发现幸存者
CHIRP_SURVIVORFOUND:4 Here's a live one! Under the rubble but still okay! #survivorfound 这里有人活着!被废墟压住但还活着!#发现幸存者
CHIRP_SURVIVORFOUND:5 I think there's someone still alive under here! #survivorfound 我觉得这下面还有生还者!#发现幸存者
CHIRP_SURVIVORFOUND:6 I found one! Here, we have a survivor! #survivorfound 我找到一个!这里有生还者!#发现幸存者
CHIRP_SURVIVORFOUND:7 This one is alive! There might still be more survivors! #survivorfound 这个人还活着!可能还有更多幸存者!#发现幸存者
CHIRP_SURVIVORFOUND:8 The beam had luckily fallen so that a small space was left below. We have a survivor! #survivorfound 横梁刚好塌了下来,在下面形成了一个小空间。我们找到了一名生还者!#发现幸存者
CHIRP_SURVIVORFOUND:9 Oh good, finally they found me! I'm still here and alive! Yay! #survivorfound 太好了,他们终于找到我了!我还活着!呦吼!#发现幸存者
MODNOTIFICATION[Title]:0 Mods can affect play 模组会影响游玩
MODNOTIFICATION[Message]:0 Please note that having custom mods on can affect how the scenario plays. You cannot earn achievements when custom mods are on. Do you wish to set all custom mods off? 请注意,使用自定义模组会影响剧本的进行。开启自定义模组时,你无法获得成就。你是否希望关闭所有自定义模组?
MODWARNING[Title]:0 Game has been updated 游戏已更新
MODWARNING[Message]:0 Please note that the game has just been updated. If you are using custom mods or other user created content, the game can become unstable or malfunction. Would you like to disable all custom content? Note that this can affect saves made with custom content items. 请注意,游戏刚刚已经更新。如果你在使用自定义模组或其他用户创作内容,游戏可能会出现不稳定或故障。你是否希望关闭所有自订内容?注意,这将影响使用自订内容物品的存档。
STREAMINGWARNING[Title]:0 Some radio channels cannot be streamed 某些无线电频道不能用于实况
STREAMINGWARNING[Message]:0 Please note some of the radio channels have licensed music and cannot be used when streaming.

Channels unavailable for streaming: {0}


不能实况直播的频道: {0}

TOOLTIPFORRANDOMDISASTERS:0 Random disasters cannot be used when playing a scenario. This setting only affects sandobx play. 游玩剧本时不可使用随机灾难。该设定只影响沙盒模式。
TEXTFORRANDOMDISASTERS[Title]:0 Random disasters 随机灾难
TEXTFORRANDOMDISASTERS[Text]:0 Do you want to set random disasters on? The setting is global and will affect all saves. You can set disasters on and off from the options menu during play. 你希望打开随机灾难吗?该设定是全局设定,将影响所有存档。你可以在游戏中打开选项菜单设置灾难的开关。
BUTTON1:0 Random disasters on 随机灾难开启
BUTTON2:0 Random disaster off 随机灾难关闭
DISASTERINFOVIEWADVISOR[Title]:0 Disaster info view 灾难视图
DISASTERINFOVIEWADVISOR[Text]:0 The disaster info view is available if the city has an early warning system for the disaster threatening the city. The info view shows the coverage of early warning systems and as estimate of where the disaster will hit, if the area to be stricken is within the range of the early warning systems. 灾难视图会在城市有一个灾难预警系统建成时开启。视图会显示在预警系统覆盖地区内可能会出现的灾难,如果是早期预警系统,则会显示在其范围内可能出现的灾区。
SHELTERTUTORIAL[Title]:0 Adjust Shelter range 调整避难所范围
SHELTERTUTORIAL[Text]:0 Currently your Shelter has no specified evacuation route, so it serves just citizens nearby. If you want to have more control over who uses the Shelter, click on it and try the Evacuation route tool. 目前你的避难所没有设定疏散路线,所以只有附近的居民会使用避难所。如果想让更广阔的市民能使用避难所,点击尝试疏散路线工具。
SHELTERTUTORIALBUILD[Title]:0 Build Shelters 建造避难所
SHELTERTUTORIALBUILD[Text]:0 If a disaster hits your city, evacuating citizens to Shelters helps them stay safe. Build Shelters to prepare for evacuation. 如果你的城市正遭受着灾难,帮助市民疏散到避难所来保护他们的安全。建造避难所来用于疏散市民。
RELEASESHELTER[Title]:0 Citizens in Shelters 避难所内的市民
RELEASESHELTER[Text]:0 Remember to release citizens from Shelters once the disaster has passed. Citizens in Shelters don’t pay taxes. If citzens were left homeless, they will stay in the Shelters even when released and wait for new housing to be found in the city. 记住在灾难结束后让市民离开避难所。在避难所内的市民不会纳税。如果市民无家可归,他们甚至会在离开避难所后等待,直到城市里出现新的住所后入住。
CITYVALUETUTOOLTIP:0 City value is the combined value of the treasury and city service buildings in the city. 城市价值会综合城市金库与城市服务建筑的价值。
INFO_WATER_TANKUSAGE:0 Water Tank Usage 水箱使用
MILESTONE_TIME_PROG:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_TIME_DESC:0 Play {0} game weeks 游玩 {0} 个游戏周
MILESTONE_GAMEAREAS_PROG:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_GAMEAREAS_DESC:0 Own at least {0} city area tiles 拥有至少 {0} 个城区地块
MILESTONE_WRAPPER_DESC:0 Unlock milestone: {0} 解锁里程碑:{0}
MILESTONE_TRIGGER_PROG:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_TRIGGER_DESC:0 Trigger {0} 触发器{0}
UPDATEB1:0 Have more than {0:N0} money 城市资金:{0:N0}
UPDATEB2:0 Have less than {0:N0} money 城市资金:{0:N0}
UPDATEB3:0 Have more than {0:N0} debt. 持有贷款大于 {0:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_PROG[PlayerDebt]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_PROG[CityValue+PlayerMoney-PlayerDebt]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_PROG[Unemployed/EligibleWorkers]:0 {0}% / {1}% {0}% / {1}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_PROG[CrimeRate]:0 {0}% / {1}% {0}% / {1}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_PROG[EducatedCount]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_PROG[TrafficFlow]:0 {0}% / {1}% {0}% / {1}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_PROG[CitizenHappiness.Residential]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_PROG[GroundPollution]:0 {0}% / {1}% {0}% / {1}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_PROG[WaterPollution]:0 {0}% / {1}% {0}% / {1}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_PROG[PlayerMoney]:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_PROG[CitizenHealth.Residential]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_DESC[PlayerDebt]:0 Less than {0:N0} amount in loans 贷款少于 {0:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_DESC[CityValue+PlayerMoney-PlayerDebt]:0 City value smaller than: {0:N0} 城市价值小于:{0:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_DESC[Unemployed/EligibleWorkers]:0 Unemployment rate under {0}% 失业率低于{0}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_DESC[CrimeRate]:0 Crime rate under {0}% 犯罪率低于 {0} %
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_DESC[EducatedCount]:0 Population under {0:N0} 人口低于 {0:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_DESC[TrafficFlow]:0 Traffic flow under {0}% 车流量低于 {0}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_DESC[CitizenHappiness.Residential]:0 Average citizen happiness under {0} 市民平均幸福感低于{0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_DESC[GroundPollution]:0 Average ground pollution under {0} % 平均土地污染低于{0}%
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_DESC[WaterPollution]:0 Average drinking water pollution under {0} % 平均饮用水污染水平低于{0} %
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_DESC[PlayerMoney]:0 Have less than {0:N0} money 城市资金:{0:N0}
MILESTONE_STAT_LATEST_INV_DESC[CitizenHealth.Residential]:0 Average citizen health under {0} % 市民平均健康低于 {0} %
TRIGGERPANEL_CONDITIONORDER:0 Complete conditions... 完成条件……
CONDITIONORDER[AnyOrder]:0 In any order 按任意顺序
CONDITIONORDER[OneByOne]:0 After each other 按一定顺序
CONDITIONORDER[Simultaneous]:0 All conditions met at the same time 所有条件同时达成
TRIGGERPANEL_DEFAULTMESSAGE:0 This is a message for the player of the scenario. 这是显示给玩家的剧本信息。
TRIGGERPANEL_DEFAULTCHIRP:0 Chirp chirp! Chirp? #chirp 啾啾 啾啾! 啾啾? #啾啾
TRIGGERPANEL_PLAYERWINS:0 Player wins the game. 玩家游戏胜利。
TRIGGERPANEL_PLAYERLOSES:0 Player loses the game. 玩家游戏失败。
TRIGGERPANEL_NODISASTERSAVAILABLE:0 Cannot select a disaster because none are placed on the map. 无法选择灾难,因为地图上并未放置任何灾难。
CONDITION_TRIGGERTRIGGERED:0 Trigger activated 触发器已激活
CONDITION_MAPTILES:0 map tiles 地图块
CONDITIONITEM_GAMEAREA:0 Own X map tiles 拥有X个地图块
TRIGGEREFFECT[Disaster]:0 Disaster 灾难
TRIGGEREFFECT[CashReward]:0 Reward 奖金
TRIGGEREFFECT[CashFine]:0 Fine 罚款
TRIGGEREFFECT[StoryMessage]:0 Message 信息
TRIGGEREFFECT[Chirp]:0 Chirp 啾啾
PANEL_SORT_BUILDABLE:0 Buildable area 可建造区域
SCENARIOSETTINGS_TITLE:0 Scenario Settings 场景设置
TRIGGERPANEL_BUILDINGSBUILT:0 Build Service Buildings... 建造服务建筑
DISASTER_TRIGGEREDBY:0 Triggered by 触发因素:
SCENARIOEDITOR_SELECTINGDISASTERFOR:0 Selecting disaster for {0} 为 {0} 选择灾难
SCENARIOEDITOR_ADDINGDISASTERFOR:0 Adding disaster for {0} 为 {0} 添加灾难
SCENARIO_NAME[Floodland.Floodland_Data]:0 Floodland 河滩地
SCENARIO_NAME[Alpine Villages.Alpine Villages_Data]:0 Alpine Villages 高山村落
SCENARIO_NAME[Tornado Country.Tornado Country_Data]:0 Tornado Country 旋风国度
SCENARIO_NAME[Island Hopping.Island Hopping_Data]:0 Island Hopping 列岛作战
SCENARIO_NAME[By The Dam.By The Dam_Data]:0 By the Dam 倚靠大坝
SCENARIO_NAME[Trains.Trains_Data]:0 Trains! 列车!
SCENARIO_NAME[Ferry Empire.Ferry Empire_Data]:0 Ferry Empire 渡船帝国
SCENARIO_NAME[Fix the Traffic.Fix the Traffic_Data]:0 Fix the Traffic 解决交通问题
SCENARIO_NAME[Green Power.Green Power_Data]:0 Green Power 绿色能源
SCENARIO_NAME[Clean Up Crew.Clean Up Crew_Data]:0 Clean up Crew 清理人员
SCENARIO_NAME[City of Gardens.City of Gardens_Data]:0 City of Gardens 花园都市
SCENARIO_DESC[Floodland.Floodland_Data]:0 A challenging scenario where you have to fight against time to save your city. 具有挑战性的剧本,为了保护城市你需要争分夺秒。
SCENARIO_DESC[Alpine Villages.Alpine Villages_Data]:0 Grow small, Alpine villages to reach a transportation goal in time. Medium difficulty. 开发小型的高山村落,在时间内达成一个交通目标。中等难度。
SCENARIO_DESC[Tornado Country.Tornado Country_Data]:0 An easy scenario where your main goal is to grow the city and survive disasters. 一个简单的剧本,你的主要目标是开发城市并抵御灾难。
SCENARIO_DESC[Island Hopping.Island Hopping_Data]:0 Build a city on an archipelago with many small islands. Can you handle the tsunamis that threaten the area? Medium difficulty. 在拥有诸多小岛的群岛地区建立城市。你能应付威胁该区域的海啸吗?中等难度。
SCENARIO_DESC[By The Dam.By The Dam_Data]:0 A nice city. Next to a dam. What could happen? Hard difficulty. 一座优美的城市,依靠着一座大坝。能有什么问题呢?困难难度。
SCENARIO_DESC[Trains.Trains_Data]:0 A vast plain yearning for a city brimming with trains. This scenario is all about building train routes and transporting citizens with trains. An extra reward is offered for building industrial areas of all specializations (farming, forest, ore and oil) and connecting them to the rail network with cargo train stations. Starts with an empty map. Medium difficulty. 广袤的平原渴望一座布满列车的城市。此场景的所有内容是修建列车线路和使用列车运送市民。提供额外的奖金,用于建设所有专业化(农业、森林、矿石和石油)的工业区,并利用货运火车站将它们连接到铁路网。从空白地图开始。中等难度。
SCENARIO_DESC[Ferry Empire.Ferry Empire_Data]:0 The small town of Lake City is the perfect setting for a vast network of ferry lines. Show your skills in setting up a working public transport network that operates mostly on water. This is an easy scenario. 湖城小镇是巨大渡船航线网络的完美背景。展现你的技能,建立一个几乎全在水上运行的高效公共交通网络。这个场景比较容易。
SCENARIO_DESC[Fix the Traffic.Fix the Traffic_Data]:0 Optimizing traffic can be very challenging. Clearly the previous mayor of Appletown had no idea of how to plan an efficient road network. They need a traffic hero to the rescue! 优化交通可能极具挑战性。很明显,苹果城的前任市长不知道如何规划高效的路网。这些道路需要交通英雄来拯救。
SCENARIO_DESC[Green Power.Green Power_Data]:0 Time to put your city's carbon footprint in check! With this scenario you must build a city from scratch and make its carbon footprint as small as possible. 是时候该管控一下城市的碳排放量了!在这个剧本中,你必须从零开始建设都市并且尽力将碳排放量控制在最低。
SCENARIO_DESC[Clean Up Crew.Clean Up Crew_Data]:0 There is a serious stomach flu epidemic spreading around the city and health issues in general are on the rise. You need to check what's wrong with the city and fix the issues to make the Fresco City a healthy place to live. 近来一场严重的肠胃感冒流行病迅速地在全城蔓延,公共健康问题日益严重。你需要查清楚究竟是什么问题并且早日解决,好让弗雷斯科都市恢复平静。
SCENARIO_DESC[City of Gardens.City of Gardens_Data]:0 This scenario is all about making the small industrial city of Peach Trees a comfortable place to live in. 这个剧本的内容是关于如何将小型的工业都市或者桃树转变为适合居住的环境。
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[Floodland.Floodland_Data/Start]:0 Welcome to the floodland! You will need your wits if the city is to survive. You are not prepared! 欢迎来到泛滥之地!你需要利用自己的智慧带领城市生存。你现在毫无准备!
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[Alpine Villages.Alpine Villages_Data/Start]:0 Welcome to Salzbruck! The citizens love their beautiful little havens in the mountains, but getting around isn't easy. The terrain is challenging, but the citizens of Salzbruck love their homes and wish for more public transportation options for their lovely city. Make sure not to run out of money and that you always have citizens. 欢迎来到萨兹布拉克!市民热爱他们这座山中的世外桃源,但是这里的交通实在是不方便。地形是个巨大的困难,但萨兹布拉克的市民喜爱他们的家园,并希望这座美丽的城市能拥有更多的公共交通。确保不要耗尽金钱且一直拥有市民。
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[Tornado Country.Tornado Country_Data/Start]:0 Tornadoes and sinkholes plague this vast plain. Get the city back in shape by gaining population and money. Your citizens need to live long, happy lives for you to succeed. 龙卷风和地陷困扰着这片广袤的平原。通过获得人口和金钱来复兴这座城市。若要成功,你的市民需要幸福长寿。
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[Island Hopping.Island Hopping_Data/Start]:0 Welcome to The Archipelago. Connect small islands, build a grand city, and watch out for tsunamis! 欢迎来到群岛地区。连接各个小岛并建立一座宏伟的城市,但要小心海啸!
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[By The Dam.By The Dam_Data/Start]:0 That's a nice little city. By the dam. Lets hope nothing bad happens to it... 这是一座漂亮的小城,邻近大坝。希望不会发生什么不幸……
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[Trains.Trains_Data/Start]:0 Do you like trains? Sigilville is the perfect location for a city that's all about trains. This task of building a grand city to house plenty of people has been given to you. Go, build! 你喜欢列车吗?斯基维尔是修建列车之城的完美地点。修建一座可容纳大量市民的宏伟城市,这项任务就交给你了。开始修建吧!
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[Ferry Empire.Ferry Empire_Data/Start]:0 Lake City has struggled with lacking public transportation for some time. Now, a brand new invention has been tested out in the city: ferries! The terrain is perfect for this method of transport, so your task is to build a formidable ferry network, a true ferry empire. 湖城已因缺乏公共交通而挣扎多时。现在,这座城市开始测试一项全新发明:渡船!渡船十分适合这种交通方式,因此你的任务是修建一个强大的渡船网络,一个名副其实的渡船帝国。
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[Fix the Traffic.Fix the Traffic_Data/Start]:0 Traffic - The final frontier. The previous mayor of Appletown has quite frankly done a terrible job at planning the road network. Do you think you are up to the task of fixing it? 交通——最后有待开拓的领域。苹果城的前任市长显然在规划路网方面做得十分糟糕。你觉得自己能够胜任修复路网的任务吗?
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[Trains.Trains_Data/GrowthGoal1]:0 Well done, the city is growing fast! Keep this up and your trains will have plenty of passengers to carry! 做得很好,城市正在快速发展!继续这样,会有大量乘客搭载你的列车!
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[Trains.Trains_Data/GrowthGoal2]:0 Excellent work, you have made the city grow into a metropolis! If you wish, you can take on a new challenge. Build zones of each industrial specialization, farming, forestry, ore and oil, and connect them to your train network. 干得漂亮,你已将城市发展为大都市!如果你愿意,可以接受一项新的挑战。建设工业、农业、林业、矿石和石油专区,并将它们接入你的列车网络。
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[Trains.Trains_Data/SideQuest]:0 Congratulations, your industrial areas are now well connected to your railway network. Here, take this to keep your trains rolling! 祝贺您,工业区现在已经与铁路网完美衔接。在这里,采取这个路线让火车不断前行!
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[Fix the Traffic.Fix the Traffic_Data/SideQuest]:0 It looks like you're doing well with optimizing the traffic, you might be just the hero that Appletown needs! Keep improving and we'll soon have the greatest road network of the region! Here, have some money to build nice intersections. 看起来您在优化交通方面做得非常出色,您可能就是苹果城需要的英雄!不断改进,我们很快就会拥有该地区最好的公路网!在这里,花些钱来建立漂亮的十字路口。
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[Green Power.Green Power_Data/Start]:0 With the recent advances in energy production using only renewable energy sources is not only viable, but also the only environmentally conscious choice. Make a city that runs only with green power and prove the naysayers wrong. 得益于近来在对可再生能源的研究,绿色能源不仅可行,而且还非常的环保。使用绿色能源维持都市运作,让那些反对者无话可说。
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[Green Power.Green Power_Data/Goal1]:0 Good job! The city has grown into a real city bustling with people from all corners of life. 非常好!这里已经发展成为一个热闹繁华的人口大都市了。
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[Green Power.Green Power_Data/Goal2]:0 Wonderful! Your city is producing a great amount of energy and only from renewable sources! 太美妙了!你的都市产出了相当大量的能量,而且利用的全都是可再生资源!
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[Clean Up Crew.Clean Up Crew_Data/Start]:0 Oh no! Someone made a mess! It's time to clean up and make this city a healthy place to live. 不好了!有人在搞事!得赶紧去解决妥当,还都市一片净土。
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[Clean Up Crew.Clean Up Crew_Data/Goal1]:0 Well done! Your city has reached the respectable size of 75,000 citizens. 做得好!你的都市人口达到了75000人。
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[Clean Up Crew.Clean Up Crew_Data/Goal2]:0 Ahhh! Fresh water that doesn't stink or taste funny... and right out of the tap! 啊啊!没有臭味并且也没有奇怪味道的清水……可以直接从水龙头上接到!
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[Clean Up Crew.Clean Up Crew_Data/Goal3]:0 Good job! People are feeling much better now. Let's keep it that way. 不错哦!市民们感觉已经好多了。坚持下去。
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[City of Gardens.City of Gardens_Data/Start]:0 The people who founded this town didn't have any idea of how to make a city a fun and comfortable place to live in. Let's add a little color to this boring concrete landscape. 当初建设这个城镇的人并不知道如何将城市治理得有趣又适宜居住。让我们在这座毫无趣味的水泥城市里增添一些色彩吧。
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[City of Gardens.City of Gardens_Data/Goal1]:0 Amazing! Your citizens can now enjoy the many parks and plazas in the city. 好厉害!市民们可以到城市里的各个公园和广场尽情放松享受了。
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[City of Gardens.City of Gardens_Data/Goal2]:0 There's no substitute for the locally produced organic goods, and your city has that well covered. 本地产出的有机产品是无可替代的,你的都市做得很好。
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[City of Gardens.City of Gardens_Data/Goal3]:0 What a wonderful city you have! Your citizens are happier than ever. 你的都市实在太美妙了!市民也越来越幸福了。
SCENARIO_MESSAGE_TEXT[City of Gardens.City of Gardens_Data/Goal4]:0 Good job! The city has grown into a real city bustling with people from all corners of life. 不错哦!这里已经发展为人口众多的一流都市了。
SCENARIO_WIN_TEXT[Floodland.Floodland_Data]:0 And so ends the saga of the bowl. Congratulations for beating the Floodland! 这里的传说终于到达了尾声!恭喜获得泛滥之地的胜利!
SCENARIO_WIN_TEXT[Alpine Villages.Alpine Villages_Data]:0 The grand city of Salzbruck is forever in your debt. You have survived it all. The meteor strikes, the crazy commutes, you have done it all. Congratulations! 萨兹布拉克这座雄城对你永远感激不尽。你战胜了一切,流星撞击、疯狂的通勤,你都做到了。恭喜!
SCENARIO_WIN_TEXT[Tornado Country.Tornado Country_Data]:0 Congratulations! Through the tornadoes and sinkholes you persevered. You have won the scenario! 恭喜!你度过了龙卷风和地陷的侵扰,获得了该剧本的胜利!
SCENARIO_WIN_TEXT[Island Hopping.Island Hopping_Data]:0 You have done it! The Archipelago is yours! Congratulations for standing tall amidst the tsunamis! 你做到了!群岛如同你的掌中之物!恭喜,你在海啸中巍然屹立,建造了宏伟之城!
SCENARIO_WIN_TEXT[By The Dam.By The Dam_Data]:0 The city by the dam is saved! Congratulations for winning the scenario! 大坝旁的城市被拯救了!恭喜获得这个剧本的胜利!
SCENARIO_WIN_TEXT[Trains.Trains_Data]:0 Trains, trains everywhere! Sigilville is now a prime destination for any train lovers, well done! 列车,遍地列车!斯基维尔现在是所有列车爱好者的首选目的地,干得好!
SCENARIO_WIN_TEXT[Ferry Empire.Ferry Empire_Data]:0 The ferry empire is at it's height! Well done, now Lake City dwellers can easily travel on the waters! 渡船帝国发展到了顶峰!干得好,现在湖城居民可以轻松在水路上出行了!
SCENARIO_WIN_TEXT[Fix the Traffic.Fix the Traffic_Data]:0 Finally, traffic flowing as it should! No more stressful hours spend stuck in traffic for the people of Appletown, thanks to you. Citizens salute you, oh noble traffic hero! 最后,交通总算恢复了正常!苹果城的居民们再也不用担心堵车了,这一切多亏了你。市民向你致敬,噢,崇高的交通英雄!
SCENARIO_WIN_TEXT[Green Power.Green Power_Data]:0 Awesome, your city is clean from all the smoke and particle emissions and runs on sustainable energy! 很厉害啊,你的都市中没有任何烟雾或是粒子排放,而且用的全都是可持续能源!
SCENARIO_WIN_TEXT[Clean Up Crew.Clean Up Crew_Data]:0 Great job! It's unbelievable how you turned that filthy town in decline into a beautiful and flourishing city. 不错哦!你居然能有办法将那座原本脏乱又衰败的都市治理得美丽又繁荣。
SCENARIO_WIN_TEXT[City of Gardens.City of Gardens_Data]:0 Well, how about that! The city looks much better now that it has more green in it. 哎呀呀,不得了啊!都市里披上了更多的绿色,看起来比从前好太多了。
SCENARIO_WIN_CONTINUE:0 Continue Playing 继续游戏
VEHICLE_STATUS_FERRY_RETURN:0 Returning to depot 返回车站
VEHICLE_STATUS_BLIMP_RETURN:0 Returning to depot 返回车站
AIINFO_FERRYDEPOT_FERRYCOUNT:0 Ferries in use: {0} 使用中的渡船:{0}
AIINFO_BLIMPDEPOT_BLIMPCOUNT:0 Blimps in use: {0} 使用中的飞艇数:{0}
PUBLICTRANSPORT_BLIMPLINES:0 Air transport lines 空中运输航线
PUBLICTRANSPORT_LINECOUNT:6 Air Transport Line Count 空中运输航线数量
PUBLICTRANSPORT_LINECOUNT:7 Monorail Line Count 单轨列车线路数量
PUBLICTRANSPORT_LINECOUNT:9 Sightseeing Bus Tour Count 观光公交车旅游人数
PUBLICTRANSPORT_LINECOUNT:1 Trolleybus Line Count 无轨电车线路数量
ROAD_SHOWROUTES:0 Show Routes 显示路线
ROAD_HIDEROUTES:0 Hide Routes 隐藏路线
ROAD_NAME_PATTERN:0 {0} Road {0} 路
ROAD_NAME_PATTERN:1 {0} Way {0} 道
ROAD_NAME_PATTERN:2 {0} Drive {0} 车道
STREET_NAME_PATTERN:0 {0} Street {0} 街
AVENUE_NAME_PATTERN:0 {0} Avenue {0} 大街
AVENUE_NAME_PATTERN:1 {0} Boulevard {0} 干道
AVENUE_NAME_PATTERN:2 {0} Street {0} 街
HIGHWAY_NAME_PATTERN:0 {0} Highway {0} 公路
BRIDGE_NAME_PATTERN:0 {0} Bridge {0} 桥
TUNNEL_NAME_PATTERN:0 {0} Tunnel {0} 隧道
ROUTECHECKBOX1:0 Pedestrians 行人
ROUTECHECKBOX2:0 Cyclists 骑车的人
ROUTECHECKBOX3:0 Private vehicles 私家车
ROUTECHECKBOX4:0 Public transport & Cargo 公共交通和货物
ROUTECHECKBOX6:0 City service vehicles 市政服务车辆
ROUTEMENUITEMS2:0 Check all 全选
ROUTEMENUITEMS3:0 Uncheck all 取消全选
ROADINFOPANEL1:0 Adjust road 调整道路
ROADINFOPANEL2:0 Show routes 显示路线
LINEINFOPANEL_MODIFYVEHICLECOUNT:0 Vehicle count modifier 车辆计数修改程序
LINEINFOPANEL_MODIFYVEHICLECOUNT_TOOLTIP:0 Individually adjust the vehicle count for this line. Vehicle count depends on both public transport budget and this modifier. 单独调整此线路的车辆计数。车辆计数取决于公共交通预算和这个修改程序。
LINEINFOPANEL_TRIPSSAVED_TOOLTIP:0 This is an indicator of how well the line performs at making car owners prefer public transportation over driving. 该指标可衡量线路在使车主更喜欢公共交通而非驾驶方面的表现。
INFO_TRAFFIC_AVGTRAFFICFLOW:0 Average Traffic Flow: {0}% 平均车流量:{0}%
INFO_TRAFFIC_AVGTRAFFICFLOW_TOOLTIP:0 Indicates how well traffic flows in your city. Having many cars waiting for traffic lights or in traffic jams will decrease this value. 指示城市交通状况的良好程度。有许多汽车等待交通信号灯或交通堵塞会降低这个值。
BUDGETTOOLTIPMONORAIL:0 Adjusting the slider adjusts how many monorail trains are available for the city lines. 调整滑块可调整城市线路可用的单轨列车数量。
BUDGETTOOLTIPCABLECAR:0 The amount of cable cars available is set by the budget. 可用的缆车数量由预算确定。
LINESOVERVIEW_TITLE:0 Lines Overview shows all your lines 线路概述显示所有线路
LINESOVERVIEW_TEXT:0 Click here to view all your public transport lines in the Lines Overview panel. 单击此处可查看“线路概述”面板中的所有公共交通线路。
CURSORLIGHT_TITLE:0 Adjust Cursor Light 调整光标光亮
CURSORLIGHT_TEXT:0 Looking a bit too dark? You can adjust the strength of the cursor light in the options. 显得有点暗?您可以在选项中调整光标光亮的强度。
INFO_ADJUSTROAD:0 Adjust Road 调整道路
INFO_ADJUSTROADS:0 Adjust Roads 调整道路
INFO_ROADADJUSTMENT:0 Road selected 已选择道路
CHIRP_FIRST_LARGETRAINSTATION:0 What a grand train station! I’m so proud of the city I live in! #greattrains #largetrainstation 多么宏伟的列车站啊!我为自己居住的城市感到十分自豪!#漂亮的列车 #宏伟的列车站
CHIRP_FIRST_ENDOFLINETRAINSTATION:0 That is one gorgeous train station! #newstation #endofline 那是一座华丽的列车站!#新列车站 #终点
CHIRP_FIRST_FERRYLINE:0 Ferry-a-hoy! Great to have new transportation options in the city! #ferries #travelbywater 哎哟,渡船!城市中有新的交通工具选项太棒了! #渡船 #水上交通
CHIRP_FIRST_MONORAILLINE:0 Mighty monorails are here! Hooray for the first line in the city! #firstmonorail #hooray 强大的单轨列车在这儿!为城市的首条线路欢呼吧! #首条单轨铁路 #欢呼
CHIRP_FIRST_CABLECARLINE:0 Cable Cars, what a wonderful invention! I’m looking forward to seeing the view from one! #welcomecablecars 缆车是多么美妙的发明啊!我期待从缆车上欣赏城市美景! #欢迎乘坐缆车
CHIRP_FIRST_BLIMPLINE:0 We have conquered the skies! Welcome to the city, Blimps! #blimps #newpublictransport 我们已经征服了天空!欢迎来到这座城市,飞艇! #飞艇 #新的公共交通工具
CHIRP_FIRST_TRAFFICPARK:0 Finally kids can learn about traffic safely! #firsttrafficpark #paddlethatcar 孩子终于可以安全地学到交通知识了! #首座交通公园 #滑动那辆车
CHIRP_FIRST_STEAMTRAIN:0 I love steam trains, great to be able to see them in my hone city! #locomotivehalls 我喜爱蒸汽列车,能在自己居住的城市看到蒸汽列车太棒了! #铁路机车大厅
CHIRP_FIRST_BOATMUSEUM:0 I like boat and museums, so what could be better than a boat museum? Yay! #boatmuseum #myfavouritething 我喜欢船舶和博物馆,还有什么比船舶博物馆更好的呢?噢! #船舶博物馆 #我的最爱
CHIRP_RANDOM_INMOTION:0 What a great city! I like having lots of public transport options and here it is possible! #publictransport 多么伟大的城市啊!我喜欢有许多公共交通供我选择,在这儿是行得通的! #公共交通
CHIRP_RANDOM_INMOTION:1 Why must there be so many public transport vehicles everywhere? I can’t find a parking spot! #noparkingmakesmesad 为什么到处都要有这么多公共交通车辆?我找不到停车位! #没有停车位使我很失望
CHIRP_RANDOM_INMOTION:2 Did you hear about the new roads? I like new things, build some of those! #iwantnewroads 你听说新道路了吗?我喜欢新事物,修一些路吧! #我想要新路
CHIRP_RANDOM_INMOTION:3 Cable cars are my favourite type of transport. Could we get some more of those, pretty please? #moarcablecars 缆车是我最喜欢的交通工具。我们可以有更多缆车吗?求你了! #更多缆车
CHIRP_RANDOM_INMOTION:4 The mighty monorail would be my choice of vehicle if I could choose any vehicle in the world! #monorails 如果我可以选择世界上的任何交通工具,那么强大的单轨列车会是我的首选! #单轨列车
CONTENT_SUBSCRIBEALL_TOOLTIP:0 Subscribe to {0} missing items used in this save 订阅用于此次保存的 {0} 件缺失项目
CONTENT_SUBSCRIBEALL_TOOLTIP_DISABLED:0 You have subscribed to all custom content used in this save 你已经订阅了用于此次保存的所有自定义内容
CONTENT_ENABLEALL_TOOLTIP:0 Enable only custom content used in this save 仅启用此次保存中使用的自定义内容
CONTENT_ENABLEALL_TOOLTIP_MISSING:0 Missing {0} assets/mods: 缺少 {0} 项资产:
CONTENT_ASSETS_USED:0 Custom assets/mods used: 使用的自定义资产:
CONTENT_SUBSCRIBEALL:0 Subscribe all 订阅全部
CITYSERVICE_ACCEPTINTERCITYTRAINS_TOOLTIP:0 Disable this if you prefer to use this station only for local trains 如果你希望仅本地列车使用此车站,则禁用这一选项
OPTIONS_ROAD_NAMES_VISIBLE:0 Display road names 显示道路名称
FREEWHATSNEW_TITLE1:0 New Visual Road Guides 新的视觉路标
FREEWHATSNEW_TEXT1:0 When building roads, you can now see dots for optimal placement of roads to get zoning areas to match. When building a road, there are guide lines showing how far it is from other roads, and drawing lines where existing roads would continue. 修建道路时,您现在可以看到最佳道路布局圆点,以匹配分区区域。修建道路时,有显示它与其他道路距离的标线,以及现有道路将延续的绘制线路。
FREEWHATSNEW_TITLE2:0 Naming Roads 为道路命名
FREEWHATSNEW_TEXT2:0 Roads now have names. All roads automatically gain random names, but you can rename them by clicking on the road name. 道路现在有名称。所有道路自动获得随机名称,但您可以通过单击道路名称来为其重命名。
FREEWHATSNEW_TITLE3:0 Show route 显示路线
FREEWHATSNEW_TEXT3:0 Want more info of where vehicles and citizens are going to and from? The Route info view does just that. With the info view open click on a road, vehicle, building or pedestrian to see routes. 想要车辆和市民来往的更多信息?路线信息视图就可以提供。打开信息视图后,单击道路、车辆、建筑物或行人可查看路线。
FREEWHATSNEW_TITLE4:0 Yield Rules and Traffic Lights 让路规则和交通信号灯
FREEWHATSNEW_TEXT4:0 Go to Route info view and zoom in on an intersection to adjust whether it has traffic lights or not, and if not, how vehicles entering the intersection should yield. 转到路线信息视图,放大十字路口以调整是否有交通信号灯,如果没有,车辆应该如何进入十字路口让路。
FREEWHATSNEW_TEXT5:0 Train stations can now be set to only accept local trains, you can adjust the amount of vehicles on each line more closely than with just the budget, and gravel roads can have bridges. Check out all the new stuff! 列车站现在可以设置为只接受市郊列车,在预算不变的情况下,您可以更仔细地调整每条线路上的车辆数量,而且砾石路可以有桥梁。查看所有的新东西!
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW_TITLE1:0 New Public Transport Types 新的公共交通工具类型
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW_TEXT1:0 Ferries, Elevated Monorail, Blimps and Cable Cars, which one will you build first? 渡船、高架单轨列车、飞艇和缆车,您将先建造哪一个?
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW_TEXT2:0 If public transport is your thing, try any of the new scenarios that are especially designed to have transport related goals. 如果您喜欢公共交通,请尝试专为具有交通相关目标而设计的任何新场景。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW_TITLE3:0 New Hub Buildings 新的枢纽建筑
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW_TEXT3:0 Want to connect your transport services better? Check out the new hub buildings that allow for example bus passengers to switch straight to a ferry, or monorail passengers to take the metro. Save space and time when passengers can switch transport types within the building! 想要更流畅地衔接运输服务?查看新的枢纽建筑,例如,允许公共汽车乘客直接换乘渡船,或单轨列车乘客乘坐地铁。当乘客可以在建筑内换乘交通工具时,就节省了空间和时间!
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW_TEXT4:0 Highways with more lanes, two-way highways, roads with monorail tracks integrated and asymmetrical roads are all new additions to the game. 多车道公路、双向公路、整合单轨轨道的道路以及不对称的道路都是该游戏新增加的内容。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW_TITLE5:0 New Landmarks and Train Stations 新地标和列车站
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW_TEXT5:0 Transport-related landmark buildings make your city more beautiful, so all the tourists wanting to visit can easily get there using the new multiplatform train stations. 交通相关的地标建筑使您的城市更加美丽,因此所有想要游览的游客都可以轻松到达那里,您可以使用新的多平台列车站。
DLCPANEL_MASSTRANSIT:0 Mass Transit DLC 《公共交通》下载内容
ERRORFORDEPOTCONNECTEDTOLINE:0 Depots are not part of lines! 总站不是航线的一部分!
BULLDOZER_UNDERGROUND_TOOLTIP:0 Toggle Underground Bulldozing 切换地下推平
MOD_NAME[Unlimited Oil And Ore]:0 Unlimited Oil And Ore 无限石油和矿石
MOD_NAME[Unlimited Soil]:0 Unlimited Soil 无限土地
MOD_NAME[Hard Mode]:0 Hard Mode 困难模式
MOD_NAME[Unlimited Money]:0 Unlimited Money 无限金钱
MOD_NAME[Unlock All]:0 Unlock All 全部解锁
MOD_DESCRIPTION[Unlimited Oil And Ore]:0 Oil and ore are not reduced from terrain 此地的石油和矿石不会减少
MOD_DESCRIPTION[Unlimited Soil]:0 Landscaping without limits 绿化无限制
MOD_DESCRIPTION[Hard Mode]:0 More challenge for experienced players 给身经百战的玩家以更多挑战。
MOD_DESCRIPTION[Unlimited Money]:0 Money never runs out 金钱永远是无穷大。
MOD_DESCRIPTION[Unlock All]:0 Progression milestones are always unlocked 解锁所有的进度里程碑
CONTENT_PRESET_NOT_AVAILABLE_TOOLTIP:0 Asset list not available. Save game again to enable asset presets. 资产列表不可用。再次保存游戏以启用资产预设。
CONTENT_PRESET_STATUS_PENDING:0 Waiting for workshop item details 正在等待工作室项目详情
CONTENT_PRESET_STATUS_INSTALLING:0 Installing workshop items 正在安装工作室项目
CONTENT_PRESET_FAILED:0 Failed to subscribe to {0} 订阅 {0} 失败
CONTENT_PRESET_DOESNT_EXIST:0 Item does not exist 项目不存在
CONTENT_PRESET_DONE:0 Installation done 安装已完成
OPTIONS_AUTOSAVE_TIME_GAME:0 minutes(s) in game 游戏中自动保存时间(分钟):
OPTIONS_AUTOSAVE_TIME_EDITORS:0 minutes(s) in editors 编辑器中自动保存时间(分钟):
CONTENT_MT_REQUIRED:0 Mass Transit DLC required

CONTENT_MT_BUY:0 Buy Mass Transit on Steam 在 Steam 上购买《公共交通》

FREEWHATSNEW5_TITLE1:0 Noise pollution overhaul 噪音污染机制重做
FREEWHATSNEW5_TEXT1:0 Noise pollution used to depend on road type, but now it is caused by vehicles. You may see slight changes in your cities. 噪音污染以前由道路类型决定,而现在则是由机动车造成的。你可以在你的城市中注意到一些细微的变化。
FREEWHATSNEW5_TITLE2:0 Info view overlay 信息视图界面
FREEWHATSNEW5_TEXT2:0 When building or creating a district, you can now choose to switch information overlay on or off, what ever best suits your needs. 你现在可以随意选择在建造或创造一个区划时是否打开信息界面了。
FREEWHATSNEW5_TITLE3:0 New cars have arrived! 新车来了!
FREEWHATSNEW5_TEXT3:0 As technology has advanced, your citizens can now have electric cars. Keep an eye on new vehicles, they also produce less noise pollution! 随着科技的进步,你的市民现在可以拥有电动车了。留心一下新车型,它们的噪音污染更小!
FREEWHATSNEW5_TITLE4:0 New parks, trees and props 新的公园、树种和物件
FREEWHATSNEW5_TEXT4:0 Check out the new parks, new tree types and fancy floating buildings to make your city feel more alive. 去看看新加入的公园、树种和神奇的水上建筑吧,他们能让你的城市更有活力。
FREEWHATSNEW5_TITLE5:0 Road modding 道路调整工具
FREEWHATSNEW5_TEXT5:0 Creating all new roads has been made a lot easier. Check the Asset Editor and instructions on our wiki. 设计新道路变得简单多了。直接查看资产编辑工具,或到我们的百科上查看操作说明。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW5_TITLE1:0 New Monument and Unique Buildings 新的伟大工程和独特建筑
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW5_TEXT1:0 Test your skills, can you unlock the new Unique Buildings and gain an Ultimate Recycling Center? 考验你技术的时候到了,你能解锁新的独特建筑并建造一座究极回收站吗?
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW5_TITLE2:0 New Green Scenarios 新的绿色城市剧本
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW5_TEXT2:0 Go green! Three all new scenarios let you try your hand at many types of green cities. 迎接绿色生活!三个全新的剧本让你尝试多种不同类型的绿色城市。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW5_TEXT3:0 To get your city as eco-friendly as possible, you can now apply new Policies. Maybe you want to restrict how much ground pollution industry creates or guide citizens towards using electric vehicles? 现在,你可以通过新的政策让你的城市对环境更友好。限制工业区制造的土地污染?引导市民驾驶电动车?随你心意!
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW5_TITLE4:0 New Specializations 新的专业划分
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW5_TEXT4:0 Self sufficient housing, organic produce preference or high tech offices, which one would you want for your city? Or just have all of them to go all green! 自给住宅、有机产品优先或是高科技办公区,你想为你的城市带来哪个?或者全都成为你绿色城市的一部分?
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW6_TITLE3:0 New Unique Buildings 新的独特建筑
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW6_TEXT3:0 The three new unique buildings include the Media Broadcast Building, the Music Club and the Fan Zone Park. In addition to the normal benefits the unique buildings give to your city, each of the buildings improve the effectiveness of the Festival Area in their own way. 三种全新的独特建筑分别是媒体广播建筑、音乐俱乐部和粉丝部落公园。除建筑带来的普通收益外,三种建筑对音乐节区域都有不同的增益效果。
CHIRP_FIRST_ULTIMATE_RECYCLING_PLANT:0 No more wasting valuable materials! It's about time to think ahead and not rely on short-term solutions #greenfuture 不能再浪费珍贵的原材料了!是时候提前规划,而不是临时性解决问题了#绿色未来#
CHIRP_FIRST_CENTRAL_PARK:0 I know where I'm going to have a picnic next time ;) 我已经想好下次野餐去哪了(滑稽)
CHIRP_FIRST_FLOATING_GARDENS:0 Now I can go #fishing and enjoy the nature without leaving the city! #fishhugger 现在我不用出城就可以边享受大自然边#钓鱼#了!#爱鱼#
CHIRP_FIRST_ZIGGURAT_GARDEN:0 Even the Pharaohs of the ancient #Egypt didn't have #pyramids as #ecofriendly as this :D 古#埃及#的法老也没有这么#环保#的#金字塔#(°∀°)ノ
CHIRP_FIRST_LUNGS_OF_THE_CITY:0 If you haven't yet visited the #lungsofthecity #park you should do it now. I just spent the most relaxing day under those majestic trees. 如果你还没有去过#城市之肺##公园#,现在快去吧。我刚在那些参天大树下度过了最放松的一天。
CHIRP_FIRST_CLIMATE_RESEARCH_STATION:0 Time to science the s**t out of the #globalwarming with the new #climate #research station ;D 有了新的#气候##研究站#,是时候搞清楚#全球变暖#有多扯了(滑稽)
CHIRP_FIRST_BIRD_AND_BEE_HAVEN:0 Not the best place for a picnic, but great for the nature ;) #savethebees 对野餐不太好,但对自然非常好~#保护蜜蜂#
CHIRP_FIRST_GEOTHERMAL_POWER_PLANT:0 The new #geothermal #powerplant is a small step on a global scale, but a huge step for our city. 新建的#地热##发电厂#是全球的一小步,却是我们城市的一大步。
CHIRP_FIRST_OCEAN_THERMAL_ENERGY_CONVERSION_PLANT:0 The new Ocean powerplant lets us to harness the power of the seas. #cleanenergy 新的海洋发电厂能让我们利用大海的力量。#清洁能源#
CHIRP_FIRST_SOLAR_UPDRAFT_TOWER:0 Solar energy technology is an investment in the future #solarupdrafttower 太阳能科技是为未来投资#太阳能上升气流塔#
CHIRP_FIRST_ECO_WATER_OUTLET:0 I think it was a responsible decision from our city to choose the #ecowateroutlets 我相信我们的城市选择#生态排水口#是个负责任的决定
CHIRP_FIRST_ECO_WATER_TREATMENT_PLANT:0 Investing in a water treatment plant with the latest purification technology is not an expense - it's the only viable choice. #greencity 拥有最新净化科技的水处理厂,这份投资不是负担,而是唯一的选择。#绿色城市#
CHIRP_FIRST_RECYCLING_CENTER:0 People throw away so much stuff that could be recycled. I'm glad that our city has taken a step to the right direction. 这么多本来能回收的东西都被扔掉了。很高兴我们的城市向正确的决定又迈出了一步。
CHIRP_FIRST_FLOATING_GARBAGE_COLLECTOR:0 #afriendlyreminder - It's still not ok to throw #trash in the water, even though we have the new floating garbage collector. #友情提示#虽然我们有了漂浮垃圾收集器,不代表往水里扔垃圾就是对的。
CHIRP_FIRST_COMMUNITY_POOL:0 A great day for a little dip in the pool don't you think ;) #communitypool 这么好的天,怎么能不去游泳池沾沾水呢(滑稽)#社区游泳池#
CHIRP_FIRST_COMMUNITY_POOL_WINTER:0 It's a bit chilly for a swim, but that just builds character :D #communitypool #frozen 这天游泳有点冷,但这才叫锻炼嘛!#社区游泳池##结冰#
CHIRP_FIRST_SPORTS_HALL_AND_GYMNASIUM:0 OMG! The new sports hall has an excellent indoor basketball court. Highly recommended. 惊了!新的体育馆这个室内篮球场太棒了!强烈推荐。
CHIRP_FIRST_YOGA_GARDEN:0 Get your chackras in check and come to an open air yoga session today at the #yogapark 带上你的查克拉,来和我们一起室外瑜伽!今天就在#瑜伽公园#
CHIRP_FIRST_YOGA_GARDEN_WINTER:0 Join our winter #yoga session today. Remember to dress warm, it's free-zen outside ;) 今天和我们一起来冬日#瑜伽#。记得多穿点,不然要打寒颤的哦:)
CHIRP_FIRST_COMMUNITY_SCHOOL:0 The new #communityschool has a wide offering of different after-school activities and hobbies. 新的#社区学校#有很多课外活动和爱好可以选。
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_OF_CREATIVE_ARTS:0 The new Institute of Creative Arts is going to implement new #creative ways of teaching #art 新的创意艺术学院将采用新的#创意#方法教#艺术#
CHIRP_FIRST_MODERN_TECHNOLOGY_INSTITUTE:0 Apply to the Modern Technology Institute to study cutting edge technological solutions and design. 申请入学现代技术学院,学习最尖端的技术与设计。
CHIRP_FIRST_BIOFUEL_BUS_DEPOT:0 First #biofuel busses have arrived! 第一批#生物燃料#公交车来了!
CHIRP_FIRST_TROPICAL_GARDEN:0 The new Tropical Garden is a more pleasant kind of #urban #jungle. 新的热带花园是一片让人更舒服的#城市##森林#。
CHIRP_FIRST_FLOATING_CAFE:0 Come visit the new @FloatingCafe and enjoy the great view with your latte! Get discount by showing this Chirp to the barrista. 快来新开的@水上咖啡厅同时享受风景和拿铁吧!向咖啡师展示本条啾啾有折扣。
CHIRP_FIRST_FISHING_ISLAND:0 If you ask me, the new fishing island is the next best thing right after a fishing boat. 要我说,除了渔船,新建的垂钓岛简直是最棒的东西了!
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP5:0 Here, have a chirp. I made it myself. 来,看个啾啾,我自己写的。
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP5:1 You know you are unpopular when your imaginary friends won't even play with you anymore. 连你想象的朋友都不愿陪你玩的时候,你就知道你不受欢迎了。
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP5:2 Who needs to-do lists when you have a spouse? ;D 有了老婆,哪还需要什么待办清单?
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP5:3 This girl at work said she liked my haircut. Did she really mean it? I'll never know, best just to shave it off. 这个女孩工作的时候说喜欢我的发型。她真这么想?算了,还是剃了吧。
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP5:4 Don't mistake my lack of weakness for intelligence. 不要以为我弱点少就是聪明。
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP5:5 Drunk bedroom furniture shopping can lead to waking up to just one nightstand. 喝醉了去买卧室家具的结果就是醒来眼前只有一个床头柜。
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP5:6 I believe I'm shadow banned from Chirper… Does anyone see this chirp? 我怀疑我被啾啾偷偷禁言了。有人看到这条啾啾吗?
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP5:7 Anyone going to the concert tonight? I'd need a lift. 有人今晚去音乐会吗?求搭车。
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP5:8 “Armature Phantom” coming on Blu-Ray tomorrow! Can't wait to get mine! 《衔铁魅影》明天发售蓝光!等不及去买了!
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP5:9 Pro tip: Don't put salt in your #coffee . Tastes bad. 经验之谈:别往#咖啡#里放盐。难喝。
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP5:10 Does someone know if it's allowed to have a pet alligator in urban neighborhoods? 谁知道城市社区里是否可以养短吻鳄当宠物?
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_PROG[DifferentParkBuildings]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_PROG[TotalParkBuildings]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_PROG[TotalHealthcareBuildings]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_PROG[TotalPoliceBuildings]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_PROG[TotalFireBuildings]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_PROG[TotalEducationBuildings]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_PROG[TotalElectricityBuildings]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_PROG[TotalWaterBuildings]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_PROG[TotalGarbageBuildings]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_PROG[TotalTransportBuildings]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_PROG[TotalUniqueBuildings]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_PROG[UniqueServiceBuildings]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_DESC[DifferentParkBuildings]:0 Construct {0} different park/plaza buildings 建造{0}座不同的公园/广场建筑
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_DESC[TotalParkBuildings]:0 Construct {0} instances of parks and plazas 建造{0}座公园和广场
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_DESC[TotalHealthcareBuildings]:0 Construct {0} healthcare buildings 建造{0}座医疗卫生建筑
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_DESC[TotalPoliceBuildings]:0 Construct {0} police department buildings 建造{0}座治安建筑
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_DESC[TotalFireBuildings]:0 Construct {0} fire department buildings 建造{0}座消防建筑
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_DESC[TotalEducationBuildings]:0 Construct {0} education buildings 建造{0}座教育建筑
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_DESC[TotalElectricityBuildings]:0 Construct {0} power plants 建造{0}座发电厂
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_DESC[TotalWaterBuildings]:0 Construct {0} water facilities 建造{0}座供水设施
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_DESC[TotalGarbageBuildings]:0 Construct {0} garbage facilities 建造{0}座垃圾处理设施
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_DESC[TotalTransportBuildings]:0 Construct {0} public transport buildings 建造{0}座公共交通建筑
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_DESC[TotalUniqueBuildings]:0 Construct {0} unique buildings 建造{0}座独特建筑
MILESTONE_BUILDING_COUNT_DESC[UniqueServiceBuildings]:0 Construct {0} different city service buildings 建造{0}座不同的市政服务建筑
OPTION_FADE_AWAY_NOTIFICATIONS:0 Hide far-away notification icons 隐藏镜头外较远的通知图标
DLCPANEL_GREENCITIES:0 Green Cities DLC 《绿色都市》下载内容
CONTENT_GC_REQUIRED:0 Green Cities DLC required 需要安装《绿色都市》下载内容
CONTENT_GC_BUY:0 Buy Green Cities on Steam 在Steam上购买《绿色都市》下载内容
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[OfficeHightech]:0 IT Cluster 信息产业区
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[CommercialEco]:0 Organic and Local Produce 当地有机产品生产
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[ResidentialHighEco]:0 High Density Residential Self Sufficient Buildings 高密度自给住宅用建筑
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[ResidentialLowEco]:0 Low Density Residential Self Sufficient Buildings 低密度自给住宅用建筑
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[Wonders]:0 Monuments 伟大工程
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[PlayerIndustry]:0 Special Industry 特殊工业
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[PlayerEducation]:0 Education 教育
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[VarsitySports]:0 Sports Arenas 体育竞技场
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[PlayerEducationTradeSchool]:0 Trade School Campus Area 贸易学院校园区域
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[PlayerEducationLiberalArts]:0 Liberal Arts College Campus Area 文科学院校园区域
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[PlayerEducationUniversity]:0 University Campus Area 大学校园区域
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[Fishing]:0 Fishing Industry 捕鱼业
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[Electricity]:0 Electricity 电力
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[WaterAndSewage]:0 Water & Sewage 自来水与污水
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[Healthcare]:0 Healthcare 医疗保健
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[FireDepartment]:0 Fire Department 消防服务
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[Education]:0 Education 教育
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[PublicTransport]:0 Public Transport 公共交通
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[Beautification]:0 Parks, Plazas & Wildlife 公园、广场和野生动物
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[Monuments]:0 Unique Buildings 独特建筑
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[ResidentialLow]:0 Low Density Residential 低密度住宅区
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[ResidentialHigh]:0 High Density Residential 高密度住宅区
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[CommercialLow]:0 Low Density Commercial 低密度商业区
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[CommercialHigh]:0 High Density Commercial 高密度商业区
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[CommercialLeisure]:0 Leisure Commercial 休闲商业区
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[CommercialTourist]:0 Touristic Commercial 旅游商业区
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[Industrial]:0 Generic Industry 一般工业
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[IndustrialFarming]:0 Farming Industry 农牧业
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[IndustrialForestry]:0 Forestry Industry 林业
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[IndustrialOil]:0 Oil Industry 石化工业
ASSETIMPORTER_CATEGORY[IndustrialOre]:0 Ore Industry 矿业
CUSTOM_ROAD_TOOLTIP_DESC:0 Place your custom road to see how it looks and connects to other road types 放置定制的道路来查看具体的效果并且连通其他道路。
DLCPANEL_EUROCONTENTPACK:0 European Suburbia DLC 《欧洲郊区》下载内容
STYLES_EUROPEANSUBURBIA:0 European Suburbia 欧洲郊区
UNLOCK_SPECIALIZATION_RESIDENTIAL:0 New Residential Specializations 新住宅区划分
UNLOCK_SPECIALIZATION_OFFICE:0 New Office Specializations 新办公区划分
ECONOMYPANEL_OVERVIEW_TOOLTIP:0 Income/Expenses Overview 收入/花费一览
ECONOMYPANEL_RESIDENTIAL_TOOLTIP:0 Income from Residential Zones 住宅区收入
ECONOMYPANEL_COMMERCIAL_TOOLTIP:0 Income from Commercial Zones 商业区收入
ECONOMYPANEL_WORK_TOOLTIP:0 Income from Industrial and Office Zones 工业区和办公区收入
ECONOMYPANEL_PUBLICTRANSPORT_TOOLTIP:0 Income and expenses from public transportation 公共交通收入和支出
ECONOMYPANEL_IPC_RESIDENTIAL:0 {0} of your income comes from residential zones. 你{0}的收入来自于住宅区。
ECONOMYPANEL_IPC_COMMERCIAL:0 {0} of your income comes from commercial zones. 你{0}的收入来自于商业区。
ECONOMYPANEL_IPC_WORK:0 {0} of your income comes from industrial and office zones. 你{0}的收入来自于工业区和办公区。
ECONOMYPANEL_IPC_PUBLICTRANSPORTINCOME:0 {0} of your income comes from public transportation. 你{0}的收入来自于公共交通。
ECONOMYPANEL_IPC_PUBLICTRANSPORTEXPENSES:0 {0} of your expenses come from public transportation. 你{0}的支出用于公共交通。
ECONOMYPANEL_ORGANIC:0 Organic and Local Produce 当地有机产品生产
ECONOMYPANEL_SELFSUFFICIENT:0 Self Sufficient Buildings 自给建筑
INCOME_TT_TOTAL_RESIDENTIAL:0 Weekly Total Income from Residential Zones 住宅区每周总收入
INCOME_TT_TOTAL_COMMERCIAL:0 Weekly Total Income from Tourism 旅游业每周总收入
INCOME_TT_TOTAL_WORK:0 Weekly Total Income from Industrial and Office Zones 工业和办公区每周总收入
PROFIT_TT_TOTAL_PUBTRANS:0 Weekly Total Public Transportation Profit 公共交通每周总收入
ECONOMYPANEL_TITLE_PUBTRANS:0 Public Transportation 公共交通
PUBLICTRANSPORT_PASSENGERAGEGROUPS_TOOLTIP:0 Displays the distribution of passengers by age group. 按照乘客的年龄分布显示。
UNLOCK_FENCES:0 New Fences 新栅栏
DLCPANEL_PARKLIFE:0 Parklife DLC 《公园生活》下载内容
FENCE_OPTION_STRAIGHT:0 Straight Fence 直线栅栏
FENCE_OPTION_CURVED:0 Curved Fence 曲线栅栏
FENCE_OPTION_FREEFORM:0 Free-form Fence 自由形状栅栏
FENCE_OPTION_UPGRADE:0 Upgrade Fence 升级栅栏
NET_OPTION_STRAIGHT:0 Straight Tool 直线工具
NET_OPTION_CURVED:0 Curved Tool 曲线工具
NET_OPTION_FREEFORM:0 Free-form Tool 自由形状工具
NET_OPTION_UPGRADE:0 Upgrade Tool 升级工具
FREEWHATSNEW7_TITLE6:0 More Props 更多道具
FREEWHATSNEW7_TEXT6:0 There are now even more props available under Parks & Plazas and Landscaping menus! Earlier these props were available only in the editors, but now they can also be used to decorate your city. 在公园和广场以及景观菜单中有更多道具可供使用啦!之前这些道具只能在编辑器中使用,但现在你也可以用它们来装饰自己的城市了。
ECONOMYPANEL_IPC_TOURISMINCOME:0 {0} of your income comes from tourism. 你的收入中有{0}来自旅游业。
ECONOMYPANEL_TOURISM_TOOLTIP:0 Income from Money Spent by Tourists 旅游业收入
PARKINFOPANEL_EXPENSES_TOOLTIP:0 The sum of the upkeep costs of all park buildings in the park area. 公园区域中所有公园建筑的维护成本总和。
PARKINFOPANEL_INCOME_TOOLTIP:0 The total income from park ticket sales. 公园门票销售的总收入。
FESTIVALPANEL_CHANGECOLOR:0 Change Festival Area Color 更改节日区域颜色
DLCPANEL_COUNTRYROAD:0 Country Road Radio DLC 《乡村路》电台下载内容
ENTERTAINMENTINFOVIEW_BUILDING:3 Public Library buildings 公共图书馆建筑
PUBLICTRANSPORT_PASSENGERAGEGROUPS_TOOLTIP_WALKINGTOUR:0 Displays the distribution of visitors by age group. 按年龄显示访客分布
TRANSPORT_LINE_PASSENGERS_WALKINGTOUR:0 Weekly Visitors: {0} residents, {1} tourists 每周访客:{0} 居民,{1} 游客
CONTENT_BUY[ParksDLC]:0 Buy Parklife on Steam 在Steam购买《公园生活》资料片
CONTENT_BUY[RadioStation4]:0 Buy Country Road Radio on Steam 在Steam购买《乡村路电台》资料片
CONTENT_BUY[DeluxeDLC]:0 Buy Deluxe Edition on Steam 在Steam购买豪华版
CONTENT_BUY[AfterDarkDLC]:0 Buy After Dark on Steam 在Steam购买《夜生活》资料片
CONTENT_BUY[SnowFallDLC]:0 Buy Snowfall on Steam 在Steam购买《冰天雪地》资料片
CONTENT_BUY[NaturalDisastersDLC]:0 Buy Natural Disasters on Steam 在Steam上购买《自然灾难》资料片
CONTENT_BUY[InMotionDLC]:0 Buy Mass Transit on Steam 在Steam上购买《公共交通》资料片
CONTENT_BUY[GreenCitiesDLC]:0 Buy Green Cities on Steam 在Steam购买《绿色都市》资料片
CONTENT_BUY[Football]:0 Buy Match Day on Steam 在Steam购买《比赛日》资料片
CONTENT_BUY[Football2345]:0 Buy Stadiums on Steam 在Steam购买《体育场馆》资料片
CONTENT_BUY[RadioStation1]:0 Buy Relaxation Station on Steam 在Steam购买《放松小站》资料片
CONTENT_BUY[OrientalBuildings]:0 Buy Pearls from the East on Steam 在Steam购买《东方明珠》资料片
CONTENT_BUY[RadioStation2]:0 Buy Rock City on Steam 在Steam购买《都市摇滚电台》资料片
CONTENT_BUY[MusicFestival]:0 Buy Concerts on Steam 在Steam购买《音乐会》资料片
CONTENT_BUY[ModderPack1]:0 Buy Art Deco on Steam 在Steam购买《艺术合集》资料片
CONTENT_BUY[ModderPack2]:0 Buy High Tech on Steam 在Steam购买《高科技》资料片
CONTENT_BUY[ModderPack3]:0 Buy European Suburbia on Steam 在Steam购买《欧洲郊区》资料片
CONTENT_BUY[Christmas]:0 Buy Carols, Candles and Candy on Steam 在Steam购买《圣诞歌,蜡烛与糖果》资料片
CONTENT_BUY[RadioStation3]:0 Buy All That Jazz on Steam 在Steam购买《爵士盛典》资料片
CONTENT_BUY[IndustryDLC]:0 Buy Industries DLC on Steam 在商店购买《工业》下载内容
CONTENT_BUY[CampusDLC]:0 Buy Campus DLC on Steam 在Steam上购买《校园》下载内容
CONTENT_BUY[ModderPack4]:0 Buy University City DLC on Steam 在Steam上购买《大学城》DLC
CONTENT_BUY[UrbanDLC]:0 Buy Sunset Harbor DLC on Steam 在Steam上购买《日落港口》DLC
CONTENT_BUY[ModderPack5]:0 Buy Modern City Center DLC 在Steam上购买《现代都市中心》
CONTENT_BUY[ModderPack6]:0 Buy Modern Japan DLC on Steam 在Steam上购买《现代日本》DLC
CONTENT_BUY[ModderPack7]:0 Buy Train Stations DLC 购买《火车站 DLC》(Train Stations DLC)
CONTENT_BUY[ModderPack8]:0 Buy Bridges and Piers DLC 购买《桥梁和码头 DLC》(Bridges and Piers DLC)
CONTENT_REQUIRED[ParksDLC]:0 Parklife DLC required 需要《公园生活》资料片
CONTENT_REQUIRED[RadioStation4]:0 Country Road Radio DLC required 需要《乡村路电台》资料片
CONTENT_REQUIRED[DeluxeDLC]:0 Deluxe Edition DLC required 需要《豪华版》资料片
CONTENT_REQUIRED[AfterDarkDLC]:0 After Dark DLC required 需要《黄昏之后》资料片
CONTENT_REQUIRED[SnowFallDLC]:0 Snowfall DLC required 需要《冰天雪地》资料片
CONTENT_REQUIRED[NaturalDisastersDLC]:0 Natural Disasters DLC required 需要《自然灾难》资料片
CONTENT_REQUIRED[InMotionDLC]:0 Mass Transit DLC required 需要《公共交通》资料片
CONTENT_REQUIRED[GreenCitiesDLC]:0 Green Cities DLC required 需要《绿色都市》资料片
CONTENT_REQUIRED[Football]:0 Match Day DLC required 需要《比赛日》资料片
CONTENT_REQUIRED[Football2345]:0 Stadiums DLC required 需要《体育场馆》资料片
CONTENT_REQUIRED[RadioStation1]:0 Relaxation Station DLC required 需要《放松小站》资料片
CONTENT_REQUIRED[OrientalBuildings]:0 Pearls from the East DLC required 需要《东方明珠》资料片
CONTENT_REQUIRED[RadioStation2]:0 Rock City DLC required 需要《都市摇滚电台》资料片
CONTENT_REQUIRED[MusicFestival]:0 Concerts DLC required 需要《音乐会》资料片
CONTENT_REQUIRED[ModderPack1]:0 Art Deco DLC required 需要《艺术合集》资料片
CONTENT_REQUIRED[ModderPack2]:0 High Tech DLC required 需要《高科技》资料片
CONTENT_REQUIRED[ModderPack3]:0 European Suburbia DLC required 需要《欧洲郊区》资料片
CONTENT_REQUIRED[Christmas]:0 Carols, Candles and Candy DLC required 需要《圣诞歌,蜡烛与糖果》资料片
CONTENT_REQUIRED[RadioStation3]:0 All That Jazz DLC required 需要《爵士盛典》资料片
CONTENT_REQUIRED[IndustryDLC]:0 Industries DLC required 需要《工业》下载内容
CONTENT_REQUIRED[ModderPack4]:0 University City DLC required 需要《大学城》 下载内容
CONTENT_REQUIRED[CampusDLC]:0 Campus DLC required 需要《校园》 下载内容
CONTENT_REQUIRED[UrbanDLC]:0 Sunset Harbor DLC required 需要《日落港口》DLC
CONTENT_REQUIRED[ModderPack5]:0 Modern City Center DLC required 需要《现代都市中心》DLC
CONTENT_REQUIRED[ModderPack6]:0 Modern Japan DLC required 需要《现代日本》DLC
CONTENT_REQUIRED[ModderPack7]:0 Train Stations DLC required 需要《火车站 DLC》(Train Stations DLC)
CONTENT_REQUIRED[ModderPack8]:0 Bridges and Piers DLC required 需要《桥梁和码头 DLC》(Bridges and Piers DLC)
LEGAL_DISCLAIMER_TITLE:0 Legal Disclaimer 法律声明
OPTIONS_SHOWPRIVACYPOLICY:0 Show Privacy Policy 显示隐私权政策
OPTIONS_SHOWPRIVACYPOLICYTOOLTIP:0 View Cities: Skylines privacy policy in web browser 在浏览器中查看《都市:天际线》隐私权政策
ERRORMESSAGE[account-exists]:0 Account already exists, pick another email or log in with your current email 账号已存在,请重新更换邮箱号或以当前邮箱进行登录
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ERRORMESSAGE[not-authorized]:0 Wrong email address or password 邮箱地址或密码错误
ERRORMESSAGE[invalid-email]:0 Invalid email address. 无效的电子邮箱地址。
LEGAL_DISCLAIMER_SHOW_TOOLTIP:0 Open the document in overlay, or in your default browser if overlay is not available 在最顶层打开文件,若无法覆盖到最顶层请用默认浏览器打开
LEGAL_AGREE_DISABLED_TOOLTIP:0 You must view the notice before continuing 继续前必须阅读提示内容
LEGAL_DISCLAIMER_INFO[notice]:0 Please take a moment to read this important notice from Paradox Interactive 请您花些时间阅读派拉多克斯的这份重要提示
LEGAL_DISCLAIMER_INFO[privacy]:0 Please take a moment to read our Privacy Policy 请您花些时间阅读我们的隐私权政策
LEGAL_DISCLAIMER_INFO[terms-of-use]:0 Please take a moment to read our Terms of Use 请您花些时间阅读我们的使用条例
TERMSOFUSE_LABEL:0 I have read and accept the 我已阅读并接受
TERMSOFUSE_LINK:0 Terms of Use 使用条例
PRIVACY_LABEL:0 I have read and understood the 我已阅读并了解
PRIVACY_LINK:0 Privacy Policy 隐私权政策
NEWSLETTER_LABEL:0 I want to receive news and offers from Cities: Skylines and Paradox Interactive 我接受来自《都市:天际线》和派拉多克斯的新闻和推送
CHIRP_FIRST_CASTLE_OF_LORD_CHIRPWICK:0 What a wonderful time to be alive now that Lord Chirpwick has built their castle in the city! #castleoflordchirpwick 齐普维克领主在城市里建造了城堡,我们能生活在这个时代真是太幸运了!#齐普维克城堡#
CHIRP_FIRST_THE_STATUE_OF_COLOSSALUS:0 Forget about the Colossus, we have the Colossalus! #statueofcolossalus 太阳神铜像算什么,现在我们有巨人像了!#巨人像#
CHIRP_FIRST_OBSERVATION_TOWER:0 Please observe this wonderful #ObservationTower 请观测这座美妙的#观测塔#
CHIRP_FIRST_SEA_FORTRESS:0 Long time no Sea Fortress? Now we have it! #seafortress 好久不见海堡?现在我们有了!#海堡#
CHIRP_FIRST_OLD_MARKET_STREET:0 I've been waiting for ages to go to the Old Market Street! #oldmarketstreet 我早就想去老市场街了!#老市场街#
CHIRP_FIRST_CLOCK_TOWER:0 Tic toc goes the new #ClockTower 新的#钟楼#滴答响
CHIRP_FIRST_CITY_ARCH:0 Come and see the brand new #cityarch ! 快来看这崭新的#城市拱门#吧!
CHIRP_FIRST_PARK_MAINTENANCE_BUILDING:0 Now the parks will be well maintained by #parkmaintenance 现在#公园维护#将会负责好好打理公园了
CHIRP_FIRST_HOT_AIR_BALLOON_TOURS:0 Who's first in line at the #hotairballoontours ? 谁会第一个乘上#热气球游览#?
CHIRP_FIRST_SIGHTSEEING_BUS_DEPOT:0 Truly a sigh to see #sighseeingbusdepot 真是令人叹为观止 #游览车调度站#
CHIRP_FIRST_ELEPHANT_ENCLOSURE:0 What magnificent creatures elephants are! #elephantenclosure 大象真是惊人的生物!#大象圈#
CHIRP_FIRST_ANTELOPE_ENCLOSURE:0 Are they looping? #antelopeenclosure 它们是领养的吗?#羚羊圈#
CHIRP_FIRST_RHINO_ENCLOSURE:0 Now that's an impressive set of horns! #rhinoenclosure 这角可真犀利!#犀牛圈#
CHIRP_FIRST_LION_ENCLOSURE:0 Hear them roar! #lionenclosure 听它们怒吼吧!#狮子圈#
CHIRP_FIRST_BISON_ENCLOSURE:0 What a wonderful city, now with bisons! #bisonenclosure 这座美妙的城市现在有野牛啦!#野牛圈#
CHIRP_FIRST_MOOSE_AND_REINDEER_ENCLOSURE:0 A moose once bit my sister at a #mooseandreindeerenclosure 我妹妹曾经在#驼鹿与驯鹿圈#被驼鹿咬过
CHIRP_FIRST_GIRAFFE_ENCLOSURE:0 The giraffes are here! #giraffeenclosure 长颈鹿们来啦!#长颈鹿圈#
CHIRP_FIRST_FLAMINGO_ENCLOSURE:0 Just how pink are they? #flamingoenclosure 它们到底有多粉啊?#火烈鸟圈#
CHIRP_FIRST_SEALIFE_ENCLOSURE:0 What a place! Come and see the sealife! #sealifeenclosure 这里很精彩!来看海洋生物吧!#海洋生物圈#
CHIRP_FIRST_MONKEY_PALACE:0 A true palace for monkeys! #monkeypalace 真正的猴子宫殿!#猴宫#
CHIRP_FIRST_INSECT_AMPHIBIAN_REPTILE_HOUSE:0 It's got insects AND amphibians AND reptiles! What more could you ask for? #insectamphibianreptilehouse 这里不仅有昆虫,还有两栖动物和爬行动物!你还能再要求什么?#昆虫两栖动物爬行动物展馆#
CHIRP_FIRST_BIRD_HOUSE:0 Chirpy, is that you? Did you get your own house? #birdhouse 啾啾,是你吗?你有自己的房子了?#鸟屋#
CHIRP_FIRST_ZOO_MAIN_GATE:0 Wow, a real zoo in our city! #zoomaingate 哇,我们的城市里有一座真正的动物园!#动物园正门#
CHIRP_FIRST_ZOO_SIDE_GATE:0 Another way to get into the zoo! #zoosidegate 动物园的另一个入口!#动物园侧门#
CHIRP_FIRST_ZOO_SOUVENIR_SHOP_01:0 Ooh, souvenirs! I want a plushie! #souvenirshop 噢,纪念品!我想要个毛绒玩具!#纪念品店#
CHIRP_FIRST_ZOO_RESTROOMS_01:0 It is a real relief to have #restrooms 有个#洗手间#真是太方便了
CHIRP_FIRST_CAMPING_SITE_01:0 Lets go camping at the brand new #CampingSite ! 去全新的#宿营地#野营吧!
CHIRP_FIRST_TENT_CAMPING_SITE_01_:0 Tents, tents everywhere! #tentcampingsite 帐篷,到处都是帐篷!#帐篷宿营地#
CHIRP_FIRST_CAMPFIRE_SITE_01:0 Aah, a nice warming campfire at the #campfiresite 啊,温暖的#营火#!
CHIRP_FIRST_CAMPFIRE_SITE_02:0 What a great spot to roast a soy wiener! #campfiresite 这地方真适合用来烤香肠!#营火#
CHIRP_FIRST_LOOKOUT_TOWER_01:0 Did you see that #lookouttower ? 你看到那座#瞭望塔#了吗?
CHIRP_FIRST_LOOKOUT_TOWER_02:0 Looking out for the #lookouttower 注意#瞭望塔#
CHIRP_FIRST_HUNTING_CABIN_01:0 What should we hunt for? #huntingcabin 我们该狩猎什么呢?#狩猎小屋#
CHIRP_FIRST_HUNTING_CABIN_02:0 Lets have a wild hunt at the brand new #huntingcabin 我们去全新的#狩猎小屋#来一场野猎吧
CHIRP_FIRST_FISHING_CABIN_01:0 Fishing is so much better now that we have a #fishingcabin 现在我们有了#钓鱼小屋#,钓鱼可就方便多了
CHIRP_FIRST_FISHING_CABIN_02:0 Beware, fish! #fishingcabin 鱼儿们要当心了!#钓鱼小屋#
CHIRP_FIRST_BOULDERING_SITE_01:0 Lets boulder! #boulderingsite 去攀岩吧!#攀岩处#
CHIRP_FIRST_VIEWING_DECK_01:0 What a wonderful view from the #viewingplatform #观景台#的景色真不错!
CHIRP_FIRST_VIEWING_DECK_02:0 Check out this view! #viewingdeck 来看看这景色吧!#观景台#
CHIRP_FIRST_LEANTO_SHELTER_01:0 Don't lean on the #leanto 别倚着#披棚#
CHIRP_FIRST_LEANTO_SHELTER_02:0 A brand new #leanto in the city! 城里有座全新的#披棚#!
CHIRP_FIRST_TENT_01:0 Lets got and check out the new #tent 去看看新的#帐篷#吧
CHIRP_FIRST_TENT_02:0 I could live in a #tent all year long 我可以整年住在#帐篷#里
CHIRP_FIRST_TENT_03:0 A new #tent in the city! 城里有座新#帐篷#!
CHIRP_FIRST_NATURE_RESERVE_MAIN_GATE:0 A grand #NatureReserve ! Now the city feels complete! 一座巨大的#自然保护区#!现在这城市才像个样子!
CHIRP_FIRST_NATURE_RESERVE_SIDE_GATE:0 Another #gate into the #NatureReserve 进入#自然保护区#的另一扇#大门#
CHIRP_FIRST_CAROUSEL:0 Round and round goes the new #carousel 新的#旋转木马#转个不停
CHIRP_FIRST_ROLLERCOASTER:0 Hold on to your hats in the #rollercoaster 坐#过山车#的时候可要抓紧你的帽子
CHIRP_FIRST_PENDULUM_RIDE:0 #pendulumride is the newest addition! #摇摆椅#是最新的娱乐项目!
CHIRP_FIRST_DROP_TOWER_RIDE:0 A very fun ride just opened! #droptower 一个非常好玩的娱乐项目刚刚开张了!#自由落体#
CHIRP_FIRST_FERRIS_WHEEL:0 Lets hop on to the new #ferriswheel 我们去乘最新的#摩天轮#吧
CHIRP_FIRST_SWINGING_BOAT:0 Is this what sailing feels like? #swingingboat 航海就是这种感觉吗?#秋千船#
CHIRP_FIRST_HOUSE_OF_HORRORS:0 Truly horrible! #houseofhorrors 真是太恐怖了!#鬼屋#
CHIRP_FIRST_BUMPER_CARS:0 These go bump in the night and day #bumpercars 这些玩意整天碰个不停 #碰碰车#
CHIRP_FIRST_ROTATING_TEA_CUPS:0 Tea, please! #rotatingteacups 请给我来杯茶!#旋转茶杯#
CHIRP_FIRST_PIGGY_TRAIN:0 Oink, oink, get out of the way! #piggytrain 呼噜,呼噜,快点让开!#小猪火车#
CHIRP_FIRST_GAME_BOOTH_01:0 Get your game on at the #gamebooth 去#游戏摊位#大显身手吧
CHIRP_FIRST_GAME_BOOTH_02:0 Check out the new game at the #gamebooth 快来看看#游戏摊位#的新游戏
CHIRP_FIRST_AMUSEMENT_PARK_MAIN_GATE:0 That's amusing! The city feels complete! #amusementparkmaingate 太好玩了!这下城市感觉完整了!#游乐园正门#
CHIRP_FIRST_AMUSEMENT_PARK_SIDE_GATE:0 Even easier to get amused now! #amusementparksidegate 游乐变得更加容易了!#游乐园侧门#
CHIRP_FIRST_AMUSEMENT_PARK_SOUVENIR_SHOP_01:0 Now selling souvenirs! #souvenirshop 正在出售纪念品!#纪念品店#
CHIRP_FIRST_AMUSEMENT_PARK_RESTROOMS_01:0 This will make visits so much nicer #restrooms 这下出游就方便多了 #洗手间#
CHIRP_FIRST_PARK_PIER_01:0 Off to see the sea! Or a lake. #parkpier 出海!或者湖也行。#公园码头#
CHIRP_FIRST_PARK_PIER_02:0 How about a picnic on the new pier? #parkpier 到新的码头上野餐如何?#公园码头#
CHIRP_FIRST_GAZEBO_01:0 Please don't attack it! #gazebo 请不要攻击它!#凉亭#
CHIRP_FIRST_GAZEBO_02:0 What a wonderful addition! #gazebo 这#凉亭#真棒!
CHIRP_FIRST_CLIMBING_FRAME_01:0 Kids everywhere, come and have fun! #climbingframe 小朋友们快来玩吧!#攀爬架#
CHIRP_FIRST_TRAMPOLINE_PARK_01:0 Jump your troubles away on the #trampoline 到#蹦床#上把烦恼都跳光吧!
CHIRP_FIRST_PARK_CHESS_BOARD_01:0 Looking for a chess-mate! #parkchessboard 征集棋友!#公园棋盘#
CHIRP_FIRST_PARK_MAIN_GATE:0 What a beautiful gate for a great park! #parkmaingate 这座绝佳公园的大门真漂亮!#公园正门#
CHIRP_FIRST_PARK_SIDE_GATE:0 Another great gate! #parksidegate 又一扇漂亮的大门!#公园侧门#
CHIRP_FIRST_PARK_PLAZA:0 There's a place for everyone at the #parkplaza #公园广场#来者不拒
CHIRP_FIRST_PARK_INFO_BOOTH_01:0 Are you lost? Worry, not, the new #parkinfobooth will help you out! 迷路了吗?别担心,新的#公园服务台#可以帮助你!
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP6:0 I think the city needs more parks! Don't you? #ineedmoar 感觉这城市需要更多公园!你觉得呢?#我要更多
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP6:1 Picnic time! Let's all gather at the corner park tomorrow at noon! #picnicsarebest 野餐时间到!中午大家都去街角公园集合吧!#大爱野餐
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP6:2 Park? As in parking, right? I need space for my car! #carspaceplz 公园?是停车公园吗?我要停车啊!#我要停车场
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP6:3 I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow! #norain #wishingforsunshine 希望明天不会下雨!#不要下雨 #祈祷阳光
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP6:4 My dog loves walkies in the parks! #walkies #parkies 我的狗最喜欢在公园散步! #散步 #公园
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP6:5 I love hiking in the nature! #hiking4lyfe 我喜欢在大自然的环绕中爬山!#大爱远足
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP6:6 My friend is moving into town! #newoldfriends 我的朋友要搬到市里啦!#新老朋友
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP6:7 The walking tours are so healthy! I love them! #healthy #walking 徒步游览真是太健康啦!好棒!#健康 #徒步
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP6:8 Could we get a new park, please? #parksplz 能不能给我们开个新公园啊?#我要公园
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP6:9 I like to go sight seeing in my home city. Try it! #homeseeing 我喜欢在家乡城市里观光。大家也来试试看吧!#本地观光
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP6:10 Nature trails! I want more of them! #naturetrailsfyeah 自然小路!我还要我还要!#自然小路
CHIRP_FIRST_PARK_RESTROOMS_01:0 When you are in the park and need to go, finally you can in the privacy of a restroom! #ParkRestrooms 在公园里憋得不行的时候,终于能在厕所解放自己啦!#公园厕所
CONFIRM_BUILDINGDELETE_MAINGATE[Message]:0 You are about to destroy this structure. Destroying this building will remove the area type and all progression.

Do you wish to proceed?



OPTIONS_SHOWWHATSNEWPANEL:0 Show What’s New Panel 显示新内容面板
MAIN_FREECAMERA_ORBIT:0 Free Camera – Orbit Building Mode 自由视角—环绕建筑模式
MAIN_FREECAMERA_DIVEIN:0 Free Camera – Story Mode 自由视角—故事模式
CONFIRM_TEST_MAP[Message]:0 All unsaved work will be lost. Continue? 所有未保存的进度都将遗失。是否要继续?
CONFIRM_RETURN_TO_EDITOR[Message]:0 Are you sure you want to quit play mode and return to the map editor? 是否要退出游玩模式并返回地图编辑器?
MAP_NEEDS_SAVING:0 Your map needs to be saved before testing it in play mode 保存地图后方可进入游玩模式进行测试
CONTENT_REQUIRED_MULTIPLE:0 Multiple DLCs required 需要多个资料片
WORKSHOP_CAMERASCRIPTS:0 Get more camera scripts on 加载更多视角脚本
MASCOT_WORKING_STATUS:0 Entertaining visitors 接待游客
PARKWORKER_WORKING_STATUS:0 Maintaining park site 维护公园
TOOL_LONG_LINE:0 Warning: Long tours are less appealing! 警告:长途旅行会降低吸引力!
MAIN_TOOL_PA[District]:0 Districts and Areas 分区与区域
AREA_NAME[AmusementPark]:0 Magic 魔法
AREA_NAME[AmusementPark]:1 Adventure 冒险
AREA_NAME[AmusementPark]:2 Fun 乐趣
AREA_NAME[AmusementPark]:3 Wonder 奇迹
AREA_NAME[AmusementPark]:4 Funtastic 乐趣无穷
AREA_NAME[AmusementPark]:5 Mickey 米奇
PARKINFOPANEL_ATTRACTIVENESS:0 Attractiveness: {0} 吸引力:{0}
ECONOMYPANEL_ATTRACTIVENESS_TOOLTIP:0 This value indicates how attractive your city is for tourists 此数值代表着你城市对游客的吸引力
INFO_PARKMAINTENANCE_CONDITION:0 Park Building Condition 公园建筑状况
PARKSOVERVIEW_TITLE:0 Park Areas Overview 公园区域概览
PARKSOVERVIEW_PARKSCOUNT:0 Park Count: {0} 公园总数:{0}
PARKSOVERVIEW_TOOLTIP[AmusementPark]:0 Amusement Park 游乐园
PARKSOVERVIEW_TOOLTIP[NatureReserve]:0 Nature Reserve 自然保护区
PARKSOVERVIEW_TOOLTIP[Generic]:0 City Park Area 城市公园区域
PARKSOVERVIEW_TOOLTIP[Industry]:0 Industry Area 工业区
PARKSOVERVIEW_TOOLTIP[Farming]:0 Farming Industry 农业
PARKSOVERVIEW_TOOLTIP[Forestry]:0 Forest Industry 林业
TOOLTIP_WALKINGTOURS:0 Walking Tours 徒步观光游览
TOOLTIP_TOURISTBUSLINES:0 Sightseeing Bus Tours 观光巴士游览
CONFIRM_PARKDELETE:0 Are you sure you wish to delete this park? 你真的要删除这个公园吗?
PARKINFOPANEL_VISITORSUNTILNEXTLEVEL:0 Total visitors until next level: {0} / {1} 距下一等级所需总游客数:{0} / {1}
PARKINFOPANEL_CURRENTVISITORS:0 Visitors this week: {0} 本周访客数:{0}
PARKINFOPANEL_SIZE:0 Size: {0} cells 大小:{0}区块
PARKINFOPANEL_ENTERTAINMENT:0 Entertainment: {0} 娱乐:{0}
PARKINFOPANEL_INCOME:0 Income: {0} / week 收入:{0} /周
PARKINFOPANEL_TOTALVISITORS:0 Total visitors: {0} 总访客数:{0}
PARKINFOPANEL_MAXLEVEL:0 Maximum level reached! 已到达最大等级!
PARKINFOPANEL_ENTERTAINMENTUNTILNEXTLEVEL:0 Entertainment until next level: {0} / {1} 距下一等级所需娱乐水平:{0}/{1}
PUBTRANSWORLDINFOPANEL_LINETOOLONG:0 This walking tour is very long 这条徒步游览线路很长
PUBTRANSWORLDINFOPANEL_LINEWAYTOOLONG:0 This walking tour is too long 这条徒步游览线路过长
PUBTRANSWORLDINFOPANEL_TOOLONG_TOOLTIP:0 A too long tour length will negatively affect the appeal of the tour. 线路过长会对路线吸引力产生不良影响。
PUBTRANSWORLDINFOPANEL_PULLVALUE_TOOLTIP:0 The Appeal indicates how attractive this line is for tourists 吸引度数值代表着这条线路对游客的吸引力。
PAUNLOCKINGPANEL_UNLOCKINGTEXT:0 The following buildings have been unlocked: 已解锁下列建筑:
PAUNLOCKINGPANEL_PARKBUTTONLABEL:0 has reached level {0}. 已到达{0}级。
PAUNLOCKINGPANEL_DONTSHOWAGAIN:0 Don’t notify me when a park levels up 公园升级时不要再提醒我
LINEINFOPANEL_LINELENGTH:0 Line length: {0} km 线路长度:{0}千米
OPTION_PARKLEVELUPNOTIFICATIONS:0 Hide park area level-up notifications 隐藏公园区域升级提醒
INCOME_TT_PARKAREAS:0 Weekly Park Area Income 每周公园区域收入
FREEWHATSNEW7_TITLE1:0 Menu Filtering and other improvements 菜单筛选与其他改进
FREEWHATSNEW7_TEXT1:0 Now you can make your menu browsing easier by filtering down long lists of items by size, type or other relevant attributes. We have also included a search box for the Asset Importer and now you can test your maps in the Map Editor. 现在,你可以使用大小,种类以及其他属性对各个冗长的列表进行筛选,使菜单的浏览更为便捷。我们也在资产导入器中加入了搜索栏,你还可以在地图编辑器中测试自己制作的地图。
FREEWHATSNEW7_TITLE2:0 Trees and Noise Pollution 树木与噪音污染
FREEWHATSNEW7_TEXT2:0 Roads with trees have always affected the Noise Pollution, but now all the other trees on the map have a reducing effect on the surrounding Noise Pollution. 带有行道树的道路依旧会对噪音污染产生影响,现在就连地图上的其他树木也可以对周围的噪音污染水平产生影响了!
FREEWHATSNEW7_TITLE3:0 Free Camera Mode Upgrade 自由视角模式升级
FREEWHATSNEW7_TEXT3:0 A new scripting interface to create custom cinematic camera sequences. Cinematic cameras can be activated from a button next to the Free Camera button in the bottom right corner. 提供全新脚本界面,以便玩家自定义影院般的视角设定。影院式视角可以通过点击右下角自由视角按钮旁的按钮开启。
FREEWHATSNEW7_TITLE4:0 Tourists Have Arrived! 游客已抵达!
FREEWHATSNEW7_TEXT4:0 Make your city into a thriving tourist attraction with new tourist models

The new Tourism Info View provides more valuable information on tourist activity than before, as well as the appeal of various attractions in your city.



FREEWHATSNEW7_TITLE5:0 Submesh Modding 子网格修改
FREEWHATSNEW7_TEXT5:0 The asset editor now has a new submenu for buildings, which lists all of its submeshes and their properties. You can edit the submeshes and their positions, rotations, and conditions, and import new sub meshes or delete existing ones. 资产编辑器现已为建筑加入全新次级菜单,其中罗列建筑的子网格与各项属性。你可以轻松编辑子网格及其位置,旋转角度,以及状况,还可以添加新的子网格或删除已存在的子网格。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW7_TITLE1:0 Park Areas and Park Maintenance 公园区域与公园维护
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW7_TEXT1:0 Create parks of any shape and size with the Park Area tool and level up the areas to unlock new park buildings. You can also charge an entrance fee from the park visitors for extra income.

Park Maintenance service will take care of the parks, plazas and park areas in your city and boost their beneficial effects on the citizen well-being.



EXPANSIONWHATSNEW7_TITLE2:0 Walking and Sightseeing Tours 徒步与观光巴士游览
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW7_TEXT2:0 The tourists can now join walking and sightseeing bus tours – or even hot-air balloon tours. With the tours you can manage better where the tourists will visit and make their stay in your city worth their while. 徒步与观光巴士游览现已对游客开放——还有热气球游览在等着他们!有了这些游览项目,你就可以更好地规划想要游客前往何处,让他们在你城市中的游览不虚此行。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW7_TITLE3:0 New Props and Buildings 新物品与建筑
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW7_TEXT3:0 Over 300 new assets to enrich your gameplay experience. These include new park props, park buildings, vehicles and models, but also new landscaping assets like cliffs, caves and trees. 现已为你的游戏体验增加超过300种全新资产。其中包括全新公园物品,公园建筑,车辆载具与模型,此外还有全新的地形资产,如悬崖,山洞与树木。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW7_TEXT4:0 New City Policies and Park Policies allow you to make the parks in your city more inviting and tourist-friendly. 全新的城市政策与公园政策可帮您将城市变得更为友好,吸引游客。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW7_TEXT5:0 The five new maps offer you new challenges and interesting locations where to build your city. 五张新的地图带给你全新的挑战以及用来建造都市的趣味十足的地点。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW7_TITLE6:0 New Exotic Animals 新的动物
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW7_TEXT6:0 More than a dozen new exotic animals from antelopes to dolphins with separate animal markers for the editors. 包括羚羊及海豚等十余种全新的外来动物,编辑器中还有分别代表每种动物的图标做显示。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW7_TITLE7:0 New Unique Buildings and a Monument 全新的建筑以及山脉
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW7_TEXT7:0 Six new Unique Buildings like the Sea Fortress or the Observation Tower will make your city even more amazing. But the Castle of Lord Chirpwick is the ultimate attraction that every tourist would like to experience. 包括诸如海堡垒和观测塔在内六种全新的独特建筑将会为你的都市增色不少。其中齐普维克城堡将是吸引每一位游客前往观光的究极胜地。
ASSETIMPORTER_INFO_PILLAR:0 Assets created using this template can be used as bridge pillars in custom roads and will not be available in game on their own 使用这个模版创建的资产可以在自定义道路中用作桥梁支柱,并且不能在游戏中单独使用。
ASSETIMPORTER_INFO_SUBBUILDING:0 Assets created using this template can be used as sub-buildings for custom buildings and will not be available in game on their own 使用这个模版创建的资产可以在自定义建筑中用作子建筑,并且不能在游戏中单独使用。
ASSETIMPORTER_INFO_POWERPOLE:0 Assets created using this template can be used as power poles in custom electricity nets and will not be available in game on their own 使用这个模版创建的资产可以在自定义电网中用作电线杆,并且不能在游戏中单独使用。
AIINFO_TOLL_BOOTH_VEHICLE_COUNT:0 Cars charged last week: {0:N0} 上周充电的车辆:{0:N0}
MAIN_TOOL_IN[Garbage]:0 Garbage and Industry 垃圾和工业
CONFIRM_BUILDINGDELETE_HISTORICAL[Message]:0 You are about to destroy a historical building.

Do you wish to proceed?



CONFIRM_BUILDINGDELETE_STORAGE[Message]:0 You are about to destroy a raw material storage building. Destroying this building will remove all collected resources. Do you wish to proceed? 你将要摧毁一座原材料储存建筑。摧毁这座建筑将会移除所有已收集的资源。你想要继续吗?
CONFIRM_BUILDINGDELETE_WAREHOUSE[Message]:0 You are about to destroy a warehouse. Destroying this building will remove all collected resources. Do you wish to proceed? 你将要摧毁一座仓库。摧毁这座建筑将会移除所有已收集的资源。你想要继续吗?
AIINFO_POST_UNSORTED_MAIL:0 Unsorted mail: {0:N0} / {1:N0} 未分类的邮件:{0:N0} / {1:N0}
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[AnimalProducts]:0 Delivering animal products to 将动物制品交付给
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[Paper]:0 Delivering paper products to 将纸制品交付给
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[PlanedTimber]:0 Delivering planed timber products to 将刨光木材交付给
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[Flours]:0 Delivering flour products to 将面粉制品交付给
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[Metals]:0 Delivering metal products to 将金属制品交付给
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[Glass]:0 Delivering glass products to 将玻璃制品交付给
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[Plastics]:0 Delivering plastic products to 将塑料制品交付给
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[Petroleum]:0 Delivering petroleum products to 将石油制品交付给
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[LuxuryProducts]:0 Delivering Unique Factory products to 将独特工厂制品交付给
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[Fish]:0 Delivering fish to 将鱼运到
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[Goods]:0 Delivering goods to 将货物运输至
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[Ore]:0 Delivering ore products to 将矿石产品运输至
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[Coal]:0 Delivering ore products to 将矿石产品运输至
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[Oil]:0 Delivering oil products to 将石油产品运输至
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[Petrol]:0 Delivering oil products to 将石油产品运输至
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[Logs]:0 Delivering forestry products to 将林业产品运输至
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[Lumber]:0 Delivering forestry products to 将林业产品运输至
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[Grain]:0 Delivering agricultural products to 将农产品运输至
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[Food]:0 Delivering agricultural products to 将农产品运输至
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[AnimalProducts]:0 Exporting animal products 出口动物制品
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[Paper]:0 Exporting paper products 出口纸制品
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[PlanedTimber]:0 Exporting planed timber products 出口刨光木材
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[Flours]:0 Exporting flour products 出口面粉制品
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[Metals]:0 Exporting metal products 出口金属制品
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[Glass]:0 Exporting glass products 出口玻璃制品
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[Plastics]:0 Exporting plastic products 出口塑料制品
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[Petroleum]:0 Exporting petroleum products 出口石油制品
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[LuxuryProducts]:0 Exporting Unique Factory products 出口独特工厂制品
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[Goods]:0 Exporting goods 出口货物
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[Ore]:0 Exporting ore products 出口矿石产品
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[Coal]:0 Exporting ore products 出口矿石产品
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[Oil]:0 Exporting oil products 出口石油产品
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[Petrol]:0 Exporting oil products 出口石油产品
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[Logs]:0 Exporting forestry products 出口林业产品
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[Lumber]:0 Exporting forestry products 出口林业产品
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[Grain]:0 Exporting agricultural products 出口农产品
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[Food]:0 Exporting agricultural products 出口农产品
PARADOX_ACCOUNT_INCENTIVE:0 Log in or create a Paradox Account and receive the Paradox Plaza for free! 登入或创建一个Paradox账号就可免费获取Paradox Plaza!
PARADOX_ACCOUNT_CONNECT_LABEL:0 Connect Paradox account to Steam account 将Paradox账号关联至游戏平台账号
SERVICE_DESC[PlayerIndustry]:0 Create Industry Area by placing Main Building and place highly specialized industrial buildings inside the area to build and manage the production chain. 放置主建筑来创建工业区,并在区域内放置高度专业化的工业建筑来建造和管理生产线。
SERVICE_DESC[PlayerEducation]:0 Create Campus Area by placing Administration Building to provide university level education and develop it further by placing campus buildings and faculties to gain various benefits within area and in the entire city. 放置行政大楼来创建校园区域并提供大学级教育,然后放置校园建筑与学院以便进一步发展,使校园与城市获得各种优势。
SERVICE_DESC[VarsitySports]:0 Building Varsity Sport Arena inside a campus area unlocks the varsity sports features including new ways of earning money, gaining campus attractiveness, varsity team customization, varsity sports matches and unique policies.

It is possible to place varsity sports arenas outside of campus area and create your city's own sports team.



SERVICE_DESC[Fishing]:0 Use Fish Farms and Fishing Routes to catch different types of fish then deliver to either the Fish Market for your citizens or to the Fish Factory for extra income from commercial zones. Fish can also be exported. 使用养鱼场和捕鱼路线来捕捉不同类型的鱼,然后送至鱼市场卖给你的市民,或送至鱼肉加工厂从商业区获得额外收入。鱼也可以出口。
SERVICE_DESC[Healthcare]:0 Healthcare provides medical services for your city and takes care of the deceased. 医疗服务将提供城市医疗服务,并处理死者的后事。
SERVICE_DESC[Education]:0 Education services allow you to build schools and universities for your citizens. 教育服务让你为市民建造学校。
SERVICE_DESC[Garbage]:0 Garbage management services collect and dispose of the waste produced by homes, businesses and industries. 垃圾处理服务负责收集并处理城市中住宅、商业及工业区所制造的垃圾。
SERVICE_DESC[FireDepartment]:0 The Fire Department maintains fire engines and firefighters to prevent and put out fires in the city. 消防局会对消防车进行维护以及雇用消防员,以维持城市中的消防安全。
SERVICE_DESC[Police]:0 The Police Department enforces the law in the city and keeps crime in check. 警察局负责城市的维安以及打击犯罪。
SERVICE_DESC[Beautification]:0 Decoration services allow you to build parks or plazas. 装饰服务让你可以在城市中建造公园、广场。
SERVICE_DESC[PublicTransport]:0 Public Transportation provides your citizens and tourists with alternatives to private car use. 公共交通服务为您的市民和游客提供除私家车以外的出行选项。
SERVICE_DESC[Monuments]:0 Unique buildings are attractions that draw in tourists. Each Unique Building is unlocked separately and has its own requirements. 独特建筑可以吸引游客。每个独特建筑都有其独有的解锁条件,满足条件便可解锁相应的独特建筑。
PDX_STEAM_ERRORMESSAGE[Fail]:0 Request to Steam services timed out. Make sure you are logged in on Steam and running Steam client in online mode. 游戏平台服务申请超时。请确保已登入游戏平台账号并处于在线状态。
PDX_STEAM_ERRORMESSAGE[Timeout]:0 Request to Steam services timed out. Make sure you are logged in on Steam and running Steam client in online mode. 游戏平台服务申请超时。请确保已登入游戏平台账号并处于在线状态。
PDX_STEAM_ERRORMESSAGE[not-authorized]:0 Seems that your Steam account hasn’t been connected to any Paradox Account yet. You can connect the accounts after logging in with your Paradox Account. 似乎您的平台帐户尚未关联任何Paradox帐户,请使用Paradox帐户登录后关联。
PDX_STEAM_ERRORMESSAGE[existing-steam-to-account-connection]:0 A Steam connection already exist for this Paradox account. 本Paradox账号已关联了游戏平台账号
RESOURCEDESCRIPTION[Paper]:0 Paper is produced by Pulp Mills and Biomass Pellet Plants. 纸由纸浆厂和生物质颗粒工厂生产而来。
RESOURCEDESCRIPTION[Grain]:0 Crops are produced by all farming industry area extractor buildings and by zoned farming industry. 农作物由所有农业区提取建筑和分区农业生产而来。
RESOURCEDESCRIPTION[Petroleum]:0 Petroleum is produced by Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plants and Waste Oil Refining Plants. 石油由油渣热解工厂和废油精炼工厂生产而来。
RESOURCEDESCRIPTION[Plastics]:0 Plastics are produced by Naphtha Cracker Plants and Petrochemical Plants. 塑料是由石脑油裂解厂和石油化工厂所制造的。
RESOURCEDESCRIPTION[PlanedTimber]:0 Planed Timber is produced by Engineered Wood Plants and Saw Mills. 刨光木材由工程木工厂和锯木厂生产而来。
RESOURCEDESCRIPTION[Glass]:0 Glass is produced by Glass Manufacturing Plants and Fiberglass Plants. 玻璃由玻璃制造厂或玻璃纤维厂生产而来。
RESOURCEDESCRIPTION[Metals]:0 Metals are produced by Ore Grinding Mills and Rotary Kiln Plants. 金属由磨矿厂和回转窑工厂生产而来。
RESOURCEDESCRIPTION[AnimalProducts]:0 Animal Products are produced by Animal Pastures, Cattle Sheds, Milking Parlours and Slaughterhouses. 动物制品由动物牧场、家畜棚、挤奶室和屠宰场生产而来。
RESOURCEDESCRIPTION[Flours]:0 Flour is produced by Flour Mills. 面粉由磨粉机生产而来。
RESOURCEDESCRIPTION[None]:0 No resource is set to be stored. 没有设置要储存的资源。
RESOURCEDESCRIPTION[Ore]:0 Ore is mined by ore industry extractor buildings and zoned ore industry. 矿石主要由矿业开采设施和矿业分区开采而来。
RESOURCEDESCRIPTION[Oil]:0 Oil is obtained by oil industry extractor buildings and zoned oil industry. 石油主要由石化工业开采设施和石化工业分区产出而来。
RESOURCEDESCRIPTION[Logs]:0 Raw Forest Products are produced by forestry industry extractor buildings and zoned forest industry. 林产品材料主要由林业工业开采设施和林业工业分区产出而来。
RESOURCEDESCRIPTION[LuxuryProducts]:0 Anything produced by a Unique Factory is a luxury product and can be sold in commercial zones. 独特工厂生产的产品都是可拿到商业区贩卖的奢侈品。
RESOURCEDESCRIPTION[Food]:0 Zoned industry of the farming specialization produces farming products. 农业专精分区行业产出农产品。
RESOURCEDESCRIPTION[Coal]:0 Zoned industry of the ore specialization produces ore products. 矿业专精分区行业产出矿产。
RESOURCEDESCRIPTION[Petrol]:0 Zoned industry of the oil specialization produced oil products. 石化专精分区行业产出石化产品。
RESOURCEDESCRIPTION[Lumber]:0 Zoned industry of the forestry specialization produces forestry products. 林业专精分区行业产出林产品。
RESOURCEDESCRIPTION[Goods]:0 Generic industry areas turn products of specialized industry areas into goods, which can be sold in commercial zones. 一般工业区将分区行业产出的产品加工成可运到商业区进行贩卖的商品。
PAUNLOCKINGPANEL_DONTSHOWAGAIN_INDUSTRY:0 Don’t notify me when an industry area levels up 工业区升级时不要通知我
OPTION_INDUSTRYLEVELUPNOTIFICATIONS:0 Hide industry area level-up notifications 隐藏工业区升级通知
INDUSTRYOVERVIEW_TITLE:0 Industry Areas Overview 工业区总览
INDUSTRYOVERVIEW_INDUSTRYCOUNT:0 Industry Area Count: {0} 工业区数量:{0}
INDUSTRYUNLOCKINGPANEL_LEVELBONUS:0 Level bonuses: {0}, {1}. 等级加成:{0}, {1}。
INUDSTRYBUILDING_PROCESSINGTOOLTIP:0 This building turns {0} into {1}. 这座建筑将{0}变为{1}。
INDUSTRYBUILDING_EXTRACTINGTOOLTIP:0 This building produces {0}. 这座建筑生产{0}。
EXPENSES_TT_INDUSTRY:0 Weekly Garbage Service & Industry Area Expenses 每周垃圾服务和工业区费用
WAREHOUSEPANEL_CAPACITY:0 Capacity: {0} 容量:{0}
INCOME_TT_TOTAL_ROADTOLLS:0 Weekly Total Income from Road Tolls 每周过路费的总收入
VARIATIONBUILDING_COLLAPSED_TOOLTIP:0 Can’t choose variations for a collapsed building. 无法从倒塌的建筑中选择变化
ECONOMYPANEL_TOOLTIP_INDUSTRIAL_PLAYERINDUSTRY:0 Weekly income from zoned industry and industry areas 分区工业和工业区的每周收入
INDUSTRYPANEL_EFFICIENCY_TOOLTIP:0 The efficiency bonus makes Extractors and Processing Buildings in the area process resources faster. 效率奖励使区域内的开采设施和加工设施的效率得以提升。
INDUSTRYPANEL_POLLUTION_TOOLTIP:0 The higher the industry level, the less pollution is caused by Extractors and Processing Buildings in it. 工业区的等级越高,开采设施和加工设施所造成的污染就越小。
UFPANEL_MATERIALCOST_TOOLTIP:0 Value of the resources used to make the end product per week. 每周生产所消耗的资源量。
UFPANEL_PRODUCTIONVALUE_TOOLTIP:0 Value of the factory output per week. 每周工厂的产出量。
INDUSTRYUNLOCKINGPANEL_AREABONUSES:0 Area bonuses: {0}, {1}. 区域奖励:{0}, {1}。
AREABONUSES_TOOLTIP:0 The area bonuses are the sum of the bonuses from the area level and auxiliary buildings. 区域奖励是区域等级和其附属建筑奖励的总和。
DLCPANEL_INDUSTRIES:0 Industries DLC 《工业》下载内容
DLCPANEL_SYNTHETICDAWN:0 Synthetic Dawn DLC 《机械黎明》下载内容
INDUSTRYPANEL_TOTALUPKEEP:0 Total upkeep: {0} 总维修费用:{0}
INDUSTRYPANEL_TOTALUPKEEP_TOOLTIP:0 The combined upkeep of all industry buildings in the area. 区域内所有工业建筑的总维修费用。
UNIQUEFACTORYPANEL_SLIDERDISABLEDTOOLTIP:0 Can not adjust production rate because the building is turned off 由于该建筑当前已被关闭,无法调整其生产率
INDUSTRYPANEL_NOMAINBUILDING:0 Main building not working 主建筑未在运作
INDUSTRYPANEL_NOMAINBUILDING_TOOLTIP:0 This industry area does not get level bonuses or new levels because the main building is either inactive or collapsed. 由于主建筑未在运作或已倒塌,此工业区无法升级或获得升级奖励。
EXPENSES_TT_PLAYERINDUSTRY:0 Weekly Industry Area Expenses 每周工业区开销
INFO_INDUSTRY_UFANDWAREHOUSES:0 Warehouses and Unique Factories 仓库和独特工厂
UNIQUEFACTORYPANEL_RESOURCEEXPENSES:0 Weekly Resource Acquisition Expenses 每周资源获取开销
INDUSTRYPANEL_NOPRODUCTIONBUILDING:0 There is no building in this industry area that can produce {0}. 本工业区内没有能够产出{0}的设施。
RESOURCE_CANBEIMPORTED:0 Can be imported. 可进口。
RESOURCE_CANBEIMPORTED_COST:0 Can be imported at a cost. 可亏本进口。
RESOURCE_CANNOTBEIMPORTED:0 Cannot be imported, has to be produced locally. 无法进口,只能本地生产。
RESOURCE_CANBEEXPORTED:0 Can be exported. 可出口。
RESOURCE_CANBEEXPORTED_COST:0 Can be exported for money. 可出口盈利。
RESOURCE_CANNOTBEEXPORTED:0 Cannot be exported. 无法出口。
RESOURCE_STOREINSTORAGEBUILDING:0 Can be stored in {0} storage buildings. 可存放至{0}存储设施内。
RESOURCE_STOREINWAREHOUSE:0 Can be stored in warehouses. 可存放至仓库内。
CHIRP_FIRST_POST_OFFICE:0 I didn't even realise I had some postcards to send! #howdidiforget I didn't even realise I needed this #essential #mail 都差点忘了还有明信片要寄出去! #真是老糊涂了 没想到我会需要寄明信片 #重要事情 #邮件
CHIRP_FIRST_POST_SORTING_FACILITY:0 I am happy to know that now my grandma's birthday gift won't get lost in all the unsorted mail! #sorted #truck #cake 现在我总算不用担心寄给姥姥的生日礼物不会丢失在堆积成山的包裹海中了! #分拣 #邮车 #蛋糕
CHIRP_NEW_TOLL_BOOTH:0 Hopefully this will fix the traffic in this city! #trafficjam #toll #boothed 希望交通堵塞会从此改善吧! #交通堵塞 #公路收费站
CHIRP_NEW_TOLL_BOOTH:1 Where can I buy maps? I need to plan my route better to avoid #toll #booths. 哪里可以买到这城市的地图?我要规划条避开收费站的路线 #公路收费站
CHIRP_NEW_TOLL_BOOTH:2 Do they accept card in the #toll #booth or do I need to keep coins with me now? 这里的 #公路收费站 能刷卡了吗?还是说得先准备好零钱?
CHIRP_NEW_TOLL_BOOTH:3 Another #tollbooth to provide even more #job #opportunities 又来了个 #收费站。不过也算是多了些 #就业机会
CHIRP_FIRST_CARGO_AIRPORT:0 Yes!! It's time for #airmail #cargo #airport 太好了!终于等到了! #航空邮递 #货运飞机场
CHIRP_FIRST_CARGO_AIRPORT_HUB:0 Cargo airport and cargo railway station together? I just hope we have enough trucks. #cargo #industrialboom 货运飞机场和货运火车站?真是双喜临门啊。 #货运 #工业发展
CHIRP_FIRST_BAKERY:0 The cake is not a lie! #bakery #colossalcakes #happycake #happylife 人生或许充满谎言,但至少这蛋糕是真实的! #面包店 #巨型蛋糕 #生日蛋糕 #美好人生
CHIRP_FIRST_LEMONADE_FACTORY:0 Sweet lemonade, sweet sweet lemonade #lemontree 美味的柠檬汽水 #柠檬树
CHIRP_FIRST_FOOD_FACTORY:0 All those ready made meals save up so much time! Thank you!! #hungry #busy #solution 这些熟食品真是太方便了!节省了我大量时间! #吃货 #工作繁忙 #快餐
CHIRP_FIRST_CLOTHING_FACTORY:0 Everyone loves new locally produced, quality clothes! #local #fashion 人人都爱穿本土生产的优质衣服! #本土文化 #时尚潮流
CHIRP_FIRST_FURNITURE_FACTORY:0 Finally we have our own #furniture #factory! Getting our beds from another city was such a #hassle!!! 我们终于拥有自己的 #家具制作厂 了!再也不用跑去其他城市买床具那么 #麻烦 了!
CHIRP_FIRST_MODULAR_HOUSE_FACTORY:0 All these house modules are so pretty and afforable! Three cheers for #easy #living! 这些组合式房屋好漂亮好便宜!再也不用担心奔波劳碌一辈子都买不起房了! #房价 #房奴
CHIRP_FIRST_SOFT_PAPER_FACTORY:0 Ah.. softer than ever #sosoft #localwood #softpaper 啊……非一般的柔软 #好柔软 #本土木材 #软纸
CHIRP_FIRST_PRINTING_PRESS:0 #breaking #news the #printing #press is up and working! #大新闻 #好消息! #印刷厂 #成功 运作起来了!
CHIRP_FIRST_TOY_FACTORY:0 I always dreamed of working in a #toy #factory. 我一直很憧憬到 #玩具制作厂 上班。
CHIRP_FIRST_HOUSEHOLD_PLASTIC_FACTORY:0 Plastic bags, plastic bottles and plastic containers as far as the eye can see. Let's just hope they don't end up in the #ocean! #dream #greencity 到处都是塑料袋、塑料瓶、以及塑料容器。希望这些塑料的最终归宿不会是 #海洋! #梦想 #环保
CHIRP_FIRST_SNEAKER_FACTORY:0 Don't tell the boss but everyone at #sneaker #factory is trying to sneak past the boss to leave early #secret #mystery 我跟你讲,你可别告诉老板哦!其实 #运动鞋制作厂 的所有员工都千方百计地想要提早下班 #秘密 #保守秘密
CHIRP_FIRST_PETROLEUM_REFINERY:0 This is where the #magic happens! Now where's my car? #petroleum #refinery 这里是 #奇迹 诞生的地方。不过话说回来我都还买不起车! #石油 #提炼
CHIRP_FIRST_CAR_FACTORY:0 Make way for the new shiny cars! #wroom! #industrialboom #campervans 新车下线了! #买车 #工业发展 #露营车
CHIRP_FIRST_DRY_DOCK:0 I did always wonder how those gigantic #cruise #ships got built. 一直都很好奇那些巨型 #游轮 是如何造出来的。
CHIRP_FIRST_ELECTRONICS_FACTORY:0 No more imported #smartphones for me! 终于可以买到国产 #手机 了!
CHIRP_FIRST_INDUSTRIAL_STEEL_PLANT:0 You need to work hard to play hard #metal #iron #sweating 要想日子过得好,工作就得多辛劳 #金属 #钢铁 #干活
CHIRP_FIRST_WAREHOUSE_YARD:0 Look at all these goods! #industrialboom #warehouse #yard 多到数不完的货物! #工业发展 #仓库 #场地
CHIRP_FIRST_SMALL_WAREHOUSE:0 #small and cozy #warehouse and also super #compact! 小#仓库也有大用场!#麻雀虽小五脏俱全 #人生第一个仓库
CHIRP_FIRST_MEDIUM_WAREHOUSE:0 About time we got a new #warehouse! #more #productivity 总算等到换新 #仓库 的日子了! #提高 #生产力
CHIRP_FIRST_LARGE_WAREHOUSE:0 Filling this warehouse is going to be impressive! #productivity #efficiency 这个仓库可以容纳好多好多货物啊! #生产 #效率
CHIRP_FIRST_FARM_MAIN_BUILDING_LEVEL_01:0 Great to see #farm #industry appreciated! Can't wait what there is in store for us in the future #farmlife #4ever 很欣慰 #农业 #领域 没有被抛弃!很期待 #农场生活 的未来发展 #棒棒哒
CHIRP_FIRST_FARM_MAIN_BUILDING_LEVEL_02:0 Peace and quiet and now with highspeed internet. What else could anyone ask for? #farmlife #modernage 这里景色宜人,还配备了光纤网络。人生如此,夫复何求? #农场生活 #现代化
CHIRP_FIRST_FARM_MAIN_BUILDING_LEVEL_03:0 Can't believe how big our farm has grown! Keep on farming! #farmlife #4ever #newcrops #moo! 难以置信我们的农场都发展到这种规模了!农民最棒! #农场生活 #棒棒哒 #新的农作物 #正能量
CHIRP_FIRST_FARM_WORKERS_BARRACKS:0 Aaah! Finally a good place to rest after a long day in the fields. #worker #farmlife 啊!在田里忙了一整天,终于可以好好休息了。 #员工 #农场生活
CHIRP_FIRST_FARM_MAINTENANCE_BUILDING:0 I love this! Now I am able to keep all my #tools organised! 这建筑太实用了!现在我可以把 #工具 系统化地整理起来了!
CHIRP_FIRST_BARN_01:0 Loving this #farmlife 我爱 #农场生活 !
CHIRP_FIRST_BARN_02:0 You never get tired to the peaceful sight of a beautiful barn. #farmlife 青葱的农地景色真是让人百看不厌。 #农场生活
CHIRP_FIRST_GRAIN_SILO_01:0 I used to play hide and seek in a grain silo as a child. #childhood #memories #farmlife 我小时候经常在粮仓里玩捉迷藏。 #童年 #回忆 #农场生活
CHIRP_FIRST_GRAIN_SILO_02:0 Is this where the grain goes to sleep? #curious #farmlife 这里就是存放谷物的地方吗? #好奇 #农场生活
CHIRP_FIRST_CATTLE_SHED:0 Time to feed the #cattle! #farmlife #dreamjob 该去喂 #牛群 了! #农场生活 #理想职业
CHIRP_FIRST_SLAUGHTER_HOUSE:0 What's that sound? Uhh.. Nothing to see here, as long I get my burgers #blissful #ignorance 你听见什么了?呃...别多管闲事。等着用这肉做汉堡呢 #幸福 #无忧无虑
CHIRP_FIRST_MILKING_PARLOUR:0 Moo? Moo. #milk #industrialboom 哞?哞。 #牛奶 #工业发展
CHIRP_FIRST_FLOUR_MILL:0 It's time to share your best cake recipes because the Flour Mill is on! #cake 面粉厂建设起来了!还不快跟大家分享你的蛋糕制作配方?! #蛋糕
CHIRP_FIRST_CROP_FIELD_01:0 Rise and shine! It's to grow some #delicious #crops 一日之计在于晨!是时候开始 耕种 #农作物 了
CHIRP_FIRST_CROP_FIELD_02:0 I know just how rewarding it feels to see your crop flourish. #green #thumb 看到自己的庄稼在茁壮成长的感觉真是充满成就感 #青葱 #一级棒
CHIRP_FIRST_CROP_FIELD_03:0 Call me crazy but I love the sound of #combine #harvester in the morning! 不怕你笑话,我每天早上要是没听见 #多用途 #收割机的轰鸣声就会浑身不自在。
CHIRP_FIRST_CROP_FIELD_GREENHOUSE_01:0 Is this the place where all the #greenhouse #gases come from? #worried #温室 #温室效应就是来自这种地方的吗? #忧虑
CHIRP_FIRST_CROP_FIELD_GREENHOUSE_02:0 Did you know that #greenhouse is also called #glasshouse :o Hopefully no elephants gets to run inside it! 你知道吗?原来 #温室 也被称为 #玻璃暖房 :o 希望那些玻璃不会突然碎裂开来吧!
CHIRP_FIRST_CROP_FIELD_GREENHOUSE_03:0 Can anyone tell me how much #electricity and #water does this #greenhouse need? 有谁知道这个 #温室 需要多少 #电力 和 #水 来维持运作吗?
CHIRP_FIRST_FRUIT_FIELD_01:0 My favourite fruit is #strawberry What's yours? :) #strawberryseason 我最爱吃的水果是 #草莓。你呢? :) #草莓季
CHIRP_FIRST_FRUIT_FIELD_02:0 Can't wait to taste the #lemonade made from these juicy #fruits! 很期待享用这些多汁的 #水果 做出来的#柠檬汽水 !
CHIRP_FIRST_FRUIT_FIELD_03:0 Does anyone know if they are using #pesticides on these fruits? #worried 有人知道这些水果其实是喷射过 #杀虫剂 的吗? #担忧
CHIRP_FIRST_FRUIT_FIELD_GREENHOUSE_01:0 Strawberries all throught the year? :o unbelieveable #strawberrydream #strawberryseasons 一年四季都能吃到草莓? :o 真是难以置信 #草莓梦成真 #草莓季
CHIRP_FIRST_FRUIT_FIELD_GREENHOUSE_02:0 This is not how nature ment the fruits to grown! #unnatural #freethefruits 这是有违大自然定律的种植方式! #违和 #解救水果
CHIRP_FIRST_FRUIT_FIELD_GREENHOUSE_03:0 I have always wanted a greenhouse. But maybe this is a bit of an overkill #greenhouse #fruitoverdose 我一直都很想拥有属于自己的温室。但是这个 #温室 的规模有点夸张了 #水果太多
CHIRP_FIRST_ANIMAL_PASTURE_01:0 I love #animals and that's why I love working at the #animalpasture and make sure the animals do well <3 我很喜欢 #小动物 所以我选择在 #动物牧场 工作以照顾它们 <3
CHIRP_FIRST_ANIMAL_PASTURE_02:0 Wow. Much moo. Many oink. So Baa! #farmlife #animalpasture [哇]![牛],[猪头],[白羊] #农场生活 #动物牧场
CHIRP_FIRST_FORESTRY_MAIN_BUILDING_LEVEL_01:0 Couldn't be prouder that we chose renewable #forestry in the #industrialboom! 很庆幸我们在这场#工业发展 中选择了环保的 #林业
CHIRP_FIRST_FORESTRY_MAIN_BUILDING_LEVEL_02:0 The #forest #industry is standing proud and tall just like the trees! #leaves4ever #treesarelife #林业 #领域依然走势强劲! #叶子万岁 #树木最棒
CHIRP_FIRST_FORESTRY_MAIN_BUILDING_LEVEL_03:0 Quality of the #wood #products have never been this good! #qualityassured #proud #tall #growingstrong #木材 #制品的质量又更上一层楼了! #质量保证 #自豪 #直立 #蒸蒸日上
CHIRP_FIRST_FORESTRY_WORKERS_BARRACKS:0 You know you had a good day when you have your stomach full and a soft bed. #worker #forestry 只要能吃饱喝足能睡个安稳觉,那就万事足矣。 #员工 #林业
CHIRP_FIRST_FORESTRY_MAINTENANCE_BUILDING:0 Taking care of the tools is also taking care of the trees and nature #dull #blade #trees4life 照顾工具就等于照顾树木和大自然 #迟钝 #刀刃 #树木最棒
CHIRP_FIRST_LOG_YARD_01:0 Chop chop! #lumberjack 砍树!接着砍树! #樵夫
CHIRP_FIRST_LOG_YARD_02:0 Has anyone seen my axe? #wheresmyaxe #axegate 有谁看见我的斧头了吗? #我的斧头呢 #斧头门
CHIRP_FIRST_SAW_DUST_STORAGE:0 The saw #dust is a #must for #particleboards #furniturefactory! #锯屑是 #木屑板 #家具制作厂 #必不可少 的原材料!
CHIRP_FIRST_WOOD_CHIP_STORAGE:0 Wood chirp.. I mean chip storage is an essestial component in the #pulping process! #pulpmill 木屑是 #纸浆 制作过程中必不可少的关键材料之一 #纸浆厂
CHIRP_FIRST_SAW_MILL:0 Remember what life was like before #Saw #Mill? 还记得 #锯木 #工厂 出现之前的生活吗?
CHIRP_FIRST_ENGINEERED_WOOD_PLANT:0 They surely have the biggest #wood #chipper in town in there. I hope it's blue. 这个 #木片 #削机 不愧是城里最大规模的。希望是蓝色喷漆的吧。
CHIRP_FIRST_BIOMASS_PELLET_PLANT:0 What an impressive factory! Big enough to produce #biomass #pellets for everyone! 好壮观的工厂!这个规模完全可以生产出足够满足所有人需求的 #生物物质 #颗粒肥料 !
CHIRP_FIRST_PULP_MILL:0 What's that smell? Oh, it's the Pulp Mill... #nose #knows 这是什么味道?哦,一定是纸浆的异味…… #天不知地不知 #鼻子知
CHIRP_FIRST_TREE_SAPLING_01:0 Awww, they are so cute! #sapling #nurture 哇,好可爱的小东西! #树苗 #培育
CHIRP_FIRST_TREE_SAPLING_02:0 Look at them #saplings! They are already growing so #strong! 瞧瞧这些 #树苗 !都长得这么 #茁壮 了!
CHIRP_FIRST_TREE_PLANTATION_01:0 There is something hypnotic watching them trees growing in rows #hypnotized #order 不知怎么,看着它们成长会有种 #舒缓心情 的 #效果
CHIRP_FIRST_TREE_PLANTATION_02:0 Anyone know any good "Knock knock" jokes? #wood #bored #treeplantation #worker 谁来说些好笑的笑话打发时间吧? #树林 #无聊 #植树 #员工
CHIRP_FIRST_TREE_PLANTATION_03:0 Let's all make bird houses to go alongside the #tree #plantation! #harmony #savethebluebirds 咱们不如在 #树林 #园地 旁边建设一排鸟舍吧? #亲近大自然 #拯救蓝鸟
CHIRP_FIRST_TREE_SAPLING_GREENHOUSE_01:0 Amazing that we have the #technology to grow #trees even during the #winter times! #wow 很惊讶现在的 #科技 都发展到 #冬天 都可以 #植树 了! #厉害了
CHIRP_FIRST_TREE_SAPLING_GREENHOUSE_02:0 A house for trees! How adorable! *‿* #treesaplings #trees4life 给树木建设个家园!它们长得好可爱! *‿* #树苗 #大爱树木
CHIRP_FIRST_OIL_MAIN_BUILDING_LEVEL_01:0 So happy that our mayor chose to go for #oil #industry! I welcome all the new jobs! #industrialboom 很庆幸市长最终选择了 #石油 #行业!很期待它会带来的就业机会! #工业发展
CHIRP_FIRST_OIL_MAIN_BUILDING_LEVEL_02:0 Oil industry is doing better than ever! #oil #industry Even more #jobs and #income on our way! 石油工业发展蒸蒸日上! #石油 #工业 现在我们的城市会迎来更多的 #就业机会 和 #收入 了!
CHIRP_FIRST_OIL_MAIN_BUILDING_LEVEL_03:0 It's time to push this #industrialboom into #overdrive! 是时候#全力推行 这个 #工业发展 趋势了!
CHIRP_FIRST_OIL_WORKERS_BARRACKS:0 Already feels like #home now, has anyone seen my keys? #tired #lockedout 好困好想 #回家 ,有谁看见我的钥匙吗? #疲倦 #钥匙丢了
CHIRP_FIRST_OIL_MAINTENANCE_BUILDING:0 Hooray! No more disorganised tool sheds! #worker #improvement 好咧!终于能够整齐地排列好所有工具了! #员工生活 #改善
CHIRP_FIRST_OIL_PUMP_01:0 It's time to pump that #black #gold! #yeeehaw! 是时候去开采 #黑金 了! #欧耶!
CHIRP_FIRST_OIL_PUMP_02:0 Who is supervising the safety of #oil #pumps? The oil company? #concerned 那些 #油泵 的安全性是由谁来监督的?石油公司? #担忧
CHIRP_FIRST_OIL_DRILLING_RIG_01:0 Working at the rigs is a true and an honest work #hardjob #slippery 在钻油平台上工作最重要是能吃苦 #工作不易 #且行且珍惜
CHIRP_FIRST_OIL_DRILLING_RIG_02:0 I love the smell of freshly drilled #oil in the morning #drilling #rigged 每天一觉醒来能闻到 #石油 的味道是 #最幸福的 #钻油
CHIRP_FIRST_OFFSHORE_OIL_DRILLING_PLATFORM:0 What a life I'm living! Feeling the #wind and #sea on my skin feels invigorating #oil #offshore #worker #blessed 好幸福的生活!时刻能享受到 #海风 #轻抚皮肤 #钻油 #平台 #员工 #感恩
CHIRP_FIRST_CRUDE_OIL_TANK_FARM_01:0 I wish these #oil #tank #farms were giant marshmallows instead... 要是这些 #石油贮存库 都是些巨型的棉花糖就好了……
CHIRP_FIRST_CRUDE_OIL_TANK_FARM_02:0 Can we see these from outer space? #curious #oil #tank #farm #pimples 从外太空看地球能看到这些建筑吗? #好奇 #石油贮存库 #鸡皮疙瘩
CHIRP_FIRST_CRUDE_OIL_STORAGE_CAVERN:0 It's like a swimming pool! Except it's more sticky, black and it's full of #oil #unhealty #lifestyle 感觉像个泳池!只是更加粘稠黑乌乌以及充满 #石油 #不健康 #生活方式
CHIRP_FIRST_OIL_INDUSTRY_STORAGE:0 I hope there's no #oil #spill in the future... 希望不会发生什么 #石油 #泄漏 事故吧……
CHIRP_FIRST_OIL_SLUDGE_PYROLYSIS_PLANT:0 Oil sludge treatment is the top investment to make! Do not #waste oil or environment! 油污处理是不能被轻视的!减少 #浪费石油 和污染环境!
CHIRP_FIRST_WASTE_OIL_REFINING_PLANT:0 Three cheers for the mayor! No more oil that goes to #waste anymore and pollute the #soil or #water 为市长点个赞!现在再也不会 #浪费 石油以及污染 #土壤 或 #海水 了
CHIRP_FIRST_PETROCHEMICAL_PLANT:0 You would think #oil #industry had the resources to do something about all the factory #noise!! #石油工业 赚了那么多钱,也不见把钱用来降低工厂的 #噪音污染
CHIRP_FIRST_NAPHTHA_CRACKER_PLANT:0 The #naphtha #cracker is not food! It is in fact a flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixture! #themoreyouknow #石脑油裂解混合物 其实这是一种易燃的液态烃混合物! #学海无涯
CHIRP_FIRST_ORE_MAIN_BUILDING_LEVEL_01:0 Ready to work! #underground #treasures #mines 开始干活了! #地底 #宝藏 #矿场
CHIRP_FIRST_ORE_MAIN_BUILDING_LEVEL_02:0 So rewarding to see all the hard work finally #pay off! #ore #industry 努力终于收到 #回报 了! #矿业
CHIRP_FIRST_ORE_MAIN_BUILDING_LEVEL_03:0 #ore #industry is booming! #矿业 在蓬勃发展!
CHIRP_FIRST_ORE_WORKERS_BARRACKS:0 Perfect place to #relax after a long day in the #mines 在#矿场 辛劳一天后最适合 #消遣 的地方
CHIRP_FIRST_ORE_MAINTENANCE_BUILDING:0 Excellent choice! Ore production will get to new heights now! #ore #industryboom 明智的决定!现在矿产随时会刷上新巅峰了! #矿业 #发展
CHIRP_FIRST_ORE_MINE_01:0 Look at all that #ore. Beautiful! 瞧瞧那些 #矿石。多么的美丽!
CHIRP_FIRST_ORE_MINE_02:0 Ooh! Shiny! #precious #ore 闪闪发亮的 #珍贵 #矿石
CHIRP_FIRST_ORE_MINE_03:0 We will be able #craft all kind of goods from the #ore found from this #mine ain't that sweet :) 从这个 #矿场 找到的各种 #矿石 足以让我们 #合成 各种实用的好东西 :)
CHIRP_FIRST_ORE_MINE_UNDERGROUND_01:0 This reminds me of dungeon in #chirps and #dungeons #loot #adventure 让我联想起 #地牢 #掠夺 #冒险 #征途
CHIRP_FIRST_ORE_MINE_UNDERGROUND_02:0 Jackpot! #rich #ore #treasure 福星高照! #发财 #矿石 #宝藏
CHIRP_FIRST_SEABED_MINING_VESSEL:0 Has anyone seen the #mining #vessel? 有人看见那艘 #采矿船 吗?
CHIRP_FIRST_RAW_MINERAL_STORAGE:0 Good call! Proper storage facilities save both #time and #environment. 明智的决定!仓库设施可以大幅节省 #时间 并且 #环保。
CHIRP_FIRST_ORE_STORAGE:0 Excellent that we now we have a proper place to store all that #ore. 终于有专用的地方来存放那些 #矿石 了。
CHIRP_FIRST_SAND_STORAGE:0 Imagine if a #tornado would hit the #sand #storage that would create an epic #sandstorm! 那个 #沙子 #仓库要是被 #龙卷风 袭击的话,那一定会生成 #沙尘暴!
CHIRP_FIRST_ORE_INDUSTRY_STORAGE:0 I much rather see #ore stored than #oil. 换做是我的话我会优先保存 #矿石 而不是 #石油。
CHIRP_FIRST_GLASS_MANUFACTURING_PLANT:0 I didn't even realize how much #glass is needed in #industrialboom. This plant came in the nick of time! 没料到 #工业发展 会消耗如此多的 #玻璃。这植物真是及时雨 啊!
CHIRP_FIRST_FIBERGLASS_PLANT:0 Process of making #fiberglass is called #pultrusion #wiser #bytheday 玻璃纤维的制作程序是叫作 #挤压拉伸法 #活到老 #学到老
CHIRP_FIRST_ORE_GRINDING_MILL:0 Cover your ears! The new Ore Grinding Mill is finally operational! #industrialboom 快捂住耳朵!全新的磨矿机开始运作了! #工业发展
CHIRP_FIRST_ROTARY_KILN_PLANT:0 Who has seen Rotary Kiln plant in action? Anyone want to give me a tour? #pyroprocessing #curious 有谁参观过回转窑厂?可以当我的导游吗? #高温加工 #好奇
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP7:0 What is taking Post Office so long? Are they mowing the lawn or what? #lostpackage #postapocalypse #mailfail 邮政局是吃干饭的吗?还要等多久才能收到我的递件? #包裹丢失 #快递灾难 #邮件危机
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP7:1 I just sent a letter to my self #mailfail #dumb #lonely 我刚刚寄了一封给自己的信 #空虚 #寂寞 #注孤生
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP7:2 There is story behid the Toy Factory, I'm sure of it #story #toys #printing #press 这家玩具厂和玩具总动员什么关系? #经历 #玩具 #印刷 #厂
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP7:3 Is it sneaker or sneakers factory? #important #questions #investigating 这是运动鞋厂吗? #关键 #问题 #调查
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP7:4 In what country the kebab animals live in? #delicious #kebabanimal #wherefrom 烤肉串的肉是来自什么国家的? #美味 #烤肉串 #来历
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP7:5 Doesn't the toll booths violate my freedom of movement? #raising #questions #giveanswers 收费站算不算是侵犯我的个人权益? #诉求 #问题 #要求答案
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP7:6 I wonder what the bluebird nuggets taste like #curious #bluebird #bluenuggets 很好奇蓝鸟肉块会是什么味道的? #好奇 #蓝鸟 #蓝鸟肉块
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP7:7 I once tasted a Naphtha Cracker, not recommended #yuck! #badidea #notjuicy 我曾经尝过石脑油饼干!难吃极了! #恶心 #后悔 #不好吃
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP7:8 Love the #historical and #old buildings in our town <3 Can we somehow keep them preserved? 我最喜欢参观城里的 #历史性 #旧建筑 <3 可以永远不要拆迁它们吗?
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP7:9 Oh wow! Strawberries are expensive! :o but still so #worthit #strawberryseason #juicy :) 哇!草莓好贵也!:o 不过一分钱一分货 #值得 #草莓季 #多汁 :)
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP7:10 Old MacChirpnald had a #farm #eieiO! #farmlife 麦啾啾有个 #农场 #咿呀咿呀喔 #农场生活
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP7:11 One sheep, two sheep, three sheep... #sleep #farmlife 门前大桥下游过一群鸭,快来快来数一数,二四六七八…… #睡觉 #农场生活
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP7:12 Can the #robots join the #workersunion? #roborights #机器人 能否加入 #工会 ? #机器人权益
THEME_NAME_PROPERTIES[COMMERCIAL_LOW_NAMELevel1]:0 Level 1 Low Density Commercial Buildings 1级低密度商业建筑
THEME_NAME_PROPERTIES[COMMERCIAL_LOW_NAMELevel2]:0 Level 2 Low Density Commercial Buildings 2级低密度商业建筑
THEME_NAME_PROPERTIES[COMMERCIAL_LOW_NAMELevel3]:0 Level 3 Low Density Commercial Buildings 3级低密度商业建筑
THEME_NAME_PROPERTIES[COMMERCIAL_HIGH_NAMELevel1]:0 Level 1 High Density Commercial Buildings 1级高密度商业建筑
THEME_NAME_PROPERTIES[COMMERCIAL_HIGH_NAMELevel2]:0 Level 2 High Density Commercial Buildings 2级高密度商业建筑
THEME_NAME_PROPERTIES[COMMERCIAL_HIGH_NAMELevel3]:0 Level 3 High Density Commercial Buildings 3级高密度商业建筑
THEME_NAME_PROPERTIES[OFFICE_NAMELevel1]:0 Level 1 Office Buildings 1级办公建筑
THEME_NAME_PROPERTIES[OFFICE_NAMELevel2]:0 Level 2 Office Buildings 2级办公建筑
THEME_NAME_PROPERTIES[OFFICE_NAMELevel3]:0 Level 3 Office Buildings 3级办公建筑
THEME_NAME_PROPERTIES[INDUSTRIAL_NAMELevel1]:0 Level 1 Generic Industrial Buildings 1级工业通用建筑
THEME_NAME_PROPERTIES[INDUSTRIAL_NAMELevel2]:0 Level 2 Generic Industrial Buildings 2级工业通用建筑
THEME_NAME_PROPERTIES[INDUSTRIAL_NAMELevel3]:0 Level 3 Generic Industrial Buildings 3级工业通用建筑
THEME_NAME_PROPERTIES[EXTRACTOR_NAMEIndustrialForestry]:0 Forest Industry Extractor Buildings 林业开采建筑
THEME_NAME_PROPERTIES[EXTRACTOR_NAMEIndustrialFarming]:0 Farming Industry Extractor Buildings 农业开采建筑
THEME_NAME_PROPERTIES[EXTRACTOR_NAMEIndustrialOil]:0 Oil Industry Extractor Buildings 石油业开采建筑
THEME_NAME_PROPERTIES[EXTRACTOR_NAMEIndustrialOre]:0 Ore Industry Extractor Buildings 矿业开采建筑
THEME_NAME_PROPERTIES[INDUSTRIAL_NAMEIndustrialForestry]:0 Forest Industrial Zoned Buildings 林业工业区建筑
THEME_NAME_PROPERTIES[INDUSTRIAL_NAMEIndustrialFarming]:0 Farming Industrial Zoned Buildings 农业工业区建筑
THEME_NAME_PROPERTIES[INDUSTRIAL_NAMEIndustrialOil]:0 Oil Industrial Zoned Buildings 石油业工业区建筑
THEME_NAME_PROPERTIES[INDUSTRIAL_NAMEIndustrialOre]:0 Ore Industrial Zoned Buildings 矿业工业区建筑
THEME_NAME_OVERRIDE:0 Override Default Names 覆盖默认名字
THEME_NAME_OVERRIDE_TOOLTIP:0 If checked, only custom names are used. Empty categories will not override default names. 勾选后,游戏只会使用自定义名字。空置的分类是不会覆盖默认名字的。
THEME_NAME_SEPARATE_LAST:0 Separate Male and Female Last Names 分开男性与女性的姓氏
THEME_NAME_SEPARATE_LAST_TOOLTIP:0 If checked, use different last names for male and female citizens. 勾选后,游戏会按照男性与女性居民来分配姓氏。
THEME_WORLD_NAME:0 Random Names 随机名字
AIINFO_POST_OFFICE_VEHICLE_COUNT:0 Post van count: {0} 邮政货车数:{0}
AIINFO_POST_SORTING_VEHICLE_COUNT:0 Post truck count: {0} 邮政卡车数:{0}
AIINFO_POST_SORTING_RATE:0 Sorting rate: {0:N0} pieces of mail per week 分拣速度:每周{0:N0}件邮件
AIINFO_POST_OFFICE_VEHICLES:0 Post vans in use: {0} / {1} 使用中的邮政货车:{0} / {1}
AIINFO_POST_SORTING_VEHICLES:0 Post trucks in use: {0} / {1} 使用中的邮政卡车:{0} / {1}
AIINFO_POST_SORTED_MAIL:0 Sorted mail: {0:N0} / {1:N0} 已分拣的邮件:{0:N0} / {1:N0}
VEHICLE_STATUS_POST_VEHICLE_WAIT:0 Deciphering unclear address 正在处理地址不完整的邮件
VEHICLE_STATUS_POST_VEHICLE_RETURN:0 Returning to facility 正在返回设施
VEHICLE_STATUS_POST_VEHICLE_MOVING:0 Transporting mail to 正在运输邮件至
AIINFO_INDUSTRY_VEHICLE_COUNT:0 Freight truck count: {0} 货物卡车数:{0}
AIINFO_INDUSTRY_PRODUCTION_RATE:0 Production rate: {0:N0} units per week 生产速度:每周{0:N0}单位
AIINFO_INDUSTRY_VEHICLES:0 Freight trucks in use: {0} / {1} 使用中的货物卡车:{0} / {1}
TOOL_EXTRACTION_ESTIMATE:0 Estimated production: {0:N0} units per week 预计生产力:每周{0:N0}单位
AIINFO_TOLL_BOOTH_CAPACITY:0 Capacity: {0} lanes 最大兼容:{0}通道
AIINFO_TOLL_BOOTH_CAPACITY2:0 Capacity: {0} + {1} lanes 最大兼容:{0} + {1}通道
AIINFO_INDUSTRY_WORK_EFFICIENCY:0 Work efficiency: {0}% 运作效率:{0}%
AIINFO_INDUSTRY_STORAGE_EFFICIENCY:0 Storage efficiency: {0}% 储存效率:{0}%
WAREHOUSEPANEL_STOREDRESOURCE_TWO:0 Stored resource: {0} 已储存的资源:{0}
WAREHOUSEPANEL_RESOURCE[Logs]:0 Raw Forest Products 林业初级制品
WAREHOUSEPANEL_RESOURCE[AnimalProducts]:0 Animal Products 畜产品
WAREHOUSEPANEL_RESOURCE[PlanedTimber]:0 Planed Timber 刨平木材
WAREHOUSEPANEL_RESOURCE[Petroleum]:0 Petroleum 石油
WAREHOUSEPANEL_RESOURCE[LuxuryProducts]:0 Unique Factory Products 独特工厂产品
WAREHOUSEPANEL_RESOURCE[Food]:0 Zoned Industry – Farming Products 已分区行业——农业产品
WAREHOUSEPANEL_RESOURCE[Coal]:0 Zoned Industry – Ore Products 已分区行业——矿业产品
WAREHOUSEPANEL_RESOURCE[Petrol]:0 Zoned Industry – Oil Products 已分区行业——石化产品
WAREHOUSEPANEL_RESOURCE[Lumber]:0 Zoned Industry – Forestry Products 已分区行业——林业产品
WAREHOUSEPANEL_RESOURCE[Goods]:0 Commercial Zones – Goods 商业区 – 货物
WAREHOUSEPANEL_MODE[Balanced]:0 Balanced 平衡
WAREHOUSEPANEL_STORAGEMODE_TOOLTIP:0 Depending on the storage mode, the warehouse will try to do one of the following things:

Balanced: Aim to keep the storage half full and half empty Fill: Aim to keep the storage full by acquiring the resource Empty: Aim to empty the storage by selling the resource

Results may vary depending on supply and demand for the resource.


平衡:仓库会尽量保持半满状态 满载:仓库会通过收购资源来尽量保持满载状态 空置:仓库会通过出售资源来尽量保持空置状态


WAREHOUSEPANEL_EMPTYINGOLD:0 Emptying previous resource! 清空当前的资源
WAREHOUSEPANEL_EMPTYINGOLD_TOOLTIP:0 The resource you selected will be stored as soon as the warehouse has been emptied from the previous one. 一等仓库清空完毕当前所储存的资源后,就能够开始储存你刚刚所选择的资源了。
INFO_INDUSTRY_TITLE:0 Industry Areas 工业区
INFO_POST_TITLE:0 Post Offices 邮政局
INFO_POST_BUILDING:0 Post Offices 邮政局
INFO_INDUSTRY_BUILDINGS:0 Industry Buildings 工业建筑
UNIQUEFACTORYPANEL_PRODUCT[Clothing Factory 01]:0 Clothes 衣服
UNIQUEFACTORYPANEL_PRODUCT[Electronics Factory 01]:0 Electronics 电器
UNIQUEFACTORYPANEL_PRODUCT[Food Factory 01]:0 Food Products 食品
UNIQUEFACTORYPANEL_PRODUCT[Furniture Factory 01]:0 Furniture 家具
UNIQUEFACTORYPANEL_PRODUCT[Household Plastic Factory 01]:0 Plastic Products 塑料制品
UNIQUEFACTORYPANEL_PRODUCT[Industrial Steel Plant 01]:0 Steel Products 钢材
UNIQUEFACTORYPANEL_PRODUCT[Lemonade Factory 01]:0 Lemonade 柠檬汽水
UNIQUEFACTORYPANEL_PRODUCT[Modular House Factory 01]:0 House Parts 房屋配件
UNIQUEFACTORYPANEL_PRODUCT[Petroleum Refinery 01]:0 Fuels 燃料
UNIQUEFACTORYPANEL_PRODUCT[Printing Press 01]:0 Printed Products 印刷品
UNIQUEFACTORYPANEL_PRODUCT[Sneaker Factory 01]:0 Sneakers 运动鞋
UNIQUEFACTORYPANEL_PRODUCT[Soft Paper Factory 01]:0 Paper Products 纸制品
UNIQUEFACTORYPANEL_RATE:0 Production Rate: 生产速度:
FIELDVARIATION[Crop Field Corn 01]:0 Corn 玉米
FIELDVARIATION[Crop Field Potato 01]:0 Potatoes 土豆
FIELDVARIATION[Crop Field Wheat 01]:0 Wheat 小麦
FIELDVARIATION[Crop Field Cotton 01]:0 Cotton 棉花
FIELDVARIATION[Crop Field Green House 01]:0 Greenhouse 温室
FIELDVARIATION[Crop Field Wheat 02]:0 Wheat 小麦
FIELDVARIATION[Crop Field Potato 02]:0 Potatoes 土豆
FIELDVARIATION[Crop Field Corn 02]:0 Corn 玉米
FIELDVARIATION[Crop Field Cotton 02]:0 Cotton 棉花
FIELDVARIATION[Crop Field Green House 02]:0 Greenhouse 温室
FIELDVARIATION[Crop Field Corn 03]:0 Corn 玉米
FIELDVARIATION[Crop Field Cotton 03]:0 Cotton 棉花
FIELDVARIATION[Crop Field Potato 03]:0 Potatoes 土豆
FIELDVARIATION[Crop Field Wheat 03]:0 Wheat 小麦
FIELDVARIATION[Crop Field Green House 03]:0 Greenhouse 温室
FIELDVARIATION[Fruit Field Green House 01]:0 Greenhouse 温室
FIELDVARIATION[Fruit Field Apple 01]:0 Apples 苹果
FIELDVARIATION[Fruit Field Orange 01]:0 Oranges 柑橘
FIELDVARIATION[Fruit Field Pear 01]:0 Pears 梨子
FIELDVARIATION[Fruit Field Green House 02]:0 Greenhouse 温室
FIELDVARIATION[Fruit Field Orange 02]:0 Oranges 柑橘
FIELDVARIATION[Fruit Field Apple 02]:0 Apples 苹果
FIELDVARIATION[Fruit Field Pear 02]:0 Pears 梨子
FIELDVARIATION[Fruit Field Green House 03]:0 Greenhouse 温室
FIELDVARIATION[Fruit Field Apple 03]:0 Apples 苹果
FIELDVARIATION[Fruit Field Orange 03]:0 Oranges 柑橘
FIELDVARIATION[Fruit Field Pear 03]:0 Pears 梨子
FIELDVARIATION[Animal Pasture 01 Highland Cow]:0 Highland Cows 高地牛
FIELDVARIATION[Animal Pasture 01 Pig]:0 Pigs
FIELDVARIATION[Animal Pasture 01 Sheep]:0 Sheep 绵羊
FIELDVARIATION[Animal Pasture 02 Highland Cow]:0 Highland Cows 高地牛
FIELDVARIATION[Animal Pasture 02 Pig]:0 Pigs
FIELDVARIATION[Animal Pasture 02 Sheep]:0 Sheep 绵羊
FIELDVARIATION[Tree Plantation Alder 01]:0 Alder 桤木
FIELDVARIATION[Tree Plantation Beech 01]:0 Beech 榉木
FIELDVARIATION[Tree Plantation Conifer 01]:0 Conifer 针叶木
FIELDVARIATION[Tree Sapling Field 01]:0 Field 田地
FIELDVARIATION[Tree Sapling Green House 01]:0 Greenhouse 温室
FIELDVARIATION[Tree Plantation Alder 02]:0 Alder 桤木
FIELDVARIATION[Tree Plantation Beech 02]:0 Beech 榉木
FIELDVARIATION[Tree Plantation Conifer 02]:0 Conifer 针叶木
FIELDVARIATION[Tree Sapling Field 02]:0 Field 田地
FIELDVARIATION[Tree Sapling Green House 02]:0 Greenhouse 温室
FIELDVARIATION[Tree Plantation Alder 03]:0 Alder 桤木
FIELDVARIATION[Tree Plantation Beech 03]:0 Beech 榉木
FIELDVARIATION[Tree Plantation Conifer 03]:0 Conifer 针叶木
FIELDVARIATION[Animal Pasture 01]:0 Cows
FIELDVARIATION[Animal Pasture 02]:0 Cows
INDUSTRYPANEL_INPUT[Oil]:0 Oil Acquisition 收购石油
INDUSTRYPANEL_INPUT[Ore]:0 Ore Acquisition 收购矿石
INDUSTRYPANEL_INPUT[Farming]:0 Crops Acquisition 收购农作物
INDUSTRYPANEL_INPUT[Forestry]:0 Raw Forest Products Acquisition 林业初级制品获取
INDUSTRYPANEL_RAWRESOURCE[Forestry]:0 Raw Forest Products 林业初级制品
INDUSTRYPANEL_OUTPUT_LEFT[Farming]:0 Flour Output 面粉输出
INDUSTRYPANEL_OUTPUT_LEFT[Forestry]:0 Paper Output 纸张输出
INDUSTRYPANEL_OUTPUT_RAW[Farming]:0 Crops Output 农作物输出
INDUSTRYPANEL_OUTPUT_RAW[Forestry]:0 Raw Forest Products Output 林业初级制品输出
INDUSTRYPANEL_OUTPUT_RIGHT[Farming]:0 Animal Products Output 畜产品输出
INDUSTRYPANEL_OUTPUT_RIGHT[Forestry]:0 Planed Timber Output 刨平木材输出
INDUSTRYPANEL_BUFFERTOOLTIP:0 Storage: {0} / {1} 储存:{0} / {1}
INDUSTRYPANEL_OVERVIEWBUTTON:0 Industry Areas Overview 工业区概览
INDUSTRYPANEL_PRODUCTIONREQUIREMENT:0 Produced resource units until next level: {0} / {1} 距下一等级所需生产的资源单位:{0} / {1}
INDUSTRYPANEL_PRODUCTION:0 Produced resource units: {0} 已生产的资源单位:{0}
INDUSTRYPANEL_WORKERSREQUIREMENT:0 Workers until next level: {0} / {1} 距下一等级所需的工人数:{0} / {1}
INDUSTRYPANEL_WORKERS:0 Workers: {0} 工人:{0}
INDUSTRYPANEL_NOSPECIALIZATION:0 This industry area has no specialization. Build an industry area main building of either farming, forestry, ore or oil specialization. 此工业区尚未被分配专精。请在工业区范围内建设农业、林业、矿业、或石化业的主楼设施。
INDUSTRYPANEL_EFFICIENCY:0 Efficiency: {0}% 效率:{0}%
INDUSTRYPANEL_POLLUTION:0 Pollution: {0}% 污染:{0}%
INDUSTRYPANEL_OWNPRODUCTION_TOOLTIP:0 Resources that are produced within this industry area 本工业区范围内所生产的资源
INDUSTRYPANEL_IMPORT_TOOLTIP:0 Resources that are imported from either buildings outside this industry area or outside the city 从城市外或从本工业区范围外入口进来的资源
INDUSTRYPANEL_OUTPUTINCOME_TOOLTIP:0 Weekly Income from Selling the Resource 每周出售资源所获得的收入
INDUSTRYPANEL_ACQUISITIONCOST_TOOLTIP:0 Weekly Cost of Importing the Resource 每周入口资源所花费的成本
ZONEDBUILDING_HISTORICALBUILDING_TOOLTIP:0 A historical building can still level up, but its visual appearance will be preserved. 历史性建筑依然可以照常升级,只是其外观会保留不变。
ECONOMYPANEL_IPC_INDUSTRYAREASINCOME:0 {0} of your income comes from industry areas. 你的{0}收入是来自工业区。
ECONOMYPANEL_IPC_INDUSTRYAREASEXPENSES:0 {0} of your expenses come from industry areas. 你的{0}花费是来自工业区。
ECONOMYPANEL_IPC_ROADTOLLSINCOME:0 {0} of your income comes from road tolls. 你的{0}收入是来自通行费。
ECONOMYPANEL_ROADTOLLS_TOOLTIP:0 Income from Road Tolls 来自通行费的收入
INCOME_TT_ROADTOLLS:0 Weekly Road Toll income 每周通行费收入
PROFIT_TT_TOTAL_INDUSTRYAREAS:0 Weekly total Industry Areas profit 每周工业区收入总额
CITYSERVICEPANEL_SMALLVEHICLES:0 Price for Small Vehicles 小型车辆的通行费
CITYSERVICEPANEL_LARGEVEHICLES:0 Price for Large Vehicles 大型车辆的通行费
ECONOMYPANEL_INDUSTRYAREAS_TOOLTIP:0 Income and expenses from Industry Areas 工业区财政概览
FREEWHATSNEW8_TITLE1:0 Toll Booths and new policy 收费站和新政策
FREEWHATSNEW8_TEXT1:0 Build road tolls to add an extra payment for going to certain areas. Road Tolls are connected to road network and all traffic driving through the toll must slow down at the booths and pay a fee. You can adjust ticket pricing with a slider. Enabling new Automated Toll city policy makes passing the toll booths faster but with reduced income. 设立过路费增加前往某些区域的额外收费。过路费需要连接至道路网络,并且所有通过的车辆必须在收费站处减速并支付费用。你可以使用滚动条来调整票价。启用新的自动收费城市政策能够让车辆更快地通过收费站,但收入会有所下降。
FREEWHATSNEW8_TITLE2:0 Historical Buildings 历史建筑
FREEWHATSNEW8_TEXT2:0 Zoned buildings can now be marked as Historical Building. Historical buildings have their visual style preserved but they will still advance in levels normally. 分区建筑现在可以被标记为历史建筑。历史建筑的视觉风格会被保留,但仍然会正常地升级。
FREEWHATSNEW8_TITLE3:0 Custom name lists 自定义名称列表
FREEWHATSNEW8_TEXT3:0 Create custom name lists for citizens, districts and for spawned buildings. Name lists are tied to custom map themes and can be edited through Theme Editor. 为市民、区域和生成的建筑创建自定义名称列表。名称列表与自定义地图主题相关,并且可以在主题编辑器中进行编辑。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW8_TEXT1:0 Create Industry Areas of various shapes and sizes with Industry Area tool and determine the Industry Area type with four Industry Area Main Buildings. Main Buildings allow level progression and work as a headquarter for city services inside your Industry Area. Level up the areas to unlock new industrial buildings and features. 用工业区工具创建不同形状和大小的工业区,并使用四个工业区主建筑来决定工业区类型。主建筑允许升级,并且在你的工业区中作为城市服务的总部。升级区域来解锁新的工业建筑和功能。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW8_TITLE2:0 Production Chain Management 生产线管理
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW8_TEXT2:0 Place highly specialized industrial buildings to build and manage the production chain from the raw material extraction up to the final end product. Can you master a well-managed and balanced production chain? 放置高度专业化的工业建筑来建造和管理从原材料提取到最终产品的生产线。你能掌控一条管理有序和平衡的生产线吗?
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW8_TEXT3:0 Cargo Airport and Cargo Airport Hub with a built-in cargo train station offer a new way to export and import resources into your city. 货物机场和内建货物火车站的的货物机场枢纽为你的城市提供了进出口资源的全新方式。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW8_TITLE4:0 Warehouses and Storage Facilities 仓库和储存设施
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW8_TEXT4:0 Warehouses and Raw Storage Facilities have three operating modes to choose from. Stored resources can be used later in the production chain or exported for profit. Warehouses and Raw Storage Facilities can be placed outside of the Industry Area to help manage the transportation of resources inside and out of your city. Raw Storage facilities store raw materials harvested by extractors and help provide a steady flow of raw resources further down the production chain. 仓库和原材料储存设施有三种操作模式可供选择。已储存的资源可以在以后用于生产线或出口来获得利润。仓库和原材料储存设施可以被放置在工业区以外,帮助管理城市内外的资源运输。原材料储存设施储存着由提取器收集而来的原材料,并进一步为生产线提供源源不断的原材料资源。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW8_TITLE5:0 New industry buildings 新工业建筑
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW8_TEXT5:0 From the Extractors harvesting raw materials to the marvellous Unique Factories the new buildings are there for you to experiment with Industry Areas production chains. All new auxiliary, production, roads or other industry buildings have a role to play in managing your industry areas.

Aside from providing gameplay challenges the wide variety of new assets will also improve the look of your countryside or the skyline of your city.



EXPANSIONWHATSNEW8_TEXT8:0 Help your city grow into a booming industrial city with the new worker models. Spot the farmers tending to the animals or oil workers pumping the black gold. 使用新的工人模型来帮助你的城市成长为一座蓬勃发展的工业城市。聚焦农民照料动物或者石油工人抽取黑色黄金。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW8_TEXT6:0 Applying new City Policies and Industry Policies allow you to make the citizens happy and Industry Area even more efficient. 应用新的城市政策和工业政策能够让你的市民高兴,让工业区更加高效。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW8_TEXT7:0 Five new maps rich in natural resources and good opportunities for transportation provide interesting locations where to build your Industry Areas! 五个拥有丰富自然资源和良好交通机会的新地图提供了建造你的工业区的有趣位置!
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW8_TITLE9:0 New Unique Factories 新独特工厂
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW8_TEXT9:0 Unique Factories are new buildings that produce Luxury Products. Unique Factories usually require several different types of Special Goods and lots of workers, water and electricity to work, but when the production chains are well-maintained they will also give a boost to your economy! 独特工厂是用于生产奢侈品的新建筑。独特工厂通常需要若干不同类型的特殊商品以及大量工人、水和电力,但是一旦生产线得到良好的维护,它们也会促进你的经济!
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW8_TITLE10:0 Post City Service 邮政城市服务
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW8_TEXT10:0 A new city service now delivers mail to the citizens! Post Offices handle mail distribution and collection locally around the city with Post Vans. Post Sorting Facilities store mail and distributes it between local Post Offices. Post Sorting Facilities also handle long distance mail through outside connections with Post Trucks. 新的城市服务现在为市民们提供投递邮件的服务!邮局使用邮政车在城市周围处理邮件分发和收集。邮政分拣设施储存邮件并在本地的邮局间进行分发。邮政分拣设施还会通过与邮政卡车的接驳处理远距离的邮件。
CAMPUSPANEL_OPENPASTYEARREPORTS:0 Show past year reports 显示往年报告
YEARREPORT_STOPBOTHERINGME:0 Don’t notify me when an academic year ends 学年结束时不要提醒我
DLCPANEL_DEEPFOCUS:0 Deep Focus DLC 《深度聚焦》 下载内容
DLCPANEL_CAMPUSRADIO:0 Campus Radio DLC 《校园电台》 下载内容
OPTION_HIDEYEARREPORTS:0 Hide academic year reports 隐藏学年报告
YEARREPORT_TROPHIES:0 Sports Trophies Won 赢得的体育奖杯
EVENT_CANCELLED_TOOLTIP:0 A match is cancelled if the building hosting it is switched off or

otherwise disabled during the match.

DLCPANEL_MODDERPACKFOUR:0 University City DLC 《大学城》 下载内容
YEARREPORT_LEVELBONUSES_TOOLTIP:0 The level bonuses the campus will have during the next year. 校园明年将获得的等级奖励。
YEARREPORT_TUITIONBONUS:0 Tuition fees: {0} / student 学费:{0} / 学生
YEARREPORT_TUITIONBONUS_TOOLTIP:0 The weekly tuition fee income per student. 每名学生每周缴纳的学费。
YEARREPORT_EXCHANGESTUDENTBONUS:0 Exchange student bonus: {0} 交换学生奖励:{0}
YEARREPORT_EXCHANGESTUDENTBONUS_TOOLTIP:0 Exchange students come from far away to study at this campus and are part of tourism. 交换学生从远方来到这座校园学习,并计入旅游业。
YEARREPORT_UNLOCKED:0 Unlocked By New Reputation Level 由新校园声望等级解锁
OPTIONS_NOFIRESPREADING:0 Disable fire spreading 火灾不会蔓延
CAMPUSPANEL_NOTENOUGHMONEY:0 You don’t have enough money to do this. 你没有足够的钱。
CAMPUSPANEL_ADMINBUILDINGDISABLED_TOOLTIP:0 The campus area will get no tuition fees as long as the administration building is not working. 当行政大楼未运作时,校园区域将无法收到学费。
CAMPUSPANEL_ADMINBUILDINGDISABLED:0 Administration building not working! 行政大楼未运作!
YEARREPORT_REPLEVELACHIEVED:0 Reputation Level Achieved 已达到声望等级
PREVIOUSYEAR[Last]:0 Last Year 去年
PREVIOUSYEAR[TwoAgo]:0 2 Years Ago 2年前
PREVIOUSYEAR[ThreeAgo]:0 3 Years Ago 3年前
PREVIOUSYEAR[FourAgo]:0 4 Years Ago 4年前
PREVIOUSYEAR[FiveAgo]:0 5 Years Ago 5年前
PREVIOUSYEAR[SixAgo]:0 6 Years Ago 6年前
PREVIOUSYEAR[SevenAgo]:0 7 Years Ago 7年前
PREVIOUSYEAR[EightAgo]:0 8 Years Ago 8年前
PREVIOUSYEAR[NineAgo]:0 9 Years Ago 9年前
PREVIOUSYEAR[TenAgo]:0 10 Years Ago 10年前
CAMPUSLEVEL[None]:0 Unrecognized 默默无闻
CAMPUSLEVEL[Level1]:0 Unrecognized 默默无闻
CAMPUSLEVEL[Level2]:0 Recognized 认可
CAMPUSLEVEL[Level3]:0 Renowned 知名
CAMPUSLEVEL[Level4]:0 Acclaimed 闻名
CAMPUSLEVEL[Level5]:0 Prestigious 著名
BUDGET_INFO_CAMPUS[Education]:0 Schools, Universities, and Campus Areas with a high budget can teach more students. 预算更多的学校、大学和校园区域可以教育更多学生。
BUDGET_INFO_CAMPUS[Monuments]:0 Unique Buildings and Museums create more happiness and increase city attractiveness with more funding. 预算更多的独特建筑和博物馆可以提升更多幸福度与城市吸引力。
INFO_CAMPUS_LIBERALARTS:0 Liberal Arts College 文科学院
CITYSERVICE_WONDEREFFECTTOGGLE_TOOLTIP:0 Enable this option to prevent the Hadron Collider from providing University education in your city. 开启该选项防止强子对撞机在你的城市提供大学教育。
AIINFO_ACADEMICWORKSCHANCE:0 Total Academic Work chance: {0} 总学术作品几率:{0}
INFO_EDUCATION_BUILDING:0 Elementary Schools 小学
INFO_EDUCATION_BUILDING:2 University Buildings 大学建筑
INFO_EDUCATION_BUILDING:3 Campus Buildings 校园建筑
INFO_EDUCATION_BUILDING:4 Public Libraries 公共图书馆
MAIN_TOOL_CAMPUS[Education]:0 Education and Campus Areas 教育与校园区域
CAMPUSPANEL_ACADEMICWORKS_DESCRIPTION:0 Academic works can be created at the end of each academic year.

They are required to level up the campus area and can be displayed in museums to increase city attractiveness.

A campus has a chance to create one academic work per 500 students each academic year, up to a maximum of 4 academic works per academic year.

An additional academic work can be funded through a research grant.





CAMPUSPANEL_ACADEMICWORKS_CHANCE:0 Academic work creation chance: 学术作品创作几率:
CAMPUSPANEL_VARSITY_MAXATTRACTIVENESSREACHED:0 You have reached the varsity sports campus attractiveness limit. 你已达到校队体育校园吸引力上限。
CAMPUSPANEL_VARSITYSPORTS_CHEERLEADINGTOOLTIP:0 Cost: {0} / arena / week 成本:{0} / 竞技场 / 周
CAMPUSPANEL_LEVELDOWNRISK:0 You are set to lose {0} campus reputation {1} at the end of this academic year.

You must fulfil the reputation requirements to maintain your current level.



CAMPUSPANEL_VARSITYSPORTS_COACHCOSTTOOLTIP:0 Cost: {0} / coach / week 成本:{0} / 教练 / 周
CAMPUSPANEL_VARSITYSPORTS_SPONSORLOCKED:0 Reach Acclaimed campus area reputation 校园区域声望达到“闻名”
CAMPUSPANEL_NOADMINBUILDING:0 This campus area has no administration building.

Build a Trade School, Liberal Arts College, or University administration building.



CAMPUSPANEL_PROGRESS_ENDSIN:0 Ends in {0} weeks 于{0}周后结束
CAMPUSPANEL_GRADUATESTHISYEAR:0 Graduates this year: {0} 今年毕业生:{0}
CAMPUSPANEL_REP:0 Reputation Level: {0} 声望等级:{0}
CAMPUSPANEL_TOTALWORKS:0 Total Academic Works Created: {0} 创作的学术作品总数:{0}
CAMPUSPANEL_REQ_WORKS:0 Academic Works: {0} / {1} 学术作品:{0} / {1}
CAMPUSPANEL_REQ_GRADUATES:0 Students Graduated: {0} / {1} 毕业生:{0} / {1}
CAMPUSPANEL_REQ_ATTRACTIVENESS:0 Attractiveness: {0} / {1} 吸引力:{0} / {1}
CAMPUSPANEL_REPREQUIREMENT:0 Requirements for next Reputation Level: 达成下一声望等级的条件:
CAMPUSPANEL_RESEARCHGRANTS:0 Give a Research Grant 给予研究授予
CAMPUSPANEL_GRANTCHOSEN:0 Funding granted for: {0} 资金授予:{0}
CAMPUSPANEL_ALLWORKSACHIEVED:0 Everything has already been researched. 所有都已经研究过了。
CAMPUSPANEL_TUITIONFEES_TOOLTIP:0 Every student pays tuition fees. The higher the campus reputation, the more students are willing to pay. 每个学生都要支付学费。校园声望越高,学生愿意支付的费用就越多。
CAMPUSPANEL_UPKEEP_TOOLTIP:0 The combined upkeep cost of all campus buildings. 所有校园建筑的综合维护费用。
CAMPUSPANEL_STUDENTCAPACITY:0 Student Capacity: {0} / {1} 学生容量:{0} / {1}
CAMPUSPANEL_TAB_SPORTS:0 Varsity Sports 校队体育
CAMPUSPANEL_OVERVIEW:0 Campus Area Overview 校园区域概况
CAMPUSPANEL_CAMPUSINFO:0 Campus Area Info 校园区域信息
CAMPUSPANEL_VARSITYSPORTS_DISABLED:0 Build an arena on campus 在校园里建造一座竞技场
CAMPUSPANEL_VARSITYPOLICIES:0 Varsity Sports Policies 校队体育政策
CAMPUSPANEL_VARSITYSPORTS_TABDISABLED:0 Build an arena on campus to unlock this feature 在校园区域内建立竞技场以解锁此功能
CAMPUSPANEL_ACADEMICSTAFF_COST:0 Cost: {0} / academic staff / week 成本:{0} / 学术人员 / 周
CAMPUSPANEL_ACADEMICSTAFF_COUNT:0 Academic Staff: {0} 学术人员:{0}
CAMPUSPANEL_PROGRESSSTUDENTCOUNT:0 Students: {0} / {1} 学生:{0}/{1}
CAMPUSPANEL_CAMPUSATTRACTIVENESS:0 Campus Attractiveness: {0} / {1} 校园吸引力:{0}/{1}
CAMPUSPANEL_ACADEMICWORKS:0 Academic Works: {0} / {1} 学术作品:{0}/{1}
CAMPUSPANEL_LOSELEVELWARNING:0 The requirement for staying at the current reputation level is not met! 未满足维持当前声望等级的需求!
CAMPUSPANEL_BUILDINGS:0 Campus Buildings 校园建筑
CAMPUSPANEL_BUILDINGUPKEEP:0 Campus Building Upkeep 校园建筑维护费
CAMPUSPANEL_VSEXPENSES:0 Varsity Sports Expenses 校队体育开支
CAMPUSPANEL_AWCHANCE_TOOLTIP:0 The chance of creating an academic work is between {0} and {1}, depending on how many academic staff have worked on the campus during the year and building bonuses. A campus with a lot of students might even create multiple academic works! 创作学术作品的几率在{0}到{1}之间,具体取决于学年中有多少学术人员在校园里工作过,以及建筑加成。学生众多的校园甚至可能会创作多个学术作品!
CAMPUSPANEL_VARSITYSPORTS_TROPHIES_TOOLTIP:0 The team wins a trophy if they win most of the varsity sports matches during Academic Year,

including home and away matches. Winning trophies awards prize money and increases campus attractiveness. Effects gained from trophies degrade over time.


包括主场与客场比赛。赢得奖杯可获得奖金,并增加校园吸引力。 奖杯带来的效果会随着时间减弱。


Funding cheerleading increases the varsity team’s chances of winning a varsity sports match (0% - 7%). Cheerleading also increases the Varsity Sports attractiveness effect (0 – 25 points).


资助啦啦队会增加校队赢得校队体育比赛的几率(0% - 7%)。啦啦队也会增加校队体育的吸引力效果(0 – 25 点)。


Hiring more coaching staff increases the chances of winning varsity sports matches. Coaching staff effect is not instantaneous but increases from +0% to +1% per coaching staff member over the span of 40 weeks.




While hired, academic staff accumulate a bonus to the academic work creation change throughout the time span of the academic year.



INFO_CONNECTIONS_EXCHANGESTUDENTS_TITLE:0 Exchange Student Bonus: {0} 交换学生奖励:{0}
INFO_CONNECTIONS_EXCHANGESTUDENTS_TOOLTIP:0 Tourism is increased by this number by exchange students coming to the city. 来这个城市的交换学生促进了旅游业的发展。
YEARREPORT_TOGAPARTY_TEXT:0 Over 9000 white bed sheets were appropriated by students for this year's toga parties. 学生们为今年的长袍派对征用了9000多张白床单。
YEARREPORT_TOGAPARTY_TEXT:1 The groundskeeping staff worked long hours to clean up after toga party. "Some eggs were thrown and bottles broken during the celebrations", commented a representative. 环卫工人们在长袍派对结束后花了很长时间清理场地。一位代表表示,“庆典期间有人扔鸡蛋,还打破了一些瓶子。”
YEARREPORT_TOGAPARTY_TEXT:2 Students used the campus flowerbeds as resource for crafting bedazzling laurel wreaths to complete their toga looks. 学生们用校园的花圃来制作花环,搭配他们的长袍装扮。
YEARREPORT_TOGAPARTY_TEXT:3 The partying spilled to the streets outside the campus area but luckily there wasn't too much property damage. 派对蔓延到了校园之外的街头,但幸好没有造成太大的财产损失。
YEARREPORT_TOGAPARTY_TEXT:4 This year's toga party almost broke the world record of the largest toga party with the highest number of participants in the history of the campus. 今年的长袍派对几乎打破了校园的长袍派对最多参与人数记录。
YEARREPORT_TOGAPARTY_TEXT:5 The toga party aftermath included students missing classes in the morning, people sleeping on the campus lawn and few proactive freshmen decorating the statues found on campus grounds. 长袍派对的后果包括学生缺席早间课程,在校园草坪上呼呼大睡,以及一些积极的新生装点了校园里的各个雕像。
CAMPUSPANEL_STUDENT_CAPACITY_TOOLTIP:0 Maximum capacity of students this Campus Area can hold.

Increase the capacity by placing Campus Buildings and Faculties.



ZONEDBUILDING_TITLE[CommercialLeisure]:0 Commercial Leisure Building 商业休闲建筑
ZONEDBUILDING_TITLE[CommercialTourism]:0 Commercial Tourism Building 商业旅游建筑
ZONEDBUILDING_TITLE[CommercialEco]:0 Commercial Green Building 商业绿色建筑
ZONEDBUILDING_TITLE[ResidentialLow]:0 Low Density Residential Building 低密度住宅建筑
ZONEDBUILDING_TITLE[ResidentialHigh]:0 High Density Residential Building 高密度住宅建筑
ZONEDBUILDING_TITLE[CommercialLow]:0 Low Density Commercial Building 低密度商业建筑
ZONEDBUILDING_TITLE[CommercialHigh]:0 High Density Commercial Building 高密度商业建筑
ZONEDBUILDING_TITLE[Industrial]:0 Industrial Building 工业建筑
ZONEDBUILDING_TITLE[Office]:0 Office Building 办公楼
VARIATIONBUILDING_ONFIRE_TOOLTIP:0 Can’t choose variations for a building that is on fire! 无法为着火的建筑物选择变化!
AIINFO_LIBRARY_VISITORCOUNT:0 Library users in the city: {0} 城市中的图书馆用户:{0}
INFO_EDUCATION_LIBRARYVISITORS:0 Public Library users: {0} 公共图书馆用户:{0}
MUSEUMPANEL_ATTRACTIVENESSINFO:0 Attractiveness: {0} ({1} + {2}) 吸引力:{0}({1} + {2})
MUSEUMPANEL_ACADEMICWORKS:0 Academic works: {0} 学术作品:{0}
MUSEUMPANEL_ACADEMICWORKS_ATTRATIVENESSINFOTOOLTIP:0 Base attractiveness +1 per academic work on display 每个展示中的学术作品+1基本吸引力
MUSEUMPANEL_ACADEMICWORKS_NOWORKSTODISPLAY:0 No academic works to display 没有学术作品要展示
ACADEMICWORK[Artisanry]:0 Ultramoist Apparel 超能保湿衣
ACADEMICWORK[Artisanry]:1 Colossal SwÄg 宽松嘻哈衫
ACADEMICWORK[Artisanry]:2 CUBE clothing 立方形服装
ACADEMICWORK[Artisanry]:3 KoKo-nut shoes 椰子鞋
ACADEMICWORK[Artisanry]:4 Sock Magnet 袜子磁铁
ACADEMICWORK[Artisanry]:5 Parkitextile 田园布料
ACADEMICWORK[Artisanry]:6 Off-fence 特异栅栏
ACADEMICWORK[Artisanry]:7 Smart Suit 智能套装
ACADEMICWORK[Artisanry]:8 Chirpe & Happama 啾啾与哈帕马
ACADEMICWORK[Artisanry]:9 Colossal Cups 巨型杯
ACADEMICWORK[Artisanry]:10 Miniature Skylinecraft 微型天际线生成器
ACADEMICWORK[Artisanry]:11 Hat of many Feathers 插满羽毛的帽子
ACADEMICWORK[Artisanry]:12 Duck Lip 鸭嘴唇
ACADEMICWORK[Artisanry]:13 Nickel free cages 无镍笼
ACADEMICWORK[Artisanry]:14 Humanity Against Chirps 人性对抗啾啾
ACADEMICWORK[Artisanry]:15 Product Chains 产品链
ACADEMICWORK[Hospitality]:0 Skylines GO 冲破天际线
ACADEMICWORK[Hospitality]:1 Attracted and Entertained 风景与娱乐
ACADEMICWORK[Hospitality]:2 Kebab Offline 线下烤肉串
ACADEMICWORK[Hospitality]:3 Connecting the Dots 路点大串联
ACADEMICWORK[Hospitality]:4 Otherworldly Ambient Sounds 绝世环境音效
ACADEMICWORK[Hospitality]:5 Automated Taxi 自动出租车
ACADEMICWORK[Hospitality]:6 Grind-ye-Beans 轻松磨豆
ACADEMICWORK[Hospitality]:7 Virtual City Tours 虚拟城市之旅
ACADEMICWORK[Hospitality]:8 How much is the fish? 这鱼多少钱?
ACADEMICWORK[Hospitality]:9 Bake'N'Drop Cakes 蛋糕速递
ACADEMICWORK[Hospitality]:10 Underground Hotel 地下酒店
ACADEMICWORK[Hospitality]:11 The Order 饱了么
ACADEMICWORK[Hospitality]:12 Recycled Tours 回收旅游
ACADEMICWORK[Hospitality]:13 Virtually healthy 虚拟健康
ACADEMICWORK[Hospitality]:14 Colossal Orderly 燎原清洁
ACADEMICWORK[Hospitality]:15 Automated Visitor Counter 自动访客柜台
ACADEMICWORK[ITAndEngineering]:0 Superloop 超回路
ACADEMICWORK[ITAndEngineering]:1 Chessbot 1.0 象棋机器人 1.0
ACADEMICWORK[ITAndEngineering]:3 Chirpycoin 啾啾币
ACADEMICWORK[ITAndEngineering]:4 Soapbox car 肥皂盒车
ACADEMICWORK[ITAndEngineering]:5 3D Printed Buildings 3D打印型建筑物
ACADEMICWORK[ITAndEngineering]:6 Plant Moisture Monitoring System 植物水分监测系统
ACADEMICWORK[ITAndEngineering]:7 Trolleybus Technology 无轨电车技术
ACADEMICWORK[ITAndEngineering]:8 Skyline of Angry Clashes: Return of Max The Fiend 愤怒冲突天际线:至恶归来
ACADEMICWORK[ITAndEngineering]:9 Intersections 101 横断101
ACADEMICWORK[ITAndEngineering]:10 Chirp Team Racing 啾啾竞速
ACADEMICWORK[ITAndEngineering]:11 Antigravity Drones 反重力无人机
ACADEMICWORK[ITAndEngineering]:12 Travel-Far-Away Gate 任意门
ACADEMICWORK[ITAndEngineering]:13 Ready-to-Mix Concrete 即混的混凝土
ACADEMICWORK[ITAndEngineering]:14 Evaluation of Uneven Pavements 崎岖路面的评估
ACADEMICWORK[ITAndEngineering]:15 Project ChirpX 啾啾X计划
ACADEMICWORK[Cinematography]:0 Citizen Bluebird 西铁城蓝鸟
ACADEMICWORK[Cinematography]:1 Bluebird and the Seven Chirpers 蓝鸟和七只啾啾
ACADEMICWORK[Cinematography]:2 Gone With the Chirp 啾飘
ACADEMICWORK[Cinematography]:3 West Side Chirpy 西区啾啾
ACADEMICWORK[Cinematography]:4 Ultranatural 超自然
ACADEMICWORK[Cinematography]:5 Stranger Synths 诡异合成
ACADEMICWORK[Cinematography]:6 28 Chirps Later 惊变28啾
ACADEMICWORK[Cinematography]:7 Over 9000 Chirps 超过9000啾啾
ACADEMICWORK[Cinematography]:8 Chirp the Barbarian 野蛮人啾啾
ACADEMICWORK[Cinematography]:9 Chirpinator 啾啾
ACADEMICWORK[Cinematography]:10 Lord of the Chirps 啾啾王
ACADEMICWORK[Cinematography]:11 The Blue Knight 蓝骑士
ACADEMICWORK[Cinematography]:12 Requiem for a Chirp 啾啾安魂曲
ACADEMICWORK[Cinematography]:13 Saving Private Bluebird 拯救大兵蓝鸟
ACADEMICWORK[Cinematography]:14 Vanilla Skylines 香草天际线
ACADEMICWORK[Cinematography]:15 Dynamic Water 动态之水
ACADEMICWORK[Music]:0 Piano Chirptet in G Major G大调钢琴啾鸣曲
ACADEMICWORK[Music]:1 The Great Bird's Blues 伟大鸟的蓝调
ACADEMICWORK[Music]:2 Iron Chirper 钢铁啾啾
ACADEMICWORK[Music]:3 Fear of the Chirper 啾啾之惧
ACADEMICWORK[Music]:4 Chirpnation Anthem 啾啾赞歌
ACADEMICWORK[Music]:5 Project Non-Noise 零噪计划
ACADEMICWORK[Music]:6 Opera of Space 太空歌剧
ACADEMICWORK[Music]:7 World music 世界音乐大全
ACADEMICWORK[Music]:8 Sound of Noise 噪音之声
ACADEMICWORK[Music]:9 The Tapping 管弦
ACADEMICWORK[Music]:10 All the Bits 数位无限
ACADEMICWORK[Music]:11 High Rise 平地高升
ACADEMICWORK[Music]:12 City Sounds 城市之声
ACADEMICWORK[Music]:13 Life of a Bug 一只虫子的生命
ACADEMICWORK[Music]:14 Pull the Pork 拉猪肉
ACADEMICWORK[Music]:15 Virtual Skylines 虚拟天际线
ACADEMICWORK[Literature]:0 The Great Chirpy 伟大的啾啾
ACADEMICWORK[Literature]:1 Invisible Chirper 看不见的啾啾
ACADEMICWORK[Literature]:2 The Color Blue
ACADEMICWORK[Literature]:3 Here and There Again 无所不在
ACADEMICWORK[Literature]:4 A Ballad of Blues and Reds: A New Dawn 蓝与红之歌:新的黎明
ACADEMICWORK[Literature]:5 Lord Chirpwick's Biography 啾啾维克大王传记
ACADEMICWORK[Literature]:6 Tales from the Edgelands 边缘之地的故事
ACADEMICWORK[Literature]:7 Skyscrapers and Moose 摩天大楼与麋鹿
ACADEMICWORK[Literature]:8 From Z to A 从Z到A
ACADEMICWORK[Literature]:9 Colosseia 神说
ACADEMICWORK[Literature]:10 Birdie 鸟语者
ACADEMICWORK[Literature]:11 One Thousand and One Chirps 一千零一个啾啾
ACADEMICWORK[Literature]:12 Inside people's homes 家居秘事
ACADEMICWORK[Literature]:13 The Bird and the Cow 鸟与牛
ACADEMICWORK[Literature]:14 The Dazzling Unicorn 了不起的独角兽
ACADEMICWORK[Literature]:15 One-Way Ticket - Tales of Chirpidella 单程票 - 啾啾黛拉的故事
ACADEMICWORK[Dissertation]:0 On Appropriate Titles for Academic Works 论学术作品的恰当标题
ACADEMICWORK[Dissertation]:1 Work: Ready to Work 工作:准备开工
ACADEMICWORK[Dissertation]:2 The Art of Speculation 推测的艺术
ACADEMICWORK[Dissertation]:3 The Flat Chirp Society 啾平说协会
ACADEMICWORK[Dissertation]:4 No Help from Self-Help 自助无助论
ACADEMICWORK[Dissertation]:5 Pathfinding - How to find the way? 寻路 - 如何找到正确的路?
ACADEMICWORK[Dissertation]:6 The Ultimate User-Interface 终极用户界面
ACADEMICWORK[Dissertation]:7 Parks in Parks 园中园
ACADEMICWORK[Dissertation]:8 Advanced Deathcare 高级死亡护理
ACADEMICWORK[Dissertation]:9 Water Simulation 水流模拟
ACADEMICWORK[Dissertation]:10 Colossal Complex 复杂的巨头
ACADEMICWORK[Dissertation]:11 Assured Quality 质量保证
ACADEMICWORK[Dissertation]:12 Chirptology 啾啾学
ACADEMICWORK[Dissertation]:13 To Chirp or not to Chirp 啾啾不啾啾
ACADEMICWORK[Dissertation]:14 Types of Academic Works 学术作品的类型
ACADEMICWORK[Dissertation]:15 Understanding Fluid Dynamics 了解流体动力学
ACADEMICWORK[Discovery]:0 Floating roads 飘浮的道路
ACADEMICWORK[Discovery]:1 Megacell 文字游艺机
ACADEMICWORK[Discovery]:2 Idea box 创意宝箱
ACADEMICWORK[Discovery]:3 The Eternal Cake 永恒蛋糕
ACADEMICWORK[Discovery]:4 Advanced Paint Tool 高级绘图工具
ACADEMICWORK[Discovery]:5 Unearthing Artifacts: The Chirp Pantheon 挖掘古物:啾啾万神殿
ACADEMICWORK[Discovery]:6 Magnets: How Does Attractiveness Work? 磁铁:吸引力如何运作?
ACADEMICWORK[Discovery]:7 Reskin methods for old skin 肌肤重塑
ACADEMICWORK[Discovery]:8 The Missing Link 丢失的环节
ACADEMICWORK[Discovery]:9 Instantaneous results 即时结果
ACADEMICWORK[Discovery]:10 The Universal Solution 通用解法
ACADEMICWORK[Discovery]:11 Carbon Sink 碳吸附
ACADEMICWORK[Discovery]:12 Test Glitches 测试故障
ACADEMICWORK[Discovery]:13 Electricity Storage 电力储存
ACADEMICWORK[Discovery]:14 Alien Interference 外星干扰
ACADEMICWORK[Discovery]:15 Sound Sucker 吸音壁纸
ACADEMICWORK[ScientificStudy]:0 The Theory of Fixing the Traffic 交通难题解决
ACADEMICWORK[ScientificStudy]:1 The Psychology of Colossal Issues 巨大问题的心理学研究
ACADEMICWORK[ScientificStudy]:2 Comprehensive Analysis of Traffic 交通综合分析
ACADEMICWORK[ScientificStudy]:3 Rivers and Erosion 河流与侵蚀
ACADEMICWORK[ScientificStudy]:4 Beyond the Outside Connections 超越外部连接点
ACADEMICWORK[ScientificStudy]:5 Chirps' Effect on Society 唧唧的社会影响
ACADEMICWORK[ScientificStudy]:6 Water Pollution and its effect on health 水污染及其对健康的影响
ACADEMICWORK[ScientificStudy]:7 Why is my City Pretty? 我的城市为什么美?
ACADEMICWORK[ScientificStudy]:8 The Life of A Rock 岩石的生命
ACADEMICWORK[ScientificStudy]:9 Humane or Insane 人道还是疯狂
ACADEMICWORK[ScientificStudy]:10 Imbedding Internet-based systems within City Infrastructures 在城市基础设施中嵌入基于互联网的系统
ACADEMICWORK[ScientificStudy]:11 Impossibility of isolated cities 孤岛城市的不可能性
ACADEMICWORK[ScientificStudy]:12 Grid or no grid? 有格还是无格?
ACADEMICWORK[ScientificStudy]:13 What the Dam 筑起大坝
ACADEMICWORK[ScientificStudy]:14 Poonami 便便狂潮
ACADEMICWORK[ScientificStudy]:15 The Spaghetti Effect 蝴蝶结意面
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Artisanry]:0 Combining old-fashioned and modern styles the Ultramoist Apparel is aiming

to becoming the market leader in swimwear.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Artisanry]:1 These hoodies and shoes crafted with love might just become a new trendsetter. 这些用爱制造的连帽衫和鞋子可能会成为新的潮流引领者。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Artisanry]:2 CUBE clothing is more than clothes, it is an ideology against the modern fashion trends 立方形服装不仅仅是服装,更是一种反对现代时尚潮流的意识形态。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Artisanry]:3 KoKo-Nut shoes are made from 100% recycled coconuts.

This invention came about when a student was stranded on a tropical island.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Artisanry]:4 Individually manufactured magnets snap to lost socks.

Finally a practical but stylish solution for the problem that has been puzzling the academic world for years.



ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Artisanry]:5 This ground-breaking textile is weaved in compliance with organic agricultural standards,

making it the first textile to be 110% organic.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Artisanry]:6 An ambitious and one-of-a-kind backyard fence made entirely

out of toothpicks to oppose the usual mass-produced backyard fences.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Artisanry]:7 From casual to formal, from one colour to another The Smart Suit can even change the its cut.

This is the only suit you will ever need!

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Artisanry]:8 A premium fashion clothing brand for everyday occasions. 适合日常穿着的高级时装品牌。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Artisanry]:9 Innovative solution to the problem when even XL coffee cups are too small.

Colossal Cups come with a carry on bag to hold enough coffee for the entire day.



ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Artisanry]:10 Magnetized building blocks designed by young architect students as a counter strike for digitalization. 由年轻的建筑学生设计的磁化建筑,作为对数字化的反击。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Artisanry]:11 Scavenged from the nature these Feathery Hats are attempting to bring more naturistic touch to the modern fashion. 从大自然中汲取灵感,试图为现代时尚带来更多自然主义风格。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Artisanry]:12 This handcrafted herbal lip balm increases the "puffiness" of lips. Results may vary but they are always visible. 这款手工制作的草本唇膏可增加唇部的“浮肿感”。效果可能会有所不同,但绝对醒目。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Artisanry]:13 Blacksmith students found a way to make birdcages without

using any nickel and now there's finally a cage birds actually enjoy staying in.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Artisanry]:14 A line of special anti-chirper products inspired by the movement under the same name. 一系列特殊的反啾啾产品,灵感来自同名运动。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Artisanry]:15 This innovative alternative to regular ropes speeds up the tying process and secures products 50% more tightly. 这种常规绳索的创新替代方案可加快捆扎过程,并捆扎结实度提高50%。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Hospitality]:0 A game by an innovative student group that augments reality helping tourists find the sights in the cities. 由创新学生团体发明的游戏,可强化现实感,帮助游客在城市中找到景点。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Hospitality]:1 The friendliest travel guide for the most attractive and entertaining places. 最友好的旅游指南,带你游遍最具吸引力和娱乐性的所在。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Hospitality]:2 The ultimate digital detox food! Kebab offline is a service that

delivers delicious kebab straight to your house - mail order now!

终极反数字化食品!线下烤肉串是一项服务,将美味烤肉串直接送到你家 - 立即订购吧!
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Hospitality]:3 A visual guide for people to flawlessly plan their public transportation routes. 帮助人们完美规划公共交通路线的可视化指南。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Hospitality]:4 These ambient sounds follow you everywhere you go and provide unique experiences

where ever you go to make you imagine you actually were there where the sound is from.



ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Hospitality]:5 Experimental service of autonomous taxis. Time will tell if these will be a game changer. 一项自动化出租车的实验服务。时间将证明这些是否会改变交通行业的游戏规则。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Hospitality]:6 Home delivery service of freshly grinded coffee beans! 提供新鲜磨碎的咖啡豆送货上门服务!
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Hospitality]:7 See and traverse through all your favorite cities from the comfort of your couch! 在舒适的沙发上观赏并游遍所有您喜爱的城市!
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Hospitality]:8 A complete analysis of the costs and benefits of fishing tourism. 针对渔业旅游成本和效益的全面分析。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Hospitality]:9 Delivery service for those who find themself in a need for Cake.

Specialized drones bake and deliver cakes tailored to the users wishes.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Hospitality]:10 Revolutionary idea of a hotel complex completely located underground with high resolution displays,

which can show anything that the visitor wishes.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Hospitality]:11 The Order pushed the limits of what school lunches could be,

and now it is aiming to become a global phenomenon.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Hospitality]:12 All the rejected tour concepts crammed into one, cost-efficient and revolutionary tour for all tastes. 所有被推翻的旅游概念都被融入了一种经济高效且具有革命性的旅行中,适合各类需求。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Hospitality]:13 A service platform that heals you at home covering the complete virtual healthcare chain. 一个服务平台,让你安坐家中就能得到治愈,覆盖了整个虚拟医疗链。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Hospitality]:14 A new type of cleaning method that instantly spread like wildfire amongst lazy campus students.

Neat and sure to spark joy!



ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Hospitality]:15 A must-have counter for destinations to keep track of popularity and visitors. 旅游目的地必备的柜台,可对景点热门程度和访客进行数据追踪。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ITAndEngineering]:0 10 times better than a regular loop. 比普通回路好10倍。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ITAndEngineering]:1 Winning in chess just became a whole lot harder as this AI will not let you off easy. 想在国际象棋中取胜变得更加困难,因为这个人工智能的产物绝不会让你轻易得手。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ITAndEngineering]:2 A ground-breaking new programming language revolving around capital letters. 一种围绕大写字母的突破性的全新编程语言。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ITAndEngineering]:3 Cryptocurrency that will try to solve all the issues with other cryptocurrencies. 加密货币将尝试与其他加密货币一起解决所有问题。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ITAndEngineering]:4 This gravity racer is ready to be tested in derby! 这款重力赛车已准备好在德比中大显身手!
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ITAndEngineering]:5 The completion of this project instantly sparked a new project: bigger 3D printers 该项目的完成立即催生了一个新项目:更大的3D打印机
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ITAndEngineering]:6 A response to an increasing need for automated and affordable moisturizing

system for plants available for those who travel a lot.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ITAndEngineering]:7 The old trolleybus technology revamped to fit the needs of cities struggling with pollution. 对旧式无轨电车技术进行了改造,以解决城市污染问题。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ITAndEngineering]:8 A brand new ultimate video game combines everything and provides an exciting single-player campaign.

Will this be a top-grossing hit?

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ITAndEngineering]:9 A visual collection and clear guidelines of the do's and don'ts in intersection building. 一本图文并茂的翔实指南,规定了横断建筑的各种许可与禁忌。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ITAndEngineering]:10 Ice-kart racing video game developed in association with Sweet Bird Entertainment. 与甜鸟娱乐联合开发的冰上卡丁车视频游戏。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ITAndEngineering]:11 This amazing feat of engineering is still on prototype level but it already is showing promising results! 这项令人惊叹的工程技术仍处于原型水平,但已经显示出了非凡的潜力!
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ITAndEngineering]:12 This square gate is theoretically capable of practical rapid travel between two distant locations. 这个方形大门理论上能够让人在两个距离甚远的位置之间快速穿梭。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ITAndEngineering]:13 An engineering project that originated from a baking accident related to ready-to-mix flours. 一个工程学项目,灵感来自于与即食混合面粉有关的烘焙事故。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ITAndEngineering]:14 An engineering project based on citizen reports of uneven pavements and their dangers. 一个基于公民报告不平整路面及其危险的工程项目。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ITAndEngineering]:15 A space program to discover what is beyond the stars. 探索星海的太空计划。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Cinematography]:0 A cinematographic masterpiece that defies the way films are made. 电影摄像术的杰作,定义了电影的制作方式。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Cinematography]:1 Animated film that captivates the hearts of both young and old. 这部动画电影俘获了各个年龄段观众的心。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Cinematography]:2 The Chirp might be gone but this epic romance film is to stay. 就算啾啾已经飘逝无踪,但这部史诗浪漫电影将继续存在。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Cinematography]:3 A musical that has all the potential to become the most popular high school play ever. 这部音乐剧有可能成为有史以来最受欢迎的高中作品。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Cinematography]:4 Web series following two brothers handling everyday chores - and embracing the loyalty and respect between them. 追踪两兄弟是如何处理日常琐事 - 并表现他们之间的忠诚和尊重。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Cinematography]:5 Science fiction film of an old woman fighting prejudices against

her generation while experimenting with synthetic sounds.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Cinematography]:6 Reimagined student-project of a Chirper-globe winning classic film. 在啾像奖某部经典得奖影片的基础上进行二次发挥的学生项目。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Cinematography]:7 Animated short film of the desperate event where a content producer is trying to come up with Chirper content. 一部动画短片,讲述了某内容制作人绝望地构思啾啾创意的故事。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Cinematography]:8 A fantasy film of a young chirper growing up to become a fearless,

invincible fighter who searches the land for a fabled, magical sword.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Cinematography]:9 "There's no mod that can erase this bird". 3D science fiction film packed with action. “没有任何模组可以抹除这只鸟”。 一部3D动作科幻电影。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Cinematography]:10 An epic story about powerful forces, fate of civilizations and Chirps. 荡气回肠的史诗故事,讲述着几股强大势力、文明与啾啾的命运是如何交织缠绕的。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Cinematography]:11 A superhero film of the mightiest flying heroes soaring through skylines. 一部超级英雄电影,主人公是一位在天际翱翔的绝世飞空英雄。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Cinematography]:12 A charming comedy film about the meaning of life. 一部探讨生命意义的迷人喜剧电影。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Cinematography]:13 A heartfelt story of friendship that will capture the attention of both critics and audiences alike. 一个关于友情的暖心故事,将引起评论家和观众的注意。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Cinematography]:14 A dreamlike compilation of different skylines filmed in multiple cities in the past 4 years. 一部梦幻般的合集,呈现出了在过去4年中在多个城市拍摄的天际线画面。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Cinematography]:15 Breathtaking experimental horror film where a group of engineers get lost inside a dam,

and notice a leak inside the structure.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Music]:0 Controversial pianist B.Bird divides the opinions of critics and now does it with her first own composition. 钢琴家B.Bird向来都擅长在评论家中间引起争议,现在又献上了她独立完成的处女作。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Music]:1 This songs is so good it might become an instant classic. 一首悦耳的歌曲,一经推出就成为了经典作品。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Music]:2 The first studio album from a soft rock-metal band. This band will surely soar to great heights! 来自一支软摇滚金属乐队的首张录音室专辑。这支乐队肯定会前途无量!
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Music]:3 A heart-gripping song of a man who walks alone in Chirpyland touches

upon the loneliness an individual might experience in today's hectic environment.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Music]:4 With its epic trombone solo this tune is bound to become a hit amongst school bands. 凭借其史诗般的长号独奏,这首曲子必将在校园乐队中间掀起热潮。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Music]:5 Sounds before the beginning of anything. 感受真正的万籁俱静。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Music]:6 A musical composition for Space Struggle theater. 为太空对峙剧院创作的音乐作品。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Music]:7 Comprehensive collection of music and instruments throughout the world. 全世界音乐和乐器的全面收集。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Music]:8 An experimental and alternative musical piece with out of tune instruments. 用跑调的乐器创作的实验性另类音乐作品。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Music]:9 A live recording of a 50 person orchestra that is formed entirely out of out-of-work conductors. 由50名失业指挥家组成的管弦乐队的现场录音。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Music]:10 Starting from 8-bit tunes DJ Chirpy's piece of art has all the bits! 从8位像素风音到各种音乐类型,啾啾DJ的创作无所不包!
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Music]:11 Innovative take on the lost art of elevator music. 对失落的电梯音乐艺术的创新之作。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Music]:12 Collection of sounds recorded in cooperation with the city workers who listen to them all day, every day. 与城市工作人员合作录制的声音合集,呈现的是他们每天从早到晚听到的各种声音。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Music]:13 This digital masterpiece by DJ ig0v tells a vivid tale oddly familiar to many. 这部由DJ ig0v制作的数字杰作讲述了一个对于许多人来说耳熟能详的生动故事。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Music]:14 Truly alternative student band Sm3tana writes powerful songs about

the wrongs in society disguised in dietary lyrics.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Music]:15 Music videos are anything but a defeated type of art based on this exquisite

piece combining music and film in the most unexpected way.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Literature]:0 A literary masterpiece that one will simply want to finish in one sitting. 一气呵成创作而成的文学杰作。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Literature]:1 A collection of poems that claim to reveal what cannot be seen. 一部诗歌合集,号称能揭示看不见的东西。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Literature]:2 A book that digs deeper into the meaning of color blue in a manner that has never been done before. 这本书以前所未有的方式深入挖掘蓝色的含义。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Literature]:3 A touching bed time fable featuring Dragons, Goblins and Chirper is bound to dominate the sales charts. 这部以巨龙、地精和啾啾为主角的睡前寓言故事书必将霸占销量排行榜的榜首之位。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Literature]:4 A science fiction novel by Johan "Besserwisser" Svag that almost

leaves the reader with more questions than answers.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Literature]:5 Biography that lifts the veil of mystery around the very private life of Lord Chirpwick. 这本传记揭开了啾啾维克大王私生活的神秘面纱。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Literature]:6 Comprehensive collection of poems and folklore from the lands

beyond Outside Connections by Lars Koffengson.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Literature]:7 A Fantasy tabletop role-playing game rulebook. 奇幻类桌面角色扮演游戏规则书。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Literature]:8 The classical ABC-book with a modern twist. 经典的ABC书籍,极具现代风格。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Literature]:9 Compilation of epic poetry from folklore and mythology. 采集自民间传说和神话的汇编史诗。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Literature]:10 A tale loosely based on a real life story of Birdie, a professional golfer who can talk with birds. 关于鸟语者——可以与鸟类交谈的人——的真实生活而创作的故事作品。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Literature]:11 A collection of the most famous Chirps. 最为鼎鼎大名的啾啾故事汇编。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Literature]:12 A unique story that mixes horror and interior decorating in an unseen way. 一本独特的书,给室内家居装饰笼罩了恐怖的气氛。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Literature]:13 A mythical story illustrated into a book will surely become number one bedtime story for children. 图文并茂的神话故事书,对于儿童睡前阅读来说再合适不过了。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Literature]:14 A colourful superhero comic book of a free spirited unicorn

wanting to do good in the world created by C. O. Bestest


讲述了一只自由自在的独角兽想要在C. O. Bestest创造的世界中快乐生存的故事。

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Literature]:15 Chirpidella is about to turn into a human and there's no turning back. 啾啾黛拉即将变成人类,并且无法回头。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Dissertation]:0 Original study and conclusion on appropriate titles for Academic Works by Luke Waterstream 由卢克·水流进行的关于学术作品恰当标题的原创性研究和结论
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Dissertation]:1 Research and findings by O.R.C Peonista exploring the features and attributes

that every working chirper should have.

由O.R.C Peonista主导的研究和发现,探索了每个工作啾啾应该具备的特征与属性。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Dissertation]:2 Annie O.K speculates even on the question if speculation is a suitable

subject to research and the conclusions are solid.

Annie O.K甚至对推测这个命题展开了推测,讨论推测能否被当成合适的研究对象,结论是肯定的。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Dissertation]:3 Jim Flatearther Jr. explores a world view that is definitely more than one-dimensional. 地平说学家吉姆从多维角度探索了一种全新的世界观。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Dissertation]:4 Researcher O.Colossi reveals what is the reason behind

Self-Help guide popularity boom and why self-help rarely works.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Dissertation]:5 A.I. Grove on how to find the right path. A.I.格罗夫探讨了如何找到正确的道路。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Dissertation]:6 Pen and Paper are superior to all other user-interfaces By Jugg Q.A. Icekelaine 笔和纸优于所有其他用户界面选择,作者Jugg Q.A. Icekelaine
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Dissertation]:7 The increase in entertainment when parks are built in parks by P.P Park. P.P Park分析了在公园内建造公园时,可增加娱乐活动的设想。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Dissertation]:8 How to avoid and mitigate death waves in mass-migrated societies by Steve Bluebird. 史蒂夫·蓝鸟讨论了关于如何避免和减缓大规模移民社会的死亡浪潮。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Dissertation]:9 Small-Scale Water analyzation in Games by Tim Bellhill Tim Bellhill在游戏中进行的小规模水流分析
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Dissertation]:10 A psychological study of famous city mayors by Ann Siren. Ann Siren针对著名市长展开的心理学研究。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Dissertation]:11 Finding, reporting and preventing mistakes by Laurentius Buggmann 由劳伦提斯·纠错大师提出的如何发现、报告和预防错误
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Dissertation]:12 Psychological study on the new-age movement of Chirptology by Jack Winter 杰克·温特针对“啾啾学”新时代运动进行的心理学研究
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Dissertation]:13 Analysis on how to write Chirps. by S. Lintu 关于如何编写啾啾的分析。作者S.林图
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Dissertation]:14 Thorough analysis of different types of Academic Works by M.E. Talevel 由M.E.塔维尔进行的学术作品不同类型的深入分析。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Dissertation]:15 The formation of waves and droughts by W. Boar 由W. Boar提出的旱涝分析研究
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Discovery]:0 Extra air under roads reduce friction. 道路下的额外空气可减少摩擦力。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Discovery]:1 Throwing keywords into this machine makes them turn into games. 将关键字投入到这台机器中会使它们变成游戏。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Discovery]:2 An idea box is a never ending supply of fresh and new ideas for anything! 创意宝箱会永无止境地供应新鲜想法!
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Discovery]:3 This self-replicating cake will be the solution for many companies

struggling with the employees' well being depending on cake supply.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Discovery]:4 You can paint anything with this, ANYTHING. 你可以用它来绘制任何东西。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Discovery]:5 With this discovery scientists are finally one step closer to the truth. 通过这一发现,科学家终于朝真相迈进了一步。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Discovery]:6 Warning: the results might not be pleasing. 警告:结果可能不太令人满意。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Discovery]:7 New method to reskinning that might revolutionize the beauty industry. 重塑肌肤的新方法可能会彻底颠覆美容行业。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Discovery]:8 Missing Link has been found by scientists, in due time this will provide a lot of answers. 科学家们及时发现了丢失的环节,能够解答许多疑惑。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Discovery]:9 Through advancements in haematology patients receive the results from laboratory tests instantly. 血液学的进步使患者能立即从实验室测试中获得结果。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Discovery]:10 Answer to everything in a numeric form. 以数字形式解答所有问题。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Discovery]:11 A group of environmental students discovered a way

to build artificial reservoirs to enable carbon offset.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Discovery]:12 Scientists were finally able to identify and isolate the source

of all glitches to harvest it for scientific purposes.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Discovery]:13 A concept of a building that can store electricity to its big batteries. 全新的建筑概念,可以为大电池存储电力。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Discovery]:14 Researchers have discovered that the inexplicable urban designs are in fact

caused by an alien power messing with the city.

ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Discovery]:15 Relentless partying in dormitories lead to the discovery of noise-cancelling wallpaper. 在宿舍里举行的疯狂聚会促使了降噪壁纸的发明。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ScientificStudy]:0 A study that has left the academic world with only one question: when will this be applied in practise? 这项研究只给学术界留下一个问题:什么时候才能在实践中应用?
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ScientificStudy]:1 Some issues are bigger than others - a comprehensive psychological study on issues. 有些问题比其他问题更大 - 对各类问题进行全面心理学研究。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ScientificStudy]:2 Traffic flow, congestion and lane choosing through the eyes of the bystanders. 从旁观者的视角定义交通流量、拥堵状态和车道选择。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ScientificStudy]:3 Hydrology study on the intricate relation between rivers and erosion. 针对河流与侵蚀的错综复杂关系的水文研究。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ScientificStudy]:4 A research that attempts to answer the most difficult of questions - what is out there. 这项研究试图解答最困难的问题 - 外面究竟有什么。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ScientificStudy]:5 The study reveals alarming 35% decrease in face-to-face interaction after extensive use of chirps. 该研究显示,在广泛使用啾啾后,人们的面对面交互降低了35%。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ScientificStudy]:6 Meta-analysis from the most unfortunate events. 基于对最不幸事件的大量分析。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ScientificStudy]:7 A scientific analysis of what beauty actually is, and why it is usually found in roundabouts. 对美的含义以及环形交叉路口的美学现象进行了科学分析。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ScientificStudy]:8 Study and Observation of rocks By Dr. B. Oring. B.奥林博士对岩石的研究和观察。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ScientificStudy]:9 Meta-analysis of coffee consumption by K. Ahvi K.阿哈维对咖啡消费的深入分析
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ScientificStudy]:10 Qualitative research from cities built pre-internet era by T.C.P Nettingston. T.C.P耐庭顿针对建于互联网时代之前的城市进行的定性研究。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ScientificStudy]:11 Empirical Research of towns and cities located in islands without road connection. 无公路连接的孤岛城镇的实证研究。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ScientificStudy]:12 A study which finally determines the best type of notebook for students to use. 这项研究最终表明了最便于学生们使用的记事本类型。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ScientificStudy]:13 Research conducted together with engineers on where and how to build functional dams. 与工程师一起研究如何建造功能型水坝。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ScientificStudy]:14 Researchers have identified the cause of the recent poonami disasters - an ill-willed alien interference. 研究人员已经确定了近期灾难性粪便狂潮的原因 - 来自于居心不良的外星人干扰。
ACADEMICWORK_DESC[ScientificStudy]:15 Some intersections are more beautiful than others.

This study digs deep into the science of intersection designs and what makes them pretty.

ACADEMICWORKTYPE[TradeSchoolOne]:0 Artisanry 手工艺
ACADEMICWORKTYPE[TradeSchoolTwo]:0 Hospitality 招待
ACADEMICWORKTYPE[TradeSchoolThree]:0 IT & Engineering 计算机与工程学
ACADEMICWORKTYPE[LiberalArtsOne]:0 Cinematography 电影摄像术
ACADEMICWORKTYPE[LiberalArtsTwo]:0 Music 音乐
ACADEMICWORKTYPE[LiberalArtsThree]:0 Literature 文学
ACADEMICWORKTYPE[UniversityOne]:0 Dissertation 论文
ACADEMICWORKTYPE[UniversityTwo]:0 Discovery 发现
ACADEMICWORKTYPE[UniversityThree]:0 Scientific Study 科学研究
ACADEMICYEARREPORT_TITLE:0 Academic Year Report 学年报告
YEARREPORT_WORKSCREATED:0 Academic Works Created: {0} 创作的学术作品:{0}
YEARREPORT_GRADUATES:0 Students graduated: {0} 毕业生:{0}
YEARREPORT_WORKSFROMGRANT:0 Research Grant Funded Academic Work 得到研究授予资助的学术作品
YEARREPORT_LEVELTHISYEAR:0 Reputation level: {0} 声望等级:{0}
YEARREPORT_LEVELLASTYEAR:0 (previous year: {0}) (去年:{0})
YEARREPORT_CHANGE_TOOLTIP:0 Change of this value compared to the previous year 该值与去年相比的变化
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBRARY:0 I love libraries! Finally I have unrestricted access to information from many different sources. 我爱图书馆!我终于可以不受限制地查阅来自各种不同源头的信息啦。
CHIRP_FIRST_ACADEMIC_LIBRARY:0 Hooray! I no longer need to order the research materials for my thesis out of town. #academic #library 耶!我终于不用从城外订购论文研究材料了。 #学术#图书馆
CHIRP_FIRST_TRADE_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATION:0 We are in business - quite literally! #tradeschool #campusarea 我们开始营业了 - 真的真的! #贸易学院#校园区域
CHIRP_FIRST_TRADE_SCHOOL_MUSEUM:0 Finally a suitable place to marvel at all those #academic #works. 终于找到了一个欣赏所有#学术#作品的好地方。
CHIRP_FIRST_TRADE_SCHOOL_DORMITORY:0 Whoever is always partying in hall B... please stop!! #nosleep #dormitory 总是在B厅参加派对的那些人……请停止喧嚣! #失眠#宿舍
CHIRP_FIRST_TRADE_SCHOOL_STUDY_HALL:0 Shhhhh!! Some of us try to #study for the #exams. 嘘!我们当中有些人正在#备考呢。
CHIRP_FIRST_TRADE_SCHOOL_GROUNDSKEEPING:0 Where can I report a faulty drinking fountain? #groundskeeping 我可以去哪里报告饮水池的问题? #环卫处
CHIRP_FIRST_TRADE_SCHOOL_OUTDOOR_STUDY:0 Ahhh, it's good to get out. #outdoors #studying 啊,在户外的感觉真好啊。 #户外#自习
CHIRP_FIRST_TRADE_SCHOOL_CAFETERIA:0 How much is the XL cup of coffee? I need to study for my exams #snacktime 超大杯咖啡多少钱?我需要通宵达旦地备考 #零食时间
CHIRP_FIRST_TRADE_SCHOOL_LIBRARY:0 Ooops, it seems my textbook loans are 4 weeks late.. is that going to be a problem? #library 哎呀,似乎我的教科书贷款已经拖了4个星期……这会给我带来麻烦吗? #图书馆
CHIRP_FIRST_TRADE_SCHOOL_AUDITORIUM:0 Besides the #lectures what else can we use this #auditorium for? 除了#讲座之外,还有什么活动用得上这个#礼堂?
CHIRP_FIRST_TRADE_SCHOOL_COMMENCEMENT_OFFICE:0 Graduation is a milestone and should be celebrated in appropriate premises. I approve! #graduation #commencement 毕业是一座里程碑,应该找个合适的场所庆祝一番。我赞成!#毕业季#毕业典礼
CHIRP_FIRST_TRADE_SCHOOL_BOOKSTORE:0 Any good reading recommendations? #bookstore 有什么好书推荐吗?#书店
CHIRP_FIRST_TRADE_SCHOOL_BOOK_CLUB:0 Finally a club for the #bookworms like myself. 像我这样的#书虫,终于有俱乐部可以去了!
CHIRP_FIRST_TRADE_SCHOOL_IT_CLUB:0 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); #IT #club #programming Console.WriteLine(“你好呀,世界!”); #计算机#俱乐部#编程
CHIRP_FIRST_TRADE_SCHOOL_BEACH_VOLLEYBALL_CLUB:0 Game on! Let's keep it #fair and square! #beach #volleyball #club 游戏开始!让我们保持#公平原则! #沙滩#排球#俱乐部
CHIRP_FIRST_TRADE_SCHOOL_GYMNASIUM:0 Whoa this is #bigger than I expected #gymnasium 哇,这比我想象中的#体育馆还要#大得多
CHIRP_FIRST_TRADE_SCHOOL_LABORATORIES:0 Time to go all mad scientist and experiment!! #whitecoats and #laboratories 是时候变身疯狂的科学家,尽情实验了!! #白大褂与#实验室
CHIRP_FIRST_TRADE_SCHOOL_MEDIA_LAB:0 3.. 2.. 1.. AND #action the #medialab is up and running! #films #livestream 3……2……1……#开始!#媒体实验室正式成立!#拍摄#直播
CHIRP_FIRST_TRADE_SCHOOL_FOUNTAIN_01:0 If I throw a #penny in this #fountain will my #wishes come true? #examsweek #graduation 如果我往这个#喷泉里抛一枚#硬币,我的#愿望会成真吗? #考试周#毕业季
CHIRP_FIRST_TRADE_SCHOOL_ACADEMIC_STATUE_01:0 Who's this? #academic #statue #mystery 这是谁呀? #学术#雕像#之谜
CHIRP_FIRST_TRADE_SCHOOL_ACADEMIC_STATUE_02:0 I think this #statue is a great way to #commemorate this #scholar. Never forget! 我认为这座#雕像是#纪念这位#学者的好办法。人们将永远铭记!
CHIRP_FIRST_SCHOOL_OF_ENGINEERING:0 Merging #engineering and #education is a brilliant idea! This will create loads of #job #opportunities! 把#工程学和#教育学合并起来是一个绝妙的主意!这将创造出大量#工作#机会!
CHIRP_FIRST_POLICE_ACADEMY:0 I wonder when they are making a movie out of our own #police #academy? 我想知道他们什么时候给我们自己的#警察#学院拍一部电影?
CHIRP_FIRST_SCHOOL_OF_TOURISM_AND_TRAVEL:0 Delighted to see the mayor investing more into #tourism and #travel. 很高兴看到市长对#旅游业和#旅行投入更多。
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBERAL_ARTS_ADMINISTRATION:0 Let's create some amazing art! #liberal #arts #administration 让我们创造一些了不起的艺术吧! #文科学院#行政部门
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBERAL_ARTS_MUSEUM:0 Just take a look at all these amazing pieces of art! Simply stunning! #liberal #arts #museum 只需看看这些了不起的艺术作品!简直令人叹为观止! #文科学院#美术馆
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBERAL_ARTS_DORMITORY:0 Who forgot their pink slippers in the bathroom? #lostandfound #dormitory 谁把一双粉红色拖鞋忘在浴室里了? #失物招领#宿舍
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBERAL_ARTS_STUDY_HALL:0 Anyone up for a #study #group? I'll be in #study #hall waiting. 有人报名#学习#小组吗?我将在#自习#大厅里等待。
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBERAL_ARTS_GROUNDSKEEPING:0 Such a beautiful campus area deserves all the love and care we can offer #notrashing #groundskeeping 如此美丽的校园区域值得我们所能给予的一切爱与关怀……#无垃圾行动#环卫处
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBERAL_ARTS_OUTDOOR_STUDY:0 Ahh.. the great #outdoors #fresh #air really inspires me :) 啊……沁人心脾的#户外#新鲜#空气真的令我灵感大发!
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBERAL_ARTS_CAFETERIA:0 Someone should make a study if #students prefer their coffee with or without milk? #thesis #cafeteria 关于#学生们究竟更喜欢咖啡加不加牛奶,有人应该做个研究吗? #论文 #餐饮区
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBERAL_ARTS_LIBRARY:0 Our brand new #library doesn't only contain #books but even actual #replicas of famous art pieces! 我们全新的#图书馆里不仅存放有各种#书籍,甚至还有著名艺术品的#复制品!
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBERAL_ARTS_AUDITORIUM:0 Does anyone know who will be the first #guest #lecturer ? 有人知道谁会是第一个#客座#演讲者吗?
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBERAL_ARTS_COMMENCEMENT_OFFICE:0 Finally a proper venue to hold the #graduation well done @mayor 终于有个合适的地方举办#毕业典礼了,干得好,@市长
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBERAL_ARTS_BOOKSTORE:0 Just take a look at all these #books! so hard to pick which one I'm going to read first #bookworm 瞧瞧这些#书籍!我的选择困难症都要犯了#书虫
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBERAL_ARTS_DRAMA_CLUB:0 It's never a boring day in #drama #club but we are awfully short on #popcorn #wondering #dramallama 在#话剧社里的每一天都不无聊,只可惜#爆米花#段子#总是不够用
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBERAL_ARTS_ART_CLUB:0 Investing into #art and aspiring #artists is never a bad idea. It will pay off, just wait and see. 对#艺术和明日#艺术家的投资绝对稳赚不赔,等着瞧好了。
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBERAL_ARTS_DANCE_CLUB:0 Woo!! I can't wait to show of my #dance #moves #rhytmisinmyblood 呜!!我迫不及待地想要秀一秀我的#舞蹈#动作了!#天生舞者
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBERAL_ARTS_GYMNASIUM:0 An investment to health and future of all students, not just athletes #appreciation #gymnasium 对所有学生的健康和未来进行的投资,而不仅是针对运动员#感恩#体育馆
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBERAL_ARTS_LABORATORIES:0 Let's see what kind of #work we can get done in here! #academicLife #scholar 让我们看看我们可以在这里完成什么样的#杰作吧! #学术即生命#学者
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBERAL_ARTS_MEDIA_LAB:0 Who's up with me to record some cool tunes? #media #lab #theremin 谁愿意跟我一起录制几首超酷的曲子? #媒体#实验室#泰勒明琴
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBERAL_ARTS_FOUNTAIN:0 Remember to take a break and enjoy the #peaceful #fountain every once in a while. 记得休息一下,偶尔享受#宁静的#喷泉。
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBERAL_ARTS_ACADEMIC_STATUE_01:0 The #statue of this truly legendary and inspiring scholar looks even better at close! #impressed 这个真正具有传奇色彩、鼓舞人心的学者的#雕像近看更棒! #印象深刻
CHIRP_FIRST_LIBERAL_ARTS_ACADEMIC_STATUE_02:0 I am so taking a selfie with this statue. #justvisiting 我就喜欢跟这座雕像玩自拍。 #到此一游
CHIRP_FIRST_SCHOOL_OF_ENVIRONMENTAL_STUDIES:0 I hope #environmental #studies prioritize on new ways to handle #carbon #offset. Future can't wait! #thinkingaboutsink 我希望#环保#研究人员能优先考虑解决#碳#吸附的新方法。未来禁不起等待! #思考碳吸附
CHIRP_FIRST_SCHOOL_OF_EDUCATION:0 Quality education begins with quality teachers #school of #education 优质教育始于优质教师#教育#学院
CHIRP_FIRST_SCHOOL_OF_ECONOMISC:0 Understanding #economics is crucial. We all want to ensure the optimal distribution of resources in the future. 理解#经济学至关重要。我们都希望能够确保未来资源的最优分配。
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_ADMINISTRATION:0 Time to roll up sleeves and get cracking #scholars #scientific #education 是时候卷起袖子大干一场了 #学者#科学#教育
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_MUSEUM:0 It fills me #pride when I marvel on all these #academic #works 这些#学术#作品令我叹为观止,甚感#骄傲
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_DORMITORY:0 What if I told that you get #dirtyroom by rearranging #dormitory? #anagram 如果我告诉你重新整理#宿舍只会让#房间更脏更乱呢? #意不意外
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_STUDY_HALL:0 A great new alternative to prepare for the #examsweek. Coffee cups are allowed inside, right? 这是个迎接#考试周到来的好地方。里面允许自带咖啡杯,对吗?
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_GROUDSKEEPING:0 #groundskeepers are the true campus heroes! #after #togaparty #环卫工人们是真正的校园英雄! #长袍派对#结束
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_OUTDOOR_STUDY:0 Stuffy air indoors was making me so sleepy. #outdoor #studying suits me so much better. 室内闷热的空气让我感到如此困倦。 #户外#学习区恰好满足我的需要。
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_CAFETERIA:0 In #university we don't just drink the #coffee we also conduct scientific experiments with them #coffeescience 在#大学里,我们不仅仅饮用#咖啡,还会针对咖啡进行研究和实验。#咖啡科学
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_LIBRARY:0 This is such an amazing #library! it has EVERYTHING! #bookworm #thisismyhomenow 这个#图书馆真是太棒了!里面什么都有! #书虫#在此安家
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_AUDITORIUM:0 These new chairs are way too comfortable!! Need help staying awake #auditorium #sleepy 这些新椅子真是太舒服了!需要外力协助才能保持清醒。#礼堂#好困
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_COMMENCEMENT_OFFICE:0 Now this looks a proper place to hold a grand #graduation ! Approved! #commencement 这看起来是举办盛大#毕业典礼的绝佳场所!大赞! #毕业典礼
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_BOOKSTORE:0 Campus #bookstore is the best source of current #textbooks. 校园#书店是采购当下#教科书的最佳地点。
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_SOCCER_CLUB:0 Simply a great place to #relax after a #match #futsal #club 是个在#比赛之后#放松的好地方 #五人足球 #俱乐部
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_MATH_CLUB:0 Combining math problems and having fun? Two of my favourite things! #perfect #mathclub #presidency 将数学问题和乐趣合二为一?这可是我最喜欢的两件事! #完美#数学俱乐部#支持
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_CHESS_CLUB:0 Pawn takes Queen and that's a #Checkmate! #chess 卒吃后,#将死! #国际象棋
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_GYMNASIUM:0 Encouraging students to find the joy of exercising is an investment to #better #test #results. 鼓励学生找到锻炼的乐趣是对#更理想#考试#成绩的投资。
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_LABORATORIES:0 Time to #lab #coat up! #testtubes #science 是时候#穿上#实验服了!#试管#科学
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_MEDIA_LAB:0 #media #lab is finally operational! Can't wait to see what #innovations and #projects they come up with! #媒体#实验室终于投入使用了!迫不及待地想看看他们提出了什么#创新与#方案!
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_FOUNTAIN:0 I swear, everytime we win something I will take a #swim in this #fountain! 我发誓,今后不管大胜小胜,我都要在这处#喷泉里#游泳!
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_ACADEMIC_STATUE_01:0 I always found #statues a bit pompous but this does look nice and fitting! #reconsidering 我总觉得#雕像那种东西有点浮夸,但这座确实看起来恰到好处! #再三思考
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY_ACADEMIC_STATUE_02:0 The amount of detailing on this #statue is mind-boggling #whoa 这座#雕像的细节丰富到令人难以置信 #哇噻
CHIRP_FIRST_SCHOOL_OF_SCIENCE:0 Time to make #scientific #discoveries for tomorrow’s technologies, innovations, and businesses. 是时候为明天的技术、创新和商业创造出新的#科学#发明了。
CHIRP_FIRST_SCHOOL_OF_MEDICINE:0 Amazing opportunity to #study #medicine for the #good of the #people #研究#医学利于#全民
CHIRP_FIRST_SCHOOL_OF_LAW:0 Come and join the #school of #law and get #lawyered 快来加入#法学院,从事#律师工作吧!
CHIRP_FIRST_AMERICAN_FOOTBALL_STADIUM:0 Amazing #touchdown from the @mayor! Let's huddle up and bring #victory for this #hometown! 来自@市长的人文#关怀!让我们相拥,一起为#家乡#欢呼吧!
CHIRP_FIRST_BASEBALL_PARK:0 Another #homerun from the @mayor for building the #baseball #park! #goodjob 来自@市长的另一项#创举,他建造了#棒球#公园!#好样的
CHIRP_FIRST_AQUATICS_CENTER:0 Did you know that #swimming is the #best #exercise? 你知道#游泳是#最好的#锻炼吗?
CHIRP_FIRST_BASKETBALL_ARENA:0 And that's what I call a #slam #dunk! Tie up your shoes and meet in #basketball #arena 这就是我所说的#灌篮!系紧鞋带,#篮球#比赛场上见
CHIRP_FIRST_TRACK_AND_FIELD_STADIUM:0 Ready... set... go! #track and #field 预备……跑! #田径
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP8:0 I love sleep #mypillowismyonlytruelove #zzz 我喜欢睡觉 #枕头是我唯一的真爱 #zzz
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP8:1 Ducks.. they are so awesome! #beautifulducks #ducklife 鸭子队……他们太棒了! #绝赞鸭子队 #鸭子队忠粉
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP8:2 Don't think about the #past don't worry about #future this moment has everything you need :) 不念#过去,不问#将来,你所需要的一切都在此刻 :)
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP8:3 Can the academic masterminds finally solve why the line to the restroom is always so long?? #puzzled #mystery 学术界的大师们能否最终解决为什么洗手间门口的队伍总是那么长的难题吗? #困惑 #无解
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP8:4 What's the plural of campus? #campi #campuses #puzzled 校园的同义词是什么? #校舍 #校区 #困惑
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP8:5 What a nice day to be #alive @mayor what are you up to? 多棒的一天啊,#活着真美好! @市长啊,你在忙什么呢?
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP8:6 Ah bugger, I'm all out of #fruits :( 啊,真过分,我的#水果吃光了 :(
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP8:7 Too many people!! #crowded #canyouseeme? 真是人山人海!!#拥挤不堪 #你能看见我吗?
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP8:8 Just how many #academic #works are there? #feelslikemillion 究竟有多少#学术#作品啊?#似乎不止百万
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP8:9 What is the @mayors opinion on the latest fashion trend? #coconuts #wondering @市长对最新的流行趋势作何解读呀? #椰子 #感到纳闷
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP8:10 I try to learn one new thing every day. #life is a #journey 我每天都尝试学习一样新东西。 #人生是#一场旅程
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP8:11 Anyone else up for backyard #treasure #hunting? I got my new #metal #detector today. 还有其他人愿意参加后院#寻宝吗?我今天弄到了新款#金属#探测器呀。
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP8:12 Anyone have some good #lunch place recommendations? #burgers #pizza #pasta #sushi 谁有不错的#午餐餐厅推荐? #汉堡 #披萨 #意面 #寿司
GRADUATIONCHIRP_GENERIC:0 I can't wait to see what #adventures the life has in store for me next! #graduation 我迫不及待想看看在接下来的人生中,有什么样的#冒险在等着我呢!#毕业
GRADUATIONCHIRP_GENERIC:1 This calls for celebration! #graduation #diploma 这值得庆祝! #毕业 #毕业证书
GRADUATIONCHIRP_GENERIC:2 Anyone know how's the job market for the freshly #graduated? 有人知道应届#毕业生的就业行情如何吗?
GRADUATIONCHIRP_GENERIC:3 So, what's next? #graduation #lost #lookingfordirections 接下来是什么? #毕业 #茫然 #寻求指引
GRADUATIONCHIRP_GENERIC:4 I've #successfully #completed my studies, and now I need to #graduate? Yikes! 我已经#成功#完成了我的学业,现在要#毕业了?哎呀!
GRADUATIONCHIRP_GENERIC:5 I am finally able to sell all my old #textbooks. PM me for details! 我终于能够卖掉所有旧的#教科书了。 请私信我获取详细信息!
GRADUATIONCHIRP_GENERIC:6 Feeling #nostalgic. Thank you for the amazing experience :,) 真是#怀旧味十足,感谢让我收获这份奇妙的体验:,)
GRADUATIONCHIRP_GENERIC:7 Time flies when you are having fun. Congratulations all #graduates! 快乐度日的时候,时间总是过得飞快。祝贺所有#毕业生!
GRADUATIONCHIRP_GENERIC:8 I'm sure I will miss this #campus but it's time to #moveon 我相信我一定会想念这座#校园,但现在是时候#前行了
GRADUATIONCHIRP_GENERIC:9 It sure feels good to #graduate and achieve the #goals I've set for myself! #done #diploma 能够顺利#毕业,并完成我给自己设定的#目标,感觉真是棒极了!#学业有成 #毕业证书
GRADUATIONCHIRP_GENERIC:10 Maybe one day I can get a #diploma of my own #failedexam #feelingblue 也许有一天我也可以获得属于我自己的#毕业证书 #考试挂科 #心情阴郁
GRADUATIONCHIRP_GENERIC:11 Has anyone seen my #graduation robes? #forgetful 有没有人见过我的#毕业袍? #健忘
GRADUATIONCHIRP_GENERIC:12 See you all at the #graduation #afterparty! We did it! 所有人,我们在#毕业#派对上见!我们做到了!
GRADUATIONCHIRP_GENERIC:13 It's party time! #graduation #diploma 派对时间到! #毕业#毕业证书
GRADUATIONCHIRP_GENERIC:14 Looking to buy old #textbooks! PM if you have any or know someone who is selling #graduationday #recyclebooks 想买二手#教科书!如果您或者其他人正在出售,请私信联系 #毕业日#回收教科书
GRADUATIONCHIRP_GENERIC:15 This is the happiest day of my life! #graduation #diploma #happyhappyhappy 这是我生命中最快乐的一天! #毕业#毕业证#开心开心开心
TOGAPARTYCHIRP_GENERIC:0 It's surprise TOGA PARTY TIME! Woo! #togaparty #umtsumts 惊喜的长袍派对时间到啦!哇噢! #长袍派对#耶耶耶
TOGAPARTYCHIRP_GENERIC:1 So much #noise and #trash!! Thanks #togarparty... #噪音和#垃圾简直铺天盖地!这都是拜#长袍派对所赐……
TOGAPARTYCHIRP_GENERIC:2 Can someone please #shutdown that stupid #togaparty >:( I'm trying to study here! #studentlife 有人可以#喊停那个愚蠢的#长袍派对吗> :(我还想学习呢!#学生生活
TOGAPARTYCHIRP_GENERIC:3 Feels soooo good to #relax and tune down after a hard week of exams! #togaparty #toomanyexams 经过了一周的艰苦考试,总算能好好#放松一番了!#长袍派对#考试无穷尽
TOGAPARTYCHIRP_GENERIC:4 Let's keep dancing like there's no tomorrow! #togaparty #beatingdrums 让我们就这样热舞下去,仿佛没有明天! #长袍派对#疯狂打鼓
TOGAPARTYCHIRP_GENERIC:5 I enrolled for the #education but stayed for the #party!! 我报名参加了#教育项目,但却留下参加了#派对!
TOGAPARTYCHIRP_GENERIC:6 Togas.. Togas #everywhere #togaparty 嗨呀,嗨呀……#到处都是#长袍派对
TOGAPARTYCHIRP_GENERIC:7 Anyone has an extra toga I could borrow? #party #studentlife 谁有多余的长袍能借我穿穿吗? #派对#学生生活
TOGAPARTYCHIRP_GENERIC:8 Hi! I'm the one in the white toga! #canyouseeme #togaparty 嗨!我是穿白色长袍的那个! #有人能找到我吗 #长袍派对
TOGAPARTYCHIRP_GENERIC:9 Does anyone have extra slippers? I seem to have lost mine in the last #togaparty #forgetful 谁有多余的拖鞋?我似乎在上一场#长袍派对上把我的拖鞋弄丢了 #健忘
TOGAPARTYCHIRP_GENERIC:10 Personally I don't like to participate in #togaparty but still I'm happy that others are having #fun :) 我个人不喜欢参加#长袍派对,但我还是喜欢看到别人享受#乐趣 :)
TOGAPARTYCHIRP_GENERIC:11 As long as the #party #people keep the noice down and #cleantrashes i'm fine with this #togaparty #craze 只要#派对#上的那些狂欢客们能控制音量并#清理垃圾,我就没意见 #长袍派对#疯狂
TOGAPARTYCHIRP_GENERIC:12 Woop woop! It's time to #party #woop #togaparty 哇噻!#派对 #哇噻!#长袍派对时间到!
TOGAPARTYCHIRP_GENERIC:13 It doesn't have to be #friday for a #togaparty to happen! 谁说#长袍派对必须要放在#周五举行!
TOGAPARTYCHIRP_GENERIC:14 Where is the closest place to buy #white #sheets? I want to #togaparty as well! 附近哪里能买到#白色#被单?我也想参加#长袍派对!
TOGAPARTYCHIRP_GENERIC:15 I had the time of my life in the last #togaparty! I hope the next party will prove to be just as fun! #woo #studentlife #whatexams 我在上一场#长袍派对上玩得开心极了!希望下一场派对也将同样有趣! #哇噢 #学生生活 #去它的考试
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_GENERIC:0 I got an extra ticket for the next event! PM me #teamspirit 我搞到了一张多余的下一场比赛的门票!有意购买者请私信我 #团队精神
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_GENERIC:1 Remember to wear our team colors to show #teamspirit! #recognized 记得穿上我们团队颜色的衣服来体现#团队精神!#感到光荣
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_GENERIC:2 Anyone have an extra ticket for tonights match? #desperate #teamspirit #readytoroll 谁有今晚比赛多余的门票吗? #感到绝望 #团队精神 #翘首期盼
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_GENERIC:3 I am excited about tonights #game #matchday #showyourcolors 我对今晚的#比赛感到很兴奋 #比赛日 #秀出你的颜色
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_GENERIC:4 Ready to support our #hometeam to #victory! 准备好支持我们的#主队#大获全胜吧!
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_GENERIC:5 Team color check, tickets check, teamspirit CHECK! I'm ready #letsgo #sportsfan #hometownpride 团队颜色已就绪,门票已就绪,团队精神已就绪!我全都准备好了 #出发吧 #体育爱好者 #家乡荣誉感
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_GENERIC:6 I'm so #exited and I won't hide it! it's #gameday #teamspirit #teamcolors 我内心的#激动之情溢于言表!今天是#比赛日 #团队精神 #队伍颜色
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_GENERIC:7 It's time to #represent again! Let's cheer our team to victory #teamcolors 再次#彰显身份的时候到了!让我们一起为主队加油助威!#队伍颜色
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_GENERIC:8 Feeling anxious about the upcoming match! I really really hope that we win! #teamspirit #victory 对即将到来的比赛感到焦虑!我真的希望我们能赢! #团队精神 #胜利
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_GENERIC:9 I won in a raffle and now I have an extra ticket for the next match, PM if you are interested! #teamspirit #hometeam #teamcolors 我抽中了,如果谁有兴趣,可以私信我获得下一场比赛的多余门票! #团队精神 #主队 #队伍颜色
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_GENERIC:10 Let's get ready to rumble! #teamspirit #teamcolors #hometeampride 让我们准备好大战一场吧! #团队精神 #队伍颜色 #主队荣誉感
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_WIN:0 Hooray! Another #victory for us! 万岁!我们又赢得了一场#胜利!
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_WIN:1 Go team, GO! #easy #victory 上吧! #小菜一碟 #轻松取胜
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_WIN:2 What a thrilling match! #gg #victory 多么激动人心的比赛啊! #哈哈 #胜利
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_WIN:3 To #win isn't everything, it's the only thing that matters. Let's go! #victory #train2win #胜利不是全部,但却是唯一重要的事。我们走吧! #必胜 #刻苦训练
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_WIN:4 I know winning isn't everything but it still feels good!! :D #victory #notsorry 我知道胜利不是一切,但能赢的感觉真棒!:D #胜利 #实至名归
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_WIN:5 Where's the #victory #party? #庆功 #派对在哪里举行?
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_WIN:6 Yeehaw! everyone let's meet at the #market and swim in the #fountain #victory #champions 呀嘿!所有人到#市集上集合,然后跳进#喷泉里游个泳! #胜利 #冠军
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_WIN:7 We are the #winners and you are the #losers #sweetvictory ^_^ 我们#赢了,你们#输了 #甜美的胜利 ^ _ ^
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_WIN:8 Yessss! Another victory for the pride of our #hometownpride #victory #gg 耶!又赢了一场,#主队荣誉感要爆棚了! #胜利 #哈哈
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_WIN:9 I want get signatures from the #winners. I hope they read this! #no1 #fan 我想获得#获胜队伍的签名。我希望他们能看到这条推文! #头号 #粉丝
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_WIN:10 Proud to represent this #hometeam tonight with them #teamcolors! #victory #gg 很高兴能在今晚穿上代表#主队的#队伍颜色! #胜利 #哈哈
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_LOSE:0 Good game! Shame that we #lost though! 太精彩了!可惜我们还是#输了!
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_LOSE:1 Good effort! We'll get them next time #notvictorious 真棒啊!我们下次肯定能赢 #失利
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_LOSE:2 Take a lesson from this loss and you truly haven't #lost #gg 只要能从这次的失败中汲取教训,就不算真正的#失利 #叹气
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_LOSE:3 Sometimes you lose. Nothing you can do but learn from it. #gg #lost #goodsport 有时你会输掉比赛,这时唯有吸取经验啦。 #叹气 #输了 #精彩至极
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_LOSE:4 A true fan cheers for their team no matter what! See you in the next match! #teamspirit #neversurrender 无论胜败,真正的粉丝都会为他们的队伍欢呼!在下一场比赛中见! #团队精神 #永不言弃
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_LOSE:5 I swear this team is #useless #boo #neveragain #reallybadgame !! 这支球队真是#一无是处 #嘘声 #永不再看 #糟糕透顶!
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_LOSE:6 Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. All that matters is that we do it together! #united #teamspirit #gg 胜败乃兵家常事,重要的是我们在一起努力! #团结一心 #团队精神 #叹气
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_LOSE:7 That was embarrassing! Who's taking responsibility?? #demand #answers 那太尴尬了!谁是责任人? #要求#说法
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_LOSE:8 I have to admit better team won but still this stings #goodgame #gg #meh 我必须承认那支球队赢得令人心服口服,但我还是有点难过 #精彩的比赛 #叹气 #扫兴
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_LOSE:9 What a sad excuse of a "team" we have >:( #hatinglosing #badgame 真难给我们这支“队伍”开脱啊!> :( #讨厌失败 #糟糕的比赛
VARSITYSPORTSCHIRP_LOSE:10 Some take #sports way too seriously. Losing is okay! #gg #sportsmanship 某些人对待#体育运动的态度也太严肃了。胜负有什么大不了的! #叹气 #体育精神
FREEWHATSNEW9_TITLE1:0 New city service and Unique Building! 城市新服务与独特建筑!
FREEWHATSNEW9_TEXT1:0 The Public Library is an education building that provides a small chance for citizens to gain an education whenever they visit it. For those who take an advantage of the Public Library City service there is also new Unique Building called Academic Library to unlock. 公共图书馆是一座教育建筑,在市民去图书馆时有较小的几率为他们提供一项教育。对于使用公共图书馆市政服务的人来说,他们还能解锁称之为学术图书馆的新独特建筑。
FREEWHATSNEW9_TITLE2:0 Bus line customization 公交线路自定义
FREEWHATSNEW9_TEXT2:0 It's time to stop when the red lights flash because the yellow school bus model is here! You can now choose which kind of bus operates on your bus lines, standard or a yellow one? 当红灯闪耀时就得停下车辆,因为黄色型号的校车来了!你可以选择在你的公交车线路上运行哪种巴士,标准的还是黄色的?
FREEWHATSNEW9_TITLE3:0 Job titles 职业头衔
FREEWHATSNEW9_TEXT3:0 Citizens now have a proper job titles and on top of that you can directly assign job titles for the buildings through the Asset Editor. 市民们现在有正式的职业头衔了,而且你也可以用素材编辑工具直接为建筑指定职业头衔。
FREEWHATSNEW9_TITLE4:0 Industry 4.0 city policy 工业4.0城市政策
FREEWHATSNEW9_TEXT4:0 When the majority of citizens are well-educated or higher it can be difficult for the regular industry to find capable workers. With Industry 4.0 City Policy all of the workplaces from zoned industry are converted to highly educated specialists while simultaneously reducing the available workplaces. 当大多数市民都受过中等或高等教育时,基础工业可能很难找到工人。有了工业4.0城市政策,工业区内的所有工作场所都将转换为高等教育专家,同时减少可用的工作场所。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW9_TEXT1:0 Create your own Campus Area in any shape or size with the Campus Area tool. Administration building which sets the type, allows gaining reputation and works as a headquarter for the campus area buildings. It also enables the creation of Academic Works and eventually building a museum where you can showcase created Academic Works. 用校园区域工具把你的校园区域塑造成任意形状与大小。行政大楼将决定校园区域的类型,可使校园区域获得声望并作为校园区域的总部,同时也可创作学术作品,并最终建造一座博物馆来展览你创作的学术作品。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW9_TITLE2:0 New campus buildings! 新的校园建筑!
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW9_TEXT2:0 Divided by campus area types the selection of each new building has a specific function in the game. While some increase the student capacity or increase the campus attractiveness or even have city-wide effects the campus buildings ranging from dormitories, fountains and club houses to unique faculties are sure to have an positive impact on your campus areas reputation. 根据校园区域种类的不同,每种新建筑都在游戏内有着特定的作用。有些增加学生容量或增加校园区域的吸引力,甚至有些可以提供影响整座城市的效果。这些建筑从宿舍、喷泉、俱乐部到独特的学院等等不一而足,必然会正面影响你的校园区域声望。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW9_TITLE3:0 Unique Faculties 独特学院
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW9_TEXT3:0 Representing the various academic majors the citizens can choose go to the Unique Faculties, such as Police Academy and School of Education, are new impressive buildings that are sure to attract a lot of students. Besides just increasing student capacity the Faculties provide city-wide bonuses by boosting certain aspects such as services and zones! 市民们可选择代表着各类学科的独特学院,例如警察学院和教育学院,这些新的气派建筑必将吸引大批学生。除了增加学生容量以外,学院也会在某些方面为整座城市提供加成,例如服务与区域!
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW9_TEXT4:0 Varsity Sports in a integral part of the college and university experience and with Campus Area it is now possible to make and customize your own Varsity Sports team. Varsity Sports feature includes five different types of sports and arenas to go with them and all new Varsity Sports Policies to help your team's chances of winning. 校队体育是校园与大学经历的重要组成部分,现在你可以在校园区域创建并自定义你自己的校队了。校队体育包括五种不同的体育项目及配套的竞技场,还有全新的校队体育政策,可增加你的校队的取胜几率。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW9_TEXT5:0 Toga Parties and Graduation ceremonies are integral part of the student life experience. Toga Parties can occur randomly when the Campus Area is operational and at the end of every Academic Year your Campus will host Graduation Ceremonies for all those who managed to graduate. 长袍派对与毕业典礼是校园经历的重要组成部分。长袍派对会在校园区域运作时随机发生,而在每个学年的期末,你的校园会为所有毕业生举办毕业典礼。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW9_TEXT6:0 New City Policies, Campus Area Policies and Varsity Sports Policies allow you to make your city even more thriving and educated than ever before! 城市新政策、校园区域政策与校队体育政策,可让你的城市变得更加繁荣且教育良好!
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW9_TEXT7:0 Five new maps designed to provide a diverse set of starting points for cities, ranging from riversides and shorelines to cities nested in the mountains. Included with natural resources and memorable terrain formations the new maps provide interesting locations for campus areas. 从河边到海岸,再到深山之中,五张新地图为城市提供了多种多样的起始地点。除了天然资源与壮丽的地形之外,新地图也为校园区域提供了有吸引力的地点。
ECONOMYPANEL_IPC_CAMPUSAREASINCOME:0 {0} of your income comes from Campus Areas 你的收入中有{0}来自校园区域
ECONOMYPANEL_IPC_CAMPUSAREASEXPENSES:0 {0} of your expenses come from Campus Areas 你的支出中有{0}来自校园区域
PROFIT_TT_TOTAL_CAMPUSAREAS:0 Weekly total Campus Area profit 每周总校园区域利润
EXPENSES_TT_MONUMENTS_ARENAS:0 Weekly Unique Buildings and Sport Arenas expenses 每周独特建筑与体育场支出
ECONOMYPANEL_TOOLTIP_CAMPUSINCOME:0 Weekly income from Campus Areas 来自校园区域的每周收入
ECONOMYPANEL_CAMPUSAREAS_TOOLTIP:0 Income and expenses from Campus Areas 来自校园区域的收入和支出
INFO_INDUSTRY_FISHING:0 Fishing Industry 捕鱼业
ECONOMYPANEL_TOOLTIP_INDUSTRIAL_ONLYPLAYERINDUSTRY_AND_FISHING:0 Weekly Income from Industry Areas and Fishing 来自工业区和捕捞的每周收入
ECONOMYPANEL_TOOLTIP_INDUSTRIAL_FISHING:0 Weekly Income from Fishing 来自捕捞的每周收入
EXPENSES_TT_PLAYERINDUSTRY_AND_FISHING:0 Weekly Industry Area and Fishing Expenses 工业区和捕捞的每周花费
EXPENSES_TT_FISHING:0 Weekly Fishing Expenses 捕捞的每周花费
ECONOMYPANEL_INDUSTRYAREAS_AND_FISHING_TOOLTIP:0 Income and Expenses from Industry Areas and Fishing 来自工业区和捕捞的每周收入和花费
BUDGET_INFO_URBAN[PlayerIndustry]:0 A higher budget increases the production rate of fishing-related buildings and allows them to house more vehicles.  较高的预算会提高与捕捞相关的建筑的生产率,并允许它们容纳更多的车辆。
INFO_INDUSTRY_PLAYER_AND_FISHING:0 Industry Areas and Fishing Industry 工业区和捕鱼业
AIINFO_FISH_SOLD:0 Fish sold last week: {0} 上周售出的鱼:{0}
FISHINGHARBOR_DELETEROUTE_MESSAGE[Text]:0 Are you sure you want to delete the entire fishing route for this harbor? 你确定想要删除这个港口的整条捕捞路线吗?
FISHINGHARBOR_FULLNESS:0 Boat efficiency: {0} 渔船效率:{0}
FISHINGHARBOR_FULLNESS_TOOLTIP:0 This shows how full the fishing boats are when arriving at the harbor. If this value is low, consider increasing the length of the fishing route. 这里显示渔船到达港口时的装载量。如果数值较低,则需要考虑延长捕捞路线的长度。
PANEL_TUTORIAL_MESSAGES_LOG_EMPTY_TITLE:0 Nothing to see here 这里没什么可看的
PANEL_TUTORIAL_MESSAGES_LOG_EMPTY_DESC:0 You haven't triggered any tutorial messages yet. Come back later! 你还没有触发任何教程信息。请稍后再来!
AIINFO_FISHING_FISHING_ROUTE_EFFICIENCY:0 Fishing route efficiency: {0}% 捕捞路线效率:{0}%
ECONOMYPANEL_IPC_INDUSTRYAREASANDFISHINGEXPENSES:0 {0} of your expenses come from industry areas and fishing industry. 你的花费的{0}来自工业区和捕鱼业。
ECONOMYPANEL_IPC_FISHINGEXPENSES:0 {0} of your expenses come from fishing industry. 你的花费的{0}来自捕鱼业。
ECONOMYPANEL_IPC_INDUSTRYAREASANDFISHINGINCOME:0 {0} of your income come from industry areas and fishing industry. 你的收入的{0}来自工业区和捕鱼业。
ECONOMYPANEL_IPC_FISHINGINCOME:0 {0} of your income come from fishing industry. 你的收入的{0}来自捕鱼业。
ECONOMYPANEL_TOOLTIP_FISHING:0 Income and expenses from Fishing Industry 来自捕鱼业的收入和花费
ECONOMYPANEL_TOOLTIP_INDUSTRYAREASANDFISHING:0 Income and expenses from Industry Areas and Fishing Industry 来自工业区和捕鱼业的收入和花费
ECONOMYPANEL_TOOLTIP_INDUSTRYAREASANDFISHING_INCOME:0 Weekly income from Industry Areas and Fishing Industry 来自工业区和捕鱼业的每周收入
ECONOMYPANEL_TOOLTIP_INDUSTRYAREASANDFISHING_EXPENSES:0 Weekly Industry Area and Fishing Industry expenses 工业区和捕鱼业的每周花费
ECONOMYPANEL_TOOLTIP_FISHING_EXPENSES:0 Weekly Fishing Industry expenses 捕鱼业的每周花费
ECONOMYPANEL_TOOLTIP_FISHING_INCOME:0 Weekly income from the Fishing Industry 来自捕鱼业的每周收入
AIINFO_TRANSFER_TRUCKS:0 Waste Transfer Trucks in use: {0} / {1} 使用中的垃圾运输卡车: {0} / {1}
AIINFO_TRANSFERTRUCK_CAPACITY:0 Waste Transfer Truck capacity: {0} 垃圾运输卡车容量:{0}
PROFIT_TT_TOTAL_INDUSTRIES:0 Weekly total Industry Areas and Fishing Industry profit 每周工业区和捕鱼业总利润
PROFIT_TT_TOTAL_FISHINGINDUSTRY:0 Weekly total Fishing Industry profit 每周捕鱼业总利润
AIINFO_TROLLEYBUSDEPOT_TROLLEYBUSCOUNT:0 Trolleybuses in use: {0} 使用中的无轨电车:{0}
AIINFO_ELDERCARE_USERS_GLOBAL:0 Eldercare users in the city: {0} 城市中的养老院使用者:{0}
AIINFO_CHILDCARE_USERS_GLOBAL:0 Childcare users in the city: {0} 城市中的孩童保育使用者:{0}
AIINFO_VISITORCOUNT:0 Visitors: {0} / {1} 访客:{0} / {1}
BUDGET_D_TITLE[Bus]:0 Bus and Intercity Bus 公交车和城际公交车
BUDGET_D_TITLE[Plane]:0 Planes and Helicopters 飞机和直升机
BUDGET_D_INFO[Bus]:0 The higher the budget, the more buses are available in the city.

Also with increased budget, residents are more likely to select an intercity bus when they travel outside of the city.



BUDGET_D_INFO[Plane]:0 The Hangar and Helicopter Depot can house more vehicles with higher funding. 更高的资金可以让机库和直升机总站容纳更多的飞行工具。
BUDGET_MT_TITLE[Plane]:0 Planes and Blimps 飞机和飞艇
BUDGET_MT_TITLE[Ship]:0 Ship and Ferry 船只和渡船
BUDGET_MT_INFO[Plane]:0 The Hangar and Blimp Depot can house more vehicles with higher funding. 更高的资金可以让机库和飞艇总站容纳更多的飞行工具。
BUDGET_MT_INFO[Ship]:0 Harbor and Ferry Depot can support more ships and ferries with a higher budget. 更高的资金可以让港口和渡船总站容纳更多的船只和渡船。
BUDGET_MT_D_TITLE[Plane]:0 Air Transport 空中交通
BUDGET_MT_D_INFO[Plane]:0 The Hangar, Blimp Depot and Helicopter Depot can house more vehicles with higher funding. 更高的资金可以让机库、飞艇总站和直升机总站容纳更多的飞行工具。
BUDGET_TITLE[Roads]:0 Road Maintenance 道路维护
BUDGET_TITLE[PlayerIndustries]:0 Industry Areas and Fishing Industry 工业区和捕鱼业
BUDGET_INFO_URBAN_INDUSTRIES[PlayerIndustry]:0 A higher budget increases the Extractors, Processing Buildings, Unique Factories, and fishing-related buildings production rates as well as allows them to house more vehicles. 更高的预算会提高开采设施、加工设施、独特工厂和捕捞相关的建筑的生产率,并让它们可以容纳更多的交通工具。
VEHICLE_STATUS_HELICOPTER_RETURN:0 Returning to depot 正在返回总站
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_WAIT[Fish]:0 Looking for the correct address 寻找正确的地址
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_MOVING[Fish]:0 Transporting fish to 将鱼转运到
INFO_HEALTH_CHILDCARE_CHILDCOUNT:0 Children and teens: {0} 儿童和青少年:{0}人
INFO_HEALTH_CHILDCARE_SICKCHILDCOUNT:0 Sick children and teens: {0} 生病的儿童和青少年:{0}人
INFO_HEALTH_CHILDCARE_BIRTHRATE:0 Birth rate: {0} / week 婴儿出生率:{0}/周
INFO_HEALTH_ELDERCARE_AVERAGELIFESPAN:0 Average life span: {0} years 平均寿命:{0}年
OPTIONS_PAUSEONLOAD:0 Pause the game after loading 在装载后暂停游戏
INFO_FISHING_TITLE:0 Fishing Industry 捕鱼业
INFO_CONDITIONSLABEL:0 Conditions optimal for 条件最适合
FISHINGBOAT_CATCHING:0 Catching {0} 捕获{0}尾
INFO_FISH_FARM_STATS:0 Growth Stage: {0}/{1} 生长阶段:{0}/{1}
CHIRP_FIRST_TROLLEYBUS_DEPOT:0 Long lasting dream come true! #trolleybuses are finally here, woohoo!! 长久以来的心愿终于实现了! #无轨电车终于出现在我们的城市中了,好哎!!
CHIRP_FIRST_TROLLEYBUS_STOP:0 Dibs on the first ride!! #trolleybus #commuting 我要第一个乘坐!!#无轨电车 #通勤
CHIRP_FIRST_INTERCITY_BUS_STATION_01:0 A new affordable intercity connection. I love, love, love it! #bus #intercity #countingpennies 一种新型且价格实惠的城际交通工具,我很喜欢,太喜欢了!#公交车 #城际 #数钱
CHIRP_FIRST_INTERCITY_BUS_STATION_02:0 More buses means more #traffic. Let's hope tourists come in masses! #intercity #buses 公交车越多,#交通流量就越高。希望这里能客源滚滚! #城际 #公交车
CHIRP_FIRST_PASSENGER_HELICOPTER_DEPOT:0 I want to become a helicopter pilot! #aretheyhiring #dreamcometrue 我想成为一名直升机飞行员!#他们现在招人吗 #梦想成真
CHIRP_FIRST_PASSENGER_HELICOPTER_STOP:0 Get to the choppa! #helicopter #stop 上直升机! #直升机 #停下
CHIRP_FIRST_OVERGROUND_METRO_STATION:0 Please, mind the gap between the metro and the platform #overground #metro 请注意地铁和平台之间的空隙 #地上 #地铁
CHIRP_FIRST_OVERGROUND_METRO_STATION_ELEVATED:0 Amazing to see our metro station getting #elevated from #underground above our city streets! 我们的地铁站从#地下#上升到了城市街道上空!真是太壮观了!
CHIRP_FIRST_TRANSPORT_HUB_01:0 What a brilliant design to easily funnel people to and from the city #transport #hub #metro #intercity 这个精妙绝伦的运输设计可以轻易的让人们进出城市 #运输 #中转站 #地铁 #城际
CHIRP_FIRST_TRANSPORT_HUB_02:0 Buses.. so many buses. It's like a bus wonderland! #transport #hub #intercity #local 好多公交车啊,简直就像是公交车梦幻岛一样! #运输 #中转站 #城际 #当地
CHIRP_FIRST_TRANSPORT_HUB_03:0 This glass tube/bridge, or whatever it is, looks sooo beautiful! #modern #glassenthusiast :) 那个到底是玻璃管子还是桥啊?无所谓了,反正挺漂亮的!#现代 #玻璃爱好者:)
CHIRP_FIRST_TRANSPORT_HUB_04:0 This place is THE best place for #aircraft #spotting #transport #hub 这个地方最适合#看#飞机了 #运输 #中转站
CHIRP_FIRST_TRANSPORT_HUB_05:0 Wait what? This hub has underground metro for four directions?! #finally #4directions #happy 不是吧?这个中转站竟然有通往四个方向的地下地铁?! #终于等到了 #4个方向 #令人激动
CHIRP_FIRST_LARGE_WATER_TOWER:0 Whoa! Now that is a tall and #large #water #tower 好家伙!! 那个#水#塔可真够#高大的
CHIRP_FIRST_INLAND_WATER_TREATMENT_PLANT:0 Hooray! Now we can enjoy #fresh drinking water without polluting our precious rivers! :) #water #treatment 好极了!现在我们可以放心饮用#纯净的水源,不用担心河流会被污染了!:) #水 #处理
CHIRP_FIRST_ADVANCED_WATER_TREATMENT_PLANT:0 It sure is bigger and more effective... shame it still pollutes :( #advanced #water #treatment 虽然这个更大、功效也更强...但还是会造成污染啊:( #高级 #水 #处理
CHIRP_FIRST_ECO_INLAND_WATER_TREATMENT_PLANT:0 It may not be as #efficient but at least it is more #eco-friendly! 虽然这个的#功效差一些,但它#对生态环境污染更小!
CHIRP_FIRST_ECO_ADVANCED_INLAND_WATER_TREATMENT_PLANT:0 Bigger, better, eco-friendlier.. just the way it should be #eco #advanced #water #treatment 更大、更强、更不容易污染环境...这样才对嘛 #生态 #高级 #水 #处理
CHIRP_FIRST_FISHING_BOAT_HARBOR_01:0 It's time to #reel in all those #fishies! #fishybusiness 是时候#收网了,把那些#鱼都抓上来吧! #捕鱼业
CHIRP_FIRST_FISHING_BOAT_HARBOR_02:0 On this harbor, we specialize in #salmon, the greatest #fish of them all! 我们这个港口盛产#鲑鱼,鲑鱼是#鱼中极品!
CHIRP_FIRST_FISHING_BOAT_HARBOR_03:0 In this industry, we can't be #shellfish! We have to pull on the same ropes everybody! #all-hands-on-deck 干我们这一行绝不能#敷衍偷懒!必须每天都加倍努力! #全力以赴毫不松懈
CHIRP_FIRST_FISHING_BOAT_HARBOR_04:0 I'm hoping to catch a ton of #tuna today! <>< 希望我今天能捕到一大堆#金枪鱼!<><
CHIRP_FIRST_FISHING_BOAT_HARBOR_05:0 Can't wait to have locally produced anchovies on my pizza! #yum! 真想赶快吃到当地捕捞的凤尾鱼啊,最好能就着我的比萨饼一起吃下去! #美味啊!
CHIRP_FIRST_FISH_FARM_01:0 Licensed, regulated and controlled! the #fish #farm is now in operation! 拿到了经营许可,各项规章制度也已经制定完毕,措施齐备!#养殖#场正式运营!
CHIRP_FIRST_FISH_FARM_02:0 Let's get this #algaculture up and running! 我们赶快把这个#藻类养殖设施运营起来吧!
CHIRP_FIRST_FISH_FARM_03:0 Investing in aquaculture is always smart. Share your best #seaweed recipes! 投资水产养殖业无论何时都是划算的买卖。分享下你最棒的#海带食谱吧!
CHIRP_FIRST_FISH_MARKET:0 Simply the best place to get #fresh #fish! #happyhappyhappy 毫无疑问是捕捞#新鲜#鱼类的绝佳场所! #简直太棒了
CHIRP_FIRST_FISH_FACTORY:0 As long as we provide fresh fish from clean waters, our #fish #factory will surely thrive! 只要能持续从净水中打捞出新鲜的鱼类,我们的#鱼肉#加工厂必能蓬勃发展!
CHIRP_FIRST_WASTE_TRANSFER_FACILITY:0 What a great way to extend the range of garbage services! #waste #transfer 大大的扩展了垃圾服务的种类和范围,真不错! #垃圾废物 #转移
CHIRP_FIRST_WASTEPROCESSING_COMPLEX:0 There's nothing that the #waste #processing #complex can't handle! #垃圾#处理#厂是无所不能的!
CHIRP_FIRST_CHILD_HEALTH_CENTER:0 My little one absolutely loves all the toys in the waiting room of the new #child #health #center! 我的孩子十分喜爱新开的#孩童#健康#中心接待室中的玩具!
CHIRP_FIRST_ELDERCARE:0 Finally a place for grandma to get specialized treatment for her elderly needs <3 #longlive #eldercare 终于找到了一个能给我祖母提供老年人特殊护理的地方了 <3 #养老院 万岁
CHIRP_FIRST_AVIATION_CLUB:0 Time to soar to new heights! #AviationClub 展翅翱翔吧,我要飞的更高!#航空俱乐部
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP9:0 I wonder.. how do the water towers work? #puzzled #engineering 水塔的工作原理到底是怎样的?#令人迷惑的 #工程学
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP9:1 Ah well.. #summervacation is over and it's time to get back to #work #workwork 无奈啊…… #暑假结束了,必须得回去#工作了 #工作工作
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP9:2 omg! I caught a #fish as big as me last weekend! #totally-not-a-lie 难以置信!上个礼拜我抓到了一条和我一样大的#鱼!#绝对没骗人
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP9:3 Heyyy! Join me on my #livestream tonight when I go to sleep! #sleepstream #countingsheeps :D 喂!今晚我睡觉的时候你来和我一起#直播吧! #睡眠直播 #数绵羊 :D
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP9:4 How much for the #fish? #countingpennies 这#鱼多少钱?#数钱
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP9:5 My favourite fish is #salmon @mayor what's yours? 我最喜欢的鱼是#鲑鱼 @市长 您最喜欢的鱼是?
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP9:6 Ducks? DUCKS! #ducks #teamducks 鸭子?鸭子!#鸭子 #一队鸭子
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP9:7 <>< <>< <>< #fishy <>< <>< <>< #鱼腥味
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP9:8 Has anyone seen my grandma? I left my window open by accident... #elderly 有人见到我祖母了吗?我不小心忘关窗户了... #老年人
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP9:9 Got a date! PM me your best #fish #dish recipe! 我要和别人约会了!快把你那里最棒的#鱼肉#菜肴的食谱用私信发给我!
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP9:10 I found the perfect spot for fishing! PM me if you want to know more... #shh 我找到了最适合钓鱼的地方!如果你感兴趣的话就给我发私信吧... #嘘
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP9:11 So what's your favourite #tuna #brand? #discuss 你最喜欢的#金枪鱼#品牌是什么?#讨论
CHIRP_RANDOM_EXP9:12 Something smells fishy... 好像有鱼腥味啊...
CHIRP_FISHING_BOAT_HARBOR_02_UNLOCKED:0 Time to make for #new #tides #salmon #fishing 现在该迈向#新#潮流了 #鲑鱼 #捕鱼
CHIRP_FISHING_BOAT_HARBOR_03_UNLOCKED:0 Go get them while they are still fresh #shellfish #waterdweller 趁着它们还新鲜赶快将其捕捞上来吧 #贝壳类 #水生生物
CHIRP_FISHING_BOAT_HARBOR_04_UNLOCKED:0 Ay ay captain! Let's reel in the big fish! #tuna #fishing #harbor 明白,船长!我们去捞大鱼吧!#金枪鱼 #捕鱼 #港口
CHIRP_FISHING_BOAT_HARBOR_05_UNLOCKED:0 All aboard! let's go get them #anchovies ! #fishing 都上船!我们去捕捞#凤尾鱼! #捕鱼
CHIRP_FISH_FARM_02_UNLOCKED:0 Can't wait to see what commercial and industrial uses we can make out of #algae #farm #海藻#养殖场能给我们带来多大的商业收益和怎样的工业用途呢,真让人兴奋啊
CHIRP_FISH_FARM_03_UNLOCKED:0 So simple, so clever and so many opportunities! <>< #seaweed #farm 如此简单,如此巧妙还有如此多的机会! <>< #海带 #养殖场
FREEWHATSNEW10_TITLE1:0 New Child Health Center and ... 新的儿童健康中心和...
FREEWHATSNEW10_TEXT1:0 The Child Health Center improve the lives of children, and additionally it increases the average birth rate of the city. 儿童健康中心可以提升儿童的生活质量和城市的平均出生率。
FREEWHATSNEW10_TITLE2:0 ... Eldercare City Services! ...养老院城市服务!
FREEWHATSNEW10_TEXT2:0 Eldercare City Services offers senior citizens a place to gather and spend time together, improving their health and thus potentially increasing the lifespans of citizens. 养老院城市服务给老年市民提供了一个大家一起安度晚年的场所,养老院可以提升老年人的健康水平和市民的寿命。
FREEWHATSNEW10_TITLE3:0 Overground Metro..... and more! 地上的地铁……还有更多!
FREEWHATSNEW10_TEXT3:0 Overground Metro extends the metro functionality from underground to overground. The updated metro system will feature additional overground and elevated metro stations and a new metro train model. We've also made a lot of general improvements to the core game to make the game experience better! 地上的地铁把地下地铁的职能延续到了地面之上。升级后的地铁系统将有附加的地上地铁站台和高架地铁站台,还有一个新型的地铁列车模型。我们对游戏的核心做了许多基础的改进,更好的提升了游戏体验!
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW10_TITLE1:0 New Fishing Industry! 新的捕鱼业!
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW10_TEXT1:0 Raise the sails and set course, it's time to go fishing with the new fishing industry addition! Manage the fishing industry all the way from fishing and fish farming to commercial products. Build harbors, plan fishing routes and protect your fish farms from harmful polluted water. 定好航向,扬帆起航吧。现在增加了新的捕鱼业,是时候去捕捞一番了!好好管理你的捕鱼业吧,从捕捞、养鱼场到商业产品的这些环节全在你的掌控之下。建造港口、规划捕鱼路线并保护你的养鱼场不受水污染的影响。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW10_TITLE2:0 Intercity Bus Service 城际公交车服务
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW10_TEXT2:0 Tourists, ahoy! A new public transport option for outside connections is here! Intercity Bus Service uses coaches to carry passengers to and from cities. Intercity Bus Service comes with a new intercity coach vehicle model and an intercity bus station. 游客们,好消息!一种可以和城市外部交通进行互通的新型公共交通运输工具已经可以使用了!那就是城际公交车服务,该服务使用长途公共汽车来运载乘客进出城。城际公交车服务带有一个新型的城际长途公共汽车模型和一个城际公交车站。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW10_TITLE3:0 Trolleybus Service 无轨电车服务
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW10_TEXT3:0 Much desired and highly waited feature has rolled into the city! Trolleybus is an electric bus that draws power from overhead wires using spring-loaded trolley poles. Trolleybus Service comes with various new assets, including a trolleybus depot, vehicle model and new road variations with overhead wires. 万众瞩目且翘首以盼的交通运输方式终于在城市中闪亮登场了!无轨电车是用弹簧加载的接电杆从上方电缆获取电力的电车。无轨电车服务会一并附带一个无轨电车总站、电车模型和带有上方电缆的新公路类型。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW10_TITLE4:0 Helicopter Service 直升机服务
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW10_TEXT4:0 Helicopter Service brings a new dimension to public transport. Helicopters circumvent traffic altogether and zip through the sky, connecting people in a whole new way. Helicopter Service comes with new assets: a helicopter vehicle model, a helicopter depot and helicopter stop. 直升机服务为公共交通带来了新的维度。直升机完全避开了交通并快速飞过天空,以一种全新的方式将市民们连接在了一起。直升机服务带来了新的素材:直升机模型、直升机总站和直升机站点。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW10_TITLE5:0 New Unique Building! 新的独特的建筑!
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW10_TEXT5:0 Aviation Club is a new Unique Building which increases the city's attractiveness and entertainment. Local aviation hobbyists and small plane owners can be spotted using the airfield to do recreational flying within the city's limits. 航空俱乐部是一种全新且独特的建筑,它可以增加城市的吸引力和娱乐性。当地的航空爱好者和拥有小型私人飞机的用户可以从这里飞向蓝天,在城市的空域之内尽情翱翔。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW10_TITLE6:0 New Transport Hubs 新的运输中转站
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW10_TEXT6:0 New Transport Hubs offer multiple ways to connect your city's transport services better and more efficiently. Experiment with all the new Transport Hubs which make changing from one transport type to another easy and fast! 新的运输中转站提供多种不同方式来将你城市中的各种运输服务更好且更高效的连接在一起。新型运输中转站可以让乘客快速便捷的从一种交通方式切换到另一种交通方式,好好实验下这些运输中转站的具体用途吧!
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW10_TITLE7:0 Waste Transfer System 垃圾转运系统
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW10_TEXT7:0 The new Waste Transfer System is an upgrade to the base game garbage service with an increase to the range of garbage services. Now players can build Waste Processing Complexes far away from their beautiful city centers and extend their service range by building smaller, less polluting Waste Transfer Facilities closer to the city center. 新的垃圾转运系统是对游戏中的基础的垃圾服务做的一次升级改进,增加了垃圾服务的范围。现在玩家可以在远离自己美丽城市中心的地方建造垃圾处理厂,同时在距离城市中心较近的地方建造小型且污染性较低的垃圾转运设施,这样就能扩展垃圾处理的服务范围了。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW10_TITLE8:0 Inland Water Treatment 内陆污水处理厂
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW10_TEXT8:0 Inland Water Treatment Plant extends the water services to include cities built completely inland, far away from open water sources. With Inland Water Treatment Plant, players can process waste water to completely clean water and then pump it back into circulation. 内陆污水处理厂的服务范围扩展到了那些完全建在内陆的城市,也就是远离开放水源的城市。有了内陆污水处理厂,玩家就可以将污水完全处理成洁净水,然后再用水泵将其排入到大自然的水循环系统之中。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW10_TEXT9:0 A whole new set of policies allows you to personalize your city even more. New policies can affect city attractiveness, citizen happiness and take direct effect on preserving the environment. 一系列全新的政策让你可以进一步对你的城市进行个性化设置。这些新政策可以影响城市的吸引力,市民的幸福度,还可以直接影响到对自然环境的保护。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW10_TEXT10:0 From deserts to swamps, the five new maps provide unique vistas, new challenges and a number of exciting locations to start building your dream city. 从沙漠到沼泽,5个全新的地图给玩家提供了独特的美丽景观、新的挑战和很多令人兴奋的地点,你可以在这些地方开始建立你的梦幻城市。
FESTIVALPANEL_UPGRADECOST:0 Upgrade cost: {0} 升级花费:{0}
DLCPANEL_CONCERTS:0 Concerts DLC 《音乐会》下载内容
FESTIVALPANEL_TICKETINCOME:0 Ticket sales income 售票收入
FESTIVALMILESTONEDESCR[Festival Area2 Requirement 1]:0 {0} concerts played 完成{0}场演出
FESTIVALMILESTONEDESCR[Festival Area2 Requirement 2]:0 Highest band popularity at least {0} 最高乐队人气至少为{0}
FESTIVALMILESTONEDESCR[Festival Area3 Requirement 1]:0 {0} concerts played 完成{0}场演出
FESTIVALMILESTONEDESCR[Festival Area3 Requirement 2]:0 Highest band popularity at least {0} 最高乐队人气至少为{0}
FESTIVALMILESTONEDESCR[Festival Area3 Requirement 3]:0 One sold out concert 一场全票售馨的演唱会
PDXLOGIN_ERROR:0 Error: {0} 错误:{0}
CONCERT_BAND_NAME[Elijha MOTi]:0 Elijha MOTi 以利亚 莫提
CONCERT_BAND_NAME[Lily La Roux]:0 Lily La Roux 莉莉乐路克丝
MILESTONE_EVENT_TICKETS_PROG[MusicFestivalSoldOut]:0 Current concert: {0}% sold out 当前音乐会:已售出{0}%
MILESTONE_EVENT_TICKETS_DESC[MusicFestivalSoldOut]:0 One sold out concert 一场全票售馨的演唱会
MILESTONE_EVENT_POPULARITY_PROG[MusicFestivalBand]:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_EVENT_POPULARITY_DESC[MusicFestivalBand]:0 Band popularity at least {0} 乐队人气至少达到{0}
PANEL_SORT_SUBSCRIBED:0 Time Subscribed 订阅次数
PANEL_SORT_PATH:0 File Path 文件路径
CONTENT_SELECT_ALL:0 Select All 选择所有
CONTENT_DESELECT_ALL:0 Deselect All 删除所有
CONTENT_SELECTED_COUNT:0 Assets selected: {0} 已选择{0}资产
CONFIRM_UNSUBSCRIBESELECTED[Title]:0 Unsubscribe All 取消所有订阅
CONFIRM_UNSUBSCRIBESELECTED[Message]:0 Unsubscribe from {0} selected items? 取消订阅{0}中选定的项目?
CHIRP_BAND_NESTOR:0 There's albums you don't have to skip any songs and albums you always go back to #NESTOR 他们的专辑每一首都是精华,而且值得反复回味#奈斯特
CHIRP_BAND_NESTOR:1 I have an extra ticket for the #ElijhaMOTi concert. Fair price. PM me for more details. 我手头有一张#以利亚莫提演唱会的入场票哦。价格公道。欲购从速。
CHIRP_BAND_NESTOR:2 That song from NESTOR has been playing in my head for the last month. Now I have the privilege to hear it up close. #bucketlist #festivalfreak #earworm 奈斯特的歌一直在我的脑海中回荡着。现在我可以近距离听啦。#完成人生心愿 #大爱音乐节 #流行歌曲
CHIRP_BAND_LILY:0 OMG! #LilyLaRoux is amazing. I'm sure her new album is as good as the previous ones. 天啊!#莉莉 乐路克丝超赞!她的新专辑肯定和之前的一样棒啦。
CHIRP_BAND_LILY:1 Saw #Lily live at a club a few years ago when she was just starting her career. Soon I'll see her playing on a big stage. That's what #talent and hard work can do to you. 几年前在夜店看过#莉莉的演出,那时她才刚入道。现在能在更大的舞台上看到她啦。这就是#天赋和努力的回报。
CHIRP_BAND_LILY:2 I hope #LilyLaRoux will be playing some of her older songs too on the #tour. #bands #music 希望#以利亚莫提会在#巡回#乐队#音乐节上唱几首老歌!
CHIRP_BAND_MOTI:0 Finally! #ElijhaMoti playing in my home town! I can't wait to see Elijha live! #以利亚莫提终于要在我老家开唱啦!我等不及看现场了!
CHIRP_BAND_MOTI:1 Would anyone happen to have tickets to the upcoming #ElijahMoti concert? Pls, I'm desperate! 有人有#以利亚莫提演唱会的门票吗?拜托,跪求!
CHIRP_BAND_MOTI:2 Writing and listening to #ElijhaMoti always makes the words flow freely. 写作时听#以利亚莫提的歌让我才思泉涌。
CHIRP_NEW_FESTIVALAREA:0 At last our city will have a place to organize proper festivals and outdoor concerts. Yassss! #festival #music #concert 我们这个城市终于也能组织够格的音乐节和户外演唱会啦!#音乐节 #音乐 #演唱会
CHIRP_NEW_FESTIVALAREA:1 The new #festival grounds will definitely boost the local #tourism and #economy . Great move from the city representatives! 新建的#音乐节场地一定能带动本地的#旅游业和#经济。城市代表这步棋下的不错!
CHIRP_NEW_FESTIVALAREA:2 Who will pay for the loss of my property value now that they will be playing that rock music all day long? #justasking 他们一整天都在演出摇滚乐,谁来赔偿我的房屋损失?#就那么一问
CHIRP_UPGRADE_FESTIVALAREA:0 Awesomesauce! Now we can have even bigger festivals and concerts! #FestivalUpgrade 太好了!我们有规模更大的音乐节和演唱会啦!#音乐节升级
CHIRP_UPGRADE_FESTIVALAREA:1 You must be kidding! Even more noise and shady rock musicians! Can't you see where this is taking our city!? 开玩笑吗!还要更多的噪音和讨厌的摇滚歌手!我们的城市被这占领了没人看出来吗!?
FREEWHATSNEW6_TITLE1:0 Content Manager Update 内容管理器更新
FREEWHATSNEW6_TEXT1:0 The updated Content Manager allows you to sort the assets in several different ways and the new search box functionality makes it easier and faster to find the content you are looking for. Select all / Deselect all feature now affects all the filtered assets making it easy to manage the assets in batches. 更新后的内容管理器让您可以用多种方法排列资产,新的搜索栏功能让您能更快地找到所需要的内容。全选/取消全选功能现在影响所有过滤过的资产,这样能更方便地分批管理资产。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW6_TITLE1:0 Upgradeable Festival Area 可升级的节日区
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW6_TEXT1:0 The Festival Area is a new kind of Unique Building that can be upgraded. Each upgrade level has its own requirements and once those prerequisites are met, you can upgrade the building into a Festival Area that provides even better benefits. 节日区是一种新的可以升级的独特建筑。每个升级等级都有独特的要求,一旦达成这些要求,你就可以将该建筑升级为拥有更多福利的节日区。
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW6_TITLE2:0 New Radio Station 新广播电台
EXPANSIONWHATSNEW6_TEXT2:0 A new radio station comes with a playlist featuring songs from the three local bands NESTOR, Lily La Roux and Elijha MOTi. The three bands also represent the main performers of the new Festival Area building. 现在有了新的广播电台,新增三只本地乐队“奈斯特”、“莉莉拉路克斯”和“以利亚莫提”的曲目。这三支乐队还代表着新增的节日区建筑里的主要表演者。
CONFIRM_UNSUBSCRIBEALL[Title]:0 Unsubscribe All 全部取消
CONFIRM_UNSUBSCRIBEALL[Message]:0 Unsubscribe from all workshop items? 取消全部模组商店订阅吗?
SPORT_TEAM_NAME[Football Match]:0 {0} FC {0}足球俱乐部
SPORT_TEAM_NAME[Juventus]:0 Juventus Football Club 尤文图斯足球俱乐部
SPORT_TEAM_NAME[Chelsea]:0 Chelsea FC 切尔西足球俱乐部
SPORT_TEAM_NAME[Barcelona]:0 FC Barcelona 巴塞罗那足球俱乐部
SPORT_TEAM_NAME[SaintGermain]:0 Paris Saint-Germain F.C. 巴黎圣日耳曼足球俱乐部
SPORT_OPPONENT_NAME[Football Match]:0 {0} FC {0}足球俱乐部
SPORT_OPPONENT_NAME[Juventus]:0 {0} FC {0}足球俱乐部
SPORT_OPPONENT_NAME[Chelsea]:0 {0} FC {0}足球俱乐部
SPORT_OPPONENT_NAME[Barcelona]:0 {0} FC {0}足球俱乐部
SPORT_OPPONENT_NAME[SaintGermain]:0 {0} FC {0}足球俱乐部
STADIUMINFO1:0 Name: 名称:
STADIUMINFO2:0 Year built: 建成年份:
STADIUMINFO3:0 Capacity: 容量:
STADIUMINFO4:0 Team name: 队伍名称:
STADIUMINFO5:0 Team colour: 队伍颜色:
STADIUMINFO6:0 Total wins: 总胜场:
STADIUMINFO7:0 Wins/matches last 12 weeks: 最近 12 周的获胜/比赛:
STADIUMINFO8:0 Ticket price: 票价:
STADIUMINFO9:0 Income last week: 上周收入:
STADIUMINFO10:0 Expected income: 预计收入:
STADIUMINFO11:0 Raise ticket price 提高票价
STADIUMINFO12:0 Lower ticket price 降低票价
FOOTBALLCHIRP_WIN:0 What an awesome football game! {0} won for our city! #winnertakesitall #wearethechampions #goteam #{1} 这场球赛打得太精彩了!{0}为我们的城市赢取了胜利!#胜者为王 #我们是冠军 #继续加油 #{1}
FOOTBALLCHIRP_WIN:1 We are winning! {0} won gold! #keeponwinning #{1} 我们赢了!{0}拿到头筹!#保持胜绩 #{1}
FOOTBALLCHIRP_WIN:2 This city has the best team! Go {0}! #winners #football 这座城市拥有最好的球队!上吧,{0}!#胜利者 #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_WIN:3 Our football players are great! #winningagain #football 我们的球队太牛了!#再次胜利 #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_WIN:4 Isn't it illegal to be this good? Go {0}! #victory #football 打得太好不算犯规吧?{0}!#胜利 #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_WIN:5 Our team won! #winnertakesitall #football 我们的球队赢了!#胜者为王 #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_WIN:6 Keep on winning! The city thanks you! #winning #football 继续胜利!城市感谢你们!#胜利 #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_WIN:7 Well done team, so many goals for us! #goal #football 干得好,我们球队进了好多球!#进球 #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_WIN:8 Best. Team. Ever. #winners #football 史上、最佳、球队。 #胜利者 #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_WIN:9 Who are the winners? We are the winners! #{1} #football 胜方是谁?胜方是我们!#{1} #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_LOSE:0 Oh no, we lost the game! #lost #football 不好了,我们输了比赛!#失败 #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_LOSE:1 Well played, but sadly our team lost :( #football 打得很好,但是我们球队输了 :( #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_LOSE:2 Almost a victory! #betterlucknexttime #football 差点就赢了!#下次努力 #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_LOSE:3 Better luck in the next match! #football 希望下次比赛能运气好!#足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_LOSE:4 If only we scored a few goals more! #afewmore #football 要是我们再多进几球就好了!#再多几个 #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_LOSE:5 City team promises to practise more before the next match. Losing is not fun! #nofun #football 市队承诺在下次比赛前多加训练。输比赛可不有趣!#不好玩 #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_LOSE:6 Just wait for the next match, we will show the world! #nexttime #football 就等着下次比赛吧,我们会向世界为自己正名。 #下次 #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_LOSE:7 Practise makes perfect. All players are required to attend extra practise sessions before the next match! #practise #football 熟能生巧。所有队员都将在下次比赛前参与额外的训练!#训练 #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_LOSE:8 Maybe having a bigger audience would cheer up our team? Everyone, come to the next match! #cometothestadium #football 也许观众多一点会鼓舞我们的球队?各位,都来看下一场比赛吧!#来球场 #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_LOSE:9 LOOSERS! I'm sorry, I just meant to make it known that our team lost. What a shame! #shameonyou #shameonme #football 失败者!抱歉,我只是想让大家知道我们的球队输了。奇耻大辱啊!#你可耻 #我可耻 #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_GENERIC:0 Do you like football? I like football! #football 你们喜欢足球吗?我喜欢足球!#足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_GENERIC:1 I'm so happy we have a stadium in the city, I love seeing matches! #football 好高兴啊,我们城市有球场,我好喜欢看比赛!#足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_GENERIC:2 My kids are training to one day be professional football players, way to go! #football 我的孩子们一直在训练,期望有一天能成为职业球员,加油!#足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_GENERIC:3 Football is my favourite pasttime, I've worn out three pairs of football boots already. Costly but fun! #football 足球是我最喜欢的消遣,我都已经穿破三双球鞋了。烧钱但值得!#足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_GENERIC:4 I kicked the ball so hard it flew out of the stadium. Have you seen it? #football 我踢的太猛了,球直接飞出球场了。你们看到了吗? #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_GENERIC:5 What a magnificent sight our team is! #football 我们的球队真是英姿飒爽!#足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_GENERIC:6 I want to get autographs from the whole team! When is the next match? #football 我想收集全部队员的签名!下一场比赛是什么时候?#足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_GENERIC:7 I can't wait for the next match. Why can't they play every day? #football 等不及看下一场球赛了。他们就不能每天都踢吗?#足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_GENERIC:8 Does anyone have a recording of the last match? I missed it! #football 谁有上次比赛的录像?我错过了!#足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_GENERIC:9 I hope the next match doesn't end like the last one #football 希望下一场比赛不会像上一场那样结束 #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_GENERIC:10 Football fan number one here! Play more games! #football #fan1 我是头号球迷!多打些比赛吧!#足球 #头号球迷
FOOTBALLCHIRP_GENERIC:11 Who wants to play football? Meet me at the park, I'll bring the ball! #football #ballbringer #parks 谁想踢球?我们公园会合,我会带球过去!#足球 #带球人 #公园
FOOTBALLCHIRP_GENERIC:12 Our team is simply the best, win or lose. Keep on playing! #football #bestest 不论输赢,我们的球队都是最棒的。继续踢吧!#足球 #最最棒
FOOTBALLCHIRP_GENERIC:13 I've got two extra tickets to the next match, who wants to come? #tickets #football 下次比赛的门票多出来两张,有谁想去吗? #门票 #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_GENERIC:14 I grew out of my football boots. Any takers? They are only gently worn! #bootswitoutahome #football 我的球鞋大小已经不合脚了。谁需要吗?只是稍微有点旧!#无家可归的球鞋 #足球
FOOTBALLCHIRP_GENERIC:15 I got socks in the wrong colour accidentally. Anyone needing white and red socks? #football #freesocks #redandwhite 我不小心拿了错误颜色的袜子。有人需要红白相间的袜子吗?#足球 #免费袜子 #红白相间
SPORT_VISITORS:0 Visitors: 游客:
SPORT_NEXTMATCH:0 Next match: 下场比赛:
SPORT_CURRENTMATCH:0 Current match: 当前比赛:
FOOTBALLCHIRP_FIRST_FSTADIUM:0 What a grand stadium! This will surely make the city better by all standards! #football #stadium #yay 真是辉煌的足球场!肯定会让城市在各方面上升好几个档次! #足球 #足球场 #呦吼
DLCPANEL_MATCHDAY:0 MatchDay DLC 《比赛日》下载内容
DLCPANEL_STADIUMS:0 Stadiums DLC 《足球场》下载内容
TOOL_LANDSCAPING_COST:0 Landscaping cost: {0} 地形调整花费: {0}
INFO_LANDSCAPING_DIRT:0 Soil Availability 土壤容量
AIINFO_COSTPERCUBICCELL:0 Cost: {0} / cell³ 花费:每立方米区块 {0}
LANDSCAPING_CATEGORY[Landscaping]:0 Landscaping Tools 地形调整工具
LANDSCAPING_TITLE[Soften]:0 Soften terrain 柔化地形
LANDSCAPING_TITLE[Shift]:0 Shift terrain 变化地形
LANDSCAPING_TITLE[Level]:0 Level terrain 平整地形
LANDSCAPING_TITLE[Slope]:0 Slope terrain 倾斜地形
LANDSCAPING_DESC[Soften]:0 Softens the terrain. Use the primary mouse button to smooth gently and secondary button for a strong effect. 将地形柔化。单击鼠标左键进行轻度柔化,或单击鼠标右键进行重度柔化。
LANDSCAPING_DESC[Shift]:0 Elevate and lower terrain. Elevate by clicking with primary mouse button. Lower by clicking with secondary mouse button. 升高和降低地形。点击鼠标左键升高,点击鼠标右键降低。
LANDSCAPING_DESC[Level]:0 Level an area. Click with secondary mouse button to choose target height. Click and drag with primary mouse button to paint the area you wish to level. 铺平一个区域。点击鼠标右键选择目标高度,用左键单击并拖动你想铺平的区域。
LANDSCAPING_DESC[Slope]:0 Create a slope on the terrain from the current height to the desired height. Click with the secondary mouse button to set slope location, then click with primary button and drag to adjust. 从当前高度向指定高度创造一个斜坡。点击鼠标右键设置斜坡位置,点击鼠标左键并拖动以调整斜坡。
MAIN_TOOL_WW[WaterAndSewage]:0 Water, Sewage and Heating 供水,污水处理与供暖
BUDGET_INFO_WW[WaterAndSewage]:0 Water, sewage and heating work more efficiently with more funding. 供水、污水处理与供暖服务在预算充足时更有效率。
EXPENSES_TT_WATER_WW:0 Weekly Water, Sewage and Heating Service Expenses 每周供水、污水处理与供暖服务开支
VEHICLE_MODIFYLINE:0 Line Details 线路详情
UNLOCK_CONGRATULATIONS:0 Congratulations!!! 恭喜!
UNLOCK_SERVICES:0 New Services 新服务
UNLOCK_FEATURES:0 New Features 新功能
UNLOCK_BUILDINGS:0 New Buildings 新建筑
UNLOCK_ROADS:0 New Roads 新道路
UNLOCK_ZONES:0 New Zones 新区域
UNLOCK_SPECIALIZATION:0 New Industry Specializations 新特色产业
UNLOCK_AREAS:0 New Areas 新地区
UNLOCK_AREA_TITLE:0 2 km x 2 km 面积 2平方千米
UNLOCK_POLICIES:0 New Policies 新政策
UNLOCK_MILESTONES:0 Milestones 里程碑
UNLOCK_MONUMENTS:0 Unique Buildings 独特建筑
UNLOCK_WONDERS:0 Monuments 伟大工程
UNLOCK_UNLOCKS:0 Unlocks 已解锁
UNLOCK_MILESTONE_TITLE[Milestone1]:0 Little Hamlet 小村庄
UNLOCK_MILESTONE_TITLE[Milestone2]:0 Worthy Village 富有的村庄
UNLOCK_MILESTONE_TITLE[Milestone3]:0 Tiny Town 小城镇
UNLOCK_MILESTONE_TITLE[Milestone4]:0 Boom Town 快速发展的城镇
UNLOCK_MILESTONE_TITLE[Milestone5]:0 Busy Town 忙碌的城镇
UNLOCK_MILESTONE_TITLE[Milestone6]:0 Big Town 大型城镇
UNLOCK_MILESTONE_TITLE[Milestone7]:0 Small City 小型城市
UNLOCK_MILESTONE_TITLE[Milestone8]:0 Big City 大型城市
UNLOCK_MILESTONE_TITLE[Milestone9]:0 Grand City 特大城市
UNLOCK_MILESTONE_TITLE[Milestone10]:0 Capital City 首都级城市
UNLOCK_MILESTONE_TITLE[Milestone11]:0 Colossal City 超大城市
UNLOCK_MILESTONE_TITLE[Milestone12]:0 Metropolis 大都会
UNLOCK_MILESTONE_TITLE[Milestone13]:0 Megalopolis 超级大都会
MILESTONE_POPULATION_PROG:0 {0:N0} / {1:N0} {0:N0} / {1:N0}
MILESTONE_POPULATION_DESC:0 Reach a population of {0:N0} 人口数量到达 {0:N0}
MILESTONE_TAXES_MAX_PROG:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_TAXES_MAX_DESC:0 All tax rates at most {0}% 各项税率最高 {0} %
MILESTONE_OLDEST_DESC:0 One full lifespan lived in the city 一位市民寿终正寝
MILESTONE_COMBINED_PASSED_DESC:0 Pass {0} requirements 满足 {0} 需求
MILESTONE_COMBINED_TIME_PROG:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
MILESTONE_COMBINED_TIME_DESC:0 Maintain for {0} weeks 保持 {0} 周
MILESTONE_COMBINED_PASSED_TIME_DESC:0 Pass {0} requirements for {1} weeks 在 {1} 周内满足 {0} 需求
AREA_DESC:0 You can purchase a new piece of land in the area view. 你可以在大地图中购买一块新的土地。
AREA_DESC:1 You can purchase a new piece of land in the area view. 你可以在大地图中购买一块新的土地。
AREA_DESC:2 You can purchase a new piece of land in the area view. 你可以在大地图中购买一块新的土地。
AREA_DESC:3 You can purchase a new piece of land in the area view. 你可以在大地图中购买一块新的土地。
AREA_DESC:4 You can purchase a new piece of land in the area view. 你可以在大地图中购买一块新的土地。
AREA_DESC:5 You can purchase a new piece of land in the area view. 你可以在大地图中购买一块新的土地。
AREA_DESC:6 You can purchase a new piece of land in the area view. 你可以在大地图中购买一块新的土地。
AREA_DESC:7 You can purchase a new piece of land in the area view. 你可以在大地图中购买一块新的土地。
AREA_DESC:8 You can purchase a new piece of land in the area view. 你可以在大地图中购买一块新的土地。
NO_SPECIALIZATION:0 No Specialization 一般工业
POLICIES_DISTRICTCAPTION:0 District Policies: {0} 区划政策: {0}
POLICY_CITYPLANNING:0 City Planning 城市规划
AIINFO_COSTPERCELL:0 Cost: {0} / cell 花费: {0} / 单位
AIINFO_COST:0 Cost: {0} 花费: {0}
AIINFO_CUMULATIVECOST:0 Cost: {0} + {1} / cell 花费: {0} + {1} / 单位
AIINFO_UPKEEP:0 Upkeep: {0} / week 维护费用: {0} / 周
AIINFO_CUMULATIVEUPKEEP:0 Upkeep: {0} + {1} / week / cell 维护费用: {0} + {1} / 周 / 单位
AIINFO_UPKEEPPERCELL:0 Upkeep: {0} / week / cell 维护费用: {0} / 周 / 单位
AIINFO_SPEED:0 Speed: {0} 速度:{0}
AIINFO_DISTANCE_COST:0 Cost: {0} / 100 meters 花费:{0} / 100米
AIINFO_POLE_UPKEEP:0 Upkeep: {0} / pole / week 维护费用: {0} / 杆 / 周
AIINFO_POLLUTION:0 Pollution: {0} 污染: {0}
AIINFO_NOISEPOLLUTION:0 Noise Pollution: {0} 噪音污染: {0}
AIINFO_ELECTRICITY_PRODUCTION:0 Power Output: {0} MW 功率输出: {0} 兆瓦
AIINFO_ELECTRICITY_PRODUCTION_RANGE:0 Power Output: {0} - {1} MW 功率输出: {0} - {1} 兆瓦
AIINFO_ELECTRICITY_CONSUMPTION:0 Electricity: {0} KW 电力: {0}千瓦
AIINFO_WATER_CONSUMPTION:0 Water: {0} m³/week 水:每周 {0}立方米
AIINFO_WATER_INTAKE:0 Pumping Capacity: {0} m³/week 抽水量:每周 {0}立方米
AIINFO_WATER_OUTLET:0 Drain Capacity: {0} m³/week 排水量:每周 {0}立方米
AIINFO_CAPACITY:0 Capacity: {0} 容量: {0}
AIINFO_GARBAGETRUCK_CAPACITY:0 Garbage truck capacity: {0} 垃圾车容量: {0}
AIINFO_PROCESSING_RATE:0 Processing rate: {0} / week 处理速率: {0} / 周
AIINFO_PATIENT_CAPACITY:0 Patient capacity: {0} 病人容量: {0}
AIINFO_POLICECAR_COUNT:0 Patrol car capacity: {0} 巡逻车数量: {0}
AIINFO_FIRETRUCK_COUNT:0 Fire engine capacity: {0} 消防车数量: {0}
AIINFO_CUSTOMER_CAPACITY:0 Customer capacity: {0} 顾客容量: {0}
AIINFO_STUDENT_COUNT:0 Student capacity: {0} 学生容量: {0}
AIINFO_GOVERNMENT_REQUIREMENT:0 Requirements: {0} citizens 需要: {0} 市民
AIINFO_WINDSPEED:0 Wind speed: {0} 风速: {0}
AIINFO_ELECTRICITY_PRODUCED:0 Electricity produced last week: {0} MW 上周电力生产量: {0} 兆瓦
AIINFO_COAL_STORED:0 Coal stored for {0} weeks 煤矿已储存 {0} 周
AIINFO_OIL_STORED:0 Oil stored for {0} weeks 石油已储存 {0} 周
AIINFO_WATER_STORED:0 Water stored for {0} weeks 水资源已储存 {0}周
AIINFO_WATER_PUMPED:0 Water pumped 抽水量
AIINFO_WATER_DRAINED:0 Water drained 污水处理量
AIINFO_WATER_TREATED:0 Water treated 已处理污水量
AIINFO_STUDENTS:0 Students: {0} / {1} 学生: {0} / {1}
AIINFO_UNIVERSITY_STUDENTCOUNT:0 University students in the city: {0} 市内大学生数量: {0}
AIINFO_HIGHSCHOOL_STUDENTCOUNT:0 High school students in the city: {0} 市内中学生数量: {0}
AIINFO_ELEMENTARY_STUDENTCOUNT:0 Elementary students in the city: {0} 市内小学生数量: {0}
AIINFO_PASSENGERS_SERVICED:0 Passengers serviced last week: {0} 上周客流量: {0}
AIINFO_BUSDEPOT_BUSCOUNT:0 Buses in use: {0} 已启用公交车数量: {0}
AIINFO_FIRES_EXTINGUISHED:0 Fires extinguished last week: {0} 上周灭火次数: {0}
AIINFO_FIRE_ENGINES:0 Fire engines in use: {0} / {1} 已用消防车数量: {0} / {1}
AIINFO_POLICE_CARS:0 Police cars in use: {0} / {1} 已用警车数量: {0} / {1}
AIINFO_VISITORS:0 Visitors last week: {0} 上周访客量: {0}
AIINFO_TOURISTS:0 Tourists last week: {0} 上周游客量: {0}
AIINFO_PATIENTS:0 Patients: {0} / {1} 病人数量: {0} / {1}
AIINFO_PATIENTS_TREATED:0 Patients treated last week: {0} 上周救治病人数量: {0}
AIINFO_AMBULANCES:0 Ambulances in use: {0} / {1} 已用救护车数量: {0} / {1}
AIINFO_DECEASED_STORED:0 Deceased stored: {0} / {1} 已安置遗体数: {0} / {1}
AIINFO_DECEASED_PROCESSED:0 Deceased processed last week: {0} 上周处理遗体量: {0}
AIINFO_FULL:0 {0}% full 已填满 {0}%
AIINFO_GARBAGE_RESERVES:0 Garbage reserves: {0} / {1} 已储存垃圾: {0} / {1}
AIINFO_CAPACITY_IN_USE:0 {0}% of capacity in use 已使用 {0}% 的容量
AIINFO_HEARSES:0 Hearses in use: {0} / {1} 已启用灵车数量: {0} / {1}
AIINFO_GARBAGE_TRUCKS:0 Garbage trucks in use: {0} / {1} 已启用垃圾车数量: {0} / {1}
MONUMENT_SHORT_DESC:0 The Unique Buildings are one of a kind buildings that will attract tourists and help you to unlock Monuments 独特建筑可吸引游客,助您解锁伟大工程
OFFICE_NAME[Level1]:0 Angry Clans Mobile Games 愤怒的部落手游公司
OFFICE_NAME[Level1]:1 Customer Service Services 客服服务公司
OFFICE_NAME[Level1]:2 Solutions Inc. 金点子公司
OFFICE_NAME[Level1]:3 Top Banking 第一银行
OFFICE_NAME[Level1]:4 Financial News 金融新闻社
OFFICE_NAME[Level1]:5 Happy Face Travel Agency 笑脸旅行社
OFFICE_NAME[Level1]:6 Trident Accounting 三叉戟会计行
OFFICE_NAME[Level2]:0 Microndo Game Studio 微天堂游戏工作室
OFFICE_NAME[Level2]:1 Live and Learn Training 随时学习教育机构
OFFICE_NAME[Level2]:2 Albatross Publishing 信天翁出版社
OFFICE_NAME[Level2]:3 Fine Financial Services 优良财务有限公司
OFFICE_NAME[Level2]:4 The Law Firm 包赢律师事务所
OFFICE_NAME[Level2]:5 Business Planning Company 业务规划公司
OFFICE_NAME[Level2]:6 Master Architects 建筑设计大师
OFFICE_NAME[Level3]:0 Superb Strategy Games 巨柱工作室
OFFICE_NAME[Level3]:1 Consultants Inc. 布吉岛咨询公司
OFFICE_NAME[Level3]:2 AT-AT Mobile 双联移动
OFFICE_NAME[Level3]:3 Prudence Insurances 精打细算保险
OFFICE_NAME[Level3]:4 Goldwoman Investments 金牌女性投资
OFFICE_NAME[Level3]:5 Pear 梨子专卖店
OFFICE_NAME[Level3]:6 iServe Ltd. 爱服务股份有限公司
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[Level1]:0 Frank's Fish Stick Factory 长龙辣条厂
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[Level1]:1 Garments Limited 感性服饰有限公司
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[Level1]:2 Goods Unlimited 商品无限公司
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[Level1]:3 Box Factory 盒子工厂
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[Level1]:4 Ready To Wear Ltd 随时穿有限公司
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[Level1]:5 Ice Cube Factory 满荣冰块厂
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[Level2]:0 Best Parts 伟哥精密零件
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[Level2]:1 Nylons Galore 不易断尼龙厂
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[Level2]:2 Frank's Fine Fish Stick Factory 桂价高级鱼条工厂
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[Level2]:3 Quality Appliances 优质器械厂
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[Level2]:4 Print Shop 印刷厂
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[Level2]:5 Household Goods Factory 甲乙丙日用品工厂
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[Level3]:0 Fine Fashions 时尚先锋服装厂
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[Level3]:1 High Tech Gadgets Ltd. 巨硬高科技有限公司
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[Level3]:2 Aero Designs 快飞飞航设计院
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[Level3]:3 Bruce Enterprises 布鲁斯企业集团
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[Level3]:4 Frank's Gourmet Fish Stick Factory 弗兰克的顶级辣条工厂
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[Level3]:5 Eco Friendly Company 生态友好公司
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialForestry]:0 The Lumber Mill 森茂木材厂
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialForestry]:1 Planks For Life 恒久远木板厂
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialForestry]:2 Original Wood Products 榫卯木制品厂
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialForestry]:3 Fine Furniture 精致家具有限公司
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialForestry]:4 Pellet Fuels Ltd. 颗粒燃料有限公司
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialForestry]:5 Lumber Company 巨人木材公司
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialFarming]:0 Baconerie 被跟·培根
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialFarming]:1 Juice Press 鲜美多汁
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialFarming]:2 Beef Cakes 牛肉蛋糕店
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialFarming]:3 Ready-Sliced Fruit 糖水果
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialFarming]:4 The Real Cereal 绿色粮食店
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialFarming]:5 Ami's Baking Company 艾米烘焙公司
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialFarming]:6 Bread And Beyond 超越面包
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialOil]:0 Refined Oil Company 重石油有限公司
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialOil]:1 Goods From Oil Ltd. 重石化有限公司
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialOil]:2 Plastic Perfection 完美聚合纤维
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialOil]:3 Bob's Plastic Bags 鲍勃塑料厂
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialOre]:0 Steelworks 电弧炼钢厂
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialOre]:1 Zinc Products 锌制品股份有限公司
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialOre]:2 Iron Forge Ltd. 钢铁锻造有限公司
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialOre]:3 Copper Company 制铜股份有限公司
INDUSTRIAL_NAME[IndustrialOre]:4 Ur Uranium Ur U控股
EXTRACTOR_NAME[IndustrialForestry]:0 Forestry Friends Ltd. 林业助手有限公司
EXTRACTOR_NAME[IndustrialForestry]:1 Woody's Wood 伍迪木材
EXTRACTOR_NAME[IndustrialFarming]:0 Animal Farm 动物农场
EXTRACTOR_NAME[IndustrialFarming]:1 Mary's Livestock 玛丽畜牧场
EXTRACTOR_NAME[IndustrialFarming]:2 Orchard Company 长得快果园公司
EXTRACTOR_NAME[IndustrialFarming]:3 Fruit For All 全民水果农场
EXTRACTOR_NAME[IndustrialFarming]:4 Phil's Fields 菲尔农场
EXTRACTOR_NAME[IndustrialOil]:0 Pumping Is Our Business 完美用泵
EXTRACTOR_NAME[IndustrialOil]:1 Oil Producing Company 产油公司
EXTRACTOR_NAME[IndustrialOre]:0 Mining Solutions 爆炸矿业
EXTRACTOR_NAME[IndustrialOre]:1 Ore Corporation 精准矿业
COMMERCIAL_LOW_NAME[Level1]:0 Quiet Corner Shop 阿静士多
COMMERCIAL_LOW_NAME[Level1]:1 General Store 小小杂货店
COMMERCIAL_LOW_NAME[Level1]:2 Drug Store 街坊药店
COMMERCIAL_LOW_NAME[Level1]:3 Convenience Store 美而佳
COMMERCIAL_LOW_NAME[Level1]:4 Neighborhood Shop 2 元店
COMMERCIAL_LOW_NAME[Level2]:0 Organic Foods 有机食品专卖
COMMERCIAL_LOW_NAME[Level2]:1 Pharmacy 连心药房
COMMERCIAL_LOW_NAME[Level2]:2 Drug Store 2.0 宝键药店连锁
COMMERCIAL_LOW_NAME[Level2]:3 M&H Clothing 艾姆艾尺服装
COMMERCIAL_LOW_NAME[Level2]:4 Busy Corner Shop 街角小店
COMMERCIAL_LOW_NAME[Level3]:0 Fashionable Fashion Shoppe 流行时尚专柜
COMMERCIAL_LOW_NAME[Level3]:1 Fancy Boutique 奢侈精品店
COMMERCIAL_LOW_NAME[Level3]:2 Supermarket 润发超市
COMMERCIAL_LOW_NAME[Level3]:3 Organic Food Market 有机食品市场
COMMERCIAL_LOW_NAME[Level3]:4 SuperPharmacy 自助医保药房
COMMERCIAL_HIGH_NAME[Level1]:0 Multi Media Center 多媒体销售中心
COMMERCIAL_HIGH_NAME[Level1]:1 Discount Sales 日常降价销售
COMMERCIAL_HIGH_NAME[Level1]:2 Outlet Shop 奥特莱斯商店
COMMERCIAL_HIGH_NAME[Level1]:3 Buy It All Shop 买买买连锁
COMMERCIAL_HIGH_NAME[Level1]:4 Shop Till You Drop Center 旺家购物中心
COMMERCIAL_HIGH_NAME[Level2]:0 All The Things Superstore 万家大型连锁超市
COMMERCIAL_HIGH_NAME[Level2]:1 New Commercial Center 时尚商业中心
COMMERCIAL_HIGH_NAME[Level2]:2 Home of the Stuff Store 万物之所商店
COMMERCIAL_HIGH_NAME[Level2]:3 Home Improvement Center 一家家居
COMMERCIAL_HIGH_NAME[Level2]:4 Neptune Media Store 海王媒体专卖
COMMERCIAL_HIGH_NAME[Level3]:0 GigaStore 吉加商店
COMMERCIAL_HIGH_NAME[Level3]:1 Mega Shopping Center 恋家购物中心
COMMERCIAL_HIGH_NAME[Level3]:2 Boutiques Galore Shopping Mall 大型时装购物中心
COMMERCIAL_HIGH_NAME[Level3]:3 The Company 唯一公司
COMMERCIAL_HIGH_NAME[Level3]:4 Best of the Best Shoppes 最佳专柜
RESIDENCE_LOW_PATTERN[Level1]:0 The {0} Residence {0} 住宅区
RESIDENCE_LOW_PATTERN[Level2]:0 The {0} Residence {0} 住宅区
RESIDENCE_LOW_PATTERN[Level3]:0 The {0} Residence {0} 住宅区
RESIDENCE_LOW_PATTERN[Level4]:0 The {0} Residence {0} 住宅区
RESIDENCE_LOW_PATTERN[Level5]:0 The {0} Residence {0} 住宅区
RESIDENCE_HIGH_PATTERN[Level1]:0 The {0} Residence {0} 住宅区
RESIDENCE_HIGH_PATTERN[Level2]:0 The {0} Residence {0} 住宅区
RESIDENCE_HIGH_PATTERN[Level3]:0 The {0} Residence {0} 住宅区
RESIDENCE_HIGH_PATTERN[Level4]:0 The {0} Residence {0} 住宅区
RESIDENCE_HIGH_PATTERN[Level5]:0 The {0} Residence {0} 住宅区
RESIDENCE_NAME:3 Washington 华盛顿
RESIDENCE_NAME:15 Highland 高地
RESIDENCE_NAME:16 Pleasant 愉快
RESIDENCE_NAME:17 Madison 麦迪逊
RESIDENCE_NAME:20 Elizabeth 伊丽莎白
RESIDENCE_NAME:21 Hillside 山坡
RESIDENCE_NAME:24 Hickory 山胡桃
RESIDENCE_NAME:33 Prospect 富荣
RESIDENCE_NAME:34 Fairview 美景
RESIDENCE_NAME:36 Birdsong 鸟鸣
RESIDENCE_NAME:38 Briar Rose 野玫瑰
RESIDENCE_NAME:39 Franklin 富兰克林
RESIDENCE_NAME:40 Hamilton 汉密尔顿
RESIDENCE_NAME:41 Lafayette 拉斐特
RESIDENCE_NAME:45 Belmont 贝尔蒙特
RESIDENCE_NAME:46 Cypress 青柏
RESIDENCE_NAME:47 Crescent 弯月
RESIDENCE_NAME:49 Beechwood 毛榉木
RESIDENCE_NAME:50 Chestnut 栗子树
RESIDENCE_NAME:51 Hawthorne 山楂
RESIDENCE_NAME:54 Primrose 樱草花
RESIDENCE_NAME:55 Orchard 果园
RESIDENCE_NAME:56 Briarwood 石南木
RESIDENCE_NAME:59 Magnolia 木兰
RESIDENCE_NAME:60 Mulberry 桑梅
RESIDENCE_NAME:61 Strawberry 草莓
RESIDENCE_NAME:62 Sycamore 桑树
RESIDENCE_NAME:63 Woodland 林地
RESIDENCE_NAME:65 Evergreen 常青
RESIDENCE_NAME:67 Hickory 山胡桃
RESIDENCE_NAME:70 Rosewood 紫檀
RESIDENCE_NAME:71 Victoria 维多利亚
RESIDENCE_NAME:79 Glade 林间空地
RESIDENCE_NAME:85 Applegate 阿普尔盖特
RESIDENCE_NAME:88 Bedford 贝德福德
RESIDENCE_NAME:89 Belmont 贝尔蒙特
RESIDENCE_NAME:90 Butler 男管家
RESIDENCE_NAME:91 Chester 切斯特
RESIDENCE_NAME:92 Coleridge 柯勒律治
RESIDENCE_NAME:93 Concord 和睦
RESIDENCE_NAME:96 Emerson 艾默生
RESIDENCE_NAME:97 Forrest 福雷斯特
RESIDENCE_NAME:98 Florence 佛罗伦萨
RESIDENCE_NAME:99 Garland 花环
RESIDENCE_NAME:100 Garnet 石榴石
RESIDENCE_NAME:101 Hemlock 毒芹
RESIDENCE_NAME:105 Myrtle 特尔
RESIDENCE_NAME:106 Oriental 东方
RESIDENCE_NAME:107 Sheffield 谢菲尔德
RESIDENCE_NAME:108 Daffodil 喇叭水仙
RESIDENCE_NAME:110 Sunnyside 向阳
RESIDENCE_NAME:111 Thornton 桑顿
RESIDENCE_NAME:112 Underhill 昂德希尔
RESIDENCE_NAME:113 Vermont 佛蒙特
DISTRICT_PATTERN:0 {0} Square {0} 广场
DISTRICT_PATTERN:1 {0} Hills {0} 山
DISTRICT_PATTERN:2 {0} Park {0} 公园
DISTRICT_PATTERN:3 {0} District {0} 行政区
DISTRICT_PATTERN:4 {0} Heights {0} 高地
DISTRICT_NAME:3 Washington 华盛顿
DISTRICT_NAME:10 Walnut 胡桃
DISTRICT_NAME:12 Spring 春天
DISTRICT_NAME:13 Cherry 樱桃
DISTRICT_NAME:14 Spruce 云杉
DISTRICT_NAME:15 Highland 高地
DISTRICT_NAME:16 Pleasant 愉快
DISTRICT_NAME:17 Madison 麦迪逊
DISTRICT_NAME:20 Elizabeth 伊丽莎白
DISTRICT_NAME:21 Hillside 山坡
DISTRICT_NAME:22 Meadow 青草
DISTRICT_NAME:24 Hickory 山胡桃
DISTRICT_NAME:26 Beech 山毛榉
DISTRICT_NAME:27 Sunset 黄昏
DISTRICT_NAME:28 Valley 峡谷
DISTRICT_NAME:30 Myrtle 特尔
DISTRICT_NAME:31 Summit 顶点
DISTRICT_NAME:32 Sunset 黄昏
DISTRICT_NAME:33 Prospect 富荣
DISTRICT_NAME:34 Fairview 美景
DISTRICT_NAME:35 Poplar 杨树
DISTRICT_NAME:36 Birdsong 鸟鸣
DISTRICT_NAME:38 Briar Rose 野玫瑰
DISTRICT_NAME:39 Franklin 富兰克林
DISTRICT_NAME:40 Hamilton 汉密尔顿
DISTRICT_NAME:41 Lafayette 拉斐特
DISTRICT_NAME:42 Laurel 月桂
DISTRICT_NAME:45 Belmont 贝尔蒙特
DISTRICT_NAME:46 Cypress 青柏
DISTRICT_NAME:47 Crescent 弯月
DISTRICT_NAME:49 Beechwood 毛榉木
DISTRICT_NAME:50 Chestnut 栗子树
DISTRICT_NAME:51 Hawthorne 山楂
DISTRICT_NAME:53 Linden 菩提
DISTRICT_NAME:54 Primrose 樱草花
DISTRICT_NAME:55 Orchard 果园
DISTRICT_NAME:56 Briarwood 石南木
DISTRICT_NAME:57 Cooper 库柏
DISTRICT_NAME:59 Magnolia 木兰
DISTRICT_NAME:60 Mulberry 桑梅
DISTRICT_NAME:61 Strawberry 草莓
DISTRICT_NAME:62 Sycamore 桑树
DISTRICT_NAME:63 Woodland 林地
DISTRICT_NAME:65 Evergreen 常青
DISTRICT_NAME:67 Hickory 山胡桃
DISTRICT_NAME:70 Rosewood 紫檀
DISTRICT_NAME:71 Victoria 维多利亚
DISTRICT_NAME:74 Autumn 秋日
DISTRICT_NAME:79 Glade 林间空地
DISTRICT_NAME:81 Middle 中间
DISTRICT_NAME:82 Robin 知更鸟
DISTRICT_NAME:85 Applegate 阿普尔盖特
DISTRICT_NAME:86 Amity 阿米蒂
DISTRICT_NAME:87 Barlow 巴洛
DISTRICT_NAME:88 Bedford 贝德福德
DISTRICT_NAME:89 Belmont 贝尔蒙特
DISTRICT_NAME:90 Butler 男管家
DISTRICT_NAME:91 Chester 切斯特
DISTRICT_NAME:92 Coleridge 柯勒律治
DISTRICT_NAME:93 Concord 和睦
DISTRICT_NAME:95 Empire 帝国
DISTRICT_NAME:96 Emerson 艾默生
DISTRICT_NAME:97 Forrest 福雷斯特
DISTRICT_NAME:98 Florence 佛罗伦萨
DISTRICT_NAME:99 Garland 花环
DISTRICT_NAME:100 Garnet 石榴石
DISTRICT_NAME:101 Hemlock 毒芹
DISTRICT_NAME:103 Smith 林奇
DISTRICT_NAME:104 Moore 摩尔
DISTRICT_NAME:105 Myrtle 特尔
DISTRICT_NAME:106 Oriental 东方
DISTRICT_NAME:107 Sheffield 谢菲尔德
DISTRICT_NAME:108 Daffodil 喇叭水仙
DISTRICT_NAME:109 Sterling
DISTRICT_NAME:110 Smith 向阳
DISTRICT_NAME:111 Thornton 桑顿
DISTRICT_NAME:112 Underhill 昂德希尔
DISTRICT_NAME:113 Vermont 佛蒙特
CHIRPER_NAME:0 Chirper 小啾啾
CHIRP_DEFAULT:0 Hello! This is Chirper. Keep an eye on what your citizens are talking about and what is happening around the world. #youfoundme 您好!我是小啾啾。请留心您的市民都在谈论什么,以及世界各地所发生的事件!#您找到我了
CHIRP_FIRST_WATER_PUMP:0 Hooray! The water pumping station has been constructed. #freshwater #mayorrocks 真棒!抽水站建好了。#新鲜水源 #市长牛逼
CHIRP_FIRST_WATER_PUMP:1 Fresh water will finally be running in the city. Welcome modern commodities! :) #freshwater #mayorrocks 新鲜水源会最终流遍城市。欢迎现代商品的到来:)#新鲜水源 #市长碉堡
CHIRP_FIRST_DRAIN_PIPE:0 A working #sewer system is one of the greatest #inventions in the #history of #mankind 一套能正常工作的#下水系统 绝对是#权人类 #历史 上最伟大的#发明 之一!
CHIRP_FIRST_DRAIN_PIPE:1 @localnews : Mayor: ”I will celebrate the newly built drain pipe by having a hot shower” @本地新闻:市长:“我要洗个澡,来庆祝新建成的排水管道系统”
CHIRP_FIRST_POWER_PLANT:0 Congratulations! The city's first power plant has been constructed. #juicedup 恭喜!您城市里的第一座发电站建成了。#加油
CHIRP_FIRST_POWER_PLANT:1 A local power plant is online! Maybe I'll get my TV working again. #realityshows247 一座本地发电站上线了!也许我的电视又能用了呢。#真人秀看不停
CHIRP_FIRST_COAL_OR_OIL_PLANT:0 I kinda like steady production of electricity but there are the environmental factors to consider. #smog 我挺喜欢有稳定的电力供应,但很多环境因素也得要考虑进去。#雾霾
CHIRP_FIRST_COAL_OR_OIL_PLANT:1 I love the smell of burning fossil-fuel in the morning! #dinopower #profossil 真是喜欢清晨化石燃料燃烧的味道!#恐龙能量#高级化石
CHIRP_FIRST_NUCLEAR_PLANT:0 Hello 21th century! I'm glad the @mayor is brave enough to consider nuclear power as a valid option for electricity. #goingnuclear 你好,21世纪!我很高兴@市长 能有这么大的勇气,将核电作为一种可行的发电选择。#向着核前进
CHIRP_FIRST_LANDFILL_SITE:0 Taking out the trash just became much more convenient than before. #garbage #takingoutthetrash 扔垃圾比以前方便多了。#垃圾 #扔掉垃圾
CHIRP_FIRST_COMBUSTION_PLANT:0 Turning trash into energy is a win-win situation for the city. I'm all for it. #trashistreasure 将垃圾变为燃料对城市来说,是一种双赢的局面。我一定全力支持。#变废为宝
CHIRP_FIRST_CLINIC:0 Health care for everyone! Citizens flock to get treatment for various ailments. #flushots 全民医保!市民蜂拥至医院,治疗各种小病。#流感疫苗
CHIRP_FIRST_FIRE_HOUSE:0 The city receives its first fire engines. Citizens already feel safer than before. #fireproof 本城刚接收了第一台消防车。市民已感到比以前更加安全。#防火
CHIRP_FIRST_FIRE_STATION:0 @fire_department is expanding their service. Nice to see that the mayor cares for our safety. #priorities #coolmayor @消防局 正在增加他们的服务。我很高兴看到市长对大家的安全负责。#轻重缓急 #酷市长
CHIRP_FIRST_POLICE_STATION:0 The long arm of the law reaches the city. I feel safer already. #iamthelaw 法律之手保护着整座城市,我已感到安全多了。#我就是法 法就是我
CHIRP_FIRST_POLICE_HQ:0 The police is here to serve and protect - in a big way. #andjusticeforall 警察叔叔来服务保护我们了-真是规模庞大。#全民正义
CHIRP_FIRST_TOWN_HALL:0 @local_government has found a place for the town hall. #forusbyus @本地行政机构 为市政厅选好了地址。#出于民为了民
CHIRP_FIRST_CITY_HALL:0 That city hall sure is a thing to look at. Hopefully it's serves as more than just a fancy eye candy. #mayorsthrone 那座市政厅看起来十分宏伟。希望它不只是金玉其外而已。#市长宝座
CHIRP_FIRST_ELEMENTARY_SCHOOL:0 @mayor supports #education - Citizens approve of this. #nomorehomeschooling @市长 支持#教育 -咱们市民坚决支持。 #再也不用自学了
CHIRP_FIRST_HIGH_SCHOOL:0 The importance of schooling seems to have reached the local government. #learn4life 看起来本地行政机构已经意识到上学的重要性了。#活到老 学到老
CHIRP_FIRST_UNIVERSITY:0 @university citizens enroll in various courses from economics to hard sciences. #theyseemeenrolling @大学 市民们进入大学,开始学习从经济学到科学的一系列课程。#入学热潮
CHIRP_FIRST_BUS_LINE:0 The bus is a great, cheap way for me to get around the city. I love it! #citizensinmotion 公交车棒极了,能让我花更少的钱来环游城市。真爱它!#充满动感的市民
CHIRP_FIRST_TRAIN_LINE:0 The citizens and the local industry thank the @mayor for the new rail network. #railroadblues 市民和本地工业都因新建的铁路网络而感谢 @市长。 #铁路蓝调
CHIRP_FIRST_METRO_LINE:0 #metro - I just love it! Now I can travel to work without ever stepping above ground. #mindthegap #sweetride #地铁 -我好爱它!现在我可以不踏上地面就到办公室了。#小心空隙 #甜蜜之旅
CHIRP_FIRST_HARBOR:0 Ship ahoy! Citizens celebrate the opening of the @harbor and the arrival of the first majestic ferries. #ferryspotters 开船咯!市民们都在庆祝 @港口 和第一艘气势磅礴的渡轮到来。#渡轮来了
CHIRP_FIRST_AIRPORT:0 Finally we have an @airport. This will get us to the great big wide world. #goinginternational 终于,我们有了一座 @机场 。这能带我们去到一个更广阔的世界。#正在国际化
CHIRP_FIRST_MONUMENT:0 About time we got ourselves something #unique to remember our #city by. #thiscityisgreat 是时候搞点 #独特的 东西来纪念纪念咱们的 #城市 啦。#这个城市棒极了
CHIRP_FIRST_WONDER:0 Now there's a building if I ever saw one. This is MONUMENTAL! #worldoftomorrow 我从未见过如此华丽的建筑。简直雄伟!#明日世界
CHIRP_FIRST_CEMETERY:0 No more urns on the mantelpiece, the new #cemetery is open! 壁炉台上再也不用放骨灰坛了。新建的 #墓地 开张了!
CHIRP_FIRST_CREMATORY:0 Even though the smoke is a bit icky, a crematorium will save a lot of space in the city #ashestoashes 尽管烟雾有点烦人,但一座火葬场将会给城市节省很多空间。#尘归尘 土归土
CHIRP_FIRST_BUS_DEPOT:0 Honk honk, buses on the way! I'll take the bus to work, please! #citizensinmotion 滴滴,公交车来了!我要搭公交车去上班,谢谢!#充满动感的市民
CHIRP_FIRST_CARGO_CENTER:0 Shipping outside the city just got a lot easier, it's on rails! #traincargo 往城市外运货更容易了,直接用铁轨就好啦!#铁路货运
CHIRP_FIRST_CARGO_HARBOR:0 Shipments can be shipped on ships. Did I say that correctly? #shiponships 要船运的货物可以用船运。我说对了吧?#船运
CHIRP_NEW_WIND_OR_SOLAR_PLANT:0 Green energy is the best! I hope the mayor continues on this path of renewable energy. #greenenergy 绿色能源最棒了!我希望市长能继续在可持续能源的道路上努力奋斗。#绿色能源
CHIRP_NEW_WIND_OR_SOLAR_PLANT:1 Green energy! What an excellent choice! #greenenergy 绿色能源!多么激动人心的选择啊!#绿色能源
CHIRP_NEW_WIND_OR_SOLAR_PLANT:2 I can already see more birds and plants in the city thanks to the use of #greenenergy 我已经能在城里看到更多的鸟儿和树木,幸亏使用了#绿色能源
CHIRP_NEW_WIND_OR_SOLAR_PLANT:3 Hooray for the mayor! More #greenenergy for the city! 给市长点赞!给城市多来点#绿色能源
CHIRP_NEW_HOSPITAL:0 Citizens rejoice in the opening ceremony of the new hospital. #healthcareFTW 新医院开幕典礼!市民们为此流下了激动的泪水。#医保爽翻天
CHIRP_NEW_HOSPITAL:1 New #hospital! I feel healthier already :) 新建的 #医院 !咋我已经感觉更健康了呢:)
CHIRP_NEW_UNIVERSITY:0 The new university will open even more scientific disciplines to study. 新建的大学,将会给学习者带来科学性更强的学科。
CHIRP_NEW_UNIVERSITY:1 Alert, #science #geeks! The new #university is celebrating its founding by having lectures open to everyone the whole week. 注意,#科学 #极客们! 新建的#大学 正在庆祝,会对所有人开放一整周的特定课程。
CHIRP_NEW_POLICE_HQ:0 Is the @mayor trying to change our city into a police state? @市长 这是要把我们的城市变成超大型警局吗?
CHIRP_NEW_POLICE_HQ:1 The new @police headquarters has #opendoors until the end of the week to celebrate its #opening. However, cell doors are still kept locked. 新建的 @警察总部 已经#向公众开放 并会一直庆祝 #其落成 到周末。然而,监狱的牢门并不会真正打开。
CHIRP_NEW_FIRE_STATION:0 We have a new #firestation in the city! 咱们的城市新建了一座 #消防站 !
CHIRP_NEW_FIRE_STATION:1 I wonder why the new #firestation is not on fire already as those #firefighters in the #calendar are HOT! 人家很好奇为什么新建 #消防站 还没有着火,因为那些 #日历 里的 #消防员 真是性感到七窍生烟啊!
CHIRP_NEW_PARK:0 I love the new parks! Thanks to the @mayor I can take my family to the park and have a nice picnic. #parksandrec 我爱新公园!多谢 @市长 让我可以和全家人去公园享受一顿美好的野餐。#桑德勒公园
CHIRP_NEW_PARK:1 Feeling full of #energy after a #jog in the new #park 在新 #公园 里 #慢跑 之后,感觉充满了 #洪荒之力
CHIRP_NEW_PLAZA:0 Wow! The new plaza looks really sophisticated. #lovingplazas 哇哦!新广场看起来真是高级!#爱广场
CHIRP_NEW_PLAZA:1 #Robot #invasion imminent! Check for more clues in a plaza near you. #flashmob #asimovcrew #机器人 #入侵 即将到来!请在您附近的广场寻找线索。#快闪 #阿西莫夫帮
CHIRP_NEW_MONUMENT:0 @mayor is on a roll, building more #attractions around the city. Awesome! #moneybuyseverything @市长 真是停不下来,在城市周围建造更多#名胜 。真棒!#钱能买到一切
CHIRP_NEW_MONUMENT:1 I'm happy to see my tax money being invested in the future of our city! 我很高兴我缴纳的税款被投资在了城市的未来里!
CHIRP_NEW_MONUMENT:2 Our city's new #attraction will make great post cards! #proudcitizen 我们城市的新 #名胜古迹 可以多做些明信片了!#自豪的市民
CHIRP_NEW_MONUMENT:3 Our little town is not so little anymore! Great work @mayor ! 我们的小城从此再也不小了!干得漂亮 @市长
CHIRP_ORGANIC_FARMING:0 Organic food: it's not just for eco-activists and hipsters anymore! #organic #veg #superfood 有机食品:不再仅仅是环保主义者和时髦之人的专利。#有机 #蔬菜 #超级食品
CHIRP_PUBLIC_TRANSPORT_EFFICIENCY:0 @public_transport aggressive ad campaign is bearing fruit and people choose public transport over their own cars. #carpool @公共_交通 的广告攻势已经开花结果,人们开始选择公共交通而不是私家车作为出行工具。#拼车
CHIRP_DAYCARE_SERVICE:0 Remember the local #daycare possibilities. #play&learn is important to developing minds. #families 请牢记当地 #托儿所 的发展潜力。#寓教于乐对于思维的发展很重要。#家庭
CHIRP_STUDENT_LODGING:0 My vote goes to the @mayor. Finally someone who understands what it's like to be a student. #studentlife 他竞选 @市长 时我那一票终于投给了一个真正理解学生疾苦的人。#学生生活
CHIRP_ASSISTIVE_TECHNOLOGIES:0 @local_government @mayor support the elderly and disabled. #seniors speak highly of @mayor. #manmachineinterface @当地_行政机构 @市长 向老年人和残疾人提供援助。#老年人 对 @市长 称赞有加。#人机交互
CHIRP_CHEAP_FLOWERS:0 Dime a dozen seems to be the new "it". Is there anywhere I can buy quality flowers? #flowers 廉价花朵似乎成了流行趋势。有没有什么地方能让我买到优质的鲜花呢?#鲜花
CHIRP_MILESTONE_REACHED:0 Wow! Our town is quickly becoming a real city. #goodtimes 哇哦!我们的小镇正在快速发展为真正的城市。#繁荣的时光
CHIRP_MILESTONE_REACHED:1 The @mayor is doing well leading this city. New citizens and businesses keep moving in. #flyingcolors @市长 英明地领导着这个城市。新的市民和企业持续涌入。#出色
CHIRP_MILESTONE_REACHED:2 The city is expanding once again! On our way to becoming a #metropolis! 城市再一次扩张了!我们的城市即将成为 #大都会!
CHIRP_NEW_MAP_TILE:0 @local_government greenlights city limit expansion. #growingcity @当地_行政机构 为城市扩张开了绿灯。#发展中的城市
CHIRP_NEW_MAP_TILE:1 The @mayor has worked tirelessly, and now the regional government has passed the bill that allows for larger city territory. #annex @市长 不辞辛劳地工作,使得现在地方行政机构已通过了允许扩建城市的法案。#附属地
CHIRP_NEW_MAP_TILE:2 @mayor that's great news! #City can now annex new adjacent areas. #newpossibilities @市长 那可真是个好消息!#城市现在已能将邻近地区归入市内。#新的可能性
CHIRP_NEW_TILE_PLACED:0 Our city is growing and so is our #industry. I hope this is taken into account when zoning plans are made. 我们的城市发展迅速,#工业 也一样如此。我希望,当城市分区计划制定完成后,这也能被列入考虑范围内。
CHIRP_NEW_TILE_PLACED:1 City limits are now officially expanded. I wonder what plans the @local_government has. 城市的边界现在正式扩大了。我想知道 @当地行政机构 计划何在。
CHIRP_NEW_TILE_PLACED:2 @mayor Thanks for the amazing work you have done for our city! @市长 谢谢你为我们的城市所做的那些了不起的业绩。
CHIRP_NO_SCHOOLS:0 When is our city going to build a #school of its own? 我们的城市打算什么时候才建造自己的 #学校?
CHIRP_NO_SCHOOLS:1 I just signed a #petition to #build a #school in our city. 我刚刚签署了一个在我们的城市 #建设一所 #学校 的 #申请书。
CHIRP_NO_HEALTHCARE:0 This is insane. I have to drive to the next city for a painkiller prescription or pay big bucks for a visit to a private clinic. #healthcare 这真是蠢透了。我得为了开止痛药,开车到另一个城市,或者花一大笔钱拜访私人诊所。#医疗保健
CHIRP_NO_HEALTHCARE:1 Municipal healthcare is a standard in any other city of this size except ours. When are we going to get one? #21stcentury #healthcare 跟我们规模相当的城市,都有健全的医疗保健服务。我们什么时候才能像他们一样? #二十一世纪 #医疗保健
CHIRP_LOW_CRIME:0 Our vacation was extended, could someone water the plants while we are gone. The key is in the flower pot on the porch. 我们的假期延长了,能不能来人在我们走后给植物浇浇水呢?钥匙就在门廊的花盆里。
CHIRP_LOW_CRIME:1 @police offers small #storage spaces with secure doors for #rent. Call 911 for more information @警方 现有带安全门的小型 #储物空间 #出租 。请拨911,以获取更多信息。
CHIRP_LOW_CRIME:2 Have you #lost your #wallet? I found a black leather wallet. Send a PM to get it back. 有人 #丢了 #钱包 吗?我找到了一个黑色皮质钱包。想取回的话,请私信我。
CHIRP_HIGH_CRIME:0 Looking for quality bulletproof vest for my son. Trade for some used jewelry or car stereo possible. 想给儿砸找一件高质量的防弹衣。我可以用二手珠宝或汽车音响来交换。
CHIRP_HIGH_CRIME:1 #Used #carstereos, #homeelectronics, #laptops and other easily movable items for sale! Fair pricing! #Delivery possible! PM for contact details. #二手#汽车音响,#家用电器,#笔记本电脑 及其他便携产品大甩卖!价格公道!#送货上门!发送私信以了解详情。
CHIRP_HIGH_CRIME:2 @dailynews Several arrested in gang-related shooting. @police ask for witnesses @每日新闻 一些人在与帮派相关的枪击发生后被逮捕。@警方 正寻找目击者。
CHIRP_LOW_HEALTH:0 Before moving here I took only an #aspirin occasionally. Now I have 12 #Rxd #meds I need to take on a daily basis. 在搬到这里之前,我只是偶尔吃一片 #阿司匹林。现在我必须每天服用12片 #处方 #药。
CHIRP_LOW_HEALTH:1 I've had a #headache for over two weeks now and painkillers are not helping. I think I should call a #doctor. 我已经 #头痛两周了,吃了止痛药也没什么卵用。觉着应该给 #医生 打个电话问问看。
CHIRP_LOW_HEALTH:2 This is my third #stomachflu in three months. This is not normal, right? 这是我三个月内第三次 #肠胃感冒了。简直太不正常了,对吧?
CHIRP_TRASH_PILING_UP:0 What's wrong with our garbage collection service? Trash is piling up and it's swarming with flies! 我们的垃圾清运服务是出问题了吗?这儿垃圾堆积如山,苍蝇嗡嗡作响。
CHIRP_TRASH_PILING_UP:1 Where are all the #garbage #trucks? Why is no one picking up our trash?! 这些 #垃圾清运# 车都跑哪儿去了?为什么没人来收垃圾?!
CHIRP_TRASH_PILING_UP:2 I never really thought about how much garbage piles up in just two weeks. 我从来没想过,短短两周会堆积起多少垃圾。
CHIRP_NO_WATER:0 I would think that fresh #water is basic stuff, but NO! How long do we have to wait for working water pipes?!?! 我本认为 #水 是生活必需品,但并不是!我们要等多久,水管才能恢复正常工作?!?!
CHIRP_NO_WATER:1 What is it with the @waterworks ?!?! #Showering with #bottledwater is getting a bit expensive. @自来水厂 出了什么问题?!?!用#瓶装水 #洗澡 讲真有点贵啊。
CHIRP_SEWAGE:0 The toilet is not working and water in the shower stinks. What's wrong with the sewers? 抽水马桶坏了,莲蓬头喷出的水也是臭的。下水道究竟出什么问题了?
CHIRP_SEWAGE:1 The streets are #flooding with #sewage. The #smell is just overwhelming. 街道上被 #污水 #淹没 了。#恶臭 实在太刺鼻了。
CHIRP_NO_ELECTRICITY:0 Power to the people! How hard is it to build a working power grid? It's not exactly state-of-the-art technology. 大家伙啊!建立一个正常工作的电网很难吗?这又不是什么高精尖的科技。
CHIRP_NO_ELECTRICITY:1 A #blackout again? I can't even call or email the electrical company when there's no power. 又 #停电 了?没电的时候,我甚至没法用电话或信息来联系电力公司。
CHIRP_LOW_HAPPINESS:0 Why am I living in this depressing city? 为什么我住在这样一个令人忧伤的城市?
CHIRP_LOW_HAPPINESS:1 #This #city #sucks. Period. #这个 #城市 #烂透了 。就这么回事儿。
CHIRP_HAPPY_PEOPLE:0 What a great city! I would think I'm dreaming if I didn't know otherwise. 多棒的城市啊!要不知道还真以为我在做白日梦呢。
CHIRP_HAPPY_PEOPLE:1 Good morning everybody! What a beautiful sunrise #paradiseonearth 大家早安!多么美丽的日出啊。#人间天堂
CHIRP_ATTRACTIVE_CITY:0 Congratulations to us :) @mayor just announced that our beautiful city won the "Most Attractive City" award! #happymayor 恭喜大家 :) 俺们的 @市长 刚刚宣布,咱的城市赢得了“最富吸引力城市”大奖! #开心の市长
CHIRP_ATTRACTIVE_CITY:1 Thank you for an #amazing #vacation! See you next year! 感谢你们给了我这个#美妙的 #假期!大家明年再见!
CHIRP_INDUSTRIAL_DEMAND:0 @local_government Is the city planning to build more industry? #unemployed #welder @本地行政机构 正计划发展更多工业吗?#失业 #焊工
CHIRP_INDUSTRIAL_DEMAND:1 @dailynews Local traders and business owners request more local manufacturing industry @每日新闻 本地商人和企业家一致请求加快本地制造业的发展速度。
CHIRP_COMMERCIAL_DEMAND:0 There's nothing to do on weekends. I would like to go shopping and eat out, but all the good places are out of town. 假期里真是无所事事。我想去购物,然后在外面吃饭,但好去处都不在城里面哎。
CHIRP_COMMERCIAL_DEMAND:1 Three got laid off because no one was buying our factory's products. Having more local retailers would help move the stock and get our jobs back. 有三个人被解雇,因为没人购买我们工厂的产品。拥有更多的本地零售商,可以帮助我们在转移股份的同时,找回工作。
CHIRP_RESIDENTIAL_DEMAND:0 I'm looking for an #apartment or #house in the city. Anything will do, please PM for further contact. 我需要一间 #公寓 或一所 #房子。来者不拒,请给我发私信,以了解详情。
CHIRP_RESIDENTIAL_DEMAND:1 @financialwatch Apartment rents are rising as the demand is high. @mayor is starting negotiations with local housing developers. @财经观察 公寓租金抬高,源于需求量上升。@市长 已开始与本地住房开发商谈判。
CHIRP_FIRE_HAZARD:0 Why isn't the @local_government doing anything to stop the fires? Does anyone supervise the #firesafety #regulations at all? 为什么 @当地_行政机构 没有采取任何措施来预防火灾?到底有没有人在监督 #消防 #法规?
CHIRP_FIRE_HAZARD:1 My little princess was #trapped up in a #tree for 3 hrs before the #firedepartment showed up to save her majesty #savethecats #funnycats 我的小小公主被 #困在一棵 #树上 3小时直到 #消防部门 终于出现,才解救了女王陛下。#救猫 #大师赛
CHIRP_DEAD_PILING_UP:0 Who should I call if no one shows up to pick up the dead? #movingout 如果没人过来给逝者收尸的话,我又该去找谁呢?#搬出去
CHIRP_DEAD_PILING_UP:1 There's a #weird #smell coming from the apartment next door. What does a #dead #person smell like? 隔壁公寓传来了一股 #奇怪的 #气味。#逝去的 #人 身上到底什么味儿来着?
CHIRP_HIGH_TECH_LEVEL:0 All public services now available online! Ask your @local_government for registration instructions. 所有的公共服务现在都可在网上办理啦!请向 @本地_行政机构 咨询如何注册。
CHIRP_HIGH_TECH_LEVEL:1 My #domestic #AI is behaving badly today. Any tips how to #comfort it and make it feel better? 我的 #家用 #AI 今天表现异常。有没有什么办法能 #安慰安慰 它,使其好受些呢?
CHIRP_ABANDONED_BUILDINGS:0 Where has everybody gone? #abandoned_buildings everywhere. #ghosttown 大家都跑哪儿去了?到处是 #被遗弃的建筑。#鬼城
CHIRP_ABANDONED_BUILDINGS:1 Those #abandoned #houses #ruin the whole #neighborhood. Whose responsibility is it to demolish or renovate them? 那些#被遗弃的 #房子 #毁掉了 整个 #街区。该由谁来负责拆除或将它们翻新呢?
CHIRP_NEED_MORE_PARKS:0 I wish our city would have more parks. #bleak #gray 我希望,咱们的城市有更多的公园。#黯淡 #灰色
CHIRP_NEED_MORE_PARKS:1 @mayor Closest thing to nature in this city are people's houseplants. How about a park or two? @市长 这个城市最接近自然的东西,便是人们的室内盆栽了。建一两个公园,如何?
CHIRP_POLLUTION:0 How are my #kids supposed to play outside when this is happening? @dailynews: #Industrial #waste found in the #soil. 发生这种事情后,我的孩子们,还怎么在外面玩耍? @每日新闻:#土壤中发现 #工业 #废料
CHIRP_POLLUTION:1 I dug up a barrel full of #glowing #goo in my backyard. Who should I call? 我在自家后院挖到一大桶 #会发光 的 #粘液 。我到底该去联系谁?
CHIRP_NOISEPOLLUTION:0 Can someone recommend good #hearing #protection? All this #noise is driving me #crazy! 谁能推荐一些有效的 #听力 #保护措施 吗?这些 #噪音 快把我 #逼疯了!
CHIRP_NOISEPOLLUTION:1 Hello @mayor, ever heard about this: New #study by #scientists finds that #trees and sound barriers reduce #traffic noise. 你好, @市长,听说了吗:科学家的最新 #研究 发现,#树木 和隔音板能减少 #交通噪音。
CHIRP_POISONED:0 Does your #tap #water stink? We can't even have showers because of the stench. #itsinthewater 你家 #水龙头 里流出的 #水 臭吗?正因为这味道臭得要命,搞得我们连澡都洗不了了。#水里有东西
CHIRP_POISONED:1 @waterworks just told citizens not to drink tap water or take showers as microbial flora was found in the city water network. #disgusting #自来水厂 方才告诫市民不要饮用水龙头里的水或用其淋浴,因为在供水管网中,发现了微生物菌群。#倒胃口
NAME_MALE_LAST:0 {0} Lee {0}丹丹
NAME_MALE_LAST:1 {0} Blake {0}佳佳
NAME_MALE_LAST:2 {0} Blackwell {0}潇潇
NAME_MALE_LAST:3 {0} Crowley {0}里
NAME_MALE_LAST:4 {0} Jones {0}倩如
NAME_MALE_LAST:5 {0} Smith {0}禅
NAME_MALE_LAST:6 {0} Ward {0}雯雯
NAME_MALE_LAST:7 {0} Williams {0}文姬
NAME_MALE_LAST:8 {0} Richardson {0}倩
NAME_MALE_LAST:9 {0} Cook {0}晓
NAME_MALE_LAST:10 {0} Miller {0}唐
NAME_MALE_LAST:11 {0} Gray {0}珊
NAME_MALE_LAST:12 {0} Mason {0}涛
NAME_MALE_LAST:13 {0} Hunter {0}洁
NAME_MALE_LAST:14 {0} Walker {0}欣怡
NAME_MALE_LAST:15 {0} Evans {0}翠花
NAME_MALE_LAST:16 {0} Brown {0}思琪
NAME_MALE_LAST:17 {0} Thompson {0}琪
NAME_MALE_LAST:18 {0} Jackson {0}梦瑶
NAME_MALE_LAST:19 {0} Harvey {0}罗
NAME_MALE_LAST:20 {0} Morgan {0}思
NAME_MALE_LAST:21 {0} Campbell {0}茹
NAME_MALE_LAST:22 {0} Scott {0}慧
NAME_MALE_LAST:23 {0} Phillips {0}乔
NAME_MALE_LAST:24 {0} Parker {0}菲菲
NAME_MALE_LAST:25 {0} Murray {0}奇
NAME_MALE_LAST:26 {0} Dixon {0}苑
NAME_MALE_LAST:27 {0} Price {0}琪琪
NAME_MALE_LAST:28 {0} Holmes {0}大
NAME_MALE_LAST:29 {0} Webb {0}薇
NAME_MALE_LAST:30 {0} Chapman {0}澜
NAME_MALE_LAST:31 {0} Adams {0}诺
NAME_MALE_LAST:32 {0} Young {0}杨
NAME_MALE_LAST:33 {0} Wilson {0}兔
NAME_MALE_LAST:34 {0} Roberts {0}心
NAME_MALE_LAST:35 {0} Greenaway {0}韩
NAME_MALE_LAST:36 {0} Green {0}乔思
NAME_MALE_LAST:37 {0} Clarke {0}乔
NAME_MALE_LAST:38 {0} White {0}超
NAME_MALE_LAST:39 {0} Wright {0}籁
NAME_MALE_LAST:40 {0} Davies {0}媞
NAME_MALE_LAST:41 {0} Reed {0}婆
NAME_MALE_LAST:42 {0} Alexander {0}大姨
NAME_MALE_LAST:43 {0} Lewis {0}奶奶
NAME_MALE_LAST:44 {0} Peters {0}大妈
NAME_MALE_LAST:45 {0} Hancock {0}妹
NAME_MALE_LAST:46 {0} Finch {0}芬
NAME_MALE_LAST:47 {0} Smithson {0}史
NAME_MALE_LAST:48 {0} Graham {0}格
NAME_MALE_LAST:49 {0} Cooper {0}珀
NAME_MALE_LAST:50 {0} Harris {0}娘娘
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:0 {0} Lee {0}丹丹
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:1 {0} Blake {0}佳佳
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:2 {0} Blackwell {0}潇潇
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:3 {0} Crowley {0}里
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:4 {0} Jones {0}倩如
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:5 {0} Smith {0}禅
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:6 {0} Ward {0}雯雯
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:7 {0} Williams {0}文姬
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:8 {0} Richardson {0}倩
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:9 {0} Cook {0}晓
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:10 {0} Miller {0}唐
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:11 {0} Gray {0}珊
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:12 {0} Mason {0}涛
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:13 {0} Hunter {0}洁
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:14 {0} Walker {0}欣怡
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:15 {0} Evans {0}翠花
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:16 {0} Brown {0}思琪
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:17 {0} Thompson {0}琪
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:18 {0} Jackson {0}梦瑶
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:19 {0} Harvey {0}罗
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:20 {0} Morgan {0}思
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:21 {0} Campbell {0}茹
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:22 {0} Scott {0}慧
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:23 {0} Phillips {0}乔
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:24 {0} Parker {0}菲菲
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:25 {0} Murray {0}奇
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:26 {0} Dixon {0}苑
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:27 {0} Price {0}琪琪
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:28 {0} Holmes {0}大
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:29 {0} Webb {0}薇
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:30 {0} Chapman {0}澜
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:31 {0} Adams {0}诺
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:32 {0} Young {0}杨
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:33 {0} Wilson {0}兔
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:34 {0} Roberts {0}心
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:35 {0} Greenaway {0}韩
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:36 {0} Green {0}乔思
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:37 {0} Clarke {0}乔
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:38 {0} White {0}超
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:39 {0} Wright {0}籁
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:40 {0} Davies {0}媞
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:41 {0} Reed {0}婆
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:42 {0} Alexander {0}大姨
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:43 {0} Lewis {0}奶奶
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:44 {0} Peters {0}大妈
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:45 {0} Hancock {0}妹
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:46 {0} Finch {0}芬
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:47 {0} Smithson {0}史
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:48 {0} Graham {0}格
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:49 {0} Cooper {0}珀
NAME_FEMALE_LAST:50 {0} Harris {0}娘娘
BAILOUT_TITLE:0 Bankruptcy alert! 破产警告!
BAILOUT_MESSAGE:0 The city is on the brink of bankruptcy! You must cut services by shutting them down or raise taxes to gain more income. You can also take a loan if any are available.

BAILOUT OPTION: If the above measures are not enough, you can take a bailout to save your city. (Note that a bailout disables further achievements!)




Payment plan: Interest: Monthly cost: Total:


付款计划: 利息: 每月支出: 总计:


0 month 0% {1}0.00 {1}0.00


0 月 0% {1}0.00 {1}0.00

BANKNAME[BankA]:0 Silver Sunset Bank 银色夕阳银行
BANKNAME[BankB]:0 Global Credit Inc. 全球信贷公司
BANKNAME[BankC]:0 Pyramid Capital 金字塔投资
LOAN_AMOUNT:0 Amount 总量
LOAN_PAYMENTPLAN:0 Payment Plan 付款计划
LOAN_INTEREST:0 Interest 利息
LOAN_WEEKLYCOST:0 Weekly Cost 每周偿还
LOAN_TOTAL:0 Total 总计
LOAN_PAYMENTLEFT:0 Payment Left 剩余需偿还款项
LOAN_PAYMENTFORMAT:0 {0} {1} {0} {1}
LOAN_TAKE:0 Take 需要
LOAN_PAY:0 Pay Now 立刻偿还
LOAN_DESC:0 You can only have three loans at once.

Loans can be repaid instantly with no extra cost to you.



ECONOMY_TITLE:0 Economy 经济
ECONOMY_INCOME_EXPENSES:0 Income / Expenses 收入 / 支出
ECONOMY_LEVEL1:0 Level 1 等级 1
ECONOMY_LEVEL2:0 Level 2 等级 2
ECONOMY_LEVEL3:0 Level 3 等级 3
ECONOMY_LEVEL4:0 Level 4 等级 4
ECONOMY_LEVEL5:0 Level 5 等级 5
INCOME_TT_RESIDENTIALLOW:0 Weekly Residential Low Income 每周低密度住宅收入
INCOME_TT_RESIDENTIALHIGH:0 Weekly Residential High Income 每周高密度住宅收入
INCOME_TT_RESIDENTIALTOTAL:0 Weekly Residential Income 每周住宅收入
INCOME_TT_COMMERCIALLOW:0 Weekly Commercial Low Income 每周低密度商业区收入
INCOME_TT_COMMERCIALHIGH:0 Weekly Commercial High Income 每周高密度商业区收入
INCOME_TT_COMMERCIALCITIZEN:0 Weekly Commercial Income from citizens 每周商业区住户收入
INCOME_TT_COMMERCIALTOURIST:0 Weekly Commercial Income from tourists 每周商业区游客收入
INCOME_TT_COMMERCIALTOTAL:0 Weekly Commercial Income 每周商业区收入
INCOME_TT_INDUSTRIAL:0 Weekly Industrial Income 每周工业区收入
INCOME_TT_OFFICE:0 Weekly Office Income 每周办公去收入
INCOME_TT_TOTAL:0 Weekly Total Income 每周总收入
INCOME_TT_PUBLICTRANSPORT:0 Weekly Public Transport Income 每周公共运输收入
EXPENSES_TT_TOTAL:0 Weekly Total Expenses 每周总支出
EXPENSES_TT_ROADS:0 Weekly Roads Service Expenses 每周道路服务支出
EXPENSES_TT_ELECTRICITY:0 Weekly Electricity Service Expenses 每周电力服务支出
EXPENSES_TT_WATER:0 Weekly Water and Sewage Service Expenses 每周水与污水服务支出
EXPENSES_TT_GARBAGE:0 Weekly Garbage Service Expenses 每周垃圾处理支出
EXPENSES_TT_MONUMENTS:0 Weekly Unique Buildings Expenses 每周独有建筑支出
EXPENSES_TT_HEALTHCARE:0 Weekly Healthcare Expenses 每周医疗服务支出
EXPENSES_TT_EDUCATION:0 Weekly Education Expenses 每周教育支出
EXPENSES_TT_POLICE:0 Weekly Police Department Expenses 每周警力支出
EXPENSES_TT_FIRE:0 Weekly Fire Department Expenses 每周消防支出
EXPENSES_TT_PARK:0 Weekly Parks, Plazas and Landscaping Expenses 每周公园,广场,环境美化支出
EXPENSES_TT_PUBLICTRANSPORT:0 Weekly Public Transport Expenses 每周公共运输支出
EXPENSES_TT_LOANS:0 Weekly Loans Expenses 每周贷款支出
EXPENSES_TT_POLICIES:0 Weekly Policies Expenses 每周政策支出
NOTIFICATION_NONE:0 All is well. 一切正常。
NOTIFICATION_MULTIPLE:0 Multiple problems! 很多问题!
NOTIFICATION_CONGRATS_UB_TITLE1:0 Congratulations, you can now build: X ! 恭喜,您现在可以建造:X!
NOTIFICATION_CONGRATS_UB:0 Thanks to your tireless efforts, you now have a new unique building permit! Fulfill more unique building requirements to work your way towards building an impressive Monument in your city! 多亏您不懈的努力,现在您已可使用独特建筑!请继续努力来满足更多独特建筑的要求,来在您的城市中建造一座令人钦佩的伟大工程!
NOTIFICATION_CONGRATS_UB_TITLE2:0 Congratulations, you can now build: X and Z ! 恭喜,现在可以建造:X和Z!
NOTIFICATION_CONGRATS_UB_TITLE3:0 Congratulations, you can now build: X, Y and Z ! 恭喜,现在可以建造:X,Y和Z!
NOTIFICATION_CONGRATS_MONUMENT_TITLE:0 Congratulations, your city can now build: X ! 恭喜,现在可以建造:X!
NOTIFICATION_CONGRATS_MONUMENT:0 To reward you for the hard work you have done for your city, the citizens have come up with a new innovation that will revolutionalize city life. 为了奖励您为城市所付出的辛勤劳动,市民们提出了一项创新之举,这将给城市生活重大变革。
NOTIFICATION_CONGRATS_MONUMENT_BUILT:0 Building a Monument is a great moment in your city's history. You now have the power of your new Monument at your disposal and can continue playing. Remember that Unique Buildings are also available in other maps once they have been unlocked on any map.

Here's a history of your city shown as graphs.



STATS_1:0 City treasury 城市资金
STATS_2:0 City budget 城市收支
STATS_3:0 City value 城市价值
STATS_4:0 Taxation 税收
STATS_5:0 Population changes 人口变化
STATS_6:0 Influx 迁入
STATS_7:0 Birth rate 出生率
STATS_8:0 Death rate 死亡率
STATS_9:0 Employment percentage 就业率
STATS_10:0 Available jobs 就业机会
STATS_11:0 Education levels 教育水平
STATS_12:0 Students 学生
STATS_13:0 Tourists 游客
STATS_14:0 Tourist tax income 旅游税收
STATS_15:0 Happiness 幸福度
STATS_16:0 Residential zone 住宅区
STATS_17:0 Commercial zone 商业区
STATS_18:0 Industrial zone 工业区
STATS_19:0 Office zone 办公区
STATS_20:0 Prisoners 囚犯
STATS_21:0 Cyclists 骑车的人
STATS_1_TOOLTIP:0 Treasury development 财政发展
STATS_2_TOOLTIP:0 City budget development 城市收支发展
STATS_3_TOOLTIP:0 Value of player-placed buildings and treasury together 玩家所放置建筑与资金的价值总和
STATS_4_TOOLTIP:0 Tax income 税收收入
STATS_5_TOOLTIP:0 Population development 人口变化
STATS_6_TOOLTIP:0 Citizens moving into the city 城市迁入人口
STATS_7_TOOLTIP:0 Birth rate in the city 市内出生率
STATS_8_TOOLTIP:0 Death rate in the city 市内死亡率
STATS_9_TOOLTIP:0 Percentage of citizens employed 市民就业率
STATS_10_TOOLTIP:0 Jobs available in the city 市内可就业岗位
STATS_11_TOOLTIP:0 Citizen education levels 市民教育水平
STATS_12_TOOLTIP:0 Students in the city 市内的学生
STATS_13_TOOLTIP:0 Tourists in the city 市内的游客
STATS_14_TOOLTIP:0 Tax income from tourists 游客税收
STATS_15_TOOLTIP:0 Happiness percentage in the city 市民幸福度
STATS_16_TOOLTIP:0 Amount of residential zone in squares 住宅区格数
STATS_17_TOOLTIP:0 Amount of commercial zone in squares 商业区格数
STATS_18_TOOLTIP:0 Amount of industrial zone in squares 工业区格数
STATS_19_TOOLTIP:0 Amount of office zone in squares 办公区格数
STATS_20_TOOLTIP:0 Number of prisoners in all the city prisons. 所有城市监狱中的囚犯数目。
STATS_21_TOOLTIP:0 Number of cyclists in the city. 城内所有骑车的人的数目。
TOOL_CONSTRUCTION_COST:0 Construction cost: {0} 建造费用: {0}
TOOL_UPGRADE_COST:0 Upgrade cost: {0} 升级费用: {0}
TOOL_ELECTRICITY_ESTIMATE:0 Estimated production: {0} MW 预计生产量: {0} 兆瓦
TOOL_REFUND_AMOUNT:0 Refund: {0} 退款: {0}
TOOL_RELOCATE_COST:0 Relocation cost: {0} 重新安置费用: {0}
TOOL_NEW_LINE:0 Create a new line 创建一条新线路
TOOL_ADD_STOP:0 Add stop 添加车站
TOOL_MOVE_STOP:0 Move stop 移动车站
TOOL_CLOSE_LINE:0 Complete line 结束线路
TOOL_DRAG_STOP:0 Drag stop to move it 拖动车站可使其移动
TOOL_DRAG_LINE:0 Drag line to add stop 拖动线路可添加车站
CONNECTIONS_PATTERN[America]:1 Spring{0}
CONNECTIONS_PATTERN[America]:2 West{0} 西{0}
CONNECTIONS_PATTERN[Europe]:0 Port{0} 港口{0}
CONNECTIONS_PATTERN[Europe]:1 Cann{0} 延{0}
CONNECTIONS_PATTERN[Europe]:2 Renn{0} 广{0}
CONNECTIONS_PATTERN[Europe]:3 Ver{0} 四{0}
CONNECTIONS_PATTERN[Mideast]:0 Jalal{0} 沈{0}
CONNECTIONS_PATTERN[Mideast]:1 Amar{0} 深{0}
CONNECTIONS_PATTERN[Mideast]:2 Zahr{0} 夏{0}
CONNECTIONS_PATTERN[Mideast]:3 Naj{0} 台{0}
CONNECTIONS_PATTERN[Spanish]:0 San {0} 大{0}
CONNECTIONS_PATTERN[Spanish]:1 Los {0} 武{0}
CONNECTIONS_PATTERN[Spanish]:2 Las {0} 杭{0}
CONNECTIONS_PATTERN[Spanish]:3 Santa {0} 邯{0}
CONNECTIONS_NAME[America]:0 dale
CONNECTIONS_NAME[America]:1 field
CONNECTIONS_NAME[America]:2 wood
CONNECTIONS_NAME[America]:3 valley
CONNECTIONS_NAME[Europe]:2 ville
CONTENTMANAGER_ACHIEVEMENTS_ORIGIN:0 Origin Achievements are disabled when mods are active. 使用模组时无法取得成就。
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[DeluxeDLC]:0 Buy Deluxe Edition on Origin 在Origin购买豪华版
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[AfterDarkDLC]:0 Buy After Dark on Origin 在Origin购买《夜生活》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[SnowFallDLC]:0 Buy Snowfall on Origin 在Origin购买《冰天雪地》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[NaturalDisastersDLC]:0 Buy Natural Disasters on Origin 在Origin上购买《自然灾难》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[InMotionDLC]:0 Buy Mass Transit on Origin 在Origin上购买《公共交通》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[GreenCitiesDLC]:0 Buy Green Cities on Origin 在Origin购买《绿色都市》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[Football]:0 Buy Match Day on Origin 在Origin购买《比赛日》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[Football2345]:0 Buy Stadiums on Origin 在Origin购买《体育场馆》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[RadioStation1]:0 Buy Relaxation Station on Origin 在Origin购买《放松小站》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[OrientalBuildings]:0 Buy Pearls from the East on Origin 在Origin购买《东方明珠》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[RadioStation2]:0 Buy Rock City on Origin 在Origin购买《都市摇滚电台》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[MusicFestival]:0 Buy Concerts on Origin 在Origin购买《音乐会》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[ModderPack1]:0 Buy Art Deco on Origin 在Origin购买《艺术合集》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[ModderPack2]:0 Buy High Tech on Origin 在Origin购买《高科技》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[ModderPack3]:0 Buy European Suburbia on Origin 在Origin购买《欧洲郊区》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[Christmas]:0 Buy Carols, Candles and Candy on Origin 在Origin购买《圣诞歌,蜡烛与糖果》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[RadioStation3]:0 Buy All That Jazz on Origin 在Origin购买《爵士盛典》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[ParksDLC]:0 Buy Parklife on Origin 在Origin购买《公园生活》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[RadioStation4]:0 Buy Country Road Radio on Origin 在Origin购买《乡村路电台》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[IndustryDLC]:0 Buy Industries on Origin 在Origin购买《工业》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[RadioStation5]:0 Buy Synthetic Dawn Radio on Origin 在Origin购买《机械黎明电台》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[RadioStation6]:0 Buy Deep Focus Radio on Origin 在Origin购买 《深度聚焦》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[RadioStation7]:0 Buy Campus Radio on Origin 在Origin购买 《校园电台》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[ModderPack4]:0 Buy University City on Origin 在Origin购买 《内容创作者包:大学城》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[CampusDLC]:0 Buy Campus on Origin 在Origin购买 《校园》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[UrbanDLC]:0 Buy Sunset Harbor on Origin 在Origin购买 《日落港口》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[ModderPack5]:0 Buy Modern City Center on Origin 在Origin购买 《现代都市中心》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[ModderPack6]:0 Buy Modern Japan on Origin 在Origin购买 《现代日本》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[RadioStation8]:0 Buy Downtown Radio on Origin 在Origin购买 《闹市区电台》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_ORIGIN[RadioStation9]:0 Buy Coast to Coast Radio on Origin 在Origin购买 《海岸之滨》资料片
DISCLAIMER_MESSAGE_ORIGIN[agreedModsDisclaimer]:0 Mods and other user generated content ("UGC") are fan created content that modify your game experience. Neither Paradox Interactive nor Colossal Order screen or support uploaded UGC and download of such is at your own risk. Use the same precautions that you normally use when downloading software and beware that some UGC may not be safe. 模组和玩家自制内容 (UGC) 是由爱好者所制作,并可能改变您的游戏体验。派拉多克斯社及科洛萨奥奥德公司皆未对这些上传的UGC(玩家自制内容)进行任何审核或协助,您必须自行承担下载该内容的风险。请采取如同一般下载软件时的预防措施,并注意某些玩家自制内容可能并不安全。
OPTIONS_FILMGRAINAMOUNT:0 Film Grain Amount 影片噪点数量
OPTIONS_CHIRPERVOLUME:0 Chirper Volume 小啾啾音量
SAVEASSET_TOOLTIP_IMAGE:0 Tooltip Image 提示信息图像
MODS_UNDERSTOOD:0 I understand 我明白
MODS_DECLINE:0 Cancel 取消
MODS_DONTSHOW:0 Don't show again 不再显示
ASSET_DESC:0 Short description: 简短描述:
OPTIONS_VSYNC_OFF:0 Don't sync 关闭垂直同步
OPTIONS_VSYNC_VBLANK:0 Every V Blank 每帧同步一次
OPTIONS_VSYNC_SECONDVBLANK:0 Every second V Blank 每两帧同步一次
OPTIONS_INVERTY:0 Invert Y-mouse axis 反转鼠标 Y 轴
CONTENTMANAGER_LASTUPDATED:0 Last updated: {0} 上次更新: {0}
CONTENTMANAGER_TIMEUPDATED:0 Date updated: {0} 更新日期:{0}
CONTENTMANAGER_TIMECREATED:0 Date created: {0} 创建日期:{0}
CONTENTMANAGER_USINGCLOUD:0 Stored on Steam Cloud 储存到云端
WORKSHOP_COLORCORRECTIONS:0 Get more color corrections on 获得更多色彩校正:
CONTENTMANAGER_SUBS:0 Currently subscribed workshop items 当前已提交物品
CONTENTMANAGER_ADDCATEGORY:0 Add custom category. Drag and drop items to add content to a category. 添加自定义分类,拖曳物品并添加至此分类下。
CONTENTMANAGER_RENAMECATEGORY:0 Rename custom category 重命名自定义分类
CONTENTMANAGER_REMOVECATEGORY:0 Remove custom category 移除自定义分类
CONFIRM_REMOVECATEGORY[Message]:0 You are about to delete this category.

Do you wish to proceed?

您将要移除自定义分类。 确认继续吗?
ASSETEDITOR_SELECTREFERENCE_DESC:0 Select an existing asset 选择已有资产
CONTENTMANAGER_ASSETWARNING:0 This item contains some errors/warnings and may perform poorly or cause unexpected behaviors. Use with caution and please make sure to notify its author to fix it. 该物品包含错误/警告,可能会性能问题或导致意外情况。请谨慎使用,并告知作者以便其进行后续修复。
CONTENTMANAGER_ASSETVERSIONWARNING:0 This item version is old and may perform poorly or cause unexpected behaviors. Use with caution and please make sure to notify its author to fix it. 该物品版本过低,可能会性能问题或导致意外情况。请谨慎使用,并告知作者以便其进行后续修复。
NEWGAME_THEME:0 Map theme: {0} 地图主题:{0}
LOADMAP_THEME:0 Map theme: 地图主题:
CONFIRM_RESETUNIQUEBUILDINGS[Message]:0 Previously unlocked unique buildings will be reset.

Are you sure you want to proceed?



ASSETIMPORTER_TEMPLATE:0 Default from template 恢复默认模板
EXCEPTIONMESSAGE[CompatibilityError]:0 Graphic adapter does not meet minimum requirements (Shader Model 3.0) 显示适配器未达到最低标准
LOADPANEL_ACHAV:0 Achievements availability 成就系统开关
LOADPANEL_ACHSTATUS_ENABLED:0 Achievements are enabled 成就系统已启用
LOADPANEL_ACHSTATUS_DISABLED:0 Achievements are disabled 成就系统已禁用
LOADPANEL_ACHSTATUS_MODSACTIVE:0 {0} mod(s) active 已启用 {0} 个模组
LOADPANEL_ACHSTATUS_WORKSHOP:0 Savegame was downloaded from the Steam Workshop 此存档是从 TGP 模组商店下载取得
LOADPANEL_ACHSTATUS_PREVMAP:0 Savegame was saved while achievements were disabled 游戏存档已在关闭成就系统的情况下储存。
CONTENT_UNSUBALL:0 Unsubscribe All 全部取消
PLEASEWAIT_DIALOG[Title]:0 Please wait… 请稍候
PLEASEWAIT_DIALOG[Message]:0 ..while the selected language is loaded. 选择的语言正在加载中……
NO_TOOLTIPIMAGES:0 No images available 无可用图片
OPTIONS_AUTOSAVE:0 Auto-save every 每隔
OPTIONS_AUTOSAVE_TIME:0 minute(s) 分钟进行一次自动存档
CONFIRM_RESETKEYMAPPING[Message]:0 The key mapping options will be reset to default.

Are you sure you want to proceed?

OPTIONS_DISPLAYGROUP:0 Display settings 显示设定
OPTIONS_QUALITYGROUP:0 Quality settings 质量设定
OPTIONS_AUDIOGROUP:0 Audio settings 音频设定
OPTIONS_CONTROLSGROUP:0 Controls settings 操作设定
OPTIONS_KEYMAPPINGGROUP:0 Keymapping settings 键位设定
OPTIONS_INGAMEGROUP:0 In-game settings 游戏内设定
OPTIONS_LANGUAGEGROUP:0 Language settings 语言设定
OPTIONS_SHOWTUTORIALMESSAGES:0 Show in-game guide popups 显示游戏内教程提示
OPTIONS_MISCGROUP:0 Miscellaneous settings 杂项设定
PDX_STEAM_EXPLANATION:0 Paradox Interactive will link your SteamID to allow you to get automatically logged in to your Paradox Account when starting the game, and to grant you benefits based on games that you own. Should you no longer wish to use this feature, click the ’Unlink Steam Account’ button at any time or log in to your Paradox Account on https://www.paradoxplaza.com and unlink. 启动游戏时,Paradox Interactive 将关联您的 SteamID,让您自动登录到您的 Paradox 帐户,并根据您拥有的游戏向您发放相应的福利。如果您不再希望使用此功能,请随时点击“取消关联 Steam 帐户”按钮或在 https://www.paradoxplaza.com 登录到您的 Paradox 帐户并取消关联。
PDX_STEAM_LINKED:0 Steam account linked Steam 帐户已关联
PDX_STEAM_SUCCESS:0 Success! 成功!
PDX_STEAM_ACCOUNTLINKED:0 Your Paradox Account has been linked to your Steam account. 已将您的 Paradox 帐户关联到您的 Steam 帐户。
PDX_STEAM_THANKS:0 Thank you for creating a Paradox Account! 感谢您创建 Paradox 帐户!
PDX_STEAM_EMAILCONFIRM:0 We have sent you a link to confirm your e-mail address 我们向您发送了一个链接,供您确认自己的电子邮件地址
PDX_STEAM_ALREADYLINKEDSTEAM:0 This Steam account is already linked to a different Paradox Account. Would you like to overwrite the link? 此 Steam 帐户已关联到另一个 Paradox 帐户。您要覆盖此链接吗?
PDX_STEAM_ALREADYLINKEDPARADOX:0 This Paradox Account is already linked to a different Steam account. Would you like to overwrite the link? 此 Paradox 帐户已关联到另一个 Steam 帐户。您要覆盖此链接吗?
PDX_STEAM_STARTLINKED_AUTOLOGIN_MESSAGE:0 Your Steam account is linked to a Paradox Account. Do you wish to automatically log in to your Paradox Account? 您的 Steam 帐户关联到一个 Paradox 帐户。您希望自动登录到自己的 Paradox 帐户吗?
INCOME_TT_COMMERCIALSPEC:0 Weekly Commercial Income from Specializations 每周的商业专精收入
CONTENT_AD_REQUIRED:0 After Dark DLC Required 需要《夜生活》下载内容
CONTENT_AD_BUY:0 Buy After Dark on Steam 在Steam购买《夜生活》下载内容
NEWSFEED_REFRESHING:0 Refreshing feed... 更新信息中……

Could not retrieve feed at this time.


这会儿貌似接收不到信息,抱歉啦 (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

NEWSFEED_WELCOME:0 Welcome to Cities: Skylines! 欢迎来到都市:天际线!
DLCPANEL_ORIENTALBUILDINGS:0 Pearls from the East DLC 《东方明珠》下载内容
PDX_NEWSLETTER:0 Yes, I want to receive the Cities: Skylines community newsletter 对的,我想要加入城市:天际线的社区简讯
NEWGAME_NOMAPS:0 Download or create a map to unlock the tab 下载或创建地图解锁此选项卡
WARNINGPANEL_NOSHELTERS_TOOLTIP:0 Building shelters allows you to evacuate citizens! 你需要为疏散人员建造庇护所
DLCTEXT_OWNED:0 You own this {0}. 你拥有此 {0}。
DLCTEXT_NOTOWNED_FREE:0 Click to get this {0}. 点击获取此 {0}。
DLCTEXT_NOTOWNED:0 Click to buy this {0}. 点击购买此 {0}。
DLCTYPE_EXPANSION:0 expansion 扩展
DLCTYPE_MODDERPACK:0 content creator pack 内容创建包
DLCTYPE_RADIOSTATION:0 radio station 电台
NEWGAMEPANEL_DLCMISSING:0 This map requires the {0} expansion. 此地图要求 {0} 扩展。
DLCOWNED_TITLETOOLTIP:0 DLC owned: {0} / {1} 已拥有的 DLC:{0}/{1}
STADIUMNAME[Juventus]:0 Juventus Stadium 尤文图斯球场
STADIUMNAME[Chelsea]:0 Stamford Bridge 斯坦福桥球场
STADIUMNAME[Barcelona]:0 Camp Nou 诺坎普球场
STADIUMNAME[SaintGermain]:0 Parc des Princes 王子公园体育场
STADIUMYEAR[Juventus]:0 2009 2009
STADIUMYEAR[Chelsea]:0 1877 1877
STADIUMYEAR[Barcelona]:0 1957 1957
STADIUMYEAR[SaintGermain]:0 1972 1972
STADIUMCAPACITY[Juventus]:0 41507 41507
STADIUMCAPACITY[Chelsea]:0 41631 41631
STADIUMCAPACITY[Barcelona]:0 99354 99354
STADIUMCAPACITY[SaintGermain]:0 48583 48583
LOADING_TIP_TEXT_TGP:0 Look at TGP SpaceWork for user made content for the game! 到 TGP 创客空间搜寻玩家自制的游戏模组!
CONTENTMANAGER_ACHIEVEMENTS_TGP:0 TGP Achievements are disabled when mods are active. 使用模组时无法取得 TGP 成就。
SAVEGAME_CLOUDUNSUPPORTED_TGP:0 Cloud Synchronization is disabled from current TGP Account Settings 目前的 TGP 帐号设定已关闭云端同步功能
CONTENT_CONFIRM_WORKSHOPDELETE_TGP:0 You are about to unsubscribe this item from TGP SpaceWork. Do you wish to proceed? 你正要从 TGP 创客空间中取消这个项目的订阅。你想继续吗?
CONTENT_MAPPUBLISHED_TGP:0 Share on TGP SpaceWork 在 TGP 创客空间上分享
WORKSHOP_TITLE_TGP:0 SpaceWork Title 创客空间标题
WORKSHOP_DESC_TGP:0 SpaceWork Description 创客空间说明
CONTENT_AD_BUY_TGP:0 Buy After Dark on TGP 在 TGP 购买《夜生活》下载内容
LOADPANEL_ACHSTATUS_WORKSHOP_TGP:0 Savegame was downloaded from the TGP SpaceWork 此存档是从 TGP 创客空间下载取得
CONFIRM_UNSUBSCRIBEALL_TGP:0 Unsubscribe from all spacework items? 取消全部创客空间订阅吗?
CONTENTMANAGER_SUBS_TGP:0 Currently subscribed spacework items 目前已经订阅的创客空间项目
DISCLAIMER_MESSAGE_TGP:0 Mods and other user generated content ("UGC") are fan created content that modify your game experience. Neither Paradox Interactive nor Colossal Order screen or support uploaded UGC and download of such is at your own risk. Use the same precautions that you normally use when downloading software and beware that some UGC may not be safe. 模组和玩家自制内容是由爱好者所制作,并可能改变您的游戏体验。派拉多克斯社及科洛萨奥奥德责任有限公司公司皆未对这些上传的玩家自制内容进行任何审核或协助,您必须自行承担下载该内容的风险。请采取如同一般下载软件时的预防措施,并注意某些玩家自制内容可能并不安全。
CONTENT_SF_BUY_TGP:0 Buy Snowfall on TGP 在 TGP 购买《冰天雪地》下载内容
NEWMAP_UNPUBLISHED_THEME_TGP:0 Warning: You are about to create a map based on an unpublished map theme. If this map is shared on TGP SpaceWork, it will use a default map theme instead. To share a map with a custom map theme, first publish and subscribe to your theme. Do you want to continue anyway? 警告:你将创建一个基于未发表的地图主题的地图。如果这个地图在 TGP 创客空间共享,它将使用默认的地图主题代替。要用自定义地图主题分享地图之前请先发布和订阅主题。你想继续吗?
CONTENT_ND_BUY_TGP:0 Buy Natural Disasters on TGP 在 TGP 购买《大灾难》下载内容
LOADING_TIP_TEXT_QQ:0 Look at QQGAME SpaceWork for user made content for the game! 到 TGP 游戏创客空间搜寻玩家自制的游戏模组!
CONTENTMANAGER_ACHIEVEMENTS_QQ:0 QQGAME Achievements are disabled when mods are active. 使用模组时无法取得 TGP 游戏 成就。
SAVEGAME_CLOUDUNSUPPORTED_QQ:0 Cloud Synchronization is disabled from current QQGAME Account Settings 目前的 TGP 游戏 帐号设定已关闭云端同步功能
CONTENT_CONFIRM_WORKSHOPDELETE_QQ:0 You are about to unsubscribe this item from QQGAME SpaceWork. Do you wish to proceed? 你正要从 TGP 游戏 创客空间中取消这个项目的订阅。你想继续吗?
CONTENT_MAPPUBLISHED_QQ:0 Share on QQGAME SpaceWork 在 TGP 游戏 创客空间上分享
WORKSHOP_TITLE_QQ:0 SpaceWork Title 创客空间标题
WORKSHOP_DESC_QQ:0 SpaceWork Description 创客空间说明
CONTENT_AD_BUY_QQ:0 Buy After Dark on QQGAME 在 TGP 游戏购买《夜生活》下载内容
LOADPANEL_ACHSTATUS_WORKSHOP_QQ:0 Savegame was downloaded from the QQGAME SpaceWork 此存档是从 TGP 游戏 创客空间下载取得
CONFIRM_UNSUBSCRIBEALL_QQ:0 Unsubscribe from all spacework items? 取消全部创客空间订阅吗?
CONTENTMANAGER_SUBS_QQ:0 Currently subscribed spacework items 目前已经订阅的创客空间项目
DISCLAIMER_MESSAGE_QQ:0 Mods and other user generated content ("UGC") are fan created content that modify your game experience. Neither Paradox Interactive nor Colossal Order screen or support uploaded UGC and download of such is at your own risk. Use the same precautions that you normally use when downloading software and beware that some UGC may not be safe. 模组和玩家自制内容是由爱好者所制作,并可能改变您的游戏体验。派拉多克斯及科洛萨奥奥德公司皆未对这些上传的玩家自建内容进行任何审核或协助,您必须自行承担下载该内容的风险。请采取如同一般下载软件时的预防措施,并注意某些玩家自制内容可能并不安全。
CONTENT_SF_BUY_QQ:0 Buy Snowfall on QQGAME 在 TGP 游戏购买《冰天雪地》下载内容
NEWMAP_UNPUBLISHED_THEME_QQ:0 Warning: You are about to create a map based on an unpublished map theme. If this map is shared on QQGAME SpaceWork, it will use a default map theme instead. To share a map with a custom map theme, first publish and subscribe to your theme. Do you want to continue anyway? 警告:你将创建一个基于未发表的地图主题的地图。如果这个地图在 TGP 游戏 创客空间共享,它将使用默认的地图主题代替。要用自定义地图主题分享地图之前请先发布和订阅主题。你想继续吗?
CONTENT_ND_BUY_QQ:0 Buy Natural Disasters on QQGAME 在 TGP 游戏购买《大灾难》下载内容
CONTENT_GC_BUY_TGP:0 Buy Green Cities on WeGame 在WeGame上购买《绿色都市》下载内容
CONTENT_MT_BUY_TGP:0 Buy Mass Transit on WeGame 在WeGame上购买《公共交通》
CONTENT_GC_BUY_QQ:0 Buy Green Cities on QQGAME 在WeGame上购买《绿色都市》下载内容
CONTENT_MT_BUY_QQ:0 Buy Mass Transit on QQGAME 在WeGame上购买《公共交通》

Could not retrieve feed at this time =(




Could not retrieve feed at this time =(



CONTENT_BUY_TGP[DeluxeDLC]:0 Buy Deluxe Edition on WeGame 在WeGame购买豪华版
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[AfterDarkDLC]:0 Buy After Dark on WeGame 在WeGame购买《夜生活》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[SnowFallDLC]:0 Buy Snowfall on WeGame 在WeGame购买《冰天雪地》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[NaturalDisastersDLC]:0 Buy Natural Disasters on WeGame 在WeGame上购买《自然灾难》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[InMotionDLC]:0 Buy Mass Transit on WeGame 在WeGame上购买《公共交通》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[GreenCitiesDLC]:0 Buy Green Cities on WeGame 在WeGame购买《绿色都市》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[Football]:0 Buy Match Day on WeGame 在WeGame购买《比赛日》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[Football2345]:0 Buy Stadiums on WeGame 在WeGame购买《体育场馆》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[RadioStation1]:0 Buy Relaxation Station on WeGame 在WeGame购买《放松小站》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[OrientalBuildings]:0 Buy Pearls from the East on WeGame 在WeGame购买《东方明珠》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[RadioStation2]:0 Buy Rock City on WeGame 在WeGame购买《都市摇滚电台》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[MusicFestival]:0 Buy Concerts on WeGame 在WeGame购买《音乐会》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[ModderPack1]:0 Buy Art Deco on WeGame 在WeGame购买《艺术合集》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[ModderPack2]:0 Buy High Tech on WeGame 在WeGame购买《高科技》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[ModderPack3]:0 Buy European Suburbia on WeGame 在WeGame购买《欧洲郊区》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[Christmas]:0 Buy Carols, Candles and Candy on WeGame 在WeGame购买《圣诞歌,蜡烛与糖果》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[RadioStation3]:0 Buy All That Jazz on WeGame 在WeGame购买《爵士盛典》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[ParksDLC]:0 Buy Parklife on WeGame 在WeGame购买《公园生活》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[RadioStation4]:0 Buy Country Road Radio on WeGame 在WeGame购买《乡村路电台》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[IndustryDLC]:0 Buy Industries on WeGame 在WeGame购买《工业》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[RadioStation5]:0 Buy Synthetic Dawn Radio on WeGame 在WeGame购买《机械黎明电台》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[ModderPack4]:0 Buy University City on WeGame 在WeGame上购买《大学城》DLC
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[CampusDLC]:0 Buy Campus on WeGame 在WeGame上购买《校园》下载内容
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[RadioStation6]:0 Buy Deep Focus Radio on WeGame 在WeGame购买 《深度聚焦》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[RadioStation7]:0 Buy Campus Radio on WeGame 在WeGame购买 《校园电台》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[UrbanDLC]:0 Buy Sunset Harbor on WeGame 在WeGame购买 《日落港口》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[ModderPack5]:0 Buy Modern City Center on WeGame 在WeGame购买 《现代都市中心》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[ModderPack6]:0 Buy Modern Japan on WeGame 在WeGame购买 《现代日本》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[RadioStation8]:0 Buy Downtown Radio on WeGame 在WeGame购买 《闹市区电台》资料片
CONTENT_BUY_TGP[RadioStation9]:0 Buy Coast to Coast Radio on WeGame 在WeGame购买 《海岸之滨》资料片
PDXACCOUNT_DATEOFBIRTH:0 Date of birth* 出生日期*
PDXACCOUNT_REQUIRED:0 * Required fields *为必填项目
PDXLOGIN_USERNAME:0 Email Address 邮箱地址
PDX_LEGAL:0 I hereby agree to be bound by 在此,我同意并遵守
PDX_TERMSOFUSE:0 Paradox Terms of Use 派拉多克斯使用条款
PDX_PRIVACY:0 Privacy & Cookies Policy 隐私 & Cookies 政策
PDXACCOUNT_CONGRATS_TITLE:0 Paradox Plaza available! 派拉多克斯广场解锁!
PDXACCOUNT_CONGRATS:0 As a gesture of gratitude, you can now find a

Paradox Plaza in your game under Parks & Plazas.

PDXACCOUNT_THANKS_LOGIN:0 Thank you for logging in! 感谢你的登录!
LOADSTATUS[Saving]:0 Saving 保存中
LOADSTATUS[Loading]:0 Loading 读取中
LOADSTATUS[Packaging]:0 Packaging 打包中
LOADSTATUS[Compressing]:0 Compressing textures 压缩贴图中
LOADSTATUS[LOD]:0 Calculating LOD 计算多层次贴图汇总
CONTENT_ONOFF:0 On / Off 开 / 关
CONTENT_MAPPUBLISHED_UPDATE:0 Update on Steam Workshop 在 Steam模组商店 上更新
CONTENT_MAPPUBLISHED:0 Share on Steam Workshop 在 Steam模组商店 上分享
CONTENT_MAPUNPUBLISHED:0 This map cannot be shared because it has not been published to the New Game panel. 这张地图无法分享,因为它并未被发布在新游戏面板。
CONTENT_UNSUBSCRIBE:0 Unsubscribe 取消订阅
CONTENT_CONFIRM_DELETE[Message]:0 You are about to delete this asset.

This action cannot be undone. Do you wish to proceed?

CONTENT_CONFIRM_WORKSHOPDELETE[Message]:0 You are about to unsubscribe this item from Steam Workshop.

Do you wish to proceed?

你正要从 Steam模组商店 中取消这个项目的订阅。你想继续吗?
CONFIRM_SAVEDELETE[Message]:0 You are about to delete this save.

Do you wish to proceed?

CONFIRM_SAVEOVERRIDE[Message]:0 You are about to overwrite this save.

Do you wish to proceed?

CONFIRM_BUILDINGDELETE[Message]:0 You are about to destroy this structure.

Do you wish to proceed?

CONFIRM_REBINDKEY[Message]:0 The input '{0}' is already assigned

to '{1}'. Confirm override?



MAINMENU_CONFIRM_EXITGAME[Message]:0 Are you sure you want to exit? 您确定要退出游戏吗?
CONFIRMEXIT_ASSETEDITOR[Message]:0 All unsaved work will be lost.

Where to go next?



CONFIRMEXIT_MAPEDITOR[Message]:0 All unsaved work will be lost.

Where to go next?



CONFIRMEXIT[Message]:0 All unsaved progress will be lost.

Where to go next?



CONFIRM_NEWRESOLUTION[Message]:0 Do you want to keep these screen resolution/display settings?

Previous settings will be restored in {0:N0} seconds.

您想保存这些新的分辨率 / 显示设定吗?

{0:N0} 秒后会恢复原设定。

CONFIRM_RESETCONFIGURATION[Message]:0 The default configuration will be restored when restarting the game.

Are you sure you want to proceed?



SAVEGAME_CLOUDUNSUPPORTED:0 Cloud Synchronization is disabled from current Steam Account Settings 目前的游戏帐号设定已关闭云端同步功能
PACKAGEAUTHOR:0 Created by {0} 由 {0} 创建
NEWGAME_INVERTTRAFFIC:0 Left-hand Traffic 靠左行驶
NEWGAME_CHOOSEMAP:0 Choose map 选择地图
SAVEMAP_USECLOUD:0 Use Steam Cloud 使用云端存档
NEWMAP_CHOOSETHEME:0 Choose theme 选择主题
NEWMAP_NOTHEME:0 No theme found 未找到主题
CITY_NAME:0 City Name 城市名称
WORKSHOP_INCLUDESOURCE:0 Publish Source Code 发布源代码
WORKSHOP_TITLE:0 Workshop Title 模组商店标题
WORKSHOP_DESC:0 Workshop Description 模组商店说明
WORKSHOP_LEGAL:0 By submitting this item, you agree to the 经提交此项目,你同意
WORKSHOP_LEGALLINK:0 workshop terms of service 模组商店服务条款
DEBUG_CAPTION:0 Debug Output 错误信息输出
OPTIONS_MISC_RESETUNLOCKING:0 Reset Unique Building Unlocking 重新锁定独特建筑
OPTIONS_MISC_RESETCONF:0 Reset Configuration 重置配置信息
OPTIONS_MISC_LOGOUTPDX:0 Log out of your Paradox Account 登出您的派拉多克斯账号
OPTIONS_AUTOEXPAND_CHIRPER:0 Auto-open Chirper messages 自动开启小啾啾信息
OPTIONS_TUTORIAL_MESSAGES:0 Tutorial Messages 教学信息
OPTIONS_RESOLUTION:0 Resolution 屏幕分辨率
OPTIONS_EDGESCROLLING:0 Edge Scrolling Enabled 边缘卷动开启
OPTIONS_EDGESCROLLINGSENSITIVITY:0 Edge Scrolling Sensitivity 边缘卷动灵敏度
OPTIONS_MOUSESENSITIVITY:0 Camera Rotation Sensitivity 视角旋转灵敏度
OPTIONS_KM_MAPEDITOR:0 Map Editor 地图编辑工具
OPTIONS_KM_DECORATION:0 Asset Editor 资产编辑工具
OPTIONS_EFFECTVOLUME:0 Effects Volume 音效音量
OPTIONS_UIVOLUME:0 User Interface Volume 界面音量
OPTIONS_TILTSHIFTAMOUNT:0 Tilt Shift Amount 延时摄录数量
OPTIONS_COLORCORRECTION:0 Color Correction Override 色彩校正覆盖
OPTIONS_SHADOWSDISTANCE:0 Shadows Distance 阴影显示距离
OPTIONS_ANTIALIASING:0 Anti-aliasing 抗锯齿
OPTIONS_TEXTURESANISO:0 Anisotropic Filtering 各向异性过滤
OPTIONS_LOD:0 Level of Detail 细节等级
ASPECTRATIO_NORMAL:0 Normal (4:3) 普通( 4:3 )
ASPECTRATIO_WIDESCREEN:0 Widescreen (16:9) 宽屏( 16:9 )
ASPECTRATIO_WIDESCREEN2:0 Widescreen (16:10) 宽屏( 16:10 )
ASPECTRATIO_WIDESCREEN3:0 Widescreen (21:9) 宽屏( 21:9 )
KEYMAPPING_MULTIPLE:0 Multiple Actions 复数行动
NEWSFEED_TITLE:0 News Feed 最新消息
STORE_TITLE:0 Store 商店
CONTENTMANAGER_GUIDE:0 Please note: All mods are global. Activating a mod and loading a saved game will modify the game experience. 请注意:所有模组都是通用的。启用任何一个模组之后读取记录进行游玩,该模组就会对该记录档产生效果。
CONTENTMANAGER_ACHIEVEMENTS:0 Steam Achievements are disabled when mods are active. 使用模组时无法取得成就。
WORKSHOP_MAPS:0 Get more maps on 取得更多地图:
WORKSHOP_SAVES:0 Get more saved games on 取得更多游戏存档:
CONTENTMANAGER_REPLACE_TOOLTIP:0 When 'Replace' is enabled, the asset will override previously loaded assets that share the same name. 启用“取代”之后,该资产将会覆盖掉拥有同样名称的前一资产。
WORKSHOP_ASSETS:0 Get more assets on 取得更多资产:
WORKSHOP_MODS:0 Get more mods on 取得更多模组:
OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS[Title]:0 Operation in progress 操作进行中
OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS[Message]:0 The mesh is still being processed. Please wait. 网格处理中,请稍候
WORKSHOP_WORKSHOP:0 Steam Workshop Steam模组商店
MOD_ENABLED_STATUS:0 {0} / {1} mods enabled 已启用 {0} / {1} 个模组
MOD_TITLE[HardMode]:0 Hard Mode 困难模式
MOD_TITLE[UnlimitedMoney]:0 Unlimited Money 无限金钱
MOD_TITLE[EasyMode]:0 Easy Mode 简单模式
MOD_TITLE[UnlockAll]:0 Unlock All 全部解锁
MOD_DESC[HardMode]:0 More challenge for experienced players 给身经百战的玩家以更多挑战。
MOD_DESC[UnlimitedMoney]:0 Money never runs out 金钱永远是无穷大。
MOD_DESC[EasyMode]:0 Sit back and relax. A more casual game experience. 坐下放轻松。更多更休闲的游戏体验。
MOD_DESC[UnlockAll]:0 All progression milestones become unlocked 解锁所有的进度里程碑。
MOD_INTERFACES:0 Interfaces: 界面:
MOD_INTERFACES_CONFLICT:0 Multiple mods inherit the same interfaces. In case of conflicts, unexpected behaviour may occur. 多个模组会使用到相同的界面。如果发生冲突,谁也保不了你。
MONEY_LOCALE:0 en-us zh-cn
VALUE_PERCENTAGE:0 {0} % {0} %
MAIN_MONEYINFO:0 Bank Balance 银行存款余额
MAIN_MONEYDELTA:0 Weekly Income 每周收入
MAIN_PLAYPAUSE:0 Play / Pause 开始 / 暂停
MAIN_DATE:0 Date 日期
MAIN_SPEED:0 Accelerate Time 时间速度
MAIN_AREAS:0 Areas 区域
MAIN_UNLOCKING:0 Milestones 里程碑
MAIN_CITYINFO:0 City Information 城市信息
MAIN_ZONING_DEMAND:0 Zoning Demand 区域需求
MAIN_RESIDENTIAL_DEMAND[None]:0 No demand for residential zone 无住宅区需求
MAIN_RESIDENTIAL_DEMAND[Low]:0 Low demand for residential zone 低住宅区需求
MAIN_RESIDENTIAL_DEMAND[Medium]:0 Medium demand for residential zone 中住宅区需求
MAIN_RESIDENTIAL_DEMAND[High]:0 High demand for residential zone 高住宅区需求
MAIN_RESIDENTIAL_DEMAND[Critical]:0 Very high demand for residential zone 超高住宅区需求
MAIN_COMMERCIAL_DEMAND[None]:0 No demand for commercial zone 无商业区需求
MAIN_COMMERCIAL_DEMAND[Low]:0 Low demand for commercial zone 低商业区需求
MAIN_COMMERCIAL_DEMAND[Medium]:0 Medium demand for commercial zone 中商业区需求
MAIN_COMMERCIAL_DEMAND[High]:0 High demand for commercial zone 高商业区需求
MAIN_COMMERCIAL_DEMAND[Critical]:0 Very high demand for commercial zone 超高商业区需求
MAIN_INDUSTRYOFFICE_DEMAND[None]:0 No demand for industry or offices 无工业或办公区需求
MAIN_INDUSTRYOFFICE_DEMAND[Low]:0 Low demand for industry or offices 低工业或办公区需求
MAIN_INDUSTRYOFFICE_DEMAND[Medium]:0 Medium demand for industry or offices 中工业或办公区需求
MAIN_INDUSTRYOFFICE_DEMAND[High]:0 High demand for industry or offices 高工业或办公区需求
MAIN_INDUSTRYOFFICE_DEMAND[Critical]:0 Very high demand for industry or offices 超高工业或办公区需求
MAIN_HAPPINESS:0 Global Happiness 幸福度
MAIN_POPULATION:0 Population 人口
MAIN_FREECAMERA:0 Free Camera Mode 自由视角模式
MAIN_INFOVIEWS:0 Info Views 查看信息
MAIN_ADVISOR:0 Advisor 顾问
ROAD_OPTION_FREEFORM:0 Free-form Road 自由形状
PATH_OPTION_FREEFORM:0 Free-form Path 自由形状
TUNNEL_OPTION_FREEFORM:0 Free-form Tunnel 自由形状
TRACK_OPTION_FREEFORM:0 Free-form Track 自由形状
ZONING_TITLE[ResidentialLow]:0 Low Density Residential Zone 低密度住宅区
ZONING_TITLE[ResidentialHigh]:0 High Density Residential Zone 高密度住宅区
ZONING_TITLE[CommercialLow]:0 Low Density Commercial Zone 低密度商业区
ZONING_TITLE[CommercialHigh]:0 High Density Commercial Zone 高密度商业区
ZONING_TITLE[Industrial]:0 Industrial Zone 工业区
ZONING_TITLE[Office]:0 Office Zone 办公区
ZONING_TITLE[Unzoned]:0 De-Zone 清除分区
ZONING_DESC[ResidentialLow]:0 Low density residential zone attracts families with children and will evolve into fancy villas. 低密度住宅区吸引有小孩的家庭,而且能升级为漂亮的别墅。
ZONING_DESC[ResidentialHigh]:0 Urban areas offer citizens apartment houses to move into. High density residential buildings attract young adults especially. 市区提供市民可入住的公寓大厦,高密度住宅区尤其吸引年轻人。
ZONING_DESC[CommercialLow]:0 Small stores and cosy boutiques offer citizens places to spend their money. Low density commercial zones can provide the necessities for nearby low density residential areas. 小型商店和舒适的精品店提供市民消费的地方。低密度商业区可以供应必需品给邻近的低密度住宅区。
ZONING_DESC[CommercialHigh]:0 High density commercial buildings are department stores and supermarkets that offer citizens a wide variety of spending possibilities. They can serve a large number of customers, so they are ideal for high density residential areas. 高密度商业建筑提供市民了具有广泛消费机会的百货公司和超级市场。它们可以服务大量的顾客,所以非常适合高密度住宅区。
ZONING_DESC[Industrial]:0 Industrial zones provide jobs for the citizens and produce goods for local businesses. Industry uses a lot of water and produces ground pollution to its surroundings. Be sure to place the industrial zones at a safe distance from any residential areas. 工业区提供市民就业并制造商品给本地企业。工业会使用大量的水且造成外围土地污染。
ZONING_DESC[Office]:0 Office areas offer workplaces for educated citizens. Make sure you have a University in the city to provide suitable workers. 办公区提供受过教育的市民工作场所。确保你的城市有一所大学以提供合适的雇员。
ZONING_DESC[Unzoned]:0 Release the area of any zone type. With any zoning tool selected, you can also use the secondary mouse button on a zoned area to release it. 清除任意区域类型。你也可以在选取任意区域工具后,在一个区域使用鼠标右键去清除它。
INFO_CRIMERATE_COVERAGE:0 Police Efficiency 治安效率
INFO_CRIMERATE_BUILDINGS:0 Police Buildings 治安建筑
INFO_LEGEND:0 Legend 图例
INFO_ACTIVE:0 Active 开启
INFO_INACTIVE:0 Inactive 关闭
INFO_HAPPINESS_TITLE:0 Citizen Happiness 幸福度
INFO_HAPPINESS_RESIDENTIAL:0 Residential Happiness 住宅区幸福度
INFO_HAPPINESS_COMMERCIAL:0 Commercial Happiness 商业区幸福度
INFO_HAPPINESS_OFFICE:0 Office Happiness 办公区幸福度
INFO_HAPPINESS_INDUSTRIAL:0 Industrial Happiness 工业区幸福度
INFO_HAPPY:0 Happy 快乐
INFO_UNHAPPY:0 Unhappy 不快乐
INFO_POLLUTION_GROUND:0 Average Ground Pollution 平均地面污染
INFO_POLLUTION_WATER:0 Average Drinking Water Pollution 平均饮用水污染
INFO_NOISEPOLLUTION_AVERAGE:0 Average Noise Pollution 平均噪声污染
INFO_WIND_BUILDINGS:0 Wind Turbines 风力涡轮机
INFO_LANDVALUE_AVERAGE:0 Average Land Value: {0} {1}/m² 平均地价: {0} {1} /平方米
INFO_POPULATION_POPULATION:0 Population: {0:N0} 人口:{0:N0}
INFO_POPULATION_WORKERS:0 People employed: {0:N0} 就业人口: {0:N0}
INFO_POPULATION_WORKPLACES:0 Jobs available: {0:N0} 职缺: {0:N0}
INFO_POPULATION_UNEMPLOYMENT:0 Unemployment: {0}% 失业率: {0}%
INFO_POPULATION_CHILD:0 Children - {0} 儿童 - {0}
INFO_POPULATION_TEEN:0 Teens - {0} 青少年 - {0}
INFO_POPULATION_YOUNG:0 Young Adults - {0} 青年 - {0}
INFO_POPULATION_ADULT:0 Adults - {0} 成年人 - {0}
INFO_POPULATION_SENIOR:0 Seniors - {0} 老年人 - {0}
INFO_POPULATION_BIRTHS:0 {0:N0} births / week {0:N0} 出生 / 周
INFO_POPULATION_DEATHS:0 {0:N0} deaths / week {0:N0} 死亡 / 周
INFO_POPULATION_FAMILIES:0 Mostly families 大多数是家庭
INFO_POPULATION_SENIORS:0 Mostly seniors 大多数是老年人
INFO_POPULATION_ADULTS:0 Mostly adults 大多数是成年人
INFO_RES_TITLE:0 Natural Resources 自然资源
INFO_RES_USED:0 Used 已使用
INFO_RES_OILAMOUNT:0 {0} units {0} 单位
INFO_RES_OILUSED:0 {0} units/week {0} 单位 / 周
INFO_RES_OREAMOUNT:0 {0} units {0} 单位
INFO_RES_OREUSED:0 {0} units/week {0} 单位 / 周
INFO_RES_FORESTAMOUNT:0 {0} units/week {0} 单位 / 周
INFO_RES_FORESTUSED:0 {0} units/week {0} 单位 / 周
INFO_HEALTH_AVERAGE:0 Average Health 平均健康
INFO_HEALTH_SICKS:0 Sick citizens: {0:N0} 已生病市民: {0:N0}
INFO_HEALTH_HEALTHCARE_AVAILABILITY:0 Healthcare Availability 可用医疗服务
INFO_HEALTH_HEALCAPACITY:0 Heal capacity: {0:N0} 医疗床位: {0:N0}
INFO_HEALTH_CEMETARYUSAGE:0 Cemetery usage 公墓使用量
INFO_HEALTH_DEADS:0 Buried: {0:N0} 已埋葬: {0:N0}
INFO_HEALTH_CEMETARYCAPACITY:0 Capacity: {0:N0} 容量: {0:N0}
INFO_HEALTH_DECEASED:0 Deceased: {0:N0} 遗体: {0:N0}
INFO_ELECTRICITY_AVAILABILITY:0 Electricity Availability 电力效率
INFO_ELECTRICITY_CONSUMPTION:0 Electricity consumption: {0:N0} MW 耗电量: {0:N0}兆瓦
INFO_ELECTRICITY_PRODUCTION:0 Electricity production: {0:N0} MW 发电量: {0:N0}兆瓦
INFO_WATER_POLLUTION:0 Fresh water pollution: {0}% 饮用水污染: {0}%
INFO_WATER_WATERONLY:0 Water only & No sewage 有自来水但无排水管
INFO_WATER_NOWATERNORSEWAGE:0 No water & no sewage 无自来水也无排水管
INFO_WATER_CONSUMPTION:0 Water consumption: {0:N0} m³/week 耗水量: {0:N0}立方米/ 周
INFO_WATER_PRODUCTION:0 Water pumping capacity: {0:N0} m³/week 抽水量: {0:N0}立方米/ 周
INFO_WATER_SEWAGECAPACITY:0 Sewage draining capacity: {0:N0} m³/week 排污量: {0:N0}立方米/ 周
INFO_WATER_SEWAGEACCUMULATION:0 Sewage production: {0:N0} m³/week 污水产量: {0:N0}立方米/ 周
INFO_EDUCATION_AVAILABILITY1:0 Elementary School Availability 小学容纳人数
INFO_EDUCATION_AVAILABILITY2:0 High School Availability 中学容纳人数
INFO_EDUCATION_AVAILABILITY3:0 University Availability 大学容纳人数
INFO_EDUCATION_ELIGIBLE:0 Eligible: {0:N0} 符合: {0:N0}
INFO_EDUCATION_CAPACITY:0 Capacity: {0:N0} 容量: {0:N0}
INFO_EDUCATION_GRADUATEPERCENT:0 Graduated citizens: {0}% 毕业市民: {0}%
INFO_FIRE_TITLE:0 Fire Safety 消防安全
INFO_FIRE_METER:0 Fire Hazard 火灾风险
INFO_FIRE_SAFETY:0 Hazard 风险指数
INFO_FIRE_COVERAGE:0 Firefighter Efficiency 救火效率
INFO_GARBAGE_LANDFILL:0 Landfill Usage 堆放场使用量
INFO_GARBAGE_INCINERATOR:0 Garbage Processing Status 垃圾处理状态
INFO_GARBAGE_LANDFILLSTORAGE:0 Landfill storage: {0:N0} 堆放场堆放量: {0:N0}
INFO_GARBAGE_LANDFILLCAPACITY:0 Landfill capacity: {0:N0} 堆放场容量: {0:N0}
INFO_GARBAGE_INCINERATORCAPACITY:0 Garbage processing capacity: {0:N0} units / week 垃圾处理能力:{0:N0}单元/周
INFO_GARBAGE_GARBAGEPRODUCTION:0 Garbage production: {0:N0} units / week 垃圾制造量: {0:N0} 单位 / 周
INFO_GARBAGE_BUILDINGS:0 Garbage sites 垃圾场
INFO_CONNECTIONS_TITLE:0 Outside Connections 外部连接
INFO_CONNECTIONS_IMPORTTOTAL:0 Total Import: {0:N0} 总进口量: {0:N0}
INFO_CONNECTIONS_EXPORTTOTAL:0 Total Export: {0:N0} 总出口量: {0:N0}
INFO_CONNECTIONS_OIL:0 Oil Products 石化产品
INFO_CONNECTIONS_ORE:0 Ore Products 矿业产品
INFO_CONNECTIONS_FORESTRY:0 Forestry Products 林业产品
INFO_CONNECTIONS_AGRICULTURE:0 Agricultural Products 农产品
INFO_CONNECTIONS_TOURISTSTOTAL:0 Weekly Tourist Visits: {0:N0} 每周游客: {0:N0}
INFO_AGE_TEEN:0 Teen 青少年
INFO_AGE_ADULT:0 Adult 成年人
INFO_AGE_SENIOR:0 Senior 老年人
INFO_PUBLICTRANSPORT_COUNT:0 {0:N0} per week 运输量 {0:N0} / 周
INFO_LEVELS_RESIDENTIAL:0 Residential Level 住宅等级
INFO_LEVELS_COMMERCIAL:0 Commercial Level 商业用房等级
INFO_LEVELS_OFFICES:0 Offices Level 办公用房等级
INFO_LEVELS_INDUSTRIAL:0 Industrial Level 工业用房等级
LEVELUP_LOWTECH:0 Educate more citizens to allow the building to be upgraded. Make sure your education facilities can handle all potential students. 教育更多的市民可以让建筑升级,确保你的教育机构足以教育所有学生。
LEVELUP_LOWLANDVALUE:0 Increase the value of the land to allow the building to be upgraded. Parks, plazas and good services increase land value. 提升地价可以让建筑升级。公园、广场及良好的服务可以提升地价。
LEVELUP_DISTRESS:0 Make sure all is well in the building to allow it to be upgraded. 确保建筑良好,以使其能升级。
LEVELUP_RESIDENTIAL_HAPPY:0 Building has reached its maximum level. Congratulations! 建筑已升至满级,恭喜!
LEVELUP_SERVICES_NEEDED:0 Building needs to be covered by more services to allow it to be upgraded. 建筑旁需建设更多的公共设施(例如公园、广场及良好的服务)来让它升级。
LEVELUP_WORKERS_HAPPY:0 Building has reached its maximum level. Congratulations! 建筑已升至满级,恭喜!
LEVELUP_COMMERCIAL_HAPPY:0 Building has reached its maximum level. Congratulations! 建筑已升至满级,恭喜!
LEVELUP_IMPOSSIBLE:0 Building cannot level up at this time. 建筑现在无法升级。
LEVELUP_NOINFO:0 No levelup info available. 没有可用的升级信息。
LEVELUP_HIGHRISE_BAN:0 Building cannot level up because highrise buildings are banned. 建筑物不能升级,因为高楼被禁止建设(请详阅政策)
LEVELUP_LOWWEALTH:0 Attract wealthier customers to allow the building to be upgraded. 吸引富有的客人可以使建筑升级。
LEVELUP_SPECIAL_INDUSTRY:0 Specialized industry buildings are always of the highest level. 专营建筑永远是最高等级。
INFO_ENTERTAINMENT_PARKS:0 Parks & Plazas 公园 & 广场
INFO_ENTERTAINMENT_UBVISIT:0 Visitors in Unique Buildings per week: {0:N0} 每周独特建筑游客: {0:N0}
INFO_ENTERTAINMENT_PARKVISIT:0 Visitors in parks & plazas per week: {0:N0} 每周公园和广场游客: {0:N0}
INFO_ENTERTAINMENT_LEGEND:0 Leisure buildings 休闲建筑
DLCPANEL_ARTDECO:0 Art Deco DLC 《艺术合集》下载内容
TOURIST_AGEWEALTH[LowChild]:0 Low Wealth Child 低收入儿童
TOURIST_AGEWEALTH[MediumChild]:0 Medium Wealth Child 中收入儿童
TOURIST_AGEWEALTH[HighChild]:0 High Wealth Child 高收入儿童
TOURIST_AGEWEALTH[LowTeen]:0 Low Wealth Teen 低收入青少年
TOURIST_AGEWEALTH[MediumTeen]:0 Medium Wealth Teen 中收入青少年
TOURIST_AGEWEALTH[HighTeen]:0 High Wealth Teen 高收入青少年
TOURIST_AGEWEALTH[LowYoung]:0 Low Wealth Young Adult 低收入青年
TOURIST_AGEWEALTH[MediumYoung]:0 Medium Wealth Young Adult 中收入青年
TOURIST_AGEWEALTH[HighYoung]:0 High Wealth Young Adult 高收入青年
TOURIST_AGEWEALTH[LowAdult]:0 Low Wealth Adult 低收入成人
TOURIST_AGEWEALTH[MediumAdult]:0 Medium Wealth Adult 中收入成人
TOURIST_AGEWEALTH[HighAdult]:0 High Wealth Adult 高收入成人
TOURIST_AGEWEALTH[LowSenior]:0 Low Wealth Senior 低收入老人
TOURIST_AGEWEALTH[MediumSenior]:0 Medium Wealth Senior 中收入老人
TOURIST_AGEWEALTH[HighSenior]:0 High Wealth Senior 高收入老人
CITIZEN_AGEEDUCATION[UneducatedChild]:0 Uneducated Child 未受教育的儿童
CITIZEN_AGEEDUCATION[UneducatedTeen]:0 Uneducated Teen 未受教育的青少年
CITIZEN_AGEEDUCATION[UneducatedYoung]:0 Uneducated Young Adult 未受教育的青年
CITIZEN_AGEEDUCATION[UneducatedAdult]:0 Uneducated Adult 未受教育的成人
CITIZEN_AGEEDUCATION[UneducatedSenior]:0 Uneducated Senior 未受教育的老人
CITIZEN_AGEEDUCATION[OneSchoolChild]:0 Educated Child 受过普通教育的儿童
CITIZEN_AGEEDUCATION[OneSchoolTeen]:0 Educated Teen 受过普通教育的青少年
CITIZEN_AGEEDUCATION[OneSchoolYoung]:0 Educated Young Adult 受过普通教育的青年
CITIZEN_AGEEDUCATION[OneSchoolAdult]:0 Educated Adult 受过普通教育的成人
CITIZEN_AGEEDUCATION[OneSchoolSenior]:0 Educated Senior 受过普通教育的老人
CITIZEN_AGEEDUCATION[TwoSchoolsChild]:0 Well Educated Child 受过中等教育的儿童
CITIZEN_AGEEDUCATION[TwoSchoolsTeen]:0 Well Educated Teen 受过中等教育的少年
CITIZEN_AGEEDUCATION[TwoSchoolsYoung]:0 Well Educated Young Adult 受过中等教育的青年
CITIZEN_AGEEDUCATION[TwoSchoolsAdult]:0 Well Educated Adult 受过中等教育的成人
CITIZEN_AGEEDUCATION[TwoSchoolsSenior]:0 Well Educated Senior 受过中等教育的老人
CITIZEN_AGEEDUCATION[ThreeSchoolsChild]:0 Highly Educated Child 受过高等教育的儿童
CITIZEN_AGEEDUCATION[ThreeSchoolsTeen]:0 Highly Educated Teen 受过高等教育的少年
CITIZEN_AGEEDUCATION[ThreeSchoolsYoung]:0 Highly Educated Young Adult 受过高等教育的青年
CITIZEN_AGEEDUCATION[ThreeSchoolsAdult]:0 Highly Educated Adult 受过高等教育的成人
CITIZEN_AGEEDUCATION[ThreeSchoolsSenior]:0 Highly Educated Senior 受过高等教育的老人
CITIZEN_SCHOOL_LEVEL[Level1]:0 Elementary school student at 小学就读于
CITIZEN_SCHOOL_LEVEL[Level2]:0 High school student at 中学就读于
CITIZEN_SCHOOL_LEVEL[Level3]:0 University student at 大学就读于
CITIZEN_STATUS_DRIVINGTO_WORK:0 Driving to work 开车上班途中
CITIZEN_STATUS_DRIVINGTO_SCHOOL:0 Driving to school 开车上学途中
CITIZEN_STATUS_DRIVINGTO_OUTSIDE:0 Driving out of the city 开车离开城市中
CITIZEN_STATUS_TRAVELLINGTO_OUTSIDE:0 Traveling out of the city 正搭车离开城市
ANIMAL_STATUS_FLYING:0 Flying around 飞来飞去
ANIMAL_STATUS_WANDERING:0 Wandering around 四处闲逛
PARAMEDIC_STATUS:0 Loading a patient 正运送病人
HEARSEDRIVER_STATUS:0 Loading a dead person 运载遗体中
FIREMAN_STATUS:0 Extinguishing fire 灭火中
POLICEOFFICER_STATUS:0 Inspecting crime scene 调查犯罪现场
VEHICLE_OWNER:0 Owner: 拥有者:
VEHICLE_PASSENGERS:0 Passengers: {0} / {1} 乘客: {0} / {1}
VEHICLE_DISTANCETRAVELED:0 Distance Traveled on line 路线已行驶距离
VEHICLE_STATUS_LEAVING:0 Leaving the city 离开城市
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_IMPORT[Goods]:0 Importing goods to 将货物进口至
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_IMPORT[Ore]:0 Importing ore products to 将矿石产品进口到
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_IMPORT[Coal]:0 Importing ore products to 将矿石产品进口到
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_IMPORT[Oil]:0 Importing oil products to 将石油产品进口到
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_IMPORT[Petrol]:0 Importing oil products to 将石油产品进口到
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_IMPORT[Logs]:0 Importing forestry products to 将林业产品进口到
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_IMPORT[Lumber]:0 Importing forestry products to 将林业产品进口到
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_IMPORT[Grain]:0 Importing agricultural products to 将农产品进口到
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_IMPORT[Food]:0 Importing agricultural products to 将农产品进口到
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_RETURN:0 Returning to facility 返回中
VEHICLE_STATUS_GARBAGE_COLLECT:0 Collecting garbage 收集垃圾中
VEHICLE_STATUS_GARBAGE_WAIT:0 Compressing garbage 压缩垃圾中
VEHICLE_STATUS_GARBAGE_TRANSFER:0 Relocating garbage to 移送垃圾中
VEHICLE_STATUS_GARBAGE_UNLOAD:0 Unloading garbage 卸载垃圾中
VEHICLE_STATUS_GARBAGE_RETURN:0 Returning to facility 返回中
VEHICLE_STATUS_POLICE_STOPPED:0 Inspecting crime scene 调查犯罪现场
VEHICLE_STATUS_POLICE_PATROL_WAIT:0 Spotted something suspicious 发现可疑时间
VEHICLE_STATUS_POLICE_EMERGENCY:0 Responding to call at 接到求救正前往
VEHICLE_STATUS_POLICE_RETURN:0 Returning to station 返回中
VEHICLE_STATUS_AMBULANCE_EMERGENCY:0 Responding to call at 接到求救正前往
VEHICLE_STATUS_AMBULANCE_RETURN_FULL:0 Transporting a patient for treatment 送入医院治疗
VEHICLE_STATUS_HEARSE_COLLECT:0 Picking up a dead person from 运载遗体而前往
VEHICLE_STATUS_HEARSE_WAIT:0 Loading a dead person 运载遗体中
VEHICLE_STATUS_HEARSE_TRANSFER:0 Relocating corpses to 将遗体送往
VEHICLE_STATUS_HEARSE_UNLOAD:0 Unloading corpses 放下遗体
VEHICLE_STATUS_FIRETRUCK_WAIT:0 Coiling in the hoses 正收起水龙带
VEHICLE_STATUS_FIRETRUCK_RETURN:0 Returning to station 返回中
VEHICLE_STATUS_BUS_RETURN:0 Returning to depot 返回车站
VEHICLE_STATUS_METRO_RETURN:0 Returning to station 返回中
VEHICLE_STATUS_PASSENGERTRAIN_TRANSPORT:0 Transporting passengers to 将乘客运至
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRAIN_TRANSPORT:0 Transporting cargo to 将货物运输至
VEHICLE_STATUS_PASSENGERSHIP_TRANSPORT:0 Transporting passengers to 将乘客运至
VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOSHIP_TRANSPORT:0 Transporting cargo to 将货物运输至
TRANSPORT_LINE_COLOR:0 Line color 路线颜色
TRANSPORT_LINE_PASSENGERS:0 Weekly Passengers: {0} residents, {1} tourists 每周乘客:{0} 居民, {1} 游客
TRANSPORT_LINE_VEHICLECOUNT:0 Number of vehicles: {0} 车辆数: {0}
TRANSPORT_LINE_TRIPSAVED:0 Car trips saved: {0}% 车辆取代率: {0}%
BUILDING_STATUS_BURNED:0 Burned down 已被烧毁!
BUILDING_STATUS_DEFAULT:0 Operating normally 正常运营
BUILDING_STATUS_REDUCED:0 Operating at a reduced rate 以低效率运营
BUILDING_STATUS_OFF:0 Turned off 已关闭
BUILDING_STATUS_UPGRADING:0 Upgrade under way 正在升级
BUILDING_STATUS_HOUSEHOLDS:0 {0} / {1} households {0} / {1} 家庭
BUILDING_MOVING:0 Moving {0} 移动 {0}
AREA_NEWTILE:0 New Tile 新的地块
AREA_BUY:0 Purchase 购买
AREA_NATURALRESOURCES:0 Natural Resources 自然资源
AREA_CONNECTIONS:0 Outside Connections 外部连接
AREA_BUILDABLE:0 Suitable area for building: {0} 适合建筑区域: {0}
AREA_PRICE:0 Price 价格
AREA_OILAMOUNT:0 Oil Resources 石油资源
AREA_OREAMOUNT:0 Ore Resources 矿石资源
AREA_FORESTRYAMOUNT:0 Forestry Resources 林业资源
AREA_FARMINGAMOUNT:0 Farming Resources 农业资源
AREA_YES_WATER:0 This tile contains Water 该区块有水域
AREA_NO_WATER:0 This tile does not contain Water 该区块无水域
AREA_YES_HIGHWAYCONNECTION:0 Highway Connections 高速公路连接
AREA_YES_TRAINCONNECTION:0 Train Connections 铁路连接
AREA_YES_SHIPCONNECTION:0 Ship Connections 船运连接
AREA_YES_PLANECONNECTION:0 Plane Connections 飞机连接
AREA_NO_HIGHWAYCONNECTION:0 No Highway Connections 无高速公路连接
AREA_NO_TRAINCONNECTION:0 No Train Connections 无铁路连接
AREA_NO_SHIPCONNECTION:0 No Ship Connections 无船运链接
AREA_NO_PLANECONNECTION:0 No Plane Connections 无飞机连接
AREA_OWNEDTILE:0 Owned Tile 已拥有此区块
AREA_WATERAMOUNT:0 Amount of Water 水量
CITYSERVICE_MOVE:0 Relocate Building 建筑迁移
CITYSERVICE_EMPTY:0 Empty building to another facility 将此建筑储存物迁移至其他设施
CITYSERVICE_STOPEMPTY:0 Stop emptying 停止清空
CITYSERVICE_BUDGET:0 Open the Budget Panel 打开预算面板
ZONEDBUILDING_WORKERS:0 {0} / {1} workers {0} / {1} 工人
ZONEDBUILDING_OVEREDUCATEDWORKERS:0 {0} overeducated workers {0} 位受过度教育的工人
ZONEDBUILDING_OVEREDUCATEDWORKER:0 {0} overeducated worker {0} 位受过度教育的工人
ZONEDBUILDING_EL0_WORKERCOUNT:0 Uneducated workers 未受教育的工人
ZONEDBUILDING_EL1_WORKERCOUNT:0 Educated workers 受过基础教育的工人
ZONEDBUILDING_EL2_WORKERCOUNT:0 Well educated workers 受过中等教育的工人
ZONEDBUILDING_EL3_WORKERCOUNT:0 Highly educated workers 受过高等教育的工人
ZONEDBUILDING_EL0_WORKPLACECOUNT:0 Uneducated workplaces 未受教育者工作场所
ZONEDBUILDING_EL1_WORKPLACECOUNT:0 Educated workplaces 受中等教育者工作场所
ZONEDBUILDING_EL2_WORKPLACECOUNT:0 Educated workplaces 受中等教育者工作场所
ZONEDBUILDING_EL3_WORKPLACECOUNT:0 Highly educated workplaces 受高等教育者工作场所
ZONEDBUILDING_JOBSAVAIL:0 Jobs available 可应聘的工作
ZONEDBUILDING_WORKERCHART:0 The outer ring displays the ratio of available workplaces by education level.

The inner circle displays the ratio of workers by education level.



ZONEDBUILDING_EDUCATIONCHART:0 Displays the ratio of residents by education level. 显示按照学历划分的居民比例。
ZONEDBUILDING_AGECHART:0 Displays the ratio of residents by age group. 显示按照年龄段划分的居民比例。
DISTRICT_LANDVALUE_AVERAGE:0 {0} {1}/m² {0} {1}/平方米
DISTRICT_AVGLEVELS:0 Average Zoned Buildings Level 区域平均建筑等级





Land Value



DISTRICT_CHILDAMOUNT:0 Children in the district 该区划的儿童
CITY_CHILDAMOUNT:0 Children in the city 该市的儿童
DISTRICT_TEENAMOUNT:0 Teens in the district 该区划的青少年
CITY_TEENAMOUNT:0 Teens in the city 该市的青少年
DISTRICT_YOUNGAMOUNT:0 Young adults in the district 该区划的青年
CITY_YOUNGAMOUNT:0 Young adults in the city 该市的青年
DISTRICT_ADULTAMOUNT:0 Adults in the district 该区划的成人
CITY_ADULTAMOUNT:0 Adults in the city 该市的成人
DISTRICT_SENIORAMOUNT:0 Seniors in the district 该区划的老人
CITY_SENIORAMOUNT:0 Seniors in the city 该市的老人
DISTRICT_AGECHART:0 Displays the population ratio of the district by age group. 依年龄层显示区划内人口比例。
CITY_AGECHART:0 Displays the population ratio of the city by age group. 依年龄层显示区划内人口比例。
DISTRICT_RESIDENTIAL:0 Residential Zones 住宅区
DISTRICT_COMMERCIAL:0 Commercial Zones 商业区
DISTRICT_INDUSTRIAL:0 Industrial Zones 工业区
DISTRICT_OFFICE:0 Office Zones 办公区
CITY_DISTRIBUTIONCHART:0 Displays the ratio of zone types in the city 显示城市内地区比例
DISTRICT_DISTRIBUTIONCHART:0 Displays the ratio of zone types in the district 显示区划内地区比例
DISTRICT_HOUSEHOLDS:0 Households: 家庭数:

Tourist visits:



DISTRICT_COUNTFORMAT:0 {0} / {1} {0} / {1}
DISTRICT_NORESIDENTS:0 There are no residents in this district. 该区划内没有居民。
CITY_NORESIDENTS:0 There are no residents in the city. 该城市内没有居民。
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KEYNAME[KeypadEquals]:0 Keypad Equals 小键盘 =键
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KEYNAME[DownArrow]:0 Down Arrow ↓键
KEYNAME[RightArrow]:0 Right Arrow →键
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KEYNAME[LeftShift]:0 Shift Shift键
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KEYNAME[LeftControl]:0 Control 左 Ctrl键
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KEYNAME[LeftAlt]:0 Alt 左 Alt键
KEYNAME[RightCommand]:0 Command Command键
KEYNAME[RightApple]:0 Apple Apple键
KEYNAME[LeftCommand]:0 Command Command键
KEYNAME[LeftApple]:0 Apple Apple键
KEYNAME[LeftWindows]:0 Windows Windows键
KEYNAME[RightWindows]:0 Windows Windows键
KEYNAME[AltGr]:0 Alt Gr Alt Gr键
KEYNAME[Help]:0 Help Help键
KEYNAME[Print]:0 Print PrintScreen键
KEYNAME[SysReq]:0 SysReq SysReq键
KEYNAME[Break]:0 Break Break键
KEYNAME[Menu]:0 Menu Menu键
KEYNAME[Mouse0]:0 Primary Mouse Button 鼠标左键
KEYNAME[Mouse1]:0 Secondary Mouse Button 鼠标右键
KEYNAME[Mouse2]:0 Middle Mouse Button 鼠标中键
KEYNAME[Mouse3]:0 Mouse 4 Mouse 4键
KEYNAME[Mouse4]:0 Mouse 5 Mouse 5键
KEYNAME[Mouse5]:0 Mouse 6 Mouse 6键
KEYNAME[Mouse6]:0 Mouse 7 Mouse 7键
KEYNAME[Alpha0]:0 0 0键
KEYNAME[Alpha1]:0 1 1键
KEYNAME[Alpha2]:0 2 2键
KEYNAME[Alpha3]:0 3 3键
KEYNAME[Alpha4]:0 4 4键
KEYNAME[Alpha5]:0 5 5键
KEYNAME[Alpha6]:0 6 6键
KEYNAME[Alpha7]:0 7 7键
KEYNAME[Alpha8]:0 8 8键
KEYNAME[Alpha9]:0 9 9键
KEYNAME[RightBracket]:0 ( (键
KEYNAME[LeftBracket]:0 ) )键
KEYNAME[Equals]:0 = =键
KEYNAME[Minus]:0 - -键
KEYNAME[BackQuote]:0 ` `键
KEYNAME[Backslash]:0 \ \键
KEYNAME[Semicolon]:0 ; ;键
KEYNAME[Period]:0 . .键
KEYNAME[Comma]:0 , ,键
KEYNAME[Slash]:0 / /键
KEYNAME[Quote]:0 ”键
UPDATETUTORIAL_TITLE[ParkBuildingOutsideParkArea]:0 Building outside Park Area Building outside Park Area
UPDATETUTORIAL_TITLE[ParkGatePlaced]:0 Park Area Details Park Area Details
UPDATETUTORIAL_TITLE[ExtractorPlaced]:0 Build a Processing Plant Build a Processing Plant
UPDATEBUILDING_TITLE[Fancy Fountain]:0 Fantastic Fountain Fantastic Fountain
UPDATEBUILDING_TITLE[Household Plastic Factory 01]:0 Plastic Factory Plastic Factory
UPDATEECONOMYPANEL_IPC_TOURISMINCOME:0 {0} of your income comes from tourism. {0} of your income comes from tourism.
UPDATEUIFILTER[NetPrefabs]:0 Net Structures Net Structures
UPDATEKEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutLandscapingFencesGroup]:0 Select Walls and Fences Select Walls and Fences
UPDATEKEYMAPPING[inGameShortcutPublicTransportToursGroup]:0 Select Public Transport Tours Select Public Transport Tours
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Hot Air Balloon Tours]:0 The Hot Air Balloon Tours service stores and maintains hot air balloons and organizes hot air balloon tours over the city. Tours with a high appeal value around the starting point are more popular. The Hot Air Balloon Tours service stores and maintains hot air balloons and organizes hot air balloon tours over the city. Tours with a high appeal value around the starting point are more popular.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Medical Center]:0 The Medical Center is a research facility that works on finding cures for diseases and ailments. It is so vast and efficient that it can easily take care of all your citizens' health needs. The Medical Center has a helipad and can accept helicopters. The Medical Center is a research facility that works on finding cures for diseases and ailments. It is so vast and efficient that it can easily take care of all your citizens' health needs. The Medical Center has a helipad and can accept helicopters.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Hospital]:0 The Hospital treats citizens who fall ill or have an accident. Each patient takes up one bed for some time, so make sure there are enough hospitals in the city to handle all patients, otherwise city health can fall. The Hospital has a helipad and can accept helicopters. The Hospital treats citizens who fall ill or have an accident. Each patient takes up one bed for some time, so make sure there are enough hospitals in the city to handle all patients, otherwise city health can fall. The Hospital has a helipad and can accept helicopters.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Industrial Steel Plant 01]:0 PaulCo Industrial Steel Plant produces machine parts, tools and other industrial-grade steel products. Industrial Steel Plant needs Metals special goods for the production and packaging. Unique Factories can be placed outside Industry Area. PaulCo Industrial Steel Plant produces machine parts, tools and other industrial-grade steel products. Industrial Steel Plant needs Metals special goods for the production and packaging. Unique Factories can be placed outside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Corn 01]:0 All Small Crop Field variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. All Small Crop Field variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Corn 02]:0 All Medium Crop Field variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. All Medium Crop Field variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Corn 03]:0 All Large Crop Field variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. All Large Crop Field variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Apple 01]:0 All Small Fruit Field variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. All Small Fruit Field variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Apple 02]:0 All Medium Fruit Field variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. All Medium Fruit Field variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Apple 03]:0 All Large Fruit Field variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. All Large Fruit Field variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Animal Pasture 01]:0 All Small Animal Pastures variations require crops to produce farming special good – animal products. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. All Small Animal Pastures variations require crops to produce farming special good – animal products. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Animal Pasture 02]:0 All Large Animal Pastures variations require crops to produce farming special good – animal products. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. All Large Animal Pastures variations require crops to produce farming special good – animal products. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Green House 01 Winter]:0 All Small Crop Field greenhouse variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. All Small Crop Field greenhouse variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Green House 02 Winter]:0 All Medium Crop Field greenhouse variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. All Medium Crop Field greenhouse variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Crop Field Green House 03 Winter]:0 All Large Crop Field greenhouse variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. All Large Crop Field greenhouse variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Green House 01 Winter]:0 All Small Fruit Field greenhouse variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. All Small Fruit Field greenhouse variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Green House 02 Winter]:0 All Medium Fruit Field greenhouse variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. All Medium Fruit Field greenhouse variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Fruit Field Green House 03 Winter]:0 All Large Fruit Field greenhouse variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area. All Large Fruit Field greenhouse variations produce farming raw materials – crops. Extractor need to be placed on fertile land inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Cattle Shed 01]:0 Cattle sheds require crops to produce farming special good – animal products. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. Cattle sheds require crops to produce farming special good – animal products. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Slaughter House 01]:0 Modern slaughterhouses require crops to produce farming special good – animal products. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. Modern slaughterhouses require crops to produce farming special good – animal products. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Milking Parlour 01]:0 Milking parlors require crops to produce farming special good – animal products. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. Milking parlors require crops to produce farming special good – animal products. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Rotary Kiln Plant 01]:0 Rotary kiln use raw materials like ore and produce metals during pyroprocessing. This processing building require ore to produce ore special good – metals. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. Rotary kiln use raw materials like ore and produce metals during pyroprocessing. This processing building require ore to produce ore special good – metals. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Glass Manufacturing Plant 01]:0 Glass manufacturing plants use mined ore raw materials to manufacture glass sheets. This processing building require ore to produce ore special good – glass. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. Glass manufacturing plants use mined ore raw materials to manufacture glass sheets. This processing building require ore to produce ore special good – glass. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Petrochemical Plant 01]:0 Petrochemical plants take oil and uses fluid catalytic cracking to produce plastic. This processing building require oil to produce oil special good – plastic. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area. Petrochemical plants take oil and uses fluid catalytic cracking to produce plastic. This processing building require oil to produce oil special good – plastic. Processing building need to be placed inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Oneway Toll Booth Medium 01]:0 Toll Booths collect a fee from cars passing the toll. The fee can be adjusted from the Toll Booths info panel. Cars need to stop briefly to pay the toll. No pedestrian traffic across Toll Booth. Toll Booths collect a fee from cars passing the toll. The fee can be adjusted from the Toll Booths info panel. Cars need to stop briefly to pay the toll. No pedestrian traffic across Toll Booth.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Barn 01]:0 A barn building used for storing the farming industry raw materials - crops. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. A barn building used for storing the farming industry raw materials - crops. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Barn 02]:0 A large barn building used for storing farming industry raw materials - crops. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. A large barn building used for storing farming industry raw materials - crops. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Grain Silo 01]:0 A simple grain silo used for storing farming industry raw materials – crops. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. A simple grain silo used for storing farming industry raw materials – crops. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Grain Silo 02]:0 A large grain silo used for storing farming industry raw materials – crops. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. A large grain silo used for storing farming industry raw materials – crops. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Oil Pump 01]:0 A single oil pump for extracting oil industry raw material from an underground reservoir. Extractor need to be placed on oil field inside Industry Area. A single oil pump for extracting oil industry raw material from an underground reservoir. Extractor need to be placed on oil field inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Oil Pump 02]:0 A line of four oil pumps for extracting oil industry raw materials from an underground reservoir. Extractor need to be placed on oil field inside Industry Area. A line of four oil pumps for extracting oil industry raw materials from an underground reservoir. Extractor need to be placed on oil field inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Oil Drilling Rig 01]:0 A small oil drilling rig for extracting oil industry raw materials from an underground reservoir. Extractor need to be placed on oil field inside Industry Area. A small oil drilling rig for extracting oil industry raw materials from an underground reservoir. Extractor need to be placed on oil field inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Oil Drilling Rig 02]:0 A large oil drilling rig for extracting oil industry raw materials from an underground reservoir. Extractor need to be placed on oil field inside Industry Area. A large oil drilling rig for extracting oil industry raw materials from an underground reservoir. Extractor need to be placed on oil field inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Offshore Oil Drilling Platform 01]:0 An Offshore Oil Drilling Platform for extracting oil industry raw materials from seabed deep rock formations. Extractor need to be placed on oil field inside Industry Area. An Offshore Oil Drilling Platform for extracting oil industry raw materials from seabed deep rock formations. Extractor need to be placed on oil field inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Crude Oil Tank Farm 01]:0 A small crude oil storage with pumping station, pipes and four tanks for storing oil industry raw materials. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. A small crude oil storage with pumping station, pipes and four tanks for storing oil industry raw materials. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Crude Oil Tank Farm 02]:0 A large crude oil storage with pumping station, pipes, eight tanks and small maintenance building for storing oil industry raw materials. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. A large crude oil storage with pumping station, pipes, eight tanks and small maintenance building for storing oil industry raw materials. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Crude Oil Storage Cavern 01]:0 A fenced field with a pumping station and other equipment that is used to pump oil raw materials to large underground oil storage caverns. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. A fenced field with a pumping station and other equipment that is used to pump oil raw materials to large underground oil storage caverns. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Oil Industry Storage 01]:0 Two dome shelters for storing oil industry raw materials. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area. Two dome shelters for storing oil industry raw materials. Storage building can be placed outside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Ore Mine Underground 01]:0 A small mine for extracting ore industry area raw materials from underground deposits. Extractor need to be placed on ore deposit inside Industry Area. A small mine for extracting ore industry area raw materials from underground deposits. Extractor need to be placed on ore deposit inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Ore Mine Underground 02]:0 A large mine with advanced equipment for extracting ore industry area raw materials from underground deposits. Extractor need to be placed on ore deposit inside Industry Area. A large mine with advanced equipment for extracting ore industry area raw materials from underground deposits. Extractor need to be placed on ore deposit inside Industry Area.
UPDATEBUILDING_DESC[Seabed Mining Vessel 01]:0 A mining vessel designed to extract ore industry area raw materials from underwater deposits. Extractor need to be placed on ore deposit inside Industry Area. A mining vessel designed to extract ore industry area raw materials from underwater deposits. Extractor need to be placed on ore deposit inside Industry Area.
UPDATEINCOME_TT_TOTAL_COMMERCIAL:0 Weekly Total Income from Tourism Weekly Total Income from Tourism
UPDATEBUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Medical Center]:0 The Medical Center provides healthcare for the whole city. The Medical Center has a helipad and can accept helicopters. The Medical Center provides healthcare for the whole city. The Medical Center has a helipad and can accept helicopters.
UPDATEBUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Hospital]:0 The hospital treats patients with any diseases or injury. The Hospital has a helipad and can accept helicopters. The hospital treats patients with any diseases or injury. The Hospital has a helipad and can accept helicopters.
UPDATEBUILDING_SHORT_DESC[Industrial Steel Plant 01]:0 PaulCo Industrial Steel Plant produces industrial-grade steel products and requires Metals for the production and packaging. PaulCo Industrial Steel Plant produces industrial-grade steel products and requires Metals for the production and packaging.
UPDATELEVELUP_SPECIAL_INDUSTRY:0 Specialized buildings are always of the highest level. Specialized buildings are always of the highest level.
UPDATEPROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop Small Billboard Random]:0 Bioladen - Kleine zufällige Werbetafel Bioladen - Kleine zufällige Werbetafel
UPDATEPROPS_TITLE[Organic Shop Medium Billboard Random]:0 Bioladen - Mittlere zufällige Werbetafel Bioladen - Mittlere zufällige Werbetafel
UPDATEPROPS_TITLE[Hightech Industrial Small Billboard Random]:0 Hightech-Industrie - Kleine zufällige Werbetafel Hightech-Industrie - Kleine zufällige Werbetafel
UPDATEPROPS_TITLE[Hightech Industrial Medium Billboard Random]:0 Hightech-Industrie - Mittlere zufällige Werbetafel Hightech-Industrie - Mittlere zufällige Werbetafel
UPDATEPROPS_TITLE[Tunnel Light Industry Road Small]:0 Tunnel Light Industry Road Small Tunnel Light Industry Road Small
UPDATEPROPS_TITLE[Tunnel Light Industry Road Medium]:0 Tunnel Light Industry Road Medium Tunnel Light Industry Road Medium
UPDATEDDISASTERWARNING[MeteorStrike]:0 Astronomers tell of an asteroid named [XXX] coming dangerously close and will land on the area. Astronomers tell of an asteroid named [XXX] coming dangerously close and will land on the area.
UPDATEPARADOX_ACCOUNT_CONNECT_LABEL:0 Connect Paradox account to Steam account Connect Paradox account to Steam account
UPDATEPDX_STEAM_ERRORMESSAGE[Fail]:0 Request to Steam services timed out. Make sure you are logged in on Steam and running Steam client in online mode. Request to Steam services timed out. Make sure you are logged in on Steam and running Steam client in online mode.
UPDATEPDX_STEAM_ERRORMESSAGE[Timeout]:0 Request to Steam services timed out. Make sure you are logged in on Steam and running Steam client in online mode. Request to Steam services timed out. Make sure you are logged in on Steam and running Steam client in online mode.
UPDATEPDX_STEAM_ERRORMESSAGE[not-authorized]:0 Seems that your Steam account hasn’t been connected to any Paradox Plaza account yet. You can connect the accounts after logging in with your Paradox Plaza account. Seems that your Steam account hasn’t been connected to any Paradox Plaza account yet. You can connect the accounts after logging in with your Paradox Plaza account.
UPDATEERRORMESSAGE[not-authorized]:0 Wrong email address or password Wrong email address or password
UPDATEPDXLOGIN_USERNAME:0 Email address Email address
UPDATEPARADOX_ACCOUNT_INCENTIVE:0 Log in or create a Paradox Account and receive the Paradox Plaza for free! Log in or create a Paradox Account and receive the Paradox Plaza for free!
UPDATEINDUSTRYPANEL_EFFICIENCY_TOOLTIP:0 The efficiency bonus makes Extractors and Processing Buildings in the area process resources faster. The efficiency bonus makes Extractors and Processing Buildings in the area process resources faster.
UPDATEINDUSTRYPANEL_POLLUTION_TOOLTIP:0 The higher the industry level, the less pollution is caused by Extractors and Processing Buildings in it. The higher the industry level, the less pollution is caused by Extractors and Processing Buildings in it.
UPDATEBUDGET_INFO[PlayerIndustry]:0 A higher budget increases Extractors, Processing Buildings and Unique Factories production rate as well as allow them to house more vehicles.  A higher budget increases Extractors, Processing Buildings and Unique Factories production rate as well as allow them to house more vehicles. 
UPDATEFREEWHATSNEW8_TEXT1:0 Build road tolls to add an extra payment for going to certain areas. Traffic driving through the toll must slow down at the booths and pay a fee. Ticket price can be adjusted with a slider. New Automated Toll city policy makes passing the toll booths faster but with reduced income. Build road tolls to add an extra payment for going to certain areas. Traffic driving through the toll must slow down at the booths and pay a fee. Ticket price can be adjusted with a slider. New Automated Toll city policy makes passing the toll booths faster but with reduced income.
UPDATEEXPANSIONWHATSNEW8_TEXT1:0 Create Industry Areas with new tool and determine the Industry Area type with four new Main Buildings. Main Buildings allow level progression and work as a headquarter for city services. Level up the areas to unlock new buildings and features. Create Industry Areas with new tool and determine the Industry Area type with four new Main Buildings. Main Buildings allow level progression and work as a headquarter for city services. Level up the areas to unlock new buildings and features.
UPDATETUTORIAL_ADVISER[InfoViewIndustry]:0 Industry Areas can be created by new tool. Main Building determines type of area. Industry Areas need raw materials, like Oil, to operate. Materials can either be imported or gathered by Extractors. Areas can fully operate on imported raw materials only.

Raw materials can be exported, sold to specialized industry or used by Processing buildings. Processing buildings produce special goods, which can be either exported, sold to non-specialized industry or used by Unique Factories.

Unique Factories produce Luxury Goods, which can be exported or sold to commercial zones.

Industry Areas can be created by new tool. Main Building determines type of area. Industry Areas need raw materials, like Oil, to operate. Materials can either be imported or gathered by Extractors. Areas can fully operate on imported raw materials only.

Raw materials can be exported, sold to specialized industry or used by Processing buildings. Processing buildings produce special goods, which can be either exported, sold to non-specialized industry or used by Unique Factories.

Unique Factories produce Luxury Goods, which can be exported or sold to commercial zones.

UPDATETUTORIAL_ADVISER[Industry]:0 Industry Areas can be created by new tool. Main Building determines type of area. Industry Areas need raw materials, like Oil, to operate. Materials can either be imported or gathered by Extractors. Areas can fully operate on imported raw materials only.

Raw materials can be exported, sold to specialized industry or used by Processing buildings. Processing buildings produce special goods, which can be either exported, sold to non-specialized industry or used by Unique Factories.

Unique Factories produce Luxury Goods, which can be exported or sold to commercial zones.

Industry Areas can be created by new tool. Main Building determines type of area. Industry Areas need raw materials, like Oil, to operate. Materials can either be imported or gathered by Extractors. Areas can fully operate on imported raw materials only.

Raw materials can be exported, sold to specialized industry or used by Processing buildings. Processing buildings produce special goods, which can be either exported, sold to non-specialized industry or used by Unique Factories.

Unique Factories produce Luxury Goods, which can be exported or sold to commercial zones.

UPDATEVEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[Ore]:0 Доставляет продукты горнорудной промышленности: Доставляет продукты горнорудной промышленности:
UPDATEVEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER[Coal]:0 Доставляет продукты горнорудной промышленности: Доставляет продукты горнорудной промышленности:
UPDATEVEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_IMPORT[Ore]:0 Перевозит импортные продукты горнорудной промышленности: Перевозит импортные продукты горнорудной промышленности:

UPDATEVEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_IMPORT[Coal]:0 Перевозит импортные продукты горнорудной промышленности: Перевозит импортные продукты горнорудной промышленности:
UPDATEVEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[Ore]:0 Перевозит экспортные продукты горнорудной промышленности Перевозит экспортные продукты горнорудной промышленности
UPDATEVEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[Coal]:0 Перевозит экспортные продукты горнорудной промышленности Перевозит экспортные продукты горнорудной промышленности
UPDATEVEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_EXPORT[LuxuryProducts]:0 Перевозит экспортные уникальные фабричные продукты Перевозит экспортные уникальные фабричные продукты
UPDATEAIINFO_POST_OFFICE_VEHICLES:0 Vans in use: {0} / {1} Vans in use: {0} / {1}
UPDATEAIINFO_POST_SORTING_VEHICLES:0 Trucks in use: {0} / {1} Trucks in use: {0} / {1}
UPDATEPOLICIES_DETAIL[IndustrySpace]:0 Allow zoned industry to work even more effectively by overlooking a few work safety laws.

- Doubles the amount of goods produced by zoned industry buildings - Upkeep: 6 ¢ / zoned industrial building

Allow zoned industry to work even more effectively by overlooking a few work safety laws.

- Doubles the amount of goods produced by zoned industry buildings - Upkeep: 6 ¢ / zoned industrial building

UPDATEPOLICIES_DETAIL[FilterIndustrialWaste]:0 Zoned industrial buildings need to filter their waste, making them pollute the ground a lot less. Cost 2 ¢ / zoned industrial building / week Zoned industrial buildings need to filter their waste, making them pollute the ground a lot less. Cost 2 ¢ / zoned industrial building / week
UPDATENOTIFICATION_NORMAL[NoInputProducts]:0 Low amount of special goods available.

Make sure trucks carrying them from processing buildings can reach the Unique Factory.

If the missing resource is produced in a far away place, building a warehouse storing it nearby can help ensure that there is always some available.

Low amount of special goods available.

Make sure trucks carrying them from processing buildings can reach the Unique Factory.

If the missing resource is produced in a far away place, building a warehouse storing it nearby can help ensure that there is always some available.

UPDATEAIINFO_INDUSTRY_PRODUCTION_RATE:0 Production: {0:N0} per week Production: {0:N0} per week
UPDATEDBUILDING_TITLE[Library 01]:0 Public Library Public Library
UPDATEDBUILDING_DESC[Library 01]:0 Public Library is a cultural institution, which collects and stores books, films, newspapers, documents and much more. Everything is now made accessible to all citizens around the city for borrowing. Library gives a small bonus to education within building radius. Public Library is a cultural institution, which collects and stores books, films, newspapers, documents and much more. Everything is now made accessible to all citizens around the city for borrowing. Library gives a small bonus to education within building radius.
UPDATEDPOLICIES[FreeFanMerchandise]:0 Fan Club Support Fan Club Support
UPDATEDPOLICIES_DETAIL[Industry4point0]:0 The new technologies alter the nature of the industrial workforce.

- All industrial workplaces are for well- and highly educated citizens - Increased production output by 50% - Reduces workplaces by 30% / zoned industry

The new technologies alter the nature of the industrial workforce.

- All industrial workplaces are for well- and highly educated citizens - Increased production output by 50% - Reduces workplaces by 30% / zoned industry

UPDATEDPOLICIES_DETAIL[ForProfitEducation]:0 All education facilities become for-profit and students are required to pay tuition fees to attend school.

- Education building upkeep -50% - Cost: Reduces citizens happiness

All education facilities become for-profit and students are required to pay tuition fees to attend school.

- Education building upkeep -50% - Cost: Reduces citizens happiness

UPDATEDPOLICIES_DETAIL[BookFair]:0 The local Public Libraries organize a book fair.

- Increased happiness and entertainment within the Public Libraries radius - Cost: Public Libraries upkeep increased by 100%

The local Public Libraries organize a book fair.

- Increased happiness and entertainment within the Public Libraries radius - Cost: Public Libraries upkeep increased by 100%

UPDATEDPOLICIES_DETAIL[StudentHealthcare]:0 Students are provided with free healthcare by the campus.

- Increases student health - Cost: Campus upkeep cost increases by 5¢ / student

Students are provided with free healthcare by the campus.

- Increases student health - Cost: Campus upkeep cost increases by 5¢ / student

UPDATEDPOLICIES_DETAIL[FreeLunch]:0 Students are provided with meal vouchers which they can use in the campus cafeteria to get a free lunch.

- Increases student happiness - Cost: Campus upkeep cost increases by 1¢ / student.

Students are provided with meal vouchers which they can use in the campus cafeteria to get a free lunch.

- Increases student happiness - Cost: Campus upkeep cost increases by 1¢ / student.

UPDATEDPOLICIES_DETAIL[VisitingScholars]:0 The campus hires various lecturers and scholars to teach on the campus. Affects all faculties within the campus area

- Increases Faculty bonus +25% - Cost: Increases Faculty upkeep by 25%

The campus hires various lecturers and scholars to teach on the campus. Affects all faculties within the campus area

- Increases Faculty bonus +25% - Cost: Increases Faculty upkeep by 25%

UPDATEDPOLICIES_DETAIL[FreeFanMerchandise]:0 The varsity team gives out free fan merchandise to the fans during matches and organizes fan club trips to away matches.

- Increases the odds of winning home and away matches by 7%. - Cost: 400¢ / week

The varsity team gives out free fan merchandise to the fans during matches and organizes fan club trips to away matches.

- Increases the odds of winning home and away matches by 7%. - Cost: 400¢ / week

UPDATEDPOLICIES_DETAIL[VarsitySportsAds]:0 Advertise the Varsity Sports matches throughout the city to have more visitors on the arenas.

- Increase amount of visitors to the arenas by 20% - Cost: 200¢ / week / arena located on campus

Advertise the Varsity Sports matches throughout the city to have more visitors on the arenas.

- Increase amount of visitors to the arenas by 20% - Cost: 200¢ / week / arena located on campus

UPDATEDPOLICIES_DETAIL[SponsorshipDeal]:0 The varsity team has become famous! City businesses are offering to sponsor the local team.

- Decreased upkeep cost of campus' varsity sports by 8%. - Billboard change from varsity team's logo to sponsor's brand

The varsity team has become famous! City businesses are offering to sponsor the local team.

- Decreased upkeep cost of campus' varsity sports by 8%. - Billboard change from varsity team's logo to sponsor's brand

UPDATEDPOLICIES_DETAIL[RecreationBoost]:0 Make your parks and plazas the envy of the country!

- Moderately increased Land Value around parks and plazas - Increases the Parks and Plazas budget by 20%

Make your parks and plazas the envy of the country!

- Moderately increased Land Value around parks and plazas - Increases the Parks and Plazas budget by 20%

UPDATEDENTERTAINMENTINFOVIEW_BUILDING:0 Public Library buildings Public Library buildings
UPDATEDINFO_EDUCATION_LIBRARYEFFICIENCY:0 Public Library usage Public Library usage
UPDATEDINFO_EDUCATION_LIBRARYVISITORS:0 Public Library users: {0} Public Library users: {0}
UPDATEDAREA_PATTERN[TradeSchool]:0 {0} Career Institute {0} Career Institute
UPDATEDACH_TITLE[GraduationNation]:0 Education Nation Education Nation
UPDATEDACH_DESC[GraduationNation]:0 Have 30 000 students studying on campuses at the same time. Have 30 000 students studying on campuses at the same time.
UPDATEDACH_DESC[VarsitySportsPatron]:0 Build all five varsity sports arenas on one campus in one city. Build all five varsity sports arenas on one campus in one city.
UPDATEDACH_DESC[ForForProfitEducation]:0 Cover one campus are upkeep cost entirely with tuition fees paid by students after all of the campus buildings and faculties are built. Cover one campus are upkeep cost entirely with tuition fees paid by students after all of the campus buildings and faculties are built.
UPDATEDACH_DESC[HigherLearning]:0 Build all Campus Area types with all of their respective campus buildings and faculties. Build all Campus Area types with all of their respective campus buildings and faculties.
UPDATEDACH_DESC[OffshoreAssets]:0 Build five Offshore Oil Drilling Platforms Build five Offshore Oil Drilling Platforms
UPDATEDCAMPUSPANEL_RESEARCHGRANTS:0 Give a Research Grant Give a Research Grant
UPDATE_CAMPUSPANEL_REP:0 Reputation Level: {0} Reputation Level: {0}
UPDATE_ACADEMICWORK[Discovery]:0 The Universal Solution The Universal Solution
UPDATE_ACADEMICWORK_DESC[Discovery]:0 Answer to everything in a numeric form. Answer to everything in a numeric form.
UPDATE_FREEWHATSNEW9_TEXT1:0 The Public Library is an education building that provides a small chance for citizens to gain an education whenever they visit it. For those who take an advantage of the Public Library City service there is also new Unique Building called Academic Library to unlock. The Public Library is an education building that provides a small chance for citizens to gain an education whenever they visit it. For those who take an advantage of the Public Library City service there is also new Unique Building called Academic Library to unlock.
UPDATE_CONTENT_BUY[ModderPack4]:0 Buy University City DLC on Steam Buy University City DLC on Steam
UPDATE_ACH_DESC[StudentHousingProject]:0 Have total number of 10 Dormitories. Have total number of 10 Dormitories.
STYLES_MODDERPACKFIVE:0 Modern City Center Modern City Centre
DLCPANEL_MODDERPACKFIVE:0 Content Creator Pack: Modern City Center Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Modern City Centre
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DLCPANEL_JAZZ:0 All that Jazz DLC 《爵士盛典》下载内容
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CONTENT_BUY_QQ[ModderPack3]:0 Buy European Suburbia on QQGAME 在WeGame购买《欧洲郊区》资料片
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CONTENT_BUY_QQ[RadioStation3]:0 Buy All That Jazz on QQGAME 在WeGame购买《爵士盛典》资料片
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