
Class D Guide











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Class D Gameplay Guide

For descriptive informations about Class D, visit D级人员


Imagine being imprisoned by Foundation, being awaken one day by an alarm. You're trying to open your cell. It opens. You can't see any guards nearby, the only voices you're hearing, are the screams of pain. You realise you are nothing more than a target to almost everyone, and you need to escape.

Spawn places

As you start your round as Class-D, you're spawning in one of 14 cells at Class D Cells room

Starting Items

As a Class D, you don't have any items

Actual guide

Oh, so you're already spawned, and don't have a clue what to do? Let me help you.

As Class D, your main goal is to survive, and escape from the facility, chances of getting helped are very unlikely, so you need to do it by yourself.

As you spawn in one of your cell, open it, and start looking for GR-18, PC-15 or WC-01 rooms, where you can find the Zone Manager/Janitor Keycard and/or a gun.

You can take several tactics based on what items you have got

The first tactic - no items:

You failed to find any items? Try to find the A/B checkpoint. If you'll stay in the corner of the checkpoint room, you can sneak away to Heavy Containment Zone when some SCPs or Facility Guards will go through the door, or when some Scientists/D-Class would run away with proper keycard.

This is the most risky tactic, as all players mentioned before could see you, and kill you on site when you will try to run away.

But if you succeed, welcome in Heavy Containment Zone. This is the hardest zone for you because you can meet there almost all the class that have to kill you.

When you're in HCZ, try to reach the Server room, or Warhead Silo room because they both contain the Senior Guard Keycard, which can help you in your run to Entrance Zone.

If you failed to find the card, don't worry, find the Entrance Zone Checkpoint, stay in corner, and wait for MTF/SCP/other class to open it for you, or open it by yourself, if you found the keycard.

The Senior Guard keycard, sadly, is not enough to leave the facility. To do so, you need the better keycard, or to be so lucky to find the open Gate.

As you'll finally reach the Surface Zone, head to Escape Zone to join Chaos Insurgency forces, and save other Class-D members

The second tactic

Try to find the GR-18 room or the bathrooms. In GR-18 room you can find a green Zone Manager Keycard, which will allow you to exit the LCZ as soon, as you find one of the checkpoints, or a COM-15 pistol, which you can use to defend yourself from 科学家, MTF soldiers, or even SCPs.

In bathrooms, you can find either useless Janitor card(which you can upgrade in SCP-914 chamber to make it useful), as well as COM-15 pistol.

The chance that you would get the Major Scientist Keycard from SCP-012 containment room are very small, you could only do it if you would have found any keycard, upgraded it in SCP-914 to the keycard that has the Medium containment access, and found the SCP-012 before the scientists would do so, but it's unlikely to happen.

When you'll reach the checkpoints with your desired keycards, welcome to HCZ.

When having the Zone Manager Keycard, you can try to find a higher tier, Senior Guard keycard in Server Room, Warhead Silo, going then to EZ and counting on your luck, that you won't find any enemies on your way, and you would find the gates open, allowing you to run away.

The Senior Guard Keycard won't allow you to open the gate. You can also try to find some MTF/Guard dead bodies, crushed by SCPs. They could have had the higher tier keycards, weapons and/or other helpful items on them, why couldn't you take them and help yourself?

If you have the keycard with the Containment Access lvl 2 (Scientist, Major Scientist, Senior Guard) you can try to find the SCP-096 room, it allows you to open it, and there is a MTF Commander Keycard, which allow you to open the gates A/B, and both weapon armories located Warhead Silo and SCP-049 containment room freely. Arm yourself or count on your luck, and try to run away from the facility.

When you have your keycard upgraded before in SCP-914 to at least MTF Lieutenant tier, you can skip the searching part, and go directly to the EZ gates, still being cautious, as HCZ and EZ zones are full of enemies trying to kill you.

As you'll finally reach the Surface Zone, head to Escape Zone to join Chaos Insurgency forces, and save other Class-D members.

The third tactic:

The easiest, but most boring one, hide somewhere in LCZ and wait until someone comes for you.

This guide is actual for 9.0.0 game version