
Respawn Tickets











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Respawn Tickets are a Mechanic in SCP: Secret Laboratory used to prevent MTF and Chaos Insurgents from respawning an infinite amount of times in a round.

In Game

At the start of a round, both Mobile Task Force and Chaos start with a base amount of Respawn Tickets. By default, MTF start with 24 Respawn Tickets while Chaos start with 18 tickets. The amount of tickets consumed is equal to the number of people in a spawn wave.

The first team to respawn will always be the team with the higher amount of tickets. Since MTF have the most tickets by default, they will usually spawn first. The first MTF spawn can only use a max of 12 tickets.
Subsequent spawn waves are determined randomly, but the team with more tickets is more likely to spawn.

If MTF run out of tickets, they will no longer spawn for the rest of the round and can no longer gain tickets.
If Chaos run out of tickets before MTF, Chaos will stop spawning but can regain tickets to allow them to spawn once more.
Once MTF runs out of tickets, Chaos will spawn for the rest of the round, regardless of their ticket count.

Gaining Tickets

Throughout the game, doing certain actions will gain a ticket for one of the two teams. One can also use the Remote Admin panel to either give MTF or Chaos more tickets, or remove some of their tickets.

Mobile Task Force

  • A disarmed Class-D reaching the Escape Area and escaping gives 1 ticket.
  • Scientist reaching the Escape Area and escaping gives 1 ticket.
  • SCPs taking a certain percentage of damage gives 1 ticket.
    • An SCP dying grants MTF 2 tickets.
    • SCP-049-2 instances and SCP-079 do not grant tickets.
  • Killing 4 Chaos as MTF, Facility Guard, or Scientist gives 1 ticket by default.


  • Class-D reaching the Surface Zone and escaping gives 1 ticket.
  • Escorting a disarmed Scientist to escape area gives 2 tickets.
  • Chaos or Class-D killing a Scientist gives 1 ticket.
  • Class-D or Chaos using an SCP item gives 1 ticket per SCP item.
    • SCP items made in SCP-914 do not grant tickets.
    • SCP-268 only grants a ticket on its first use.
  • Killing 4 MTF as Chaos or Class-D gives 1 ticket.


  • Despite popular belief, the number of Class-D left alive does not affect Chaos spawn chances, nor does a Class-D reaching Surface force MTF to spawn.
  • Server Owners can change the gameplay config file to change the amount of tickets the two teams have, the amount of tickets granted per action, or turn off the system entirely.
