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一派胡言 是逃离塔科夫中的任务


So, I called you out for this. I've caught a mole in my team, this prick was leaking info on my supply channels and points of interest. And I've been wondering on wtf is going on. My men got intel out of him and it turns out to be one of the local crews, those that settled by the dorms at customs. The thing is, I want to give them some bullshit info on my "next cargo". And my men will cut them down when those pricks come for it. But this intel should be delivered with no fuss no muss, as if you were one of them, get it? You will need to stash the Flash drive with special info, my fellas left it in a red burned car, on the nearby bridge. They shit their pants to get closer. Stash that flash drive along with SV-98 and Rolers, just as agreed. And do not touch Scavs, when it's done - you just leave in silence


  • 找到假U盘
  • 放置假U盘(宿舍楼三楼正对楼梯的垃圾堆里)
  • 放置SV-98狙击步枪(宿舍楼三楼正对楼梯的垃圾堆里)
  • 放置劳力土腕表(宿舍楼三楼正对楼梯的垃圾堆里)


  • +29,700 经验值
  • 120,000 卢布
  • 信任度3级解锁 5发 12/70 DIPP盒装弹药 的交换权
  • Skier 声望 +0.07
Looks like everything's cool, my fellas are on site, and I think that it's gonna be the last surprise for those raiders.


图标 物品名称 数量 要求 备注
文件:False fdicon.png False flash drive 1 Required 3rd item to plant. Takes 40 seconds.
文件:Roler icon.png Roler submariner gold wrist watch 1 Required 2nd item to plant. Takes 40 seconds.
文件:SV-98 icon.PNG SV-98 bolt-action sniper rifle 1 Required 1st item to plant. Takes 40 seconds.

Before starting your trip to the 3-story dorms on Customs, you need to acquire the False flash drive. It can be found in the trunk of a red burnt-out car on the main bridge that is located on the western side of the map.

  • For the duration of this quest you are only allowed to kill PMC's, not any Scavs (including bosses). With this in mind it's recommended that you bring a suppressed weapon to deal with PMC's so as not to attract Scavs and Zarya stun grenades to deal with Scavs. Doing this quest in the night time also helps, as Scavs have a harder time detecting you. Be sure to put the Roler submariner gold wrist watch in your secure container so you don't lose it if you die. It also helps to bring a friend along to cover you while you plant the items as you will be exposed the entire time. Now that you're all ready it's time to head to the 3-story dorms and get up to the 3rd floor. In the middle of the 3rd floor, right across from the staircase is the trash pile where you need to plant the items. You do not need to plant all the items in the same raid and they can be planted in any order. Once all items are placed, head to the extraction to complete the quest.

    Note: Even after placing all the items killing any scavs during the raid will result in a failure. Do not kill any scavs until you have extracted from the raid and turned in the quest for completion.

  • de:Bullshit fr:Conneries ru:Деза