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邪教 - Part 2











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(重定向自The Cult - Part 2
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邪教 - Part 2
地点海岸线, Customs, Woods
The Cult - Part 1
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邪教 - Part 2 是逃离塔科夫中的任务


What you have discovered in the village is very interesting, it looks like some kind of occult sect. I've heard rumours before that there is some group actively spreading the news of approaching cataclysm and that kind of hysteria. Now, they often make sacrifices to their gods and what would you think they offer as sacrifice? Weapons. It is not clear where they take it from or what they do in the rest of their time. We only know that they have several such sacrificial altars everywhere. Find them and mark them with beacons and we will try to trace the activities of this organization in detail, to learn how much democracy they have.


  • 必须达到12级才能开始该任务。



Fine, let's deal with those fanatics.


图标 物品名称 数量 要求 备注
文件:MS2000 Marker icon.png MS2000 Marker 3 Required Placed on the ritual spots. When placed, the item is removed from the players' inventory. Can be bought from Prapor.
文件:Marked-key-Icon.png Marked key 1 Required Allows access to the ritual spot in the 3-story dorms on Customs.

The objective of this quest is to plant a MS2000 Marker at each of the three "marked" locations on the maps Customs, Woods, and Shoreline. These markings look identical to the one shown in the quest banner. These locations are known to have high-value and rare loot, so proceed with caution.


The first marked spot is located in the "Marked room" (dorm room 314) on the third floor of the 3-story dorms on Customs. The Marked key is required to unlock the door. The room is at the end of the hall and easily identified by the lit candle and markings all over and around the door.

  • Woods

    The second marked spot is located on Woods, in the forest east of the lumber camp near the "Checkpoint". This spot can easily be located when you go to the "Checkpoint", stay at the barrier and line your view up with a big stone north of it. See pictures below.

  • Shoreline

    The third marked spot is located in the "pig room" (East Wing Room 321) on the third floor in the health resort on Shoreline. Like on Customs, the room is easily identified by candles and numerous markings on the door. Inside the room are multiple slaughtered pigs and a Dead Scav with a pig's head. The spot to plant the MS2000 Marker surrounds the bathtub with the Dead Scav.

  • de:Der Kult - Teil 2 fr:Le Culte - Partie 2 ru:Секта. Часть 2