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挖矿 - Part 1











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挖矿 - Part 1 是逃离塔科夫中的任务


Someone has just decided to bring down the market by unloading a thick wad of bitcoins. So thick that TARGox started accepting bids 10 times cheaper than the market value. Bids queue kept going while being constantly replenished with even cheaper bids. I managed to buy a couple of hundreds by chance. And today the price is back to normal, as if nothing had happened. We need to get into that action while the market is being controlled like this. You already know the Factory well, there are some control boards there. To find them, look for the red emergency lights. Take a couple of tool sets and repair the panels while I work on the cooling.


  • 必须达到12级才能开始该任务。


  • 修好第一个控制板
  • 修好第二个控制板
  • 以幸存状态撤离该区域


  • +8,000 经验值
  • Mechanic 声望 +0.04
  • 25,000 卢布
You were quicker than I would think, I've almost finished with cooling


图标 物品名称 数量 要求 备注
文件:Toolsicon.png A set of tools 2 Required This item is used to repair the control boards. When used, the item is removed from the players' inventory.

This quest can be completed on both the day and night variants of Factory.

Get a hold of two sets of tools and head to Factory. You will need to plant each of the two tool sets at panels with blinking lights. There are three locations with blinking lights, but the two you are looking for are on the main floor, not in the tunnels. Each placement takes 20 seconds and the interaction key (default F) must be held down for the duration of the countdown, leaving you exposed. The first location is in the room of yellow forklifts. The second location is in the nearby hallway lined with many small windows in a grid pattern. After both items have been placed survive and exit the Factory to complete the quest. If you die after repairing one or the two control panels, you do not need to repair them again, simply survive a raid on Factory to complete the "Survive and leave the area" objective and complete the quest.

To do this quest without risking the loss of your sets of tools, only take one set of tools in your secure container and do two Factory raids, placing one set each raid. This way if you are killed you will not lose them.

  • fr:Récolte - Partie 1 ru:Садоводство. Часть 1