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Rigged game











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Rigged game
文件:Kind of Sabatoge Banner.png
Huntsman path - Sadist
Colleagues - Part 3
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Rigged game 是逃离塔科夫中的任务


Hey you, a tough guy! Get your ass over here, there is just a case for you. I've heard Prapor sent you to get a supply of drugs from some Medic. Don't make a face too soon! I ain't got no interest in those drugs, let Prapor collect it and put it up his ass, you already received profit from him, haven't you? You just need to put theses smart things in containers that are in Sanitar's stashes. Prapor won't get wind of anything, it's a free deal for a couple of minutes, but the profit is good.


  • Put a marker to the Medical container at the health resort
  • Put a marker to the Medical container by cottages
  • Put a marker to the Medical container at the pier
  • Survive and leave the area


Fuck yeah, fuck yeah, fuck yeah! Finally, Prapor will get his caches spotted, there are probably whole mountains of loot. Guns, ammo, food, dope. Out fucking standing! But we'll do this one ourselves. No offense. Thanks.


图标 物品名称 数量 要求 备注
文件:MS2000 Marker icon.png MS2000 Marker 3 Required This item is placed on the medical containers. When placed, the item is removed from the players' inventory.

Mark the three medical containers on Shoreline with the MS2000 Markers. They can be found in the following locations:

  • The markers can be placed in any order over any number of raids. You do not need to place all three markers in the same raid. The markers can be used from your Secure Container, so it's a good idea to keep them there in the event that you die so that you do not need to purchase additional markers to complete the quest. Unlike most quests that require the MS2000 markers, this quest has you "hide" the items like Fishing Gear or Delivery from the past do. Once in front of a container, hold down your interact key. This will start a countdown of only 15 seconds. Once the timer is up, the marker will be removed from your inventory and the subtask will be completed.

    fr:Jeu truqué ru:Игра на верняк