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页面贡献者 :
Example of in-game pollution (red squares) in the map
Pollution tab in the production GUI.

污染表示为抽象的“云”,每游戏秒钟(60个tick)更新一次per chunk,并在“ alt-view”打开时在地图上可见(按键[[[快捷键|ALT]])。 它显示为红色块状云。


敌人进化因子不是由当前地块吸收/产生的污染而进化, 而是由所有玩家每时每刻产生的污染 machinery 所影响。 这代表着无论玩家多么努力去控制污染的扩散, 敌人还是会照常进化。只不过不会那么频繁地来攻击玩家。 污染区域只是用于触发攻击的区域以及攻击的规模大小。 污染可以通过开局的地图设置来更改 map generation ,或者完全关闭污染。


如果污染值达到了15点,它将会以每个游戏秒game-second (60 ticks)以2%的速度四个方向开始扩散,这将会产生新的污染区块。

例如,一个污染为400.0的区块和4个每个污染为100.0的相邻区块,将所有相邻区块的污染提高 8.0,同时将其自身的污染降低 32.0。 但是周围的 4 个中的每一个都将 2.0 污染“返回”到中心块,因此它只损失 24.0 + absorbed value.


  • 每个区块chunk (32x32) 都会缓慢地减少当前的污染值 (See 污染#Chunks)。所以污染扩散的越开,污染消散地越快。
  • Tree树也会吸收一些(详见 Pollution#Trees).
  • Spawners虫巢也会吸收大量的污染,同时也会用于指导虫子的攻击。

Native life

Pollution attracts biters to the Player's factory. Biters who find themselves in a polluted area will attempt to reach the source of pollution and destroy it.

If a chunk's pollution is greater than 20, each enemy spawner absorbs 20 + 0.01 * [chunk's pollution] every game second (60 ticks), otherwise it absorbs 3 times the amount of pollution needed for the most expensive unit it can spawn for the current evolution factor.

Higher pollution values decrease the time it takes for biters to join the attack force. After a certain amount of pollution is absorbed the spawner sends one of its biters/spitters to a rendezvous point. Every 1 to 10 minutes (random) the mustered biters launch an attack. If not all biters have arrived at the rendezvous point by that time, they will wait up to an additional 2 minutes for stragglers.

Required pollution to add an additional biter/spitter to the attack wave:

污染  类型 
Small biter 
20  Medium biter 
80  Big biter 
400  Behemoth biter 
Small spitter 
12  Medium spitter 
30  Big spitter 
200  Behemoth spitter 


插件s that list "+x% pollution" increase pollution multiplier, not a flat pollution rate. Final pollution value is (pollution multiplier * energy usage multiplier * base pollution), meaning heavily boosted buildings are likely to account for most of the pollution produced in a factory.


These tables contain information about the levels of pollution produced/absorbed by items in the game.


Structure Pollution per minute at full power
Stone-furnace.png石炉 2
Steel-furnace.png钢炉 4
Electric-furnace.png电炉 1
Burner-mining-drill.png热能采矿机 12
Electric-mining-drill.png电力采矿机 10
Pumpjack.png抽油机 10
Assembling-machine-1.png组装机1型 4
Assembling-machine-2.png组装机2型 3
Assembling-machine-3.png组装机3型 2
Boiler.png锅炉 30
Oil-refinery.png炼油厂 6
Chemical-plant.png化工厂 4
Centrifuge.png离心机 4

Fire on the ground and burning trees produce 0.005 pollution per second.



如果一个区块的污染大于 20,每个敌人生成的时候会在每个游戏秒(60 刻)吸收 20 + 0.01 * [区块污染],否则它吸收当前可以产生的最强力的单位所需的污染量的3倍的进化因子。


Every chunk has a natural absorption rate per second which is determined by the sum of the pollution absorption of its floor tiles.

Following numbers are the pollution reduction for a single tile per second.

Tile Pollution per second
Grass 1-4 -0.0000075
Dirt 1-7, dry dirt -0.0000066
Sand 1-3 -0.0000058
Red desert 0-3 -0.0000066
Water, green water, deep water, deep green water, shallow water, mud water -0.000005
Path tiles (Stone bricks, concrete etc), landfill 0
Out of map -0.00001
Special tiles (Lab tiles, tutorial grid) 0



Object Stage Pollution per second
Green tree.png Tree, red tree, brown tree 0 (Max leaf density) -0.001
1 -0.00067
2 -0.00033
3 (Min leaf density) 0
Dead dry hairy tree.png Dead dry hairy tree No stages -0.0001
Dead grey trunk.png Dead gray trunk No stages -0.0001
Dead tree desert.png Dead tree - desert No stages -0.0001
Dry hairy tree.png Dry hairy tree No stages -0.0001
Dry tree.png Dry tree No stages -0.0001


Pollution is directly connected to the following achievement:

It-stinks-and-they-dont-like-it-achievement.png 好臭!好讨厌!



  • 0.17.12:
    • Added pollution tab to the production statistics.
    • Spawner tooltip (including the pollution statistics), shows distribution of biters spawn for the current evolution factor with the pollution costs.
    • Pollution generation is now shown in the x/s format both on the entity and in the item/crafting slot.
    • Internal pollution values have been normalized, and they are now roughly 60 times less compared to what they were.
  • 0.17.0:
    • Rebalanced assembling machine 1,2 and 3 power consumption and pollution - higher tiers eat more power, but produce less pollution.
    • Changed spawner pollution absorption logic so that all the pollution on a chunk doesn't build up un-spent in a single spawner.
  • 0.13.2:
    • Optimized rendering of huge pollution clouds on the map.
  • 0.13.0:
    • Large amounts of pollution is created when burning fires.
    • Pollution creation of the productivity module was reduced drastically.
    • Optimized pollution rendering on map and minimap.
  • 0.12.0:
    • s degenerate slowly when exposed to pollution at high levels.
  • 0.8.0:
    • Added option to turn off pollution visibility even when detailed info is on.
  • 0.7.1:
    • Speed modules no longer produce extra pollution.
    • Added missing pollution descriptions.
    • Pollution is only shown on the minimap with alt mode on.
  • 0.7.0:
    • Introduced concept of pollution.
