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此页面列出了控制台命令。要执行命令,请按打开控制台~,键入命令,然后按 ↵ 或者 进入. 几乎所有命令都区分大小写。

  • 中列出的命令white可以随时执行。
  • 中列出的命令orange需要启用作弊功能。
  • 中列出的命令magenta需要服务器的许可。
  • 参数列说明接受的参数类型(例如浮点数、键),或列出接受的参数,以|分隔。.
  • 必需的参数由<>括起来。
  • 可选参数由[]括起来。




This page lists console commands. To execute a command, open the console by pressing
, type the command, then press
. Almost all commands are case-sensitive.
  • Commands listed in white can be executed at any time.
  • Commands listed in orange require cheats to be enabled.
  • Commands listed in magenta require permission from the server.
  • The Parameters column states the type of parameter accepted (e.g. float, key), or lists the accepted parameters separated by |.
  • Required parameters are enclosed by <>.
  • Optional parameters are enclosed by [].

If a command accepts multiple parameters, these are separated by spaces.


These commands affect gameplay for both Marines and Aliens.

Command Parameters Description
alltech none Unlocks (but not researches) all abilities for Aliens and removes all tech prerequisites for Marines.
allfree none Gives all Players (and Bots) infinite 模板:PRes.
autobuild none Toggle autobuild on or off. When autobuild is enabled, all structures and research will finish almost instantly.
bind [key [function]] Bind the specified function to the specified key. If a function is not specified, the key will be unbound from every action that does not appear in the list of bindings in the settings menu. If a key is not specified, a list of bindable keys will be displayed in the console. Key names are case-sensitive. 模板:Keybindings
changemap <string> Change the map to the one specified. Default maps are not case-sensitive, custom maps are. If the map cannot be found, the server selects the first map in MapCycle.json. Can only be executed from the server console. See sv_changemap.
cheats <float> Turn cheats on or off. 0 turns off cheats, any other number turns cheats on. Can only be executed from the server console. See sv_cheats.
clear none Clear the console.
clear_binding [key] Clears the key of all manual bindings set with the bind command. Does not work on key bindings set in the game options. Key names are case-sensitive.
command none Become commander if all Command Stations/Hives are empty.
connect <string> [password] Connect to the stated IP address and port. IP:Port

Password is an optional parameter that can be used to connect to protected servers.

damage <float> Multiplies all damage dealt by the set number. Maximum damage dealt with one attack is 2048.
darwinmode none Toggle invulnerability and unlimited energy/ammo for yourself.
disconnect none Exits the server to the main menu.
exit none Exits the game to the desktop.
fastevolve none Aliens evolve into Lifeforms much faster.
heal <float> Heals the player for the set amount.
highdamage none Multiplies all damage dealt by 10.
j1 none Join the Marine team. Same as jointeamone.
j2 none Join the Alien team. Same as jointeamtwo.
j3 none Join a random team.
jointeamone none Join the Marine team. Same as j1.
jointeamtwo none Join the Alien team. Same as j2.
kill none Commit suicide.
logout none Exit the Command Station or Hive.
maxfps <number> Change your your maximum FPS. Default is 200.
name <string> Change your name as seen on the scoreboard. Quotes are not required in general.
pres [float] Set your Personal Resources to the amount specified. If no parameter is given, set it to 100.
print_bindings none Shows a list of all console set keybinds.
readyroom none Leave your team and go to the ready room. Same as rr.
reset none Restarts the current round.
retry none Tries to connect to the server last connected to.
rr none Leave your team and go to the ready room. Same as readyroom.
say <string> Send a text message to allchat. Quotes are not required in general.
setsensitivity [float] Set mouse sensitivity. Without parameter the current setting is displayed.
setvv [float] Set Voice Volume from 0 to 100. Without parameter the current setting is displayed.
spawn <string> [1|2] Spawn entities like marine, mac, arc, exo, exosuit, any lifeform or structure.
spectate none Join the spectators.
speed [float] Set the game speed. Sounds are not sped up/down.
ssv [float] Set Sound Volume from 0 to 100. Without parameter the current setting is displayed.
switch none Switch to the other team at your current position. Does nothing in spectate or the ready room. Same as skulk if marine, marine if alien.
thirdperson none Enables/Disables the third person view.
tres [float] Set your team's Team Resources to the amount specified. If no parameter is given, set it to 200.
tsay <string> Send a text message to teamchat. Quotes are not required in general.
unstuck <string> Moves you to a nearby location in case you are stuck and do not move for 5s after entering the command. Can be used once every 30s.


These commands affect gameplay for the Alien team.

Command Parameters Description
hivevision <string> Enable or disable outlines around objects in commander view. "false" disables outlines, any other string enables outlines.
fade none Instantly become a fade.
gorge none Instantly become a gorge.
lerk none Instantly become a lerk.
onos none Instantly become an onos.
skulk none Instantly become a skulk.


These commands affect gameplay for the Marine team.

Command Parameters Description
giveammo none Give yourself one clip of ammo for the currently selected weapon.
give <string> Give yourself a weapon, examples: rifle, hmg, welder, shotgun, grenadelauncher, flamethrower, mine, pulsegrenade, clustergrenade, gasgrenade,..
jetpack none Give yourself a Jetpack.
dualminigun none Instantly become a dual minigun Exosuit.
dualrailgun none Instantly become a dual railgun Exosuit.
exo none Instantly become a dual minigun Exosuit.


These commands affect gameplay for spectators.

Command Parameters Description
jm <int> [int <int> <int>] Set the pen color for drawing on the screen. If all arguments are given, they are integers between 0 and 255 representing red, green, blue, and alpha, respectively. Otherwise, the first argument is an integer between 0 and 16777215 representing an RGB Int. Same as johnmadden and pen.
johnmadden <int> [int <int> <int>] Set the pen color for drawing on the screen. If all arguments are given, they are integers between 0 and 255 representing red, green, blue, and alpha, respectively. Otherwise, the first argument is an integer between 0 and 16777215 representing an RGB Int. Same as jm and pen.
pen <int> [int <int> <int>] Set the pen color for drawing on the screen. If all arguments are given, they are integers between 0 and 255 representing red, green, blue, and alpha, respectively. Otherwise, the first argument is an integer between 0 and 16777215 representing an RGB Int. Same as jm and johnmadden.
score1 <string> Set the left score on the scoreboard. If the parameter is a number, or the characters "+" or "-", the score will be set to the number, incremented by one, or decremented by one, respectively. Any other input will set the score to "nil".
score2 <string> Set the right score on the scoreboard. If the parameter is a number, or the characters "+" or "-", the score will be set to the number, incremented by one, or decremented by one, respectively. Any other input will set the score to "nil".
scores [string <string>] Set scores. If no arguments are given, both scores are set to 0. Otherwise, the first argument affects the score displayed on the left, the second affects the score on the right. If the parameter is a number, or the characters "+" or "-", the relevant score will be set to the number, incremented by one, or decremented by one, respectively. Any other input will set the score to "nil".
team1 <string> Set the left team name and display the scoreboard.
team2 <string> Set the right team name and display the scoreboard.
teams <string> [string] Set team names and display the scoreboard. If two arguments are given, the first becomes the name on the left, the second becomes the name on the right. If the second argument is omitted, "swap" or "switch" will exchange the names and scores between sides; "reset" or "clear" will set both scores to 0 and remove the scoreboard.


These commands affect the bots on the server.

Command Parameters Description
addbot [float] [0|1|2|3] [string] [string] Add bots to the server. If no argument is given, one normal field bot is added randomly to Marines or Aliens. The floor of the first argument is the number of bots to add. The second argument is the team the bot will join: 0, 1, 2, or 3 will send the bot to the readyroom, Marines, Aliens, or Spectator, respectively. If the third argument is "com", the bot will be commander; otherwise it will be a field player. Does not require cheats when executed from the server console or connecting via localhost. Same as addbots.
addbots [float] [0|1|2|3] [string] [string] Add bots to the server. If no argument is given, one normal field bot is added randomly to Marines or Aliens. The floor of the first argument is the number of bots to add. The second argument is the team the bot will join: 0, 1, 2, or 3 will send the bot to the readyroom, Marines, Aliens, or Spectator, respectively. If the third argument is "com", the bot will be commander; otherwise it will be a field player.Does not require cheats when executed from the server console or connecting via localhost. Same as addbot.
addpassivebot [float] [0|1|2|3] [string] Same as addbot and addbots.
freezebots none Toggle freezebots on or off. When frozen, bots cannot move, shoot, or join a team. Does not require cheats when executed from the server console.
sv_maxbots <float> The server will add the max amount of bots dynamically to the teams
removebot [float] [0|1|2|3] Remove bots from the server. The first argument is the number of bots to remove; if not given, one bot is removed. If the first argument is less than one, one bot is removed; if it is an integer greater than or equal to one, that many bots are removed; if it is a non-integer greater than one, all bots are removed. If the second argument is given, bots are removed from the corresponding team: 0, 1, 2, and 3, means readyroom, Marines, Aliens, and Spectator, respectively; otherwise the most recently added bot is removed first. Does not require cheats when executed from the server console. Same as removebots.
removebots [float] [0|1|2|3] Remove bots from the server. The first argument is the number of bots to remove; if not given, one bot is removed. If the first argument is less than one, one bot is removed; if it is an integer greater than or equal to one, that many bots are removed; if it is a non-integer greater than one, all bots are removed. If the second argument is given, bots are removed from the corresponding team: 0, 1, 2, and 3, means readyroom, Marines, Aliens, and Spectator, respectively; otherwise the most recently added bot is removed first. Does not require cheats when executed from the server console. Same as removebot.

Server Administration

These commands can help you manage the server.

Command Parameters Description
sv_add_reserved_slot <name> <steamid> Adds a new reserved slot for the SteamID specified.
sv_alltalk none Toggles alltalk and changes the server setting
sv_auto_kick_afk <seconds> <number> Auto-kick is disabled when the first argument is 0. A player will be kicked only when the

server is at the defined capacity (0-1).

sv_autobalance <true/false> <player count> <seconds> Toggles auto team balance. The player count and seconds are optional. Co

nt defaults to 2 over balance to enable. Defaults to 10 second wait to enable.

sv_ban <player id> <duration in minutes> <reason text> Bans the player from the server, pass in 0 for duration to ban forever
sv_changemap <map name> Switches to the map specified. Default maps are not case-sensitive, custom maps are. If the map cannot be found, the server selects the first map in MapCycle.json.
sv_cheats <boolean> Turns cheats on and off
sv_dyndns <address> Set a dynamic dns for the server. Use "" to disable the usage of the dyndns.
sv_eject <player id> Ejects Commander from the Command Structure
sv_endgamehive2 <TeamNumber 1 or 2> Ends the game round
sv_forceeventeams none Balances teams based on previous round and Hive skill
sv_help none List all server commands.
sv_installmod <modid (in hex)> Downloads the given mod to the server
sv_kick <player id> Kicks the player from the server
sv_listbans none Lists the banned players
sv_maxbots <float> The server will add the max amount of bots dynamically to the teams
sv_p_endlog none Ends performance logging
sv_p_logall none Starts performance logging
sv_password <string> Changes the password on the server
sv_pregamealltalk [<true/false>] Toggles pregamealltalk and changes the server setting
sv_psay <player id> <message> Sends a message to a single player
sv_randomall none Forces all players to join a random team
sv_remove_reserved_slot <steamid> Removes the reserved slot for the SteamID specified.
sv_reserved_slots <float> Set the amount of reserved slots available on the server.
sv_reset none Resets the game round
sv_rookieonly [<true/false>] Toggles rookie_only and changes the server setting
sv_rrall none Forces all players to go to the Ready Room
sv_say <string> Sends a message to every player on the server
sv_setseason [<None, Fall, Winter, Default>] Sets what season is loaded. Requires map change
sv_setseasonmonth none Overrides the month used for the ByDate season
sv_slay <player id> Kills player
sv_spawnteams <marinespawnname> <alienspawnname> Spawns teams at specified locations. Locations must be exact
sv_status none Lists player Ids and names for use in sv commands
sv_statusip none Lists player Ids and names for use in sv commands
sv_switchteam <player id> <team number> 0 is Ready Room, 1 is Marines, 2 is Aliens, 3 is Spectate
sv_tests <boolean> Turns tests mode on and off. Grants access to commands such as nav_debug, and collision.
sv_tsay <team number> <message> Sends a message to one team
sv_tournament <true/false> Enables or disabled tournament mode.
sv_unban <steam id> Removes the player matching the passed in Steam Id from the ban list

Additionally check out the Shine Mod in order to administrate your server.


These commands can give you more information about how the game is running.

Command Parameters Description
debugspeed none Toggle a speedometer on your HUD.
f_cache <float> Enable or disable file caching. 0 turns off file caching, any other number turns file caching on.
fps none Toggle a frames-per-second display in the top left corner of your screen.
net_stats none Toggle a display of server performance and network traffic information.
profile none Toggle a display of various frame, delay and other information.
r_stats none Toggle a display with information what is being rendered, etc.
Important tool that shows you whether your GPU or CPU is the current bottleneck in order to achieve more FPS. If waiting for GPU has a Number higher than 0 (even flinching) then it is the GPU, otherwise the CPU)
s_stats none Toggle a display with information what sounds are currently being played.
version none Displays internal incremental build ID for testing purposes.


These commands allow you to create Logs

Command Parameters Description
p_logall [number] Creates at frame by frame analysis of what is going on.

It creates onwindows in %appdata%/natural selection 2/ a <timestamp>.plog file. For performance analysis use this when the performance is the lowest and do not record for shorter than 5 minutes.
Parameter is the cutofftime: by default set to 100 µs)

p_endlog none Ends the p_logall. Alternatively it ends when the round ends.
net_log 53 Enables verbose network logging. Needs to be activated before Joining a Server.

For network analysis use wait until the network issue occurs, wait for one minute and close the game. The log.txt on windows in %appdata%/Natural Selection 2/ will have more detailed network information.


These commands tell the game what to draw on your screen.

Command Parameters Description
r_gui [string] Enable or disable all menus and overlays. "true" or no argument will enable GUIs; any other string will disable GUIs.
r_mode none Resets the render mode.
r_mode albedo none Renders the true texture without any effect.
r_mode depth none Renders only the depth map.
r_mode emissive none Renders only the emissive maps of the textures.
r_mode gloss none Renders only the gloss maps of the textures.
r_mode lit none Renders with lighting.
r_mode normals none Renders only the normal maps of the textures.
r_mode specular none Renders only the specular maps of the textures.
r_mode unlit none Renders without lighting.
r_wireframe none Displays the wire frames.


These commands can give you more information about how your client and the server are communicating.

Command Parameters Description
net_stats none Toggle a display of server performance and network traffic information.


Command Parameters Description
removeallmods none Used from the Main Menu. Removes all installed Mods and unsubscribes from all Mods. Your currently subscribed ModIDs are saved away by this command and should be resubscribed automatically after ns2 is restarted. If that fails, use the resubmods console command.
resubmods none Used from the Main Menu. Resubscribes to a list ModIDs previously saved in SparkCache "subedmods.txt" file.
unloadmods none Used from the Main Menu. Deactives all loaded Mods and restarts the menu.
  • "Repairgame.exe" located Natural Selection 2/x64 install folder will remove your WorkShop Mods
  • Full Nuke Guide by Ghoul: Link
  • Tech Support Post by Ghoul: Link