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return { AdvancedApothecary = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 240.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 250, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = true, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "AdvancedApothecary", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "AdvancedApothecary", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Carbon", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "IntermediateRadPill", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, }, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, AdvancedCraftingTable = { RequiredDlcIds = { "DLC3_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 480.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "AdvancedCraftingTable", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "AdvancedResearch", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "AdvancedCraftingTable", input = { { amount = 200.0, element = "Katairite", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "EmptyElectrobank", }, }, workTime = 60.0, }, { fabricator = "AdvancedCraftingTable", input = { { amount = 200.0, element = "Polypropylene", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "FetchDrone", }, }, workTime = 120.0, }, { fabricator = "AdvancedCraftingTable", input = { { amount = 200.0, element = "HardPolypropylene", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "FetchDrone", }, }, workTime = 120.0, }, { fabricator = "AdvancedCraftingTable", input = { { amount = 8.0, element = "PowerStationTools", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Booster_Dig2", }, }, workTime = 30.0, }, { fabricator = "AdvancedCraftingTable", input = { { amount = 8.0, element = "PowerStationTools", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Booster_Farm1", }, }, workTime = 30.0, }, { fabricator = "AdvancedCraftingTable", input = { { amount = 8.0, element = "PowerStationTools", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Booster_Ranch1", }, }, workTime = 30.0, }, { fabricator = "AdvancedCraftingTable", input = { { amount = 8.0, element = "PowerStationTools", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Booster_Cook1", }, }, workTime = 30.0, }, { fabricator = "AdvancedCraftingTable", input = { { amount = 8.0, element = "PowerStationTools", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Booster_Art1", }, }, workTime = 30.0, }, { fabricator = "AdvancedCraftingTable", input = { { amount = 8.0, element = "PowerStationTools", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Booster_Research2", }, }, workTime = 30.0, }, { fabricator = "AdvancedCraftingTable", input = { { amount = 8.0, element = "PowerStationTools", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Booster_Research3", }, }, workTime = 30.0, }, { fabricator = "AdvancedCraftingTable", input = { { amount = 8.0, element = "PowerStationTools", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Booster_Pilot1", }, }, workTime = 30.0, }, { fabricator = "AdvancedCraftingTable", input = { { amount = 8.0, element = "PowerStationTools", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Booster_Suits1", }, }, workTime = 30.0, }, { fabricator = "AdvancedCraftingTable", input = { { amount = 8.0, element = "PowerStationTools", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Booster_Tidy1", }, }, workTime = 30.0, }, { fabricator = "AdvancedCraftingTable", input = { { amount = 8.0, element = "PowerStationTools", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Booster_Op1", }, }, workTime = 30.0, }, { fabricator = "AdvancedCraftingTable", input = { { amount = 8.0, element = "PowerStationTools", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Booster_Op2", }, }, workTime = 30.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.MANUFACTURING.NAME", }, AdvancedDoctorStation = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 480.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.25, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "AdvancedDoctorStation", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "MedicineIV", requiredGrantSkill = "STRINGS.DUPLICANTS.ROLES.SENIOR_MEDIC.NAME", roomTracker = { requirement = 3, requiredRoomType = "Hospital", customStatusItemID = "ClinicOutsideHospital", enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "AdvancedDoctorStationComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.HOSPITAL.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Clinic", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Clinic", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.MEDICAL.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.MEDICAL.NAME", }, AdvancedResearchCenter = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "AdvancedResearchCenter", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "AdvancedResearch", requiredGrantSkill = "STRINGS.DUPLICANTS.ROLES.JUNIOR_RESEARCHER.NAME", roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "ScienceBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "ScienceBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "AdvancedResearchCenter", input = { { amount = 0.8333333, element = "Water", }, }, output = {}, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RESEARCH.NAME", }, AirBorneCritterCondo = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 3, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 20.0, BaseDecorRadius = 4.0, id = "AirBorneCritterCondo", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "AnimalComfort", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 2, requiredRoomType = "CreaturePen", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "AirBorneCritterCondoComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.CREATUREPEN.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "RanchStationType", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RanchStationType", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RANCHING.NAME", }, AirConditioner = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 5.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "AirConditioner", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "HVAC", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.UTILITIES.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TEMPERATURE.NAME", }, AirFilter = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 5.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.125, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "AirFilter", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "DirectedAirStreams", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "AirFilter", input = { { amount = 0.13333334, element = "Filter", }, { amount = 0.1, element = "ContaminatedOxygen", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.143333346, element = "Clay", }, { amount = 0.0899999961, element = "Oxygen", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.OXYGEN.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SCRUBBERS.NAME", }, AirborneCreatureLure = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "AirborneCreatureLure", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 20000.0, storageFilters = { "SlimeMold", "Phosphorite", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, AlgaeDistillery = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "AlgaeDistillery", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Distillation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "AlgaeDistillery", input = { { amount = 0.6, element = "SlimeMold", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.2, minTemperature = 303.15, element = "Algae", }, { amount = 0.400000036, minTemperature = 303.15, element = "DirtyWater", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.REFINING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ORGANIC.NAME", }, AlgaeHabitat = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "AlgaeHabitat", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Farmable", }, }, tech = "FarmingTech", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "AlgaeHabitat", input = { { amount = 0.0300000012, element = "Algae", }, { amount = 0.3, element = "Water", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.0400000028, minTemperature = 303.15, element = "Oxygen", }, }, workTime = 1, }, { fabricator = "AlgaeHabitat", input = {}, output = { { amount = 0.29033336, minTemperature = 303.15, element = "DirtyWater", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.OXYGEN.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SCRUBBERS.NAME", }, Apothecary = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.125, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "Apothecary", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "MedicineI", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "Apothecary", input = { { amount = 80.0, element = "LiquidGunk", }, { amount = 200.0, element = "Water", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "LubricationStick", }, { amount = 200.0, element = "DirtyWater", }, }, workTime = 100.0, }, { fabricator = "Apothecary", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "SwampLilyFlower", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "Phosphorite", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "IntermediateCure", }, }, workTime = 100.0, }, { fabricator = "Apothecary", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "SpiceNut", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "IntermediateBooster", }, }, workTime = 100.0, }, { fabricator = "Apothecary", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Carbon", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "BasicRadPill", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "Apothecary", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Carbon", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "Water", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "BasicCure", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "Apothecary", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Carbon", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "BasicBooster", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "Apothecary", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "PrickleFlowerSeed", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "Dirt", }, }, output = { { amount = 10.0, element = "Antihistamine", }, }, workTime = 100.0, }, { fabricator = "Apothecary", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Steel", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "LightBugOrangeEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "AdvancedCure", }, }, workTime = 200.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.MEDICAL.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.MEDICAL.NAME", }, ArcadeMachine = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 1200.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "ArcadeMachine", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "DupeTrafficControl", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 1, requiredRoomType = "RecRoom", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "ArcadeMachineComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.REC_ROOM.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "RecBuilding", }, effects = { { duration = 2370.0, showInUI = false, isBad = false, stompGroup = "", stompPriority = 0, SelfModifiers = { { AttributeId = "QualityOfLife", Value = 3.0, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleInteger", DeltaTimeSlice = "None", }, }, }, Id = "PlayedArcade", Disabled = false, }, }, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RecBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RECREATION.NAME", }, ArtifactAnalysisStation = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 480.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "ArtifactAnalysisStation", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "DurableLifeSupport", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ARCHAEOLOGY.NAME", }, ArtifactCargoBay = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ArtifactCargoBay", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "DurableLifeSupport", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 6.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, AstronautTrainingCenter = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 480.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "AstronautTrainingCenter", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.EXPLORATION.NAME", }, AtomicGarden = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "AtomicGarden", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "AtomicGarden", input = { { amount = 0.039, element = "DirtyWater", }, { amount = 0.065, element = "Dirt", }, { amount = 0.0259999987, element = "Phosphorite", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.12, minTemperature = 323.15, element = "Fertilizer", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, AutoMiner = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 14, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "AutoMiner", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "RoboticTools", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATED.NAME", }, Battery = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.25, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = true, Floodable = true, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "Battery", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "PowerBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = { capacity = 10000.0, joulesLostPerSecond = 1.66666663, powerSortOrder = 1000, connectedTags = { { Name = "Operational", IsValid = true, }, }, }, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "PowerBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.BATTERIES.NAME", }, BatteryMedium = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.25, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = true, Floodable = true, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "BatteryMedium", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "PowerRegulation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "PowerBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = { capacity = 40000.0, joulesLostPerSecond = 3.33333325, powerSortOrder = 1000, connectedTags = { { Name = "Operational", IsValid = true, }, }, }, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "PowerBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.BATTERIES.NAME", }, BatteryModule = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = true, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "BatteryModule", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SpacePower", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 2.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = { capacity = 100000.0, joulesLostPerSecond = 0.6666667, powerSortOrder = 0, connectedTags = { { Name = "Operational", IsValid = true, }, }, }, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, BatterySmart = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = true, Floodable = true, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.BATTERYSMART.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.BATTERYSMART.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.BATTERYSMART.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "BatterySmart", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "Acoustics", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "PowerBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = { capacity = 20000.0, joulesLostPerSecond = 0.6666667, powerSortOrder = 1000, connectedTags = { { Name = "Operational", IsValid = true, }, }, }, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "PowerBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.BATTERIES.NAME", }, BeachChair = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 25.0, BaseDecorRadius = 5.0, id = "BeachChair", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, { amount = 2.0, name = "BuildingFiber", }, }, tech = "EnvironmentalAppreciation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 1, requiredRoomType = "RecRoom", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "BeachChairComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.REC_ROOM.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "RecBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RecBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RECREATION.NAME", }, Bed = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "Bed", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "BuildableRaw&BuildingWood", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "BedType", }, effects = { { duration = 0.0, showInUI = false, isBad = false, stompGroup = "", stompPriority = 0, SelfModifiers = { { AttributeId = "StaminaDelta", Value = 0.166666672, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "Percent", DeltaTimeSlice = "PerCycle", }, }, }, Id = "BedStamina", Disabled = false, }, }, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "BedType", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.BEDS.NAME", }, BottleEmptierConduitGas = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "BottleEmptierConduitGas", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "GasDistribution", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 200.0, storageFilters = { "Breathable", "Unbreathable", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.VALVES.NAME", }, BottleEmptierConduitLiquid = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "BottleEmptierConduitLiquid", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "LiquidDistribution", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 200.0, storageFilters = { "Liquid", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.VALVES.NAME", }, BottleEmptier = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "BottleEmptier", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 200.0, storageFilters = { "Liquid", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.VALVES.NAME", }, BottleEmptierGas = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "BottleEmptierGas", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "PortableGasses", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 200.0, storageFilters = { "Breathable", "Unbreathable", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.VALVES.NAME", }, BunkerDoor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 500.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 1273.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.DOOR.LOGIC_OPEN", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.DOOR.LOGIC_OPEN_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.DOOR.LOGIC_OPEN_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 1, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "BunkerDoor", ingredients = { { amount = 500.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = "HighTempForging", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Bunker", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DOORS.NAME", }, BunkerTile = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Ladders", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "BunkerTile", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = "HighTempForging", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Bunker", "FloorTiles", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TILES.NAME", }, CO2Engine = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 100.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "CO2Engine", ingredients = { { amount = 500.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SpaceGas", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 3.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.027777778, enginePower = 23.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = { exhaustEmitRate = 50.0, exhaustTemperature = 245.0, explosionEffectHash = -31719612, exhaustElement = "CarbonDioxide", fuelTag = "CarbonDioxide", efficiency = 20.0, requireOxidizer = false, maxModules = 3, maxHeight = 10, mainEngine = true, exhaustDiseaseIdx = nil, exhaustDiseaseCount = 0, emitRadiation = false, }, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 100.0, storageFilters = { "CarbonDioxide", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, CO2Scrubber = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "CO2Scrubber", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "DirectedAirStreams", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "CO2Scrubber", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Water", }, { amount = 0.3, element = "CarbonDioxide", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "DirtyWater", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.OXYGEN.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SCRUBBERS.NAME", }, Campfire = { RequiredDlcIds = { "DLC2_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 10000.0, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 20.0, BaseDecorRadius = 4.0, id = "Campfire", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Jobs", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "WarmingStation", "Decoration", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "WarmingStation", "Decoration", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "Campfire", input = { { amount = 0.025, element = "WoodLog", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.004, minTemperature = 303.15, element = "CarbonDioxide", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.UTILITIES.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TEMPERATURE.NAME", }, Canvas = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 6.0, id = "Canvas", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, { amount = 1.0, name = "BuildingFiber", }, }, tech = "FineArt", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Decoration", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Decoration", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, CanvasTall = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 6.0, id = "CanvasTall", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, { amount = 1.0, name = "BuildingFiber", }, }, tech = "RenaissanceArt", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Decoration", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Decoration", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, CanvasWide = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 6.0, id = "CanvasWide", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, { amount = 1.0, name = "BuildingFiber", }, }, tech = "RefractiveDecor", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Decoration", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Decoration", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, CarpetTile = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Ladders", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 20.0, BaseDecorRadius = 4.0, id = "CarpetTile", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, { amount = 2.0, name = "BuildingFiber", }, }, tech = "Clothing", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "FloorTiles", "Carpeted", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TILES.NAME", }, CeilingLight = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 10.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 3, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "CeilingLight", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "InteriorDecor", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "LightSource", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "LightSource", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LIGHTS.NAME", }, Checkpoint = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 10.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CHECKPOINT.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CHECKPOINT.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CHECKPOINT.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "Checkpoint", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "DupeTrafficControl", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LOGICMANAGER.NAME", }, Chlorinator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 480.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "Chlorinator", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "Catalytics", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "Chlorinator", input = { { amount = 30.0, element = "Salt", }, { amount = 0.5, element = "Gold", }, }, output = { { amount = 10.0, element = "BleachStone", }, { amount = 19.9999981, element = "Sand", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.REFINING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ADVANCED.NAME", }, ClothingAlterationStation = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 240.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ClothingAlterationStation", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "Luxury", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "ClothingAlterationStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Funky_Vest", }, { amount = 3.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CustomClothing", }, }, workTime = 180.0, }, { fabricator = "ClothingAlterationStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Funky_Vest", }, { amount = 3.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CustomClothing", }, }, workTime = 180.0, }, { fabricator = "ClothingAlterationStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Funky_Vest", }, { amount = 3.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CustomClothing", }, }, workTime = 180.0, }, { fabricator = "ClothingAlterationStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Funky_Vest", }, { amount = 3.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CustomClothing", }, }, workTime = 180.0, }, { fabricator = "ClothingAlterationStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Funky_Vest", }, { amount = 3.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CustomClothing", }, }, workTime = 180.0, }, { fabricator = "ClothingAlterationStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Funky_Vest", }, { amount = 3.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CustomClothing", }, }, workTime = 180.0, }, { fabricator = "ClothingAlterationStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Funky_Vest", }, { amount = 3.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CustomClothing", }, }, workTime = 180.0, }, { fabricator = "ClothingAlterationStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Funky_Vest", }, { amount = 3.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CustomClothing", }, }, workTime = 180.0, }, { fabricator = "ClothingAlterationStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Funky_Vest", }, { amount = 3.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CustomClothing", }, }, workTime = 180.0, }, { fabricator = "ClothingAlterationStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Funky_Vest", }, { amount = 3.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CustomClothing", }, }, workTime = 180.0, }, { fabricator = "ClothingAlterationStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Funky_Vest", }, { amount = 3.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CustomClothing", }, }, workTime = 180.0, }, { fabricator = "ClothingAlterationStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Funky_Vest", }, { amount = 3.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CustomClothing", }, }, workTime = 180.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.MANUFACTURING.NAME", }, ClothingFabricator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 240.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ClothingFabricator", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "Clothing", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "ClothingFabricator", input = { { amount = 4.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Warm_Vest", }, }, workTime = 180.0, }, { fabricator = "ClothingFabricator", input = { { amount = 4.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Funky_Vest", }, }, workTime = 180.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.MANUFACTURING.NAME", }, ClusterTelescope = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.125, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ClusterTelescope", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "AdvancedResearch", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "ScienceBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "ScienceBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TELESCOPES.NAME", }, ClusterTelescopeEnclosed = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.125, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 6, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ClusterTelescopeEnclosed", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SkyDetectors", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "ScienceBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "ScienceBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TELESCOPES.NAME", }, CometDetector = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = false, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICSWITCH.SIDESCREEN_TITLE", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICSWITCH.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICSWITCH.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "CometDetector", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "SkyDetectors", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, Compost = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.125, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -20.0, BaseDecorRadius = 4.0, id = "Compost", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "FarmingTech", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "Compost", input = { { amount = 0.1, element = "Compostable", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.1, minTemperature = 348.15, element = "Dirt", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.REFINING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ORGANIC.NAME", }, GasConduitDiseaseSensor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASCONDUITDISEASESENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASCONDUITDISEASESENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GasConduitDiseaseSensor", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, { amount = 50.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "MedicineIII", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, LiquidConduitDiseaseSensor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LIQUIDCONDUITDISEASESENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LIQUIDCONDUITDISEASESENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LiquidConduitDiseaseSensor", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, { amount = 50.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "MedicineIII", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, GasConduitElementSensor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASCONDUITELEMENTSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASCONDUITELEMENTSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GasConduitElementSensor", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "HVAC", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, LiquidConduitElementSensor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LIQUIDCONDUITELEMENTSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LIQUIDCONDUITELEMENTSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LiquidConduitElementSensor", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "LiquidTemperature", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, GasConduitTemperatureSensor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASCONDUITTEMPERATURESENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASCONDUITTEMPERATURESENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GasConduitTemperatureSensor", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "HVAC", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, LiquidConduitTemperatureSensor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LIQUIDCONDUITTEMPERATURESENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LIQUIDCONDUITTEMPERATURESENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LiquidConduitTemperatureSensor", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "LiquidTemperature", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, ContactConductivePipeBridge = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 2.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = { "Pipes", }, BuildLocationRule = 18, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ContactConductivePipeBridge", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "LiquidTemperature", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PIPES.NAME", }, CookingStation = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "CookingStation", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "FineDining", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "CookTop", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "CookTop", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "CookingStation", input = { { amount = 3.0, element = "BasicPlantFood", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "PickledMeal", }, }, workTime = 30.0, }, { fabricator = "CookingStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "MushBar", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "FriedMushBar", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "CookingStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Mushroom", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "FriedMushroom", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "CookingStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 2.0, element = "ColdWheatSeed", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Pancakes", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "CookingStation", input = { { amount = 2.0, element = "Meat", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CookedMeat", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "CookingStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "FishMeat", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CookedFish", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "CookingStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "ShellfishMeat", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CookedFish", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "CookingStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "PrickleFruit", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "GrilledPrickleFruit", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "CookingStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "SwampFruit", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "SwampDelights", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "CookingStation", input = { { amount = 3.0, element = "ColdWheatSeed", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "ColdWheatBread", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "CookingStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CookedEgg", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "CookingStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "WormBasicFruit", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "WormBasicFood", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "CookingStation", input = { { amount = 8.0, element = "WormSuperFruit", }, { amount = 4.0, element = "Sucrose", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "WormSuperFood", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "CookingStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "HardSkinBerry", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CookedPikeapple", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.COOKING.NAME", }, CornerMoulding = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 5, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "CornerMoulding", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "Artistry", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Decoration", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Decoration", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, CraftingTable = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "CraftingTable", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Jobs", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "CraftingTable", input = { { amount = 200.0, element = "Cuprite", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "DisposableElectrobank_RawMetal", }, }, workTime = 60.0, }, { fabricator = "CraftingTable", input = { { amount = 200.0, element = "Cobaltite", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "DisposableElectrobank_RawMetal", }, }, workTime = 60.0, }, { fabricator = "CraftingTable", input = { { amount = 200.0, element = "AluminumOre", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "DisposableElectrobank_RawMetal", }, }, workTime = 60.0, }, { fabricator = "CraftingTable", input = { { amount = 200.0, element = "Cinnabar", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "DisposableElectrobank_RawMetal", }, }, workTime = 60.0, }, { fabricator = "CraftingTable", input = { { amount = 200.0, element = "IronOre", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "DisposableElectrobank_RawMetal", }, }, workTime = 60.0, }, { fabricator = "CraftingTable", input = { { amount = 10.0, element = "UraniumOre", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "DisposableElectrobank_UraniumOre", }, }, workTime = 60.0, }, { fabricator = "CraftingTable", input = { { amount = 50.0, element = "Cuprite", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Oxygen_Mask", }, }, workTime = 20.0, }, { fabricator = "CraftingTable", input = { { amount = 50.0, element = "AluminumOre", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Oxygen_Mask", }, }, workTime = 20.0, }, { fabricator = "CraftingTable", input = { { amount = 50.0, element = "IronOre", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Oxygen_Mask", }, }, workTime = 20.0, }, { fabricator = "CraftingTable", input = { { amount = 50.0, element = "Cobaltite", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Oxygen_Mask", }, }, workTime = 20.0, }, { fabricator = "CraftingTable", input = { { amount = 50.0, element = "Cinnabar", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Oxygen_Mask", }, }, workTime = 20.0, }, { fabricator = "CraftingTable", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Worn_Oxygen_Mask", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Oxygen_Mask", }, }, workTime = 20.0, }, { fabricator = "CraftingTable", input = { { amount = 2.0, element = "PowerStationTools", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Booster_Dig1", }, }, workTime = 60.0, }, { fabricator = "CraftingTable", input = { { amount = 2.0, element = "PowerStationTools", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Booster_Construct1", }, }, workTime = 60.0, }, { fabricator = "CraftingTable", input = { { amount = 2.0, element = "PowerStationTools", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Booster_Carry1", }, }, workTime = 60.0, }, { fabricator = "CraftingTable", input = { { amount = 2.0, element = "PowerStationTools", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Booster_Research1", }, }, workTime = 60.0, }, { fabricator = "CraftingTable", input = { { amount = 2.0, element = "PowerStationTools", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Booster_Medicine1", }, }, workTime = 60.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.MANUFACTURING.NAME", }, CreatureDeliveryPoint = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "CreatureDeliveryPoint", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "CreatureRelocator", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 20000.0, storageFilters = { "BagableCreature", }, useGunForDelivery = false, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", "CreatureRelocator", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RANCHING.NAME", }, CreatureFeeder = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "CreatureFeeder", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Ranching", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 2000.0, storageFilters = { "StaterpillarLiquid", "WoodDeer", "StaterpillarGas", "Staterpillar", "LightBugBlack", "LightBugBlue", "LightBug", "LightBugCrystal", "LightBugOrange", "LightBugPink", "LightBugPurple", "MoleDelicacy", "Seal", "Mole", "GoldBelly", "Hatch", "IceBelly", "HatchHard", "HatchVeggie", "CrabWood", "HatchMetal", "Crab", "DivergentBeetle", "CrabFreshWater", "DivergentWorm", "CrabWoodBaby", "HatchBaby", "CrabFreshWaterBaby", "GoldBellyBaby", "HatchHardBaby", "DivergentWormBaby", "CrabBaby", "DivergentBeetleBaby", "LightBugCrystalBaby", "HatchVeggieBaby", "StaterpillarGasBaby", "StaterpillarLiquidBaby", "SealBaby", "WoodDeerBaby", "MoleDelicacyBaby", "MoleBaby", "LightBugPurpleBaby", "LightBugPinkBaby", "LightBugOrangeBaby", "StaterpillarBaby", "LightBugBaby", "LightBugBlueBaby", "LightBugBlackBaby", "IceBellyBaby", "HatchMetalBaby", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RANCHING.NAME", }, CreatureTrap = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "CreatureTrap", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, CrewCapsule = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 10.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 400.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 480.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 19, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 12, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "CrewCapsule", ingredients = { { amount = 2000.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, CritterCondo = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 20.0, BaseDecorRadius = 4.0, id = "CritterCondo", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, { amount = 10.0, name = "BuildingFiber", }, }, tech = "AnimalComfort", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 2, requiredRoomType = "CreaturePen", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "CritterCondoComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.CREATUREPEN.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "RanchStationType", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RanchStationType", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RANCHING.NAME", }, CritterDropOff = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERDROPOFF.LOGIC_INPUT.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERDROPOFF.LOGIC_INPUT.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "CritterDropOff", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Ranching", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "CreatureRelocator", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 20000.0, storageFilters = { "BagableCreature", }, useGunForDelivery = false, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "CreatureRelocator", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RANCHING.NAME", }, CritterPickUp = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "CritterPickUp", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Ranching", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "CreatureRelocator", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 20000.0, storageFilters = { "BagableCreature", }, useGunForDelivery = false, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "CreatureRelocator", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RANCHING.NAME", }, CrownMoulding = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 3, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "CrownMoulding", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "Artistry", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Decoration", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Decoration", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, DLC1CosmicResearchCenter = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "DLC1CosmicResearchCenter", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "CrashPlan", requiredGrantSkill = "STRINGS.DUPLICANTS.ROLES.SPACE_RESEARCHER.NAME", roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "ScienceBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "ScienceBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "DLC1CosmicResearchCenter", input = { { amount = 0.02, element = "OrbitalResearchDatabank", }, }, output = {}, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RESEARCH.NAME", }, DataMiner = { RequiredDlcIds = { "DLC3_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 1000.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 3.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "DataMiner", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "DataScience", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "DataMiner", input = { { amount = 5.0, element = "Polypropylene", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "OrbitalResearchDatabank", }, }, workTime = 200.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RESEARCH.NAME", }, DecontaminationShower = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 250, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -20.0, BaseDecorRadius = 4.0, id = "DecontaminationShower", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "Metal", }, { amount = 100.0, name = "Lead", }, }, tech = "AdvancedSanitation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.MEDICAL.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.HYGIENE.NAME", }, Deepfryer = { RequiredDlcIds = { "DLC2_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 480.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 8.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "Deepfryer", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "FinerDining", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 2, requiredRoomType = "Kitchen", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "DeepfryerComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.KITCHEN.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "CookTop", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "CookTop", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "Deepfryer", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Carrot", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "Tallow", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "FriesCarrot", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "Deepfryer", input = { { amount = 6.0, element = "BeanPlantSeed", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "Tallow", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "DeepFriedNosh", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "Deepfryer", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "FishMeat", }, { amount = 2.4, element = "Tallow", }, { amount = 2.0, element = "ColdWheatSeed", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "DeepFriedFish", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "Deepfryer", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "ShellfishMeat", }, { amount = 2.4, element = "Tallow", }, { amount = 2.0, element = "ColdWheatSeed", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "DeepFriedShellfish", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.COOKING.NAME", }, DevGenerator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 100000.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 100000.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = true, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "DevGenerator", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DevBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.GENERATORS.NAME", }, DevHEPSpawner = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 7, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = true, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = true, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "DevHEPSpawner", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DevBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HEP.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PRODUCERS.NAME", }, DevHeater = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = true, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "DevHeater", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DevBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.UTILITIES.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TEMPERATURE.NAME", }, DevLifeSupport = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = true, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -20.0, BaseDecorRadius = 4.0, id = "DevLifeSupport", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DevBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.MEDICAL.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.MEDICAL.NAME", }, DevLightGenerator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = true, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "DevLightGenerator", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "LightSource", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DevBuilding", "LightSource", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LIGHTS.NAME", }, DevPumpGas = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = true, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "DevPumpGas", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DevBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "CorrosionProof", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PUMPS.NAME", }, DevPumpLiquid = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = true, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "DevPumpLiquid", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DevBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "CorrosionProof", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PUMPS.NAME", }, DevPumpSolid = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = true, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "DevPumpSolid", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DevBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "CorrosionProof", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PUMPS.NAME", }, DevRadiationGenerator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = true, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "DevRadiationGenerator", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DevBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HEP.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PRODUCERS.NAME", }, DiamondPress = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 16.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.HEPENGINE.LOGIC_PORT_STORAGE", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.HEPBATTERY.LOGIC_PORT_STORAGE_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = true, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "DiamondPress", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "HighPressureForging", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "DiamondPress", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "RefinedCarbon", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Diamond", }, }, workTime = 80.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.REFINING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ADVANCED.NAME", }, DiningTable = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "DiningTable", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "FineDining", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "MessTable", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "MessTable", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DINING.NAME", }, DoctorStation = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "DoctorStation", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "MedicineII", requiredGrantSkill = "STRINGS.DUPLICANTS.ROLES.MEDIC.NAME", roomTracker = { requirement = 3, requiredRoomType = "Hospital", customStatusItemID = "ClinicOutsideHospital", enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "DoctorStationComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.HOSPITAL.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Clinic", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Clinic", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.MEDICAL.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.MEDICAL.NAME", }, Door = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 100.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.DOOR.LOGIC_OPEN", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.DOOR.LOGIC_OPEN_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.DOOR.LOGIC_OPEN_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 1, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "Door", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DOORS.NAME", }, EggCracker = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "EggCracker", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "FineDining", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "StaterpillarLiquidEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "WoodDeerEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "StaterpillarGasEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "StaterpillarEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "SquirrelHugEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "SquirrelEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "DreckoEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "DreckoPlasticEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "LightBugBlackEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.1, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 0.1, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "LightBugBlueEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.1, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 0.1, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "LightBugEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.1, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 0.1, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "LightBugCrystalEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.1, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 0.1, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "LightBugOrangeEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.1, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 0.1, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "LightBugPinkEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.1, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 0.1, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "LightBugPurpleEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.1, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 0.1, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "MoleDelicacyEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "OilfloaterEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "OilfloaterDecorEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "OilfloaterHighTempEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "PuftAlphaEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.25, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 0.25, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "PuftBleachstoneEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.25, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 0.25, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "PuftEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.25, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 0.25, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "PuftOxyliteEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.25, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 0.25, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "SealEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "MoleEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "GoldBellyEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 4.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 4.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "HatchEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "IceBellyEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 4.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 4.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "HatchHardEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "HatchVeggieEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CrabWoodEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "PacuTropicalEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 2.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 2.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "HatchMetalEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CrabEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "PacuEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 2.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 2.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "DivergentBeetleEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CrabFreshWaterEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "DivergentWormEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, { fabricator = "EggCracker", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "PacuCleanerEgg", }, }, output = { { amount = 2.0, element = "RawEgg", }, { amount = 2.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, workTime = 5.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RANCHING.NAME", }, EggIncubator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 363.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "EggIncubator", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "AnimalControl", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RANCHING.NAME", }, ElectrobankCharger = { RequiredDlcIds = { "DLC3_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 480.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "ElectrobankCharger", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "Acoustics", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ELECTROBANKBUILDINGS.NAME", }, Electrolyzer = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.25, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "Electrolyzer", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "ImprovedOxygen", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "Electrolyzer", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Water", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.888, minTemperature = 343.15, element = "Oxygen", }, { amount = 0.111999989, minTemperature = 343.15, element = "Hydrogen", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.OXYGEN.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PRODUCERS.NAME", }, EspressoMachine = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 480.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "EspressoMachine", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "PrecisionPlumbing", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 1, requiredRoomType = "RecRoom", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "EspressoMachineComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.REC_ROOM.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "RecBuilding", }, effects = { { duration = 450.0, showInUI = false, isBad = false, stompGroup = "", stompPriority = 0, SelfModifiers = { { AttributeId = "QualityOfLife", Value = 4.0, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleInteger", DeltaTimeSlice = "None", }, }, { AttributeId = "Athletics", Value = 1.0, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleInteger", DeltaTimeSlice = "None", }, }, }, Id = "Espresso", Disabled = false, }, }, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RecBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RECREATION.NAME", }, EthanolDistillery = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "EthanolDistillery", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Distillation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "EthanolDistillery", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "WoodLog", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.5, minTemperature = 346.5, element = "Ethanol", }, { amount = 0.333333343, minTemperature = 366.5, element = "ToxicSand", }, { amount = 0.166666672, minTemperature = 366.5, element = "CarbonDioxide", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.REFINING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ORGANIC.NAME", }, ExobaseHeadquarters = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 250, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 30.0, BaseDecorRadius = 6.0, id = "ExobaseHeadquarters", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "AdvancedResearch", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "LightSource", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Telepad", "LightSource", "Experimental", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PRINTINGPODS.NAME", }, ExteriorWall = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 7, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 0.0, id = "ExteriorWall", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "BuildableRaw&BuildingWood", }, }, tech = "Clothing", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Backwall", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TILES.NAME", }, FacilityBackWallWindow = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 6, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 7, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 1, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 25.0, BaseDecorRadius = 4.0, id = "FacilityBackWallWindow", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "Glass", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "BuildableAny", "Transparent", "Solid", "ManufacturedMaterial", "Gravitas", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.GRAVITAS.NAME", subCategory = nil, }, FarmStation = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "FarmStation", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Agriculture", requiredGrantSkill = "STRINGS.DUPLICANTS.ROLES.FARMER.NAME", roomTracker = { requirement = 2, requiredRoomType = "Farm", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "FarmStationComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.FARM.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "FarmStationType", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "FarmStationType", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.FARMING.NAME", }, FarmTile = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Ladders", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 4, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "FarmTile", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Farmable", }, }, tech = "FineDining", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "FarmTiles", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.FARMING.NAME", }, FertilizerMaker = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "FertilizerMaker", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Agriculture", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "FertilizerMaker", input = { { amount = 0.039, element = "DirtyWater", }, { amount = 0.065, element = "Dirt", }, { amount = 0.0259999987, element = "Phosphorite", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.12, minTemperature = 323.15, element = "Fertilizer", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.REFINING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ORGANIC.NAME", }, FirePole = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = { "Ladders", }, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "FirePole", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "RefinedObjects", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LADDERS.NAME", }, FishDeliveryPoint = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "FishDeliveryPoint", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Ranching", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "CreatureRelocator", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 20000.0, storageFilters = { "SwimmingCreature", }, useGunForDelivery = false, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "CreatureRelocator", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RANCHING.NAME", }, FishFeeder = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "FishFeeder", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Ranching", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 200.0, storageFilters = { "PacuTropical", "Pacu", "PacuCleaner", "PacuTropicalBaby", "PacuBaby", "PacuCleanerBaby", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RANCHING.NAME", }, FishTrap = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "FishTrap", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, FloorLamp = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 8.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "FloorLamp", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "InteriorDecor", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "LightSource", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "LightSource", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LIGHTS.NAME", }, FloorSwitch = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICSWITCH.SIDESCREEN_TITLE", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICSWITCH.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICSWITCH.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "FloorSwitch", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "GenericSensors", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SWITCHES.NAME", }, FlowerVase = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "FlowerVase", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "InteriorDecor", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Decoration", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Decoration", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, FlowerVaseHanging = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 3, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "FlowerVaseHanging", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Artistry", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Decoration", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Decoration", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, FlowerVaseHangingFancy = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 3, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 4.0, id = "FlowerVaseHangingFancy", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Transparent", }, }, tech = "GlassFurnishings", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Decoration", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Decoration", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, FlowerVaseWall = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 4, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "FlowerVaseWall", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Artistry", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Decoration", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Decoration", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, FlushToilet = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.25, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "FlushToilet", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SanitationSciences", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "ToiletType", "FlushToiletType", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "ToiletType", "FlushToiletType", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WASHROOM.NAME", }, FlyingCreatureBait = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "FlyingCreatureBait", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Metal", }, { amount = 10.0, name = "FlyingCritterEdible", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", "OneTimeUseLure", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, FoodDehydrator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "FoodDehydrator", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, { amount = 100.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "FinerDining", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "FoodDehydrator", input = { { amount = 0.0200000014, element = "Methane", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.00500000035, minTemperature = 348.15, element = "CarbonDioxide", }, }, workTime = 1, }, { fabricator = "FoodDehydrator", input = { { amount = 1.36363637, element = "Salsa", }, { amount = 12.0, element = "Polypropylene", }, }, output = { { amount = 6.0, element = "DehydratedSalsa", }, { amount = 6.0, element = "Water", }, }, workTime = 250.0, }, { fabricator = "FoodDehydrator", input = { { amount = 1.25, element = "MushroomWrap", }, { amount = 12.0, element = "Polypropylene", }, }, output = { { amount = 6.0, element = "DehydratedMushroomWrap", }, { amount = 6.0, element = "Water", }, }, workTime = 250.0, }, { fabricator = "FoodDehydrator", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "SurfAndTurf", }, { amount = 12.0, element = "Polypropylene", }, }, output = { { amount = 6.0, element = "DehydratedSurfAndTurf", }, { amount = 6.0, element = "Water", }, }, workTime = 250.0, }, { fabricator = "FoodDehydrator", input = { { amount = 1.5, element = "SpiceBread", }, { amount = 12.0, element = "Polypropylene", }, }, output = { { amount = 6.0, element = "DehydratedSpiceBread", }, { amount = 6.0, element = "Water", }, }, workTime = 250.0, }, { fabricator = "FoodDehydrator", input = { { amount = 0.9375, element = "Quiche", }, { amount = 12.0, element = "Polypropylene", }, }, output = { { amount = 6.0, element = "DehydratedQuiche", }, { amount = 6.0, element = "Water", }, }, workTime = 250.0, }, { fabricator = "FoodDehydrator", input = { { amount = 1.2, element = "Curry", }, { amount = 12.0, element = "Polypropylene", }, }, output = { { amount = 6.0, element = "DehydratedCurry", }, { amount = 6.0, element = "Water", }, }, workTime = 250.0, }, { fabricator = "FoodDehydrator", input = { { amount = 1.5, element = "SpicyTofu", }, { amount = 12.0, element = "Polypropylene", }, }, output = { { amount = 6.0, element = "DehydratedSpicyTofu", }, { amount = 6.0, element = "Water", }, }, workTime = 250.0, }, { fabricator = "FoodDehydrator", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Burger", }, { amount = 12.0, element = "Polypropylene", }, }, output = { { amount = 6.0, element = "DehydratedFoodPackage", }, { amount = 6.0, element = "Water", }, }, workTime = 250.0, }, { fabricator = "FoodDehydrator", input = { { amount = 1.42857146, element = "BerryPie", }, { amount = 12.0, element = "Polypropylene", }, }, output = { { amount = 6.0, element = "DehydratedBerryPie", }, { amount = 6.0, element = "Water", }, }, workTime = 250.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.COOKING.NAME", }, FoodRehydrator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "FoodRehydrator", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, { amount = 50.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "FinerDining", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.COOKING.NAME", }, FossilDig = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 400.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "FossilDig", ingredients = { { amount = 2000.0, name = "Fossil", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Gravitas", "Solid", "BuildableRaw", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "FossilDig", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Diamond", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Fossil", }, }, workTime = 80.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.GRAVITAS.NAME", subCategory = nil, }, Gantry = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 1200.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 200.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 6, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GANTRY.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GANTRY.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GANTRY.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "Gantry", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = "HighTempForging", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETSTRUCTURES.NAME", }, GasBottler = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "GasBottler", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "PortableGasses", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 200.0, storageFilters = { "Breathable", "Unbreathable", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "GasSource", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.VALVES.NAME", }, GasCargoBayCluster = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 200.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GasCargoBayCluster", ingredients = { { amount = 1000.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = "Catalytics", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 4.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 11000.0, storageFilters = { "Breathable", "Unbreathable", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, GasCargoBaySmall = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GasCargoBaySmall", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "SpaceGas", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 2.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 3600.0, storageFilters = { "Breathable", "Unbreathable", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, GasConduitBridge = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 8, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GasConduitBridge", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "GasPiping", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PIPES.NAME", }, GasConduit = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = { "Vents", }, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = true, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GasConduit", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "BuildableRaw&Metal", }, }, tech = "GasPiping", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Vents", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PIPES.NAME", }, GasConduitOverflow = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 8, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GasConduitOverflow", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.VALVES.NAME", }, GasConduitPreferentialFlow = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 8, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GasConduitPreferentialFlow", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.VALVES.NAME", }, GasConduitRadiant = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 2.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = { "Vents", }, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = true, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GasConduitRadiant", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "HVAC", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Vents", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PIPES.NAME", }, GasFilter = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GasFilter", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "AdvancedFiltration", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.VALVES.NAME", }, GasLimitValve = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 10.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.LOGIC_PORT_RESET", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.RESET_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.RESET_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = true, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.LOGIC_PORT_OUTPUT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.OUTPUT_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GasLimitValve", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, { amount = 50.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "HVAC", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.VALVES.NAME", }, GasLogicValve = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 10.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLOGICVALVE.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLOGICVALVE.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLOGICVALVE.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GasLogicValve", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "ImprovedGasPiping", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.VALVES.NAME", }, GasMiniPump = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "GasMiniPump", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "ValveMiniaturization", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PUMPS.NAME", }, GasPermeableMembrane = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Ladders", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GasPermeableMembrane", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "PressureManagement", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "FloorTiles", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TILES.NAME", }, GasPump = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "GasPump", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "GasPiping", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PUMPS.NAME", }, GasReservoir = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.SMARTRESERVOIR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.SMARTRESERVOIR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.SMARTRESERVOIR.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "GasReservoir", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "HVAC", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 1000.0, storageFilters = { "Breathable", "Unbreathable", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.STORAGE.NAME", }, GasValve = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GasValve", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "PressureManagement", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.VALVES.NAME", }, GasVent = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "GasVent", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "GasPiping", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PIPES.NAME", }, GasVentHighPressure = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "GasVentHighPressure", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, { amount = 50.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "ImprovedGasPiping", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PIPES.NAME", }, Generator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 600.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 600.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 8.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "Generator", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Combustion", requiredGrantSkill = "STRINGS.DUPLICANTS.ROLES.POWER_TECHNICIAN.NAME", roomTracker = { requirement = 0, requiredRoomType = "PowerPlant", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "GeneratorComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.POWER_PLANT.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", "PowerBuilding", "GeneratorType", "HeavyDutyGeneratorType", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "PowerBuilding", "GeneratorType", "HeavyDutyGeneratorType", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "Generator", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Carbon", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.02, minTemperature = 383.15, element = "CarbonDioxide", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.GENERATORS.NAME", }, GenericFabricator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "GenericFabricator", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, GeneticAnalysisStation = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 480.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 7, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GeneticAnalysisStation", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Bioengineering", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "ScienceBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 20000.0, storageFilters = { "BasicSingleHarvestPlantSeed", "BeanPlantSeed", "BlueGrassSeed", "CarrotPlantSeed", "ColdWheatSeed", "FilterPlantSeed", "ForestTreeSeed", "GasGrassSeed", "HardSkinBerryPlantSeed", "SwampLilySeed", "SwampHarvestPlantSeed", "PrickleFlowerSeed", "SpiceVineSeed", "SpaceTreeSeed", "SaltPlantSeed", "WormPlantSeed", "MushroomSeed", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "ScienceBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.FARMING.NAME", }, GeoTuner = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GEOTUNER.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GEOTUNER.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GeoTuner", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "HighTempForging", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 2, requiredRoomType = "Laboratory", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "GeoTunerComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.LABORATORY.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "ScienceBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "ScienceBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RESEARCH.NAME", }, GlassForge = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 1200.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 16.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "GlassForge", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "HighTempForging", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "GlassForge", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Sand", }, }, output = { { amount = 25.0, element = "MoltenGlass", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.REFINING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.MATERIALS.NAME", }, GlassTile = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Ladders", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = true, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GlassTile", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Transparent", }, }, tech = "GlassFurnishings", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Window", "FloorTiles", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TILES.NAME", }, GourmetCookingStation = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 8.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GourmetCookingStation", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "FinerDining", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "CookTop", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "CookTop", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "GourmetCookingStation", input = { { amount = 0.1, element = "Methane", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.025, minTemperature = 348.15, element = "CarbonDioxide", }, }, workTime = 1, }, { fabricator = "GourmetCookingStation", input = { { amount = 2.0, element = "GrilledPrickleFruit", }, { amount = 2.0, element = "SpiceNut", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Salsa", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "GourmetCookingStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "FriedMushroom", }, { amount = 4.0, element = "Lettuce", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "MushroomWrap", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "GourmetCookingStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CookedMeat", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "CookedFish", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "SurfAndTurf", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "GourmetCookingStation", input = { { amount = 10.0, element = "ColdWheatSeed", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "SpiceNut", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "SpiceBread", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "GourmetCookingStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Tofu", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "SpiceNut", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "SpicyTofu", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "GourmetCookingStation", input = { { amount = 4.0, element = "GingerConfig", }, { amount = 4.0, element = "BeanPlantSeed", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Curry", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "GourmetCookingStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CookedEgg", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "Lettuce", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "FriedMushroom", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Quiche", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "GourmetCookingStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "ColdWheatBread", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "Lettuce", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "CookedMeat", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Burger", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "GourmetCookingStation", input = { { amount = 3.0, element = "ColdWheatSeed", }, { amount = 4.0, element = "WormSuperFruit", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "GrilledPrickleFruit", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "BerryPie", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.COOKING.NAME", }, Grave = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "Grave", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.MEDICAL.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WELLNESS.NAME", }, GravitasContainer = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GravitasContainer", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Gravitas", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.GRAVITAS.NAME", subCategory = nil, }, GravitasCreatureManipulator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 250, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "GravitasCreatureManipulator", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "Metal", "RefinedMetal", "BuildableAny", "Solid", "ManufacturedMaterial", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, GravitasDoor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 100.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.DOOR.LOGIC_OPEN", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.DOOR.LOGIC_OPEN_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.DOOR.LOGIC_OPEN_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 1, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GravitasDoor", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Gravitas", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.GRAVITAS.NAME", subCategory = nil, }, GravitasLabLight = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 3, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GravitasLabLight", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Gravitas", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.GRAVITAS.NAME", subCategory = nil, }, GravitasPedestal = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GravitasPedestal", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Decoration", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Decoration", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, GunkEmptier = { RequiredDlcIds = { "DLC3_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.125, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "GunkEmptier", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SanitationSciences", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "FlushToiletType", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "FlushToiletType", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WASHROOM.NAME", }, HEPBattery = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.25, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.HIGHENERGYPARTICLESPAWNER.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.DEVHEPSPAWNER.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.DEVHEPSPAWNER.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.HEPENGINE.LOGIC_PORT_STORAGE", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.HEPBATTERY.LOGIC_PORT_STORAGE_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = true, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = true, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "HEPBattery", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "NuclearStorage", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HEP.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.BATTERIES.NAME", }, HEPBridgeTile = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = true, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = true, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -25.0, BaseDecorRadius = 6.0, id = "HEPBridgeTile", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "NuclearRefinement", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "HEPPassThrough", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HEP.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TRANSMISSIONS.NAME", }, HEPEngine = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 100.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.HEPENGINE.LOGIC_PORT_STORAGE", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.HEPBATTERY.LOGIC_PORT_STORAGE_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = true, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "HEPEngine", ingredients = { { amount = 500.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = "NuclearPropulsion", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 5.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.333333343, enginePower = 34.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = { exhaustEmitRate = 25.0, exhaustTemperature = 873.15, explosionEffectHash = -31719612, exhaustElement = "Fallout", fuelTag = "HighEnergyParticle", efficiency = 60.0, requireOxidizer = false, maxModules = 4, maxHeight = 20, mainEngine = true, exhaustDiseaseIdx = "RadiationSickness", exhaustDiseaseCount = 100000, emitRadiation = true, }, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, HabitatModuleMedium = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 100.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "HabitatModuleMedium", ingredients = { { amount = 500.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "DurableLifeSupport", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 6.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "LaunchButtonRocketModule", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, HabitatModuleSmall = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "HabitatModuleSmall", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SpaceProgram", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 3.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "NoseRocketModule", "LaunchButtonRocketModule", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, HandSanitizer = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "HandSanitizer", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "MedicineII", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "WashStation", "AdvancedWashStation", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "WashStation", "AdvancedWashStation", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.MEDICAL.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.HYGIENE.NAME", }, Headquarters = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 400.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 250, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 30.0, BaseDecorRadius = 6.0, id = "Headquarters", ingredients = { { amount = 2000.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "LightSource", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Telepad", "LightSource", "Experimental", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, HeatCompressor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 1600.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 400.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 250, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.TELEPORTALPAD.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.TELEPORTALPAD.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.TELEPORTALPAD.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 30.0, BaseDecorRadius = 6.0, id = "HeatCompressor", ingredients = { { amount = 2000.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 20000.0, storageFilters = { "Liquid", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, HighEnergyParticleRedirector = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 7, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.HIGHENERGYPARTICLEREDIRECTOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.HIGHENERGYPARTICLEREDIRECTOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.HIGHENERGYPARTICLEREDIRECTOR.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = true, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = true, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "HighEnergyParticleRedirector", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "AdvancedNuclearResearch", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HEP.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TRANSMISSIONS.NAME", }, HighEnergyParticleSpawner = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 480.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 7, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = true, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "HighEnergyParticleSpawner", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "AdvancedNuclearResearch", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HEP.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PRODUCERS.NAME", }, HotTub = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 310.85, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 20.0, BaseDecorRadius = 4.0, id = "HotTub", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, { amount = 200.0, name = "BuildingWood", }, }, tech = "MedicineIV", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 1, requiredRoomType = "RecRoom", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "HotTubComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.REC_ROOM.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "RecBuilding", }, effects = { { duration = 4770.0, showInUI = false, isBad = false, stompGroup = "", stompPriority = 0, SelfModifiers = { { AttributeId = "QualityOfLife", Value = 5.0, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleInteger", DeltaTimeSlice = "None", }, }, }, Id = "HotTub", Disabled = false, }, }, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RecBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RECREATION.NAME", }, HydrogenEngineCluster = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 600.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 600.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 100.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 7, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "HydrogenEngineCluster", ingredients = { { amount = 500.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = "CryoFuelPropulsion", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 7.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.09375, enginePower = 55.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = { exhaustEmitRate = 50.0, exhaustTemperature = 2000.0, explosionEffectHash = -31719612, exhaustElement = "Steam", fuelTag = "LiquidHydrogen", efficiency = 60.0, requireOxidizer = true, maxModules = 7, maxHeight = 35, mainEngine = true, exhaustDiseaseIdx = nil, exhaustDiseaseCount = 0, emitRadiation = false, }, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, HydrogenGenerator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 800.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 800.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "HydrogenGenerator", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "AdvancedPowerRegulation", requiredGrantSkill = "STRINGS.DUPLICANTS.ROLES.POWER_TECHNICIAN.NAME", roomTracker = { requirement = 0, requiredRoomType = "PowerPlant", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "HydrogenGeneratorComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.POWER_PLANT.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", "PowerBuilding", "GeneratorType", "HeavyDutyGeneratorType", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "PowerBuilding", "GeneratorType", "HeavyDutyGeneratorType", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "HydrogenGenerator", input = { { amount = 0.1, element = "Hydrogen", }, }, output = {}, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.GENERATORS.NAME", }, HydroponicFarm = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Ladders", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 4, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "HydroponicFarm", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Agriculture", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "FarmTiles", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.FARMING.NAME", }, IceCooledFan = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = -24.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = -8.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "IceCooledFan", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "TemperatureModulation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.UTILITIES.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TEMPERATURE.NAME", }, IceKettle = { RequiredDlcIds = { "DLC2_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 2.25, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.50000012, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "IceKettle", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "TemperatureModulation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "LiquidSource", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.UTILITIES.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.MATERIALS.NAME", }, IceMachine = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 12.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "IceMachine", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "TemperatureModulation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.UTILITIES.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TEMPERATURE.NAME", }, IceSculpture = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 35.0, BaseDecorRadius = 8.0, id = "IceSculpture", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Ice", }, }, tech = "Artistry", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Decoration", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Decoration", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, InsulatedGasConduit = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.03125, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = { "Vents", }, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = true, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "InsulatedGasConduit", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "ImprovedGasPiping", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Vents", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PIPES.NAME", }, InsulatedLiquidConduit = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.03125, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = { "Pipes", }, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = true, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "InsulatedLiquidConduit", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Plumbable", }, }, tech = "ImprovedLiquidPiping", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Pipes", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PIPES.NAME", }, InsulationTile = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.01, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Ladders", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "InsulationTile", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "TemperatureModulation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "FloorTiles", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TILES.NAME", }, ItemPedestal = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ItemPedestal", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "Artistry", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Decoration", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Decoration", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, JetSuitLocker = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "JetSuitLocker", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "Jetpacks", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", }, JetSuitMarker = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "JetSuitMarker", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "Jetpacks", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "JetSuitBlocker", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", }, Juicer = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "Juicer", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "FoodRepurposing", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 1, requiredRoomType = "RecRoom", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "JuicerComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.REC_ROOM.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "RecBuilding", }, effects = { { duration = 450.0, showInUI = false, isBad = false, stompGroup = "", stompPriority = 0, SelfModifiers = { { AttributeId = "QualityOfLife", Value = 4.0, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleInteger", DeltaTimeSlice = "None", }, }, { AttributeId = "Strength", Value = 1.0, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleInteger", DeltaTimeSlice = "None", }, }, }, Id = "Juicer", Disabled = false, }, }, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RecBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RECREATION.NAME", }, KeroseneEngineCluster = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 480.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 480.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 7, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "KeroseneEngineCluster", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = "BetterHydroCarbonPropulsion", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 6.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.15, enginePower = 48.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = { exhaustEmitRate = 50.0, exhaustTemperature = 1263.15, explosionEffectHash = -31719612, exhaustElement = "CarbonDioxide", fuelTag = "Petroleum", efficiency = 40.0, requireOxidizer = true, maxModules = 7, maxHeight = 35, mainEngine = true, exhaustDiseaseIdx = nil, exhaustDiseaseCount = 0, emitRadiation = false, }, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, KeroseneEngineClusterSmall = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 240.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 240.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "KeroseneEngineClusterSmall", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "HydrocarbonPropulsion", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 5.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.075, enginePower = 31.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = { exhaustEmitRate = 50.0, exhaustTemperature = 1263.15, explosionEffectHash = -31719612, exhaustElement = "CarbonDioxide", fuelTag = "Petroleum", efficiency = 40.0, requireOxidizer = true, maxModules = 4, maxHeight = 20, mainEngine = true, exhaustDiseaseIdx = nil, exhaustDiseaseCount = 0, emitRadiation = false, }, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 450.0, storageFilters = { "Petroleum", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, Kiln = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 16.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "Kiln", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "BasicRefinement", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "Kiln", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Clay", }, { amount = 25.0, element = "Carbon", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Ceramic", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "Kiln", input = { { amount = 125.0, element = "Carbon", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "RefinedCarbon", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "Kiln", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "WoodLog", }, }, output = { { amount = 50.0, element = "RefinedCarbon", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.REFINING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.MATERIALS.NAME", }, LadderBed = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 13, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "LadderBed", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LadderBed", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "RefinedObjects", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "BedType", }, effects = { { duration = 0.0, showInUI = false, isBad = false, stompGroup = "", stompPriority = 0, SelfModifiers = { { AttributeId = "StaminaDelta", Value = 0.166666672, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "Percent", DeltaTimeSlice = "PerCycle", }, }, }, Id = "LadderBedStamina", Disabled = false, }, }, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "BedType", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.BEDS.NAME", }, Ladder = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = { "Ladders", }, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "Ladder", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "BuildableRaw&BuildingWood", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LADDERS.NAME", }, LadderFast = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = { "Ladders", }, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LadderFast", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "Luxury", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LADDERS.NAME", }, LandingBeacon = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 398.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "LandingBeacon", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "HighVelocityTransport", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETNAV.NAME", }, LargeElectrobankDischarger = { RequiredDlcIds = { "DLC3_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 480.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 480.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.25, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "LargeElectrobankDischarger", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "PrettyGoodConductors", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 1.0, storageFilters = { "ChargedPortableBattery", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ELECTROBANKBUILDINGS.NAME", }, LaunchPad = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 7, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.COMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_LAUNCH", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LAUNCHPAD.LOGIC_PORT_LAUNCH_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LAUNCHPAD.LOGIC_PORT_LAUNCH_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.COMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LAUNCHPAD.LOGIC_PORT_READY_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LAUNCHPAD.LOGIC_PORT_LANDED_ROCKET_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LAUNCHPAD.LOGIC_PORT_LANDED_ROCKET", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LAUNCHPAD.LOGIC_PORT_LANDED_ROCKET_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LAUNCHPAD.LOGIC_PORT_LANDED_ROCKET_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LaunchPad", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "SpaceProgram", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "NotRocketInteriorBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETSTRUCTURES.NAME", }, LeadSuitLocker = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "LeadSuitLocker", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "RadiationProtection", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", }, LeadSuitMarker = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "LeadSuitMarker", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "RadiationProtection", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "JetSuitBlocker", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", }, LiquidBottler = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "LiquidBottler", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "FlowRedirection", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 200.0, storageFilters = { "Liquid", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "LiquidSource", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.VALVES.NAME", }, LiquidCargoBayCluster = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 200.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LiquidCargoBayCluster", ingredients = { { amount = 1000.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = "Jetpacks", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 5.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 27000.0, storageFilters = { "Liquid", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, LiquidCargoBaySmall = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LiquidCargoBaySmall", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "FlowRedirection", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 3.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 9000.0, storageFilters = { "Liquid", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, LiquidConditioner = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 1200.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 240.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 398.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LiquidConditioner", ingredients = { { amount = 1200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "LiquidTemperature", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.UTILITIES.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TEMPERATURE.NAME", }, LiquidConduitBridge = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 8, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LiquidConduitBridge", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "LiquidPiping", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PIPES.NAME", }, LiquidConduit = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = { "Pipes", }, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = true, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LiquidConduit", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Plumbable&Metal", }, }, tech = "LiquidPiping", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Pipes", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PIPES.NAME", }, LiquidConduitOverflow = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 8, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LiquidConduitOverflow", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.VALVES.NAME", }, LiquidConduitPreferentialFlow = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 8, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LiquidConduitPreferentialFlow", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.VALVES.NAME", }, LiquidConduitRadiant = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 2.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = { "Pipes", }, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = true, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LiquidConduitRadiant", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "LiquidTemperature", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Pipes", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PIPES.NAME", }, LiquidCooledFan = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LiquidCooledFan", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.UTILITIES.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TEMPERATURE.NAME", }, LiquidFilter = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LiquidFilter", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "AdvancedFiltration", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.VALVES.NAME", }, LiquidFuelTankCluster = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LiquidFuelTankCluster", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = "PrecisionPlumbing", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 5.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, LiquidHeater = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 960.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 4000.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 64.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 398.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "LiquidHeater", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "LiquidTemperature", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.UTILITIES.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TEMPERATURE.NAME", }, LiquidLimitValve = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 10.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.LOGIC_PORT_RESET", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.RESET_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.RESET_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = true, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.LOGIC_PORT_OUTPUT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.OUTPUT_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LiquidLimitValve", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, { amount = 50.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "LiquidTemperature", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.VALVES.NAME", }, LiquidLogicValve = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 10.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLOGICVALVE.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LIQUIDLOGICVALVE.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LIQUIDLOGICVALVE.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LiquidLogicValve", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "ImprovedLiquidPiping", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.VALVES.NAME", }, LiquidMiniPump = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "LiquidMiniPump", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "ValveMiniaturization", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "CorrosionProof", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PUMPS.NAME", }, LiquidPump = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "LiquidPump", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "LiquidPiping", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "CorrosionProof", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PUMPS.NAME", }, LiquidPumpingStation = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LiquidPumpingStation", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "CorrosionProof", "LiquidSource", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PUMPS.NAME", }, LiquidReservoir = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.SMARTRESERVOIR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.SMARTRESERVOIR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.SMARTRESERVOIR.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "LiquidReservoir", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "ImprovedLiquidPiping", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 5000.0, storageFilters = { "Liquid", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.STORAGE.NAME", }, LiquidValve = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LiquidValve", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "PressureManagement", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.VALVES.NAME", }, LiquidVent = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "LiquidVent", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "LiquidPiping", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PIPES.NAME", }, LogicAlarm = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICALARM.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICALARM.INPUT_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.RESET_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicAlarm", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "NotificationSystems", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LOGICMANAGER.NAME", }, LogicClusterLocationSensor = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICCLUSTERLOCATIONSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICCLUSTERLOCATIONSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicClusterLocationSensor", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "GenericSensors", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RocketInteriorBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETNAV.NAME", }, LogicCounter = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICCOUNTER.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICCOUNTER.INPUT_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.RESET_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, displayCustomName = false, }, { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICCOUNTER.LOGIC_PORT_RESET", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICCOUNTER.RESET_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.RESET_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = true, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICCOUNTER.LOGIC_PORT_OUTPUT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICCOUNTER.OUTPUT_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 4, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicCounter", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "DupeTrafficControl", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LOGICMANAGER.NAME", }, LogicCritterCountSensor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICCRITTERCOUNTSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICCRITTERCOUNTSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicCritterCountSensor", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "AnimalControl", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, LogicDiseaseSensor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICDISEASESENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICDISEASESENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicDiseaseSensor", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, { amount = 50.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "MedicineIII", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, LogicDuplicantSensor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 14, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICDUPLICANTSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICDUPLICANTSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicDuplicantSensor", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "LogicControl", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, LogicElementSensorGas = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICELEMENTSENSORGAS.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICELEMENTSENSORGAS.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicElementSensorGas", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "GenericSensors", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, LogicElementSensorLiquid = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICELEMENTSENSORLIQUID.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICELEMENTSENSORLIQUID.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicElementSensorLiquid", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "GenericSensors", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, LogicGateAND = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.05, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicGateAND", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "LogicCircuits", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LOGICGATES.NAME", }, LogicGateOR = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.05, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicGateOR", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "LogicCircuits", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LOGICGATES.NAME", }, LogicGateXOR = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.05, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicGateXOR", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "DupeTrafficControl", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LOGICGATES.NAME", }, LogicGateNOT = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.05, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicGateNOT", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "GenericSensors", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LOGICGATES.NAME", }, LogicGateBUFFER = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.05, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicGateBUFFER", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "LogicCircuits", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LOGICGATES.NAME", }, LogicGateFILTER = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.05, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicGateFILTER", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "LogicCircuits", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LOGICGATES.NAME", }, LogicGateMultiplexer = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.05, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicGateMultiplexer", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "Multiplexing", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LOGICGATES.NAME", }, LogicGateDemultiplexer = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.05, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicGateDemultiplexer", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "Multiplexing", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LOGICGATES.NAME", }, LogicHEPSensor = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICHEPSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICHEPSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicHEPSensor", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "RadiationProtection", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, LogicHammer = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICHAMMER.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICHAMMER.INPUT_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.RESET_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicHammer", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "NotificationSystems", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LOGICAUDIO.NAME", }, LogicInterasteroidReceiver = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICINTERASTEROIDRECEIVER.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICINTERASTEROIDRECEIVER.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICINTERASTEROIDRECEIVER.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicInterasteroidReceiver", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "AdvancedScanners", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TRANSMISSIONS.NAME", }, LogicInterasteroidSender = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICDUPLICANTSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICINTERASTEROIDSENDER.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICINTERASTEROIDSENDER.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicInterasteroidSender", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "AdvancedScanners", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TRANSMISSIONS.NAME", }, LogicLightSensor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICLIGHTSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICLIGHTSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicLightSensor", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, { amount = 25.0, name = "Transparent", }, }, tech = "GenericSensors", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, LogicMemory = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICMEMORY.SET_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICMEMORY.SET_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.RESET_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, displayCustomName = true, }, { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICMEMORY.RESET_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICMEMORY.RESET_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.RESET_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, displayCustomName = true, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICMEMORY.READ_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICMEMORY.READ_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICMEMORY.READ_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = true, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicMemory", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "DupeTrafficControl", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LOGICGATES.NAME", }, LogicPowerRelay = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICPOWERRELAY.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICPOWERRELAY.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICPOWERRELAY.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicPowerRelay", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "AdvancedPowerRegulation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SWITCHES.NAME", }, LogicPressureSensorGas = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICPRESSURESENSORGAS.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICPRESSURESENSORGAS.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicPressureSensorGas", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "ImprovedGasPiping", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, LogicPressureSensorLiquid = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICPRESSURESENSORLIQUID.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICPRESSURESENSORLIQUID.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicPressureSensorLiquid", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "ImprovedLiquidPiping", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, LogicRadiationSensor = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRADIATIONSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRADIATIONSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicRadiationSensor", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "MedicineIV", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, LogicRibbonBridge = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 9, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICWIREBRIDGE.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRIBBONBRIDGE.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRIBBONBRIDGE.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICWIREBRIDGE.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRIBBONBRIDGE.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRIBBONBRIDGE.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicRibbonBridge", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "ParallelAutomation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WIRES.NAME", }, LogicRibbon = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = true, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicRibbon", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "ParallelAutomation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WIRES.NAME", }, LogicRibbonReader = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRIBBONREADER.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRIBBONREADER.INPUT_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRIBBONREADER.INPUT_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRIBBONREADER.LOGIC_PORT_OUTPUT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRIBBONREADER.OUTPUT_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRIBBONREADER.OUTPUT_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicRibbonReader", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "ParallelAutomation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WIRES.NAME", }, LogicRibbonWriter = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRIBBONWRITER.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRIBBONWRITER.INPUT_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRIBBONWRITER.INPUT_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRIBBONWRITER.LOGIC_PORT_OUTPUT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRIBBONWRITER.OUTPUT_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRIBBONWRITER.OUTPUT_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 5, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicRibbonWriter", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "ParallelAutomation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WIRES.NAME", }, LogicSwitch = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICSWITCH.SIDESCREEN_TITLE", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICSWITCH.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICSWITCH.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicSwitch", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "LogicControl", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SWITCHES.NAME", }, LogicTemperatureSensor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICTEMPERATURESENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICTEMPERATURESENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicTemperatureSensor", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "HVAC", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, LogicTimeOfDaySensor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICTIMEOFDAYSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICTIMEOFDAYSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicTimeOfDaySensor", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "GenericSensors", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, LogicTimerSensor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICTIMERSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICTIMERSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICTIMERSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicTimerSensor", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "GenericSensors", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, LogicWattageSensor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICWATTAGESENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICWATTAGESENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicWattageSensor", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "AdvancedPowerRegulation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "OverlayFrontLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, LogicWireBridge = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 1.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 9, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICWIREBRIDGE.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRIBBONBRIDGE.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRIBBONBRIDGE.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICWIREBRIDGE.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRIBBONBRIDGE.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.LOGICRIBBONBRIDGE.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicWireBridge", ingredients = { { amount = 5.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "LogicControl", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WIRES.NAME", }, LogicWire = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 1.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = true, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LogicWire", ingredients = { { amount = 5.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "LogicControl", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATION.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WIRES.NAME", }, LonelyMinionHouse = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 480.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 6, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = false, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -25.0, BaseDecorRadius = 6.0, id = "LonelyMinionHouse", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 250000.0, storageFilters = { "Alloy", "RefinedMetal", "Metal", "BuildableRaw", "BuildableProcessed", "Farmable", "Organics", "Compostable", "Seed", "Agriculture", "Filter", "ConsumableOre", "Sublimating", "Liquifiable", "IndustrialProduct", "IndustrialIngredient", "MedicalSupplies", "Clothes", "ManufacturedMaterial", "Egg", "RareMaterials", "Other", "StoryTraitResource", "Dehydrated", "ChargedPortableBattery", "BionicUpgrade", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, LonelyMailBox = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "LonelyMailBox", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, LuxuryBed = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "LuxuryBed", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "Luxury", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "BedType", "LuxuryBedType", }, effects = { { duration = 0.0, showInUI = false, isBad = false, stompGroup = "", stompPriority = 0, SelfModifiers = { { AttributeId = "StaminaDelta", Value = 0.333333343, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "Percent", DeltaTimeSlice = "PerCycle", }, }, }, Id = "LuxuryBedStamina", Disabled = false, }, { duration = 0.0, showInUI = true, isBad = false, stompGroup = "", stompPriority = 0, SelfModifiers = { { AttributeId = "HitPointsDelta", Value = 0.0416666679, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleInteger", DeltaTimeSlice = "PerCycle", }, }, }, Id = "BedHealth", Disabled = false, }, }, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "BedType", "LuxuryBedType", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.BEDS.NAME", }, MachineShop = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "MachineShop", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "MachineShopType", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", "MachineShopType", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, ManualGenerator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 400.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 400.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ManualGenerator", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "GeneratorType", "LightDutyGeneratorType", "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "GeneratorType", "LightDutyGeneratorType", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.GENERATORS.NAME", }, ManualHighEnergyParticleSpawner = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = true, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "ManualHighEnergyParticleSpawner", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "NuclearResearch", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "ManualHighEnergyParticleSpawner", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "UraniumOre", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.5, element = "DepletedUranium", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "ManualHighEnergyParticleSpawner", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "EnrichedUranium", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.8, element = "DepletedUranium", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HEP.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PRODUCERS.NAME", }, ManualPressureDoor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 200.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 1, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "ManualPressureDoor", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "PressureManagement", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DOORS.NAME", }, MarbleSculpture = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 20.0, BaseDecorRadius = 8.0, id = "MarbleSculpture", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "PreciousRock", }, }, tech = "RenaissanceArt", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Decoration", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Decoration", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, MassageTable = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.125, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "MassageTable", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 1, requiredRoomType = "MassageClinic", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "MassageTableComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.MASSAGE_CLINIC.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "DeStressingBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeStressingBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.MEDICAL.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WELLNESS.NAME", }, MassiveHeatSink = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = -16.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = -64.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "MassiveHeatSink", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "BuildableAny", "Solid", "RefinedMetal", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "MassiveHeatSink", input = { { amount = 0.01, element = "Hydrogen", }, }, output = {}, workTime = 1, }, }, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, MechanicalSurfboard = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 480.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "MechanicalSurfboard", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "FlowRedirection", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 1, requiredRoomType = "RecRoom", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "MechanicalSurfboardComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.REC_ROOM.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "RecBuilding", }, effects = { { duration = 2370.0, showInUI = false, isBad = false, stompGroup = "", stompPriority = 0, SelfModifiers = { { AttributeId = "QualityOfLife", Value = 2.0, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleInteger", DeltaTimeSlice = "None", }, }, }, Id = "MechanicalSurfboard", Disabled = false, }, }, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RecBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RECREATION.NAME", }, MedicalCot = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "MedicalCot", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 3, requiredRoomType = "Hospital", customStatusItemID = "ClinicOutsideHospital", enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "MedicalCotComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.HOSPITAL.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Clinic", "BedType", }, effects = { { duration = 0.0, showInUI = true, isBad = false, stompGroup = "", stompPriority = 0, SelfModifiers = { { AttributeId = "HitPointsDelta", Value = 0.0833333358, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleInteger", DeltaTimeSlice = "PerCycle", }, }, { AttributeId = "StressDelta", Value = -0.0166666675, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "Percent", DeltaTimeSlice = "PerCycle", }, }, { AttributeId = "BreathDelta", Value = 1.0, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "Percent", DeltaTimeSlice = "PerSecond", }, }, }, Id = "MedicalCot", Disabled = false, }, { duration = 300.0, showInUI = true, isBad = false, stompGroup = "", stompPriority = 0, SelfModifiers = { { AttributeId = "HitPointsDelta", Value = 0.125, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleInteger", DeltaTimeSlice = "PerCycle", }, }, { AttributeId = "DoctoredLevel", Value = 1.0, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleFloat", DeltaTimeSlice = "None", }, }, { AttributeId = "StressDelta", Value = -0.0333333351, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "Percent", DeltaTimeSlice = "PerCycle", }, }, { AttributeId = "BreathDelta", Value = 1.0, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "Percent", DeltaTimeSlice = "PerSecond", }, }, }, Id = "MedicalCotDoctored", Disabled = false, }, }, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Clinic", "BedType", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.MEDICAL.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.MEDICAL.NAME", }, MegaBrainTank = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 7, HeightInCells = 7, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -20.0, BaseDecorRadius = 5.0, id = "MegaBrainTank", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "Gravitas", "Metal", "RefinedMetal", "BuildableAny", "Solid", "ManufacturedMaterial", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "MegaBrainTank", input = { { amount = 0.5, element = "Oxygen", }, { amount = 0.0166666675, element = "DreamJournal", }, }, output = {}, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.GRAVITAS.NAME", subCategory = nil, }, MercuryCeilingLight = { RequiredDlcIds = { "DLC2_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 3, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "MercuryCeilingLight", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "PrecisionPlumbing", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "LightSource", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "LightSource", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LIGHTS.NAME", }, MeshTile = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Ladders", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "MeshTile", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SanitationSciences", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "FloorTiles", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TILES.NAME", }, MetalRefinery = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 1200.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 16.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "MetalRefinery", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "Smelting", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "MetalRefinery", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Cuprite", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Copper", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "MetalRefinery", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Cobaltite", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Cobalt", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "MetalRefinery", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Wolframite", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Tungsten", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "MetalRefinery", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Electrum", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Gold", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "MetalRefinery", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "AluminumOre", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Aluminum", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "MetalRefinery", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "GoldAmalgam", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Gold", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "MetalRefinery", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "TempConductorSolid", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Niobium", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "MetalRefinery", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "IronOre", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Iron", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "MetalRefinery", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Cinnabar", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Mercury", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "MetalRefinery", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "FoolsGold", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Iron", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "MetalRefinery", input = { { amount = 70.0, element = "Iron", }, { amount = 20.0, element = "RefinedCarbon", }, { amount = 10.0, element = "Lime", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Steel", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.REFINING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.MATERIALS.NAME", }, MetalSculpture = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 20.0, BaseDecorRadius = 8.0, id = "MetalSculpture", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "RefractiveDecor", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Decoration", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Decoration", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, MetalTile = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Ladders", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "MetalTile", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "Smelting", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "FloorTiles", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TILES.NAME", }, MethaneGenerator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 800.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 800.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 8.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "MethaneGenerator", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "ImprovedCombustion", requiredGrantSkill = "STRINGS.DUPLICANTS.ROLES.POWER_TECHNICIAN.NAME", roomTracker = { requirement = 0, requiredRoomType = "PowerPlant", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "MethaneGeneratorComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.POWER_PLANT.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", "PowerBuilding", "GeneratorType", "HeavyDutyGeneratorType", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "PowerBuilding", "GeneratorType", "HeavyDutyGeneratorType", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "MethaneGenerator", input = { { amount = 0.09, element = "Methane", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.0675, minTemperature = 313.15, element = "DirtyWater", }, { amount = 0.0225, minTemperature = 383.15, element = "CarbonDioxide", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.GENERATORS.NAME", }, MicrobeMusher = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "MicrobeMusher", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "MicrobeMusher", input = { { amount = 75.0, element = "Dirt", }, { amount = 75.0, element = "Water", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "MushBar", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "MicrobeMusher", input = { { amount = 2.0, element = "BasicPlantFood", }, { amount = 50.0, element = "Water", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "BasicPlantBar", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "MicrobeMusher", input = { { amount = 6.0, element = "BeanPlantSeed", }, { amount = 50.0, element = "Water", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Tofu", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "MicrobeMusher", input = { { amount = 5.0, element = "ColdWheatSeed", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "PrickleFruit", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "FruitCake", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, { fabricator = "MicrobeMusher", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Meat", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "Tallow", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Pemmican", }, }, workTime = 50.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.COOKING.NAME", }, MilkFatSeparator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 480.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 8.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "MilkFatSeparator", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "DairyOperation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "MilkFatSeparator", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Milk", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.0899999961, element = "MilkFat", }, { amount = 0.809999943, element = "Brine", }, { amount = 0.100000024, minTemperature = 348.15, element = "CarbonDioxide", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.REFINING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ORGANIC.NAME", }, MilkFeeder = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "MilkFeeder", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "DairyOperation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 2, requiredRoomType = "CreaturePen", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "MilkFeederComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.CREATUREPEN.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "RanchStationType", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RanchStationType", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RANCHING.NAME", }, MilkPress = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "MilkPress", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "FoodRepurposing", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "MilkPress", input = { { amount = 10.0, element = "ColdWheatSeed", }, { amount = 15.0, element = "Water", }, }, output = { { amount = 20.0, element = "Milk", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "MilkPress", input = { { amount = 3.0, element = "SpiceNut", }, { amount = 17.0, element = "Water", }, }, output = { { amount = 20.0, element = "Milk", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "MilkPress", input = { { amount = 2.0, element = "BeanPlantSeed", }, { amount = 18.0, element = "Water", }, }, output = { { amount = 20.0, element = "Milk", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "MilkPress", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "SlimeMold", }, }, output = { { amount = 70.0, element = "PhytoOil", }, { amount = 30.0, element = "Dirt", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.REFINING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ORGANIC.NAME", }, MilkingStation = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "MilkingStation", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, { amount = 200.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "DairyOperation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 2, requiredRoomType = "CreaturePen", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "MilkingStationComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.CREATUREPEN.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "RanchStationType", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RanchStationType", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RANCHING.NAME", }, MineralDeoxidizer = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "MineralDeoxidizer", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "MineralDeoxidizer", input = { { amount = 0.55, element = "Algae", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.5, minTemperature = 303.15, element = "Oxygen", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.OXYGEN.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PRODUCERS.NAME", }, MissileLauncher = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 250, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "MissileLauncher", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Jetpacks", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 300.0, storageFilters = { "MissileBasic", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.MISSILES.NAME", }, MissileFabricator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 960.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 8.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 250, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "MissileFabricator", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "Jetpacks", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "MissileFabricator", input = { { amount = 25.0, element = "Iron", }, { amount = 50.0, element = "Petroleum", }, }, output = { { amount = 5.0, element = "MissileBasic", }, }, workTime = 80.0, }, { fabricator = "MissileFabricator", input = { { amount = 25.0, element = "Copper", }, { amount = 50.0, element = "Petroleum", }, }, output = { { amount = 5.0, element = "MissileBasic", }, }, workTime = 80.0, }, { fabricator = "MissileFabricator", input = { { amount = 25.0, element = "Aluminum", }, { amount = 50.0, element = "Petroleum", }, }, output = { { amount = 5.0, element = "MissileBasic", }, }, workTime = 80.0, }, { fabricator = "MissileFabricator", input = { { amount = 25.0, element = "Cobalt", }, { amount = 50.0, element = "Petroleum", }, }, output = { { amount = 5.0, element = "MissileBasic", }, }, workTime = 80.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.METEORDEFENSE.NAME", }, MissionControlCluster = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 960.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "MissionControlCluster", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "HydrocarbonPropulsion", requiredGrantSkill = "STRINGS.DUPLICANTS.ROLES.SENIOR_RESEARCHER.NAME", roomTracker = { requirement = 2, requiredRoomType = "Laboratory", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "MissionControlClusterComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.LABORATORY.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "ScienceBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "ScienceBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETNAV.NAME", }, ModularLaunchpadPortBridge = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ModularLaunchpadPortBridge", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "RefinedObjects", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "ModularConduitPort", "NotRocketInteriorBuilding", "ModularLaunchpadPort", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETSTRUCTURES.NAME", }, ModularLaunchpadPortGas = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.25, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ModularLaunchpadPortGas", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "SpaceGas", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "ModularLaunchpadPort", "ModularConduitPort", "NotRocketInteriorBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.BUILDMENUPORTS.NAME", }, ModularLaunchpadPortGasUnloader = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.25, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ModularLaunchpadPortGasUnloader", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "SpaceGas", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 1.0, storageFilters = { "Breathable", "Unbreathable", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "ModularLaunchpadPort", "ModularConduitPort", "NotRocketInteriorBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HVAC.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.BUILDMENUPORTS.NAME", }, ModularLaunchpadPortLiquid = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.25, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ModularLaunchpadPortLiquid", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "FlowRedirection", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "ModularLaunchpadPort", "ModularConduitPort", "NotRocketInteriorBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.BUILDMENUPORTS.NAME", }, ModularLaunchpadPortLiquidUnloader = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.25, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ModularLaunchpadPortLiquidUnloader", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "FlowRedirection", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 10.0, storageFilters = { "Liquid", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "ModularLaunchpadPort", "ModularConduitPort", "NotRocketInteriorBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.BUILDMENUPORTS.NAME", }, ModularLaunchpadPortSolid = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.25, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ModularLaunchpadPortSolid", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "SolidSpace", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "ModularLaunchpadPort", "ModularConduitPort", "NotRocketInteriorBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.BUILDMENUPORTS.NAME", }, ModularLaunchpadPortSolidUnloader = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.25, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ModularLaunchpadPortSolidUnloader", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "SolidSpace", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 20.0, storageFilters = { "Alloy", "RefinedMetal", "Metal", "BuildableRaw", "BuildableProcessed", "Farmable", "Organics", "Compostable", "Seed", "Agriculture", "Filter", "ConsumableOre", "Sublimating", "Liquifiable", "IndustrialProduct", "IndustrialIngredient", "MedicalSupplies", "Clothes", "ManufacturedMaterial", "Egg", "RareMaterials", "Other", "StoryTraitResource", "Dehydrated", "ChargedPortableBattery", "BionicUpgrade", "Medicine", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "ModularLaunchpadPort", "ModularConduitPort", "NotRocketInteriorBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.BUILDMENUPORTS.NAME", }, MonumentBottom = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 1500.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "MonumentBottom", BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 5.0, id = "MonumentBottom", ingredients = { { amount = 7500.0, name = "Steel", }, { amount = 2500.0, name = "Obsidian", }, }, tech = "Monuments", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, MonumentMiddle = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 500.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 12, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "MonumentMiddle", BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 5.0, id = "MonumentMiddle", ingredients = { { amount = 2500.0, name = "Ceramic", }, { amount = 2500.0, name = "Polypropylene", }, { amount = 5000.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = "Monuments", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, MonumentTop = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 500.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 12, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "MonumentTop", BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 5.0, id = "MonumentTop", ingredients = { { amount = 2500.0, name = "Glass", }, { amount = 2500.0, name = "Diamond", }, { amount = 5000.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = "Monuments", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, MorbRoverMaker = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 250, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "MorbRoverMaker", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 20000.0, storageFilters = { "Breathable", "Unbreathable", "Steel", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Gravitas", "Metal", "RefinedMetal", "BuildableAny", "Solid", "ManufacturedMaterial", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.GRAVITAS.NAME", subCategory = nil, }, MouldingTile = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "MouldingTile", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, NoseconeBasic = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "NoseconeBasic", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, { amount = 200.0, name = "Insulator", }, }, tech = "DurableLifeSupport", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 2.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "NoseRocketModule", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, NoseconeHarvest = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "NoseconeHarvest", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, { amount = 200.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "HighVelocityDestruction", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 2.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "NoseRocketModule", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, NuclearReactor = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 480.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 6, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.NUCLEARREACTOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.NUCLEARREACTOR.INPUT_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.NUCLEARREACTOR.INPUT_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = true, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "NuclearReactor", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "NuclearRefinement", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "CorrosionProof", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HEP.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PRODUCERS.NAME", }, NuclearResearchCenter = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.HEPENGINE.LOGIC_PORT_STORAGE", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.HEPBATTERY.LOGIC_PORT_STORAGE_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = true, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "NuclearResearchCenter", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "NuclearResearch", requiredGrantSkill = "STRINGS.DUPLICANTS.ROLES.NUCLEAR_RESEARCHER.NAME", roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "ScienceBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "ScienceBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RESEARCH.NAME", }, ObjectDispenser = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.125, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.OBJECTDISPENSER.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.OBJECTDISPENSER.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.OBJECTDISPENSER.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "ObjectDispenser", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SmartStorage", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 20000.0, storageFilters = { "Alloy", "RefinedMetal", "Metal", "BuildableRaw", "BuildableProcessed", "Farmable", "Organics", "Compostable", "Seed", "Agriculture", "Filter", "ConsumableOre", "Sublimating", "Liquifiable", "IndustrialProduct", "IndustrialIngredient", "MedicalSupplies", "Clothes", "ManufacturedMaterial", "Egg", "RareMaterials", "Other", "StoryTraitResource", "Dehydrated", "ChargedPortableBattery", "BionicUpgrade", "Medicine", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.STORAGE.NAME", }, OilChanger = { RequiredDlcIds = { "DLC3_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.25, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "OilChanger", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "AdvancedFiltration", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "BionicUpkeep", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "BionicUpkeep", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.MEDICAL.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WELLNESS.NAME", }, OilRefinery = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 480.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 8.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "OilRefinery", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "ImprovedCombustion", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "OilRefinery", input = { { amount = 10.0, element = "CrudeOil", }, }, output = { { amount = 5.0, minTemperature = 348.15, element = "Petroleum", }, { amount = 0.09, minTemperature = 348.15, element = "Methane", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.REFINING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.OIL.NAME", }, OilWellCap = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 12, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "OilWell", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "OilWellCap", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "Plastics", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "OilWellCap", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Water", }, }, output = { { amount = 3.33333325, minTemperature = 363.15, element = "CrudeOil", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.UTILITIES.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.OIL.NAME", }, OrbitalCargoModule = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "OrbitalCargoModule", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SpaceProgram", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 4.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 6000.0, storageFilters = { "Alloy", "RefinedMetal", "Metal", "BuildableRaw", "BuildableProcessed", "Farmable", "Organics", "Compostable", "Seed", "Agriculture", "Filter", "ConsumableOre", "Sublimating", "Liquifiable", "IndustrialProduct", "IndustrialIngredient", "MedicalSupplies", "Clothes", "ManufacturedMaterial", "Egg", "RareMaterials", "Other", "StoryTraitResource", "Dehydrated", "ChargedPortableBattery", "BionicUpgrade", "Medicine", "Edible", "CookingIngredient", "Medicine", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, OrbitalResearchCenter = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.125, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "OrbitalResearchCenter", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "CrashPlan", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "ScienceBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "ScienceBuilding", "RocketInteriorBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "OrbitalResearchCenter", input = { { amount = 5.0, element = "Polypropylene", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "OrbitalResearchDatabank", }, }, workTime = 33.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RESEARCH.NAME", }, OreScrubber = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "OreScrubber", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "LiquidFiltering", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.UTILITIES.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SANITATION.NAME", }, Outhouse = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.25, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -20.0, BaseDecorRadius = 5.0, id = "Outhouse", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "BuildableRaw&BuildingWood", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "ToiletType", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "ToiletType", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WASHROOM.NAME", }, OxidizerTankCluster = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "OxidizerTankCluster", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = "GasDistribution", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 5.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, OxidizerTankLiquidCluster = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "OxidizerTankLiquidCluster", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = "CryoFuelPropulsion", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 5.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 450.0, storageFilters = { "LiquidOxygen", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, OxygenMaskLocker = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "OxygenMaskLocker", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "PortableGasses", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", }, OxygenMaskMarker = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "OxygenMaskMarker", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "PortableGasses", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "JetSuitBlocker", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", }, OxygenMaskStation = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "OxygenMaskStation", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 45.0, storageFilters = { "Metal", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, OxyliteRefinery = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 1200.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 8.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 480.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "OxyliteRefinery", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, { amount = 100.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "Catalytics", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "OxyliteRefinery", input = { { amount = 0.6, element = "Oxygen", }, { amount = 0.003, element = "Gold", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.6, minTemperature = 303.15, element = "OxyRock", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.REFINING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ADVANCED.NAME", }, Oxysconce = { RequiredDlcIds = { "DLC2_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "Oxysconce", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "PortableGasses", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.OXYGEN.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PRODUCERS.NAME", }, POIBunkerExteriorDoor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = false, Repairable = false, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "POIBunkerExteriorDoor", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, POIDlc2ShowroomDoor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = false, Repairable = false, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 1, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "POIDlc2ShowroomDoor", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Metal", "RefinedMetal", "BuildableAny", "Solid", "ManufacturedMaterial", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, POIDoorInternal = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 100.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.DOOR.LOGIC_OPEN", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.DOOR.LOGIC_OPEN_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.DOOR.LOGIC_OPEN_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 1, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "POIDoorInternal", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Gravitas", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.GRAVITAS.NAME", subCategory = nil, }, POIFacilityDoor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = false, Repairable = false, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 1, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "POIFacilityDoor", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Metal", "RefinedMetal", "BuildableAny", "Solid", "ManufacturedMaterial", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, ParkSign = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ParkSign", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "BuildableAny", }, }, tech = "Agriculture", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Park", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Park", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, PetroleumGenerator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 2000.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 2000.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 16.0, ConstructionTime = 480.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "PetroleumGenerator", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "ImprovedCombustion", requiredGrantSkill = "STRINGS.DUPLICANTS.ROLES.POWER_TECHNICIAN.NAME", roomTracker = { requirement = 0, requiredRoomType = "PowerPlant", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "PetroleumGeneratorComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.POWER_PLANT.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", "PowerBuilding", "GeneratorType", "HeavyDutyGeneratorType", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "PowerBuilding", "GeneratorType", "HeavyDutyGeneratorType", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "PetroleumGenerator", input = { { amount = 2.0, element = "CombustibleLiquid", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.5, minTemperature = 383.15, element = "CarbonDioxide", }, { amount = 0.75, minTemperature = 313.15, element = "DirtyWater", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.GENERATORS.NAME", }, Phonobox = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 960.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "Phonobox", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Acoustics", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 1, requiredRoomType = "RecRoom", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "PhonoboxComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.REC_ROOM.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "RecBuilding", }, effects = { { duration = 2370.0, showInUI = false, isBad = false, stompGroup = "", stompPriority = 0, SelfModifiers = { { AttributeId = "QualityOfLife", Value = 2.0, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleInteger", DeltaTimeSlice = "None", }, }, }, Id = "Danced", Disabled = false, }, }, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RecBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RECREATION.NAME", }, PioneerModule = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "PioneerModule", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "CrashPlan", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 4.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, PixelPack = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 10.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = false, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 7, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.PIXELPACK.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.PIXELPACK.INPUT_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.PIXELPACK.INPUT_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 20.0, BaseDecorRadius = 4.0, id = "PixelPack", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Glass", }, { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "Screens", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Backwall", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, PlanterBox = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "PlanterBox", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Farmable", }, }, tech = "FarmingTech", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.FARMING.NAME", }, PlasticTile = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Ladders", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "PlasticTile", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "Luxury", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "FloorTiles", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TILES.NAME", }, Polymerizer = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 32.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "Polymerizer", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Plastics", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "Polymerizer", input = { { amount = 0.8333333, element = "PlastifiableLiquid", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.5, minTemperature = 348.15, element = "Polypropylene", }, { amount = 0.008333334, minTemperature = 473.15, element = "Steam", }, { amount = 0.008333334, minTemperature = 423.15, element = "CarbonDioxide", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.REFINING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.OIL.NAME", }, PowerControlStation = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "PowerControlStation", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "Acoustics", requiredGrantSkill = "STRINGS.DUPLICANTS.ROLES.POWER_TECHNICIAN.NAME", roomTracker = { requirement = 2, requiredRoomType = "PowerPlant", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "PowerControlStationComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.POWER_PLANT.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", "PowerBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 50.0, storageFilters = { "RefinedMetal", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "PowerBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.INDUSTRIALSTATION.NAME", }, PowerTransformer = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 4000.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 4000.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "PowerTransformer", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "PrettyGoodConductors", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", "PowerBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = { capacity = 4000.0, joulesLostPerSecond = 0.0, powerSortOrder = 1000, connectedTags = { { Name = "Operational", IsValid = true, }, }, }, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "PowerBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.POWERCONTROL.NAME", }, PowerTransformerSmall = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 1000.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 1000.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "PowerTransformerSmall", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "AdvancedPowerRegulation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", "PowerBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = { capacity = 1000.0, joulesLostPerSecond = 0.0, powerSortOrder = 1000, connectedTags = { { Name = "Operational", IsValid = true, }, }, }, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "PowerBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.POWERCONTROL.NAME", }, PressureDoor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 400.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.DOOR.LOGIC_OPEN", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.DOOR.LOGIC_OPEN_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.DOOR.LOGIC_OPEN_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 1, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "PressureDoor", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "DirectedAirStreams", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DOORS.NAME", }, PressureSwitchGas = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "PressureSwitchGas", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SWITCHES.NAME", }, PressureSwitchLiquid = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "PressureSwitchLiquid", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SWITCHES.NAME", }, PropGravitasLabWall = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 7, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 1, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "PropGravitasLabWall", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "BuildableAny", "Transparent", "Solid", "ManufacturedMaterial", "Gravitas", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.GRAVITAS.NAME", subCategory = nil, }, PropGravitasLabWindow = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 1.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 7, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "PropGravitasLabWindow", ingredients = { { amount = 5.0, name = "Glass", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "BuildableAny", "Transparent", "Solid", "ManufacturedMaterial", "Gravitas", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.GRAVITAS.NAME", subCategory = nil, }, PropGravitasLabWindowHorizontal = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 1.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 7, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "PropGravitasLabWindowHorizontal", ingredients = { { amount = 5.0, name = "Glass", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "BuildableAny", "Transparent", "Solid", "ManufacturedMaterial", "Gravitas", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.GRAVITAS.NAME", subCategory = nil, }, PropGravitasWall = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 7, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "PropGravitasWall", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Plumbable", "Crushable", "BuildableAny", "PreciousRock", "Solid", "BuildableRaw", "Gravitas", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.GRAVITAS.NAME", subCategory = nil, }, PropGravitasWallPurple = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 7, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "PropGravitasWallPurple", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Plumbable", "Crushable", "BuildableAny", "PreciousRock", "Solid", "BuildableRaw", "Gravitas", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.GRAVITAS.NAME", subCategory = nil, }, PropGravitasWallPurpleWhiteDiagonal = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 7, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "PropGravitasWallPurpleWhiteDiagonal", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Plumbable", "Crushable", "BuildableAny", "PreciousRock", "Solid", "BuildableRaw", "Gravitas", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.GRAVITAS.NAME", subCategory = nil, }, RadiationLight = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 4, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "RadiationLight", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Agriculture", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "RadiationLight", input = { { amount = 0.0166666675, element = "UraniumOre", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.008333334, element = "DepletedUranium", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HEP.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PRODUCERS.NAME", }, RailGun = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 6, HitPoints = 250, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.RAILGUN.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.RAILGUN.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.RAILGUN.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.HEPENGINE.LOGIC_PORT_STORAGE", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.HEPBATTERY.LOGIC_PORT_STORAGE_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = true, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "RailGun", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "HighVelocityTransport", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 1200.0, storageFilters = { "Alloy", "RefinedMetal", "Metal", "BuildableRaw", "BuildableProcessed", "Farmable", "Organics", "Compostable", "Seed", "Agriculture", "Filter", "ConsumableOre", "Sublimating", "Liquifiable", "IndustrialProduct", "IndustrialIngredient", "MedicalSupplies", "Clothes", "ManufacturedMaterial", "Egg", "RareMaterials", "Other", "StoryTraitResource", "Dehydrated", "ChargedPortableBattery", "BionicUpgrade", "Medicine", "Breathable", "Unbreathable", "Edible", "CookingIngredient", "Medicine", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.FITTINGS.NAME", }, RailGunPayloadOpener = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 250, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "RailGunPayloadOpener", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "RoboticTools", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 10.0, storageFilters = { "RailGunPayloadEmptyable", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.FITTINGS.NAME", }, RanchStation = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "RanchStation", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Ranching", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 2, requiredRoomType = "CreaturePen", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "RanchStationComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.CREATUREPEN.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "RanchStationType", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RanchStationType", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RANCHING.NAME", }, RationBox = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "RationBox", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "FarmingTech", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 150.0, storageFilters = { "Edible", "CookingIngredient", "Medicine", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.STORAGE.NAME", }, Refrigerator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.125, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = false, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.REFRIGERATOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.REFRIGERATOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "Refrigerator", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "Agriculture", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = false, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 100.0, storageFilters = { "Edible", "CookingIngredient", "Medicine", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.STORAGE.NAME", }, RemoteWorkTerminal = { RequiredDlcIds = { "DLC3_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "RemoteWorkTerminal", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "DataScience", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "RemoteWorkTerminal", input = { { amount = 0.0133333337, element = "OrbitalResearchDatabank", }, }, output = {}, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.OPERATIONS.NAME", }, RemoteWorkerDock = { RequiredDlcIds = { "DLC3_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "RemoteWorkerDock", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "DataScience", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.OPERATIONS.NAME", }, ResearchCenter = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.125, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ResearchCenter", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "ScienceBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "ScienceBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "ResearchCenter", input = { { amount = 1.11111116, element = "Dirt", }, }, output = {}, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RESEARCH.NAME", }, ResetSkillsStation = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 480.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ResetSkillsStation", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "AdvancedResearch", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "NotRoomAssignable", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.INDUSTRIALSTATION.NAME", }, RoboPilotModule = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", "DLC3_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "RoboPilotModule", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = "RoboticTools", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 4.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "LaunchButtonRocketModule", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, RockCrusher = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 16.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "RockCrusher", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "BasicRefinement", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "SuperInsulator", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Sand", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Ceramic", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Sand", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Obsidian", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Sand", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "IgneousRock", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Sand", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Granite", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Sand", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "SedimentaryRock", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Sand", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "SandStone", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Sand", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Cuprite", }, }, output = { { amount = 50.0, element = "Copper", }, { amount = 50.0, element = "Sand", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Cobaltite", }, }, output = { { amount = 50.0, element = "Cobalt", }, { amount = 50.0, element = "Sand", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Wolframite", }, }, output = { { amount = 50.0, element = "Tungsten", }, { amount = 50.0, element = "Sand", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Electrum", }, }, output = { { amount = 50.0, element = "Gold", }, { amount = 50.0, element = "Sand", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "AluminumOre", }, }, output = { { amount = 50.0, element = "Aluminum", }, { amount = 50.0, element = "Sand", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "GoldAmalgam", }, }, output = { { amount = 50.0, element = "Gold", }, { amount = 50.0, element = "Sand", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "TempConductorSolid", }, }, output = { { amount = 50.0, element = "Niobium", }, { amount = 50.0, element = "Sand", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "IronOre", }, }, output = { { amount = 50.0, element = "Iron", }, { amount = 50.0, element = "Sand", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Cinnabar", }, }, output = { { amount = 50.0, element = "Mercury", }, { amount = 50.0, element = "Sand", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "FoolsGold", }, }, output = { { amount = 50.0, element = "Iron", }, { amount = 50.0, element = "Sand", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 5.0, element = "EggShell", }, }, output = { { amount = 5.0, element = "Lime", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "BabyCrabShell", }, }, output = { { amount = 5.0, element = "Lime", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "CrabShell", }, }, output = { { amount = 10.0, element = "Lime", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "BabyCrabWoodShell", }, }, output = { { amount = 10.0, element = "WoodLog", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 5.0, element = "CrabWoodShell", }, }, output = { { amount = 500.0, element = "WoodLog", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Fossil", }, }, output = { { amount = 5.0, element = "Lime", }, { amount = 95.0, element = "SedimentaryRock", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "GarbageElectrobank", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Katairite", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Salt", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.005, element = "TableSalt", }, { amount = 99.995, element = "Sand", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Fullerene", }, }, output = { { amount = 90.0, element = "Graphite", }, { amount = 10.0000019, element = "Sand", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 120.0, element = "IceBellyPoop", }, }, output = { { amount = 32.004, element = "Phosphorite", }, { amount = 87.996, element = "Clay", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "RockCrusher", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "GoldBellyCrown", }, }, output = { { amount = 250.0, element = "GoldAmalgam", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.REFINING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.MATERIALS.NAME", }, RocketControlStation = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = false, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.ROCKETCONTROLSTATION.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.ROCKETCONTROLSTATION.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.ROCKETCONTROLSTATION.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "RocketControlStation", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SpaceProgram", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "RocketInterior", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RocketInteriorBuilding", "UniquePerWorld", "RocketInterior", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETNAV.NAME", }, RocketEnvelopeWindowTile = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = false, Invincible = true, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Ladders", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = true, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "RocketEnvelopeWindowTile", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Transparent", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Window", "Bunker", "FloorTiles", "NoRocketRefund", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, RocketInteriorGasInput = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 16, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "RocketInteriorGasInput", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "GasDistribution", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RocketInteriorBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.FITTINGS.NAME", }, RocketInteriorGasInputPort = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = false, Invincible = true, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "RocketInteriorGasInputPort", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Bunker", "FloorTiles", "NoRocketRefund", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, RocketInteriorGasOutput = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 16, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "RocketInteriorGasOutput", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "GasDistribution", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RocketInteriorBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.FITTINGS.NAME", }, RocketInteriorGasOutputPort = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = false, Invincible = true, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "RocketInteriorGasOutputPort", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Bunker", "FloorTiles", "NoRocketRefund", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, RocketInteriorLiquidInput = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 16, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "RocketInteriorLiquidInput", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "LiquidDistribution", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RocketInteriorBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.FITTINGS.NAME", }, RocketInteriorLiquidInputPort = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = false, Invincible = true, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "RocketInteriorLiquidInputPort", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Bunker", "FloorTiles", "NoRocketRefund", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, RocketInteriorLiquidOutput = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 16, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "RocketInteriorLiquidOutput", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "LiquidDistribution", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RocketInteriorBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.FITTINGS.NAME", }, RocketInteriorLiquidOutputPort = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = false, Invincible = true, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "RocketInteriorLiquidOutputPort", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Bunker", "FloorTiles", "NoRocketRefund", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, RocketInteriorPowerPlug = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 16, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "RocketInteriorPowerPlug", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SpacePower", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RocketInteriorBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.FITTINGS.NAME", }, RocketInteriorSolidInput = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 16, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "RocketInteriorSolidInput", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SolidSpace", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RocketInteriorBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.FITTINGS.NAME", }, RocketInteriorSolidOutput = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 16, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "RocketInteriorSolidOutput", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SolidSpace", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RocketInteriorBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.FITTINGS.NAME", }, RocketWallTile = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = false, Invincible = true, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Ladders", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = true, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "RocketWallTile", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Bunker", "FloorTiles", "RocketEnvelopeTile", "NoRocketRefund", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, RoleStation = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "RoleStation", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WORKSTATIONS.NAME", }, RustDeoxidizer = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.125, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "RustDeoxidizer", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "ImprovedOxygen", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "RustDeoxidizer", input = { { amount = 0.75, element = "Rust", }, { amount = 0.25, element = "Salt", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.57, minTemperature = 348.15, element = "Oxygen", }, { amount = 0.0299999714, minTemperature = 348.15, element = "ChlorineGas", }, { amount = 0.4, minTemperature = 348.15, element = "IronOre", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.OXYGEN.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PRODUCERS.NAME", }, Sauna = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "Sauna", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, { amount = 100.0, name = "BuildingWood", }, }, tech = "RenewableEnergy", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 1, requiredRoomType = "RecRoom", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "SaunaComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.REC_ROOM.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "RecBuilding", }, effects = { { duration = 2370.0, showInUI = false, isBad = false, stompGroup = "", stompPriority = 0, SelfModifiers = { { AttributeId = "QualityOfLife", Value = 2.0, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleInteger", DeltaTimeSlice = "None", }, }, }, Id = "Sauna", Disabled = false, }, }, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RecBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RECREATION.NAME", }, ScannerModule = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 70.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ScannerModule", ingredients = { { amount = 350.0, name = "Steel", }, { amount = 1000.0, name = "Polypropylene", }, }, tech = "AdvancedScanners", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 3.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, ScoutModule = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ScoutModule", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "ArtificialFriends", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 4.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, Sculpture = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 8.0, id = "Sculpture", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "FineArt", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Decoration", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Decoration", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, ShearingStation = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.125, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ShearingStation", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Ranching", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 2, requiredRoomType = "CreaturePen", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "ShearingStationComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.CREATUREPEN.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "RanchStationType", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RanchStationType", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RANCHING.NAME", }, Shower = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.25, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "Shower", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SanitationSciences", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "WashStation", "AdvancedWashStation", }, effects = { { duration = 540.0, showInUI = false, isBad = false, stompGroup = "Shower", stompPriority = 0, SelfModifiers = { { AttributeId = "QualityOfLife", Value = 3.0, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleInteger", DeltaTimeSlice = "None", }, }, }, Id = "Showered", Disabled = false, }, }, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "WashStation", "AdvancedWashStation", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "Shower", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Water", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "DirtyWater", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WASHROOM.NAME", }, SludgePress = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "SludgePress", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "AdvancedFiltration", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "SludgePress", input = { { amount = 150.0, element = "ToxicMud", }, }, output = { { amount = 60.0, element = "ToxicSand", }, { amount = 90.0, element = "DirtyWater", }, }, workTime = 20.0, }, { fabricator = "SludgePress", input = { { amount = 150.0, element = "Mud", }, }, output = { { amount = 60.0, element = "Dirt", }, { amount = 90.0, element = "Water", }, }, workTime = 20.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.REFINING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ORGANIC.NAME", }, SmallElectrobankDischarger = { RequiredDlcIds = { "DLC3_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 60.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 60.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.125, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 14, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "SmallElectrobankDischarger", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "PowerRegulation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 1.0, storageFilters = { "ChargedPortableBattery", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ELECTROBANKBUILDINGS.NAME", }, SmallOxidizerTank = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SmallOxidizerTank", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SpaceCombustion", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 2.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, SmallSculpture = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 4.0, id = "SmallSculpture", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "Artistry", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Decoration", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Decoration", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, SnowTile = { RequiredDlcIds = { "DLC2_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 6.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Ladders", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SnowTile", ingredients = { { amount = 30.0, name = "Snow", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "FloorTiles", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TILES.NAME", }, SodaFountain = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 480.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "SodaFountain", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "Catalytics", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 1, requiredRoomType = "RecRoom", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "SodaFountainComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.REC_ROOM.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "RecBuilding", }, effects = { { duration = 450.0, showInUI = false, isBad = false, stompGroup = "", stompPriority = 0, SelfModifiers = { { AttributeId = "QualityOfLife", Value = 4.0, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleInteger", DeltaTimeSlice = "None", }, }, { AttributeId = "Learning", Value = 1.0, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleInteger", DeltaTimeSlice = "None", }, }, }, Id = "SodaFountain", Disabled = false, }, }, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RecBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RECREATION.NAME", }, SolarPanel = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 380.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 380.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 7, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "SolarPanel", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Glass", }, }, tech = "RenewableEnergy", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", "PowerBuilding", "GeneratorType", "HeavyDutyGeneratorType", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "PowerBuilding", "GeneratorType", "HeavyDutyGeneratorType", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.GENERATORS.NAME", }, SolarPanelModule = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 60.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 60.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = true, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SolarPanelModule", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Glass", }, }, tech = "SpacePower", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 1.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, CargoBayCluster = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 200.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "CargoBayCluster", ingredients = { { amount = 1000.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = "SolidManagement", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 6.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 27000.0, storageFilters = { "Alloy", "RefinedMetal", "Metal", "BuildableRaw", "BuildableProcessed", "Farmable", "Organics", "Compostable", "Seed", "Agriculture", "Filter", "ConsumableOre", "Sublimating", "Liquifiable", "IndustrialProduct", "IndustrialIngredient", "MedicalSupplies", "Clothes", "ManufacturedMaterial", "Egg", "RareMaterials", "Other", "StoryTraitResource", "Dehydrated", "ChargedPortableBattery", "BionicUpgrade", "Medicine", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, SolidCargoBaySmall = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SolidCargoBaySmall", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "SolidSpace", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 4.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 12000.0, storageFilters = { "Alloy", "RefinedMetal", "Metal", "BuildableRaw", "BuildableProcessed", "Farmable", "Organics", "Compostable", "Seed", "Agriculture", "Filter", "ConsumableOre", "Sublimating", "Liquifiable", "IndustrialProduct", "IndustrialIngredient", "MedicalSupplies", "Clothes", "ManufacturedMaterial", "Egg", "RareMaterials", "Other", "StoryTraitResource", "Dehydrated", "ChargedPortableBattery", "BionicUpgrade", "Medicine", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, SolidConduitBridge = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 8, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SolidConduitBridge", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SolidTransport", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCESTRUCTURES.NAME", }, SolidConduit = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = true, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SolidConduit", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SolidTransport", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCESTRUCTURES.NAME", }, SolidConduitInbox = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "SolidConduitInbox", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "SolidTransport", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 1000.0, storageFilters = { "Alloy", "RefinedMetal", "Metal", "BuildableRaw", "BuildableProcessed", "Farmable", "Organics", "Compostable", "Seed", "Agriculture", "Filter", "ConsumableOre", "Sublimating", "Liquifiable", "IndustrialProduct", "IndustrialIngredient", "MedicalSupplies", "Clothes", "ManufacturedMaterial", "Egg", "RareMaterials", "Other", "StoryTraitResource", "Dehydrated", "ChargedPortableBattery", "BionicUpgrade", "Medicine", "Edible", "CookingIngredient", "Medicine", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCESTRUCTURES.NAME", }, SolidConduitOutbox = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "SolidConduitOutbox", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SolidSpace", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCESTRUCTURES.NAME", }, SolidConduitDiseaseSensor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.SOLIDCONDUITDISEASESENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.SOLIDCONDUITDISEASESENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SolidConduitDiseaseSensor", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, { amount = 50.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "SolidManagement", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, SolidConduitElementSensor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.SOLIDCONDUITELEMENTSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.SOLIDCONDUITELEMENTSENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SolidConduitElementSensor", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "SolidManagement", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, SolidConduitTemperatureSensor = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = true, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.SOLIDCONDUITTEMPERATURESENSOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.SOLIDCONDUITTEMPERATURESENSOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SolidConduitTemperatureSensor", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "SolidManagement", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SENSORS.NAME", }, SolidFilter = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SolidFilter", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SolidManagement", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCESTRUCTURES.NAME", }, SolidLimitValve = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 10.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.LOGIC_PORT_RESET", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.RESET_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.RESET_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = true, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.LOGIC_PORT_OUTPUT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.GASLIMITVALVE.OUTPUT_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SolidLimitValve", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, { amount = 50.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "SolidSpace", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.VALVES.NAME", }, SolidLogicValve = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 10.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.DOOR.LOGIC_OPEN", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.SOLIDLOGICVALVE.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.SOLIDLOGICVALVE.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SolidLogicValve", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "SolidSpace", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.VALVES.NAME", }, SolidTransferArm = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "SolidTransferArm", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "SmartStorage", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.AUTOMATED.NAME", }, SolidVent = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "SolidVent", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SolidTransport", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.CONVEYANCESTRUCTURES.NAME", }, SpaceHeater = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 398.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "SpaceHeater", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "TemperatureModulation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "WarmingStation", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "WarmingStation", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.UTILITIES.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TEMPERATURE.NAME", }, SpecialCargoBayCluster = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 12, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SpecialCargoBayCluster", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "DurableLifeSupport", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 1.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.0, enginePower = 0.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 20000.0, storageFilters = { "BagableCreature", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = false, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, SpiceGrinder = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SpiceGrinder", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "FoodRepurposing", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 2, requiredRoomType = "Kitchen", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "SpiceGrinderComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.KITCHEN.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "SpiceStation", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 1.0, storageFilters = { "Edible", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "SpiceStation", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.COOKING.NAME", }, StaterpillarGenerator = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 1600.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 1600.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 423.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 14, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 4, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "StaterpillarGenerator", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, StaterpillarGasConnector = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 423.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 14, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 4, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "StaterpillarGasConnector", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, StaterpillarLiquidConnector = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 423.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 14, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 4, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "StaterpillarLiquidConnector", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, SteamEngineCluster = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 600.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 600.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 7, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SteamEngineCluster", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "RenewableEnergy", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 15.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.025, enginePower = 27.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = { exhaustEmitRate = 50.0, exhaustTemperature = 422.5, explosionEffectHash = -31719612, exhaustElement = "Steam", fuelTag = "Steam", efficiency = 20.0, requireOxidizer = false, maxModules = 6, maxHeight = 25, mainEngine = true, exhaustDiseaseIdx = nil, exhaustDiseaseCount = 0, emitRadiation = false, }, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 150.0, storageFilters = { "Steam", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, SteamTurbine = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 2000.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 2000.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 800.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 1273.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SteamTurbine", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, { amount = 200.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.GENERATORS.NAME", }, SteamTurbine2 = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 850.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 850.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 800.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 1273.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SteamTurbine2", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, { amount = 200.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "RenewableEnergy", requiredGrantSkill = "STRINGS.DUPLICANTS.ROLES.POWER_TECHNICIAN.NAME", roomTracker = { requirement = 0, requiredRoomType = "PowerPlant", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "SteamTurbine2Complete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.POWER_PLANT.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", "PowerBuilding", "GeneratorType", "HeavyDutyGeneratorType", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 10.0, storageFilters = { "Liquid", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = false, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "PowerBuilding", "GeneratorType", "HeavyDutyGeneratorType", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.GENERATORS.NAME", }, StorageLocker = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "StorageLocker", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "BuildableRaw&Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 20000.0, storageFilters = { "Alloy", "RefinedMetal", "Metal", "BuildableRaw", "BuildableProcessed", "Farmable", "Organics", "Compostable", "Seed", "Agriculture", "Filter", "ConsumableOre", "Sublimating", "Liquifiable", "IndustrialProduct", "IndustrialIngredient", "MedicalSupplies", "Clothes", "ManufacturedMaterial", "Egg", "RareMaterials", "Other", "StoryTraitResource", "Dehydrated", "ChargedPortableBattery", "BionicUpgrade", "Medicine", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.STORAGE.NAME", }, StorageLockerSmart = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.125, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = false, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.REFRIGERATOR.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.REFRIGERATOR.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = true, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "StorageLockerSmart", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "SmartStorage", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 20000.0, storageFilters = { "Alloy", "RefinedMetal", "Metal", "BuildableRaw", "BuildableProcessed", "Farmable", "Organics", "Compostable", "Seed", "Agriculture", "Filter", "ConsumableOre", "Sublimating", "Liquifiable", "IndustrialProduct", "IndustrialIngredient", "MedicalSupplies", "Clothes", "ManufacturedMaterial", "Egg", "RareMaterials", "Other", "StoryTraitResource", "Dehydrated", "ChargedPortableBattery", "BionicUpgrade", "Medicine", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.STORAGE.NAME", }, StorageTile = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Ladders", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "StorageTile", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, { amount = 100.0, name = "Glass", }, }, tech = "SolidManagement", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = false, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 1000.0, storageFilters = { "Alloy", "RefinedMetal", "Metal", "BuildableRaw", "BuildableProcessed", "Farmable", "Organics", "Compostable", "Seed", "Agriculture", "Filter", "ConsumableOre", "Sublimating", "Liquifiable", "IndustrialProduct", "IndustrialIngredient", "MedicalSupplies", "Clothes", "ManufacturedMaterial", "Egg", "RareMaterials", "Other", "StoryTraitResource", "Dehydrated", "ChargedPortableBattery", "BionicUpgrade", "Medicine", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "FloorTiles", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TILES.NAME", }, SublimationStation = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 60.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "SublimationStation", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "SublimationStation", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "ToxicSand", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.66, minTemperature = 303.15, element = "ContaminatedOxygen", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.OXYGEN.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PRODUCERS.NAME", }, SugarEngine = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 60.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 60.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 100.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SugarEngine", ingredients = { { amount = 500.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SpaceCombustion", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = { burden = 1.0, fuelKilogramPerDistance = 0.125, enginePower = 16.0, }, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = { exhaustEmitRate = 50.0, exhaustTemperature = 1500.0, explosionEffectHash = -31719612, exhaustElement = "CarbonDioxide", fuelTag = "Sucrose", efficiency = 60.0, requireOxidizer = true, maxModules = 5, maxHeight = 16, mainEngine = true, exhaustDiseaseIdx = nil, exhaustDiseaseCount = 0, emitRadiation = false, }, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 450.0, storageFilters = { "Sucrose", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ROCKETMODULESIDESCREEN.TITLE", subCategory = nil, }, SuitFabricator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 480.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 240.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SuitFabricator", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "Suits", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "SuitFabricator", input = { { amount = 300.0, element = "Copper", }, { amount = 2.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Atmo_Suit", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "SuitFabricator", input = { { amount = 300.0, element = "Aluminum", }, { amount = 2.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Atmo_Suit", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "SuitFabricator", input = { { amount = 300.0, element = "Iron", }, { amount = 2.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Atmo_Suit", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "SuitFabricator", input = { { amount = 300.0, element = "Cobalt", }, { amount = 2.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Atmo_Suit", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "SuitFabricator", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Worn_Atmo_Suit", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Atmo_Suit", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "SuitFabricator", input = { { amount = 200.0, element = "Steel", }, { amount = 25.0, element = "Petroleum", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Jet_Suit", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "SuitFabricator", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Worn_Jet_Suit", }, { amount = 1.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Jet_Suit", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "SuitFabricator", input = { { amount = 200.0, element = "Lead", }, { amount = 10.0, element = "Glass", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Lead_Suit", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, { fabricator = "SuitFabricator", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Worn_Lead_Suit", }, { amount = 5.0, element = "Glass", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Lead_Suit", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.MANUFACTURING.NAME", }, SuitLocker = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "SuitLocker", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "Suits", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", }, SuitMarker = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "SuitMarker", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "Suits", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "JetSuitBlocker", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", }, SunLamp = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 960.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -20.0, BaseDecorRadius = 4.0, id = "SunLamp", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, { amount = 50.0, name = "Glass", }, }, tech = "GlassFurnishings", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "LightSource", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "LightSource", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.LIGHTS.NAME", }, SupermaterialRefinery = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 1600.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 16.0, ConstructionTime = 480.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "SupermaterialRefinery", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Catalytics", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "SupermaterialRefinery", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Fullerene", }, { amount = 49.5, element = "Gold", }, { amount = 49.5, element = "Petroleum", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "SuperCoolant", }, }, workTime = 80.0, }, { fabricator = "SupermaterialRefinery", input = { { amount = 90.0, element = "Graphite", }, { amount = 5.000001, element = "Sulfur", }, { amount = 5.000001, element = "Aluminum", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "Fullerene", }, }, workTime = 80.0, }, { fabricator = "SupermaterialRefinery", input = { { amount = 15.000001, element = "TempConductorSolid", }, { amount = 70.0, element = "Polypropylene", }, { amount = 15.000001, element = "MilkFat", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "HardPolypropylene", }, }, workTime = 80.0, }, { fabricator = "SupermaterialRefinery", input = { { amount = 15.000001, element = "Isoresin", }, { amount = 80.0, element = "Katairite", }, { amount = 5.0, element = "BasicFabric", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "SuperInsulator", }, }, workTime = 80.0, }, { fabricator = "SupermaterialRefinery", input = { { amount = 5.0, element = "Niobium", }, { amount = 95.0, element = "Tungsten", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "TempConductorSolid", }, }, workTime = 80.0, }, { fabricator = "SupermaterialRefinery", input = { { amount = 35.0, element = "Isoresin", }, { amount = 65.0, element = "Petroleum", }, }, output = { { amount = 100.0, element = "ViscoGel", }, }, workTime = 80.0, }, { fabricator = "SupermaterialRefinery", input = { { amount = 10.0, element = "EnrichedUranium", }, }, output = { { amount = 1.0, element = "SelfChargingElectrobank", }, }, workTime = 80.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.REFINING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ADVANCED.NAME", }, SweepBotStation = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 240.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 15.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "SweepBotStation", ingredients = { { amount = 75.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "ArtificialFriends", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 25.0, storageFilters = { "Alloy", "RefinedMetal", "Metal", "BuildableRaw", "BuildableProcessed", "Farmable", "Organics", "Compostable", "Seed", "Agriculture", "Filter", "ConsumableOre", "Sublimating", "Liquifiable", "IndustrialProduct", "IndustrialIngredient", "MedicalSupplies", "Clothes", "ManufacturedMaterial", "Egg", "RareMaterials", "Other", "StoryTraitResource", "Dehydrated", "ChargedPortableBattery", "BionicUpgrade", "Medicine", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.UTILITIES.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SANITATION.NAME", }, Switch = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "Switch", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "PowerRegulation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SWITCHES.NAME", }, Telephone = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "Telephone", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "NotificationSystems", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 1, requiredRoomType = "RecRoom", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "TelephoneComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.REC_ROOM.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "RecBuilding", }, effects = { { duration = 450.0, showInUI = false, isBad = false, stompGroup = "", stompPriority = 0, SelfModifiers = { { AttributeId = "QualityOfLife", Value = 2.0, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleInteger", DeltaTimeSlice = "None", }, }, }, Id = "TelephoneChat", Disabled = false, }, { duration = 450.0, showInUI = false, isBad = false, stompGroup = "", stompPriority = 0, SelfModifiers = { { AttributeId = "QualityOfLife", Value = 1.0, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleInteger", DeltaTimeSlice = "None", }, }, }, Id = "TelephoneBabble", Disabled = false, }, { duration = 450.0, showInUI = false, isBad = false, stompGroup = "", stompPriority = 0, SelfModifiers = { { AttributeId = "QualityOfLife", Value = 4.0, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleInteger", DeltaTimeSlice = "None", }, }, }, Id = "TelephoneLongDistance", Disabled = false, }, }, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RecBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RECREATION.NAME", }, TeleportalPad = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 1600.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 400.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 16.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 64.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 250, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.TELEPORTALPAD.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.TELEPORTALPAD.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.TELEPORTALPAD.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.TELEPORTALPAD.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.TELEPORTALPAD.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.TELEPORTALPAD.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.TELEPORTALPAD.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.TELEPORTALPAD.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.TELEPORTALPAD.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.TELEPORTALPAD.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.TELEPORTALPAD.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.TELEPORTALPAD.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.TELEPORTALPAD.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.TELEPORTALPAD.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.TELEPORTALPAD.LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 30.0, BaseDecorRadius = 6.0, id = "TeleportalPad", ingredients = { { amount = 2000.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Solid", "Special", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, TemperatureControlledSwitch = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = true, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "TemperatureControlledSwitch", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "DeprecatedContent", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.SWITCHES.NAME", }, TemporalTearOpener = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.HEPENGINE.LOGIC_PORT_STORAGE", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.HEPBATTERY.LOGIC_PORT_STORAGE_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = true, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "TemporalTearOpener", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Solid", "Special", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, ThermalBlock = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 7, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 0.0, id = "ThermalBlock", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "BuildableAny", }, }, tech = "RefinedObjects", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Backwall", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.UTILITIES.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TEMPERATURE.NAME", }, Tile = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Ladders", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "Tile", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "FloorTiles", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TILES.NAME", }, TilePOI = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = false, Invincible = true, Overheatable = false, Repairable = false, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = true, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "TilePOI", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Bunker", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, TravelTube = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 7, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = true, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "TravelTube", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "TravelTubes", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TRANSPORT.NAME", }, TravelTubeEntrance = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 960.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "TravelTubeEntrance", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "TravelTubes", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TRANSPORT.NAME", }, TravelTubeWallBridge = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Ladders", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 1, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "TravelTubeWallBridge", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "TravelTubes", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "TravelTubeBridges", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TRANSPORT.NAME", }, UnderwaterCritterCondo = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 20.0, BaseDecorRadius = 4.0, id = "UnderwaterCritterCondo", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "AnimalComfort", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RANCHING.NAME", }, UraniumCentrifuge = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 480.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.125, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, ConstructionTime = 480.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "UraniumCentrifuge", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, { amount = 100.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "NuclearRefinement", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "UraniumCentrifuge", input = { { amount = 10.0, element = "UraniumOre", }, }, output = { { amount = 2.0, element = "EnrichedUranium", }, { amount = 8.0, element = "MoltenUranium", }, }, workTime = 40.0, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.HEP.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.PRODUCERS.NAME", }, VerticalWindTunnel = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 1200.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 240.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 6, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "VerticalWindTunnel", ingredients = { { amount = 1200.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "TravelTubes", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 1, requiredRoomType = "RecRoom", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "VerticalWindTunnelComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.REC_ROOM.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "RecBuilding", }, effects = { { duration = 4770.0, showInUI = false, isBad = false, stompGroup = "", stompPriority = 0, SelfModifiers = { { AttributeId = "QualityOfLife", Value = 5.0, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleInteger", DeltaTimeSlice = "None", }, }, }, Id = "VerticalWindTunnel", Disabled = false, }, }, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RecBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RECREATION.NAME", }, WallToilet = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.25, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 17, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "WallToilet", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Plastic", }, }, tech = "LiquidDistribution", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "ToiletType", "FlushToiletType", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "ToiletType", "FlushToiletType", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.PLUMBING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WASHROOM.NAME", }, WarpConduitReceiver = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 250, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = false, Repairable = false, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "WarpConduitReceiver", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = "STRINGS.DUPLICANTS.ROLES.RESEARCHER.NAME", roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Solid", "Special", "Gravitas", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.GRAVITAS.NAME", subCategory = nil, }, WarpConduitSender = { RequiredDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 250, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "WarpConduitSender", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = "STRINGS.DUPLICANTS.ROLES.RESEARCHER.NAME", roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Gravitas", "Solid", "Special", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.GRAVITAS.NAME", subCategory = nil, }, WashBasin = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "WashBasin", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "BuildableRaw&Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "WashStation", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "WashStation", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.MEDICAL.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.HYGIENE.NAME", }, WashSink = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "WashSink", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "SanitationSciences", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "WashStation", "AdvancedWashStation", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "WashStation", "AdvancedWashStation", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.MEDICAL.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.HYGIENE.NAME", }, WaterCooler = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "WaterCooler", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, }, tech = "Jobs", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 1, requiredRoomType = "RecRoom", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "WaterCoolerComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.REC_ROOM.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = { "RecBuilding", }, effects = { { duration = 660.0, showInUI = false, isBad = false, stompGroup = "", stompPriority = 0, SelfModifiers = { { AttributeId = "QualityOfLife", Value = 1.0, IsMultiplier = false, UIOnly = false, IsReadonly = true, formatter = { unitClass = "SimpleInteger", DeltaTimeSlice = "None", }, }, }, Id = "Socialized", Disabled = false, }, }, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "RecBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RECREATION.NAME", }, WaterPurifier = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "WaterPurifier", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Distillation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "OverlayBackLayer", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "WaterPurifier", input = { { amount = 1.0, element = "Filter", }, { amount = 5.0, element = "DirtyWater", }, }, output = { { amount = 5.0, element = "Water", }, { amount = 0.2, element = "ToxicSand", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.REFINING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.MATERIALS.NAME", }, WireBridge = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 10, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "WireBridge", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "PowerRegulation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WIRES.NAME", }, WireBridgeHighWattage = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Ladders", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 11, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -25.0, BaseDecorRadius = 6.0, id = "WireBridgeHighWattage", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "AdvancedPowerRegulation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "WireBridges", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WIRES.NAME", }, Wire = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.05, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = true, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "Wire", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WIRES.NAME", }, HighWattageWire = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.05, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 7, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = true, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -25.0, BaseDecorRadius = 6.0, id = "HighWattageWire", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "AdvancedPowerRegulation", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WIRES.NAME", }, WireRefinedBridge = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 10, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "WireRefinedBridge", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "PrettyGoodConductors", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WIRES.NAME", }, WireRefinedBridgeHighWattage = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Ladders", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 11, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 2, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -25.0, BaseDecorRadius = 6.0, id = "WireRefinedBridgeHighWattage", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "PrettyGoodConductors", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "WireBridges", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WIRES.NAME", }, WireRefined = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 5.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.05, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = true, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "WireRefined", ingredients = { { amount = 25.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "PrettyGoodConductors", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WIRES.NAME", }, WireRefinedHighWattage = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.05, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 7, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = true, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -20.0, BaseDecorRadius = 4.0, id = "WireRefinedHighWattage", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = "PrettyGoodConductors", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.WIRES.NAME", }, WoodGasGenerator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 300.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 300.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 160.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 8.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 1.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = true, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CRITTERPICKUP.LOGIC_INPUT.DESC", activeDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.UI.LOGIC_PORTS.CONTROL_OPERATIONAL_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "WoodGasGenerator", ingredients = { { amount = 800.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "Combustion", requiredGrantSkill = "STRINGS.DUPLICANTS.ROLES.POWER_TECHNICIAN.NAME", roomTracker = { requirement = 0, requiredRoomType = "PowerPlant", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "WoodGasGeneratorComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.POWER_PLANT.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", "PowerBuilding", "GeneratorType", "HeavyDutyGeneratorType", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "PowerBuilding", "GeneratorType", "HeavyDutyGeneratorType", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "WoodGasGenerator", input = { { amount = 1.2, element = "WoodLog", }, }, output = { { amount = 0.17, minTemperature = 383.15, element = "CarbonDioxide", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.POWER.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.GENERATORS.NAME", }, WoodSculpture = { RequiredDlcIds = { "DLC2_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 120.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 4.0, BaseDecorRadius = 4.0, id = "WoodSculpture", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "BuildingWood", }, }, tech = "RefractiveDecor", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "Decoration", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "Decoration", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FURNITURE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.DECOR.NAME", }, WoodStorage = { RequiredDlcIds = { "DLC2_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 10.0, BaseDecorRadius = 2.0, id = "WoodStorage", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "BuildingWood", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = { initialControlledStateWhenBuilt = true, restrictOperational = true, preventStartSMIOnSpawn = false, }, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 20000.0, storageFilters = { "Organics", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = nil, subCategory = nil, }, WoodTile = { RequiredDlcIds = { "DLC2_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 3.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 1, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = false, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = false, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = { "FloorTiles", "Ladders", "Backwall", }, BuildLocationRule = 6, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = true, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "WoodTile", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "WoodLog", }, }, tech = "Luxury", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "FloorTiles", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.BASE.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TILES.NAME", }, CreatureAirTrap = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 10.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.REUSABLETRAP.INPUT_LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.REUSABLETRAP.INPUT_LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.REUSABLETRAP.INPUT_LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.REUSABLETRAP.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.REUSABLETRAP.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "CreatureAirTrap", ingredients = { { amount = 50.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "AnimalControl", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RANCHING.NAME", }, Desalinator = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 480.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 8.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 3, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "Desalinator", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "LiquidFiltering", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "Desalinator", input = { { amount = 5.0, element = "SaltWater", }, }, output = { { amount = 4.65, element = "Water", }, { amount = 0.35, element = "Salt", }, }, workTime = 1, }, { fabricator = "Desalinator", input = { { amount = 5.0, element = "Brine", }, }, output = { { amount = 3.5, element = "Water", }, { amount = 1.5, element = "Salt", }, }, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.REFINING.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.MATERIALS.NAME", }, CreatureGroundTrap = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 2, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.REUSABLETRAP.INPUT_LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.REUSABLETRAP.INPUT_LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.REUSABLETRAP.INPUT_LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.REUSABLETRAP.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.REUSABLETRAP.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "CreatureGroundTrap", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "AnimalControl", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RANCHING.NAME", }, WaterTrap = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = nil, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 10.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 1, HeightInCells = 2, HitPoints = 10, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = false, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 0, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.REUSABLETRAP.INPUT_LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.REUSABLETRAP.INPUT_LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.REUSABLETRAP.INPUT_LOGIC_PORT_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.REUSABLETRAP.LOGIC_PORT", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.REUSABLETRAP.LOGIC_PORT_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -15.0, BaseDecorRadius = 3.0, id = "WaterTrap", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = "AnimalControl", requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = nil, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.FOOD.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RANCHING.NAME", }, CommandModule = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 12, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.COMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_LAUNCH", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_LAUNCH_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_LAUNCH_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.COMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "CommandModule", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETNAV.NAME", }, CosmicResearchCenter = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 4.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 4, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "CosmicResearchCenter", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "ScienceBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "ScienceBuilding", }, recipes = { { fabricator = "CosmicResearchCenter", input = { { amount = 0.02, element = "ResearchDatabank", }, }, output = {}, workTime = 1, }, }, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.RESEARCH.NAME", }, GasCargoBay = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 200.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 12, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "GasCargoBay", ingredients = { { amount = 1000.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.CARGO.NAME", }, HydrogenEngine = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 100.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 7, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "HydrogenEngine", ingredients = { { amount = 500.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = { exhaustEmitRate = 50.0, exhaustTemperature = 2000.0, exhaustElement = "Steam", fuelTag = "LiquidHydrogen", efficiency = 60.0, requireOxidizer = true, }, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ENGINES.NAME", }, KeroseneEngine = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 7, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "KeroseneEngine", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = { exhaustEmitRate = 50.0, exhaustTemperature = 1500.0, exhaustElement = "CarbonDioxide", fuelTag = "Petroleum", efficiency = 40.0, requireOxidizer = true, }, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ENGINES.NAME", }, LiquidCargoBay = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 200.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 12, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LiquidCargoBay", ingredients = { { amount = 1000.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.CARGO.NAME", }, LiquidFuelTank = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 12, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "LiquidFuelTank", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TANKS.NAME", }, MissionControl = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 960.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.5, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 2.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 3, HeightInCells = 3, HitPoints = 100, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = -5.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "MissionControl", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "RefinedMetal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = { requirement = 2, requiredRoomType = "Laboratory", customStatusItemID = nil, enabled = true, tag = "Untagged", name = "MissionControlComplete", requiredRoomName = "STRINGS.ROOMS.TYPES.LABORATORY.NAME", }, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "ScienceBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "ScienceBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETNAV.NAME", }, OxidizerTank = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 12, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "OxidizerTank", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TANKS.NAME", }, OxidizerTankLiquid = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 20.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 12, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "OxidizerTankLiquid", ingredients = { { amount = 100.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TANKS.NAME", }, ResearchModule = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 12, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "ResearchModule", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.MODULE.NAME", }, RoboPilotCommandModule = { RequiredDlcIds = { "DLC3_ID", }, ForbiddenDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 12, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.COMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_LAUNCH", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_LAUNCH_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_LAUNCH_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, displayCustomName = false, }, }, LogicOutputPorts = { { description = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.COMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY", activeDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_ACTIVE", inactiveDescription = "STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.CLUSTERCOMMANDMODULE.LOGIC_PORT_READY_INACTIVE", requiresConnection = false, spriteType = 1, displayCustomName = false, }, }, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "RoboPilotCommandModule", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETNAV.NAME", }, SolidBooster = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 480.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 7, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 12, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SolidBooster", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = { exhaustEmitRate = 50.0, exhaustTemperature = 1500.0, exhaustElement = "CarbonDioxide", fuelTag = "Iron", efficiency = 30.0, requireOxidizer = true, }, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ENGINES.NAME", }, CargoBay = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 200.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 12, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "CargoBay", ingredients = { { amount = 1000.0, name = "BuildableRaw", }, { amount = 1000.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.CARGO.NAME", }, SpecialCargoBay = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 200.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 480.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 12, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SpecialCargoBay", ingredients = { { amount = 1000.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.CARGO.NAME", }, SteamEngine = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 400.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 480.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 7, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "SteamEngine", ingredients = { { amount = 2000.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = { exhaustEmitRate = 50.0, exhaustTemperature = 422.5, exhaustElement = "Steam", fuelTag = "Steam", efficiency = 20.0, requireOxidizer = false, }, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = { allowItemRemoval = false, capacityKg = 900.0, storageFilters = { "Steam", }, useGunForDelivery = true, showInUI = true, }, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.ENGINES.NAME", }, Telescope = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 120.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 80.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.125, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 30.0, ThermalConductivity = 1.0, WidthInCells = 4, HeightInCells = 6, HitPoints = 30, RequiresPowerInput = true, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = true, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = false, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 348.15, Breakable = false, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = true, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 1, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = nil, BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "Telescope", ingredients = { { amount = 400.0, name = "Metal", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "ScienceBuilding", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "ScienceBuilding", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.EQUIPMENT.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.TELESCOPES.NAME", }, TouristModule = { RequiredDlcIds = nil, ForbiddenDlcIds = { "EXPANSION1_ID", }, EnergyConsumptionWhenActive = 0.0, GeneratorWattageRating = 0.0, GeneratorBaseCapacity = 0.0, MassForTemperatureModification = 40.0, ExhaustKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, SelfHeatKilowattsWhenActive = 0.0, ConstructionTime = 60.0, ThermalConductivity = 0.1, WidthInCells = 5, HeightInCells = 5, HitPoints = 1000, RequiresPowerInput = false, AddLogicPowerPort = true, RequiresPowerOutput = false, UseWhitePowerOutputConnectorColour = false, Floodable = false, Entombable = true, Replaceable = true, Invincible = true, Overheatable = true, Repairable = true, OverheatTemperature = 2273.15, Breakable = true, ContinuouslyCheckFoundation = true, isSolidTile = false, UseStructureTemperature = false, ReplacementTags = nil, BuildLocationRule = 12, AlwaysOperational = false, LogicInputPorts = nil, LogicOutputPorts = nil, DebugOnly = false, PermittedRotations = 0, Deprecated = false, UseHighEnergyParticleInputPort = false, UseHighEnergyParticleOutputPort = false, isKAnimTile = false, isUtility = false, BlockTileIsTransparent = false, AttachmentSlotTag = "Rocket", BaseDecor = 0.0, BaseDecorRadius = 1.0, id = "TouristModule", ingredients = { { amount = 200.0, name = "Steel", }, }, tech = nil, requiredGrantSkill = nil, roomTracker = nil, rocketUsageRestrictionDef = nil, roomRequireTags = { "IndustrialMachinery", }, effects = nil, rocketModule = nil, rocketEngine = nil, rocketEngineCluster = nil, battery = nil, storage = nil, tags = { "RoomProberBuilding", "IndustrialMachinery", "RocketModule", }, recipes = nil, category = "STRINGS.UI.BUILDCATEGORIES.ROCKETRY.NAME", subCategory = "STRINGS.UI.NEWBUILDCATEGORIES.MODULE.NAME", }, }