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This image comes from Oxygen Not Included or from websites created and owned by Klei Entertainment, who hold the copyright of Oxygen Not Included. All trademarks and registered trademarks present in the image are proprietary to Klei Entertainment. For more information, see the copyright notice.
The use of images to illustrate articles concerning the subject of the images in question is believed to qualify as fair use under United States copyright law, as such display does not significantly impede the right of the copyright holder to sell the copyrighted material.

return {
    carrotquarry = {
        ["CarrotQuarryBasic.yaml"] = {
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            density = {
                min = 10,
                max = 15,
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            minChildCount = 4,
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                max = 15,
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            minChildCount = 4,
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            biomes = {
                    name = "dlc2::biomes/CarrotQuarry/Basic",
                    weight = 2,
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                min = 10,
                max = 15,
            avoidRadius = 20.0,
            minChildCount = 4,
            sampleBehaviour = "PoissonDisk",
            biomes = {
                    name = "dlc2::biomes/CarrotQuarry/EthanolPools",
                    weight = 2,
                    tags = {
            tags = {
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                min = 10,
                max = 15,
            avoidRadius = 20.0,
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            biomes = {
                    name = "dlc2::biomes/CarrotQuarry/Basic",
                    weight = 2,
                    tags = {
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        ["CarrotQuarrySlush.yaml"] = {
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            temperatureRange = "Cool",
            density = {
                min = 10,
                max = 15,
            avoidRadius = 20.0,
            minChildCount = 4,
            sampleBehaviour = "PoissonDisk",
            biomes = {
                    name = "dlc2::biomes/CarrotQuarry/Slush",
                    weight = 2,
                    tags = {
            tags = {
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                    type = "dlc2::features/carrotquarry/IceBellyCave",
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            density = {
                min = 10,
                max = 15,
            avoidRadius = 20.0,
            minChildCount = 5,
            dontRelaxChildren = true,
            sampleBehaviour = "PoissonDisk",
            biomes = {
                    name = "dlc2::biomes/IceCaves/Basic",
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                    tags = {
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                    weight = 2,
                    tags = {
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                    weight = 2,
                    tags = {
            tags = {
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            density = {
                min = 10,
                max = 15,
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            borderOverride = "rocky",
            biomes = {
                    name = "dlc2::biomes/IceCaves/Basic",
                    weight = 2,
                    tags = {
            tags = {
            centralFeature = {
                type = "dlc2::features/icecaves/DirtDeposit",
            features = {},
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        ["IceCavesMix.yaml"] = {
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            density = {
                min = 10,
                max = 15,
            avoidRadius = 20.0,
            minChildCount = 5,
            dontRelaxChildren = true,
            sampleBehaviour = "PoissonDisk",
            biomes = {
                    name = "dlc2::biomes/IceCaves/Oxy",
                    weight = 2,
                    tags = {
                    name = "dlc2::biomes/IceCaves/Basic",
                    weight = 2,
                    tags = {
                    name = "dlc2::biomes/IceCaves/Metal",
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                    tags = {
            tags = {
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            pdWeight = 2,
            density = {
                min = 10,
                max = 15,
            avoidRadius = 15.0,
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            dontRelaxChildren = true,
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            biomes = {
                    name = "dlc2::biomes/IceCaves/Basic",
                    weight = 2,
                    tags = {
                    name = "dlc2::biomes/IceCaves/Oxy",
                    weight = 2,
                    tags = {
                    name = "dlc2::biomes/IceCaves/Snowy",
                    weight = 2,
                    tags = {
                    name = "dlc2::biomes/IceCaves/Metal",
                    weight = 2,
                    tags = {
            tags = {
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                type = "features/generic/StartLocation",
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                    type = "dlc2::features/icecaves/DirtDeposit",
                    type = "dlc2::features/icecaves/SnowCave",
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            temperatureRange = "VeryVeryCold",
            density = {
                min = 10,
                max = 20,
            avoidRadius = 20.0,
            doAvoidPoints = false,
            dontRelaxChildren = true,
            sampleBehaviour = "PoissonDisk",
            biomes = {
                    name = "dlc2::biomes/Misc/SnowBanks",
                    weight = 4,
                    tags = {},
            features = {},
            tags = {
            zoneType = "IceCaves",
    magma = {
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            biomeNoise = "noise/MagmaVent",
            temperatureRange = "VeryHot",
            minChildCount = 8,
            pdWeight = 1.5,
            density = {
                min = 15,
                max = 20,
            avoidRadius = 50.0,
            sampleBehaviour = "PoissonDisk",
            borderOverride = "hardToDig",
            borderOverridePriority = 10,
            biomes = {
                    name = "dlc2::biomes/Magma/MagmaThinVacuum",
                    weight = 1,
                    name = "dlc2::biomes/Magma/MagmaThinSolid",
                    weight = 4,
            tags = {
            zoneType = "MagmaCore",
    oil = {
        ["OilPocketsFossil.yaml"] = {
            biomeNoise = "noise/OilPockets",
            temperatureRange = "Hot",
            minChildCount = 8,
            density = {
                min = 10,
                max = 15,
            avoidRadius = 10.0,
            sampleBehaviour = "PoissonDisk",
            biomes = {
                    name = "biomes/Oil/OilDry",
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                    tags = {
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                    type = "features/oilpockets/CavityPond",
                    type = "dlc2::features/oilpockets/DiamondCoalClump",
            tags = {
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    space = {
        ["SpaceWithDebris.yaml"] = {
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            density = {
                min = 35,
                max = 45,
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                    name = "biomes/Misc/Space",
                    weight = 1,
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                type = "dlc2::features/space/FloatingRock",
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    sugarwoods = {
        ["SugarWoodsBasic.yaml"] = {
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            temperatureRange = "VeryCold",
            density = {
                min = 10,
                max = 15,
            avoidRadius = 20.0,
            minChildCount = 4,
            sampleBehaviour = "PoissonDisk",
            biomes = {
                    name = "dlc2::biomes/SugarWoods/Basic",
                    weight = 2,
                    tags = {
            tags = {
            centralFeature = nil,
            features = {},
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        ["SugarWoodsMix.yaml"] = {
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            density = {
                min = 10,
                max = 15,
            avoidRadius = 20.0,
            minChildCount = 4,
            sampleBehaviour = "PoissonDisk",
            biomes = {
                    name = "dlc2::biomes/SugarWoods/Basic",
                    weight = 2,
                    tags = {
            tags = {
            centralFeature = nil,
            features = {},
            zoneType = "SugarWoods",