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This image comes from Oxygen Not Included or from websites created and owned by Klei Entertainment, who hold the copyright of Oxygen Not Included. All trademarks and registered trademarks present in the image are proprietary to Klei Entertainment. For more information, see the copyright notice.
The use of images to illustrate articles concerning the subject of the images in question is believed to qualify as fair use under United States copyright law, as such display does not significantly impede the right of the copyright holder to sell the copyrighted material.

return {
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    ["MediumForestyWasteland.yaml"] = {
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                minCount = 2,
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                maxCount = 5,
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                minCount = 2,
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                minCount = 2,
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                name = "(Mixing4)",
                minCount = 2,
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                minCount = 2,
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                name = "(Mixing3)",
                minCount = 2,
                maxCount = 4,
                name = "(Mixing4)",
                minCount = 2,
                maxCount = 3,
                name = "(Mixing5)",
                minCount = 2,
                maxCount = 4,
                name = "(Mixing6)",
                minCount = 2,
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            min = 0.45,
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                min = 2,
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                minCount = 2,
                maxCount = 4,
                name = "(Mixing3)",
                minCount = 2,
                maxCount = 4,
                name = "(Mixing4)",
                minCount = 2,
                maxCount = 4,
                name = "(Mixing5)",
                minCount = 2,
                maxCount = 4,
                name = "(Mixing6)",
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                minCount = 2,
                maxCount = 4,
                name = "(Mixing4)",
                minCount = 2,
                maxCount = 3,
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                minCount = 2,
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                minCount = 5,
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                minCount = 2,
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                name = "(Mixing4)",
                minCount = 2,
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                minCount = 2,
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    ["WaterMoonlet.yaml"] = {
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