
Asset Properties











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When editing or importing an asset through the Asset Editor, you will need to set the values for the asset. The values define things like how much water a building uses or does it generate electricity. Due to the system the game uses, the values sometimes need to be dividable by 16 and thus cannot be shown in the Asset Editor as sliders or free fields. Decimals are not supported.

Zoned buildings use values based on the type, they do not need any adjustments. Some very rarely used values are not listed, but work with the same basic principles. If it’s a range, 1 unit is one meter, accumulation is always 0.54 per unit and so on.

See the table below for how the Asset Editor values correspond with in-game values. The notes tell more of what the value affects.

Value name Unit in Asset Editor Unit in game Notes
Electricity consumption 1 16 kw How much electricity the building uses in a week. Between 1 and 300 is asset editor units. 35 is the most common value.
Construction cost 1 1 ¢ How much does it cost to build this item. Between 100 and 1 500 000.
Maintenance cost 1 0.16 ¢ per week Weekly upkeep cost. Between 50 - 100 000 in asset editor units.
Garbage accumulation 1 0.54 How much garbage the building produces. Between 0 and 30 in asset editor units.
Sewage accumulation 1 16 m³ per week Sewage accumulation and water consumption should always be the same. Between 0 and 250 in asset editor units. Most common values 10-25.
Water consumption 1 16 m³ per week How much water the building requires. Between 0 and 250 in asset editor units. Most common values 10-25.
Entertainment accumulation 1 0.54 How much entertainment value the building generates. Range 50-300 in asset editor units.
Entertainment radius 1 1 meter How big area gains the entertainment value. 100-1000 in asset editor unit usually 400.
Noise accumulation 1 0.54 How much noise the building generates. Range 50-175 in asset editor units.
Noise radius 1 1 meter How wide the noise spreads. 20 -500 in asset editor units.
Fire hazard 1 1 How likely the building is to catch on fire. Put in 0 if you want the building to be immune and 1 if you want it to be able to catch fire.
Fire tolerance 1 1 If the building does catch on fire how long does it take for it to burn down. The normal number is 20.
All workers 1 1 The different types of workers are the different education levels. Uneducated workers have not had access to any school and highly educated workers have gotten all possible education.
Maintenance truck count 1 1 If the building has some maintenance abilities (landfill snowdump or similar) the truck count defines how many vehicles it has on default budget setting.
Low/Medium/High wealth tourists 1 1 The different tourist wealth classes tell of how wealthy tourists are interested and how many the building can accommodate at most.
Attractiveness accumulation 1 6 How much visitors the building draws. Only available for Unique Buildings Monuments and Landmarks. 2-20 in asset editor units.
Monument level 1 1 Used only for Unique buildings leading up to a Monument. Affects when the building unlocks.
Max speed 1 1 This stat is only for vehicles. For example a bus has max speed 20 and a train 24.
Passenger capacity 1 1 This stat is only for vehicles. For example a metro train has passenger capacity of 30 and a taxi 4.
Electricity production 1 16 kw If the building can produce electricity how much does it produce. 500-100000 in asset editor units.
Pollution accumulation 1 0.54 The amount of ground pollution the building generates. 35-100 in asset editor units.
Pollution radius 1 1 meter The range of the pollution. 50-150 in asset editor units.
Extraction rate 1 16 m³ per week The rate of resource extraction.
Production rate 1 16 m³ per week The rate of production.
Library accumulation 1 0.54 How much literacy (?) the library generates.



本页内容最初译自官方Wiki:Asset Properties,经双方编辑后内容可能与来源不同。
