主题编辑工具 对所有玩家开放使用。是与《冰天雪地》DLC 同步更新的 1.13 版本里新加的内容。从主菜单的 工具 中进入该工具,用于创建自定义地图主题,并且可以分享到 Steam 创意工坊。
游戏中内置了几款 基础主题。所有的自定义主题,都是从基础主题衍生而来。尽管使用本工具可以修改基础主题的诸多属性,但并非所有属性都能更改。目前最大的限制是,某些建筑包(包括其他资产)无法在各种主题中自由调用。
地图和存档可以加载任意与初始基础主题共享的自定义主题。在开始新游戏、读取游戏或加载地图面板时,可以在 自定义地图主题 中进行选择。
“自定义地图主题”的保存和共享功能,操作方式同游戏里其他地方的差不多。当主题完工之后,应选中保存面板上的“发布”,以使其可用于游戏。然后,和其他自定义资产一样,可以从内容管理器中分享到 Steam 创意工坊。
需要注意的是,游戏将同一个资产,本地版和工坊共享版视为两样完全独立的东西。如果有一张地图,使用了未分享到工坊的主题。当这张地图共享之后,它仍然使用的是本地的。(主题不会嵌入到地图资产,而是需要另外提供。)如果其他玩家下载这张地图,会报错。除非他搞到了你电脑上的主题文件。 当然,你的本地主题可以改成共享版本,位置在加载地图面板的下拉菜单。
- 创建自定义地图主题,并共享至创意工坊;
- 订阅这个主题;
- 开始使用共享版本的资产制作地图;
- 地图完成。共享时,把之前的主题设置必要项目。
Clicking on a texture in any of the panels opens a texture picker, which lists the available image files in your ThemeTextures folder. For easier access, the folder can be opened using the little folder button.
Clicking on an image loads it and shows a preview. When a texture is selected, the editor will apply it immediately. The texture will then be compressed (and have its mipmaps generated) in the background, which may take something between a fraction of a second and about a minute. Only after the message about compression vanishes, does the result match what will be seen ingame; the missing mipmaps cause noise in the distant areas while the texture is being processed. The buttons for the textures that are still being processed are disabled.
The textures should be square and have a power of two size (eg. 512x512, 1024x1024; the editor will automatically resize the textures otherwise, which may produce suboptimal results).
The texture tiling sliders are nonlinear to make them easier to use. The text fields next to them can be used for more precise control.
Details for some of the less obvious values in the various properties panels are given below.
The diffuse textures used for the terrain and their tiling parameters can be set from the terrain properties panels. It is suggested to learn the relationship of the grass, cliff, ruined and sand textures yourself by experimentation, for example with textures of different bright colors or clear patterns.
To save resources, the normal textures for cliff and sand are combined into a single texture by the game (with each texture using two channels of a four-channel texture). The normal textures themselves can be changed independently, but the result will only be seen after the editor finishes recombining the data. Because of being in a single texture, the tiling of these two textures has to be the same and can be controlled in the Normal tiling section of the panel.
Geometry details checkboxes allow the small decorative meshes on the terrain to be disabled.
The grass color offsets control the color of the grass in various gameplay-related states. For example, let's say the Pollution offset is (0.03, 0.015, 0.040). In a fully polluted area, this amount would be added to the color when rendering the grass, making it slightly more purple (because the values are the biggest for red and blue). For less polluted areas, the amount is interpolated between (0, 0, 0) and the values given. Unfortunately, not all of the effects can be currently previewed in the editor, so this will require some experimentation.
Replacing the foam texture probably also requires some experimentation. The red channel roughly corresponds to the opacity of the foam, while the green channel is mostly used for rendering polluted water.
The free camera tool in the lower right corner of the screen may be useful to get a good angle to look at the sky when experimenting with the values in this panel.
The border pixels of the moon texture should completely transparent, because they get copied all over the sky.
The textures in this panel are used for roads and buildings.
The upward road diffuse texture is the main pavement texture defining the look of the roads. It will be combined with the textures of the road assets themselves, which provide things like lane markings and details. The downward road diffuse is for similar purposes but for downward-pointing surfaces such as the undersides of bridges.
Building base textures are used for the bases of buildings that are visible on uneven ground. Floor diffuse can be seen through the windows of buildings. Light color palette is used for the night lighting colors for the building windows.
Notice that the temperatures in this panel are always set and shown in degrees of Celsius, since that is what the game uses internally.
Sliders can be used to set theme specific probabilities of different disasters. The probabilities are proportional and don't affect overall probability of disasters happening (e.g setting all to 1 is the same as setting all to 100). Setting a probability to 0 disables that specific disaster, and setting all probabilities to 0 disable disasters for the theme altogether.