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化学品 - Part 4











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化学品 - Part 4
文件:Chemical - Part 4 Banner.png
Chemical - Part 3
No offence
Trust regain
Other choices
Out of curiosity
Big customer

化学品 - Part 4 是逃离塔科夫中的任务


Here's the thing. This whole chemical deal worked like a charm, and it immediately became clear who do we push it to. And the receiving party is ready. Only one issue left to resolve. Find more of these yellow chemicals. The crux of the issue was partly resolved before us -someone has already tried. Don't know, consciously or not, but if you believe the consignment notes from the same docs, the whole box of that stuff was already tried to be taken out from the factory. But this cargo was not logged on any of the checkpoints, so I figure it's worth looking for somewhere in the factory. And not just one lousy syringe, but a crate. Look out for some markings maybe, the box should have them. Seen? Ah, One more thing. My sweet, sweet friends Prapor and Therapist popped up, poking around. So come on, don't turn coat. Just a bit more and we'll be running this place. Good luck, bruh. I'll tell about you to Ragman - he'll get for you to buy some helmets. Really good ones!


  • 必须达到11级才能开始该任务。


  • 找到装有化学品的载具
  • 指示器标记化学品载具
  • 以幸存状态撤离海关


  • +6,600 经验值
  • Skier 声望 +0.1
  • Jaeger 声望 -0.01
  • 36,500 卢布
  • 手榴弹箱
  • Ragman信任度3级解锁 ZSh-1-2M 头盔(black) 的购买权
Now that is right on! Well, now we're tied up good, bro. Awesome that you didn't chicken out at the last moment. Now I can fill you in on really serious business.

Failure Penalty

  • Skier 声望 -0.3
Oh, you bloody bastard! Everything down the damn drain! Biatch, so much effort just wasted! The hell is wrong with you? You're a sensible dude, not air-headed. Ah, to hell with you, spoiled such a jackpot! No way I'm letting you in on something serious.

Initial Equipment

Icon Item Name Amount Notes
文件:MS2000 Marker icon.png MS2000 Marker 1 This item is placed on the transport van. When placed, the item is removed from the players' inventory.


By completing either Out of curiosity or Big customer, you will fail and lose access to this quest.

图标 物品名称 数量 要求 备注
文件:MS2000 Marker icon.png MS2000 Marker 1 Required This item is placed in the chemical van.

If you do not have one already, purchase a MS2000 Marker from Prapor. After placing the marker, the player must stay alive for 30 seconds or they will have to place another beacon in the van. You do not need to be near the van after the marker has been placed. Find a nearby hiding spot and wait until the timer is complete.

  • 注意

    • You can buy additional MS2000 Markers from Prapor if needed.
    • It is recommended that the player keeps the MS2000 Markers in their pouch so they are not lost in the event of their death.
    • The MS2000 Markers will automatically be used out of the players' inventory when needed, similar to how keys work.

    de:Chemikalie - Teil 4 fr:Chimie - Partie 4 ru:Реагент. Часть 4