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Valentine is the only survivor of the Last Hope, a group of special Anti-Skullgirl Lab operatives. Before meeting their end at the hands of the Skullgirl, the Last Hope worked for the mysterious Lab Zero and performed duties ranging from reconnaissance and sabotage to advanced research.

Now Valentine dutifully serves the Skullgirl, carrying out her will from the shadows. She keeps to herself, so much of her true nature and personality are unknown.


Valentine is an evasive character with good control over the air game. She has both a double jump and an airdash that moves upwards slightly. She also has air shurikens (j236P) which control the air to ground angle and stalls her air momentum. On the ground, she can backdash which puts her airborne, then cancel the backdash into an airdash by simply tapping forward. This is a strong tool both for evasion and offense, since you can shift your movement forward if they whiff. Doing the fastest possible backdash > airdash > jMP or jHP is a strong way to attack with an airdash up close since it's faster than her IAD. jMP is multi hit with many active frames, and jHP has a good crossup hitbox. It's also worth noting her air hurtbox is very small which passively aids in her evasion ability and makes her feel difficult to catch against a Valentine with good movement.

She has a special mechanic where she loads a vial of poison, then can apply one of three status effects to the opponent on hit: damage over time, increased hitstun, or extra input delay. With the aid of an assist she can load and apply poison in the same combo. Because of that and her limited assist options she's often played on point.

SG val icon.png Valentine is a mobile all-rounder that specializes in whiff punishing bad approaches.
优势 弱点
  • Mobility: Valentine is arguably the most mobile character in the game. She has access to a wide array of useful movement options, especially when in the air.
  • Mixups: Valentine has some very strong resets, and also has access to Orange Vial which inflicts input delay and makes mixups even harder to see.
  • Air Normals: All of her air normals are great for a variety of purposes, from mobility, mix-ups, pokes in neutral, and defensive utility.
  • Vial Damage: Valentine's damage without vial loaded is just average, but it becomes very high with vials, especially with Level 3 Poison Vial loaded.
  • Unique Backdash: Her grounded backdash is airborne and airdash cancellable allowing for quick overheads, as well as sometimes high profiling lows. Her airborne backdash can be used to quickly retreat and make herself safe after whiffing air normals.
  • Poor Assists: While H Bypass and H Dead Cross are decent assists in their own right, Valentine's assist selection is overall lacking in variety and options.
  • Reversals: She does not have a meterless reversal, and some of her metered reversals require DHCs to combo from.
  • DHC Synergy: While her DHCs do good damage, they lack a lot of utility compared to other characters.





站姿 5 Buttons: Sg lp.pngSg lk.pngSg mp.pngSg mk.pngSg hp.png or Sg hk.png
蹲姿 5 Buttons: Sg lp.pngSg lk.pngSg mp.pngSg mk.pngSg hp.png or Sg hk.png
空中 6 Buttons: Sg lp.pngSg lk.pngSg mp.pngSg mk.pngSg hp.pngSg hk.png


体重 冲刺 二段跳 空中冲刺 IAD锁
Light Run Yes Yes 8


向前受身 向后受身 滑行倒地 强制倒地 瘫倒
37 37 6 35 32


2MK (default assist)

Two hit low assist.

Throw (default assist)

Valentine's normal throw causes crumple state making it easy to combo from.

H Savage Bypass (236K)

Valentine rushes forward to nearly fullscreen distance. Pushes the opponent very far back on block, and on hit knocks them backwards for a conversion. This is generally Valentine's best assist.

Vial Hazard (214P)

A setup assist. If Val doesn't already have a vial loaded, she will load up a poison and leave the screen. If called a second time, or whenever she still has a vial loaded, she will perform Flew Shot to throw the loaded vial at the opponent. Between the 3 variations of poisons, this assist has a variety of utility between pure damage, combo setups, or stronger resets.

Mortuary Drop (214LP+LK)

A long range throw assist that gives the point character time to set up resources.


5 hit short ranged lockdown assist

Move List

Standing Normals

5LP s.Sg lp.png

x1 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 自成链 200 2.5% +1 +4
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
6 3 13 16 19 7 N/A
x2 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 自成链 200 2.5% -4 -1
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
7 3 18 16 19 7 N/A
x3 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - 200 2.5% -1 +2
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
8 2 16 16 19 7 N/A
  • 远距离、部分纯红框的三连击
  • 随机使用手术刀、压舌板、棒棒糖,所有东西效果一样

5MP s.Sg mp.png

x1 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 自成链 140 x3, 325 2.25% x47.5%, 1.8% x4 -1 -2
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
13 1, 1, 1, 1 23 22 x4, 22 21 x4, 21 1 x3, 10 N/A
x2 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - 300, 100 x4 2.25% x5 +4 +3
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
14 3, (7), 3, (3), 3, (3), 3, (3), 3 16 22 x5 17, 21 x4 9, 1 x4 N/A
  • 5MPx1最后一次受击硬直比5MPx2多,5MPx2后想接5HP需要5MPx2立刻取消到5HP
  • 不要用5MPx2确认,造成的连击伤害修正缩放会减少连段伤害

5HP s.Sg hp.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - 950 10% +2 -3
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
21 2 26 29 24 14 N/A
  • 启动阶段向后靠,可以躲避攻击,也可以kara取消到超杀用来后退控制距离。加上大的纯红框使这招成为中距离很强的牵制招式,尤其是结合援护使用时

5LK s.Sg lk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - 275 2.5% +5 +3
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
11 2 16 22 20 7 N/A
  • 只用于连段

5MK s.Sg mk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - 400, 75 x4 7.5%, 1.8% x4 -3 ±0
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
14 2, (4), 3, 3, 3, 5 22 22, 20 x4 25, 23 x4 9, 2 x4 N/A
  • 瓦伦汀先踢一脚,之后自动追加四次十字镖旋转攻击。踢造成的受击硬直最长,可以取消到5HP接上
  • 持续帧多且距离远,可以作为牵制招式,结合援护确认更佳·

5HK s.Sg hk.png

x1 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 自成链 400 10% -11 -16
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
16 4 33 25 20 10 N/A
x2 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 自成链 450 4.5% -12 -17
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
16 4 34 25 20 10 N/A
x3 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - 600 4.5% 滑行倒地 -21
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
13 4 37 27 19 13 N/A
  • 瓦伦汀手拿输液架挥砍,最多可以砍三次,每次被防都不安全。但是瓦伦汀有很多多段攻击的拳脚,能轻松确认击中再会取消到HK。
  • 5HKx3造成滑行倒地,可以取消到Vial Load攒针,也可以过去压起身
  • 5HKx1竖直方向有很大的纯红框,可以作为远距离对空招式但要记住这招很慢
  • OTG使用后不要把这招作为连段结尾,不然对手倒地后可以立刻受身。OTG已经用了就用5HP

Crouching Normals

2LP c.Sg lp.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - 200 2.5% +4 +6
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
6 2 15 20 22 8 N/A
  • 快、加帧多,非常适合点投
  • 纯红框部分有一定竖直范围,使这招对空也还行

2MP c.Sg mp.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - 160 x2, 300 2.25% x3 +2 -1
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
14 1, 1, 2 21 16 x2, 24 17 x2, 21 2 x2, 10 (1 x2, 10 on block) N/A
  • 瓦伦汀挥舞锯子后仰,丢出大块高过自身的纯红框剑气,是她的最强对空招式

2HP c.Sg hp.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 浮空技 950 10% -6 -19
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
14 4 34 31 18 14 N/A
  • 瓦伦汀唯一浮空技,不错的水平范围,能在很多地面拳脚的最远距离接上

2LK c.Sg lk.png

x1 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
下段 自成链 225 2.5% +4 +1
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
9 3 14 20 17 8 N/A
x2 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - 85 x3 2% x3 +3 ±0
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
10 2, (2), 2, (2), 2 16 20 x3 17 x3 1 x3 N/A
  • 只有第一下踢是下段,造成比后面十字镖旋转更多的打击停顿
  • 2LKx2被防平帧,作为2LK 2MK确认的替代有利于后续压制。与2LK 2MK不同,2LKx1空了2LKx2也能出
  • 作为多段攻击的招式,放在连段靠后部分比5LK造成更多伤害,但2LKx2捡起地上的对手有时很怪,自个看着用

2MK c.Sg mk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
下段 - 350 x2 3.75% x2 +2 -2
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
14 3, (3), 2 20 23 x2 19 x2 6, 10 N/A
  • 2段攻击,被防才-2。能给瓦伦汀充足的时间确认。

2HK c.Sg hk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
下段 扫堂腿 975 10% 软性倒地(无敌) -18
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
17 4 32 14 17 10 N/A
  • 这是扫堂腿(

Jumping Normals

jLP j.Sg lp.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
上段 - 200 2.5% +6 +2
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
7 4 12 21 17 7 N/A
  • 出招快,部分纯红框。框非常适合空中丢完Dead Cross后打低处的对手,用于起跳空对空也不错。
  • 最速jLP快到能打站姿对手,可以用作模糊攻击

jMP j.Sg mp.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
上段 - 250, 175 x4 1.8% x5 +7 +3
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
10 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 13 22 x5 16 x5 6 x5 N/A
  • 骨锯部分纯红框,斜向下持续相当长时间,是瓦伦汀空中冲刺到对手头顶后的压制手段。不过多段攻击起手造成的伤害缩放会影响后续伤害。
  • 把这招视作divekick,下落过程中大部分时间都有持续帧,有朝下的纯红框又很难赢。应该作为主要压制手段之一

jHP j.Sg hp.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
上段 - 875 10% +4 +2
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
18 2 19 25 22 12 N/A
  • 挥动纯红框的骨锯进行单段攻击,虽然没有看起来那么大但还是能打到前、下和后面的对手。弧形范围能让瓦伦汀空中冲刺后更容易打逆向

jLK j.Sg lk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
上段 - 325, 100 x3 or 200, 100 x2 2%, 1.8% x3 or 1.8% x3 +2 -2
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
9 3, (1), 10 10 21 x4 or 21 x3 17 x4 or 17 x3 7, 2x3 or 2 x3 N/A
  • 膝盖上飞镖多段攻击,受击硬直短、击中推开对手的特点使这招更适合重置和throw setups
  • 斜向下的角度能打到前面和略后的对手,空中飞镖空后下落时不错的选择
  • 由于jLK和jMP的防御硬直不同,在BDAD(最速后冲刺+空中冲刺)压制中混合使用扰乱对手timing

jMK j.Sg mk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
上段 - 300, 550 2.5%, 6% +4 -3
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
12 3, (3), 3 21 24, 27 17, 20 7, 10 N/A
  • 先用锤子敲对手和自己的膝盖,能将对手稍微向上抬(即使在地上),然后腿抬起将地面的对手提到空中,同时瓦伦汀向前上方弹跳
  • 瓦伦汀最强空对空招式之一:第一段攻击的纯红框不错、中途略微弹跳
  • 第二击的小弹跳可以给瓦伦汀带来额外的空中机动性
  • 在连段中可以jHP取消jMK第二段快速落地,来实现一些狡猾的快速落地重置

jHK j.Sg hk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
上段 - 500, 600 2.5%, 6% -13 -18
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
17 3, (3), 3 36 13, 25 16, 20 12 x2 N/A
  • 尸袋中的僵尸进行两次攻击,僵尸部分纯红框,可能是游戏里最好的空对空招式
  • 启动慢,控制好使用的距离否则容易被打断
  • 如果jHK距离放的不好可以取消到Dead Cross或者空中后冲刺
  • A misplaced jHK can be cancelled into into Dead Cross or back airdash, double jump to make it safe.

Universal Mechanics

Throw Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
50%伤害缩放 800 5%, 8% 瘫倒 N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
7 1 28 N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • 瘫倒给衔接提供了充足时间,很容易接2HP(或者版边5HP)

Air Throw Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png (in air)

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
空投 50%伤害缩放 0, 75 x4, 800 5%, 1% x4, 0 倒地 N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
7 3 15 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Tag Sg mp.png + Sg mk.png / Sg hp.png + Sg hk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 换入 500 10% 弹墙 -23
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
38 to 58 3 34 10 13 12 N/A
  • 瓦伦汀在隔离帘后入场,靠近对手后割开帘幕并攻击对手。入场时能被攻击,虽然动画和5HP相同,换入的伤害、特性截然不同,并且不能取消到其他招式

Snapback Sg 236.png + Sg mp.png + Sg mk.png / Sg 236.png + Sg hp.png + Sg hk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 退场 0 -100% N/A -21
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
12 + 3 3 36 14 17 13 9
  • 这是个退场(


Dead Cross Sg 236.png + Sg p.png (Air OK)

Ground 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 飞行道具 300 (100) (2.5%) 6% +6 -9
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
17 29 31 28 13 8 N/A
Air 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 飞行道具 300 (100) (2.5%) 6% +13 -2
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
17 (Until ground) 24 28 13 8 N/A
  • 瓦伦汀扔出一枚单段攻击、固定范围的手里剑。LP,MP,HP版本距离不同,空中版本角度不同
  • 手里剑击中对手、落地、飞出屏幕后进入24帧冷却
  • 结合大跳、二段跳,空中手里剑的轨迹可以覆盖很大范围,瓦伦汀可以在想要的时候安全、防御性地对战。这有助于建立她强大的空间控制能力。如果对手想靠近,瓦伦汀下落jLP既可以压制对手又可以衔接轻版本的空中手里剑(如果命中)
  • 空中手里剑可以减缓瓦伦汀空中动量,可以很方便地选择合适的角度靠近

Savage Bypass Sg 236.png + Sg k.png (Air OK)

Sg lk.png 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - 975 (100) (2.5%) 10% 倒地 -4
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
17 2 34 18 21 15 (10 on block) N/A
Sg mk.png 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - 1100 (150) (2.5%) 10% 倒地 -7
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
21 4 39 (37 on block) 18 21 15 (10 on block) N/A
Sg hk.png 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - 1275 (200) (2.5%) 10% 倒地 -10
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
27 8 44 (40 on block) 18 21 15 (10 on block) N/A
Air Sg lk.png 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 75%伤害缩放 750 (100) (2.5%) 7.5% 倒地 -23
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
15 2 (until ground) 18 21 15 (10 on block) N/A
Air Sg mk.png 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 75%伤害缩放 825 (150) (2.5%) 7.5% 倒地 -23
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
18 4 (until ground) 18 21 15 (10 on block) N/A
Air Sg hk.png 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 75%伤害缩放 900 (200) (2.5%) 7.5% 倒地 -22
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
23 8 (until ground) 18 21 15 (10 on block) N/A
  • Valentine dashes forward, attacking with a single bonesaw cut as she appears behind the opponent.
  • Although she appears to disappear or teleport during the attack, Valentine has no invulnerably; she can get hit out any frame of this move. Active frames end as soon as Valentine touches the opponent.
  • Valentine will not cross through the opponent on block, or if the opponent is in the corner.
  • The hit stop effect from this attack affects only the opponent, effectively adding to hit and block stun.
  • On ground hit, Valentine's recovery varies slightly based on when she crosses sides with the opponent. It is always as long or longer than the recovery on whiff. Oh whiff, Valentine will end the move as soon as she switches sides with the opponent.
  • The air version of Savage Bypass leaves Valentine in recovery until she reaches the ground if it whiffs, but on hit (even if it hits an assist and misses the point character) Valentine will recover in the air letting her perform follow-ups.
  • As a neutral tool, the HK version covers most of the screen, allowing for a good fullscreen attack especially on other characters trying to stay away from Val. However, if blocked or on whiff, the bypass will leave you helpless in a counterhit state until you land, so cancel into air scalpels if you want a safe-ish approach.
  • If the air version hits, there is a 10f buffer to input a double jump or air dash.

Vial Hazard Sg 214.png + Sg p.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - N/A (2.5%) N/A N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
N/A N/A 67 (Lv.1) / 72 (Lv.2) / 77 (Lv.3) / 88 (Assist) N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • As a stand-alone special move, Valentine loads a syringe with poison. This gives her access to the move Flew Shot (commonly referred to as Vial Toss), which is a modified version of Dead Cross and applies the poison loaded on hit.
  • Executing this move an additional time while a poison is already loaded will increase the level of the poison, up to level 3, making the effect of the respective poison more effective. Doing so will increase the recovery of Vial Hazard.
  • Valentine must complete the full animation to load the poison. She will not keep the syringe if she cancels into a super too early or gets interrupted by the opponent.
  • For level 3 poisons, and all orange poisons, the opponent must hit Valentine with a super or snapback to remove the effect early. Level 1 and 2 purple and green poisons can be removed by simply hitting Valentine.
  • Sg lp.png Type A: Damage Over Time
    • The purple poison deals damage over time for the poison's 480f duration in even 1f increments. The damage done scales along with Valentine's ratio, and deals no damage if the defending character has low health (10% for level 1 and 2, 1% for level 3).
    • Level 1: 1343 total damage
    • Level 2: 2008 total damage
    • Level 3: 2782 total damage
  • Sg mp.png Type B: Increased Hitstun
    • The green poison increases hit and block stuns for the defending character and removes undizzy, enabling new combos. Enables Val to convert off of her Air throw midscreen without using meter, among other conversions.
      • Level 1: Adds 20f to all hit stuns, block stuns and OTG hitstops; ~360f duration.
      • Level 2: Adds 30f to all hit stuns, block stuns and OTG hitstops; ~420f duration; subtracts 50 undizzy.
      • Level 3: Adds 40f to all hit stuns, block stuns and OTG hitstops; ~480f duration; subtracts 100 undizzy.
  • Sg hp.png Type C: Input Lag
    • The orange poison causes an input lag effect for the defending character. When infecting an assist character, the poison's input lag adds start up to the assist before it hits the ground.
      • Level 1: 4f input lag effect; ~180f duration.
      • Level 2: 6f input lag effect; ~270f duration.
      • Level 3: 9f input lag effect; ~360f duration.
  • Assist version behavior
    • If there is poison loaded, she will throw a syringe.
    • Loading poison counts for using an assist during a combo.
    • The animation is a fixed length, 11f longer than a point level 3 load.

Flew Shot After Vial Hazard:
Sg 236.png + [ Sg p.png ] (Air OK)

Ground 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 飞行道具 400 (100) (5%) 6% +10 -3
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
17 -- 31 28 15 12 N/A
Air 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 飞行道具 400 (100) (5%) 6% +17 +4
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
17 (Until ground) 24 28 15 12 N/A
  • The syringe projectile deals more damage than a shuriken, travels the full length of the screen in a straight line, and causes a poison effect on hit. Missing Flew Shot wastes the poison.
  • The speed of the ground versions varies with the button strength (L is slowest, H is fastest), but the different strengths of the air version have similar angles to Dead Cross.
  • If the button input is tapped (held less than 7f), Valentine will throw a Dead Cross and save the poison.
  • Ground version can also be used for ground links into 5LP.
  • Air version slows down Val's air momentum, very handy when trying to pick just the right air angle to approach from.

Mortuary Drop Sg 214.png + Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
指令投 50%伤害缩放,
0x2, 1200 (2.5%) 7%, 3%, 8% 倒地 N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
25 2 64 N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • 瓦伦汀拿着尸袋前冲的慢启动指令投
  • 恢复动画中可以空中取消到超杀衔接。EKG Flatliner任意位置都可以,Checkmate Incision版中比版边难一点
  • 慎用这招,启动慢、恢复长,使得这招能反应过来并且高风险,99.9%的情况最好用别的常规进攻方式


Checkmate Incision Level 1 Sg 236.png + Sg p.png + Sg p.png (Air OK)

Ground 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 无敌(完全) (Frame 3) 450 x8 (125 x8) -100% 倒地 -33
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
5 + 0, 2 -- 64 16 x8 19 x8 30 x8 (8 x8 on block) 3
Air 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 无敌(完全) (Frame 3),
450 x8 (125 x8) -100% 倒地 -2 (at best)
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
5 + 2, 2 (Until ground) 44 16 x8 19 x8 30 x8 (8 x8 on block) 4
  • 瓦伦汀将8把手术刀一齐丢出,地面版本版中能接EKG Flatliner,版边可以接5LK。空中版本恢复更快,更容易在它长时间的受击硬直后接连段
  • 空中Savage Bypass拉近距离,被防取消到Checkmate Incision,提供了强力的反keep away对策
  • 虽然这招启动有部分无敌,但是空中版本无敌没有覆盖到持续帧,并且暗转冻结短。空中版本可以见光防或者被逆转招式打康,所以防御时谨慎使用这招,尤其在空中
  • 不错的磨血伤害,尤其对援护能打出大量伤害
  • 也被叫做“手术刀”

EKG Flatliner Level 1 Sg 236.png + Sg k.png + Sg k.png (Air OK)

Ground 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 无敌(完全) 275 x12, 1850 (75) -100% 倒地 -28
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
4 + 4 13 58 30 x13 21 30 x12, 30, (10 on block) 5
Air 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 无敌(完全) 240 x12, 1750 (75) -100% 倒地 -30 (at best)
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
4 + 4 13 (Until ground) 30 x13 21 38 x12, 30 (10 on block) 5
  • 瓦伦汀进行强化版本的Savage Bypass,击中一号位后继续攻击。表中伤害是总伤害,帧数条是第一下空了或被防的数据
  • 第一次攻击击中一号位后会忽视援护、黑鹭兵、猫头、Lennys以及其他途中能碰到的东西
  • 最后一击的延长打击停顿效果能让瓦伦汀DHC到慢启动的超杀,类似Savage Bypass,最后一下的打击停顿只影响对手
  • 快、无敌全覆盖启动、水平距离远,应该作为主要的逆转招式

Acquisitive Prescription Level 2 Sg 421.png + Sg k.png + Sg k.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - N/A -200% N/A N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
0 25 25 N/A N/A 130 0
  • A counter attack that freezes the opponent, allowing Valentine to start a combo. If Acquisitive Prescription connects, you have time to load a vial and still get a heavy counterhit punish with 2HP.
  • Acquisitive Prescription deals no damage on its own and doesn't count as a hit for damage scaling.
  • Valentine's counters both start in 0f and only cause a super flash if successful.
  • When successful, the counter will remove any invulnerable frames and armor (except for Sekhmet) the opponent has in the incoming attack making it the only move in the game that can beat Double's Car super.
  • The attack will always consume meter, either at the super flash or at the end of the active frames for the counter.
  • Countering a burst will apply 50% damage scaling to the next attack.
  • Cannot be used as a DHC, unlike the poison enhanced Countervenom version.

The first frame data graph shows the move on whiff. The second shows it countering on the first possible frame.

Countervenom Level 2 After Vial Hazard:
Sg 421.png + Sg k.png + Sg k.png

Point 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - 2250 (300) -200% 倒地 +45
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
0 25 25 30 N/A 7, 51 0
DHC 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
All - 1000 (300) -200% 倒地 -14
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
0 4 44 30 33 51 0
  • After loading up a Vial Hazard, Valentine's counter stabs the opponent with a syringe. This deals direct damage, always applies the level 3 vial effect, and hits the defending character with enough hit stop to allow Valentine to combo out of it mid screen.
  • Negates armor and invincibility on successful counter like Acquisitive Prescription.
  • Whiffing the counter does not consume the vial, but it does consume the meter.
  • On successful counter, Val will teleport right next to the opponent before performing the stab.
    • She only moves horizontally, so it's possible in rare situations for the stab to whiff if the opponent is high enough and using a disjointed move.
    • If the stab whiffs, she loses both the vial and the meter.
  • As Valentine is invincible throughout the entire recovery Countervenom, this move is very effective anti-assist tool as Valentine will still be safe against any attempted punishes from the opponent, even if the point character is not forced to block.
  • If Vial Hazard is prepared, Valentine can use Countervenom as a DHC. This version has reduced damage, is unsafe on block, and always applies the level 1 version of a given Vial Hazard status effect.
  • Strangely, if a successful Countervenom is immediately DHCed from right after the stab, it will still be Stage 2.
    • For supers that don't hit such as installs, this can allow for very high damage followups.

The first frame data graph shows the move on whiff. The second shows it countering on the first possible frame.

Dead On Arrival Level 3 Sg 214.png + Sg p.png + Sg p.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 无敌(完全),
0 x2, 1000, 4000 (250) -300% 倒地 -42
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
4 + 10 2 64 N/A 23 N/A (8 on block) 8
  • Mortuary Drop动画相同的打击投,瓦伦汀和对手下落时进入一段影片,影片中不能DHC
  • 瓦伦汀可以怜悯对手,长按拳缩短手术过程
  • 长按拳可以攒对应的针,如果不按会攒紫针
  • 这招有55%伤害保底,和一般的Lv3 45%不同
  • 启动快、距离远、暗转冻结久,中立时反击对手空招很有用
  • 2E+ patch notes: "Lv3 startup is no longer super-able after the flash if you were within half a screen of her and committed to an attack/dash/etc. It is still blockable at any distance, if you were not doing anything."

Forbidden Procedure: Rebirth Ex Machina Level 5 Sg 214.png + Sg mp.png + Sg mk.png / Sg 214.png + Sg hp.png + Sg hk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 无敌(完全),
4500 (300) -500% 倒地 -20
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
8 + 4 6 49 19 22 25 (18 on block) 9
  • 瓦伦汀朝地板猛砸除颤器,复活队友的尸体,同时用周围的电流攻击对手
  • 必须拍到尸体才能成功复活,队友恢复33%血量并快速下场
  • 如果击中两具尸体,MP+MK复活二号位,HP+HK复活三号位


Chocoglycemia Sg lp.png , Sg mk.png , 4.gif , Sg mp.png , Sg hk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - N/A 0% N/A N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
N/A N/A 101 N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • 回5点红血

Assist Taunt Automatically done after an assist move

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - N/A 0% N/A N/A N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
N/A N/A 44 N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • 援护招式结束后需要长时间才能进入无敌(完全)
  • 收招长 → 更多时间反击援护


SG val color1.png
SG val color2.png
SG val color3.png
SG val color4.png
SG val color5.png
配色 1
Default color palette.
配色 2
Original alternate color palette.
配色 3
Based on Mai Shiranui from King of Fighters.
配色 4
Original color palette based on Hallow of the Last Hope.
配色 5
Original color palette based on Patty of the Last Hope.

SG val color6.png
SG val color7.png
SG val color8.png
SG val color9.png
SG val color10.png
配色 6
Original color palette based on Easter of the Last Hope.
配色 7
Original color palette based on Valentine's story mode ending.
配色 8
Original color palette based on Christmas of the Last Hope.
配色 9
Based on the nurse monsters from Silent Hill.
配色 10
Based on Trish from Persona 2.

SG val color11.png
SG val color12.png
SG val color13.png
SG val color14.png
SG val color15.png
配色 11
Original alternate color palette.
配色 12
Based on Sheena Fujibayashi from Tales of Symphonia.
配色 13
Based on Anesthesia from Rumble Roses.
配色 14
Based on Baiken from Guilty Gear.
配色 15
Based on Sam, an NPC from Gaia Online.

SG val color16.png
SG val color17.png
SG val color18.png
SG val color19.png
SG val color20.png
配色 16
Based on the Vocaloid Yowane Haku.
配色 17
Based on Haruko Haruhara from Fooly Cooly.
配色 18
Based on Kasumi from Dead or Alive.
配色 19
Based on Kyoko Needleworker from Disgaea.
配色 20
Based on Shinobu from No More Heroes. Crowdfunding request.

SG val color21.png
SG val color22.png
SG val color23.png
SG val color24.png
SG val color25.png
配色 21
Based on Nu-13 from BlazBlue. Crowdfunding request.
配色 22
Based on Taki from Soul Calibur. Crowdfunding request.
配色 23
Original alternate color palette. Crowdfunding request.
配色 24
Original alternate color palette. Crowdfunding request.
配色 25
Based on Strider from Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Crowdfunding request.

SG val color26.png
SG val color27.png
SG val color28.png
SG val color29.png
SG val color30.png
配色 26
配色 27
Based on Mercy from Overwatch.
配色 28
Based on Nurse Joy from the Pokemon series.
配色 29
Based on Sheik from the Legend of Zelda series.
配色 30
Based on Yoruichi from Bleach.

Intro Poses

Valentine has 3 different intro poses that can be selected by holding a light, medium or heavy button during the loading screen before a match.

Valentine intro 1.png Intro pose 1:
Sg lp.png OR Sg lk.png
Valentine does a ninja flip.
Valentine intro 2.png Intro pose 2:
Sg mp.png OR Sg mk.png
Valentine glides with a body bag.
This may sting...a bit.
Time for your physical.
Valentine intro 3.png Intro pose 3:
Sg hp.png OR Sg hk.png
Valentine hides behind a curtain and then cuts it in half.
I'll cut you down to size.
Side effects may include nausea, headaches... and death!

Players to Watch


常用配色 联系/链接 地区 状态 笔记
SG val color23.png
Active 瓦伦汀 H Bypass / 赛瑞贝拉 Excella / 双形 M Bomber
Cloudkong at it again. Strongest Val/Bella/Double player.
Example Play
SG val color12.png
Duckator 美国
Retired to BBTAG(?) 瓦伦汀 2MK / 菲莉亚 H Updo / 双形 H Bomber
(Old footage)
Example Play
SG val color27.png
Izzmo 德国
Active 瓦伦汀 H Bypass / 双形 L Bomber / 伊莱莎 H Spiral
Very aggressive playstyle loves to rushdown, powers up everytime he drops
Example Play
SG val color28.png
MPGame 美国
Active 瓦伦汀 H Bypass / 机械猫女 H Beam / 芙库亚 M Shadow
Example Play
SG val color1.png
Neffros 法国
Inactive 瓦伦汀 H Bypass / 丝瑰丽 DnB

Example Play
SG val color10.png
Outlaw_Spike 美国
Active(?) N/A
Old Solo val player.
Example Play
SG val color26.png
Ranger 俄罗斯
Active 瓦伦汀 H Bypass / 菲莉亚 H Hairball / 赛瑞贝拉 H LNL or 菲莉亚 H Hairball / 赛瑞贝拉 H LNL / 瓦伦汀 H Bypass
Example Play
SG val color27.png
Active 瓦伦汀 H Bypass / 痛苦转轮 H Nail / 赛瑞贝拉 Kanchou
Jogo kd meu super
Example Play