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  • 可以使用打击判定框巨大的普通拳脚。
  • 一个伪二段跳(j2HK)。
  • Hurting Hurl(236P)分别为一个附带扫堂腿特性的飞行道具、一个延迟的上段、一个缓慢的但被防加帧逆转招式。


  • 与椅子有关的普通拳脚都将被替换:5HP和jHP变成近距离打击投;2HP和2HK会变成缓慢的、携带霸体的格伦德尔手臂打击。2HP有两次打击,被防可以消耗能量取消到Airwulf逃跑或者靠近椅子时消耗充能取消到Take a Seat捡回椅子获得加帧的优势,2HK可以在抗下多次打击的同时进行一个几乎全屏的扫堂腿还能再向后翻滚。
  • 此时他会失去唯一不消耗能量的逆转招式Hurting Hurl。当然,他会得到一个新必杀技Take a Seat,这招能对普通拳脚进行特殊的取消,使他能够延长连段、压制和出其不意地择。
  • 使用抓投架势的终结技落在椅子上,会重新装备椅子、造成额外伤害并获得一层充能。



当贝奥武夫拥有充能时,他可以在抓投架势时使用EX终结技。使用EX终结技会牺牲少量伤害(除了Canis Major和Geatish Trepak)但是提供额外的实用效果,例如EX Canis Major(抓投架势空中2PP)能造成比普通版长得多的强制击倒,从而继续进行安全跳和择套路,EX Grendel Killa(抓投架势4KK)则是造成弹地效果,从而可以衔接上普通拳脚,还有EX Geatish Trepak(有椅模式抓投架势2KK)能让贝奥武夫不需要贴近版边即可获得双响退场的机会或者将对手吹飞到屏幕另一端。


贝奥武夫可以在冲刺的时候使用任何空中普通拳脚(尽管重攻击无法在落地前完成出招),这使得他可以做很多事情:使用一个被防无责任、几乎不可无法反应的越顶攻击破开对手防御,还可以在安全跳压制或者EX Canis Major之后诱骗对手使用逆转技能。贝奥武夫可以利用这一点在近身战压制对手,让其不敢动,不敢按键。

SG beo icon.png 贝奥武夫是一个以资源为基础、拥有高伤和强择的压制型角色,需要在对战中反复储存再消耗充能。
优势 弱点
  • 高伤:贝奥武夫基础伤害本来比较高,抓投架势后的终结技和Gigantic Arm无论在什么时候伤害都很不俗,而拥有充能的时候他的伤害更加爆炸。
  • 能量收益佳:贝奥武夫在抓投架势中使用头槌获得大量能量,从而保障了自己和换入的组队成员的输出环境。
  • 强择:贝奥武夫的择并不华丽反而简单粗暴直接,小跳jLK是一个极其快的越顶攻击,也是基础的安全跳招式。
  • 立回简单:贝奥武夫操作简单、立回无脑,容易随机应变,非常好上手。
  • 机动性差:贝奥武夫高级位移手段只有j2HK和Wulf Blitzer,他确实有全游戏最快的步行速度,但没有谁能在这个游戏里安然地向前走。
  • 框大:贝奥武夫的受招判定框较大,很难在立回时躲避牵制攻击。
  • 立回简单:贝奥武夫立回无脑,同样很容易被对策,从而难以打开局面。



站姿 4键:Sg lp.pngSg lk.pngSg mp.pngSg mk.pngSg hp.pngSg hk.png
蹲姿 4键:Sg lp.pngSg lk.pngSg mp.pngSg mk.pngSg hp.pngSg hk.png
空中 5键:Sg lp.pngSg lk.pngSg mp.pngSg mk.pngSg hp.pngSg hk.png


体重 冲刺 二段跳 空中冲刺 IAD锁
小跳 N/A


向前受身 向后受身 滑行倒地 强制倒地 瘫倒
39 40 4 34 34


H Hurting Hurl(默认援护)

一个无敌升龙援护,也有一个飞行道具。打击判定和轨迹都不错,但是发动缓慢,很容易避开。而且,贝奥武夫只能在赫汀冷却完成时或者这招被用作alpha counter时才能把椅子丢出去,否则他在上场后什么都不做就摆个姿势离去。



L Hurting Hurl(236LP)

一个向前行进的远程下段飞行道具援护,并且附带扫堂腿属性,用于下段择且很容易确认。和H Hurting Hurl一样,贝奥武夫只能在赫汀冷却完成时或者这招被用作alpha counter时才能把椅子丢出去,否则他在上场后什么都不做就摆个姿势离去。



Wulf Shoot(236LP+LK)

一个出招慢但是突进速度很快的指令投,自动派生终结技Da Grendel Killa



SG beo chair.png

贝奥武夫可以通过使用Hurting Hurl(236P)j2HK来抛出他的椅子,赫汀。当贝奥武夫没有椅子时,原本会使用椅子的普通拳脚会发生变化,他也无法再使用Hurting Hurl、Geatish Trepak和Striker Kick。此外,除飞行道具外,他每次防御将受到35点额外的磨损伤害。在椅子被卸下后的一段时间内,它会停留在地上并变暗。一段时间后,它会亮起,这是为了表明贝奥武夫可以在椅子开始闪烁时与椅子互动。贝奥武夫可以通过以下方式将椅子捡回来:

  • 使用必杀技(站在椅子附近,输入Sg k.png + Sg k.png)。
  • 使用必杀技Take a Seat(拥有3层充能并输入2.gif, 2.gif + Sg k.png + Sg k.png)。
  • 使用抓投架势的终结技或使用超必杀技Three Wulf Moonsault落在椅子上,同时也能增加招式的伤害。
  • 使用换入,自动装备椅子,且无视椅子的冷却。





  • 贝奥武夫通过投、空投和在Three Wulf Moonsault之后消耗2层充能进入抓投架势,可以使用4次派生攻击。
  • 贝奥武夫通过Wulf Shoo和Wulfamania!进入抓投架势,可以使用5次派生攻击。
  • 贝奥武夫通过2MK和5HP(无椅)进入抓投架势,可以使用2次派生攻击。
  • 贝奥武夫通过jHP(无椅)和Airwulf进入抓投架势,可以使用1次派生攻击。
  • 在最后一次使用终结技的机会使用EX Wulf Press Slam或EX Diving Wulfdog会再增加一次使用派生攻击的机会(增加的这次机会再使用EX Wulf Press Slam和EX Diving Wulfdog中未使用的一招又会增加一次使用派生攻击的机会)。实践指出,例如通过投进入抓投架势最多可以使用6次派生攻击,而不仅仅只能使用4次。

Beowulf leaves Grab Stance when he has no actions left, when the timer runs out, or when he uses an ender/finisher.

  • Using Berserker Headbutt or Naegling Knee Lift will consume one action.
  • Using an ender/finisher will end Grab Stance.
    • Using EX Wulf Press Slam or Diving Wulfdog will consume a Grab Stance action except IF they're used as the final Grab Stance action.

So it is best to use as many Berserker Headbutts or Naegling Knee Lifts before your final action.

Upon entering Grab Stance, Beowulf has X frames to input an action, otherwise he will default to ending Grab Stance with Wulf Press Slam if on the ground, except in Wulfamania! where he will end with Da Grendel Killa, or Canis Major Press if in the air. The timers for Grab Stance is as follows:

  • 23f via Airwulf.
  • 45f via 5HP and (OTG) 2MK.
  • 75f via a ground throw and spending 2 levels of Hype after Three Wulf Moonsault
  • 115f with Wulf Shoot and Wulfamania!
    • 42f after Bersker Headbutt(during Wulfamania!).
    • 43f after Naegling Knee Lift(during Wulfamania!).
  • The opponent will automatically tech if you do not input an action 17f after Berserker Headbutt or Naegling Knee Lift (except during Airwulf and Wulfamania!).

Beowulf is able to enter Grab Stance up to two times normally, three times with EX Da Grendel Kila, and even more with clever use of Hype and assists. After the second or third Beowulf leaves Grab Stance, his opponent will become fully invulnerable and be able to use a ground recovery as soon as they touch the ground.

Hype is Beowulf's other resource aside from The Hurting that greatly benefits him. Hype amplifies Beowulf's ender/finishers and increases his utility by granting additional moves (Grab Stance EX enders, and EX Chair Recall / Wulf Blitzer)

Beowulf gains Hype by (from a minimum of 1/3 to a max of 3 levels of Hype):

  • Using any Grab Stance ender/finisher when at 0 levels of Hype (1 level gained).
  • Slamming onto The Hurting with a Grab Stance ender/finisher (does not stack with the 0 Hype bonus, 1 level gained).
    • Also applies when Beowulf is an assist.
  • Every 35f 5LP is held (1 level gained).
  • Every mic drop (only the first mic drop from 5MP counts in a combo, 1/3 level gained).
  • Every 5HK that staggers the opponent ( 1/3 level gained).
  • Holding down a Sg k.png during EX Chair Recall (1 level gained).
  • Taunting (3 levels gained).
  • Landing his command throw super Wulfamania! (3 levels gained).

Beowulf can spend Hype during Grab Stance by inputting Sg p.png+Sg p.png or Sg k.png+Sg k.png after the moves respective motion. When Beowulf does so, his enders/finishers will gain extra properties. (What each EX ender does is listed with their respective move.)

Note: Hype acquired mid combo from held 5LP, Taunt, or non-EX throw finishers (and any hype acquired in the same combo afterwards), makes any EX ender it is spent on deal 70% of its original damage. This does not apply to Blockbuster finishers, or Geatish Trepak since it's not boosted during the EX version. TL;DR - Spending hype gained mid combo on EX finishers does less damage.

Standing Normals

5LP s.Sg lp.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - 250 2.5% +2 +5
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
7 2 13 16 19 7 N/A
  • A jab resembling a Hulk Hogan's signature ear taunt. Holding the button extends recovery indefinitely, building a level of Hype for every 35f held.

5MP s.Sg mp.png

Sg mp.png 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - 475 7.5% +4 -2
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
13 3 20 26 20 9 N/A
[ Sg mp.png ] 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
上段 飞行道具 200 2.5% +4 -1
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
9 (Until Ground) 11 22 17 10 N/A
  • Beowulf delivers a staight punch while holding a microphone. Holding the button will drop the mic for a second, overhead hit. Depending on how long the button is held, the mic drop can combo from the punch or un-combo to function as an overhead reset. The mic drop can always be comboed out of, and builds 1/3 of a level of Hype.
  • When combined with a cancel into L Hurting Hurl, this move can be effectively used for high/low mixups.

5HP With Chair s.Sg hp.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - 925 10% +1 or
倒地 (vs air)
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
21 1 26 31 18 11 N/A
  • Professional Wrestling 112A: The Basic Chair Shot.
  • The disjoint of this move allows Beowulf to anti-air and/or space his opponent, although due to its single active frame and lenghty startup, timing is key when using it as such.
  • Cancel immediately into L Wulf Blitzer or L Hurting Hurl after 5HP hits to confirm in neutral.

5HP (Chairless) Chairless s.Sg hp.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 打击投 0 0% Grab Stance -11
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
18 3 28 N/A 19 N/A (11 on block) N/A
  • Beowulf grabs at the opponent with one arm, which starts Grab Stance as a hit grab. Using this move lets Beowulf start a Grab Stance with 2 actions from any ground chain.
  • A staple of beowulfs combos, usually the ones without the chair. Has limited use.
  • Can be used to catch moves that leave their extended hurtbox out like Brass Knuckles or Titan Knuckle.

5LK s.Sg lk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
下段 - 325 2.5% ±0 -1
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
11 2 17 18 17 7 N/A
  • Beowulf delivers a quick stomp for a standing attack that hits low. Useful as a restand in some of Beowulf's combos.

5MK s.Sg mk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - 475 7.5% -1 -8
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
14 4 24 26 19 9 N/A
  • A standard drop kick that moves Beowulf forward, can be used for kara cancelling.

5HK s.Sg hk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - 975 10% -1 or 踉跄 (+32 / +47 CH) or 弹墙 (vs air) -11
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
20 5 28 31 21 12 N/A
  • A super kick which causes stagger when used outside of a chain combo. Luckily, Beowulf has several ways to combo into this move with a link. For example, the easiest link would be L Hurting Hurl, hop j.MP, 5HK.
  • Builds 1/3 of a level of Hype once per combo when it staggers.
  • Moves Beowulf forward much further than 5MK, but is also slower, can also be used to kara cancel.

Crouching Normals

2LP c.Sg lp.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - 250 2.5% +1 +4
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
6 2 14 16 19 7 N/A
  • Beowulf's fastest ground normal.
  • 2LP's hitbox can be used to anti-air against low airdashers and checking the opponent.
  • Can buffer it into chair on 2HP for a conversion that launches your opponent.

2MP c.Sg mp.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - 525 7.5% +3 -6
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
13 3 21 26 17 10 N/A
  • Beowulf's go-to medium in a blockstring due to its good range and can be used as a semi-safe poke.
  • Moves Beowulf's collision hurtbox forward and may whiff when used as a confirm from certain hits.

2HP With Chair c.Sg hp.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 浮空技 775 10% -1 -16
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
15 2 33 33 18 14 N/A
  • Beowulf's only standard launcher requires The Hurting.
  • Its excellent hitbox and good startup allows Beowulf to anti-air opponents, it can be cancelled H Hurting Hurl to cover a lot of space safely and score conversions if he hits them.

2HP (Chairless) Chairless c.Sg hp.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 霸体 (1 hit),

无法取消 (Specials)

625, 725 10%, 10% 倒地 -31
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
25 4, (9), 4 46 26, 36 18, 18 12, 15 N/A
  • Beowulf uses Grendel's arm for an armored uppercut that hits twice, replacing his only launcher with the Hurting. Although it sends the opponent on a similar trajectory to a launcher, it is not a true launcher; Beowulf can't jump cancel this attack. If Beowulf uses the move more then once in the same combo, it will send the opponent up to only half of the regular height.
  • Beowulf takes full damage from any moves that hit him during the armored window.
  • If Beowulf has a level of Hype and is close to The Hurting, you can push Sg k.png+Sg k.png to do an "EX" Take a Seat to special cancel this move.
  • Beowulf can super cancel this move to counter his opponent's potential punish depending on the situation.
    • Beowulf can super cancel into Airwulf on block to make an escape from a bad situation (Although using this too much will make you predictable and get punished), into Gigantic Arm to punish them for pushing a button, or into Wulfamania! if they're expecting the first two.

2LK c.Sg lk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
下段 - 250 2.5% +2 +4
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
7 3 12 16 18 7 N/A
  • Beowulf’s fastest low. Its range allows for decent poke in conjuction with his 2MP.
  • Can also be used to keep Beowulf on his opponent if they Pushblock.

2MK c.Sg mk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
下段 - 425 7.5% +1 or Grab Stance (on OTG hit) -2
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
14 2 24 26 23 9 N/A
  • Beowulf swipes at the opponent's ankles with a low attack. Although mediocre on its own, hitting the attack as an OTG triggers a hit grab where Beowulf picks the opponent up and starts Grab Stance with 2 actions.
  • Can be used in a blockstring instead of 2MP for a second low that's only -2 on block.
  • It's longer blockstun over 2MP allows [2MK, 5HK] to be a true blockstring.

2HK With Chair c.Sg hk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
下段 扫堂腿 1000 10% 软性倒地(无敌) -14
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
19 3 29 14 17 10 N/A
  • Beowulf's standard sweep using The Hurting.
  • Has good range, decent speed, and is a disjointed sweep, making it surprisingly useful on many unsuspecting opponents

2HK (Chairless) Chairless c.Sg hk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
下段 霸体 (3 hits), 扫堂腿无法取消 (Specials) 1400 10% 软性倒地(无敌) -19
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
25 2 35, KD or 90* 14 17 16 N/A
  • Without the Hurting, Beowulf brings out Grendel's arm for an armored, long range sweep. This is significantly slower than Beowulf's other 2HK and will not chain from any of his ground normals. The recovery knocks Beowulf down, allowing him to use a ground recovery.
  • Due to it's 3 hits of armor and being able to super cancel while your opponent hits the armor, this can be used as a meterless reversal or a punish (albeit risky).
    • Despite its 3 hits of armor, Beowulf takes full damage from any moves that hit him during the armored window.
  • If Beowulf has a level of Hype and is close to The Hurting, you can push Sg k.png+Sg k.png to do an "EX" Take a Seat to special cancel this move.
* 90 is the recovery time without a ground tech, while 35 is the recovery time with a ground tech.

Jumping Normals

jLP j.Sg lp.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
上段 - 200 2.5% +8 +1
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
8 3 14 24 17 7 N/A
  • An eye rake attack. This is Beowulf's fastest option for an air to air move or an overhead when combined with his forward dash.
  • Good button to press after blocking in the air if the opponent is still in front of you, its great hitstun allowing him to convert if the move hits.

jMP j.Sg mp.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
上段 - 575 7.5% +11 +3
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
14 3 15 28 20 10 N/A
  • A knife edge chop to the opponent's chest. This attack's generous hit stun allows Beowulf to use this attack out of a forward dash and link some of his slower ground normals.

jHP With Chair j.Sg hp.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
上段 - 775 10% -5 -7
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
16 1, (Until ground) (Until ground) 28 19 11 N/A
  • Beowulf extends The Hurting out horizontally in front of him for a body splash attack. Like typical body splash moves from other fighting games, the attack stays active for the duration of his jump. Unlike those other attacks, Beowulf's chair gives his version a significantly larger, mostly-disjointed hit box.
  • Dash-jump j.HP will cover almost the entire screen horizontally. On hit it can lead to conversions depending on how close you are to the opponent. A smart opponent will attempt to predict you pressing this then block and land cancel to put you at a frame disadvantage, so watch out.

jHP (Chairless) Chairless j.Sg hp.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
上段 打击投 0 0% Grab Stance -7
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
16 (Until ground) (Until ground) N/A 19 N/A (11 on block) N/A
  • Beowulf performs a body splash without The Hurting, attacking with a smaller hit box than the chair assisted version of j.HP. The move's true utility is transitioning to Grab Stance on hit, which Beowulf can do both from an air chain or air to ground as a jump in attack.
  • Beowulf is free to use any ender/finisher on the way down; otherwise defaults to Canis Major Press on hit.

jLK j.Sg lk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
上段 - 275 2.5% -6 -3
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
9 24 7 24 18 7 N/A
  • Beowulf does a knee drop attack that is active for a long time, his main cross up tool.
  • Only a frame slower than his j.LP, it is Beowulf's other option for a hop overhead attack that is slightly ambiguous.

jMK j.Sg mk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
上段 - 625 7.5% -11 -4
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
14 (Until ground) 2 26 19 9 N/A
  • A dropkick with a visually similar animation to Beowulf's 5MK. Using this attack out of a forward dash means it will have a slower start up than a 5MK, but may confuse an opponent because it actually hits high. Has very slight landing lag.
  • Has less hitstun than j.MP, making it harder to combo into 5HK.

jHK j.Sg hk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
上段 - 750 10% 倒地 (vs air) -6
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
16 3 29 28 31 14 N/A
  • With or without the Hurting, Beowulf kicks directly below himself with both feet.
  • The amount of blockstun this move has allows Beowulf to use move instead of j.HP to keep his opponent in blockstun longer than with j.HP or if his opponent is in the corner, due to the latter not being able to cross up.

Command Normals

j2HK With Chair j. 2.gif + Sg hk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
上段 飞行道具 750 10% N/A or 倒地 (vs air) N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
19 (Until ground) 4 28 20 8 N/A
  • Beowulf kicks directly below himself, exactly like his usual j.HK, but instead uses The Hurting to attack as a projectile. Because he sets the chair down, he needs to have it equipped to use this version of the move.
  • As this move leaves Beowulf chairless, he will take additional chip damage on block. See Chair (The Hurting) section for more details.
  • Gives Beowulf a pseudo double jump, allowing him to use it to bypass careless zoning, as an offensive approach, or to avoid your opponents wake up options, all while being able to either convert on the way down if it hits, or block if it doesn't.
  • The in-game frame data for this move is incorrect (it will only display 16 frames of startup)

Universal Mechanics

Throw Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
50%伤害缩放 0 5% Grab Stance N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
7 1 28 N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • Beowulf's normal throw has above average range and is his most direct way to start Grab Stance. It has the same rules for a throw tech as any other normal throw even though it doesn't do any damage as an individual move.

Air Throw Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png (in air)

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
空投 50%伤害缩放 0 5% Grab Stance N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
7 3 18 N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • Like with his ground throw, Beowulf's normal air throw starts a Grab Stance.
  • Beowulf is free to take any action on the way down or wait so he can continue Grab Stance on the ground. If he is too high in the air, he will default to Canis Major Press.

Tag Sg mp.png + Sg mk.png / Sg hp.png + Sg hk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 换入 500 4.5% 倒地 -20
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
31 to 46 1 33 10 13 13 N/A
  • During his tag in attack Beowulf enters the screen from behind the opponent, forcing a change in block direction.

Snapback With Chair
Sg 236.png + Sg mp.png + Sg mk.png / Sg 236.png + Sg hp.png + Sg hk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 退场 0, 0 -100% N/A -16, -32
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
12 + 3 3, *(45), 5 37, 45 45, 14 17, 17 14, 13 (9 on block) 9
  • Unique in that it has 2 hits, and will only do the kick to send the opponent off screen if the first hit connects successfully.
    • Beo will simply set The Hurting down on block or on whiff.
  • If a Sg p.png button is held; Beowulf stays in his chair until the button is released or if he gets hit.
  • Beowulf has a second snapback while in grab stance (see the Grab Stance Moves section).
* Upon successful first hit.


Hurting Hurl (Chair Toss) With Chair Sg 236.png + Sg p.png

Sg lp.png 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
下段 扫堂腿,
600 (100) (2.5%) 7.5% 软性倒地 -1
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
21 12 30 16 19 12 (9 on block) N/A
Sg mp.png 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
上段 (2nd hit) 85%伤害缩放 (2nd hit),
250, 350 (100, 100) (2.5%) 4.5%, 3.825% +3 or 倒地 (vs air) -7, N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
22 48, 16 34 28, 28 18, 17 8, 8 N/A
Sg hp.png 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 无敌(对打击),
600 (100) (2.5%) 4.05% 倒地 +1
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
25 50 28 17 20 8 N/A
  • Beowulf's uses The Hurting to attack his opponent, putting it on cooldown when it reaches its destination.
  • As this move leaves Beowulf chairless, he will take additional chip damage on block. See Chair (The Hurting) section for more details.

  • Sg lp.png
    • Beowulf kicks The Hurting for a single hitting projectile that hits low, sweeps, and has good height to it.
    • A staple move in Beowulf's combos and is easy to convert from with hop j.MP if at a distance.
    • Puts The Hurting on the shortest cooldown.
  • Sg mp.png
    • Beowulf tosses The Hurting in the air for a projectile that hits twice, with the second hit must be blocked high, and leaves the chair in front of him.
    • Leaves Beowulf plus on hit and leaves him the position to reset his opponent with a high/low/throw. He can also choose not to and have the chair come down for a potential counterhit to punish his opponent.
      • This position also allows the opponent to reversal so use with caution.
  • Sg hp.png
    • Beowulf's only meterless reversal.
    • Beowulf hurls The Hurting for a single hitting projectile that travels fullscreen in a parabolic arc, leaves him +1 on block, and can use OTG to confirm with 2HK into Gigantic Arm or Wulf Blitzer.
    • The 30f of hit-invul this move has allows Beowulf to safely dodge through a plethora of moves and then counter with a super of his choice.
      • Although, due to the lengthy startup this allows his opponent to either startup a reversal of their own, grab him, safejump, meaty, or plain move out of the way as well. Use with care.
    • Puts The Hurting on the longest cooldown.
    • Beowulf has a 4f buffer for normals after this move.

Wulf Blitzer (Beast Cannon) Sg 236.png + Sg k.png (Air OK)

Ground 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - See description (100) (2.5%) 3% 倒地 -24 (L), -57 (M), -65 (H)
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
20 28 (Until ground), 12 after landing 15 18 8 N/A
x2, x3 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - See description (100) 3% 倒地 -2/-8 at best, see description
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
8 28 (Until ground), 12 after landing 15 12 (x3 downwards directions), 18 (otherwise) 8 N/A
Ground EX 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - See description (100) 3% 倒地 -2 at best, see description
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
8 28 (Until ground), 12 after landing 15 18 ? N/A
Air 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - See description (100) (2.5%) 3% 倒地 -27 at best (L), -2 at best (M), -57 at best (H)
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
18 28 (Until ground), 12 after landing 15 18 8 N/A
Air x2 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - See description (100) 3% 倒地 -8 at best, see description
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
8 28 (Until ground), 12 after landing 15 12 (downwards directions), 18 (otherwise) 8 N/A
Air EX 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - See description (100) 3% 倒地 -2 at best, see description
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
8 28 (Until ground), 12 after landing 15 18 ? N/A
  • Beowulf charges at the opponent up to 3 times on the ground or 2 times in the air. The first button press determines the trajectory, then subsequent hits can choose a direction by pressing a button and holding any direction.
  • Sg lk.png
    • Beowulf charges straight forward at the opponent when used on the ground and used in the air.
  • Sg mk.png
    • Beowulf charges upwards at a 45 degree angle when used on the ground or downward at a 45 degree angle when used in the air.
  • Sg hk.png
    • Beowulf charges straight upwards when used on the ground or upwards at a 45 degree angle when used in the air.
  • Wulf Blitzer's damage depends on the direction traveled. If done as a final hit (3rd hit on the ground, 2nd hit in the air), the damage increases by 400, except for the straight downward direction (2) which increases by 300.
Blitzer Damage by Direction
7.gif 8.gif 9.gif
475 575 475
4.gif O 6.gif
375 N/A 375
1.gif 2.gif 3.gif
275 275 275
  • Grounded Blitzer followups (x2/x3) frame advantage on block:
    • x2 in downwards directions: -2
    • x3 in downwards directions: -8 at best
    • x2/x3 forwards/back: -24 at best
    • x2/x3 upback: -50 at best
    • x2/x3 upforward: -57 at best
    • x2/x3 upwards: -65 at best
  • Air Blitzer followup (x2) frame advantage on block:
    • Downwards directions: -8 at best
    • Forwards/back: -27 at best
    • Upback: -51 at best
    • Upforward: -57 at best
    • Upwards: -65 at best
  • Can be used to frametrap your opponent by delaying the next blitzer.
    • Due to how Wulf Blitzer's frame advantage can vary based on it's next direction, Beowulf can also frametrap after landing. An example being L Wulf Blitzer, 2, H hurl.
  • Beowulf gets an extra 1.1111% meter when blitzing forwards or upforwards.
  • For the cost of 1 Hype and after performing at least one regular Blitzer, Beowulf can press KK + any direction to perform an EX Blitzer.
    • He can do this up to 3 times, as long as he has the Hype.
    • This allows him to perform up to 6 Blitzers from the ground (3 normal + 3 EX), or 5 from the air (2 normal + 3 EX).
    • EX Blitzer cannot be canceled back into a regular Blitzer.
    • Unlike regular Blitzers, there is no damage bonus on the third EX Blitzer in a row.
    • Grounded EX Blitzers have the same frame advantage as the x2 Blitzer followup (ie. they are -2 on block in downwards directions when starting from the lowest height).
    • Air EX Blitzers have the same frame advantage as the x2 Blitzer followup, except they do not suffer a blockstun penalty on downwards directions (ie. they are -2 on block in downwards directions when starting from the lowest height).
EX Blitzer Damage
7.gif 8.gif 9.gif
675 775 675
4.gif O 6.gif
575 N/A 575
1.gif 2.gif 3.gif
475 425 475

Wulf Shoot Sg 236.png + Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
指令投 无敌(对投) 0 0.025% Grab Stance N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
24 18 24 N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • This throw is visually similar to a Wulf Blitzer on start up. Beowulf can use this confuse a blocking opponent and start a Grab Stance with 5 actions on hit.
  • This command grab has invulnerability to throw for the entire startup and active period while travelling quite far.
  • Can be used as a reversal against throws and command grabs like Ultimate Showstopper and Diamond Drop, it can also beat Daisy Pusher and Diamonds are Forever with correct spacing.
  • Best used after your opponent is staggered to optimize your damage.

Take a Seat Near chair
Sg k.png + Sg k.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - 0 0% 倒地 N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
N/A N/A 13 N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • When standing near the Hurting, Beowulf can re-equip his chair with this command. Beowulf can cancel the recovery of his normal moves with this quick special if he's close enough to the Hurting.
  • Beowulf can cancel Grendel Flex and Gigan Arm Sweep if he is close to The Hurting and has a level of Hype.
    • Canceling chairless 2HP with this move leaves you at +5
  • Important for combos, can be used to cancel unsafe moves on block, and can be used to cancel in the middle of a string to setup a reset on your opponent. You can ever super cancel it to look extra fancy!

EX Take a Seat With 3 Hype
2.gif , 2.gif + Sg k.png + Sg k.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 飞行道具 1000 1% 倒地 +1
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
17 Until arrives (1 to ~25) Varies 17 10 N/A
  • For the cost of 3 hype, Beowulf recalls the chair to him regardless of where it is. The chair returns as a spinning projectile.
  • The chair can be recalled even if it's still in flight.
  • Total animation lasts 44f, after which Beowulf is able to act regardless of whether the chair has returned yet.

Grab Stance Moves

Berserker Headbutt Grab Stance, then
Sg p.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - 200 or 250, 300** 5% 倒地* N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
9 or 11** 10 or 16* or 9, (3), 9** 0 45 (vs assists) N/A 10 (vs assists) N/A
  • Beowulf headbutts the opponent to do extra damage in Grab Stance. While it doesn't do much damage, it builds meter quickly, and allows you to easily follow up if you end Grab Stance with this action.
  • If this action hits both the point and assist character, and the point dies while Beowulf has one or more Grab Stance actions left, you will be able to happy birthday the assist character.
* When used as the final Grab Stance action.
** When used as an action after an EX ender/finisher from Airwulf or during Wulfamania!

Naegling Knee Lift Grab Stance, then
Sg k.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - 400 or 500** 0.5% 倒地* N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
9 10 or 16* 0 45 (vs assists) N/A 10 (vs assists) N/A
  • Beowulf hits the opponent with a rather spam-friendly knee attack in Grab Stance. The inversion of Berserker Headbutt; it does more damage, it doesn't build nearly as much meter for you, and is harder to follow up if you end Grab Stance with this action.
  • If this action hits both the point and assist character, and the point dies while Beowulf has one or more Grab Stance actions left, you will be able to happy birthday the assist character.
* When used as the final Grab Stance action.
** When used as an action after an EX ender/finisher from Airwulf or during Wulfamania!

Wulf Press Slam Grab Stance, then
6.gif or 4.gif + Sg p.png

Normal 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - 1500 5% 软性倒地 N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
38 3 20 25 (vs assists) N/A 6 (vs assists) N/A
EX 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - 1500 5% Grab Stance,

软性倒地 (vs assists)

出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
38 3 24 25 (vs assists) N/A 6 (vs assists) N/A
  • Beowulf throws the opponent down with a scoop slam, ending the Grab Stance. This move is analogous to the simpler normal throws used by some other characters. If no other attacks are used during a Grab Stance that then expires on the ground, this move is performed automatically.
  • The second best ender/finisher for the corner as it doesn’t let them get away too easily. You can also combine this with an assist to convert afterwards.

Diving Wulfdog Grab Stance, then
6.gif + Sg k.png (Air OK)

Normal 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - 1700 5% 软性倒地 N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
12 4, (20), 1 26, KD or 77* 25 x2 (vs assists) N/A 2, 16 (vs assists) N/A
EX 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - 1500 5% Grab Stance,

软性倒地 (vs assists)

出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
12 4, (20), 1 36 25 x2 (vs assists) N/A 2, 16 (vs assists) N/A
Air 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - 1500 5% 软性倒地 N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
11 (Until ground), 1 26, KD or 77* 25 (vs assists) N/A 12 (vs assists) N/A
EX Air 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - 1200 5% Grab Stance, 软性倒地 N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
11 (Until ground), 1 36 25 (vs assists) N/A 12 (vs assists) N/A
  • Beowulf performs a running (or flying) bulldog to end a Grab Stance. If Beowulf slams his own deployed chair using this move, it deals 250 bonus points of damage, generates 1 level of Hype, and automatically re-equips the chair.
  • The recovery of this move knocks Beowulf down, allowing him to use a ground recovery.
* 26 frames of recovery, then the opportunity to ground tech. If no ground tech is performed, there are 3 frames of vulnerable recovery and 74 frames of invulnerable recovery.

Da Grendel Killa Grab Stance, then
4.gif + Sg k.png (Air OK)

Normal 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - 2100 2% 踉跄 (vs assists), 软性倒地 N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
19 3, (47), 1 59 35, 25 (vs assists) N/A 24 (vs assists) N/A
EX 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - 1700 2% 踉跄 (vs assists), 软性倒地 (vs assists), 弹地 N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
19 3, (47), 1 51 35, 25 (vs assists) N/A 24 (vs assists) N/A
Air 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - 1900 2% 软性倒地 N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
12 (Until ground), 1 59 25 (vs assists) N/A 12 (vs assists) N/A
EX Air 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - 1700 2% 弹地,
软性倒地 (vs assists)
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
12 (Until ground), 1 51 25 (vs assists) N/A 12 (vs assists) N/A
  • Jobbers beware! Beowulf performs a rather unsafe looking behind-the-back brainbuster suplex. If Beowulf slams his own deployed chair using this move, it deals 250 bonus points of damage, generates 1 level of Hype, and automatically re-equips the chair.
  • EX version launches the opponent into the air next to Beowulf for an easy followup. If Beowulf slams on his own deployed chair with this EX version of the move, he does not automatically re-equip the chair.

Geatish Trepak Grab Stance, then
With Chair 2.gif + Sg k.png

Normal 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - [325, 250] x3, 1000 1.8% x6, 1.98% 倒地 -28
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
15 3, (10), 3,... 58 25 x7 28 x7 4 x6, 14 N/A
EX 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - [325, 250] x3, 1000 1.8% x6, 1.98% 吸墙 +6
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
15 3, (10), 3,... 89 25 x7 28 x7 4 x6, 80 N/A
  • With the Hurting equipped, Beowulf jumps on his chair to end his Grab stance with a series of dancing kicks.
  • A good ender/finisher to keep the corner that also does good scaled damage when done at the end of a combo.
  • Gains an extra 1% meter per kick regardless of it hitting or whiffing.
  • If you get a grab and you’re pummeling the point character and their assist, you can do EX Geatish Trepak close to or in the corner, then you can OTG both for a double snap.
  • Also known as "chair dance".

Canis Major Press Grab Stance, then
(Air Only) 2.gif + Sg p.png

Normal 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - 1000 7% 强制倒地 (+3) N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
N/A (Until ground) 58 25 (vs assists) N/A 12 (vs assists) N/A
EX 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - 1250 7% 强制倒地 (+34) N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
N/A (Until ground) 50 25 (vs assists) N/A 12 (vs assists) N/A
  • Beowulf ends an air Grab Stance with a body press, landing on top of the opponent. If Beowulf slams his own deployed chair using this move, it deals 250 bonus points of damage, generates 1 level of Hype, and automatically re-equips the chair.
  • If no other attacks are used during a Grab Stance that then expires in midair, this move is performed automatically.
  • Beowulf is unable to use this ender/finsiher if he does either Berserker Headbutt or Naegling Knee Lift as a Grab Stance action.
  • A key move in Beowulf's okizeme, allowing him to force his opponent guess between a high/low/throw on their wakeup and can bait out reversals. But if you spend a level of Hype, it increases the amount of time it takes for the opponent to wake up, which allows Beowulf to add the ability safejump/meaty slower reversals and cross up with j.LK or j.HP.
  • Unlike other Hard KDs, this move's frame advantage is consistent on all characters.
  • If you have 3 levels of hype, or used two levels of hype in the same combo, and the opponent is on their last character with 1550HP or less, the EX version will end the match with a special animation where a penguin referee appears.
  • Will trigger Undizzy when the move that enters Grab Stance is not chained into.
    • A simple example would be:
5LK > 2MP > 5HP xx Canis Major Press
2LP > 5LK > 2MP > (Chairless) 2HP
(OTG) 2MK xx Canis Major Press

Snapback Grab Stance, then
Sg 236.png + Sg mp.png + Sg mk.png / Sg 236.png + Sg hp.png + Sg hk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A 退场 0, 0 (675 vs assists) -100% N/A N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
4 + 26 4, (26), 2 54 25 x2 (vs assists) N/A 6, 7 (vs assists) N/A
  • Beowulf's alternate snapback from Grab Stance. Stuff 'em in a trash can and kick it!
  • Will always force the opponent off screen, even against solo opponents, in which case the same character comes back into an incoming mixup.
  • Using it against Ms. Fortune in Head-On mode will not leave the head behind, unlike every other snapback in the game.


Gigantic Arm Level 1 Sg 236.png + Sg p.png + Sg p.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
中段 无敌(完全),
2250 (350) -100% 吸墙 -46
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
6 + 4 13 58 21 24 32(被防20) 5
  • Beowulf charges forward with a massive swing of Grendel's arm.
  • A good reversal super when in a pinch and for converting off of stray hits in neutral. Carries them near fullscreen and you can use OTG to convert, granted you are not too close to the corner when initially performing the super.
  • Doing it against an aerial opponent, or doing a launcher into arm, makes conversions possible at more positions on the screen. With tight links, it is even possible to save OTG when converting.

Airwulf Level 1 Sg 214.png + Sg k.png + Sg k.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
对空投 无敌(完全) 0 (250) -100% Grab Stance -11
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
10 + 2 22 14 N/A 24 N/A (11 on block) 3
  • An anti air grab were Beowulf leaps at an upward angle and starts a Grab Stance on hit. All of the typical anti air grab rules apply! On whiff, Beowulf is free to take any action on the way down.
  • Augments Beowulf's Berserker Headbutt, and increases damage to both Berserker Headbutt and Naegling Knee Lift. Also always does the EX Canis Major knockdown, even if you do not spend or have hype.
  • +250 damage to all Non-EX enders/finishers (Except Geatish Trepak) and EX Canis Major Press.
    • +400 damage to all Non-EX enders/finishers and EX Canis Major Press when landing on The Hurting.

Three Wulf Moonsault Level 3 Sg 214.png + Sg p.png + Sg p.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 无敌(完全),
750, 1000, 1500, 2750 (100, 100, 100) -300% 倒地 -30
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
8 + 2 3, (18), 3, (21), 7 44 32, 32, 18 35, 35, 21 24x 2, 19, (10 x3 On Block) 5
  • A majestic level 3 super.
  • +500 damage for landing on The Hurting.
  • Will combo both point and assist character if you hit them both.
    • Becomes fully invulnerable after a second successful hit and plays a cinematic on a successful third hit on the point character.
  • Beowulf can convert into Grab Stance if he has 2 levels of Hype by pressing down + Sg p.png Sg p.png at the end, doing so uses your OTG and scales the combo heavily if done at the beginning.

Wulfamania! Level 3 Sg 360.png + Sg lp.png + Sg lk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
指令投 无敌(完全) 0 -300% Grab Stance N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
4 + 0 5 37 N/A N/A N/A 1
  • A Grab Stance-based custom combo super that instantly builds three levels of Hype when it lands, augments Beowulf's Berserker Headbutt, and increases damage to both Berserker Headbutt and Naegling Knee Lift.
    • All EX enders/finishers can be re-used afterwards except EX Trepak, EX Da Grendel Killa, and EX Canis Major.
  • +250 damage to all Non-EX enders/finishers (except Trepak) and EX Canis Major.
    • +400 damage to all Non-EX enders/finishers and EX Canis Major Press when landing on The Hurting.
  • An expensive reversal if you use it as such, best used after you stagger your opponent. Best route is 4x Berserker Headbutts, 2x Wulf Press Slam or Diving Wulfdog, then EX Da Grendel Killa into your combo.
  • Has an extra frame of startup after the flash when DHC'd into.


Aroo Ready? Sg lp.png , Sg mp.png , 6.gif , Sg lk.png , Sg mk.png

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - N/A 0% N/A N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
N/A N/A 77 N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • Beowulf crouches down on all fours and howls for the crowd, instantly building three levels of Hype.

Assist Taunt Automatically done after an assist move

防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid - N/A 0% N/A N/A N/A
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
N/A N/A 60 N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • Amount of time it takes for the character to turn invulnerable after they finish performing their assist action.
  • Longer recovery → more time to punish the assist.


SG beo color1.png
SG beo color2.png
SG beo color3.png
SG beo color4.png
SG beo color5.png
配色 1
Default color palette.
配色 2
Original alternate color palette.
配色 3
Original alternate color palette based on a "sexy firefighter."
配色 4
Based on Dudley's HP palette from Street Fighter 3: Third Strike.
配色 5
Original alternate color palette.

SG beo color6.png
SG beo color7.png
SG beo color8.png
SG beo color9.png
SG beo color10.png
配色 6
Original alternate color palette.
配色 7
Original alternate color palette based on Beowulf's story mode ending. Crowdfunding request.
配色 8
Original color palette based on Grendel, also used for the mirror match in Beowulf's story mode. Crowdfunding request.
配色 9
Based on El Santo, the legendary Mexican wrestler.
配色 10
Based on Alex from Street Fighter 3. Crowdfunding request.

SG beo color11.png
SG beo color12.png
SG beo color13.png
SG beo color14.png
SG beo color15.png
配色 11
Original alternate color palette based on early 1990s neon color schemes.
配色 12
Based on Wolverine from Marvel Comics.
配色 13
Based on Jackson "Jax" Briggs from Mortal Kombat.
配色 14
Based on Kanji from Persona 4.
配色 15
Based on the Green Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

SG beo color16.png
SG beo color17.png
SG beo color18.png
SG beo color19.png
SG beo color20.png
配色 16
Based on Yamcha from Dragon Ball.
配色 17
Based on John Talbain from the Darkstalkers / Vampire series.
配色 18
Based on Naked Snake AKA Big Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Crowdfunding request.
配色 19
Original alternate color palette based on Silent Storm, a M.U.G.E.N character. Crowdfunding request.
配色 20
Based on William Riker from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

SG beo color21.png
SG beo color22.png
SG beo color23.png
SG beo color24.png
SG beo color25.png
配色 21
Based on the The Ultimate Warrior from the WWE.
配色 22
Original alternate color palette.
配色 23
Based on Batman from DC comics.
配色 24
Based on Zubaz AKA The Baz from rejected Street Fighter 2 concept art and Divekick.
配色 25
Based on Captain America from Marvel vs. Capcom 2.

SG beo color26.png
SG beo color27.png
SG beo color28.png

配色 26
Based on Incineroar from Pokemon.
配色 27
Based on Captain Planet from Captain Planet and the Planeteers.
配色 28
Based on Ganondorf from the Legend of Zelda.

Intro Poses

Beowulf has 3 different intro poses that can be selected by holding a light, medium or heavy button during the loading screen before a match.

Beowulf Intro1.png Intro pose 1:
Sg lp.png OR Sg lk.png
Beowulf does warm up and shows his strength.
Who's next? Awwww!
Get ready! Hnng!
Beowulf Intro2.png Intro pose 2:
Sg mp.png OR Sg mk.png
Beowulf sits on the chair and then posing for cameras.
Yes! Oh yeah!
Beowulf Intro3.png Intro pose 3:
Sg hp.png OR Sg hk.png
Beowulf tears a wall with his chair and assistants close the hole with a new wall.
Finally, the Wulf has come back to New Meridian!
It's time, it's time! It's BEOWULF time!
Step on board the AROOO train!
I am 287 pounds of folded steel, and sex appeal!
I'm a real Canopian!
Eat lightning, crap thunder. Got it, got it.
There's only room for one leader of this pack!

Win Poses

SG pose beo 1.png Winpose 1:
Sg lp.png / Sg lk.png
SG pose beo 2.png Winpose 2:
Sg mp.png / Sg mk.png
SG pose beo 3.png Winpose 3:
Hold Sg hp.png / Sg hk.png with chair
SG pose beo 4.png Winpose 4:
Hold any button after snapback

Players to Watch


常用配色 联系/链接 地区 状态 笔记
SG beo color10.png
bigbandpro69 欧盟
Active 贝奥武夫 H Chair / 大乐队 H Brass

Example Play
SG beo color1.png
Active 贝奥武夫 M Chair / 双形 Clide / 赛瑞贝拉 DDrop
The other Florida Beo player. Utilizes Diamond Drop and M Chair very well.
Example Play
SG beo color18.png
Dekillsage 美国
Active 贝奥武夫 H Chair / 赛瑞贝拉 Excella / 大乐队 H Brass (Old team)
Example Play
SG beo color1.png
Active N/A
THE Solo Beowulf, while not optimal all the time, his routes are flashy.
Example Play
SG beo color8.png
Active 孔雀 L George / 贝奥武夫 H Hurl / 大乐队 H Brass

Example Play
SG beo color27.png
Active 贝奥武夫 H Chair / 机械猫女 H Beam / 大乐队 H Train or 孔雀 L George / 贝奥武夫 H Chair / 大乐队 H Brass
Eu's Beo/Train, really likes chair recall.
Example Play
SG beo color25.png
神戸 (Koube)
Active 帕娜索 L Shot / 双形 Clide / 贝奥武夫 H Chair (Old team)
Runs Beo as a fake anchor, unique, but expensive, taunt setup with Sniper>Puddle DHC>Tag in, has strong pressure.
Example Play
SG beo color15.png
Retired 贝奥武夫 L Chair / 痛苦转轮 H Pinion / 大乐队 H Train
The people's champion, brought Beo/A-train to the spotlight(after Fuego pioneered it, important SG lore). Consistently gets top 8 and is a powerhouse of a player.
Example Play
SG beo color8.png
Sev 美国
Retired 贝奥武夫 H Chair / 双形 H Bomber / 大乐队 H Train (Old team)
Heavy setplay and methodical playstyle. Plays multiple teams.
Example Play
SG beo color1.png
Tiago 巴西
Active 贝奥武夫 H Chair / 大乐队 H Brass / 赛瑞贝拉 H LnL
Flexible beoband shell player.
Example Play
SG beo color12.png
Merah 阿根廷
Active 贝奥武夫 H Chair / 孔雀 L George / 大乐队 H Train
Peatrain god
Example Play