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有些时候,玩家在启动游戏时会收到通知——“当前安装的部分模组对应着不同版本的游戏。”打开 内容管理器 将显示哪些模块不是为当前版本的游戏制作的,但这并不意味着模组损坏。该通知有助于排查问题,但要确认具体哪些模组已损坏,哪些已修复,请查看 spreadsheet 上的表格。点击“罗列不兼容模组”即可访问该表。


  • 每个人都会收到更新补丁,哪怕没有购买新的 DLC。
  • 更新是为了 —— 新增功能、优化游戏、修复 bug。这都会引入新的代码。这可能会导致 mod 需要改用新的方式,来实现他们自己的效果。
  • 许多 mod 作者会提前收到游戏更新,以便他们更新 mod,但也无法保证他们会和游戏更新同步。
  • 请耐心等待。对于制作者来说,做 mod 只是个爱好,毕竟现实生活才是第一位的。不要因为模组没更新,而去打扰他们生活。当他们有精力的时候,自然会更新。


  • 核对已损坏模组表格
  • 不要覆盖存档 —— 将您的城市保存为新的存档
  • 等待 mod 更新 —— 或者帮忙查看哪些 mod 需要更新。
  • 使用 -noWorkshop 启动项,在等待期间玩无模组的原版游戏


很大概率能接着玩,但可能得等几天时间,这取决于你用的 mod。有些 mod 会使存档无法正确加载,如果这类 mod 没更新,那就没办法继续该城市。

Will "insert mod" be updated?

Most likely yes! Our awesome modding community is working hard to find issues and update mods, but it's important to remember, they do this as a hobby so it may take a little while.

Which mods are broken?

For the most up-to-date information on which mods are broken, check out the community-maintained spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mVFkj_7ij4FLzKs2QJaONNmb9Z-SRqUeG6xFGqEX1ew/edit#gid=141983953

Dealing with broken mods

  • If you have a broken mod, unsubscribe from it.
  • If you have two mods with similar features, or different versions of the same mod, pick one and unsubscribe the other(s). Check the description of the mod on the Steam Workshop for more information about compatibility.
  • Disabling mods in the Content Manager does not have the same effect as unsubscribing them. Disabled mods might still run code and cause issues. Always unsubscribe a broken mod.
  • Use the spreadsheet linked above or the Compatibility Report Mod to check your subscribed mods for any issues.

Which mods do I absolutely need to load my city?

This is not a complete list, but can hopefully give you some idea of what mods to keep an eye on before loading your city.

Network mods

These include any mods that add networks. Anything in the Roads category on Steam is not counted, only those in the Mod category.

  • Extra Train Station Tracks
  • German Roads
  • Metro Overhaul Mod
  • More Train Tracks
  • Network Extensions 2
  • One Way Train Tracks
  • Tram Station Track

Major mods

Mods that have a large impact on how the game works are generally needed for your city to work as it should. These include, but are not limited to:

  • 81 tiles
  • Any Road Outside Connections
  • Custom Zone Mixer
  • Improved Lane Connections v2
  • Lifecycle Rebalanced Revisited
  • More CitizenUnits
  • More PathUnits
  • More Vehicles
  • Nursing Homes with Eldercare
  • Optimised Outside Connections
  • Ploppable RICO
  • Realistic Population (or other mods that affect population numbers)
  • Reversible Tram AI [BETA]
  • Traffic Manager: President Edition
  • Transfer Controller
  • Transfer Manager CE
  • Transport Line Manager

How do I play unmodded temporarily?

While you can't play your modded city, why not check out the new content without mods? You can easily do this by adding the -noWorkshop launch option to Steam. To do this right-click on the game in your Library, select Properties, and type in -noWorkshop (exactly like that) in the box at the bottom, and close the window to apply. This disables all workshop content.

Just make sure to start a new city and save it as a new file, so you don't overwrite your existing city.

When you want to play with mods again, simply open the Properties window again, remove the launch option from the box and close the window. Now the workshop is enabled again.




本页内容最初译自官方Wiki:Mod troubleshooting,经双方编辑后内容可能与来源不同。












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