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页面贡献者 :
Marine male normal front.png
移动速度 5.20 带步枪,5.40 带步枪,5.86 不带主武器
奔跑速度 5.99 带步枪,6.21 带步枪,6.73 不带主要武器
蹲下速度 2.60 带步枪2.70 带步枪2.93 不带主要武器
“我的心理医生说,我的攻击性需要发泄。 ”

能力: 构建蓝图乙 升级: 装甲和武器升级 技术要求: 动力步兵传送门



游戏中描绘的海军陆战队是由 TSF 机构部署的部队。跨系统联盟 (TSF) 是一个独立的机构,由 37 个跨政府权力机构(拥有和运营太阳系之间的相位门的政府或超级公司)资助,并对跨系统事务拥有管辖权:如名为宪章。该宪章是一份全面的文件,涵盖了裁军、公平贸易协定(最重要的是,共享阶段门)以及在扩张的黑暗时期变得模糊(或被抛弃)的某些基本公民权利。

为了执行《宪章》,跨政府选择了复兴后的英国特勤局前负责人拉辛·斯图达伯海军上将,并给了她一个小型军事力量的预算——事实证明,这很难阻止那些同样贪婪和好争吵的权力几乎违反每一个他们达成的协议:通常涉及他们自己的公民(称为“人口虐待”)。不久之后,TSF 不得不诉诸宪兵行动。它在对抗更强大、装备更精良的跨政府军时取得了惊人的成功,这为它赢得了对创造它的同一个权力的秘密仇恨。长期以来,他们一直在谋求削弱 TSF 的权力,削减其资金,甚至完全解散它,并用他们可以控制的东西取而代之。到目前为止,他们对彼此的不信任以及媒体的严格审查使 TSF 得以存活。

由于企业和政府力量未能遏制 Kharaa 的传播,(当权者)认为人类应该隔离整个 Ariadne Arm(遇到 Kharaa 的太阳系串)。TSF 认为这对于被困在 Arm 中的人们和人类扩张的未来来说都是无法容忍的(失去所有这些船只和基地的经济打击可能会威胁到宪章的脆弱和平)。TSF 自愿对 Kharaa 做出回应——有效地创建了一支新的军队,承担了新的任务。决议通过了,这支新的力量被称为边疆人:“站在未知的边缘,在全人类和任何威胁它的东西之间。” Frontiersmen 有权前往任何地方并登上任何飞船。他们在整个阿里阿德涅臂上都有快速反应的前哨,海军陆战队准备部署。Frontiersmen 倡议对 TSF 来说是一个巨大的机会。这也是一个风险:如果 Frontiersmen 失败,在这样一个公共和历史性的舞台上,Ariadne Arm 将作为损失而被签署,而跨政府可能有他们一直在寻找的借口来“重组”TSF领导——用公司的走狗代替海军上将和她的手下。如果发生这种情况,黑暗的日子肯定会随之而来。一直在寻找“重组” TSF 领导层——用公司走狗取代海军上将和她的员工。如果发生这种情况,黑暗的日子肯定会随之而来。一直在寻找“重组” TSF 领导层——用公司走狗取代海军上将和她的员工。如果发生这种情况,黑暗的日子肯定会随之而来。

Frontiersmen必须通过严格的身体和心理测试才能进入训练。训练过程虽然在许多方面与整个银河系和整个历史上的军队相似,但其独特之处在于强调小班、战术灵活性以及敌方边防人员训练面对的前所未有的性质。Frontiersmen 被训练成 5 到 15 人的小队进入新环境,只需要很少的设备或支持,并在对抗凶猛和敌对的异形敌人时取得最终胜利。




主条目:绑定 海洋玩家控制


主条目:动作技巧 海洋运动 发泄跳跃 在通风口中,您可以在通风口中进行连续跳跃并通过扫射获得速度 Marine_Vent_Jumps_-_Summit_Sub_(NS2_Trickjump_Movement) Marine Vent Jumps - Summit Sub (NS2 Trickjump Movement)

视频剪辑 2 平台跳跃 跳到更高的平台会稍微消除减速效果。 如果你第一次跳到一个更高的平台上蹲下,那么你可以在相同的高度再做一次额外的跳跃,而不会蹲下,但减速效果较小。 Marine_Platform_Jump_backwards_(NS2_Movement) 海上平台向后跳(NS2 运动)

斜坡跳跃 视频 跳上斜坡并跳下 - 结合扫射,这会给你带来轻微的速度提升。 这在某些楼梯上效果很好,但不是全部。 Marine_Slope_Jump_(NS2_Movement) 海洋斜坡跳跃(NS2运动)


Frontiersmen 军火库包含各种武器,可使用个人资源在不同结构的购买菜单中购买。由Alterra 公司提供的Frontiersmen 武器最初是为人类战争而设计的。由于与敌对的外星人的遭遇在过去十年中持续存在,边疆人增加了他们自己的适应来对抗Kharaa威胁。



所有者 武器 描述 共享属性 附加信息


海洋 步枪.gif

突击步枪 射程远、速射、精度高的武器。 可以掉落或捡起。 掉落的武器很容易受到胆汁炸弹的攻击。 武器 1/2/3升级增加伤害。 武器槽1。 将储备弹药作为弹药包掉落。 发射连续的子弹流。 轻微的子弹扩散锥。 次要近战攻击:步枪猛击


手枪 具有精确定位的远程快速射击武器。 武器槽 2。 每次按下按钮时发射一颗子弹。 完美的准确性。


开关斧 反结构近战武器。 武器槽 3。 不能被丢弃。 对结构的额外伤害。







助攻 结构依赖 弹药包.png 医疗包.png 纳米盾.png 扫描.png 求救信标.png 回收.png 弹药包 医疗包 纳米盾 扫描 遇险信标 回收 电涌.png 催化剂包.png 掉落武器.png 电源浪涌 催化剂包 掉落武器 所有辅助能力(除了投掷武器)都可以在地图上的任何地方使用。 Nano Shield、Catalyst Pack 和 Power Surge由指挥站提供高级协助。 扫描需要建造天文台才能解锁。 Drop Weapons 是一个子菜单。 允许海军陆战队指挥官使用团队资源掉落未锁定的武器。 必须掉落在有动力的军械库或原型实验室附近。 遇险信标只能从天文台访问。 所有 Frontiersmen 结构都可以进行回收。


大多数 Frontiersmen 结构都需要电源才能运行,因此海军陆战队指挥官必须通过安装电源节点来重新路由电源插座的电源。电源插座位于地图上的大多数房间和走廊中,海军陆战队或 MAC 必须组装未构建的电源节点以激活房间的电网。

电源节点一经安装就无法拆除;但是,要小心,因为 Kharaa 会严重损坏电源节点,导致停电并削弱该区域内的大多数 Frontiersmen 结构。Marine 或 MAC 可以完全修复不活动的电力节点,以重新启动电网。



海军陆战队指挥官可以取消蓝图以退还 75% 的团队资源花费。如果任何 Kharaa 生命体接触到蓝图,它将消散并返还 100% 的团队资源花费给边境战士。


拓荒者科技树 科技树 行 内容 海洋科技树.png 关于这张图片 1 .提取 器,指挥 站,步兵 传送门; 2 ARC工厂_ 3 研究手榴弹, 研究地雷, 研究霰弹枪,焊工| 机器人工厂_ 4 军械库| 哨兵电池_ 5 高级协助 6 天文台 7 研究先进武器,先进军械库| 研究阶段技术 8 原型实验室| 相门| 武器实验室,武器 1/2/3 9 研究型外装,研究型喷气背包| 护甲 1/2/3


基地 TSF 建筑物 基地建筑是提供基地科技优势的主要建筑。通常,他们需要最少数量的团队资源来构建并且需要解锁高级结构。


先进的 TSF 建筑 高级建筑是提供特定技术优势的次要或中期建筑。通常,他们需要更多的团队资源来构建基础构建先决条件。


概念武器/设计 设备 轻甲 Exosuit Claws(单武器版本) 结构 武器 泰瑟枪 刀- 由Switch-Axe取代近战武器的角色。


Marine male normal front.png
Male Marine

Marine female normal front.png
Female Marine


Bigmac military.png
Military B.M.A.C.

"My shrink says, I need an outlet for my aggression."
Basic TSF foot soldier
TSA.png Frontiersmen
30 (50/70/90)
Spawns From: Infantry Portal
Base Field of View: 90°
Move Speed: 5.20 with Rifle out, 5.40 with Rifle put away, 5.86 without primary weapon
Run Speed: 5.99 with Rifle out, 6.21 with Rifle put away, 6.73 without primary weapon
Crouch Speed: 2.60 with Rifle out 2.70 with Rifle put away, 2.93 without primary weapon
Abilities & Upgrades
Build Blueprints 模板:Key
Armor and Weapon Upgrades
Tech Requirements:
Powered Infantry Portal


Main article: Bindings
Marine Player Controls
运动机制 Abilities Inventory Contextual
Bash (with Rifle equipped)
Reload Weapon
Drop or Pick Up Weapon
Last Weapon


Main article: Movement Techniques
Marine Movement
Vent Jump
  • While in a vent you can do consecutive jumps in the vent and gain speed by strafing

Video Clip 2
Platform Jump
  • Jumping onto a higher platform will remove the slow-down effect a bit.
If you first jump onto a higher platform crouched then you can do one more additional jump on the same height without crouching with a smaller slow-down effect.
Slope Jump Video
  • Jump onto a slope and jump off it - combined with strafing this will give you a slight speedboost.
This works well on some stairs but not all of them.

Weapons and Equipment

The Frontiersmen arsenal contains a wide array of weapons, purchasable using Personal Resources in the buy menu of different structures. Provided by Alterra Corporation, Frontiersmen weaponry were initially designed for human warfare. Since encounters with the hostile aliens have persisted over the past decade, the Frontiersmen have added adaptations of their own to combat the Kharaa threat.

All Marines are armed with the standard Assault Rifle, Pistol and Switch-Axe. Additional weapon types require research by the Marine Commander at their respective structures. Some weapons weight heavier than others, decreasing Marine move speed when equipped.

Default Weapons
Owner Weapon Description Shared Attributes Additional Information




Assault Rifle
Long-range, rapid-fire weapon with high accuracy.
  • Can be dropped or picked up.
  • Dropped weapons are vulnerable to Bile Bomb.
  • Weapons 1/2/3 upgrades increase damage.
  • Weapon slot 1.
  • Drops reserve ammo as an Ammo Pack.
  • Fires a continuous stream of bullets.
  • Slight bullet spread cone.
  • Secondary melee attack: Rifle Bash


Long-range, rapid-fire weapon with pinpoint accuracy.
  • Weapon slot 2.
  • Fires a bullet on each button press.
  • Perfect accuracy.

Switch axe.gif

Anti-structure melee weapon.
  • Weapon slot 3.
  • Cannot be dropped.
  • Bonus damage against structures.

Purchased Weapons
Buy From Weapon Description Shared Attributes Additional Information




Proximity explosive that detonates when Kharaa lifeforms are nearby.
  • Can be dropped or picked up.
  • Is not dropped upon death.
  • Dropped weapons are vulnerable to Bile Bomb.
  • Provides 1 Mine per purchase.
  • Weapon slot 4.
  • Maximum 1 Mine per player.
  • Short arming time before activation.
  • Explosion deals damage to owner as well.
  • Detonates other Mines in close proximity.
  • Detonates prematurely when touched by Infestation or disrupted by Stomp or Parasite.
  • Weapons 1/2/3 does not affect damage.


Close-range weapon that excels at dealing burst damage.
  • Replaces current primary weapon on purchase or pick up.
  • Weapon slot 1.
  • Drops reserve ammo as an Ammo Pack.
  • Fires 17 pellets per shot in cone-shaped pattern.
  • Each pellet does 10 damage.
  • Reloads magazine tube one shell at a time.
  • Weapons 1/2/3 upgrades increase damage.


Advanced Repair and construction utility.
  • Weapon slot 3.
  • Replaces Switch-Axe and Build Tool on purchase or pick up.
  • Constructs and repairs unbuilt structures simultaneously.
  • Repairs Marine and Exosuit Armor only.
  • Repairs Frontiersmen robots and structures completely.
  • Repairs broken Power Nodes quickly.
  • Slowly repairs owner's armor when welding friendly players and structures.
  • Bonus damage against Flammable Kharaa structures.
  • Weapons 1/2/3 does not affect damage.

Cluster grenade.gif

Cluster Grenade
Hand grenade that fragments into smaller explosives.
  • Cannot be dropped.
  • Weapon slot 5.
  • Provides 1 hand grenades per purchase.
  • Maximum 1 grenades total
  • Maximum 1 type of hand grenade per player.
  • First explosion deals moderate damage.
  • Fragments deal lower damage.
  • Explosion deals damage to owner as well.
  • Bonus damage against Kharaa structures.

Gas grenade.gif

Nerve Gas Grenade
Hand grenade that emits an Armor-melting gas cloud.
  • Short activation delay after throwing.
  • Damage applies to Armor only.
  • Gas cloud dissipates after a short time.
  • Used mainly in preemptive damage to Marine pushes.
  • Reveals invisible Cysts

Pulse grenade.gif

Pulse Grenade
Hand grenade that reduces lifeform attack speed.
  • Explodes on impact with lifeforms and structures.
  • Deals high burst damage.
  • Explosion deals damage to owner as well.
  • Reduces attack speed for all Kharaa lifeforms in range.

Advanced armory.gif

Advanced Armory

Grenade launcher.gif

Grenade Launcher
Long-range, anti-structure weapon that launches explosive grenades.
  • Weapon slot 1.
  • Replaces current primary weapon on purchase or pick up.
  • Drops reserve ammo as an Ammo Pack.
  • Can be dropped or picked up.
  • Dropped weapons are vulnerable to Bile Bomb.
  • Weapons 1/2/3 does not effect damage.
  • Fires 1 grenade per shot in an arc.
  • Reloads clip one grenade at a time to max of 4.
  • Grenades detonate on impact with Kharaa units and structures.
  • Detonates after a short fuse time.
  • Explosion deals damage to owner as well.


Medium-range, multipurpose support weapon that sets Kharaa units, structures, and surfaces alight.
  • Fires a continuous stream of flames (no critical's).
  • Slowly drains burning lifeforms' energy.
  • Leaves residual fires on surfaces.
  • Burns Kharaa units and structures for a short time.
  • Bonus damage against all Kharaa structures.
  • Disables passive abilities of most Kharaa structures (Cloak, heal etc).
  • Disables active abilities of Kharaa static defense structures (Hydra, Whip).
  • Destroys Whip bombard and Bile Bomb projectiles mid-flight.
  • Evaporates Umbra, Spore, and Drifter-made clouds instantly.

Hmg marines.png

Machine Gun
Long-range, big magazine, rapid-fire weapon that deal extra damadge to players.
  • One clip holds 100 rounds.
  • Can carry 4 extra magazines, totaling to 500 rounds.
  • Deals Puncture damadge
  • Fires a continuous stream of bullets.
  • Slight bullet spread cone.

Purchased Equipment
Buy From Equipment Description Shared Attributes Additional Information

Prototype lab.gif

Prototype Lab


Equipment that grants short sustainable flight.
  • Permanently equipped on purchase until death.
  • Maximum 1 per player.
  • Cannot be unequipped or dropped, but can be picked up.
  • Commander dropped equipment is vulnerable to Bile Bomb.
  • Enables flight by double jumping.
  • Drains fuel meter while in use.
  • Equipped load out increases or lowers this speed.
  • Refills fuel meter while not in use.
  • Refills armor when equipping the Jetpack.

Dual minigun exosuit.gif

Mechanical suit equipped with an anti-armor Minigun and anti-structure Power Claw.
  • Uses Armor only (no Health).
  • Immune to Biological and Gas Damage Type attacks.
  • Can be repaired by Welder and MACs.
  • Cannot receive Med Packs or replenish health from an Armory.
  • Armor 1/2/3 upgrades increase total health.
  • Weapons 1/2/3 upgrades increases weapon damage.
  • Targeting system locks onto moving Kharaa lifeforms on screen.
  • Use thrusters to dash in any direction or lift up.
  • Pilot can eject from Exosuit to resume Marine duties.
  • Cannot teleport through Phase Gates.
  • Minigun fires continuous rounds of bullets.
  • Miniguns can individually overheat and requires a short cooldown to reuse.
  • Infinite ammo.

Railgun exosuit.gif

Railgun Exosuit
Mechanical suit equipped with an anti-structure Railgun and Power Claw.
  • Railgun fires a unit and structure penetrating projectile.
  • Can charge shot for up to 2 seconds for increased damage.
  • Automatically releases shot after 2.2 seconds of charging.
  • Brief cooldown after each shot or when charging one Railgun.
  • Perfect accuracy.


The Marine Commander is a leader that directs Frontiersmen strategics and operations. The Commander coordinates Marine squads via Waypoints, establishes forward bases by creating structure templates (which Marines or MACs must assemble); researches new weapons and technologies, upgrades weapons damage and Armor, and provides immediate assistance to Marines using Commander abilities. Any Marine can log in at an unoccupied Command Station to become the Marine Commander. Only one Commander can be active at a time, and he may log out to resume his role as a foot soldier.

The Commander has a user interface that includes a Mini-map, commander menu, and resource counter, allowing him to build structures and perform upgrades for the Frontiersmen. He can also assist his Marines using various abilities at his disposal; commander abilities cost Team Resources, with some abilities usable anywhere and others require specific structures to trigger.

Marine Commander Abilities
Assist Structure Dependent
Ammo Pack.png Med Pack.png Nano Shield.png Scan.png Distress Beacon.png Recycle.png
Ammo Pack Med Pack Nano Shield Scan Distress Beacon Recycle
Power Surge.png Catalyst Pack.png Drop Weapons.png
Power Surge Catalyst Pack Drop Weapons
  • Distress Beacon is only accessible from an Observatory.
  • Recycle is accessible on all Frontiersmen structures.

Power Grid

Most Frontiersmen structures require power to operate, therefore the Marine Commander must reroute power from a Power Socket by installing a Power Node. Power Sockets are located in most rooms and corridors on a map, and Marines or MACs must assemble the unbuilt Power Node to activate the room's Power Grid.

The Power Node cannot be removed once installed; however, take caution as the Kharaa can severely damage a Power Node, causing a power outage and depowering most Frontiersmen structures within the area. An inactive Power Node can be fully repaired by Marine or MAC to reboot the Power Grid.


The Marine Commander can spend Team Resources to create structure blueprints anywhere on the map. The blueprint contains the necessary materials for the specific structure, but the construction process requires the Marine's Build Tool or Welder to complete. The Marine Commander can also assign a MAC to construct structures.

Blueprints can be cancelled by the Marine Commander to refund 75% the Team Resources spent. If any Kharaa lifeform touches a blueprint, it will dissipate and refund 100% of the Team Resources spent to the Frontiersmen.

Tech Tree

Frontiersmen Tech Tree
Tech Tree Rows Content
ExtractorCommand StationInfantry PortaHand GrenadesMinesShotgunWelderArmoryAdvanced ArmoryAdvanced WeaponryPrototype LabExosuitJetpackARC FactoryARCRobotics FactoryMACSentry BatterySentryAdvanced AssistanceObservatoryPhase TechPhase GateArms LabWeapons 1Weapons 2Weapons 3Armor 1Armor 2Armor 3Marine Techtree.png
1 Extractor, Command Station, Infantry Portal
2 ARC Factory, ARC
3 Research Hand Grenades, Research Mine, Research Shotgun, Welder | Robotics Factory, MAC
4 Armory | Sentry Battery, Sentry
5 Advanced Assistance
6 Observatory
7 Research Advanced Weaponry, Advanced Armory | Research Phase Tech
8 Prototype Lab | Phase Gate | Arms Lab, Weapons 1/2/3
9 Research Exosuit, Research Jetpack | Armor 1/2/3

Units and Structures

Base TSF Buildings

Base buildings are primary buildings that offer base technology advantages. Usually, they require minimal amounts of Team Resources to build and are required to unlock advanced structures.

Basic Structures
Structure Description Shared Attributes Additional Information
Command station idle.gif

Command Station
Frontiersmen command structure that houses the Marine Commander.
Extractor idle.gif

Extracts Team and Personal Resources for the Frontiersmen to build and upgrade.
Infantry portal idle.gif

Infantry Portal
Respawn structure for Marines.
  • Can be built only near a Command Station.
  • Marine Commander can issue Move Waypoint to newly spawned Marines.
Armory idle.gif

Marine resupply point and weapons arsenal.
Robotics factory idle small.gif

Robotics Factory
ARC idle.gif

Robotics Factory - Robot manufacturing structure.

ARC - Deployable mobile siege cannon.

MAC - Worker unit that performs repair and construction.
  • Can be built on valid ground anywhere.
  • Costs Supply to build.
  • Produces MAC.
    • MAC builds and repairs friendly structures.
    • Welds Marine and Exosuit Armor.
  • Upgrades to ARC Factory.
    • Produces ARC.
    • ARC deploys to fire anti-structure sonic blasts through walls.
MAC idle.gif

Arms lab idle.gif

Arms Lab
Weapons and Armor upgrade structure.
  • Can be built on valid ground anywhere.
  • After research gives Weapons 1/2/3 which increase most weapons' damage.
  • After research gives Armor 1/2/3 which increases Marine and Exosuit Armor.

Advanced TSF Buildings

Advanced buildings are secondary or mid-game buildings that offer specific technology advantages. Usually, they require a higher amount of Team Resources to build along with base building prerequisites.

Advanced Structures
Structure Description Shared Attributes Additional Information
Sentry idle.gif

Sentry battery idle.gif

Sentry Battery
Sentry - Static defense that shoots Kharaa lifeforms on sight.

Sentry Battery - Provides power for Sentry turrets.
  • Build on valid ground anywhere.
  • Constructed by Marines or MACs.
  • Armor corrodes when on Infestation.
  • Reduced construction rate on Infestation.
  • Can be recycled for partial cost refund.
  • Costs Supply to build.
    • Maximum 3 Sentries per Battery.
    • Maximum 1 Sentry Battery per room.
  • Sentry operates on Battery power only.
  • Sentry can be confused by Spores and Stomp.
  • Battery operates even without power in the room.
Observatory idle.gif

Detection structure that highlights Kharaa units and structures.
  • Cannot operate without power.
  • Detects any Kharaa lifeform, units, and structures in a large radius.
    • Detected units and structures positions are periodically tracked on screen.
    • Reveals units and structures under Shade Cloak or Camouflage evolution invisibility.
  • Unlocks Scan and Distress Beacon commander abilities by default.
  • Unlocks Phase Gate after research.
Phase gate idle.gif

Phase Gate
Teleportation system for Marines.
  • Cannot operate without power.
  • Requires at least 2 Phase Gates to activate.
  • Teleports Marines to another Phase Gate instantly.
  • Links to all active Phase Gates anywhere on the map.
Prototype lab idle.gif

Prototype Lab
Marine equipment arsenal.
  • Cannot operate without power.
  • Enables the Buy Menu for players to buy new equipment.
  • Marine Commander can research new equipment for purchase.

Concept Weapons / Designs

  • Structures
