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Important Moves
  • jLK - staple of her offense, fast with IADs
  • 2LK - far hitting 2LK compared to the rest of the cast for low hitting pressure
  • H Upper Khat (623HP) - far reaching invincible DP that is more like a strong neutral poke than a defensive reversal
  • Dive of Horus (236MK) - strong overhead mixup tool that keeps Eliza somewhat safe and is a decent anti-air
  • jMK - far horizontal air move that’s essential for Eliza midrange spacing
  • 5MP - disjointed launcher that's perfect for anti-airing opponents above Eliza
  • Reversals
    • Upper Khat (623P) although strike invulnerable it is very easy to avoid by jumping forward.
    • Level 3 (214PP) a costly reversal that covers a large area above Eliza but lacks a hitbox in the front of her.

Eliza's strongest positions are at instant air dash height when the opponent is grounded and at a frame disadvantage, or being close to the corner where she can stay at poking range and prevent people escaping.


Air strings on grounded opponents tend to be her 1st layer of offense since they are difficult to escape, lead into more pressure, and can be left/right mixups by themselves. Ground strings and tick throws can be used as a 2nd layer, but are easier to escape with pushblock. Sekhmet can be used to create frametraps or extra overheads to confuse the opponent's defensive habits, but since this costs health and is often unsafe, it is used sparingly.

Sinclair's "Grid Jail" concept visualized

Perhaps Eliza's biggest strength in neutral is the ability to control the midrange.

  • While grounded she can control airspace with sMP, Horus, and sHK, and ground space with sHP, sHK, Sekhmet moves (notably butchers), and Khats.
  • From the air she can use J.mk to create walls above or in front of the opponent and can air dash bait out attempts to challenge it. Cartouche lets you blow through air attacks and is one of the safer sekhmet options.

By making the air dangerous for the opponent and playing at ranges where you can threaten an air dash j.lk or j.mk, you can work towards the goals of iad pressure and/or corner traps.


Since Upper Khat is slow, Eliza is susceptible to safe jumps and similar setups. Meaty throw is also an option, but instant j.lk can turn that situation into a risk for the attacker too. In general Eliza relies on the universal mechanics to defend, but Upper Khat is worth including in your toolset since it leads to a combo.

Other techniques
  • Eliza can use Sekhmet to punish assist calls. If the point character is made to block and the assist gets hit, Eliza can recall and be safe.
  • H Upper Khat can be jump cancelled if it hits a projectile or assist character, as long as the point character does not block it, this lets you punish assist recovery and approach in some zoning matchups.
  • Throne of Isis or Weight of Anubis can be used to compete in some zoning matchups.
  • MP is especially good to use for incoming setups on opponents for an easy left/right. Canceling into Dive of Horus not only adds an overhead to the mix, but also makes this setup much harder to punish while also easily letting you confirm on hit.
  • Horus is somewhat safe in blockstrings, however note that the opponent can land cancel when blocking the divekick to punish, so use with caution.
  • Sekhmet jM can chain into 5HP which can be used for slight stagger pressure. The fear of stagger pressure can let you trick the opponents into not punishing your attacks, ensuring a safe recall or another chance at a mixup.

