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图1:VK-1 - 功率高度表
图2:Jumo 004B - 功率高度表

涡轮喷气发动机的典型速度特性可以在图1和2(VK-1和Jumo 004B)上看到。图表显示,当飞行速度提高时,推力先减小,然后增加,然后在М(Mach)2 ... 4处再次降至零。这种类型的推力变化取决于涡轮喷气发动机某些主要参数的变化:压力增加的程度,空气消耗,单位推力等。 涡轮喷气发动机的单位推力(Rsp,图3)随着飞行速度的提高而不断减小,因为它由废气流速度和飞行速度之差来确定。当两者相等时,显然,发动机不会产生推力。



As a result, the thrust of the turbojet has several specific characteristics – at low speeds, the thrust is reduced to speeds of approximately 0.5...0.6 of М (Mach) because of the faster reduction in unit thrust in relation to the rise in pressure, and then the thrust grows as a result of the faster growth in pressure and airflow, after this the thrust again falls to zero.

The engines of most early jet aircraft were located inside the body of the plane due to their great size in comparison with the aircraft itself. This resulted in additional difficulties with supplying air to the engine. Also, a significant proportion of compressed air was taken after the engine compressor for supplying pneumatic systems and devices and maintaining a constant air pressure in the pressurized cockpit. Power from the engine was also used for oil pumps and electricity generators. All of these additional factors lead to a reduction in the thrust of the engine installed on an aircraft in comparison to the thrust obtained on a test bed which is usually what is written in reference books. For example, the thrust of the VK-1 engine of the MiG-15bis is 2500 kg at a speed of zero at sea level, while when the same engine is on a test bed under the same conditions, it has a thrust of 2700kg (see fig.1). In flight, due to the decrease in unit thrust at small speeds, the thrust of the VK-1 installed in an aircraft decreases to 2150 kg at sea level, which is 80% of its thrust when it is static on a stand.