◄SA 313B 云雀 II
本条目介绍的是SA 313B(德国)。 关于其它型号,请参阅SA 313B。
◄SA 313B 云雀 II是一架V级德国通用直升机,战斗权重为9.0(街机)、8.3(历史)和8.7(全真)。它是在更新1.83"海洋大师"中引入的。
Alouette II是法国的设计,在西德服役,可以携带大量武器。
在海平面 185千米/时
实用升限 2300m
引擎 透博梅卡 阿图斯特 IIC6
起飞重量 2吨
The Alouette II is a small, nimble utility helicopter capable of maintaining speeds of 225 km/h and is longitudinally stable above 35 km/h. The Alouette II design is the only helicopter in the game without some form of SAS mode aside from the Huey 消歧义, however since 1.91 the rotorcraft has the option for co-pilot assistance and since 1.89, autopilot assistance while in ATGM binocular view. The Alouette II is unstable with the default trim settings so it is highly recommended to go through test flight to assign the default trim settings. The Alouette II has the lowest retreating blade stall speed starting margin of only 185 km/h however retreating blade stalls can easily be recovered from by pitching up and yawing to the right in joystick mode.The Alouette also lacks rotor control authority compared to other helicopters and struggles to get into and maintain efficient gliding due to its tendency to yaw and pitch down with the high drag skeleton tail.
状态 | 最大速度 (千米/时,于0米) |
实用升限 (2300米) | |
街机 | 历史/全真 | ||
初始 | 168 | 155 | 2300 |
完全体 | 202 | 185 | 2300 |
成员数量 2
机体 300 千米/时
起落架 320 千米/时
The Alouette II has no armour. However its small size allows it to easily weave through forests to stay hidden and actively dodge ATGMs. However it is highly prone to rotor linkage, engine and fuel tank damage. The Alouette II does not have infrared imaging devices (but it does have an image intensifier) nor a Radar Warning System.
最高维修费 白板 → 完全体
街机 9288 → 12569
历史 2742 → 3710
全真 4621 → 6253
改装件总成本 113800
护身符 2200
成员组培训费 110000
专家 390000
王牌 2100
王牌(研发点) 720000
战斗收益 街机 / 历史 / 全真
100% / 300% / 430%
196% / 196% / 196%