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Allows you to move more freely in the air. Consumes Fuel when

used and refills with Fuel from your inventory when you're on the ground.

解锁 Tier 6 - Jetpack
弹药 Packaged Fuel
Stack Size 1
Sink Value 35 580
Blueprint Path




{{#cargo_store:_table = crafting_recipes

product = Jetpack recipeName = Jetpack experimental = unreleased = alternateRecipe = 0 mainRecipe = 1 researchTier = Tier 6 - Jetpack craftedIn = inCraftBench = inWorkShop = craftingTime = craftingClicks = productCount = productsPerMinute = 0 product2 = productCount2 = productsPerMinute2 = 60 product3 = productCount3 = productsPerMinute3 = 60 product4 = productCount4 = productsPerMinute4 = 60 quantity1 = ingredient1 = quantity2 = ingredient2 = quantity3 = ingredient3 = quantity4 = ingredient4 = quantity5 = ingredient5 = quantity6 = ingredient6 = quantity7 = ingredient7 = quantity8 = ingredient8 = quantity9 = ingredient9 = quantity10 = ingredient10 =


{{#cargo_store:_table = fuel_consumers | consumer = Jetpack | power = 200 | acceptedFuel = Packaged Fuel }}

Jetpacks allow for maneuverability and can act as shock-dampeners when

out pioneering in uncharted territories. Be sure to keep it stocked with fuel

at all times, especially in mid-air!

~ Caterina Parks's assistant Steve

Jetpack is a personal flight device. Engineers can use it to gain

elevation and avoid fall damage.

It requires Packaged Fuel in the engineer's inventory to operate. It will

not work with Packaged Turbofuel or Packaged Liquid Biofuel. When

equipped, hold down or tap the jump button (default 模板:Key) while in

midair to fly.

The fuel bar is displayed at the lower left of the game window and it only

lasts for 6 seconds. It quickly depletes during the flight. The jetpack can

only refuel when the engineer is not in the air nor swimming; the refueling

process is automatic as long as the engineer is on any solid surface and it

consumes fuels from the engineer's inventory. It allows the engineer to fly up

to 22 meters vertically when the jump key is held down, or 38 m if you are

spamming the jump-key about 6 times a second, and 136 meters horizontally.

When flying horizontally, it is advised to tap the jump button once in a while

at the correct timing, instead of simply holding down the jump button. This

will allows the engineer to perform a series of smaller jumps in the air,

which greatly increases the flight range.

To prevent fall damage, simply tap the jump button just before the engineer

reaches the ground. This will consume a small amount of fuel.

2 Packaged Fuels will be consumed for each full recharge.



{{#cargo_store: _table = crafting_recipes | product = Jetpack | experimental = 0 | unreleased = 0 | researchTier = Tier 6 - Jetpack | alternateRecipe = 0 | mainRecipe = 0 | recipeName = Jetpack | craftedIn = | inCraftBench = 0 | inWorkShop = 1 | craftingTime = | craftingClicks = 30 | productCount = 1 | productsPerMinute = 0 | product2 = | productCount2 = | productsPerMinute2 = 0 | product3 = | productCount3 = | productsPerMinute3 = 0 | product4 = | productCount4 = | productsPerMinute4 = 0 | quantity1 = 50 | ingredient1 = Plastic | quantity2 = 15 | ingredient2 = Circuit Board | quantity3 = 50 | ingredient3 = Rubber | quantity4 = 25 | ingredient4 = Cable | quantity5 = | ingredient5 = | quantity6 = | ingredient6 = | quantity7 = | ingredient7 = | quantity8 = | ingredient8 = | quantity9 = | ingredient9 = | quantity10 = | ingredient10 = }} Lua错误 在模块:RenderCraftingRecipesTable的第215行:attempt to index upvalue 'cargo' (a nil value)


  • For crossing large distance in a routine manner it is best combined with a

Hyper Tube Cannon.

  • To fly across large distances, build a short length of [[Conveyor Belt

Mk.5]] facing towards the edge of the cliff. Ride the belt and allow the belt

to launch the engineer off the cliff for longer horizontal distance.

Current issue

  • During autosave, sometimes the Jetpack will receive a sudden upward boost

while in mid air, yeeting you up into the sky, much like the issue with [[the




  • Patch 0.3: Nerfed the Belt speed. Mk.5 belt launch distance greatly


  • Patch 0.1.5 (experimental): changed crafting cost from 3 [[Circuit

Board]] and 25 Plastic to 15 Circuit Board and 50 Plastic
