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FICSIT Factory Cart™
文件:FICSIT Factory Cart™.png
The one and only FICSIT Factory Cart™
Now with special - FICSIT Foundation only - Grip Wheels, for an even smoother and faster factory floor experience!
解锁 AWESOME Shop - Vehicles
分类 Transportation
Max speed 55 km/h
0-50 km/h 2.3 s

{{#cargo_store:_table = crafting_recipes

product = FICSIT Factory Cart™ recipeName = FICSIT Factory Cart™ experimental = unreleased = alternateRecipe = 0 mainRecipe = 1 researchTier = AWESOME Shop - Vehicles craftedIn = inCraftBench = inWorkShop = craftingTime = craftingClicks = productCount = productsPerMinute = 0 product2 = productCount2 = productsPerMinute2 = 60 product3 = productCount3 = productsPerMinute3 = 60 product4 = productCount4 = productsPerMinute4 = 60 quantity1 = ingredient1 = quantity2 = ingredient2 = quantity3 = ingredient3 = quantity4 = ingredient4 = quantity5 = ingredient5 = quantity6 = ingredient6 = quantity7 = ingredient7 = quantity8 = ingredient8 = quantity9 = ingredient9 = quantity10 = ingredient10 =


The FICSIT Factory Cart™ (sometimes just Factory Cart or Golf Cart) is a vehicle used to transport Engineers within factories. Its special Grip Wheels ensure swift speedup and braking at the cost of insane drift on uneven surfaces (despite the description only claiming Foundation-only grip, the wheels work on all engineer-built structures, such as buildings, Walkways, Conveyor Belts, Pipelines etc.).

Unlike any other vehicle, it doesn't require any fuel. It has a single inventory slot and can be automated, as it disposes with self-driving and is normally detected by Truck Stations.





{{#cargo_store: _table = crafting_recipes | product = Factory Cart | experimental = 0 | unreleased = 0 | researchTier = AWESOME Shop - Vehicles | alternateRecipe = 0 | mainRecipe = 0 | recipeName = Factory Cart | craftedIn = Equipment Workshop | inCraftBench = 0 | inWorkShop = 1 | craftingTime = | craftingClicks = 10 | productCount = 1 | productsPerMinute = 0 | product2 = | productCount2 = | productsPerMinute2 = 0 | product3 = | productCount3 = | productsPerMinute3 = 0 | product4 = | productCount4 = | productsPerMinute4 = 0 | quantity1 = 4 | ingredient1 = Reinforced Iron Plate | quantity2 = 4 | ingredient2 = Iron Rod | quantity3 = 2 | ingredient3 = Rotor | quantity4 = | ingredient4 = | quantity5 = | ingredient5 = | quantity6 = | ingredient6 = | quantity7 = | ingredient7 = | quantity8 = | ingredient8 = | quantity9 = | ingredient9 = | quantity10 = | ingredient10 = }} Lua错误 在模块:RenderCraftingRecipesTable的第215行:attempt to index upvalue 'cargo' (a nil value)


How to get a Factory Cart:



Lua错误 在模块:RenderCraftingRecipesTable的第237行:attempt to index upvalue 'cargo' (a nil value)


 Factory Cart can be sunk into the AWESOME Sink.png AWESOME Sink to yield 1 552 points.


  • Riding in a Factory Cart is slightly faster than running with Blade Runners. (55 km/h vs 48 km/h)
  • The Factory Cart has a shorter hitbox than standing engineer, making it somewhat useful for traversing in congested area. (1.5m high vs 1.8m high)
  • Although a vehicle health bar is displayed when riding the cart, it is impossible to damage the Factory Cart by any means.


While riding, clicking 模板:Mouse will enable the siren. It will display an animation which the riding engineer puts a siren onto the roof of the cart.

When getting out of the cart and getting back in, only the light will stay on (the siren won't be heard).


  • When riding, the upper part of the door will never be fully closed and will stay folded down, dangling outside.
  • Engineers in Factory Cart are immune to fall damage and Radiation damage but not poison damage.
  • Truck Stations will load fuel into the cart, which it depletes very quickly with no added bonus. Its fuel slot cannot be accessed from its inventory.
  • When the Factory Cart is tripped, exit the car and interact 模板:Key with it to flip it back to upright position.
  • Even when driving the Factory Cart in a straight line, it has a tendency to turn right after some distance.
  • Driving backwards in the cart is actually highly stable on rough terrain, though it tops out at only 25 km/h.
  • Sometime when interact with the Factory Cart, its UI title will display 'Puny Vroom'.
  • Occasionally when deploying the cart, it will say in a robotic voice "More than meets the eye."
  • It is called Golf Cart internally.


  • Patch
    • Adjusted the speed to be slightly faster than the Blade Runners (previous speed was 40 km/h)
    • Now has a crafting time of 10
  • Patch
    • Tweaked air control and collision
    • Now has correct interaction text
    • Can no longer be picked up when it is being driven
    • Fixed a FOV issue
    • Camera position no longer follows when the Cart flips
    • Now returns its inventory on Dismantle
  • Patch 0.3: Introduced
