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Flight Sg 214.png + Sg k.png (Air OK)

Ground 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - N/A 0% N/A N/A {{{onpushblock}}}
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
12 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A {{{superhitstop}}}
Air 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
N/A - N/A 0% N/A N/A {{{onpushblock}}}
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
10 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A {{{superhitstop}}}

  • As a quick special move with no active or recovery frames, Flight is a powerful offensive tool for canceling the recovery of other moves and extending combos. Painwheel can fake Hatred Guard attacks by canceling to Flight during the charge.
  • Going from flight directly into an attack has is a 9 frame buffer window for the normal during flight's startup.
  • Attacks made from flight mode preserve Flight's momentum, which can subtly change the behavior of her air normals.
  • Starting Flight from the ground gives Painwheel enough height to use j.LP, j.LK, and j.MK as a fast overhead attack.
  • Flight then ↗+j.MP will let Painwheel use j.MP before hitting the ground
  • A PP command during Flight causes Painwheel to immediately stop flying, allowing her to block and preserving either half of her backward momentum or all of her forward momentum.
  • Painwheel can call assists at any time while flying, even if Flight starts during a super jump.

5HP s.Sg hp.png

Sg hp.png 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 憎恶装甲 (3 hits) 900 10% -1 -8 {{{onpushblock}}}
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
16 3 24 25 18 12 {{{superhitstop}}}
[ Sg hp.png ] 防守 特性 伤害 能量 击中 被防 被推挡
Mid 憎恶装甲 (3 hits) 1100 10% 踉跄 (+38 / +53 CH),
倒地 (vs air)
-8 {{{onpushblock}}}
出招 持续 收招 受击硬直 防御硬直 打击停顿 暗转冻结
6, (27), 10 3 24 32 18 15 {{{superhitstop}}}

  • A slow, Hatred Guard normal that staggers on hit when fully charged. A chain cancel into this move can force a reset while Painwheel charges and absorbs a reversal attack.
  • Charging this move in blockstrings is useful to see what the opponent is doing and absorb assists calls. If they block, fly canceling is safe.
