本条目介绍的是中国螺旋桨轰炸机 A-29 。 关于其他版本,请参阅 ▄赫德森 Mk V。
- 简介
A-29 “哈德逊” (Hudson) 是中国的 II 级螺旋桨轰炸机,分房权重 2.3/2.0/2.0 (街机/历史/全真),其于版本更新1.91“夜视”加入游戏。
The A-29 first started out as the "Model 14 Super Electra", a successful commercial airliner. A few years later, Lockheed experimented with a reconnaissance/light bomber version of the Super Electra. As luck would have it, Britain was also looking for a combat aircraft for their own air force. Over 200 Hudsons were delivered to the Royal Air Force where they would undergo further redesigns and improvements. The A-29 was one of Lockheed's redesigns which featured two Wright R-1820-27 but was largely the same aircraft as the A-28. China received 26 A-29 Hudsons, but not much is known about the A-29 in Chinese service as many were lost in accidents. Only a handful actually were put to use in combat.
Introduced in Update 1.91 "Night Vision", the A-29 is a light bomber that also served in various other roles. The A-29 was essentially the regular Hudson bomber but received updates to make it a more viable troop transport. It featured more economical engines as well as armament changes. The A-29 has less than stellar defensive armament: with only a single 12.7 mm machine gun turret and a single 7.62 mm machine gun turret. A player's best defensive tactic in this case is to dive away from opponents with its relatively impressive 564 km/h (350 mph) structural speed limit. It also has two offensive 7.62 mm machine guns with over 500 rounds per gun. Unfortunately, this isn't suited for attacking anything but light ground targets like anti-air or howitzer positions. Overall, the A-29 does its role as a light bomber effectively, but players should take note of its lacklustre armament.
在 1981 米 410 千米/时
回转时间 26 秒
实用升限 5029 米
引擎 莱特 R-1820-87 ×2
类型 星型, 缸
冷却方式 气冷
起飞重量 10 吨
项目 | 最大速度 (千米/时,于 1981 米) |
实用升限 (米) |
回转时间 (秒) |
爬升率 (米/秒) |
起飞距离 (米) | |||
街机 | 历史/全真 | 街机 | 历史/全真 | 街机 | 历史/全真 | |||
白板 | 391 | 376 | 5029 | 27.1 | 27.9 | 6.7 | 6.7 | 600 |
完全体 | 432 | 410 | 25.0 | 26.0 | 13.2 | 9.5 |
部件 | |||||
作战档位 | 起飞档位 | 着陆档位 | 减速板 | 拦阻钩 | 减速伞 |
机体限制 | ||||||
机翼 (km/h) | 起落架 (km/h) | 襟翼 (km/h) | 最大过载 | |||
作战 | 起飞 | 着陆 | + | - | ||
564 | 235 | 328 | 313 | 235 | ~10 | ~5 |
最佳速度 (km/h) | |||
副翼 | 方向舵 | 升降舵 | 散热器 |
< 260 | < 290 | < 320 | > 324 |
成员数量 5
机体 564 千米/时
起落架 235 千米/时
- 无任何装甲防护
- 翼根处油箱具有自密封功能
最高维修费 白板 → 完全体
街机 465 → 637
历史 673 → 923
全真 991 → 1359
改装件总成本 6920
护身符 530
成员组培训费 3000
专家 1 0000
王牌 125
王牌(研发点) 16 0000
战斗收益 街机 / 历史 / 全真
40% / 80% / 160%
112% / 112% / 112%
弹药 1000 发
射速 1000 发/分钟
炮塔 12.7 毫米 M2 勃朗宁 机枪 × 1
弹药 400 发
射速 750 发/分钟
炮塔 7.62 毫米 勃朗宁 机枪 × 1
弹药 500 发
射速 1000 发/分钟
The A-29 is equipped with a pair of .30 (7.62 mm) Browning machine guns at the nose as the offensive armament. Due to the low gun count, this weapon is ill-suited for head-on engagements due to lacking in firepower to quickly finish the enemy off, further exactabated by the absence of any armour on the plane. Because of this, the gun's primary usage is to strafe at soft ground targets (trucks, gun positions, etc.) or an AI-controlled plane whose flew in a more predictable pattern.
• 唯一挂载方案:250 磅 ×4 + 100 磅 ×6
Being a light bomber, the A-29's most preferred tactics is to dive into enemy base and quickly release its payload. Due to the plane's weak structural integrity, however, care must be taken to prevent overspeeding and ripping your wings in the process. While the frontal .30 cal machine guns is not so useful in a dogfight, you can still use it to strafe AI-controlled planes and soft ground targets for extra credits.
Like the British Hudson, the A-29's most notable characteristic is her surprisingly good manoeuvrability. While the plane's low speed and weak offensive firepower will keep you out from joining any dogfights, it is more than enough to get your .50 cal on your six and hit right back at any pursuing fighters.
手动发动机控制要素 | ||||||
油气混合比 | 桨距 | 散热器 | 增压器 | 涡轮增压器 | ||
滑油散热器 | 散热器 | 类型 | ||||
可手动控制 | 可手动控制 不可自动控制 |
可手动控制 可自动控制 |
可手动控制 可自动控制 |
分离控制 | 可手动控制 二挡增压 |
不可控制 |
- Nice bombload of 4 x 250 lb + 6 x 100 lb bombs
- Has 2 x forward-facing 7.62 mm MGs, each with decent amount of ammo (500 RPG), allows to strafe soft ground units
- Big, chubby fuselage may soak up bullets
- Adequate defensive guns: a powerful .50 cal protects the upper rear, and a 7.62 mm protects the downward rear which are common directions of attack
- Generally manoeuvrable at most speed
- H-tail does not get in the way of the gunners
- The plane is virtually unarmored, rendering the crews and critical parts exposed
- Low structural limit sppeed, highly vulnerable against fighters/interceptors with altitude advantage
- Has no turrets facing the front, making it vulnerable to frontal attacks
- Lacks turret covering the sides
- Like a typical bomber, has low climb rate and top speed
上世纪30年代,洛克希德公司研制出了 L-14 型“超级厄勒克特拉”客机。L-14 型在与道格拉斯 DC-2 和 DC-3 的竞标中失败,总计生产 112 架,大部分用于出口。日本在 L-14 的基础上研制了 Ki-56 运输机。
第二次世界大战前夕 (欧洲战场前),英国军事采购团访美寻求一款兼具侦查、轰炸和教练功能的战术飞机,洛克希德公司抓住商机,遂在 L-14 的基础上开发出了 A-29 (英国、美陆航、美海航分别命名为“哈德逊”、A-28/-29、PBD-1)。英国在38年6月订购了 200 架 A-29,除此之外,A-29 还销往美国、加拿大、澳大利亚以及中国。
1942年8月,中国空军第二大队将俄制 SB-3 机移交给一大队后,于四川新津机场接受美军 A-29 机型训练,训练为期两个月,于十月中旬结训后接收了19架新机,飞回温江防地继续训练。10月27日,大队长佟彦博率机9架轰炸日占山西运城机场。原计划在陕西安康上空与负责掩护的第四大队 P-43 战斗机会合,但因计时错误未能相遇,于是单独前往,万幸未遭敌机拦截。11月2日,副大队长姜献祥率机4架夜袭汉口江汉关码头,引发沿江大火。尽管看见敌机场跑道灯亮起,但未遭遇敌机,只有地面和军舰上的零星炮火抵抗。11月12日,6机出击湖北沙市,但返航时天气不佳,两架迫降但无人员伤亡。1943年1月4日,佟彦博在“盲目飞行”训练中不幸失事殉职,副大队长祝鸿信升任。因鄂边战局的加剧,从5、6月开始,A-29 多次与友军协同出击,直至冬季常德战役,大队进驻重庆白市驿机场,积极参与出击任务。11月,A-29 多次轰炸日军司令部及其重要据点,直至12月战役结束后返温江。
1944年春,第二大队扩编,下辖第6、7、11、30等四个中队,等待换装 B-25 新机,待命期间仍用 A-29 参战。2月7日,8架 A-29 轰炸了平汉铁路上的黄河铁桥。4月,部分中队赴陕西南郑参加中原会战。5月,第6、11和30中队前往印度转为美军接受训练。12月,9中队在印度接收了12架 B-25 后回国参战。同年6月起,10架 A-29 被移交给中央航空公司,用于民航客运,然因连续发生事故且缺乏零件难以维修,最终全部停飞。1945年初,多架 A-29 完整机身被废置在重庆九龙坡机场附近的空地上。此后,再无中国的 A-29 的记录。
- 涂装