␗斗士 Mk I

本条目介绍的是中国螺旋桨战斗机 斗士 Mk I (中国)。 关于其他版本,请参阅斗士 (消歧义)。
␗斗士 Mk I 是中国的 I 级螺旋桨战斗机,分房权重 1.0 (街机/历史/全真),它于版本更新1.91“夜视”加入游戏。
编号 2806 的斗士由美国华侨飞行员陈瑞钿 (Arthur Chin)驾驶,在1937年至1939年间,因被认定击毁五架半敌机而荣获“王牌飞行员”头衔,并协助僚机击落敌机三架。在空战中,他骁勇奋战,其座机曾三度被敌机击落,但都跳伞成功幸运生还。陈瑞钿于1997年9月逝世,次月被追封为美国空战英雄馆的第一批美国空战英雄。
在 4420 米 414 千米/时
回转时间 15 秒
实用升限 1 0211 米
引擎 布里斯托尔 水星-IX
类型 星型,9 缸
冷却方式 气冷
起飞重量 2 吨
项目 | 最大速度 (千米/时,于 4420 米) |
实用升限 (米) |
回转时间 (秒) |
爬升率 (米/秒) |
起飞距离 (米) | |||
街机 | 历史/全真 | 街机 | 历史/全真 | 街机 | 历史/全真 | |||
白板 | 399 | 386 | 1 0211 | 16.7 | 17.7 | 13.0 | 13.0 | 232 |
完全体 | 431 | 414 | 15.3 | 16.0 | 18.8 | 15.7 |
部件 | |||||
作战档位 | 起飞档位 | 着陆档位 | 扰流板 (减速板) | 舰载机尾钩 | 减速伞 |
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机体限制 | ||||||
机翼(km/h) | 起落架(km/h) | 襟翼(km/h) | 最大过载 | |||
作战 | 起飞 | 着陆 | + | - | ||
560 | 560 | N/A | 469 | 320 | ~11 | ~5 |
最佳速度 (km/h) | |||
副翼 | 方向舵 | 升降舵 | 散热器 |
< 240 | < 180 | < 330 | > 190 |
增压器 (街机/历史/全真) | ||
档位 1 | ||
最佳海拔 | 100% | 加力 |
4,100 m | 810 hp | 850 hp |
成员数量 1
机体 560 千米/时
起落架 560 千米/时
像许多在第二次世界大战爆发前设计的飞机一样,斗士 Mk I 没有配备任何装甲。斗士 Mk I 依靠它的引擎让飞机到达它需要去的地方,并帮助飞机进入一个应该击落敌人的位置,任何安装装甲的尝试只会减慢已经相对缓慢的双翼飞机,这是不值得的。然而,尽管缺乏装甲,它的油箱是自密封的。
为了维持这架战斗机的平衡,飞行员、油箱和发动机占据了机身从中间到前面的位置,对这个区域的任何攻击都有可能击中关键部件,提前结束 斗士 Mk I 的战斗。虽然封闭的驾驶舱可以保护飞行员免受扫射,但它对正面或侧面攻击没有太大作用。
最高维修费 白板 → 完全体
街机 免费
历史 免费
改装件总成本 3790
护身符 190
专家 1000
王牌 10
王牌(研发点) 8 0000
战斗收益 街机 / 历史 / 全真
10% / 10% / 50%
100% / 100% / 100%
弹药 2000 发
射速 1000 发/分钟
The Gladiator Mk Is arrived in China with the standard 7.7 mm Browning machine guns, two of which were mounted on each side of the pilot within arm's reach and the other two were mounted one under each side of the lower wing. It is important for pilots of this aircraft to determine at what distance they typically engage enemy aircraft at as convergence of the machine guns is a necessity to manage to effectively put as many bullets as possible into the enemy fighter. Typically in biplanes, a closer convergence setting of 100 to 250 m is best for close-in fighting, typically as one gets farther out from there, bullets lose some of their punch.
Many ace pilots from all sides of the war stated that when the enemy filled the windscreen, there was no way you could not hit, thereby guaranteeing a hit and conserving ammunition. The Gladiator Mk I does not have the machine-gun firing speed of those found on some Soviet biplanes as it is necessary to synchronize the firing of the guns in the fuselage to fire through the propeller arc. With 2,000 rounds of ammunition distributed between all four machine guns, it is recommended to fire in short bursts, mainly to prevent overheating and jamming of the machine guns. Typically you can continuously fire about 750 rounds of ammunition before the guns jam up and require a cool down before they can be used again.
When possible, change out the default ammunition belts for either tracer belts which are very effective against other biplanes, especially those which have fabric coverings and non-self sealing fuel tanks as tracer rounds have a good chance of setting planes on fire which can rarely put the flames out. Air belts are another good choice due to the explosive filler in the round which helps to damage or disable aircraft faster than regular bullets. For those pilots who like to sneak into a fight and catch enemy aircraft unaware, stealth belts are the way to go as there are no tracer rounds to give away your position. The enemy pilots tend to realize where the stealth bullets are coming from only too late as their aircraft is coming apart and falling to the ground.
The 斗士 Mk I (中国) is a typical turn-fighter biplane and should be played as such. This aircraft's manoeuvrability lends it to be able to do well turning and also do especially well when doing a loop as the aircraft has good control coming out of the loop enabling the pilot to get guns on an enemy target which may have stalled below or may have peeled off going for another target. Flaps help the 斗士 Mk I (中国) to decrease its turn time and should be used when necessary or a little extra advantage is needed, however, care must be taken not to overuse them as they drastically reduce the aircraft's speed. Though not equipped with any suspended ordnance of bombs or rockets, the four machine guns will typically make short work of ground targets and the ability for this aircraft to fly at slow speeds and quickly turn around makes it an effective ground attacker.
The 斗士 Mk I (中国) can be used in turnfighting and bomber interception. Like in AB and RB, it is excellent in turning tightly and continuously, and it has lovely low-speed handling and low stall speeds, making it a great starter plane for Sim. However it does have its drawbacks: the rather big nose blocks the visibility a lot, offering very poor over-the-nose visibility which is a disadvantage in a turn fight, because when leading a shot the enemy will always get obstructed by the engine, making the player guess the shot. Also its upper wings and various frames and strings between the wings will get in the way when you look aside.
Note: it is recommended to set the convergence within 300 m, with vertical convergence on, because the majority of turnfights happen at that range or closer.
Before engaging a fight, it is better to have an altitude advantage first. When approaching the fight try to figure out which is your teammate and which is the enemy, to avoid going for a second pass, as the energy retention of the 斗士 Mk I (中国) is rather slow. Also pick your target carefully. For easier aiming, you want to go for those unmanoeuvrable twin engine aircraft like Ju 88 or Ki-45, or bombers if there are any. Given the bad forward visibility of the 斗士 Mk I (中国), these are the best options as they are quite slow and sluggish, and are a bigger target to hit. However getting hits on them doesn't mean good damage, so you must be patient. When dealing with fighters, it is way harder to aim. The elevator control of the 斗士 Mk I (中国) is quite sensitive, giving it good manoeuvrability, but at the same time, bad handling. The 斗士 Mk I (中国) will respond in a very fast turn upon moving your stick/mouse by a little bit, which makes tracking nimble planes quite hard. But once you get used to it, try to lure every enemy into a turnfight, as that is where the 斗士 Mk I (中国) shines. Quite a bit of bullets are required to effectively damage the enemy so you must be patient. If you find an enemy at your six, utilise your great turning ability and simply do tight turns, most monoplanes won't be able to cut inside your turn and they might disengage. However with biplanes you will need some defensive manoeuvres like barrel rolls.
If you are not very experienced in Sim, you can also go for even bigger targets (bombers) for easier aiming. However you want to be more careful when hunting bombers, since with the Sim control (whether it be mouse joystick or a real stick) the plane will manoeuvre much more gently, making itself a great target for the bomber's gunners. DO NOT follow behind a bomber's six unless you are sure that its tail gunners are unconscious. Chasing behind a bomber makes yourself stationary for the tail gunners, and you will be showered with bullets. Your big radial engine will usually get damaged. Instead, before attacking, get an altitude advantage over the bomber by flying around 2 km above it. The bomber should only fill up about 1/6 of your gunsight. The best position for an attack is at the bomber's high six so you can adjust the lead much easier. Dive at the bomber, but not directly at it, try to predict where you two will crash by imagining yourself as a missile, that's where you should aim at (deflection shooting). To maximise the damage it is better to aim for their wings and engines, as the fuselage usually soaks up quite some bullets. Only fire when the bomber passes in front of your guns. This short window might seem inadequate to do anything, but with a accurate burst on the engine the 4 MG can at least damage it. With an engine damaged most bombers cannot go far.
Enemies worth noting:
Ki-27, N1K1, He 51, Gladiator, etc. - Those commonly seen planes are equally good at turnfights and will be a hard target to down since they are very small and agile. To deal with them you need to practice leading and deflection shots, plus manoeuvres like barrel rolls and scissors. They still need plenty of bullets to get damaged, so these kind of targets are the hardest to kill and requires great skills from the player.
Do 17 Z-2 - This early twin engine plane always shows up as an AI controlled recon aircraft that you have to down, which is a good news as AI won't manoeuvre aggressively. However this plane is extremely durable for the 斗士 Mk I (中国)'s weak MGs. When it shows up as an AI, deflection shots are not recommended as the small shooting windows really does nothing. Instead, try disabling its 2 gunners first, then just sit behind it and burst on its wings and engines. When attacking the gunners try to not get your engine damaged by pulling evasive manoeuvres as soon as the bullets come close, since the Do 17 might outrun the 斗士 Mk I (中国) in a level flight if your engine is damaged.
He 100 D-1, Bf 109 E, He 112 - These early monoplanes might not be able to out-turn the Gladiator, but they can easily outrun it as the Gladiator is rather slow. These fighters will usually BnZ you, so you must constantly look above and behind you. If they are diving on you, use your roll rate and dodge under their negative G areas. Most players will try to follow up, if not immediately losing track of you. Several dodges might make them impatient and give up BnZ, and if they really start to turnfight with you, they are already dead.
手动发动机控制要素 | ||||||
油气混合比 | 桨距 | 散热器 | 增压器 | 涡轮增压器 | ||
滑油散热器 | 散热器 | 类型 | ||||
可手动控制 | 不可控制 不可自动控制 |
不可控制 不可自动控制 |
不可控制 不可自动控制 |
分离控制 | 不可控制 一档增压 |
不可控制 |
- 武器装备等于或优于它通常面对的其他战斗机
- 双翼机良好的转弯机动性
- 可选择致命的曳光弹链
- 有襟翼,不像大多数其他双翼战斗机
- 足够的弹药防止频繁的重新装填或着陆重新武装
- 性能缺陷使其容易成为有经验的飞行员或更难对付的对手的目标
- 爬升率不佳
- 机动失速快,特别是在使用襟翼时
- 座舱视角下上机翼阻挡了大部分前部视野
1937年7月7日,日军在北平西南卢沟桥附近演习时,借口一名士兵“失踪”,要求进入宛平县城搜查,遭到中国守军第29军严词拒绝。日军遂向中国守军开枪射击,又炮轰宛平城。第29军奋起抗战。战争伊始,国民党只有许多过时的飞机,因此在1937年10月,民国政府决定从英国订购36架斗士 Mk I。11月首批20架经香港运抵广州,为免遭日军空袭,在中山大学天文台下树丛中 (今越秀中路125号) 秘密组装,完成后即用平坦马路强行起飞至南雄交付抗战空军第三驱逐大队第29中队。第二批11架于38年1月运抵广州交付第28中队。我国飞行员对斗士 Mk I 的爱称是“格机”。1938年2月24日,第29中队队长 黄新瑞 (John 'Buffalo' Wong Sun-Shui) 上尉驾驶斗士 Mk I 击落了两架九五式水上侦察机,首开格机记录。斗士 Mk I 是当时我国空军最先进的战斗机,很受中国飞行员喜爱,然而更先进的日本战斗机的出现,以及缺乏备件来支持飞机,迫使斗士被降级为训练飞机。
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