/* SemanticMediaWiki-4.0.0\src\ParserFunctions\ConceptParserFunction.php */
namespace SMW\ParserFunctions;
use Html;
use Parser;
use SMW\Services\ServicesFactory as ApplicationFactory;
use SMW\DIConcept;
use SMW\DIProperty;
use SMW\MessageFormatter;
use SMW\ParserData;
use SMW\PostProcHandler;
use SMWInfolink;
use SMWQueryProcessor as QueryProcessor;
use Title;
* Class that provides the {{#concept}} parser function
* @license GNU GPL v2+
* @since 1.9
* @author Markus Krötzsch
* @author Jeroen De Dauw
* @author mwjames
class ConceptParserFunction {
* @var ParserData
private $parserData;
* @var MessageFormatter
private $messageFormatter;
* @var PostProcHandler
private $postProcHandler;
* @since 1.9
* @param ParserData $parserData
* @param MessageFormatter $messageFormatter
public function __construct( ParserData $parserData, MessageFormatter $messageFormatter ) {
$this->parserData = $parserData;
$this->messageFormatter = $messageFormatter;
* @since 3.0
* @param PostProcHandler $postProcHandler
public function setPostProcHandler( PostProcHandler $postProcHandler ) {
$this->postProcHandler = $postProcHandler;
* Parse parameters, return concept information box and update the
* ParserOutput with the concept object
* @since 1.9
* @param array $params
* @return string|null
public function parse( array $rawParams ) {
$this->parserData->getOutput()->addModules( 'ext.smw.style' );
$title = $this->parserData->getTitle();
$property = new DIProperty( '_CONC' );
if ( !( $title->getNamespace() === SMW_NS_CONCEPT ) ) {
return $this->messageFormatter->addFromKey( 'smw_no_concept_namespace' )->getHtml();
} elseif ( count( $this->parserData->getSemanticData()->getPropertyValues( $property ) ) > 0 ) {
return $this->messageFormatter->addFromKey( 'smw_multiple_concepts' )->getHtml();
// Remove parser object from parameters array
if ( isset( $rawParams[0] ) && $rawParams[0] instanceof Parser ) {
array_shift( $rawParams );
// Use first parameter as concept (query) string
$conceptQuery = array_shift( $rawParams );
// Use second parameter, if any as a description
$conceptDocu = array_shift( $rawParams );
$query = $this->buildQuery( $conceptQuery );
$conceptQueryString = $query->getDescription()->getQueryString();
new DIConcept(
->addFromArray( $query->getErrors() )
->addFromArray( $this->parserData->getErrors() );
if ( $this->postProcHandler !== null ) {
$this->postProcHandler->addCheck( $query );
$this->addQueryProfile( $query );
if ( $this->messageFormatter->exists() ) {
return $this->messageFormatter->getHtml();
return $this->createHtml( $title, $conceptQueryString, $conceptDocu );
private function createHtml( Title $title, $queryString, $documentation ) {
$message = '';
if ( wfMessage( 'smw-concept-introductory-message' )->exists() ) {
$message = Html::rawElement(
'class' => 'plainlinks smw-callout smw-callout-info'
wfMessage( 'smw-concept-introductory-message', $title->getText() )->text()
return $message . Html::rawElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'smwfact' ],
Html::rawElement( 'span', [ 'class' => 'smwfactboxhead' ],
wfMessage( 'smw_concept_description', $title->getText() )->text() ) .
Html::rawElement( 'span', [ 'class' => 'smwrdflink' ], $this->getRdfLink( $title )->getWikiText() ) .
Html::element( 'br', [] ) .
Html::element( 'p', [ 'class' => 'concept-documenation' ], $documentation ? $documentation : '' ) .
Html::rawElement( 'pre', [], str_replace( '[', '[', $queryString ) ) .
Html::element( 'br', [] )
private function getRdfLink( Title $title ) {
return SMWInfolink::newInternalLink(
wfMessage( 'smw_viewasrdf' )->text(),
$title->getPageLanguage()->getNsText( NS_SPECIAL ) . ':ExportRDF/' . $title->getPrefixedText(), 'rdflink'
private function buildQuery( $conceptQueryString ) {
$rawParams = [ $conceptQueryString ];
list( $query, ) = QueryProcessor::getQueryAndParamsFromFunctionParams(
return $query;
private function addQueryProfile( $query ) {
// If the smwgQueryProfiler is marked with FALSE then just don't create a profile.
if ( ApplicationFactory::getInstance()->getSettings()->get( 'smwgQueryProfiler' ) === false ) {
$profileAnnotatorFactory = ApplicationFactory::getInstance()->getQueryFactory()->newProfileAnnotatorFactory();
$descriptionProfileAnnotator = $profileAnnotatorFactory->newDescriptionProfileAnnotator(