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  • 《战双帕弥什》是一款快节奏的次世代动作角色扮演游戏。
  • 人类几乎已经灭绝。 地球已经被经一种被称为“帕弥什”的生化病毒扭曲变形的机器人军队征服. 最后的幸存者逃入轨道,登上“空中花园”空间站。经过多年的准备,特种部队灰鸦小队领导着收复他们失去的家园的任务。你是他们的领袖。
  • 在这款次世代动作角色扮演游戏中,你作为灰鸦小队的指挥官, 肩负着召集全世界最优秀的赛博格士兵并领导他们作战的任务,去揭开帕弥什病毒背后的黑暗密秘, 击退感染体并夺回地球。


  • 深入一个末日废土世界,揭开这个黑暗赛博朋克背景背后的真相。以数十章视觉小说风格的叙事为特色,这是一个阴郁荒凉而美丽的世界,有着许多值得欣赏的奇观。你甚至可以解开隐藏的章节,让你从更黑暗的角度体验故事。


  • 探索各种令人惊叹的环境,从废弃的城市街道到沙漠战区、高耸的巨型建筑和抽象的虚拟世界。在不断扩展的电影般的故事中,你与感染体的战斗将被带到严酷的极地战场,甚至离开地球的引力。


  • 仅凭血肉之躯并不足以抵抗帕弥什, 于是士兵们成为了超越人类的存在。被称为构造体, 他们的人类思维被包裹在强大的机械身体中。招募数十种这种活体武器,以对抗数百种敌人类型, 皆拥有丰富的细节和全3D动画制作。



  • 一个由萨费恩学派在前疫情时代建造的,早已荒废的设施以一种出乎意料的方式再度浮现。进入那里, 去调查其中机器之间无尽战争背后的真相, 并且终结这个未曾诉说的地狱。


  • 随着神秘的“鲸歌”突然出现,红潮在地球表面卷土重来。为了防止红潮到达海岸线, 空中花园提出了一项计划,用大规模的轨道轰炸消除所有红潮。作为任务的地面分支,灰鸦小队负责确定红潮的边界并疏散平民。但一切都会按计划进行吗?
  • 在柜子里偶然发现的一个旧罐子让万事想起了一段久违的记忆。在满目疮痍的城市废墟中,他遇到了一个来自前所未见的派系的强大敌人…
  • 在隐藏剧情中,灰鸦小队参加了由某位总指挥官领导的联合剿灭行动。该指挥官是指挥官在法奥斯军事学校的同学,也是丽芙的前指挥官。在丽芙加入灰鸦之前,究竟发生了什么?


  • 在地下城与聚噬体战斗后,你回到空中花园,发现自己不断陷入闪回和昏迷——这是上一次任务的后遗症。然而,你得到的不是适当的救治,而是以“禁闭治疗”为名的监管。有人泄露了你在地面上链接了露娜的消息,导致人们怀疑你窝藏了失踪的升格者,以及你可能会成为第二个雷文治的未公开的恐慌。
  • 为了证明你的清白,突击鹰小队的库洛姆从被监禁的灰鸦手中接下了一项任务,并踏上了天基武器的核心打击区,调查帕弥什病毒的激增,希望找到失踪的升格者的下落。他会找到自己想要的东西,还是会在黑暗中潜伏的敌人面前倒下?
  • 在隐藏剧情中,阿尔法也回到地下城寻找她的妹妹。尽管她意志坚定,但她从未想过会在路上看到所有的老面孔和新面孔,更不用说与她的“敌人”结成临时联盟了。


  • 一个类似升格者露娜的意识海信号在一个废弃的小镇上被发现。为了找到露娜的下落,你的任务是与三头犬小队一同进行搜索,后者将通过与你的远程链接执行任务。随着调查的进展,令人毛骨悚然的现象、怪诞的敌人和露娜童年的闪回一直困扰着你和21号。在那里,你不得不意识到这个小镇是露娜悲剧的开始。


  • 在整个黄金时代,人们秘密建造了多个零点反应堆设施,以研究真空零点能的潜力。然而,在人类从这个潘多拉魔盒中获得任何利益之前,帕弥什爆发了。被这场灾难席卷的外部世界失去了与这些设施的联系,其中之一是位于大西洋的“亚特兰蒂斯”基地。
  • 为了获取设施内的信息,你和三头犬小队的薇拉秘密负责调查这座久绝于世的海上大都市。令你惊讶的是,这里找不到帕弥什病毒,也找不到任何生命迹象。究竟发生了什么,让这里成为一个完美的墓地?


  • 从亚特兰蒂斯回收到的数据表明,有一种技术能够吸收帕弥什病毒。然而,这项技术的发展需要从高密度病毒体中提取更多样本。以此为目标,执行部队冒险进入普利亚森林公园。据信那里还有另一个聚合母体。
  • 抵达后,公园平静的表面出现了奇怪的现象。猩红的植被不是植物,而是病毒体,类人的生物带着脐带四处爬行……一切都表明,帕弥什病毒正在以前所未有的速度进化。在这片被诅咒的土地之上,还潜伏着什么?


  • 距离普利亚森林公园灾难已经过去一个月了。灰鸦小队的成员被红潮和感染体的洪流围困在地球上的一个的难民营里挣扎着求生,同时也照顾着避难所里的平民和昏迷的指挥官。然而,随着未确认人形生物体“双子”继续在土地上肆虐,每个人,无论是身体上还是心理上,都处于崩溃的边缘。
  • 为了抵抗双子无法阻挡的进攻,灰鸦参加了根据亚特兰蒂斯研究结果开发的Ω武器的实验。丽芙意识到自己面对目睹的所有死亡都无能为力,自愿使用了一台新的机体。该机体配备了欧米茄武器,能够吸收和“净化”帕弥什病毒。然而,力量是有代价的……她会以救世主的身份救赎逝者,还是以烈士的身份牺牲?


  • 勇者对抗恶龙早已成为故事的陈词滥调。但这就是空中花园最著名的歌剧作曲家赛琳娜所写的一部无名的幻想曲;它的结局是未知的,它的人物弧光是不完整的,但它承载着她最真挚、最纯真的情感。
  • 通过“哈姆雷特”这台戏剧机器,指挥官一次又一次地进入这部戏剧,扮演勇者的角色,寻找这位神秘的吹笛人的踪迹,逐渐揭开赛琳娜的经历、思想和挣扎。


  • 你曾经在梦中质疑过自己的身份或目的吗?对蒲牢来说,无论是现实生活与否,她的自我和动力从未改变。意识到大师的生命因帕尼尼病毒而岌岌可危,蒲牢毫不犹豫地踏上了寻找传说中的长生不老药的旅程,其中的成分包括神话中的大鱼的眼泪。
  • 与善与恶的偶遇就在前方。当面对恶意时,蒲牢会如何处理不必要的冲突?这次冒险会有一个好的结局吗?


  • 机器生来就有目的。如果有一天人类在这个蓝色星球上消失,机器仍然会遵循他们的程序逻辑,一遍又一遍地重复同样的命令,永远不会怀疑他们是否应该停止或继续前进,直到神秘的机械先哲出现。
  • 自从第一个机械人发展出自由意志以来,机械的觉醒就像野火一样在这个星球上蔓延。一直在世界各地旅行的七实很高兴看到更多的家庭生活起来。然而,当她在格式塔的帮助下深入模拟的未来时,一个残酷的事实逐渐浮出水面。没有一个未来可以让人类和机器幸福地生活在一起……有没有办法摆脱这种毁灭的循环?


  • 在机械先哲的无数追随者中,有一个人是独一无二的。哈卡玛,名字来源于年轻的先哲,是第一台受到机械先哲启发并发展出自我意识的机器。原本是一名行政AI的哈卡玛踏上了寻找七实的旅程,希望能完成创造者的最后命令。
  • 在穿越地球的旅程中,哈卡玛加入了机械教会,在那里她了解了机械的觉醒,并隐约意识到了“机械先哲”的真实身份。然而,随着觉醒的机器和人类之间的冲突即将爆发,一个破坏性的计划被制定出来,给人类带来厄运。身处风暴眼的中心,哈卡玛还能遇到她一直渴望的那个人吗?除了相互毁灭,双方还有更好的结局吗?



  • 为了更好地了解外面的世界,并将其反映在她的歌剧中,赛琳娜,这位年轻的、未受过训练的构造体女孩冒险承担起了一项考古任务。她几乎不知道,她面对的未来即是炼狱…


  • 生命之星的一位医生发现了构造体技术背后的残酷真相:意识回传一直只是一种心理安慰。他会选择反抗谎言的编织者,或屈服于不可避免的现状,还是做出改变?


  • 生来只不过是一个实验体,直到红发的恶魔降临并打破她的枷锁的那一天,这个纯白色的女孩的生活中才有了希望和欲望。在黑野,她以一个潜在的强大的执行者的新身份开始了新的生活。但她缺乏常识,这让她无法被承认。她会发现自己真正想要的是什么,成为自己想要的人吗?


  • 意识回传一直是一个谎言,但空中花园的普通构造体并不知道这一点,就像没有人可以回来讲述来世的故事一样。作为意识回传宣传的一部分,“不死身的罗伊”是回传技术的象征。人们倾向于相信,无论他必须经历多么可怕的战斗,他总是能够回来,而且他总是能够手持旗枪引领大家前进。当这个虚假的“英雄”遇上“红发的死神”之时,会发生什么?


  • 你有没有想过,你的生活是否是一个由未知的人控制的真人秀?对罗兰来说,情况正好相反。在一个为真人秀而建的公园里,他一直充当主角曼达斯提的助手。作为剧组的一员,他秘密穿梭于场景和后台,指导曼达斯提在节目中的行为。他相信这一点。然而,有一天,当帕弥什病毒席卷整个公园时,这部真人秀背后的残酷真相在园区的毁灭中被揭开了……你什么时候开始觉得自己只是个局外人?


  • 在席卷一切的猩红之中,纯白的女孩抬头看到了那些被红潮吞噬的人留下的痕迹。灰鸟,女仆,医生,逃兵……一个孤独的叙述者在寻找一个深受同伴爱戴的人。她和他们一起漫步,见证他们的记忆、梦想和承诺。
  • 但所有这些都少了一块——女孩自己,她为了拯救人类而迷失了自己。然后她听到熟悉的声音越来越响。他们在呼唤她吗?她在哪里?还有,她的名字是?


  • 自我发现之旅在歌剧中并不罕见。作为一名年轻的歌剧作曲家,赛琳娜以一种意想不到的方式踏上了自己的旅程,她在一个保育区遇到了一群热爱艺术的志趣相投的人,并被请求寻找一位烈士的女儿,一位与她一样的艺术迷。
  • 自《阿卡迪亚大撤退》首演以来,当赛琳娜试图减轻他人的痛苦时,一场持久的内心风暴就在她身上酝酿着。她怎样才能自我救赎?或者有人救她吗?她的旅程该如何结束?


  • 九龙夜航船,外表上歌舞升平,但却是一片无情吞噬弱者的丛林。被一位神秘的女士救上了夜航船后,尽管身处繁荣之中,悠悠发现自己再次陷入了孤独。幸运的是,在名叫含英的舞者的帮助下,悠悠成功地在夜航船上开始了新的生活,希望有一天能回到九龙市再次见到她的父母。
  • 然而,一个不为人知的组织从黑暗中出现,策划了一场恶性阴谋,暴露了一股酝酿已久的暗流。各方利益纠缠在含英身上。当再次被剥夺一切时,悠悠这次能拯救自己吗?


Game Introduction

  • Punishing: Gray Raven is a fast-paced ultra-stylish Action-RPG.
  • Mankind is almost extinct. Earth has been conquered by a robotic army—the Corrupted—twisted and warped by a biomechanical virus known as The Punishing. The last survivors have fled into orbit, aboard the space station Babylonia. After years of preparation, the Gray Raven special forces unit leads the mission to reclaim their lost homeworld. You are their leader.
  • As commandant of the Gray Raven unit, you are tasked with assembling the greatest cyborg soldiers the world has known and lead them into battle. Unravel the dark truths behind the Punishing virus, push back the Corrupted and reclaim the Earth in this stylish Action-RPG.


  • Dive deep into a ruined world, and uncover the truths behind this dark cyberpunk setting. Featuring dozens of chapters of visual novel-style storytelling, this is a bleakly beautiful world with many wonders to behold. The daring might even unlock hidden chapters, letting you experience the story from a much darker perspective.


  • Explore through a wide range of stunning environments, from abandoned city streets to desert warzones, towering megastructures, and abstract virtual realms. Take the battle against the Corrupted to harsh polar battlefields and even beyond Earth’s gravity in a continually expanding cinematic story.


  • Mere flesh and blood aren’t enough to battle the Punishing, so the soldiers have become something more. Known as Constructs, they are human minds encased in powerful mechanical bodies. Recruit dozens of these living weapons to battle against hundreds of enemy types, all richly detailed and animated in full 3D.

Main Story

Untold Naraka

  • A long-lost facility of the School of Sapienism built before the Post-Pandemic Age resurfaced in an unexpected way. Get in there, investigate the truth behind the everlasting war between machines, and put an end to this Untold Naraka.

EX04:Echo Aria

  • The Red Tide stages a comeback on the Earth’s surface, following the sudden emergence of a mysterious “whale song”. To prevent the Red Tide from reaching the coastline, Babylonia draws up a plan to eliminate all of the Red Tide with a wide-scale orbital bombardment. As the ground branch of the mission, Gray Raven is tasked with locating the Red Tide boundaries and evacuating the civilians. Will everything go according to plan?
  • An old can found by chance in the cabinet reminds Wanshi of a long-lost memory. In the devastated city ruins, he encountered a powerful enemy from a never-before-seen faction…
  • In the hidden chapter, the Gray Ravens participate in a joint extermination operation led by a certain chief commander, who was the commandant’s classmate in F.O.S. as well as Liv’s former commandant. What happened to Liv before she joined the Gray Raven?

Chapter 14:Imprisoned Sight

  • Following the battle with Polyphage in the underground city, you returned to Babylonia to find yourself constantly falling into flashback and trance—a sequela from the last mission. However, instead of a proper remedy, what you receive is a custody in the name of “confined treatment”. Someone has leaked the news of you connecting to Luna on the ground, resulting in a suspicion of you harboring the missing Ascendant, as well as an unsaid panic of you potentially going rogue as the second Ravenge.
  • To prove your innocence, Chrome of the Strike Hawk took over a mission from the grounded Gray Ravens and set foot on the Longinus blast zone to investigate a surge of Punishing Virus, hoping to find the whereabouts of the missing Ascendant. Would he find what he wants, or would he fall in the face of the enemies lurking in the darkness?
  • In the Hidden chapter, Alpha also returns to the underground city in search of her sister. Determined as she is, she never expected to see all the old and new faces on her way, let alone to form a temporary alliance with her “enemies...”

EX05: Inscription of Labyrinth

  • A signal resembling the M.I.N.D of Luna the Ascendant has been detected in an abandoned town. To locate Luna’s whereabouts, you are tasked with a search operation with the Cerberus, who will execute the mission by a remote connection with you. As the investigation progresses, creepy phenomena, grotesque enemies, and flashbacks of Luna’s childhood keep on haunting you and No. 21. There you can’t help but realize—this town was the beginning of Luna’s tragedy.

Chapter 15: The Last Spark

  • Throughout the Golden Age, multiple zero-point reactor facilities were secretly built to research the potential of zero-point energy. However, before humanity can gain any benefit from this Pandora’s box, the Punishing outbreak happened. Overwhelmed by the catastrophe, the outside world lost connection to the facilities, one of which being “Atlantis” located in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • In an attempt to retrieve any information inside the facility, you and Vera of the Cerberus are secretly tasked with investigating the long-lost seaborne metropolis. To your surprise, Punishing Virus is nowhere to be found on the site, so is any sign of life. What happened in here to have made this place a flawless graveyard?

Chapter 16: Evernight Beat

  • Data retrieved from Atlantis suggest a technology capable of absorbing the Punishing Virus. However, the development of this technology demands more samples from high-density viral bodies. With that as the objective, the task force ventures into Pulia Forest Park, where another “Hetero-Hive Mother” is believed to be located.
  • Upon arrival, bizarre phenomena emerge from behind the peaceful surface of the park. Scarlet vegetation is not plants but viral bodies, human-like organisms are crawling around with umbilical cords attached... Everything indicates that the Punishing Virus has been evolving at an unprecedented rate. What else could be lurking in this cursed land?

Chapter 17: The Surviving Lucem

  • It’s been a month since the catastrophic operation in Pulia Forest Park. Trapped in a refugee camp on earth by the Red Tide and floods of Corrupted, the Gray Ravens struggle to survive while also attending to the civilians and the comatose Commandant in the shelter. However, as the Unidentified Twins continue to wreak havoc on the land, everyone is on the verge of collapsing, both physically and psychologically.
  • To resist the unstoppable offensive of the twins, the Gray Ravens partake in the field experiments of the Omega Weapon developed from the research results from Atlantis. Liv, realizing her powerlessness in the face of all the deaths she witnessed, volunteers to adopt a new frame equipped with Omega Weapon, which is capable of absorbing and “purifying” the Punishing Virus. However, power comes at a price... Would she redeem the fallen as a savior, or, would she sacrifice as a martyr?

Recitativo di Fantasia

  • Champion fighting the evil dragon has long become a cliché when it comes to storytelling. But here it is, a nameless fantasy written by Selena, the most-renowned opera composer in Babylonia; its ending is unknown and its arc incomplete, yet it holds her utmost genuine and innocent feelings.
  • Via Hamlet, a theater play machine, the commandant enters this play again and again and acts as the champion to seek traces of the mysterious piper, gradually unveiling what Selena has experienced, thought, and struggled for.

Reveries with a Whale

- Have you ever questioned your identity or purpose in a dream? For Pulao, her self and motivation never change no matter it's real life or not. Realizing Master's life is at stake due to the Punini Virus, Pulao does not hesitate to embark on a journey in search of the fabled elixir, whose ingredient includes the tear of the mythic Big Fish. - Fortuitous encounters with the good and the bad lie ahead. When faced with malicious intentions, how would Pulao handle an unnecessary conflict? Will this adventure come to a good end?

Her Last Bow

- Machines are born with but given purposes. If humanity disappear on this blue planet one day, the machines would still follow their programmed logic and repeat the same command over and over, never doubting if they should stop or move on for another cause. That is, until the mysterious Sagemachina showed up. - Since the first-ever mechanoid developed its free will, machine's awakening has been spreading on this planet like wildfire. Nanami, who has been traveling around the world, is happy to see more families come to life. However, as she dives into the simulated futures with the help of Gestalt, a cruel truth gradually surfaces—There is not a future where humans and machines can live happily together... Could there be a way out of this loop of destruction?

The Ark Beyond

- Among Sagemachina's countless followers, there is a unique individual. Haicma, who got her name from the young Sage, is the first-ever machine inspired by Sagemachina and developed a self-consciousness. Originally an administrative AI, Haicma steps on her journey in seek of Nanami, hoping to fulfill the last command from her creator. - Along her journey across Earth, Haicma joins the Church of Machina, where she gets to understand the awakening of machines, and faintly realizes the true identity of "Sagemachina". However, as the conflict between awakened machines and human comes to the verge of an outbreak, a destructive plan is made to bring doom to humanity. Centered in the eye of the storm, will Haicma still be able to meet the one she's been longing for? Could there be a better ending for both sides, other than mutual destruction?


Interlude: Starry Tales

  • To better understand the outside world and reflect it in her operas, the young and unstained Construct girl ventured onto an archaeological mission. Little did she know that the future ahead is nothing short of a purgatory…

Interlude: Silent Night

  • A doctor at Star of Life discovered the cruel truth behind Construct technology: M.I.N.D. Recall had always been but a psychological comfort. Would he choose to defy the liars, yield to the inevitable status quo, or resort to making a difference?

Interlude: Albus Spectrum

  • Born to be nothing more than a test subject, the pure white girl lived her life with no hope or desire until the day when the red-headed demon befell and broke her shackles. In Kurono, she began a new life with a new identity as a potentially powerful operator, but her lack of common sense is keeping her from being acknowledged. Will she find out what she truly wants, and become who she wishes to be?

Interlude: In the Name of a Hero

  • Mind Recalling has always been a lie, but that’s not known to average Constructs of Babylonia, just like no one can return to tell the story of afterlife. As a part of the Mind Recalling propaganda, “The Undying Loy” is a symbol of the Recall technology. People tend to believe he can always return no matter how dire of a battle he must go through, and he can always lead the way with the banner spear in hand. What would happen if this false “Hero” meet “The Redheaded Death?”

Interlude: A Great Show

  • Have you ever wondered if your life is a reality show controlled by an unknown being? For Roland, it was the other way around. In a park built for reality shows, he had always been acting as the sidekick of Mandhasti the protagonist. As a member of the crew, he secretly shuttled between scenes and backstage to guide Mandhasti’s behavior on the show, or so he believed. However, as the Punishing Virus swept across the park one day, the cruel truth behind this reality show was unveiled in devastation... Since when did you start to think you are merely an outsider?

Interlude: Blue Bird

  • Amongst the crimson that swept across everything around, the pure white girl looks up to see the remaining traces of those who were devoured by the Red Tide. The gray bird, the maid, the medical officer, the deserter... and a lone narrator looking for someone deeply loved by her companions. She wanders with them and sees their memories, dreams, and promises.
  • But all of these are missing a piece—the girl herself, who has lost herself for the salvation of humanity. She then hears familiar voices get louder. Are they calling her? Where is she? And, what is her name?

Interlude: Song of Flowers

  • Journeys of self-discovery aren't uncommon in operas. A young opera composer herself, Selena embarks on this journey of hers in an unexpected way, where she meets a group of art-loving kindred spirits in a conservation area and is prompted to search for a martyr’s daughter, an art fetish same as her.
  • As Selena tries to relieve others of their pain, a long-lasting inner tempest has been brewing in her ever since the premiere of "The Acadia Evacuation". How can she save herself? Or is there anyone to save her? And how should this play of her journey conclude?

Interlude: Night Mayfly

- The Kowloong Nighter, as splendid as it seems, is a jungle that devours the weaklings ruthlessly. Having been rescued by a mysterious lady onto the Nighter, Yoyo finds herself forlorn again despite the flourishing scenery around. Fortunately, with the kindness of this dancer named Hanying, Yoyo manages to start a new life on the Nighter, wishing to return to Kowloong City one day to see her parents again. - However, an unknown organization emerges from the dark with a vicious conspiracy schemed, revealing a simmering undercurrent. Interests of all sides entangle around Hanying. When stripped of everything again, can Yoyo save herself this time?