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Grounded 0.12更新内容中文翻译 本翻译内容仅供参考。请以原英文版为准。翻译内容部分参考机翻作了修正,如有错误可以联系作者反馈。翻译内容根据官方工作人员的博客进行更新。 原文参考网站:Grounded 0.12 Patch Notes

测试服 公共测试

全新可探索的区域! / New Explorable Environments Note for the test: The new areas are still in active development. We encourage everyone to build in these areas for feedback and testing purposes, but please keep in mind that the terrain and objects in these areas might shift or move before the official 0.12 release. Please also keep in mind that as we continue to add new items to the game during this testing period, there is always a chance that anything you build in the test may not work as expected when moving from the test to the live build. Thank you! 测试注意事项:新领域仍在积极开发中。出于反馈和测试的目的,我们鼓励玩家在这些区域建造,但请记住,在0.12正式发布之前,这些区域的地形和物体可能会改变或移动。请不要期望任何新的基地完全工作时,转移到一个非测试存档。感谢支持。 (意思就是他们随时可能会修改这里的地形,别在这里瞎造东西,丢了不管) The first expansion into the upper yard! 第一次扩张进入后院的上半部分! BBQ Spill:Get ready for this sizzling hot area as you prepare to journey through the ashy wastelands of the BBQ Spill. 翻倒的烧烤架:准备好这个炙手可热的地方吧,你将穿越烧烤场的灰烬荒地。 Shed Surroundings:Filled with plenty of items to explore and new creatures to encounter, we know you'll find plenty to do in this exciting new area. 棚屋周围:充满了大量的可供探索的项目以及新的生物,我们知道你会在这个令人兴奋的新区域做很多事情。 Woodpile:Traverse into the depths of woodpile, but beware, because as you lumber deeper down the halls you will quickly realize you are not alone. 柴堆:穿越到柴堆的深处,但要小心,因为当你沿着走廊越走越深时,你很快就会意识到这里不止你一个。

船新昆虫! / New Bugs (部分图片为自己截图,非官方给的图) 白蚁

白兵蚁 瓢虫幼虫








船新可制作内容 白蚁斧(LV.3)






两种新正餐 其中一种可以食用了,另一个将会随着更新推进!

船新功能 资源勘测台 / Resource Survey Stations Field Stations now have survey stations that can be operated to search for resources in the yard. After flipping the switch in the Hedge Lab, the surveyor system across the yard will become powered. Surveyors are found at Field Stations. Analyze resources to be able to survey for them. Each survey station activated adds to the survey area across the yard. Place a waypoint on the map where there's a high concentration of a specific resource you want to mark. You can survey for any analyzed material, including insect parts! 野外工作站现在有勘测台,可以通过操作仪器来探测后院里面的资源。在启动树篱实验室的开关后,后院的测量系统就可以通电。

在野外工作站中找到勘测台。 分析资源后,可以通过勘测台勘探资源。 每个被激活的测量站都会增加整个院子的测量区。 把玩家想标记的高度集中的特定资源在地图上放置标记点。 玩家可以调查任何已分析的材料,包括昆虫部分!

自定义游戏选项 / Custom Game Options Custom Game Options are a new way to fully customize your yard experience. If you select the custom game option from the lobby screen, you can adjust settings and make the yard your own: 自定义游戏选项是一种全新的方式,完全定制玩家的院子体验。如果你从大厅屏幕上选择自定义游戏选项,你可以调整设置,让院子成为你自己的天下 : 难度 所有配方解锁且免费 虫子生成 虫子无视玩家 建筑真实性(指需要支撑) 任务 玩家伤害 友方误伤 宠物无敌 饱食度/干渴度耗尽 耐力耗尽 装备耐久度 食物变质 菜单暂停游戏 死亡时背包物品:①丢弃背包 / ②和你一起重生(死亡不掉落) / ③永远丢失

窥视共振模式 / Peep.R Mode Peep Resonance is a SCA.B Executable feature turning your tiny hands into light wave amplifying chambers that bring the distance into focus. Peep off into the far reaches of the yard and drop player waypoint markers. These markers show up on your map and other players' screens for better team peeping and navigation around the yard! 窥视共振是一种SCA.B可执行功能,将你的小手变成光波放大室,使距离聚焦。窥视到院子的远处,放下玩家路标标记。这些标记会出现在你的地图和其他玩家的屏幕上,以便更好地观察和导航整个院子! Place a waypoint by looking at a spot in the yard and pressing a button.Place a waypoint by opening the map and selecting a location to drop a waypoint. 通过观察院子的一个位置(默认按X键),通过放置(默认按鼠标左键)标点。 通过打开地图并选择一个位置来放置(默认按R键)一个标记点。

建筑定制 / Building Customization There's a new menu to a selection of buildings which allows you to customize the look or behavior of the building. 有一个新的菜单选择建筑,允许你自定义建筑的外观或行为。 Bounce Webs can be adjusted for angle and power. 蹦床可以调整角度和功率了。

Firefly Hanging Lantern, Sap Sconce, and Mold Sconce can be turned on and off, and adjusted for strength and color. 萤火虫吊灯,植物灯和树液壁灯可以打开和关闭,并调整强度和颜色。

Armor Dummies can be posed with any of the poses usable in Photo Mode. 盔甲假人在拍照模式下可以使用各种各样的姿势了。

【数据】界面改进 / Improved Data Page The Data tab in your SCA.B menu has been improved to better organize and show new information. Items and information will be categorized by where it came from or what it pertains to. You will also have entries and descriptions of all notably locations discovered in the game as well as know how many you are missing from each area. SCA.B中的Data选项卡菜单已经改进,以更好地组织和显示新的信息。项目和信息将根据它来自哪里或它属于什么分类。你还将获得所有在游戏中发现的地点的条目和该地点的描述,并且你能知道错过的区域。

状态效果显示 / Status Effect Display Status Effects are now displayed with tooltips on the Backpack and Status screens. Active Status Effects will also be displayed on the HUD below the SCA.B display. 状态效果现在在背包里面或者屏幕上显示提示。活动状态效果也将显示在SCA.B的HUD下方显示,如减速、中毒等。

附加功能 / Additional Features 新语言支持 / New Languages Turkish, Thai, Arabic, and Japanese. 土耳其语、泰语、阿拉伯语、日语。

制作多个 / Craft Many "Craft Many" button in the Crafting menu will allow you to craft 5 of something at a time. “制作多个”按钮允许玩家在制造菜单下一次性制造五个物品。 建筑蓝图复制 / Copy Placed Building You can quickly select a building blueprint to start placing down by walking up to an already placed building and hitting the "Copy" interact action. This way, you can quickly copy building blueprints without always needing to open up the building menus. 玩家可以选择一个建筑蓝图开始放置,走到一个已经放置的建筑,并点击“复制”交互操作。这样,你可以快速复制建筑蓝图,而不需要总是打开建筑菜单。 快捷存储 / Storage Hot Deposit You can now "Hot Deposit" like items on storage buildings by holding Interact on them. "Hot Deposit" will automatically deposit any items in your inventory that match any items already in the storage container. 玩家现在可以“快捷存储”了。只需要走到存储建筑前进行互动即可(默认长按E),快捷存储将会把玩家身上已有的东西按照箱子库存匹配进行存储。 成就 / Achievements Added 8 New Achievements (Note: Achievements on Steam will not be viewable during the Public Test Build period) 添加了8个新成就。(注意:在公共测试建造期间,Steam上的成就将不可见)

改动&优化 / Changes & Tuning 系统 / Systems If players die with a bow equipped, the equipped ammo type will carry over when respawning. 如果玩家死时装备了弓箭,装备的弹药类型将在重生时保留。 You can now rest at any time of the day. You will rest for 8 hours and will not be able to rest again until you have been awake long enough to rest again. 你现在可以在一天中的任何时间休息。你会休息8个小时,直到你清醒足够长的时间才能再次休息。 控制 / Controls Added "Level Camera on Sprint" option. 增加了“冲刺时拉平视角”的选项。 Many UI controls that were not previously rebindable in the options menu now are. 许多以前在选项菜单中不能重新绑定的UI控件现在可以重新绑定了。

突变 / Mutations Blademaster no longer repairs the durability of swords.Now reduces the stamina cost of the next several attacks when procced. 【剑术大师】不再修复剑的耐久性了,现在会在下几次攻击时减少耐力消耗。 Javelineer no longer slows enemies.Now reduces enemy Damage Resist when procced. 【标枪手】不再使敌人减速了。现在会减少敌人的伤害减免。

可叙述性 / Accessibility Added "Wide Interaction" option, which allows the player to interact with objects without looking directly at them. Several interfaces have had narration support added or improved. Added "Read To Me Speed" option. Various notifications are now narrated when shown. Important narration such as quest notifications will not be interrupted by lower-priority narration. 这里的内容不重要,我说的。

战斗系统 / Combat Weapons now deal progressively more damage with each hit in a combo sequence.The first attack of a weapon combo does the least amount of damage. Combo finishers deal the most amount of damage. Overall DPS of a full combo is the same. Specifically, instead of a 3-hit combo doing 100 → 100 → 100, now it'll deal 50 → 100 → 150. 武器现在会以组合顺序对每一次攻击造成更多的伤害。武器连击的第一次攻击造成的伤害最小, 连击终结造成的伤害最大。一个完整连击的平均伤害是相同的。具体来讲,并不再是100→100→100的三连击,而是50→100→150的伤害。 Hammers now have a 3-hit combo to utilize the above combo system changes. 锤子现在有一个三连击的改动。 All weapon types have had a damage curve pass to make sure they're in-line with each other. 所有的武器都会有一条伤害曲线,以确保他们基本一致。 Shields no longer slow down movement when blocking. 当格挡时,盾牌不再减慢移动速度。 Reduced the movement penalty for moving backwards. 减少了向后移动的惩罚。 Crow arrows now apply a bleed DoT. 羽毛箭现在会提供持续掉血的伤害。 建筑生命值&修补工具 / Building Health & Repair Tool The attack input can be held to constantly trigger the repair action repeatedly while holding the repair tool. 在持有修复工具时,可以保持攻击输入,不断地反复触发修复动作。 The repair world icons are now replaced with a red outline around the buildings that need repair. 修复世界图标现在被红色轮廓所取代,周围的建筑需要修复。 Building structure health values have been increased across the game. 建筑结构的生命值在整个游戏中都有所增加。

界面 / Interface You can assign similar tools that are at different upgrade levels / types to different slots on the Hot Pouch. For example, one slot can be a Spicy Pebble Axe while another slot is a Fresh Pebble Axe. Tools of the same upgrade level / type will be grouped to the same slot if you have more than one. 玩家可以将不同升级级别/类型的类似工具分配到装备栏的不同槽位。例如,一个槽可以是一个辣味碎石斧,而另一个槽可以是一个清新碎石斧。同一级别或者类型的工具如果有多个,将被组合到同一个槽位。 Players can now place a temporary waypoint on the Map UI. 玩家现在可以在地图界面上放置一个临时的路标点。 Dropped item/arrow icons become less visible if the player is in combat to remove HUD clutter while fighting bugs. 掉落的道具/箭头图标将变得不明显如果玩家在战斗中移除掉界面上的杂乱内容。 Selected items in the storage UI will display what level upgrade they have if any. 被选中的物品在储存界面中会显示他们的等级了。 Damage type icons shown when looking at harvestable objects now only show when the object is in range. (没看懂,用的机翻)查看可收割对象时显示的损坏类型图标现在只显示对象在范围内的情况。

武器升级 / Weapon Upgrades Weapons can now be upgraded to +9.+8 and +9 require a new upgrade material. 武器现在可以至高提升到+9级。+8及+9需要一种新的锻造材料。 Damage and durability increase per level up has been reduced across the board. 每升一级伤害与耐久增加减少了。(现在需要升级到LV.9才能达到原来的LV.5的水准) Upgraded weapons will now require additional resources to repair. 升级过的武器现在会需要额外的材料进行修复。

门 / Doors Base doors now properly save and load which direction the door was open. 基础门现在正确地记住门的打开方向。 Curved doors now only open in the outward direction. 弧形门现在只能向外打开。

建筑更新 / Building General Updated Smoothie Mixer art. 更新了饮品站的模型。

建筑布局 / Building Placement Buildings of the same shape are now grouped in the building radial. The building material can be changed with the "Next Building Material" control (default F key / Y button) 相同形状的建筑现在在建筑的径向组合。建筑材料可以通过“下一个建筑材料”控件(默认F键/ Y键)来更改。 Structural buildings are no longer allowed to overlap unbuildable materials (plastic, glass, metal). 结构性建筑不再允许与不可建材料(塑料、玻璃、金属)重叠。 Large foliage such as grass and rocks will now block placement of certain non-structural buildings. 大的叶子,如草和岩石现在将阻碍某些非结构性建筑的放置。

纺车与研磨器 / The Spinning Wheel and Grinder The Spinning Wheel and Grinder UI's have been updated to work similar to the Oven UI to support more features: 纺车和研磨器的界面已更新到类似于烤箱的界面,以支持如下功能: Pulling items from Nearby Storage works now. 从附近的仓库提取物品现在工作。 You will see a list of all recipes you can do at these buildings even without having said items to process. 你会看到所有配方的列表,即便是没有可加工物。 You can grind any Grass Planks or Weed Logs you are hauling into Plant Fiber. 你可以使用研磨器来研磨草板和野草根茎了。 NOTE: To backwards support this with saves prior to 0.12, any items that are finished and not collected or currently being processed in the Spinning Wheel or Grinder will be lost when loading a save prior to 0.12 for the first time. 注意:为了向后支持这与0.12之前的保存,任何物品已完成,未收集或目前正在纺车或研磨机处理将丢失时,加载0.12之前的保存第一次。(大概就是说如果你这里面有东西没拿出来,更新的时候可能会给清掉)

优化 / Optimization Improved CPU performance for hosts of multiplayer games. Improves framerate for host and experience for connected clients. 提高了多人游戏主机的CPU性能。提高主机的帧率和连接客户端的体验。 世界&资源 / World&Resources Grass blades drop planks with only a 20% drop rate when destroyed by explosives. Grass blades break immediately when destroyed by explosives. 当被炸药摧毁时,草掉落草板的几率只有20%。草叶被炸药摧毁后立即断裂。 带刺野草现在需要三级斧头才能收割。

生物 / Creatures Slickly Roly Polies no longer drop sickly parts. 生病的西瓜虫不再掉落生病西瓜虫部位。

物品 / Items Using the Dandelion Tuft no longer requires stamina. 使用蒲公英滑翔的时候不再消耗耐力。 Crusty Roly Poly armor no longer craftable.A complete crusty set can be found hidden around the yard instead. 松脆西瓜虫套装不再可制作。现在在后院中可以找到一套完整的西瓜虫套。 Antlion armor now considered Medium armor. 蚁狮套现在更改为中型护甲。

后面就是修BUG呗,懒得翻了..... Bug Fixes Major Fixes Creatures will stop clumping into certain areas when players are not around. Arrows shot from the player should no longer occasionally come out delayed. Player voices while wearing the Gas Mask will no longer cause audio corruption. Game The crafting interface can no longer become unresponsive to keys after pressing enter in the filter box. World Pond breakers will now show a red indicator when powered but not yet reset. Some assets that could not have buildings placed on them now can. Building validity checks for very flat or narrow buildings are now more consistent. Items/Equipment/Resources Roof Squared Corner will no longer change into Roof Corner after placing one. Drying Berry Chunks on the Jerky Rack now credits "Artificer: Berry Leather" quests. When slime molds are harvested, clients will see the correct number of remaining stalks in the cluster. Pets Clients will now see the pet Inventory prompt on their pet after rejoining a game in progress. Pet Memorials will no longer forget the pet's name after being demolished. UI Fixed ultra-widescreen issues in a handful of UIs. Bug Fixes - Windows 10 Store Platform: The 'Export Save' option in the save/load menu now shows the correct hotkey Ominent Practical Technologies [CLASSIFIED]

测试服 更新改动

Two handed weapons can no longer be auto equipped on pickup when only holding a shield in your off hand. 当玩家手上只有盾牌的时候,双手武器在拾取时将不能自动装备。 Aphids on the Roasting Spit are properly positioned on the spit. 烧烤架上的蚜虫被正确地放置在烤叉上。 Weapon Upgrades can be purchased for free in Creative mode or if "All Recipes unlocked and free" is checked in a custom game mode. 你可以在创造模式中免费购买武器升级,或者在自定义游戏模式中勾选“所有配方解锁且免费”。 Smoothies can be purchased for free in Creative mode or if "All Recipes unlocked and free" is checked in a custom game mode. 饮品可以在创造模式中免费购买,或者在自定义游戏模式中勾选“所有配方解锁且免费 ”。 The Cookbook in the Woodpile BURG.L chip now contains recipes. 在柴堆汉堡小哥芯片中的《柴堆食谱》现在会包含配方了。 Survey Stations are now unlocked when the associated point of interest is spotted, instead of on interaction. 勘测台现在解锁时,相关的兴趣点被发现,而不是在互动。 The red highlight around damaged buildings while holding a repair tool works properly now. 当拿着修理工具时,被损坏的建筑物周围的红色高亮部分可以正常工作。 Spider Web slow status effect has an icon, name, and description for the UI. 蜘蛛网的减速效果现在在界面上会提供图标、名称、描述。 Points of Interest unlocked no longer display a Key Item acquired notification as well. 未锁定的兴趣点也不再显示已获得通知的关键项。 A particular science pickup near the edge will no longer be in the retaining wall on very old saves. 一个特殊的科学站附近的边缘将不再是像非常老的存档一样在挡土墙上。 Charcoal Hot Spring shows up in the Data page. 木炭温泉现在会显示在数据页面。 PEEP.R Mode no longer has performance issues on all characters besides Max. 除了Max以外的所有角色,窥视共振不再有性能的问题。 Termite armor mesh updated. 白蚁护甲网格?更新。 Termite armor has status effects added. 白蚁护甲增加了状态效果。 Camera positioning for light building customization better frames the light building. 灯光建筑定制的摄像头定位更好的框架灯光建筑。 Adding audio and particles to Pupa harvesting. 添加收获蛹的音频和特效。 Resource Survey stations are automatically added to the map area if you have already discovered the Field Station they are sitting in. 资源测量台会自动添加到地图区域,如果你已经发现了他们所在的野外工作站。 Craft Many works properly in Creative mode or if "All Recipes unlocked and free" is checked in a custom game mode. Craft Many在创造模式中正常工作,或者在自定义游戏模式中勾选“所有配方解锁且免费”。 Termite walk animations have been polished. 白蚁行走动画已经被重制。 Various entries on the Data tab have had their inspect model updated. 数据选项卡上的各个条目已经更新了它们的检模型。 Health tuning pass on various bugs added in 0.12. 为0.12中添加的各种bug进行生命值优化。 Proper descriptions have been added to the Termite Axe and Black Ox Hammer. 白蚁斧和黑牛锤有了正确的描述。 Termite King health and damage resistance has been increased. 白蚁王的生命值和伤害减免提高。 Morning Star recipe requires normal Roly Poly parts instead of the deprecated sickly Roly Poly parts. 晨星锤配方现在需要西瓜虫部位,而不是生病的西瓜虫部位了。 Ladybirds should stop wandering into the Under Construction area of the upper yard. 赤星瓢虫现在停止进入后院上方施工的区域了。 Aphids no longer always drop pet memorials. 蚜虫不再总是掉落宠物的纪念品了。 Splinter arrow mesh has been updated. 分裂箭mesh已更新。 Additional area polish. 额外区域重制。 测试服 更新改动 Fixed a crash related to flying creatures flying around. 修复了一个飞行生物在周围飞行会导致闪退的BUG。 Fixed a few issues with Charcoal bag collision. 修复了关于木炭包的体积碰撞问题。 Lighting pass on upper yard interiors. 在后院上方室内安装了照明传递。 Crusty Roly Poly armor no longer requires sickly parts to repair. 松脆西瓜虫护甲不再需要生病西瓜虫部位修复了。 Added more raw fiber, sprigs, pebblets, etc. to the upper yard. 在后院上方添加了更多的植物纤维、小枝、碎石等。 Green Shield Bug now drops a unique resource needed to craft a new item type. 稻绿蝽现在会掉落一个独立的特殊资源以制造一个新的物品。 Ladybird Larva are no longer completely immune to spicy damage, just highly resistant. 瓢虫幼虫不再完全免疫辛辣伤害,只是对其有很高的伤害减免。 Adjusted Bug Gloop drop rates across the new creatures. 调整了新生物虫胶的掉落概率。 Termite King deals more damage and drops unique resource needed for the Termite armor. 白蚁王造成更多的伤害了,并且会掉落制造白蚁胸甲所需的特殊资源。 Termite King visuals have been updated. 更新了白蚁王的视觉效果。 The red highlight around damaged buildings while holding a repair tool works properly now. 当拿着修理工具时,被损坏的建筑物周围的红色高亮部分可以正常工作。 Science zipline anchors are no longer can be copied. 科学索锚再也不可以被复制。 The Building Integrity custom game option actually enables Building Integrity. 自定义游戏选项现在支持建筑真实性。 Pupa hides no longer fall through the level occasionally when harvesting Pupas. 当收获蛹的时候,蛹皮不再偶尔会掉落。 Science Ziplines can no longer be Copied. 科学滑索不能再被复制。 Changed what background music track plays while near the BBQ Spill. 更改了靠近翻倒的烧烤架附近的音乐 Infected Wolf Spiders properly spawn for games that had already plugged the Haze canister prior to the 0.12 Public Test Build. 感染狼蛛现在会在雾霭区的罐子里面正常生成。 Adjusted respawn times for various bugs and items in the Upper Yard. 调整了各种虫子和上院物品的刷新时间。 Survey Station UI has been updated to show more map. 勘测站UI已经更新以显示更大的地图。 Hot Keys while using the Survey Station work after mouse scrolling the map. 使用测量站时热键工作后,鼠标滚动地图。 Added more loot onto the Shed deck. 在棚甲板上增加了更多的战利品。

测试服 更新改动 BUG修复 Fixed a crash related to grid buildings. 修正了与网格建筑相关的崩溃。 Fixed a crash that could happen when using Hot Deposit. 修正了与快捷存储相关的崩溃。 Fixed a crash related to creature audio loading. 修正了与生物音频加载相关的崩溃。 Fixed a crash related to closing the Map. 修正了关闭地图导致的崩溃。 Ladders no longer adopt strange rotations when being added to existing grids. 梯子不再采用奇怪旋转时被添加到现有的网格。 XSX no longer randomly hitches. XSX不再随机故障。 Termite King pathing improved. 白蚁王路径改进。 Termite King will no longer waits to attack while other smaller termites are around. 当其他小白蚁在附近时,白蚁王将不再等待攻击。 Termite King walk animations are no longer really fast. 白蚁王的行走动画不再非常快。 Larger bugs should get stuck in the terrain less. 体积大的虫子应该不会在地形中卡住。 Photo models in the Data tab display correctly. 照片模型在【数据】选项卡会显示正确。 Black Ox Beetle rock attack is no longer blocked by grass. 黑牛甲虫的石头攻击不可再被草阻挡。 BURG.L will no longer offer Chipsleuth quests the player has already completed. 汉堡小哥将不再提供玩家已经完成的芯片侦探任务。 Burrowing creatures no longer show their name when the player looks at them. 当玩家看着洞穴生物,将不再显示他们的名字。 The UI will no longer incorrectly imply that bombs can damage Tier II and III resource nodes. 操作界面上将不再错误地暗示炸弹可以伤害二级和三级资源。 Hedge cutscene works properly for clients. 雾霭区的剧情动画现在会在客户端上正确地运行。 Fixed a few science placements. 修复了一些原始科学的放置点。 Building Customization camera placement has been improved in certain scenarios. 在某些场景下,建筑定制相机的放置位置得到了改善。 Beefy smoothies can be crafted in Creative mode or with "All Recipes Unlocked and Free" enabled.


平衡 / 改动 Coaltana animations have been updated. 【炽辣炭刀】的动画更新了。 Charcoal sizzle damage has been increased. 木炭造成的滋滋作响伤害提升。 Charcoal sizzle rate has been slowed down. 木炭造成的滋滋作响速度已经被减慢了。 Ammo Radial supports paging now that more than 8 arrow types exist. 由于超过八种箭矢类型存在,现在远程弹药(默认L键)已支持分页。 Black Ox Beetle audio adjusted. 调整了【黑牛甲虫】的音频。 Ladybird audio adjusted. 调整了【赤星瓢虫】的音频。 Additional icons added for items that were using placeholders. 为使用其他贴图的物品添加了图标。 Light, Medium, and Heavy armor effects have unique icons. 轻型、中型、重型装甲的效果现在有拥有不同的图标。 +25-50% durability for all weapons to compensate for higher repair costs. 为所有的武器增加了25~50%的耐久,以补偿较高的修理成本。 Reduced base repair costs for most Tier 3 tools and weapons. 减少了大多数三级工具和武器的基础修复消耗。 Woah mode now only applies a 25% durability penalty instead of a 50% durability penalty. 【天哪】模式现在会使用25%的耐久惩罚,而非50%。 Globs now cost 20% less shards to craft (1 less for candy, 2 less for quartzite and salt). 【XX球】现在会减少20%的碎片来冶炼。(清新盐辣椒球均减1,石英岩球减少2) Scarabs now drop 2-5 twinkling shells instead of 1-2. 【金龟子】现在会掉落2~5个【闪烁甲壳】而非1~2个。 Slightly reduced height of Bounce Web bounce hitbox. 稍微降低了蹦床的弹跳高度。 Players can no longer walk on constructed wall pieces. 玩家现在不可以再走在已建设的墙碎片了(没太懂)。 Removed base green thumb chance while growing normal mushrooms in the garden. 移除了在园圃里种植正常蘑菇时会触发“绿拇指”的机制。 Pupas hanging from ceilings can now be knocked down, like the berries in the hedge. 悬挂在天花板上的蛹现在可以被击倒。就像树篱区的浆果一样。 Pupas hanging from ceilings now properly respawn. 蛹现在会正确地在天花板上刷新。 Termite Delight meal added to woodpile cookbook. “白蚁快乐餐”现在被加入了《食谱:柴堆》中。 Fall damage no longer affects durability in any way. 坠落伤害不再以任何方式影响耐久性。 Survey stations now cleanly cover all playable areas of the backyard once all are discovered. 已探索调查站现在清晰地覆盖后院的所有可游玩区域。 New Jack and Ball art. 新增杰克和鲍尔艺术。 Updated VFX for Black Ox Beetles and Termites. 更新了【黑牛甲虫】和【白蚁】的视觉效果。 Additional terrain polish in the upper yard. 上院的地形额外重置了。 Additional locations to discover in the upper yard. 在上院添加了待发现的新的地标点。 Additional item icons added. 添加了的物品图标。 Updates to the Status Effect display the Backpack and Status tabs. 状态效果得到了更新,现在会显示背包和状态标签。

测试服 更新改动 Fixed a crash that could happen when opening the Map in Multiplayer. 修复了多人游戏中打开地图时可能发生的崩溃。 Fixed a crash that could happen when quitting the game or loading a save while in the Yard. 修正了退出游戏或在游戏内载入存档时可能发生的崩溃。 Infected wolf spider added to upper yard. 在上院添加了感染狼蛛。 Bounce Web will no longer rotate with the player during placement. 蹦床在玩家放置期间不可再旋转。 Non-triangular walls are now walkable again. 非三角形的墙现在可以走了。 The Oven, Spinning Wheel, and Grinder show an icon over them when there are finished items ready to collect. 当熔炉,纺车和搅拌器上有完成的项目,会显示一个图标以告知玩家可以准备收集。 The Oven, Spinning Wheel, and Grinder have a quick "Take All" action you can do by holding Interact without needing to open the UI. 熔炉,纺车和搅拌器新增一个快速的“取走所有”的互动按键,你可以按住互动,而不需要打开它们。 Pupas that have been knocked down will despawn after enough game time has passed. 被击倒的蛹会在一定游戏内时间过了之后消失。 Dust mites no longer spawn under the floor mat. 尘螨不在产刷新在地板垫下。 Photo models in the Data page in the Places category are no longer blurry. 地点类别中的数据页面中的照片模型不再模糊。 Field Stations now have a radar dish on them because they can scan for resources. 【资源勘测台】新增了有一个雷达天线,因为它们可以扫描资源。 Coaltana emits light. 【炽辣炭刀】会发光。 Updated VFX on Roly Polys attacks. 更新了西瓜虫攻击时的视觉特效。 Splinter world item added. 添加了世界物品【分裂箭】。 Sconce lights will reapply any custom lighting changes that were set after loading a save game. 植物灯现在会在保存存档后,重新启用存档时会自动正确加载玩家的自定义设置。

测试服 更新改动 "Next Material" action only shows up in the Building radial and not the others. “下一种材料”的交互只会出现在建筑区域,而不会出现在其他区域。 Survey data on the Map after loading a save is no longer incorrect. 载入存档后地图上的调查数据现在会正确了。 Survey visibility on the map for clients toggles on and off correctly. 客户端在地图上准确地切换打开和关闭提供可见性。 Arrows properly embed into hanging pupas that fall down when shot. 箭现在会正确地嵌入悬挂的蛹,当被射中时,蛹会掉下来。 Fixed some client issues when toggling various items on the map. 修正了一些客户端在地图上切换各种物品时的问题。 UI art pass on the Building Radial material pips. 建筑区域界面美术材料?(没太懂) Additional terrain polish. 额外的地形调整。 Doors behave correctly for clients. 门现在在客户端会正常。 Customized lights actually apply custom lighting changes after loading a save. 在加载一个存档后,自定义灯光现在会应用应用自定义照明数值了。 Haze Field Station has it's own Data tab entry. 雾霭区野外工作站现在有自己的数据条目了。 Pressing LT no longer closes the Ammo radial (which is previous page when you have more than 8 arrow types) 按“LT”不在关闭弹药选择。 Crash fix that could happen when removing a PEEP.R marker 修复了一个当移除窥视共振标记点时会导致闪退的问题。 正式服 0.12.1 更新改动 BUG修复——全平台 主要问题: Bugs no longer path through base walls when not looking at them. 当玩家不看向虫子的时候,它们不再途径地基墙了。 闪退修复 Fixed a crash related to turning off a waypoint marker in the Map. 修正了在地图中关闭路标导致的闪退问题。 Fixed crashes related to large bases. 修正了大型地基的闪退问题。 Fixed a crash on boot related to having your OS culture set to any one of the new languages added with Into The Wood. 修复了在启动时,由于玩家的操作系统设置为“林木探险”版本中添加的新语言而导致闪退的问题。

其他问题 游戏 Surveying resources as a client no longer causes performance issues. 资源勘测台不再会占用过多客户端性能了。 You can access the Pet rename screen using the gamepad again. 你可以再次使用手柄给宠物重命名了。 世界 Webbed doors in the Hedge properly update their visuals for clients after the webs are chopped away. 树篱区中实验室门在网被割裂后,会正确地更新他们的视觉效果。 SCAN.R radar dishes on Field Stations properly rotate for clients when active. 资源勘测台的天线在工作的时候会旋转了。 物品/装备/资源 Gum nuggets obey the laws of gravity again. 口香糖块现在会遵循万有引力定律了。 Dew drops no longer need to be shot twice to knock them down with arrows. 露水不需要使用弓箭射击两次才会打下来。 Termite armor better fits all of the teens. 优化了白蚁盔甲对孩子们的穿着效果。 Twinkling shell use the generic bag model instead of the Firefly wings. 闪烁甲壳现在会使用通用的袋子模型,而不是萤火虫的翅膀。 生物 Health bars show up on Grub after digging them up. 现在蛴螬会在被挖掘出来的时候显示生命值了,而不是在准星瞄准钻地中的。 Scarabs will no longer wander into the unfinished part of the yard. 金龟子不再游荡到未完成的上院部分。 音效 Players will no longer hear sizzle audio for other players that are sizzling far away. 多人联机时玩家不会在听到离自己很远的玩家触发的滋滋作响的音效了 BUG修复- XBOX SERIES X/S平台 资源勘测台现在显示正确。

正式服 0.12.2 更新改动 BUG修复——全平台 主要问题: The "Splinter Master" achievement retroactively unlocks for players who had fulfilled the achievement requirements during the "Into the Wood" Public Test. “分裂大师”成就将为在“林木探险”公开测试中满足成就要求的玩家解锁。 The "Shrinky and the Brain" achievement retroactively unlocks for clients. “聪明绝顶”成就将在客户端追溯解锁。 Milk Molar upgrade values properly reapply after reloading your game. Health, Stamina, Food, and Water upgrades were reverting back to their starting values often after loading your save game. 乳牙的升级数值在重新加载游戏后正确地重新应用。此前生命值、耐力、食物和水的升级通常会在加载存档游戏后恢复到初始值。 Weapons models should no longer be invisible when equipping them. 武器模型在装备时不再是隐形的。 Walls and roofs will no longer end up invisible for clients after being built. 墙壁和屋顶在建成后将不再是隐形的。 闪退修复 Fixed various crashes related to base buildings. 修复了关于建造地基时的各种闪退问题。 其它问题 Armor no longer visually fits incorrectly on some teens. 优化了各类盔甲在孩子们身上的显示效果。 The "Craft Many" text in the crafting menu properly shows how many you can craft when using materials from nearby storage. “制作多个”选项现在会在显示调用附近仓库资源的时候你可以制作多少。 Gnats will now render further than 30cm away on lower graphics settings and on Xbox One making the "Aim Small" achievement less impossible to obtain in those scenarios. 在较低的图形设置和Xbox One上,蚋虫现在将渲染超过30cm远,使“视微知着”成就可能在这些场景中获得。 Aphids run up grass blades again when scared. 蚜虫现在受到惊吓时会再跑到草板顶端了。 Resource Surveyor performance improved for clients. 优化了资源勘测台的性能表现。 Night base music will play again when near your own base at nighttime. 当玩家处于基地附近时,夜间地基音乐会播放。 The Dandelion element on the game HUD properly reappears after loading a game with a Dandelion Tuft equipped. 在一个游戏装备蒲公英后,处于装备栏的蒲公英元素会正确地重新显示了。 BUG修复- XBOX ONE平台 Reduced peak memory usage when loading a game in Multiplayer which was causing out of memory crashes prior to loading in. 减少了加载多人游戏时内存的峰值使用,这导致了加载前内存崩溃。