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This dark place might be a factory.
A sharp mechanical noise zips through the air. Illuminating eyes are fixed on you.
A robot slowly approaches.
It appears to be incomplete as suggested by the bare wires protruding with each movement.
Is that leakage antifreeze or blood?
While you were wondering the terminal on its chest flashed to life.
Looks like you can write something.

Write [Hello].
Write [Goodbye].

The robot lifts both arms with some struggle.
The terminal prints out its words:
<Welcome Dear Guest. Have you enjoyed the town tour? We’d like you to have a souvenir. :-)>
A smile is displayed on the terminalbut in the robot’s gestures you feel a plea for help.
E.G.O Gift Earned!
Ask for an explanation of the “town”.
Take the souvenir and leave.

<Failed to parse question.>
The robot tilted its head.
While unable to lift and tilt its head in the other directionit displays a question on the screen.
<Did you not take a tour of the town Dear Guest?>
It seems to want an answer.
Confess the truth.
Tell it that you took a tour.
Leave without answering.

<Then you may not have a souvenir!>
The terminal suddenly opened upwardand a mechanical arm popped out trying to snatch something from you.
<Please cooperate with confiscation! Lying is bad behavior.>
As you duck and twist out of the arm’s wayit gradually grew faster.
<Please cooperateor you may be punished according to Rule #A62GBFE1!>
You hurriedly made your escapefleeing the robot’s unending rampage.
Speed +2 for this battle.

<There must have been an issue with the tour program.>
After printing those wordsthe robot stood still for a while.
Just when you started to wonder if it was brokenthe terminal flashed.
<No response after multiple requests to the Administrator.>
<System Error. System Error.>
After that it kept throwing up complicated wordson a blue screen.
Cost 40 gained

Nothing happened.

Nothing happened.

The terminal’s light goes red and warnings start to blare.
The robot shakes intensely as if in pain.
< Farewell. Farewell Farewell Farewell Farewell Farewell Farewell Farewell Farewell Farewell Farewell>
A single word filled the whole screen moments before the robot exploded into bits of metal and gore before your eyes.
Identities without Envy Affinity take 15 HP damage and 15 SP damage!