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Lifetime Modification法术
Lua错误:expandTemplate: template "SpellQueryGroup/row" does not exist。
Spell modifiers that adjust projectile lifetime.


真实环绕 是一个投射物修正, 能强制让投射物以一定半径的环形轨道环绕你行动. 环形轨道的半径取决于投射物的速度, 速度较高的投射物将拥有更大的环绕半径. 这个修正也会显著地降低施法延迟与增大投射物存在时间. 被该修正修饰的投射物将无法与地面碰撞, 也不会因为过低的速度而消失.


投射物环绕你运行的半径由投射物在其存在时间的第一帧末尾的速度决定, 并且之后无法更改.

  • 投射物在第一帧内的加速度将改变环绕的半径. 类似投射物排斥领域的天赋或者黑洞的法术可以提供这个加速度, 将投射物加速到一个非常大的半径.
  • 无初速度的投射物将使用默认半径(16像素). 这包括[Spells#S静态投射物|静态投射物]]法术, 以及能将投射物速度归零的修正.

一旦投射物开始环绕, 其运行速率便固定不变, 并且与环绕半径相挂钩 - 所有投射物都将花费相同的时间来环绕一圈.


相位弧度是另一个能用特定脚本控制投射物轨迹的修正, 和真实环绕同时作用时能产生奇妙的反应. 投射物将像往常一样环绕, 但是每12帧, 投射物就会向前传送一次. 这使得投射物的轨迹呈现锐角星形, 其尖角数是关于真实环绕和相位弧度的总数的函数.


  • 可以搭配轻盈一击和真实环绕来安全地使用召唤终级锯片.
  • 能覆盖大部分路径类修正的效果 (相位弧度仍然生效).
  • 环绕的投射物总是会朝向米纳的外侧, 使得任何触发施法或定时施法的载荷向外释放.
  • 带有真实环绕的触发类法术只能通过命中敌人来释放载荷, 因为其无法与地面碰撞.
  • 环绕的投射物可以穿墙而过, 除了大多数闪电类投射物.
  • 无限存在时间法术跃迁配置中的核心法术之一.
  • 该法术可以和持续释放的花粉配合, 形成一个环绕着玩家的能阻挡投射物的屏障. 如果花粉陷入地里, 那花粉将无法与敌人碰撞, 不过仍然可以阻挡投射物.
  • 通过使用搭配该法术的归家魔弹, 你可以将生物移动到发射位置.
  • 与许多静态投射物之间有很强力的组合:
  • 混乱转化修正可以禁用该修正的环绕运行效果, 并且保留让投射物不与地面接触的能力.


  • 该法术会使一部分带刚体的投射物表现得很奇怪, 比如召唤岩石, 炸弹, 和召唤丙烷罐, 这些法术将会在你离它们足够近的时候固定悬浮在一个方向, 在你距离较远时改变方向.
    • 召唤丙烷罐将会变得格外致命, 因为它将会在你身上产生爆炸, 而不是在丙烷罐的位置. 其他爆炸物被某些方式引爆的时候也会这样, 比如炸药引爆器或者.
    • Some effects of extra entities attached by modifiers, such as Damage Fields, Light effects, material conversion fields, and sometimes orbiting projectiles, will be positioned close to you, along a line between you and the current position of the rigid body. The same effect happens with Tentacles, where modifiers are positioned along a line toward the tip of the tentacle. Other effects remain on the rigid body, such the snow trail of Freeze Charge and particle effects of Damage Plus. Examples include:
      • Freeze Charge, True Orbit, Summon Rock: maintains a freeze field near you until the rock is unloaded or destroyed. The snow trail is still attached to the physical rock.
      • Long-Distance Cast, Ground to Sand, True Orbit, Summon Rock, fired into terrain: maintains a Ground to Sand field near you until the rock is unloaded or destroyed. Alternatively, a Spark Bolt With Trigger can be fired at a ceiling instead of using a Long-Distance Cast. These methods of deployment avoid the rock being instantly destroyed before or as the conversion field moves near your location.
      • Explosive Boxes do not unload as easily as rocks, allowing these effects to persist longer, and to use the interaction between Fly Upwards and Tentacle With Timer to impart a higher starting speed in and position damage fields etc. farther from you. Restarting the game breaks the True Orbit on deployed boxes (as with other projectiles). Certain methods of deployment such as the Spark Bolt With Trigger into a ceiling do not work, instead exploding the box. Worm enemies, especially Suomuhauki, when nearby the damage fields etc., can cause them to explode as if the box were there, deactivating the real box and removing the associated damage field; rarely, they can also cause the damage fields to start rotating around you like might normally be expected for True Orbit.
        • Destroying the boxes via friendly fire slice damage from Summon Arrow at a distance can cause the physics body to explode and the invisible projectile to start rotating around you like a normal projectile with True Orbit. If the invisible projectile is killed it will still explode. Reloading will regenerate the physics body but break True Orbit. Attempting the same via other means, such as with other types of damage or digging, can cause the invisible projectile, and sometimes other invisible projectiles orbiting you, to explode along with the physics body. (Without True Orbit, these left-behind projectiles will be stationary.)

Technical Info

Adds a script to extra_entities that runs every frame. This sets the projectile's position & velocity, and also sets the ProjectileComponent flags collide_with_world and die_on_low_velocity to 0.

The minimum orbit radius is 16.


模板:Flex/start 模板:Hover gif 模板:Flex/end



ja:True Orbit