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正在使用发音 本教程是一个特殊的世界脚本,向玩家解释游戏的基本知识。玩家从一个漂浮的小岛开始,在三个木平台覆盖的小孔之间。附近是一个熔炉和一些矿石,玩家将冶炼。教程有自己的音乐曲目。


A map of an explored tutorial world.
Reference Note
[1] 玩家在这里生成, 并会在这里学习基本的控制方法, 也是我们杀死第一只史莱姆的竞技场.
[2] 矿石下有一个木制的箱子. 箱子中会有99 个木头.
[3] 这里有一个用金、灰、红砖制作的小祭坛供奉着一个用提基火把围围起来的小箱子.,箱子里有一个生命药水, 铁皮药水,和一个 挖矿药水.
[4] 这里有一个用 黑曜石砖墙做背景的屋子,屋子里的箱子有一套Iron armor.
[5] 出生点下面是一个大的黄金矿脉,你可以获得50~55个金锭.
[6] 这里有一个 压力板 连接着一个毒镖机关 .
[7] 这里有一个装着幸运马蹄铁, 20 荧光棒, 5 金锭的箱子.
[8] Under the island is a small platform made out of Gold Brick Walls, Obsidian, and Hellstone. There is a Toilet, Bathtub, Wooden Chest, and Bed placed here, even though the bed cannot function. Inside the chest in the middle, is a Book, Bowl of Soup, and a Grappling Hook.
[9] There is a Golden Chest here containing one Bomb.
[10] At the bottom of the tutorial world, instead of the Underworld, is a barrier composed of lava and a layer of 3 obsidian. There is a way to break through this barrier, but it requires obtaining a pickaxe, which is a difficult task because of the limitations of the tutorial world


The tutorial spawn as seen on the 3DS版 3DS.
  • The game will first instruct the player to move around, jump, then fall through the nearby wooden platforms.
  • After jumping out, the game will tell the player to use an item, and switch between them, more specifically, to the Copper Shortsword Console only.png / Wooden Sword Mobile only.png 3DS.png.
  • After this, the player will be instructed to kill a Green Slime. The slime will always appear from the left.
  • The player will then be told to cut down a tree to obtain some wood. The player is then told how to use this wood via the inventory.
  • When the player enters their inventory, the player will be told how to switch between menus and how to craft. The player can leave the inventory after crafting three torches.
  • After exiting the inventory, the game directs the player to a vein of ore, which the player is told to mine.
  • The player is told to build 5 platforms to get out of the hole. Under the ore is a chest containing 99 Wood, which is to be used to build a house.
  • The game then instructs the player to smelt the ore after exiting the pit. The player ends up with two of each ore, with two copper and iron left over.
  • After that, the player is told to build a house of a minimum of 6 by 10 blocks. Even though in-game, a house can be smaller, in the tutorial, it will not progress until the requirement is met.
  • The player will then craft a workbench, use said workbench to craft a door, build the background walls for the house, and place a chair and torch for a livable house.
  • After this, the player can explore the world and do whatever they want, but it is recommended that they create their own world.


  • Mobile only.png 3DS.png The tutorial contains some old and deprecated text, and will tell the player that they can receive crafting from the guide and use a hammer to break furniture.
  • 3DS.png No enemies spawn during the tutorial.
  • In the demo version of Terraria, you can only play the Tutorial.


文件:Trophy Terraria Student.png Terraria Student"Begin the tutorial!"
Start playing the tutorial. Console only.png
Trophy Terraria Expert.png 泰拉瑞亚专家"You have completed the tutorial!"
Complete the tutorial. Console only.png
