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  1. 玩家的最大生命值:最大生命值越高,生命再生速度越快。
  2. 移动状态:如果玩家为站定状态,则生命再生速度比移动时高2.5倍。
  3. 持续时间:再生时间越久,再生速度也会越快,持续60秒(游戏内的一小时)后,再生速度不再随时间提升。
  4. BuffDebuff:下文会详细概括,但要注意的是,状态效果并不对回复速度造成直接影响,而仅处于函数的中间部分。




[math]\displaystyle{ \text{regeneration}_{\text{health}} = \frac{1}{2} * \Biggl[ \biggl( \underbrace{ \Bigl( \frac{\text{health}_{\text{max}}}{400}*0.85+0.15 \Bigr) * \text{time} }_{\text{regen}} + \underbrace{ \text{buff} }_{\text{buffs}} \biggr) * \underbrace{ \text{move} * \text{expert} }_{\text{special}} \Biggr] }[/math]


  1. 自然回复(regen)部分包含:
    • 最大生命值(health_max)
    • 时间(time):“从上次受伤到现在的时间”的相关变量。
    • 时间(time)在函数中,从0开始,每过5秒增加1,30秒后,每过10秒增加1,最大提至9(0≤time≤9)(闪亮石允许这个值最大提升至38). 这意味着在受伤后最初的5秒钟内,这个值一直为零。
  2. 状态效果(buffs)部分包含:
    • 状态效果(buffs):玩家身上所有Buff和Debuff的再生效果相加(没影响的除外),少数状态效果不影响buffs变量,而影响其他变量,这里暂且不提。状态效果对生命回复的影响较为简单,只有加减关系。
  3. 特殊(specials)部分包含:
    • 移动状态(move):移动时取0.5,站定时取1.25。
    • 专家模式(expert):普通模式取1,专家模式取0.5。




  • 状态效果可以帮助玩家削短生命再生的延时。
  • 对于初始玩家,受伤后持续站立12秒,会开始回复生命值(专家模式为17秒),保持移动则为17秒(专家模式为32秒)。



  • 再生时间Regeneration Time (RT):玩家进入再生状态的时间。通常情况下,该值每游戏刻会增加1,上限为3600。玩家受伤时该值会重置为零(停止再生)。
  • 再生率再生率(R):每嘀嗒再生的生命值(1点R等于0.5点生命值/秒)。这增加了持续时间越长(玩家不受伤害的时间越长)。

(原文:再生率Regeneration Rate (R): Hit Points (HP) regenerated per tick (1 point of R is equal to 0.5 HP/s). This increases the longer the RT (the longer the player has been avoiding damage).)

  • 再生计数器Regeneration Counter(RC):每游戏时刻增加R,变为120或以上,或-120或以下,将减少或增加120,玩家将获得或失去1点生命值。

再生率(R)决定RC变化的速度。R通常为0或正,但如果玩家受到任何生命消耗的减益,如中毒,则可能为负。 (原文:再生计数器Regeneration Counter (RC): Increases by R per tick, becomes 120 or over, or -120 or less, it will be reduced or increased by 120, and player will gain or lose 1 health.

The Regeneration Rate (R) determines how fast the RC changes. R is normally 0 or positive, but could be negative if the player is inflicted with any life-draining debuffs, like Poisoned.)

= 计算


  • 如果RT<=1800,则每300 RT增加eRT+1。
  • 如果RT>1800,每600 RT增加eRT+1。

(原文:First, The RT is converted to an Effective Regeneration Time ('eRT).

If RT <= 1800, each 300 RT boosts eRT +1. 
If RT > 1800, each 600 RT boosts eRT +1.)


RT 0~299 300~599 600~899 900~1199 1200~1499 1500~1799 1800~2399 2400~2999 3000~3599 3600
eRT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

那么,基本再生率R = (mHP / 400 * 0.85 + 0.15) * eRT(原文:Then, the base Regeneration Rate R 那么,基本再生率 + 0.15) * eRT)

  • 如果玩家静止不动,R将乘以1.25。
  • 如果玩家正在移动,它将乘以0.5。

最后,它将四舍五入到最接近的整数。 (原文:If the player is standing still, R will be multiplied by 1.25. If the player is moving, it will be multiplied by 0.5. Finally, it will be rounded to the nearest whole number.)

因此,简单总结一下:不受伤害的时间越长,最大生命值越高,自然生命恢复率越高。另外,站着不动(使用或不使用物品)会得到2.5倍的治疗奖励。 此外,如果玩家处于专家模式并且没有一个好的增益,R将被额外乘以0.5。 (原文:So, for a brief conclusion: the longer player not getting hurt, the higher maxim health player has, the higher for the natural health regeneration rate. Also, standing still(using an item or not) give a 2.5X healing bonus comparing to keep moving.

In addition, if the player is in Expert mode and does not have a Well Fed buff, R will be additionally multiplied by 0.5.)


R也受到其他物品和buff的影响。 注:尽管溺水类似于生命吸取减益,但它只重置RT,不影响RC和R。它直接降低生命值。(原文:R is also affected by other items and buffs.

Note: Despite drowning being similar to life-draining debuffs, it only resets the RT and does not affect the RC and R. It directly reduces Hit Points instead.)


物品/增益 效果
红心灯笼 R +2
篝火 R +1 and base R x1.1
猩红盔甲 Base R x1.5
RT +1 per tick
夺命杖(增益) R +3 (and 1 per 2 additional mobs affected)
RT +5 per tick (and 1 per 2 additional mobs affected)
快速治疗(增益) RC +6 per tick


物品/增益 效果
R +1
R +2
再生药水 R +4
树妖祝福(增益) R +6
生命星云 Sets R = 0 if it's less than 0
R +10 for each buff level (30 at the third level)


  • 野性咬减益:基数R乘以0.5
  • 出血减益:保持R重置为0,所以基数R保持在0。



  • 中毒:-4
  • 着火了!:-8
  • 毒液,被诅咒的地狱,霜冻:-12
  • 燃烧:-60
  • 窒息:-40。
  • 通电:-8(静止时),或-32(移动时)。
  • 舌头:-100只在专家模式。

注意:如果你处于燃烧或窒息状态,将不是当RC达到-120时失去1点生命值,而是RC达到-600时你总是会失去5点生命值。(原文:These cancel the R boosts above, reset RT to 0, and reduce R by these values:

Poisoned: -4
On Fire!: -8
Venom, Cursed Inferno, 
Frostburn: -12
Burning: -60
Suffocation: -40.
Electrified: -8 (when standing still), or -32 (when moving).
The Tongue: -100 only in Expert Mode.

Note: If you are under the debuff of Burning or Suffocation, instead of losing 1 health when RC reaches -120, you'll always lose 5 health when RC reaches -600.)


如果 那么
R <= -4 R 提高 6
-4 < R <= 0 R 变为 2
R > 0 R 提高 2
  • 这意味着蜂蜜可以降低生命流失的速度。
  • 蜂蜜还能使每次增加的RT+2(RT增加速度是原来的3倍)。

(原文:Which means Honey reduces the rate of any life-draining debuff.

Honey additionally boosts RT +2 per tick (RT increase is 3x as fast).)


如果玩家正在使用物品或者没有静止不动,它会将野性撕咬减额和专家模式的乘数从0.5重置为0.75。这两种方法只能降低25%的再生速度,而不是之前的50%。它也将乘以基数R x1.1


如果玩家有任何消耗生命的减额,所以R小于0,R减少一半(如果你也有蜂蜜效果,那么它先增加4(但不超过0),然后,R减少一半,最后,蜂蜜效果再增加2。)。 R +4。 RT +4每嘀嗒。 如果90 <RT< 1800,RT将重置为1800。 当RT > 3000时,它将移除RT上限,并且高于3000的每300 RT将提升e RT +1(这部分上限为30,因此它将给出最大值为38的eRT,而不是之前的9)。 最后,如果R > 0,则RC每嘀嗒上升+1。 因此,如果玩家的最大血量为600点,在专家模式下,没有吃得好的情况下,拿着闪亮石站着不动:

  • R=(600/400*0.85+0.15)*38*1.25*0.75*1.1+4=63
  • 每格额外增加RC+1=每秒额外回复32点生命值。(:原文If the player is using items or not standing still, it will reset the multipliers of the Feral Bite debuff and Expert Mode to 0.75 from 0.5. Both of them only reduce the regeneration speed by 25% instead of the previous 50%. It will also multiply base R x1.1.

If the player is not using any items and almost standing still (it allows small amounts of movement), the following effects are applied in addition to those above:

  1. If the player has any life-draining debuffs so that R is less than 0, R is reduced by half (if you also have Honey buff, then it increases R by 4 first(but no more than 0), then, R is reduced by half, finally, the Honey buff additionally increase R by 2.).
  2. R +4.
  3. RT +4 per tick.
  4. If 90 < RT < 1800, RT is reset to 1800.
  5. When RT > 3000, it will remove the RT cap, and every 300 RT above 3000 will boost eRT +1 (this part is capped at 30, so it will give an eRT maxed at 38 instead of the previous 9).
  6. Finally, if R > 0, RC is boosted +1 per tick.

So, if the player is at 600 max HP, with the Shiny Stone and standing still, in Expert mode, without Well Fed:

R = (600 / 400 * 0.85 + 0.15) * 38 * 1.25 * 0.75 * 1.1 + 4 = 63
RC is additionally boosted +1 per tick
= 32 Hit Points per second regeneration rate.)


为了说明物品、增益和减益是如何相互作用的,这里有一个更复杂的例子: 假设玩家有毒液,着火了!,再生的蜂蜜,装备闪亮的石头和神话的魅力,站在一个心形灯笼旁边,并且站着不动。 它将在以下步骤中工作: 神话的重生buff和魅力分别使R增加4和1,因此,R=5。 消耗生命的减益取消上面的效果并将R设置为0。 毒液和火!将R分别减少12和8,因此,R=-20。 当R<0时,蜂蜜使R增加4,所以R=-16。 当R仍然小于0时,发光的石头将其减少一半,所以,R=-8。 然后蜂蜜、亮石和心形灯分别使R增加2、4和2,所以R=0。 由于玩家有消耗生命的减益,RT将保持为0,因此玩家不会得到任何自然的生命回复。 由于R不大于0,闪亮的石头不会提供RC+1/tick的奖励。 因此,玩家拥有R=0,并且不会获得或失去生命值。 然后,如果玩家在附近放置一个篝火,它将提升R+1并给予玩家0.5 HP/s的回复率;此外,当R>0时,闪亮的宝石现在将提供每滴答的RC+1奖励,这意味着额外的0.5 HP/s回复率。所以,玩家将有1点生命/秒的再生率。 但是,如果玩家有快速治疗buff(每滴答提供RC+6效果,不影响R)而不是篝火,闪亮的石头不会提供RC+1每滴答的奖励。所以玩家最终将获得3点生命/秒的再生率。 (原文:To illustrate how the items, buffs and debuffs interact with each other, here is a more complex example:

Assume the player is having Venom, On Fire!, Regeneration and Honey buff, equipping Shiny Stone and Charm of Myth, Standing next to a Heart Lantern, and standing still.

It would work in the step shown below:

  1. The Regeneration buff and Charm of Myth increase the R by 4 and 1 respectively, so, R=5.
  2. The life-draining debuffs cancel the effect above and set R to 0.
  3. The Venom and On Fire! reduce R by 12 and 8 respectively, so, R=-20.
  4. As the R<0, the Honey buff increased the R by 4, so, R=-16.
  5. As the R is still less than 0, the Shiny Stone reduces it by half, so, R=-8.
  6. Then the Honey, Shiny Stone and Heart Lantern increase R by 2, 4 and 2 respectively, so, R=0.
  7. As player have life-draining debuffs, the RT will remain 0, so player would not get any natural health regeneration.
  8. As R is not more than 0, the Shiny Stone won't provide the RC +1 per tick bonus.

So, player has R=0, and will neither gain or lose health.

Then, if player place a Campfire nearby, it will give R +1 boost and give player a 0.5 HP/s regeneration rate; in addition, as R>0, the Shiny Stone will now provide the RC +1 per tick bonus, which means an additional 0.5 HP/s regeneration rate. So, player will have a 1 HP/s regeneration rate.

However, if player is have Rapid Healing buff (which gives the RC +6 per tick effect and does not affect R) instead of the Campfire, the Shiny Stone won't provide the RC +1 per tick bonus. So player will finally get a 3 HP/s regeneration rate.)


  1. 代码储存于(PC版本1.3.0.8)Player.cs中的UpdateLifeRegen()