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I hope for nothing, I fear nothing, I am free

Icon Name-E Name-C Description-E Description-C
古董商 Bai Ze 白泽 No matter how hard the rain pours, I shall go against the deluge. I will remain pure and righteous until the day I die. 山雨穿林打叶,我仍逆往而行,只愿此身筠心不改,死亦无憾。
画家 Censer 长生 People's faith has solidified over the years, and no one speaks of Boshan anymore. Censer still clings to the creator's dying wish, drawing closer to the sacred mountain beyond the sea. 敬神信仰已慢慢凝固,再没有人提起博山,只有长生自己还铭记造物主的遗志,描摹海外仙山的距离。
宿伞之魂 Master Yin Yang 阴阳司公 Everyone believes he seeks vengeance on the Bai family and vows to replace them. But in reality, he only covets the secret of resurrection in the scroll. 所有人都说他与白氏嫡系仇深似海,要取而代之。但他真正想做的,是从卷轴里找到死而复生的可能。
爱哭鬼 Paddle 勺童 Mischievous spirits who like to play tricks on humans, or perhaps they are simply fond of humans and were never taught how to express their feelings. 传说中喜欢骚扰人类的小妖怪,也许他们只是想和人亲近,却没人教他们如何表达。
破轮 Jailer 诡卒 Protector, punisher, and executioner of the Misty Mountain. No intruders shall escape under his watchful eyes. 雾山的守卫,惩罚的执行者,永远不允许任何擅闯者逃离雾山。
“慈善家” Mountain Bandit 盗山者 Birds die for food, and humans die for wealth. To the Misty Mountain, their lives are the best apology. 人为财死,鸟为食亡。对雾山来说,他们的生命是最好的道歉。
冒险家 Crane 鹤翁 A crane's cry could reach the sky. Ancient humans heard their cries and dreamt about being immortal. 鹤鸣于野,声达于天。古人见之,便有了关于仙人的遐想。
“使徒” Altar Lamp 长明灯 Legend has it there are countless treasures and ancient scrolls beneath the Misty Mountain. This has attracted endless bandits to take on the challenge, and the altar lamp is the key to the entrance. 传说雾山之下珍宝古籍无数,引无数盗山者铤而走险,而长明灯就是找到入口的关键。