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页面贡献者 :


Type Name-Eng Name-Chi Job-Eng Job-Chi Note
Hunter Leo Beck Hell Ember 厂长
Hunter Joker Smiley Face
Hunter Jack The Ripper
Hunter Bane Perez The Gamekeeper 鹿头
Hunter Violetta The Soul Weaver 蜘蛛
Hunter Michiko The Geisha
Hunter Hastur The Feaster
Hunter White/Black Guards Wu Chang
Hunter Joseph Desaulniers The Photographer
Hunter Burke Lapadura Mad Eyes
Hunter Yidhra The Dream Witch
Hunter Robbie White The Axe Boy
Hunter Luchino The Evil Reptilian
Hunter Mary/Marie Antoinette Josepha Johanna 玛丽·安托瓦内特·约瑟芬·约翰娜 The Bloody Queen 红夫人
Hunter Bonbon 邦邦 Guard 26 26号守卫
Hunter Ann The "Disciple" “使徒”
Hunter Antonio 安东尼奥 The Violinist 小提琴家
Hunter Galatea Claude 伽拉泰亚 The Sculptor 雕刻家 克劳德家族
Family the Claudes 克劳德家族 family of artists 艺术世家 克劳德家族
Hunter Percy 珀西 The "Undead" “博士”
Hunter The Will Brothers 威尔三兄弟 The Breaking Wheel 破轮 圣凯瑟琳剧团
Hunter Ridicule 戏谑 The Breaking Wheel 破轮 圣凯瑟琳剧团
Hunter Pessimistic 悲观 The Breaking Wheel 破轮 圣凯瑟琳剧团
Hunter Reticent 寡言 The Breaking Wheel 破轮 圣凯瑟琳剧团
Hunter Grace The Naiad 渔女
Hunter Philippe 菲利普 The Wax Artist 蜡像师 蜡像师/面相师
Hunter "Orpheus" The "Nightmare"
Hunter Keigan Nicholas Keogh 柯根·尼古拉斯·基奥 The Clerk 记录员
Mrs. Jones 琼斯太太 ? 记录员
Mr. Lapadura 帕杜拉先生 Mad Eyes 疯眼 疯眼
NPC Jeanne de Valois-Saint-Rémy 让娜·德·瓦罗尔 红夫人推演
Archbishop Reims 赖姆斯大主教 红夫人推演
Cardinal de Rohan 主教德雷萨 红夫人推演
MPC Rétaux de Villette 维莱特·雷托 the former dragoon 前龙骑兵 红夫人推演
MPC Nicole le Guay d'Oliva 奥莉诺 prostitute 妓女 红夫人推演
NPC Reznik 列兹尼克 机械师父亲
Queen Maria Theresa 女皇玛利亚·特蕾西亚 红夫人推演
Count Provence 普罗旺斯伯爵 红夫人推演
Count Artois 阿图瓦伯爵 红夫人推演
Princess Lamballe 朗巴勒亲王妃 红夫人推演
Countess Polignac 波利涅克伯爵夫人 红夫人推演
Madam Pompadour 蓬巴杜夫人 红夫人推演
Mr. Claude 克劳德先生 ? 雕刻家父亲 克劳德家族
Dr. Mesmer 梅斯默医生 TBD 记录员
Survivor Luchino Diruse 卢基诺·迪鲁西 The Professor
Survivor Joker The Weeping Clown
Survivor "Memory" The "Little Girl"
Survivor Ada Mesmer The "Psychologist"
Survivor Emil The Patient
Survivor Anne Lester The Toy Merchant
Survivor Ganji Gupta The Batter
Survivor Edgar Valden The Painter
Survivor Melly Plinius The Entomologist
Survivor Luca Balsa The "Prisoner"
Survivor "Orpheus" The Novelist
Survivor Andrew Kreiss The Grave Keeper
Survivor Victor Grantz The Postman
Survivor Demi Bourbon The Barmaid
Survivor Jose Baden The First Officer
Survivor Mike Morton The Acrobat
Survivor Murro The Wildling
Survivor Patricia Dorval The Enchantress
Survivor Norton Campbell The Prospector
Survivor Aesop Carl The Embalmer
Survivor Eli Clark The Seer
Survivor Margaretha Zelle The Female Dancer
Survivor Kevin Alonso The Cowboy
Survivor Vera Nair The Perfumer
Survivor Fiona Gilman The Priestess
Survivor Helena Adams The Mind's Eye
Survivor William Ellis The Forward
Survivor Tracy Reznik The Mechanic
Survivor Martha Behamfil The Coordinator
Survivor Naib Subedar The Mercenary
Survivor Kurt Frank The Explorer
Survivor Servais Le Roy The Magician 魔术师
Survivor Lucky Guy Deduction Substitute
Survivor Emma Woods The Gardener
Survivor Kreacher Pierson The Thief
Survivor Freddy Riley The Lawyer
Survivor Emily Dyer The Doctor
NPC Mikhail 米凯尔 Assistant 助手 博士
Mr. DeRoss 德罗斯先生 Baron 男爵 庄园
Miss DeRoss 德罗斯小姐 庄园
Aunt Laura 劳拉姑妈 使徒姑妈
NPC Christina Wax Woman 蜡像师妹妹
Organization St. Catherine's Theater 圣凯瑟琳剧团 圣凯瑟琳剧团
NPC The owner of the St. Catherine's Theatre 圣凯瑟琳剧团老板 圣凯瑟琳剧团【died】
