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蛇发女妖头是一个困难模式 / 困难模式之前 魔法武器。蛇发女妖头有 2% 的几率掉落于出现在大理石洞中的蛇发女妖。
On the 电脑版, the Medusa Head continuously attacks up to four times per second, striking up to three enemies per attack within a short range of the player. 15 mana is consumed per each attack, regardless of the number of enemies struck. No mana is consumed if the weapon is used while there are no enemies within range.
On the 主机版、 前代主机版、 移动版、和 , this weapon can be charged for up to 3 seconds to deal additional damage, consuming 15 版 / 4 mana per second to a maximum cost of 45 / 12 . A 1-second charge doubles the damage, while the full charge of 3 seconds triples the damage. When the full charge is reached, the weapon will automatically discharge, hitting all enemies inside a circle with a radius of 50 blocks. It cannot pass through blocks.
其最佳修饰语是神话。 其最佳修饰语是神级或恶魔。这两个修饰语能把平均伤害输出提高相同的量。
- The Medusa Head does not inflict the Stoned debuff despite its namesake enemy doing so.
- 蛇发女妖头的中心点不是在举起的头颅上,而是在你的躯干前面、你的脸下面。因此,一些看起来会被作为目标的敌怪可能不会受到影响。此外,蛇发女妖头与目标之间需要有最少两格空间让攻击“通过”并击中目标,这就导致了在狭窄的垂直隧道中释放向上或向下的攻击时,由于攻击起始点偏离了隧道中心位置因而会被墙壁挡住的情况。
- 该武器的攻击有时会完全忽略靠近墙壁或者斜坡的敌怪,即使玩家与敌怪之间没有障碍物。这种情况在诸如绿史莱姆等小型敌怪身上更常见。
- 蛇发女妖头在 PvP 模式中无法锁定其他玩家。
- 如果玩家用它打出了暴击,那么蛇发女妖头会同时对所有目标造成暴击伤害。
- 蛇发女妖头在对付多体节的敌人时是一件强有力的武器。由于它蓄满力可以对每个体节都造成100点以上的伤害,所以大多数蠕虫类敌人会被立刻杀死。例如,它用来对付飞龙和毁灭者比其他武器更高效。
- The Medusa Head's rapid short-range attacks make it a great tool for clearing out enemies that are surrounding the player, or for eliminating quick enemies without having to aim. However, given its limited number of targets, it is generally outclassed by weapons with true piercing when fighting worm-type enemies and bosses。
- 由于蛇发女妖头的范围性伤害,它对于入侵事件非常有用,比如海盗入侵和哥布林入侵。
- On the 移动版, Medusa spawns in pre-Hardmode, and with her head one can easily defeat the Eater of Worlds.
- The Medusa Head may indicate a nearby unseen enemy's location through its streaks of light towards it.
- Given the hazards of fighting Medusa, the safest way to get hold of one of these is use of a statue farm. However, given the reduced drop chance from statues and how long it takes Medusa to die in lava, even this can take quite a long time; even a three-statue farm might well take over an hour of real-time.
- 蛇发女妖头的中心点不是在举起的头颅上,而是在你的躯干前面、你的脸下面。因此,一些看起来会被作为目标的敌怪可能不会受到影响。此外,蛇发女妖头与目标之间需要有最少两格空间让攻击“通过”并击中目标,这就导致了在狭窄的垂直隧道中释放向上或向下的攻击时由于攻击起始点偏离了隧道中心位置因而会被墙壁挡住的情况。
- 该武器的攻击有时会彻底错过靠近墙壁或者斜坡的敌怪,即使玩家与敌怪之间没有障碍物。这种情况在诸如绿史莱姆等小型敌怪身上更常见。
- 蛇发女妖头起源于古希腊神话中的珀尔修斯(Perseus),他被国王波里德克特斯(Polydectes)任命去杀女妖美杜莎(GorgonMedusa)并要求带回她的头,后来他用这个头把海怪克托斯(Cetus)变成了石头并拯救了公主安德洛美达(Andromeda)。
- 使用时,蛇发女妖和她头上的蛇会吐出舌头,眼睛会发光。
- 当你在斜坡上乘坐矿车时使用蛇发女妖头,它看起来像是悬浮在空中。
- 电脑版
- Rather than being charged, this weapon is now channeled and its range substantially reduced.
- When channeled, it will be held in front of the player. If no enemies are present, it will not fire, and will consume no mana.
- When enemies are in range, it will constantly attack any nearby enemies, consuming mana for each attack.
- Can hit up to 3 targets with each attack.
- Damage is now set to 40.
- Mana cost has been decreased from 18 to 15.
- Can now fire up to 4 times per second.
- 1.3.1:
- 伤害由28增加至45。
- 魔力消耗由8增加至10。
- 现在它是困难模式物品了。
- 现在它能够获得“神话”修饰语了。