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此页面的(部分)内容需要被翻译。 你可以帮助我们来翻译此页面
- 添加了旅游模式,一个全新的世界和人物难度模式,为你的游戏方式提供前所未有的控制。具有物品复制,天气控制,生物生成速率控制,敌人难度滑块等独特的功能。
- 添加了大师模式,一个比专家模式更难的,新的最高难度模式。在应对更艰巨的挑战中测试你的技能,并获得每个 Boss 的一些独特奖励。
- 添加了两个可供寻找和挑战的全新 Boss:史莱姆皇后和光之女皇。
- 添加了怪物图鉴,一个关于你在旅途中遇到的敌怪,盟友和生物的百科全书。
- 添加了高尔夫,当你想从一直杀敌怪中休息时,这是一种新的娱乐消遣。
- 添加了大风天天气,有一些环境效果和特殊敌怪。
- 添加了城镇晶塔和城镇 NPC 的快乐度,这是对城镇系统的扩展,现在你拥有了建立通向世界各地城镇的传送网络的能力。
- 添加了很多新的背景音乐。
- 添加了隐藏的运气机制。
- 正式添加了材质包支持,现在在主菜单中有该选项。
- 为 Razer,Corsair 和 Logitech 硬件在游戏时添加了 RGB 照明。
- 添加了物块交换功能,允许玩家用新的物块替换先前存在的物块,而不必先将它们挖出。这还使你可以交换宝箱和梳妆台,同时保持存放的物品不变!
- Terraria 现在有一系列全新的初始屏幕和一个介绍性序列。
- 彻底更新了人物和世界创建菜单。
- 添加了 Boss 生命值 HUD。
- 添加了表情命令和表情菜单。
- 在生成世界时添加了一些游戏小提示。
- 添加了两个新的生命/魔力条样式选项。
- 添加了一些新的小地图边框选项。
- 添加了“推荐成就”图标来指导玩家。
- 添加了一项新成就“制作工作台”。
- 在天空中添加了各种背景物体。
- 在每第一次击败 Boss 或入侵后添加了新的庆祝活动。成为 Terrarian 真幸运!
- 添加了墓地迷你生物群落。
- 添加了不常见的雷暴天气。
- 添加了流星雨,期间会大大增加坠落之星掉落的概率.
- 在天空中添加了新的流星动画。
- 添加了人物在游戏中视情况眯眼,眨眼和闭眼的能力。
- 添加了数十个新的生物群落背景。
- 地下沙漠现在有一些结构性的变化,新的战利品,以及各种新的威胁。
- 向地下沙漠的房屋里添加了由测试人员设计的新绘画作品!
- 添加了绿洲迷你生物群落。
- 添加了绿洲中的蕨类植物。
- 添加了香蒲。
- 添加了睡莲。
- 添加了新的沙漠棕榈样式。
- 在这些生物群落中增加了新的花岗岩,大理石,生命树和沙漠瓦砾堆。
- 在草洞中添加了花藤。
- 在丛林,猩红之地,腐化之地和神圣之地中添加了野生的花。
- 添加了野生,高大的花。
- 添加了小片花,矿脉和一些其他的表面微生物群落。
- 在地牢中添加很多新的结构变化。
- 添加了大量新的全屏幕地图背景。
- 添加了几个新的发光苔藓生物群落变体。
- 添加了在世界生成时的一些新机关。
- 添加了几个新的月亮外观变化。
- 添加了一些稀有的Seeshell变体和Shell Pile。
- 添加了海草(植物)。
- 在地下海洋层中增加了独特的背景。
- 添加了新的蘑菇生物群落植物。
- 添加了海草,它可以在海底生长。
- 海洋生物群落有了一些新变化。
- 添加了地下宝石树。
- 在困难模式中增加了沙漠宝箱和对应的沙漠钥匙。
- 添加了黄柳树和樱花树。
- 添加了各种可以在砍树时找到的水果。
- 添加了一首全新的主题配乐,旅程的终点。
- 添加了大风天配乐。
- 添加了太空日配乐。
- 添加了海洋夜配乐。
- 添加了城镇日和城镇夜配乐。
- 添加了风暴配乐。
- 添加了史莱姆雨配乐。
- 添加了墓地配乐。
- 添加了地下丛林配乐。
- 添加了夜晚地表丛林配乐。
- 添加了猪龙鱼公爵 Boss 的配乐。
- 添加了晨雨配乐。
- 添加了主机版标题画面配乐。
- 添加了地下沙漠配乐。
- 添加了两个新 Boss 的配乐:光之女皇和猪龙鱼公爵。
- 为所有新引入的曲目添加了八音盒。
- 添加了来自已取消的 Terraria:来世的配乐。
- 终于,Terraria 音乐比赛中由 Xenon 和 DJ Sniper 制作的获胜曲目已在八音盒中实现!
- 添加了两个新的困难模式 Boss,光之女皇和史莱姆皇后。
- 添加了两个新的小 Boss,Blood Eel和恐惧鹦鹉螺。
- 添加了一些血月钓鱼的敌怪。
- 添加了一些大风天的敌怪。
- 向蘑菇和地下等一些生物群落中添加了一些敌怪。
- 添加了侏儒。
- 添加了友好的野生仙灵和Fallen Log。
- 添加了仙灵。
- 添加了十几个新的小动物。
- 添加了一些地狱小动物。
- 添加了金金鱼和一些其他的金小动物。
- 添加了水晶史莱姆。
- 添加了高尔夫球手 NPC。
- 添加了动物学家 NPC。
- 添加了一个 NPC 幸福系统,该系统基于与他们住在一起的人和住处。
- 添加了城镇晶塔, 一种可以在建成的城镇间传送的简单途径。
- 添加了猫咪、狗狗和兔子城镇宠物 NPC.
- 添加了血月钓鱼,这是一种充满新敌人和新奖励的危险消遣。
- 添加了绿洲捕鱼功能,并增加了许多新物品,例如钓鱼竿。
- 添加了两条绿洲的任务鱼。
- 添加了熔岩钓鱼的新方法,并显着扩大了熔岩钓鱼的战利品池。
- 添加了鱼饵桶进行钓鱼。
- 添加了冰,绿洲,熔岩和海洋钓鱼箱。
- 添加了天顶剑, 以庆祝您的旅程。
- 在月亮领主的战利品池中添加了庆典2型;这是喜庆弹射器的改进替代版本,在击败石巨人之后,派对女孩可以出售此物品。
- 添加了Super Star Shooter, 这是一个困难模式星星炮。
- 添加了全新的召唤师武器鞭。
- 添加了万圣节召唤者头盔。
- 添加了一堆新的制作配饰。
- 添加了Step Stool。
- 添加了特殊的手工配方,这些配方只能在墓地的雾存在下才能制作。
- 现在有几位 NPC 在墓地出售特殊商品。
- (重新)加入了Zapinator枪, 现在有两种配色。
- 添加了一些能满足音乐功能的乐器,调整了使用斧的音高。
- 添加了一些“琥珀”物品以匹配其他 宝石制作配方。
- 添加了雀杖和其他几种新的召唤武器。
- 添加了几种火箭的种类。
- 添加了翅膀
- (重新)添加了夜明钻头,与夜明镐相比,现在已重新调整了平衡,以提供利弊。
- 添加了土炸弹和粘性土炸弹。
- 新增了钨子弹,因此钨世界也可以制作自己的弹药。
- 添加了Sergeant United Shield。
- 添加了Jousting Lances。
- 添加了其他几把新剑。
- 添加了各种风筝。
- 添加了50多种新的食物和饮料。
- 添加了纸飞机
- 地下沙漠战利品增加了9个新物品。
- 添加了Storm Spear。
- 添加了沙丘行者靴。
- 添加了Snake Charmer's Flute。
- 添加了Ancient Chisel。
- 添加了Football
- 还有更多武器,配件和其他有用的工具!
- 高尔夫相关
- 添加了虚空保险库和虚空袋.
- 添加了一些受风影响的家具。
- 添加了一些新的砖块/墙壁来搭配没有它们的矿石或块。
- 新增了 8 套新的全套家具和配套块。
- 添加了一系列统称为“外墙”的墙壁;这类墙壁有大约 50 种,是现在可通过灵雾制作但曾经只在世界生成时才出现的墙壁。
- 添加了一种合成可放置的镶嵌宝石的石块及其背景墙的配方。(即天然生成的镶嵌宝石的石头)
- 现在可以用刮刀将苔藓收获为物品。
- 苔藓可以种植在灰砖上,制成苔藓砖,并且这些苔藓可以蔓延!
- 添加了大量新旗帜,包括新敌人和一些从来没有旗帜的老敌人。
- 添加了几个装饰柱和横梁。
- 添加了墓地绘画作品和其他基于墓地的家具和积木。
- 添加了新的雕像。
- 增加了种类多到令人生疑的马桶。
- 添加了几个新的熔岩主题装饰物品。
- 添加了几个新的以生物群落为主题的火把:沙漠,珊瑚,腐败,绯红色,神圣和丛林。
- 现在,新的生物群落火炬可以从各自生物群落中的盆中掉落。
- 添加了匹配的篝火,搭配所有这些新火炬一起使用。
- 添加了两个新的换水喷泉。
- 添加了两个新的天塔柱.
- 添加了添加盆栽室内树木。
- 添加了一些与电路相关的物品。
- 添加了为大多数新生物添加了松露虫笼和笼子。
- 添加了最终的油漆颜色。
- 添加了一些新的时装套装。(超过12个)
- 添加了几个新的头发时装和帽子时装。
- 添加了几个兽耳和尾巴时装。
- 添加了几个新的洗手盆配件。
- 添加了 3 种新染料。
- 添加了 24 种新发型。
- 添加了最后一套开发者物品时装。
- 添加了十多个新宠物。
- 添加了十多个新的坐骑。
- 添加了Minecarp、Digging Molecart和一些新的矿车装饰。
- 现在,游戏将默认在默认情况下以无边界窗口模式启动,并尝试自动检测您的正确分辨率。
- 现在在“选择玩家”的界面中,当光标移动到某一玩家角色时,会显示该角色行走的动画。
- 现在启动游戏应该会在您的保存文件夹中自动为材质包生成一个
文件夹。 - 每当经过“一天”时,主菜单就会显示新的背景
- 世界创建菜单可以为您生成随机的世界名称。
- 改善了玩家/世界菜单上“移入云/移出云”按钮的可见性,以提高清晰度。
- 现在,当尝试删除喜欢的人物角色时,UI 反馈得到了改进。
- 如果没有足够多的存档,玩家/世界菜单的滚动条则不会显示。
- 现在有一个菜单设置的按钮,可以立即更改分辨率。
- 当玩家死亡后到重生之前,屏幕上会显示死亡时间的倒计时,并且还可以在死亡倒计时过程中退出游戏。在主菜单上时,倒计时将继续运行;如果玩家在倒计时运行过程中从菜单重新进入游戏,仍然会处于死亡状态。
- 现在,您可以在梳妆台上更改角色的眼睛和皮肤颜色。
- 游戏中添加了一个设置选项“Hover Controls”,玩家可以选择通过长按或按一次来切换翅膀的悬停。对手柄特别有影响。
- 如果游戏最小化到任务栏,并且发生一些事件事情(譬如遭受严重伤害、玩家出生、或世界生成完毕时),状态栏中的游戏将会闪烁
- 现在,您的地图上有一些图标,显示您的世界出生点和当前作为出生点的床的位置。
- 玩家,NPC 和 Boss 图标以及一些其他图标现在在地图上具有白色轮廓,以增加可视性。
- 新增了双击地图的功能,可以让其他玩家看到它。
- 现在,队友的姓名以一种易于阅读的方式显示在屏幕上。
- 在聊天中按住退格键可以更快地删除文本。
- 现在,玩家可以在单人模式中聊天/交谈,以使用表情符号或查看过去的消息。
- 现在,玩家可以复制/粘贴符号文本,其中包括换行符。
- 快速堆叠功能现在的优先级顺序是猪猪存钱罐、保险箱、护卫熔炉、虚空保险库、钱币槽和虚空袋。
- 快速堆叠到附近箱子时有效距离增加了25%。
- 玩家现在不能把钱币槽放在钱币槽自身了。
- 当鼠标置于物品栏的物品时,其所显示的文本后添置了蓝色框以便观看。如果不想使用该功能,可以选择关闭。
- 现在正在选定的配方有一个金色的高亮背景。
- 现在当背包打开时,快捷栏会亮一些。
- 颜料、制动器与麦芽酒现在可以放在弹药栏。
- 整理背包时,如果弹药栏有空位,背包里的弹药会转移到弹药栏中。
- 整理背包时,硬币会有序排列。
- 八音盒现在会在录制好音乐后发出音效提示。
- 你现在可以把八音盒放在时装栏来收听。
- 增益计时器现在向上取整而不是向下取整。
- Expanded and improved the Biome visual settings in the Camera mode.
- 添加了可以缩小小地图的选项“Map Scale”。
- 现在不仅可以在键鼠,也可以在手柄下选择激活/取消激活“图格网格”布局。
- UI 缩放可以设定为最低50%,最高200%。
- 默认光标现在有白色的边框,但可以在设置里进行修改。
- 解锁成就时会有音效提示。
- 如果在存档过程中退出游戏,游戏会持续尝试完成存档,这样可以避免很多存档错误。
- 多人专用服务器现在每 10 分钟存档一次,而不是每天早晨。
- 专用服务器现在会避免电脑进入自动休眠,因为休眠会停止服务器。
- 与游戏手柄有关的改动:
- 改善了手柄 LT/RT 键在物品栏菜单中的导航方式。现在如果一直按统一个按钮会可以循环所有物品,而先前版本中 LT/RT 键只能导航到 UI 中的不同位置处。
- 现在手柄添加了“Interface Movement Delay”选项,可以更改光标遍历物品栏的移动速度。
- 对使用手柄移除 NPC 居所状态的按钮选项做了改进。
- 在配置文件中添加了完全禁止手柄支持的选项;这是为一些有自己的手柄设置,但无法在我们的配置上工作的玩家。
- 当使用手柄的“Use from inventory”功能时,可以立即消耗类似于药水或魔镜等物品。
- 当手上持有先前制作的物品,制作另一个物品的时候会将前一个物品放到物品栏中。
- 在手柄上的快速制作功能不再像以前那样快,这是为了避免将物品栏填充过多、以及避免意外地多次建造物品。
- 当使用手柄时,只有在玩家附近的 NPC 才会显示名字,而非先前版本中的所有 NPC 都显示名字。
- 极大地优化了生成世界过程的效率。
- 一大类不同生物群落自然生成的背景墙可以通过环境改造枪进行改造。一些丛林背景墙也可以被改造,但无法再次改造为丛林背景,而仅仅改造为石。曾经丛林背景墙对环境改造枪是免疫的。
- 极大地改变了沙漠在地图中生成的布局与频次。现在的沙漠应当会更大但更为少见,且有更多自然生成的沙丘。
- 冰雪生物群落现在会产生在距离生成点更远的位置,且其布局更为狭窄。
- 天然的地下矿车轨道现在可以更长,并且结构更有趣。
- 世界生成过程中,发光蘑菇生物群落的生成过程被重新设计,且占地更大。
- 更新了蘑菇树树冠与地下蘑菇背景。
- 改进了大理石洞墙壁的生成方式,现在不像曾经那样过于“直内方外”。
- 现在,受感染生物群落中的冰柱呈现该生物群落的颜色,而不是蓝色。
- 现在,雨水照亮了它所落入的生物群落的水色。
- 宝箱极限从1000增加到8000
- 出于世界生成过程的复杂性,地下小屋会更加零散且会有更多的家具;因此,当存在合适的空间时,小屋喷漆会有更大的几率生成。
- 与其他背景不同,在“草墙/花墙”前生长的草也将生长花。
- 向日葵现在可以阻止神圣的蔓延。
- 小动物雕像现在会在世界生成的过程中自然产生。
- 现在打开木箱有概率得到一些木材。
- 在世界生成过程中,添加了对相当狭小的孔洞填充背景墙机制,这会使得背景的样貌更为美观。
- 现在沙尘暴已经不那么普遍了,尤其是在游戏初期。
- 降低了强风的强度,现在它对玩家的推移能力有所降低。
- 降雨概率有所降低。
- 神圣盔甲已经在视觉上进行了完全重做,其在先前版本的旧样式现在以变体远古神圣盔甲呈现。
- 天域家具。
- 所有的云背景艺术,包括添加一些看起来熟悉的云……
- 石巨人、蜂王与常绿尖叫怪。
- 眼罩、护目镜、0x33飞行员以及玻璃物品的图标,现在它们在物品栏中应当更容易发现。
- 鸟妖、木乃伊与狼敌怪。
- 哥布林入侵敌怪。
- 地牢骷髅。
- 松露人 NPC。
- 一些曾经仅仅只有颜色变化而没有形态差异的不同生物群落下木材家具,现在有了更明显的差异。
- 来自不同生物群落的数十个背景瓦砾堆。
- 树冠的外观。
- 在天空中可见月球入侵行星。
- 困难模式地牢箱。
- 出于对玩家装甲的动画效果比较细微的修改,现在所有的胸部护甲与时装都有一定的修正。一些仅仅是若干像素的更改,但也有一些经过了的完整的重制(譬如牛仔套装与妖精套装)。
- 杰克南瓜灯(图格)与爆炸杰克南瓜灯现在不再使用相同的外观图像。
- 许多墙的图标经过了调整,因此现在绝大多数墙体物品的大小更为一致。
- 现在游戏可以显示玩家持有着食物、饮用物品与药水,并且食用或饮用物品的动画做了改进。
- 曾经许多帽子会遮盖头发,现在头发能正常地显示了!
- 宝藏袋现在更为易于辨识与闪现,以使玩家在战斗之后能找到。
- 坠落之星重置了视觉效果,其掉落动画与物品外型都有了改动。
- 改进了世界吞噬怪和毁灭者在世界中生成的视觉效果。
- 弱化了星云柱的粉色效果,当敌怪处在星云柱的着色范围之内会产生波形的特效,使得敌怪从视觉上更为出挑。
- 跳跃瓶曾经无法作为可视的时装;现在可以看到玩家身上所背的跳跃瓶了。
- 月亮事件的盔甲现在不会因为只穿着其中的一部分而损失亮度。现在每一个盔甲部件具有与完整套装相同的亮度了。
- 精灵直升机、圣诞坦克与常绿尖叫怪的射弹现在有了更高的亮度与辨识度。
- 蜂王的毒刺射弹现在有更大的图像,并且更为容易发现。
- 夜间环境的光亮程度取决于月相。
- 现在在夜间的星空更为璀璨。
- 重新设计了供召唤而来的仆从用以锁定敌怪目标的瞄准图像。
- 当达到南瓜月或霜月事件的最后阶段后,分别会在一个游戏日解锁万圣夜和圣诞节季节。
- 游戏中万圣节活动的开始日期为 10 月 10 日。
- 墓石现在将显示死亡日期。
- 在硬核模式下死亡的 NPC 将掉落墓碑。
- 沙漠化石现在可以用任何镐力的工具或炸弹开采。但是,它很脆弱,当玩家开采它时,相邻的化石块可能会破裂,从而使玩家花费一些矿石。
- 基于沙漠化石制作的装备现在较弱,因为它可以在更早的游戏进程中获得。
- 增加了亿些物品的最大堆叠大小。
- 现在,只要您没有关闭商店橱窗,就可以全额购买价格“退还”购买的物品。
- 现在用斧头砸树有时会掉东西。
- 对所有游戏中的物品售出价值进行充分的核验,从而使得售价更为一致。这包括对本应有价值却没有售价的物品的修订、从相同的来源掉落的不同物品的售出价更为一致,等等。
- 专家模式敌怪在盗取玩家掉落的钱币后会存留下来,并且当玩家回到钱币掉落处时该敌怪会重新生成。玩家可以在地图上查看钱币的位置与数量。
- 泰坦手套与强力手套现在给予了所有近战武器(与鞭!)以自动挥舞能力。
- 在专家模式中,现在会依据玩家数量,缩放掉落的天界柱碎片数量。
- 木匣、铁匣、金宝匣会依照宝匣的品质,掉落其对应品质的矿石。譬如,木匣将只会掉落铜、锡、铁、铅。
- 所有通过钓鱼得到的宝匣现在会分为血肉墙前与血肉墙后两种。在血肉墙前获得的宝匣是无法得到困难模式矿石。
- 金宝匣现在有一定的概率掉落生命水晶与附魔剑。
- 地牢匣现在有一定的概率包含书。
- 花靴现能在丛林匣中以一定概率获得。
- 企鹅、海龟宠物现在能小概率地从对应的生物群落宝匣中获得。
- 玩家现在可以在地牢中钓起炼药桌。
- 现在与渔夫对话,可以获知完成的钓鱼任务数量。
- 渔夫的任务奖励现在会以更大的概率给予玩家以信息配饰。除此之外,他不会给玩家物品栏中已经存在的信息配饰,除非玩家已经获得了全部的配饰。
- 珊瑚石块经过重置,且现在不再从渔夫的任务奖励获得。取而代之地,玩家现在可以制作珊瑚石块。
- 海盗地图和水晶雪球在现在最大可以堆叠至 20 个。
- 大规模地重整了向导的帮助对话,这包括从进入世界到月亮事件整个过程的提示与技巧、对自 1.1以来的所有新 NPC 的介绍、去除过时的信息、以及调整以前版本中格式上被错误分行语句。
- 现在游戏会检测到玩家是否在一段时间内处于静止或 AFK(暂时离开)状态。处在这种状态时,游戏不会在玩家附近生成蠕虫。
- 仙人掌现在必须预先砍倒,才能剜去其下方的沙块,即类似于砍树后方能取土。
- 大多数非地牢或入侵敌怪现在应当除血月或日食事件发生,否则不能开门。
- 门现在会在玩家接近时自动打开。该功能可以在设置中开启或关闭。
- 若在一侧有阻碍物,门现在会尝试往另一侧打开。
- 门现在会破坏其面前的冰柱。对于其它自地面生长的瓦砾亦同。
- 喷泉机关现在只需通过站在上面就能触发。
- 魔粉和毒粉现在可以在困难模式之前使用,并散播其对应的生物群落。
- 陨石、猩红与魔矿现在具有比金、铂金更高的金属探测器优先级。
- 南瓜月事件现在会对总 Boss 生成数量加以限制,以避免服务器出现性能问题。
- 月亮领主现在会掉落超级治疗药水;这取代了先前的强效治疗药水。
- 若玩家已经使用抓钩停靠在平台或矿车轨道上,现在应当会更容易地抓取到其它位置。
- 对于隐身或不可见的玩家,鼠标悬停时将不会有文字,并且也不会显示生命条。
- 一部分常见的[[南瓜或霜月事件敌怪需要更多的击杀次数,方能掉落旗帜。
- 如果玩家从足够高的地方掉落且应当承受掉落伤害,但在落地前敌怪对玩家造成带有击退的攻击,那么这次攻击会重置掉落伤害。
- 派对现在不能在没有派对女孩时发生。不妨在一个自发生成的派对开始时与她聊聊吧!
- 蝴蝶和萤火虫现在无法在雨天或强风天气生成。
- 玩家现在可以生成于出生点上方或下方的一些物块上;先前版本则是毁坏出生点附近的物块以使玩家可以正常生成。现在的生成模式增加了建筑的灵活性。
- 受到腐化、猩红化或神圣化的冰雪块与硬化沙块现在可以用于建造生物群落火把。
- 橡果现在可以自动挥舞。
- 使用智能光标终止南瓜子现在只会替换业已完整生长的南瓜。
- 神庙入侵者成就现在的触发条件是解锁丛林神庙大门,而非先前版本破坏丛林蜥蜴砖。
- 具有反射攻击能力的敌怪(大型宝箱怪、日耀火月怪)现在会在反射玩家攻击时发出特别的声音效果。
- 降低了星旋机枪、狙击步枪和日耀喷发剑的音量。
- 去除了星旋机枪、终极棱镜和带电爆破炮的嘶嘶声效果。
- 蚁狮蜂和蚁狮马现在具有大小不同的个体,并且具有不同的攻、防、HP 等数值。
- 从雕像生成的水母和花岗岩巨人所掉落的物品会更少,且其售出价值也会更低。
- 花岗精现在不能穿越墙壁。
- 降低花岗岩巨人死亡时的发出声音的音量。
- 猩红史莱姆现在可以对玩家造成黑暗减益,并且会掉落蒙眼布。
- 巨型诅咒骷髅头现在可以对玩家造成诅咒减益,并且会掉落邪眼。
- 在丛林中的蜜蜂现在不仅会攻击玩家,还会攻击其它敌怪。
- 食人系(食人怪、抓人草、愤怒捕手)现在不能通过挖去其根部的物块以对这些敌怪击杀。
- 小丑现在变得更加危险,并且会投掷嗒嗒牙齿炸弹。
- 曾经许多在打败血肉墙后无法生成的敌怪,现在可以在困难模式中生成了,但其生成率有所降低。
- 曾经一些“仆从”敌怪没有旗帜(譬如蛾怪宝宝与蛾怪旗),现在已经有对应的旗帜,并且会受制于旗帜所提供的效果。
- 现在敌怪有更高的几率掉落额外的钱币。
- 敌怪在血月事件时会掉落更多钱币。
- 世界吞噬怪现在具有更多体节;专家模式尤甚。
- 史莱姆王现在多少更难以通过绳简单地被击杀。
- 世纪之花的触手在专家多人模式中会依据玩家数量对生命值缩放。
- 克苏鲁之脑的飞眼怪在专家多人模式中会依据玩家数量对生命值缩放。
- 专家模式下的克苏鲁之脑以及飞眼怪现在在多人模式中,会随着服务器内玩家数量的增长而增加对击退抗性,直到能免疫击退。
- 专家模式下的机械骷髅王在旋转时移动速度会更快。
- 撒旦军队在专家中会随着多人模式的人数作难度的缩放调整。
- 火星飞碟在普通模式中不再有第二阶段形态,并且当所有炮塔毁坏时死亡。
- 现在每次火星暴乱事件中,火星飞碟生成的数量、以及连锁生成的几率将更少。
- 火星飞碟的死亡光束可以穿过物块;但与此同时,光束的速度会变慢且更容易躲避。
- 一部分火星入侵的掉落物可以从普通的火星敌怪上获得,从而降低了先前火星飞碟掉落池的随机性。
- 石巨人在专家模式中对玩家的攻击方式会更加激进,并且会更难以被轻易击败。
- 石巨人现在会在地表、或在丛林之外狂躁。
- 月亮领主的幻影致命光现在能穿过其与玩家之间的物块。
- 青蛙现在可以游泳。
- 爆炸兔现在可以当作小动物放生并引爆。
- 附魔夜行者会在流星雨时自然地生成。
- 金小动物现在更为稀有。
- 现在玩家可以选择是否打开标尺的效果。标尺还可以作为武器,并且仍然可以作为制作配方。
- 芦苇呼吸管与伞现在可以用作武器,但也仍然保留原先的功能。
- 投掷子分类现在被归并入远程分类。先前版本的额投掷武器现在可以产生远程伤害。
- 短剑现在可以刺向任何方向;它会更像长矛而不只是向正前方攻击。
- 钛金盔甲现在有全新的套装奖励,并且暗影躲避效果被重新定位为Holy Protection;后者为神圣盔甲新的套装奖励。
- 蛇发女妖头和带电爆破炮经过完整的重新设计,在战斗时应更有效能。
- 部分武器经过适当的重新设计得到了强化,包括但不限于:魔法导弹、烈焰火鞭、彩虹魔杖、剧毒法杖、毒液法杖、大地法杖、高温射线枪。
- 大量的武器、盔甲、工具经过了修正,其中许多修正是细微的。详情参考下文的平衡性调整部分。
- 时装配饰栏位现在只能装备具有视觉效果的配饰。
- 重力球现在可以在空中激活。
- 提基盔甲、矮人项链与大力士甲虫现在可以在击败世纪之花后直接购买,而无需在物品栏中装备矮人法杖。
- 恩赐苹果现在只从独角兽掉落,但具有更高的掉落率。
- Cenx的头冠现在总是与她另外两个开发者物品套装一起掉落。
- 0x33飞行员现在仅掉落自大师模式的克苏鲁之眼。
- Arkhalis剑现在仅掉落自 Arkhalis 开发者物品套装包。
- 更新了人体模型,现在它们具有可交互界面,并且允许玩家对其装饰以翅膀等配饰、以及使用染料。同时,现在还可以对其喷漆,且若其物品栏有物品则无法毁坏。
- 武器架现在是可喷漆的。你也可以将鱼放在武器架上,用作展示的目的。
- 玩家现在可以坐在椅子、沙发、王座、长椅,并且玩家可以在床上睡觉。在床睡觉时,游戏内的时间将会加速。在多人模式模式中,只有所有玩家都在休息时,时间才会加速。
- 哥布林雕像、魔眼雕像、黄蜂雕像、小鬼雕像、腐化雕像现在在连接电线时会生成敌怪。
- 现在玩家可以制作冰雪箱,且其名称与冰冻箱的名称互换,以契合家具的一致性。
- 生命木箱、天域箱、丛林蜥蜴箱现在是可制作的。
- 丛林神庙机关现在需要更高镐力的工具,以避免在游戏太早期获取。
- 更改了在以下套件中的光源颜色:大理石、大理石、珍珠木、红木、阴森、蒸汽朋克、棕榈木、乌木、暗影木、玻璃、生命木与冰冻,以使光源颜色与家具套件更为一致。乌木烛台经过了修改,更新了其视觉颜色。
- 施法桌现在会产生光亮,因为它插着蜡烛。
- 水蜡烛与和平蜡烛作为蜡烛本身或作为增益提供物品,现在可以连接电线以打开或关闭。
- 贝壳与海星现在在海岸会随着时间增长而自然产生。
- 云块现在会抵消掉落伤害。
- 篝火现在在未点燃时不会提供增益。
- 现在通过智能光标会更为智能与整洁地放置矿车轨道。
- 石板在先前版本中有错误的混合效果,因此与其它物块混合放置时的效果不佳;这已经被修正了。当然,我们也听到了众玩家的呼声,因此加入了Accent Stone Slab物块,它与先前版本的石板具有相同的行为。
- 王朝木现在能与其它图格有更好的混合效果。
- 特殊玻璃物块有如瀑布、彩纸等现在能与其它图格有更好的混合效果。
- 受到感染的硬化沙现在就像普通硬化沙一样可以制作为玻璃。
- 雕像现在可以面向左边或右边。
- 骨块现在可以挖取得到骨头;它可以用来制作其它物品,或通过白骨魔棒重新放置为骨块。
- 再生法杖现在不会在石上放置苔藓,这是由于苔藓可以通过别的途径获得了。
- 弹药箱现在在使用时会发出霰弹枪的声音效果。
- 月亮领主的攻击方式经过了一些微调,以使其更加一致,因为随着时间的推移,不同的眼睛会变得不同步,从而导致更加随机的战斗(这不是有意的)。此外,他的额头眼睛张开的时间略有增加。
- 现在,月亮领主的幻影致命光将穿透其与玩家之间的障碍物。
- 除非在多人模式中在敌人的半径范围外产生,否则它们不再应该在月亮领主的战斗期间产生。
- 即使您在他的死亡动画中死亡,月亮领主现在也会掉落战利品
- 在专家模式里随着玩家的增多,石巨人会更加激进的发动攻击,同时更难以阻挡。
- 石巨人现在会在丛林外或地面上激怒。
- 世纪之花的触手现在在专家多人模式中会依据玩家数量对生命值缩放。
- 专家模式的机械骷髅王会在旋转时移动的更快。
- 专家模式下克苏鲁之脑和它的飞眼怪会基于服务器上当前的人数去增加击退抗性,最终会免疫击退。
- 克苏鲁之脑的飞眼怪现在在在专家多人模式下有会依据玩家数量对生命值缩放。
- 世界吞噬怪现在有更多的体节,在专家模式下还要更多。
- 史莱姆王现在更难轻易用绳索打败了。
- 处于专家以下难度的火星飞碟不再具有第二阶段,并且一旦其炮塔被摧毁就死亡。
- 现在,每次入侵事件的火星飞碟数量减少了,它们接连出现的可能性也降低了。
- 火星飞碟的死亡激光现在可以穿透障碍物了。但是,它们速度较慢,并且光束更容易躲避。
- 头部伤害从 16 降低至 14
- 身体和尾巴的伤害从 10 降低至 7
- 生命从 50 降低至 40
- 减小了体型
- 一般情况下,一次只能生成一只墓穴爬虫。
- 伤害由 10 提升至 15
- 生命由 40 提升至 50
- 击退系数从 0.8 降低至 0.7
- 现在只在地下沙漠作为稀有敌怪生成
- 掉落金币由
90*90 提升至300*3 - 在雨天,飞鱼的出现率小幅下调
- 伤害由 50 提升至 60
- 防御由 20 提升至 25
- 生命由 400 提升至 800
- 击退系数从 0.4 降低至 0.2
- 现在他们攻击更快了
- 笑脸炸弹现在在接近玩家时爆炸
- 它们现在也会使用嗒嗒牙齿炸弹
- 射弹伤害从 20 点增加到 100 点。(注,事实上是一个错误的占位符数字。它对埃特尼亚水晶造成1点伤害,可能对大多数玩家也一样。
- 标枪伤害从 48 减少到 36
- 防御从 10 降低到 6
- 最大速度从 4 降到 3
- 掉落金币从
130*130 降低到100*1
- 投掷骨头的骷髅
- 射弹伤害从 80 降低到 60(仅专家模式)
- 其他
- 紫史莱姆、红史莱姆、黄史莱姆和黑史莱姆现在额外掉落 1-3 个凝胶
- 食人怪类的敌人现在不再能通过挖掘它们附着的方块而击杀
- 雨伞史莱姆的掉落金币从
25*25 增长到100*1 - 花岗精不再能沿着墙飞行了
- 丛林中的蜜蜂现在不仅会攻击玩家,也会攻击敌怪(不包括蜂后)
- 勇士头盔、勇士胸甲与勇士护腿防御力各增加 1
- 化石头盔防御力由 3 降低至 2
- 化石板甲防御力由 6 降低至 4
- 化石护胫防御力由 4 降低至 2
- 套装的每一部分有 3% 远程暴击率
- 新的套装奖励:20% 几率不消耗弹药
- 由于沙漠化石采矿机制的改变,现在可以在相对更早的游戏进程中获得
- 防御力由 0 上升至 2
- 防御力由 2 上升至 4
- 仙人掌胸甲防御力由 2 降低至 1
- 若套装是完整的一套,效果没有改变。但是,禁戒长袍与禁戒裤的效果分开了,现在套装的每部分都给予 40 魔力值与额外的 1 个仆从
- 新的套装奖励:Titanium Barrier
- 当攻击敌怪时,钛金碎块会积累并在玩家身边萦绕
- 这些碎块会在近距离处对敌怪造成伤害,并且产生击退效果
- 可以用来防御性地驱散敌怪,抑或激进地对敌怪产生附加的伤害
- 新的套装奖励:Holy Protection
- 这与大多数玩家所熟悉的暗影躲避相似,神圣盔甲用周期性的无视伤害效果,取代先前状态强化的套装奖励
- 当攻击敌怪时,玩家会获得增益;若敌怪对玩家在增益仍然有效时产生了伤害,那么玩家会极为短暂地无视伤害
- 当无视伤害的持续时间结束,玩家需要至少 30 秒时间重启无视伤害增益
- 侍卫大头盔与侍卫护胫防御力各增加 1
- 侍卫大头盔的治疗效果降低 50%
- 叶绿面具防御力由 25 下降至 20
- 若玩家穿戴的是叶绿面具,那么叶绿盔甲套装奖励现在会给予额外的降低 5% 所受伤害的效果
- 幽灵盔甲 (面具)
- 套装奖励中,玩家用射弹所产生的伤害从 50% 的本底伤害提高到 100%
- 玩家的生命“恢复速率”,即射弹的生成速率由 150 上升至 250
- 每一部分的防御力都提升 1,即总防御力从 27 上升至 30
- 阴森胸甲 现在给予玩家额外的仆从数量从 1 上升到 2
- 阴森护腿现在给予 20% 的移动速度提升
- 套装的总防御力增加了 4,但每一个部分的浮动并非是均等的:
- 英灵殿骑士头盔防御力由 14 上升至 20
- 英灵殿骑士胸甲防御力由 30 下降至 24
- 英灵殿骑士护胫防御力由 20 上升至 24
- 英灵殿骑士胸甲的治疗效果降低 50%
- 生命星云效果从 5 HP/s 降低到 3 HP/s,因此现在生命回复效果最多堆叠到 9 HP/s
- 日耀头盔暴击率由 17% 上升至 26%
- 日耀胸甲近战伤害由 22% 上升至 29%
- 套装的每一部分都提供 1 HP/s 的生命回复
- 曾经套装奖励提供的是当使用护盾猛冲时减少 30% 所受伤害。现在取而代之的是 12% 的永久伤害减少、以及使用护盾猛冲时 20% 的伤害减少。因此猛冲时,通过 (1-12%)×(1-20%) 仍然能获得大约 30% 的伤害减少效果。
- 护盾生成的时间减少 1 秒
- 短剑现在可以刺向任何方向,而不只是向正前方攻击
- 金短剑伤害从 11 上升至 12
- 连枷现在有全新的攻击动作,并且会有不同的攻击模式。
- 如果长按鼠标按钮,连枷会在玩家周围快速摆动,在较小的空间中造成高频次、较低击退效果的攻击。
- 如果普通地使用鼠标点击,玩家可以像先前版本一样对敌怪造成攻击,但武器的移动速度加快了许多。在该攻击模式下,武器所造成的伤害是两倍。
- 最后,如果玩家在空中射出连枷,它会迅速下降并停滞在地面。这可以当作类似于尖球一样可以将武器静置,对靠近玩家的敌怪造成伤害。
- 基于新的机制,一些连枷现在有一些状态调整,譬如一些武器的攻击范围增大或减小;但总体来说,所有武器都比先前版本有更好的使用体验。
- 伤害由 9 降低至 8
- 使用时间由 25 提升至 32
- 击退由 5 降低至 4.5
- 伤害由 11 提升至 14
- 击退由 5 提升至 6
- 持有时,玩家会获得无限制的水中移动能力。
- 伤害由 11 提升至 12
- 伤害由 24 降低至 23
- 使用时间由 18 提升至 21
- 击退由 5.25 降低至 4.25
- 伤害由 30 降低至 25
- 使用时间由 15 提升至 20
- 大小由 1.1 提升至 1.4(增大)
- 伤害由 26 降低至 24
- 使用时间由 20 提升至 22
- 击退力由 5.3 降低至 5
- 不再能自动挥舞
- 伤害由 19 提升至 21
- 使用时间由 34 降低至 30
- 伤害由 39 提升至 43
- 使用时间由 30 降低至 29
- 具有新的攻击机制,当敌怪生命值大于 90% 时会造成两倍伤害
- 并没有更改,有意将其单列是为了让玩家知道开发者并没有忽视该武器。钴剑的攻击力曾经过高,但我们现在将其设置为新的基准,其它剑会以该基准重新作调整。
- 伤害由 41 提升至 45
- 伤害由 44 提升至 49
- 伤害由 47 提升至 50
- 使用时间由 26 降低至 25
- 伤害由 50 提升至 56
- 使用时间由 27 降低至 26
- 伤害由 52 提升至 58
- 使用时间由 26 降低至 25
- 晶光刃 (所有)
- 伤害由 41 提升至 42
- 使用时间由 25 降低至 20
- 使用时间由 15 提升至 20(不影响其投掷物剑束的冷却时间)
- 伤害由 70 降低至 60
- 使用时间由 7 提升至 8
- 近战速度增加的状态最多只能提供 25% 的增益
- 伤害由 30 提升至 55
- 使用时间由 30 降低至 20
- 伤害由 29 提升至 35
- 伤害由 34 提升至 44
- 伤害由 39 降低至 38
- 伤害由 43 提升至 47
- 伤害由 41 提升至 45
- 伤害由 57 提升至 66
- 使用时间由 25 降低至 20
- 伤害由 44 提升至 85
- 爆炸攻击现在会造成三倍伤害,比先前版本的两倍伤害提高
- 伤害由 47 提升至 54
- 伤害由 75 提升至 80
- 伤害由 90 提升至 105
- 注:该武器现在可以视作臭虎爪的上位替代;但同时保留这隐身攻击力的加成
- 伤害由 70 提升至 85
- 使用时间由 20 降低至 8
- 近战速度增加的状态最多只能提供 33% 的增益。
- 伤害由 70 提升至 85
- 依据敌怪所受的伤害量,现在可以造成最大 150% 的额外伤害
- 伤害由 90 提升至 95
- 现在有 10% 的暴击概率
- 平均每次射击所产生的射弹从 2.3 增加至 2.66
- 伤害由 76 提升至 90
- 射弹现在经过了完整的重制。比起先前版本只发射一个装饰,现在会发射数个球状装饰与一个星星装饰;它们会在空中停滞数秒后坠落至地面。
- 现在具有自动挥舞能力
- 由于早期的级别,伤害由 29 降低至 20
- 伤害由 26 降低至 23
- 使用时间由 23 提升至 24
- 使用时间由 12 降低至 10
- 伤害由 20 提升至 22
- 使用时间由 14 降低至 13
- 击退由 5 提升至 5.5
- 伤害由 19 降低至 17
- 使用时间减少 1
- 伤害由 40 提升至 50
- 伤害由 46 降低至 39
- 使用时间由 21 降低至 16
- 现在可以自动开火
- 注:即使伤害减弱了,但总体来说该弓得以加强;尽管该改动使得它像骸骨弓一样具有较强的防御性。这部分的更改的目的是使弓更加多样化。
- 伤害由 28 提升至 33
- 伤害由 52 提升至 62
- 使用时间由 14 降低至 10
- 伤害由 43 提升至 53
- 使用时间由 19 降低至 16
- 伤害由 27 提升至 35
- 每穿过一个敌人,穿透伤害会减少 15%。
- 伤害由 24×2 提升至 32×2
- 使用时间由 20 降低至 18
- 射弹发射的频次从每 4 个箭矢变为 3 个箭矢
- 平均每次射出的箭矢从 2.7 发降低为 2.33 发
- 伤害由 38 提升至 50
- 使用时间由 30 降低至 20
- 伤害由 50 降低至 45
- 对单个目标作直接打击时,其伤害变为两倍
- 若地雷处于静止状态会造成三倍伤害;而若地雷仍然处于移动状态则造成普通伤害
- 使用时间由 40 提升至 50
- 降低可以同时使用的地雷数量
- 现在可以射出三个食人鱼射弹,它们可以攻击同一个或不同的敌怪
- 每个食人鱼的攻击频率稍有降低,但总的三个食人鱼的 DPS(每秒伤害值)会比先前版本高许多
- 伤害由 65 提升至 85
- 使用时间由 22 降低至 20
- 每穿透一个敌人,穿透伤害的降低程度从 10% 提升至 20%
- 对单个目标的伤害值增长至两倍(这仅适用于一开始射出的毒刺矢,但不适用于其产生的碎片)
- 伤害由 65 降低至 25(注:火箭的伤害仍然相当高,并且真正的伤害值与武器的伤害是相加而来的、即使是最低伤害的初级火箭 也会有 40 点伤害值,因此实际上武器的总伤害从 105 降低到 65)
- 额外的 10% 暴击率现在被移除
- 现在可以在击败石巨人后从派对女孩处获得
- 伤害由 40 提升至 60
- 每穿过一个敌人,穿透伤害会减少 15%。
- 伤害由 77 提升至 85
- 不消耗弹药的概率从 50% 提升至 66%
- 伤害由 8 增加至 14
- 使用时间由 28 降低至 26
- 攻击时赋予着火了!减益的概率由 33% 增加至 50%
- 现在有 10% 的暴击概率
- 但玩家释放射弹时,其自动寻的速度更快
- 在射弹爆炸时有中等程度的 AoE(范围性伤害)
- 使用时间由 17 提升至 18
- 魔力花费由 10 提升至 12
- 但玩家释放射弹时,其自动寻的速度更快
- 现在可以穿透一个目标,并且在打击到第二个目标时会产生中等程度 AoE 伤害
- 伤害由 40 降低至 36
- 使用时间由 20 提升至 30
- 魔力花费由 12 提升至 18
- 使用时间由 20 降低至 16
- 魔力花费由 14 降低至 12
- 伤害由 36 提升至 50
- 使用时间由 20 降低至 15
- 魔力花费由 12 降低至 9
- 关联信息:请查看与诅咒地狱增益有关的更新信息
- 伤害由 55 提升至 60
- 使用时间由 20 降低至 12
- 魔力花费由 17 降低至 11
- 攻击时赋予霜冻减益的概率由 50% 增加至 100%
- 伤害由 25 提升至 32
- 魔力花费由 4 提升至 5
- 注:前一版本中,由于射弹的穿透目标后会产生短时间的伤害免疫帧的机制,因此每次至多有一个射弹打击到一个目标,从而浪费了大量伤害。我们对其引入了一种类似于霰弹枪机制,使得所有射弹可以同时攻击一个目标,使其性能有所提升。但同时,为了对该强化作平衡,因此调低了一些属性。总地来说,现在的剧毒法杖应会是一个更强的武器。
- 伤害由 48 降低至 43
- 每个射弹可以命中敌怪数量从 4 个减少到 3 个
- 每穿过一个敌人,穿透伤害会减少 25%。
- 射弹的射程现在是有限的
- 伤害由 19 提升至 25
- 射弹萦绕停留(并产生伤害的)持续时间提高了大约 70%
- 爬藤怪火焰高度提升了 50%
- 不再有击杀数限制
- 现在可以赋予敌怪诅咒地狱减益(参见与诅咒地狱增益有关的更新信息)
- 现在具有暴击
- 相较前一版本的蓄力攻击模式,现在该武器是随时攻击的,并且其射程大幅减少
- 当处于随时攻击模式,蛇发女妖头将会置于玩家的前方;如果附近没有敌怪,它并不会开火,并且不会消耗魔力
- 当敌怪处于射程时,它将一直攻击附近的敌怪,并且在每次攻击过程中消耗魔力
- 可以同时打击到三个对象(攻击多个对象不会增加魔力消耗)
- 伤害值设定为 40
- 魔力花费从 18 降低至 15,然而由于现在每秒可以产生 4 次进攻,因此会以更快的速度消耗魔力
- 魔力花费由 14 提升至 17
- 使用时间由 30 降低至 22
- 魔力花费由 18 降低至 14
- 但玩家释放射弹时,其自动寻的速度更快
- 现在其穿透与击打目标的次数至多为三次
- 在与目标碰撞时会产生中等的 AoE 伤害半径
- 伤害由 74 降低至 50
- 使用时间由 18 提升至 25
- 魔力花费由 18 提升至 21
- 现在可以在撞击到图格后而不产生爆炸
- 使用时间由 22 降低至 17
- 魔力花费由 25 降低至 19
- 伤害由 24 提升至 32
- 使用时间由 30 降低至 25
- 注:该武器与剧毒法杖有类似的更改重制。尽管性能上应当有所提升,但也有因平衡性而做出的性能牺牲。不妨在作评价前先试一下吧!:)
- 伤害由 63 降低至 44
- 现在其穿透与击打目标的次数从 7 次减少为 5 次
- 每穿过一个敌人,穿透伤害会减少 25%。
- 现在具有比剧毒法杖长约 50% 的射弹射程
- 注:尽管这听上去像纸上谈兵,但对于胡蜂枪而言,确实通过牺牲“命中次数”以达到对总伤害量的提升的平衡效果,从而大幅提升 DPS 值。少些黄蜂,多些伤害。
- 伤害由 21 提升至 31
- 使用时间由 11 提升至 18
- 胡蜂的反弹或穿透次数从 4 次降低为 3 次
- 每次发射的胡蜂个数降低为 3 个
- 魔力花费由 6 提升至 10
- 伤害由 28 提升至 35
- 魔力花费由 10 提升至 12
- 伤害由 72 降低至 65
- 每个射弹命中目标的次数从 1 次提升至 3 次
- 魔力花费由 11 提升至 15
- 实际的伤害并没有更改,但其面板数值从原先的“较慢速度”伤害值更改为“最快速度”伤害值(该武器的伤害值与射弹速度有关)
- 现在有 20% 的暴击率
- 魔力花费由 15 提升至 18
- 使用时间由 40 降低至 24
- 射弹射速大幅提升;作为结果,它有着更广的射程,且其速度更难以降低到最低阈值,因此在能较长的时间保持最大伤害
- 注:在这一级别的武器有太多具有“完全穿透”能力,并且没有足够多的单体伤害武器。因此,重制高温射线枪的目的是避免其与暗影束法杖与大地法杖定位上的雷同,使得武器的种类更为多样化。
- 伤害由 55 提升至 80
- 使用时间由 16 降低至 10
- 不再能穿透与命中多个敌怪
- 平均每次射出的蝙蝠数从 2 个增长至 2.5 个
- 魔力花费由 3 提升至 6
- 该武器仍然可以充能,但在充能时也会开火
- 在充能的第一秒,该武器会发射 6 个单体攻击的颗粒,每个能造成 100 点的基础伤害(先前版本为 50 点)
- 在充能的后两秒,该武器会发射总共 3 个可穿透的爆破弹,每个能造成 250 点的基础伤害(先前版本为 100 点)
- 在此之后,该武器会发射激光束;这与先前版本并无差异
- 玩家也可以快速开火,在未充能的情况下发射单体攻击颗粒;这些颗粒比先前版本的攻击力要大许多。
- 充能攻击的魔力花费并未改变,但快速开火的攻击方式本身会造成大量魔力消耗
- 使用时间由 15 降低至 12
- 魔力花费由 18 降低至 12
- 仆从现在会依据玩家当前的装备与伤害增益动态地调整其攻击力。
- 一些召唤(尽管并非全部)会使用它自身的攻击免疫计时系统。在实践中,这些召唤攻击不会因为与其它武器相互干涉,而使得敌怪的攻击免疫帧饱和。所有受此影响的仆从会通过它们自己的伤害计时器,尽可能正确地对应到游戏更新前的 DPS(每秒伤害);但 1.3.5 版本的 DPS 与 1.4 版本的 DPS 多少会有一些差距。一般来说,即使在版本更新前后有少量的 DPS 损失或提升,总体性能应当得以提升。受上述新系统影响的仆从包括:
- 伤害由 21 降低至 17
- 大幅提升了开火频率
- 伤害由 37 提升至 55
- 飞行速度翻倍
- 伤害由 150 降低至 80
- 修复了攻击准度问题,提升了水晶爆破攻击的速度。相比以前应当可以更易地造成更大伤害
- 箭与投掷远程武器在射出并掉落后不再会有概率回收该物品
- 现在可以穿透一个目标
- 不再能穿透目标
- 射弹速度提升
- 现在可以可以多次回弹,并且若临近处有可攻击的目标则会“智能回弹”到该目标上
- 回弹后的伤害只有回弹前的 66%
- 陨星现在不能穿透并击中第二个目标
- 陨星现在仅能造成 50% 的原始箭矢伤害;先前的版本则是 100%
- 伤害由 10 提升至 15
- 纳米机器人的价格上升
- 伤害由 15 提升至 17
- 伤害由 9 提升至 10
- 关联信息:请查看与诅咒地狱增益有关的更新信息
- 伤害由 10 提升至 12
- 混乱之脑除了先前已有的困惑效果外,现在还会额外提供 1/6 的概率躲避敌怪的攻击。当成功躲避敌怪攻击时,玩家将会获得短暂几秒增加 20% 暴击率的增益,但在这段时间内玩家不能再躲避其它攻击。
- 泰坦手套以及由其制作的各种加强手套将会赋予近战武器(以及鞭!)以自动挥舞的能力。
- 充分地平衡了整个游戏的各种翅膀。
- 除了少数特例,处在相同级别的翅膀在能力上大致相同;相当容易或难以获取的翅膀会是例外。
- 但不幸的是,在这里难以展示各种翅膀的能力,其中些许缘由会是更改的翅膀数量相对较多,并且其状态难以用简单可视的言语表述。
- 简单地说,大量的翅膀的性能得以提升;而叶之翼与冰冻之翼由于在先前版本中,在同一级别中性能太过初中,因此有所削弱。
- 其它主要的改动:
- 牵引速度(是指将玩家勾至爪钩的速度)由 16 降低至 13
- 射钩速度由 15.5 降低至 13.5
- 牵引速度由 11 提升至 12
- 射钩速度由 15 提升至 16
- 牵引速度由 13 提升至 16
- 射钩速度由 16 提升至 18
- 所有斧头、锤斧、链锯以及其它的具有斧力的工具砍伐木材的速度提升 20%。
- 所有钻头与链锯现在比起对应的非机械的工具有更快的挖掘速度,但相对地,其使用范围也更小。除此之外,较为优化的挖掘状况下镐与斧头仍然具有更好的表现,但在不太优化的挖掘状况下钻头与链锯则能挖得更快。
- 沙漠化石现在可以用任何镐力的工具或炸弹开采。但是,它很脆弱,当玩家开采它时,相邻的化石块可能会破裂,从而使玩家花费一些矿石。
- 基于沙漠化石制作的装备现在较弱,因为它可以在更早的游戏进程中获得。
- 地狱熔炉现在需要比魔矿镐更高镐力的工具挖取。若在地狱环境中,为其支撑的图格也会受到挖掘保护;但这种保护不在地狱之外生效。
- 使用时间由 16 降低至 15
- 伤害由 5 降低至 4
- 镐力由 50 增加至 55
- 镐力由 100 降低至 59
- 使用范围由 10 增加至 11
- 使用时间由 7 降低至 6
- 不再具有斧力
- 许多增益药水会有更长的持续时间,其中不少持续时间增长到两倍。
- 吃得好增益现在划分成了三种级别,其中最低等级与先前版本一致,而最强级别则是先前版本增益的两倍。
- 游戏中的所有食物(这包括了新增的 50 余种新食物),都依据其获得的难易程度,对它们可以提供的增益持续时间与等级作更为精细的调整。较短持续时间的事物一般有较高的等级,但较长持续时间的食物一般有较低的等级。不妨试试哪种食物对你而言是最有效的吧!
- 吃得好现在额外提供挖矿速度增益。
- 隐身药水现在额外地减少20%敌怪生成速度。
- 恢复药水不再恢复魔力,但相对地会更多地治疗 10 点生命,即总共治疗 90 点,并且现在的药水疾病时间减少到仅有 45 秒。
- 利器站的近战武器盔甲穿透增益从 4 点增长到 12 点。
- 对玩家或敌怪的伤害从 12 点增加到 24 点。
- 食尸鬼、爬藤怪、魔焰眼的诅咒地狱持续时间降低,一定程度上抵消这种减益所会对玩家造成的更高的伤害。
- 其它可以产生该减益的来源物均是有意地通过上述修正,增加了伤害能力。
- 对玩家或敌怪的伤害从 12 点增加到 30 点。
- 矮人法杖、蜘蛛女王法杖的毒液持续时间降低,一定程度上抵消更高的伤害。
- 黑隐士、沙贼的毒液持续时间降低,一定程度上抵消对玩家更高的伤害。
- 其它可以产生该减益的来源物均是有意地通过上述修正,增加了伤害能力。
- 鱼饵现在更容易被消耗。
- 非常高的渔力现在会给予更少较少的收益。
- 渔力在血月时为 1.1 倍。
- 剑鱼在钓鱼时更为少见。
- 金鲤鱼在钓鱼时更为少见。
- 生物群落宝匣现在保证会掉落一个宝箱物品,而非先前版本的偶尔掉落。
- 地牢匣现在会始终会掉落一个金锁盒。
- 花靴现能在丛林匣中以一定概率获得。
- 木匣、铁匣、金宝匣会依照宝匣的品质,掉落其对应品质的矿石。譬如,木匣将只会掉落铜、锡、铁、铅。
- 企鹅、海龟宠物现在能小概率地从对应的生物群落宝匣中获得。
- 所有通过钓鱼得到的宝匣现在会分为血肉墙前与血肉墙后两种。在血肉墙前获得的宝匣是无法得到困难模式矿石。
- 金宝匣现在有一定的概率掉落生命水晶与附魔剑。
- 琥珀更容易从化石中获得,并且会在地下沙漠中自然地生成。
- 渔夫的任务奖励现在会有更大的几率给予玩家信息配饰。除此之外,他不会重复给玩家在物品栏中已经有的配饰;除非玩家已经拥有了所有的信息配饰。
- 基础染料在制作后会产生两个染料,而非先前的一个。
- 通过击碎罐子获得钱币传送门的概率降低了一半。
- 敌怪在被击杀时,有更高的概率获得额外的钱币。
- 敌怪会在血月中掉落更多钱币。
- 金钥匙现在能以更高的概率从敌怪与罐子获得,并且地牢史莱姆会更为常见。
- 金小动物现在更为罕见。
- 从雕像生成的水母与花岗岩巨人所获得的掉落物会更加少见,并且会降低这些掉落物的售卖价值。
- 熔岩护身符现在只能在熔岩地层中的宝箱中获得,但在熔岩中钓鱼可以是另一种可再生的获得方式。
- 颌骨剑现在会从蚁狮蜂掉落。
- 月亮领主现在掉落超级治疗药水;以前的版本中掉落的是强效治疗药水。
- 蘑菇草种子掉落率从 1/50 上升至 1/40。
- 大自然的恩赐在丛林中生成的几率会更大。
- 锯刃镐现在会有 25% 的概率从石巨人掉落,并且该概率与其它石巨人]]的掉落物分开计算。若在专家模式下,从宝藏袋掉落的几率则是 33%。
- 混沌传送杖在专家模式掉落的几率现在是 1/400。
- 奇异植物现在不会在世界生成过程中产生,并且不会在困难模式开始前生长。
- 投刀在宝箱会有更多的堆放数量。
- 水上漂靴在水中箱中生成的概率从 1/15 上升至 1/10
- 现在一些火星入侵的掉落物可以从普通的火星敌怪获得,而不一定要从火星飞碟得到,因此降低了火星飞碟掉落物较强的随机性。
- 护士会依据游戏进程的推进,在治疗玩家时会收取更高的费用。
- 每当打败一个 Boss,城镇 NPC 会少许变得更强。
- 沙尘暴生成的概率大幅减小,特别是在游戏早期。
- 降低了强风的程度。
- 雨天气概率少许减少。
- 地牢尖刺的伤害从 40 点增加到 60 点,并且会对玩家产生流血减益。
- 神庙木尖刺的伤害从 60 点增加到 80 点,并且会对玩家产生流血减益。
- 宝石火把与彩虹火把在制作中会生成 10 个;在前一版本中是 3 个。
- 荧光棒与火把可以堆叠至 999 个。
- 所有类型的炸弹、手榴弹、雷管现在可以堆叠至 99 个。
- 矿石锭现在可以堆叠至 999 个。
- 炼金术种子或植物现在可以堆叠至 999 个。
- 组织样本、暗影鳞片现在可以堆叠至 999 个。
- 海盗地图、水晶雪球现在可以堆叠至 20 个。
- Boss的钱币掉落现在更为一致。
- 对大量游戏物品的出售价值作检查,使得售价能更为一致。这包括对一些本应该具有售卖价格、但实际是无价的物品重新定价,对相同来源的物品规定相近的售价,避免玩家通过制作对低成本高附加值的物品投机倒把,以及更多其它的情况。
- 修复了铜弓和锡弓被视为近战武器而获得近战修饰语的问题。
- 修复了 an issue where firing Tome of Infinite Wisdom on a sloping minecart track would cause the pages to fire in all directions.
- 修复了 an issue where using Tome of Infinite Wisdom’s right click functionality while on a Drill Mount would drain all of your mana almost instantly.
- 修复了 an exploit where dying to Chaos State while holding a Rod of Discord in the cursor on a Hardcore character would cause the next character used to inherit said Rod of Discord.
- 修复了 an issue where the last segment of Solar Eruption’s blade didn’t actually do damage.
- 添加了 protections to prevent a very rare bug where the Solar Eruption debuff would kill its own user.
- 修复了 an oversight in Halloween drop rates based on HP that caused Bladed Gloves and Bloody Machete to be too rare in Expert.
- 修复了 an issue where extremely high melee speed thresholds would break the behavior of weapons like Sky Dragon’s Fury.
- You can no longer use Sniper Scopes and Binoculars while dead.
- Staff of Regrowth no longer breaks rocks and other rubble.
- 修复了 an issue where you could use certain channeled weapons but switch to another weapon and use that weapon as well.
- 修复了 an issue where certain channeled weapons and tools would continue being used even after the player is turned to stone.
- 修复了 an issue where, after using a cooldown timed projectile sword, switching to another hotbar slot via number key would delete 1 consumable from that slot.
- 修复了 a number of damage type inconsistencies including projectiles doing the wrong damage type, weapons receiving/not receiving damage type set or potion bonuses in error, critical rates being applied incorrectly, and a lot more.
- 修复了 a number of edge cases where things like mount damage or Shield of Cthulhu dashing would not register on the DPS meter.
- 修复了 an issue where having two types of dash abilities and removing one of them mid dash would unexpectedly double your dash distance.
- 修复了 a similar issue where removing a dash accessory mid dash would prevent Hermes-type boots from letting you run until you put the dash accessory back on.
- 修复了 some exploits involving Flower Boots.
- 修复了 a issue where using Sandstorm in a Bottle then instantly shooting multiple grappling hooks to different blocks would leave the character spinning back and forth forever.
- 修复了 an issue where several wings (Fin, Bat, Mothron) had a faulty acceleration speed.
- 修复了 an issue where Spore Sac would only work near blocks, but not when only near platforms.
- 修复了 an issue where Neptune Shell wearing players could stick their head in water and die, because head-submersion wasn’t enough to turn you into a merman, but it was enough to drown.
- 修复了 an inconsistency with how Cloud in a Bottle behaved differently with wings than other Jump Bottles
- 修复了 an issue where Sharktooth necklace and Banner Buff would not apply to a variety of atypical attacks.
- 修复了 an issue where Stopwatch wouldn’t correctly display player speed while on some mounts, like while falling with the Slime Mount.
- 修复了 an issue where moving sideways on a rope would be considered 0 MPH for the Stopwatch.
- 修复了 an issue where some wings would produce light even in vanity slots.
- 修复了 a number of increased placement range boosters (Toolbelt, Builder Potion) not stacking correctly.
- Mime Mask is now properly considered a vanity helmet.
- 修复了 a tendency for certain automatic attacks like Sentries or Chlorophyte Armor to attack invincible enemies such as Dungeon Spike Balls or Blazing Wheels.
- 修复了 an issue where some Shroomite and Chlorophyte armor bonuses would not stack.
- 修复了 some inconsistencies with armor bonuses applied to the damage type of Snowball related attacks.
- 修复了 an issue where Frost/Necro Armor made inconsistent special armor sounds depending on if they were in vanity/normal armor slots and also when worn with each other.
- 修复了 an exploit (or made it substantially harder) to avoid damage with the Slime Mount and Target Dummies.
- 修复了 an issue where flying mounts would very slowly increase in height over time.
- 修复了 an issue where flying mounts could descend through lowered platforms.
- 修复了 an issue where you could not use Quick Buff while riding the Drill Containment Unit.
- 修复了 an extra double jump only when jumping out of water while riding the Slime Mount.
- 修复了 a minecart issue where tracks that ran directly into conveyor belts would cause the minecart to derail.
- 修复了 an issue that made jumps fail sometimes in fast moving minecarts.
- 修复了 an issue where Lightning Sentries that were placed on sloped blocks underwater would sink into the ground.
- 修复了 an issue where Queen Spider Sentry could not have multiple summons with Sentry boosting gear.
- Potentially fixed an issue where Smart Cursor would fail constantly when at the very edge of the world.
- 修复了 an issue where Smart Select did not suggest Desert Fossil for Extractinator.
- 修复了 an issue where Smart Select would favor a Flare Gun with no flares over a stack of Glowsticks.
- 修复了 an issue where climbing on rope at the edge of the world would cause the camera to move away from the player.
- 修复了 a hoik-related issue where using a grapple and ropes could cause the camera to leave the player behind entirely.
- 修复了 an issue where looking at buff furniture (Campfires, Heart Lanterns) with binoculars or sniper rifles would give you the buff.
- 修复了 a number of crafting inconsistencies with required crafting stations for different types of platforms. Most are by hand now, but a handful require special stations.
- 修复了 a bunch of crafting station inconsistencies with furniture sets.
- 修复了 inconsistencies with reflected projectiles inflicting debuffs on the player* they should not be inflicting debuffs at all.
- 修复了 some inconsistencies with Warmth Potion and cold based attacks not receiving protection.
- 修复了 an issue where drinking a Flask while a previous Flask was active would remove the first flask buff but not give the new buff.
- Reduced the effectiveness of exploiting portals and fall damage to be immune to bosses and other threats.
- 修复了 the infamous Infinite Fishing Line exploit.
- 修复了 an issue where switching items in the moment of reeling in an item from fishing would forfeit that item.
- 修复了 an issue where Angler Quest rewards decreased in quality after 150 Quests.
- 添加了 some protection against an issue where music tracks would keep playing quietly in the background when teleporting to other biomes.
- The Kraken Yoyo should now also give the Robbing the Grave achievement.
- Fixing (again) an issue where the Funkytown achievement would unlock from teleporting out of an Underground Mushroom Biome.
- 修复了 an audio issue where Pad Thai made a drinking sound instead of an eating sound.
- 修复了 an issue where some wall items would be placed substantially slower than other wall items.
- 修复了 an issue where opening a Money Trough while holding an item would use the item and open the Money Trough.
- 修复了 a number of minor inconsistencies between 4k and non-4k resolution gameplay.
- 修复了 an issue where picking up a lot of coins would give the correct amount of money, but the money displayed on screen was incorrect.
- 修复了 an issue where spawn points at the Ocean of large worlds would constantly reset themselves.
- 修复了 (again) an issue where Celestial Pillar shields would fly into the sky when reversing gravity.
- 修复了 an issue where pressing UP to flip Gravity would dismount the player from flying mounts. Now, it simply does not flip Gravity when in mounts.
- 修复了 a reverse gravity issue where the Floating Piggy Bank’s mouseover detection would be in the wrong direction.
- 修复了 a reverse gravity issue where Blizzard Staff-style weapons would converge in the opposite direction of where you aimed.
- 修复了 a reverse gravity issue where the player would get stuck on hammered platforms.
- 修复了 an issue where Forbidden Set’s ring didn’t flip properly in reverse gravity.
- 修复了 a reverse gravity issue where some weapons wouldn’t flip with the player.
- 修复了 a reverse gravity issue where cobwebs didn’t correctly slow inverted players.
- Substantially improved/fixed the way that Camera mode captures Celestial backgrounds/shaders and weather effects.
- 修复了 an issue where some projectiles would not appear in Camera screenshots.
- 修复了 an issue where waterfalls and other similar visuals did not display in Camera mode images.
- 修复了 issue where Stardust Guardian appears in front of the player in Camera screenshots.
- 修复了 an issue where some tiles, such as Pressure Plates, would draw in the wrong layer when taking Camera screenshots.
- Dramatically improved sky island house/furniture generation, fixing houses generating with no furniture or doors
- 修复了 an issue where cobwebs in worldgen would sometimes delete naturally generated wires
- Improved failsafes and detection for broken or floating chests in worldgen, which can be unbreakable or even corrupt world files
- 修复了 a worldgen issue where Mushroom Cabins had mushrooms occupying the same place as other furniture, which tended to break them
- 修复了 a minor worldgen quirk where a single platform would spawn at the edge of the Dungeon’s stairs
- 修复了 a typo issue that resulted in underground chests having twice as many Water Walking Potions and Dangersense Potions as intended, instead of a chance for Titan Potions
- The behavior of the very last Sign when reaching the Sign limit is less buggy now
- 修复了 an issue where Campfire minibiomes used “player placed” dirt walls
- 修复了 an issue where naturally generated Statue traps would not have a statue
- 修复了 an issue where Gold Chests were unable to generate outside of Underground Cabins in the Cavern layer
- 修复了 the vast majority of situations where underground explosive rigged ore minibiomes would generate without the detonator
- 修复了 an issue where minecart tracks would generate over Life Crystals and Chests
- 修复了 an issue where Crimson Vines would spawn in unviable locations, and break spontaneously when the player approached them
- 修复了 an issue where Hardmode world generation would fill caves with unusual background walls
- 修复了 a number of worldgen issues that ultimately resulted in beaches being way too small, especially on the right side or when the Jungle was too close
- 修复了 a rare worldgen issue where Beaches would devour part of the Dungeon, and sometimes, even the Old Man
- 修复了 a subtle worldgen issue in the Dungeon where Marble/Granite biomes that had generated under it would still leave some of the Dungeon Bricks hammered in the same shape they were when before the Dungeon generated
- 修复了 a worldgen issue where sometimes Sky Lakes would take priority at the expense of regular Sky Islands
- 修复了 the infamous “drunken Dungeon” where worldgen has the Dungeon sticking high up out of the ground
- 修复了 a worldgen issue where altars of the opposite world evil would sometimes generate in your world
- 修复了 an issue where Demon/Crimson Altars would spawn in large clusters at the edge of the ocean
- 修复了 a long running issue where “tall Oceans” would appear in worldgen
- 修复了 a worldgen issue where Queen Bee’s hive should have been full of natural honeyfalls but they weren’t working
- 修复了 an issue where Corrupt/Crimson Chasms generated over the Dungeon and blocked its entrance
- 修复了 an issue where large clumps of underground sand would generate near spawn, subjecting the player to an immediate desert biome
- 修复了 an issue where worlds would not use all of the background variants available
- Significantly improved how the Temple’s Golem room generates to reduce the possibility of being inaccessible
- 修复了 an issue where Lihzahrd Altars would sometimes spawn on top of breakable spikes and traps
- Improved worldgen to reduce the possibility of the Temple’s door being blocked off by Lihzahrd Blocks
- 修复了 an issue where sometimes the hallway leading into the Temple would be full of mud instead of Lihzahrd Walls
- 修复了 an issue where different operating systems would see slightly different world seed results, though we will have to keep an eye out for this recurring
- Increased the minimum range from spawn that Sky Islands require, to prevent spawning on them
- Partially fixed an issue where multiple Crimson Caverns would spawn over top of each other, rending their hearts too easy to reach. They should now be encased in Crimstone even when it does happen.
- 修复了 a very rare issue where a pyramid entrance overlapping a grassy cave would fill the entire pyramid with grass
- 修复了 an issue where spreading biomes would infect a far larger range than normal on Underground Desert walls
- 修复了 an issue where quitting while in the middle of a Slime Rain would reset its duration
- 修复了 a message about Slime Rain ending when quitting out of a Slime Raining world and joining one that has no Slime Rain
- 修复了 an issue where Corruption always took priority over Crimson, even if Crimson had far more blocks
- 修复了 a visual issue where background clouds would appear “impossibly low” in the ocean
- 修复了 a background issue where black borders could be seen at the bottom of the Underworld’s background
- 修复了 some issues with black bars at the bottom of the sky right at the edge of the Underground layer
- 修复了 an issue where the top edge of the the underground layer’s backwall would flicker into visibility on screen instead of off screen
- 修复了 a number of visual issues with Space Creature Costume
- 修复了 some spriting issues on the Raincoat
- Removed a stray pixel while swinging weapons when wearing the female Snow Coat
- 修复了 a stray blue pixel on the Eater of Worlds Mask
- 修复了 an issue where some dyed Old One’s Army armors would dye your backpacks and capes as well
- 修复了 an issue where some of the Old One’s Army armors could not be dyed properly, or would retain colors from the player’s default outfit
- 修复了 a layering issue where a female character’s bare hand would be visible even when covered by gloves and shields
- 修复了 a wide variety of Cape related transparency issues, which should result in Capes looking better overall
- 修复了 a number of issues with and dramatically improved the way Shields and Capes draw/layer in relation to each other
- 修复了 a surprisingly difficult to resolve issue where Jim’s Legs had a cape that did not play well with certain other vanity items, such as the Mermaid Adornment
- 修复了 an issue where Valhalla Knight’s Helmet and Tam O' Shanter would bob awkwardly while moving
- 修复了 a visual issue where Vortex Armor had a weird bobbing effect
- 修复了 a visual issue where the Kimono would appear in front of Shoes accessories
- 修复了 a visual issue where players with Lamia/Mermaid Tail would somehow visually wear boots despite having no feet
- 修复了 an issue where blindfolds drew over the player’s hair instead of under
- 修复了 an issue where dyes for face accessories and the familiar wig would not show up properly on the player’s map head icon
- 修复了 an issue where Twilight Hair Dye only looked right when also using Twilight Armor Dye
- 修复了 an issue where a number of armors (Aaron’s, Vortex, Nebula, Obsidian) had an unsightly band of graphical issues around the waist
- 修复了 an issue where Shield of Cthulhu would be slightly cut off graphically when dashing
- 修复了 some issues with the way Belt accessories display on the player during various animation frames
- Animated accessories now no longer animate when paused
- 修复了 an issue where wearing a full set of Lunar Armor would cause Party Hair Dye to generate excessive amounts of confetti
- 修复了 an issue where Master Ninja Gear, Tabi, and Blackbelt created smoke that reacted oddly to dyes
- 修复了 an issue where Forbidden Armor’s set bonus could create a spammy spray of sparks
- 修复了 a visual issue where head accessories on the map would be offset and jitter slightly when you moved
- 修复了 an issue where the player’s head appeared in the wrong position on the map when riding some mounts
- Scutlix Mount no longer makes Honey effects when summoned
- 修复了 an issue where backpacks and other such things drew at incorrect heights when on mounts
- 修复了 an issue where the Slime Mount was drawing offset by one half pixel
- 修复了 several hundred Pet/Dye combinations that came out either broken, invisible, or showing no dye at all, most famously, Zephyr Fish and any Hades Dye
- 修复了 an issue where the Keybrand wasn’t actually in your hand when you swung it
- 修复了 a visual issue where Betsy’s Wrath would hover outside of the player’s hand when shooting it in some directions
- 修复了 an issue where the player swung Magic Daggers backwards when using them
- 修复了 a visual issue where some magic weapons would shake in the player’s hand when you used them while moving
- 修复了 a visual issue related to holding up while grappling to platforms, and then using weapons
- Reduced the chances and hopefully fixed a visual dust bug most often seen when using the Last Prism in a sandstorm, where spinning white crosses would float in place
- 修复了 a sprite issue that caused some Crimson and Underground background walls to not loop smoothly when moving horizontally
- 修复了 some stray pixels in a surface Crimson background
- 修复了 an issue where blocks would not be visible at all in extremely dark locations in the Underworld on Trippy/Retro lighting
- 修复了 an issue where the glowing parts of Meteorite and Martian Platforms would not change position to match when they were hammered
- 修复了 a stray pixel that would flicker off and on in the Goldfish Bowl
- 修复了 a stray pixel on Pumpkin Doors
- 修复了 an issue where Pumpkin Blocks were missing some pixels
- 修复了 the Waterleaf Sprout sprite so that it isn’t so hard to see
- 修复了 a sprite issue with several pianos where standing on them or placing items on them looked like they were floating
- 修复了 a subtle issue that almost no one noticed, where Ancient Manipulator’s glow effect was off center by a few pixels
- 修复了 an issue where Goblin Tinkerer’s sprite looked blurry/distorted
- 修复了 a spriting issue where a number of bipedal enemies had subtly broken walking animations
- 修复了 some extremely subtle stray pixels floating near Crimson Axe enemies
- 修复了 an issue where Celestial Pillars that were hovering “in” a small puddle or pond would have the pond appear in front of them
- 修复了 a visual issue where Tortoise-type enemies would be pushed down into the ground slightly
- 修复了 a number of minor sprite issues where pixels did not use the proper 2x2 format
- Snow should no longer fall indoors when the ceiling is offscreen
- Improved an issue where there were unusual red flickers when near the Underworld
- 修复了 an issue where waterfalls would fall through thin ice
- 修复了 a visual issue that happened if a player went underground during a Blood Moon, which would break the Blood Moon shader effect for the rest of that gameplay session
- 修复了 a layering issue where fishing line draw in front of Money Trough but the fishing rod drew behind it
- 修复了 a UI overlap issue where the name of a Dresser and the Shirt icon for using it would cover each other
- 修复了 an issue where Ruler UI would scale with Game Zoom, not UI Scale
- 修复了 an issue where Miner’s Wobble hasn’t been working for a while
- 修复了 an issue where Dryad’s Blessing leaves would turn black on certain lighting settings
- Protected the blocks supporting the Locked Temple Door from being broken, resulting in a floating door
- Dropped sand and other falling tiles that cannot land as tiles will now turn into items to pick up
- 修复了 an issue where Meteorite ore flashed oddly and turned transparent when using Spelunker Potion
- 修复了 an issue where you could actuate falling blocks, make the block fall, and then place furniture on top of those spots and it would partially actuate as well
- 修复了 an issue with falling blocks floating in the air in multiplayer
- 修复了 an issue where Marble blocks actually merged with doors
- 修复了 inconsistent behavior between right and left facing hammered blocks and how they react to torches being placed near them
- 修复了 an issue where Crystal Blocks merged oddly with other blocks
- 修复了 an issue where a number of half-blocks put alongside a column of another block would have graphical issues
- 修复了 an issue where Desert Fossil was not revealed by Spelunker Potion
- 修复了 an issue where blocks that were under tree branches could not be hammered or actuated
- 修复了 an issue where you could place torches against sloped blocks facing right, but not left
- 修复了 an issue where Luminite Brick’s art was not framed correctly, resulting in the tiles not visually connecting to each other
- 修复了 some issues interacting with Team Blocks that stemmed from no longer used mechanics
- 修复了 an issue where instantly destroying moss with explosives would drop no stone
- 修复了 an issue where the Drill Mount could hammer otherwise unhammerable tiles, such as Traps
- 修复了 a visual issue where unhammered dirt blocks surrounded by hammered dirt blocks on both sides would display incorrectly
- 修复了 an issue where Rainbow Bricks lost their rainbow effect when hammered
- 修复了 an issue where large blocks of placed spikes would turn black in the center
- Different types of cloud blocks now blend with each other
- 修复了 an issue where sloped Rain/Snow Clouds did not show rain/snow in the sloped corner
- 修复了 an extremely rare exploit where meteorites could land and burrow into the Temple, destroying the Lihzahrd Bricks if it was exposed to the surface
- 修复了 an issue where sloped Inactive Stone blocks would unslope themselves the next time you joined the world
- 修复了 an issue where placing the Eternia Crystal on your spawn and respawning during the Old One’s Army event would break the crystal
- 修复了 an issue where ice stalactites were offset slightly from their proper position
- 修复了 an issue where standing at a specific height beneath a chest would allow you to open it but instantly close it again
- 修复了 an issue where the mouseover range for some chests was extremely small compared to others
- 修复了 an issue where some Dressers were not eligible for Quick Stack to Nearby Chests
- 修复了 an issue where wiring some Lanterns by the base would only turn them partly off, instead of all the way off
- 修复了 some unusual behaviors when placing Teal Pressure Pads on the sides and bottoms of various hammered block shapes
- 修复了 an issue where the Lamp Post was not valid lighting for housing
- 添加了 map mouseover text to a number of tiles that did not have them, including Geysers, Wire Bulbs, and Enchanted Nightcrawler Cages
- 修复了 a number of tiles that were drawing a few pixels too low/to the side, such as some clocks, chandeliers, Green mushrooms, and chairs.
- 修复了 an issue where you could place Trapdoors on top of yourself
- 修复了 an issue where numerous furniture items could not be placed on the intersection of stairs and platforms
- 修复了 an issue where you could use actuators to break a 丛林蜥蜴祭坛 early
- Sunflowers can now be placed in front of walls
- 修复了 an issue where Gravestones and Jungle Plants would not break when the block beneath them was actuated
- 修复了 a method of duplicating armors off of Mannequins
- 修复了 an issue where torches placed on blocks directly above a door would “wobble” when opening the door
- 修复了 some issues where campfires could be turned off, submerged in water, then relit underwater, as well as inconsistency with how water broke on/off campfires in multiplayer
- 修复了 a very hard to encounter issue where placing a ton of Christmas Trees at various light levels would result in some of them glowing
- 修复了 a tile issue where gravestones would not break if the blocks beneath them were hammered
- Strange Plants should now show up on Metal Detector
- 修复了 an issue where Jungle and Mushroom Plants would continue to grow on actuated mud, resulting in their items immediately breaking off and falling to be collected
- 修复了 an issue where a significant number of platforms in the game generated the wrong dust when broken
- 修复了 an issue where only some alchemy herbs in pots could be smart cursor replaced with fresh seeds
- 修复了 a multiplayer issue where opening a trap door so that it overlapped with stairs would permanently make that part of the stairs invisible until the server was reset
- 修复了 a visual issue where Prickly Pear flowers always looked cactus green even on infected variants of cacti
- 修复了 a certain duplication exploit involving item frames
- 修复了 a certain duplication exploit involving teleporters
- 修复了 a certain duplication exploit involving doors
- 修复了 a potentially serious, world corrupting issue with leaving furniture on top of Ice Blocks and then quitting out of the world
- 修复了 an issue where you could not place a block on a single isolated piece of back wall
- 修复了 a visual issue on Dungeon Tile walls that made it look like solid chunks of walls were not fully filled in
- 修复了 an issue where Green, Blue, and Pink Dungeon walls made dirt dust when broken
- 修复了 an issue where Underground Desert Walls were susceptible to constant neverending reinfection by the opposite infection biome
- 修复了 an issue where Player-placed Obsidian Brick Walls were dramatically darker than natural Obsidian Brick Walls
- 修复了 a framing issue with Marble Walls that caused them to have unwanted lines
- 修复了 an issue where Mushroom Wall was not valid housing
- 修复了 a visual issue with Bone Walls sometimes being very big and layering improperly
- 修复了 an issue where Iron Fences and Sails were not considered valid housing walls
- 修复了 an wall issue that caused the corner of Luminite Walls to vanish if they had a block over them
- 修复了 an issue where backwalls with torches on them would break in one hit, even if that wall should take more than one hammer hit to break
- 修复了 an issue where Smart Cursor would attempt to break walls behind Demon Altars pre-Wall of Flesh, but hit the altar instead, hurting you. It will no longer aim for these walls
- 修复了 an issue where Deep Sky Blue paint was actually deep green on some tiles
- 修复了 some inconsistent situations where painting grass blocks would not always correctly spread its paint to attached tall grass, flowers and vines
- 修复了 some issues with waterfalls and sloped blocks
- 修复了 an issue where water would continue to be destroyed by lava that overlapped a minecart track. Obsidian (and Honey/Crispy Honey) will now form appropriately, destroying the track, in such scenarios
- 修复了 an issue where waterfalls running down a slope would sometimes tunnel through a block and come out the other side
- 修复了 some inconsistencies with certain items not being able to be placed on Weapon Racks like they should
- 修复了 an issue where the Grand Design could not be placed in Item Frames
- 修复了 an issue where placing too many torches would render a home invalid due to no free space
- 修复了 an issue where a houses have just enough room initially, but when plants grow out of a decorative clay pot, there suddenly wasn’t quite enough space
- 修复了 an infamous exploit involving Duck Statues. No, we did not remove Ducks. You people are silly.
- 修复了 an issue where Bunnies spawned from statues during Parties would not wear Party Hats
- 修复了 an issue where you could release critters into solid blocks, which is horrible
- 修复了 a multiplayer exploit where Lucky Coin and its tinkers still worked on Statue spawned enemies
- 修复了 an issue where a number of enemy AIs would run away when spawned from statues because they were not in their home biome
- Town NPCs no longer rudely walk on Dynasty Tables
- Fixing a number of NPCs not being properly summoned by King/Queen Statues
- 修复了 an issue where Bubble Block houses were somewhat unreliable and NPCs would move out
- 修复了 an issue where NPCs walking on a platform directly above blocks would bounce up and down on the platform, but ONLY while walking left
- Improved a number of unwanted double interactions when talking to NPCs standing in front of furniture
- 修复了 an issue where opening a door in a house would invalidate the NPC’s housing there because the door took up too much space
- 修复了 an issue where Real Estate Agent achievement would not unlock if the last NPC was rescued instead of moved in
- 修复了 an issue where wearing Frost Armor would apply Frostburn to friendly NPC’s attacks as well. Also fixed an issue where wearing Frost Armor would make Pirate attacks inflict Frostburn on your NPCs
- 修复了 an issue where NPCs who were safe inside of their homes would start to panic and run outside if an enemy got near the house (looking at the Guide)
- 修复了 an issue where Tax Collector fell out of the bottom of the map but didn’t die
- 修复了 an issue where NPCs could not teleport home if their housing flag was over half-blocks
- 修复了 an issue where NPCs could walk into tight corners and end up getting stuck there, spinning around rapidly
- 修复了 an issue where the Tax Collector liked parties. Clearly out of character.
- 修复了 an issue where Traveling Merchant would never visit if all of the nearby surfaces were covered in minecart tracks
- 修复了 an issue where the Nurse would get stuck underwater indefinitely healing herself from drowning
- NPCs will no longer emote at you while invisible
- King Slime will no longer teleport rapidly and spawn camp a dead player
- 修复了 a multiplayer issue where King Slime would sometimes be too large
- 修复了 an exploit where King Slime’s minions would drop Souls of Light/Night when underground
- 修复了 an issue where breaking more Orbs/Hearts after summoning Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu would summon a second one
- Queen Bee should no longer be summoned and attack you if her Larvae are broken when no one is nearby, including from liquids settling on worldgen
- 修复了 an issue where Flying Dutchmen parts would despawn at different distances from the player, resulting in it spontaneously dying sometimes
- 修复了 an issue where Goblin Summoners did not keep the Invasion music playing like other Goblins
- 修复了 an issue where running from an enraged Skeletron Prime might cause his arms to despawn
- 修复了 an issue with the Twins where their map icons were mixed up
- Improved the positioning of Lihzahrd Altar and how Golem spawns above it, reducing the possibility of him being stuck in the ceiling and making it hard to defeat him
- 修复了 an issue where Pumpking counted for 3 enemies on your Radar
- 添加了 death effects so that Ancient Vision no longer simply ceases to exist when killed
- 修复了 an issue where the aggro'd Cultist music played at a really large distance
- 修复了 an issue where Chlorophyte Leaf Crystal would keep shooting uselessly at the Cultists Sigil and kill innocent Cultist bystanders by accident
- 修复了 an issue where stray Antlion sand balls would land in the Dungeon and prevent Cultists from spawning
- 修复了 an issue where if you killed passive Cultists in one hit, one by one, it would not anger them
- Changed meteor spawns so that they can no longer fall on the Cultists worship spot, preventing them from spawning
- Improved “Cultist Spawn Zone” functionality to remove some rare situations where minor variations of the Dungeon’s entrance would prevent the Cultists from spawning
- 修复了 a rare issue where Celestial Pillars would spawn high in the sky
- 修复了 an issue where Celestial Invasion enemies would not spawn on a giant arena comprised entirely of player-placed walls
- 修复了 a more common issue where Celestial Pillars would sink into the ground a bit more every time you loaded your world
- 修复了 an issue where Moon Lord’s Phantasmal Death Ray would keep firing if you killed his forehead eye in the middle of it
- 修复了 an issue where Dripplers and Ravens would not descend through platforms
- 修复了 an issue where Red Pigrons could not spawn on Crimson Ice
- 修复了 a multiplayer issue where Mothron had a tendency to despawn mid-fight
- 修复了 an issue where wall-crawling Possessed would spawncamp dead players during Eclipses
- 修复了 an issue where Antlions would spawn anywhere, if the background was sandstone
- 修复了 an issue where Pirate Parrots could not fly down through platforms
- 修复了 an issue where conveyor belts overrode biome spawns
- 修复了 an issue where platforms would interfere with natural biome spawns
- 修复了 an issue where Rainbow Slimes could not spawn on Hallow Blocks, even though they can only spawn in the Hallow. They are now much more common.
- 修复了 an issue where Angry Tumblers would kill you in the desert, and then track you down from hundreds of blocks away and attack you again at your spawn point
- 修复了 an issue where only Lost Girl could drop coins, not Nymph. Also applied to Slimer and several other form changing enemies.
- 修复了 an issue where enemies that can change form (Spiders, Slimer, Lost Girl) and had picked up money in Expert would lose that money upon changing form
- 修复了 an issue where Clown and Skeleton Merchant were not rare enemies
- 修复了 an issue where Goblin Warriors and several other similar enemies would fall through the floor in 3-block tall hallways
- 修复了 an issue where some quadruped enemies would fall through blocks when running into certain dead ends
- 修复了 an issue where two different worm enemies of the same species would show a single health bar in the space between them that was an average of their total health
- 修复了 an issue where Wall Creepers and Granite Golems used the wrong sound effects
- 修复了 an issue where Demons made sounds, but Voodoo Demons did not
- 修复了 Wall-crawling enemies being susceptible to confusion but not acting confused
- 修复了 an issue where Bone Javelins would hit one enemy but not inflict the damage over time effect, while inflicting the damage over time on a second enemy instead
- 修复了 an issue where Sroller’s hitbox was off center
- 修复了 an issue where Drakanians did not drop the Drakomire Rider banner
- 修复了 an issue where Angry Tumblers would visually draw behind doors and actuated blocks, which made it hard to see them
- 修复了 an issue where Stardust Cells would sometimes be incredibly huge
- 修复了 an issue where Stardust Cells couldn’t move through platforms
- 修复了 an issue where Solar Selenians did not show up on Tally Counter
- 修复了 a visual issue where large zombies would slightly clip into the ground
- 修复了 an issue where enemy archers who were Confused would run away at high speeds
- 修复了 an issue where wall-crawling Blood Crawlers and Sand Poachers had an off center hitbox
- 修复了 an issue where Witherbeasts would desync and vanish sometimes when attacked in multiplayer
- 修复了 an issue where "Ghost Mode" Old One's Army enemies would cause unusual water ripples
- 修复了 an issue where excessive Possessed Hatchets and certain Minions would result in Possessed Hatchets stacking up in large quantities
- 修复了 Flame Trap's flames hitting targets behind, below, and on top the flame trap
- 修复了 an issue where certain projectiles could have Striking Moment applied twice
- 修复了 an issue where Seedler nuts were gaining Magic Quiver’s arrow speed bonus
- 修复了 an issue where Chain Guillotine had a really weird hitbox
- 修复了 a collision issue where Yoyos could get stuck in blocks when underwater
- 修复了 an issue where Yoyos behaved increasingly erratically at high melee speeds, ultimately culminating with them breaking entirely and being unusable
- 修复了 an issue where Daybreak and Bone Javelin Spears would layer incorrectly behind Flying Dutchmen
- 修复了 an issue where Daybreak would not spread its debuff if your attack killed the target in one hit. Now spreads the debuff to nearby enemies even if the attack kills the target in one hit.
- 修复了 a multiplayer issue where Dart Traps projectiles could not activate Portal Turrets properly
- Nimbus and Crimson Rod projectiles are now less likely to pierce through blocks
- 修复了 an issue where the Book of Skulls projectile flashed excessively in high lighting situations
- 修复了 an issue with the Ice Rod that led to excessive FPS loss
- 修复了 an issue where Vampire Knives would not fire when backed up against a wall
- 修复了 an issue where Falling Stars would clip through conveyor belts and end up embedded in the dirt
- 修复了 an issue where throwing dozens of Spelunker Glowsticks would make sparkles for every glowstick, making treasure sparkle way too much
- 修复了 Fungi Bulb’s projectiles behaving oddly, and not very effectively, in Expert
- 修复了 an issue where Stardust Dragon would leave the edge of the screen and despawn
- 修复了 a layering issue where Stardust Dragon’s head was laying in the wrong order with the rest of its segments
- 修复了 an issue where Spider Minions counted for less than one minion
- 修复了 an issue where Pirate Minions would fail to return to you when left behind, and were just pretty dumb in general
- Improved how Spider Minion and Spider Pet handle 1-block tall walls, preventing them from shaking wildly in place
- Potentially fixed a rare issue where flying Pygmy minions that were submerged in lava would turn into a straight black line while attacking enemies
- 修复了 an issue where minions would cut various tiles like cobwebs or grass with their body
- 修复了 an issue where Companion Cube would jump constantly in tight corridors
- 修复了 a visual issue where the Old One’s Army pets had rough edges/scaling when they were floating at an angle
- 修复了 an issue where the Tiki Mask pet would shake violently when submerged in water
- 修复了 the Cursed Sapling Pet not showing dyes if summoned via its item
- 修复了 a tooltip issue where Shroomite Breastplate had an unlisted 13% increased range damage
- 修复了 a tooltip issue where Paladin’s Shield had knockback immunity but did not indicate that it did
- 修复了 a tooltip inaccuracy on Spider Armor indicating that it gave the wrong damage %
- 修复了 Suspicious Looking Tentacle not using the "Expert" exclusive tag and rarity color
- 修复了 and clarified hundreds of other item and armor tooltips to give more specific numbers, explanations, and use more consistent terminology across the game
- 修复了 a ton of incorrect/inconsistent item rarities, while acknowledging that item rarities across 5000 items are a rough science and there will always be some inconsistencies
- 修复了 tons of typos, spelling errors, spacing issues, punctuation issues, and general tooltip, dialogue, and text polish across the entirety of the game
- Renamed Snowfall and Sandfall to actually be called “Snowfall Blocks” and “Sandfall Blocks” respectively
- 修复了 a number of projectiles having incorrect names, displaying internal naming IDs in death messages when they kill the player
- Coins now only display their damage when the user has a Coin Gun
- 修复了 some complicated change-making bugs involving coin stacks disappearing when quickstacking to Piggy Banks
- 修复了 an issue where Quickstacking Coins from inventory was still allowed, even though Quickstacking from Coin slots is not allowed
- 修复了 an exploit where Etherian mana could be stored in large quantities in chests between invasions
- 修复了 an issue where the game would frequently automatically default to Hotbar Slot 9 when closing the inventory
- 修复了 an issue where right clicking a single favorited item to pick it up would remove its favorite status
- 修复了 an exploit where players could put large gems in the trash to avoid losing them on death
- 修复了 an issue where placing a Music Box or Fish Bowl would temporarily disable some inventory functionality as a side effect of them also being equipment
- Fixing an issue where Info Accessory icons disappeared when renaming chests
- 修复了 some issues where left sidebar builder buttons would have unusual spacing
- 修复了 an issue where there was a slight overlap between the PVP button and Dye slots
- 修复了 an issue where opening chests would make info accessory icons move
- 修复了 an issue where Hardened Sand was a crafting material but did not display as a Material, and made infected Hardened Sands craftable into Glass as well
- 修复了 an issue where Glass Clocks had two recipes
- 修复了 an issue where Tax Collector’s vanity set was sold from two different NPCs
- 修复了 an issue where Tin Hammer could not be reforged
- 修复了 an issue where weapons would lose their prefix when closing a full inventory
- 修复了 an issue where weapons would generate with an invisible temporary prefix, the primary symptom of which was that their rarity color would be different from normal until the world was reloaded
- 修复了 an issue where Hermes Boots in the 6th accessory slot in Normal mode would make dashing sounds anyway, even though you didn’t dash
- 修复了 an issue where 6th accessory slot dye in normal mode would rarely cause dye issues on other accessories
- 修复了 an issue where the Dresser UI interface would only show generic hair, not your current hair
- 修复了 an issue where you could get achievements while dead, and the game would try to let you click on them, but they would fail to show you the achievement menu
- It should now be harder to double-bind keyboard inputs and lock yourself out of entering the menu, but players who manage to do so will still need to delete or modify their input profiles file to fix it
- 修复了 an issue where quitting a world while holding a torch would result in your player menu character holding their hand out
- 修复了 an issue where character play time doesn’t increase when Autopause is on
- 修复了 a workaround that let you make character names that were way too long
- 修复了 an issue where Achievement sorting buttons made no sound effects
- 修复了 an issue where Celestial backgrounds would remain visible for an extended time on the main menu after quitting out when the background was visible
- 修复了 an annoying sound issue involving the character creation sliders making repetitive noises, or no sound at all, when mousing over them
- 修复了 an infamous minor issue where the Parallax setting would constantly reset itself to 99% instead of 100%
- 修复了 an issue where, when moving NPCs and holding a tool, it would show both the NPC’s head and the tool cursor
- 修复了 Tavernkeep’s special progression messages displaying out of order
- 修复了 an issue where the Angler would not say most of his dialogue
- 修复了 a multiplayer issue with Angler dialogue where the world name would not be listed at all
- 修复了 some inconsistent or inaccurate Fishing Quest dialogue text
- 修复了 a number of continuing issues with NPCs referring to Corruption/Demon Altars while in Crimson worlds
- 修复了 an issue where shift-clicking items into the Guide or Goblin Tinkerer’s special slots would make no sound
- 修复了 an issue where special text code (item icons and color) did not work on chest text
- Improved some issues with line breaks and text color in chat
- 修复了 an issue where, when chatting, if you hit Enter right after the very last key pressed, it would use that key again after the message was sent, sometimes activating hotkeys like Potions or Mounts
- 修复了 an issue where mousing over the Banner Buff while near extremely high numbers of banners would cut off the text in an ugly way
- 修复了 some UI Scale/Resolution issues that caused the minimap and other UI elements to overlap and allowed you to hit two buttons at once
- Improved issues with how the UI scales for people with a really short displays, preventing it from cutting off the UI at the bottom
- 修复了 an issue where trying to open a Money Trough floating over a chest would always open the chest
- 修复了 an issue where the item mouseover text for Soul items and Yorai’s Scowl/Spell would be very high above the item
- 修复了 a Linux issue where certain key inputs would be perceived as repeated inputs, and would spam behaviors in game
- 修复了 an issue where, after alt+tabbing out of the game, moving the cursor around your computer screen would click audibly over settings options in the game
- 添加了 protection against Chests generating over Bee Larvae during initial worldgen, resulting in an instant crash on world load
- Potentially fixed a Mac only crash issue where the game tended to crash roughly 15-20 minutes into play
- 修复了 several dozen worldgen freezes/crashes, and ran thousands of consecutive worldgens for days on end to catch as many more as possible
- 修复了 a potential crash issue where, if you started generating a world and then received a Steam invite, trying to join that invite would usually crash your world, or have other chaotic side effects like showing you partially generated worlds
- 修复了 a potential crash issue when using Life Drain while in reverse gravity
- 修复了 an achievement related crash that happened when killing the Wall of Flesh in some worlds
- 修复了 an extremely serious issue where naming your characters “.” or “..” could lead to deleting your saves folder
- 修复了 an issue where Mac’s dedicated server file did not install correctly
- 修复了 a rare crash involving Giant Tortoises not dealing well with sloped tiles
- 修复了 a crash issue where attempting to access the Captures folder via the in-game button would crash the game if you had no Captures folder
- 修复了 a server issue where, after reaching the capacity of the server, no one could join the server even if people left
- 修复了 a server issue where setting the password to include either one or two quotation marks would prevent people from joining
- Creating a new character when trying to join a multiplayer session via Steam should no longer take you back to the singleplayer menu after
- Improved and hopefully fixed Boss Bag not dropping for everyone in multiplayer, particularly King Slime and Eater of Worlds
- 修复了 an issue where a number of pre-existing projectiles would not be visible to players joining a server
- 修复了 a multiplayer issue where players who were grappled on to walls when a new player joined in would appear to be constantly falling from that spot
- 修复了 an issue where the Bee Mount did not sync its hovering with servers, resulting in unusual visual issues for other players
- 修复了 a multiplayer issue where placing a block over, harvesting with Staff of Regrowth, replacing with seeds, or otherwise harvesting alchemy herbs would not provide all of the expected seeds and herbs
- 修复了 a multiplayer issue where Signs placed above trapdoors would duplicate and behave oddly when opening the trapdoor
- 修复了 a long standing Multiplayer issue where signs and gravestones would not show mouseover text for other players if they were created within that session
- 修复了 a multiplayer issue where the Frost Legion completion flag was not set correctly in servers, preventing players from buying the special hats from Clothier
- 修复了 a multiplayer issue where Ghost Hardcore players in would not update correctly for other players
- 修复了 a multiplayer issue where critters standing on platforms at night would constantly fall down and then teleport back up to the top of the platform
- 修复了 a multiplayer issue where players couldn’t see each other swinging Old One’s Army sentry staves
- 修复了 a multiplayer issue where Brand of the Inferno’s special animations and sounds would not show for other players
- 修复了 a multiplayer issue where Vilethorn-type weapons didn’t play their sounds correctly for other players
- 修复了 a multiplayer issue where breaking certain blocks didn’t make sound effects
- 修复了 an issue where player sensors did not make sounds in multiplayer
- 修复了 a multiplayer issue where Dungeon Guardian and Skeletron were not roaring
- 修复了 a multiplayer issue where swinging Solar Eruption exactly once would not make a sound for other players
- 修复了 some visual and audio desyncing with the Sky Fracture when on Multiplayer servers
- 修复了 an issue where in-game text over chatting player’s heads did not scale properly with UI Scale
- 修复了 an issue where Portal Gun Stations did not make sounds, and Portal Guns did not make sounds in multiplayer
- 修复了 an issue with Portal Gun portals not working correctly when they lead to an unloaded chunk in multiplayer
- 修复了 a multiplayer issue where Portal Gun portals could overlap each other and lead to inconsistent behavior
- 修复了 an exploit where dead Hardcore characters could view the map
- 修复了 a multiplayer issue where Molotov induced On Fire in PVP would not work correctly
- 修复了 an issue where being killed in PVP by Inferno Potion announces that you were killed by whatever was in the killer’s hand, such as a cell phone
- 修复了 some PVP desyncronization related to Solar Armor explosions
- 修复了 an issue where the Stylist’s menu had no visible indicator of which hairstyle you were selecting when using a Gamepad
- 修复了 some inaccurate on-screen button help text relating to grappling when using a Gamepad
- 修复了 an issue where the Lock On icon would become stuck when switching back to Keyboard and Mouse when using a Gamepad
- 修复了 an issue where if the player was grappled onto a minecart track while using a Gamepad, attempting to use a minecart would shoot another hook out and leave them hanging between the two
- 修复了 an issue where the on screen Gamepad Zoom In/Out text was using reversed buttons
- 修复了 a Gamepad Settings issue where pressing A to enter certain sub-menus would inadvertently toggle settings in other sub-menus
- 修复了 an issue where the Trash button didn’t do anything when using a Gamepad
- 修复了 an issue where mining on a rope gave the player less mining distance when using a Gamepad
- 修复了 an issue where swapping back and forth from a Gamepad to Keyboard/Mouse while entering text into some menus would enter phantom letters
- 修复了 an issue where if you turned on visible Housing icons and then switched to Keyboard/Mouse, you could not turn them off again when using a Gamepad
- Improved some Gamepad Smart Select mechanics regarding torches and pickaxes when aiming at blocks
Wiki pages patched
- In spite of Relogic calling this version "", they actually versioned the Terraria executable as The same is true for the "" release.